be Bmllj ' Carolina 9SI Jig. Vm. Mrv5 i V4l i CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, February 12. 186 1. , irK.R. XV ,k fd, I'tq , of nnir, hu 1 tenieW 10 set, .d ta our aothnriicd arrnt. lie tit 1 .lets mr the W mot, i.ns or aster. i:-iim-!u,i.u receipt fr 1)1. same. Any twr.ons fttbsrrihina whu p.. t will nctiie tl.o W his ft ' CONSERVATIVE STATE RIGHT'S MEKtlXG. A large number of tLe eiiiz- ns of Meek lncborg county, being iuti.titd with the plsti'orm on whioh the eaudidates were noa.iiintcd on last Saturday, earnestly re a meeting of tbe oit;zem at Char iot U, on Saturday the lGih, to correct their extreme views by nominating other men. MANY CITIZENS. Mbs. Holton: Please announce J. R. UILI.K -PIE, candidate to represent this county in tbe approaching Elate Couven tion, and oblij.', MANY VOTERS. Anothrr name ban to fU,- -ted, but 1 ... ,,,,,, at i req-K-.t, 11 is wntae.d U-r tbe pre- em. 11 TLauks.' v- ... :-.i. L.-i i. 1) .1. 1.1: ii a a.u luurtiiau wir uri, iuc vine giig Con Jul-or on the South Carolina road, for an advance oopy of tbe Carolinian. Speech of T. N. Crumpier, Esq. We hope the Uoth of the petob of Mr Crumpli r, which w puo.i-h 00 tbe outside cf this paper, wi'.l not deter any of our ... . . , readers Irom g 1 v t r. jj it au attentive and earelul paru-al. V prouiie them that they will be amply repaid. Fayctteville Observer. ! Wo take op no paper upon our exchange list with more pleasure than tbe Observer, ' . . . standing the attempts which have been made t j injure its circulation, that the ptopit are drmm-it t t.H 1. a it U rejoice at . , ... . . spared ror many lon years ye to battle . , . . , , . , against I tia a na 1..1M nf truth at.u rt.-lit " Kansas Admitted. i'1"" e"u' ,:,,iJ'" Wnl" e "'d The President has .igned th. bill for tLe s do i"efr. be d ' con.ert, in a-huis-iion of and it is now a State i Buion' "Ib L'nioD ,ber is rengih." With cf tbe Uuion. Whether her wouuds have: out tbl1 'eTJ effjrt wl" b v.i, .ud a'l been beaieJ by ber admission, we are j oar best hopes but miserable delusions, uuable to i-av. We a'uould think, however, ' " that after lie toss af so much "blood," tbe would be ratber weak io th kneee Thus ends tbe long and angry oonteit 1 1 oil has so long disturbed tbe peace an iirt bi tbe country. (iirWo have been requestrd to jiv notice .bat ihere will be a MAS.' M KK'i ING of the pp of Meeklenbur County, en Satur- .bi tbem io tbe Convention. Let every jrer wuo e.n pissibiy attend, be on band Come one, colli all '. 1 h above notice appeared in the last i-ae ef ti. Wiiig, by request. We thought at tbe time mat the eaii much had appeared a few days previous, for the ting of Sat- 1 arday, was intended r.a a tvtrai eail upon all the fiiix-.-iiS of tbe county to asreiuble and Iio jj.iiate such candi Jam as they in their wi-Soia jbou'd deem bet for the interest f ms eeati'y snd State. W e have learned with re-let, that a namher of gstitiemeu wbutametj Charlotte, under this belief, were informed tbat the meeting was purely a "secession'' meeting, aud wer tber.fer coaiielled to withdraw from all aartioits- koaibil. We regret this for vinous rea- sor.s. Iu tbe first place, if we bad regard ed tbe ca i as intended only fur ti,os wuo favored acctsaiou, lb nttiice tuouid not have appwared iu our paper, 'or we do aol desire and wouid .. . tie an of causing hfa-ion of any pnbli aieeting of eur citi- Io be second placs it has engendered a feeling wbiob we bad bepsd would not bav taowo iusif at thi time. Rut to tbo.e who withdrew from tbe meeting, aad to all others, w. would ssy, ther. it a place where tbe r voice wt.l be besrd, std wnere it teil with more power it tou.d poaai- t'v have doae on Satordav I at t : tbtt r lace i. tb. Baiiot-Iisx. Let thou bide their We bare felt called up?a to say this; m jeb, that ao blauie may attach to ua, one or the other. All w desire, it au up m t . ana fre exp-esstoa of op,u,ou b, our peo- . f ie ib regard lo tbe .ulject abic. now so Oetpiy agitates th country, aud iu wb.cb, ai. sis ante Interested. The HtcfcLit Koins. Uur t xcbatigt art i. tomplaiuiBg of th ;.vy damage done by the recent rains. ri V. bave been away, road, inun- tit td, auu tuiags generally, ifi ib ratbsr - tbey enders. such a doctrine as tuia a damp stats. It Is s. id to Lave bee. tbe.tfeo not. heaviest fail of raia for many years I It'" W have received tbe .North Caiolisa Jjuriinl of hi ueatiub. Iur January, I ol , be.iije trie b tt uumher '.if tbe fouttb v i.uu.e ol tbat publieauuu i fie jeurual is ib )!!. e l at t.ia "Time" 4i ia Greensboro', J 1 Ctn L.ii', re. lit ul eunor, and iu U' i- art l pi anuuua in ad reuse Let us Pause and Consider. A Liberty supported iy arms to-dy, crushed anna tonierrow." V aasria If wa possessed tba ability, we would endeevor to impress tba above sentence in ' j i:l i l. J r ;.;.., n nt i ' r North Carolina. It esrries with it, at this itiine, au mwiui auu puwu. wmum. . I . :.i. j: .,: .,! V'Ur VUUUiry, rCUl WIU urituaiuui bu' lmv a- erinve not only tbe Norlb against the South and the South against the North. ... , . but dissensions among themselves in the ' different Steles, one party indicating and adiing this line of policy, and another itbst, and all tending perhaps to anarchy 1 iv u . .1 11 .u 1 and ruin. Would it not be well then to r",,", "d'dr aud i drifting? In a few da tbe popia of North Carolina will be called upon to say what ,i,. ;..i ,.,; ; .u. ,1.,,,,. ; r ' , ... . ; wutcn is now oemg enacieu. 