T XAUGUKAL SPEKCII OF 1 I V) S I l H N T DAVIS. We cie below tha ina.i;,'ura i.r,..i,kut Pa via. The Inaugural ceremo ' were ai'l 10 tl0 Kr'lci,t pajicant "or witnessed in tho Soith. The unitary ' ) cili of t!l'' different States were fgliy represented. Tho followiug is the ulntnnenof t'te Coninss of the Con limit St'dit of America Friends and r,liutc-ti's"t: J'al!e1' 10 t,ie d'ffiouli, ol,.ihle niniiou of Chief Kxooutive of ELECTION NOTICE. than i would usually La required in poaoel TDK SAILOR BOrS PRAYER. etablishuiGiit. I also auost thnt. for the Al one lima it was learned that the Cor- proieetion ofourbarloriand ooranifroe on deli. . on her I,., t0ya jo. Wow-rebut! An e,eelil wi be nprmi1 ,,, ,,, - ...... lunKij iu vuunii uu- iuw a.vt out i-nm i.iip nirnor. wnen m revere! rrecineta in mi-c. ir.ht.r ........... .... i 'ienLaw.ll I.. ..J Tl...., . ' ... , . ... ' i i i ..... ..1.1. .1 , v. u I 1 address of 1 V -".. n.u..i uv'ino. . cver storm 01 uv day a continuance over hare doubtless eonacrcd the attention of tonlr n. I i.n. .r.i, n.rr,.rm uongrcsa. ttiih s Constitution diffrini 1 by a Bailor at the height of the atorm. He ,l. 1'rovi-ioll"1 uovnrp.no... -m.vu ...... ti itf d, I approach to discharge tbo du ...ined uid i"h humble distrust of abiliii only from thut of our fathers in ao far as it wua literally a boy, and far better 6tted her is tipU'mtory of their well kuowu intent, j for thumbing; a .pulling book, than furling freed from scotional conflicts. v. hioli have a sial in a storm. Tbo ship was railing fear- muTi ureu wuii me pursuit 01 me jrcneral welfare, it is not unreasonable to expect that the Slates from which we have so re ceutly purled, may seek (o unite their for tunes with ours. Under the Government we have instituted for this, your Constitu tion make adequate provision. Ul be- knt with suitable Coiifl lence in I , wisdom of those who are to guide and the administration ot puniio at 1 ... .l.i.lln.r fniili in tho virtue aud I'm-"i-"' of ,1,e P''"l'18 ,-ooki"8 fr"f llu -peedy e-lblihineijt of a perpetual Icrumuiit ! tako the place of tbis, aud K rli by i,j greti'P, moral aud physical Vt "i" bo better able to eombal with Liu in y diffiVultiei whinh iniy arise fr-m 1 . ; oi.fliel'".' l"'"rols 01 eeperaic niuu.ii ail uie lliurs.lay '.lie worn day rit.ru.ri I. "CONVKNTIOK oa MJ. Vl'iN'l'lN " 1M0 run TWO lKL,fclATKS to 'represent Mecklenburg cn.ntv in cunvention. W.W.UMKit, Sheriff Feb. l, Hfj, Mecklenburg county. N B- Tlie Hehorils containing tile number ot rules, must be written in wer.l, not in figures mid returned in cunfurinity ra l, Mecklenburg IHON Works, f ii.tt: lot ri:, .1. ALEXANDK uTilc DUU G ; L L. across 'lie deok, be pitcoed down into the foreoastle. Perhaps be was gone two min utes, when ho returned, liad his handt up on the ratlines, and went up wilh a will. My eyoa lollowcd him till my head was dizzy, when I turnod and remonstrated .with tho mate for sending him aloft. " lie will not ooma down alive, and why did you send him I" " I did it," replied the male, " save yotid this, if I mistake not the judgment and will of the people, are-uuion is neither practicable nor dcnirnble. To increase the power, develop the re sources and promote the hitppioei of a Confederacy, it is requisite that there should be so much of homogeneity that the welfare of every portion shall be the aim of the whole, where this does not exiit, an tagonism are engeddered, which muil and should result in tbe separation of those aotuated solely by the deire to preserve life ; we're aometiinea lost men oveibard, our own rights aud promote our owowel-but never a boy. See how be holds like fsre. The separation of Itm Confederate squirrel j hei more oareful : he'll oome down , I . . -r .1... -IT. ... . SlatHS t. tiii in.rkuit kv t.n niwr..In . . - -.. I I tl 1 I 1..1..J .Ml ' ., I h ive be-n ohoien, wilh the hope upou others, and followed by no ilomestio j dimmend uiy eyes, and I was compelled to T"i "th he 'iuniriij of our career a a Con- convulsion. Our induitriil pursuits bave t turn away, expecting every moment to catch !-' Jersey nuy t'' be ob-itruoled by ho-tilu ! received uo check. The cultivation of our j a glimpse of his last fall. ' C.ltioii to our enjoymeut of seperato ex fields has progressed a heretofore; and In about fifteen or twenty minutes be iXjic. and independence, which we havo j even should we be involved in war, there came down, and walked aft wilh a smile on .i,.rt 'd, a'id with tbe blessing of Provi- ! would be uo cousiderable diminution in be; his countenance. 3 i'ce, intend ti maintain. Uur present production of the staples which bave eon-j In the course of the day I took occasion tui.lilioii has lceu acniovcu iu a manlier io.