ilorfl) Carolina SGljjig. :::::::: Mnich 5. 1SG1 CAPTIONS, ist i the General Of the nintt. i, . ,., t A,,. a, ' ' , ,,. -,,,,. ... ', Mhedule C. shall be as follows, to-wit: BIIEDULI ?. And the iinieiidmcntj fiidiiy Good Reading. Ti,, reader will find upou the fin-l page fll,is riimlxr of or paper, a beautiful lc0f poetry, from UlackwooH, entitled (' Wappji" D'co ,tory from I l',!.r-oo. "liertha Holme;" "Curtain j ecture," (hope none our feailerg need Vibing of lli kind,) and a number of ,,i,'(r intarentine "d e nterlaining article). W, couiiu!Ul "TFJi eseuiaii,y, readers attotitiou. liutijied by the Speaker, of the two . j, V" w , Jhutrs bult heroin named, on or before tliu firat day cf October iu en oh tear, eball pay io- Act Fntitled'0 Pu''0 treasury tbe following tax on oi stoca owned uy inutviuuais An Act to Amend "An Jievnue," Haiijitd Kith day of l'eh.t Ski Hon 1. That an "Act entitled Reve nue," which was ratitied on tbe ldtb day of Feb., Itf50, be amended in tbe following manner, to wit: In addition to tbe exemu- tion specified in Beolinu !.", there sbnl) also be exempted from taxation all tut b prop erty and estate, and their profits, aa may belong to State and County Agricultural Societies, and be aet apart and uaed by tbeui for agricultural fairs, and all auob, and llioir profits, as belong to any eliureh TenneMSoe & Ohio Railroad. ,v ' apart a nu ttlsntiC, work on this load is now progressing ,f,Mj- Qiite a number of hands are at .,,,nt m-aged in laying dowu a portion nils. Tbe track, as far as it has ,n !aiJ, ljoks exoecdiegly well, and the ml when completed, will eotnpare favor ! .iili the bast roads in tbe country. Vb alon, kaep moving." Mountain Eugle. Pi' !i. Tlio amendments under schedule 'cents, or corporations, to wit: Tbe Hank of Washington twenty-five cote. Tbe Merebanta' Bank of Newborn, twen ty fire cent. Tbe Batik of Wad:uoro', twelve-and-a-half cents The Hank of Fayetteville, twelre-and-a half cauls Tbe Commercial Bank of Wilmington, twenty nve cents. Tbe Farmers' Bank of North-Carolina. twenty-live eents. The Hank of North Carolina, sixty eents The hank of Lexington, thirty cents. Ihe Miner and rUntera Bank, thirty Railroad Company te increase its Capital under I Slock. An aet to inoorporatn tbe ii jiicomb Powder Manufacturing Company, located i in tbe county of buneoiabe. An act te prevent free ur-gron hiring or $ bavins control of alavu. , i An act to incorporote tbe Independent Grays, Topsail Riflemen, Franklin Ktflcs, Albemarle Guards, and tbe Sharon hiflu nien. An aet to Charter tho Bank of Thomas ville. - An act to amend tbe Charter of tbe At lantic Mutual Fire and Mariue lusurauoc STATK OF NORTH-CAROLINA, CAMiWH.I. C'OU.NTV, In i'lintij To Spring Term, IStil. J, one. Harper, -) A. ibull be as follows: 1. Real property, with the improve ments thereon, iooluding entries of land, shall bo taxed annually eighteen cents on every hundred dollars of its value. 2. Tho provisions of pararapb (f) cents shall be construed to extend interest re-! '1 be Rink of Salisbury, sixty ceats. The Rank of Commerce, thirty oents. J be Hank of t;larendon, thnty cents. The lisuk of Cape Fear, sixty cents. Tbe Hank of Wilmington, sixty ounta. Tho Rank oi Charlotte, twelve aud a-balf li ll,.c',.r.l. .1 II Foatcll and Samuel W .M.ll.m, Urn-miaul.. J BT b-inj; nn.i'.- to n put-.i r to I', It 111.' I '- It... I It!.; .!.-,, -nO,, .Melton; ! o noiirrslil. i.l i i 0 live. I IK i.l Una Nl .1.:; it i, I :., ,r., I nurt. tiiitt iit litK. iir giii-n lor i lll-n HO'IU'T llll.illlP!l in lln atilr IrllUalil. ,lllllll.l W. Mrll.,11 I'. friii nl S.inl ( ourt .l Dijuiiv I. I cuoillv of I u 111 Aril, nt Hi,. I'liiirl II i tin: 4th M'i In ii. in-1 it i,i- 1. in -.1 by II.. r m the nfxl Ixlrl for thi.- in l,.r,,Hr, iiy in M.inn or iltiuyr to c rl pre ecu. 'I III. Subvcnlxr Ins l.i. - m rh..r,.r i, llir OLD 1 1 T t We respectfully inform our Meads aid .STANU,uM.ri,o.-u,.,e0y J.illN cu.,omar, lB ewing to the strin.Bn,. ! il liopi-n t.y alrirl MMilinn to 6 '"0 "fmjBDCy II cempany. on Hit-tith M.inu An act to inv rporato the University urxi, inm .m il.rrc i.. n.w Railroad company. coinjiUinjnt. lull, othrrw.e Ad act to provide for a cotiltnuaiice or ., . , -,. ,. ;. , . the improvements of Cpe I-ear and Deep ol- ,,ld c.,llrl f K.iiuv lor tt.c .oumy of c.i.t. River Slack Water Navigation. ; we. I, the bill Monnoy nlitr tli 4Ui M.