10 say wnciii- er tncy iDtcua loilewiug in ue wane 01 I those States whieh hare fevered their emi- ufl'on "''b ber an 8one 01,1 f Union, j or ttbslher they inteud si ill to hold fast to . , . , , the covenant ot their lathers. Or, as has : been suggested by some, whether he will stand alone amid the wreck, or fail in itb j Virginia, Keutucky, Tennessee, and other! c..... ..J .:.):.. .i f t .....1.,.! ', ,. ,1 f 1 ah ,w , more, has been sut-eei-ted. It is for the people to say what line of policy tbey eil auother, and let eaoh do that wbicb seem tb juPt and right. But do whatever they may, we beg of tbem to keep in niiud tbe graphic words of tbe immortal Webster :' Is it not obvious enough that men cannot ft'' togetuer and count tbemsctve. aua say tLey .re so many hundreds and so many . 1)d : 'd of 0WD n itU& icaiions, and call themselves the people, and set pa government? by another set of men; forty miles off on tb. ssme day, with .l . 1 -.'i.i- ion Mllic uruu icil , v in as uuuj iiua iici r . r ' 0 1 tions, and in as larg. numners, may meet aad set up another government, and both 1 may eail themselves "the people." What1 is but anarchy . n bat liberty is there here iut a tumultuary, teiiipertuous, vio lent, stormy liberty--a sort of South Ameri cau liberty, without power except in 8P"' a 2iU"y j,pantd Ly anus lo dny, crutlt'd by arras to tuortou-," J If sver there was a time that demanded ca!to, eool and determined action, that time ; is the present. If we would lav aside for! a moment every fueling save that of devo tion 10 eur country, and come together as hra(.hrn rasnlvHil tn .la tthat a.. ...6t f,.r . ,, , . tbe country, regardless of what effect it be laid by this or thst man, we might hope aitb some degree of Certainty for a peace i f ul termination of our present troubles I But human nature is wea ik. The pen of cc'ared auvtbini' ! , . . i the inibired writer never d I ' . ,.,;. th. ,i,. ni v... Iivt us be Frisnda. The secession pres of this Stste teems with deouueiatiens of all those who do not ie proper to follow in tbsir wake. Tbey are t.-i,ied " tor:es,': " ubmissiouists," " friends of Lincoln," and sonie bav gone so far as to brand tuem as "cowards and knaves. t have ever been of opinion tnat toe use 91 aou.-ive epitbatt as net 0B eZ''"t -ho mdf ... of' mem, but trial tuey uid mbnilely more asm age than good to the cause in which tuey ' re employed. o right wiuded mau sup ', poses fir a moment that thos who ojpu immediat eC".-;ion in tbii State art e ther "lories or "cowards." Anu lu jb nu cm- pioy theae term art aitoketbr too hasty.; Thousand of as true men as tbe soil of North Caiolina ever produced, are or pottd ""d will vote on tne i!3lu day of February against immediate seces.ien belegaus, unu foT this exei-eise of their rights are they to be termed "traitors ' and "cowards.'' 'I hi kind of warfsr. will not pay. The pea p,e of North Carolina are mad of too stern material to be bull-ragged and traduced into doibg tbat whieh tbsir own judgment ... . .. '6 tens lacru is wrong, lou may persuade ikttu to act with you, force tbem, never. ' j V are ail brethren, each triving to do tbat which be think best for himself aud ; bis cvuatry. WLerttaea, w ask, is the ' necessity for all this abuse. Let it stop right here, and let u- aii be f: lends. If ws cannot ail eee alike tbat i uo reason we bould be enemies; uot at all. Our. is a 'common destiny, whether for weal or fer wo, L1 u" b fritbda. , Goir.g too Far. ' Th Mempbi Avalabch. a leadia? aa e - .tsiob ergao of leubessee, holds the foi- lowing language: "I ptay tbat our ruiers snav bereafier bt sleete lor lite, or for a liltume of tbirly ' "k mi lb rigat ul fc ... au nmci ttt billy .ill- u mM w m4 .nj J' bitod enough to earn und ou,i a atit ol grouLd at least, lk; Tb,. ... nepi. advance of anything iktA J'L A ... jtt ma jiigpo.tu i,t ta ttrictest s iu tbe (J.d Nvrtb Slate. What I 'say our tsets.iou frituu to om for hie ' ! ' aad property qulificaiius, with a kuow'i edge of ltt,r. b.for. on. shall i Wi ! Virginia Election. i Tbe r.lurn. from th. Virgin,, eleotio. ' com in siowiy, but is ascertaiaed te kuow that tbe Co.sei vativ.a bate au sverwatluiing majority. ".Sat Virginia ui we'll nave the l.'oioit," .aid Mr Dxu- la (ooii irinia ia aii ubt. Now lor tne CP" A a ther ar. many ry bash- fu yonng men in tbia Distriot who would l'.kt to addres some young lass out nave not the moral noarage, I think that they had hetter try tbe plan of the good lolks ID Nerlb Carolina wbiob by tb way giv .1.. ........ l.;. a an o.nnrtutiitv of !ettinff . ivu . iu-. h. known hen a gentleman tnere .1!in. , audr'ss ' . .1... l: : 1 i:a.J .'..,. .f .hita .K,ga UltnWUICrtJ puitsuew tcv. .-..- pine aud paints au eye 00 it and sends it to ' nu ""'T' ''ich r V ood V ,0 .say, I pine. If she is luoliued to reeipro- 1 r . , -, a ;. )jttB rouud Ijnhtwood knot aiidacnda it to him, but if not, xhe backs, corebes i "d dauha bis pine with soot and sends it bmk to him, which is as good as to say, go 6 . - 10 main, unen 1 young eoum f"" i 8od knot also, bit if he dees not, be sim ! ply rilee U. P. (1. upon the pitoe ot pine and sends it to her the aame as to say, un I der petticoat eoveraiiient, by which she un- .." ,i, ,1 ,7 k. t,.a.aaA We clipped tbe abova from oae of our South Caroliua txchaujjcs. It seems to do tl.... ... dA J nf rtrt.4 tM tmit ns ; , . , . . ,, 'about our pias aud turpjntiue. til, as , ' , ... Ui, it hLnui t mm a A nertainlv have b .. . r ' . ' ,. . ' no otjistioii. n e Lope one tumg, nowever, aud that is, that the sons aud daughters both, of tbe Old Notlh State, will "pine 1 a loS time bsfore tbey ooi.ttut to follow the tiraiio couisa of South Carolina. We ' , io ta our pines, they will make us good I watch-urea while we are guarding the tsui J pi of liberty. j What Trie Nokthibs Mts Say of (ourcion In the Illinois Legiblature on Friday, in tbe debate 00 the Military bill, !MrU,reen ",id : "Should this State (llli- j . , ' u 1 ue"" aiding on tbe border would repel ,ne fo defend the honor and majesty i f tue s't,,i but said he, "should yot of , auempi 10 piss over me ' J Jur Southern State, vou wouid be met this side nf thnOhia 1 ...a .1....1.1 .1 J .l.- "'c,i J ",ncu tu b,ood of our Southern brethren until Jott ,,ad first P!Sd over the dead bodies B-" f 1 Strange as it may appear, we clipped tbe above from a red hot secession journal. In cane of immediate and final separation w ! would like to know what is to become of, ; tbtie " true Northern nti." Whither shall tbe Egyptians " fie ? Another Ticket. The Apalachicola ; Times hoist the folloaint; ticket for the Inchest othco of the prospective Southern Cni.foHarai.ti- oneracy . 1'j Fresidcut William L. Yancey, of, Alabama. j . 7, V ' J- usn"ooa., of South Carolina 1b above we have only to remark that if a Southern Confederacy or Kingdom 1 .. i i: i i j v . . . is established, and laacey, wuom we look ou a tbe greatest enemy to free institutions! thi country, should be made Pre.ident. our effects, real aud personal, will be for sals, low for cask. Make Yancey ruler and we're off for Cuba, pre ferriog 10 baa ' su:,jeet of I.sabella's to being a sovereiga , wim Yancey for oar Chi. If the border States eome iuto a Southern Confederacy, ! aud that Confederacy be placed uuder tbe sl' t control of such men as Yancey, it wiil not wo yean. Kather than be Dlaoed under sucb ruler we would prefer seeing North Caroliua set up for ben-elf. Smltern J'rogrtss. Tbe abotf paragraph frota tbe Progress speaks our .niiuieuts exactly. Ws heartily eudorae every word of it Hit bini again. Painful Case. We leara fl.m the Wilmin.ptnn -Iitornal that , . . . . fu. .booting ta.- oecurred in that .it, on Friday lat. I bee. rcumsUnces wer these: A tniall boy named Jauit KJward Disk- ton, step-son of Mr. II. Mthrcbeai, was fouud in a email brauch or run near th .Aormeattern limit of lb town. He was almost in a dying condition, having received a load of tbot iu the back of hi head. II as earned hotue aud medical attendance pictured. T. account be Save was that detomebow got or toox from his mother enough money lo bay two small shut guns, aud tbat on Wednesday be and a larger boy named Tnoiiias Rithop, ajtcd about fo.rieen, the Dickon boy being about elt"so weBl 0IJl ,0 shoot with tbe gnu ., , . 'I k.i i....l. .... : . .wwa.Ma mi tituiii at .i vosi see m , tb. load of tbegun i. tb. hand, of Ui.bop " , r" p'" 7" i 'u , , , s.a.ij, unlawful sots ar esleulated t drag North went off, and wa. lodged in tbe bead ef Carolina out of tbe Union, and into revo Dicksou. We mutt tbiuk tbat the shoot-1 lutioo. without the ssuotioo of bar Deonl. iug was ascideutal. Tb. wounded boy r.