t - - JorttaniIin;tSaIii). Tuesday ::::::.: April 9, 18G1- PUBLIC MEETING. Jbe eitiient of Mecklenburg County, are rrquettcd to mel in Ibo Court House, in lb Town of charlotte, ou tna una Ratur day (1 3tli,) of April, to adopt necessary irreDgeruentt for a grind reception of tht s.,ih.m Riebts party of tbe 8tt of Jierth Crolint, on tbe 20th of May next, W. R. MYERS, Cbu'D MASS MEETING or Yes SOUTHERN RIOnTS PAIiTT AT NEW1.URN! Tbe Southern Rights Party of tbe Coanty of Craven, fseling tbat the present eeodi ties of our national affaire demands tbat the frieade of the South ia North Carolina should takeeeuaiel of each other, have de termined to bold a MASS MEETING IN NEWBERN ea tbe 25th aad 26th of April, preparatory te tbe Great Man Meeting of the party ia llie State at Charlotte, on tbe 2f)tb of May, tci cordially and earaeatly invite and urge ike friaada of tbe South io every eounty in the Di.triot to assemble with them en that occasioa. Distinguished apcakeri from tbie and ciLerSlttea will be preaent aud address tbe ', a eomniiitee of eorrespoadeoee tsviog been already appointed to teeure their attendance. We would suggest te our frieadt ia eaeh eouoiy ia the Di.triol to hold eounty meet itgt at ae early a day aa possible for the pirpoae of arranging thrir delegations for the Mass Matting iu Newbern, as we hope io ste a large representation from every eounty. Though tliie is iatendsd to he a Mass Meeting of tbe Southern Kighte Party of tba 2ud Congrrasional Distriet the friends tf tbe movement and Boutkera Rights aaen throughout the State are cordially invited to meet with ae. Papers throughout tba State friendly to tht" movement will please extend the aotioe. BY THE MAILS. MOVEMENT UK TROOPS, Ac. BosToa. April 6. There is great activi ty at the Navy Yard. Over HOO men are employed. Tbe Baiabride ia ready lor i.e and the crew are wailing. Tbe Mia mole, Mississippi and Colorado are nearly reedy. Commodore Stringbam ia eipeeted if next week. iw l(iK., April o Aneoaiece trsiy store were imppea insi nijni oa Woad the steamer Atlantic, whioh ic now about aailiug, with 0U0 men aud adetatch- ueut of artillery. Four fune and forty tea ctsnc to thia city from Fort Hamilton today. vVASiifvoTn, April 6. Lieut. Talbot ar lit.d iu this city lo day. The i'awnec receives orders at Norfolk. F KOM M UN TU O M K R Y . MoMiiOMHr, April S. A deapatch from WahioSton to the Adminielration eaye that. aa order hat been given io reinforce Fort I'leksas, Despatches from other high quar ters eieress doubt as to tbe practicability of each ao alleannt. They believe thai the I-:.. J (.-...-- I -ill il. l-k a :.. 1 U si ted Slates Uovernueal will Iblak twice before making auoh a trial, il hat transpired here that aa order has been seal baneo lo Qea. Itsaurepars) to cut i$ Aiidereon't capplies. Xptcinl iJespatck i Is litirlrtlon M'rcpry THC"TlMt8" CoUKSM-ONDINT 1X TUl St-TiikRM Statu The lodoe eorree pjaelenl of the Ltat InttUigencer tayc : " Wc may cxpeot ia the course of ahoat a fertoight or lesa some ef the most iaterea- tmg lattera tbat tha Tt"rt baa eve fab lllaed. s.iionaa Y H. Raaaell, tbe eoetensporary j of the Crimean and Indian nam-m f'"' h" 10 Sw" ' j Aaeriea on a mutton from that paper, lie i t.rted ,t ,h, ,nrJ 0f l.,t week, and i. to j mate an extrnive toar through the dorain ieas ef Mr. Jefferaon Davit, gathering tueh i'ieae on the subject of Aeaericao uolitiee ai ha may, and aending homo cuoh at he ilare eousitteotly with hit pertonal tafety in the country of feathers aad tar barrels, his touch to be wished that Mr. IlusseU't Vot of iLcr.dutity were a lull, "roager.j Hi. on. fault for work of tb. kind it that!,' bi b..,.. .hat people tell h.oi rather tea, Hy. ier geaamc elequ.se. and the , 4 f" oi Tt.tttiy reprodueiog teeoM ol in.,.. crest he it not to be equalled, and now, for tbe firs; liuia, wc thai! be able to realiea Miy the kind of life led by American polit ician.!. Hitherto nothing baa been more iwpeesible thaa to get at the truth of thie. Judging from tbe American papers, Silad they are with coarseness and viralenee, from the turgid rhodomontade aftea talked ia tht American Chambers, and more thaa 11 from the bloody street tgbte one hesre ffrom time to time, it woald teem tbat Nsathern lowna during a time of political (ifitemeat must ha little belle npon earth. A friend, just returaing from a loar ia the ates.uu, me, on the other hand, that tha veheldert arc really cultivated gentle st, that i.cb hookc ae Helper's Crieit of he