Secession Nomination. The meeting; winch assembled in (bit ciiy od SuturcUy last, notuiuated Hod, J Oaborue aud Wm. Johnson, Ksq., ai ean JiJaie t represent this couutjr in tbe State Conrontioa. The; both aooepted the nomination ia neat auJ appropriate (j.feohei. FOR THE N. C. WHI(J. Mrh.IIolton: The Legislature of North Carolina baring passed a bill lo call a Con tention in refereuco to the accession move ment, we uiaj look out for tbe democratic ;re. worker to be actively engaged in car rying out their deep Uid lobeoie of our country'" destruction. We are do politi cian; norba we eer before meddled with political- lint tbe time has eouie wbcu every truo hearted man niuat tot, or stand ronpon Mo to aouie ezteut for bin country's wrongs. Uur country l already politically damned ind tlie deiuocratio party is responsible for ll,t iked. The present administration eould not be atified aitb involving the nation in t dilit f one hundred million of dollars, but through its foul hearted aspiring dema gogue1, ! uiust plot tbe destruction of our great uai;uai owuip.os. mt party osa reached ill maximum height in political trauiis, iii!c,tioiiS aud crimes, and when it ili-cofrrrd that US crime could only bees luicil If its eilinctiou, like Sampson in in., d'-ath strugtle with tlm Philistines, it laid boid upon the mighty pillars of our po Incil temple, and said, "Let us die to j. tln-r." Who "ire the first movers in the feces ti. n phalanx? Wan it not a (State aboee drumersr bad always been a unit! Wbo ire the fira eaters of the South that have ii,. lulled the happy equilibrium of our r uulry . Are they uot but beaded demo crats, wiib more leal than brains? Aud iij at tieNortb have been tbe greatest i ittor of tlie begro question? The an M rto these qieatious come like thunder t. a.i upon our ears, the Ihruocrat. Home acted under ibn lh of the party a Lip, fur the aett of more good sound Ht.e, while a minority have acted out their art in tbe great drama with iuxtful eyes j j, u the fat offices and full treasure! kiiu-craev was unhealthy, illegitimate from it-.jti.Mii ; and the rymptoiu of the hiddrn ft! it:s?aie within became more apparent iur) ) ar of its life, until it Dually "in cil" O, my country nu n what a death sutiiatS Laden With Hi pondt roils load of iniquities and shame, "it teil down; and S n it fell dowc, there it d i e d !'' May liiJ fir bill that it ever hate a burial; and in lit jii'igtui'bt morning may its fragments hire ix-es jojiterr'J so far a-under that tl'Bni-e- aoa will w colleet tbenj to be fci-4 upon by the free, enlightened pa t::)'( of America: A P"'T that could wati olv brim such ruin and Jevrr adaliou . 1,1 'ii oat eouutry, cannot fail to be aoceraed il the? end. WHIG "lilt W()0 OP A FlCeUM'vNIST The j i':.r o't? lin, Ppeakin? of lhf lutct't i ' OutrutioM, hM .Mb f icw of trjin,- to 1 . , 1 p erve tus v.oiimuuou ana mo i, uion nj'.' I ' 'V rttT I fhi m rtlj ff- tr at n.hflmia ' . ... i -i ' bn.ii'j, and predict a complete failure L in id ta di-silvai, thank tjol, ami wc j ! finSient that the people of the States j . ,i k ... I...... ,,l.,l.. . A..... A. 1 , - V . i im by forming aesin an ai-ooiatiou s: Ii Vai,ke negro thieves, swindlers, pi-I r t i arid infidels. The knot has been un I (J nil may it never aain be put together " j 1 Li- aLote needs lie cotnrusnt. Il speaks 1 ti. tentimeiits of a disunioniKts, for di-uu- i'ti's ake. louhties Ihe brother secession in of the editor ail! lol him be was imira-' .' ..'-tint tie oufM not to have told the' It tl.e r, al cau of tboir aeekiris; to dia- t j'l Ihe government j but it is out now, and ; cm t he recalled j We hriieve that every patriot in the land, i net if he conceives there is a neoesity for I "-(-MOn, drp'ares that nece-ntv. liol the tdil r of tbe Hulle tin, and tho issnJs of hisj ' . '' thiik Uod " that the Union is dis.-ol- j f'd They thank iod tbat tha free.t, bst ! d bappiett government an earth is rem and ! lorn and octroyed. Thej thank God tbalj ttf ant pevecful aud pro-pcroos people iu ; t: world sra to be plunged into strife and I f'-rj, reuliiu iii piveilj and degralion 1 i'J thank God that the Gesrt Heart of, '- 'rty ii about giving its last throb, and i the hope of Freedom in the world is! "bed. These are the disauioniUs of the: ilJ I-.ike tha thonghtlexa boy and reek- ! ' inois to political office in Soulh i 1 "0.111. sud other " eotlon " States, tbey ! tro up their hats and ahoul over the elee I ,in of Liueilo, beeause it ifives theto a pre .' !,,r eotisuiiiiuatinir their lonif cherished 'irn. Linnnln a .l.ilini ia not ll.a riUiei Oi' th-ir J... . J .1.. II-: l.. . "s ' rrl1 1 " union . mi ici, ( 1 ' H in J. Ih. L l...e nT ihm io of disunion, loui; cherished ia tbeir be ar la. 