Miimiuumiu mora llAKDYaI.Eii. A. A. ll M. TAYLOR jy OrKC'l FULLY in-..rrns hi. lnrn.lt ami the ilsx ; iblie generally, thul he hae, added lo Ins i Hi wit stock of ; a large and complete at.jc.-k oi llAliDW'AKK, con. . lining in part a folio w : i CsrrH liters' Ton!.. Circular, mill, crosscut, hate!, ripper, pani-cl. pru niriff. rr a f'l : nr. ten non. hack, n mr. s, w t hi- and huteher SAW S, Uracca and bit. lrair.! triin, Chiaac !. j Aucera, G.inlcla, llainuic-i, ll-.'.-h. ts no Am, Knck, plaaterinc and pi. iiii- t 1 !i' W KI S, j Saw.arttrra, Scr. w. plate f. Sii.cka and die a, j I lanct ol" all kinds, Siki- alinve a, Strrl-blade bevii and iry ejuarta. Spirit I.t-TeS, rocket I ..-tela. Spirit litn V:al, j Ho mo Macliiiiri. (.on;.-, I and in fact evcrvliuiiff a mechanic wm la. in ijrrat ..n.tj- and nt"virv i. nin-, ai T AY I.i ilfS .ruaarr Store ana Tin W Ih p..t,i.t.p-nte the M ...m.... rV.os. , i. haiiuin, N. L . Jn 3, Icon. l!lf Blacksmith Tools, t'CH as it,!;. slide Winnie a. V.C-s. linttresae BSim& Farriers' Kt.iv.a and cues, B'.ackMmtw' Filif p. rs and F ;e .! . vi rv I. in .l.nci. Na,:. P.,r., l" : : l'i. rn end I'i'ui try in u: " ler and tprii g Slecl ,Vr., T AY I." r. Car iaire Materials V-jjff. J ft h. aV.W '' li'- " ':lint' H'.wh, Spokes. St. . its Curt . U..n.i.,I..ninz Nails. l uu i. . I' t. III:. ar.ielcd Clotli, ti.l ( :.r-.i i. r and in oil, Va.-..ili. Tu I.::.fecc Cn.T l. lid Oci.l Iron. Boils, an.t cv. rjfing in tiev .t I arr.age Trim.r.m c. ' ' f.-ol t.. .'.ae, at III, H. Xc w .. r ! ( A. A. N M 1AYLOK, V,r.n: M: ...oe Agricultural Iii.pkii.ints (if Al.i I. M S. 4.1TKAW . ii. r. Ccrn Si J? I ,.. I' v.- II...- S-cv rCZlLS-'-":"'- x tg??3!&yl '-k, I.-.. . II... s, I r i l'-.i. . i,. Ki I. i. ne m ; ' br. r s. vli its .nil lia fr hi., C ra as pots, ii - ... t. cl. ; Ir. i. TATT.OR S Illinium e Drfot, pj -.sir. f.r Shu nuu llunsi. Tin and Japanned Ware. .1 'v avrnxs. t.: i.: .ck z.nc, I AY1."R ind 2.1, lluo ..il. f ,c .V.n.ic At Trior's ul.A.-S. of all sir. iii qy .-I' . -l.d Aii.ir.i an. A. so. 1'c.tlv i.y i t ouiJLN WAKE. UK' ii .M, A. r pi.ui.d. Knpe! liqi ! 5,000 rrtX-rT'ri:,:: TAYL'.P.'S Uu Slot t , II...... P.n.ilrwv" flit tirM'ld' I. liAViifl" JlVUUil, UUUtilll- ilVUIItJin; o F all kiiics roinpliy atter. jt . t'. ar TAYLORS .)' '. Min,w Ha, da Src JL CDLOWS CMIMIA'IHi .-I I F .-l.Al.. i;l CANS, of a. I tn eir! r. M s lea. ct JAY Li iK lUrivate Store, opjt'iu t-'.e Mi'.imn .miOIjfcllOTEL, f S III E . . r ..k s p:. .. t. he h II -I" 1, and ... . ver p.- . i t.. n a-.jorr. inoc.. ' I i ou ... - . .... - p rli'.na o! the pu'). , ,1 !.. it . ! s particuiur ar.'ulion i. psi.- t i ,s and every comfort n provmeo ... i. II s f.'TAl.'T.E . ' ' i s ....'.. . teiideu by e.r. ic. o-i e;s . -i. i : .. ... :..r li.e pr .pnelor j;i. h'- ' " ' . '.. A . ..oifort.hi. O'.: Ml.l - r n - ...... w 1 o, ,h,i on me arr-val t.t Hit c-.rs Witt. Ho e etl.rl. to .' ... r ' .re 1,1 puolit palronagt is tool. ' ' y a..i,r !. .1. WM kOUEK. AorssaW IJ, '''' " j7s." phillips . tt i: it ii. I. r.i i . o if. (I A V IN'. 'Jl M 11' I. r,...le , sp un p.!' 9 irpl WIIK.IT Vi lXli !'. ML . ,. v fi. I I le r ; JOil.X tll.MJY WAIT, Surgeon Ifcuttst, (fJlAUPATK IN Mi mcisr. AKD DENTISTRY,) IHFIl'K in Bnwlf)'s Buililing, l Slairs, Opp-1 ailf Kirr's lltilrl, i Cll Itll.O I 'l i:. V C. I I c- arKClCAt. OPERATIONS, such iV . - v ., i I.K.H- PALATE, HARK.I -IXl-j."? J.IP, TI'.MOliS oi mouth and Jaw, ' ni-rf.irn r.i. 1 'e A' Tl I! ES am! D1SL' K'ATloNS ' C li.e Jaw lit'" l d Tec-til filled Willi t.Ol.D, ! 'Ml.vn;, TiN r ...MAI.OAM. AKTllCllAL ! I KIIT.'I ni-citcd in Ihc beat nian-cr. ' i J.-A v,-tv anpcr.or TOOTH nVM',S am., TOOTH WASH constantly cm hat.d. J T.rili Kxici.-.i. I i Jf" PRICKS MODERATE ami all work done-' ." I -" -::::li-VLlllv n) . rOrdo fi.iciii from distance otti m'cd to run.ptly JI, Isi'U. 4MI' (Irultillt' TIt!ln;il lilt- laitiir. tUH'V t oli.iailY j t: II IS ft I MP A N V continues to tak Ja ir-msl lo.-s t. lire-, on House a. G vL llnl lo.-a h lire, on Houac a, Gonua, l'rc .1 , i uliee al the Urui' Store of K. N IIuK hi- ai.li V c. o. OFFICEIIS. A. C. STKELE, j nttdo.t. C. UVEilMAN, Vice I'resi-.Unt. E. NY E li L'TC'll ISON , Stc'y. .) Trcas'r. PiKli lulls. A. C. STEELE, J. L. HUOWX. M. 1!. TAVLi'li, e-. T. W licl'.N, C. U El'.MAN, K. M'AKH, WM. JOUN.