Bortb Carolina Ilia. kWWBJ AV si. 2R5 CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, Felrinr S. l!t)l. L' R. R. Wukcfielu. Kq , hi' l.eixur, h. -i.n. si nlril in net, . i i, 0r ,ti,..r:n :is nl. Mr will receive nr. irr lor ihr W mio. bi:,iK .r jtt- tiwoienu, .no rereipi t,.r ihraarcr. Auv per.o,,, ab-.rr4i.ns; whu y mium lur.. mom... will rrr-.eite ll.t V miQ ,vr iwu i PUBLIC MIlKTIXCi. e have heeu rrquot.d to five notice Ml l'lNtj ot the 1 1. a' th re ill I e a Ltl.le of Mrrklrnhor.. an S.tnr- day t..xt, to relect t.o Ptlrga'tes to r. pic-, te...l..m in the Corv, i,iin. Let er.iy voier who eau pos.ibiv atte ud. be ou b.ud. Cou owe, Oolue ail '. Answer to Enigma. Tli foUtiuiug is the answer to the enigma published iu our paper of last asek : " Fkiitingts dtguilorutn maun " New Advertmeineut. W cii the atteatino of our readers to several nw advertisements iu this uuiuber of our paper. h will be seen that Ir. K. II. Audrews i again on hand, ready to wait upon all who may give him a ci.l. T H. lireui, adverties a fine lot ot burt'ies for sale, privately they were wade by John llany, dte'd. Give Mr. Brtm a cail. Read ti:. advertisement of tho meeting of the Mecklenburg Airriculiursl Society Tb. "Walton House' is advertised for lease for . number of years. See the Veriisemeut for partieuUrs. Kad the a.tiice to setile up. ie. Letter from Raleigh. We are again under obligations to our excellent correspondent, " Umox," for a very intertstintr letter ffiu Ualeih. ll will accept our t!:nk Court Week. NolwitLstsudmg the cuaJinon of th? S Mu.i a pumberof o-.r f.iend. from th. couttry. "u. C,,J ua .uu uuaiuvs. .aa ouiiau...y Lri.-a, cmsia- enog the unsettled stato of atfstrs, abich uriiii w pui a oainper upon ail ae- partmeots of trade. And bere, may e be ...........,.i "'. i , . ' luat our farmers, merchants snd mechanic , , .. ,. . . . may soon agaitj beho.d their tu-iuess pros- pinu; a iu aays 01 ore tie nope yet Kock IkianU Munufacturiu Cumpuuy. We are gratified to learn that the goo'ia nianufat-tured by this enterpri-tiug Com pauy ale in great demand. Mesrs. Wkis IuN Si, do-erve grsst credit for the msntier in which thsy cor.duvt tueir buiuc aflairs, and for the superior quality of the goods UiauuUctured at their We are rtjT'ced at thir success beeau-e it Uetuoint rates the fact that be able to take her stand au,oriu-t the first mauufact.riug (States in the country. We have ail it. elements that go to make uo a manui.ciunug State, and ,t us prout by it. Thanks. W are under many obligations to "Aca demician" for bis kindly favor, aud for his expression of good wiil toward, as, aud would L... l.aea p.ea.ur, ,u pun.i.hmg bi., cut on reflection, dsemed it mor. . , or a prir.K thai a pjniie nature. We sbo.dbe b.ppy ,oh!.rf,om b,m ag.i,, puu any soijeul which he may stt. pruper to .rite. Lecture. Mr. W. It. Hauler, the children's friend, lectured in the Presrn te ri an eiiurch iu this city, on Thursday evtalhg last. We ware not present, but a friend lufor..,. us that the iiu.e one. were highly denphted w jtti th lecture. Good Reading. Ou tbe ouisiii of tb.s number of our paper will be fouud two charmiug Imie tones. "My Cousin Hannah," and "A Usy s Work " Togetotr un other m.sesiianrous matter, a. I ot which wM re pay a perusal. to Pas. -a.le.y turougn the a g it, and ,.r. cannot ai'ord to hire a collector, lor that ! '0v " 'gUtl ltu 1u,",i 01 our Pe0 downfall of tbe Union. We think that it is I . j....u.T ,ur . .....ue. . ......,.u. -.--.m. .,i,hl." it eertainlv is no 'remed.'l. , u i i , i mat w permit tus liioUjiht mat they would ..);.(., Qf mei.UCaalv eonteiuolation nd ''u''d Stale Senator, and Tbos. L. Cling- "Df? Plr"cu'r' ' lexss, which be be-! it err.a.n.y is no reuieuj -i lookiag lowgio-ly ind anxtou.iy for the would cost otteniuues wore than toe amouut f .,,.... r-ru ."1 ...... - subject ot melsucnoiy contemplation, and , . 8 1 i.ved would , the wrong it pirnoru to eurc, .inc-. ft' it l. i , f i , - l , uu ; tor one m.t.ul permit memseives to be oe- ,;thou h w,U stand by Virginia ia what man was elected by a majority of eleven 1 " " 1 from bsa uiif tbe brea-h il eoold nr.! .,-. morning. 1 be weex passed otf .jjictly with ff the bm. V e hope, therefore, that ai spoiled by the Aseiutij of their aovcre.un ,i. ,,.;.,; .k. ,.. ,T. , ,..l . ir l u- . . Af,' h consideration of sundry private lr,m 0,1 '"'S lne tl,t,!1; 11 on'S the exception of a little .fair which who know themselves indebted, .,11 call, , to J.gui.t. theio.n form of go'v ; fT"' ' " I bills, ibe Senate adjourned. lo make tn. seh,.m der .nd mors soon ...tied b, a friend,, snakeof the some up, and start afre.h. -P.