'us devil never comes iu the shape of the ; .i i. . . - ....... -o-r- -. ... , ie ihliininn n.p onn... in tha ihinsLj ul "unman I'd the people wtcb both fi(bt both may tbey triumph over both. Ad la- I imttHer, H Aivni.N iiuisr.. 4 Till; i.i;.ti:ur 'I III; I'll I s. v'' 1'ropr.i lor will terminate on the a 'aiblh i ' )"' t. I subscribers w III rem, f term j )'.r, Un, llolel. to a m m who can ref. renr.a, (mom lit, meed mpylj ) a. -.ii.ty the owners i,at it will be a. aepi aa fietrat-t from ttu rruutation which it mi ' j" s . Aral claas Hotel. fl " atrotiag. ol Ihe Iloua. i. large snd in. Irom iu central position, and eslah. '4 cn.rarlrr it r.imol fail nf .rcce.., if pro. ! faiKiuiieil. Ant iuHier inloru.alion 111 de " "hi bt ii.n by .l,icra.n.) T. 0. Si W. M WALTON. . . M irgahtitti. N. C. vU.Hil. r.'b-M ;,' . i,, in, , ;,,! laiu hfii I'tiruilinr. i TT,IE R-eidenr. of the Ial. THOM AS J. II LT()N,n Tin itspAY, the Mlh Kb 111, II "'" 10 'rlek. A. M , will be .old all j j" """'"'1'! and Kitchen I uniiiure of aaid T. . ''III.N. Terms mail, known at Ih. aalc. 'I" auimriln-r would b. glad lo r.cenc pro. I ;'.., TIliK I KEN SIIAUESof Ihe fapilal t,v."' ,h MAItl.lin E and SOUTH UAItO. ",,A HAII.hOAU COMPANY. E III TtillNsON, Eaeeutor of ... , TIIOMAH J. IIOLTON. - ---' Un"f lebl-td ri .- llikwllllill. I ''It firm of lowenatem and Brother waa Una any di,.,,, by mutual cannot All Indt-btod Ui the firm will fdse call and . '" "Hh Iij.ho Leowenateia. The Buaineas eontinued at th. eld aland by .. , ISAAIC LKUVVENSTKIN. r btuary I'', Sf,. 4ti 3t ELECTION NOTICE An election will be opened and held at the vurul Precinct in Mecklenburg county on .. I,.,.. Jr. .' ' reu,u,7 "" """W' 1UI oa Mil UUNVCfl l lUfl " i.i i kor TWO DELEGATE to represent Mecklenburg county in convention. W. W. UIUEU, Sheriff r cb 1 1, ISbl. Mecklenburir oountv. N. B The schools coiilauiini the number of! votes, must be written in worm, not iu figures and returned in touliiiinity to ,y, MANAGERS OP ELECTION. The fn Iuwiul' (entlemen will hold an Elcrtinli at tha Several Pftciiicts i,i Mecklenburg county nji Thursday the a8lh day of Kibru-ry mat for ('unvcntion or no Conveuliun, alio for tvro Dele, testes to represent Mecklenburg county in con. venlioii. PRECINCTS. N mints sToaa lonvunliiiD or no Convention. ; C l aihey, J, i', Samuel Lnwlng, '1 lioui ji T Johnston. lJelr. ten Stephen Wilson. J. P. J Libai Urier, VV'ilnuiii Cl.rk. ukkksk '. oiivention or no Convention E B 0 .Sio-n, J. P. M K Culdwoll, Thos E Pulls. Oi l.ei.lrs Thus W Sourrow. J. P. Jua K Gil. lespie, jm ,M vHou. L su caeak (.'nnvention or no Convention R B, J. P. Janice il Kirn., A B D.vuinon. Ul. sU.JuhM t Harry, J. P. Tnos M Kerns. VV A bum pit. hi i.i j Convention or no Confuntinn S W Ciluwell, J. P., B t' McWlurter, Andrew Parks. 1J. ley ilea K 8 Dcarinoud, J. P., II W Sun sou, James B'f hum. , stuvl csiik t'unv ntinn or no Convention 7 ho. J l.n.r, J P., John H N.cly, A li Krwir.. Delegates AI N art. J. P., i W Held, Tbos P liner. HsSTa Convention or no Convention A C Flow, J. P., H It kin, K M Wh.te. I. lrg,te. U W Millar, J. P., William Beaver, John C !. in.ia. ciuaLorrt Coi.VMilion nr no Convention J Samiile D.vis, J p., M M Orr. Jhn Wolle. Ueh-tstea Thuo H Price, J. P., Thos 11 Brem, M I. V rton. raovmrtcs Convention or no Convcntinn W M M .mews, J. P.. W I. M .nson. J N lios.. Drlrgales ilueh II Peoplea, J. P., W T Slitt K A MeK'n. aiAS - Convention or no Convention Irfrei.70 Hunter, J. P.. A li hVi.l, Smil A lt..) ce. Ih-lrfatt-s Arthur Gricr, J. P., J S Held, John M Melrf-od. HtaaiKBuao Convention or no Convention Wan-in .Vict oinb.. J P.,J.ihn Kirk, sen, C B .McCiinnis. iMrj .t. s It .l.rl M Cochran, J. P., Edwin Alrl iiiuir b A bttwsrt. W. W. GIUKR, Kherirl' Meeklcniiurf County. February II, I So I . ST I'l'aM Ol' lOKI II-C ittl.OIM A. A ri'otLAM.VI 'ION i lly Juiii W Ellis, fvm-rmr .Va.A t ifsiim. Whcsls. Tim fuiiowing uw haa been enacted by tha General Assembly of the Male of North. ( arulina to w t ; AN CT CONCERNING A CONVENTION' OF THE PEOPLE. "VtMkfce, The pretenl perilous condition ofj 'he Country ueniaiiu. in the judgement of thi I fiineral Ae-emhly th.t the Sovrrcigu people ofj Una Slate slluuld anaru.blc in i:fivei.llon lo rff.ct oiusiiiieiit of exiating ditncuities tbv Hip r.irrt ii euu-tiiercd. or otti. I l,nl rt4, tins Uiitffifi AtDcuiiitff n i of urli (rive fiiV'rl, iftvuiviitv V,m rcla (ia