-H'.N. J. TIN L l'.K'.'WN, E- ' aku ami S. T. WKIMOS. AVif(..-:cT CW.v-.i.'c. Dr. 11. .M. riiicluird .licitati.iliof 111 itiniiol ma. : i llulj fT-.-i cv, :i,.-T:ci.ru.ii.-iiv.. to rc.iiiai the i'nii'lii'i oi i Ilia1. in pre. so otiii.no M'ltir, i :k ;hi ii::;.'a 1 1 i.i itix;, '.! ! t ill. I (I I'. I I.I I A I I. I III. J. Y I.I..-. li.-.. as ui.-i. .1, n.oti.irs, u wal yue n.-l t jou Uiii.f cii.J Ut'ultlt to ur li. fuits. . a; Va i . in m- 1 1I. A. M 1 l.l I II A It, ..i.v ..in, r i'-. .' i c .i i cm. VlAKK-MAS Mi.Vi.t'w, ":;..-lJ;h" n, ?, m'',1 aI , u ' w ,i; 1 ' r" 1A Mi:ll. v , ' tim. . us .,-. . - A.c r ... wc. , :u ..- :.,fi,n.c oi uisautisLiCtiou ..j uu) one ,,,,.,.,, t. llnt.c contrary....! ..rt oc-gl.ted n i-r..;.!i. ii of .I iiii-g.i i ' ts ind ii . .ir al nr. v, -.-k in th: r "WHAT WE 111 KN'W " aft. r lc v. irs' e.-. : ; l. nee. A.M pi i i i.i. i i ii ;;i i l i a'iio.n !:; niE n i.. Hi.Mi.Ni (iF S I! AT l K li IK E Ul.i EAleE. In a..... ! . cerv .i..'..nce w ... :t n,:a..t is auf. lim.jj :r, in p.! m aiiu xiiuti..n, rei.el w.ll be . uu" in I. :' i i . '.t.1 -:ur ti.e syrup ,-n is the i.:.i i.D , ,., . : ti.. t i i t .-I.U.I I I. M I K I All 1M. -! 1 1 I S in I mil sAMis Ol t I I; i.ol . n!v rei.. n- !'( chiir: !r- 'n l.,ji i , ri 1 I., ..;:. I I 1 Il-O. i(E I' A N D Mi.l-T l.f...E.A I A 'J I ! I- V. OKIH. 111 all rn,. 1,1 h ENI l.ii i A.M. ;'IAI.I.1.IJ.A iA ill! M.l.N. w I. ell., r il ar -. s -roil. Uelb.i ; ! 1.1 :il, v . Il.er cause. We r.i.l 111 HJ lu i ii ..t, . r v I ., i s a ...! !!!. ni g imi any .,1 In.- !' ing rwni.Ianita DO ' I I. E I' tol It ll:i Jl Hi. I..-, .SOU 'I ME I'UI.Jl I'll F.S iF tI iil.l;.-. sla...! I., i w. in j ..u and your acUerii g and I:, i- r, i l l n , t a , I i" ril.r. y.s.Ali. . M ' I I 'II I V1 1. 1, --'..j . e tine oi litis me. c i.e. if liu.e !y csec. r .i, rt(. '....ns l .r u-. ug ' "C:i,i:,i,).jh, i.i;.., N. .ii . i, ui ne ! ii .. ., s U.. ..c.si.i.ne ol t li'l l -Ei;il.a, Jura, e. :. i, L'.-uggiMs t..i..ugho.: tu- world. l'KINf I PA I. IHI' K. Id ' II AH flP.tKT.i. 1 ii'i u ii 5 cent I j'ir li;'lie. F.r rale ii. t l..r;. tie. : E Nw H ii' inmn A Cj .n F. S- -rr. ' M-r.... Ki-ly Ll fas. a Sis ft 5 te, i iU. j KKVf.ll l)i.l:li.I 1 A I KI, V .1 ntlrel' f.t.it, I t.nr.iiiy- t ... Iy..e.. ... a ; i - (.J :.l i I. 1st .. . I... ... Iy.. i. I.. II..I II. Al.t W j .. . , li..lljc. j j j ! , ; u I j '! ' siA GATHAPiTiC PILLS It II I o . COCHRANE SAMPLE PEAI.EUS IN. Kar;lware. Guns. Cutlery, Ac , fee, u, the Sign uf the Haiku VaU Loci, a'OlT.D respectfully invite the public to W c , II an i examine their stock before pur- ceasing elsewhere. LU" Orders .elicited and promptly attended li. Cull ami se US. COCHRANK & SAMPLE. j , in ' . 11,, I- ,,. I, r.,nio llliH II S I 0(5 1, ,,..-, r ut I'.t lhf Ovarii lail-Lock, -,.rv . ..j ,u!,v, rnnsaline "' An. vila: Hoi!,, : Solid ll..x Vic.-.; end siedce Hammers ; Macrt l!.ttr.-.i, l.usp.-, Files, and a of llorae Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, ut h.w prices. C .CM KANE cV SAAICEE. Tools! Tools! Tools! the Sis ti of the Uvhlen V1 Loc. ,rf a rood supply ol 1 ools, coiiaiat. Vsvtf iugof circular, null, croas-cut, Y") tvnon, haiiel, ripper, h..ck and cum. i ; ec'ticll anu mouiuing IM.inea ! Itliiiis, alnii;liii(r. unci broad Hatchets; Hammers; bevel lid steel Square ; Drawing hllives ; liracca anu Hita AiiEers ; Gimlets ; C liisc!s; brick and plas. j ten iic Trowels ; Sere w I'l.ite a ; Saw fn-la ; poke- Files: liasin: rocket-leulea ; Guagc- K.ida ; spirit ""d pocket Lectin; Boring Ma chlliea.Ac. C0CI1RANE SAMrLE Agricultural Iiiipienients, tit the Sign of the Golden Yad Lack. A UiTgv- supply of the above, ""'v c-oiiniiting of Tliomp?iiis Shellcrs; Straw Cutters ; F JV. ; Hay and manure 1-i.rks ; best cast. ! steel Axes; Picks, Mattocks, Grubbing Hoes, : Wecdn u II. . Trace Chains, laic Chains, Wagon ( ;.,!,. les, Kaki-s, Hedge Shears, 1'ru. mi g and lluodinr; Knives, Ac., &c. COCHRANE & SAMFLE. Carriage Materials, at the S)i( of the Gulden Yad-Lock, . A '-'aVA.RCHII.l). ' ' - .."'g " , fp"ncs. Axle.. Oval Ir on. 1IEARTW EI.L. ,.Jrt. Huus, Huwa, Kims, Buggy Pules. Buggy !h:itts, 4b-IV S,...ke,. Patent and Limiiclied I.ealhcr. E.iain- Ftb.l.ltlM. -' ei'lcil Cloth, Oil Carpet, Carriage Hulls, Brans and . Tmne uStlcl"; Saco'ie ."raining nIh'.".' &c! . 1 1 1 KltOK l'.H Kla.11 1'JV. COCHRANE .1 SAMPLE. 