fiiB T'l N. C, WHIO. , rn-lt KilOM SOU HI CAROLINA. .mWUTI! STATU or rtiBi;A, .'.msTKil oi.ton:-1 win ' " .1 ' .Kinta. Aa von ir oounted the- mot rampant "',t,r i orM hut if 'U 001,1,1 'In p'"-,oB"y ,'"in,,, wi'1' m"y ,,r ifi'li"? "!n Jou "oul'l fi"'' them to . . 1 LI..I .tula men of wind onol loon's - i- prudenw and ltBl l Uu-a.untea Tli I"1 wo""'0" movement . uitifer 0 p'"i " re ndered for year., from lb dj a a nominated, U ihu j d,irmitnaiion u. ..,. ...... .v ,l lliiinn i oa-e of ui" election. '. re miii" impatiently lo let hut Ihl'i"!'" "'" do' K-ery event that '.,. in the Old Norlb State nf a p. inrieiT, i looked toby u with 11b . ve'.. 1 1 . i:..t.i ; cnlli biwJdlt' 7 ApDBKSSOP ;MR.(VICKnAM. ; J4-v f, THR PEACE COSGIIES8. " ; We,' take lb. following extract from the J We eopy tlie follo.ii g frem the National admirable addreaa made to hia eonetituetjie In Ligtnc.r: , , -j by Mf. William. 0. Wiokbatu, a member of Through the polileneee of the Secretary the Virginia Henatn, and alio moruber of 1 of the Conference we are able lo give to our the approaching Stato Coureiniou: ' I rder o-dJ full and eorreot list of the . ... . a twenty oue State represented in ibet itn- "A.i your representative in the Senate of J . . . r , . , 1 t r- ... .. . portent body, and wo think tt may be af- irgiuia, watching with tin utiuoit eare . 1 . . 1 ... '"J ''"') equalled by the fame number of femoD priiililed in any n preventative eapaeiiy in our country. Iroui thu bruiiiniiiic ol iia history, !o npect i-ilhir 10 the uiiiingunili- and anxiety the prog r of eventa, I dern it my duty to wjrn you of a nettled pur poe on thi part el certain politiciaini in Virijiiiia to ilii-Hohe the tian lliat bind the OH I) minimi to the Union bi'fore the 4 1 b ot March, niibout ao muoli aa making a iujfte 1 ff rl lori drvna our nronn and ob tain a recognition of our rihl in the le gitimate mode laid down iu the Coiintitu- lidn. ; , - . : . ,'' : "Thffe diauiMotiUta drfl t r 1 1 y deolare that Virginia will and nhall be out of the Union oil the 4ih of March; and it waa only alter a duxprrate atiugile that they were com pelled 10 yield to tbe people the bumble boon of ileciding at tbe pull , ELECTION NOTICE. .v ' 1 Ae election will ba nuenail end held 11 1 tin Precinct in Mee le.ibora; ciunty un TKurnliy tliu itiiU diy i.l F. Iiruvi in.' I..r 1 ".OS VEN 1ION o h CONVfc.NTION " I ALt i rua . - TWQ UELKUATK to reiireacnt MecklonburK count in cinrrntion. W. W.UUIKII.SIieritl ' Feb. II, IMI. Mecklenburg cnunty. fi. U The aehoole co:iliininf the number of .ile, mual be wmlcii in wurda, inl in lij;uree nod relumed 111 cvnt'orinity to lw. Mcbrks-(S111I!1(S1; Ali:.Sii:i!fcVrlllU ALU rBIIC unriervifned l.e k-iie to nfurin the eiti JL Tint nl t'l.iirliilta iiud tninily 41m t lie pu llC g-l,-T'y. tblll till y ll"e nM-nCU the lie E I iblil.meiil at I lie toot of Tr-ie slnet, 'i;.uiiiii( ll.e trark fit' the N.n Ih t'rmiii'i lUil RuhiI xim! pp pumte John Wilkea' hleam Mill, nnd are firtpr vd 10 furiiiah all kiudi uf L) 1 til A III MANAGERS OP ELEC TION. ed Do-t ita tui nihera hare filled, or lu tie 1 Ti,. ii ...n,i,.,vn will I1..I.1 U1, K.i.etinn ; ahert notue qualitieaof ripe espericnee, wiadoro, di- -l ha lieetral I'r. emeu 14 Mer.klenburjj c-iun'y J nily, and woiijlit of character. Tbia for-' " 'I'bur.dny the yfil. .ty .,( Kbru-ry i.i.t l.,r , tunate eon.poMHOD of a body charged with o pretBl Mcki..burr wunly in eon-J a itiiei-ion of mouisntot ' importance la due . tan(,u, , . in a creat nieaaura to tbe inodo of their ae- P RECINCTS. J leetion. Not chofen by popular elretioa M'ia!Ta T iaic '.'onvenlmn or noCnnvenlion. j or parly faor, fitueaa for the liih trut waa U l a'hey, J, P, S.muel I,awln, rii.imaa T , MACHINERY, JSI33:03P j , w Tllli S.ilinr.ber Irie in. r2.1enn.1ble ti rnia. we have from all the Ktate tbe aagel of lliiir ciiiii-iik, if not m.eviry cae their 1 oldeat. There may ba I'ouud amonjf them helher tbe I .idlh.1 with all onr hot btaie, ;ouveo.,o0 anou na auomit- j , tvucM K Prendent of the United .b,P,i behind N.nh Laraliua lu the 1 -'- ,r State., Kt-Cahinet Mnn.lera, Et Foreign ; of abeddiun blood. The late c -PP'"'' or m... ion, ao Ictful were tbe, , Mi( K,.8.n.tor, K M-iubrra of lb. ' . lt.U-ib-lbe eenfl.ct belweea ' WU ! Uouae of K,pr..Ut.ti.e., Ki-fbief Ju-.i .!..' 'bat the aober aound arnae of tbe peon e in , . . .. u t W,B , . . . . . . r llouae of Uepreeutatiea, Kx-tbirf , r.l.H 1 1 would frustrate their raah itiu iiicou.ider- , ... . . ,. r"eo, I eea of state Courta, hx Chanoellora, a ... 1 . . 