LINES. PCM.ISHt.D Bf arii:KT. There is a light t,, mortal, given .B? aanichto finj liieir way I" heaven Thr, ugh Isbyrwliis of ctr'or ; Tlie (it'll imparled ii divine, Vnt lr.,ni the thr.ine n ait wise deign, ilU love mid nut with terror. It can illume li.e darkest shade, lispe r the clouds Hi a I overspread Tne Imritni. of nature, Oi make li.e sacred truilif appear To our once darkened minus iuot cl i Distinct In evei j feature. But nut I nsk and humbly lo, Wlial will the jui ty sinners do Who sin without te eiilina, Thai tiie roul where darkness rci Peek suffering im.l eteri.ul pain, Still emniiig and repcul.uir. Fears not hi fate may soon be sealed And Hoe forever be revi., ii.l Nor cheek'd by mitigation. He knows no human sympathy Nor (int nor angal piwer can'tice, To offer him aalvation Deep in lint gulf of dark destvair A here kindred ) mt rrnd the air Willi complicated horror, R,ule that muM once a lienven nl.t.n Dnutitli-ne will feel thai bitter pun. And drink thnt cup ut snrrow. There the dread worm lint nm" rKcs With keen reaiorsc the tire ui!:n 'i' Imt knewa no inu-rmimen. hrav. n if Ihia the finnl stile tt tliiwe tlil turn tot; nl to i Lie. Nor yielded U Contriiion. O lli.l tlie lieari(ii-d hmrt nfati-l VVer me.ird dmt till it coulu linl Deep penitential aerra, An.l waking up aa t.i m ii'V W ouio aldit "or heaven ,t.i imly a.jili Nor tarry till 1q nierrow. Thr ;i nsvr j ty m hra-p Ami a r. UxUnl A pin iter huth nKnf.'d, Amu -1'itr w iUni ji m ttir iita Aud l.r ,r?P fa i ! v ..mi w.' . ti And love tviQ'. tc Thm irT Thry rhti-t a 1. An liv?ir ol jfjiorv bore ti Anu on Ins wt ( hrtii He Uro'tt atritr r ni -in i By faitit nbUi.tfri t (n-i-r: 'I lir jUU faith i nun mr; lllrirteij be Hu.t od BitKit'd bt Hi ins '.n.ti h 'I iTrmgli I iK atoning itier Hlct'd be tfiff wnrd lnal p To ngtiHih of t rnsl Enliritttriird by b.a Iftlistdlantous. A GUOU DAY d WOHK. " I've done one good day's woik, if 1 Iterer do nnnber," said Mr. JJarlow, rub bing Lis hands tJetuer, wisely, aud with tie air of a rao who feit very touch pleas ed with himself. " And ao have I."' Mrs. Barlows tgiee was in a lower tote, and less exuitant, yet indicative of a spirit at peace wilii itaeif. "Let us compare notes," said lr. iiar !rw. in the contidcut matmer of or.e who kt.owa that triumph will be on bis siae, " and tee which has aobe t:.u best day's work." " You of coortc,-1' returted the gentie ife. " We shall aee ; let the history of your dty'a precede mice." "Mo,'- said Mrt. Ijarlovr, "ycu shall give tl.e Aral txperitcce." "Very well." And full of hie sulject ir. liaricw begnr. ' Yoi rcn either the dsbt cf AVntE id .t-oat wLich.1 fjoite a few uays ago ." "Yea.'' "I eeutidered it desperate wouid have sold cut ti; J interest at thirty ceiits on rhe do'lar when I left Lome thu ujoriiinr'. Now the whole cia iu is becure I had to scheme a littlo. It vaa sharp practice. Jiut ibe f'iri is doijc. I don't buieve that ano'.ber rrentor of Varficld's wiii et a tbiid of Ins ciuiBi.'' ' 1 he neit cf.eratioc," continued Mr Jjariow, ' J c'jUoiiler quite as good. Atut a year 'o I took h:ty acres of land in Kri routity. for a debt at . valuation of fue dollars an arrc i sold it t day for ten. I oou l think be aoew J nt what he was buying He called tu see me about it, n-i I a-ked ten dollars au acre at . vtn t iif, when he promptly iaid doaa one Luti jd to bind the bargain If I sLouii t rier a e bit. again I atu all right. 'Jhat i- traossetijij number two. Number thre" i- plea-ant to runember. I so.d a lot of W.J-IS almost . year out of date to a jo'jt g c luutry mercbaM for catb. Me thitiks t-. i j.; . bargaiu, aud perhaps he haaj I K "iid lave let tli cm go at ai.y time during tne iasi ix riiobths alalia of thirty per cent, and thought the tale . very desiiaoic ' 'De.' 'f 'Now litre is my god ila's work, J LDy, aud it is CLe to be proud cf. 1 take aojMv credit to u-Tsinf lur beii.jj' u the aole a f ret'r bright sort 1 a iuu and boutiit to ihrougii. Let ua have your r'o;y now. '1 lie face of Mr. JJar.ow fiushei; f.ight'y. I!cr hueband waited hit a lew tuouienua, , and then .aid : ' Let us hear of the yards of stitcl.irijf and tne piie of good luiuge made ' "No uoibilig of tbat,' answered Mr- But-1-H. with .slight veii of fee..i,,: coving i i' plcasai.t Voice, i bad another n.c :iuiiie: vci I spoke of havibg acc ouipiiaiici a ...d day. work. And now, as my doings ii bear do eooipari-ou wttb yours, 1 iUij ' of dic'inin tLiir rthearal.' "A bargain is . bargain, J;UL), said Mr. har.ow, 'wotd keeping . cardinal virtue. .- , t your atory be told, iou hare- d jiit a eo ,U ai'i acik iu your own estimation I .r you aaia fo. tio OD. 1 Ui ail atten t.oU. " "I resolved last night.'' aatd sue, "after sstllg sou.e hours i la aeit el a ii.. l a i .on and er.f upbraiiHO(;s, that 1 Wuuid lt oue uay try to possess uiy soul iu patience, au'i tun liaa teen loe trial. Sba.l t proceed' Mrs. Uhii I looked up with a l.a.t 1 ji-hlul air at her .usosiiJ. ti.e ocJ u-ji unit his eyes, for he baa turi.oJ psrdy a ay fii, dear Jenny, go oo." The bus Lji.d t buoyancy A ton was gone. Iu it- ' i aa auui'tli.iig lenui-r and nso-ive. ' I. line l.iior am uunaueliy Ireiful ibis I! i auii.Mj, ss you Will rrmember. He neii ' 1 pi net f, 1 tLou'l t riv-f, asei e I II, 1 was UUIJ led 10 apeak halablylwo fcr ILrte nu.e liut I remembert i wy re.o ' lutiou, I put on tbt armor of palience, atid" ! mi er let bin. her. harsh tone. Dear lit- : tie fellow 1 When I went to wash hiro after bieakfast, I found just behind one of bis curs a email iuflarned boil. It has tu.vie him iligbtly feverish and worriedum all day. j ... c , .L. ..: I.. A ...).. i , JU, wsjii v i giu i iiin.uu - I i my fpiru i ) "After you went away to tbt store, Mary 1 pot into one of her perverso humors. She J dicin't want to po !o rtiool to Iil .mii with. . 