CajttltttJK "2 tlrqe to Sod, to ijoulr 6oi!i()tlru,j)6 to jjoqr $ii.M VOLUME O. C3EIAK.IiOTTE, 1ST. C., -T.iVSJE."" 22, 1861, MRS. T. J. HOLTON, Publishir. TEKM.S: , ilir(,.Ciiroline Whig willbeafTordedtoub. r. .1 TWO UOI.LAKH in advance ) TWO mil LA K AND Hf ' V CF.NTS .f payment be I . I fr Hire i.iu.ub.i.nd THKEK DOLLARS ...I m I lie var. ivipuper win oe qi.cou t I"'' I iijril li' ; II irroaragea are pain, except at me l t e Editor ,tl Vt,rli,ementinaer led alOne Dollar psrquer (16 lineiur lew, tine sixxi type; ior ..i. nr.. ........ md 25 cent for each continuance. Courted. "".Mniciite and Sheriff's Sale, charged K5 per '.higher; ami a deduction of 33$ per cent, will Z m,.lc from tc rrjolur price, for adverliaere by ,ii ifr. Advertieemenl inserted monthly or !,itt't, t P" q"! ,or iititl J Pe' Su"rf 'or each time. ptf,uii wheo aeniling in their dvertinnrnts nu't in r k the number of inerrtiona deaircd or ,y will be inaerled until forbid and charged cre'iigly- jj Pmlinaatera are a uthoriaed to eel a agent J.U WIMvlXSOV At CO. DCU9 JH err a T f rj t: O T tv 117 F f P c mi"! PHTKU M iRE.vL' J AltD V , j (.ramie Range, rppoeitc thr Manaiou liouac, ClIARLO TTK. N. 0. -trillion r to K pairing W alibi It. Jewelry. II. W. liKCKWITII Haa roSUTAHTl.T 01 HD V A I G H E S , J E-v E Jj x . a t PLATED U, If, tut .T (kslkm aural'.. ..crCTt II Till tnii tumiar In atock before purchasing Mecklenburg Hotel. Xrzl to the I'otl Ojfice , fBlllF. eobaerihrr infnfme the public I 1 I that bavinr the building 1-j.en at Merkianbufg Hotel, ha baa te tovniahed . nw prepared to accommodate transient 1 : rf 'j'r Hn.r.lrr. !. lii St.blee and efficient Oatler .,, bn kept b th. month or da jr. or fur. n.rri; aith a iagle tucci.un mint- ran- li rina- JOHN Dull AN. .n 7.1-55. 3iif vi x mi mmtmm mm.J-m fi'HK ..ctilfr lkea pl.rure in 1 1., lua lii.mi., and the pub'ic geiN-rlly , that ,i taken line hu g elllii"- " wr" .n,l !. madereerr po'-.h'e ,,ff-r"i"n to .Mcod-i the bu-ine... tr..llii- and i.itu.g ...ofth. publ.c, in th. ' Mtiai.ct.iy plid tu hi atUntu 1 J tr com fort 1 .midrd in In ItOO.MS. n.aSTAUI.War abondantly eopplird nd at. Uni lijr e.rrial oatlrra) and to all deirli.ienla j t:ti prapnetor gtn hia prreonal attention. j K ciMiilortabic OMNI HI'S runa rt guuriy to the' i'.'iX on tiie arrifal of the care ' W;ih Hire efT.rla to pleaae. a librral ahar of 5 iub!ic ptfonje la conni'eiilly aoiienro. WM. ROWZKK. Xtrmhrr 13, Ii'9. Sblf "THE UNION," arc 11 M ui:rrr aiuvk uniti). ?HILALI.PHIA. i rXON S.NKWCOMf.R, Vropritler. f11IE undraimd liaeing pnrrba. JL ed Hie Inli-rc.t of hia former' ".lljifj partner. Kv.n Knnf, in the anoee "'ft )i Hotel, would call the attention of the Cjj.ic ivita cominirare fur llmee eiuting I'liila. ci(iii a, either on bu.inraa or plr.iaure. In ailuation being hut a lew etrpe fmm the ' neiii atrnucenl trade, oftVre indiiwmrnta In ti". on kaaini-.a; while to thoa in 'rch of .ure, lite euaelaully pjiog and rrpa.aiog '.i- iy rare and thoae in cloae proinnly, afTord i.,,.,nl rule for the nu re nominal eum of half 'mm to all plaereof interr.t in or ebout the city. Tnr Proprietor givea aaauranre that " 7'A I an '' ahall be k' pt witn ai." li character a will inert h i c a,urobalion, and would rcapcctluliy eolicit ( aroint, pntronuge. Term. ! 50 n-r day. UPTON S NEWCOMER, Earner 16, IHitf. St-lf raoraHTo. lift- for 'I't'f li'i' & ralil llrntl. 'I'HK uharriber la mannfaernring end krepa l "nlantly on hand, Soap for Tetter, Scald ""a ar Ringworm, and good to waah with for ' J mlitr akin diaeae. It will alao lake .Ijina " of any kind ol i'lothiiig. If any permit de. ' " ! lue it to aell ag I run be hud at a rc. "'"I price. The Soap ha been tried by reepon. '''" peraon. and la eaid to be cerium cure. Th 'Prn, lr hud at Dr. K. N. Ilutchiaon i. t o.'. "''I Slure and from the euhavriher, CHAS. T. ER Ell HARD. "'3l.1i9. Illf J. srPHILLIPS i.vr t.i 11.01:, I AVI NU located in M Bl"hrltle, re..cllii. Iy aolieita a ahare of public putronnge. A complete aaaortinent of l.'lotha, t'aaaiiiiore and Veiling, alwaya on hand, which will be mail to or der at the ehorteat notice, mfler th lateat f.ahion. Shop throe door South of th Muli.lon llouee. 2Utf WIIKAT WAXTKI). 