1). Fna Tin v c. vniiti. Ode on Temperance. A car in the blue nt'iuitiaiits. When ripple ninny nils. From whose dear toiuilaini, The cool riect.r distill. Tale not ol cberrv brandy. Nor even of cherry wine. Atliiaugto you may have them limey, .ud think tney are very fine ; Water gashing pure an1 free. Water H drink for me. King Alcnliol addles the brain Of .lie generous anil the tri e. And count hia m.tlinna slain, C'i "lie sorfac nf land and scs. Water ia Nature1 pore heverace, all should igree ;) r-'nf smiling youth and hnarr VV tier never prmlo-ts revelry i Nor originate confusion; We can drink il very rt. piously, And use it t.,r aieiiiuiu. Let other Hieir hsve nf brnndv sing, Wmle eauluni y uproariously, tinr voices in ermriia ahati rve' nri!?. Wliile eaeh of aa eiiall M-yously Mi.g ; Wairr, pure Water, for mc ! I'- y-m ui-.ire the i K.-'-mi u:.d urcr b! Mllln tiie a-qree bo..n of hie, hoalih, .rd una .tr.fr 'I n m -r idI-ixic tin.', .rdc t Ti n y hi mif g.v wia i.im (n Ao l jtoi i lit il! ritcirper4fit' Sllisfcllanrons. The Drunkard's Biale. Mi... .. j , lr. rrcsident, said a short. stout man with, good humored counlenancc, and .j Bond complexion, r.-tng the last speaker j took bis (eat ; I bare btcu tavern- y ... ! At lhi nnriniiiif.piii.'tit lhr ira a mnvA. . uieni lorauo n e wnoia room ana an ex- ... . - - . ...i.; , r.n ... , . . ,. i I tmpciauce brocerv, aud am makinjj resti- preiou ot increased interest. ' les, ,'lr... . ' c . . ti... .r. ,t . , . I tution as fast as possible, lbere are at i rofiat'iii, so went on, i nave been a taveru keeper, and many glass have I sold to you aud the Secretary there, aud to doi ens cf others that I see bera" glancing an. u tid uf on the com p any. " 1'bat'a a fact,'' broke in the President, n ary a pin todrly and brandy put.ch have 1 ukeo at your bar. But times are ohangei tow, atd we have beuu to carry the war rij1 t into the eueiny's camp. AdJ our war baa not been uusUcoi aslui, for we have taken prisnoer oat of the rumseiler e bravest geu eiaia ! But go oo friend W , lei us have your experience." " As '.o tny expeiience, Mr President,' tlie i tavern keeper re.-nuiid, ''in rum- selling and rum d til. king fori have done rood deal of both in uiy day- that would be ratber too long a story to tell to uight, and one that I hs 1 much ratber forget thau j relate. Il makes ine tretuhle and sick at i heart, whenever I look back on the evil 1 hare doLe. I therefore usually look ahead, with the hope of doing some good to uiy fi-wow men." " But there is one incident that I will re late. For the last five years a Lard-work ing mechanic, with a wife and several small cLiiJ.'cn, caiue regularly, almost every night, to my tavern and spent the aveiiog, i : . i. . e . t : . . . -i rourc, and many a dol.ar of Lis bard earn- ' . i . i l . ! lujg went tuto tny lul. At last be became i i . i of b.s time, and spenoing ail be earned for liquor. Ills poor wife had to take in wa.h ing lo support herself and children, white be spent bis time, and tbe little be could earn, at my bar. But bis appetite for liquor was o strong, that bis wee s earnings were , j , , 3 , ., ' . 'M , . ., , r.. , t , : liim, 19 ue paiu ou wueu caeurusy uigtit ea e. ine score nao eraauaiij increa-tu nn .1 it lmaanhil to three or four dollars .... ki. ....ed.. nih, a h ' .... . . e j ' r .' I - I refused to sell him ay more liquor until I it was settled. On the day after I had re- , fused to sell to him, be oame io with a neat monrni iff breast-bin. eoc'ioains some hair . no atoubt, I thought, of a deceased relative.' fery sentimental, wuiis making himself iu- in fating up a Watering Place commensurate with This be offered in payment of whal he owed, terestmg to a young Udy tbe other eteuiug Hie wsuia ot the CARuLl.NAS and conliuently re I accepted it, for the piu I saw at once was , by quoting from tbu poets, to oifaer choice . lMl' t""V oicour.gen.eni. worth double tbe amount of my bill. I aud rare extracis, added tnis. II. L. P.0BARD3, did not think, or indeed car about the quea i tion, whether he was the owner or noi ; 1 wanted my own, hesitated not to take a lit- t more taen my own. j " I laid tbe breast pin away, and a'.! :hing" went D amoothly for a while. But be grad ' naiiy ot behind again, and again. I cot ff th supply of liquor. This time he j brought Die a air of brass andirons, and a I pair of brass candlesticks. I took them and ' d off the score against Lira At last he brought a larije family Bible, aud I took that loo thinking, do doubt, I couid sell it i for something. I "Ou the Saturday afterwards, having nothing to do for I used to shut up my bar on Sunday, thinking it was not resectable H .1... A.. t r.r,..o,l .i.;-' .ir.iiik.rd . far, i!e ,,.,,.!. (h,,. Li,,.,' at.f ibii I ariurf 1 he firmt ' lit ' , j . i Iluraedto wasthef.mily record. There ! it w.sstated that on a certain day he was i married to Emiiy . I Lad known Emily when I was a young man very well. and bad ouce thought seriously of offering , mif to Leriu marncge. I remember her , bnip- young faee. nd suddenly seemed to ; bear th tone of ber sorrry laujibter. " Toor creature I" I sighed infoluotarily a a thought of ber present condition , rro-sed my Blind and theo with no pieas . a-.t feelings I turned over to the ne,, leaf Tier waa tbe record of tbe birth of four ctiiioren; the last bad been rnide recently, aud wasiulh rxiolb'-r's lap. , , , , ... "I iitfr bad such a strange feeling ws now eatiit over me. ' I fell that I had no L'.