4 T the Sijn of I'.ie (iOI.M'.N PA LI. LUCK will he found at ail tiiins a large and well se. I.cled Stuck of linns, Pistols, ; rowder liorna, P-wder llasks. Powder, Shot, Lead; French and American window Glass ; Put. ty ; a h.rge stick of English 'l.d American Iron ; Cast steel, Ocrnian steel. Blister ateel. Plough ; steel, Serirr steel; Nails of all kinds hemp and in. ii.:... K i ; Anchor Brand B-.ltliitf Cloths ; Mill S. r i - ; Mil'. Picks ; Spike Hammers. Stone Him. ' ,,, .,. li, in . I Smu e li oeks: i in. a lirirei Sioc. l I .. ii ices, I u r i .in u inus, v uri.un i ma, a"t Jr''P t- ?MPTF tOUll.ANL el SAMPLE. Til" KifikTrf P ATini IWA riii WOUH 0Ah0UlIA a.-.,.,,.,, . i T I D II IT SIMNXfiS H II I I b C V Ul II U Li OI UlAUC 111. 1. BE UPENEO l-UK VIMlUlif! is 1 II luc 1st ol JUNE licit. Tiny arc situated in a ni. sl he. ill. y uiouniai" jus country near the beautiful t ATAW BA lilVEK, within less than either sex will be repaid by mu g Una l,l.iln, nn hour'" rule of Ihe present terminus of the instead ..f placing themselves at the mere y ol souiu W ESTEI! N N C. I! All. IIOAD with which dai. yUack or Psol'.ssor. Tina ijauenv slr.Kes al the ly hues ot Omniuusfs anu Sljgc Coaches connect very Boot of the disease ; its tendency is not aim Hie Springs. p!y to suspend the poison, but to Braovx the Pie. isure vciiiclrs and superior saddle horses w ill fatsc on which it depends, F'ull directions in be al li:e call ot guests. j pamphlet form, accompany each bottle The si.ee ,. ... , ..- . . 1 dv and permanent rein f atforded by this Remedy, IJoHllllK ll!-. ailli lEllhal'll ri's,,, o! ,,t,,GLKr.T,(.R.,vr.i..S.,i.;. :i lllOII neatly fi"c! up. . n ,i: it ii or ?n 1 1 a s ii' Uir.iLL AND 1 HIILUdN PAIiTIZS kyc...l.g fall ul- EX'I I! CIIAP.UE fill, lit It.lHMi.- arr new and s;.-:eii,ll- il E I'l.EA.-l BE (.KOI MIS extensive t .. I.tv nd in fine, ceervl.iiiig wished h.r at : i ng puces, will oc luuu.l here tore- Sres.il the inner ,.u and lo cheer the spirits. '1 lie Lixl inl..l K-iilalioii ,j the MEDICINAL properties of the film., si inacce.a.bie before the coiupietiun of the iv-.frn N. C. k.nroau. now hail the sn.k and arll.cted with a croial welcome. The experience , tin. rropnetor juslin. s ttie secaer of health or pji itsure in anticipating a "good lime coming." The Proprietor haa been at very great expense it, f,tli:ig up Watering Place commenattrate with f.. ui,n ., I Ihe (AKUI.IAAS and confidently j H. L. ROBAKDS, .fV I, I -00. FLOW lilts' aldwell cbunty, K. C. 'BMIE Proprietor of these Spnnga inf.rm liie 1 Jl. pul.lic generally, lhal lie is preparing to re ; . i ,ee and ent. rtam tln.se alio ar. f.e -ir- us of tea. ! l-r.g tnc curative .iia I : tiea of tina water, for Die ! v .n..a. eiiacaaca lo winch human nature is liable. ! Ii' ,s making large aodiliuna to his hull.llligs anu w,., be rcaoy lor llie reception ot cooipany Lc : twei i. li.e 1st and llilelnJ ot June, and all who do : cine m. y r. si assured tict l.acy will be accommo. ; dated md . very exertion used to render their stay , p;.-asai,t and coim'orubie. j p. r. ns coming to tli. se Springs by Kail Road, wui . ve the cars at Micsory Tavern Depot, on j the W esl. rn F.xlension, where a conveyance will j be in readiness lo convey Ihem to liie Springs. i LKANNAII FLOWEM. -Way io, lef.u. bu I i 'The Columbia Carolinian will inacrt once in u.i.v.nd tve.. i mine Ii inner, and the KaL.gl. U..-i-r w,.i ir- rt t .-. e t..k and lorwarJ ac e ..!- t. tins tc.ee. I hey iv.il p:easc call alien t.i.n I,, '.,e a-.v rtis, in. rit. juh.n s. ivilev, sev.nui s r am, mroKiKR or HAVArcA S (i A R S , a.so Or.Al.KK I.N ob acco, Enuff, IOdtchea, Paper, ike., ; a i. h s o 1 1 c, .VI.i.MllllH If., ruiuianllj on hiind. .....,.. .). III.'). 4e;t .. n. .urns, I Hi'iin '"ii, I'irry l.ijuuty, AluLiiiiia, m l'i-'. I-.. tt.nd promptly lo Ihe collection ol'ali 1 WW cl .una pia. id in In. I,., nn, . E.t. f I. una look-d nlK-r, Land flaima ferret. '' (; ..... ...u . nstonnu.jj eiebtora lookeo up al rea. TEX A." CLAIM.--. n. T-x i. a III I. ..it M i le. W.