1 eroor and K doveruora, hi Attorney (jeu- " I lin Union, in which we hare, with a , t ' 1 ' . ... .j . . ... , , erala, &e. Miy we not cotiodeiitiy hope rapidity unrquallad in tbe biiiory of the!, , r 1 1 i r., ' . 1 . . . ' . : from tbe couuaeia of eueh a body of men, world, attuned a PCMtloo of national vran- 1 . 1 . 1 , , . t . , . , ' .1 u I animated by love of country and deep af- 1.1, ili'l O lie ' '"-J " " 1. the bi-giiiliiu of the war. May ,,.(, b the etidiurf. 'iu m H'i f'te'e are fully of the opinion , ,ironi(er 'he Southern Confuderacy jj,,., tlie l pro-pett there i cf war. KjitraU' eajjer lu bail the coming ol rfouthertl State" into our Leeui. p0i",fi 10 kn) ho North r-B can avoiJ war by atayin iu the ,b, ibould r ba declared, liow, in ( fnit, can be remain neutral! It I 1. ki. I,..r ilute to K Inval In tka m ffr.i.i". - -- - - .1 1.... .-.... I. ........ ui-,l .nh 1 r.l aitli'rity, and ahe ui'it rebel:'' ... , it , . or in 1 toil to Hi. of her I '1 ' r"u 10 11 lh P4r,.," ,l lf V,r" ",,.,.'.1 tir. thr.-u. If abc .ho..M r- fu-e ! Por'u 1bul J'1 eon ,;,, ,.,.Mci2 her aiater .State. ,U.t I .our... Let V.r, w.tbui blunter ,, ,hn would then be gyiliy of! "br.,.io , fropo.. alike to th. Nortk 1 and .... 1 ii- I ibe tou'b the ieiui on wbieb tbe Uuiou , ' , ,. ,. , ,, 1 fectiou for ibe tiobl. fabrie of I moo aud ticiu ol the eartb; thu Luion, .boa. b ea- ,., . , . , , 1 , , ' . liorernuient founded by their immortal in;; haft beatooed upon Ita citieena in , ,, ... ' . .. " . , r fathera, a aolulion to our preient perilou ainoant of pcrnoual proii.'iiiy itm hapai. j tt. 1. ... . t .' 1 . it , . niffieulliee and the reateration of p.-ace an nene that l uiiupaai.ed: thu bwoh. . . . . 1 a .: ., , , .' . ' harmony to our diatrauted and lufferitik if our li.tertial 'livrunloiia can be ulla ycd, la . , Name of the Officer! and Memberi ol the Convention aanoiubied under th. ree luiion of tbe dtate of Virginia; orriiKitti. JnllM Tti-IR, of Virginia, Preiidont; Craft J. Wright, of Ohio, Secretary; J tt. M Tower, of New Jernet: J. Henry Pu- dettined, in if lory , in wealth, and 111 p)er, to outstrip ail other (joreruinenK, cu be U.-L r .tea Stephen Wileon, J. P., Willi. iu ( lark. J Lib4 Lj IN u 1 N 1L k) Frum s 10 SO lltir Pucr. AND ur.ACKfi.Tii riiMt tvitK or all aiMua. It K 1 A I It S Si! STAND liriiiirly occ.u flAlt'1 Y, umi hote hy nine I tt.-iiliun l;L'Sl.ES, iiiid USKLVG ; vrrv EXEKTION to plnnsei I'O OBTAIN A SNAKE of riJKMC PA I'KONACE. j ALL NEW WORK WARRANTED 12 I CASH!! W. respectfully inform our friend and by JOHN eudtoiucr that ovring lo the fcliinuncy in we will be compelled 10 cell for ASH AND ti A ij PL" KING TUK Y K A II ttawaaa ' ouveiilion or no ("oneeniion E B in their lite promptly atlendcil lu. Tneir KOl'N ould and nhO'iU be maintained Let ber 1 leton, of Pemify laauia; W'm M. lloppin, do not ay that thil i- correct ticw I . , , ... ' V L itself to ua. We .ooeeue! !,u,cu "ea ,0"uu ""'"'"'J Kr' ' "' HL - . . 1. .L. .4 . .1.. . . ' r.t lik,l.. .. ...I. Il... .,.V.. ..( I ,U m.ller. but it 1. the fie- "J xn" ,u " r0 ' " - " ! DEI.KOATKS. Maine William P Feseudrn, Lolt M ; Morrn!, Uauiel K. Suinen, John J P.-rrt, Let b.r ay lo the North, your Soutberu Kara li Freuch, Freeman II .Mor.-te, Sie- itb the tioui li, and cau no longer be one aud li L Harrta iu many. Then, lit h.-r pint but a rea.on Mm ichtitfli John Z Ooodrit-b, John uhle lime fur Ilia pepe, not the poiiliotana, J furbea, lltchard P Watvra, Theophilui of the Norti) to re-pJtid, and all -III be P Chandler, H Ctrowninahieid, (eo Mull. I bee will pel that i'l-lice it done M Idiut -el I nd ( h. rl Allen rnioknbboti ! u"' "d llua noble eounii y alll aaiu bound j I. htunil Saaiuel An.ea, Alciin " j toraard in ita onaard maicb to i;reatueaa der Duneaa, Wiliiatu W lluputo, Gt orie II S,u.her. S.ale. that remain in j L'1 btr " 10 -" 8"u,n. ,f ,h- rn" V...r. b.utH to aid the Federal ' tet"ieti l. ou u.u-t a,'..... return .0 ...... : vour Diiiiiou lu our uobla ( jnludfree . ,i.t in ti riciou anuuia inef be 1 ' ' ' '" "I . . I .i,r. in, .milLiI li l,.t ..b ..f vail A f L' ..... mi. lh.iriot ebo'il " men baee fol IT," . , , r"1" ' . "rr" ,J vd aud are ready 10 march l0 ,uo " eay 11 not 111 an,-er, we mak- no threat, I .Vuv JJumpihtie Amoa 1 uek, Levi i t ear one onfy eicept. d lie uu j hui ,hu Lu,ou ,,D '' '"''"'"J 0B Cbau.berlain, and Aa Fowler. v e.-mot and h. uce ha u,., " 'hr principles ; unle-Ihe.e ju.l de-j t,wol- lliiand Hall, Levi Under d 1 iMieJ him tu Ibe ori.ou 'granted, make common cause . ood, li lleory Hailcr, L E 1 hittenden, i k-rnoon Hi name ia Caleb Hriok, , 1. i chari-d ailh the muider of a ii. en, a few uiilee from thia ti laie. - i.r, i. nuai, -a ma areinn uiviu- iii oce i-inn 'i h. poor f. Iio- mil r. ki'tpr of blue and 1... 