of Nurth.t 'tultrt to iu r itt( in the cut), wiiliout lite eniittitt nf tlie rtp!e, ia whom, art. j tier our govrrhfiitnl, U tuVureif nlv fttuJen, bmj HKCt j. Ut tkrr(9tt tnmfitd fcy ih Utntrml Asm&-y, u t State ol A j:oinj. and U t$ ? t"fA '"'-V. Tj-l upon to. ptaoags oi Una act tne Governnr ol the Suu B,,BU to. hrby . u wu. a pro. I ilsiuatiuii. commanding Ins Sheriffs of the res. ( Ptcl,fe Oi'UlltleS IU til. Slate lo open poll at Ihe sevrrol clcciion pricint, in aid euliutiea, on the ' '.'nth day of February, A 1, Inbl, when and' where .l Ihe pcra.nn qiiihcd to vu:e lor mem ol In. (tenrral A.sinbly may lor against otiveetlo ho wiah a Convention, voting wtih a printed mien tick. nun, ana t'.ose who do not with a o' my i:: tne aame way, No t'onvrn. nvrnto lion ;" alwi. lo open separate polls at the aaid tin., and piac.s lor Ihe eletion of UrirgaUa to tlie f oo. enltuo, Iu br aaseihiled on aocli ttiliea aa are here, matter ptovid.d j aaid polls lo he i uperintendrd by map -c.ora, aupoinl'd by tte Mm-rifTs, with in. sdviees ol three jance of Ihe peace, ol the re. eoeclivtt cuiuiliea, no ohall be .wcnn areurding lo tne provision, ol fwc. 6. I hap it, of Keviscd Sir. J lie it fmtlker enerlti. That it ahall be j tne duly oi tne Mit-r.ria to make out dupheaie i atatemciita ol Uwir polla, in Ihier respective coun. tie., mi the quoin u at " l on vi n iiuii " and " No 1 i onvsntion." sworn to bt loir the l'l-rk nf the County Court, one copy of winch shall he deposi ted in a. id rlera'a nllne, and tho oilier copy irana. milted to tne (ioterrior ol Hi. ttate, at Kaleigh, jndt rlhe sain, rules and ri giil iliona. Slid under lue same penalln , us ate prooribcil in the caa. ol I'te rrl urn ol Ihe v.tle for electors ol Tiraident and Vice 1're.i.lenl. aa now prescribed by law, nil medl .tely after sanl iei ti .ri c. 3 it f ather .nofled, Tint it shall be the only of Ihc tii.lernor, as ioll aa he siiall have re. imveii the n turns of Ihe s icr fT, in Ihe p-eence l Hie f.-crtlaiy of i. he Sisie, I'ublic Tre.isurcr an ! Comoro. icr, lo c-iiiipire in. numi'sr of vutea tor anu ng.nuel a convention; and if it ahall ap that a uii.jorily ol Ine votes pulled sr. in la. vor of a convention, he shall forthwith lour a pro, lainalioit in such manner a. he may Hunk proper, eumiiioning the delegates elected lo said convention, as .forestall, to convene in Kaleigb, on such uy aa he may designate in his said pro. rUm.tion: i'leeidrd, Ihe osv designated be not earlier loan tne eli vcutu of March ; a. d if a ma. loritv of Ihe vole. lxilieH srs again.t s convention. me tiovernm i.iiall, hkc in inner i.sue a procia nd iu mat ca.e, the a.seni- nl""n ol tact J .f Ih. said uelegali-s, elected as, un,lwf ii,r ori.visiona oi fm ... t- .,, .. . I a t. i. htrt by oeciar- Kc. 4 lit u further emnettd, 1 hat the election for delegates alort .aid. ah .l lie held and conducted n.a same manner aa elictiona lor members ul (.orr Aaa. inbly, and the vote biiuii oe count. ..a .1 ... ... A .., . ,i , ... I,. ,.. sued in the aaiue aianuer aa preacrtrHd by law lor members of ih. Ilouite of t omnmna. Sac. 5. Hi it fwlher enocttd, 'l iiat il a vacancy shall occur by His daath, resignation or removal Irom Ihe Male ; or by tne reiuaai iu serve, oi any I person elected delegate as aloreesid. Ilia proeiding I officer of the Coiiv.'iito.u shall isnue Ins writ lo Ihe Sheriff of Ihe county iu wlucii audi una . ey may have occurred, aller such nonce aa the i convention may order, to open a poll to fill aueh vacancy under the same rules and regulations l.....,.l...i.... o,. ., r,l,l l.,r li.e ul, iu., a 01' dele. .!,. mc. t,. v, tt JitilHer twiclii, mil Hie saio con. vnlion shall con.1.1 ol one hundred snd tw.tity deiegatea, and each county ahall be enlitUil to the huh nnuiber ul delegalea aa mt mbvrs of the llouae ol ( ominous under tun last apportioninenl Sac. 7. He it Junker enacted. That the mileage and pir. m m pay of the deligalea lo said consult. lion shall be the same aa that of members of the (iiinerul Asarmbl r. lo be paid in tl.e same manner; nd aaid conveuliun .hail Lue power lo fi the pay ol ail Us ollicers, and of suy repreaculalive lo any coiivenlion or state, and shall provide lor oilier eapenees, lo be paid out ol th tr.aaury ss It may direct. Mc. 6. Be U further enacted. Thai the said con. vention ahall h.v. power to elect it otHocrs snd preacribe qualilic-.tions loi ila iiiettibera, not 111 c.tibiatent witn tne true intent ol the act. Sao. 9. Jfr if further enacted. That the said can. trillion ahall have power to consider all grievance aU'eeling North 1 arolins, a a member ol Ih. C'on Icderacy, aocording to the true intent and mean ing cl this act i Ihe asacnl or dissent ol the oeopi to Ihc proposition herein contained, being re.pec. tively.apro.MUbytli.ot."tonenlion',or"No baiore provide. Sec. IU. Beit fmtket enacted. Thai naordinenc. of .aid t'onvention .n.,1 h.v. any fore, or validity until it .hall bav. been ralitieu by . uiNjonly ol Ih. qualified voters lor nicmbor. of Ih. iaon.r.l Aaai'iiibly to whom 11 ahall be .ubuiitud aeeoro. ing to tti. more prcacribed for eivction. of Ami. cr to the llouae of i onimons, the aaaent or di. ent of the people hereto being .