-. maiued in the baif mud, ba.f water of tb. brauch urtui lrid.y oioruiug. He died on Saturday at 10 o'cloek. It ' would .gem tbat from the fatal wound on 1 his head, with exposure, his mind msy bate been wanderiug, so that we forbear to , repeat any of the atstemeut he made, lead ivig to tbe supposition of aoythieg wrong Ui ijiug iu tn wan, ayiug iimost, lor two( "'nl'' bd a day is awful. We learn that! jibe hoy Luhop told woman on 1 a.gro Thursday, but the did uot believe him, bis character fjr truth not bin very good 1 he Lorouer beid au qae-t over tb. body and the verdiet of tbe jury was tbat he came to his death from tbe tff-ets of a wounu iLuieteu uy a gun in tbe bauds ol next term ot tne Superior Coarl. Tb ie"e. befer the Coroner eems to bnwo ''"'' darker sspeet of this aff-iir Ibaa! fi," U,ouo!" P",lt,;,i coo.idenng "S "" P'l", Cotion Co.nvxstiun. W. sue it tt.t.d 'hal on lbs iiJih ol February . Conv.uiioo of thos. interested io the development of , . . , r . ibe Lotion n,.l,,.ir. .r .1.. si u U beld at Afauta. 'lb. obieet of th. Cubveutieo is lo teeur. such concert of aa ti'Ht will eusbie the South 10 export spun rt.ttonvi France, Spain, Uelgtum, Switzer land, ljrmaby sni! W C.tboot ty whether Norih Caroliua will bo repre sented iu Ibe Convention or nut. TUB NEWS. IMPORTANT FROM MONTGOMERY! CONSTITUTION ADOPTED ELKO- TION OP PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OP TliE CONFEDER ATE STATES. MiLLEDQiviixt, Feb. 9. Hon. Jeffer son Davis, j of Mississippi, wa to-day unanimously elected President, and Hon. . it D ' , n i- t. -j . A. II . Stevens, of Georgia, ice-President of the Confederate Stales of North America. LATEST-U. P. M. Universal interest .,! . . . . was manifested by the outs.ders to-d.y, and the Convention hal. and gallery were crowded. Tbe President baa been directed fo ep- ;nt Pmm;i. ra Fnroitrn Affairs Fi. nance, Military and Naval Affair., Judi ciary, Postal Affair., Comm. roe, Patent, aud Printing. A bill wa. passed, continuing in force until repealed or altered by the Southern Congress, U laws of the Uuiled States in force or use on the first of November last, not iooonsiitent with tb. Constitution of tbe Provisional Government. It is understood that us ,aw a all goouTTTTTght Trow tariff will be laid on 4 goou: f.cJgnt irom me Lunea oistes. A resolution was adopted, instructing tbe Fbsnoe Coraiuittee to repert promptly a tar ff for rai-iog revenue for tbe support of tie Goveruuient. - ,, r lMi.g ..rKT ruL., - - ino toe iexingion 1 rvyj uDserv.r says tbil at the conclusion ef an eloquent ad- dries in defence of tbe Union, delivered in tb.t oit, 0. th. 4tb inst., by tb. Rev. C D. ' ' J Parsons of Louisville. General Coomb , f arsons, ot j ouisvuie, uenerai v. j stepped opoo tbe stage with the star spaa- ' gl,d banner in his baad, whieh be waved ; tjij ,h, sboUi of tb, njultitude. tpot fof he isid . j. t l m ? 1 " I an not mtsnd to make a snasah. All I r j cm say is, that I bav. foe. at uader this auJ BUd,r I expect to die." General Coomb is on. of those men who j .ouie of tbe eceioo organs so glibly terai "traitors. " If tb country bad mora of such "traitor" this Union woald neither Le broken up nor destroyed MODEL RESOLUTIONS. We have frequeatiy beard aay that Ral- eigh Banner, that th. mountaia counties of j North Caroliua were all in a blaie of aeees- ,j0n. It is utterly fslse. Tbe seeessioniata of Rutherford and Polk couotiea attempted a grand demonstration at Rutbferdton on ,Le Ul)i ot J1D,,r.; but it wli a to:,l failure. The Union men ontnumberinf ! them by a large majority, took the control 1 of ,L, ,..,; aD(J ,,e lb, f0ll,wiBg 1 , , , . model resolutions: Resolved 1st. That, in the opinion of this nM,"8i if b fundamental principles of or government were earned out according 10 'beir true apirit and intent, by those boa i to enforce the laws, wa should still be, and eo.tlaa to b., tbe most fre' dependeat. prosperous and happy P'OP1 ""der the tun. . ui- That it would b. onwite .nd tuieidal ,0 l0 " ,0'e"1 Carolina to seeeae irom tee union tor aay cause sew existing. 3d. 1 hat ws do not recognise in disunion a remedy for any grievance of which we complain, and that io our opinion the con version of tbe free State., by disumea, in to a separate government, is aot likely to make tbem more friendly to as or our insti tution!. 4ib. Tbat a respectful regard for the opinions and interests of the people of Marvland. irciuia, Kentucky and Miarou- ri, demand, that .. their action, for th rasoa thai tbey have been greater suf- ferers from bid fsith of the North than we, D" lor tb u" mor i"Ptstivo reaon tbat tbote States, should tbv gevtrnueut be broken up, would b. desolated by an endless border war. euoiess noraer war. Oib. Tb. .ectioail strife can never end until the agltaiioo of tb. slavery question shall cease, and tbat a Convention ot all tb. for.ver thi. tr.ublesom. q.,..lion. 6th. Tbat we regard all tbose, North and South, wbo ar. oppo.od to any proper f ion u, mm ui place in the couseils of the State or nation Tta That mm liata kaarti aiith raarat af tbe seizure, by a number of person, styling themselves "minute men," of the fort bo- Inn..;.,. I'.ni. A &.... .1......J laniina tit 9 Ita l.'nitad fitataa aituataal inlAf Vtiiifa I i . . 1A j-..t s.