-, m muu tut uuiumci' 10 ppeaa to uihi, ami asuca nun wtiy Uc uesi ni iu the history ot nations, worm oaa aeep interest, scarcely loss fully, some of ibe rigging got entangled at ins mainmast bead, and it was neoes'sry that torn one should uo un and it out rinht. It was a perilous job. I was standing near) MANAGERS OP ELECTION, the mate, and heard him order the hoy to' Ths following ventli men will hold an Kirrtinn do it. Ho lifa-d bis cap, and alatiocd at the "K vera I Pr.c.icts ia Merkl,.lu,c c.umy ., ; ,, , V e , , on I hur.dnv t!ie V81I1 iluv "t Frl.ruur v int tnr awingiui mast, the bo.lmK seas, and at tbe ConwlloB ' c.01ivelll ..,,. ,r vlf. steady, determined Oouotenne of tho mate. Ktn tu rr(ircstgt Mecklenburg cuimty in con. He hesitated in lilenoe : then ru-hinir : venlin. rB MK uiiiitrsieni'd hi A. sent of ( hurl'.tte Ml K Suharrib r iv.iK la. w 5 n I T M 1 A vc t nf-.rm llu cili. ' '' ' OI.Djif te respectfully inform n, t.. .j , nd viniiiiv and the nub. JU i3iSTAM) formrirlv oceirnrd n J( ll ., .1... ..- . '"i',na lie jrhT.aiy.thal thrjr hiivrnpniid the aut.vc E-. IIAliTV, nnd hnprs by atrirl alLiilmn t.' ; ""ing'Otlie Mnnut.ey in 1 ililiomiirlil t me In.. I nl I rule a tree t, ai!ji. Iinnj I un- trneK 111 tne mnrtn t arnlinn K.11I Ko.id and 1 "I1 Mills, und are j.rep..r ,r,lellt i -j-iratin the American idea, that (joy-j than our own. This common interest of nun. t must rest iip ju me rii-vut ui 1110 r w .,u,j uu .u.- :epieu oy exterior ij.cn, anion anouiu od aud tint it is rijjlit that peopl .Muil alter or aboli-h Governtneuts wheu ir rth' J become de-trunive of the ends (,r anich tin y were e-ubii-hed. The de ,1 ,,i.r.ii.c of the coin t art of the Uu- f.nm aliich we hive withdrawn, was to abroad (.lili-h j I'lice, cDure dome"iio Iran ii: ity provide for comiDOo defence, pro- tated when ordered to no aloft, ' I went, sir," said tho boy, " to pray." " Do you pray !" " Yes, sir; I thought thai I might not come down alive, and I went to commit my soul to (jod." Where did you learn to pray ?'' PRECINCTS. NoaataxTs iT"RE Convention or nu Con yen I ion. G t: Caihey, J, P, S.imuul Lawlug, '1 licinua T Johnatnn. Del. (f .trs Stephen Wilson, J. P. J Ljbs-i drier, VViliiain t lurk. ile John W.ll.c ed to t'uniiah all kinds of MACHINERY, ni bhnrt ntiticu and on rfnun;iblc Irrnm. STSAivi iiiHuiHiliS Frmii N In SO llurxc I'nwrr. AM) Ul.rtlUSTIl TIl'S UOItK or SI. I. KINDS. it 1: p a 1 s s oawasK t'uiiveiilioa 1 'onvention fc fi in tht-ir Hie pniinptjy uttendcu to. 'i'.inr rtiLW ni none ; motner wanteu me to go lo Hulller, J P.. A (i Iteid, S.ml A B .vre. the Sunday Koliool, and my teacher urged' 'hirgutei Arthur Untr, i. P., J S lieid, John struct its trauiiiii-.-.ioii to foreign markets a course of con t act wmcb would be as un juil towards us as it would be detrimental to matiulactunu aud commercial interest Shojld reasoo guide the actiou of the (joverumeut from which wc have sepa- ' me to pray to God to keep me, and ao I'M Mel.eod. rated, a tioliev ao .l..tri..iHi.ial 1.1 the p.w.I .' do " ; ilASaissiso C. Wt ) ft. x 1 ' 1. 'in.m Met oiiius , .,, ' j rini .M.tiiiuiia. My Testament, which my mother cave ' Dil.ntn Robert .M C'aelir.in rvi 'ii Statra now c iiiipo-iiif tins i,on- : 11 """i wiriuia reapouaiui.uy win resi tue iv oru 01 una cioso 10 my nearr. Ie-i.-r.cv, it hal been perverted from ilie ! upon those who so decide, and the suffer- Ciiden's Friend. til i-es' for which it was ordained, and i"g of miilioiM ill b'iar tcstuuooy to the , to an.wer the end. for which it wa-; flj and wickedness of oar sgrcssors. In ' Land Orriri. The Land Offioe at New- ubii.hed. and a pe.nelul appeal t tue uieaiunue, mere win remaiu to us oe : nanville. Florida, which ha. been elo.ad U .Sl..m, J P. M E Culdwell, Tl.ns K Polls D. l.-ifi.l.-s I hos W Sparrow, J. P. Joa K Gil. leapie, J..a M Wilson. L'.nu caai: Convention or no Convention R B Monlielh, J. P. J .mrs H Kerns, A B Oivnlaiin, Ueli-ftiiUs Jului K Harry, J. P. Tbos M Kerns. W A Sample. hills C.iiiventinn or no ('onveiitinn S W Caldwell, J. P., Ii f MeWhorter, Andrew Parks. Delegates R S Ucjriuond, J. P., II W Sim. son, Jamt'B D'ljhuiii, STtri. earn t'unv.ntion nr no Cnnvcntinn 1 . s J Grier, J. P., John 8 Nrclv. A R Krwin. Delegates M N art. J. P Is W Keid, Thos P tirier. llTs Conventn.n or no Convention A C Flow, J. P., R It Knif. R M Wh.te. Delegate. D W Miller, J. P., William Be-.ver, John C Deni.is. ciuki.ottk -('oi.ventinn or no Convention J Sample D .vis. J. P , M M Orr. John Wolle. Del-gates Thus B Price, J P 'i'hos II Brein, . ' r. . r--. .