4...,. ..11 ... ,u ear l.l-le to.u liaa re.i-ed du . . a r.ui.-j no., o. .... uro.ue, ...a oamuei,. la.1 fa- da). A large qu.ot.t, ,IU ,,,, ) "'"' b" m"b' " ef CorCur-K..eer 8 Baldwin. Ch.un- b 'J ...i.f- K.i k ,tclt 011 ber aud the other Uonitr Stale eey F CiefeUud, Cbaa J McCurdy, Jaiuea would be particularly di.a.lrou-j it aould, '1'. Pratt, Kobbioe Dattelle, and Amoa at it ware, bring .he Canada Im. direfltly Treat. to their border-; it would be folloaed by .V.w )'ork Ytrd P.dlry Field, Wm the impo.ition of the heaviest burdvua on Cum- Noyea, Jamea S Wadaaortb, Jauiea our people to proud our propciiy, and the C Sun.b, Amaiiab H Jan.ea, Kr"tu Cor- iuecurity of aiave property would be so ning, (jreeue 0 Krotnton, William K Dode, crtat that, iu ae I deieuce, alaveholder. John A Kinjf, and Jobu K. Wool, wjuld be obliged to remove iheir alavea to .Veto Jrney Cbaa S Uideu, Peter D a Biora safe di-tance ft. 111 the border It Vroum, Kol.ert F Stocktoo. Benjamin fill- would drp.rlr 'irliiuia of hi r lalorinK ela, liamson, Joseph F Kandolph, Frad T Fre- and aould more rapidiy lo produce linthuyseo, Uodman M Prioe, William C. the 'ultimate eiitietinti ol slavery' in ibe Alt lamie', and Tbomaa J Striker. Mate iba. I Im luauliiu.tioiis of ail Ilia abo- J'riinttlvuma Tbomaa White, Janie iiiiunist. in ine N'uttl. eould do. Mot a few Pollock, William M Mt-r.iitb. Uarid Wil- years aould eisp.e bi lor our people would mot, A W Loouus, Tbomaa L Frankliu, k-ii'tU tiet im' s.'i'.j ai-ihe ani VVill.ani McKeuoau. - I), J P. M K i;.ldwell, Tnoa E i'utts. II. leifutes l hs W Sparrow, J. P. Jus It Gil leapie, J.i M W,,. L -KG caaac f 'miventiim or nn ConventinnR B Vl .hli. tu, J. P. J.iiics II Kerns, A B Divnlaini. Deleaates John K H irry, J. P. Tim. M Krrna. W A t4.i m pie. Hil.tJi t.'onveiilion nr no Convention S W Cal.iwell. J. P-. B r' MrVVh irter, Andrei- P..rka. Delegate R ii l)c ir inond, J . P., II W Klin son, J.nlle B glsatll. arr.eL caaaa Cmv ntinn r no Convention I'h.i. J liner, J. P., Join. M Necljr, A li tram. I Delegate a M N ..rt. J. P.. li W Keid, Thoa i P tirier. I hahts Convention nr no (';vention A C Ph.. J. P., It It kmi:. I! M W.jtj.i Delegate. 1) W Miller, J. P., Willimi Beiver, ' 1 tali at (' D. ni.ia. chihiottk 'nr.ventinn nr P' Convrnli'in J stumple U.via.J. P , M M Orr, J il.n Mulie. I Del- gaU-s T liu. b Price, J P., I hoa II Hrein, ' M I. Vrisum. 1 ranviDKNCK 4'oiivrntmn or nn Convention W M M.thews, J. P.. W I. .VJ,.ris.,n.J N tins.. ; Dalegatea UugU li TeupIO, J. P., W T Stilt K A Me Hue. I a RAs I '1.11 vent inn .r no Cnnventum Lerenzo Hunter, J. P.. A ii Reul, Sanil A Bovce. Driei;.lea Arthur Uricr, J. P., J 8 Keid, Juhn r- .. r--.. I Mc'uuibs, J P., John Kirk, aen.CB t"1 ul-jr S. Mill.. Vl. ;,.,ni. s'ong aith iiisny others Du'legales Robert M Coclirun, 3. P., Edwin H A Stewart. W. W. GRIKR, Sheriff Meekl. aburg cnunty. February !), IrStl. rpvilK.u!.. ; A .North where- he li-i. p i' DRY is in lull nnerat and Cast ftegulaily twice a Week, Wednesdays and Snturaajre. They are prepared tu furnisb all kihue of CATICi i IKtn, llll l, tic. aCC KUINO TO I'llHI. SAW AMD GHlsT MU.L QEARI1V0, GIN WHEELS, SAW DUST IH IJ.NKFt.S, A.NII KaUTION PLATES AND BALLS roa COTTON PKFSSKS. CM IK U.N K AILING, Kr Gjrdrn Knc(iirc, Owrfliu(f Houiri, Public iiuiltlini;, FurliCM i'cuivtrji Lot., Ac. Tutir 1 ii'i.i:ni; i n Fur rarryinp nn lnt bnMiurp in 1 it Uranf li, f hNv Urn M-.LKC 'I LU V I '111 ;KKAT ( AHK.J ntf mtv firuitdfil Willi I lie j I3ITKOV i-:.mi:ts j Required l.i du their work in a riitiar k in: n xyyt.n. Dr. E. O. F.t.i.iorr, for W inter's Pt i tell tins the auvantee. ! f dnnii; at least twiee a ' niiieli work, ami doing it belter, tlmn any oilier Leaves ( Ki-,,iMr -,l Mill in uae it can t.e run by .-tjain, Water nr i " Tu'i .-ge siauim H .rse Power. 'I'lie Muiay may l aeeu at the' Arrive at Brevr-t's hup at any time. I t.l'INti HKSRY ALEXANDER. ! Le. iirerd-. m,,,.,. , MALCOLM MiLiUL'G ALL. i Tuea--.go - N. B. Old Iron, Brara, Cupper. At-c, IhiujmI r ' Arrive t Cnanintte Partleu ar Httet.lion paid t i mob".. -v.x-: j 1 nn hands ;.a good a lot if seasoned i a . bib nr& cm lv t4rtcd. J 4 II I It I I f 1I0. I J'4n. I1 4 1 3tnot . ' I'll SI'I'I'I Y(lF " 7 . ,Uvi"g ' UrRe VCk 0" ,'"nd wi 1,1 ' 'a,'a' the prices to suit the f.niea WiitclieSaJcwelrVaSolidSiver ; V-" 'xnilV V""1 oM - 7 I uiaking itnmedule aettli m' lit. Plated Ware, jn ut. 1,01. if K u 1 her h- Utrtv n-turiuu frnin the 11 reduct g us bj a Vt r y 1 j iTr- pi'ly uf llif rtoVc yfUvivu. II Kpiirrl:. t b. inie mie directly ..rin tin- iii-nuldftiinr, OU'I.NCi 1 U TI I K IK KSK.M IM- MfUL- ne i iitvrchire ruaiiica 10 --u ui n ty niiri.i g. Vajnre nn C't and pcmnit ni j ltl flu-ufnt tin, I m 1 1 Inn rln:l?f rv. w.irftntid lu br mIimI lie rijj. nteiitn tli m to Itr. W tatclim nd C-lnrkit cm rr ftil I y refUaired and will rer-i in v fereinril ein-mir-n. H. W. KECK WITH. Ocfhrr 9. )Hi;u. asm TI JJ OF UCK and thu di-turbeil stitr of i'iiiiiiitoii. I liiir!o!!c an. I Huilirr ford liiiii Iio:kI. jii3 5455 111 niiler to eonttiiue. i o - us lu uiake li.