-mted, f ,i ' i if: i ' -f I Uh. E T V I t '.K ' A a W. ATJ-X ANI1EIS, , vug m: o in: .1 ns r, tT" -vKFERS lna scrvicea te tin citi MJL J xenanf this and adjoinin)! conn MU IT I XJ tie ln the Ircnline-iit ot irrcgulari ties of the teeth. Diaeaaca of the moulh. Teeth rilled in a akilllul and aatiafaotory manner. Ar. tificial teeth iimcrlcd on Gold or 8i'er plate, iiim India Kuhber vulcaniied bnae. This alyle ol work has many advantasjeaoTer ihc Swuged work. It can he adapted to the mouth with leaa irritation than the Swayed work it la oIfo cheaper. It i" free from any unpleasant odor or taate. Harms; becomo ajent for the! Americun Hard Unhher roilmana he will alipulv Dentials with of fiee nghla lo manufacture t'lulea and Cuma for Artificial Tci th anil uc Apparatus ann maeenu.. Hi w ill also gitc instructions in the arl on mod em le terms. As he xpects to do a travelling business per suna desiring woik done, can be attended to at their residences, bv aildresainp him ut Tucka. scene P. O., Mecklenburg Co., N. C. lj' All work warranted. April 3, 1860. 21 f The Corner DRUG Store, 111 aki.otti:, m. v. v.. SYK 111 'li 1IISOX & t (). I ! M ?OL'Ll) rcfpeellully call the attention ol the I nuhlie to their laice aiielcoiiinkteSteick now being opened for the Spring I rode, connsui'S l)ru;;, Medieines, f hemicals, l'erfiiinrry, Fancy Articles, I Ilia, I urinillie, Durninc. nam, ,ol. Pure Medical Wines and Brandies, f anion Teas, Field and Garden Seeds, eve, c. January 11, 18ti0. HOWARD AS!SO( lATlO.N. imiii-adi i run. A Benecalntt Inilitvtwn t$tahUthrd ly iptfiul Fn. doirmcnt. for tit Ktlicf of the A'iri arid DiilrttuJ, ajhctrd irilA Yitulrut and f.mOmir litra$rt,and, tt;tcially Jar the Cure of Viteuef of the Hrxuul Or sane. na Kmc AL ADVIt K. e ven eratis.hy the Act. lIM. mg Surgeon, to all wl.or.pply by I. tier, w ith rieacrintinn of llicir condition, (age, occupation n.,i,ita of hie. efcc.) and in cas. a ot eilreine pov. lv ML.,M.M,es furnished free of charge . VU I'AHLK KCIHrUTS on Spermatorrhea, ,nj ot,, r Dneasra of llie Sexual Organs, and on the NEW KKMEIIKS employed in the Dispen. sary sent to the atnicttcl in scaieo leicer envoi, opes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for pos tage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKII.I.1N HOUGHTON. Ac lines Sorircon. Howard Association, No. 2 South I Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the AN UNFAILING Cf RE FOR uiiuiiuuu et u 1 1 imruuj Ul luc tiiiuin oijaoi. ' riVUS REMEDY cure, when all other prepj , , , ,.,. u eatlr,,y Ullllke yoth. .rr ccmpound ; contanmuiig .o Mi.ai. ri.! or Nacsicocs Dr.u; as it is prepared solely from KooTa. BARks and L..vr..H, and l.a. been handed i oow; , one g)il,t.ta,on to another, by tti. ! Cmkrokm I.Msu.sa It ib oti red lo the puolic on na own ii trm.ic merits. It pirforins it duty quickly and thoroughly. The I'sron-rcveTr, ol J TI'RK, Ti'RK, FlloR Air' , f W Hirrs i rr.MAi.FKj.iiid al! Diseases of the Urinary Org-ina. has asicm-ned the -nost acicnliftc men of llie age. Tina Kemidy not oniy eradicales a.l Poison from IheSl.-TKVi hut IwiooRatis Ihe most delicate constitution. j J . It ooca Not Arir.iT the Breath or Imir-I ir. i wilh any i.a . ol IIi simss, or require any ,! i. ,i:.,n from the usual diet. li It requires nu assistance from other medi. tn.e. 1 ' And what E.vhcs'u its Vai.if, is the En. ti r it Armkick of all N'eraK'.t' Tastk, being a ail. Hkliciois SvRUf ' -h r a BoTrLr.oa Tnan Borri-ra rca 93, POTTER &. MEkW IN, Sole Propn.t St. Louis, M Sold , n Charlotte, by Dr. F, Scarr, E. Nye Hutchison eV Co. " Columbia, " Fisher Ac ileimtaU. And all Druggists in the country. Van Sehaaca !e. (tnerson, Charleston, April 84, IBGO.-Iy W holosalc Dealer.. yi:s vou 3i a v USE Oil kECOMMEND lleimstreet's Inimitable mm oi.(Hi.(.: ateo ri.M. it to ac P ERF HAIR RS0AIVE, proniotinc; llie strength and growth o( the II,c r and giving it all tne beauty ul youth. Do you coubi itf ICt atl ! i:':.l ! i: ail! SuiRoo.s Laki, Essex Co., N. Y., t I'ttnuuiy li, looS. W. E Haoan. Troy, N. Y., lVar .V.r: Having used your II nr Coloring or Restorative, and being inucn pleased Willi ll.l take pleasure .u i.iaa ng the lot. owing alaiemeni: r rum ll. fecta ot a very severe til ol sicalicsa, lahen about i Is- ye .ra of nge, n.y hair comineiieed turning grey, and ao continued to grow until it ttemme peijfctty ec.ils, being very harsh an.l coarse. Laal Summer 1 had reached my liliy thirdyear, Winn. 1 was dui.e.i by a triend lo purchase two botli. s ot lleiiu Ireet's Hair Restorative prepared by you. I ccd uaii.t' it rccordin. lo directions, an.t few days was surprised to hud lhal my hair from the loots outward waa turning bans la. ilaorigina olor. It so continued to grow until il waa aa tru ly brown and glossy a. ll waa in my youthful dayn d is neua tuily resloiccl lo irs or.ir.ol rotor, .Mi LA .