MasaMMeMaWMMaaarsias HiMr. Window, .hill to increase the revenue of Impose- alas of 23 per cent., an all money, collected by exe cution. - her specie is demanded, Bv Mr Peebles. , Hl to .her iba t.rm of effice of Sheriffs. Kxtend. the term to four year, and disqualifies for re-election uMil a lap, of eight jears from first dee- , By Mr Davis, of Meeklenborg, a bill to incorporate the Hornet Ne-t Riflenieu Mr Greene, of Franklin, moved to sus pend the rule and take up the bill to arm aad equip lie State The motion prevailed, and the bill w.a read the third nd Im time After cotfiderable debate the question i nfm countf PT ,1,, name of Brevard. Ho wes put on the passage of the bill and it frl -tj l0 the committee on piopoitiont aud "P"'d- kri.vanoea The H ute then adjourned. p,T r White, the proeecdingsof a meet- ; , ! iug in i.iaston count,, favoring a State Coo- SEXATE. . ventiou, for ermine the State, and for se tt" RDXXSDAY, Jan 9. j cession as the last remedy. Mr. Street presented a aeries of resolu- B, Mr. Williamson, of a meeting in the tie... passed at a pub'.io m-euur: in the count, of Cyiumbu., agaiuat present ee- eonnt, of ( raven. Laid on (be table . The hour of 12 o'clock bavin? arrived.! the special ord-r k aonout.-ed, via: The bill eff-red by the Committee on Federal Kt l.tion to call a Couveution of the people of the ?tate. Mr B edao introduced e hill providing for the appropriation of ;0(1.000 for arras for the proiee-ion 0f ,be honor and rights 1 of the people of the State. Head first time, pss-d and. : ruo'ion of Mr Burton, referred to the rWniue-e oi Federal Ke.ations, aud or- derail to be ptinteil The Senate then atitouroed. HOl'SF. OF CMMOXS WtPNrsDAY, Jan. 9. Mr Wright presented a memorial from H' ory E Cohon relative to arming the State pr"pas'iig to how ho ail necessary arms can be manufactured in the State. Refer red 10 committee on Military Affairs, and ordered t? be printed. Mr Batehelor, from the oommittue on the Jadieiary, reported bsek a b'll f prrveut the transfer of snv expectaney from the es late ef a parer.t uh a sut.stit ile for the kill, recouimenlin j its passaje. M'. Perou, freni the !( committee. T'crted back a bill in increase the pay of th- Jidgea of the S'lpremc and Superior Cojrti-, reeomiiienditig that it do not pass A'.o. a trl to regulate criminal pro'ecu ti as 10 Conrts. County and Superior, re-.-.inenainj that it do not pais Also a bi"! to piact ou equal fooling creditors of iot.s'eie. re e- nimi n ling it do not pa-e Mr. Wsu,:b. frem the c:multtee Oft cor pritions, reported a b-ll to charter the St. I n herine's Mile, and Charlet'.s Kailroad Votrpany, rromaieBuic its passage SKXATR TllL'i'.vDtT. Jan. 11 Vr. Walter iatroduce i a bill reiaiive to tx nj ot-s. Kead first tiuie, pas.d and referred to the Oommitli e oa Propdiittoi.s aud riev anees .Vr. Waiker aked fo wiihdriw bis bili just referred to the Committee on Propost lions and ijrieTseces, tram tiial t.oujtn.t'ee. and re'er it to the Cotumiate on Agricui tui a A .-red to Tne bour of 11 o'clock having arrived, tie Sweater ai.nouoced the speeisl order, vix: 1 be bin to vail - s .1 ,u.- fctste. Tbs Sna'e then reso'vsd itself into a Corouiitte- of the Wijoie for the considera tion of as A ti 1 After ( ossiuerable debate the Commit tee m". reponed progress, and asked leave to 'it apain Mr. Hal! introduced a bill ti r-p-al .0 mt;u of sec Wd of Art 4ib of the amend el Constitution f Nortb t'aro.iaa aa pro btbits persons of the Je.ib or Isrsehtish faith from holding offices of profit or trust in tne State. Kead and referred to tb Committee on onstitutional Keforui. 1 Tue Senate tbeo aHjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS THCRst..r, Jan 10. Mr. Hil! eff red a resolution directing tbe Oisverr. ir to purchase a State Fiav.witn tbe coal of arm of tb' State thereon, and that trie same be placed upon the SastafT upon tee Cipilai aunbg tue sitting of the Legis lature Mr. Hill said that be off-red th:s r-sol'i-t'.'ou without any reference to the existing !l of tne country He taought that the Stat fia' .as th proper on to have upon tne Capital rturing tue sitt.ngs ef the Lg i!a"!re, at !! tirea and under ail cirecm .tDee. He, therefore, moved tbe suspn eiun of the rules to alio, trie putti.g of the re-dutioti o its second resding. TI e vote was then ta'r.-a and tbe lloa-e rfi;ed to suspend tbe ru e. M- Love of Jscksoa, a resolution deny itit . ri(.ht to eocce a eeceainr State, p'e ii-ing the State to resist any attexpl to bo i over UDder the rsie. Mr. Lose introduced another resolution itistroeting the commi'teeon Federal Rela tions lo repirt upon the resolutions intro duced by nim this morning, on to-morrow. He st oke at some length, giving his res.ous ISr Is.! 'odueir f th resolution. Mr Ciark of ( ,'r a ven. cal .ed forth eves ar.rtt.oo.. Passed by s-s 60: no 4t.' 'i I.. Ho. then w rit into committee of tb wf:U upon the Convention bin. .Mr Dorten jb-rd an amendment to tne bill, gi'ing an expression of tbe opinion ol 1 1.1. 