-iuJut m An act to authorize certain persons in , September, lt-6 ). rTake oouutv to send tbeir children to i W.M I I h I I , lUJMMOS.s mid I'.SMLNC; c v. jy KXKK'riO.N to pN'iiso TO OBTAIN A SNA UK of IMJHLIU PA I KOX Adi: ALL NEW WORK WARRANTED 12 " t ' aa - a fmm Pnrtiru r nil. nil. in i.nil n we will be cmnpellid i0 sell for CASH AM) oouuty to se eommon schools in Granville. Au act to incorporate the State Educa tional Association. Ad act concerning tbe Common Schools P'nitt-r'a fee fi. M-in-i. ;' 'rfi!. fc' xS'otice. REPUBLICANS IN THK H0USI5 LET TING DOWN NU WAR. Wahhi.n'uton Feb. 2H. SeNAT Crilteudell, from the sa'.ent ' (ireci-e1n.e the uiu fir.t rtay ol'Krbru iry, mid tLL persom ulijrut to piy a Poll In to Ihs St.ite ol North L nrolifiM, who remoril witlun the hunts ol the town of Charlotte on the fimt dy ol l'tbi u iay, I fGl , or ho had bti-n prinui. p.lly erii(il..yi'o in any proleraioii ur vocati, 1 hate Q a. ii run bp i J.n. 15 Brj n ffnn4 ft tut of iu toned j sVB BKIODfcV ii a it i.i s nu.M, it rtino Dl'RING THK Yl'.AR 1 1 n i:v si iM'iaVop Vak'Iies,.levclry,8oli(lSi cr , , j ,., i, , . v ' J 1 oeai s Vriireuuen, iron me aa:eRl ' prcci-ertit.g the i , . i ii " , i ----- -- j -v , -omiBittee, reporiea nacx me roue ton-1 p" i i immtr aupply oi the -bovc urtirin. Hi.purcln named, wbether held in one's own right, or cents as i;uardiau, executor, administrator, clerk J An , r of the "Mountain Eagle," a I or clerk and mater of any court, or as by thin or n7 future Gcueral Assembly, 1 a(UreJ :.: . . j ule Fioueitv wilinn said ton n on tin- rirat da v of : k. H'j bve received the first and second as guardiau, executor, administrator, clerk, ' And any other which inay be ohartered that thev be iubm ilted to the State Lei K' ,,f 0drJ,.1,r beieby nut tried to Bive into theTowo ; 1P , t Having a large stock on hand will rediee the priees to suit the times Thoe indebted to us will oblige ns by i making immediate settUmcnt KLIAS A c HKN'. January l.-t, 1S61. The Truth. iok inaue directly from toe inriulaclurer, OWING TO 1I1K l'J.KSKT III t'tli'ITr Plated Ware, or more iiniiH.ui.uly r atvHK aulnnnber hoi l.t. ly returned from the ol rrbruiry, mid til , H xlirlh -.,,.. h, h,1B D.Jr-hj..rf . .... ... I Dd well printed paper ''". or agent of any kind whatever, and "xty cents on the share of 8100 of such 'U6i ditnUdi " ,, ,, , , . vi i the persons holding any suoh auhject of "'ock, ana in tbe proportion for sh area of a , rrohihit . ,r,J in .sb..b, leave and Uun.y, N. C., , llht fn. .,. for Ul JIOn. 1 ls value. S, r'' 'rl u J edited by .Msrs. I nomas J. Kceies I ;). Kvcry resident of Ibis State, owning 5 Rons We wish tbeui all tbe 1 any lauds of the State of North Carolina, i'inahle, aad bops that they dollar of interest received from n ml lind ''Jordan a hard road to' March, 5 JfiCI. Seward, from the is me Commit- a Lxtt of thrir mid stilt and Taxable i;onr,tu I nd introduced a resolution The i-id hat shall ttc u.c number and local ationul Convention. Crit-' """'"n "'' lhc lol or p"'s of Lou KiL-u m ; And in easo the said officers of anv hank r r . ' tree imtroi a re.iumx on the lat of h.ll ! . f.;i : morrow. l-i-bruary on the landa of persons fiving in said hall neglect or fail to pay the tax, as i H.,U.-The House reeonsidered the ! Ii.ta, fcc. fail at the Hr'.ch B.nk of North herein required, said bank shall pay double ' a.i.r,l.. n (',;. rn.,inn f- . Carolina from IU . m. nil 5 . m. be liable to a tax of four cents on every j ue amount of said tax, and tbe same shall re,0utio. that the Slate LegisUturee amend1 T. W. DEVVKY, Touh Clerk. such iu- l bo lor ana recovered by tbe Atlor- tll. nn.iit..tio ih. ,ff.t ,U.t L'n.,r..l " ney General, iu the nam. of the State, i. ,btl, , B0 ,0 iuUrfer1 "with j - 4. Paragraph (.) eball be amended as , the superior court of the county of ake. ' ,Ury in the States. Stanton, aathor of i follow: hverv deilar of uett divideud or I Sec. 5. Herevter tbe elerks of tho ,i. v... u;n i . . n ! ..proprietor of the "High I'oi.t Re-j profit not previously luted, declared, re.;couuty courts shall have until the tenth 1 ilid b wold' recolllI9 the iudependence ' ,r, oftVn fir sale bis press, type, fix- ' cetvsd, or due on or before the first day of, day ol April in tbe year ensui.g the taking of ,oe Confederate States sooner tbau go i ,, and good will, if applieatieo be made ;;'-"JMu eaeu year, upou money or capital, m x iisi, ,o oenver to rne su.nn , l0 w,r witn ,heB), H,s object was to keep cunt, The "Reporter" is aaid to eujoy a -------- -------- - - - - ...,,. ' , 1 " ' " . , tue ooruer oiaies in me i nion. Joene-j urcd I hat t he rep- A Chance to IuvchI. TIKs OF OCR w . 