-iiie. a with this book. But I tiied to stifle u v f. . -,iu-s and as I an He-red mv eye, to 1 r .i "i . li-Ufull an open page, wuios arreti ed uiy alteolioo. "Win is a mocker, tron drink is rsging; who ia deceived thereby is not wise '' "I bis was jj-l thesuLjoet tbat und;r the f i !in.' I then had, I wi.ded to avoi I, and o 1 referred to another place. There I read: "Who bth woe? W bo bath sorrow 7 Who batb wounds T Who barb babbling? Wbi hia refftje-3 of eje? 1 hey tiiat tarry looj at the wine At last it bit'h like a serpent, it siiugetb I k ao adder '' j 1 1 f. t lik throwing ibe book from me : But one more I turned lh leavs, and my ryes re-lid ipju the words. ! "VTounto bits whogivetbhis B'fhhcr' drink; thai pttltetb the bottle to L.iu and' ll.ai.t -I 1. 1 hi 'Irutiken " I "I closed tht book suddenly, and then threw it down. Then lor half an bour I paced (be room backwards and forwards, in a statu of uiiod I never before experienced I bad become painfully conscious of (lie flireiui cvua resulting nuui iuhu.js' , f ....e.o. ...... ,v.....B i . ana smi uiuru r-iuiuuj vuuw , . 'bad been willing instrument in tnespreau of these evils. 1 cannot lull bow mucb I had been willing instrument in the spread i suffered duiing that day and night, norj caul describe tbc fearful conflict that took! iiiiieo iu niv iniud, between tue semsu iuve . ol (lie cu of niv callin aud tbe plain die-! Int. ot truth and humauity. It was about jtvioo'clnrls 1 think, on that e?eniug that I ' one ue (1 the drviikard's Bible again, with a it. kind of despairing hope that I might find rotm-tliing to diiect :ue. 1 opined at tho P.alms aud read two or three chapters. Aa I read ou, without finding aoytuiLg that aeerued to apply to uiy ca-e, 1 felt an iu creaMiig deaire to nbandon my cailiug be-1 caue it wan injiirious to mv fellow man. Alter I had P ad the Bible I returned to ( my bed, but could not aleep. 1 in sure that niht 1 thought of every druuken uiau ' lo hi.m 1 hail -old litiaor, and of ail their . beeuared fattiiiits. In the brief sleep that t 1 obtained, I dreamed that I saw a long lot ' of tottering drurkards with th. ir wives and children iu ra's. And it loud voice aaid, "who butb doue this.'" The ati-wer in a still louder voioe, direct ed. 1 felt to me, smote upon my eur like a peal of thunder " 1 hou art III'1 man !" "From this troubled luinber I awoke to sleep no more that night. Iu the morn iti" the la-"t, and most powerful conflict o,i mo 1 Le (jiiesiiou to be decided, was: J "Shall I open my uvern, or at onee I abaudou tbe dreadful traffic in liiuil pji son?'' "Happily I decided never to put to any uiau'a lips the cup of cjnfusiou. My next ' step was to turn the spigot of every keg, ol j every barrel of spirits, wine, beer, or cider, , and let tne cmileiils c-capo ou the Soor. My ! I oti.es anil tUcai.lers wet luewisu empueu. i .... r . i .r,,..! Hbti- ami Ui.cai.lers wit luewtse emptied and'.hat i. better, never j , . -eTtll.M lhs msD ,bose , beelj ot- fu mul:il Use t0 me t0) j iu the pled-o likewise .B . e . And now Mr. j President, I am kecpug at my old stand a I tution as last as possible. Ibere are ai , I least a ball doiin families thai my taveru helped to make poor s.nd wretched, to whom I luruish asmsll quantity of gioceriea every ; ' week, ia many case equal to tbe amount j ' tbat used to be spent at my bar for liquor. I I Four of uiy oldest and best customers uave i ! hlready signed the pledge by uiy pcrsua- .i.m anil I tn nnt i,-nn, lo rdi-t until everv . I... r k.r.A ... r... ia romre,l tn ' ,, , . , " ,. ' i, : uthi.e.i, uia lainuy auu eocieiy. A round of hearty applause followed his address, aud theu auolner of the reloruied drinkers look the floor. " I Love to Steal.'' An amusing in cident occurred in oue of our down east I churches a few weeks ao, the clergyman gUa 0(J, , out the hymn to steal a w hiie nw ij t every cuiiioerin care. Am: . irnd tile nour ol MUnic cy In huuihie, grslulul prayer." I The regular chorister being absent, the ' duty devolved upon the good old deacon M., who comtuebced, " I love to steal," aud theu broke down Kaiaiug bis voice to a still higher pitch, he sun, " I love to steal." As before, be concluded he got the wroDg ' . . ,, , fa , . . pitch tuner, be dclermiucd to succeed iu . . u i . . , . , ... , tne alteuipt. By this time ail the oid ladies were tittering behind their fans, s biist liie faces of the ''youug oues" were all in a broad grin. At length after a desperate cough bo made final demonstration, and roared out 'I love to steal." but tbe godiy eccentric parson was laugb- ing. lie arose with the utmost cooiness and . . "Seeing our brother's propensities, let us PrV It is neeJiess to say tbat but few of the congregaiion prayed. CO- A ' , , . 1 young man rather ferdaQt and " lbere s no place like home.'' "Lo you rtaliy think so!' asked the youug lady. "Oh, yes,-' was tbe reply. "'l hen," said caitco, "nhy don't yoa stay tneie." lit- j ' b " "emu r-'elJj. l ' his Lick, he .cut ioiioia,i ' '" I he aixe ol uiy A",,Ccs'ii.