1- fcMaislor. mat the Con ventiou called by th bill should not in any manner luier fere with tbe present basis of r.presenta tiou in either kraricn of tbsOei.c-r. Ass.m iy. auo ' -k. ui mr t'i.u.""" eb'.uid fie subittu to the t.eoL e :'or their rauf.calioo or rejection, b, the Contention Mr M.sresmovtri the eommittee ri rrport progress and a-x iv to s u la morrow at I I o oct !' Bown-iSO introdeesd a bill to prevent ti. ao.lier.li9D of spirituous aad imvous L,. I r (.'.-.line, a bill autl.orii ag tb Jwit i Csro isa Bailroad company to eua true: a branch road to Chapel H.,i. FEN A IK. J-kiday, Jan 1 1. 't Plrt'in. f.-M3i the e'ni.mittee 00 oiili l.ri : fl.irs. reported a bill iu re orj;ani.e the !niiia of lur Stale, asking last ll be friot-d. So orrtered. A lii to prneat th eu. ane psti-n of i'h ... ty .ui. Pru orer inlonua ly. Je njiir of 11 .. ,' arriv-d, the fn at. .mi into a u.u. 'i.e of th. ahoi an tl,- t'.-c.i.ii ,g hill Mr U u a ie some remark' al leR'ih iL. ajfct-'ui. of Mr. Avery lie svor of f... bil as reported by lb. lie uoufti! tbe wji! of tbe. people on thi. imrort.iit question should be s.c.rtained-wished the Convention if call- ad, to consider confederal relation., and not to meddle aith the U..I. Constitution The debate w.a farther erntiuued by Messr.. Aver,, Erain, Brown, Burton, and Sharp. at the elite of whtob the commit toe row,. reported progress, aud asked leave to ait as-ain. The Senate then adjourned. HUt'SK OF COMMONS i FRIDAY, Jau. 11. Fy Mr. Hall, a petitiou from cilixensof parts of the counties of Iredell, Koan, M.,ik!ei.hur ami Cabarrus, a-'iiuir for a aion. ; By Mr. Person, from tb committee on : federal relations, the resolHlioD offered by ' Mr. Love ye.terday, against lbe coercion of ! a-Mn'e, recommending the passage ot a xuliat i r ute, deolaring that the General liov- eminent ahould not coerce those States thai have seceded, nor mareb au, troops through tbia State o e-ree an, of tiioae Slates Mr. M-rrimoB moved to print lbereoia- tiou anri eubstitute, and thai the same he roaue tne special order foe Monua, mil at iiocook. Ajtreea to. ..... The hour ct 11 havint' arrived, the House ,v,n' .... of tlia H'aoie reol ted itelf inio Iliil in the Chair. Mr. Folk took the fl or and addressed the committee on the ui.iet uuder eonsid- .ration lie o,.pose,i . ,f 5s. - .ei; siring 10 ......,.... nu? ot the correspondents of the TucLmond mode of ., cession but : ,f this Slate . bouid y paper uutil M .rreerage. are paid. , f ( tU WMtll 0 find it impossible to stay in the u cu of throughout ' ' ... niorn should claim her interest in ail toe publio r Mouday, says : 1 be weather this, morn- propertv, and act in eo operation eitb other the country and w. hope no one will tbtuk u m CJprioiou, tnd unreUbe as Bucb S.iu.hern States. , ; bard of us for adhering to it. !, nan's consoio.ico." This is a nice family Mr Bowman also addresied the commit t , .l; . 1, t.e .gain.i pteeipitate secession, and in fa- ! W We have received the first number ! q"""1. ",th "h,oh wa have DOth,n2 t0 ,la vir.f a revolution of submitting lu. action of be Carolina H,iS, a very neat and Ur.dsoff ,nd no gouging. Weareaome of 1. convention, should one b oaiied, i HeU goltfD up papcrj,jn lrteU jQ CoQ. ; thing like the woman whose husband was r.t.hca.iou by u.epeop;. . : cord. by our friend John M Gorman. We fighiing the bear, " wo dou't care a copper ,.ir uarria w iu v. stsbd in Offence of our rights ol makiug an unmistakeatiie declaration of our oe- , man., but would exaausl an constituuoBsl efforts before resorting to the remedy of dis solution, lie is opposed to a uiiduie con fel.raey. The question reenrred on Mr. Dortcb'a atneudment. Mr Merrimon a?ked for a division of the question. ' VI. II. t T?.l .rfr,r J m.rl lint . ' ' tne conjnjiiiee now rife. The question was put on Mr Davis's mo- tioa. ana it did not prevail. '. .Mr. Bridgers movtd that the .ommittee ri- Aresd to. Bv Mr. Autrey, a bill to exempt from ' J ' " " r taxation, good, asto and merchandise. tbs growth and manufacture of the Stale. 'ILe House tUen adjourned. S K.N A I K. Sat lrdat, Jan 12. The Senate met at 10 o'clock. The Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. 1 he following rjnaros(.ed Dins, etc., ei received from the Hoj--., a.-king lue ratifi cation of the Speaker of the Seutc. A bill to provide for th purcuae of arms for the State A bill iu favor of the sureties of Mr. Poi ioek, late Sheriff of Juuee. RESOLUTIONS. .' ,, , . , . . Ciovernor to give all tbe information in nis possession relative to tne seizure ot fort Caswell, by the military forces of North Ciroliui. ?Ir Avery moved to lay tbe resolution on the table; ayes Si. uays t, r 1, j" a . .4 joarn. Mr Not adopted. jmas, ot Jacsson, moved to take mas, 01 j..:.