ifloril) Carolina (ftm. CSHtIT.OTT: Tiiesdny, M nr r li 12. IN!. ITU. R. Wakefield, :)., of lemur. ,. c-w.. '"lui tn ncl.ridn our suth-.r.ii J ..sent Mr M TMivf or.'era t..r lie Winn. WmiHf asNer. lio'nifiiu, una refeiol t'nr the a.unr. Anf nemois subscribing ri pay K. htm m.n liurr mn'hs ill (!. tl,r Wum for two a. .Mar.. The Inaugural. Mr Lincoln's Declaration of War will be found in another part of tins piper. It cannot fail to excite i ! ! r in the tr"st at u cai bosom. If the poliry tn it ked out by this man (God gave tho mark.) bu car rind out no, cot carried out, for that cm Deter It done tint, if it he attempt, d. then nothing can prevent l.lii.nJsbil Mr. Lincoln refuse- to recognize th r i b t if a State to secede, and holds tint uone Lave . seoeded, ami boldly proclaims hi inten li.ia lo take and hold 1 1. .? furl ami arse nals, au T to collect the revenue id the ceded aiai,.. Hi language i iiain and nti!iitkaiil r 1 ' T i . c power confided to me WILL BE 1'Sl.D l) HOLD. OCl I'PV AM' poS-.-r!-S I II K IT.opKi:, V AMi PLVKS Bi'll.oNULNli To Til K COYIIKS'IKN I'. AND TO COLLECT 1IIK K'lil'.S o.N IMPiRTS ." When tlii a'tempt i mad", and I.ii'roln Hi! . oath ccii; .-) lii.i. to make it. 3. id tt.at be baa sa-ny iiii-oki.il tfii' f ellDje Slid llllji ji.-f 0(' lllO S)i !. !T li h !. N it uure, t to :.'U he wer atue t.j c lnnand every mm in tin- North, and tii m;li th-ir ti:ii were L-ai.jti, be wou.-l h i h;in.f Uhiip'x to IMii. K th- r ) i- cdon 0 -iu:i .i uv?r wui'.L li" h . nd ouht to 1 1 re, no corn rol. Mr. Lino -in siv s nrri : "I iheicijre c toiler, that iti vivu! i'.iD'timti-iU and the !, ti.e Union Is M'-broken. :,! lo ti.e fX'-i.: cf my ..b: i't, I -halt take cire as tlic fori . ! 1 1 j ! n il-cil i;r.-iy nj inon n.-i III AT I UK l. VS Or i iiK t:lo.N li , FA I . li H'i.LY KXI-a'i i a!.L lilt fc i V 1 Ko ' It J Ji - iijl m t'ter a jf re J o.ti!. hut Mr T-.uc.iii, "cin-ii) T).'' lit; C')ii i ill r sin r; a ci'se in I nu ev i j o ( i rt. - Uo trU -o cmiiJ. r it. Thirc tin.' diff.'ttti'.'e. H dt.-ire-' it xtc rniiiiuiioi.; the Southern fj iple ilciro auu ay ti;at it ftiail b? let t int. Ti.rr' kiiotiivr d;u. rci.ee Mr L.tiuia he ihU'ii.ii tu "ixtcute tuf la in a'i the :at-;'' the pcoi.l? of siTtn of il.r Sou.fi'rn ?'9t? Cue declared t L at th-y c - no n-iuce. tui ii.tetil lo pay none, to Mr Lihrmu'a ijoK-riiiu-.tii. i'tirrc ia anomer and an irrrot.c':Ul nirj rene, ti.at Mr L.hco'n "coi.-wt- c-ili. fur !l--ititrrpoiiiou of force. H. iMttids in-.-tu. f t f stlt.e tUee dffurf uc-.n by a r-ort t o ariri T: U p aration c!oset is follows : ' In your bands, my di-ati.-ficd I'niow. C) 11.1 rytutu, hot it; ujIik!, i tu'j ihMiiv.iit.ju, IS" ip )l civii ar I lie ft j r uui-t.t mi.i li a. an you i-io ran have uo coi.fl cj : t.-u: toura-itri.' tt. a'r- V 'i !nt Uj oatli ri-tt rt-d iu iniveii t-j li -i-j tin: jpverriuis-, t. rn.e I l.av..' ii,t.. li. jt -j.. ruu ods ij pr-rrvc, pi And n. i d :'vtid it " I Ui' atd-mpt to throw tb tilji.c opoti t:o-i- fiti. wbih have at ri it .per. in tL tl tc " of a pljin and undjuLied rilii, t rij'id-r tlitir CJlihrX"!!! itii ti:e u,a L ' i n it! 4trati bim rthio 'fur people of th- S uth uti'itr-tarid tri ma'ttr r f :., fcti'i whoever in at'tor day tLa I ri a M.. bi'try of ihc-e tim, nl bud BJ diriV-'iity IB af!:j:Of! tb" b'a'i.r wb're it i-i''.t .-fi We are vtiiitiL.; tb- i'tial I:, 4'. i i ci!. ui to aim And urn tn b j' i it oU'-c taken from tb acubbard, we bi-rie it may oeer aain be beaiii?d mitt' th'- r i; b t of the Ho'jtb are acktiow;cdj.'ii a: r. -;' Ctd Htx.eiul -r. tt.t " J JiihaiiO As.ylun. T. t have itceivd Itie j;.p'ttff the Pr.-s.d.rit and Directors atrJ Super ii'end ettof tit Ittahe A;liii. ' -f N rtn Caro l.ns, f;r lb. year ending .Njv 1. -'i'K and It 1. iioth it we ltaru thai ti.e p.tnr.t ad'i.inrd from Nov 1. I"-!1! t . Octo' -r -'A, 1-n I were 15; "f which number 'li were u, . es aril Ci females. Pati.-h's iu the A .una during iht 10 veai-, o '!, mats l-ii feina es I 1 J Kubaiuniif O.jtover 31, l-i.l, 7!; males 114. Kmas H Pa i;i.ts discharged, ihc'u'lin, auc ei .pein-i.t, i dealt,., 123; male. 72, l'n.a.--s 51 1;. i. i 1 n i . 27 u.al.-" ami 17 ( D ,rn- .'J-i, of wbo-ii 23 died la. I y i. a.ti Tb- b-ttrr aoL'.is of our n.t ire ' V.' H. t what Abe ui ans t,y thai' IJ j t.-r-I- . . mm mean (Jtheial !t-."-!t ai.d bis 1 ...fi. 1 hey wouid 11. a. e q..--er r.-i,a-iii;. ai.g. .s. ' and sIjiii ih.y luj'.ii me "ins -tic cnott'.'' tltey had b'it"r ib.-a out. er ii ey may get ".trviek" b.. k V hav? 10 !,eJ cf any 1.1' h "srg.ij liuwu thi. 7 It IS 'IU f, .1 a-t. ai,i we Ue-'re 10 ,1. :i f'-'u a;. A--- re ,!, h. tu CuTTiiN is King. The New York Her ald publUbea an elaborate aod eoinprebeu aitt article on the future growth mud aupply of cotton, bicu bbows tlint all the at tempt hitherto made iu India to rital the I'nitetl Static io its culture, hate failed, that th inl.-rtropical rrfjioua of Africa aud eil.iT eouhttici produce ho better ahctfcn, and that the only reliable cottou region to be found iu the world, t.