- ---b t ctn. I bat the charge so frequently made by secessionists, tbat all person, who ex press their lov. for tb. Union, and their de sire to preserve it, ar. giving aid and eom fort to the abolitiouista, is an iof.inou. oal uoiDy, and those who utter it ar. ao oia.r or braver or truer to the interest of North Cara.iaa tbaa those tbey d.uweno. FOREIGN MISCELLANY. An old oak. ander which Rabelais wratn part of bis works, Hill sxi.t oa an estate B;"r Mendoo, formerly belonging to Scribe, :be draul"". snd now tb. property of a bordeaux broker. It is proposed to light tb. .hip of lb. aavy with gas, manufactured on board. Two Jewish convert of tb. nam of Lt man bav bee ordaiued prietti aad are iu tbe Romish Church servioe at Lyous. Tb. Loodoa ZoologicalGardeo have Ion a fine Nubiau lion aud evrl other valua "''"'s ia eousequeuo of the late se- T' wa,br. Tbe emancipation of t b; b' the ssrf. ia Russia an ukase in the month of March next. Wbeatstone ha. invented what he call, a uaiv.rtal telegraph, whi.b will work for a distance of tw.uty mile., through a wire oo thicker than a cotton thread, by olio tricity or magnetiam, without tbe uie of aeid. or sine. Th. spparatas ia avail, compact aad cheap. v5vr Wh.t o.rd do worn, most frequently pl.y io th. gam. ef lift ? Tb. deuc. Tb. fellow who got eff tb above ha ivideatly beta euchred. , I Correpondence. I Tk fcMnmln is the norresnondenee namber of gentlemen, and Mr. .ouUiuiu2 ,he interrogator!., pro- Wilson, containing the interrogator!., pro pouuded to bini, and bis anawert Chahlotti, Feb. 4, 1801. J. II. Wilson, Kq: Dear Sir: We the undersigned, few of your friends, citicen of Mecklenburg o"J. , i"? W , V ' -" in regard to Federal affairs, ae your name fcM ken nieulioutd u OOB.eotion with tbe UOuiinatiou of Delegates 10 be made at tbe Convention which will meet in this place ouSaturday next, most respectfully solicit u tb, follo;lB( qu.5u0.: Are J0U iB ftror of withdrawing the State of North Carolina from the preseut confederation on the assembling of tb. COOVentlOU: Are you in favor of the establiobment of a Southern Cotiftderacy and that North Carolina take immediate step, to form one of its members T Very respectfully, your ob't. servant., W. F. Pbifer, J. Harvey White, M. M. Orr, A. C. Steele, K Nye Hutchison, M. K. Taylor, T H. Brem, E. H Hrittcn, Thos. J. Grier, L S. Willian s, J. M. Davidson. W. F. Davidson, Kobt. F. Davidson. Chaklottc, Feb. 8, 1861. Messrs. W. F. 1'uii eu and Others: (Jtnllrmen: Yonrs of tbe 4tb instant has baen received by me, but owing to ab- Issue, from borne, have been uuable to reply i to yon at an earlier day. You state that iny name has been men- Ili0B.4 ,, a Delegate to the Convention of 1 ,ke Sute from tb county of Mecklenburg, 1 1 can say to yon, that this fsct baa not beeu j'b. result of my seeking, nor is it uow of ! f ' u,n, b"r :iipaB ktiokea af in aannaxmn aiilk lh. 11.1. I ... .... k k - V , p.rtaut lrut, you bav been induced to propound to uie two interrogatories, with a j respectful request that I should respond to them, whieh 1 will da in one answer to both If the Convention of North Carolina was in aessioa lo day, and I was called upon as a member 10 aot upon a conventional prop osition, embodying your interrogatories, from the light I have before me to day, ( should vote in tbe affirmative of th propo sition. In doing so, I should be influenced by tbe reason, that seven States south of us, united to us by bouds of sympathy, of blood, and of interest in a common institu tion imperiled by Black Kepublioan rule, have already seceded, and notwithstanding this fset, and tbe earnest entreaties of coo servative men, North and South, tbe poli ticians of the dominant party, bare, as yet, exhibited no disposition 10 make such conces ,lou neoessary I be made, as tbe i""" 0I. ,D nouor,,'e "J',ment of tbe sectional antagouisoj in which our country is now involved. Hut, sirs, tbe Convention of North Caro lina i not now iu esioo, and never will b. unlets called by tbe voice of a majority of iu freemen, expressed through tbe bal lot box. If a majority of the eitiseas of tbe Slate be in favor of ita call (and I shall vote for it.) tbe Delegates electsd cannot be j eouveoed before tbe 1.3th or 2Uch of March next. If tb Convention is called, it will be invested with the most important func tions of any political body whhh has ever baaa aoa.aned Jq ,(, ,ial. 0f Vortb Caro liua. It should consist of our wisest, no-t prudent and di-.rr.l men. Men who will strip Ibemselvoeof the intiuenos of psssioo and prejudice, aad who will be eoverned aau ooutroiiea solely bj reason who will listen to discussion and argament, and who after viewing ail tbe facts by which the Convention will be surrounded, will be ena bled lo form correct eouclusioot as to tbe course, under ail tbe circumstances, wbicb tbe ioterest and wsifar and honor of our beloved State deniaud should be taken my vi-w, was the object which promptjd our Legislature t call it. If it is your