'jiHK pentiii(f community will take notice that thair Wheal Crop will be pnrobnaed at the 'riutu Steam flouring Mill, at market price.. "'a ha.,n 11 u . A.rf ,1 l il..r 'ntage to call at the M.ll h, fore cloaing a eale. Pol JOHN WILKKS fi UO. ' a, iHsa. smf A LARGE SUPPLY OF "..stable Warrants JUST PRINTED- ( hue ll te .llutual l ire 1 11 mi r. aiH-e I'u 111 pa 11 v. M it HIS COMPANY contiuuea to take riak. . JL gainat loae by fire, on liouaea, Uooda, tla- uure, olc, ai uauai raiea. Jj at th Drug Store of K. Nye Hutchi aou it Co. 01FIC1.B8. A. C. STEELE, I'rciidml. ' C. UVEltMAtt, Vice Vretidtnt. E.M'E llUTCHISUN,6ec'y.J- Treut'r. DIKCcTUBIi. A. C. STEELE, J. L. UROWN, M. li. TAYLOR, B. T. WRISTON, U. OVERMAN, F. SCAUR, WiJ. JOHNSTON. Jcun L. Brown, b Scarb and 8. T. WkisTON, Executive VonnaUlee. April Uii. IHJa. 7tf IvlRS. WINSLOW Ail txpcriruvcd Mursa and feuifcli: Fltjitician pre. mis lo Uie lliiiiuti of mothern. tier SOOTJllxNU SYJIUP, l ull Mill lltLA II 11 III M., which greatly fuciliutue the pruccae ol tecihing. by aollcmng Hie g umi, reducn.g all inllaimnation will alloy ALL 1'AIN er.u apuainodic action, and i M KK 'III It I. I I.AIK111I-: HOMKI.S. fh-prnd tiMin it, moihera, it will gie real to your eeivre, and Ktlirf a lid iltulili to Vour ln.'auli. We tive put up and aolo tlia article for over ten year, end t AiN .AV,1N UM llJtiNCE A.NU I hi I II of it, what have never lieeu able to a.y ol any other Ve !"" medicine l. A HM,I,I. V ....a'; INIAMIS : O K I t'tA 1 A J 1 fj U It I It fc. w hen I I me 1 y u a e fl . . .Ner did we know an inalunic ol inui'.i.ctiun tiy any one who uaed il. Un the loiitrary, all aiti ucliglitcd With it op r.liuoa, and apeak in teiuiaul com. iiieuoatmn ol Ha mngical ttl'crte and uiedicul vir. Hi... We apeak in tin mailer -WHAT W H IH) KNOW," after leu yrare' eiper lence, AMI n.fc.i'OK ui;k iu.i l 1 a 1 ion tmi tiil i-ll. t ILAt t-N I Or 11 A I VV fc HLHK UKt LAKE. In aimoat every iinlnice whtre the inlaot la auf. I fermg Irom pun and eihau.tiou, nliel be j foijn in In teen or laelily uniiulta alter In ayrup ' I auunniatcred. . 'i'bia valuable preparatioe, ia the preacriptmn of one or the .1 I.AI l.ltlKNl Ml aou r-hll.H L M li !'.. i o Nu Liighmc, and haa been u.nd Willi NEV r.K t A I LI Ntit oL-1 t.NS in 'I HOt la AM Ol' t AMJe. It not only reln-eei toe child Irom pain, but in vigorate lit atuiorfcn anu oo tie, currLtt. acidi. I I) , and givee lone alio ent r ny lo the w Hole ) a lent '( It mil aiinoul inalantly relieve j Gripinr in ihe Luwrli, and Winil lolic i and otercomt " "TTTiV 00 " a lone, ijoi ' w. peU'lj' ru. died, cua 11 1 in lie iieveillh TI.KIHIM" IjKST AND MIUST Itr'.MKhY "IN" THE vvokl.D, in all cjm-. of IIYffM 'KKY A.M IHAKKHU A IN uoi.l'io..i,I.Ob II ir' UI Ireiu .any ullier cauae. W would aay lu tvtry Iiiother who hue a child autfering Irom ny of toe lurigoing lt N'T LKT YOl'H IKKJI Dit Kn. .NOK IHK IKLJl HlfW Or ll'l IILKr. aland between you ana your Buttering cinlii, ai.d the rem I mat w ill be M K r. yta, Ab. .-OLL'ILLi lhL-lo (..How Un uu 01 line me. dicnic, it Ini.ely uaed. Full dirn lion f.r uaiug il: .t-ci nip.ny 1 eh bntiir. None genuine unle.e tnelnc.. le of t I 1(1 LS At I'l Ithl.V--, N York, 1. on Hie out.u.e wrupper. bold by lru;in luioughuut the world. l'mM-lfALOrrK . 13ClDAHSlltlitT,N. Y. J-ruf only i!0 unli r Lottie. For aale in t b.r.otic, by L. N je llun huuii 4. Cj. and f. Si.rr. AUrch 13 Iy iNotiee. riJ'IIK Tax Ln.t. for m.itf are now in niyhand ready lor in-cuun, and 1 icqueel all per. a ,na lo .lit. .no mr of .ny 'lei.blea winch m.y not be li.ud. I mm now and p.y jour T.aea. E- C. GR1ER, t-henj, Ap,,l.i, ISf.f. 2" Dr. II. M. rritchard 7 I LLl'ING tolhe aolicilationof ma. ny Irieod., re.pecliuily annouu. hia ocli riiiui.tion to rcuioe th luirtl-l .Tlt'ilWiiiv. j be coa.uiU'lal hi.olliee. UTI poor pre.enlird lor wiiiioui ei.arge. Aigal3l, iolt SAIJrOHD'S LIVER INVIG0RAT0H, nicvi.'.k iiKiin.rrATr. IT l eomlmiiiKled enlltely fiom Coma, art U,l..anM.I lJ..i.l.N li. .i...l.-a frw'T'r.l lb'lr.1a fj '"IfK'ri lh) I- I1 T1 Who Ka I iivrn up mU Sj l"r'"u WKIMMVRH tl-' Cf VHJnl'('Olt,.irfll at eura Liver 'im-l f 'ilnliita, KI'lou. Al tai k a, lrne.l, t3 t lironlr llilioea, awmmer t a m -I M '.lli.l., ivyaente ry, Kropar, uar J Vminrii,itiaiiliinal Coaflven..., f'riol- -m I", I lioUr., hole r.Morln..t holrri.' fi iifiMttiit. l--livi lenre. Jn1lee.i H Kemnle ea.avd avaj M i " " Iti.llwa- ry Family nu,i. . t..e. n K II K A l A I II K, a rl l.nla .an wur I I twenty mlnulea. If C I mo or there 'rea aHMllfnla ai. tab- P en u eomu,. oT "a .' ha vim II mrr P l lI Uw "tl""' Ml XVATK.Il M TIIK MllfTH WITH TDK II VIUOK A I Oil, A.M in .tl.tUW BOTH TOUt. I IIKH. 1'ilee Un Oulinr er llollle. SArTroRD's FAWH.V CATHARTIC PILLS, t:. aH'iil' M'KI I k' Per Veueloltle k.atraet., eniil r nt.i lil.A I Ak, Air 'I t, til. and will keep In any clliintlr. harlle nallbe l-lf.V.