. 1RTTER FROM VICE-PRESIDENT i A u uiin-KiMiimrjM " .. i Hon. Jobn C. Breekiniiflge ha written 1 tier to Governor Migofliii, of Kentucky, I in which, while favoring the comproiiiiKe roposilioDi 6f Mr. Crittenden, be feirt (he; iH "ot dop'd He conclude! aa . follow : . The iaiiue ante queition now presented m, ,ce 0r ir. Whether the right of a State or Stat1 to di'eolre eonnection with the I I'.iirrtl evit'!" ed right or one ; roing out of the Constitution, or the right f rerolutiou, the great faot lie before u lbl tbo act b been done ; and we are not rmitled t0 doubt that in a few weeka even or eight State, containing a larger popula tion than the thirteen Colonioe, at the epoch of the Ki'volution, "ill have withdrawn from the Union and declared their indepen dence. Under whatever nma dinguised, a colli'ioo of with them will be war. The dominant party here, rejecting e-erj thing, propoiiij nothing, are pursuing a lief. uiiH'h, uiwer me name or eniorcing ! tu !" ,n "puni'h'iig traitor," threat- j tn to plunge the oounlrv into all the ca-j aiiiiiie of civil war. The Federal Uiiim eannot be preaervad ,j arm The attempt would unite the j Southern 8lle in reitann, while in tbe Virili a (treat niultilude of true and loral j nio netrr would eoneat to thd the blood ; of or people in name, and under the au thority of a violated compact. A aenou ,.-,liiion upon riinlioif iaiuee would deairoj hati'ver bote mar jet remain of preier v ng or re.toritiu; the Union. An attempt j n b 'M it together bj the bayonet, would cidceii anything yet recorded iu the annalt bini an midneas and filly. It would ! bring on a war of unetamplnl ferocity, in anicu e'ery vital principle of the Union oiild disappear forever If tbe South nrl nueeead in iuintainioj bi-r inde-p-nH-ne". the feud and luiino.itir enen ii -red t. jr the eonteat between tbe aectiou, .. Id be transmitted to (ueeeeding genera- i i nnn; while, if he ahouid be lubjupated. ! In- Government would beeoiu in form aud 1 in fart consolidated, and would oon reach i ttaumal hiitoiiral termination in a Biiit I try d poli-tu. 15ul her anbjartion ia irn j o-ili. without ex eimiuatioa ; and that i ' i:i.,fible ,J vet the danger of eivil war ia im mint nl, uo'ea it (ball be a r rented by prompt ' and ai.ergalie action. If, before the pea- I rum of men become arou.ed, and a aone of iiitoward tit drift ua into atrife, Ken j trkr and the other border Htatea ahall 0, uilj and firmly preai nl a un tad front 1. -amat it, I lelioeeil may be arrrsted Fif a o State are potent to prevent war. Thia IM, aoeld alrenfjtheo all the true men in tt. Vthern S'ale who reit the atrooiou p icy. Upon thia (juration let u aiuibi li e part y . The force party believe that kraiuety and other Souihern S'l are e r oj.iy divided on thie aubji ot. I'd! ihi rui qa ek'y be abown to be a de!ui in, it o:v urcrina tha p-vrrot of a brood of orr. To id m of the Ldgialatara will d.iubt . provide whitever ia needful; yet at a ii'iel'ke thi, it become the duty, a it ia ili right, of every man to eiprea hia opin 0 a; aud, aa one eitiieu of tlio Common, a a in, I give my voice fir a State Conven- 1 on h I only hy 'he direct action of the i"iril .State, in their oereign eapaeity, thl iDitbiog effectual can now be done; idI, for one, 1 deaire that Kenlarky nay tire an opportunity to determine, in the I m .i i iiemn manner, ber jadgmeqt of her ; r jS', and her attitude in tbe preaeoteon I d i.on of aff.ir. She ba cot been an ia ; -I it nor ingtorioue member of the Con-J VUnrt : he i in ibe preaeoce of great 1 aa-i mart i'l' event, and it ia not ber nature t) i;t in liatlets apathy, borne along by! rapid ajrrnt, wub ot the power to direct j kr ciur-a L t ber Lave the opportunity, I tiirou.'b ber choaen repreentaiiei, of deci- I i nf upon the proepeet of re nniliof all tbe , N'a iu a coDiitutional Union, or, if that j l i.l be impoMible, let her be in a position i to determine her own deatiny. j Tbi letter bar grown longer than I inten- j dad although I bavn adhered pretty eioaely ti my original purpoae, rather to preaeot facta, and my inipieaaiou of tbem from Inn aland point, than to enter upon elabor- ; a dneaaaion. I need not ay to you my' dt ar air, that I bave ottered nothing ia an 'A-'iiie epiril, but rather, reluctantly t l ; irro,., jj, ,Utrption in regard to lh actio ot Kentucky, are offered in a pint of a loyalty v, tb, Slmt, J 0 iBa ' wul e.er obey. They a.. 0l,lrly right, or I vary wrong. If right the pit..re will be m n to have aaid a timely word ; it rong, ! 