-ciiiiiea hecesnary pi ai to unr Wls-rtK Uivtaios, luaioii r.. liec. li. Ihttl). ; p JAS.-K(,KRS will be ac ...i.ii....h.l.d li. and j Si Iron, the nl the Km.ii u ilv, .'Sui.iiaya , txeepted, aa t..ll..wi : ijui.v; f.V. A. M. iu sett rti-ieiwu ; U.o-p in ielit. it to uo ua a ktntl iiv hi i' uiiiiii! ImitarJ H-'Jiu pruinptly ami p. u . .. up Juu tu, lNlil '1 lit TliirUt'iv CORRtCTID BY OATES 4 WIl.LIAMt. ClIARLO'l 'IK FKliHLARY 19, lf6l. tsketi in trude. Uitvhtr 3'J I8':(l. 32lf Proper rl .j; i ....4. P. M. t 5. an t mil rinetilale tin l-t j.j llG heillll iK nv I mi ti un. WM. HA HIT, Agnt. -iiy i ttid jle q iaiters hae reminded u- b it f re accustomed 10 bandla iu , ,f J e. nr 1 1 n i iei N R nn in ana respect ai I, it In- mote linn sevra hills Its r p-.pul-ttoti H ahmil 1 ;l '' We have ii.. rhi'eh.s M.lhoilisl, l'ie-l;t. , li p'i-', t pi.-copsiiati, anil Calkol.O - c nL'tr;iioiis, you may nuajtiu., are ;ts-riiy Vi ry larte; ibe divi-ie mil i ot ojf iitliu I'nUreh jfOiii pp A., li loo (rest, la- i t.i ot l rncrnr b ra have a rt.sfliip of adjut eighty. T''ej have an v-h jfiO'l, In faet f.jr arfetal Jat mat the pt year I.. a liquor ft an w.-ll liLih H'ul up l.ii-eues t.fn tio. ured (iy seteral to u:.i-t ! mi ..jlat It waa found tu ivi:,fi -Sutiln l.ui-iurss, until the fre t tiie. in "i I hi. peoj le itiri.l.-ul to tbe -i n n or'ini-m five to ine trade in - v l-r a roh-nlerMn impel in The ii.- a!-o hs'ped the aide of Alcohol. -liu.i-m, hu.evir, alatida elect iu the i i cf Hie l irini it.iiiti Ion if to jou and the l hig. ia inio, Italy, PAl.MKTTO. shadaat they bad I'm L'rlnu (ire (jeorite B Rodney, D miel l in- idea ttiat 'nii,ia must be declared M Hates, Henry Kidfc'ely, Jobu W Houstou, out o lbs I'.iiua, mat It may bu the more mu i Ui.liain Camion ea ily lecoti-truelcil, is one of ibu luaiiy da via. a la-urte'i lo I V the disuniuntsts with Miridifl J JHti ? Dot, Rjverdyjoho aou. Jul.u iV Cli-field. Augustus W lirad- bil k lu mialead the people into tbe at-' of ford, W lu T Uoldsborougb, J UilOb Roman sece.-iou. I heir putpoe i", if Vir- aud li. iijainiu 0 Howard, gtuia t- oul of the ('nioii, never lo lei ber Vi'gHtiu John 'J'j ler, Williani C Rivea, 11 back agaiu. ' I rj; lu. will b. far more J jl n IV Hr ck.'liborouL'h, Gc.rgo W Sum poienl lo reconstruct i lie I'l.lou, and oblaiu un-rs, and JaOfa A .seddon a svitlrmeiil ol all differeheev, it she re- Xutth Viiiii (irotj:e Davia, Tbomaa mains iu the I'u.on liisu il she e,oes out. If Huthu, Datid 8 Held, 1) M llarriuer, and she witlnlraaa she loses lite power which obn M Aloreheail. tbe h now r.resses lo a:ik .SjuiIi and i he lie i tsl (jovernia.etit. "Mut should wo fail in i bis attempt should they lclu-e to aeCede to our ju-t aud Koliarl J Mcklliliev, AUin t nil. IU, iu lempirate t.uiesla, will be iu nu Wore Hiekeraou, (ieo W Jones, F K 'L iiliooff.r, " "iHMlv-t'iMRTa.' i the Frsiiafort v'.mut.utnliU ju-llj obser'cs, tbua alio - di-ui.i mi-is jirr if, and w bo ar. striving p- pitita retoluiinn and civil war at all I "'j.. tut. abitiilouied tbe Use of aryi 'ui. ii.. I re-ort eielusivrly to cpithela and 'Cup against those b) ar. aa truly mt'tti liny are, and desire to act Willi : iMie and deliberation dun to the uriis in'i re-t at stake. Ileuce tho-e ire t.'snii.l prectptlal. action, and 'i t the eitreme remedy of revolu Un I ii b-r are eiiiau-l. tl. ar. denounced i I - "" t Sit) n tiff (,y ll, pr. Ills j.riH that tu.. course will lit. timid, ; w,rdirt.f4l war, lati icldal war, la.tiu, for "!'ii nn ui iii iu me auvocacj oi e I -n.r iiira.ure li'jiie-i, brat, and true men a-i re thus dragooned. JUey will pur i , burden, on ll.e 0' ..fie. and !. 