-l J Ui.m .llMe. , M l 1'aUi.lUcaol Hi. I- AVIII.V I'A- I II IITT I' I I I. I.,., oinn-iliHIe I I ..m a. fj ".) "I ' !)"' law. Kvo..-. h,.li .n I il'i'm em pan or II,. !i"Tw"' .'"i"'.'!, ul"Z' Cj e""ll""a.'li al""let rVoie'eneiii.'' "ihTj tj " a e b . Me, ,.- I.e.", I'i.l..a In I he tS "" k '"' I nMlvmro, I' a I n M Jinl doit lie., uv.r Ihe wh iMvlr. afl n. .uil.len I. M. r; l.oae of Aii-;M reeiloj -en. tin ol.l over Ua,lii.h, or t Iheh-lly, t V..lKilii -m a,e.e.. ia.aini.inrr Ila,e.e-, 1 Itill'trert'" Ailnll.,1 S3 lilomiiall SMellter'ftla lllnoil aaeat.' Uo.e.'i u Mill THIIKF lVtr.a. 3.T Breadwa y. F. SCARRA CO.. tjhiottc, y. c. HAJJDWAHEjilAIlDWARE! A.A.N. M. TAYLOR "1 ESPECTFL'LLY inform, hie friend and the Mm public generally, that he ha added to hie ellenaive atock of a large and complete atock of HARDWARE, con. elating in part a follow: Carpenter' Tool a. Circular, mill, eroaacut, han, ripper, panne), pru- mug, grafting, trnnon, back, conipuaa, Webb and botcher SAW S, Brace and bit, brewing Knivea, Chi.atli, Augera, (jimlete, llainmeia, ll ilrtri la and Alee, Hntk, phiatering and poiimiig IKOvVKIJs, Saw aetlir., Screw platea, Slock and die, Manea of all kllida, Spokc-ahavea, Steel. Made bevel and try Pquari.., Spirit Levcle, rocket Level, spirit Level V un, llo ing Machine., Gouge., and in fact everything a mechanic wanta, in preat variety and at eery low price, at TAY LOU'S rdnare Store and t in W are Depot, oppo. lie Hie Muoaion ou.c, Charlotte, N. C. June S. ISi. tf Blacksmith Tools IJU'H aa Bellow.. Anvil., UCH aa Bellow.. Anvil., hand VZSf aiide iijiiuera. Vice, Biitlreasea. KZiuaUBaalr.irrier. Knivea, Screw. platea Stocka 11U uiea, tilackamitli' Pincher end Tonga, Kee per and t ilea of every kind, eul home .hoe and clinch N.ila, Moral, Iron of all aize, both of nor. therd and country nianafuclure, cast, plow, bli. ter and apring Steel Alc, lor ante very clieapat TAYLORS, Oppositt the Mansion Hou$f. Carriage Materials, VW II1'' "ulu ca" apecial attention fo ftrfcif-fft-- - '" '"ck "' 11,0 boe gnod.. r a. con.iatiiig ol plllg., Axle, rub., Howe, Spokee, Si. alia, Curtain rruuiea, knoba, iaande. Lining Naile, Da meek, Satlinr I. Clothe, La. cea, Fringe., Lnaincled and Patent Leather, Sn. ameird ( loth, Oil Carpet, Paint of all kino, dry and in oil,, Tuipcnline, Lineecd Oil, Tyre and Oval Iron, Uolta, and arvery thing in the way of Carriage Trimtuinga, al prieea that cannot fail to plea, at the Hiniwirr Ib-aani r A. A. N. M. TAILOR, Oj'po$itt ihf Mumtion Huutt. Agiiculturai Impleiiieiits OF ALL KINDS. TKAW Culler., Corn Shel. kra. I lowa, llixa. Shovel, Spadea. Furka.Axc, Picka, Mat lock, (aruhbiiig lloea, 1'race iiiania, W .gun t haina. Log Chaina, Pruniig and Hedge, Pruning anu iludding Kmvea, Gar. Hen Hot and Kakea, with handlea ; Gr.iu Cra. die.; grain, graaa and brier Sty the., liuali ..oka. Wagon boxea ; ollow ware, audi at pnta, oven, and lid.,akillel. apidera, .lew. pane and ket Ilea, Cauldron from SU to I'JU gallon each ; Iron and braaa Preserving KtUlca, Sheep Shear, ic, at TAYLORS Hardttart Drjmt,appontt tht .Unnxiea Ifoult. I PLOW8 C ELEHIJATED SELF-HEAL. LilNli CAN'S, of all the riirlerent mee, at TAYLOR'S Hartltcart Start, opvtUt Iht Muniiun Ihute. At Tavlor's TOV can find the largeat aatortnient of Cut. Iery, bum and Pi.iola, of all the celebrated m.aea. it LASS, of all aiieaand qualillea both Frtneo and Aoic.-nan. Al.o, Puliy by II le keg or pound. WlMJliEN WARE, BKtKIMS, 4c ,ot all kiiioa. JU)pe! J.ypc ! rT Mt m oui,daol .Manilla, Juloanrl Cot M y F W V" tua Kope, irom i inch to 3 i TAYLOR'S llanltrm t Stirt.opponilr (Ae Mnmion llnute. Tin and Japanned Ware. A large assortment; lllock Tin, lilock Zinc, I in Plate, Ubbil metal, ike., SlVYES, tint largcal Stock, ol all aires, at TAYLOR'S jriiccre, Stove and Tin- Ware Pcpot, Vpputttt the Mmaaioa House, Hoofing (tottering rJob Wok, o F all kiiida, promptly attended to at TAYLORS ItatdtPate Store, opposite tht Mansion House. ARAiur Phovikbs. Every day cf thy life is a leal ol history. Temperance is a tree whose root is con tentmeut with little, and whose feast is jalmueas aud peace. Wisdom is belter than riobes, wisdom guards thee; but thou bast to guard tby riches; riches diminish in the using, but wisdom increases in the use of it. Tba begtuuing of angsr ia foolishness, and