- found iu the Uni t. , Stale. I'lider thre circumstance, (he course ui Kuclniid i- plain, tiotwilh i undi ti ir 'h cavorting of the British press. I he pifbiie kctiti in i lit of tint tight littl-i i-;Hi.d iua be a refractory for a lime as fnil-cr. but the Bare of I lie lull!" Slates sons tatna the ferocious qi.idrur.ed, ai.d iih a mni of cmtoii bad linn pUc i ii rtti'i .obriy iu ilie w.iy in which he should no. Kvltmon.i Dispuhi. There, heed bj no apprehension or alarm in lizard to the course that Filmland will ' pursue, she baa eiinily as cachy a palm a our Northern neighbors, and alien dol lira and cents, or pauuda aod pence, are in the fcale, it lakes no great amouut of vi-ciiiati in io ttU which way the beam will kick. The protestations of the Kniish press, and of theUieen hcr-elf, at the opening of P-triiaih in! in regard to the 'Union," auiuiitit to but tery littie. ibe has her eyes and ears Loth np. n, and wbulever others tuny do. -hu wiii be verv certaiu lo attend to bt-r interest. And tuat that interest is identified with the South, is too plain a pro0.-uiou to need argument. It is .1 fact pali lit to ali. The Free Trade policy of the Southern Ceafe leruey wiil place untold tai-lions in her ciders, and before this ten. (.tii, buti.j'let, jil In r love for the I'll ion, ii sl.e evtr had a'ny, r,a!d vanish as t ipors befjre the nurnin.' un T... l.,.ieen in her opening address doubt-l-s , ,r ciiiei upon Ij s:iy soiiicthitig to tue p ..'pie uti this .-i ii! of the water iu re jmi Or i:e init.v compliments paid to the vouiig spii0' ol royalty, the Prince ol Wale.-, h'l-j on his ij-iibere. Therefore she s . j 'i tj tn-- lni "i. not knowing that in, re m j-ii su-.-ii au ihstitutiou no t iu ex-i-t-i.ee Atid,hiio spra'mng of Princes, ie le.- leave to iuform her royal highness ii.it we, iu this country, have a young I'lili.'e One 1'i inCe. o: Jl ui.) that bids f.n o ri-.:i ii'-r ou b-.lo.i i oll-pring. ltd from present indications. e are uotso - i.-e but that l e too mil havj to make a 0,eicu t 'ur fr the heottit of Ins he -.i. tii. Li nt.s's Caimnkt The Senate cou firm''1, on the -hIi in-t , in n crct session, ii.e ! omg uiui- d g-iiileu.cn as members o! Mr l.iucoius (.'ab.h'.t W'ti H Seward, of New York, Secretary (il ?:ate; S I'. L'iiae, ol Ohio. Secretary of the Treasury; S. ('anieron, of Fetiu fv ivaiiia, Sicr.-tary of iVar; S Wells, Sec r tary of tr.e Nsvy; C. Smiib of luJiana, Secretary ol the luteiiot; M Biair, ol Maryland. Pomuia.ter lit u.-i a!, and K Hat-, of Mi- oun. Ai'orn-y li hural. The v j t s ubaniinous for ail excepting Bates and liiair, fjur or five totes being cast -ij! ain-t e ach. A Br .in-KAlia- NOT Tn ii K P. P.- '00 SI ZED. be f iinii.g is from the New Y-Jik Her .ii, of the &;tj iha'.ant. We have no .ijjht i vs the i aroimist , that it is substautiaiiy Ua-ntMirnS. Miroh 4 1 lesru that .;r I oi.s. the Brill-:. Mihistur. has orh .nl y ii o: l li ri the Aihericah (iovtrtiuii'Ut :,ai iret lint. in wi I not reognne a I Criade of the Sjithern ports, ublv.- It is h j.-out-b m i iff Clua1, h'.d that the mere u -i;u i.e. nt of a hloeki i", iu accordance . if h lb-: Treaty of Puns, will not be recog ,1 in -vrdVr to rniike t!i btockadj of the :iJt:.e;u p Ji ts thus i: jhipleir, ihe Amen an li'K:ri.i!n-iit ui'i-t hive vessel-eiiDj.b o bl.-ckade every pjtt. otherwise the Brit-.-b 'j'.'Veratneiit unl teei tlieihsei ves com e:."'l, in aecitdahc: with tbeir engage-ii-.iil- w:tli oiiitr powers to uisr-gard the -! r i c 1 1 o n and cairy on their commerce ll'ii th- ;U'.llerti p 'tis as ii Iu sach tl.&ck- IM.V.UC ll. Fl'stDA Stay I.ttv Ihe Mariaona Knterprise un aertati'i that the -Stay Law, afier reverai modmeatious, passed both Loi-esot the L-gisature It otly Mats t!i sale r.f prop.-rty now under execution, jt.t:i lb 6 ' l M .hday in .laiuary n-xt provided tii'? defendant gives bond and se curity tor its appearance. A " 'UK " The Bs-ton put. not hav-lii.- tl,- l-ar of Abraham or the Prince of H .1 t..f ,re it- eve-, gels 18 the folio--ir.g: ' i iry, af;-r rr adir.g th rtc r.t speech's of ILe Pirsidetit necl. whether tbu-e Who in iJYIil ' il d A'.tt " ws- ab e. do hot now r. a 1. that ihey male an "L" of a n.is tare.' 'i'lis 'Ojnds rather like a 'FJlagli.b'' Pl.A -"Ti.i-," tays tbf San '", "is the cry throughout at pater repeals 111 i.iy re a- del '.','atti son-. ti,.r cliinf oi.e tiemg the l.a'-i-ity of th S . jtherri p jits ta a bicenade t y the I'mted State. 1 'ateriimrtit, 111 (he event of war, in n"h c.-e cj ton rt'nj.'J Le of t.ual la! je lo lh p.-anl-r prae- li-- .'' net:- of the t.t!i"i d.-iiiitid that some pr jvi..iou sl.o aid he nude lor secu. ring te- "s'ati af .it- ' B e,). tLe pE-,pi-aid tie ar!', uij-'. h-.ve, and it can be pt'ai,c.1 at b .tn f.r cb-aper than it eai, be imp-artel ii'.ni ai.-r-aad Let our lai a. ra maae a nolo cf Iri.s, and pr ifit by it 'h"t will ti.'i a ready market for ali th- c iu and i..at that lb y may produce, o'i al rc ui JL 1 an e jinci". Mt-.tlifc : A li'.fr from Wi.it's Creek, .: . - u : ; ,ni, . N 1.' , ou ll,..