- w, ror earrvniv on the bnaiiii-s in all ils br.ii.rl M M iiiviss J P W I M riBiin J K ,,'ve h,rcl, fcl'KCTKI WITH UKKAT CAR K, Duh gales Hugh II Pc...is, J. r W T Slitt t. A .IliKec. DRY is in lull operation, i Cast Regulaily twice a Week. Wcdnesduys snd Saturdays. Thi-T are prrpareo to lurnisb all kinus of ASTIXjis. iy lltls., lilt ,. &i- accauiNu to i.sdkr. SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING, GIN WnEELS, saw di.-.st 13Lhm:i;s, ANTI FSICTION I'l.tTES A.N ) BALLS r-ia cui ro.N pi;i;ssi;s. C;VI IJ Uj It .ML IN (.. Kor ;.ruin Kii.-I..s.ir.-, J)wlli,ttr ll.u-rs, P. uin Kuilitii.s, I'o-tm.ir, Cc.iiry Lots, Ac. Their i.viii.rj.vir:.'i'N ijusinkssmikIU.skjnc; j every KXKUTlOaN to picnic I TO OIJTAIX A SIlAlaK of i runi.ic pa rijox.(.i: j ALL NEW WORK WARRANTED 12 ) .TBtU's1'alBlMa j P.i-ti.-u'.-.r . It. n f ion puid ti H.:t. BKB 'naa I have on h .u.lr r.a g .n.l a lot of raoncd i. I-..II hi- sLltrd. 4 II t It 1,1 N M ll0. . .1... i:, 4i:i,u. m:v sriM'LVor . Valrlies,Jevi,lry,SnlidSiver ! A.VD i i Plated Ware, I t B'lil. -ubji-iihcr h i B Norlh ahi-reh. wo will be compelled to scil for 11 AND i H ?P ;t DUIUNi; TDK Y K A R Having a lare stock on .s.l w , I n-dnce the puces to fill the times 'l lio.-e indebted tousnill 0llij;e u by making immediate settl. m tit. r KI.I.VS ColKX. January l-t, l-rl. l.lrl, Hi-i.urrh ..iuil,..-lur. 't tli.l policy .1 .ir... ....I r. .1.. I I,... . I ilrd wor!.l. Inn Nnrlhi-rn Slata i n . I :. ,1 . rt B,3Ii- (.'lieril wen i -,. -I -r. v.. j , . ., n- rf lib-rty for ourselves and our pos- j could uot be dictated by eveu the atrongc-t r-nt'on or no Convention J P., J jhn Knk, sen, C Ii nd are protiCcd itit dl the uiriiov i:.ii:.ts Required to do the..- work in a nitvr ka il nAi;it. Ifnmvt! tiufijtly o( Ihr .ih it nrliv vm Im'I ii ( iiurtc riirrt-Tly Iniin th lir i XUvmUtrt rii.idlcit to tv-ll ul Viitice "n c ! miii pcrsfini may I til fti arlirlii orr warr.mtrtj t' bv hat iie n t n M Tits ti ni Ut (-. WiitchcB .111.1 Cluck- t arH'il'r rf tr o uimi v. tl rceeiTt- my pirsunul itrrnMin. K. . Kl'K .Vl i .1. OcvUr U. 1 tr,0. aliu r, (ll V. W. GKIER. Shcr.fi' .Vecklenbuig county February II, letil. Ag'nts.for Dr. K. O. Li.liott, for Winler's Pa ent Mulay Suw Mill, wlneli lus the uuvanlnr atone w ilh n.anv olln rs.ot dou.i! at least I wire as P. Edwiu!""10'1 work, and uomg it belter, than any other ' ' I .Mill in use it can be run by Meani, Water or Horse Power. Tin Mulay may be seen at the ' rl.op al any tin i ot bix declared that a far as they were r.-.c-rned the (iovernaieut created hy that t mt i. t should cea.tf to eiixt, in this they : e i iv as.;rted tl.o riaf ht which the leola rn oa of Independence of Seventeen (Inn er- i and Seveuiy sil (1770) defined lo he ed.-lhe well known sources for retaliation fof o'b, is now open, and tbe State j upon tbe commerce of ao euciuy. of Florida is now prepared to sell tbe lands ' Eiperience, iu public stations of subor- formerly beloni'ine to the Federal Govern- dioate nr.de to this which your kindness mtLl Tho ,,,, rc,ruttioBS wLiuh 1 lie .TliirUclfs. COHRECTED BT 0A?8 k WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE FIUKL'ARY 25, 1661. BACON , iUms, new I. Sides, h. able. Of the lime and occasion of anil ton. ami aiiappoiut tueut, are tue price . ..6-.- . 5i,ul;irfrs. . they, as overeu-n-, were Hit ' ouioiai eirvauon i ou win see many " t r"" uu "lo ,00"" ! Baer'g,unny, .... ii. ;uii.ei of each l"ir itself. Tho impar in .ul rulibtcucd yerdiet of uiankiud ti ivinlicite the reotitude of our conduct. errors io lorgive, many aeaciencies to lot- lion or uanu r arraots, will he continued. lieet erate, hut you shall not lioii in me ntber Kuiu-r, want of a -al or fdeiity to the cause, that t he ice id tbe Jsorth Kivcr at Albany cart ' heeswa , . . .r ... . :nh...... I,,,! ; 1,,, ..,1.1 I,, way early on UVdnitadav mnrr.i.io lr.. 1 Beans, I I H.t suo anows toe n.-aris oi meu, win s r cu- -j , - j H- j, 1U Apple, al e of tbe sincerity with which we labor ring affeotion. iour -eoerosity baa ba- daniape to property ensued by tbe sudden j h,.. re the 'Joveruin nt of our fath- stowed upou me an undeserved distinction; ,' ol tne water, wtiictt carried steamer ; cotton, i u . i. . ... .i.t nn I'ja eanai noais into tss .irsst. an t..n.i. if-i,o. i:... ....It,...., lo b ...bisliel, .... -zai.- tlf.UI ALftAAJUtll. ! Leave Brevard1 MALCOLM McDuUtiALL. I " Tuc-kaeeg N. B. Old Iron, Brass, Cojiper, Ac., b.ing hi or'Arrie"1 Clurlioth taken in irjae. i ropn (Jrtuber at) I8i;i. 3-iif The Truth. hi tii k I'i;kj-.st mfucl-l. TIKS (iF ori - J ' i id k. -J u, . and the disturbed state of W Miiiiietoii. liiirloilf and Knltii i' ,u "Ur t0 '"""" t become u,,,.,,, , ( I i for u" 10 l":lk' au appeal to our ford Kiiil I! oad . Wikstkr Division, Ciiasi or tr, Dcu.fi. irliH. ! JJAISSKNGKRS will br i.ce.liiilii..h,trd to it nd i Irom ibe head of Uie K..ad uily, Vuuuays excepted, as fu.iows : (.oi; west. a Churloite at il A. 