(pressed a. in preceding sections of tins act. I Bio. 11. Be it furtktr enacted. That no delegate elected anvil bo permitted lo Inks Ins aeal in saio einsnti..n onl.l I., .hull I,... InL.ri ill ' eonbod jto the following onlli, before any judge of the Supreme or Superior Courts, or any justice of I e peace ol wake county, lo wit : 1, A. v., no solemnly asear or affirm (as the ease may be) that I will net do any act contrary to the act of me Uun rsl Assembly, under winch Una Conven tion is called ; an. I that I will duly and faithfully discharge my duties as a member of this conven tinn accordinc. In llm knl nr ni l(ikiiarlrii and abilitv. so hnlu ma Und. ' Sec. He it further enacted. That this set shall be iu lore Irom and alter its rutine ition." Kead three times and ratified in Uui.eral Ansein bly tins lat day ol Februarv, A. I) . I6I. W.'T. DoarcH, H. II.C. H. T.I iiKK.8. S. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Orrica i r cmar or nTTt. I, Rvrus II. Poa' Bceistury of Slate in and for the Stale of North-Carolina, do hereby certify that the feregning is a true copy of the original on file in this office. Given under my hand this 1st day of Feorua ry, lsBI. rtUFUS It. PAGE, SccrMary of Plate. Now, therefore, this is to command the Sheriff of the respective Counliea of the Stale, to cause an election to be held in the manner prescribed by suul Act, on the iStli duy ol Ke iruary, A. U , Ititil, when all persons qiiulified lo vote for members of the General Assembly may vote for or against a male Convention, and lor delcgutea thereto ; and they are furthermore enjoined l' conform, in all reapects, to the requirement of ssid Act. rsLl G"en under my hand and attested by ' ' the Ureal Seal of the Mate. O .ne at Die City of Kaluigh, this lat day of rn., A. u., I Bill By the C .vernur. JOHN W. ELLIS. Iiihis Uavis, I'tieatt Secretary. The VlnrlaclH. CORBBCTKD BT OA TBS & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE FEBRUARY ll.lrtil. BACON, Hams, new... ' Sidea Hog rouno, .. Shoulders, .... (lagging, (iunny, Becl, Butter, beeswax, Beans, Brandy, Apple " Feuoh I ot ton Codec, Kiu, , ...ib Ta ,.ik ...Ib ...ib , buanel, ..,.. ...Ib ..lh Ib 1 1 a) ...II .u 1 (i, -...iaf (. ....16 (a, .... a ....15 (S (a) a (, ....I Oil (o, 61 to- ....18 (a, ....Ui (, ....J5 (a, ...AO (a, ....iU a f" fe ...ia (a) ,...lo (o,. ....31) (a t$ ...7H0 (f) .. SUlfa, ....3u (a; 6 (a. fc. ....IVJ la, ... 4 (a, .. U (S .. 4iU (,c ...15 (a Java, Candle", Adamantine lb.. Sperm., .. '1 allow,.., Corn, Chickcna, iMoth.Copperua " Linuaey r'tX i lour U" Feathers II idea. Green - Dry Lard Ib , Ib bushel..... eacl yaro yard .....dozen .... bbl hr Ib Ib Ib ....bbl.NoS.. kills j Mutton, . Mackerel, .Imitri, N .O W.I...... -fl buahcl. Mr-I M uileln f, iiiiiiitff luO ) ...ttl Soutliern,,.., lb..... ObI,.. bufthc!. I'ors t'eae, T'lilalite, Iriah,.... i " Sweet,.. Hire , riugar.Lo.i, lirown Mone.Ware, .... Ib ..bushel.... ..bualiel.... ..buahei.... ..bualiel...., Ib Ib. ..... ..sack ..bushel .bujh,l.... ...eel ...4 ...15 ...10 ...10 to ...V00 (.rt 225 .." (a 00 ..U r 151 IJ6 1411 . 64 ( 65 .0 90 ..U to iJ lilU (y I'V -r " heat, while, SV hiakey ,iNorthur N. Caroline, .. I Ijeorgia j a.ned, ' unwashed... W,0 Yarn, ... , bale K EM AUKS Salra of Cotton last wee, W50 bah-a; eilremea Iii lo I0c. Flour in demand al (1 25 for eitra. Corn n, demand at Bj 65e, bacon in demand at II to Wc for new. COLL M HI A MAltKET. CoLBMsia, February 9, 1661. COTTON. During ihs early part of the week, prices cunlinued fir occaaicoallv a alight ad vance in ohijiued on a law balea, being alriclly clioice. Foreign newa coming to hand allowing a decline, our market became Iras animated, and eooaiquentiy puces are sootewhul rreuced. The sail . lor the week amounted to l,-35 bales. Ex. Ireuiee 7 a I lo flACO.N.hog round,., CHUN, PEAS OA'if FLOl li IJJ Co IUO (j, ... tilo .. Hil (r, ... W (u, 13 110 ( HARLKSTl)N MAKKKT. riuanaTon, Fsb. 8. 