1 then be ooulrln t find her slato; and then ! her tboe pinched her. I felt very much ' nnnoyrd, I ut rrealiiuir my pood reiolu:i.n, ' I mot ber irritation wi'U cainiues, her ii- ! fniiii-, her stubboiij temper with penile, rebuke, and so T conquered. tS he ki-sed tne and ftarted for i-chool wiih a cbeetful eoutitenance, the slatiJ in ber satebel, ami the pinehin; ibo unheeded. Aud so I bad my reward. ( "But my trials were not over. iSoinecx- tra wai-bitip was needed. So 1 called Kllen and toid her that Mary would require a frock and two pnir of drawers to be washed , out, the baby some slips, and you some pocket handkerchiefs. A saucy refusal leaped from the j;irl' 'I -tic k tonptic, and inriiptiant words to mine. Paiitnce! patience; whispered a small voice. I stifled, with an effort my feelings restrained my speech, and controlled my countenance. erv Cilmlv, at least to mi 1 xtenor appearances, dirt I look into t,lieu s lace until olie dropped her eyes to the floor ID oonfueioo. "You mui-t have forgot loo yourself, said ' I with dignity ol niatiiier; yet with out a sign of irritation. She was bumbled ut once, confessed the wroup, and bet-g"d my pardon. I forgave ber, after reproof, land al.o went back to the kitchen, some . what wiser, I think, than when I summoned her. The washing I rc.i'iircd was done ; aijd the cirl has seemed all dav as if she wc. eudenvorirg ,0 .tone by kiudneas d j !-rvictf h.r that hiirty ipi-ecb ; if 1 uptake ; not, e are both improved by the diacip line through which we passed. I , "( ilber titals I have had through the doy. ! Sune of them quite as severe as thu few 1 j ' hse mentioned ; but the armor of patience. was whole wheu the siiu went dowu. 1 was j able tj pos, I- my -onl in peace, and the j tnt!q je.-t of teit ha nuue me happier. ! i Tins is niy day's notk It may not seem much in j our ej s. Mr. Bariow did not look up nor speak as : the oic of bis wile grew silent. 5 lie ; waited almost a minute tor his response. ( . Thru be bent forward, suddetiiy, kissed her j sayii l', as he did so ":ie vss wcik. yours battle mine -'.lecfcss. yours conquest, mine eiyy toil ynura b.roism ! Jrnny dear, aiuee ou , lave bten talking, I have thought thus ! My good work una soiled my, while yours are without a slain, aud white as angel', robes. Loving monitor ! may your lesson of (. night make tue . better n, a a. Ycur good day's work gives a two fo.d i:cs!i.j.,'7 A' Aithiir. Ct'RloLs PiltNO.MK.MiN ''How is it yoo raise so large ami nicu oniousT' I asked of an Iowa farmer, as I was sitting at the ubie with ti tin, and observing some ou the tubls "U'ell,': said he, "we sprout tbt seed with boilirii water, and then plant it early and in good grouud. ' "Sprout the seed iu boiiiug water!" I ex Claimed inqiiiring'y. ''What do you mean, sir, by tuai.' oo l boiling water kui tbu seed ? ' "Not at aii," he replied ; "hut it wiil sprout the in in one mitiuie s lime.'' It win 1 It Loka iuoredihic "' I replied with Sat prise. "Weil, you try it," be replied grinning!;-, " the liuie euuies to piant, and you il ulu it ju-t ai 1 tell you! ' Aud sure etiough wurn spring came, and my neighbor a about planting his ouiuu seed, .bd beiug prese.t, 1 said : "Jewell, last a inter, lucre was a man told me iu Iowa, that to pour honing water on Idack cnion seed w ould sprout it is one lulu- ule. Sur ose vou try it V , ' Very well," said he. And taking the tea kiltie irom I Lu stove, he poured the water thus boiling ou the seed, which be bad iu . tea saucer. Locking closely at it for a mou-.eiit, he exclaimed, "My eou! you have told rightly. Oniy look a there ! ' I looked, and behold, (he little sprouts, about as la.'ite as horse hairs were eliootiug cm of tl.e ti.ds of the teed ! Hi did not letaiu the water ou the seed above three eenud, and iu ie-s than one baif niibuto" after it was poured off, the sprouts were pirjectirig fiom tie scds. My Iowa friend a.-sored me that this pro cess would advance the growln of the oiiiou from two to thtee weeks beyond tbe ordi nary method of punting without sprouting i ry it, gardeners and farmers; much may be gained by it. Tiik Haok is Ladils' bursal. FanLv Fetu reai.y ibiijks "theru is great ahU seu I siLle iii,jr jveu.eLl iu the mailer of female ' afpaiel ibis winter. Jjiess hiuuels are , scarce upon pr&mena'ie mat's a blessing, a hen one never sees more thau three preiiy i 'dress touueta ill k life lime. '1 IncK-auiee) I boots are toted! 'geiiteei; oul-iJe gatuients are lasbia.ied with auijye lo warmia as well as shaft-hues! 