-EAMA.Y -.'.. t, Co , as. My!a Seaman came be lore me and was duly sworn, and says that the above statement is true. Ibis I, in ii .y of February, la.',"). JOEL L. Pol l ER, JuelucvJ the I'race. FiTTsroRO, Vt., Aug. I, ie.'i7. I hereby cert.t'y, that my hair having bcconie quilc gray, 1 u-"l Hellliatreet'a Hair (,'. slorative, prepared I.y W. Haua.v, of Troy, N. Y .,) for lour week ., an.l my hair waa in In it tunc re stored lo its .ri,i,ii color. I can fully recoil., menu the arlic.e to be all it claims. WM. hi.NOSl.EY, Vatinr i.f lli lluytitt Church, I'ltltjntd, It. Mr. W. E II..., ; have used ll-itiislrccl's ll.ur ll.-slor.it, ic (.,r tl.r.c years an i h.c tound it to be a mo-t ( i. ellenl ariielo. It not only re. stored the cor ol my hair, giving it new li!e and slrengt'i, but ,t -arid inyseli am; wit. ol a moat obstinnt. er. ..jl,,, ii on ll, scalp, which nothing elit nrn,-d to l ni 1,1 lully believe il to be Ihe beat ar' cle hi uie. V'oora MeaiH-ctluiiy, I h.NOW L'I ON HO A LAND. The above are but a lew of Ihe y letters of j r. eoniiii. no.ili ... wnieli has.! be. n t. n.i. r. .1 lo llie i proprietors ol IJcuiatreut'. Hair t.oloring o. Res. loral.ve. 1 1 h.ta oeen used l.y thousand a ol people, i and it linn r I . Is lo restore th..- color ..nd v row in ol li.e hair. 'I n. a singular erl. . I i is et b. n .1 . . l.r.; used J ti il it acta up.. II llie Ua III. , '..I seerstioi,- ol coloring III iller at Ihe r.a.ts, anil , thus . IJ.el.. Ine ..in,,.,. y rol, ,., ,l ; ,1 not I r,mni,,Jr,l. I,l il,, mitmal a.'.c oj y,lh. Pr :';..'(' .!!?! i'i , r Ir,'"!, W' I. II , ,v ( Pro, r,. i in I I :,!). b. Dr. I . .- . i.r,wl oy,N V. - v.. fiUvJ , ; ..iMTTXft.wf.TTss asmasag bVUi';ciJ,.i,ca " I MM. u- ks H 33 H JANUARY. . 12 3 4 5 0 7 U 10 11 I. 13 11 15 1 17 1 SO 1 2a 23 -'1 '3 i!(J j7 -"J -'io 31 . 1 2 3 4 6 (J 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 10 FEimUARY. 17 18 l'J 20 21 22 23, t!4 25 20 27 20 .. 1 2 3 1 0 0 7 8 it MARCH. 10 11 12 13 IV 15 10 17 IS l'J 20 21 22 23 It 25 20 27 2S 20 30 31 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 1") 1U 20 i!l Si 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 ti 0 10 11 12 13 1 I 15 10 17 H l'J 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 23 20 30 31 ,. 1 SJ 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 1 8 Hi 20 21 22 a;i '.'4 25 20 27 28 20 3D .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 1 IS 2D CI 22 23 21 25 'JG 27 28 2!) 30 21 1 5 6 7 S 0 In 11 12 13 1 I 15 10 17 1-i l'J 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 2? 2'J 3') ,1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 !) 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 Is I!" 20 21 22 23 24 2o 20 27 2-J X'J 3D ... 1 2 3 4 5 AI'RIL.. MAY.... JUNE., ' jt-r v " ALeJLM SEl'TEMBKU OCTOBER 0 7 U 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 10 17 H l'J 20 21 22 '3 24 25 'JO ' W7 23 2'J 3U 31 NOVE.MEER 1 3 ; 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 l'J 211 21 22 23 21 25 20 '.'7 28 2!) 30 .1 2 3 4 5 0 7 J 10 1 1 12 1.1 11 15 IH 17 1H l'J 20 21 22 23 21 '.'5 20 27 Jf3 J!) 3.) 21 DECEMBER. 2VcX 33 21. II t II V ''HE aubacrilscr haa received hrgi A. ed aasortment of and ran- ! ' i . ""' s"""'. "b ( ch.ap. es, ,, ncalnesa.cannut be si rpaawd.co.i.i.lu.g in part of I Black and coloi.o ( LOTUS, I Black lnjE.-hl.NS, ' Plain, B ack suit Fancy CASSIMEKKv, treiieli Urab 1)' EI ES. i Plain 111 ick i.nd F. d S.U VESTINCS. Fancy Linen DRILLS, i I and all other Uooas usually found in a first ct.i.a 1 Tailoring Eplablisiiiocnt. A.i ol winch will nc made; lo order or sold by Ihc yard en accoiiuuuda l ling tcrma. j J J. S. I'HILLKPd. j In re turning my thanks to I l.c ciiirns of Char- ' Inttc, lor the vcr kind ano libirai p.. Iroin.ga Ih. y J have bestowed on me, 1 would r. quest a eoi.lin.j. i amc of the same, with the ussrau. t thai all or. dera entrusted lo me, will be ntahy and proniptly txecuted. J. S. P. April 1, 1661'. 