-.n, ku du'.ioo just laid on th table, for u of Kivini; Mr Thomas, of Da 6 . s , ' 1 opportunity ot making au txpla up toe reso tne purpoae viusou, an opportunity ot making nation for the vote l.e had given. Mr Thomas, of Jsuk-ou, obtained the floor and addre-ed the Senate upen fedr ai affairs until the arrival of the bour fjr taking up the special order. lit, n.i.nn nfM. vV-inh llis ir,iiil nr. ,jer 0f t0 jaT wa, p0.tpoliej until Mouday al 1 1 o cioek i ayes l'J, Lays Ti HOUSK. Sat u rtr a v, Jan. 12. Sundry memorials, A.C , presented. Numerous buis reported from tue com mittees, which will be acted upon as they some lor action. BILLS. Tb following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred : Mr. Crump. er, to allow Francis Rjssr)!, a free woman of color, to remove from Vir ginia to this State. M M-r'inion. to charter the Su'phur Sonnns ll ,tei Company Tbe smue, to incorporate the Sulphur Sinria M snufactuririir Comnanv. Tne resolution in favor of tbe sureties of John S Wiiiis, late sl.rriff of IS'.aden county tne sp-ciai order for to day, was taaen up, and; ou motion of Mr. YVngiit, was real the second and tmrd time and passed. Mr. Fad gelt, bi.l to alter a port 1 1 11 of the dividmg line bctweeu ltutuerior l aud Po'ik M-. Merrimon, bill to extend tbe time of jiii icci.n iu. i-i 11. .me. The bi.l ou motion of Mr Merrimon was read the second anU u.ird tiuie au : j-sed "At Bu.ljca moved that tne rs. utuu allowing the aareti.s of Jo.'iu 1 Wi.its, iat. Concurred sbeuQ ol J. adeu county, lo eul.ect arttar aea of taxes, be takeu up undry aiDenduj' nts were offered inert- ing the naues of various sheriff, wheu 011 mono!.. 01 .lr. naters tne re-oiotini and ameuduirnla were referred to the commit tee. On motion of Mr. Taylor, tbe L'ul fur tiie ! proteeiion of Haywood Acaucuiy, Chattiam county waa taken up, read the second and third time ard passed. ' Mr. Wishart, bill to amend tbe charter of tbe town of Lumberton Mr Loc'an, bui lo a.iow the Justioes to abolish or continue Jar, trials iu C. ere, and eounty .Mr VS'right, a bill lo charter tbe Fior- Lce and i ayeiieviile rai.rosd eompsny. Mr. Barrow, bill to incorporate li.e War ren Lo'lge of Masons, Kenansvli.e. Mr. Main. b:!l to author, tne orgsni zsiKiu of a Oiunltivr Company lu lb town ol iv aseintuii Oa vautioo of Mr. JVtUles, tbe bill to al- ter the place of holding th W.rnen. Cour iu Northampton county, was the second and third time and passed Mr. Potts moved to take op the bill to incorporate the Chatham Mining Company, and U was read the second aud third time aud passed. - iBorft Carolina lljig. CHARLOTTE: - . Til PS (lily, J il II II d T V 22, I b 0 I. ' ITR. R. Wakefield, V.q , f l.en.iir, has con sented lo act, and is "6ur titlmrind agenl. lie will receive nrnere for the V mo, bluiiaa or arfver tiaemeiits, iinii receipt lor thea.mie. A" peraoni tilicritiif wmi p;iy lit him within three months will nerive II. e Wiuo fnr twu dolUrs. Deferred Articles. We publisli ti or three articles on the ; outside of this paper, bich have hereto-i fore been anavotdably crowded out. j Cannot Discontinue. We beg leave to suggest to aDy one de- - wish the "riag abundant succeo.. lue people of Concord ought to have good paper, aud Gorman is just the man to five it to thorn The Cost of Dissolution. If those who are so eaer for a dissolu ,h. tro'ubie the trouD.e a and cents, aiaiice bat lxoa 0f tSe Juion would take to coutit the coat, not iu dollars ' for that is a " the dust in the balance. '' bat in the blood that wi.I be spilled, we do not tbiuk they would be quite ao ready to rush 1 .1 : . 1 ,. if . ,v.n.. ,;ra. ..,,.ri;-r ... I ' . . . :ii l. KsciJ o iimuict ui toe coduioi win ue long and bloody, extending it ma, be, !lhrou0'ii a series of years, and ending at last iu tbe overthrow of liberty and the es- lablUbuient of a military de-potisru. We ssid that the oost in dollars and cent. w.a uot wsrtby to be nansed in tbs ealcula- tion of th. eoi Df d, . .ol,., i .nH ... it would untold millions ot mmey to carry forward this project And where we may be permitted to ask, are all these millions to come from? Who is to furnish it? Thepeoplo? And bo? Already groaning uuder the heavy burden of tuxes j that, are imposed upon them, are they to be forced to bear other and heavitr burdens? .-- .-. ..Jf compelled to auccomb. It is very easy fjr tno-e .bo pay Doming towards the support ot the governiueut lo laU about revolution, . , . ,. , and lau;;h when you tell ibem 1 of the vast sums which it will require. L.ut to those uu, oy iuuuhij .uu iru.n.y uare 11 ; ,orlietbiug for other days, ibis is a 0 . of no ordinary moment, n ny tne Oe , . , isbo, by industry and frugality bare laid up matter (iovern. ' or of South Carolina, sys tbe Xitinnitl IntethatHuer, repoits the war expen-es of thst Sisle to have resehd lh. ...... of a miliion and a baif of dollars, wailst tbe treasury is empty. Lookiug at the mat ter then, even in a finueial point of view, till find horrors euough without seek ing to raise the veil to see those that lie behind. But we are compelled, sad as may be the picture, to look it full in the face It ha. been well said by a eotemporary. that from the mere chance of actual conflict every man, capable of human pjmpathies, shrinks back appalled, because victory on eitntr side will ouly be less horrib e than defeat. Who can think without horror of a battle field where tbe contending forces are children of one great fa ui'y, and where the about of victory will be ming ed whh the grruus of dyiug couotrym.