'J he timid, who turned asidu tneir eyes witU a shocked 'oh,' when Ine lirt iii-iei,ei.Ui iii lady jinue'i tbe skirt ol her tits) up out ul tue mud, no go aui ; uo likewise. At our J'laees cf evening ' amusea.1 at, gaurs banuets, rimue, and white kidisiu ate maias of 'the stranger ' witLin our gates,' or of pelsons with abuiu' one would R-el bonoreii to he al variance oo I tLi; iire-8 ijjtelrju i'n-p.ay iu ur,;sj iv i e- ' gtuhitig to be CjbCt,e'i. as it should he, Co the urawib): room,' ahd Fanny la 'iad to see this ou tov sc jre of uod taaie as well as economy. Jon., i.i:m:v avi, Ul filOII If tills, l.r. i ni avr. In M.l ivr a si. lKMiTar,j Ui III I. iii Eiiiwif)', lidi.tliiig, lu i:r hrrr " JI ii I, t 11 t It l, I g g . L' ' vW' ' " LA JIM.S.. such rr-fTTi " ' , t t'1 pai a i k, hakk JJ-i-fj.lP. II lllii-l , ,ouUl , .... I KA' I Hi..ri,i )f A a ICO. I a, iii i,ii,i MI.H.l; 1 f.l.i II 1 1 : A IaU,. VI, All J If i li.M. til ery sup, 'I'M J( ' nl,y o u.b. I " ' - I St js, i .' I'. etli , , " 'V I i t .- pl,, . J f I VI I I ll.Si alt,.l ,. , U M si'. M ll.l A P 1 1 1 i A V 1 ?( lAII'I L U L ll U . . - OAJJ L Lili CALKH3 IN. Hardware. Guns Cutlery, Ac, be, at the Hig o) t't Golden Viiil J-ock, . S in t.i rcxpivtiuiiT inviie.iiie imuiic at V .ii i ei.nuinu their Slock belure Pur- ..iinL' eiwe In re. IT (Iriiira sohriieu unit prninptly niled to. C'i li( tS. CuJIlilANK i SAMl'LK. , Jll IU, I Mill. ' l.hicbiiiith's Tools, i:t the i?H oj tlie UUdcn Yiiil- Lvch, eT A (!""' uily. S.JT yl Vila : H. l'nwa iniilinif nl An. Solid Boi Vices; bund ' in) a!edue liiiniliiere ; Stuck and )ie ; T.ili;s. llu I,, Kllea, and a f ind tuiiply of florae Njiia. Ilorrr null Mule Shoes, at low pe'--. CtK'llUANK A SAMI'LK. Tools ! Tools! Tool fit the $ii uf the d'uikn Vuil Luck, ei.rpja A good supply of Tools, Culisist. tfJ ingot circubir.mill.cro.s.cut, JFV . 1 1 kb .n.l nisa Saws; bench ami 111" 11 I.I 1 I'l.ines ; I" thing, alnngli '"i brnad Hiteluls; II niiiners ; bevel' and steel qimrea i Drnwuip Knives; .arennd Pits ; Aueers ; Umilets ; t hi Is; brick n pias. Trowels; Screw I W Sets ; Spoke. simves; Files; K isps; Pocket. Rules ; Unnec l(,,d. ; spirit and pocket Levels j (luring Ma chines, ai COCHRANE & SAMPLE. AgTicsiKural Impleineiits, at tin St?'! of tli' Golden Til l Lack. m I irfr nuppljr of the aKovf, conitnf of Tltnmptina rnli Urulri. Flnulif ; alio, "ori). Siif!!f r?; Simw C'lttrm ; SWov. -a) ; -7. W).f(1., Hne-.Tr.itr i'humn, W rhm. Wen rbaii.s. Ii inien Hoes, likis. Heiife Sne.irs, I'ru mi e nnd Bundini' Knives. Sec , ,Vc. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, at the Sfi ol the Gulden Yad-La.1, K X- ' '"r." ''1C "nrTe' consist. :.y ..j- JL iwp of Springs, Axles, Oval Iron, llujs". Ib.ns. linns. B'lggy P"le. Uxt'SV Snails, Siwiie-. P..lent anil himuit l!ed healll'-r, Knam. i lied Cloth. O.i Carpet, I .irriase Holts, Itrass Silver Binds. Puver M .iilriii ir l.aces, Tasae's Turncn Sticks. Saddle and Lining Nnii-. Sir., iu COCHRANE i SAMPLE. T toe Sign of the taOl.DKN PAI I.m K will ba l.iund I, mi -a lasre and well as. Itvlid Stork of Ouns, Pist.iis, I'owiiiT birns. Powder H .ss, I'owaer, Slmt, Lean ; French and Amcrici n window Glass ; Put. tv ;a huge stock of F.ngliMi aim American Iron; Cast Steel, German steel. Blister steel. Plough steel. Soring steel ; Nail of ail kinds hemp and in ini'.l a R ipi ; Anchor B-am! Boltint ; M il S, rrs; M.i! P.eks; Spike ll.inmie.-s.Sl .ne Ham. tin-rs. K.ii.le ami S ngie ll'ia-ks; aiso, a l.rce Sn-cs nl C. unices. Curtain U mds, t'urtain Pins, Piet.ire fo.-d af.d T.sls. Ac. ! COC11UANE k SAMPLE. Tiii WOi'TlI CAROLINA WHITE iSL'Ll'llL'R SIMH.NGS U'll.L I'.H ol'KNKU Full VIsITollS II V tin; l-t ol JI NK liexl. Tin V are situated in a mi kI heiiti'V iniiiiniainous ci.untry near t!ie healllitul CATAWBA illVI.ll. Wlllnn less thi.n an inoir's ri le ol tl.e present terminus nf tiie W F'I LUN N.C. KAIL BOAD, whicn d u- ly lines of Omnibuses am, Stage CouijI.i t'.e Springs. I'U a iure venieies . nd s up'.i 10. sa ddie i be at tue call ul guilts. connect seswiil IIo.i litis Alls- and Killiaiil ll tooili neatly fitted up. rin: or ntMi is , cugnged fur the seasnn, and ULADL.ILL AMI lUriLUflS PARTIES each evening FKtK OF LXTHA CHAIIOtl. I Itfcl UL Il.iX.NGS are new and rpaemus 'II U i'LKAsLTtll t.KOI .DS extensive ; and in fine, every thing wiaiiea for tt tne best watering pi n will be fnuiid here to I'reau Ihe inner man ana lu cneor li.e spirits. I In' i;U iili l Ki'ittitalioii and Hi MEUK INAL pnrties of the waters (almost inaccessible beloro the coinplcti.,l ot llic VVesleru N. G. Rnlr.m.l) now hail Ine sick end ulliietiii wiln a cordial welcome. 'Ihe cxjtnenue ol tne Proprietor jin.liti.