purpose, however, to ask a pledge at my baud a to tb court I snould pursue, provided I should ba tent ... Delegate lo that bed,, I answer that so such pledge esa be given by m. Ire ; gard any sucb pledge as a perversion of tbe j vary oujeoi our L,egislatur had in view in " calling tbe Convention, as a perversion f , the objects tbe people have in view j0 ea.e mey vote in lavor of its call, and iu dam. i gation of tbat bigb-trust, with wbicb adel J ile should be ciotbed by hi eoustituents j 'V ar. iu tb midst of a revolution a bod t l now in session io Washington city, fresh from the people, to consult, end if possible j to agre. upou a basis for ao honorable ad justm.ut of our political troubles; and in tr'i""" j . i an am a , a u t e Btion is io teuton lor the foruaitoo of a provisional government for the States wbicb have se eeaea. loeacb or thos bodies our Lrgis latur ba teut Coiumissiours. Tb State i " v Buiaieiy itortn of us, uaa at.u cailtig a OOVebtlou. Ik. rssultef tb action of the v.riou bod win oc no human wi.dom can foresc, as no human eye can penetrate the future. Th. r.sultof th. action of these bodies would weigh much with m. io determining the court, our St. to .hould lake in the ores cut troubled condition of o.r coubtry .. .,. , JfaUj ur,, mt wel, Bl ,0 the good people .f my native county, tbat 1 am oo disubiouist vtr m ti..i taekm.nt to th t oioo. so l0Dg a. j, 00uid he maintained and adotmif tered in the in tegnty with which it was formed by our fathera, ba been great. It ha. invested "ur D wl 0 grtness and power and prosperity, wbiob ba. been conferred by a kiod Provid.oee on no other nation. Ita Dissolution, therefore, in tn, .jgw j, , matur which ibould receive the b'igbe.t and consideration af tb. propos.d toavennon, and tbat thos. who are delega td to perform the high trusts tbus .omrnit ted to tbem, ibould go as independent fr.em.o, lo exercise their great! wisdom m the promotion of tb. greatest good for th. people of our beloved Slat.. Very respectlwlly, vours, Anj. JOS. H. WILSON. A Cbitical Conditio. A fr;nd af ou,PI-'s 'bat he is like th. moon on nis last quarter. Probably b. i. th. man o. wnotu w. beard a lady speak the other day. She was giving a description of bia xterior .ppearanoe, and eoooladed by .ey ing, "h. look.d lik. lb. moon behind a log trying to ch.oge I" Ad Valorem lianne irying to change what ? Hi. quarter J Hope our fneud will be a little more dufi aite hereafter. Counterfeit. Dr., ..y the Sal. labor, Wetohtaan, ha. thowo u a tbre dollar note ou lb. "K.nk of Wtl.nir,i. North Carolina " It it a counterfeit of court., a that Bank itsues no bill, af . I... denomination tbaa fir dollar. LETTER FROM HON. S. A. DOUGLAS. Tb. following lett.r ba. been addressed cation at the request or a friend. , by Judge Dougla. to tbe editors of the 0-jr custom to publish all oomrr.utiiraij Mempbi. Appeal: that are respectful, no matter whetl,.' Washington Cm, Feb. 2, 1801. I ,gr,.e witb them in sentiment or not ', MEbSUS. Editors. I have this moment 1 e uul r.adwith .m.ioment.u editorial iu your ! correspondent Mecklenburg," lem paper of the 30tb ultimo, iu wbiob you as j bare taken "tuns by the forelook," ,, sum tbat I am favoring tbe immediat . olared North Curolina already out of withdrawal of the remainiug Slate from ijlljOUi Rather fast Mr. "Meckel tb., .. a peace ;. ; O.iog to 111. pres. of business J' avert tb. horrors of civil wtr, and with tb. . r " view of a reconstruction on a constitutional : '" fl' comments : basis. r,lU Tllle N- Wllio. I implore joo, by all those kind relations wnion nave ao long exisieu utuwi ui, au which 1 still cberisb wiib .o much pleasur. snd gratitude, to do mo the justioe promptly to sorreot tbe unacoountable error iuto which you hsve been led. In regard to secession, wntner viewea as a guci u- mental theory or as a matterof political ei- ..J: . T 1 ... t.,. mia nnin. pOU,.uvt, a u.,. --- v" ,r- ion, nor uitenn oui uu tauguaa v. unqualified oppesition. Nothing can be o fatal to tbe peiee of the country, so destructive of tbe Union and of all hope of reconstruction, a tb. secession of Tennessee aud tbe border Slatea under existing circumstance. You must rtuietubvr that tbsre art dis unionist among tb. party laadsr at th North a well a tb South men whose hostility to alavery i stronger than their fidelity lo tbe Constitution, aud who believe tbat the disruption of the Union would draw after it, as su inevitable couaequeuce, civil servile insurrection, and fiually the1 unai iiiriuiiiiiivu ittil -' Southern Slates. Tbey are bold, dsring, that tb. Constitution of the Uuited Stale I tb. great bulwark of slavery oa this con tinent, and tbat th. di-rup'ioa of the Americm Uuiou iuvolves the inevitable de straction ef slavery, aud ian iudispeuiable necessity lo the attaiuruotit of that end, Ik. a a a. .1 al.rn.i na A aanninntUh their paramount object by any