-o ? Yet auch a fata m ly be in reserve for us if this unhappy strife is allowed tJ produce its legitimate results. Aud abat shall we say 0 tuu wives that are to be .ido.ed, and tue children that are to be orphaned .' Ves, what shall we say? What cau we say? I he heart sickeus at the contemplation Let tbo-ie who would eouut the con of dis- 0iuli0Bi Ulaku a note of these thing-, aud thou with their baud., upon tneir hearts let them say if they oan, that liiey are anil for fevulut.ou, and opposed to ail eoinprorni'e and coiiciii .lion 'e do not believe that toau cau u found iu North Uiroiiui wb. would bat prefer the latter. START UNO Niwal F iRT Caiwem, Bel IsfijKiiu! l be I'ayetteiille O.invrr of Monday evening last, detains tbe follow ! lug st.rtling intelligence : " It appears that ibere was more reason I than we had supposed for tiie alarming tele ' di.paicu from lbe Hon W. S. Ashe, from tVasbiur'tou, about reinforcement Fort Caswell. VVe are oredibly informed that there I lU.S, Sergeant resident at thai fort, whose garrison waa reinforoed by 1 hi. wife vivin birth to twins shortlv frforel b lbe valiant Smithviliiau. wade their foray, i hey will be beard of doublles. iu Ihe list bf pllaoner taken. r... . I. .1. r... Kir" Joseph Hoit, Postmaster General, has beeu njuiinat.d and contartuid a Sec retary of Wr i WMms m Blue Light vs. New Light. We clip the following dclioioua morceau from a Demooratio eiohano : "It is atatcd that Mr. Maroj's diar, con tain! a prophetie prediotion of Mr. Huch anan's failure to administer the (lovernilient aticceai-full,, froin his want of fidelity, di rectnoss aud oourage. Among Mr. Polk's papers there i. a stronger testimony Cabinet Geo. Jaekson'e last injunctions j to Mr. Polk, wlien starting for Wnliintoii. was not to take Mr. Buobaoau in his Cabi net " When the Whig journal, charged upon Mr. Buchanan that he was a Blue Light Federalist, and unfit to fill the high and di.-uified offioo of Chief Magistrate, our Dciiioeratio friends raised their hands ln holy horror, and proclaimed him a marvel- 4. That Congress shall not abolish ela ous proper man; the ouly man, iu fact, I very in the Southern dockyards arsenels, , ., ,. . o. nor in the District of Columbia with- that was able to save the country, lie- AU - . , . , ' I out the oonsent of Maryland and the oon- cotitly, however, a chauge baa come over " the spirit of their dreams." A new ItM has dawned upon their hitherto benighted vi.ion, and now,' the vocabulary acarcely contains epithet vile enough fur them to apply to him. hiy knew all along that he wasn't fit fo1 sted, and atill they voted for anrt elec .him. "Oh, consistency, ' thou art indee 'i ., ., Mr. Marc, predicted that he would an 10 auuiiui-ni ' j full,, from his want of udelit,, airectuessi and coura-e." And Ueu Jackson s last ; injunction to Mr. Polk, was, uot to take .Mr Buchanan in bis Cabinet." Verily the old j man has fallen upon evil days. 1 here are ! . ! r as to do biia revcrenoe. On none so poo , . " Senator Crittenden's Compromise. The resolutions submitted iu the Senate bv Mr. Crittenden, seem to meet the views of all who are disposed to bold on to the Union a. tie ouly .afegu.rd of our liber - t The two Convenuon.. both Dougl.s stnibcd in ,nd nlP wblc0 reeeDll7 assenioito in v . 1 1 1.1 ,u. Kentucky, nuanimously recommended the , . j 1 m ., . . 1 plau suggested by Mr. C rittenden, and re- commended it to the serious consideration of the border States. Vice President Breok : inridae. as will be seen by reference to au , - l .c.i: fr.rnn his i.ilt.T in another nart of tils r paper, also favors this plan ot adjustment. In addition to this, we copy the follo.itig extract from the Iidlvaort Amrruan, the condition of public sentiment 'D Maryland : kno tn,t P,,a o corupromi" ""bruitted by the venerable Senator from val , lD, p,op u( lh,, State. We do not i els tiitls the believe there ore 111 Maryland one buinrea men who would uot cheerfully accept that plan as a fair, eq ia! and conU-.vo i,,e merit of ull the irritating q le.i.ons hat now afflict aid distract tbe country. Al- most the same unsnimiry iu re.auou to 11 prevail, in all the Border Slave Stares, ' hilst in the adjoining Krea States, espe cially iu Pennsylvania, there is an increas ing concentration of opinion upon it as of ferine the mt aviilahk point of agree meut. To rrid"r t'oru'ress sensible of this fset, and to bringto