-B tl.e seeker of heallh or ;i;nure in aiineipaiine a -jj-khi time c'liinni;. Toe Proprietor bus n.en at very great expense in fitting up a Vv aienni; Piaee cainiiiienaurale with tie wan em tne CARoLI.N AS ana ciiifiientiy re lies on thkir gent rosily t,ar tnci.urageiti' nt. II. L. HOB A II w. Mly I. ISOO. 5lt FLOW Kits' wim a liULiiiun liimnuis Caldwell county, N. C. fBlllK Proprietor of these Springs infnrm the M. puhiic generally, liiat he is preparing to re reive and entertain tnoae who are deairous of tes. ling tin: cuMtive qualities of' this water, for Ihe various dtsenM-a to which human nature ia liable. Ile is making I utr aiidilions tu his builmrigs and I will be ready for the reception of company be. ti en tne Isl slid middle nf June, and all win. no ' e. me may real assured that they will be .iceninmo. I -lati o and et. ry exei tion us, d uj render their stay pleasant and onmfortabfe. !' rsons coming to tbeae fsprings by Ilnil llovd, a ll lean the cars at Hick, -y '1 svern to pot, i n Ihe M'csitrn lx'cn, n, where a conveyance will be in reaaineas to eonvev ihem In ilieSpri gt. ELK ANN' All FLOW EKi. .W-iy 1 1, l-Cl. 8tf . Tne I o oi.ibU Carolinian will insert once in ,tv rid ! ,r, the S.nncr.and the R,Ui,rh e'.sier will inrl three weeks and forward sc. I t-j iii biiit:, Ttoj wiJi please cu.J ailfi. ti-ii lo thr ittjvrliciiirrit. , JOHN S, WILEY, ' M4Ntr(-TLII AhU I Mr 0111 Of 1 HAVANA SUGARS,! SIO OEAl.iS IS tbacco, Enuff, Maiches, Paper, fee., tiEAaSOS IS, K. C, VF.uMIIUll I' II' hi, if., roiiMiiiil!) on band. January .1, I "Ml. 4- tf' 7a. IJ. .ioii.n, Mi neral 4 ollt cl ing .teiit, i Hi.iiil jwii, Pary luiiiiiy, Aliiti ima, ILL nl prniopi i the colic ail Ciaim. Inoked a Her, Land Cl,i,. ferre and uusconiiing rthtr,r lia.ked up at rn her. I, f,,r, Prosiipiness TEXAS CLAIMS. i.y ailaaineya in ..I. 4!l-l v Wiintfd, at ' OKflS Of Tan'K. m ,iow winch 1 a.h a,! tu- f.n.l, li. TAYLOK. IVtl A.Av.Awx.iNUEtt, S URGE 0.1 T MS T, aC'wFFER.S In erice to the citi jn (lC ' m: T acne of tlij and adjoining cnun s--TT IX-T ,, IB th treatment nf irrt-jroluri In- of the teeth. Disease ol the mouth 1, filled in a akilllul and lilclnry manner. r. . : ,..,i. ..,...,i..,i u..i,i , Si ear i.l.ile. uIum tnoia lluiiher vnle.iniied bue. 1 his alylc nt ; work baa many advuntiigeniver tno bwageil wora. It can be to lite mouth with Its irriUti.n I than the (Swayed ork it is ul'o cheaper. It is; free from anv nnpli Maanl odor or taste. j Having lie'eome aenl fur the Aineriean Ilnrd i I! libber company lie will supply Dcnlieie with of. tiee richls In manuliiciure rlates and uiims lor Art. licul Teelli and tlio Appsrulus and Alatenal. lie will aiau give iiistrucliona in the art on li.ud erute lernis. As he i ipeeta tu do a travelling business per. si n' demruiaT wnik dune, can be attended to ut II eir residences, by addressing him at Tuoka. seei;e P. I)., Mecklenburg Co., N. C. II f All work warranted. Ajmt 3. I860. Stf The Corner DRUG Store, t II AKLOTTi;, If. C. K. X Y R HUTCHISON & CO. 1 Ol'I.D respectfully call the attention of the 1 niiblic to their In lee andconiulcte Slock now beiiiir onened lor the Spring Trade, consisting of )rU(!,, Meilieiues, I'heiiiicu la, I'crlumery, Fancy Articles, Oils, Tai H-ntine, Burning riuiu, Aico. ,0, i', ,re .Vertical Wines ana rtruiiuies, niuu Tens, Fie d and tiarden Seeds, die, dtc. Januair 17. iStiO. 3lf ! HOWAltl) ASSOCIATION. j I'lllLAI.y.LVIIIA. I A lUnrvnlrnl Inttttulion fldbti$htd by sneei'i En. Juu-mti.1. for tbt Krtuf nj ttt Aici Uuttt$ttd, ejHtctrd trtlh Yitulrnl and KptdrmU Dfttt'$,and ttprciallv tor A t are Lhltutf of tkt Srzuat Otgnnt. HDIC'AI. AllVK t given gratis, ny ine nci i.?al log Surgeon, lu all who apply by letter, with description of tliuir condition, (age, occupation, habits ol tile, Ac .) and in cases of exlreuie pov. ertv. .Meilieiues fnrnisbed free of charge. VAI I AM K ItF.POIiTS on 8iermatorrho!, and otlu r Dim us. s of the (sexual Organs, slid on the NKW la.MKIUKS employed in Hie Disjwn. sary sent to the atllictrd in sealed letter envcl. nies, free of eliarge. Two or Ibree SUnps for pos. tnge will be aeeeplible. Addre... Dll. J. SK1LI.IN HOUGHTON. Ac ting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. ii Sou Hi Nnuh Street. PuiUilelplna, Pa. By order of Ihs ine,ora. GKO. FAIlit MILD, SeereMrv HZIIA I). HKAKTV tI.L. Vrrtidtnt. Feb. 7. I OLD. V A.N UNFAILING CURE FOR li norrliira k nil DinraMs of the I rinary Organs. RlillS REMEDY curea when all other pre pa. rations I n). It la entirely unlike every oth. i r c inpounn ; coobiiuiuiiig No .VliaaaaL Poiaua or Naesi.oi's iuiu ; as il is prepared solciy Irom Iluors, Basss and I.aavta, and lias been banned town, lioiii one generation In another, by tiie rur.aoKKE Kimvs It is offered to the public on ita nan intrinsic merits. Il ptrli.ruis its duty quickly and thoroughly. The UNroaTtsiATa, ol tlljir sex will be repaid by using Una litHruv, instead '.f placing themselves at the mercy ol smne Unaek r Psolessnr. 1'nis tiewrnv strikes at ibe vrry fl(,x of Ihe disease ; Ua lendency is not sun. ' ply In suspend the poison, but to fir. nor I ths ( A"rs, ,, ,,ch it deprnds, Fa'l directions ia i paiiipih t firm, accompany each bottle The spec . dy and permanent relief afforded by this Kemedy, iu all easea ol GosnssHtxa, Glkst, GatvaL, Stbic. li st ri.t-..a s, t V hitss in FrMaLES),and all li .eais of the Urinary Org ins. haa aatoinrhed i tne -nol scii olirlc men of tbe age. Tins Remtoy J not only eradicate s ail Porno from Ihe Svstxm ! bu lsviooTs Ihe init delicate constitution. 1 7" 1 1 oi-s Not ihe BaraTH or luTaa. i rrsa with any Lass ol, or require any I ueviation from the uual diet. ! ! 3J It requires no sssistance from other medi. ! ' cine. j j lAnd hat H.shssi r ita is the Fk-i tisk Asaivoa ol all Naeia.vs lasTI, being a! Pleasant a nd Dai.iciois Svaer : I'siti rr.a BnTri., oa I iiatc Bom as sua . ! Pu l l fclt dt MKUVA IN, Sola Proprietor., I St. Louis, Ma. 1 S .1.1 , I'harlnlle hv Dr. V Se.rr I j u .. . ,, Hutchison It Co. ,, Coic.libis, Fisher ic Hcinitsh. j Ad ,M .tUBlfl.u ,n the eounlry. I Vall fcelmuck i Gnerson, I harleston, j t. lTf,U.