- utigbi L.'Z 'ZZ r InWn ' " "'1 , .-Mr. II..., of M... , peni.-" i L.,,r.,- To those o,d friend, who bay stood b, ,be'r "" Union ou. hour a po.iliv. and BB., v. Graham received 17; Hon- B Brown mammoth memor,.. can manufacture cheaper and better good. u firj . u. . i o, aid ag.,.t that ..ernieut .. ' "f" L, 3 7 Z" . kieb tbau can L. imported. If the example of . of Lew SUuSelil)tr, ; rome lrl.(,. I be ttcovwtd .tb m, otfiwi.l oath to sup he Bi;l iudul)9 in uberant and no- bdlJr o'd0 these enierprnii.i; gent emen was mote aeu- t.. . i r. .... ; port H. Besides, i have uo meaus of know : .eemiv manifestations of deik'bt when, as i ' aning, making th .,..1. (flawed Norm tUroii... . ' ' I ,u5 "et,'r coustituoHls, .no have en J . ....,..-. of that election, thero shsll ! fretlv. the marks of .hi.h Almost a Fire. On Thursday eveuing last, about 4 I 'e Jock, tbe alarm of bre was given, aod waa fjaud to proceed from In. loom iicpt by Mr. Jaiius i. AlrxtuJer, a. ao tm ss.o.u. 'i he dsmage done aa. slight Freiah Shetd. flash. bad auad thmr sf pears rice in our (nark.t seme data .me Ibe season, t 'u'J, t,j J, f.jr tj t a geod -ib ' e Th nnnvmtinn Bill Paused. Tbe Convention bill paeeed iu &u read- io-T in the Commonj last night, and was er- dered to be enrolled. I these latter days. He who but ycstor- j Jan. Oth, 1861. Mr. Waring is U. 8. Con- This bill provides for t-ie election of one day waa exalted above all other men, in , ul at St. Thomas, and the manner ia hunJred and twenty delegates on the 23th to-day brought down to a lorel from which j which be ia appreoialed thure will be' highly day of February. At the same time delo- j even the most degraded would shriuk back gratifying to bia numerous frienda and rela gates are elected the people are to vote lor j appalled. We seem about to rival even' tjTe in this State, j or against a Convention If a majority 1 Mexico, prolific as she has been in modes j A very interesting re union of American vote for a Convention, then the Convention and devices to exalt and dethrone. Soaroely I Merchants and Shipmasters, and a few other i. to s.aemblc ; if not, not. The bill also restricts the Convention to the cnii.-ideratioo of l- doral nffsirs; but tbe action n the t onver.t.ou must u. ou-..- ted to tbe people for their ratification or re- jcction. i'l . l - .r ; nJu;.." t,.ni. ii..;n . '""fn) - - - the whole matter is now in the hands of the peorle. The destiny of North Carolina is . , , . . , , . the keeping of her ou sons. lut tho people of old .Meekieiibure meet together ' , sikI select their purest and best men to rep- resent theft in the Couveution. And let them meet early, not a day nor an hour is ' " 3 "i'"0"1 bere, and the sooner the candidate 8re U'fore ,he ?01'1I ,he bel"r l'eiav is W''r"- i '"or il U'J b ltal NeTer be,ore bl,e tl,t Pe0Pl9 of -Norto . " """" momentous question. And we beg ot them by every thing they bold sarred, not to be deorived. Th 1 i-v i.,- i..-.'1'v 1. iv :. .1. b is.iio i. iiimc uu, iu wupniij miica -ur nil uuttruur, ouuuniiy, . . , it' only question now before the people. 1 ho atteoint te draw eartv lines will Drove ' abortive. Mere party considerations pale aid stuk in:o ulter insiihoauce before tbe ' ' all-absorbing and overwueltuing question of , Peace or War. Whether thi. nation is to I i . i j :.. .'. . . i ki. ,i k.,i... i i. I'apuicu .u v. nuciu.i peace is sgsin to be restored to cur now dis-, tracted ceuntry. Freemen of Mccklen burg . are you rea.iy to answer. Jt so, I go to your respective places of voting aid j cast vour vote lithout tear, favor or affee ! ,ioa' " Jour " b,t jJn'eo' tn'i d'- j tate. lo this, and whatever verdict you , render ne shall willingly and cheerfully abide by. We ask for and desire nothing oai a aouesi eaprewiuu oi up.uion. To the Public A portion ol tiir public, by what course! cf ressouiag we are utiabic tossy, seem to J have arrived at tbe eouciasion that primers live on AIR. llow this idea originated, er nt.ore fertile brain gave it birth, we are I unable to say. Of one, however, we are fully assured, and that is, that this is a delusion llatb not a priuter eyes! Hath not a rriuler ears! Hath not Printers j mouth,! And do thsy not hunger a. do j .iuu i. tuey are not tea win tbey not starve' Yea, verily, all this is j ru-,ua Uiacu Ui0"- ual U4j,u-- ",iltf it requiies uionej io carry on a newspaper, t and tnij puoiishvr mat look to the patrons ot tne p tper ior meaus to carry it on. It Is nrt enough ttiat a man sulcnbe for a pa I. '....." - a , j . . . : smd su'j.eribers, scattered her aud l tiers , i i . throughout the land, amounts in the