4. a a m 2, and the disturbed stale of BUSINESS Ifl 1 I . I I I .1 1 : :. i I!IUI!I10II, VlliHIOlie illlll liUUICl',1 ' ''coinee .eeesiary full lilil liOH(i. t and pcrKonii mihv rret Ji in-i Mrticit - are w-irrunUU to be l'rnll tll m to br. Wdtrlir ii nd ClncUn car- f'uUy regain., ami ec(TiT my prrntmal lfr-ntnn. R. W. BKCK WITH. Urtnhtr 9. I SGII. 2Utf for us to maks an peal to our luvlun. the Mcrcbauta ISank ot .ewt.em iionsiues as are preserioea 1. toe lorttetli . ..v.i: .... t.. . t :-...-. ::e re. allot., a fair adv.rti.iag patren-i llie Bil,llt of Wade.boro', ihu Rink of Fay (-h) section of said aet. : J,.q,. Corwin'e "resolitiou was then voted . snJ the mual amount of job work, etlcvulc, the Cointncrcial liatik of Wiluiiug- , Read three times aud ratified in General (0T rtrtifi bv over tuo thirtis amid . . - : inn fk I'.r.,,.,.' H.i.W r.f Vorll, ('..1,. ' AsseUlblv this af;ld dav of Fuhrunrr A II .j .. J I .. . ' i pr jpririT wnnes i. engage iu aiiotfc.r , -i ...... -a- ---a ji -- j proiongea ana rapturous applause trotn '' Yanceyv.lle, shall Lay an annual tax of W. T. iJORTCtl, S II. C. uine cents, aud in ehsres in all oth- r banks, j ' T. CLARK, S S. or iu any other incorporation or trading' Anaotforthe relief of the banks and company, or in sl.-atu vessels of leo'.y tons the people. burdcu or upwardi, lour cents. And any line Act authorizes the sufpensio. of . floor and galleries. Oart'.ening. rinrins are busy (u. h as have ' ra'.l.tii! tkeir vardena in orJcr. We :i:n s!l goid luck. Already, visions person listing any dividends or profit, of the "pecie payment by repealing the penalty J hd m:t " and aich like " are ' nereiu specially namea, snail be re- . t prutioiog ior neouug auu iigui i kC'.us as. Il.LLMINATR Y'lBR Al.UUMS. Nearly every young lady haa an album, and if the young who reads this kas not one, we would saet sincerly advire her to get o.e We give a vory iuterestm; method by wauli an album may Is handsomely illus trated aad we trust our rcadcra will trv the UK accounts due John llarly'a haute have . been placed in my bsiula lor collection, l.y II. Br.-m, a.nn'r. Ail persona inilchl. o l.y ac. , will pleaae call at ( hum Hull and aelllr the first of April alter that tunc they mil en to an olricer. JAMHS II ARTY, Agent. rh 5, I Sol. Division, 1 I JASSF.NUKRS Hill be ac L from the head ol Ike K .-iceptcd, Lcayea Chal TorkM Arrive at Br lolluvrs : (iOl.Nt; WKST. rlotte at i;e Station ions, Dee. Ii, I bit). BC-omiiiorjated to and ily, ulidnys 1U.3J in solf defence ; those indebted te will do us a kindness by cou.iug forward promptly and paying up. Ju bib, i-bl. II '-'m DISSOIaUTIOX. a'lli lei'ler is referred to the table i .... r eolanin for the latest election !t tnsy lot be strictly corrtit, but uutred to list the same senaratclv from anv Dg (he Capitol other uiviaem; or pront i.r wuicu ne is lie- IT"JI" experiment, as we have been to ce.sirl.ra blc to a tax, and also to specify the name for putting gas pipes and grates j : fcU lroublf ,o f (he folIowi dir(e of the bank upoo bi:hsaid divideud ia 1 An Act t prohibit tbe emancipation of l0()( due or has becu received. slaves oy win. ft. Kverv n-si lent surieon duntist. ' An act concerning the call of a Conven Take a sheet of piper, and rub over it the thiooest possible 6 uj ef eii ; then bang i, arly soas v.c coe.d make il under j physician, lawyer, portrait or miniature '" " P"'H"- i me oiaie 10 eousmer ji up in , he air to partially dry the film. .c.ji.tanc... pa.nt.r, d.g.errean, or other persons our '.deral aflatrs. ., i Next the paper with lamp-black aoot, takini; likenenes of the human fsc.-; everv Au act to tucorncrate tbe Chatham Rail- , ., a.,., . ..V,. . . , . 