- 20.lj ii,.i , .ay. 1.. ,t a c'.nl a- ihir.Jer. d at liiaUeh lln'.t.jr.lj 1,11 Jj.-.day ,a-t, ILe -'-'ia t J h- c .1 d w.i, tne dsug'itrr ol 'I'- i I'.' -am. a;e J 'j y,;, J ; ,- ti,.,. ' ' 1 -'"at 2 '0 yard. Iron, its 1 " ' '''' IS... murder..! is 'at.tetai The Vote for Caavanttoa and No Con veutton iu Noftlt Carolina. Conv'N. No Con v'n. ' I ooi ,,,..! Coustiis. Alamance, Al "lander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe. Beaufort, Bertie, Uladcn, Brunswick, Buncombe, Barko, I'.-ihainis, ('aid well, Oamdeu, Carteret, Canneil, l!ata ba, f'hatiin, Cticrokee, I'bow an, Oli'avoUnd, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, David, n, Divie, D iplin, F.Jirecombo, Fjrsyth. Fr tDkiiu, tiaslou, Gates, (Jranville, (ireene, tiuiitord, llalif.x, llarnetr, II ly wood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, .1 icksun, J ohnst on, J-ities, Lenoir, Liucolo, Maeoti, Madison, M irtin, McDowell. leekler.burff, M ohinnniery, M lore, Nash, New Hanot.-r, Northampton, .Onslow, Orange-, Pa-quotauk, 1 Perq illliaus. Person, Poik, Kaii'iolph, ' Kic'iinou'l, tohesou, ' K icKinghani, Boa.n. Butherford, 1 Sampson, Stanly, ' Strikes, ' Surrv, Tyrrell, L'nion, W,k.. Washington, Wataugi, Warren, 210 &t;u 598 -()) 4f;iJ 59H 13- 4SH 67 i '" 8!)H lrtii 41 415 O'.n HIS t2SM! H'J 201 1270 em S'Jl S8.- 447 300 a on Viol lfltlH 2-6 7sn bOT 307 lti50 l.i7 1 1 :) 104!) 4j.l jtl') 2:i! 47C 191 4:35 741 2 d'J 417 7oy 25o :4 j 2 C;j 14H -1 13.1 tl-'.i 171 57ii 33! 4-if 150 2U'J 593 t-0 361 45 33 400 808 h-il 970 y.i B5 204 207 134 5lf 14(10 23i 774 125.1 51 300 34 55ii aio 032 4(-u .jtjj gc, j 2"Jl 137 153 1795 ooi 222 . T 1 0 2.71 39 241 307 m 74 292 lnl 1S19 S3 251 11 .VJu 1150 3. is) 530 7i,3' 8;(0 1130 15S 413 41 3.1 24.' lMSO 1490 50-i ne, Wiike, Wilson, Yadkin, Yanrey. Total, 1-. Usi d j-i l.,Ul 4),4.l A s I' roBTOAl r. Favi.lv. -There are .... . , , , . person, t-ited at certain periods of their l.vts by suoh a series of innfortune that it is hard for them not to believe in spells, or what the Dalians call "jetatura." About three weeks ago, Mr. Joseph B Aueoin. a reaneetahle cinxen nf Pi.ii.nii. villi.-, mi-sed one ot his children, six years old. He immediately went for it ail about his pr. ihi-cs, and finally discovered it drowned in the well of his house. fix or seven aeys alter this sad accident, another child of ibe same fiinily fell into a large eaithcrowarc cislern full of rain wa- ter, and would also have perished , if a per son who happiiy was pa. sing by, bad not seen it in time 10 take him out alive. I be tery next afternoon, some one bat- ii.g l ad occasion to go lo an outbuilding where Mr. Aueoin keeps bis corn, and here be had, on the moruinu of that day, chained a tery fine slut of his, fouud with horror a third child of this unfortunate gent emen, atretched on the floor, in a pooi of biood The poor boy, only ten years oid. had brrn attsckil by the road beast ahiic he was picking an ear of corn, thrown an. bitten to death, and torn to pieces 1 he dog was killed on the spot, and poor Mr. Ancoin is entirely disconsolate. Arii1 .hlitint J icnyunf. Fl'iK The alarm of fire about 2 o'clock this morning, was caused by th'i burning of the building owned and occupied by Mr. S. P. Iveyas a Sash and B.ind Factory, a hort distance north of the depot of the XV. i W R R Co Ihe building, together iiii the iiitchiti' ry and stock of materia sai entirely causunicd. Mr. Iv.-y esti males ins l iss at about c I o.tiun it was no d-iubl vbe work of au incendiary, aa we learn that the factory was not iu operation yesterday afternoon, and no fire was 011 the premise at dark. Mr I a loss is tery btaw, aa there was m insurance M tliiii n xtnii Journal. Fatal Aicidknt. On S inday eteniug, Mr Farthing tiarrard, while retarning h'jiiie trim the bouse of one of hi. neigh leu", wa thrown from the mule be was rn.ing, n1 ta t .11. ai-nit.-t a tree, Wis eo hadiy ii jir. il lli .l he ui. ii 111 fuurleen or h!'een i.ij irs Mr itwrrwrd was u member '.f th.- M-tiiodist Chutch, and was much .teemed by his neighbors aud friends. Ht was ci.aritiible and kind, on all occasions visiting and comforting ihe sick. He ha -it a wife and three daughters to moarn ir tuddeu and heavy loss. llilUL'ui ouh J.'fcnrder. .,!.... "'.iin. ... ie.ru mai on Sa-arday evening last, Mr, John Rradley. an agnd and much respited c.tneu of lb,, D,-lnct, suddenly dropped dead while in ihe ail of sh.viMg The sister of th. de- e,,a."d a, immediately snot for, who, 011 reach , (,," ro.m of ber brother, fainted and Hied .1 a few moihent. Ajjrvil!: Ut'ir sr. StMiks Dr.ATHH We learn that on Horrible Murdkb We learn from a reliable source, that preaoher by the nawie of Andrews, residing in Sumter county, h id been aceused of perputrating an outrage upon his nciou, and habitually , uiawne. j.uu nuguiwiurs.u- inoned Audrews to appear before theru on the 1 6th; on the morning of the 13th, Au drews, armed with a doublu-barreled gun, :H. 1 : .