-ly Wholosale Dealers, Vi;s YOU MAY UsE OU RECOMMEND lleinistreet's Inimitable 11AIK (OI.OIUMi! aaa it to aa P IRF 1 RSOAIVE, ini'itinie lite birenflh and crowlh oi th Ha r. mid Jt" g it nil the beuulj uf jroulh. Ih Jfou 1 doubt ll,' t::ul! Itrati! Scnaoon I.ixc, Kssex Co., N. Y., It hi nary (I, I corf. VV. E. Hacas, Troy, N. Y ..Ltur A f and jn n g used your Hair Coloring or Kestoralive, j ;,g ,r;:i!ow.;".:.',e,;nf ttry tfvt rt Ht uf ii:ki-tf w lira Mbotit lecls f, my liutr eoimncntrd turnirnf grtj, ana so coiilinued to grow until it lucirmt perfectly ' tcttir, li.iog very barsn ami coarse, l-isl I li .'l reached my fifiy-lhirdyear, when I waa in. dueen by a Iriend to purchase two bottles of Hultu. treel's Hair Itestoraiive prepared by you. 1 coin ii.enccd uatng it according to directions, and in a "'T' surprio to nii.ui.i my na.r iroiu the rools outward was turning ba. k lo its original c"1''' ,l """"' " It'" until il was aa Ira. ly orown ana pnis.y as n was in my youinrui days. And is nvtc Juity retimed tit tls artgimrl eoUr. MY LA isclAMA.V.'t Co ,s Myl. Seaman csme befure me aod w .s nu y sworn, arm ays tnal lueaimve statement la true. Una Gtn day uf February, iQod. Jur.L F. 1 U the 1'raet. Pirrsroau. Vi., Aug. I,iBj7. 1 hereby certify, that my bair having become ijuile gray, 1 n.,,1 llennstreel's Hair Hi atnrative, (preparea by W. K. Il,n,, of Troy, ti. V ,) for b.ur weeks, and uy hair was in that time re. stored to its onifirial color. 1 esn fully reeom. menu the article t.j tie all it claims. WM. kT.NO.SLF.Y, I'atlur mf the !!aplt Church, I'llujord, t. Mr. W. V. Ilo.iv: I have used lleinistreet's Hair Iti storative for three years, sud b'Ve found il lo he a most tacclierit articJo. ll not only re-J si. red Ihe color of my hair, giving it new lile and strength, but il cured myscll and wit's of a most ob.iinaterraqtion on the scalp, which aoMiiu.' tite urMitd tu i'lirht. luly believe ll to be the best ai tu lem use. Yurs Kespeoliully, KNuvt Ll ON HoVtLANU. Tne ahotc in but a lew of the many letters of ri ennimenuatioi, which have been tendered lo Ihe proprietors ol II. iio.lreel'. Hair Coloring ea flea. 'tnralive. l l.aa lieen used by lilousands ol people, I ..nd it neti r f.ils in restore l be color and growth ol tno bur. Tins siugul ir e fleet is not produced asm lieu d . is are used ; for it alls upon Hie Ualu , rl si rrslions of e.il0,lu. n.atler al Ihe r.aila, and ; If' cli, the cut ire. 11,, r.ntnr pi odurrd u not .trrjntl Inn lire mutant whmit nf youth. It ol color I lie aa.ii Prie; JHcand l.iHIp.rr bottle Slid everywhere. W. Ir'.. ILO.AN A t o.. Proprietor., I roy.N. y. So.d in ( iiarof le b lr. F. Mcarr. and all Orug gist" in lb- I nii.1.1 Stales, Via Mohaaek ind '.'ner ...n.f h.rlston. lVl.nies.ilw Aenls Ai; il. ls'i y iCOTOCTG - eouis AiMAKic . 'u" ""-' ) t I o6 a h 3: fj - ,T '5 g. 5 saul- ! 5 V ? I j ! J-i-L IjANUAUY 1 2 3 &, I 0 7 S 9 10 11 12 , 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 SO j 27 28 20 30 81 1 FEBRUARY 1 S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 It 12 13 14 15 10 ' 17 It 19 20 21 22 23, 24 25 26 27 2d . MARCH 1 2 i 8 4 5 0 7 8 1 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2d 29 30 j 31 ATKIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 MAY. 12 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 10' IT 181 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 1H 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 28 27 28 29 30 I JULY - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 2d 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 21 .AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lu I 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 20 27 2d 29 30 ; SEPTEMBER.... 1 3 3 4 5. 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 j 15 10 17 Id 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2d 1 29 30 1 OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 rt 9 lu 11 12 , 13 14 15 16 17 li loj I 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 I 27 28 29 30 31 I ' NOVEMBER 1 3: I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 21 25 20 27 28 2'J 30 DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 II ; 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 , 22 23 2 25 26 27 28 2 3il 21 : I, II II II T 1 11 K nbctiber received lsree and fri CO itortiiit;iit of for Spring and Summar, winch lor cheapness snd uealness, cannot be surpassed, consiatiog in parlof Blaca and Cilored t 'LOTUS, liiacs;.-KINS, Pi ttiack ami Fancy ASSl.MMtLs, Ire lie n Orab V Fl t. Plain Blaca sn.i F gnred Silk VESTI.VGS, Fancy UK ILLS, auu all older Oooue usually f. und in a first class Tailoring F.suMithmeat. All of which will d made to order or sold by the yard oil accotuiiioda. ting terms. J. S PHILLEPS. In retarning my thanks to the eitixcne nf Char. lotie, lor the very kind sno libersl patronage tiny l,,i?o tHstowed on me, 1 would request a run tin ti. j uf toe aame, wiih tha aas. ranee tbat all or. ' dera entrusted to me will be neatly promptly executed. JSP. I April 17. IbW. 4,i Wm J. Kerr, A TTUHSL Y A T LA U , i t II A K l o r I i;, c, M ' ILLpratlics m Ine I our is u I .Mecklenburg, ! V w enioMsnu Lao.rius tounllta. t I J J' Othee iu lot Brawly Building opposite I Kerr's If, lei. I ' Ju U. Inf.Q 44tf I J. 1, I.K t I. oral.xaf is i n and prcluge, j 1 It I lki S I ll I, , j ! 