their wavering counsel the strong support of a generous, patriotic and determined impulse, springing froin the national Union loving heart of the people. jH Q ohiect of the fir-t importance, i" euro this, hre in slaryl.ud, memorial Irive been prepared and widely scattered ..:.! .: ... .:.... . r.... k;r "'3 . ' , . ': Ve hope to thee memorials signed, as f.. .. ..;..!. I.. .1,. .l,l. n.le population of our Sfatn. There is no di- , 1011 a:non us in desiring peace upon a t 1 i . . . .i.., e..., i 1,1 iir ua-i 01 agrerineiit, ami iu.t i.i-v -uuu.u k ... . . k. !..... testified as it e.r. be bv everv mail asitciuoe, oy every 11111 pul'in his name to one of these memo rials." We have no heiitancy in saying that the resolutions of Mr. Crutundeo meet with the hearty approbation of by far lbe larger portion of the people of North Carolina and that the, greatly prefer peace to revo lution. British and American Postage At this titue, when the public uiiud is in a hih slate of excitement, we are pron overlook matters, which at other seon would be of iutere.t and profit. Of such a character is the negotiations wi.ich have been pending belwseu lh. Ui.iied Stales aud Cireat Britain iu rngaid tu a reduction of the postage between tho 10 countries. These negotiation, hare failed to acooiu pu-h the end equally desired by both ijov eminent, becauie ryf tue uureaiou ible ob stiuac, of tbe B.itiah goveriiincut. The present postago on letters is t wetity four cents. U! tin. , hve cents are ai.propnaie'l lo tho Uuited States inland postage, three ceut lo the British iuUud postage, and the remaining sixteen cents to the ocean pJ.t- . , l , a.. J' O jvernments express their nil- liu-'ne-s lo rduea the rstu tu one half: but j liiey canti'jt agre. to its ui. tribuiiou under the three beads named. Mr lloit proposes 10 adopt the inland rates established iu the respective eounlriea three oenl- for the Uuited States, and two cents for tjreet Brit- am, leaving seven cents for ocu postage. l o this the Britiih goverrimeut otijeuls ; aud .... .1.. ;u,u,l r(a for each co intrv should be two eeuts, leasing eibl for the ocean poHage Ou this point u.'gotiaiions have been broken off It is to be hoped! .L. ... 1. ,. . .n .i.:. .. 1 . 1 ,n" iverUu.,.,s -. - ter of this matter, and thai the wbJo affair will be arraug' d to tbo salisfacti ju of botU countries OtrOoy. Wellnr, of California, ba ac - cpt-d the MissioB to Mexico A Proposition for Compromise. At a meeting of representative, from tb. State, of Maryland, Virginia, MU.ouri, North Carolina. Texas Kentucky, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Delaware, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and New Jeracy, held in Washington, one da, last week, Mr. Critten i . :.. a., rk.lp ihp following nrotiosiiions - tweco the North and the South : -1. llecotntnending a repeal of all the 1 1 th inst , in. Personal Liherty hills. 1 1, it said that he expressed a d -ire i That the Fugitive Slave law be amend- UTet0 wit0.. that evont. Providence iu ed for the preventing of kidnapping, and so , ad bi, reqUC,t as to provide for the equalnalioii of the,' '6 Commissioners' fe?, fio. VrAv lat. the titulion be so amenned . , . j . f wjth slavery ' ;n of the States where it now exists, j q( iDnllbiut.., 0f the District, nor without compensation. 5. That Congress .hall not the inter State slave trade. 6. That there shall be a perpetual prohl- bition of the African slave trade. That the line of 30 degrees 30 minute. J Knsl be run through all the existing terri- tory of the Uuited Mates ; (bat in all north ot that line slavery nau 00 proinuii, - , . .. . l.ii l .n4 that aoutb of that line neitaur Congress nor Terr,or,tl L,,,tur. .hall hereafter pass all, law auoii-siinig, prumuiuuS i Dy manner lulerienng wun ahiou eiw very, ami vn. wUCU .u; .c .j ......... ing a autfioiaut population for one member of Congress in any area of (iO.llOU square uiie app,T for .J.niioo , State, it shall be admilteJ, uh or without ia- .: ..: ' j very, as its coust'uutiou may determine." Courtesios of the Press. For the last few weeks there has been a fitrce war raging belweee the two lead- is. Democratic n.n.r. of this State, the . . , , , , , , Raleigh i,lnH'ard and State Journul. The editor, of both papers have reeentl, descended to personalities thai are alike discreditable to both. Holden, we thought, -ssnl.l enoi.