its euu repentance. Lifu is like a fire ; it begins to smoke aud ends in ashes. Measure the water's depth before you plunge into it. It the moon be with thee, what nvedest tbou care about the stars ? Throw not a atoue iuto the well from whioh thou drinkest. Tbat is tby world ia whioh thoa fiodost thyself. When the eye docs not sec, the heart does not grieve. Riches increase in proportion aa we give to those that need. lie diligent and God will send profit. IW A garrulous fop, who bad annoyed by bis frivolous remarks, bis partner in lb ball-room, among other empty things, asked whether "she bad ever bad her ar. pierced T" " Uo," was the reply ; " bul I bave often bad tbein bond!" THE COMMANDER AT FORT SUMP TER. Who Major Andortor- i, and what Le bii done. Tb Leader ban a biographical aketcb of the commander at Fort Sumpter: ''Major Anderson ia tvw about fifty-ais years old, and wai born Kentuokv, tuter- iog the Militar Aoadeny from tbat State, and graduating tritb diu'.iootioo, 00 June I 30ih, 18-J5. The recoiJ of bis military I service sbowa.iuit he .s promoted to a Grat lieutenancy in 183 and made ap- tain by brevet in 18'iH r gallantry and succeaaful strategy ID t'-iiLiJjr agaiust the florid a 1 nrt a m. lo tn,i(--i year he was appointed AaMatanf Adj'iiootral, wiwi the rank of captain the captaincy itself not coming until the October of 1S I1, and his present rank of Major only reaching bim laat year. "His last service, previous to brs taking command at Fort Moultrie, was a member r .v.. :..: a...a i... . k n.... .l. e' : etruotion at tba West Point Military Aca- demy. Tho labors of tbat commission in which Major Anderson performed bis part, bave already been laid before Cougrcss. "In physique, Ihe Major is about five feet nin. rncbe. in bight; his figure is well set .j u:...i. . i.:. v..;. .i.;- ..;.... to iron gray ;' bia complexion is swarthy, Ll J.'- ) :. ...IK . LI.. . nent and well formed, a' stranger would read in bis air and appearsnce, detcrmina- tion and an exaction of what was due to bim. He has a good deal of manuer. In i.i. : i . ;. e. . A bis rich voice and abundant gesticulations go well together. He is always agreeable and gentlemanly, firm and dignified, a man of undaunted courage, and as a tro sol- diermay be relied on te obey orders and do bis duty." Major Anderson has also performed a . r ,l. ., a a....: the service a few veart since, and before it .... trn,n J..I. in ik. lino He acted as assistant IusDeclor of the Illin- ois Volunteers, serving with Abraham Lin- I- :. .L. .,1,1. .L -f la'IO He was Assistant lotructor and Instructor of Artillerv at the Militarv Academy in ibe years 18u5-'fi aud '7, and was aid de camp to Major General Soott in 133. "During the Mexican war the Major en dured all the labors and dangers of the campaign, being severely wounded in the assault on the enemv's works at Molino del Rey, and receiving brevet majority, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the ac- tion. Jlajor Anderson has also received from the Government many evidences of its trust and confidence other than those be stowed Dy me War LJepar tmeut. A Foil Conspiracy. It is manifest, we think, that (here is an organized band of couspirators frrm Washington City to Charleston, earnestly aud uaacrupulously engaged, by foul means, iu fomenting iil Llood and exciting rebellion by propagating false reports of au exeitiug ck.iraoler. Who telegraphed to Wilmington fot assistance (if awybodv did if the atory aero not con cocted there) tbat troops were on the way to Fort Johnson, to coerce North Carolina 7 Who telegraphed this fal.-bood from Wil luicgtou to Raleigh! Who telegraphed from Washington that Secretaries Tbouip sou - Thomas had resigned? Tbat the Cabinet had broken up in a row ! That the Presideot had 'gone overto the North ?' Tbat the rt venue cutter Harriet Lane bad been despatched to Ctarlcstob with sealed orders ! That she bad troopi on board ! Tbat another steamer had beu ordered to join her. also with troopi ou hoard ! bo started the story current iu Richmond, a., on Wednesday last, that "Uov. Ellis bad issued a proolamatit n, ordering tho citizens of North Caroliua to take poession of all the forts ou the North Carolina coast and invest them with the flg of that State I" Aud who got up the story current here ou Friday last that 400 meu were ou tho way up our river, either to take the United Stales Arsenal here, or to Inke post in it for the slorv is said to bave a'suruod both phases? Who did all this, aud with what object but the demoniac one of exoiling the miMin mind toaoine act of phrtnzy ? Every public miiidtoso.neactofphrenzy? Every one ot these statvmen.. is .,.