5'Rl'l K n editor down OUtb ' 1 sioil lliercuani, laciur, pruauuo urn- t'-j ' ' ' ktr, and auciioneer; every State and county I "'is Aet makes no appropriation, but .. : s, ,f son struck, and aaye be is ofrlcer (,lc,pt judges of the superior aimpiy give a charter to construct a road though the bliw was a heavy eouru;) every prcintent and cashier or froul 'be Coal Fields to Kaieigb, or some su tlevtti pouuder . treasurer of any bank, railroad or other point on the r. ly. Uailroad, nuar Kaleigu J incorporated company, whose annual total A new Tost o!Ve has been ctb .n A!min9 county, called "L'tiiou 'I i. firm of KI LLINGS SPIil.S't.S A. Co wis liiaa .Ivid by on the 1st January, 1 WG 1 . The bualneaa will l.e b'.ntir.tlec' un.ier the limine and style of r LI. LINGS 4 SI'Ki.S;. unu ih.y hope, by inti grlty anu strict m illion i.i buai. ln-a, t.. merit Hit aame patro.lllge heri-tolori linnr ally bi-ilowed by thrir nuincroui. Irn-inia anu cus lonn ra. Tne pre. tut fin.ineia! i:rif:a and the uucertianty of buuir9, -1 r the (mure ct.n. pel us to ahorlen our time of creoit from twelve to six mnlitha to prompt p iving cua!unier none other nef.l i.ak it. Ail poraoii indebred lo the odd firm of r'u!luis. Sprit, pa Sl Co., must come lorward ami make im mediate elt!ctnent. as il is ul.solutrly nrcraa.iry that the Suainets be s pi t-i.i'y closeu up. A word lo Ihe will, ia allrn.-lelll,,, Feb I'J If 61. 47. f. i GtllNC t..V. j Lenve Hievard'a Station ai 4. P. M. " Tucksecge " " I 13 " Arrive at Cliarilotte " 5. 3u ' Fropt-r rJ..h- signals being eiv-n at inlermi-niate polnt, pur-tenders ntUbu l.'iien o,. WM. HA 11 TV, Agent 5 iNoticc ot J-.IU taH i wo in. anu alter Ihc I ii lie p . anil Ilia re any article .Vt oo Iimdi to extended over a smekv flame, and prcttiug it gently, but with care, into the flame, in order to cover tbe paper with moke, but, of course, se as not to set it on : to Tin: rLiiisir. 7 ith tl'ii notice tcrminatet the term a cor. ding to ni,rff merit of th general uperni. fir- IJ.-it. e.Ah. tki. n it In. 1 nnMn.-s. t Mr (inT S.iiW nv.r niv lillsin,! in AO Aet 10 Iry off tud eUbl)b tU. p,ace u uk; (Lo Cur d miQm f f,d tl;c S.dlerj .nd Ibrno. hue. Ail indrbld -ra T Kverytbing ptsscd i t ou election day. eff q'lietly in receipt, a. d income, iu the . ay of prae- """J f 1 Ivan,, from porl.oni of d , , fc . aide the leaf in- r"1"'"' d',l k VTa'd' IJIi . ,e.,..l.ry, fees, wages, per.,,,.,..... and Buncombe and J.,ck.on coun.t.s. ! tended to be impresseo or printed ; then ' ' er.oleu.eut., amount to are worth $5tiU or An Act t. ..cure the oompletton ef the j pr-1 .ith , ,oft Wld , r. ptr, of iti s0 I!. M. FKlTCIIA upward., one per o.nt , ou such total re- llmtngtou ( uarlotte and Kutberford ,Q uk, up , portiou of b, . ,bili nn. ! fcb. sfi. ,6M 3t cctpu.aa moome; ana so tneou ot para- ...., ..a .a..uu ,.. .a.i.o,. , ilkfJ . e tbe uf , graph (I.i) schedule A. a. imposes a tax Autbonzea an exobange of j' bond, rawing paper, and puta piee At the hendcif I Ik- lUjii, fnur-lmr-t Vol CojiU. cb wiil be t urn: rcutiy u take p.imi nyeri Jim b.-jf . iir to liricolhttTi, rmi ctiii rcutm ly with I lie train (, At l.iuct.lii tun tour - )i'rr cuueprs run triwceKiy to NcKtun, l)rntir, nun Abingdon, Vir. giiii.i,- letTiug ia .MonUe), Htitiniitjrftund Kri. nu, in Hie mofhiiif, wno retn-n iig lo Jauuiii. toil on tbe tvcimte ol the aiur ddvi. C. A. 3CTHERLAM'.t C) , J-l.tgw l'ri()irlof Deermoer I, IfibU. .11 It. AM) WINTER cuuiuij; I ir go.. -iirr IllOte, Will lai(l l 1CU liit-ir ur tun), wt I'll 1 11 1 n f ot tin etcrcrttkciiient ; l(,'lt: Uf licic on n ii. kiln; lor i sm nd f ill.C ill I'Utmtt. tht " tiuii -iiuiiig or r Jimte jrftc Killioul i.j. H iiUac ot riiJuif uiU ttiLiu itti cooy c sire jfU niiiiicd not r'ti;t. Anil Uio in. chtrrt lo Uk nl the in' r.q.. si wi is-v. (Ml KS i WILLIAMS. 4h it Fruit and 'lYte Store, lie. ' I 11 K feubfCribtr ha opr JL buv Bytriy's '!... ' liotike iiuiltiti.g, uii'i w Itctt-d stock ni fruit (reetm mid Miruubr.ry , out Kimif. .piltr, t r plus, tVo., sVc, iUt xt uitor t- Ht .MdiiBion l.t) 4 Will . Urjpc V iiiti, fcver. A mo, r ruiti of van. . l.unon,, j'me Ap. E. W. LYLES. li ' I i. llarhtt'i m SsisrJsy last. :rt t ( R NoTlllN.i Hspeoially, netb Ate I. intelo. upou parsons otuer than tnote Herein i iiiniiiui m m unnou noinri, nn named, is b.rely npealed Nest liifle men were out e- The i.i by paragraph (17) npon liquors, nines, autl oordialr, .ball hereafter be four per cent. And this para L'rsph so smeuded ' hereby lianaltrrcd to .cheUule H and tax lti,, by it shall mgtou. Lert.tttr hs .-,ea in at.i naiJ umler the I 11,9 Act authoriiea an txchau.-e of us,, ru.ea. le.-uiatiou. aud niualttes as are ho'.ds with tbe St.te lo the aiujunl of prescribed iu cs.e ol metch.nt s tsx. IOti.tiOt), aud that not a dollar ot s.iJ ap- 7. Tu facilitate lb.- aoll.ctiuu of the tax propriatmn hbould be paid by the titate on collaterals, every tx-cutor or ailuiiuts nut, I tbe iron lor said road had tirst been liator shall return iu hi. Inventory whether Uiauulaotured t. this State, aud tbe road the estate of the diceaed go.