-I. .J I. .1" i nuu, urauo ol pistoix, Hon a uuupie m knives, visited the bouse of Mr. McOlen- don. firing one charge at liiiu with fatal result lie iunnediituly discharged the ' o'her barrel at Lang, (who was partially concealed,) disabling him in bis hands. ' Lang closed in with Andrews, wresliug tho ! rifle from him, aud retreating gate ihu rifle ' 10 ''r' "j"' WD0 ju3t re,0'l"' 'he ' ground. As Andrews was still in pursuit, tiyaii urea at iitui, nut wnnoui enect. Andrews returned the fire from a pistol, woundiug Hyatt in the shoulder. He then re loaded his gun, went Co the house of Mr. Condry and killed bint Bet. Mr Parker , being at tbn house, aud Dr. Mcllemy ri- i ding ep, seiied Andrews, and in the scuttle 3(3 which ensued, Dr. MoHenry narrowly es caped being shot by Andrews, who fortun f,Q 1 slely pulled the wrong trigger, thus giving ja,1(i ; the Doutor time to divert Ihe muszle of the 3) KUB before it was discharged. 1 The murderer secure I, ihe uiliicns were j summoned to the scene to discuss the merits 1 4 li U 0 caie' ,n oa" hour Andrews -y: expiated his crimes upon the gallows, re 100 8re"'D(? deeply that ho had not killed his ... I wife, the Regulators and others, whom he j.j ! named. Micanojit (V.i ) Cotton ytntrs BEN. Mi.CULtOCH AND TUB RAN'- UEKS." The Galveston (Texas) News of the 25th, contaius tbo following, headed "Texas Hangers, be ready:" Headquarter.', Middle Division, ) San Autonio, Feb. 22, 1801. Mksshs Kditors: Please publish the g enclosed circular, the object of whioh is to , 71 hate every man prepared for the service 193 1 who wishes to enter it for twelte months, ifj Sj ' not soouer discharged. The Federal troops 3;-,i) are now abandoning the frontier posts, aud ; 532 'heir places must be occupied by those of j ) i Texas, as soon as possible. Your obedient: oj-jsertaut, Bun McCllLikh, I o.-,j Col. Couiiuauding. 1 7iO 1257 1 Circular to those tc ho uiM fo tntrr into ij;j ! the service of' the suite: j 210 Our frontier must be protected. Let il 327 Dot be said that Texas Cannot defcud her- j js'J self as she did in the days of the Kepub.w. I 1450 Two regiments of Uaugers will drive the I 420 the Indians from oar borders aud make j H2 ibem beg for peace. 107; 1 have no power to tall men in the ield 177 for this purpose. The Contention wiil no 123 doubt do so as soon as it assembles. Let 2400 the gallant young men of Texas respoud , to the call A vrood horse, a Colt'a oistol. and a liL-nt! ' rifle or doubt, barieled .hot un that o.u be used on horseback, are the best arms for such service. Too Cainanjhes will know "the Hanger is at home ou tue prairie', a-ain. Bx MtAL'l.l.OCH, Col. Comuiauuiug. The Nxw Administration. A Wash iogtou letter writer says : It is stated in Presidential circlet that Mr. Lincoln will inaugurate a new system in regard to eabiaet consultations. Hereto fore u hai been the eia.tooa ! ilia Hra.ideui lo be governed, to a great extent, by the opinion. 01 tue members 01 the caoiuel, as .hnwri ht their tot s: but Mr Lincoln has plainly intimated tbal uuiler his administra tion bo totes will be taken iu the cabinet, and that he will, aftT having con-uiici " -- ' v., , .l.t he wil . aft;r hv nrf eoii.ulted with it, take the responsibility of carrying "n' f"'3 ""P""" ' '"u,r upiinuus. j no e.uiu.s, uo s.j, .uu.. ui utll!, ,ud, if rowitlle U de,CMt)1 t0 details ot etery department to carry out his niea-ures. He ta'ies Jacttsnn for hie model, J wt 111 JJ '? H'e.y tim.e before tLe cauiuet are warm iu uieir seats 11 on f rics cut his erude ideas. The jam at the huiei. continues. WiHard t0 aiDli'1 fifteen haodred ; N atioual, one thjusaud ; Brown's, five huudred ; Kirii woods, three huudred; Clay's, three bun- n,u , ..urcwu, iui w , o u.i.Na nana, , tur'e hundred. , Kcualor S :w ard baa taken for four years j th w a'hiugton Ciub House, directly op ; Pitc tDe "bite House, ou Latayetie . Sqaare, for bis private residence. It has beeu closed siuce the Sickles tragedy, but "'H 00 be refined for the immediate oo-: cupaticy of the uew Secretary of State. ! I1" inundation of Northeru politicians' continues uuabated No ies, tuau twemy (iovertiors, and ex-tjovernors. and Senators aod tx-i-Oi,grc..uien without number, aro now here, uilcls and .0 Igmg houses are crowded to suffoation, and a general bundling up has become oecoss.ry 1 be amount M iliar., s 10 10 trm, i,i i.mii) "Q 1 rresid'.niial taniily a no ,. J ,r '1 , 1 , ..If continues uu.ff.cted by the di.gu.shing servility and sycobaticy ahow-eied upon hi,,.. But.o,eot tbaseth.t earn. wh htii, wr.' ar. iittff aaiLh eianeHit .t . f.i.rlul " rate. Tint Stab or tiik Wkst The sumter Waichmau publishes a private lelUr from Ior ""K5" 'P' .'lO'iowau is on me stooi 01 repcui.uce lor tue psn be iui in attempting 10 reinforce Fort Sum ter wnb the traons ou hoard the .team !r of th- W.