-0,-..., sending them, they at least did not know them to be true. Is thete to be uo respon- sibility about the telegraph wires ? Shall any incendiary, or traitor, be allowed thus to sport with the most dangerous eiemeuts of evil and crime, and yet hide himself be- niua a main n 'o, mo .v.cgi-u .e - publio naisanoe. Let the uaiue be pub- llshed of such originators or retailers 01 iue coast, lie was advised to ahaudou the iveu, of the second ward, ou a cuarge 01 false aud snaliguaut aud trcaionable mat- fortress, as General Charles Lee, bis supe- embezzling the sum ol S'- '.l-l, the prop ter. 1 rtor officer, declated it v. as no better than eny of his employers. It appear that The conspirators are moving, not heaven a .!,, ,,ir pen." Rut Moultrie had faith Kiciuus has been iu the employ of the firm and earth, but the earth and a worse place, to drag Maryland into secession oeiore tue 4tn ot .'larcn ; so iuai imj aid of Maryland, seize Washington City ; but the Governor of that State is filly ad- viscd of their movements, which find uo favor with hiut or a vast majority of his constituents. . YkasT. To make good yeast, boil two mince of the best hops in a Ballon of wa- ter for half an hour ; strain it, and let it eool down to the beat of new milk; then ... ;.. . .....11 l,.,lful of salt and half Dound , l .... j r ,i. mix all well together. Two days after add up for two mouths. An the very iutell eifiis raw some misoh -l...L.. Th. hie.l dbiruBDi hi. ,L.L and he very politely -1 - . H- .1.. aaa.r. Ilia friend. VOU spoke liiile too late." three pounds ol potatoes, polled aud theu on Christmas day Major Auderaou dined city, r. qjestiug meat 10 .u . mashed. 10 stand four and twenty hours ; formall ,ilh tbe eocssiou authorities- airesied. l b. case was given to olhcer ot the t onnuit then put into bottles, and it will be ready e,1)l(,Jio Charleston, and wa. duly car- N.vens. and h. succeeded, ou J j J,. ,Vl ihe Pre,,- for use. Stir it frequently while making, rii(1 back , Kort Moultrie by early mooo- tig in fiudt.g the 1$ V0 ,h Carolina and keep it warm. Ucfor. using, shake the H ht al,paretly very mucU, by house . a .he id .venue Abo , I Vu,ch on m.,,..,, of Mr. F-rebee, bottle up well. It will keep iu a eool place -ood lbiDC, dnuk.bie act before bim. of lb nnssiug money, . ' , lo th Selial no a Irishman was once indulging iu fort, iberelore ,uoo8u' 'V d tua(0. j rmatt ,l0 found, by which 11 appears eotual occupation of sucking 10 ,.;i,, f,.iin and iu 1 Kimnus bad eucaued passnira iu th and reading a newspaper. i ih Audoraou and his force steamer for Bosioo. Au agent of th apaa ance he contrived to b.'lt a live i-,j ai,,i 1 ih firm arrived la tbia city ou Sterda A CHAPTER ON HUMAN NATURE. A correspondent of the lilair county, Pa., Whig furnishes that paper with the parti. culars of the following incident, ot which be was an eye witness. It occurred a few , .li- r . . i weeks ago, on the line of great mUrnal nu- nrovpmonu in .hi. Stat. , At a point on this Bide of the mountain, jrour kindness in luruteuing mo in um oi proved, where occurred the transhipment of pas- Dames, eto. It is a servioa wbitL 1 highly Mr. Humphrey moved to reconsider the sengers from the west, was moored a canal- ,rpreeiate In rteponse to your inquiry ; voe ly wlliou mM r,!""",fl "itoc on boat, waiting the arrival of the train before , 1 p . ' , , ,- i ' je.terdaj to refer the b. 11 to refund to the starting on its way through lo the east.- tow.oiLg lb t ol u ivepuni.c i tWtaukt . iNorlll Ca,roliua monc)s improper The captain of the bat a tall and aun- to be conip.llcd to answer that I see no j. c ol 1 1? c-a U irom them the caniiuittea browned, rough and some times profane man stood on bis craft, j labora f hi men, wneri or) . rln.n minnt.. .fie . n.erv r.f half doien gutlemen came along and deliber ately walked up to the captain and thus ad droned bim: Sir, we wish to go cast but our further progress to day drpeuda upon vou. In the e.e. . I,.r. io.i l. li ih.,r i alplr man ri;..r..Kl W l,. been appointed a committee by tho pas - sengers, to ask that you will deny this man a passage on your boat; if be goo., we re- main. What say you ?" By this time others bad eome from the car,. f:.,u,n " a.lrl th n.ntain I I.. e. beard the passengers through your com- ...III.,. I).. t, .lelr tn.o .no r..r,e,.a..i,r. tive here ' I wish to bear both sides of the question." lo this unexpected interrogatory there was no answer; when, without a moment's n,n,P th. oani.;n crnsand to il, par and entering beheld a poor, emaciated, worn- out creature wbo-e life was eaten up by the fell destroyer, consumption. The uitu s bead was bowed in bis bands, and ho was weeping. The captain advauoed and spoke kitidiy to uiui. " un : sir,'' saicl the tremor, ng invaiia, lnnbin.. .,n I,;. f lii n .iih il.o hm its lace 111 ud witn the Done and eipeolation, "are you the cap.aiu!