-.Uc :iar' a 'ore'i au ugn t., t.ei mis leno.r reply anx.et ' "e 01 yurnu ui ju . Ahoiije wilLoutagiri in it is only " 1 U'CBCU i li l u QIQUAta WHUUUt DiUa- half l.l. ,1 I, !a ... ,....1. ..A . I. . ,uu'8' to"r "uout 1 Jbi"i uti t"rd ""l"J'jt " l0U'! g'J"a "msu , Hrole loc know ne did. j ...... ..,.,.. . -... aff'sl.w III..V1.I 1 , I I , , ItrglOH itcnttst, j (l'nuti is .Vitui. i.m ask Divristsv,) 1)1 Hit ill lirttWltj'l liuildili?, Ip Maim, IJpp- ' lilt irrr li jifl (Ililtluiil ! , f . tu AL OitA i oNs, .utll ! M-s .. , i.,.rr jaLaie, hake.! vm-"i.ii', i l.Hi'Ks ot u,..uto i,o J.w : perioiu.eu. 1 Kai i t KE.nu Lj.-sLia. A 1 lu.Nr, ol U.e Ja ireatec. leell. h. MLVEIt, ll- or AM aI.ua. VI it.i.lil m-rruo in the oe.t ma Ahiil-tUAL ti A vrysup-nor 'J j i J 1 11 P'iWfEK '"' - I H W ASH eoii.ui.t.y w. b.nd. il "i . iln Eilracteu. JJ pKlti.S M'JDr.liA'I E and ail work done lail.lacn.ry lo the patient. Ji' J-A. til LIE a,t.o - n at ll.cir houses. IT A stock of Deiitiai'a Maierials alwayi on land. II (SjI.U and Sl'.V Ett Plate and Wire of any llftllt rsj gotten out. IS Oruera Jrom a divUlice tUrujed to proif.ptty . t 'invar y ill . iCOu. Superior Smut aMacljiiics, al lue Hign of the GuiUen I'atl LM:k 'CIIRAMa i 6AMPLK. j A LARGK SCPPLr UF j CoiiMtable Warrants I JUrfT Pi'.l.VfKD ' PI)!" I Y V 1 RAMP .ft LULlllUllUj UU DKALKR8 IN. Hardwaie, Guns Cutlery, A c , &c, ill the Sign of the GoUcn YadLwk, aa pi;,D respectfully mvita the public to een,ing eUewliere. ILr Order solicited nnu promptly mirnoeu to. Call anil sre t'S. Cochrane & sample. July ID, 1 61.11. locksmith's Tools, at lie in of' tue G'Men Turf-Lock, upply, consisting of An. vils i Ucl'ows i guild Box Vices; hand 'iiu s,edge Hammers : blocks and Dies; Tongs, Buttresses, lia.-p. Files, and a friaid aupply uf Horse Kails, Doras and Mule Mines, al low price a. COCHRANE A; SAMPLE. Tools ! Tods! fools! at the iign of the Colilen V"J Lock, a g.xiil aupply ol liioli, ru'iini. m lug of ciri-iilur, mill,rrua-cut, leiiun, li.inii, npptr, buck and com. p.ia S.iwa; bi-ncli and imitildiiii; Plmira ; I' llllliif, ahingling. umi brnad ll itvlii ia; II jiniiiera ; bt vel and ateel Squarca UraKii.g Knivca; Hracca and Hila ; Aogera ; tiimlela , ( lnael; brick and plaa. Icrini! TriiWcIa i Sen w 1'lulca; S.iw Si-In ; Spoke. SlMVr.a; Kllca; H ')" l'ike t K ulea S liungc U.nt. ; apint and pucUil l.e!a Bering M- COCHKANK i SAMPLE. Agi'k'iitiiral Implements, at the Sign of the Goltten Ya l Lack. V large supply Ol ilia aoo.e. cuii.uting ol Thnmpsoua relelirated Plolll'lla: alao. Cora- 5?5Sai Sliellcrs; Slraw Cullers ; Siiov- el.;&puUta; tlay anil uianuru rnrks; beat esat rietl Ana; Picks, M.iliuiKs, Grubiuiij1 Hoes, Weeuieg Ho, s. Truce Chains, l.ng L haina, Wnguii hams, Garuen lines, liaKes, llei.gu Shears, I'ru. lin g anil Bunding knives, 4c , ic. CUCHHANE & SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, at the Sign of the Gulden YaJ Lock, r 0, t l"g' Stock nf the sbuve, consist. V.YC A mg of Spilllga. Allll, Oval Iron, .... I.',.... Hnuwv Poles. Bueirv Shafts. n.T,..,, cited Leaiher. Euaro. "tic,j i th. Oil Carpet, t .mage Bolts, Brass and 5i,vtr B.nda. Silver .Moulding I.aces, Tassela, Tuiueu Suck., saddle and l.ming Nai,,i..Jtc. COCHKA.Nii & bAJirLh. x li e Sign of the COI.DEN fVfg pAu i.ix K will be found stall tunes a large and well se. lecled sti.ca ol i.uua, ri.ion Powoer horns. Powder Haska, Powuer, hoi. LeM, I K'reneh and American window Glass ; Put. ly i laige stock of English and American Iron ; t a.t Sttel, German aleel. Blister sleel, Plough atecl Siring sleel; Naliaof ail kimis hemp and iii.ini.i.1 li ipe ; Alienor B.-anu BmUiii2 Cloths ; Mill ti' rews; Mill Picks ; Spike Hammer. Si nic II, mi. mi i,, li .uiile and Single Bloeks ; aiao, a large Mocs ot L urnices. Curtain h.nus, l urUin Puis, Picture Cord snd Tassela, die. COCUHANE i SAMPLE. THJfi WCMH CAROLINA WHITE iSULPtlU U bFilLNGS ILL BE OPbNEu FOR VISITORS BV li, e lal ol Jl.-Nfc next. Thty are silualed I healthy Country the beauuiul CATAWBA lllVbK, wilum less tuaii an hour's riue ol the pn -cut ter.oiuus ol the WESTERN N. C. KAIL liOAl), wilt, wlucfi dai. ly line, ol Oinnibuaes auu Mae Cwtlie.1 Cunuecl liie Springs. Pleasure vehicles snd superior saddle horses will be al tbe call ot guests. HoW ling AIU'V ami ltilliai'tl :atly lilted up. AIIVL UAl)OI' MIllA.)s ouguged fur teuton, snd (ILADR1LL iNU lUTlLUUX PARTIES each evening FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE. are new and spacious 11-E I'LKASl'UE GKOISD8 extensive' ; aud in hne, every thing wished for at the best Watering p!aie.,w.ll Oe louml here tore, frc.h the luner man auu lo coeer llc spirits. The l.jalfiiilcrt ICcpialiitioii id the MEDICINAL properties uf the waters (alinoal ihacceaalhie Uelorc the compietloo ut li.i: We. n N. c. Railroau) now hail tue aick ana afilieletl with a coruial welcome. '1 he experience ot the Proprietor justihis the aeeker of health ur iilea.ure in anticipating a "good tune coming." r I ,,e Proonetor ha. Ueen at vers irre-l exoense iUy I, lew. oil FLOW KKS' vliiiii oliLriiuR SiTtiHGS CalawtU county, ii. C. rW'llt Proprietor of these Springs inform the JsL public generally, that he is preparing lo re. teriaui ihoae who are ueair-.ua o. les. i,g i,,e curai.ve qu.l.i.t. of ih.s water, lor U.e uiaeaaea to which huuiuu nature is liable. He la mailing large audiltona to hia buiblinga and Will ue reacy lor the receptiou of Company be tween tne l.l and inlduie ol June, auu all wno oo cume may real