-s to tbe liu- was graded J ea or oo, ialeral relations or to a slrangrr. Au act to .stabliab a county by tbe name and if lo collaterals tbe degree of rela- of Muohett ftom portions of Yancey, Mc tioashtp of such collateral, to tbe d.eea.ed, loil, Burke aud Watauga. under a psuslly of one buudred dollars lo as ssi ig connuss me improveiueni aua leaf of piece af paper and the St... is... . mortgage upon the road whe wbol, ttofti , ,iU ... Ac1,),, "jb. tJ"f"1 "J pear a very beautiful black impr.s.ion, re S .stern Hs.lro.d lon,p,D, ,o extend ;IIlbli8 llth,gr.pbi 0f tb. lretd, Dicrmbrr l, letO. Jn.u l i.rt fii AiiiMiits. 300.UUO Select Fruit Trees l oit 1 1 i; Plantation for Sale. N iui'iii.y. tho Ulii u.iy of M.ireli, at the I'tih.H: -i(ire in Ch'tnuil-, 1 will ir that ibiL FUiii.stioii on wincii tht late A ni rev Kiq , lived, it i mtiiattii on tiiC .-tiu u, one Dour ri'ie I-IJAS & COIILV ffiAst", to some poml on .l,.,.., ;,. ,,. ..... ..j K.r. ;,. i,r. iv..n(.ace Utuu U th. Norib laroli.a Kailroad. near Lex- j- . . l- .1.. i.. from I hurioue and Jl miles Ironi Ui . , .. . y Ii pb, an.i contains about H i. ATI-: i:vs: 5oi.-n Cvtiprru. aMu.iMHi, Mar.b 2 Congress ad it.e leiss delsgat.s with lull prtvi 1 si rueiuber., Iu day. There was a i sMtp.. this morui.g, about a red.o tariff Coogre.s sras i. aecret less lets; hours, aod b. .gain iu secret t. Bllll. of .in uj nl., aud similar plants, are belter lo copy tLau eiergrevos. I he Harlaf In. CORRECTED BY 0ATE8 & WILMAMfi. hWi) acres 'J'ne land a h:gh ol cu:tl..iti..n. . n Die pr. imaea la a h uu aoine ami eon . n u n t l r.LI.l .M ana all neccsaary out houats. Tne lo.-ation i. heal. Hi V anu t:.e nfiyhborhooa ajjreeaDic. Tciuit, tweae t reo.t with intcreat from d.ilc. Teh. 19, IbCI. lHAKl.OTTE MA lit II 4, 1 61. -- r- T. H. BRUM, j:x r. !A( ()..llain..iuw lUea ij.ig rouni:, Mlouiuers, . be n-eorUed in the name and f ir tbe use provide for the equipment of the Aibe otn. .ounnv. frti.l Wuthingtun. U--0IOV, March 2. Laree of the .Stale. r'HKDUl.t B, iise. 1. Th. auieudmeuta uutlsr ssbsd- vernmetil emplovses, uie K shall be as teilows: "0 Ssustsrs aid lUrir.seaialivea are ' I. Every money or eiobange, bond or n.i....i....L l. a. l i.. . . .. ... f . n h I- A Sl' . , X. i Uiuau, ( v. "acu' , iugS of tb. North CroilB. o Dudt.v A. Manp avss for Mont- foreten broker or banker, .Ball ray the , , ,, . . .... . lara ler sseh ' ' ' aud .S ('-;,. yii ikis ! sum of fiv. hundred doll marie and Chesapeake, sud the wa ters eoonseted therewith. An appropriation of $'.'110,000 was made, aud tho work pledged for its pay ment J Au Act for th. completion of tbe build- Institution for and for ether 'i 5;r.;ary of War iss j.d a g.o.ral county in wbioh be ba an olfioe or pis, j '"""j t IPDro ' ta.i mor.ioj, dropping Us. sral of business, aud .very person acting for j ,butl0(j jaJar, i 'If from the to la of th. arniv for ! said broker whether tstth or without com ! . J ....... . , , . i j . i i An act to anscui -" J ! ii.nsation shall be hfid ud deemed a bro- .... ,-.k..i i, ... ... ... . . t ilai ni?ton. Cnarli priates tbe sum ef two ud a. act to iucoprate the Wiiauington, Cbarlott. and Kuth.rford Kail- road Company. Au act lo provide for the completion of, , Hour and amend the charter of the VS'estern .' Railroad Company. An act to ooustruot a Railroad from uranoy. Apoe 1'eacli i olton Lollee, Kio, Ja.A i'alKlles, Aoamanlin' s?K-rni., lallovr Cm t nicaens lloth,t'opier.ii. Linnaey Hides Urcen, ... i"y ' a tbouiand Northerners aad iVea- 1 k.r to all iuleuts and purposes in Ibe pise. "' sr. pouring iu every day, aad tb i or county in which ha sh.ll so act, aud shall .' " s rssdy full. i, liabl for the above l.x. , !. Ksery persou who is not a resident of 'i-.'iy ImpoiUvt Jrom Texn. lbli dtl, 00 ,tl,n C0IIK. i,)t0 lbis Stat in , ; " -'P""" r.-ne csp...., o. or .. .ge, ,.r . D.l .s. North Carolina, to the SoutU Car.-! I.sru " .o tti.s citv from lexas. state that , aud with the int. utioti uf sxeerainj any of , "til has refused tbe demand ol j the (auctions of a aioory or exchange Cemuiiasieiier la surrender Fori! broker, shall pay lb sum ef fiv huudrd ' " any of ibe publio property. Us I dollars in each sud every county in which ... narr.eas tor reiai.roe- ne snail aoi as a oroaer, saa Turnnik. ,.d fro.. MhIIV W,.h P..b : eolleeled by th. .bend ol tb. County anu ; Mo-uUil t- inUri,ot 0UBcor uor, ! Mulle,.