1 will koow bow to bear, without a murinw ' a l Ibe criii.rijiicacr of aa booeal but lerri i t lui-iake. I ry aineerely. yoor friend, j JOHN 0. HUEl'KINKIlKJE. ;l' l" II ?. It lf nitd lailclirii I'liriiiliut'. 1TTIIE iNaidenee e.f the lain THOMAS J. a Mm. lOM.i.n Tlll'KoiY, Hie Mill f b n'li. i-fil, at III u'e'ork.A. M , will aold all i',e M-.ii., Iiolu and kitelien urmiuraof aaid T. J HHI.TO.N. T,.,,. man known al the aale. I 'ie euterit.r would be gUtt t rceivepr". P" .!a lor I II i H I I- N 811 A It KS of Die ( anilnl "- el Hi- II AHI.O I I K .ml KOI.' I ll CAKO. l-IX K A 1 1 III IA l COMPA.NV. K. NYK IllTi MINON. Firenior of III'lMAU IIOl.lO.N. ("srlotle, J muary IU, 1Kb I Id Notice. ON TIII'KSDAY Hie 7a la of FnHruary, at mf ; re. id. nee 3 J nn lea Irnm Cliarloile. will' 'II Hie IoIIi.wiiic properly, via Ilia I'l mlolion j i ahirli reaii1. rnniai nm 37 aerea, the one. i hltoiw.nrli ia VV.M.dUnd. he ivily leinlred, and bi!,,,r m a IiikIi al ,le of culliv ition; 40 "ri-a ol , , itm ..,H and ah., nl lior 1.1 '""a i f , a,iw l.aml.wilha tomforl ihlr t'..rinj '"iae. N gl, ,,u.e-. Hi. n. I. in II .ue, ( ott. n IL. r.ea. (aula and Il.ira One Aral rale' 'ii t ow, ll.ioat hold and Kill hen l-'orniture j Al 'lie aame lima and plaoe, 13 or 13 Nefnwa, ,!l Jnung and likely, on a erer.il nf an nn.iit'ia. MATIIIKW A. i:i)WAKIS. Jmuary SQ, fcCi 3i. r-Snr". THK Suh.enher haa la. ar-m r.fcy. ken ehurire of Ilia OI.I.V Ty-j- w -STAN D liirmarly neeupied by JOHN HAH I Y, and liopra hy alriet atti iilion to J!0.sIM.:.SmiiiI USKIaN'G viry KXKUTIOX to please TO OUT A I a A SIIAUK of I'UHLIC PATKONAGK. ALL, NEW WORK TTaaKBANTT) 12 &ntWM m ajait Fartieuiar attunlion paid to BJOajaa yajv B ,"V' a ' hava an hand a aa food a lot of aaaaoned aiijiEiaFao esc a can b aUrtad. a itl. I H llAOl. Contkadictid The reported ahere. lion between General Scott and Mr.Toomba i authrritativoly oonlradio'ed. Tift wei I tit eicht person at thw table on the oooa on. on. of wbom. a well known gen lem.n of tlii city, a.y there wa not ti e least foundalion for the report Tbe faota are aa follow.: OeoScott. Senator. Toomb. and ! H.iijaniin, and other., dined at the bouae of; Mr. Corcoran on YVedneadav. and the South ern Senator denouiieed the Union with in eane pas-ion. Mr. Toomb wiabed that the Star of tbe Wet could be tuok, but no die courleay wa. offered to Oeu. Scott, and no diffioulty ensued. Gen. Soott ha authori ted a denial of tbe report which baa been circulated. OUR BOOKS MUST BE 4 thnae wlln are illdbted to Ua, by NOTE ! 4.M. .r UUUH AH UU.M muil emne furw.rd AM) SKTTLK ill', mi e cannot cany n ttis Duwincit Our eutniner will nbligu ua very mueh by complying with the above rrqueat wilhotil t'uilh. er notice. J.G. WILKINSON &. CO., Nil 5, firanite R i.j; -, opposite M ,ninn lluuae, Jan 15 42 III. CASH!! Wa reapectfully inform our friend and customer that owing to the elringuucy in e-ooiijh) ?lffuiip, we will be compelled to aell for CASH AND !i e A JJS ?? A .fl Jl DUIUXtJ Tf!K YKAR Having alarceatock on band will reduce the puce to euit the linn 'I lio-e indchti-d tout will oblige ns by making iuiuiediate settli nient. KLI.V8 .t COHEN'. January 1 t, 1-H. The Truth. OWI.m; Tti TIIK I'HKSKNT DtFFlCL L TIK" OF OCR and the dialurbed Hate of BUSINESS in order to rontinue, it become Decenary for as to make an appeal to our in self defeuce ; tboe indebled to will do u a kiodneaa by coining lorwarJ promptly and paying up. Jail 'tb, 41- -ni IlttllM an'fafter the Itt dy ol January next, 1 at mt 1 1 1 be p - ia, i lo aeli,uur ulu ,'nenda and i aataiaara and II. a r-a' of mmknid for I aaa and caaH onlr. hit artielr in our line ol nuameae thai mi niiy b.ve u liinn. Any prraon aenoii.g or cnnimf lor fwui aii'-r oe u",r w,,...,u Miooey. wll pleee rxeuae n, il inalead ol 6lling llieir onlera t furnian lurni.h them with a copy of Una areerli.inii nt ; a we are determined nui In sr-ll a amg'e artirle un creail. And tliuee in. debted lo ua - rnueeied Iu call and pay aa we want the money. OA'IKS JL WILLIAMS. !rc 95. 18-0. 4ft-.it Equity Land Sale, lV v rlu- ol , decree nl aale and roreel.Hiure ,.l tne I'uurl ol l.iUily ol Meek Ifrnl M.irig, itaHorn I ly, I wil! "ell aline Court II, uae in CI -il' ili, lor on. on Hie alii Monuay in jjiiu-a- y, I Nil, a lol ol I.