aasureu III il litey will be acc uu evcrjr txertiou utd w rvi.tstr tistif u I pie. l sinu cjiiiirUui, ci;iijing tu tiit-M! Siringi by Un Ruad, j Hit: tji t H.choiy IdV.rii Kuol. ntbltrn railenaiuti, where m coiive ritce will bt in rcaomca to cwvey lue.u lo u.e npr.ngs. CI 1lWlll L' I . , I . L ,T J ILilA.l.lAU la Tl IIiO. M-iy 15, lew. ou ij 'i he Coiuinbiu Carolinian will inaert once in Uany 4iiU twice ill li.v .i-nticr, and Ihe Uakiglt it'itiler Will lli.'rl lnree seikl and lu'WarU ac. count, to tin. ollice. Tney Kill please call alien. lion to the advertisement. JOILN S. WILEV, HAsurAC-iuasa iso mroaraa or HAYA5A SL'GARS, isu ncAi.sa i a obicco, Cnuff, Hidiches, Pdper, &c, MEIsMli.il I'll LS, kc, tuii.uhil) on band. January J, jHl.lj. a. It. JOH.. General t olhn i ttg .lgenl, liiiunluwa, hrry County, Alubiiuia, U; ILL attend promptly lo the collection ofail . claims placed in hia hands. E.late f.'i looked . fler. Land Claiina fern u ! :oo.iing debtors looked up at res. ) ed out, i TEXAS CLAIMS. I : ' Collections made in Te .a, . through my atiornrys in InaiStaie. may he soti ly ii. -ndi d on. t n.ro -ry Vn, JbMI. i heret..f,re, Prompineaa WanU-d J 1,000 : OhDs tit TAN BARK. r.r Inch the r.a.h will be pa. j, M. B. TAYLOR. Ktf it. s r ,4.AV.ALi:XlM)l mi nation jii.ns r, I ILi FFI,:R hip arrvicea to the citi. fifwvTT avnsiil'tnia and adjoining coun JTl I I U,, in th trciiliiienl of irriguiuri tiea ol the teeth. Diseans ol thu innulli. Teeth filled in a akllllul and a.ilisl'.iclory munner. Ar. tifieiul teeth inserted on Gold ur Si ver plate, also India Kubbcr vulcanised bnae. This style of work has many BdvaiiliicBS nvi r the Bwiiged work. I It call he adapted to the inoulli with leas irritation i .than thcHw'ageri work it is also cheaper. It i j I Having l'coiiie agent for the American llnrd ! Rubber tuuipuny ha will supply Uentials with of lice rights to iiiniiul'uclure I'liilcs and Gums lor I Artificial Teeth and the Apparatus and M.iterinl. lie will also give instructions in the art on mod- era le terms. As lie xuects to do a travelling business per. anna desiring woik done, can be attended to at their rendenecs, by addressing him at Tooka. scofe P. O., Mecklenburg l'o,, N. C, . il' All work wurrauied. Ajnil 3. 18f,0. 3tf The Corner DRUG Store, 1 II aki.o i ti:, X. c' K. Yb: IIUTCINSOX &. L'O. HIC'I.U reapeclfully cull the alteulioD ol the V V public to their laige snoeoinplete SUick now being opened for the Spring Trade, consisting "I Drugs, Medicines, t'liemlc.ils. Perfumery, Fancy Arliclra, Oils, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alco. hoi. Pure Medicil Wines and Uraiidies, luiiton Te i a, Field and Garden Seed", c, ic. Junuarv 17. IBuU. 43tf KUWAUI) ASSOCIATIOX. IMi I l.A DICI.IMI I A. I 4 Kri rtulmt n.lituriun r$tuMii',rJ hy sp'ri'i Ei ! ijirtnlwuh Yuuimlauii hpuiimic Li$tttt,en4 ' riprcuitlyjitr tht ' i of Vuiattt oj tht Sixual j Ori'ins. s Tsjfj EUICAI. ADV ICE given gralis.Ky the Act if A ing Surgeon,!" all whonpply by leltur.with a iiescription ot tiicir condition, (age, occupation, habits ol lite, lie .) and in caaes of extreme pov. erty. Medicines lurni.hed tree of charge. VAI.l'AIILK KEIOKTd ou S;ierin..t.irrlicia, and oilier Di.easea ,.f the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Uispen. sary sent to the afilicted in sealed letter envci. opes, free of cliarge. Two or three Snaps for pos. tnge will be aceeptible. i Address, UR. J. SKILLTN IIOCGHTOX. Ac ting Surgeon. Ilowurd Association, No. 3 South .Ninth SKeet, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Diaeetors. GEO. FAIUClllI.n, Secretary EZIJA I). llEAUT'V EI.L, 1'rrndtnt. i Fib. 7, lebO. 46-1 V ('II HKO k : IS KH KI y. It r-'J &0M AN INFA1I.1NG Cl'RE FOR li iiorrLua & all Ditca.srt of the trinury Organ.. F H13 REMEDY cures when all other prep. 1 rations fail. Il i entirely unlike evervoth. cr ccmpound ; rr.ntsiniiiing so.Mi!ii:i4L Poisos! or V.fiBtnt-a llacn. n. it ia nr.nar..! anb-lv Iron, Root.. Bas .nu l-rsvas, and ... been handed .'lIKROKEK INDIA ll IS oUlTcU lo liie pUUHC oh ita own ii'trinsic merits. It performs lis uuty quiekly and thoroughly. The Ukpustvsstk, ol eiCier sex wili be repaid by using line ItSMkuy, instead .t placing Iheuisetves at liie mercy ot some Qas'.-k or i'.oitasoi. Tina Kr.aipr strikes at the very Root of Hit ui.ca.e ; its tenuency is not sim ply lo suspc-itu the poi.on, but to Rsstova tux Cscsa on winch it depend., Full directions in paiupnlel form.uceoiripany each bottle The spes uy and permanent reuel afforded by tins Remedy, in all case, ol Go.soaaiiiK, Gi.iht, UaavsL, Stsic. ti sk. iLLoa Ai.scs, ( W HiTts 11 Fxm tLIsJ, and all Dincist-a of the Lrin.ry U f ms. Ii.ia a.loun-lieii tne urn.! scientific men ol Ihe age. Tine Remedy not only eradicates all 1'oiaos from the Ststxw bul Ikvicosstxs tlir meal Uelicate cunstitutioii. X'lt does Not Asrr.iT Hie Kkcath ur l.sTtl FF.sx with iny lass vf licslMss, or require any deviation from the usual ciet. U It requirea no asaialance from other medi- cine. i-And what Ksiuicr.a its VaLft, is the En. I tisk AssENca of all NAe.ii ii'S 1 asic, being a Pliant and Delicious Svscr Pan: rr Botti., oa 'i'Msrc Bo-rri.s roa ta. i Pol I EK St A'.ERW IN, le I'roprielor., j St. Louis, Mo. j Sold i n Charlotte, by Dr. F. Rearr. 