-t. In the U tter it is said that be is a .Smi'ierti man by birth aud iu feeling, and w as dood winked into that en ' ; trpri-e Capt. M The writer says that be believe.; iowan would tight, sooner than' anywhere else, uudur the bauuer of the 1 Southern Confederacy. : ; . , . All tut. Litter. It is still usual iii some churches fur woman lo occupy pews on one side of tbt bui.ding, aud the nieu to sit by themselvej 011 the other. A elergy u.au ib the mid lie of bis sermon, beanug some conversation going on so loud as to ui-iuro bu.., oohip ainetl of it from ihe pub pit A woman iiuuie diately rose the pur- P,e f defending her aex, and said " ibe t"""t " " our aide, reverend sir." So luecu the better, ui V rood woman." replied the gieryuiau ; "so much Ibe bet ter; it will O'lir the sooner. ' Tut Fri.tis or OrrtcB Sibmvo. Whi in. 1 Bi.ii.ur urrni hi.ivii While ,1 , r w 1 e Mr Lu.ooli. was on h.sway 10 Wash.ngloo V . "j" ,"m bM Cun the tra.u .topped at ,o,e lo-u ia Penis,,'! " """MU mul l00 ' vhi, and a man stepped Toward and of T he,",J U" P"ioulr. fered a eoupl, of ap,,,s to the President1 '''" Hough oln, lh ,nst. icl. A lime boy , the crowd yelled out. Til Unto Vam Wv ii Il is belietcd il "aay, Mr. L nkin, tnt mau is running for Washington, say. a Washington eorrespon po-maatet ! be d ,or of the apple, col de,-, Uiat Van Wyck g bu p.mm.luig laapu-d a;d eveaxi wf ,ti-btor. a bousj of ill fsuit. Ye Flight of Ye Kayl-Splittr. A B I. LAD. We clip Ihe fullowinr j'- d'upril from the New York D.y Bmk t Ol' all ye flight" lat ever were flnwn, By .eteral ier.nin. or "li" nlollo tirSnniio.i. r l'. Frwiiklio'a kite; Of" M'lieiu " llitnimd, aw-iy Iroui the fight; Or Ihe flight nl" Pr.il'e..ur l...e's b-ilbxin, Krum here In Kni(l nil, n u-y at imhiii, 'I ne funniest fliflit of the lre.irie.l bire Wn Abrilnni's ft iu ta I tlnuuuli II iltinmre ! 11. Weary aud wnrn, hkn a liunleil moose, I, mills hh ihe windmill. Iisi'irmc Imne ; H iiktlii! l heart and li tfl'ly ut lirail, Tui! till) Kill Splitter ho went lo bed. Unl i:.ir. e in hi. hl.uiki-ta ritvi'l. ptd w is he, Wheu he criiil, " I .mi struck Willi a bright hire, Frnruie me hither, and don'l he lung-. A Imt rum loady.and make il slruin, !" 111. Now various drenm. srn like In come From a )r i tn in i ii bniKet "I" K-i'id old rum ; And some ol them, to", are JUI o. hu1 Aany that Tim O'Snnnier had Anu au, when Abr.hiin Imd him down, Tu dream ul dmng 0 e Southerners Ur.iwn," Il chanced thai a pluntusv, blood y iiml grim, l ame sailing oversml lit on Inm ! IV. Dead men tossed about like shine ; Drukeii bridges ; blooil ai.d hones ; (ini.niiig death', heads, aueh as grace K.ort antique buri.l place ; Digger pistol., bludgeons, kuiis, 'l'iuinier .hnwera of reil hot Umiii ; T'u-ge he mw, or seeltieJ lo ec. All baciuae ot the " bright idee ." V. Then suddenly, in from the murky night '1'nere came s mrs.i-oger, wild with frtght, Ami he erie.l lo Abr.h.iin, where he Ut. CJ-1 uo, uiil lelh.w, ud eu- ty away !" So tlie il-.iii.il phantoms ol'.ltepjase place To verv rai Ileal lire ot the e.ise ; Ami the iiai. S;ilif.er said aa he lojked at him, John. Just Wail nil 1 get injr trowjn on! " VI. So he swore on oath, by the Kingdom dune, Tnat ..tan wa. in the gl.r. i.f rum ! Ami he said, ' nnjr I never .iiil rails again, i don'l run iff by a ieeial tr iin T" Then, .hruu i'U cl ,s-!', up t.v Hie i t's, W illi a clo'ik and a Scotch cao l.ki .rise, lie lafl his nuople dl.solvri in brine Ami ran away as the clock .truck nine. VII. Swiftly along the I enlral Road Went the liny horse with hi. p cciotii load ; And al every snort l-e are neo to av, s. ' l it a Vv eat rn getitl mall ruimn'g awjy ! Tlie grrali at ht-gira uoiier lh .uu ! See ll il l.u't a glormu. run 1" Tin. Hun. .1 A'jr iluiii. s ite an. Sluiiij at luat nn tlie t'apitul gru id. VIII. Ah, very nohle il seems to be Thtf iiiin.ro .lui t! . r'l ot ehtv.lry ! A tin Vert ft. .Mr and verjr graitil I.. Hie e-ileli al inaii t in the land, A tin In III I" tlC i II, ataiw- art ami Isl , W ii.. ran aw.ir q.... ..g fr-.n X " I he " II. ni.t I ," in 'lit. W ho akulkert hi tne ntgl t lo VVohn.jt AM KB 10 AN AN I'lyL'ITIK?. From unsnswerahle facts and statistics, ' evident tnat the great talleys of the Chio aud Miasi-sippi were onoe the abode of mighty uatiou civhijed aud reined warlike and brave desceudaots of thoae mighty nations lo whom we have alluded, : "d who sealed in the country long before the appearance of the Savior upon the earth. Near Islington, Ky , are ihe remains of au ancient cilacoinbe, formed in the solid rock of liuae.ioue. This eurio-uy was discotered iu the ytar 1770, by the early settlers of that country. The uiouih of the eatsro was eatirely couctaled with t.loiics, which nn hemg re- moved, opened into a cave of immense 1 B1gLitiide 1 ,e .idea of this spaeiout arariratBt re found upon examination, to be cut ill to niches or campartments, occupied by agiimt reprseniiug men lit lurther in r.t ' esnr'aii hi iiie.e a. area were ui.covereu to be uiuuiaiiL'i bersons bre.ervd he th .rt . "t embalming-..,! exhibited a at.te of pertectlou e'i ial to that known at any tine J ,u,, , , u ; miutl lul , r, w prieie4 ky ,h people, t Ij ree thousand lour hundred and ,e.ulj nro ttT, prevlou, uj,cof. ;er, io Ki'itlucky The eataoombe wa. ca pable ot b-il ling two ihou.