-nil, anil ,t, u in aaid t uunly. ai the Ju in I loll ol Un; Tayloravili I'lan ItoiU and GraHain direct. Ill Ua llm 1,111 o! Cliarloile, ttionm( at M iiliam Joluiatua'a line, anu run. uin( Suii w.tn lha I'l.nk ICmu lo .Mi Luna' lot; I lenra Aoilliwert uireelly lo Uraliam Mreel; I lie nc lo lha beginning; lei,li( u.rl ul a IruClul I. nil i-urch-aeU i y Vii,.e..l f. Vaueii ol John D. Bia.k .,,u, and to be aold to aaliaiy lha Mortgage uebt due k, a, io Vaden lo Drui ker at Son. .. A C. V1LLIAM)N, C. M. E. Charlotte, Dc. levih, , eoll. 39 Uia Fruit 'J rees. pajallK auhacriber haa for aale at hia reaidenee, JL f'i milea auuin ol t'oarUttc, S.I U0 chuica oftwento van, n, a irom tor e..riK.l lo Ihn latrat all gral'lid, 3 y. .ire oi,i. Inoii (lull fret high. 1 will deliver Iroaa I till tu 1 ,1't'U at the nrpole in Chailoie, acmrdmg lo ur,li r. A lew B.'rtel pear treea. A-tiera auilreaaeil to Sharon poal ulii:r; Mi-eklenbjrg county, will be ceralully altenueU lu. IHI pn 1 00 aim leea when 5' II or more i. tiikao. JAMLS hfJKK. D, member 1H. 8fi0. ;i9ll i!m inplon. ( iiiiiloltr and Kulhtr furd ISiiil lio;id H itTina Diviaiom, I MaaLuTTE, Dec. h, IhbO. )AS.r.NGKUS will ba accommodated to and Irum ihi) head ol lha Itoad daily, Sundnya iceplcd, aa fulluwa : GOING WEST. I.eavea Charlotte al 'l ucktei-ge Slain, ll Arrive al Hrevaru'a " GOING EAST I-ave Rrevard'a Station al If. A. M. a. 45 4. P. M. Tuekwege 4. 4A " Arriee al t li.rlioll. 5. 3d " fruprr Hag eignala being given at intermediate point, paaaeugera Wilt h t.ikcll up. WM. IIAKIY, Agent. At th heaiof Ruuti.fnur hnr.e Put Coach, ca will ba f und tlj to ukn passenger., no bf . rtffl lo Liitco.ntun, c.nnrclnt reyuUrty with tu irmnra. Al Mnculntoii luur.liume cocnca run triweeklf la Newtun, Ut-nuir, and Abingdon, Vir gnu.,- leaving na Monday., Wende.da y and En uaya, in the murning, anu retuanmg lu Liuculn lou ou the evaniiiL'a ul the eutua dtya. C. A. bUI'U IbKLAND A CO, Stage fropielora. eeemer. II, 1BCQ 3b it. Fruit and Tree Sto.re. t M K aubcribr hai optmttd out nrxt door t JL bo a byrijra 1 in hop, in Ihn Manaioo Itouta UuilitM'f, Miid will beep un hand a well a, leclcd aloe a oi Kroil 'Prfa( itriifte Vinea, tuvc. greoaa and iShry lL.f t, k. Anu, frmH uf van. oua kiiitia Applet, Or iugea, Wa inuna, Pino Ai plea, eV.c Ale. r K W. LYLK3. lawemker 11. IKO ?ir Sperial Plolieti. - - ' R. WIS! Alt' !UAM OF WII.DCIlKH - I i Y wh"'- WJ " Mli", ' "" h" performed ao many ur auch rtni.ika. eurB,f he numerou affection of thoTHaoax, -. .ndC,,..x-of Co08. .Co.n. '"'"'. iio.irmo Cuoh taour, A.thma, or ol t'tiRaoarTioNiiaclf.aa thia far-famou, lng tried, and jually celebrated Hullam. Ha generally ae. k,.lHHarH i. ,,r,llrnr. mf ,1, remedy that but few ol Ilia many who have tea ted ita virtuea by eiperience fail to keep it at Band I aa a apicdy and certain cur fur audden altaeka of (old fully believing that it rnnieniil power are cumpre'ienaive enough to embrace every form of diacoae from the aligbeat cold to the moat dan gcruua eympUmi of pulmonary complaint. MK. Wl.Vl AR'8 BALtiAMOF V ILDCIIERRY. Virginia Testimony. Certificate Iroui Mr. N iaeuaiiK N. btok, of the blannner Onice, Kivhmiind i 1 Kiuhm , Va., Feb. 93, I860. Meeere 3. W. Kuwli 4l Co., lioalon. Uentle men : 1 with pleuaure teatily to ibe greM merit nl your invaluuble lung meiliciiie. Dr. Hi(r' Valium nf W aaf Cherry, winch ia likawiea Inglily valued by many ol our oatetmed citixena, who liuva teiuid lie virluea by trial. I Brat made uaa of thia Hal an in aoine three yeara amca tor a violent dietn-aaing couh, which blHcU the akill ol puyaicana, and In my joy, cx perieiint.b audi gratifying reliel aa lo inuuce me tn vereeverc in iu uae. 1 alwaya keep n by me, nu ever fine II Ui b unfulling in ita etfeule. Mo meuieiiie Dial J have ever Uaed hua given aueh ejiaany relief. Yxura truly. BORNE NORTON. 