'I'uraftye Stiitii.ii !. -t.i ' e al Br. -yarn's " Ill 3.1 t.i'ivt; i;at. in self defence ; lliyse indthted to VJ' will do us a kindness hy cjuiiii" proiuplly ii mi pacing up varJ Jau Ii, 1 . 11 -V $'3 Police point. Ila , pusst l.j III : . II.I..J ...I .1 1.. .1 J J..L. tf-JS lus vijuilliuauvo Ul lUSl auilllll'lll, .w. wu .vv sr.i;.a suu uvtll.l (il3 tir. tr. it. its spirit. Tno riijhl soloinii'y pro be n aftrmed aud reaffirmed in the. hill and upou your wisdom and patriotism, I Among the ruina are propellora, bridges, Cile,spcV,rlir.V.'.V.'l'r." 9( li-bts of Slates subs.q leuliy aOJ uillteu ' reij w uiruoi an . auppori ma io me per- "i .....uti '"eis ijiog lallow itibaL'uioo of 17U, undeniably reoo j feruiance of the duty r. lired at my bauds, togethcrin boaps. Aocouut of damage by Corn t i ia the people the power to reumo the ! We hay cbatiL'ed our constituent parts, fresbeta io other localities bave also rcah-! !"c!' i.ibainy delegated for purpo-e of Gov- but the ytcm ol our (Joveruineiit, au l the ed us. LiV'JZ'r". ctiineul. Thus the Sovereign Stales brro Cjii-titutiou firmed by our fathers, is that I Krrs r.prt0ted bave roccded lo form th.. ' of l!.ese Oi.ifed. rate diate In Ih-ir ex- . F0 CHABI-WTOM.-Sevco car load. ! yfut t alrder.ef an4 i'i is by an abue of Ian- : po iiion of it, and in judicial constructions ?' bo' 0, ,IlclJl. "h,oh came over tbe road - psfMbrt'teiramli.. bn danoinaled i it ha, reouived. ., ha., a light whi.h re- .frou Richmond. Monday, were ,iu P ! "i.i il.jtion " Th-v firmed n new alii . cals it. true uieaoniK. 1 bus instructed as '" """ ... u sua reterourg, , ... . !..... f.i.: lioad. and aemalehsid In h.r a.mn I Oj, b it wilbill each State Its liOH-rnm.-t.l , to j i.i mierpre .auou m me innrnmoui, ;u reuiued the ri-'hls of the persm aud and even renieiuberio tjal all otfices ar. but lruts held lor Ihi p.iople. and tnsl dele Koad, tod despatched lo Charleston, via ! Wilmington. W. understand that there 1 u ....!..!" lb.. lb., ..bushel.. ...eucit.. ...yarn.. ....yaru.. ...oozen . ....bbl.... ....b.js.. lb lb lb : -o-riv which ba not been UHturneu lit ai-ut through whom they cj ii'ii iniea ; I siib foreign nations i. changed, bu: this i mi iiccoarily ml. rrupl their inter :itia. 4! rr.uiom, suitaiiiei by the cou i 3a-n tbat transiiiou from the former are two Columbiads buildiui; now 10 Kicb- 1 Mackerel g.ted powers are t ) he strieily oonstrued, I m("'d for A1bama. These death dealing uuunH.-ia ..o vi ciiuisiuui aiae, ana snug j prop.-rly managed will scatter death and yi.-al denttactiou all around them at a distance of MullU( vViin.i will hope, by due diligence io tho peifornt auoe of my d it'.'., Udji m ty disap point your i(iect .Hon, yet to retain, when lb ....bbl. Null... ......Kills '- fa"- auj three or fjar milca. I'tUrburg E press. 1 .Nails. Nuiliiern, I boutnern,. ij tun ) ...bbl.., " Sweet,.. Rica Sugar, Loai I Brown...... btone.W a re retiring, sometblui; ol tne goo A will I . n to the presnl tonlederacy, di I not 0011 iciioe wiiu w.hou yo weicume my eu- ,.,.,. . , ... . Oala p .c... Jfr,. .,,,d,.reglrd ou our P art of ; tranc into office. nOulaB.-A s.r.rp coincidence Us ,., , ... .i.,,,,. or .njl.ila.ra to perform It i. jous, in the midst of perilous P" j lletiipstead, L. I a valuable ..... ,. .. : 1 I ti,..,.. i.a look around unon a neool. united n'J 'c . belonging to . lady, whos. . .'olaloea, Irish or p.ion to mva.e th. r-.-bt. of iu ke.rt; when one purpo-eof hiSh re-olv, Wsi ob.ld .oon ..ck.ned and died too; a vb-r., aux'ou, to cult.vate peace and com I animate, a. I ac.uatos tbo whole; whe.e the i0.u, "rl bought, which soon dad --. with all nations, if .0 may hope to;.acr,Soes to be mad. are not weighed ,0 M ,he fi" ' "td h remaining child follow 'il.ar. may, i U,,i. eipcct that the balance .g..... honor, right, liberty, other to bo grave ; aa.o. a third F1-.t,.ill,c,,,ilu.ofh.vin,need!e..ly,.ude,,.,.,y. Obstacles n.a, retard, but Xr7 ,VJ LT o''h H. HJ in il. Uoubl, just.tted b, the ab ! they c mnol Ion,, prevent th. progrea. of "b". - c 'Idles, mother bad of ,roll, 'J,rli ,nj b; w.nto,, the move m.-nt, sanctified by il. ju.ue. and! t0 U10' k husband. I r.Mion ou the part of others, there csr suHaiuod by a vtrloous people. Kererently t at esiise to doul.t that the oaurane and ' let U4 invoke the (Jol of our fathers lo Isiriimni of t'.ie people ol Iha Oouleder gui le sod protect us in oir tffii ts to per- Suns i; be louud eo,-il to any meas ' petuate the principles which, by ilia bless- of d-l.uea which security may re- ; H's. they were able to vindicate establi-h )"fe of au agricultural people, whosj ebi. f aud transmit to ibeir posterity, and, wilh :"'e.tu the eiporl of a oimuo l'ty r. itlie euntinuance of this favor ever grate l"r.