-anS suhj-eit. Agaiu, there is fouud ou the Ohio riser, near 20 miles below Wabaab titer, anoiasr remarkable work of autiqnly. It 1. a tery large cave with smooth pel pendicular walls, ln j , j(lt . ,gfi j lje lr4 covered j,n hciroglypbie figures cil iu solid stone, auj r, wcij tXl.0lllt,i. Among Ibcmare rcprctaxiUtatioDw of wuiuiiila uukuoaeo to the p,eM1 ti.eration. This cave is one ot tu(. grei,e,t c,lrl0.itie. on the Ohio, aud is C0UUe(,,Ka with a dark, dismal cavern, Deir ,u, 8ilue ,llv .Licb is located di' recily above, and which is aoe-esible tiroil(,h , chimney like ap.rture. ut.u we tiew the aneieut mounds and Tuiuu 1 of the West, we are lo.t iu wonder i(1 vle,0f ttjB UUB1,eri ma nitude sad oh- acuniy of their otigiu. There are several ' null.jrtj, of , w,r , ,h0 valley of ; lc Ou)0 , j ,i,et ,uJ 0IUK ' ,,..,. .,,..,.. ,,. a. ....... ..l . .u human skeletons, ihd,ciig that they places ol deposit ol the dead. They also br ,u .)Krall0, of having been con , M t0 , j oi u mui . have bi.en, Iroai time to lime, einumad j from those mounds, and it is most .iginfi I c.Lt, that iu a great majority of instance. 1 there tints a reu.atalaoio resemblance be ' tweeu these relics f-auuU iu the hineteenth , century, and aiucies wliicU were kuowu to have heeo u-ed among the Romans, lire- ciaus, aud hgypiiaus befor the days of r ; Cnrist: Clri'rlnnU 'ldiinr itrr. Dxal tjgsTLy witu 11m Fhievix. Soon some ol them, p rbaps tu brighusl and best will wail lor luee 011 the other shore Tlieu ihe unkind word, unloving act, will pierce sny s iui like so eutenouiuii dart. I Deal t-oderly with tin living ; beautifv thv I home with the garuuds of peaoe aud love; crowothy 7re.id ailar w.tli detoi.ou and . forgiting .p.rit, and tby own head with , blea.iugs I ' W IJteely raves like an enraged man at ihu Way tilings art. going. He biaiuea Lm ; colu lor fleeiug disguise to Washington 1 would evldeutly hav, t-g,,, bad he h..n knivd, and .ays, - If the alleged conspiracy i was real, Linciu may lite a buudred years without liuuiag auolher au good a chance lo lie. ' Bkoke jail We learn that William Sauls. a iu jail io this plao for the mur- IMPORTANT SPEECH OF GENKBAL j KILKY, OK MISSOURI. I We oall imiuodiate attention to the fol lowing speeoh. We eoinmeud Ihe eloquent remarks to the itudioua perusal of all the patriots of the land: Vftcr a long and heated discussion on Ihe reference of a bill amending the charter of the city of Carondelct to a standing rrnm mil tee of the House, Mr Biley obtained I the floor and addressed Ihe House: I Mr. Spkaker: Ktcrybudy is pitobing into Una mailer like toad frogs into a wil low swamp, on a lovely cveniug 111 Hie balmy month of June, when the mellow light of the full moon fills with a delicious flood Iho thin, ttherial almopberic air Applause. Sir, 1 want to put iu a word, or pet baps a word and half. 1 Theie seams to be a disposition to fight. I say, if there is any fighting to be done, ooiuu ou with jour corn cobs and lightning bugs! Applause In the language of the snclont Boinsa, I "iVine one. Come all, this rock shall fly I from its firm base, in a fig's ye " I Now. there lias brcn a great deal of boiu bast here to day. I call it bombast from 1" Aloha" to 'Oinei-a." (I dou'l understand i Ihe meaning of the words though) Sir, j the quesliou lo refer is a great and uisgiiifi ! ceut question. It is the all aorbiug q ies ! lion like a sponge, sir a large uumeas I urable sponge, of globe shape, in a small : tumbler of water il sucks up evcrythiug 'Sir, I stand here with the weapons I have 'designated, U defend t!.i rights of St ! Louis county, the rights of any oilier eoouty I even the county of Cedar itself Laugh 'ter aud applause Sir, the d.bale lias assumed a latitudiuosity . Wa have bail a little biaek jaek buncombe, a tittlu two bit buucoine, bomba.t buncombe, bung hole buncombe, wed the devil and bis grand mother knows what other kind ot bun : combe. Laughter ! Why, sir, just give some of 'em a little I Southern soap sod a little nortbrtti water, ' and quicker than a bound pup caa lick a 'skillet they will make enough buueouibe 'lather lo wab the golden fl ek that roam abroad the ature meads of beaveu. 