-- W ill vo u t iik me ? Y ou see. sir. I aiu d v- iuac : but, ob ! if I can live to see my moth- ' er I shall die happy. She lives at Hurling- ton air anrlmo innrnpe ia mnrr, than hnlf . performed. I am a poor printer and the only child of her in whose arms I would wish to die." "You shall go," said the bluff captain, them at every hnzard. or injscll, l nave wl8,. Adopted, with an oath, "if 1 lose every passenger for been silent so l'sr, that I might oppose no , Mr. Walker, a bill to provide lor the ts tbe trip." impediment to a conciliation. When tho ; taMibiug ot sen io.s lor the education of hy this time the whole crowd of passen- '"sue is made up, I will Bpeak my mind common school teachers. Read first time, gers were grouped around the boat with Meanwhile, I bave au idea of publishing an ; pas,,., relcrred to the committee on edu- j baggage piled on the tow path, and them selves waitmg lor the decision ol the cap tain before eugsgiug their passage A moineul more and tbat deoision was made known, as they beheld bim come from the cars with the sn-k- uthing" directly though, dyiuburden. ho ordered ! strong anus. 1 the crowd with bis dy the mattress to belaid in the choicest part patriot, to the Legislature calling a Con- I to defny lb expense, ol ihe Commiasionera of the cabin, where belaid the invalid with ntiorj . but jf suoh a Convention is to be ' f0,u Alabama ; .unotincnd the passag, in all the care of a parent. Then scarcely u ind iu,ist tbat tuo bin caU. j that body and asked the concurrence of deiooing to casta took at the astonished Lntion, shall oonta.n a pro- Ue SBt""e- ,lhu 7'ullou W4S red tb crowd alongside, be shouted loudly to bit tbal u0 ...ber of the Legislature brst .,me and pas,cuV --: voting for the call shall he eligible to a seat 1 1 "' ,ro"' the Iou" .P"' "Push off the boat!" ' ia he Convention which .ball assemble iu transmuted a message from t.ov. Ems, ao- Bat a new fcelt.ig seemed to posses, th. ediece t0 ucu c.ll. We are in favor of "mpanying a communication from the amazed passengers-.bat of shame and con- ' 3 n these latter days politician, ,rth eoiupany, tri.ion at their ,nbun,.nity. With one com- , becoie so anxious for place and of- a Pxxiou to ,;r,ut the .ame mon imnulse, each seized his own baggage H th W9 sr8 apprehensive that many! Uu '"'' "f aud then wa.ked immediately on board the WQU'ld , f 4 Couutio, not became ; '"io:,;!; cba?. 101 of In. Re ool. thev ihoUL'hl thure was any real necessity: . ' . In a short time another committee was f but einiplj ff-rdiug them an op- I LoJb rcaJ ,ba KCOud ,,u,e sent to the captain, asking bia presence in por,u'ni,T t0 be elected aud have seats as! Ihe bill provide, for all males between the cabin. deWates Again, it is desirable, if a Con- ge -'l "d i: Jt ars working upon He went, and from their midst there TeulfJD is cailed, that it should be made roads, exeu.ptibg Justices of the 1 eaco, arose a white-haired man, who with tear- M far a8 ross'ibei 0f men who arc uot . Constables, Keepers of public gnst Miiis, drops starting iu bis eyes, told the rough i';,;,,;..,,, Auaiu the views of the Leiris 1 ardoi.s of the poor, Patroilers, Teachers captain thai be bad taught them a lessou they felt bumbled before him, aud they asked Ins foroivencss. It was a touching soene. The fountain of true sympathy was broken up in the heart of .uatur, anu the waters swelled up, choking tba utterance, ot prescut. In au iustant a purse was made up for tho sick man, with a ' God speed ' for his weilare. The true liearted captain of the boat was Samuel D. Carnts, aud the incident is worth remembenug. ,. H IT- ,. . , ,, roRT MouLTRiB.