-d ia every manufacturing ouulry fully ackujaleded, we may hopefully look U.rtrue piiicy is p.-aee, and the freest forward to success, to peace, aud lo pros jf abicii our Ueces-.ilies will permit perity II I. Ilk,. nr inl..rn. . ,, ,1 I h , t n f s 1 1 I h ....lb. lb . bushel... ... lb ..bUHlicl.. ..bueiiel.. ..bushel.., lb ....lb. .. ..ai.ek ....lb ..hushel.. .busheu. suae oar int. re-t, " "inin wa would si ll, and from whom we 'J 'i buy, tint there ahould be the fewest p'.eicabie restrictions upou the inter ! ii of ciiiiinodiiies. '1 nere can be but -1 - nwiri betwe.-n ours aud oiUor iiiauu tiuriri;.. or ibe navialing toiiimii.inn i. a. in. Sut.s of the Amerioau Union Us j-t f.llow, therefore, tiat mot l .1 inter '' -1.0 i!4 mine good wul aud kind feel If, however, passion or lust should U)l will and kind lecius If, "'"r, passion or lu-t, should cloud tho "-'aci or ii.Saiue the ambitiou ol thoso w.t in .mt prepare to meil the emer ' aud in nu'.a.u, by the final arbiira k iliu saord, tbe pillion wlueb w 4--i'i).-d .ui.mi! tue naiious ol the 1 '' We bave euierad up iu Ii-iico, and it must be ii.fi. sibly pur Dkfesci or the 8t. John's, Florida We learn from tbe Jacksonvills, Fia , p.pera that four 'i'i poundeif have been removed from tbe rout al St. AuguMine to tbe mouth of tbe 8t Johns river, where they are to be j mounted for its defence. Earthwork, are j also being thrown up at the same point. lea iv bust, while, .. " re.l, Whiskey , Northern, ga ' is . t aro!iuu,...ga .... Wuu,(brsllieorgia) washed,. . " " " uunashce Varn, bale REMARKS. Flour and Bjcon in dcnia.d. The market in cotiuo declining 300 Bag. sold laat wees, extremes, S j. Corn in dsiunud. . ....13 00 ... ia 00 II (a ....II (a) tlO ! .15 tl 16 , .... & (.1, lit) ....Ii Uf 00 (.ij, m 'Ii Ou 3o r.a ,,. 75 10U (,o 16, 71 ? its a, la i..i 10 1 " (& 30 JO (, to ,...v!0 (if 25 ' ,...b7, fe, 90 - IU (i 15 ....U (, l I ....30 37 .--IO ( i'JJ .-7i 7j ... i75(o oe,, 30 (a, 35 (, 6J (- m ... i (ut b ... M (, uo ! ... -(JO (a, 00 I ....i5 (a; 73 40 (,, io ! ....5 (a, ao ' , 00 ' 5 (a, 00 : .... 5 In, 6 0 (w, 55 .... ? (s, 7 I ....fc.i (n 90 ....75 ($ 100 ...AO (. SO ....M 00 ' ....15 v 00 ....io (. a ' ....IU a. 00 ...VUO (., 225 in, UO ....I'll ( 15C . ..Mo (a, 140 ...t.VJ 5 ...U (.. 90 1 ...ii ti 26 : ...M Oi, Hi .U0 (, 00 NOW OPENING. FAT iT s b.-ing given .:l ii.lerine.li..te uH br t.Mlt-ll un. W.M. II Alt li", A unit. Any p. 7. At tin- head of the Id.ad . f-ur-hor e I'usl Couch , es will be f urn ready to lake passe njiers alio bug of litis j gue to Lincnlnlmt, connrctin reguiarly with tne to s.-ll trauica. Al Lineuintdii t'nur.h-.rsr coiirnt s run ilcbie.i 1 triwrcl.lv to Nrwiiiii, Dtn'.ir, una Abingiiun. Vir. W4i,i t ginin,- leavii... un .Mondays, Wt nr1e.iuys i.nd Fri. i flays, in Ibe morning, anu reluanii lo Liueuln. : tvu on the eviiiiinirs of the si.ine dn vs. I C. A. Sl'THEULAND iV cu, ?ll..go Prnpit'lors. ! Dec ruber 11, 18011. 31 II. e urliclc l-'ll "I..I p.J- as I UA H'S k WILLIAMS. Fruit and Trie Sinrr. EUAS & COII EX RB now prepared to di-piay to their custuni Xm en ni fricndt, and the public gtntrrnllyj the most M.xtentiireuHd best Srlveted '4u-m bw.ni SLasii 'iIm sutt '4k -m ; ' Hi: substring has . Jl- bose by.-riy's J n j ll-.u.e liuihli... ...,.! v.-,!, k- i. il si.ica i.i l-'ru.i 1 1 tliKi. I tuition .11 l.:ill tryuien diia lovers. t. n...i.kiu.i, (l.i.r. rs . xe. f..-ti l.:d to lite ni'n.v altr,ir-ti.n r with the resl . -i-eeilu I v soli.-win.- no ii LYLKd. ae., I,1 STOCK OF GOODS, UMSJOX & HLLNni!,iw jje. .w. 7j ' one of ths fir.ii liuvinc just returned f.om the fjl.M'sV'Ul" II I I I Illll 1 B-, Kvr offtrti ly one firm in ll'rslca A'erlA C'ai. N..rlh, v. here, being in s g..od humor with him. ; line.' 1 here it no humbug about the aiae and aeli and all (lie murid, was in good cninlion to ! s l I. rtes .ne. a ot our Stuck ot Ouoiia. 1 hey will apeak please Ibe lancy and tickle the tasle ol every one lor memteivea. livery department is lull and in the way nl complete. UKV tiOODS, Foreign and Domestic. 1 2s5;,.'L!lvii',,,, ' ' "iTa II ill III Mi i'li ll livuniv.i i:,Min; WWatffcass'eaa.jassrSss.ssatf HAKOWAKK ANUClTLfcKV, BOOTS A.D SIIOKS, HATS AM) CAPS, BONNETS AND MILLENARY fiOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NO'JloNS, (sKOCKKIKS. ic, &c, A call and examination of our Stock is respect, fully solicited at BKEM'S OLD STAND, Trauc Slrcel, I liarlolte. N. C. Oct. 9, 1HG0. al if ( If you wish to givi- 3 Social Party or prcpai trot in double harness for life, all vu halt t riV4 aVl..l.a ........ tl "vi;t i.Mii t rici.'iT, Zu'-'l .aul".'