1 al ' lude to the starry firmament, j The Speaker. The gentleman is out ot 'order. He must oonnue himself lo the question. Mr. Riley. Just retain your linen if you j please. I II slick to Ihe text as close a a , pitch plaster to a pine plank, or a lean pig ,10 a hoi jam rock. Cries of "go on,'' 1 " you'll do." I I wsnl 10 say to these carboniferous ! gentlemen, tb.se iogueoua individuals, these j detonating demonstrators, these peregiu u volcanoes come on with your conunitibi" ! If 1 don t well I'll suet the gutf of Mexi so through a goosu quill l.auhler and applause J Petbapsyo-a think I am dimiu I unve tubers and sparse in ibe mundane cic tstion. You may di-e iter, gentlemen, you are laboring under at great a misappreheii sioo ss though you had loeiucrated your iu I oar vestment. Ia the language of the noble ! bard, I 1 wis not born in a Ihieket To be scared by a ericuct " I Sir, we hate losl our proper position : Our proper position is to the lei.iib aud ha dir our beads to the one, our heels 10 the 1 other, at rilal an.'le with the horisin, .pan ded by that slure are of Ibe lu-iruu- hrinv tiinii, bright with the curru 'Ca ion oi in numerable couslciiatiuiis, a.i I p'oud aa a speckled stud burse ou county court day "Bat how hate Ihe illicitly fallen, " in the language of the poet Suvvr.miih We hate lost our proper position. We bate assumed a alohiudicular or a disgnologiaal position And what is tbe csu-e' Keho answers 'buncombe' air, 'buueouibs.' Ihe people hate been f.d 011 buueombe while a lot ot spavined. ringbon.d, hamstring, wind galled, sweenies', split hoofed, distempered, pole eviled, pot bellied politicians have ba'. their noses in tbe publto erib until lh-re aiu t (odder enough left to make a gruel fir a sick graaaboppsr. (Cbeere and laughter ) Sir, these hungry brats keep tugging at the publie pap. They ssy, "let down your milk, Sucky, or you'll have a split bag Do they think thai can stuff such bun eon be down our eravs? No. air, you might as well try to stuff butter in a wild eat ib a hot awl. (Continued laagbler ) Tbe thing cau'i be did. The r. ihlio grind-atone i a great institu lion, air yes, sir, a great i riti : u I ion . Oiae of ibe grraleat perhaps that ever ro.' , reigned or fell. But, sir, liter is too much private eutlery ground. The thing wou I pay. Ueca-ioiial y a big aie is brought 111 10 be fixed up, o.teusibly for ihe purpose ot lie wing down the gnarled trunk of error aud clearing out ihe brush wood of igno rance and folly tbal obstruct tbe publie highway of progress. Tbe machiue wbirl-; the sxe is applied Tim lookers on are enchanted with tbe brilliant sparks elicited Tbe tool is polished; k ."iiiy edged; and while the public siare 111 gaping .-xperi iucy of seeing tbe road cleared, the implement is slyly taken off to improve the prirale acre' ol some ' faithful Men I of the people.' What i ihe result? Tbo instructions re main unmoved. Tbe people cur-e b- cau-e Ihe car lags or, if it does move, 'us al the I peine ot a broken wheel and jaded and sore backed team. I tc',1 you, tbe thing won I pay. Tho tunc will come when the nasal promontories of these di-interested grinders will be pat lo the atone, instead of their baidwaro. (Applause ) I aui mighty air lid Ihe machine is going to slop Tue grease is glelug out thundering fast It 1. begiuning to cresk ou us axis lienll' iuen, it is my private opinion, confidentially ex pres.ad. tbal all tbu "grit is pretty hear worn off. (Applause ) Mr. Speaker, yon tnut rxeu! mi fir my la:.ludiuo-i; and circcuiloniiioi iue- My old bluudcrb jsi scatters am a 1: ugly , hut if anybody gets peppered, it ain't my I aui 1 if they are 111 the ay . Sir, these daiidadical, S'jpersiuirlical, mabogauy faoed gentry what tin Ihey know about the blessings of fieedon.f About as much, sir, as a load frog doo, of high glory. Do they thioic they can e.caps me? 1 ll foduw Ibem through pandemo nium aud high water I (Cheers aud laugh ter.) These are tbe ones that has got our lib erty pole off its perpuiidiculariiy. "Tis they who would rend the atars and stripes; that ooble flag, the bloo I of our revolution ary faibert emblemed io its red Tiiu purity of iht) ciu.e for wl.i' U they d.-d -denoted by the while; liia blue ma Irse dom they attained, like the as ire ar thai wraps tbeir native bills aud lingers on their lovely plains. (Cheers.) The bigu bird of liberty aits perched ou the lopino.l branob, but there 11 secession salt on bis glunous tail. I fear he will no more spread bis noble pinions to soar be yond tbe aiure regions of the boreal pole IM Jet cot, Micouri pua the licit lusibur from his sheltering wing to plume ii,f,t. pierce nis nouie urcasi; or, wnat is tln make a pen lo sign a secession ordii,,,,,, Alas, poor bird, if Ihey drivo you fiu ,, brandies of the hcinluik of the Ninth the palmetto of the South, eoinc over , the gum liees uf the West, ami Wl. prated your noble lordship, w,j! ' grows anil gras runs (Immense ppu.: Mr. Speaker, I subside for the pre,, m MiscelUiieoun Items. Aocoiints staled show a balance i tt hands of ibe Treasurer of ll.i. ( Slates and tiiu disbur.ing office, iipp,,,.'-1 10 Ibe current expenses of the liovcriu,,'0 exceeding $I1.(I00,MU These, a,j,, current receipts from oustims, aii.,iunl( to about 8Htl,mitl per day in coin, it J lit-ved Hill enable I be ineomi.,,, 1.1 .