1J" Caution te Purchaim. The only ftnuin llular'e liQieam haa Hie untttrn aigiiat'ure ol " 1. Hurra " auU Hie printed one ol' the Pruprietora on the outer wrapper ; al nlher ia vil and worlhleaa. I'repared by KETH W KOW LE A. CO.. Uoa ton, anu lor aala by E. Nye tluichiiHin &l Co., t narlolte, and by all oruggirta Aume h. liay, Kichuiund, M. A. 4. I . A. auii'oa. ,Norli.lk V holt. j!o tlealura. t3ti It KM 1.1' TEN Ml Ml I i:.S. BRYw'a p r l y o i vxy v k it s . T he OaieinaL Mmicin I.iaLiHto in 1637, and ( mticie v) the iind ever innodiced vnUrr the vamt oj ' I'Ll.MoMC WaFkRa," in fia en ttny utft. er ceuniy; ult yther I'vlmumc Mttjeie, art conn lnjetfe. The genuine can be knvwn Ly the naete bii AN eeifig etamjxd an tath At- bit. BHVA.N'8 fLLMH.MC W At bad Relievo C'nuglia, Colui, rSure Tort'!, oaraeneaa. BKVAN B I'll.illl.MC WAKtKU Relievo Aalhin, Brunvmtia, liirtinult Breathing BUVA.Ve rLLMUML' VVAICKS Relieve puling ol iliuoti, f.uiia in the Cheat. ! KUVA.S A I'U.M'JMi; WAf tK3 Relieve Ineiiient (.oiivuiiipliun. Lung Diacaeea. PkVA.Sf I'lUMiML WAthltil Relieve Irritation ol tne Ijvui ami luneila, UKVA.N'li I't LMUMC VVAttKU Relieve tn abtive 1 ouipidtnte in leu Miuutea. bUV A.N B riLMo.MC VVAI'kKB Aia a Uleaaing loallCUarte anu Cuntitutioi.a HltVA.N M I'l I.MU.MC v AIXRB Are adupuu lur ucueu anu fuunc bprakera. bUV A.VB I'll.MOMl AII.I! Are in a aunpie lorui uaa pieneaol l Ilia taate. BUI A.N r. I'l 'LMUMC VAt'kkU Not only relieve, ouitiirct rpia una Unling Curea. bHYA.N H I'l I. .Mi. ML VVAKt.Ka Aie wariMiiieU lo give ariiiaUction lo every one. No framily ahuuiu be wilnoul a Uoi ol Uiyan'a pulmonic Viera m tne huuse. Nu Traveller aiioula le willmul . eupply ol Biyaira pulmonic Matere iu hi pocket. No pvraoii nl ever object lo give lur liryan's I'uiiiioiiic Walcra cenla. jritl .Ut!i, aole TropHi-tor, Roclteater, N. V. For aala lii Cnariotle. ov Ur. &carr. anu all rea. paeiabia Uragieta. An eieric'l iiurae aud Kumle ph) aician, haa a buuU.u g byrup lur ciuiureii Uutnii-j, which great ly jiviiiiaiLj iu ructaul Ictliuii, by uiiviiiiig Ititt fcuii.a, rtaucuig an inlii i. .. aiuy all p-aiii itu u mufu lu rvgUIit; Kit: Do ula. Lht H.nd upou il, muilirra, ii will give real lu your- your j-initlij ILrScc the au vcrtitr mt nl of beHidiurd'a luvtgu raiur, in auotucr cuiuuiu. j IX See the advarliaeinent of Wood' Hair Dye, in auullier cwluiuo. IT See Dr. Ayer'a adrerlieement in another cu- luum. Notice. ACL, per...,. loueuieu lo tu aalate of Andrew apiiii.a, ucc'u., w.li make imiiicuuiu pay. t i anu all paraulia having claima ugailiat aaid tai.ie, win pie.eul ineui uuly autiieiiiic.ieu, in me lime prtviiueu by i.w. ur Hub nuiica win be pic.u iu uar ui uieir recovery, T. 11. BREM, Lz'r. October 3d, I860. dJll Fur Sale. k'ORTIl CAKOLl.NA .IIAtkLKLL, OKTIl CAROLINA ?llLLI. k, oltlli CAROLINA ULL'EFIII. At the aign of lha RED FLAG oppnaile, the Preabyteri.u I hurcli al V in iluuUr . uiu aUuu. K. LAMFUll!.U. Oclooer.30, I860 3j-ijau l.l. Clurcmout Female School. KS. E. J. W.i, on will cummeiice lha third i'JL vkatiuii ot lur nciHtul ! CurcHiuM 1 , 4 uiitcs itw.ai ChitriuUv, antl 1 1 Irom 8u r i ree Ltiurch. on Itio uvcu.id MuKdajr in Janu.rj Ibbi. Terms per Session of 20 Weeks : Keaiiii.g, riling, Arithmetic, ivtiugra- hf and UrMiiuiivr, 6 lliaiurjr, Pluloauphy. and Astrunoni'y, 7 Mutit; uii I'latnu, inviudiiiy uae ol malrum't 17 b-rU, luciudinK waohing, tighu. unu luei, will be turiHulied tt Curt iimut und Ojr Uiun'iea in Ihe nt'tghborl.ood al t4U.0U jer aauii. tJaWeniMiit ia a pitiuadtii und lienlthjr loCflion ; and Irum Mra. W iiun tuccefa aiiti lunj vipv. rieiu'c ttwclief, porenia and gituiruiaiiia tuva lha uanuraiiua. that thoaa co:uiiiiut-J lu her cam will rtcitve accial und tiiorougii tnirucliuiia, lcvt.iiiber 10th, lHuU. 14J A. T. Sl Ohio R. R. Co., i CHtaLoTTc, N. C, Nor. IS. letiO. fRIHE filth inalallment of ten per cent., un all JL tne Stock Ciubacribed in Mecklenburg County- I he tnurin inelai menl ot ten pr rent., on all xie htofta aubicribfd at Muunl Mojfiir, Iredcil County, i made due and p.yabia un In WtHli J.nuary, Ibbi. AuU Ihe vecuud intallineut of ten ftvt ceuU, Ufmn all the htoek auli.cribed in tit.leaville, i due and payable ou the tlud da of Januart Ibbl. Uy a r.aolulion of the liroctira, inlcreat will b charged upon all lintailiuenla not paid within JO day alter tney are one, M. L. WlilisTON, Treasurer, ; Cliambers, iin.cs & Co,, F a c t e r s and General Commis hod JIERCI1ANXS, ! lVTPf'k nhlirc 11H) nrli; IWttMtUUUIj, UIK, j ti.iUi.OT TE, .V ". j ALEXANDER & McDUl'KALL. ; rilllb underaigned beg leave to nforin I I , A f . the'U , Nbfj.,,nienl,;t , fm?ltrfrnde air.ei,0i Utr, unoeraignen beg leave to nlorin In cili- tiie pun. nve na- udjiiininjf ; tr.cL .Che Nith Carolnm Kail Ke "P- I poeila Jnlm