186!. The cotton market to day, was rulht-r quiet tl.e transaction, being ed U. 495 bale., attxueuie. ranging Irom 9 J to lW4c. 1 he pricea lor all grade. between good uiidoling i re decidedly easier, while the finer uualittea continue tiim. Dr. E, II. Andrews, "?""-V 7Ol'LD inform the public gen- a- car erally, and the aliens of ekleubug in particular, thvt he hs. resumed Ihe practice ol Dh.Yl l.-TK Y, may be found at his Uhl Mand. He is pnp'.red to insert Artificial Teeth on told, Silver, Vulcanito or t'heopluatic proci'ta, a. palienla may deaire ; and fill Tee in with (jiold, I'm, Amalgam or O.. Artifid.L He ta prepared to per.orm any operations belonging to Dcntmlry, snd need net esy that be will be pleaaed to wait upon any of bia old friencs, or new ones either, you may take that for grahlcd, Fek. 5. If 61. 45 If MUST BE SOLD, JWII.L SELL privately all the finiahed work, conaistiiig of One Large Carriage, Ttco llvckatcays, Four Top Buggies, 1 Double Stat Buggy, G BuggieS Uitlwut lopS,i (tovu success and long He-, M 1 j rlece , 1 teacher, parents and guardians have g to the Estate of Jno. Harly d.c'd., j the aasurauce, lhat those coiiimilted to her care belongin pcraons wanting Jno. Marty wora aud bar gains had better call soon. T. H. BREM, AJtnr. Jot JNO. HAUTY.rcco;. N. B Mr. Charles Wilson will act as my ttai m making sale, in my absence T. U. B. February A, lofil. 4t JAotice. 1VVILL sell on the I'JUi Day of Keb. IS6i, on the prsiuiaua of the lat A. Springe, the bal. lane, of hie eatate cen.i.ting of 3 f,,lU 0f MULES, 1 HORSE, I four Horse Wugon, 1 ftco Hurst Wagon, 3 Ox Corts, 9 hail lioitd Carts, Six W hteiharrows, large lot of, Shovel., Matlock a. Pick, and Kail Koad I Iowa and other tw. tedi. ou. to mention. Terms mad known on day ol sale. T. II. BRUM. Lz r. 43 3t Jan.sry 9, ISSI Mecklenburg IRON Works, alexandekTmcoougall. ''HE undersigned heg leave to inform the ciii. M. xens of Charlotte and vicinity and the pnh. lie generally, that they have opened the above Es. tablihlinient at the foot of Trade street, adjoining the track of the North Carolina Rail Hoad and op. mlle John Wilkes' Steam Mills, uad are prcpar. ed to furnish all kinds of MACHINE Y, at short notice snd on reasonable terms. STEAM ENGINES From 8 lo RO Horse Power. AND ! IlLAlKS.nil lr tVOKK I or ALL KINDS, ttEPAIIt H in their liie promplly attended la. Their FOl'N. DK Y is in full operation, and Cast Regularly twice a Week. Wednesday, and Saturday!. They are prepared to furniab all kinds of ( ATI.Vi!i I IKO, KKytlk Su:, acccaoina to oaoia. SAW AND G3I6T miU Q EARING, CftiiiO HEELS, SAW DUST JiL'RNE US, ANTI-FXICTION PLATES AND BALLS roe COTTON PRESSES. CAST IRON ilAILLNG, For Garden Enclosures, Dwellisg Houses, Public Buildings, Porticoes, Cenielry Lois, ic. Tlieir iJiriaiiniivrs For carrying on the bnainesa in all ila branches, Imve been bELECTED V ITH OKEAT CAKE, and are provided with all the lail'JiOVKivIEM'S Required to do thair work in a FiitT it ati; yt k i; it. Agent., for Dr. E. () Elliott, for Wiuter'a Pat. e n I Mulay Saw Mill, which haa the advantiige, along with many others, of doing at least twice as mncii work, and dotng it better, than any oilier Mill in use it can be run by Men in. Water or Horse Power. The MuUy way be seen at the ."hop at any lime. HENRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM McDOUU ALL. N. B. Old Iron, Braas, Copper, etc., bought or taken in trade. Orfeoer 30 18G0. 33lf "M) HrV ' 0 IMS N liNG AND TeV X IXT TE 3Et JIIAS & COII EX KB now prepared lo disulsv to their custom- era and friends, and the public generally, the mot llxletitlve and bent Selected STOCK OF GOODS, E'T tffeted ey sue Firm in Weetern AerlA ( .is- Itmmt Iher. i. o. $rcmbug abunt th. aise and prices of our Slock ul Goods. They wt'l apeak lor Iheuiaelves. tiery deportment i. lull and eompiete. UK V tiOODS, Foreign and Domeatie, LLOIIII.NU ANU FL'UMSHINU GOODS, HAKUWAKE ANDlLTLEKV, BOOI s A.N D SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BONNETS AND MILLENEKY i(X)DS, FANtY (itMJDS AMi NO'llOS, GKOC EKItCS, ic, ic, A call and cxaminatioo ol our Slock is respect fully soliciled at Trade Street, Charlolle. H. C. Oct 9. 1M0. US if , . J l I liiuiiiglon, Iharlolte and Kutlicr .,i s hMj IUIU ItUll ItUUU, mm V tTIHf UlTISION, . HSSLOTTX, Lcc. fi, I SOU. A t.N(j r.liS still be aceommodated lo and J. Irom ihe head of the KuaH Call, Suudays 1 cicepteU, as lutluws : ! OOINU WEST. Leaees l,arl.tte .1...... 1 ucstego blatmn I Arrne at BreTsrd's " i UOINO EAST. ' Lc, Br.rd.. .,, t ,, .,,..t,. .. J. A. Si. S. 45 " .... 