'fimr.fie Samuel Millian, Josiah M Anderson. Robert L ('arutl.eta, I'liomia Martiu, Isaao K llawkui. A O W Tolt.n. poa.iioa lhau now. Virginia can resume her sovereignty aa eaaily ou the 4tb of July as on Ibe 4'h of .Memo. it ia the voiee ol ibecrvwn tbal denies II. Again, stand I ii ibuaio ibe character of iiia-i la loi , ahe j can, tf need ba, procure a peaceable a. para ! nun of the Male's, and thui only can it I be brought about. K. apeol for tbe po-ltion I she bad assumed woui'l eti-uie il. liut let her be madly carried (S into the vorti l aui William li Steena Kentucky U'tlliaui I Clay, Josiiua K Bell, Charica S Moreh -ad, Jamea tiutbrte. and Cbarh-a A. vickllB NissQuil John I Coalter, Aliiandcr M I'ouipbaii, Waldo P Johnson, Aylett II Buekrer, and llarri-ou llou-b. Ohio Jobu 0 Wright, fealtnon P Chaae, I William 8 (iroesbeck, Frauliu T Backus,, KeubeD Hitchcock, Ibouiaa rawing, aud V IIACD.N. llama. new. ID 11 (.; 00 -Sides b I i (.!. UU Hug ruuuu, lb II (a,, 0. Shoulders lb 1 1 (ii 10 toifVt .tsunny, yu 15 ( 16 ,.-ei -'b - i (m bU bullet lb l.i (a) Oil beeswax lb 5 tlH Uvaris 0uanei, 2o (ir l i branny, Apple ;al.. SJ (u, 75 " " leacn,.. ful t Oil (mi lij I'nttul. b UJ (a, lb t'udee, Uiu ;t -to ( Id Java lb V'2 ft io (atidles, Adai.iai.l.ue !b 'ij (a- sipern lb ll (, 1.0 Talluwr lb .'0 ( Ui Corn, - busnel ..ts7J (a, 9U Ollicsctia eaei (i 15 Cloth.Copperns, yarn lo (i, lb Liiuisey, yam 30 (ti 37 r-iK 10 ! I21 hluur bbl 7J (a, 7j Bjjs JlJue J.iu Keather lb 3u a, J.i II ides, Cr.en, lb 6 (.., bj Ury -in J ( 1'i Lard, 'b..i Ia tm iJ Vlullii... " brui e MauKcrel bl.l.Ni.W 14 (a, 00 kill 4Jd (a, no Masses, .VU ga. I 5 Q. 7i VV 1 gal Ju to ! Mcil uu.nei e5 (., ad I Mu .aisl i .111.1.4 ton; ...bbl.. H tu. to I Naile. Northern lb o (u 00 ! s..iiiiierii lb. 0 ( 6 Oats uusiiel -iU w. ia I Port lb I (5 7i J I ia, bushel t5 9U '.', Irish, kuaucl ?o (J- H'O " Sweet Uualiel 4J (t tU ' tlice, bualiel 4 00 , Juar,l,ai lb lo (a OU l.ruwi lb 10 (, 11 oluiic-Wsi gal 10 'a? Otl a.. 11 sue a vuo nj- 2US lea lb bu Vl,t.,l,w,tiie -..ust.e, I'll l. 1511 ' re biJiitl Lii (u I4U I Win, key,. suru.uril gal ( ba I .N.l-.roin.a, t 90 Wu,(l., st Veoria) washed, t U i0 " ' ' iiiivraaliv.' 1 ta? Van ta'..., 1'JO ta I'O XOW OPEMiNG. ; FAT iT TTwZXKT'T'IISL li ......llHij lr j..,. us a "'""tV. ' 'e-se i tnvir i.ruers. wt linn At the hroenf the Rnad. Post t'nseli ea will be I und re icy I 1 like passi timers and tg 1 u tins .n. veriisenieiil i g:if in Linrolntnii, ci.iinicting re(iiinrly with tie I tu sell a amfe aiticie uu en At l.llii:i ll't'ill lour.hor-e euaim s run : ucbttiu lu us a riquealeuta Inweeklv tu .V. vrinn, lienmr, .ml Abtngdun, Vir. , want ll.e mui y- gtuta.- leaving ua .Vil'llil.') W run. mI.juiiiI Ki 1. , nays, 111 the iiioi r. 1 lisf . and f-lunii i.f lo Liui-ulri. r r o. IR l ..I tilling I, a cpy Hie i d.j. UA'l WILLIAMS. a. ll e. a. si;tukklnu a co, Dectmbtr II, I MO. u. Fruit nnd 'Five Store. ill h uCft'lr hu up-u.d out mi oio( III AS & C01II-X ARB nnw prepared In display lo their custoni era ani frtenda, and lite public generally, the ni'.st i.xleusirr nntl best Selected STOCK OK GOODS, T Film in Yittlen .Varl Ci. ' humbug, annul tt.e size and t ui Ooiiih. The 1 will speik J.very de'.iilriienl is luii and i'e-r ofritd ly i linu t here is unci a of our lr thrinstlvn e.,n.i . le. DU V UtMinS. r'nrcien and Domestic. t.l.OIHI'-. AM) KI KNI-HING ;OlDS, HAKDW AKE AN Dt I Tl.i;UY. BOO i.l AN I) SlltihS, HA IS ANL CAPjS, BON'XKTS SU M I I.LKN Kit V fiOODS, KANtY .(H).s aMi MJlIONs, blilK KKIKS. Ac, ,Ve, A call and examination ut uur Stuck ,a respect. Cully solicited at Bit KM S OLD STAND, Trace Street, Charlulte, N. C. Orr. 9. I60. !9it YllEalUlittouuf Ladies auu tseiitleuien, coun trymen and lovers, together Willi the rest ul man kino, (l.i.'era . xcepltd.) is respeetiu.iy dtci. ted lo Ine many altraulnlis now He ins it. r 1. ! Houston & 11 lmj;i:, tine ut" lbs .'irji having just returned I'.oni the N'.rtn. w here, beiiiij in a g-n-d i.uinoi aitn Inui. Ap. K W . 1. ;ci LYLES. jr.; 1 aou' aim all the wnrte, was in gu'i'i cnuitton to ine taiiey and In kic ul ttery one i,i 111c way ut ieWaN tJ sAC aa aaws asN SsWsJw ii j) H DM I .Mll . I K I 1 1 ., TOYS AND FANCY GOOFS, rickh's, Presprves, Sauces, tatu ps. s!,";r,.V.r; . rflarraalades, Toilet Furiiishlngs, f c-, IN C'..-Ne'TI"N WITH I -l si (-ia A Hi v'i t'w. -1 ti il Trees iMi all 1.. ;ji)i),0ii(J M'lt rt t la. in. mu 1 ni ui s a st the SiiUtl.etn u.c peopie ..I' nig lull I 1 hen uulli. tn Ml lid li' 1 he j premi Family (iioccrks k (ipneral laU,r).,,"',,,' KLMARKS. Sal. a of Cotton laal week, 350 bat ) lu JUjc. Kluu. it. demand al tt 35 for eitra. I orn 111 demand at BJ Hoc, liacuu in iicuianu at II tu lit fat new. i). E. 11. Andrews, pw'., Ol'LD tha public gen. Yy"'-Ya T '"''iy. nd the ciiaena uf 1 1 --.M csleiihug in particular, that lie ha a resumed the prattle, o' lih.N 1 I? 1 II V, and may be I nind at his Did S land. He is prepureo ti. inseii Artificial Teeth on (sold, .Silver, V'mcaiiiie ur t. Iieuplaalic pruccsa, aa patients may desire; and tin Teetu Willi Oolfl, Tin, A111aig.nn ur Os ArtirieiaL He ts prepared la pern .rut any operations Belonging tu lXulistry, and need lint , tnal lie will lie pleased tu Walt Uk.ii any ul' lua old Irieuua, in new ants cube., Irene. 