11 E. Nye Hutchison it t o. 11 Columbia, " Fisher ic Heunlab. And all Druggists in the country. Van Schsacs Ac (.i nerson, Charleaton, April Vt, 15I.U -ly Wholosal Dealers. Vi:s YOU A1AV L6E OR RECOMME.NI Ileimstreet's Inimitable ASO ri.NU IT TO S PERF L I.i.iK RSOAIVE pruinoiiiig the irenglli und growliiul the Hu ma giv.t-g it aiii I us btetuty i( jrouiii. U juu OUUlil il i:esul! Ke.Hl! bcHRooff Lakk, L.et-ai Co., N. Y.t ttbruary b, 0J6. W. E. Hagah, Tioj, N. V., Vtur Air; II ing utd your H-tir Coloring or ktoriilive uiid bt:ing tituesi ItftiMU ttti it, 1 lathe piviun in inukiitg lite luiiuwing aloUiiiciit. : ffroiu tne el tecli ot a try tc-vere til ol aiLiwitr!, wiieu aouui in yc-trtol iu tin hir cuuuimin-u turning irrty trno so coiiiumt-u Ut grow ui til it became peijectly HVufr, being very harali and coarae. i.a.t Auioiiier 1 had reached my b I ly - llur u year, When 1 waa in. dueed by a Inenu lo purchase Iwo bolllcB ot iieiw treel's Hair keaioraiive prepared by you. 1 com. menccd using il according lo direction., anu in a few days waa aurpnaeU lo hud Ibal my hair Irom the roo'a outward w.i lurlimg baes lo its original color. II so coiitihui il lo grow until it wa. aa Iru- ly brown and glos-y a. it was in my youihiul days, Aid is note Jully rewjuU to its ongmot color. MVI.A SEA.VIA.N. .'sssar Co.,ss. My la Seaman came be lore me and waa duly snrri, and uy !oal the aoove ataicmenl ia true, this 1,1 n u.-s A February, iood. JUEL F. i ui TI.K, JuuuroflUe Vacs. Pn-r.ruau, Vl., Aug, I, iej7. I hereby certify, that my hair having become quite gray, I u. u lb nnslreel's Hair Iteatorulive, (preparci by W. E. Ho, ol Troy, ft. Y .) lor tour weeks, and my n nr w.a in thai time re stored Ui ila original color. I can luliy recoiu. mend lie- artic.e lo he all it claim.. VV.Yl hl.;sLEV, I'omIot oj tin Jo,njl C Aci, I'ttujoid, I t. Mr. VV. E lli(,i: 1 have used ileiui.treel's Hair KesUiraiive lor three years, and luve louno it to be a mo.t . leeie lit article, ll uot only re al, red Ihe color ol my nir, giving it new liie and alrengtii, but il cur.o msaeil and wile ol a most ob.tinateeruitioii on Ihe .ualp.which nothing tin turned lo Urmia. 1 luny believe it lo be the beat article in use. V-.ur. i(eaicllulls. KNOW LION HUALANa The above sre out a lew of llic many letiere ol j reeninnii nilalmii Mhieli base been lenoered lo the I proprietor, ol H.-inmtreel's il ur Coloring oi Bes. U.ralive. it iiaa ue-!li u.ud by Ihouaalids of people, inn it never tails tu restore the color and growth oi Ine hair. '1 In. .iimular clfei t i. not uruducea i aa hen d i es sr.; Ihi u ; tor ll aels upon tin: ualu j ral aerations of enlnriug mailer al Ihe root., ami I Ihua i Ifecl. ine ci.ai gt. ikr color ji intact U it Hot I a connlti Jut, Lot Hit nulorol thitdt of soul, ll I does not color ine skin, i Price SOc ami II (Hi per bottle Sold everywhere VV. E. II AI.AN at Co., Propriebirs, Toy,.N. V. S-iid in li .rlolle by Dr. F. Sesrr.and all Drug gists in Ihe L'liitto Stales, Vau Scu.ack and t.rier. on , I n-irl'stoii, W holt sale Agents. .Ijntt lebO. i 1 y - , ." - t r-w- jg . wmwlrteiTt 4tWA.WAfi !V;uai.au-.wu 1861- 00 g H H 3 M JANUAKI'. ... i a 3 4 s 6 7 HO IU II lit I 13 14 15 16 17 IU ID iiO 21 'i'i -ii 24 Ui 20 1 27 23 20 .10 SI I ... i a I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 0 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.1' 24 25 26 27 28 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 If 19 20 21 22 23! 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... 1 2 3 4 5 0 7b; 0 10 11 12 13 II 15 10 17 IN 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29, 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 2li 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 ... 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo ll 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 ,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 2J 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 ll 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 j ... 1 3 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 1.) ll) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 ! ... 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 It 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 2S 20 3J 21 ; FEBKUAUY MARCU.... j APRIL.. MAY JU-NE JULY AUGUST.. SEPTEMBER ! OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER... GOODS flHE subaciiber liaa received a large aad van. , M. ed sasorluicot of S S j for Snrimr and Summar. tsbirh lor eheaoiieaa and nealncae, cannot be surpaa.ed.eouiiating iu part of Black and eolored ( LOTUS, Black DOE.-kl.NS, Plain, Black and Fancy ASSIMECEj, I French Drub D" El Es. I Plain Black snd Figured Silk V EKTIXGS, Fancy Linen Dlili.LS, : and all olhvr Goods ueuaily found in a first cia.a Tailoring E.iabli.hmcnt. All ol which will be made to order or sold by the yard on sccommoda. !;g lerrns. J. 8. l'HILLLPfj. In returning my thanks lo the rilisens of Char lotte, lor the very kind ana libersi patrouage ihey have bestowed on me, I would reqoe.l a emilinu- i ai.ee of the same, Willi the aea-rance that all or. ' Hera entrualed to me will be neatly sari promptly executed. j. 8. P. 1 April 17. I860. 4,,- Win J. Kerr, i A TTUlLiSE 1 1 T LA , CIMKLOTI i;, V.C., ! r ILL practice in the I ajurtso I Mecklenburg, V V Union and Cabarrus cuuntica. LT Ortice in the Br.wly Building nppoaile Kerr's lintel. , Jan. H. IflbO. 