aere- g''e io i icn-inaiiin sum. ino printer t :he Whig for so louj a time, we teuder our : warmest thanks, hopiuj thai they will aW.I continue true to tu. ir "tirs; loe. And it ...r.f ..,!.,.... ,..,! l.. tbem...v,s a l.ttle, and procure eve. on. ; new suJkcrt&er eeu, w uaii b uu-iur ..... ,..,.r nkl in... It ..v. ..... .......g ....g..i.u.. i, muj ,,ni ..uu a w .r. .i-..,i ... e ... ium w-jui;!, w are always u J J iiug to take whatever produce they may h.e. in exchange lor our r .ni-r .r. .h.r. D- r-r-., Zntrentiiig Petition. ( lb. la'.t National Inlelligeneer give, the foiiowit.1' account jf me reo- ntiou ot tue 1 mammoth petition sent from liostou, lu ' char" of Kdw.rd Everett, and v.r.l ! i other disiiiigutsned gentlemen, to Be pre-; seuied to Cohgrca. 1 he memorial eudor- ' ses the Crittenden resolution. : i 'Ihe Bo-ton Memorial, signed by Edward ' a" . Am U La'arane"' "'J ,' """'"P ' ClT, " . L. W odb,, a'ud 1 i 1 ttZ r . . i. legal voters, baa heeu presented. . , wno.e o, vote, .as, at the ; late Prc.iUehti lhu. mors lusu t.o thirds of ibe ieai r. , . . . 6 voters ol coateti united iu a earnest , , . . . ",u"k L biou uiigbl be p.r,,. f : Ouly two dajs wer occupied in obtain ing these sigual.res. '1 uey were readily affixed ty p.r.ona of ail parties, P.epubii. vans ss .v.1 as Oemovrala suii iu sud Kveisll men. If two dsja more had aeeb a.iowtd, it is be.KVcd tut tua s.ualure. '.' nine-tei.lh. of in ,ej;i votei. cuu.d have i.teu ootsmed. Su:h au l pre. .ion from tbe old Cradie of Liberty is uio.l encjursgihg to lue lrienut ot the UuioU. J h'j petition was received aud ordered to be printed, i imi objection, thai of 1 1 . itutrj ,y , J he peittiuu s. mm carriei to the Cierxs, enveloprd in the hag ot lb. ' Uifiou, amid the app,use ot a lare num ber ot '.ne Ueprcseuiutives aud ol tne spec tators. Stock Market. During tbe past week we noticed bo leis ti.aa a doieb droie of 111 j In aud horses in oar city J i.eie were quit bumber of but i .ere unsbie lo issn the tuiiug prn: i ., Mining from lb e nuuiber ol oroverswiio fi res here I u,i,,, , ' s he cou-i lr-J I tbaii it I Political Ups and Downs- j It it ourious to observe th rapidity with which politician are put up and pulled down I a day parses bnt some political "star" goes out and another takes its place, to be in ; turn replaced by others, louse a phrase u.t. - ; i.r,..he power to kill " aeem. ,o be rxer- cistd rather freely, while that "to make,. .-. .w.v. 6 bahucd" poor old Buck, and laid bim on the shelf among the oiher political fossils, I . . ,. . , . .. i our drmocratio fneuds coiniiieuced looking ! auxiously around for another "subject," r ' and judging from the tone of some of ! their papers, they have found what they ' sought. A lew weeks ao, there was no .' j press teemed with bis praise, and the f.ith - tul snouted hossnnas at the bare mention ot j his name. True, brother Uolden didn't ! worship the " imajre " that was set up. but ; ior mai ne was cast oui amon,; me goais, , Gripped of his emoluments, and left to "die j the death." Hjld.n still lives; we can't ..... .... 1 . -it r . . . -. blessings which were heaped upon tbe Oov- ernor have been tuned to maledictiona. and 1 instead of fulsome praise, his ears are now .raited .ith curse., loud ...d d..n V,11 may he exclaim with one of old, "Savo me from my friends." " Like tbe poor plaver . l. l l i . . j ujiuh (an .(age, ao ni. piayeu uis pari, ana will be beard bo more.' Not being gifted with the spirit of prophecy we are unable to foresee whose turn comes next. We bave fallen upon strauge times, and know not what an hour n,.. Krin.. forth. If it be possible, w hope that Sood uij come out of evil, but "w shall see nhat we shsll see." I Speech of Mr. Alexander Rives, j We bave room for ouly a few brief ex- tracts from tbe speech of Mr. AlcX.nder Rives, a member of the Virginia Seuate from tbe county of Aiberuiale, ou lb. bill authorizing a Convention of th. people of that State. The speech is bold and out spoken: "I'auJor compels me to declare that, in opibiou Ul, Convention has been p jected aud advocated as tbe appoiuted means of immediate, absolute, unconditional oeces,,"JO- Ual I need not eiy how that ..:.. i,.. hJ.. h..iir.,i t ,u ...