5"U may - rto ft, Isbl . 4S If otice. of passionate di.-uniou, and we will hike, It llortou. 1 1, nam uaieD a stuitn, t'leirant 11 IU, Ions years, with 11a Oarua' -, aim its j II ac kleuiau, Uotllove a Ortb, K H r. Ilia, auiftiter, w 11b Its wi'loei and Ita 01 plians, ami I bo C Mauhter. dlo even tenor l their way, regain... fl ,lf ,Ie,e.i iu the ' Jobu ,M l'aluier. Hurtou C Cook, and I'ho. v...ct w.. ..;.! ..1 d,.....ia and tvrauta would 1 J. Turner : ctiun-e. ruretgn atl'innied mi 1 in ,il wt 1 on ' I with an eyu sing in,ois- John Wood, Stephen Logaa, : price u M 1 luruer t'til.l M HI A MAIIKKT. reivMBia, Fibrin ry 16, IP6I. ( 01 TON'. During Ilia earll uarl uf Ihe week. f tlie intii.rity of lbir motives, liny 1,,.... .., fi.,,,!, j,T ,1 ihe' do.ut.ll of! ,uvt JitrtpTltl to tbe beslluler lu.i.i. .,i ihn... wLa talk la Saitsfft It Curtia. and WluV-n OeYvKr. "ol ll.s It., a .. d l..r I ,. . .. . i . e. ,..,-, , J ' J ' tou ol 'ueaneable aaccssioiii mere 011 ur - ti'oo'i siamea i iooin "" mu 01 irii'in, inev tiare on vmi ' ..u.u... i ii a i.i ir right, regaruieaa 01 conae- '' c, 'J be declamations of drutaugcue ; I coii-piratura Catitiul move Ibciu I10111 i " ''"I ul duly. k.e, Juhn F Fuller, aud C THE L'sMON. Our leinperamviil may be tooatiguine, but at Ilia present tuna It la vera, consoling. H e bruily nnd honestly eelieve ttiat (be U JoolitUeC Li ur-44" i"" 7 a II ' C VabT.Kiie. I IIACO.N, iil.l.l.dtd liro. ; ocrasiei.Hv slight ad on a lew bales, being smelly w. cuiinngr tu Hand showing Ul market became 1c. animated, klldj consequently pines are sumcwiiai rioutsu. ins I'.r the week amuuuted t. oaita. r.a- ALL persnna indebted by note or buok ac count In 1 tie Estate ul Hie late l liuiiias J. Ili.iiull are requested lu come luwaru situ Sellie , the same aa i.iuulgeiice caunul bu given auu all p.Tsone having CI.. "lie against aaiu '1 llul.tas J. II. nWo's hslair wi'. present Ine eanie willmi tu ti.liu pi. scnocd by Ium' or this nulicu will be plead in bar ut tneir ree-very. , Oj I HOJ. J. liUlalUN. j fV'iaa.t) 5, It-fit. 45 j It' you wish ! give a Social Party ur pr.pare t trui 111 utiuble tiatueae lor lile, all you have lu ut. ia senu ua yuur order and we wilt prep..r thing, tu your 00L11111, uu matter huw tastiuioua yuui tisle. t'onie In the fountain-head and buy )e weary am siea souls ci.t.iu Here : iluy V ine and take and we will Iry In it goud as scriptural tare ; Ano only siiglilly tu advance 'ine pnuu upun uur previuus coat. Cuius 10 uur wall tilled siuie, yuur chance Kl.ewheru ia slim, or umiicy lost. Vea, aud lioiisluu wnl provide Aud lued yuu witu .tlblalllul lood. And 11 lie lails Uu .i(K alanas uy, 'l htit't Hunttr, icuLiunl yen tomtf tnf good. UU out dour test of the tuurl llnusc. J. NICK HUM Kit. 8. FKAN K 11UU6T0N rhtrbMit.Orttr 9, leti'l- are luliy ut..lneu tiy ii 1,1, lui i., me '' l-iu.l, ti.i y w nl lumisii yuu Vih&lliUUuK o; AlLM.fc!MI ALL., ..v. end. d.i 11. I V aluable Mills and Land .Wit'-Menuuig 1 im t uurl ol Luily ui, 1 ""oe tha mi d, embracing a I hi 111 I c Vt At Ihe firsl (Jnait rly Staimii lur tlie year Ir6 I..1111 11 y, a t'imiiiiil lee iipp-iii'ti d top.nre asm- t , , ' - 1 , ; ishie inoute iii tne mem.' y .11 iirniner j.j ii.iunn. "a I'uriHlM I lu Iii. AlaDamaUoD- 1011 will be presorveu ami peaqe aim proa , Vlc tl,irnilr N'.rtn Csrolma v eif sn.l steward 'I' Du, ..,!,. day, ,pnt ir. V anoey oppos I perity rastuied, Kvery where li.tu lUu Nurlb and laailer it Ihe M iii.hii.i ( hiircii 1.1 1 ti..rl..tle, i P"ipo-iiioii lo aul.iiilt the Uontltuliou ! u jill.-a up Hie spii II ul oomprodilse aud ou pn aeuied Ilia following I'reaml.le anil tl. PKAS, bog round,.., ' I'lHereina tor ( h irhitta 1 'l.tC'l il, held mi Ihe I U II. ut I ..!..ii - ,..iuj id, hailtiir driven ilia nuotilo imo ilia " '". aili to iinpusa upon 1 bam a "''' atiliout peruiiniuK llietu to any ''ttisr id,, ,j,prov, K or not. Id a word ' ''J.'sb'tre tl.e theory that goser hliiciits eriy I .tnterence. ..ur rsle. iiie.i Uriithvr, I . J l .'tii I. been re. u.iveU In 111 Una world i.l pain, a. fluring and .1' tin In. 11 ! the rest lur the ui.(de uf j..d. Tl.ere', li ..use.:, T!i it in the de..lh..f B-n. II II n this his hist a pimia and davi.t'd ni'.nhcr, the enureh a Ined and fhcaul uliieer, in c ini. niiiinty a faiinlul and trutlit'ul euit-'r, tha inwn an eletnplary cilittn. lite pm.r a kin.i and chariia. Tbo sltiea lrml1'. Mtl hia family and .iffeeuonate ho-. ( H A K L KS'fi N M A li K KT. fas a 1. a. ton, Keb. 15, 18CI. The enttnia market lu.