( W.lm.nglon, ...bbl os aoeouuieu iui si viiei i.n. u , ., v i .an..oriiirro. oti t nern, Itua line . An actio amead tbe Charter of the Far- mors Itank of North Carolina. j An act to authorixe the construction of a Mutton, Mackerel,. . jivsses, N .U. W.I.. ' 13 proteel tk. public property oa .auu. a eulnasioa is itamtneut. ' ' 'inties heard fr.m si for seo.ssiou. ar. almost IiY T1IK MAILS. l"iportrint from Louisiana. noints in liun.oiuh. counts-. 3. Everv person who shall propose lo a. ., a,,r,nl. ....... i.l i n . . . . . ,1 .,!., . a. I aa a broker, acoordmg lo th. loregoiug ,1)e pre!1(lu, ,,ion 0f tbo General Asa.m. I rurs' seettou, shall psy tbo lax to the abend ol b; ,0 iicorpor, lbk Chatham 11 tilroad ' ihe county iu which aucb broker's Company. This bill provides for a loan ! 'ul"l"" is to be transacted aud take a license lor ,f ji(,l),U00 oo the pari of the Slate. j tlc," " vt" ' p soiiig upou a complete war foot "'St i till i p and Jackson, outbej '"'fpi Hirer, passed the Hon to-daj, ji.Ij. la the debate, war was be-1 "J !o be iaevtable. I I 1'iem (liliaigton. I An act to incarnoratft th. Cawall 1;" Kuuux, Frbra.rv -JO -The bill' ltQlr ol"' ri ,ud P"',0" "ho f"" Company. Allows the North Carolina ?-.t , on, ba.dr.d tho.a.nd dol- ,l"U ,ct uboul uub Ueen." . M."'1 rrf?" H'lrod to .ubionbe Sa.l.UDO fer th. .ou- iub .uiu oi u...u.o o,...., . itruoi,00 e) , Kailroad from th Company recovered by the sheriff of tbe eouuty dbo(), , ,b jga of jj,an where euch l.x may be due, eue third of AB ,ot provid9 far ,b, ia!, 0f tb, which .hail g lo the .heriff, aud ibe re- State', iaitret iu the Cape Fear aod D.ep maiuder .halt be acoouulod for as ethur Klfr irigi0n Company, taxes, and ucb person so An aet to aulhoriie Ihe sureties of Geo. be guilty of a misdemeanor. ; y. qi4i ,le Sheriff of McDowell county, 4. Everv uon r.i-ident merchant, drum- to ealleet arrearaea of taxes. 5niNur(,N) M.reh 1 Ihe Cght of wer or ageut who shall come iulo this Stale An act to construct a branob from tbe ' 'ii.uiiiaia over ihe spoil is beeosa-Lj ,e lu, go0d, wares or mercbaudne, Wilmiugton & Weldon Kailroad to, or near 'perem. h ia nnderatood to-night b I4ulj,8 or otherwise, whether delivered, the towu of Fayetteville. ''ha- aud Cauiamn ai for peace, j or t0 bu delivered, shall pay a lax of one Una autborti.a au cicbange of bond, to i iato the Cabinet. baif of oue per ceul., ou the gros amouul of ibe amount of jJ.'tl.i.lliiO "u spoke last night at a ssreuade. I luau ,,lti aiad in any on year, and .ball, An act to lay off and establish anew ta very prodigal m his blo.siugs, bcf0ie makiug suoh sale, oblaiu a wrilleu county by the name of Clay. J Koinisiugpuaut., hsppiue.. and equal i,cene from lb acriff et Ibe oouuly in An act to incorporate tbe "Greensboro" ti , which be propose to do business, whieh aud Lcaksville Kailroad Company." "J,n Abolitionist, ar beginning lbtt .benf author, sod to usu. wbeuefer Urants ohartcr aimpiy. . ,,ln. i of tho Southern Confederacy, ( ,ucb pvr.ou .hall give boud with security An act supplemental lo aa aot passed al "e 11 gfeat reality. Never- m lu ulu 0 tivo buudred dollar for Ihe the present sension of the Gftieral Asstiu- largo unjonty of them ar for j ptJ luaBt 0 ili9 ,,x hereby imposed, at bly, eulitled "au aot to layoff and estab- ' . . tbe tuue and uudur ibe rule, aud H.-h a us county by tbe name of Mitoh- lrr'n '"vidently backing down inoe regulaltous as are prescribed for Hie psy- ell." , '' here. ineul ol mercbauu' l.x; aud overy person! An act to incorporate the Hauk of Rox- ocereiar. Tl . -f n... . . .. . . .. .1.. - - i. . . .. .. -.-i o..i- -r .... . aviiijimii t.p" . violating me pi.v.sious oi suis i.r.gruiu noro . j Auinoriacs a apuat oiop oi and Holt i l8 theme of general , .ball bo liable lo penalty of tiv buudred buudred thoussud dollars to be divided iulo ...iu around the holols lo-nigUl. dollars lo be oolloeled by .benH, lour bun- .bares of fifty dollar each. I "lsrv i. Buffering lo day nuder lb drcd of whioU ah ml bo aocuuuled tor aud I An aot supplemental to au aot pasi.d at j ' (suie. It will be empty lo morrow. paid as other taxes, and he shall bo the present aensiou of the Geuerai Asatiu-J '"Tt an imiueusa .warm of Yankee' aoooutitod for aud paid as otuer State laxes,1 bly, laying off and establiahing the county j Tl, Suur,I,oat brow i.l.ine.Warc,. . . S.. II. Tea W h. .il, wliil.