44tf : J. v. hi: vi i; a, o., unciai it CO T ON acd b.11 KilMLS of PROLUCE, IlilDi: k (i;i;r, j .LHAKIAJTTE, .V. f. i 3 J" A 1 1 orders attended lo with de.paleh. I alprH l i, l.-ou. 41( C11AUL0TTE IlOTJala, ! m -: last it, ( IIAHIAMTfJ, fi. C. rilHE Proprietor of tine Hotel is JL still at Ins post ready to lul. lil the duties of "mine bust" lot lis travelling public snd others who r.t, y eail on him, and he Hatters himself that as comfortable quarters can be tound with biui as sny where in Ih.s ncinily. Being situated near ly in the centre of Charlotte, Uueiness Men will find line Hotel a most convenient and deeirable location. He lias been engaged in lh business at thia stand nearly eighteen year., and in that lime lie nas made .ever. I aduilions to Ins former house, and il has been greatly enlarged aud im proved, presenting hi front a Iwo alary VEKAMDA 1U0 lect in length by lit fe.t in width, handsomely ahsded by trees on lh aide-walk, affording a plea, aant promenade at all hours of the day. The House lies been thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every pert of it creatine comli.rla ere abundant and tangible. especially in the DININU ROOM, where th "inner man" is "renewed1' day by day. Connecter: with Una Hotel are gtablesifTorrfuig room for 100 horses, abundantly furnished with grain and provender, attended by laithlui and o. bugtng hostlers. The Proprietor fcelaennfideot thatwith hi. long experience snd many new advantagea added to hia desire lo pleaae, hs is prepared to ofler hia friends and the ' reel of mankind," as many coin fori and ae much good eneer as will be found anywhere, perh spa a little more so U" At any rata ta th Charlotte Hotel. . B. KKRR October 19. 1858. 3Jtf WITNESS TICKETS, for tbe County and Superior Court, for eel tecre. , ,.i.tt Private SUrRlCai nu&Plitw.. r.,ieU. having -paneU '' H.,.w Surg.cs. Infirmary ... ll ;'' j tt Zr ....-r prole..-.' aerviee. .:Mv.ii?..:."- o.-ouiidm,. BuA!!:nrrr.::;!urr:,,racterw,..t' "'iwCta'lti.. Pu"t me , drerr.'.Caldwell cV Gibbon, will rcee .,. pmn.p. .cB.or.. p aCALDvELL,M.D. KOBKRT lilBBON, M. D. J. W. CALDWELL, M. D. April 17. I860. 4u WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHAN0 Of PROPBIBTOHU ) ItftOAD ST KHET K i: lir.Uf. n. i JOHN F. JONES, Fropneior fBIHK Undersigned respeeiiuny ........... . .... n.., .,l.l.. thai he has take . .ic ii...i...i.....rf .kaneetfullv announces tu charge oftl... old snd popular u.tabl..l.......t. and i. now prepared to accommodate r.velrr.and vale families with bard by the day o, n.o.ith.on the most sefon.niodut.ng it .- . . . 11 . W..J ..ll. h Ilia TABLE w ill always D ,u best provisions that home aud loreign njaraa.evaii . The H'llslilMl" is nei.rer me urpoi. ..... ,e business streets than "'""," ' ld An toil.. -HI . ;.dl Z, Ct. streets than any otlur in "'! I. lo convey paaaenge.. - - .. - Uy stopping at tme noiei, p...g-. ample time to oulsin meals. Uy stopping at th.e Hotel, p..-lgcrs will have iple time to oulsin meals. IJavng sl Ufg snf eomniod.nu. Hubl., ld . excellent O.U.r, he .. lully .";H , ' snd board horses by the day k ur uionlh at th most reasonable rates JOHN. F. JONKS. .Warrs I. Ir9 . J"' ' w sauus, Art I misl lluiliN i, -m w'11.1. furnish Heaigns.ri.ua and Drawing for Public liuilumgs, Fnvsle Residences I ind Villas. Particular al Icnlion will be paid lo j building Flooring Mtlla.Corn Milla, tit. Orr.cs IU Jdslnrvni ir.nt. . s over Chins Hull. Otioisr 26. IB..8 "' - . - -.. - . . iX IwCinOVal. - Y Friends snd Cuatomera sre reaper! lully Minimise lhs! I have removea my i iu romp In Sonne.' Hi irk Huilcinr. 3d dor Irom tlie Cor ner, on Tryon street, where he will be pleased In see them. S. T. WRI3TON. Jaanry 31. I"60. 4 'lf Aver s Sarsap:irilla A e-.n.i.itil r-m-lv, in win u wj l.av. la. Ixirc.l m print i tli- :uo I efl i-'iul alt, . nt.v.1 '.hi' . il 'i uia 1 . t 1. a on i n't at 1 e tr ai t nf Pars ar -ainliA. so convmi'-d with olli -r s-i'i.1 .a -ui a. .li gii-al. r s.i.-riiliv ikw- i h. to vd ii I hi -.T c i. luiti-loti! fur Hi, di-.i., S ir 1,11 u! . it r p it.-d to cure. Il . li -lievrd tiiut s'i ii it r lit ay ta w .iii'-il hy I'.io.is vi-lio si.'i r fiou Viiiiii )ue.iiiij'l.iiiits, aiul that one w hi-h will n: i-n(itah c -ir cure mua; tjrov uf lurii n,' -ervi to III. s liirt- class of oar n.Ui I f !1 v-i -i--; ilk How cnmpU-telr tin. tu'.irsma I a ul In t hit . le.-en j- ov. u by evp iiii.nl in inii.r of tli o, at taw, to li.- luuuJ of th. f.l..i;n .implij.'-. : i :.t mil t. 'ia CnvrltisiT. IC -1 r.-ins. am 1,.m ir.u lllii-i ., I i., n., I' lii i. .. I'j.n na.-, Trxi'ks, Salt Hun a, . iln i.-i.. Sri nun i rTvPHii.irn: A i L rt..N., il. t. iii. il.ll:,i.i.N iJaol-ar, Nm. Ii li..ll oa I I I)... LJi ,... lll.SILilV, Iw. l-H-.lt IMJ I ll' . T.-1 i l, KkToil'tl.W, !t.iK " i Sr. Anhio -t'i Fiki. an 1 iu I- tl ;l.c n Iu le eii.- ol ii.nj!tuU aiauig fl j.u Is.-cttiTt us THT SIliliO. Ts ' i npoi iil will he fifinJ a urcot pre. nu- i .I I, .li-'i. wl,.n tea. -ii m tli.- ji:u., tu ,i I t:. - I .tl liuiii'H. whi.U f.-.L-r in the '.. 1 j' 'h .. i ua uf th. y iir. liy thctira.- '.;.- fxjjiii.j in cf :h ni many rinklinil ii.-oiii.-r, :u.' Iil.ili 1 ill th.' I'jl. Mnltitud.-, (an. by hj aid of tii.s r -n .ly, ap ne theiic lvis fioni th.1 end'trai.