mean within toair judgment, a knowledge 0f right, -). c power. For these reasous, the Northern i g. t0 maintaiu it. Let tbem r-'eei'e disuuiooists, like the disuuionists of the ! vuie iu this county, that we at in " South, are violently opposed to all compro- j may say to tbe world, as did our for,!', miee on constitutional amendments, or ef- j ju 1775, tbat e are ready to re,i.t' ,.!" forts at conciliation, wbtruby pesos eouid ,iuu and dly oppresors to t!. bititr' be restored, aad the Uuion preserved. j Kor me, fB rieeted, (of I, il,crp' They are atriving to break up the Union no doubt,) isey, tru l and beiin, under pretence of uubeuudsd devotion to . reprreuiativ s will catt ttieir voir. i0 . it. Tbey are struggling to overthrow the j Sotib Carolina out of this corrupt ,J . Coastitution while prolesiog undying at ujembered confederacy, and .cu 1,-r ' tacbment to it, and a willingneat to mske ber Southern sister Mates, to nh im-t.. any sacrifice to maintain it. Thty are try lru, reiatea by the atruiiest au ,.. ing lo plunge tbe country into civil war, aa t,ci 0f merest, oomineroisl audru the surest means of destroying tbe Union, i bo can estimate th number of , upon tbe plan of euforemg tbe laws, aud ! Caroliua a sons aud daughters ho r protecting tbe publie property, i' lby eau ! our more Southern neighbor,? Av;i defeat any kind of adjustmui t or compro- me lo remaiu the allies oi a u i- ' mise, by which the points at issue tasy be lj.,k lUpubliusu Union, and take u- satisfactorily settled, aud keep up the irri- j t Uo halite against our oan ci.ii.u' tation o as to iuduoe the lJjrder Siatet to kindrtd! Uod lorbtd it Let u tl,. r follow tbe Cotton State", they will feel cr- j wuiic tbere is yet nme, biirkle ot, . -tain of tbe accjiuplithtiieat of ibstr u.ti- mor lo meet ibis tiiaek K.pabliejs'l mste designs. ! who are eudeavoriu,; with fanatical i , No'.htng will gratify thcot se much, or ; destruens and dtmoiitiou of our rno-t r. contribute so tffeotusiiy to their tucje.s. as iBliea ia,ntutiout. I bis era t . -the eoes.ien of Tsnneisee aud the bord.r ; rubi nj diammlred Northrra V State. Every Siat that vitbdraw. from ' will never attempt tbe coercon cf , the Union iuerease lb rtlaut poi of UJ Souib, hut a divided South i i -Vortb rn Aboliliooiat to defeat a letiifse- 1 coiBrurt Q n,,r 'i- K lory adjustment, and lo bring on war, abica ........ ........... and recegnitioa of th. independenee of tbe two conte.ding seetioot. If, on the con trary,, North Caroline, aud the border States, will remain io tbe Uutoo, and will unite with tbe conservative and Union loving men of all parties io the ! -Nor,b, in the adoption of each a eonipro mise at will b. alik. honorable, tafe, and just to the people of all the Siatet, peace and frateraal feeling will soon num. and the rotten State eonie biek, and th Union be rendered perpetual. Pardon tbt repetition, for it caonol be too airong.y impeaea upon an wm let our country, that secession and war will be ue - ... i., not on ly of the pr.tcnt Ln.on, bat ..II blast all bop. of upon a eoD.t.tut.on.1 b.t.r J tru.l you wtlldom. tb. just,., to publish this not. 10 your ttext s,e. I am, verv trulv your friend. 3 A DOUGLAS. Tub Stat Law i .-The bill for the relief f 'be people; "tb stay law," aud which passed its second 7 h m"j "c "i reading in the Senate on Tuesday, it .ree ling a good deal of talk oo th. streets, pro and con. Its frieuds urge it as a measure t. beorfit tb pop', nbil. its opponents say it will b. injurious to tb people W : ooufett there are pretty stroug argjuieal.i on each aide, and we bardly kuo bow to de- j ids. In ease of civil war. uow aa threat. ...,n .. 1 l.l l .nl.".,.,;... ....... . ., .. ... n. nec.t.ity lor Tbw history of tb. world show, that man' -ill take advantage of th. ne..t,e. of hi. f.llo.-m.n. A ood cit.s.n, ,,b ., m.yow.som. debts, c.n-l tr.,t,d inprosper.u. time, and when be ' had av.rv ,..1.11. ,.,,.. ,.t - . . i .i ... -.i-. . . . them promptly; but erasb comta war' ntae -business itagnalua, aai unless the law interpose tte strong arm for bis pro tection, hie all may betacrifioad forth pay maul of a paltry sum tba rich eroaine richer, .d tb. poor pcor.r. il bi i. on. ' sid. of tbe questioo. I Oo the otber bind it is contended that' the poor man cannot force the rich maa lol pay him for hi labor, aad that be -ill therefore be tbe uffrr. We believe tba! great foundation of tbe credit ayittm ia uot so much upon th law nfurouig th pay meat of debts a it is upon lb ojnfideace reposed in the bouesty and ability of the debtor. Ad Valorem J Jan nr. RecONRTBUCTION Fnr tb. n .. , ,. , . . e1 "s least wa repudiat. thi term. Wo! irom oar voeauuiary. v e will bive none of it. "Reconatructioo 1" What docs it signify but that the Uuion i dissolved, the Republic destroyed, tb. nation extinct? What doe it assume but that we bav a couutry no longer! We are