..;, ,.' TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, 'urc ' lhin " 1 : !!"1'"' Suull.crn b'alea l..k. t I Pickles, I'resfTves, Sauces, Catsups, .V.rn'airnl'.u.' riarma lades, Toilet Furnishings, &c., I.NNRCTION SA I I tl anu Ik.iuu j Thcabov I preiiiinu.s i sic l. II. I Dr. E. II. Andrews, ZZ, OI I.D inform the public f rn Z m y V er.illy, and the ciln n of -J Aleeklenbug in particular, that lie ha. resumed the practice ol DEM'i IS I'll V. and may be fmind at bis Old Stand. He is prepared to insert Artificial 1 trill on ild, S-ivrr, Vulcanilt- ur ( hto.laslic pn-c. ss, a. patients may desire; and rill leeih with Gold, nalgaiu or Os-ArtinciaL tie is prepareu to perlurm any uM-rutiniis belnnging to Dtntiairy, i-d not say that lie will be pteastd lo wail upnn any of his old Irieiios, or new out 4 either, you may tsfce toat lur gruhlLif, Feb. 5, Ifbl. 45K' family l.rof erics & ucacral IJakerv. i "-'""'"' t , a. u .V.rll.iwel Ov ! tl.e ... r I lt Jt'ill. I are lull)' suslun.ia, is send us joi.r urde.- anu wc will .rcpare Hung. I to lb. bible. In iu..l I., your IH.II..II. uu mailer now tasuuiuus your I mm stud .Norn Iiuil eui i.s ul ti e S.lr, l.lic tUtur, iiy susijn.ed by 1 1 uiU, mid Uie Iruit still .Nurlll li 614.1 curing .t4.vt sUlttn. i.is u sin, accoruiiij. ' raiMi.g Fruit, II- CIS.. IU l tSl- HYiMENIAL. rsotice. Tm New Slmaii Chop ThcCubao Mes soDn" r, of tbe 3rd of January, says : We bave received letters from Cardans Colon, ('leiifuegos .nil .Si-ia, which state1 that iho rtf cts of the louj; couiinued drought iu those districts are aire.dy severely leltj .ml from verbal .coouuts ii anpears that! the saiu. is the ease Ibrouh tbe l-land planted does not grow, and largo portious ; The deceased s n itivr of N'i.rth Csrnlms, of the fields present a poor appearauee. s nd grsdu trd at Ch el Mill in the ynr M5:t In aottie of those tedious the tailing off of " w" "mr fleam, mi a visit to ill Mirrird, in Mneksville, at tha residence of the hnrti-a falhrr, nn the IHlh I.ialsnt, by the Rev. B. S Kndir M. JtVIKs L. ADAMS .,f Mt-nklen bnre. to Mis- AMWPA M. BlIOWN, aajuud daughter of Thus. B.-.iwn, K.q. Oid. in M.r.snns, Florida, nn ths Rih ni F, h. raary.lrfil.WM. B. DU-iENl)L'HY,ol l.eiingtun, i.te or book ac. ' I.i ! I .1 J. tlllu lis If. Come lo the IuuiiIk m-heud ami buy Ye weary sin sits sums come here : Buy Wine and Cake und we will try To mske it g.Kd as scriplur.il tare ; And only slightly to a.ivdiiee The price Uioii our prcviuus cost. Come Iu our w.li lilitd alure, yuur chai.'.;c Llscwhtrc is slim, or money lost. ,Yca, come and Houston will provide And feed you with substantial loud, And it he lails Old Nick si. hi. is L.y, That't Hunter, irill aunt you imrnnij gmti. Cull one duor east of the loiirl lluusc. J.MCK. 11UNTKU. S. l-'RANK HUfTOX Charlotte, Qfteher 'J, 1?0U. !Mi bto SI.U .Me uiiaii anu tney wul luniisii yuu e..oo U ESI iUCUuK A; JEMENHALL. 1 Valuable Mills and Land tt a,U II HC , N oiut;u nuc to si uecri't: : Uu I'mjrt of Kquity MfCnlMitiUtg COUlllV. 1 H.ll Mil'ttl UiC pruiitiftA tliM i ..Iuw bu ii.t r in rdid (jt'uu tv, on the 4til MuiiU- V III J.H.U-fv IfOl, It 0: I It J lilC u jr ui t uu iiKuith, .4 tr.ttt.i i.,tiO,i'tuhi.ii.-in a ibih Valuable F lour ein MUST BE SOLD. I i IX persons indebted by lliMJIIilA JIAKM.l. XV count lo Hie l-.s-...le ! Ine I..I. r-... c-. i - o? iui:i lluituii are rtuuealed lo coine louaru COTTON'. The sales for the week tiava b.'en " " i.'dulaci.ce eann-.t be Bivii ai.e all I - ui.u.ua.iy large, planters prcssi.ig sales. Our persons having c.aiui. aKaiii.t saiu 1 nomas J. J amount to S.VUI bales, tllreil.es Is ll'j . Two liochawtits, lur Top J I aggies, 1 Doable Seat Jioggi, C HuggifS witltual tups j 1 belonging to the 1-jstatc of J 1 1 arty i UAl ON.Iiuk round, COU A, I'tAsi OA'J'.S, i-'LOl'K l-'i i- ...JIM ... IIU :i .. . Bu e ... 13 111) 4 WILL KI.L privately all the limshcii work, eonsialiiig of time pres-.nbed ty law or tins notice will be plead (),)f IjOI'iZC XjtH'I'KlgC, 1 Dar ol liitir reri.vcry. E. ME. Ill ICHINSON", llr tr. of TUUi. J. HULTUN. f 'tbruary 5, 1861. -5 C'HARLKSTON MAKKKT. Cha. LKsTos, Kb. iM. Ia6l. j Diwisoliilioii. fJV.IlKtirm ol l.eowenstein and Brother this day diseoived by mulii.il cuiiselit. i .iiiistou as parl-ev al l.-w ol Ibe l.i le J . cuiity lor IS, IA 1 1 i I ll.l , llpol CI..; AND ( DUN .Ml I.I,. I IIOSUI 'li.UllMS Ml. II I t. uiaht purlitiuu tielw. f I, j nits J. ..lOllll .u l.'.c ' l.n-l.jli :ti liolislull uiiu ut.rs taming ti? ui tin ;-- ni s.e. eon no embracing a vaiu. The rolt.in market. I.. ... v an ri.ni i.ie t. I v at a nrrsolla Indebted to the hrm Will please Call and , pe.rui.n ...... .k . plsre for his he . Ilh, from which he received much aland. Tne f r.iisaclinu oeiug limited to 195 bales, siiln wilh Isaoic Leowenslem. 'I bu liuaiiuss j g"' "ad bel oen.