-:; utlllUlt . ..,. eoutro, suh,.nli, the action ot tbe Co-vuiuon remains lor the t eopie to secure the efficaey ouy wb :,d :d . j vote agaio-t to., reference back to the peo- . - , pe ei D ... i.i.u iu mo peoom or p jpuiar overumut. L?l all suoh be marked as i ii euuiuius of (.opuiar iilits, : i cnn.uiru. c"u,el" of l"e B0'n.d,aud as deny nhnui 'l? the ri-bi of the majority to rule. : "U is well for tb peace of t'ia ata-j that , "e,'.l; 109 a''' ,oat the scheme ot the ongiusl bill has been de- """ jrecuoiu these dangerous doctrine, of legislative " uite, Mr. President, I go for the thor oug" feuress of our guevauces, and deplore .ec,aitl caUuUtefl w iu;q ail tue horror ot civil war. 1 ha auowu bv 1111 tnl liar, llui A,s nr.. r'..l j j - - at liberty 10 oonuuit uij constituents to a " -, tlr.rti'i. ,.t ... A. nf ... .i.. ...... -T ,,... , a . vtJ , u . ...... u. u. u. .11 awuugi DU3U- ill States airaiust the has ' ...11; 1 . .. . j j .. ' :...iu.tiuiu.ui. 1 uu uui uuoersiauu tne u.. wau uo luncnons to ueoiar w.r, wish me to pleds. tne.r lortune. and ; lives to the Lsxarl of the sword la tbe ; c',e r who are vauntiugiy drag j t:i"g them into hostilities. My out, is to T.t.oineJ. f ,h. 7, VZll cult. Hit lb. Him hnnnr Ih. t..rUP.... t r--r-- is'"--, i aud if any of our gallant aud warlike sons j ''n ' 4raw the sword for South Carolina " olLeT M'ata ie, may go 7 -..... uo peopi. . .huir ntaceful nurauits. nil unload l,. f..,.. .,.... ...A .1. . ,- .hall choose to mtruet us, their represen-j """V" l f""',ai 1 C0U'd ! not, tberelore, without clearer indiealioua of i .. , , tTJnTuTZ WJZV r . ".. .w. -.o.e luteie. - ts aud ies did not iviu to u.e I'leu .,. . . ,. ., uoai null tnoe of irgiuia. 1 ta.s ois htted, but, ou tne contrary, seriously dam d by rtireel t.Xaliou. free trade, and im portatioo of Alricau slaves, wbico are the chief aims ol the IJottua .Stales, ijhe, too being ou the border, must ngut all tne bat ties and ruoojiiL-r all tbe penis. 1, there for, eould not hut d.u.. u.i.I h........ I... toie making tfais ra.h committal .itbout lortber from those I have the houor I to rr prere.t on this floor." . GtrMr. .Smith, of this rftste, and forty-! i.e otn.r members of the House of K. p rea.ntatives, bate signed the proposition of I Mr. Moutgouiery, of Pa., thai the in tin ben ahouid ail rc.igo aud let a House fresh from the people be elected on ibe 'lid iu.t. '" Tbe lUlcigb Il' gi.t. r ssjs that a sin gle case of small pox had oeeurred in that ; e.ty, at a bearding bo,a. 1 he e.ty au- j Ihoriue. at one. look th. matter io hand, ' . ' and .very prec.ut.ou Uaeo to pr.vem us saresd. u-yA noin ot ib neia in tin. . '" ' ."--j ,w vo'ulij not help it Plca-e eiiiuse gs r . . ,., . . . I Hon. E. P. Waring. j We cop, th following, ays the State Journal, from the St. Thomae Titende, of , " ! UJ guu tWu, - pe-i emem . or,t9 tn9 ,unieisary of thai day upon -- - j ....... Jf "". " " ' ' . . .. . . nrl. : . ... T , . ,. , . ... f,-. - .- -j ana warmto tor wmen ne is wen anowa oy tho who bave previously experienced them. Ou a oentn : the room, there wt ; yjf yer t.gtj i '.',' j!" -V iliiounterl by small A "" w.ioai lioou were placed three Silver .r Iy Ueooralod and snr. Atnericsn flags mad. of silk. During a nest little epeeea delivered , -lh ... Snillh BnoB ' Porled beK ,10 ,M DU by Mr. lieorgi A. Philips, be drew ,he it. r"".l .o-operation w, b the South upon , tmenimtBtt Ui on. cneurred in. tcntionof tba oomp.ny to the Vases, and ;"' common line of policy for their un.ted Fading the subject, th. Senate adjourn stated that bis eouatrymen, shipmasters and i action, or adopt souie plan auggestod by ed. j fellowtnerohanta, residents of the plaoe, , htd toat diJ pre,,Bd ,bem to tb-ir wor- nted tnem to th 'ir wor ing so trusted that theii thv host, aid in domr ao trusted that their .;i.'..,t.u-j -A '..k r i value, in a peeuoia-y aense, would been th. sinoerity, friendihip, and bigb regard in which Mr. Waring was held b, thos. who had prbffereajthem. Mr. Philip took occasion to refe7 vrtb-o many services, bh : i .:.i -k;.i. x r - ; 7-. . tiiir to this Isiaad, woetber 011 business or I otherwise, bad invariably experienoed at the bands of the eeutlemaa he was then ad Hr.Min Mr Warinu with ...d..nt aio. o- .r. - - ! lion aud the verj deepest feeling, expressed 1 for the Vas, sud in tbe band- I " , , m,v"mr that their value to biia wa ia tbe prtcne .... i .hiK ,h.. hud h..n rT-,.d . ! . . l. . . . j i. i . .u wuivu iii.i u.u vmi VU.I.V. AU ! ausw.r .o tuo iu... iir.ui, 10 sue .ir.uger. present, General Soto, of South American oelebrity, took oocaaioo in bi t.atiooal idiom . ...i. k;i. .. ui r ... ... , ttprtitout. Other toasts were draok, but j ss tbey were more of a private nature we ' pas them over in silence. On th Vase we found iosoribed Ibe following card: PRtSK.NTED TO H P. WAKING, ESQ., United States Consul at thi plae, i.i... i .nJ ..u.m f kin, . gentlemen in bis private and official capacity by lb resident American Merchant and .Shipmasters now in this port of Sr. Thomas, this bib day of January, 101, Icing the anniversary of th. battl. of New Orieaoa. 