-.' isf fui eru;i:inns ami ul ernui -re, tino'14'u winch th? svt m will strive to rij ite if of en-iu.it. itiv nf not a.si-tcilto do tin. ihi eih t!u natural channel of tne boaly by sii ait -t.itive m -rh.-iiiw. ('aii-p o-rt tl.c v.'.ii! il bi i i.l wheu.-vjr you 'asset is. unpunUet ' 'A thro'ih trie k;n 111 i.:u,'l.s. eruptions, 'T -eir rlt-a:t it nin.11 y i'i liiij it i, oti tru ; il ii .l'm,'i,h in 'he v.-in,; rlan it wh te v r 11 i. f ,u'. snd ynir Minus will Ml y. 1 ah. Ev -n w'. re no psrtieubir di-or b r 1- fit, peopl- rniy brier heni'.li. and l,-i biiiar r. fr ,1- attaiti-i th-.- hhji. K'-p the In-seJ IsMlthy. an 1 ail is well ; but with this t-i-i i!'i--! irf i-f- 'li. Frl-i d. tii -re can rs- no ' . health. Sibiiit i.r l.il -r smni-'hing :i.u,t co wrung, ami iru? Kn-et m.e h.n.-rv ol In n ii-ni.l r -1 or on i'i,r i',ii. .-ni-s;.,.!:!. hit, snd ,l-.-,vs m'i.-h, the r- im a'i'i i of . eompil-li'.ll,' t!e v einU II it 'hi e-.Mril h.i le.-eti erelolly ci. i'-ivhI by pr .;ari".-iu-. ol it, u.ut.e In ei p the drna , i.' ha. not all ihe virtu- tUt i. il.uni'.I f,r it, h-it in. ire b mi infliiy iirrj'ar.i'eiiia, pi tunl fi, r 1 oil .n'r 1: ii en'ra- f, nf ir, 1 i--i.ii lei: iii'i uf Die vn'.uc of .SarMitMiiila, or a..r ir, el a,. linn 1 line 1 ar, tlie public have li.cn rm-1- 1 ia. . i. i .1-., v teiiil:ii' to ijiri.- a n ...rt .! l,.t,,.!.,f Su-aiHiri.l., f, rune dollar. M.. t "t lh. have b : 11 f,..lill. II, a. 11 11k- siek, f-.r ti.' y 110' o:..y i ii,'a;u h'L.e, if :niy, ai ap.i ri.la, hut of.. 11 110 cm itiv-- proiK-rtn-i WI14'. v. r. 11 n..e, liithr mnl pi.nbil usatip'iiiitinciif lie. fnilo.i, cl the iI e of lie, v.ir.olla e.iu.if 1 , ot rv -i la win li fl.Kil ih.' ni.irk-r, u-i-A tie- 11.1111..- l!-..f I., Ml t(y if ,- 1. atl I ha, I, .-. nf, S)noliii, ei- Wit., n 1 : ... , i.n 1 ,at. ,--.:i we fiiil tl.l. eoiji;..t.r..i ir i;.a.-..i 1, and intel. l to -iipjily mii li a ti'sii '.'- a sl.a.l j... 4,. tl, IIUT1C tlo.11 tl." 1 liil! ..I' .', ,1'ej IV !,,, ll le ', U,i Hi i!. Anil we tl.lua, wr.' luive- ITMUll I f.r believing it h.s vir'un wl.ili uiu 1. n i ..tilde by the onliiiHrv run of :lio di e,i,cs it is inu nl C'l to cure. In onl r to s cure tlnr einntil' 'e rr;:di" anon fi-eu tli ay -t-rn. the re.n !y slJo il I lie judi, ioudy t.tkc 11 accniIing to dueefiona on tlie- bottle. rHKfABI.I) IIV DB, J. C. AVi:it & cof IiOWl.l.I,. MASS. Price, ft per ilotlle Bit lloltle. fur n. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral hs We ,ery vane,, of I it is ctt'in-:y 11111 rtidene of lU i ploved. As it h throutihmit thia ia 1 ,il I .una: (-'-.in. I ml, ry for us to te ounl ' it has l'in b- ru in rnn Ion, need nntd-l , 'luailty i.t ki-it up I t tne pi-ople (lie btit i-d on tu 1 1 In Ui. 11 eirr naa in, anu lint it ni. v In- r do for Ibeir it-liei ail it baa ever been ('.. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, ron Tnt cur.F or f'ottirmtn, JamuUc; 1 ) pM, lul filinn, IhKnlrn, foul Stnmnfh, w .;'., ,'. -.,.- ,,-, 'ie.r, Hhimmnlivn, Kntplimt and S'ti'i Jiittm-f, Lirrr Cmplatiit, tJroui, Tite', T-imm ni.d S'M rth'um, HVsn, ;.", Ar., ul,.-,, ut a IMmtr I'll', andfnr I'ltrif 1,1110 thfllvinii. 'I hey are .n-a-ar-coaled, mj that tlie'mo-t aen i. tie can take them ilea..-inllv. and thev ore the bet aperient in the world for ail Ihe purfKiM- of a family phyaie. Pris 23 sent psr Box; Five box is for 00. Great numbers of Clergymen, I'hvslei.ni'i, K-.ite,. men, and eminent personaircs, have lint tlieir names to certify theunpsrslleleil uaefutncaof ihi rs remedies, but our space hero will not permit the i'lsrrtlusj of llietn. I lie Ai;"iit, helms 1 tied for nih grntiaour AMrni'tN At. v i- in whii-h tSey sre irivsn ; w.th alio full description, of liie am complaints, and tlie treatment thai should fol lowed lor their rure. Io not be put orf bv llhfirinriple-l d'-nlr-r. witb otVier preparations they mslie more prolil on. Demand At kit's, aud lake no others, 'lhs .irk All our remedies re for sale hy For isle by K. NYE HUTCHISON k C'J. r , . V. SCABS k C. H AVILAM), 8TEVENS0N& CO., Charleston, S. C, . ' kout.ii.cow4., knbkal i-oMMiiuN mkki iukt .W " , .- WlLniMlToa kl i. a.. ,,ir.. 4i,lli lWn. U.,LU n . i i.iu.r,....-... it aitr M.UWPll.t-- " T . . . tvr It. I8i. . . ,. ., 3ltf 1 .', , I 'Jst.-JfcaTr.JsUJ QXLYIWARATIOX n.viro i soor. to rrsoso ami disict as tu 15 X I'LL TIJK DOijJJTs s-v- tlJ'. A I 1 For Klstwiuen, Judges, Editors, I'byi, n, f lhs ulue.taeliuulsaa wsU ss i,gie il i,eir qualified sanctmu.and recormueuil it for all esKj of eruptions, snd diseases of the acalp ami dr., . but all Who have uai-d it, unite, in Icntr,,,, i,uJ it will preserve the hair from being gr.y,aij from lulling to any age, a well as r-etore, '(t4 liie loliuwing i . , . . Oai (irovc, S. C. June 24lli, I6a3 Fans. i. J. Woou : Dear Kir I Vour Ih,, "ri loralive is rapidly gaining poputunty u, ti, co,u' ! iiiuntty. 1 have had occa.ion to lay prjujlct" -".- ' ' Crltct During the year le.14, I was so Unfnriuuai. . tu be thrown Irom my sulky BgainK t k the luad.ule, from which my head receivii) , ,niJ1 lerriuie oiow , e.u.n.g groat ee.il y( irrital,,,,. winch Cdtttriiunttalcw tu Ilia br.iu i(u lei n, eufl.ee ol tne bead, livm the ttleote m w null "7 1 of the head. Frun the time I Aral diec-onteuVlI dropping, however, up t-i the time ol iu, !,a dij I appearaiiue, 1 employee everything I coulu tl, being a p.olrs.mnsl man ii.y.el.. ,,,, .houg.,.:ur.unu,..g the na.ur. , J,,. J J I auvanccd. , .r,B,0 1d BO olr IBourrd u wurl ta yu, ullll). H, K,,,,..,,, V j . ic.ort lo . ' " to j ,h" ' ' .. n lo believe, pr.xiueed a hspii. resuit: to months alter the fu.i ae,, ,,; lion, 1 ...d . beautilul head uf young ha n ever saw, h. which 1 cerUmly vac Joe ass UlM nacere thanks. Kesl a.aur.c, dsar air, 1 alul ret'umuieMO your rtiit'tiy lu all nituirei.