4tf Wm J. Kerr, A TTOJ; .K 1 A T LA IV ii titi on i;, v ., ' ILL practice in In. ( ..urtsol M. ekh nbi L Oll.ee li g op 44tf herr's Hot. I J. 1 . lil. . I I. .V O., ' uiAi.ias lit ! CO T CW ailll cli KiWLS of PRODUCE, xit t vi ici:i: r, , tllAKI.tjTli:,,.C. I i All orders attended to with despit. h. ilprii 17, IpI.1). t ! aiAi;i.oiii. iiotj;l; "i ... "i II Alt M I I :, .N. C. raviEPr .pri.t, JL still at his I ofti.ia Hoi. lis si ready lo lul. ', fi i the duties of " mine hoi" lolhe ! travelling piibln: and others who I may call on linn, and he li . tiers liiinsell that aa t comlorUhle qui iters can be louuu Willi lulu aa ' any where in Ibis vicinity. i mg situnl-.l near. I ly in the centre of ( hurlotlc, l!nainess Men will I find this Hotel a moat convenient ami ueairal.le ! location. He has heen ....gaged in the business at this aland nearly eighleeu ycra, and in thai time he haa made several a. Million to his former house, ami il In,, heen g, really rnla rgc.l and im proved, pres. ..tin,, in frm,t o tw n,y v LUANDA I OH lent in l..ii.th by (o ftol , w i.lth, h.in.laom. ly shaded by Ire. a on the -ide-walk, affording a pica, sant prom. nail, at all hours of the day. The lloii.r has I.e. .u thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every part of .t creature e,n(.,rla are ahunilant and tangihl. .cap. cially in the DIMNfS ROOM, where Ilia inner man" is "renewed" d iy by d iy . forme, led with Ihia Hotel are St.. blea a Hor.l i ng room lor Dill horses, ohiinil .nilv luriii. hid will. grain and provender, attended by faithful undo. li'.iging hostlers. The Proprietor feels con lid. ri I lhal experience an.l many it. w ...iv.ir.tagei d sire to please, be is nr. n , red lo off. ilh Ins '..ng Killed to his nd the real of mankind," ns many comforts ane s inin h oo.l eh.i.r aa will be found anywhere. i,-rlia(,a a liUle more so. J At .my rate tit the Ch .rlotiR II,. lei. i. It. K EH 11 ti'tnhrr 13. I M V. ;fju Superior Sjiml Macliincs, il' the ,Hi ;'i of thr f ',,,1,1, n t 1-I.wk OtClTHANE K SAMPLE Private Surwcai iiospiidi. , , i....i ..n. n.d a ori- 1 e i Infirmary in the town ol Charlotte, are now prepared te. furnish comfort able quarter, to those PalienU Iron, a d.Klance who may rc.iiireour professional aervices in Hie Irealmcnt ol Surgical diseases. . mm.. ,.l.n... In.l.lulion is located on Main street. in aq.net part of the town I he huilfliiig. arc i"w and well vent.llaled. with good out-building. nor Ihc uecnnimoilntion ol ne All diseases ..I a coiilajjl character will be atriclly e xc lude d. fonin nnicitiens thr.ml. tin Vul Cilice, ad. nrr l ul.:cll eV Gibbon, will receive prompt "U"'"tr- 1-.C.CALIAVE1.L.M.D. KOBEKT lilllliON, M. I. J. W. CALDWELL, M. V. Apul 17, IPC0. 411 WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGE OF PROrRIETOllB.) IIKOAD VI It F.hT RI-.W HI K., N. C, JOHN F, JOKES, Proprietor. ...lie f...i..,.i,..H resDectfullv announces to j ,.lai,e ol'lhia old and popular tatahliahment, and is now prepared to accommodate travelers and pri. JL the travelling punnc, cna. . e. .... ........ I ale fa mi lira Willi Uoaru oy en- j "J ' . . .. ... iWJ, ul. furnished with the be st provisions thalhoinc anu lorcign macac.es utlord The aiallillSloil 1II'I '"Ev ill. s, la nearer the elepel, llie come ...o..p. , .... I...' ....... i. il,alI miv other in Ihe tHy. An OmmtaawiU always he at Ihe de pol una laii.ling, on tuc arrital ol ihe cais and t. ainhoat, lo convey passe ngers to the Hotel tre e ol r linrge. ; By stopping l ih.s Hotel, passengers w ill have, ample time to obtain n.eala. Having also a large und comiuodioua Slab.c, and an excellent Ostler, he is luliy pn par. u board horse, by the day, wed. or iinmlh at ' most reasonable rales. . JOHN. F. JOM'.H. Matrh I. IH:-9. 5'" ; SACKS, Art liil I ami HnildiT, r I. I. furnish Designs, Pl .ns and I'raw.nej Vt for Public Buildings, I'riwle l.eal.lelic. a un.l Villas, rurticularattenlii.il ill be pant to I building Flouring Mills.foin .Mills, Ac. liinci; IU 3d atory of Ale luneicr'a Builuiltc, , Iron t tool!., over China Hall. 1 Urlo'.rr MG. I (.'. H 3'Mf j . ' Hemoval. Y Friends and Customers lie rcnec Ifully iTi informer thai I hove r. moved my I'm Shop to Spr.oga' Buck li u. Icing . Jo d. ..r Iron, the or uer, on Tryon street, where he wiil be pleas. el I., sec the m. T. iYRISToN. January 31, IP60. CO Scrofula, or King's Evil, L- . .,ii .... .. il-.i-. . i ...rriij.f...n of li.o I t I. P. -.J Ill tl. Cl.tlUtCl., it , .1: ... !..!. iiinl t. .:v i ui-' -..it . ti ..; v i,.u' ,if it. No i...