9Gf We commend the following to tbe con sideration of those who ar. disposed to ....1. .k. Jn.,r.ll nF m.r ! I'ninn. Let them nad and ponder it and i M,.jMnllir. :. m, Aa them .rood : i;rruir T nrs w V I M Om of th. ! njost exesptionable features io the secession i rMl,ng4J " T "' llie 0 1 o l8d Meediug States hail the . ir.u.iu joj .uu ims - ordinaneei that are one after another sound ... i..i of the I ninn If era were ,,,, nt Ih. nlr,, .,., ...I ..,,h. at.. u vocates and supporiei. of tbe doctriae of ..d iul,uediate seoes.ion. we could not but contemp ate the work of d s oire - t u gration, whilst it was going on, with mourn- (u teo.aiion We do not and cannot rejoic over Ibe eeA. all her ContlituUonul r,yKi i.d cure them bv nroner ur.ule. vet. if she . .. . r . f ' . snai, be necessitatea ey sucn reiusai io se- . . , ,t- :j k-w k. i et!H. from a Union around which have been ! " Lt rtk.SJifH.J.W s Z;"'.: l. -.1 ; .k . k- a i.l-! .1 ., t 1 i.....t so eiiiiiiiv oi toe act ov aemoostratioua nas mole wnicn nave unraeu in sseesaiou 01 s,.h Alh.m. Vmndi .nrl ojuhi viwitu, mnuaiui, m ivimm mwj .. . ..... . .. . ." .'. ' . ... 7 ili..ini.i. W hone that ah. 11 ratir.. i .1.. .1..11 .u. A. . ..j ' ,.,., ,,n,.nr,i. m ih. A. oe ,.,rcr,lic, 0f ber eonueotion with ber mi,l!liuittdt WTOaji beaded, .tuhboru aad tWu,tt at in. North. Io biddiinr tl,ul f,,r,wel. ii .ill be no shame to her lo 1 urop , ler m4 g(,e turns from me in over , , . Ik , . ., T !" ,,T.MV,,,r"0"V..0 r asi mil at sucu moment must ris. up io ,.dJen tu, 4ieaJ'eUr$burg (Pa) IU press. Hon. John Bell. The Hon. John Bull addres.ed villa Patriot, in an editorial reference to ' tbe address, say : "Mr. H-j 1 1 wa listened to throughout with tbe most profound and respectful at tention, Ieiug interrupted ouly by tbe earn est applause which frequently greeted Ibe utter.nce of soiue grcst aod patriotic sea il tu v nt. His spreeb was on of tb most .j lent and powerful of bis life. It waa ' oharsct. rixwd by the loftiest patriotism, 1 sad made a deep aod lasting impression "P13" bis bearers. Mr. Bell still has hopes 1 r the Kepuhlic. II does not believe that . the tree of our iibirties, planted ia the dark oays of the Revolution, iud watered i ome of lue best blood of our couutr, ' Jf ' fall before th. ix. .hieh is up ... ... WHO ABC lUsprmiBLni-I. th.r not good deal of truth io th remark, that the po.iticiaua of tbe eouolry north aud south j -a set of irr.-pou.ihle men, w.iho.t sub-. disruption .itbout busiue.s ad wituout , '"S PP-",- -er. adveuturer.-or .or., "lUl lL,"' " '' b sr. endeavoring to dr.g thirty millious of peopU lo lh. .by., of rum ! W. ,t, s r. uu uo ii oi poii. , vm in iuuiu were aisposea or, anu tne matter at is.ue referred pop.e oi nolo sermons, su amicable v. sir u.msuuies oouio SjJtrti , 1 n Hon. John Uel addressed a veryj i he case of sm. 11 pox is improving, and T """" J , "d 'mt " " f il ' at Nashville, on tbe 2'4J u't , upon tbe all , m Kaleih. ' ' r i 6 " L' "'""j 7' M LETTEB FROM RALEIGH. do' the North. Carotin. Whig.) I ll orrMPn cnc ; V KALIIOH. Feb. 1. 1S61. . T. J. HoLTON-iW Madam:- Mm, You . .11 nerccive bv the papers, that the - . . . Convention i.ooveonoo u, ... 1... 0..-I1 - hnl Houses. Tbeelectioo lor iJeiegetce to u Convention tskesplice on the 28th day February. Ti e 'Jonvention is restnotoa to . , . ull,,. Tb iot on of State policy at ,. They I ,,, ,oucn he questions of equal taxa- .....ion in anv war. Nore.n they ! meddle .jtb the basis of rer.K-.cut.tion or ; ... . ,,. .1V. ,DJ -. -. . ' ' . . ,u, .ia matter of our national altirs- 1 ec . , lbet do. if thev as. , , ,.,.... , ... . . 'eu"' 1 lB" lUBJ ,u u" " .... I f some propositions to aemsua specino guar- , . ...... fro,u tbe North, or recommend .1 1 0me other Convention, Legislature, or j bod meu M00d, by separate Slate ... ... action, rsow all these things they could do I s well bv the legislative bodv. and do it more in accordance with the Constitution, , biD b Convention, utiles, it i, .be last, . ' .... . . . P""' Seoe'on ; and this being a rtfuU- tionarv and not a constitutional reined v. . . . . . ' can be done, if done at all, better, aud onlv if done at all, better, aud only i Mr. Harris, of iwd , me, tioo, or by tbe .prising of th. eoessiou, .nd expressed lb. ' ' Ti ; belief that not a corporal s guard could b. ut a Contention. 1 li-n, if : fo-od ia M.ryl.ui iu favor of disunion . p? , Convention I , . . " ' : . .. 1 1 . . .. t . 1. . 