Wilkta' Steam Milla, and are prepar- ' d IO I Uf ni.ll U 1 1 K 1 11(1 . Ol MACHINERY, at abort notice and on reaaun-ible lernia. ! STEAM EHGiKES Fruui 8 lo SO Ho rut Power. AND iii,4CKsnrrirs hokk or al.L kind. li E I A I R S in their line promptly attended lo. Their f'OL'N. DRY i in lull operation, and ast Regularly twice a Week. Wedneadaye and Sutttrdaye. They are prepared to furniali all kinda of CAMIX.S 11 IKOl, lilt Ai, &c. icci.aniNO to ordi. SAW AND GRIST DIIJ.L GEARING, GIN WHEELS, PAW DUST 'HL'KNKRS, ANTI-F.1ICTJON PLVl KS ANU BALLS ma f'OTTON PRESSES. CAST IU UiN ft A I L I N (I , For Garden EneJofurc. DweMinp Houe, Pubiie Uuiluiufi, Purticurs. Ceu.trjr Lott, tVc. Tnrir i.Miiai-:.ui':.TN Fur carrying on the buaiuVea in all ita hrunebea, have yeen tELEl TEL) VM'i'll GilhAT CAKE, and are provided will) all the I3IPKUVKMKTS Koquired to do their work in a riKvr ha u; m ki;k. ! Afvnt,fir Dr. K. O. Elliott, for Winier'n Pat rnt Mul-J Sd Mill, wutcti Ita the uritaiilrfge, a'ong with many oth-r,of Ooinjf al Iet twit-t; at nmcii wnrk, anu ooinj it be Utr, than any other .Mill in uat- il Cd.i bf run bjr Men in. Water ur H re Power. 'I "he Muiuy may be he at t lie Mip at any tinit-. HKNltY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM MtDUL'UALL. N. B Old Iron, Urate, Copper, 4te., buugrl or taken in trade. Oifufcer 31) I8C0. 33if 1IUIIH1 KLIAS & CjOHEX A It B nuw prepared In display Iu their eualnni-1 era ani Iriende, anu the public generally, the muel i.xte ttnire ami best Selertert STOCK OF GOODS, i.'sr offered by one firm in Hraeeii AVrl (ere lino ! 'I'iiere ia no humhug about' tne eize and pricre ol' our Stuck ot liuode. 'J lie y will apeak lor llieineeivee. Every departmenl ia lull and eompW-le. MtY tiOnnS, Foreipn an l Diniealic, ILOIIIIM. AND H K.M-HINU GOODS, HAltUWAKK ANDCITLKKY, BOOTS AM) SIIUI-.S, HATS AMJ CAPS. BONNETS AND MILLKMr.KY I.OODS, KANcY GOODS AND NOTIONS, GROCKRIES, if, 4c, A call and examination ot our Stuck i reaped, fully aoliciled al BREM'S OLD STAND, Trade Street, Char'ntte. N. C. Oct 9. l-60. -"Jtf Medical iSolice. DRS. M. B. TAYLOR, AND J. M. MILLER, nave aaaocialed theinaelvea, fur the purpoae ot Practicing MEDICINE, in all of ita varii.ua branchea. Oifice near Hie Stale bank. October S3, ie6U. 135 MAHKETJIUUSE. nilEaubacriber reaoectlullv .nform hia former : JL cuaiumera and tne puunv generally, thai ne fiae opened a IIOUS, uuuer the abuv. n.unc, nearly oppueilu Me.aia. Oilea At Williania, two ooore below Mcaara. J. Y. Bryce & Co., where al waya may be lounu a lull avaoilmcnl uf Vegetables, Butler and Egg', Ciickent, i'tS, Candies, 'aitltis, Jrnts, l icklts, J'rftetvet, M tnfJ, 4C iipt rim- I !! .OR.irii, 1 rockery tmtl l-lasstcare, llilln lllltl l ;i, i. (lit ICS imCHtlCHU H'S AlOf, (;iluiii, IM l.;ilii o, lnrllis, i'aiii-sluff, licking, Ac , and numeroua f ancy Arliclca, all ol w hich will be auiu al Hie very luwcat price lor Caeh barter. . W. AH KENS. I N. B. In addition tn the above, I intend lo fit I up by Ihe ll ul November, a Urge and comlorl. able Idiom tor in? Cuatomem, litre a L,uncn may aleo be had at any tune. It will be my aim lu ntent a hre ot' piibJic pttr F. W. AHKENS. N B. The liigheat price, paid for llutler, Egg, Chicken, Cabbage I'ula'oia and uther Produce. lIJ Cull al Hie Market lluuae. F. W. AI1REXS. Or toltr 16, 1 SCO. wOll JOHN T. liUTLCli' fX-rTf practical ' 3IAKER, i2w,''-al-'ali-alJ . C. OPPOSITE KIRR I HOTEL, ii tKi inn:, '. '., (E.te with R. W. Beckwilh.) Fine Walchea Cloeka und Jewelry, of every de. aeriplion, repaired ai d warranted fur 12 inontlia. Oi-loi.er 16, leliO. 3uif (inn and Lock Smilli, TBf R. CHARLES 11 AKTM AN, formerly of Sil iTl n-hurv. N. C, lake the liberlv to inlurm the people of Mrcklanburg County, that he haa moved lo Cnarlolte, with the intention to carry on Ihe GunSmith, LockSmith, m,cd lo Cnarlolte on Ihe AMD .11 ASUMtt nii.i:is. Hi:n. . prompt,, ...nded ... snd ST All REPAIRING promptly alUnded lo. aod aya-ranted. Work, hop nppo.il lha lr.bylria Church, ia! Wm. H unu,'. eJd .i.nd HARTM AN ' KW SUPPLY F j Vatchcs,JeweIry,SoIdSivcr! Plated Ware, f aubaeiibt-r hna Intel returned from the JL .N'irlli where he Ima p in lu.fii a vi-rf el tenaive aiiiply uf'lhe nbnve nrtirlea. Hiepureha ae bi-ini iiihok dirrcliy fnuii Ihi: inn tin fu:t urnr. he la tlieit'lnre enatilen In aril ut a virry imhl i,d i vmict mi ciat ana peraona limy n t nnred lliat all hla o rln-lr are wnri-nltil to lie wlml lie rep ritenta tin m In lie. Wattiire and C'lncka earefiillv rapnired ami will receive my puranal atn mum. k w. HKCKwrni. Oct-hrr 9. 