4Ci AKLOT'IM, .V, C. LTAII oidsrs attended to with despatch. Aprii 17, iBbll. 4if jiiAi;i.oui: uotll. . JB4W (IIAKlMT K A. C. fllHr: Proprietor ufthia Hotel is uf. Ja. sun si his post ready lo lul I, fill Ihe do ties of mine host " lo the travelling public and others who; may call ua bun, and lis tl. liars himself that aa aoiiilortable quarters can be louud with hi in as sr.y where iu Una vieinily. Being situated near- ly is Ilia centre of Charlotte, Business Men will , Snd Ibis Hotel a moat convenient and desirable localioa. He baa been engaged in the business al this slsnd nearly eig hleeu years, and in that tune ha baa made several add. linns In Ins former I house, and it haa been great. enlarged and nn. proved, presenting in from s two slory V KHAN DA j lOOUjel in length by 13 fe.t ln width, hsndsnmely I shaded by trees on lbs side, walk, affording a plea. saoi prniiicnsae at all Hour, ol tha day. Tha House has been thoroughly furnished thro', out, aad in every pari of it crsaiura comforts sre abundant and tangible.aapecinlly in the H1MN i KoOM, where the "inner man" ia "renewed" day by day. Connecter; with I his Hotel are Stables affording , r.orn lor IU0 horses, sbundantly furnished with gram aad provender, sllendsd by faithful and o. j bligmg hostlers. j The Proprietor feels confident thatwitb bis long experienaeand many new advanlagea added to his j desire to pleusa, ha is prepsred to offer his friends snd Iha rest of mankind," ss many comforts and sa mueh good cheer aa will be found anywhere, ' perhaps s little morn so . I C At say rate tsv the Charlotte Hotel. J. ti. KERR . OrlnUr I9.IH.,, 3a,f Superior Smut M;icliiiies, nt thr gig,, of t),e Gulden Yad L k Coc!HKANE A SAMPLE" Private Surgical Hospital: V Vtu Surgical Inlirui.r, in the tow,, uf charlotte, are now prepared 10 iur...... v.......... ! able quarters ... ..,.., i ,i. .k n.av rinntrenur prnicss .t... .,. mure our iirnicaeioiiai sei . treatment nl Surgical diseases. ..... - I The above Institution located on Main street, r' in a quiel part of llm l"W . The buildings srt I few and well vel.tillaleri. Willi good nul-building. I nor ilieaccoinwiodaiioiiol n. .r.i.. An diseases of a contagious cliitrttcr will m ( strictly rxi Itiili d. twr... .. foinniunication. ihr-nrh "he P-t fl.ce a I 'nrr-eci. I.. ( i.ld w . II & Gibb. n, w ill r. e. ive pn' I u"'u,Mi' V. n. PALIWELL. M. I. LOBERTC;IBLCN,M. D. J.W.CALUW ELL, M. 1, Afnl 17, 1860 4l' VHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANOI OF FROPK1.TOH. ) BROAD Si MEI.T M.MIitHN, N.C JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. " 1 . . . flHE Undersigned respcciiu.iy JL tbe travelling pul'lic, inai ..r .... chaige of Unsold and popular establishment, and is now prepared to sccoinmodsle tr.vclerssnd pri. vale I'.miliea Willi bosrd by the day or month, on the moat accommodating l'rill. ' I'. is TABLK will always Da lujnisiieu win. ..... best provisions thathome auu loreigu wars. The Wetlss8li Illl bs lr' . . i. n.irpr the depot, the court house, am the business elreets thau any other in ine civ. An Ora sites will always V.J .teaniboat. lnn t, t,n the arrival of III lo convey passengers lo the I!"tel tree of charge. Py stopping st Ibis Hotel, passengers will have ample lime to obtain meala. Having also a large and eomitiodinus Stable, nd an excellent Ostler, he is fully prepared to board horses by the doy, week or niunth at the most reasonable rales. ....... JOHN. F.JONES. MWrl. 1. 1859. .61 11 1 SAUUS, ArtiiiK t l niKl IliiiliW-r, Tim 7 ILL furnish Designs, Plans snd Hrawmg )f for Public Buildings, Private lieanlences and Villas. Particular attention will be paid lo building Flooring Mills.t urn Mills, Ac. Owes IU 3d slory Ol Alcxanuer auiiiiiiii.i.vsiiw...,! over v nma iinu. Octabtr 26. ltu.8 33tf - fully S'"'f' Kcinoval. bY Friends snd (,'uaioruers sre r.el'i jJM. inlorinec thst I have removed my Tu lo SpriiiL's' Brick Builoing, 3d d'mr Irom tin cor ner, on Tryon street, where be will be pleased see llitiu- S. T. WUISTON. Sill Joaaary 31. I860. Scrofula, or King's Evil, .,1 -li-..-,' h il.i- tin r li mr l.i I.,.,!,.,. in the r r, ..; lt , ill:'.! Ili.'iv linr-t out it. No o'ij.iii i fn-" re otio he I, it inujr "Ua taint variiin-lv .i-c. biw livmu. .Ila impure rvi, bllb oresiiij; viecss an'l, ii lllln tloll. I -i'- In ni T.i njl ill It entliii'j " fnMi' ia!rnts n, ami fourth uvin niliou ; ' . the. ,.f H,m ,, lin.jiiitK uf tl.e f.i'lu iliib-il. S ' I I llltl i-.t ll rfe.i. It. i IniKid I'o.iti'.n fi, math r, u ;, ..imp; . in tin' ,., r, .lej-i ',! 1 ll.'' V 1, ,'ln. k- cif t.MT lil-HM-l . r. j. h I.V f,.!.. ..I'ure I : r , ! iii f,i v t ti. M-.-t .'f tl.o mii-iimptiMii vvl ii h ,1, . iu. ; ' f.i -ml v l, it, Liluiti tlinct.y ,1 -'in, ! it. i tin- livi i, kin -I In.