(.iy, was rather quiet tne Iran, .en .ne Wiins limileo iui!lo bales, al Hire, lies l..ltlllllll. ! fMlt: firm ul Leuweiislem and Br.itiier i Jl una usy uiseulveu t.y mutual cnsiul ! pel son. luuinted tu ll.e linn W.ll please eail 1 selllv with Isaoic Leowinslein. Itu Uusin ! will be eontiuuid el lue lu sl.nd by j 16 AAIC LfcOW tNsil KIN f February Ictil. 4b " the ni.l qualities- coiil'llJt. Ill in. D I It KC T I l I'.MtT ATIO.N. liOuua. t.NVI.l'll .lofc-S. Kur sale tt cucunA.ra J5..uriiia. t b 19 I "61 . X DISSOLUTION. Il 1..... I.. -.1 .. A I. .1... U .... I.u v ' .. i ... . -...1 It... V.S.i..,a V., rill. Wlliell WOI. U '..III IIH.USly ; oe s.iiijli.a 17 ... i ...... e ... ,..u.. , .... ....j.-. , . , , nercils, b.ll. a .I.r last U ".lien as.eiiit'leii ai .'unioui Carolina, ivi inuoay, sun louiitnrt, wui ) '11 llie 4 1 1 o 1 In. nioiiih, to th. aeveral aa a wall betaeeu the 0pp0jllU( eXIreUiea. ''hi. states nr raiibe nioii He thought 1 I ba pieoipiiatiouut, too, ar. bndin lacl ' uiiinces.try. Our Ion fathera, wheu eod lancy l.0 d fl. relit tlif) tilings The ' pre.eniativss framed ibe present peuplu bave no special pf eilllvtll.ins lor "''ituiiou, rnti6. il it b-canto ihe ubaitrr' hub tales and wbiiiuijj buijels ; aud, tnank ""ir iii.ertiea Until they did so, it m as j Uoil, tber. are luoie pcupiu tliau specula- ' uiii-D blank paper. the avOessiou , ling puilllot.aus. I He are bopeful of tbe lutvire. may bedalkeUcd for a llrtje, but ll.ero la Ksu ved. That, aympnlhiaiiif pr.if.iundly with lilit ahead. I h;i ia too grVet, too happy, h'. her..vvd I'.inily, we berebf tender -ur s.ncer. aud 100 tiro petous a eouiitryfjr patrioil-m cndoUuce. and c..,...cnd them to the e ,n,,.a-.,.,n . u V . ' ... sn.l e.r. ol linn who Ima poiniaed In I. a liusbsnu to iieruiil ua vaonbee 011 tbe uVbaliowed al- . . .... r tlirir aulbotily Iroiu Ihe COUseht ol ' lar ol recklei-e aui'jilioii. 1 lit) atara aud w,ied. That a ennv of Una preamble and r. "k-ner....! -. ..... . ......l .1' 1 11.. ...... a.i. ' : Tb. augiou. throb, ol .... be .at mthd C.,..rl,.. p..p.ra. wab ,h. request ! -Hjr b-.i b JT'" lf'"', 'nd cu t'Asum.,. : I, . . . v.,...J atiauited to loou beatnid. aud .lie world a ""J- b Pu.l,l,',"t.'i; , ...... bop. ol rre.doui will ba leslorea. , J. T. WtflUHTM AN, Prea't. " Laud ahead !'' aaa the cry that riViieed ; K. II. Aaoaiwa, twe'y.' tha de.pouuiUjj erew ol' Cul.UMBUe, aa Miey 11 teat bed tbe shore of A met lea. "Land "Din nto 1 1 rttl fftV ahead! is tbe crv that now r. ioieea IbeV . A-dil UUI.IM 1U1 CdiCl heart of .very patriot. Aa. Vvlortm Van .1. iiuti;u- tltf. IS 1 0 il M 1 & & H s M l ii l II A N T AMI MUST BE SOLD. fWlLL LL privalL-ly nil lUc fiumheu work, inlitfiating itl One l,nrgc Carriage, Two Jiuckairais, four 'lap liassits, ! 1 l)(.uhlv !t ul liitggy, i ti iiuggies uitlumi tups, "j belungiiig to the t-late of Jno. II irty ilec'd.,' uu ucrsiins wanlii.g Jno. Ilurty' wurK ano b-r-... gaina had b Iter c.ll soon. " "j I. H. LHKM, Ai'm'r. j Jvr JNU. 11AH1 V, tired. I N. B. Mr. harlcs Wilsnn will act ua my I agent 111 maklrg sales in my nh.eniie. T. H. B. February S, 1 Sail . -It iCtll .,ay ol Ine II...I.1.1, a I Valuable F lour eiug AND (OSO .Vill.Ia. ad:oilllt'r the land" of I' VV lili.itn. nd o I- 1 n Ins ..It W.I per .1 tr-i i t,1 -c ur all, . xcrpl . 1. .1.1 l.i iruin utllil y lli 1 1 i ALSO W.ll Ui. .0.0 .1 Saw Mill, oond and 11 ca.11 la ine ie l.-iius . W I. , U eeli s.110 V . ',,11. and 1 Polls. J" Cr frr uH Iter. J. 'tin. ton IK(AM4 1 - A ci. ii, 1, ul Iroy, (N V) vicued ') "w Ule ,(Juul rh j biil plMOu, Im) for ' ' n.iie slept with a loaded r.eolver uu ;'r pillow. In s dream treeiuly he 2'" I'lniv-lf among burlure and ai-sasa- ". tid gra.piu bis weapon, aimed it al P""oii whom be fancied to bo Walk- "I'-elibily about ibe rouin, and narrowly """I hooiiu-i..- -i..i.. In C bis ow 11 n il. . w ho had risen "cud to ib. .,m, of, ei.iid. 8,uce 0,1 lerniius .,1 .,.,... .h- ........ ' 'uiulluuie,..! .1,. ... J. ,,.,. f -"uneuoio, and ivitud Ih. pistol auu """"'inou alter tbe tiauiple ol the aeoo '"It States, J ..ihniil l,a laast regard ubiiKuou, 0f , uuloUi tj which 'kaebkud basoataia oounuaud.r iu ekat kN Tuesilsv. the I'Jth day vf March, al Ilia W Vl'lie qure in Charlulte, 1 wnl aril lha0 ,h. w. .otficienl. The firm ef Fl'LI.Il.S 8PKINU4 Al Co waa dissi.lecd bv nn the let January, lfbl. Tbe kuai'uesaw.ll 11 b..niii.uw! under llie name and aiyle uf KLi.LI Slis it. SPKl.M.s. nd th. y hone, be mlevrllv and airicl attention to bus.. Adv. " . " n,erl1 ,,,e V"e patro.