-, .. Viiiakr,.orll .N . t. a Wool,, he Yarn...... i.rjjia) ib ii j, 00 b lit i.i UU ib 1J ia, 1J ib II (. 00 15 ( 16 ....ib 5 (oi tO ,b 15 i- (Ml lb V.) (' VB ...ousiiel -'.'5 pj 'JJ s-sl -J (? "5 gsl l0 ( lij b 71 t.j lb Tl ( Si Ib -1 (a. eu , Ib J5 Tt 3tl Ib IU (n- 10 Ib aU (a '.5 ...bushel "j (j, 9'J eacl rjs (a 15 . ...yaru j (it. 16 yaru Ju (m 37 uoien 10 (av. IV!J bbl :; (a 3-3 bja ofi ID Ju (. 3.i lb t (S- tj I U (S m lb Wi (-, 13 lb o (o. 6 ...bbl.iNoV 14 (, 00 ....Kilts 4jJ (, 00 gal tj p 74 ijal 4U (B tU ... bushel ?5 (a 90 ... bbl fl to II 5 (j 00 lb i (a b ....bushel 0 y A5 II J . 71 ....buaht-l (h St . ...iinall.-l 11 i t'O ....bushel ll t ....bnalii'l t Iu- Oil ib 15 0" Ib U Oi 1J u.,, Ill 'a. on .".,, H5 (J, V00 lb la, 00 inii.lii'1 l!l l 15' . .b-...ii. i I" M su ..64 (i m im an ;,'ia Oi- unwa.lp.-.l M Jf 'i-' ....bale .100 M, Ott Mecklenburg IROX Works,; ii.iiu.oTn:, j AI.LXAM)EK"OcD0UGALU I t 111 E undrrt i;nrd be; Lave to inform the citi- J M- I'll" of (. tiarn.tto and n. initr a. a thr pub. j lie grnerallv, that thev huTeopeneU Ilia shove Et- labliali nit-Hi at the foot of Trade street, ailjoimni i the track of th. orth l arolin i Rail Road and op poaite John Wilkrs' Steam Mills, aad are nrcpar eo to t'urnish all Kinds of j MACHINERY, at short notice snd on reasooabie terms. A K B now prcjiareu to diapLy lo their custom A era an-1 tVienos, .no the public generally, the most I'.A trtihi ve ami brut Stltctett STOCK OF GOODS, A7r otfeied l one Flint in Hslvn .Vorts C.i.. line.' Tlit-re it no huinbuj. about the ante idq pricft of our Mock of l.ooclt. 'I'hey will aprak for thciuse.vrs. J-.vcry drpurtmei.t is full and romp'etr. PKi" CiOODS, Foreign snd Uonifntic, ILO'IHING AND rTHMSUlM. (H)ODS, hakuwakk am) t lti.kky, Boots and siioks, HATS AM) I APS, i HONNKTS AM) MII.I-K.VtKY tiOODS, i'A.Vi- V GOODS A.N 0 MI'MO.NS, I (aliOCKIilKS, c, Ac, A call and rsaioinaiion of our Stock is respect fully solicited at fiRKM'S OLD STAND, i Traue Street, t'hsrlutte, N. C. : Oct. 9. lh0. U9lf ' : Nurihi-rn f. ki ut,i it irefle, anu U.. to a f rtiul rxlritt it r v ui lurt 7 1 hen Uj boui Southfrn States i"Lt I-r it ihe r itMiitng -i- jf lh uuthem ji Uie ptople ul' uu .Noitlmrclern Sl.ttci il n.t ul the ir ltiRf in u ( . nd toil f-rbpilicii fur Uuit cuJ. i.nt ihe ciiiicn mt Ihe it, tirirtj kiiu j;ft rn, wne i i tut, rrowu imctr our tut, tteLvor, ,nii - m ti it srr n. tcti lu; tticii ltd br uti i ti . cohr. Tlt abute tULeiiH-iitft arc fully sunttniird by pre in i u mi U ke over JSoi Uu rn I ruiL, and lite grceil amoui.l ot jret it nut: drifj irmt nl Murlti and .tjrtnwt by Die tullltn Sui- during the laol i( yciiD. 1 hen it the ib.i tt!rintnis ire fullj Ufttuiiieo, ntl il it a no ni, eji'curdmg to the Dibit, lu make moury ly ruling f ruil, then bp ii d It.rwurd juur orutts and can it to West, brook snd M t nueuruii tod tin v will iurnisti jrou with oou murkeluii; urcluruw. WKSIWIUUK k MENDENHALL. Creensuer.', Nov. ifibi). 33 tf. Valuable Mills and Land Dr. E. 11. Andrews, b i ti n m iLnuiniijis f rom S to SO llor.f Power, j HI,tt KIII H ' nOKK V ALL SI.NDS. j n i: P A IKS ! in their line promptly attndcd to. Their f OL'N I IiRY is in lull operntion. and I Cast Regularly twice a Week. Wcilneroajs and S.ilnrdavs I Tbf y sre prepared to furnish sll kinus of !cAvn.,(, f ik, iiit.ts.s, &-, I nCkloi.Nfi Tt. osuas. SAW AKD OftlsT niJ.L UEARING, GIN WHEELS, i saw dl".st ul um:i;s, ! AVII.FKll HON I-I.ATKS AM) BALLS J I t iU'lON I'KKSSKS. I C AT IK U.N ii AlLlMi , For U Uu.iui -n Kneluan . rorlicoti I 3 11 ..liu.e House , Itailiy Lota, Ac . Tub., Tne bavs arryinu en the hnainci. in a.l its t.ranchrs, hrrn SKI. Ll IT.1 VMlUi.KLAT I'AliK, il tin. Hour snd Bacon i Nigiit dtcluiu in hove prices, t'oru in dsinsnd. -ottuii hut con.niaiid. tli and are protiaeii I.MIMiOV I li. qinrcd to do Iih-i: .