161. SfUf (; KAT SACI i i nc ES ; FA L la A N l WlMKIl JI ST KKCKIV CD FltOMI .m' Bl-2 taVaV' w t Mdkat I PV I GOODMAN & KI(iEMJRUiJ TRADE STREET, I tipPOSITE j OATFaK a Wllal.l VMS. M " E renpectl'uley iniorin the eilien ol" i'h;ir . W V liHet and atlrroundili)r ei.unlry liint we , ale prepieU tn nft'-r j t it i: t not t t:Ti i; vrs IN )!V (;ooi)s, Jf, r.v, ISoots, Shots, ei'r. np a neur. a as"RT w tnt i,r (;i:nti.uiis i i kmmiim. (.hods. Al.HO, A lrje atnek of I.udiea and fleiitleiue-.'a SHAWLS AMI C LOAKS, fj Pleaae call and examine uur Cinoua before purclianuig elaewlien. (i( KIDMAN k F.IGENHH.N. Ortoher 8, IhCO. Mi FALL OPEMAG. New Store, New Goods! AT LcowcnMein & Dro, "AjEARlaY opiKiaile the C ourt lloune, w here th y I 1 have an exlerieiife 5tck of C L O T II 1 S a, II OO I S!Ml II 1 l")a, AND a iiJ a In i vurifly nf DW3IKSTIC OOI)S CM) a n o v i. it 1 1: s . Porxona will rio well to give ua a call before pnr. LdEWKXSTEIX k URO. O-(0er 9, f6(l. aau" Ill I) liUEAT CLOTULNGjiMPOIJini, FULl.ISdS, SPii"l.N(.S k CO, DKALKR8 IN ALL KIM) 3 01 READY MADE CLOTHING Fl UMSiJIIX.' GOODS, Hals. I'iins. Trunks. 5? V lMt l,Ar. SiS I'lllliltti. M'IJI aV CO. S OL'LII call the eiei'inl allenlion of tlinr . W Iru-nila aud palrona tu liieir I NEW STOCK Of CLOTH l.VCJ.j now upaning. They think the T can offer greater I innuceineiita lo buyer. Ihun tln-y have ever done, I their gooiie heing bought al reduced ralea and at audi pneea aa tney lirl confident no llouaein the Stuti- Can crni(ele with. j J hey are cnenr.g very nice Ai.ii.iti: M i ls from 12 to $J5. Ail inimn-r of CASSIM ERE PANTS, CASS I. ME RE, SILK, M ATALASSE AND VELVET VESTS, OVER COATS, Of all gradea and alylra. T',e above Gooda cannot he aurpaaaed in alyie and make, having been inunufariurcd under Hie; conalant aurperviainu ol niirul the hrm. FULLING S, SPUING S Jt CO. September '.'j, IP6U. H7lf waaa a. ... a H m f E uttenlii-n r ( Lmiiea and Gentlemen, coun. JL Iryinen and lovt-ra, together w all the reatoi mankind, (lu.fera excepu-d.) ia reapeciluily aolici. ted to the many atiracliuiia now being oil, ri d by IIOUSTOX&HUXTJ'ilS, one uf the fir.n having juat returned from the Nurth, here, bring in a good humor with linn i ll" and all the wurld, wa. in p.kio condition lu pieaae the lancy and tickle the laete ol every one m the way of ui;vr i. mi i a n;i . I , TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, Pickles, Preserves, fauces, lalsups, marmalades, Toilet Furnishings, &c, MMCTIUK WITH l:ani'l) Groceries iV (ieneral Uaken. ,f y" w"h1 1" " ,ci"! v,'' "' r1""" l" nd u your order and we will prepare tinnier lo your notion, nu ina.lltr how laeiidiou yuui tiale. I'oiue In the fountain-head and buy Ye weary in .ick euuia come lieie : Buy Wine and l ake and we will try Tu make it good a. acriplural lare ; And only alijjhtly lo advaiitu The priee upon our previuu coat. Come lu uur wsll lined aloie, your chance Elsewhere l aluu, or money lo.l. Yea, come and Hon. too will pruvuie Aud teed you with e.ibl.uilil Uajd, And il he laila Ul n Nit a aUmia by. That's Hunter, wui hunt you 'timer nt apii. full one dour cast u( the Cuurl ll.ubr. J NICK IH'N 1 till. S. FKANK liOL'SlMX. C.jriolla, ), U",er 11, lMiu. Atl S. T. WilslJ, mm AM KAfTUKKK of. and de.lr in Pl J. panned liuwaie, stole brown Hru.he 1 iSoulli wiog ol riprin HX rr. ' , , k ' . - 1 WITNESS TICKKTS, for the Ceuntjr and i I 1 er FUUMTUUE! AT rii.iKi.r.xro v riiif r.s. HA V I N5 PURCHASED Til K FN TI R K STUCK ur FURNITURE . of J. M. SNffRn h. Co., and aa-ociutfd with m niv lin.tl.er, m. I-tcr fvirMoN, .uti nti t car ry "ii i he bn"int utxier (tic rirm nf in all Ha krai.oliea, at Hie old at.illd nl' J l .ull. i .ra.V Co., ovtii. th: riT ir jii'Ar sear, when wefapiei tn open six My i: a k i ar ai In tin- Sn.fe nl J vi ii Taik. Ej., nuw oruupied ly Hie BKANH bank of the state. SlocK of Furniliire,! OV ALL KINDS, M ia alwaya lie Tnund at thia f stuhlirhuient. nnd We pU-ilp' mira'-lvea In Sell its Low us the name urticles can he bought in CHARLESTON, or any oth er Southern City. Will li;ivr ..H.irfcil ihr Muuufurtui iifi i)rfnitlinfnt, wlu-rc wi'rk mrvO wiii hr r. . r ti ft t . y aUt-iiiicti t o, and repairing of tny kind neatly done. IUIH 1'. V DAVIDSON. N. U. 