1.: :. " ,. ' ...goer.. ,,u- , port.nce that th. delegate, to be selected u.u o. lu. very w,.es., pUrs .t , .,. ," practical men each county can pro- I j ' uuoe Let the purest patriots in the land ; lected, without regard to party poll tic, let all who wish to preserve this it - . .. . . j ... , ,.,:. .,. r.,,on.i ,, ',. of j ... , 8 , , , , . "' g neeesniy or uissoivmg the government and iaevitably bringing on eivil war, vote for men of either political 'pr,y "l" ,he " opinion with j themselves. And let team be surs they are not deceived by artful professions. Let them beware of olvei in sheep's cloth ing.' But if the voter think thai a Conven tion would be dangeroas, beeause il might determine lo secede, aod thai place as io a stall of revolution without trying the peace able remedies of making proper amend menu to lb Constitution of Ibe United S,.,... and allowing the St.,,. i- d opportunity to cou.ider the matter ; then for fear of rah and precipitate action by th Convention, it would b. and ..fe.t to vote for ' No Convention." But which- ever . thev do vol.. for or Convention, let them be snre to vote for Ibe w h- l b. rem.. Der ,Blt 60th " qiest.on sad , , , , , ; me election lor delegates Iske plsee on Ue "l "J or reoruary, ana lei no man. .j ... u.. .: .... . -"v - .-, a.uc u. iiiik. ui bi... ! I,n,biP' or '''' liber,' ", be absent ' on at day from the polls. No living mao i .... . ever gave, or ever will give a more impor- ' tsnt vote scattering votes. N.arl. f .k- ' n... " -...j ;:.'. . lT","t"" T",,:u vungnun, Ofeao.e ,, , 1 bere was no rsular opposition. bat the u . . . ... . ).. .. .. ki. - l v j dro( eDQat be told. l . II,1J. ..1:... . .l. -a 1 . ...'vu, ui iu. naisir. I ..rl Si..u.. .1.- a , . r(...., ., ul ,ollll u.i - p.rsooal difE.ulty on Wad- Imao oam. off gave bim a very nooa Do. very v , ., ., , , , w. a.-oorougo. note,, cpelmsn drew a pistol and firod twin at Holdeu, both o f which halls parsed wide of the mark geotlemau who was present at tbe windimr ding i ap of tbe fracas, remsrked, " Thst the I revolution bad begun in North Carolina, and ia the first engagement the American Eagle wa victorious over tbe "Jlingtuh I.xon.n W. Ransom, Esq , have departed as Com i . . .... . . j mi.sioners to Alabama, upon a fools errand, j .here they can do ao possible good. Jadge Iluffin.Gov. Morebead, Gov. D. 8 Reid, George Davis, Esq , and Hon. D. M u ; 1 1 , , ,. . ,or ooa' ID ,na r"1' their mission. It " 'r,a ,uM ,ns notice is too short to ens bl" lhe. jut generally, te respond to the P,tr,0" C4 of irgmi te send delegates 10 'UK- ' 08 anvill connection will probably be P"tti lbi session, either b, .ay of aauoeyvuie, or oy conaexioa .ith tb Dan vill and Dan river road at Leaksville, aud perhaps charters may be granted for both. the W. O. K Railroad, it ia ibonght, receive the required lo0 of on million of dollar,, by exchange of company bond. for ritate bouda. It is thought that th Legislator mat gel through with the basioess .nd .djouro in swo or mre weeks. Since the rial ileetion and lh. Contention bill bar been d..p.s.d of, the, are r.pidl, of th. e.r, bill. beTor. Ib.m. Tb. reveuo. bill and thi n.ilitar. L il 1 ..i ..,,7,." t. ' ' , udob. I h.w likely come up next week to the Wnebiowto. ait. t.A..l -k.. s i i.e.- . ... . .. . r--;cv.ot. l arc told o.intinuali, t, v, uru,VHrl,v news iron e .u.vbkh uiv oreast. taenia nut . n.r. ... .l- rre- ajoi- Mope aod to b. .Knot ....n. .r... .. .. 7 .r " ; f'" ' " - , ,f . j . . . " . . ' i i "1 iii. . nj liver. 1 h. n.n. nf .k.. ' .;i,.,... .l-. .i. ... :n k. A bs, - be secured. balan.ed V.r. r..n...fll. i'i T mrotlgn hnu, wss em , eoii.proiin,., of existing troubles ; s i" of tW.Axe l"""e,, '"''".".ms, ,' b8Jd,C(1 ,n b"rd "0o'1 t timber lo .hat be true, ho. can .ny rs" ' V'l0'V- i 'be depth of four iuclju. ' doubt tbtl war will eusuuj A'i' '' Congressional Promdlnp SKNATB. Washington, J- '-'. .. resolution, ail I .,', .President to accept tbe err- .J,,, of olunt..r. for ,h. protection of .he public property. i i'lr. mil'-ll in.. .- -- ... htm :..-.,...., I bi tor in n - , tio0 0f , he militia in tbe District j - ,. of j r. Hingham presented a memori .l for . tD fep,l 0f tbi fugitive sieve iaw j The Pacific railway bill came up A number of amendments were diseus aed. One providing for the Northern route was adoptee Mr M.aon moved to strike out all appro Ipn.tion. of money in aid of th. road, hi. i object being to .bo- that Virgmta dissented . iron UJ..IM. .'- .-.fc- ' ' - , ,. dnbt. when nrooa 1 tmm m.kinir this area i . . " ij .l,.i. h. '."""!!..;"' k. ....ral States, and -rr . . . . . ...J ,k.r..ble t 'rK'' u"Ku; " - I ! . 