10.3U " A. P. M. ...4.43 " ...5. 3U ' I .,.. f,..,n0it. i Ar.V . . . Proper signsls being given si intermediate points, passengers wilt be taken up. WN. UAlt'li', Agent. At the head of the Road , four-hor.e Post Coach. es will be f uno ready to take passengers snd bag. gage to Lincolnton, connecting regularly witn tne train... At ijinceiwwn iiiui "" triweekly 10 ivewton, trcnuir, a.u iu...ii, giia,- leaving ea Mondays, Wennc.u.ja and En. uays, in the morning, and remaning to Lincoln lou ou tiie-vveniiiga 01 Ihe same days. C. A. Sl'TIJKKLAM oi CO, Stag. Propietors. December II, i860. 3S-U. CJari'mont Ftiuale School. 1BBRS. E.J. W.laon will commence the third jjl .ession of ber school atClaremoot, 4 miles Irom CUarlotte, and I nJ Sugar tree a Church, on the Mohuay in Jauuary ICbl. Terms per Session of 20 Weeks : Reeding, VWitmg, Arithmetic, Geogra. pby and (.rammer, 96 Hiatory, Philosophy, and Aatronomy, 7 Music on I'lano, including use ol mstrum't 17 Board, including w.ahing. lights, and fuel, will be 1'umiehed al 1'iartoioul, and by families iu the neighborhood al 4U.liO per .eaaicn. Clareiiiont is a plessam mi neauny location will recicve special and thorough instrucliuus. Ueceinher IBlll, leol'. J gj Notice. ON THL'USDAY Ihe 7lh of Fcbrusry, at my residence 3J miles from Charlotte, I will sell the following properly. Ti the Plantation on which 1 reaiee, containing 37! acre., the one. hall ol which la Wouuiand. heavily ten. bt red, and the balance in a high stale of cultivation ; 40 acre, of good Bottom Land snd about Mat 15 acrea of Meadow Land.wilha com lor table Farm llouae, Negho llouae.. Barn, tilo House, Cotton Preaa; Horses. Cstlle and llog. One first. rale Milch Cow, Household and hiicl-n Fnrnilure. Al the ame lime and place. 111 or 13 Negroes, all young and likely, on a eredil of ait siuat'js. ' MATTHEW A. EDWARDS. January 88, 1S61 3t- Chambers, Barnes & Co., Fa e 1 0 r s and Ucucral Coiuiuis s i a n 3IEI1CIJAXTS, V IIAHLES TON, C. j . Plated Ware, I fjCMIE subscriber hua lately returned from the JL North where he hue p irehaaed a very ei. , tcuaive supply of the ulmve urtirles. His purrha. ' ses being inutie directly from the niniiufditurer. I he ia there lore enabled to n II at a very sniiil ad I Vance on coat and persona ni.iy rent assured thai su nis anteies are warranted lo be itlial be rep. resente tin in lo be. Watches and Clocka carefully repaired and will receive my personal atienlion. K. W. BECK WITH. Octiber 9. 18C0. Q9tf GREAT SACI.IFICES ; it IMIsI. AMI WIM'KIt jus t ii v. c i-: i v i; i v it o m W .B2w- "A' x as ajov BV GOODMAN & EIGEXimU.N, TRADE STREET, OpPuHITf OATJIS WIMJUIS. It Ta'E respectfuley inform the cilitena of ( liar I I lotle, and surrounding country limt we j are prepared to offer u k ; a t i i i c i; .Ti i: ! t s IN DUY GOODS, Hats, 1 l, Hoot 8, Shoes, tfc. AND l.tKUK tHSI.STMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S I I KMMllMi t.OODS. ALSO, A large stock of Ladies and Gentlemen's MIA Y LS A li C L( ) K S, CT Please cull and examine uur Ootid bp lure fjUfcli&aiiDg eUt'whf're. . GOODMAN Si EIGENBRL'N. OrMer S. Ib60. abtf FALL Ol'ElNliNG. New Store, New Goods! AT Lcowciistein & Bro, IFsAKLYnpfHuite the ('uur t House, where they J. have an t-iteritive luck of III!) I:IHI!I.. C LO 'V 11 1 A a, it o o r , mi i: ii r 4 , AND (D All 3a) j and a large variety of I DOMESTIC GOOD'S A.ND j fi ntn tiiii i:s. Persons will Ho well to give ds a cull before pur- j chas'ng elsewhere. ; LoEVVaiXSIEIN i BRO. ' October !, lrbU. -JIMf ' tin: 's jt mat CLOTIILVG EMP0K1UM. FUlLINUS, iSFl.IX(iS & CO SIALKBH IN ALL KINDS OF READY MADE CLOTIILVG FUKXISIII.Nf. ;OOI)S, I lllliltfa, at'i(lgi V ( II. Oi l. 1) cull the esK( ial attention of their tri'-nus anu patrons lo their ' n.eiil, lo whli II tley call till, espec lw stock of C'LOTiiiXG.'iheirniai,yirieiioaiid customurs , now opening. They Hunk they can ofler greater j They intend makiiif this ucpari penirig. i ney iiuna tney can oner greater ' ' ' tliLir gooos being bought at reduced ralca and at audi prices as tney leei confident no House in the Mate can couipete Willi. They are oUenr.g very nice ism. mi; 111; sins from 2 to -o. Ail iii.,un r of C A-SM.MtUl. PANTS, I ASSI.MERE, SILK, MAIALASSE AND VELVET VESTS, OVER l OAl'S, Of all grauen and styles. Toe above Gooue cannot he surpunacd in atyie and iitake, having lueu iii.inutaeiurco unocr Itie cuustanl eurperviMon ot one ol me linn. IL LLl.NliS, SritINU6 k CO. Srpltmher Hi, iruO. UTlf MARKET HOUSE, T lllEsubfcnbcr respecltuilv inlbrnisliia former cualdtiiers and tne public, that