-ni snout a year ss-rt. ... - ,-. ..n ... !,...... .uIP ...n. .... ..i ii.p . ,. tnti.i . r twenty par cent, less tb.ll lb. e.tl.ll.les Tl, .ueh he came sin me us a comnarat v strsn. aeo. ! IS A A IC LEUU 'ENSTE1N Hirty dee'd., urk and o..r. the crop is eipccted lo bu from tillceu to j,,.,,,.) made iu ibe early pait of Iltcii.her, and ger I hould the dry weatber con'iuue much lou- , or ol K"r. " 11 feared that the airegate through out the lslaud will perhaps exceed I tie i,.i Ihrouh nibiiy years of eoulroversy ; ' our Uie asso. iates, the Northern ,!", wa have vainly eudeavored to se "" trai q nl.ty .ud obtain repucl lor those ti wiiiub were eulitled. As a no "" 'J. not . ciioio.-, we have resorted lo ay ol separation highest figure. Iu the vicinity of Cieiitue- .i, II is estimated thai tbo crop will ou' jr be seventy bve per cent, of what it was last year. il not ia lh stranger dies, when afir Ifta onurteous manners, his w.-nernua heart, his gamal and ever cheerful d'.imsit,,.n. n urn ail who approached h.m : sn.i durina hi. icknes down In bis vcy lut.-at hre.th he w..s attended snd wslehi! with as much cire. lie. Hide snd .ympaiby aa is ever r.i. ndrd to . n-sr relative. The cnnis.urn which h. ent. m plaled death, whan he knew that his disease hid pisae.l all hope of arrest, w i. mot uneninninn, and will sorely aff.rd much relief to his distant bere ved ndstivr. and friend. His eheerfolnesa never deserted him so long as his consciousness rem .ined, hut throughout the whole of it, seemed Tebruury 12, iBbl. J- .. lll .XTKie. i oi I7.5UU bualiela. Siiot-KINO Calamity Seven persons aud hcueilortU, : wire drowned ou tho 1 1 lb iustant, while at r eii.-ru8 mut t,e oincicd lo Iho oou- tempting to cross a small stream iu Mercer lo look i.rw.ir.lto th? opening of eternity! calmly, ('cl "f ir ou a II. ii a, aud tha perpetuity C'oouty, Illinois, in a aleijjh. file parly eonlidentiy and unfalteringly. ' ' oii.ederacy nbich we have lorined. cin-l-te l ul au old mail, Darned Miuiy, Mr.. - - . J:'-l ercepiioii of uiuiual lulerest , M ary Haydea and two chndreu, and .Mis. TO 'I'I 1 1) 111 IIIjI ( 4H 3t Nw Yosk, r'ebuary 21 The cotton market ia Arm, Wit., soles, tu day, vl i.jUU biles. Middling .... - ......, u. I.i.. I.-.,,..,, rir... .ui..a oi 5. bU bbis. V heat Hun ; salts ol 3l,tluu ush. ,' () I N S I 1 1 1 K li II A T (icneral Collecliui; Agent. IX produce shipped hire for my disposal I ball rece.ve prompt attenl.un great care taken in tne puicbuse ol 1 , . la. 1 1 . iLTAII Notes and A.-counis put into my liaii.ia lor col leeiiou shall receive prompt Irnlioii.j J I Aailullf, Feb. 5, ltil ruti:ur i ii'iutatiox. tiou uua. fc.Nlsl.l-dl ilOhti. tor sale by CO01IUANE & SAMPLE. tD 19 1HG1. 4at T. li. liKEM, A hnr. tor JNO. 11AK1V, ilrc'd. N. B Mr. t harles Wilson will att .is m gent in making salts in my absence. T. II B. l'ibruiiry 5, lt"!. 4t ad.oiriing ibe lands of . ii I'cl'.s and pnrt..loii ntt ten said V . l. Is. J. i and tue- iieira at law ol snu Jollies Jo halt- Uie same day. '1 t ru.s lite s.iine ex. cent, inslead ul J cash lo pay cuoU. A. C. ILUa.MsoN, c Dctmuir 10, ictiU. .f3 tliers.: for Il oWI.e.-, Hi. lull . cs' 5 per M. (. Notice. UUiAL HAVANA LOntKV. A" ? 1 d.ng to agreement of the eenaral suuenn. snd style of H i.LINtiS & SFKIMi.s, and they I p iniiaal D.r.'. r iii v uio.l iiruui.il Mr. H.ir.fo and two child red. Muilc saved ' I" Hen us peaceably to pursue our ' hliusell' and ou. of Mrs. Hodsou'a umldron tendance of Mr. Host Shsw. over my bu "epiiincal career, my most eai uel hy swiiu.ui.i. DISSOLUTION. The Crm .f KLLLlNtiS SPKINGS it Co was dissolved by limitation on the Isl January, IPtil. The business will lw b..ntn.ued under the n .me 451 f Mrs. Ilodaon'a reiusiuod iu Sadlrry and II hour, by inte.rltv and atr.ct attention to bust. hue. All indebted ar. ne.s, to merit the aame pairoango nereiuiore noor- -il ba.i lo,ti,ld. Hal if Ibis bu ' Iho slnil. boldn.. her other child .n hour "-quested t. make .eitlemenl. .,. ,W, .. any oeatoweu oy tne.r i.uu.e, WALTtKX IKH'SK. A NTlll. I t tMII'l i in; liti- li.vj'l1 Pri.prielor will t. rn.in.ile uu the -Jlilb ul May n. at, t sul.scrib. rs will rent, lor a term of years, this popular lintel, to a in.ii win. can give suth re ten nets, (nonr oiler nerd apply.) as fill sal. sir tue owners mat ii win De ao k.H as X THl'KSDAY the 7lli o! February, st my resiaence 3k miles from Ch .rlt.lte, 1 will sell the following property .hi wliicn I r.Mre, coulaiiiing 37 t acres, the one hail ol winch is Woodland, heavily teilib. red, and Hit- lii . iee in a hi'h st .le ol ell li. .lion ; 4" acres of good II.. It- Ill I..nd and about 1:1 or 15 acres i.f Meadow Laud, with a conib.rtabie K-.nn House. X.