1. . . ; n n Mff I I. A 11111111. wtvu .uj Po...u ''". !oti?n " '"'.. !, .ul 101 iiou.e r.Fuuicu 1 fh TeP0rt f ,h Com",te f lb,r,y (inrre. i t. Stevens of Pa . ajresd wit nr. I Prvor. that ne comBroinie can be effected, ! aod cited the newa of yesterday from ' C"oUn L,,a '"ho'. 1 be Southern States will not be turned rom lheir deib,r. p.rpose by .oft words or ' t.r. We nnnossd the rient at eeeessioa. 1 - j i .nr. Harris, 01 na , u.iu u. foand in Marvl ... ... . ... - t , . ,lld ,D ,,ult, been commiue. both sides, but that Southern politician. losierin aisueioo as a new defeated ambition in th Union. If wa. iu favor of th Crittenden resolutions. Mr. Winslow, of fl. (J , aetenoeo oouineri f righto and reviewed tbe proceedings of , Lommittee. lie end tnst in ivorii o .,.,.. th. int. 1 abo uion ot s la very, and without further garantees ou this head, it could not be expected that the 1 , goull) oud rtB),i id th t oio Mr. Von Wyck denounced secession but 'couns.lsd conciliation. SKNATK. Wasiiimito. Jaa. ad. Mr. DooL'las introduced a bill amrndia forT 0f (he lugitii. slav. laws of 1 7U3 and lsoo. t'oinpromise memorial were reoeived and referred. The ('hair tnaonnced tb wiihdrawal of Mr. lversonfrom Georgia, from the Senate la his eoruovi.isstioi he aialed th.l it jlieorgia was allowed to lv lb Union P,M ,n "',ul,, "' l0. T"'"' a ) b"h Z' "i If .ecs.-ion was p. aoe able there1 might be a reeooslruction of the Couf.;d i o.her.i... all bop. of such r. j L ..i.i;n. ii nd ( eoi,,""". 7" U." , ; .1 . ; r-y-- i ne rresiueii irau.miiicu iu. propo.i I State. In 'bis 'message bs rve upon tb." tb. importance of tb. ..bje; Uio. ig.xe.the.ct.onof Virginia .nd .p, . f ...--..d.iiri. , .? .,on .d th, r,rinfin of the ,,;,; ,0J ,.,d ,hat the ob eel of V r - -.. j 1 1 j giuia wa. arat to ..cure ue.v., .uu rcuuuir j ? Mtnrn he rights of all lb. .State, and .1... v,..; .,.iin ,( ik. i:..i on a new basis. Th papers w.r to be priut.d. Mr. Hemphill, of Texas, read a speech iu defence of the right of beeessioo, refer i ," ""' "f? "waa ! -"PP". wa bailed wub .ppl.u.e from the Hoor and irai erits. Ibe .'oiuiuitie . , , .. " . ., , composed of Kd ward Kverett and others, ar.r. i the v. er ea al th. t i,u. Several .nd.ent. ,o , he constitution re proposed aud rrf.-ried. 1 were proposed aud referred. I Mr. Hughe- offered a re.olu'ion which waa adopted, looking I the setrocessiou ol Jlh District of Columbia to M.rylaud, ex eetl Ibe Citv of Waabii.i! ton. The President' message, enclosing tb. Viririnia r.solulions. was received, and ita consideration postponed uutil to morrow. Tb. report of th. Committee of Thirty- three wa. taken up. Mr. Pryor made aa eloquent speech 0 . aeieuee oi tne oouiu. ii as.uuisl that j ,Qe luioa was already dissolved, end that j peace or war wa now tb oaly issue before A ! the country. ISut their refusal lo secede 1 ud bf ,be,r ,Br' of noercion the Ko publicans would involve the country iu war. la view of this estsstropi.e, the South w sustained by the eonviutiou that posterity will acij .it ber of ail re-poos biiities for couserueues. Th Norm alou. wa ao eount.hl. for the ealaiuitia of ih. mutiii. sjh. k. ....u.... ,u . established a government of despotic raan, over the Mouth b, an irre.poosiPie maiorit. Tho .South i. .oi.t........ i... Constitutional freedom and lb right of eelf government. Io tbi. mum th cause ol h M...k .. ik. ...... -r . i .l ' " " .u. ui eivii iiteri. jSh. would accept .alisfsctory sceuniir, bwt lb dominant parly reject all ovenur' and ar preparing to enforce submission lo their ..ay. lo vie.- of tb. diverse ideas I .uu imera.i. ui sue two sections be luoui u.ur.w-, ,u u..o oi vainly (.l.rin. hi. ra.i..... .r..., i.. ... l j .l . -- v. M..ur. 0f i ... uoiu vu. .u.u. ui reason, instead reason. Instead ameutiag th ruptur of ao arlifioial tie' a, involving the ru.o of a I our hopes, U e.m, . , , (e,.i- a. lean o th. Wisdom of Providence uu ,.. ,ud a thorough Umou ... H M' der the p.r.uMion lb., .. IJ. had .1 emph.ti.all, thst immediate.-' .dy isiiMgui.h.d the ipocb of our Revo-1 luu it Jx lB, .ftllu,.Dl cf th. people-. lutiou is t... most glorious ,u tb,, ... el..fl .oole.Md b th. r,fl),.l ol ih. of Am.r..a, .o b. lutends farther f ! Laa,fl..1.i-r. to .ubmit Ih. ordinance of lion." tv' na- j , ,uu, furtljePr .f,, ,, ,, j, ,n.o- lutely .inpiy, ud Ihe resources of lliJ e . I State cxoeediugiy limited. !' Hob.!B(.s Aucidiist On Tuesday last! Tun Rxai. Iiwub. A Senator lW a Fra'iohmaa named Uuilmstt, employed in ' ,rul' '"narknd, in his lat speeoh. in ""' tho railway wood shed at Island Pood, Vt.1""""" 00"' 'for ,no Pe9l Ib U """"Z ... instantly kill.d iu a .booking and siu- utuJ( Ut W4i , . " uuuer. ua wa .wi wood with rtnl.r rnn bv .team power, .he.. bur.l. (In. of the fragments .l .