he ,,, opened iiOlla-E, under tne above name, nearly oppoaite .VteSMid. Clitea &. W illiail, leto doors below Mesars. J. Y. Hryce . t o., where al wuy. may be tounu a lull aeullllltnt ul Family Groceries, Vegetables, Butter und Eggs, CUtckens, Figs, CanUics, Jiatsms, juts, J'tcLis, i'leseivts, M ines, ij-C. MilM i ior 'I t o assU r, Krvrhtry and 7rtir-f, IMal ilitll t .i, I, attics A ti it 1 It nun' Shoes, t'al '.', li'laiii('H, Minting, i'aiit-sliti, I irking; A c., and nunieroua K.iniy Articles, all ol which Willi be auidal the very lowest price lorC'a.h or barter 1) W. AUKENS. N. B. In addition to the, I intend to lit up by the 1st of uveiuher, a large and comtorl- "J,,' " oe ul i 1 ,llrr11 "l,rt "' l,uu'" aiue liooin for 111 y I uloiners, wtierc a Luncn 111 uy time. 11 will be my aim to patron. :ge. F. W. AIIHKNS. N B. T hight'st prmee. p. id tor bulttr, fcs l)0.i uo I'nt.iioci, .mil uliitr 1'ruuuci IlltkillK, t h 0O.1 ijO t llouflu. 1'. VV. All KENS. 3tif October 16, ISt.O JUilN T. liUXLEU, THAI. IK AL WA1CH aud CLOCK .MA K Eli, OlTOblTK KSUR S HOTKL, ( ii uti tn ii:, v ., (Late with K. W . Becawitn.) 1 W.lche.. Clock, and Jewelry, of every de. ,n reoaired ai d warranted lor li mouths. Fin scriol" Ocloher lb. IHbU. Medical Notice. vvea M. B. TAYLt'R, AN U J. M MILLER, MP have associated themelves, for th purpoa of Practicing M EUKT.N E, in all of ila ear, cue branches. Olfic near the UU B . nil. ! tieo-etrr 53. iKbll ' . Xisv istaas wjjij J H j ca3 C3 Uj SHOP, ,jpw THE Subscriber has la.( 9tW TIen tharire of Ihe OLD I oar at. charge of the OI.DJ. y-P STAND formerly occupied uy JOHN ilAKTY.and bnpea by atnci attention to nUiSI.NESiS and US KING every KXERTIOX to pleuse TO OIJTAIX A SHARK of I PUIJLIC PATRON AC i :. ALL NEW WORK WARRANTED 12 m m; - aa ' Fartieular attention paid to mm - m n m m I title on handa aa ywid a lot of seanoncd 1 as can be storted. i CIIAKLIl Wll01, Jan. 13 1 J.iioi FUUMTURE I ! AT I H.IKLI.STOA' VHIi MAVIMJ 1'L'RCII ASED THE ENTlliK STOl'K OF FURNITURE of J. M.SANnvsa Co., and associated with nie my brother, Wm. Lr.c Davidso, we .titend Iu car. ry on the bonnes, utuier the Hrm of MVIDSOi! & r'EOTHEh, in all ila brunches, al tiie old eland ol J SI. San dere 6l Co., until the rtasT cr jm it nut, when we expect to open . .-m. asaJmWBi: W.99 MXtU III the Store ol Daviu Tajiks, Ksij., now occupied by the BRANH BANK OF THE STATE. A Full Stock' of Furniture OF ALL KINDri, May alwnys be found at tins Establishment, uno we ple. f ourselves to ! Sell as Low as the same articles can be 1 bought iu CHARLESTON, or any oth j er Southern City. ' Will ha e charge ol the Mjnulactunn; Vep'Ulment. wliere otk tiL'sirn wil1 he proinpfiv aiu-noecl to. and rrjjtmiug of any Hind neitUy tluue. liOllT.F. DAVIDSON. N. B. Having taken the Agency of "KISK': .VLTALIC BlKlAl, CASK," tney will alw .j be kept un hand. It. t. l Vctuher U, lebU. 'J7 il' AVI.Nt; sold out our entire t , ot t'uriii lure. oVc. io kossKT . iJtviusos no, to. gelhir wilh Ins brother, VV , J.r.L iUviDsoN, tipeel to cnrilinu.' lue shove busine at uniicr Ihe linn of DAVII30il & BfiOTHLR coroia'ly coinniend iheni to our friends and cualoniera wlio may wish anyliiiiij in way, und hope they will exlenu to Ihem a patronage aa liberal as e have hcritolore rrcuiveu at meir J. M. SANK EHS k Co. 2Btf Orr,e, 2, iBi.u. ! ri 1.1.10, M'Ki.M v to, jS St AVfc alo aoui n in ineir Heady -made t'lolli. ing Mock, a Meri iaiit lailoring Depart. hull tiey call I tit especial auciuioii oi rtinenl aecend to J , Mllt. 1 i:,.. m th nianotaclure ol (.armelils. A I Mtl funea w-lll be InUoO a POOU aluck Ol BUCK and Colored Cloths, English, French anu American C'aaiinerea, and a varn-lj ol V'e.iniga Alao, an asaortuieiil oi j ' KO(kiw.DnMHii:Ki;, "Valuable Mills and Land They feel confident of tneir ability to undersell I a-"saiaa. es-.. kUB-Zm any other hou.e in tl.e State, frou. the auvantagca! . L they have in getting Ineir g.,uu. of tlie Emu who resioea iu the Northern inorKela, ' which giver him the opportunity ol taking ..oviin. tae ot tlie prices ot goode, Inercny aaung at, least Twenty-Five Per Cent'AS i To the cotibuiner. LT Diuiee saved are Dollnr lliaoe ;J) Su trj u. ' E. FULLINGS, . JNU. M. fcl'liiNUS, Srf(er:orr 25, I860. M..J umm ot aaai a f iHEaltcntlonof Ladies and Gentlemen, cuuu. J. trymen and levers, together wilh the realoi lliaukllld, (lo.lers excepted,) is solici. ted lo the many attractions bow being olicred by IIOl'STON&IlUnLI!. one of ths fir.u having just returned the North, where, being in s good humor with him. eli' and all the world, was in good coliulllon to meaae the lancv Ud tickle tlie la.le ul every one 111 the way ol mi a.W mm MW s-.W 0 VI i:.Vl l.Mll.t l Kil ls, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, riekles, rrcservt'8, Sautis, Catsups, Karmaldiies, Toilet Furiilshiags, Stc-, i.XNtCTIOS WITH Family Groceries & iieueral Uakri). It you w is h to trot in double !'