net yet pre pared to grant thi assumption? W. hope that no other patriot it. " 'ittrrvation " not "reconstruction," i or should ha .nil j lb. watchword of aver, geuuine lover of bia country. Word, are aon..t..n.. u.; and Ibis word "r.eonatruction," uow tut! ing so glibly from tb. lip. aud pen. of pr oipitator here, is tbat bideou thing dis anion; nothing Us. Let patriot then it as tbe, would buo th. abyss to wbi.h it point. Whil. w. ar. laboring geo.routly aud manfully for 'h. salvation ol our couu try, l.t n. not thwart and stultify ourselv. by dying or implying that w. bate no country to tave IauisviIU Journal. Asms o Nobth Cabolina It i. .ta tsd that a niauufaclur.r in Newark, New Jerey, i filling aa order from Uov. Elli for I10U.000 worth of aim. for this I WrWe publish tb. following comu,,, Saturday last, February the Uth is i Ui iur luiportaut reasons, ever be s ui. j rable period in tbe history of our oiu . Un the countenances of the vast ,...! . '" tbcu assembled, could be distinctly tni'i j momentous iuisitnt felt in th-; eonrlin,, our oistraoteu oouutry. f rom all a,.r; there was an outpouring of citizen. 1 ..r .11 ..I.I . " V" lines, ami ,,, visions tbat oune divided us ger. Tbe osce doiniunnt party liae , a worthy magnanimity extended th. . branch, have uuited with their former , togomstsiu tne selection ot twe distm,,,, d geutlemcu a candidates for the Cum ........ j .tutu uin rtn'tf ....... w uuv ill mcr partixau prooliv Hies. They areS, em men, advocating State Rigln, 4 aapat.i. oiaio UIIU.1. luaj ttt .)( p. a candidates, nfleciiug their i.(,.. a united South. Let us thurif r. I... I our former prejudices, and battlo f! r common interest, as we are united auiuuiviu UUS11IIV. SUU let Us (In it calmuess aud firmness which it t 0. gui.hing trais in the .huracter of ol lb Hornet Nust. Let us Jr; geutly to elect to the State Couvei,ciot t to tliatiu-uished aud bouirable K .. men, Judgo U.bourue and Wui. J.j, boae names are uow before the t,, this blub positiou. Tbt ..-'-: -" ev are tm i. Jed States bava bra .! , e.. 1 i a l. Ciarea a separate nation are fully prepared to maintain it. Tb.u wby cry eut save the Unim, t', lhare is no Union ta be saved Khij i. law, logic, roitrums aaj pulpit, ,r, . iuutiuteiit 'I'll., li.t f . . goue forth, and w,lt North (Voliua V, .' behind, crying save the Union, and .g . to Lincoln, accept hit yoke, an! t bumbl. submissuu to higher l.w i . return be graciejsly rewarrl.d by L .. tiou and uero eqi4Hy. Are tbe fn'n of Mecklenburg, an I cf Njrtb Cjr . wbo are liuiuortaiit. J f,j ir,e br-I d of i,,,!...,, i.., . , , 1 I ..., .. .' v. , 1 answer, no, nevtr. ror one I SO0)er ..,,,. ,.; 'tlt, , , tr,UorI0 ni,, s , ' You eroik.., ,,,,, ,!jC ! ,U Ulttk n UlBJ IJJ " o , u- ,.. ..,.-', , ruary to wn: "W. are not rrp,, make any oflere to traitors trithiuif their I,,,,,,. I ..... , , ,sutk ,i'uiaamen) uh nl, u it'i hem l and soul Jar the I m are villing to pmpost if tjthn, , Jair, jntl und hoHorulle. I'ut m true mends ue oj the Soitk mini Let usc.ase to entreat aud rcnot Proc tstination it ouly delay anJ ai v ' lay lo cut asunder lb bands tbst ui.iif J' to an enemy, when a total alienation of1 timeut bat imbued tb pubho nund ' t,.... ... i . V ur iiaileuce III wari,i . It't U" uo" defy the disgraced eoufedtnc; wbicU DO c, m u u . lurl ;ui I';0'' f'te"1 "P0" ":B kho ,u''' lfU "T' t """"'T , " ' .' 0'' ' 1 'l l fr-'br-e i " ' ,0,' V. bt"' th. ploust. wh.r. a- probitig hook into swords learn war ad that the Liuu aud iba Lamb nut ("'.' j . ,. . , ,, WECKLENIilK'i .llrcMe iir'iitx turn tillitriil i-i lv. 1 MKKTIN't; ..I It,. M rtletthllrf A.n'u ' ral stoetrty will Im hrl.l at the (null II" an nalurilaf ino liilni.l Ktbru .rjr. I 1 1 ' el.i.l..n nl ilfl !. I.SLU ut'tcr Iiii.iiii--. nl in i" Unco Kill ta t.atis.rlril. A 11 D.VVIDSUN, I-f"t. Fthimaty 5, IBUI. tsltj lN'otiee. A1 -L persona indented by note or bunk count tn I lias K.iala nl tne I j U 'I ' i - Itimun are rtqinsieil In cutis w4ri iml thw aame at itnlulirrrtce eannnl be rttt-n tint ina aame at iiiuularnce ea pr.n. !,.( ,.,,, . lultun a t 1.1 (irrainl (lie tsllte Wl'l lima .ri .rn lieu by luw ur tills nolits w in li. ill bar nl rir.iv. iy. E NYE. lIUIUI'INSnN, V.x tr. o 1UUJ. J. IIUI.M'N '. mil it S, Ifcfcl. 4.t J- .. I I K- tO.MMl&blUiN MhKllJA.N'i AMI (Jcneral Colli clini; Af,fiit. ftruUuct i .n tliail reeettu n(iiid hire Iur my 4'P ; (11,1111)11 ntt-:lltiln il" ta" Ken in the ..I a. till I Is, 1 1 Nnlat and Aeenutils iut it. In my liaiius I"' leeiinn tliall iucii. priinii and imineduis lentniu. j I hmtutit, ftb. i. IHf.l sj.ltl' A IX pcruui iHflt btt d lu the vUU- tf Ahh it. Hrin-, iieiM , Will in-ikf iiiniMii" I1 iiitntl; fd nil intf-Mim htttug vJiiiMi ' t:Ut, Will pie fit I Iht'Ml Ultly 4tutllilt.M n't tliu Kmc prtft-fibtij luw. ur litt nulnr vful pi L-d in u.r ), tiiuir fnm. ry, T. II. UK EM, '' OriA.f ft, intio. mi