-,.!,', e: I, mil --I. of all the' rsrans, arise' torn or I lie- qiniro r of all our .ple art s, rofuliin ; tl ir pr-iiii. me uivaibl bv tl. is lurking in f , lion, i.inl their lunllh i. iiuiU-iiniln i by il. I a i ii sitae if tin tin st e nillit Si nnvat toe biiKnl by an :iit. r.nvi' nHiliiin , and m vi.'oraf f il bv lienlthy l and i-a. rctar. iu ii a nndieine so supply in AYr.irs r.ii;;p)iiiiI ntr;irt of SarsnjwrilJa, !ic elfeetiiil rmolrsWIi tlie n !. . 1 -sill of out turikS c;m .1 vw fur tlu every, v 't, r pr v.iilin nni. . h i. eom '. i ! from Ihe most n. tiv rim .CaK t' at hiive I, n .vol oil for tin-ex pin ,.iti.,n ,.f this l u! il,-.,i 1 r fnen tlifl IiI'mhI, riinl til. rei lie , f th j .t, ii its (U'trui live .niieijueni-c. II me it -lio il.l lw .inploviil f..r tl,c iiin: of in t onlv Sii rntulu. lint nlsu tli-.-e otlu-v ulfi e t..ii wl.i, h uri-e fr-on i', niih.i I.ui envr n,nl Skim iHaiAsr-, Hr. Amiiiiixv' Fikl, 1! . i, or, I'mei i . 1'i.rii ra, lit , i, in. Ill us,ni,.Ul,,ii.,Ti v,,,.,'Ii run h.'Im.I IlllllVt, i . I. Ill v., ril'iliVMlllvl, l:m iiiii-s, Svi'Hii.rric nnd M i tie i hi vi. I i-ii-i-. i!.,.ev, I), ii isi Drnit.nt. ami, lil.l - il. ALL I 'ilMl-I.VI's ra AltlalSi llln'4 VlTIV- Tt li or 1 Mi l as. Itijjnn. Ihe p ipulnr l l, f in " tmpui itit nt Ihe Uunl" i finindul ii. tru'h, fur 'eii.tiua ik a d' g.-ii.-ruC'Mi of 'lie blood. '1 he pntiitiinr pui.o,, and virtue of this is t,j piuifv und n generate tliis vital fluid, vviibo it whiih soiiinl henlth iv iniio,ihU.' in eoiiiamitinti d tonstitiiMoiia.. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FCR All THE PURPOSES OF A FAMIli PHYSIO, re ... ,..M, ll,.. Hi.f.w, tSe r o ue of linnr ...Hun Lin rarely witUvuiid or evade tliem. tin il p. i.etralil, proM'rtiea Aeareh, Slid tcanse, and in ..'male evi ly a,rtlon of the orj:an- f ,iii, eam iiiia its dt-e.ised artmn, arid resi.uiog ii In ,ili!,v viialitiea Ave cniiscjueiiec of tbee ,roieili. -, Ihe iliialid who is l,oed rinun with j pli)si.ii dn.ilil) i astonished to lind bis beailli oi inriav restorej by a p-mcly ut nine so .Nul on, y do lliey eare the everv-day rompl.unts of enri nut al-o mens foiiin,lal,,, and (i.tiori mo diaenes. The saint llnw. named ia plea. id to fiitniah Kraiismy Aineriean Alumnae, i iiiilainniK ,erlili. sleaof their lures snd din rtioiis for their U-. in iha f illoivinu miipliiiiiU . ("win e, tr u. ti n, ,,, llrvitn, hr n, ii, J, m dilinrlrrt'l Trunin,,, V.ieirn, I ,!, ft.nv. Villi lliimrf lr,id Innrlitm i.f tl.e lfmee. I lnttiha, ,,, Is,,, nf 4,r. tte. J'iMitrtirr. snd other kindred complaints, ariiii fiom a low slate of the body or obstruction Of It, ftlltCtlOIIS. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, r a tiis rai'Iii it he or f oiit'lis, old a, Inlllii'itsen, HoarscHesa, ' loup. Hrom hills, lliripleuf f oiisump tion, nnd for Ihei rellel of Consumptive 1'nliiuls In ndiuiui'd slnttes of Ihe slisensc. fo wide is the Held of ila iiaefnlness snd so nu tueroita are Ihe eases of its ires, thnt aluinat iwi section of country abound in persons fulu li 1, who have beeu lesti, red finui alaiimiu and ei.u dia.M-tate dlneaMrs of Ihe lungs l its i. VVbinnii'i' hied, it. np. riniin ner e ery oilmt m.'li. ine of it. kind is ton appnirnt to c,c:,i, wtoasriaiion, and where its virtues ore kaown, rde pwlilie no loneer besilale whut snetdnte lo emptor ftr tl.e dislresaina snd daliiTidi. nflia-ii'.na nf ihe miiiuoiMirv ora-mis Hint ore ir. iiictit looar tliaiale, vVbile lu n, ml. Tea reninli, ihrnst main tl.e eon, ill I,,.,- f.,,, and la-.. .ll-. ,-;,!. li . h... i' .f frl. hi evert trial. . ..nt. 1 1, d l .n, In, oo the ,tti l,. Ih.v en, nr-v.r f.iiiri, and prn. dne4i .. .Mi i,,ii,h r-nia nnd f, ,i rem ,rk .il-ie to h Imu'.'l r-HK.I'AIIKtl HV III., el. I . Will. .V O. ' I. iMV V I I . M S , I 'or sale I.y I j K. NYK HIJT'.'IIISON k CO. ... . IF. SCAUR A C, YhaH""A ; IIAVILAND, PTKVENSONot CO.. , . i j C.'lar'fji'ii( a-,, C ! en kk al i mmiWiona a . nil',,.., SI, ..ll, I r !U ... .. 1. ""v.. -.. ..aiergt li n alaira OelAr 11. Ib."9. , aiif . IB. alia ' ' 0INLY IWA11ATI0X IIA1IM, roo SO S I Host as o mhict AS To 1:X 1 l.L Til K DO U JJT,s Oa" Ala- . For htulemien, Juugus, i-Uilors, rbyaluani f Ihe nlut'sl n bonis as well aa itt Uu qualified saiiclion, and recomnienu it (or allci, ol eruptions, and iliaeaaia ul Hit sealp and lira,,, . but all who have used it, unite, in leMiljmg it will preserve the 'hair Irom being gray,!,,,) Ir Wiling wy e, aa wtill aa r.aiota. J(H(f Iha lullowing i Oak Grove, S. C. June S4tli, 1819, I'ao O. J. VimiO i lear fir ! Your Hair . toruiive is rapiuly gaining popuiai.ty m n,,, tum' niunitv. 1 iiavg liau oecaaiull lu luv on In ''aside, and give your liair Restorative a j, Huring Ihe year Itij4. I wes so unforluimic ,, to be thrown Irum my sulky agsinat a nax m,f the loatlsiue, Irom winch my beau received a u.o.i umble blow i causing a great ueal ul uriuti,,,, which commuiiiiaUa lo the brain and nief,' . ii, !, 1 1,. H,, i. ... . , , (il,r al ,BV distiyiO over the tnlna su,t, ol the head, rieni the lime I mat diseuttrcu dri pping, Imwcvir, dp lo the lime ol iu lui , ppeurance, I empioyen eTeryuiing could lt,ln , m prnits-moul w n yaell, and,,, I tlmnghi..uu. ,,ng,,, .n tbe but w.s Sel. leu ill every pnaennin advanced. 