-htokonw hetter. A a lonff as a newspaper cootroveray can oe carri.a 00 with a ruaoly courtesy and fairness, we have no objection ; indeed, we raiber like it. But wheu the. eombataots so far forget themselves a. to descend to personal .We. ! e l0,uk- for th"ir rd" bould I drnP f " tb. world, eduors 'bould be the leal to re.ort te.ucb a mode of warfare, ibeir papers go nto the hands j r r s ot the youth of our Mats and are ealcula ted by their tone and expression to exert any other than a benefioial iufiuene. For tl.eaake of the Press of the S.ate we hone that uo more such controversies may arise So mote it be ! "TH HtATIltl ARK AT VOUB D.lORs!" Most of our reader, doubtless remember the remark of the celebrated John Un dolrh. of Rianoke. when anplied to by a Udy for money to buy clothing for tbe , , , Hih-n .Sjimir . erowd of razeed or. chins in tbe street, he exclaimed. " M ad am, the Heathen are at your doors I" W were foreibl, reminded of this incident by r-ad of lbe t ' M lasachu-etia Legislature to atud -provis- 10ns to tho euaerers ta the South." ' e would remind the " lories " of Massacbu- setts, that the South is atr.p'v able to take , . ,r , , .. , , care of herself: and furthermore, ahould shcever need aid of that kind, she will i u reglrJ,() jn pohtli clrclc. .ill. much 1 the Ferry but a iiul, while -not ask or accept it of M assachusetts. 1 interest. Tbe idea emanated from Hon. K ( I tr!'i(ftntrr. Judging from lbe, we think then charity could be more profitably expended , coraial thdorwmeul ot l.ruten ieu, u .U . lias, Breckinridge, W. C. Kives, aud other The Barnstable (.Miss) Patriot says : "Our people are suff:rioj much from tbelr inability to sell tj-n. To which th Bston I'jst ruefully adds: "0flr P80P8 r xuffjring from inability tobuythelU." r..- Tk. r..n: . .. ,. t. . 01 a icuer irom a young iriri 10 new Jer- . . . r- 1 ,1 . ,a )erfr,eI1(l another Jersey pir . in . . . . Charleston, breathes the right spirit. The laiiias, as a general thing, are for union of hearts but it seems that some of tbe.n are desirous for a Union of tbe States ' I siinoose you are deenlv interested in the stale of publio allairs, bul hardly mre ' than we are. 'I cry out for tbe papers the moment father euters tbe houe, Irom New York, and look most anxiously for the Southern news. Wlmt I hope is that the North will make such coi.c ssioiis tnat South (arolina y, with per.cet honor to herself, remain in the Union then I will crow so loud that a Se Jrr,ey g,.d Nw Yotii w.., ivtt me "l eant bear a dissolution of the Union, or tneu we sou u tie surn-ct to the laws en tir.-ly of a .Northern Coutederaoy. Father declares he wilt never hold allegiance to any other Stale than the Palmetto. ' Dr.TKi;cTivR Fihr is Nkwiiurn. W learn from the Newbern Progress, that a ter ri ble fire occurred in th at pi ace on Tue.- uay last. 1 ho Urs ongiuated between Messrs. C. A. Hart, Bro. & Co s large Tin ' and Sheet Iron Manufactory corner of Broad and Middle streets, and tbe City Keslau- 1 1 (i 1. i. 1 , rant kept by Mr. U Vilkins. Both these nouses, to 'ether with the Court House, were C on-uiuen. 1 he Dames spread to tbe store and d welling house of Mr. N. Tisdale, whoo ; the progress of the 11 uues were stopped. I he property oou.,nmed was The Messrs. Hart i Co's atoek alone beiug ( estimated at 8 1 5,0110. We learn that a cousid.-rahle portiou of tb property was i lusured in office, in this city. - , I. O. O. P. At a recent meeting of Mecklenburg r .J V. 0 r 1 1 1 . u .l. e... . ; . "c ""''(,, an he had lust made: ' officers were elected for the current term : j S P. Houston, N f) ; James Creig, V. 0 ; 1 i;- Earnhardt, Sec; John Kigler, Sen. I; Alexander lierry hill, K. S j Ii. Ii. By eriy. u. a. is. A. iiousiod. 1. u: Joshua ; rrot,.r, O. 0 ; J. K. Colli.r. W: il. U. Phelps, C- . Th.Armamsnt or Nobth Carolina. Tni ar.ia DUtohs of arms, The oomun-aiou for the purou .ppointed by the Leg laUture, n' ! .igh on the 12th inst It wa. compo Governor Ellis, Col. Tew, -K Military Institute The arms are .aid to be of a .uperior qua!",- DxatT Bmiiof Co..B.-Th. venera M. Hi.honCohb.of Al.b.n... died on the State seeedeil Wr in tne o.uum, ' ! nn M r. Crittenden's resolutions was re- .Answered, and it waa mao. .u order for Monday last. It 1a thought tnat the resolution, will pas. Nows from Washington. I WahhinotuN, January 16. The Presi interfere with !jonl rfu,ej ,0 receive Col. ll.iyne, Com ! niUsioner from South Carolina, except as a ejijI(. 0f s ,overeign State, on w. Hayne.had a personal inter- tb tt prfjdeut last ui(iht. Mr. jjuoni0ao li.teoed attenlively to his prnpo- . - ref,uired hitn to put 11 lormaiiy . i r .,ntf air. tiayne is now pre(iiuiK i, i, harr, logubmit it, as he considers 5",V. iB?r,.i. Tho Hepublican. are pressing coercive action iu t.oigress. Uavne is said to detnaad tbo withdrawal of the Federal troops from Fort Sumter. 1 ur.derataud that Jctferson Dsis has I j,reBr(i , Blur totioveruor l'ickeus, be- ,tcnj- iug restoration of auneablo tela i. "... .1 L 1... 1... tions with Major Anderson, .born be has Ion known lie vouches l'r .Msior Auaer on as beiu" as honorable aa bo i brave, jtnj for bisuot abusing the confidence re posed in bim He tbluks that free access to the snouiu . " " kind relation, being restored, .11 would be j ' r",u u j j jj,, gentte, Crittenden", resolutions were this da, amended, aud tbea laid upon the table by the Ahoi.lioui.ta, the Deu.o- " 4110 ceo.10r. gr....