-.n ! tr.. ,.;r., ... n .r i. thou- ii! i ',, h :' tuny . . i :.i i !-!..:. .as t...i. t ! in ..-; : , r ui il el:-. ..-. hue I.v.i..-. .' . or in I,. i.Oiy f.....l. linntii.. a.t. M'h i.i.::., Ihe ll pi u yi,H an.l. i . I... tl.. e mt..t:..u. W n it. . it a h. ndMlv l!., . . .: .,u.,:,V'f...n...-.. ,;-t...l..l.l,.n htt.l !.! lolll'l. L" 1.T1...II," ;nl.... ., Is- i.-i ..f II h.. sac. "I l:. ii...H'.Ue - ol the l.ith'l, I. p.. ii ' '.' ' i c I e il i . ., f , t' , I.e. i. n: i:., m il orim:... l t.-rii.eil tl. u: aids seiiiiii.--; iin.I on i. . . r..pti. ... or .ui.-. 'I hi.- foul e or l . li .'.ml. r. in tl.- .:.m.,i. ,l....r. . - ..f I te. -,. tl Tt ..r.ifiih.u. r.iii-l.i i- .1 oiiiV sirf r friiiu s. rofiiloiu. .-'.n.. i.'.l in. I. iv Cir I. s).r tu w.th. n'l... .- of ..!li. r it. m-.-is. ; en .. v . t . ini'. r. p. ii-h I.v ,ii-.,... r 1 : . I .' Ii M.l -if if ilotia ill ll-.. ir lile'cr-, in: . ! I.i' .1 I v t!-.. l.in.1 in the M . t ..! the l . .1.-1,1, puou win. h ,, '. :,,.,. an fiimU Ii i. il- oi i.'.n dir- .'lv r -.!.: . ... nat:..n: i.i.el n. env v ,1:- ,w.. tl l;,-r, ki In.y-. t.iain'. .1, d ..1 In. .0 .m:i.. an-c lioiu or Z,---t-.t'J:..tt't' scr.-f.,:...).; s- r. ii.vi.i.,1 I.v tl.i, i...:... in ii, I r ...-."li l- iir, l,ni,ini-. I.v it. - i fn.'i. tl. ' sv-f. Ill we mil.! renovi.t I '.y .11. al' I i'.e... ine.li.in.-, ami lu- .' 'v lc i.t,v i.e.. I and ex. lev. ! vu 'y ::. AY r. I IS iniil Kxlrnri of S,irnp;iril!.i, . tr , t., ,1 r.m..!y eel.;.), tl., m-l....! .y:I.UKi.n. fatal li.llie.lv. It is -e.m-in the mo.t artiv... rellll.,lls th il t,..ei. ..v. n d f..rth'-cyp.iri.-i!ion..f tl,n f. ul fr..-n the hh,o.1, n:nl he r.vK .t the :..tii is el.trii.-tiv.. f oii-j.!.i-.c... si.ouni I en, le.ye.1 for the .ur- ..f S. rof..:.i. but aUo'tlio-e other a!f.e sh iinv fioin it, .te h ay KnirrivB lit-iesia, St. Anth'ivT. F:hi, Fiuiin.A, 1'iHi'ira, I'teriiie, , ill .iati. H.Mia. Ti noie, TrrrrH L.ii. v., S, en. Ili en, ItiNowimei, :-i, !-1 1 nil.iric anil Mi.hi i hi ei. 1 M i.i-i. I)sin-n, Hi 1. 1 i.i i t. ami, i. I ''.etri.eia. la aiii.in.i rti.'H Vith. ti in. III..., i.. li.e popular Is. h f .' ufthe ),.'.,." Is f.nliil. d ill tin'!,, l 'i .':i.. . I,. rati. ,11 i.f the ImOo'I. 'I he puipo-.- ami virtue of Una Sar-npa-I i.iit'y and r, n. rat, tins vital tlunl, !,i-h -..tin. I h, iiltli la mipo-Jihlc ill Aycr's Cathartic Pills, PCI ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, ..,,,,,,.,,1 ll.al .ll- ise .eillii c rane rade Ihe ,d r-., l. lv withstand r.ipVrlMT, ..,: ...rli..n o lb. A a ,n-l -.nd d. .. I UV I. .lo'li,.' ihtv i .hid to find III! d I, " th b.it sis.. . v I he I, eiatit n al.- of thi Hi, I .IN pl.lllts I .!,,, ,:),,d.,..l.,.,t . sff-n... I'vma ... Mrl,t th,ll,,,r. .Oil of A lit: ion.pl st.ite of the body i.b.tn,. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, f oiiirhs, (oliN, lnflii. ilii, lloiirsearss, ii.iiu, llioiiehllis, li.eipl.nl I on sum p. t e.ii, unci for llie rflirl nl I 'misiiuipiiv., I'lili.nU ill i.dMiii.ed sin,... ol Ihc I, the fold uf il, us. film v., ite llie .... of ila enies, I linn of ... i.hliy atw.m.ila in pi Vlo'e r.' o,,-' "',f",!, '.'r'.rn.e"'. r".' Ihr'.'-t ,''," ' I 11 ill.,- f.il.d Hi -1 ...III ill, l... I,, . .' d 'H. I un. l,,,.- I I,,, ,. i ik o le lo bu : ,: ... ii. I I: I C Mil Ii H id?:, .i. '. avi:i: a. o. .'I I .'. !.. M - - . For sa'o by e. xvk mncinso.v sni), , F. 'Al!l! AC, ' HAVILANJ), STEVENS! N CO, HOIST OW'Al, riEIKRA1 anT l ir w n..iMi jj" Cflicc, South Ccirnrr Mark el ai.u yc, ll 3itr OKLY ritKl'A RATIO) n am Hi i aoors to si nor-u r u main i . , i;m j.l Tin: uoLiii OV A I,. For Sla lc until, Jui!(4 i s, I. elit.ua, I'l.jn, ,,,, the c.li.eal ,rli..olana well as i.c,si , Uu'' qualificu aanctiall, and rrcoiiiuien.l it ur ;;t ol eruptions, and Uiseusea ul the acalp ami t,N but all who have used it, unite, in I. ; till nlf , It will preserve Ihc hair lion, being rj, from tailing In any age, as well as ren,.ti, the following : Oak Grove.S. C. June L'ltlijj , l'or. O. J. VVoiiu : l.ear Sir; Your ., j toraluc is rapidly gaining popularity m n, t' lliunily. 