'I In so and no oilier circumstances induced mt lo rcsorl lo yuur worthy Hair Kestoralne, wlei, 1 have every leaanu lu believe, prnouicu a trri happy result : two inoutba alter Hie Inst iipm,. tivn, 1 naU aa I., autilul a head ul young l,a, r a, ever saw, f. r which 1 certainly owe you ,y m.t sincere thunka. liesl nsaureu, ue.r sir, 1 ,h, , raeuiniiieiiii your n il, toy lo all iln,umi., u,wr ofri, 1 shall u influence, wiucii 1 ijjiia liUls. v.. u puldish tins it you think prnptr. lours, very reap, e iiuii, M. i. W Kliaili, M li ( 'liiee u.' the Jtler soman, l'lnli.;,i, V , fee. I Jin, ics. Dear Sir : I leel it my duty sa sell as .r lo slain In you li.e toi .owing t,iLUU,. .uni e, wlucn y ou can use as yi u linn'. pinj.t, A gi llll.ll.i.n ul tins plaCO, (a lav, )ef,) tli j,ri, batu ever mr Ina early youth ; o much so, ti,. he Was co.ii.'iied lo wear a Win ile waa a t. I tad lo ua a oolne nl y.ur " Il air li. linat,,, ' whieh be likeo viy inn Ii ; anu ail. r u. ,i,t ,,M I iu r lb ice h.-tu, . I, . giew oui Ii i u i i4i.i ., anu be now has s n. on. .one I.,.,.,, I l.-.r. I V : aai.ileii.n's name . Hiauioro, and an in- i. . , lwsil kin.ii iu our s..,ii.u,g t,.ui,l,i., i.,.,,, (. , n.ns caii lotily to ine liu.u nit in I In you at the naiSl ol Mr. br an sell a errai oi.i ol your II il III t: i u. , i pui" nmg Co. Mil I il you have iu agenl , ul. '1 I.U.lleoN M llt.ll.Mil;. j lis Wi I Sear Sir; P. rmitn,. Io.iiik. obligations 1 -lo uuotr tor the earns loimn, ,. i ul u,y hair lo Us original color ; ativut u.t I lei n y arrival in Ine I mini t..tes ll was r.p.o.y la euuiiug gray, bal Bmu Hie appiation nt ymi : " Hair KsloraliVd '' il s.kjIi :,coVLred ,la ui, i..: I Hue 1 iciistoir your lle.l,,rl ve ss s ,i i i dellui lliVel,lwo, uulla illiea able. I,. The KtsUirativi VIX! largB, llie.,1.1 put up IU bullies ol 3 . a pint, nd rti..i.s lor one dollar per la, tie, t , ineuiuui iioids al ieaat twenty per cent. aian. ir. piopvtriion tnau the small, retails lur lav n,,sr a boltte ; the iaigu bu da a quart, !"ft) pel cat nmre in prtpnrlo anu rtltu. ler J a iH,u,e. I). J. VMM IDA I'll,, I'ropr-.ciurs.t 14 Hi... .j ' New Y"tk,anl 1)4 Wara.l Si , Si. l.uis, Mu, n t sold by all g'lud HrDglataallU titney la oou. tkai eia anu in cnarlulte ay S, AI,U cV CO. , Jain .1. Si,M. Ij.Jiii E. R, STOKES Juok binding Ktabiishmni!, i Two Duort ihuie hrauUi lisuk, iu ,cw iluiiii jut In rrar uf SU.Irj al .m.n IIjII, OI.I 111 I I, . V. ' Tne abuse F.stabl.skmanl is now luluiies-'i liou, b.smg, sud still I.e. in m s lull sum,").,' lie hc.t liLA.Sh l AI'I.K snd blMJLI;.V MA 1 Kill A 1.1. 1 am .1 sll times rvaey to nil ail .' dera in my lint, snd at the S'inr limr s.,lu .' i siiarv ol Miruiiage. My frsona. atieitliu wih Ss gIVtn Uiail Olutra Willi WUieb I lil.y be laVufld. Having bail bo g plael.tal rH.l.'.l ill ll.a waa ul.elureiil 1. 1. A Ms I Oi 'K.-. .no ill l.. b kii,j lit w auu urn I'bl.N I i ll .Mil, h, I II 1 l.r il l-' I thai I sal., in all ea.. a. gl. entire .a ttsl.l l.u I IILA.NK nutiKfl, , Hank H'.ak., Cl.rk.' U ok.. fnr Di.iiic, i'.l., e Hberifl.', Oidinary's and ..ii uii'sioner m N', ty s books, sll k'.l Ll) and H il .NU to any pt inn, in the very Ul inai iiei, ol sup-nor uprt, : and I'aged slid loo. xefl wih-o If .' ltd, 1'I.IMt.lJ VAullK.". i Mu.'C II... ke.l'l I. t., )bi"n 'anil Hooka ol every Ileal. iplM.a, hound ul rrpst.s, I .0 evi ry Variety of styii . 1'Ai! orders will be extcult I with di spate', and as ItiW aa Kin be dl lie isew l.ele. I fc. U. a I't'KKa. January 17, ef,0. -- 1 1" OI( I ll-C IIOI.l v A nutnal Life Insurance Comiany- Ut '.' H a i . riii vlllS Cuii.paliy insures tin me, i,i,e vesi, a term ol years, ,, lor tlie Mutual frn.riple, the aasurm for li.'e pating in the pronte of the tomMiiy. eiea irtileu lot the whole lellli ot Ihe pr llierelor allinillils lo ffl'fl. u.av lie eiv. ii lor one. In. li the amount i i, I" premium, Hearing luloresl alb per rent, ai j guaranty, Ihe prompt insnmr in winch sll l-.ssea j been pain by tins coiupniiy.toelhei wiih iln l ralea of premium, prcecl.t grest inducelneli - hui.Ii as are disposed to uiauie. I Maves aie insuieo lor lerui of fr -in e ' file Viais. lol lo tl.nds lot ii (s.'oe. ba ! AU losaea are palll within UU liayi a fur l'' j ac lory prool is presenl.o. i I'l it Ft tors. j Charles K. Johnsi. n, W i... H. Jmirs, W in. llolden, W. l. tooke. J. O. vAillisms, H " ' Husied, talueiilins liusbte, I'. I. lesiud, Wm i II Mehee, k. I'. Daltle, I hams b. kool, i'- Fowle, Uiih'o 11. Iiall,e olHFLUS. Ir. Cbsrles K. J..hi.soi.,rresidtiDt. W . W, II., men, Vice I'residelil. I K. H. Hatlie.fweretary. j A illtnh,i II. Jones, Treasurer. II. W. Ilusteo, Alia. nicy. , Hr. Win, II. Mehse.MudiesI txanmier, ! i'xecuUte t laailln. lai- HusUe, V . II. We I Kee, Charles li. Knul. Mrdicat Hoard of Cawsnfadea CI siles i Johnson, M. i., William II. .Welter, M. I Kich'd it. Haywood. M. J'.. For further informalmn, the public is ret ' j red lo the pamplil. Is.siio forms ot pr.,p. -l, h" " may be ol. lamed al Ihe Office cf Ihe C ""J I or any uf ila Agencies. I t'oinniunieatmne shouid be audre I'd. (I pain ) to. R. H. HATTLK, Herniary. i;,t--r-i,-,..a. .. . v .,v,,-a,-.V aSe 'Es'j- taii,S,- J-. aa. f,, fs., JOB Knlli":::- fOH fKIKTIMs and aHH.,illi"ii. v ol,iaVSfc,t his,..

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