-.., r-6 j.... i.i,.n,l.n much eiaoerated at th.. upshot of bis at concilia .jon The Hon W. C. Rives, of Virginia, i said to be exerting nu isei., memhers. in maturing a plan of compromise with the otb.-r border Sratcs. It is currently renorled this eentng, in 11 11 uuii.u.ij p ; w. iofvmed circles, tb.t the President j , has expressed a ..ll.ngnes. to reeognn. . ,; ) eovernmenl embracing several ' , . u . States S.era Southern nenatera called! i , ri,vn(! l0 ), .rJ u,-,,d a modifi ' ciion of hia views and demands, everything l being important that will, if possible, pre- ierve Po- ,u ,0,Q J oouin. ru t . r , 1 a 1 tions, a oommitted lo writing, .ill differs .k.i t,. ne.ii. a mat tne Dronoi irom mo.e pr..e..i".. From a speeial despatch to the Chans. ton Mercury, we glean the fotlowiug : WaoMInotom, January It). - Ii is under stood that Hayne, the Soatb Caro.iua Com . misaiouer. has. nc bis arrival, moderated ' ' aye. The oninion is alino.t auanimous in aeces- : . ... .... . .' houj be studiously avoided. Hayee baa 1 been daily conversing with the traders of ' the eeoession move. neut here, who are op- ! p.,.,d to hostHUies. It i. be- jeved tbal stroog representations have been , wjl(jjn tj() ,Ml fa . d 4y,, urging ll.u ' auiboritiea of Sou'.U Caroiiua lo oord Au ! dcraoo every facility for marketiuj jsw.d other domestic supplies. 1 A plan is now before the Lomuiittee ol ; . . ,. , , the House of Delegates, in Kichmood, whioh ' A. Pryor, of Virginia, and b.s reerived tbe distinguished gentlemen, all shades f Southern aud eonsarvativ opiu ion. Tbe plan is : 1st. There must bo some definite and oouolu"ivc aeltlement of tbe iaery qja , tiou. or eeparaiioui. ij 2d. Prop itlg the C usvilabi roooaing th Lritteuucu 1 ompromise las amended by Douglas, as tbe basis of and l.oi.orabl. adiustmeDt. aj. 1 ne aDDOiosiiivus 01 .uiumissioner . , . , i- .. ,10 each State of tho Luiou rt'peouni the 1 10 sn c,le 01 w, ulu" rvpecung tue !. ..: r :. .:... ' " ' e ' . . to ibis measure ot conciliation. 4th. A strong appeal to th. Federal Gov - arnmeut 10 tay ita baud and avoid all act. which may lead to a collision pending tb mediation of Vireiuia rh An an..-l tn tb. .-.! m Mtst.a in I oraaer. th. esistin ilatui. and to abstaiu 1 from all acts .bich may precipitate a colli- '.ion A despatch from a distinguished source 1 in Virpiuia. aav. there is no .oubl that this j plan wi.I p both Houses of Ihe Legist. ture. Simi ar movements will be made in , the Legislatures of Missouri, North Caro lina, Tennessee and Kenluoky, and arrange ments are new bciug made lor ibat puipo.e. lli' I 1? Tl.. 11. bt 8,Btor'.,r,0Blf,d , dp.lch ffoIU home to-day, telling thetn to reiu.iu io tbir seats till further inlonued, as the delegates from .North Alabama refuse lo sign the Or- diuance ot Secession, unless postpousd until after tbo fourth of March. How CAN IT BI I'rXVIxTRP ? Among the various (livers and contradictory re sons we occasionally bear presented for a dissolution of lbe Union is, ibat tn the I n u tbe present Hunts of slavery, will bo , """. by "a oordou of Ire. State.'' ! "by which lb South will be surrouuded." . ,,..1 . . other occasions without an ai.aW.r lli .. I 'nai to oe reineoieci 0111 Of tbe Uuion, when we are ao "independent .otereignty I ' VViii not "the North" have a. much power to surround us tbeo a now I If so, what shall we gun 10 ibis repeat? This quei tiou usually Settles patriotic seeesaiuuists, 00 tbatsubjeot. Kimloa AUeonatt. Wuat Wau u Ooi.nO to D ). A scene occurred in the Senate after tne delivery of Wada'e speech, whioh we have uol seen re ported. After Wade bad takeu his seat. , 1 Seuator Beujamio, of Lnuisieua, approaeb- ; "? lDr ne,lJ I "i oougralulaled hue upoo Ihe ( but said Beujsmiu, "yoq would uol octree : Louiaiaua, would yo ?" Tad raised bi arm and brought it down heavily upoo his - , desk, with Ihe remark. " Ies, by U d, we DUroaassa your St. 1. a e.s.rt anrf you aaeen. by U J. we'll eaake 11 a da. art at;aie." ipnngJitU lispuh'icati. FOR Till N. C. WI1IO. CITIZIiNS' MHKTINf. At a meeting of the citixjns of Mfcklcn. burg county, held at the Court llouS()jj Charlotte. Ou motion of Hugh Kirkpiu K-q , was called to the ohair, ami J,10 p' Kos, appointed secretary. 