-. n iniiii.iri. lion to sustain itself, without eallii,,, r luriner tonus lor a gosiuerable lehgtl, tllllO. Thw flVr...n in ll,u ,...:... , . ,, ', " "'P's 01 cotro, as tn ine pons io uaic, aa compared tho same period last year, now reach.., , " bundled and sixty thousand baits ! ' el ports Irom New Orleans to l'i...l.,i . ! ring the week were ixty two thousand Lai.! 1 ami to France niueievn thousand i, , The exporli from New Orleans lo KocJaH (during the week were sixty. u0 il,, j bales and to France nineteen th m,,, , hales From Mobile t ho exports i0 (,rci j Briiaiu during Ihe week wcru twenty it,'t : tbou.aiid bales. I ! There is news from Calildrnii to ,i j 19lh Mistatil. Ihe foil at the cittiai.ue '' San Franeisco baib r hul been oecu-, 1 for tho fit. t time by Cniied Stales n, ', Iu the supreme court, iu ihu cau ,', iiuuil J. Floeri. it has beeu deeiil, , the holder of the United Stales p.i. ,,, a! laud-, uu Ur Ibe Mexieaa gram, pi.., , I all the precious metils coiiiain. i n. . j lauds. The Oovutuor has u,i ,, " Legislature that the number of lire am,. Ibe pjsses.iou of tbe Slate is lietwt,., , , aud be hundred mu-kets, v ,' out of repair. ' J There is a majority of forty er forty, five thousand, iu Itia,-, iu lavoi uf in, ,' tf.siou OJ IlitlhCrt. ll is repotted that 1,,,. eruor Houstou has resigned. The Montgomery Confederal ir, ,.. uounces that W. M Ittowu, ,,i,. ,,1,,,,, . the Washington Couslitutiuii, hi, ,. :l ; pointed As-i-taiil Sccretaly ol Male ol w C Jhlederaied Stales. Peter t;. T Beaurogar I, R, :,,.!... I'.enetal of the cohfedcratetl sial,-. 1. sullied eumiushd ol Ihe troops in ai, , ,. 1 har.eslou harrior. I be Louisiana contention has 1 1 ; a re.oiulioit lu-l. uctllik' the Liuiai.i.i gates in tbe southern Congre.s not to c any part of tbu public domain to the v . tcderalion. 'itneral Twigc., lately dismlaarH f--n the Lulled Slates atuiy for lr ... 11, r publirly rec. ivetl at New Orleans, r.h" I .... ; day, with saiutea of cannon l i.rre , au immense proe.siion in b .nor of 111 ,x in guisiied ollicer. 1 11 a speech oh n.e u , iou, be said be hoped Provi ienc.- ,a ; granl in 111 sutTieienl sireiiffih to til p-: III Ih uioiuenlous struggle which thrtu-i,, ine country. ll is rumored that Herring has r.-.-t etl and order from Wa-htn.-tnn e:' 1 '. .- ol hi. U'g st best patent .,(,., f..r it,.- it -House (1 i ijtideisto d 10 be (or Mr I, C"lu s personal use, not only for r 1 1 r -1 : iu lin e uf danger, when a-.a si is re . ; posed to be about, but if liw ,..Ui I .! - , to Irvvoi, it is bl cred ji wi ,e .' trauoport him from itCf :o p ace in r , iu a ."sc'tch cap and luiiiiarv e.'.i. ' ... eral Scott 19 lo carry tbe (tt '. . i i K'l Carson, lb) famsu hui.t r an I 111 j unlai.ieer, 1, living al I in Mexico, as Indian agent lo ihe I cf Inuiah.; his salary amounts to per an Hutu Kit I- nut a w.aiilt n properly la estimated at about f'i.oii ke.-ps IHiy or Mity cows, live buhdr. o( .keep, and several hor.es an I He mar led a Mexican lady, aim w uvea b sppny lh Arkansas Stale c on ten tin ti'' l-iltl- Ruck, on Monday, aud elided I ' ofheere by .1 msjuiity, Al the I'l.iled Slates arsenal, n. miles Irom Tow aoniow ti, Bi timore c u 1, . Maryland, ibe wniknuti are busily 1 : ;, ; in putting ibe .uu in order for u-e, a . I ... making ball cartiidg. a. 'I he California Lcgi A jlure, by a imr -i" 41 to 3.'. '.aVB rxpuugri! the f selu'i'ii 1 ' Ceu-ure furineriy passed against the u Senator Br-jdenck. Within a few ila", s. v. ra! t i: 1 t ' slates trotu Maryland and Virginia 1. ' ' been arrested In the District ol (' 1. An iff irt a a made 10 Pbiiada.pi u. Monday, 10 arie-13 lugilive slave eon .: from Washington ci'y. She eesp" I t orlicers, however, by tiling herself 'Ihe Hudson river i now 1 m in ly c' ? of ice ali Ihe way throu l. Ibe crops in Tex is are iir-i-v ; rnmisii.g. J hey i,l be early and at.t.. ant. The (islveaf'in (Texas) News 'if t: ' properly .cued by the Telan tr. ..-( s ..t ' Antonio amounted to 55,(101) 111 rp '', thirty live thousand st nut ol aru.. Iwen'y six piee.-a of n.uunied artll.ery, fotty t "ir puces of disiimuuted artiileiy, uny .n ' lily ol amiiiuuitioii snd uiner it. .iii 1-.1.- '; war, and a large colieciiou ot h"t- -. mules, wauus, forage, etc. Th bark William of Now Orleni.s, I been seil .1 al Port au Prince, I i ' 1 "" the chaig'i of being engaged IU the s;wvtf trade. Af 111 nut I hit fiumtrr. Wahhimjihn, March 7. If"'f A di-pateh was reneived here lo ds st i ing t ii ut an attack on Sumter shot') anticipated. 'This chatiire of policy. 0 ' understood, is not Caased so much by I'"" Inaugural as fioin the fact that Cns-e an' H air are iiieinbi rs of President Lin",ln CaOliiol. Tne Inaugural, taken in i'"""' -' lion with lh" eonn uetiou o( I he ' '"' n regarded as a deelarati-vn of wr. ' says the iutuliieoce jual receiveJ ft"'" Cuarle.ton . I am informed by an officer of the sni.t lhat iiilormalion bat been received Irom .Major Anderson to lie eff ot that it i u8 less to amid Ic.s than laeuty tb iu-an.l diers to Cbarl. sloa Less lhau Ihst num ber eauiiul enter the hatbor and dil; the batteries on ei'b. r side This in ' maliou it ia said, i. al-o in p vs's-i an of 'b ft iveroiBcLt 1 '

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