-lort Moultrie, at the mouth of Charleston harbor, is named iu bollor 0f GeuerU William Moultrie, one of lne r,rvesi patriots 01 me av- lUa fortress over ihe Rritish squadron, J une ysih, 177b Moultrie was a uativ.f of S. C. and of Scotch deseeut. lie early espoused ,be cause of American Independence, and ,u lalch, 1(70, was ordered to construct a for, ou jjuljvan lslaud, at the mouth of uariestou namor, auu was tupgeu vu lb, wotii wbeu ibe liritisu fleet appeared oil m b,a 0u work, aud dcleudeU the tort with grCat skill aud valor, aud drove away the enemy, uue uruisu snip w. ius, uv ,w0 others were so riduled as to become alu0st recks. The loss of the enemy was 0.3 killed and wounded. The Amencans baj n killed aud d wouuded. The lor- Uess was hardly injured by the fire of the liriilsb eiiuadrou, and wheu the battle was over, every gun ou the fori but oue was still iu position. Ihe determination aud oour- ago of Moultrie in this engagement elided great praise, aud the fort was, by universal .....nt. named in bouor ot ils skulul bunder .... 1 ...ii., ,i..i l..r -uu b' , was Managed. We hear that the good thiofis ariuaao.. -c iu Fort Sumter, ihe apparent iutoi.oa- tioU of odorSOU W but a ftiut to bare: J ff01 il JiJ Uv ifalk.&Ur. How IT LETTER OF HON. It. A. PRYOR. The Richmond Ext. miner of Saturday pUBlibes the following : ,' r Washington Cn v,Peo. 20. ' : ,,. r . To nr. II w. J. Cheatk'im : , , , , L M Dear Sir ;-Aocept my thanks for I chance of preserving the 1 uion, cousiateut . ' superintending the My with the right of the South. In all pro- j refarred to the ouuimitue on the ju the ears eame in, rbabiliiy, Sou-h Carotin- will to day a.iopt ' dioinrjr. Agreod to. a an ordinance of secession ; anu tue preva - leut impresnioti hero is, ti.a; the other Gulf states win upeeuny nnj m no .v. I The border States will t-ot follow ao soon, : but events will oblige mem to auauuou I I'Uion. It is evident tua . iue -oriu .n irive us DO cuaraiiteis. lhey re ramer I menrlim. their hold : and the commitlee of ! thirty-three is more hki-ly to report a plaa of coercion than a system of pacibeatiou. j The Mack Hepuhlisans are-bcgtiiiiing to be j emboldeiKd by me eviaeucea oi .uu...a.u in certain Southern Status If irgiuu I other border States had promptly backed I South Carolina, tho South inigbt have es- torted her own conditions, and so the L'uion WOlllll haVS been SCCUTe. As it is, I repeat, nothing ean avert the overthrow of tun Confederacy. All partius I here despair oi tnav atuievtmcu. , .uu. .... 1 efforts of patriots are directed exclusively I to the end of rescuiu j the oouulry from the i horrors of civil war. 1 question if they cau succeed in lb attempt. among the Rlack Republicans, and a few persons ol other parties, a spirit of sullen resolve to bring the issue to arbitrament of tu-j swoi a. j o no prepiu .u. K.,u... j f fim. uuam a. .. j.-. - - ariueu ri wbhuu. armed eiocotatton. ror Uou save uo noi let her lower the Southern flag Any be- tr a v al of in 6 r rn par poae w on .d ouly prect pi- tate the collision. The only safety of the South is the union or tba siaveumuitig States. Suppress, if yOU please, every whisper of re.entn.cnt ana r. proaeu .(..iu other Southern htates. u.-ciaro jour ngu.a 'and proclaim your purpose to maiuiaiu aouress to my cousuiucum, snimg i ture of affairs. Let mo hear from you, aud believe me trulv Your friend, Rou KR A. Pity OK. DELEGATES TO THE CONVEVTION. We are opposed, says the Grecusborough fature are or wjll be firmiy gXljU ,9 t0 ,be qut,8tion 0f Booessiou ; and the mere pride ,-..::,. K;u nrevout theni in many iu - stangei from ..fleotiug the views of the If a secession member, vcting for ,..,,... u.ij a te.i in said Coti- vention. it mav happen in several couutics, , rn,,,Qn Wiil cuable him to secure -!.,: his t.eorjle are de- bis election, although his people are de- nl.ln.lU nnnoa.-d to seaessiou As,eujbly autborizing Judges to call special . rm. f . sm,rinr Court for auv couutv jw Dro?;d., that the Judge calling the court shall not preside. Why lhi proviso? JuJga8 fro,n appotuting ' Dlil.b et aj lor ,,0a,Ug these special oourt, wheu not uccsssary y prsBUIUe our Legislators arc no purer than our Judgui. A Havana Firm Rhumbd or S'.'O.dOO Akukst vt TUB DtFAL'Ll till. A middle- aj,eu pamard named Pastor Kieumus, laie collecting and confidential clerk to the firm ol arpajose a oaijao.i, -- rrestcd in this city yesterday by detective dr many years, aud had Leeu entrusted to collect their debts and manage tuetr hum- utsi generally, vu iue uj iii j,,,, 0f tho steamer li.euville, ilictnus had received about X'1,OjO iu Spauish doub- loons. Hc couvertod the gold into paper money, and takiug passage ou board the Hieovule, arrived in this city on the 2M iutt. His employer soon discovered the euibezz eiuent a,,j flht of their clerk, uad they off. red larj,a reward for a steamer to go in pursuit cf the fugitive. They could uot obtain one' however : but thev succeeded 111 chartering .. 