'Having l:i ken I lie Acuity .VKTALIC Ul KIAL CAK," l ey be kepi un lumd. Oclul.e, a, I l?iiU. HSK'S Aill dlwaya it. 11 AVl.Nl. aoln out mi r enure Muck of rurni. lure. &.c. loltuata r K. Has i mMia wuo, lo. jelnvr Willi lua brnlliir, VV . i.Ki: L'av iiiao.N, expect lo riiulinue the above bulliee ut unuer l,,e in in ut DAViiKiOitf & BKOTHER We curum ly cu.nineiiu liicui tu uur Irn mle and cU'lnincre l,u iiikv vwi.li i,li) llllliji III Hint way, unu hupe lliey ,ll HI, nil ! Illem ., palrunuje ua lib'.-riil a ve line iiurctulure reecved at inmr banda. J. M. SANUKRS k Co. Ofloier 2, ISt.O. am I MERCHANT TAILORING I'M.I.MIM'IIIViXiA . E'a AVE bibu auued lo tueir lUauy iii.k.u Cloln. lock, a Mell'liant lanullwg Dcpall- lotnl, lu WHICH II. ey Lull Uic tajicciui aiii.lilkwll ol llnir in. u, Iriciiu. and cuaiomera. I'm inleiiU making una ut p-irlmint necunn lu none in Inn Stale, el 1 lie r in el) ,e and quality ul Gooua, ur in ill- manufacture ot G..rineni&. ! Alall ' iliiea Will be luuno n guuU atol.-h ol Black anu I ulort a ( lolna, EngllM,, 1 i t-Iii U and Aini-ric in t ..auiu ua, anu a lonely ol Vetting Aim, an , aeaorlinelit ul j ! KtHh I'LlUt ll'II Hi;. j l Tliey led connoeiil of tneir ability to unueraeil I any olner liou.e in Hie si.ie.irum ine auvanlugea they have in gelling their gt,ude. Tlieir guooa are Unughi ny the q unlity, by one uf Hie J-ll III who reM.:ea In Hie Nortlit.n market, wliicli give hnn Hie uppuriunil) ul lahing advan. tue ol llic pneca ul goods, Ihereliy mulij al Uaat ! JtCssr Twenty-Five Per Cent': Tu the coneumer. U Dllliea auved are Doll ira . ineuelj So Hy ua. ! E. FULLLWjS, i I JNU. M. ePlUNGS, j September 55, I860. V7tt Valuable tlantatio.n rot: s.i i.i:. 1 OF EE It lor ale, my i'lalllatinn, altuult-d in , . abarrua County , iy mg ull he North aide ol Rut-ny . Suuth-weal ol Concoru.ai a hall milea Irom Harris' Di pot, on the Norm Ca. rolino Rail Road, adjoining Dr I yrua Aluaiuier and otl" a. The tract contain atiout "at l. uerea auuul 100 aerea cleared and 111 cultivation. There ia a line Mill wte on the premieea, aUo a ..U..H.,... ,.,,,.. .no ..tiier naet.aai v ont.hu 1 1, uinga, new gn: houae aaiu pr aa. Nu belter land can be Ibuud in the cuuiuy to produce lotion, Corn, W heat, Tuhaceo, Oats, &.C. Any ptraou being ueairoua ui purchasing a place p'tuhuntly aitualeu amuogal an intt -iiigen I comiou. lilty, will pltaae cull un Hie auuacriut-r, on the pre. innea, or aunrcaa linn at H-iina Depot I'. O , N.C. THUS. L. iMAlUlN. H'ptember 4, 1C'-'. i4-.ini f. fail't'CII AlllM'l i-s. 1300,000 Select Fniit Trees ric s 1 1 1; VISE the citliena ol" the i-outhern Malta aware that tlia people ,. im. .Norihiru and Nurinwcaiern Malta are making fruit one ol lueir ieauing trade, and mat in a climate and auil tu a great extent very un prupitiuu. lor Iruil cul ture ? 1 hen why .huulu nul the ciliiena ul tne Southern Sulea make hruil, dried anu gicn, one ol tnu r luauing atapi.i. Eruiiagri-wii uin.tr uur Suutliern auu are noted tor llieir aiie; hoe tiavur, and bcautnni color. The uhoie ataiemenla are fully aunl.ni.ed by preiliiuma l.ken our Nurllitiu Eruila.anu Hi great amount uf green and unci Iruil aeut .Norm and Nurlliweal by Hie S-uulnern Sulea dui.ug the U.I lew yeara. I lien it Hie abov. eUlciin me are luily au.tained, and if ll la no am, according tu the liiUle, tu make muney by rai.ing Hien aeud lorward jour orueia . i to V t brook and Mendeuliall aUU lliey will lurni.n juu with good maraeung orcn.irua. WESl'HUUUK & MfcNDKNH ALL. Valuable Mills and Land IN obedience lo a decieo ol lu of .Mick lenourg county, 1 i Court ul Equity premi.ca on uiutiu."" llic am .Monu.y in Janua Jsih dav i tne n.oi.l.', a tra ;ouuty, l?oi. il 1. 1 .alld.t bt mg tne ' a Valuable Fluureriiig ANU t ()lt MILL. .dioining the lanteot I noma. . tu b. lt,ak p.rtil I OtlWL II. , J .11 un aa p.irl.uw ut r, od H.e w .1.1 ot l lit lat. Jam, a Joiiu?,l..ii, Oft ia of aa.f, rJ Hiunlhf crtuil w. It hnno .cunly lor ail, taeepl - per ,ta. w itu inteit r.1 irt huaveaaiun to I V! nipi) mg Willi Irrm.. A LSI' . Another tract will be Mild al Hie preiniee. eona taming tiT acre ul laud, auo embracing a aiu. ! ab.'a Saw AJiii, il 101 111 n the landa ot rutt. and othera for 1. Poll. 1. mil owner. W and Hie heir al law f .nd J.nie Jumi.tun. Sale the aaaie day. . I t-rtn the aina eace.t J per oenl, in.ie.u of U ea.n lo p-y cu.u. A. C. WILLI AMSO.N . m n . . . T d V ol The ,l;irla-iH. CORRBCTKtl BY OATE8 Jt WILLIAMS. i CHARLO ri'K JNl'ity j j BACOK.iluuia ;t ja 161. (-'.