-gbu llouso. Barn, liin H,.u-.e. Cotlon Press; Morses. Catlle and Hogs. One first talc Milch Cow, Household and Kitchen f urniture. Al the sjme time and place, ii or 13 .Negroes, ail yoiu.g and liksiv. on a erei.it of six im.i.t'ie. Ma'TTHKW A. tDWAKDS. Iflil 3i. The neat ordinary drawing of tin Royal Hsu nu l.oiiery coiiduei.-u by Hit ..inisi. '..ournmei.t. under U.e su.eivis.on ul II. e Captain taeiarai .-I ; the I'l ilitatloll Uuoa. will laau inaee at Havana on jV'1UA, January 4 iso'l. SOKILO Nl.MtUO i4 'iKl'INAiilO, U. Hill II l noe l.er.t.l. 1. . I f -,,U.K.,r,l not. I as. I.t. . ' ' I .... . r. ..I ... and ll.n ......Mi.nl. . ' ' b'"J I law. " presens n..a..v.. a not to usiraci irom ine rcpuiauuu si.nu is ' Jaiisdictiun be ass.iiiid. il will al last aoce eaina. Itoth wer lakeu out alive, II t PkIT('ITAKT) of bum. ss. tor the luiure compel us to shorten ,umR , ci, Hotel. '""u for us. wilh firm resolve, to anneal but lb. mother died shortly afterwards. ! iVb. SB. ISCI .H. ; our time of credit from twelve to aia moiiios to Tli. 1'airo.isi.e ol n.e II 'Un... I e . i i t ii i i prompt paying eusiumers none oiner need asa il. cr lI1 yt , ' aud invoke the blessing, of I'rovt- I P ' J,, brrd lo firra ol ,,., " CK ,ar,r,, A our just eause. An I m porta nt Ir.M -The "Cotton cousi-ijiituce of our nnw eoudilion, Stales ' remiiai : l'Ue oeusus ol I8."il gives Plantation for Sale, ,N Tu ' Springe dV Ci mediate setllei .ust eoiue lorward aud mass nt. sa it is absolutely mcessary UJ W be g,,pn b 19 1U6 I . "lib a .,..1 .i ' u, i a-..-i. u i . ....... n. af .N Tuesday, the Path day ef March, al the inanne lusioes. n. spe. u..j P I i l i si..s.o.p.so. rioriuw -.,io. uaie. ui uuuu. sue ecu ajjj puhlc ;qare in Charlotte, I wul wll that to the wise is sufficient. - te,..ry to p.u.iuu. s,.ee..y .us ol I oo.i gives oer i ,, 4i. o.ics, au tjju ,uc Plantation on which the lat- Andrew , " lent orjaiiii iti.m ol the branches orc.-e of over f iur huudrvd per ocut., aud Si.rn.ns, F.sq , lived. It is situated on the Atlsu. -"".'in I' lparuueui u iviu f spo- ; nearly tiny per oeui a year mr iuo i.s. icu .e..u. -i .........,., ....... - 'g of loreiu interoou.ae, huauea, ! y0rs. M t of this cotrou is lotiir staple 'run' '""'' a '" frnm Davidson , .a. . . . lege, and contains about Sirtf acrea Ine A word 47if. T. (i Feb. 5, lfbl. use is l.irge and in., a5??. sil.t.n. ami ,t .b. I 1 r ? TK I.-:"";,':,,1::: gas Its cei.tlal . it cannot 1 ill .. Any liiiner ti tNotice. M. WALTON. M ..rg.uil..i.. N. C. i:!b M l-.'tu l fell, l-bl, -a iriii,'., i no oai- I ol ir3 sffiirs .nd, postal servio. Kor i We havo no douht but that in tun years Ku es oi defence, Ibe I'oufodetato Statea more we will raise over 1 ,0.M,00.) bales. ordinary oireumsiauoes, rely; We havo 57,0.IU an lare miles, aud ean .ay 'h und,. uiou tliuir iuiIiUh; but u is deemed j within the bounds of reasoo thai (bore is 1,1 J 'Lahle, iu .UB pro sent condition ol af- j enough land here suitable io cotton, to keep j,lt0- 'i mat thnre .hould ho a well construct-1 over ."ViU.umi negroes employoa in Its eul-j l Jifcipljuod army, trior DUtuurous turc . ride I ol- land i Is in a high state of culUVJlK.il. Oil the pr.-llllsra ' la a handsome and convenient UWKIXI.NU snd afl necessary out hous. s. Tne l.-watioo is heal. gliborli.K.u sgreesni yi v c 1. 1 f ii h u i g . s 1 1 1 ii 1 1 u r; I MEETING of the Mecklenburg Agricultu ral Society A Notice. I L persons indebted lo Ibe estate of Andrew dec d., w.ll lliasc imnieu.a.e p..j. g clai.ns Ssprins, dec d.. w liient i snd all persons A m ..i v , -,,11 l.a held at llm l'.., I II i, Saturday Ilia I bill of February, st II o'clock estate, w.ll prenl lb. duly authcnl.e.lert Win., twelve month, creu.l wilh mleres.1 from election at olfic.r. and etnar bn.ineas ul impor- I . im 1'"' -- ' ' lance will be Iraiieaoled. p'" . ,'. T. II. RRKM. Kx. i A H. DAVISON, frr t l-'t-b 1.1 IP!I. frbntary , lelf . ' T IJ V ILL se.l the pie uises ol the late A. laiu-e ol h.s p.-rsual e.tale consisi.iig ..I 3 lie.id of MULES, 1 JJOHSL; 1 four I Horse H'agtn, 1 tuo Uore tl ngon, 2 Ot Carts, i Hail H-muI Cur's, Six Yi ietl"itrrtiu s, t large lot ol Spid.s, Shusels. M ill.. e lis. Ticks and K-.il Kod Plows and other article, two u-di. notice will be ous to mention, terms nia.i. known un u-y of sale. T. U. H'. r,M , fj r. ,rv i.', lit I J Jl r .riT.i. i'i:izi;ioo.ooo! ipn.i... -t.ioo.wi.il , ;; I " 40,O.M JJ I ;i. im . i vv I ttt,viH I ;i .y'tiii.'.iuv I to ,lvW ll, f i llO.-'u ! 0 oaell ,.l t,'U to .ti,(J.li. 4 lluu lu c-Ju,iuo: 4 oi j. u t- vi".' Miul. J'.ekelsTJO. H..,...l"; 4ua,ltr.. Prm. cashed at sml.t al 5 per eeat dlo-'ll B.ll,. . all . I.t H.l.S.taaen.tpar. a .,rJU-..,j M.i.1 be or .reed as ooon a lot re 4 't 4 oi a-l i.l'tu . T't---- 'ny'r.'.i.' Snpmor Smut 3lat-liiiR'S ISRKM . Win Sr I r the (J CflKAMi Lo:k SAMl'Lt 1