-ik I'IKt - It A I I Audits, for U- K. O Kl. :.mi;.ts .'i iii:r. Clll Mulajf Sa a'oiig mill insn inncn urk, uiu Mill in uarit rsotice. iN obtrdicnco to a decree ot the Courl of faulty of .Mcckiauou J c.unty, I will aili at th premtaea eu tho Lata at kittr in taiu cou.ty.oa lu. llh .Monoay in January lebl, it being tb Sth oaj et 111. month, a traulof tana, cm bracing a Valuable Fl our eing AKD (OK MILL. adioiniDj the lanua ot' Thoiuaa Wiihama andotb ora,io 0k aotu lo uiaae partition oelwutn lloutluo J'.nnaion as parl-owucr, anu tne Kiuow and heirs al law ol Uie late Jaints Johnston, cic'd. lam. of aaic, 1'.' iiioutna credit w.iii ben. sud good security tor ail, except ptr cent caau to pay cosla, Willi inlcrtal ! aa.e Popscea'on to he given upon complying Hith lerms. ALbu Another tract will be aoid at lnc p-rnnsce. tot tsuiing t7 acres of land, and embracing s vaiu- ted by note or book ac- ab.c Ol'LD inform the public gen erally, and Uie citsens ot nbus in particular, that lie has resumed the practice ot Ub.N I IM K I , and may be found sl lit. Oid Stand. lie i. prepureo to insert Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, W"anilc or I'heopiaslic proce.a, a. patients may desire; snd fiil Teeth with Uolo, I'm, Amalgam or Oa-Ai uficiaL lie is prepared to pertorm any opcraliona belonging to Dentistry, and need not say tnat lie will ne pleased to stall upon any of his olo Irienos, or aew ones either. you mar lake msl lor graniea, fth. 5, l"bl- 46 If A I.L person count lo the Kstale ol In. lata Thomas J. Iloiion .re requested to come totserd alio .clll. the aanic aa iiiuulence cannot b. given and all ptroiiti hating claims againtl Saiu Thomas J. Il.i.loir. l:.aUle wt.l preaenl the .ante Wlinin ttia inn. prt-acrlocO by Ian or Una notice will be plead in bar ot tin ir recovery. K- M'K. HI' 1 CHIN SON, Lxtr. of I11UJ. J. HOLloN. A'fi.iaiV 5. IPbl. 3 Saw Mill, iiijoiiung the Unas of VY. I. 1'i.ila and others, for pu i li liuu betw een aaid Vi . ti. Foils, Joint owner, nd Ihe fleir. al law ol aalj Jaoire Julinalao. Sate lot eante a.y. 'lerina toe aaiiieeaeeat d per ;eut, llialead ol V l asll to pay coal.. A. C ILLlAMsUN, c at . Vcimbtr IU, tebO. 3o l.,a vllE fit l.ioliilion. in oi LeowtliaU in anil ..y aihcuive.l oy mutual i . oted to the linn will pi Isaate- I.t-OWeliSU'in i ili dc cor.linuiJ al me t !1 alanu l.v ISA Alt' LKt tWENS 1 E1N. 1VI ruary la lt.l. 4b at J- . lli'.viTKK- :uM.Ml!u MlKIUAM AMI (itucral Cullrclini; Ascnt. HUiAL HAV.LNA LUJTEKV. Tiie net ordinary drawing ol "ilu llojsl llavs in l.o.iery coiuiucleu by tht e(..auin '" ..i-riiinent Ul.uer Uie- aupervia.oll of Uie I apla.n l.eutral I I uoa, will take place at Havana mi I-ill DAV, Jaiiuar; 4. lSiil. 8360,000. OKTKO M'.MKKO OH Pl.N AK ! ', lor my diape COI.LMHIA MAUKKI-. I'uLVMsia, M.reh!), ISbl. t'OTTON. Our niarkei opened somewhat de- pr.i-a.d, but, occaaionally, sul.s wwr. l.a.u.U at our last qiiot.ili..ns. Un r riitay, th Kuropeau nuwa received wa. very uut.orabl., and, in i- i,i,i ui.ii.i-. al Mi.uch. a ueelllie ol SC. ha. tasej piacc. Our quotation. r. '.nerclu: Boiiiine-d. j N. B Old Ii 'I'll, aalua ainoulit lo 1.WI4 bales. Kxtieuios 7 s ' l.krD IU trade- tb,. ioTr, lor W inter's Pal Mi.l. sliii'li ii.. the .ovalilnce otncrs.i't .tun g at Iraat Iwirt ai- j '. doing it b. tin, than any other I be run by .e ol (.Hill)."., put mi" toy naito. prompt aim iniine-ili. I lit. Horat 1'u.rt. I hs Muiay may be .-hop at any Inn.-. HKNRV ALEXANDER. l A LA OL M Mi UU I. Li A L la. i foi 4olf I prue i I " I " I " A s. I ll I.VI U.lul 3U IMiH. UAl.O.N.hng round, t 1.1 US I'KAf.'S, r l.ol K ...12, rj ..IUj it, UU ii - J i... - -U t i. 13 ill) Krs iioW lu the city. II jw l.ta-'aud lie shall bo ftiriucr liablu lu ludicuucui . of Tr.n-.) I v.niu rHAKLIOSlO.N MAHKLT. rai.isanis .'March, I, ISfil. Mi. notice will be t"1 H!fi-:.M ' WAIaTtl.N I It u si:. iiii: i.i. .;r int. rttt.s- I'loplx tor Klii Ulliiinale on llio iolii at. t Kill rem. lor . rrra ,i, .H.puta. Motel. I" a .n -o can Mii.i.m, ,' '" ;') r ll.e oKlicra l It will oe ao a,.f aa r..t I t t ifi l'" reput-il i-n wh, cn it .us nr. I i ia.a H..1. I. iroi.agi ol ll.e H.-ua.- I. large aad in. j r loin tla cenlral p.jaition. ano t. tab. I rat ter il cannot ; si ei-eae, if pro. 1 urleit. An y tullier inlor.l.a tlon in de given by ad.liaai"g T ii. t W. M. WALTON 4 llial la in i via risi.i! S I M.,tOl I JO ' 50.V.UO I bit " :l.00 I I .. atU.OOO a'o Apt aim .' Itf.OuU , 4 A.., ro.nilloli. lo llie eiuo.v'v. t 4 of 40H to eo'M'Ufi 4 ol 4U0 to HJl'.UUt 4IIU to '.'u,; 4 ol la .11',... Wn . le Ticket, liti; Halve. tlO , QuartoraH I'rii.a c-.h.-u al sight t rr crut' diacoui.t Hill, on all ...iveni Ban." I'Seo al par. A drawing .ill b. torward.d a. ' ' " ,ull bcitiic. known- . , -i ,. ..... t.. he ad ,A ' "r:'.,rr Ti ear..!' 0v Pre. draaaed I'O. i.i-i t. . t'liarlcalon, L .viKi'cr IIMli I A I io. ill I "I KNt.I I" " ' s- 1 " "'' V i'" i;kank a sample. M I An aot to !!. iLj lU!ui0-t ti (iaiu-B U: t. B8t:slj thotu all is j reitlotu. as I r n Hi itleuieauui

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