-igc heretolnre lib-ir turn. ra. Th. present fniinoial crtaia and the uuecrti.nty of bu ne.a, larAhe lulure C "tnel ua tu shorten nur tuna ul ce.nt Irom twelve to an inon'.lis to prompt paying eua.uinera none uther need ask it. All purasi.i indebn d lo the odd liriu ut Fulling", Spring A Co ust come h.rward aud make im mediate a it ia atiaolutely iiieassary thaWha Susinesa be suecdtlf cloa.d up. " A word II atWlLaKlAL. valuable PiaJltaUOH on Wlitcll III. lata aMt Spring. Ksq . Itwwd Il I luateiLuja-tta Allsu. lie, Tbouussm k. UhHt Waill aCr.Mi.'a no. fro.u (..liartoue and 3. 11. ilea In.ui Davidson l ot leae. and contsma a.ul UO aer.a Tne land rled. in Iredell c.unly.on lha lh by ll.e is in high slaU l euliivaiiun. Oi. tnr pre....a all nat.a4ary uul a. Tl.e I ..a lion 1 ba.J ihy ami the neigh tsar ikhmi Feb 19 labl. 47t f. Itev. 8. C. I bare, Mr. JOHN N. W. PA 11 til (.ON lu M a. t.K J.NOitA rLJAN. Ala.., nn the I'Jlli tnstan' by th. tier. A Ksn. aou. Mr. J 1:. t.Ov IIKAN to Mi.a ISABELLA A FiPLl. . .lire lair 11 Kill iff oilV. A MEKTING nl the MetJUmborg Agrieulta aJL ral 8.lety will be hWWRt Ih. Uiurl ll-use . - ...' Ftiiiuarv. at II .'eluea s ami Ifie neia hburlluod agroaaole. i - .u .. i ,,nmor. Trns o....lh. .rein will, tnlarast from -" a.e I tt.,..oa ot ..".. rwtv.l9.IMI. I r.r,oit6l (itneral Coll.xliiu .Agent. A LL produce ahipped herr fur my d.spoaal a. .nail reeuive pr-uipl atteuliuii care taken 11. me pu.cliase ..I t.tliilJ.'V. iLTA.1 .Notes and Aicui.ia put mlu my nan. is lur cl lection shall raetile prouipl anu inline. lute at. lanlniuj), Feb. i. IS61 t 'tt WAIaTOX 1 1 1 I S K 4 ft Till, l.fc.tsa; ' illai PH1- ab a I Proprietor will lerunnatc ut. tne -'blh ut M..y in It. t e uBsonbera will rem, lor term of years, mis popular Hoi.l, lu a unit who cau give aueh rtleretieea. (ueae nd atftf ) as arlll ine owuera l ist II will De a., fcej-l as not to detract trom the repulaliun which tt aua lains aa a brat cla.a llul. l. Tlie Pattonagu ol IK. Il'iuaa la large and in. creasing. I mm us cemtai i lished character it cauimt f.i uerlv encocted. Any laH.e tail will be given by admes-lng. T. G. 4 VV. M. V ALTON. N. C F.. 5, 161. uu .H yd INotict. ON" I HLKSPW the 7lh of February, si my residence :1J mile. Ir.m Charlulte, 1 will .eil the loli . Willi property, via tin Plantation on winch I re pldr, Ci.ulai mug .I'll acres, the ulle. hall ol w 11 1 ell it WiH.ftl.ind. h. vily leinU red, and the ImI ikic in a high ( 1 I e i.l cuil.v.itn.u ; 4J am 01 ..'lO La.... anil about IJ m Id sen. 1.1 Meaoow I. sun, will a e.uiiilollable Firm House. .N. gliu II a.. Ham, tiin Ib.u.e, Cotln Tre..; llorser. Cuttle and lloga V.ue ti'-l tale .Milch low, Huoaehnld auu Kiicheu Fnriiiiure. At the same time nnd place, 12 or 13 Negroes, all in.iir and likalv. on a of sil nionl'is. .M A I' I'll KW J .uuary iJ'J, I Mil 3l. ne tne s.'ine .1 'V. 1 inn. Ihe .-me tlu.t o par el.l, instead ..I a 11.SI1 ;o i..y l. si". A C. vV ILLlA.MJrO.N, C M . Vambtr IU. chit. ' t's iiU.AL HAVANA LO'lI'tUV. ry dlaW'llig ol tlie nu uy Ine .ui. ul loe V-al, ii.K at llaVulia on Kuyal II. irivlDAl, JiiiUiir) 4, isul. SOUTLU M'.VIfcKU tl I'Ul tNAKJl, Fl'W AKDS. it 'Notice. .it aecce.s, it pru. m'urii'slinn iu ua- I I I tsT--'Tr- n iii.ij. tsw..s.a . nn ine iVii l.y Jl r. 0. ipoi, "ii lha Dal iciir s y4'.'u'tuZ'M'."'i 01 ' tj-Notice. deUle. u. ine osi... ... ttur.nire. dee'd., w.ll make psy. 1, 1 j and all persona basing claims aga sls Iv tho lima pre pi. a. i. ear ol Uieir racesarv 4 LL peraoua 1 .1 aa.d IB . I e. Lj I ih.i unam.1 ut the 1st.. A. Sorn gs. lance of hie pra I estate constating of 3 hrud J MCLES, I HOUSE, I Jour Horse Wagon, 1 luo Hunt Haon, 2 Ox Cuitt, a kttl ho'i Carts, M Whrti'turrou-i, la.. I..I of tio-idca. Shovels, M itiocks, Picks im i. iMai.i. 9100,000: i.r. no: lrtt.OOU 1 . ' ' 1 " du.woo I to.t.O J 1 Ul ' itt.voi' I an Apr'.wre , il.10,1 UU VtsUO aaeh ,uj 10 edu.uul -. i e4i il 1,. a-a'u.i.iiu: -4 o. 10i la iu,owj. Win. In; ll.ivi.elUi yuarlera$J Pines caaliou at s.(;iil at J per cent, discount on all miivent tlnis. i.aen at par. A drawing will ba iorw...rJed s,j lha r. ,uit toociuaa uosn. A 1 oruera lor Schemes nr Tick... to bead, ure.s.u KU.N I'.U U li , U L t.Z, Caie vf City l eal. C'uariestuu, S. C. ;"V.'.7.nri,."r Zf,.d. in and K.,1 Hosd Plow. a.d other artic a. Iwu Un,. urt.or.bed by law. er Ih.a notice will be eu. . mention, lerme mad. known on day rytoee M.I91X) 1' Jl. I3RKM Ri'r. .v y.ouar '9. 11 T. II BRKM, Ex r. it Superior JSniut Machines, at thr Sign ol th GViin Yati-Lot.k v'oOllMANK Si SAHl'