- 15 i nli:a i.... I " lint; riiunn, it,.. I nnnuloera m.. ; E!h;i;i uk . O unny , vc. I Diui in... Ilutier ib... ! heihWax lb.. i heuna, mu.i., ' Hranut, Apple, fm. i " I ' '' 'l I'liilun, ..: o... I'oltee, Un., ih. ; Java, in. ' lid lea. A on nun 1 1 lie in. :?p: rm I o. T . !i. i:ta (., 3) 75 15 , iJlotli.Cuppcru 1. in .!), ' E,K.- 16 Id 6 0 .'lis J.i 61 Ji.,,, lime,, I.artl, Si iiii.H Ml ,N.O v 1 Meal Mnili !( Wilnii Naiia.Nmtlierii " Si.iltin-rii L)al r..r.. j .'otiiim-N, I ; ;i.i, niiHhel ....II i-t. 75 " rw, i:l iiunile 4." l. .,y l"1" imel.el r iu, ,l -'"'g"'-1"' ! U Ull ' " I'mw b in I.. i-J liM,e.tt.n. ,j ii .,; ,,,, 's'-" '-i-i. vun iij ! ' " '' bo ! li.il, unite Iiil-.il,- I4H (,i JjO i ..." r ' ' '" ' U'l W InsKey, .Nurlhirn tai ,v4 tfj I " . (.iir,,li, ....H., i.i ..,. 9tf Wunl,, be.tl i;l.i Flour in deinanu al Cuming in Ineiv nm ij,.uiion : tiui'iu Aliuf uiiu !l in U i -; Uruinarj Htll,.,,0 al 6j.;. tKS. lUil lIIHtllll,l -.1 tliu lulluwuig 1" lo I ic; .Mm. 1 J 4, . Heal in Ct'l.lM HIA Al AUK h T. Ci i i iA. Jimiii:rT l'., l", CU'I'TON During Hie vieea, pi il i f i.avt eon. wiy auvrtiiCL-ii, uteing lo Un; tn., I amount 1 1 txlriima in liAl D.N I UI1A, lbj.:. X luuml, ..IK, U PfcAS tAi. rlA)LK.... tr bi i. I' A III. ESI ON MARKET. r HAIII.lslO.N, J.in. There w a a good U1111..1.1I lr c.llo in c.i re.uilea in tne au.f oi .'Mli baiea.ut AI-trBtl auchuiigud. M .bii.v., January 17 2.0UJ jaiea imooli i.i New Yi-KK, January tu-day wele .t.-i'lu i.,,?' lllli.dillig Unann lyi: The l III .1 IS-Ti I llr III . I' will e aalia oi cotlnn ,rKL-l la til C lllillg la III II. a ilea ul Valuable Town Property, l ate s.i T for en It (if not aoid I'liinic mire, on n. s l',i 'I ,ii may ol Uil I'AK.-U.N'AGE, i-) l up. or I ourl .) ii . Iwatfd m a v.-ri p.,..s..:,l ...rl I -i,..rioUi On the prvmiKCi, l a kitrlirn, airing to purcmc ;iiu ilil well to examine till pro, Ac I'trruliaue. prop, r ly . will do elore Hie day of v,ii on In, nay of aale. Term, eaay anil n,a known on aale. '1 he properly i!l W .nown lo . a I'll g luvnn II, tj c 11-11 f at i hi' Hi THE 1UU." Aufuet ai, IS60. 'Xc"' IKES. AVINt; leii.-nnl fi.,m nuliieiitic n.iurcea that the Culld tlulia ul lilt- line ue. d lur the Cir cuit Par. unage aa truel properly, hate nul been complied Willi in ntvtral rti.pttti,. Inv lew ol ita salt- uni! allcualloii truni l,,e pur.Mai-a ul aaid tr.;at. Il ia ia rn lu lily all coni-ei ncd lllat 1. aa Hie gran tor of Saul lrui.1, loroi.l the t.,iieaml will uae all l"lui nit-un. lo preserve tne lerma ol and deed ol tru.t, ua talis cannot ua ii...ue wiilmut comp y ance with Hie term- oi a n.: in eu. Oct.i, ISiO. . K. PICK K I T, Grantor. t.lar t n.uiLo rr k STK AM KLFlNlaD vk)X )iAXUi;Acroi;v, ttu i: a i una c tut: it ikuui , r. i' E un- ,-ra'g'id reapi tiaen. of I. iiarlotte a try, that lit iiu jut coiiin boat. Ihe Im It -im- elri-fla. fur the pu.-pi ctnni CA U I K!S. ( A K l tV; Ull V.X I). w hich article, he will eil V iiolenale and Retail. Ae lie don Kef pel a wou all tin ell, Kxtiil llnir I'a and Cuke Irom h aa he w-ili give entire ail.. farlion b'-ili in price and quaiilv. iLTAil DKHEiiS from a uiiaiue, encioaing the C'A7, will Pe puociually aiienueii to, ami Hie ar tiriea carciuiiy peeked ud lorw irutd acc .ruing lo direcliolia. Due, I JOHN G. C. LKISKR, Ctrnei of 7'ied and College street,Ckartutte. .V C, I hnrtotte. June 5. IfrO-J. I In' iru7aTi7irATamTurria a . Too t n. L,otter lining drawing ol la. h'uyil H LiucU-u by lne &,i.ni fi ijwic. tiiiit-ii ut r tuv aupvrtiaion ul Ihe Ciptun Oeiierai lb.,, w ii U plai t' al Havana oil FKllUY. Januan 4ImI. SORI'EO NL'MEli'l JJ OK DIN Ali IO, r vn : ruizi $100,000! I.OOii 1 " 1 " I " I " 4 Apnroai 4 ol 4'.'U lo i i.ju 1 . -"., i.oiu Tit Fines c.a AW.Ut'O I Vlll.llOU I H,ijo i 6OU sou ' . -U'.U rat' I.:, ui.lt -I i'ii',"f 4.m 1-. . la iU' ve. J.i ; 1,1 Hah at p.. T.eke-i dre..eu Ul'N KKl'll . Wl ' -' vy '. Coarit-.toii, S C Fer.o enrs T-eket wnl p.'-a it: w-. I A uAiihli Jl'l't'Ll' UK ront:,bie Warrants J L 1 1'K1NTK U 'io. I I'reiiica I L 11 A ll I, I'. 1 -.H f5H V " l " l

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