- tllvft over, I sli-ll u.e u.) ii.flurbce, which 1 fl,,,,f uiy.ell I" . h"l s little. Yuu em publi.h Una il yen think proper. ! i eura, tery rc.utt!oilr, .M.J WKIialil, M. ). , Odice u.1' Ihe Ji rlerauiiian, Piuuppi, , IVc. Uu, lej Dear Sir: I feel It mj duly as will "'J I..l,a.i,- to atate lo v.iu Hie li j ite, winch you en n.e aa yea Hunk ati., A t,nUmtu,u i n, pUee, (u l ,,, baiu ever since hia early yvuln ; .u muth ii. , 1 lie WU. Co npelleu I.. Wear a Wig. lie eaaiii,, " " - yur-ll.,r ltei.at.," i Inch he liked er r inut h : sad all, r wsmv .ma I ,wo , IB(e, hhii. s his heir isi on I liinn. i , anu hs wow lies a banu.oi.M, bead ol ban. geutieuian s name le Bredloru, suit aa he n well known in our adjoining ciuiilii. son. can kstity to the tram ol .11. ten 1 j P. it I yoa at tlx r.qo.sl of Mr. br .oh.rs S t com sell a ileal oi el your Hsu k..i..i.i.u 4. litis .o l.ir edjuiAiing sum. tics il you b.vt iti proper agrnu. . ur., eV c., i iiuvipm n tu rtoriNim I I'a.Weo: Hut Ji.l : I Hunt me lo rapm. He 1 obligations 1 am uuu. r tor Ibe entire r.-.t. rah ' ol my b.ir Iu its erigia.l euiur j aueul Iba nm, ui I my arrival 111 Ine I mud ai te. a o i.p.n.y a. coming gray, bul upon Hie s'piicat,on nl juat -"Hair ki..tur.tiv "it fu Ticmnni itsut i., hue. I eciitiuer ynar Keet..ral v aa a vei w in. - derful tnveuliou, quits etiicmoases well a.Hit,. able. Ii. I 11 Al.lll.lii.. The Ki itnra live is put up ia bottles "I 2 .it.., VIS; barge, lueuiuui end m.ail, the .mall Inn., , a pint, and retails for oue dullar per bottle; 1 ., medium holds at least twenty per cent. m-r .s proportion llisn the vmail, rel.ile fr two do. mi a bottic ; tbe large liu es sjuart, forty per cent more its proportion and relaiie for 93 a boilie. li. J VMM 'Di III., I'roprielor.,44 t Bri.cs.r New Vork.snd 114 .Market lil., .-SI. laiuis, M .. i U sold by all good Druggists snd Fanev ! ods linl era and in Charlotte by AKM Sl t tl. ! July 3. Iiiu. i.3,n E. R. STOKES' L'ook liinding Establilimeii(, Twu Uuur. abuit Brsn.i, Bulk, ia ,itw llu.u In? ii rtir of W. B. Manlrji I'biai Hall, 1 u i.t mi 1 i,.r. The above Esl.bliel.menl is now in full sm. lion, baring, and slnl rcu.-iving a full .Ufeir ..1 I he be. 1 Hl.A.NK PAl'EK snd B1NDEI1.S' .VIA. 'I ElUAl.S. 1 am el all limes ready lo In, .,, .11. dere in in y lint, snd al Ihe same lion r.t 1 share ul p.ltooagt. My personal alientniii :( V given le ail ordrra witn which I may a. tai .r.a. Having had hang practical eaperienee in Ine in. 11. utaclure ol ilLA.S Is ii X iKk, .uj ia t,,v bindn "I nt w anu old 1 III. VI ED VV OKK.S, 1 fl.iier n.;. .: thai 1 ean, in all cs.es, give entire eati.f.t tum BLANK liuoh'.S, Bank I),M,ks. Clerks' hooks, ff Distrir,li'r ... rlheriff.1, hdmsry's and t'imi. inner in In ly's BHiks,all III LEI) and But Ml lo an 1 ..t Icrn, in tu very bat manner, ot eupenor p.fKii and Paged and Iodised when iee)mrtd. I'kl.M ED Wuhkti, Music Uoeks, i'sli-dicia, P.mphiels, M i and B'e.ks ot every nescripUt.u, bound 01 ip..hii, In every variety of style. la" All orders will be executed with dr.p.lrh, and aa low as ean be done elsewhere. K. It. ai'oKK.S. Juaoaiy 17, ll-bu. 4ail 4ltril-MIiOM.V Hutual Life Insurance Conijaay OH It HALKIt.tl. A '. fl stile) tiicpany in.urts Ibelivssol inuitns el ale lor one year, a term of years, or lor ln, Ine Mutual 1'rn.ciple, ti e aa.ured fur lnr p r p"tmg 1 the pmhis of the ( oinpsny. l a rtes g- nlea lor Ihe whole term uf ini when the premium liicrelor iuh.uui. I" $.'!. uolu may be given lor one-liall the amount ! ts. 1 premiuui, aearing inlereat a I 6 per cent, v iti.,.ol guaranty. Th prompt manner in which sl) lo.aea lint been paid by Una company , together with Ihe l rales ol pieuiium, pre., 1.1 great inducements ta such as are disposed lo insure. Slaves are insured for term of fr".n e.ic 10 five years, tor two. thuds trim t.hie. All loaeee are pain within UU days al'ler .alis 1 11c lory proof 1 praseiileu. Dili El TUKS. t hsrlts E. Jul, nab. h, Win. II. Jones. Win. llnlilen, VS. I. Cooke, J. O. Williams, II- " ilusted, Wuentine Bu.btc, I'. 1. Pi semi, VV 01 II McKee, ii. V. Ball., Chsrle. V. Boot, 0 lowle, kick's) II. Bailie OFFIKKKH. Dr. Charles K. John. on, Preaident . W. VV, Hulilen, Vic Freanf.nl. K. II. Bailie, her.rclary. VV ill lame II. Jours, Treasurer. II. W. Iluated, Ailorney. Dr. W m. H. Mc Kee, Medical Ksannner. xrafis Ctnwmtiles. d. Buabee, W. II- M rice, Charles B. Boot. Urdtcul Hoard mf ( ensoltal.se l s',r 5' Johnson, M. D., William II, Alckre, M. " Uich'd B. Haywood, M. D., For furtiiir liiforn.ati.in, th public is rsler red lo Ihe pamphlets, and r..rm. ol prup.a I, l''cJJ may be obtained at lh Office of lh Corn,""1' or any nf ila Agencies. Cominuiiieations should be sdcrrastd, (I"' paid) o. K. II. BATTLE, Herniary. Srpttmberti, l.,7. alrtll '. JOE PHlimiX". OB PKIN I INU uf eil kind 1 1 be .'"'; , v.rlM- sssrsMins.l s aieeulee s sA .V V if 'A. ' -' ' r-.l.i.s Wk.g UnVa