1 have had oecaaiuii tu lay aside, "and give your lla.r Kcstoralive a ,,a i)u, mc; the year 10J4. I was an unf. r!Uh :i. l0 oe tn,wn Irnui n.y sulky again.i -i., , ,. n.au.ide.iVom huh my heuu i,ecn,u a i.rnlilc Mow ; causing o great u. ,,i i .,.. OI ,1,,. h.ad.lroiii Ihe ell.eu,.! , (lll,r tlla cnsir. jeu over II I of the head. Fr. m the lime I first ; elropp.ng, h.i. nr. up lo Ihc liuic 1 ,i, U,L; Tim p.ol .pp, i.,ue e, I c mployeU e ' VCMtllll.g 1 I ri, mi. .li ,,ou(, i,,, ul, rsland.i.g the nature ol il,r t ljul 1ut f,nMy nekatca in every pre,.rii di ! .j tll ,r alu oilier circunntnuei ire,;,,,, i,, r. sort lo j uur worthy Hair lie .ti r.,1,,,. , , ,1UV(, (lirv ,,., , tel.eve, pr. nu, to , i ),,,, t,.ttlti two no. mhs alter li . f,;ll , ,,,,,,, i,,,i as beaulil ul a head ol j -ui.x .1 i . cer saw . tur w l.icl. I sincere thanks. . at aaurd, dear sir reioiiimel..! jour lelutcy lo ail llic,uir, uul, 1 khall U-c in ) il.llucinr, !,;, myself lo say. is licit little. Ye u cii. i nl il.li Una II yon 11 Ilk , . Yoiiis, y.ry resp., i ' , e . ..,.c ,.. ,ro ,io, ,,,, ,,. Ccc. U'M , I ,,.r ,,,;! leel il my Uuly as , pe.,su.e, lo stale lo )..u Uu: w ,. atlil.ee, winch VyU call use )'. ii tl-,, A gentle u.au ol Una ,..c, (.. I., a , , i.; eecr since In. ...riy ..utli ; ... ii u. . he was eoapcil..! to w.ar a .j If , ceil lo ue -a w.li.e ol j ..u; 1 1 .., i I.,,. ii., h l.c liltu cry i,.ueh ; am. a I r .. !.. or Luce- D. tu.s ins iiair gi. a a ane: ... i gi i.thm ee. U ki,., c'" !'")"' Br .l.fy lu t.ir trulr. i 111..:! .i k .t oi y., i g eo- j Una . I, ! piop.r . Dk. "'H ' ;.,! n.y I my an. I'.a. r'l el.l. 'I I.OMI'.-i'N M 1. i Sir : Permit .... ... n.crr lor li.e c i.t re ry, Lul upon sli..t.ea " .1 .. .ii.iei.r your lv. I,..lc. ... th. at I,, llie .1 Is tl p. r.-i" Ihe U'j.-. I.o .IS .'. quart, 1,1 ; more in proporl.uii ai... n I n,, lor J a 1 1. J . W (.HID A I ., I r.ipn. lots, 4 I . hi New i or a, and III M .lael 1 ,M it j . ...1.1 by all g.s,0 Dr.lgtl.laali.l fan, (, .,. e.a and in I hariotle u M. ALU etc ( ' Jo. 3. 1 Still. l. J E. R. STOKES' Book Binding ll;illih!i; Iu lluuf. aliuit liruii.tl tahk, li. . . in: iu nar ul . D. SUuU M lnu. ,. on .'uu , . . Tl i .b.,1 Establl rnl 'g. all. I 1!,. Le.l II.ANh IA 111 'I Fill Al--. I am al ail Ii nu I.I. M l! a re.:, i : dera Hi I..I lint. Mid at Ihc sau.e- t n.. . Suire ot p-Uoi.ajjr. Iy pel ...I.a I j lie . I gieeu lo .ii ciders Willi wh.et. I in.) li. Hay .lie had long pf a. Ileal expert. I, e '. Ulacluie ol 111. A.N h lit Oh.-, sue in I:,, b I new and oiu I hl.N I EM Wuhh.-, I ti-io lhal I y.li, .11 a.l c.:...,t., .1,1.11 . . BLANK BOOK-, Bank lieoaa, ( lerka' Booas, tor liisii.e Si. . i.tl.', iidn.jiy's and I on on . .mf . ty'. Hnoaa, all let I I l and ll.-IMM tern, in the cry best manner, ol aoj r t . and l ugell alio l.i.Kae.l when leqi.ire , PHIN I I II Wulih.-. .Muaic licks, l....Jc,els.l'ai..pl.!. ls. V : abU Ihsufca ut tlety deatr Iptn.n, bound u. :i: in every vanely ol alyit. li An order, a, II he riecut.d Willi and aa low aa can be dune tlst w in re E. K. sl'oKK Janumy 17, I -til). :; Ml Hi II -( A KOI. I A A riutual Liie luaurai.ee Conipd.. ui i a E. h a 1. 1. it. it . A t 'III.- ll. j a,,) . II. I ,,. Ir one )c.r, a term cl y. l,n. M iltu.il I nc. .pi. , li.e assni pal.ng III llie pi..,ca ol Ihe I or I lu lu, tl may I. .iveii lor one. hull tin premium oearu.g interest al lj p. guaranty. I lie prompt maiii been .aio t. ll... em .p.. ny, log. rates ut premium, pres. ol t.'.-al in such as ar .lisp..a. ti lo inanre. relavea aie insure.) tor lerni ot t live yaara, h.r two Hums loeil . '.e All loss. . are paid veillilll Jl day I laclory prool is preseiitco. DlKEi 'IOI1S. I har i.i s E. Johnston, Wi.-. II. J lloln. h, W . D. 1 e.oke, J. W in Hostel, Mm ntiiir Losii.e, P. I . II .Mi hee, h. P. Ilallle, t barles B lowle, liieh'd II. liallie HHII EHS. Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Pn si. :. W . W . Hold, n, V ice I'rcsiii. ul R. 11. Ilallie,.-ecretary. W 1 1. 1. 1 ins II . Jon. s, 1 r. .surer . II W . Il i.ie.l, Aitor... y. Dr. W in. II. M. h.e. .,l,. -.1 Ei h'ircuttvr t ommttlee U. Ilusb. e VS I! Kee, f harles II. Root. -U.diral llwiid ( osidlslms - C" Johnson. M. M., .Ilium II. Auhei. Kich'.l IJ. II .j woo.!, .M. D., For forth, r u.forii aln.n, the pol ! ' led to the pamphlets, a nil forms ol pr"!'"'- " may ne ohliiini d ot the Oilier ol tl.l " or any of Its Agencies. t oiolnumcat.olis should he a.ie r. . s. i. . paid) lo. It. II. UATTLE, S,.),,,,!,,, K, K.,7 . (. v W est,ja f T..- ' e. Fk rn:.". lt f li N IIM. a. '