. ia Sv-iiu us your i w your i.oi.ou. a Social t'arly . . lor nit, all yo und e wi.. pr Ii.illel i.o I... Line. Cotne to Ihc fountain head and bay Ye wcarv sin sicn .iguis come inn : Buy Vt iuo anu Cake and wc iii tiy lo make it good aa scripiurai lait , Andciiiy slightly to advance 1 lie price upon our previ -II lillid Elaewher is elim, or uic-l ea, conic and Houalon w And I'nd you m sub.ta And ll he lints Ol.o K fc . That'e Hunter, wiU hunt y hi pi o.vi1 liiy feed. tall due djur tt uf tlie luun iijuc. J. NICK Ul'MKH. S. KKAK HOUSTON. fharlatte. Octv'tr , K-60. 'ivi 8. T. Wristn, IT M. Japanned Tinware, Movos, Woooeo Ware Brooms, Brush... .c, in South wing ol Springs Corner building. Job Wot., slloll aeroonng iiolteril-.,. Ac oone i detfai.h - . ! W e respectfully inform our f,;,.j. ..j ! customers tl.nt, , ,i .. . . Ve i 6 6liiHlitiOV to we will ha compelled to sell for Ik 3 11 AND J.V A ifi. 5P A S, HL'UING THE YKAR ft a i Having alarce stock on baud will reduce the prices to suit tbe times 'J'bOie indebted to us will oblige us by Hiiikfi. immediate settli inr nt. ELIAS Jt Ct)UV. January let, The Truth. OWI.Vj 'JO THE I'lil'SKNT liiFFIiTL-TIE- OF OUR atid the di.-iurbed state of BUSINESS ill older to conuii'ie. it Leo. iih-h uecissry (or us to uiakn uu a p.-al lo our in self defvuee ; those iudt-bied to will do us a kiutintes I) coiuiu forward promptly and p;iug up. Jan hid, 1-61. 11 'Jiu )! C? Notice V IKOM ami -iter tiit Ul a.iy u. J-im.i'v n-H, JL t will be ;am a lo -n uur i-i.j '.titnott di.ti t uiointTit una tiif n' ut w itkim. u.t t ach auvi CAbH only, any irti-lt in our hue n buiu- tli tt we niuy Imve or- n-nd. Any (triuii tt-uu'i. or tiiinny ft-r (nt uit ulUT liu etijove iiiitc witnout lot tli vertiat ineul ; ac mt arc in , il a hinj-c article on i f mt. , 1. Li-., lo oi a-e r,i(Utatel lo t. ill an at we ml lot moii'-y. OA'lES WILLIAMS lUc -Ji. 18- . 4UII Fruit and Tree Sloiv. II K .-iil.-i tit.i r h i-. ned out nut Coor I ! ' il liy.-rlv's T.i.-flti.p, hi to. Man. j II. .11.1 le.t.i; y. Ate t Aitpie:. Ap. W LYLES. a.-.n 1 t l 4.11 tt .tin t 'M,l)00 Select Fnui Trees 1 oit vim;. It K tiie cilut iis ol' li'. tfL-fie i'V We'- the . ture I '1 hen oh) alumn. i.ot liu. tilucnt ol Ine Southern Slate. 11... ki I 111 t, 01 ;oi ai.u gi. tn, one ol Ihe r le.uing staphs. I 'ii.tir uur Southi rn sun an. noted loi i .i r ii . tu.t Hur, and bcautiini tult-r. The ahoie .tale preuiiuuis tuken great altioul.t of g auu Ni-rthwsat bv nun are fully aiihtatneij by i.r .Soiu.irn l-ru,tr,n.l the t-i 11 uno tineo truii aent Nortn tne Soutliern Stattj. curing '1 hen 11 the iioi.te flaleiut ma the n ei.ia 1 nei are lully ui..r -- on 1 lo the bilile, 10 11... he 1110 then sem: loiw.iio lour u brook and Mciincnnaiiain Kill, good marseiing orcii VE&'lhlUt.K e'v', "V IMitl It ,.u t.,1,. urcurm..! it y by ruiavin J-ruil, tat y ul l uriiibti you 'mENI'LNIIALL. J3 II. ut M-.'cttlrnhu.g Couillv, I vnl .-ell al the preltil i.,.ut...... 1 ounty, on .tit. 11. a bfmg a II if tile 'Jbih III! All. J.t, a I uubie Fluare AM) coi: MILL .ih D311U and cint cubti la luscsion to Anotiirr tract .Hung aciea tl.e preiu.see. eon. tlutllaC.llg a VdiU- Saw Mill, adjoining the Urios ul V pjrtiti.n h.twecu.aiu 1 ,lia (nu i,e;i at law ol Sale tlie .aloe u;.. len , l ull, and others f.r l. foils, j.oi.l owner, I Jallie. J..ll,.lO.,. the aainv txcesl j per Ctlli M,ui ot VI caali A. C. VtlLLlAilBUN, C. N. B Dttmntr IU. .foU. Us KU AL HAVANA LUJlliia. The nell ordinary drawing l.'iiU-M coiiuueleu by Inc." ,.,.vi te .aili.-.W ul tiie una, wm Uai loace at llava Kuj.,1 Ha.a i ijo.ei iiuieut, ,n i i.cral ol i'l.iiA. 4, 1501. ii5CoO,GOO, M.IUILK MKKt' ti4w.iULM.NAlU" ol st0.00 j :tn,Stid M,.y I, WW 5Wtf Apr-im"s i i lO.Oad . IIOU.IMa)- M'0 eatb leTlc.ll.l'. a canned a I a.i; I ..,esl; W"-n it 5 per cell I. dl. to be ad , uy Pool. dre. . t'haro Superior Smut Machines, a! r'tC Sri?" o' 'he Colilen I'ad- Lu K 1'iii'illt M: OM'I.K Souli'cr M.lli'B UW..'. tlul tlie l.i. pie lit ioriiiLrti anu 'orllw : ri, Malts are uiaaing iimini ot t . i r ha.iing St ul Iral e, ul,u lo . thin tt alio .oil Itoaprtal ixlcnt Tery 1. 1 .propi . mu L.tnui I t ul- I Vs.

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