11 ii.i .fi iii wl.ih one of tbu M .Ud ,h.Uc. lelegraphc to tneir sorre-pooueu.. 10,10,. - - - - w (ouuJ 0JU. that licit and identified tue prisoner. It is thouui tbat tbe whole 01 the iuuu wi.i u jreeovared. -V '. E'l'ut-ei . , li:.ii.a'i riti- or xms i u cak. Ol.lVa. SESA'l E. Tt; kspAY, Jan. ?. The Speaker called thr- Scuatu to ordur at 12 minutes at 11 o'clock Journal of yesterday Has read and tip- - ' ou banks and curreuiy, at raid Li 1 had Mr. Humphrey then withdrew his mo tion. Mr. Simp-ou introduced a resolution to inatruot the committee ou liuanoe to eu quire iuto the expediency of reducing the tar. ou mutc'uuuta Irom half of one pur cent, to one lout ih of one per cent. Adopted. Mr llaniaay. a resolution reipienn tin Governor to have raisid over toe Capitol the .Natioual Fiag. Mr. Uurtou moved ta lay ti,e resolution on tho table. Mr. Ramsay called for the y-a and nays. Mr. liurion said it' Mr. Uuiiay would amend bia reoiulion, hj iniert!t:g the flag of North Carolina iu-ti-ad of the National Flag, he would withdraw hia motion to lay ou lue tuolu. Mr. luin-aT Uuoiiued doiuu ao. I he ij'ieation iijou the motion of Mr. Burton vian theu put, and determined in the utrinuativi-; Yeas "JU, uayn 11. Mr. lixu introduced a n.miution in structing the committed on Finai.ce, to eu ijuiie :ulo expcdieLcy ol reducing the tax on bowie kuives. Adopted A message: wiia received from the Hou'a of Coiiituoun, aunjuniin the coiicurrehce of tii at body in tLe pt.iposiiiou of the Sen- ale t0 br lllt tho i,it. u, nt ol the 1'ublio Treasurer. A!o abnoui.ct.ig Mer. Henry (Jau a rt y , McMillan and l'.tten-on as the j committee ou out oiled bill, for the present Wcek ,M Street introduced a resolution in- strucung the committee ou i-.uauce lo en ,llt0 the expediency ol taxing tit the hire ol alavea aud report ty bill or other- cation anu iue ijiieraiy ruuu auu orueieu ' i0 be priutud. .Mr Stovre, a bill to siiimhI tlia act of in o?rporatiou of the i'onu of Liucolnion Relerred to the committee on corporations. uui the rtouse I of;. g au eagres, solutions in favor ot Edward Wrbo sed re- rboroujrb, and Pupils of schools aui oci keepers ou " Dismal Svamp Canal. ! Mr. LSledsoe di-maudeil the jeai aud nJ "P" passage of tiie bill, aud the ' questiou being laaeu thtuoii, wan Ueeidcd . l" the negative, leas If, nays "... 1 A message was received Iroui the llou-e ot Co iuiloiis traUsinittiDg an engrossed Mil, to auihonz, the no.uing oi a . oiin o. A.r to au the tiial of slaves, uuder the charge of rapa and oilier ioiouics, aiiiiouncfd iu tbat holy and a-Kud ILu cjncurr.-uce ol tun 3-.-uate. The tilt wai n-ad tue tir-it time, aud passed. Ou motiou of .Mr. liron, the rules were suspended U-mp.iraiiiy, the bill wai read ttie second aud Ihiid liu.cs, passed aud or den d to be t i.i oik1. Mr. Avery moved that the message from the House accompanying the cominuuica- tiou irom the VV'esteru ortu Carolina ran- roj couinativ. be lakeu from the table, and tIlill tLe propositiou of the House to pnut (a,Ui i,u coucuned iu. Agreed to. tj pre,elt ,, jviliug of timber jrj certaiu streams iu Uartlord county, aud the bi.l to prelum tiie cu.aucipatiou ot sUves by wul, were read me aecond time and passed. Mr. luruer presented some resoiutioni, endorsing the reso utions r"Cenilv intro- dui.L.j ,",, ; uitsd State Senate" by Mr. (jrlIteilliCU) re,aiiug to Naitotni Ad dri, ud asked to bave them t.riuttd, ill couneo- tiou wiin ih resolutions of Mr. Crittenden as be dtsired lo offer liietu a- a subst.tute to tue oouveuiiou bill proscute J by the com mitlee ou Federal Relations. Agreed to Ou motion ot Mr. Barring. .', the jeuato kJjourued. HUl'sE OF COMMONS. TlK.-P.AV, Jao. P. .sa.'f was received from the Senate couourrini: 10 the popo-itl of the llou.e ,r . ,u.r Ty - i.j louse 01 iue was ordvied to nc sent 10 propo.-uiou to print. , Ihe lo.lown.g are reports from aiaudio; Coinmiiiees: Mr Rtchelor, reported back a till to amend the Kemed Code, chap. 5, arc. 1, relating to JuiiaU.-s, w'h an auicudu.eut, aud reeoiumeuded tspai; lb toiioiug bills were iutroiluced aud appropriately referred j

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