- , . . , . THE Later from Europe. Cab Race, Feb. I. The steamer Uoi - I ted Kingdom, which hailed from til.,.., on the )ih ultimo, paasedtbis poi, ,0 dh j 1 he is. e. of .oilon .1 L erpool 0 F i ' . . '; h' ,r ... ' ""' ........ .J..;.... ... ... , - r ....... .v.,..,uul (I, . MinciicM. r . ... amavorabl., n. market being uuu. Tho French ariny is to be lonr-...,.! . . . . . v m ibe aiiauioii 01 seveuicen renueiits. Geii Klspa is prepaiing for a risin. j, UUUgary. Advioe. from Uiut state that the r, of the ' ovjrderers of the Chrit;iUS been couoluded. The Druses were seDlt1 ced to death, and the M jssuliueu to ex1, Congrtui'iHu!. , Wasiiinoton, Feb 1 In the Stu,1( to-day, Mr. Latham delivered a speecb tbe President' Message, iu whioli be tributcd the pre. out trouble to Nut them f oalios; but aaid that secession was an j j, gal and unooo.titutioual remedy. that coercion could not subdue the .Sutb and that California wouid remain jg I'uioo. The speech was very elorj irm t received frujuuiit applause from tbe gi, The business transacted was tant. UBimp,,. hi th House, Mr. Kellog introlue4 substitute for the report of the ( 'on, mitt of Thirty three, amending th Cou.iiimj,, of lb. United Stutes relative to i(r, Although Mr K asserted that no ou a, responsible fur it but himself, it wai gf. eraliy believed to be in, Lineolu'. views, aud the c nf i i,uct , Mr. KelloL'g'a rteent coufureuce with (, s at ipriujctieid. .Mr. Siiermio, from th ('oiurniit. Wars aud Mrsus, r ported th tweut, 6,. . u,unou wau uui , . 4Jr. Hsmiiton, of Texas, msde a rw. Lniou speech, on the report of the i'y.i. , j ,e4 of i birly -three. the! A uiht session is being held, for d,t,N - only I'futn M'uili.iufiinn. WAkiuxiToN, Feb. I. It is n; .. that Col. HaviiA. hatlut' re.rivrti ,1-.. t. froln (jof plckro, hss brouj-hi (hi '., jeet of tin ivaesation of tort lore tbe Aduiiuioiraiiun. Ilor.lio King has been nominated Senate a. Post lusster-tieneral. I'r.AU Msjort.eorge Mid-lieton, a. ;t .Syracuse, N. V , Jauusry 10, si the i , , Ul. lie was claiiued to be the feniur berof the Ma.onia fraternity in the IV . States. It is aaid thai th. M ii..r .... .. i eul ,b, Yon iin..0d u,.,,, , , a . . hn IVI l.. .i.r,i ...,i in b gm,on ,eru ,n,.aer,J in oul'l b .fur lheir surrender to the British, f M " 1 " 1 ,JLH 1 or ' C'HU..." U, , "'""""Li T porane eonnnuc lo protest againi i n c- Irine of "coercion.- .hile the !.,..!.... of .,, of o. . , . , - - .... PP! ",b ia order to 'n ; ratw' " ry p lo ; Fi io0 by ' lb Knr.l .ie W. should d. eply re.r,t ,. !' there was the lrat fom ljt; t - i " -f-F" ore; ior .. . e ve t it' a v be ai J . and we t hink i..-i.. ) . j in opposition to tho riLl of musiue apparent mat the coerced rct- ,'01- D' u" ' 1 nominal umoo it ber ,,lor ,uu- ,ulJ " g.aer u,.oi a i reel y or luJircctljr, lo re.ognu ih i of seoKssiou, sud bus to plant in tin l poime the seeds of us own dj.yi!i-v dri.- hut if i . I. - r ., , ; UB,tui oUl ''. a4iost tl,a Ut of our : oeing, auy sucu rtsori i osu lo eiw I P P--' 1 jt reimmii4 n) mo-fiock or irm- J ny the shoe ol arms Hi' 'fr " ,uu1- be dmnted that the F-lm. ' ''"vernmcyt bs manifested an,ihm. tut i j dpo.ui .( to "coerce'' the seeediu -f u ", "'sr prefened lo practice f r j "'' Pfl 't,nc of .ets wbieh. il rr '; from nor foreiD J'oavrr, wooid. tv common eon-cnt, have resulted in imse I aiM "r- 109 0'ous lenders cl n j "uu 'ouev on tue pars oi certain .ioiibh i Stite deerr to b deemed ioopporlum - Pathi itio Advkb Th L ui-' Journal adtics liial th gallant ipirin ure slrsiiuj lo obrt.l th il llio'i1 ' ' whieh lie Iu the way of pacific ton compromise, muil not he I ' Ihey meet with lukewarmness or find II' r appeals diarrgarded. When ero-sin? If'' Alps the soldiers of .Suwarroff, oerwhelni'l with fatigue, and dispirited wiib li.nt-l" no longer obrved hta voice or obsrrv. ': 'I' I u'u' """ipliue. He ordered a dileht' ! du' u4 ,rMh"" hui.wlf in it, cried e.: ' 10 u' mdtmous soldiers ' Cover me op 'a 5 1"' '"" desire, la be . ,",c J00 t',,,,0B bun." The, all th"' themselves al his feet, and follow I I" . , ' ! "" Motion aod enthusiasm 8'ir. ly i P,0P' of ,ne United Stele .11 not -r,l"rt nd Douglas sod tbn' i'l,n 10 b our,d beneath the rums of th"' IDA Hon. Jas. A. Pcdeli, form'r r ; United stale. Charge .1 Buenos Avres, (.t ..... I i lo.merly of Wilmington, N i ) hr,. . . e.-. -I . her, i ......J.. r." fi..:.l . f !iic-;i St.t. k. k.. .. '.:... it tu- ' TlTf'S"'" 'i"'9" lh? 'Tf, 'w' ' r N", . " I ''hill hs j.ttled opon ssli-faetiry t. ! Inevitabl. d tbe Le.-islature m " P'rv a a" necessary nretisrations to meet the " . I