1 )i. L,Si j,- ' explained the object of the niectin, i,,, niotiou of Ool. Jno. V. Bryce, W. S 'rt,.r 1). B. Ilea, and A. A Kennedy, t.r(J ' pijiuted a committee to draft rcnolutiaoi for the consideration of the meeting. While the committee were consulting ,t,, meeting was arttirta-ed by Col Jno' y Bryce aud S J. Lowrio, Ksq. D. P. Ua, Ksq., ohairmau of the con,, niittee, leporled the following preaiublo resolutions : WliKHKAS, Iu view of the hopeless c,ja dniju uf uur National affjirs, iu oj. the fact that our sister Southern Stm,., aoted iih a promptness equal to tho c,j.j( aud that North Carolina, b, her njn-acu has lelt us iu a position uueougenial t0 g feeling as Southern cititens; be it linollril, That we, the people of Mici. lenburg, do hereby earnestly re (( m Repreaelitaiives to urge inuuediate a,,j prompt actioii upon cur (ieueral Asi to meet promptly the important iu, ,lu volved so that we may at oucn tie l.m upon the South, aud the South n'ane. The passage of the preamble and reolt. tiou waa advocated ty D B K..J .; aud Juo. Y. Bryce, whereupou tu-y tll't unanimously adopted. On motiou of Col. Jno. Y. Bryee, lbs f0. looiug resolution was offered and umtu. uiou-ly adopted : Jirsovfd, That this meeting fully and nr. dially sympathise with, aud endurre 1:, j course of the citian soldiery of u. j Wilauitiglon aud , who possession 01 rorts Las. ell and .IjIiu . ; r 1... I If... L' j tjii mouou of Juo. I K- - hnone'i, mat tne proceeun.k' f ii, j meeting be published iu the town pap-n. j ud that copies of the preamble an I j uiiobs be furnished our Seuator and K. i ,"r"eu""" M' " " Uu motiou the meeting adjouraed. J11IIN P. BOSS, N JaM'AHV 10, IMil. GmAT KXflTlsiT AT llABPr.HS ',K k l uata IIcm.hxu li in A.ims : ........ iritn ,,.1,1 1 1.. I. ... . kf(( Kl(lell !,, ,. ;., . r 1 silssied iu Jed -rsou Conulv, in in. 9 , the spot made ever meiuorabiv in I,. t, blooaj j0,n nr0(I ,.(t,; , from ft .,,, , ,i,, 11.. ,. s , . J , ,. 1 . uu.a had cDiue to lha r rrr r th 11 ' . ifumeui hJ ,, ,,,,, j , f, L ,o.,.,., r.. the .Vrseual at the rerry, au1 to arms, a'.orrs and is'iuitioiis of war m . 1. of tbe recoiled matcli that .asij I . v,, by insurgents 111 the border S ati-s n 1 Capitol at Wabinfton 'I bis r p .rt u , 1 the Harpers Ferry people ep. ui ' t i . , emplojeee la tht Areual, ot wooiu 1. . four hand r. I . , ,uf of ,t miidt,t elott,m,D, , - atr aig uts a y ihe er, waa, "To ann.'i. I araus 1 ' Accordialy, when the eif-i - train that loans Baltimore at four ii, - evening aud arrive at the f . rry as-n : eigni, 11. a crossed in ions' ti re.eo.e in. la.wr piae. in., re astouisbcd to Dud aotne three ban: j .1 , i ready lo sieleom tbe I'nit.d ' S-'at-'a . diery 'with bloody bands to b.f , 1 graves. '' Fortunately lr theaf-.r.!:: tu. ever eft.r, of th. snd Krmuately, perhaps, f or the thr. t r drcd men ,u .rUM) lUrre r, - . Met troops i0ard .None Lad U.a .; none, thai any Vdy oa lb tra.n x , ....v- v. -t tir ti e p isrs as to now 1.1 ... aij tui In-e .,,, nn e could D"t arn, aa th Ira.. ,, , . BlouDi Traosdv. Lat night, a''. tnldiiiglit, a tratr'dy was enacted 111 iuii:,i : that probably w.s uevereq iaile.1 I r ! i-; jirj.cts, froeiiy aud ui.ustu.! lute. .' fi rrcc feu I had long cxi-ttJ bet. ten t' I brothers, named JjIhi Haul Kvai.s ai.u h hert M. Kvans, members of sn oid and ; 1110.11 lainny 01 una city, I. ..... .... . -1 v .... , iuwh u. a! 1 "ey have men. several attempts i.-.rr. ! fore on each other lives. Hubert went to a bail at M drill' ..i.i.. :,i, . 1..1, , yeteruay eveuiug, with a liy 1.. I. (ui. , 1 ...m...,, - . , i.....dr..d nr,..,i- .... tl.r About a. ; . r r 1 '"ij"'. ..u. iu iuwiiviw. j up to his broib.r and a-k.d bun lo d i" j Hi brother refused, whereupou I'aul ' , kuife, seeing which, Kobert drew si ) h ootei Ujberl drew a kuife slid 1: .! 1 between his teeth aud coiiimeuied . I'aul returned the fire and aoli hr.i'l shots, and then closed aud used ih.-ir km"' 1 bey were murtally wounded. Psul t 1 "' for the from door aud went out; w.i' losed aud brought back, aud died in Ian, minutes. II w.s shot iu the u'" r p.'1 the breast aud cut eever.l limes in ti.e l do in.-11 Bobert, when Psul left lbe room, (' ' bim a far as the inside door, .ucrt ! fell, alruyk the wall and skinned hi ,c' He was carried lo a temporary cuch,i' lay iuMiu.ible uearly three hours, wb."1' aUo died. He was shot through thr I' lobe of the brain an I in the right ti'''-, " the ribs. They both seemed to di ! luward bleeding. During the eiioountr' 1 younger brother, Berry, shot three b '' Ba il, on. of which, it 1 ssid, hit birfl Lvtntie (I'ttl) Journal. Fatal Arinr.NT. On Sunday in: week a daugh .r ot Mr. Philip A Col " sidiog near M.rion, Arkansas, met terrible death. She wa sitting bel rr ' fire reading a newspaper, when a ' ' " from tb ember flew into ber lap- A'l u!1 ... eoiisciuua oi ins lacs. an. srf until her clothes had limited almost he) possibility of Seing put out, and she screaming Irom tbe room. Her father her in tbe ball covered wilh flame. u.,.hl. 10 ...t.du. them, sri.ei child and threw h.r over lh balcony i"' th. mud. when fi.i.ll her clothing '. exnngiiished, but not until she had ",,ti tb. ddly flames She liugered e fe" iu terrible aitooy, when death put sti e" ' " " .. , A....l..,l,.llt S0UTIII!lts UROXKS roR SlI'laH-' Lynn (Mass.) K-porter loams that cr derv rl I'.', lor the South eonunue to be re1 the shoe inauiifacturcr of that en. ll' firm have received Iwo order of that One firm have reoeired Iwo orders "''""'l weak or .0 from th. very hot-bed ol J if . n . v... k... isl ' a..ub..r -hu , I tran-P' I

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