beutb, aad Kdge'a Slavery Doomed,' re grave calumnies en a class completely ""understood ir. this country, the Northern aa beiag in troth the rowdiea of tha Sen " Hd Assembly, and really lo blame. If "eie.il ia neither frightened into silence, d I should not think tbat very likely,) jw coaied into partiality, bit contribulioa e literature of the second Amerieaa re elation will be moat iutereating and value- A Windt KxnoETATioN, A threwd waakar friend arose in meetiag, after a "other bad just cloned a eery diaeonaeo ut ''auingl.at harsngue, aad laid ''rituds, my p.rlu. uatioDa have been die tressiugly gr,tl ,BJ disquialind while the pother wai tpeaking aad I feel to cay, b,lg moved fay the power withia mo, eon cerniug tbe exhortation it thandred aad it "ghteaed, it rained and it hailed, it poared and it poured out, it held up aad it gave Uo, aad after ii wat all over, there wat otniug of it, and the mad wat at thick at Ur," . JTnionMen.-' -AMl.nomer. We have never called tba enti-ie cession - itta "submitsionists," beeauve we regard inai as id onensivt epitnei, aucn ai ougtii Derer to be applied to a respectable oIuhi f niea, and very rarely to individuals. Io tbe Brit of tbeie ieoes.ioo trouble! aud while there) was an apparent chance to pre serve tbe Constitution aud the Uuioo, tbe party opposed to secession were justly euti - tied to tbe name of union men, and they wero ao oalled; but that term cannot now, 1th propriety, be applied to tbe anti-eeevc-tioniatt of the border Slates. There may ba Southern-Union turn and Northern Union men, but it is a bald and ridiouloua absurdity to talk about "Union" mem accor ding to tht aeeeptatioa of tbe term ae here tofore used. That portion of tbe voter of tbe border States, who arc now nnder ex isting circumstances opposed to severing the connexion betneen those States and the North we denominate the NoHTUrax Got-' IRhMKNT MlN. There are a few who favor a middle Confederacy, but these are uni versally reeognited ac tbe old women poli ticians, aad it does'nt matter much what they are in favor of. Tbe majority of tbe anli-teeeseioniati arc of the former eiaaa whom we denominate Nerthero Government men; not because wa believe they are abo litionists or Black Republieane for we know tbat a majority of them arc not but becacse, there being no Union aud a choice being presented to them between a Northern and a Southern Uoverutnent, they expreaa a preference for tbe former. They prefer remaining with the North to joining with tbe Confederate Statae therefor we call them Northern-Government men. Our cotemporary of tht Raleigh Banner facetiously complains of tbe application of this name to him, and hia party, aad tear fully proieatc that it i cruel. We would be deeply affected by this protest of the kian acr, but the editer ia sncb an inoorrigible wag that ae one can tell when be ia in earn-' crowd mustered round and raised money j cat. lie is, in fact, tbe prinec of jesters, J enough to cover it, and at it they nent for does'nt he keep the name of Stephen A. ' again ; by tome strange turn of lusk. erceny Douglaa at bis masthead for Preaideut in i won. lie now effered to put up the hundred . lfcOt, with a verse of doggerel underneath, ' be bad won against another hundred game, telling how "the Douglas flag is wiring" so they could now win back what they had and bw ha.ititeads to "fall" a second time lost and fleece the fello.v of his own ro t hit with the aforesaid "little giant"? Certainly aides. They sent for a famous piaver, who he does. Who, then, eau tell when aucb a had happened to have inone) enough to Let man as this is serious? True, this ie rather ' with, and another game wai playtd, which a inelanaboly joke, but it very proximity : Jonathan bet and woo. Another hundred to profouud aadueaa gives a aeat to its en-j was also raised and won ; and it was not joy an eel. We hope tbe lianuer will not : make any more fun out of tbe eolenio truths games, aud by mine unaccountable run uf which tbe Herald utters for its beuefit, but j luck, won tkeui ail, drained the rockets will close its funny valve, aud assume the , of opponents of about four hundred d jl dignity of a squatter sovereign. lars, so tbat they bfau to nmell a very ISut to return to the Northern (jorern- meat men. There is a great deal in a name sometimes, and iu the knowledge of this ' l .1.-:. .L ri.. .1 I selvec L'aioa men, and the paople who loved the old Union arc muled by the aasuo. They arc told that tbe iaauc is Uu- ion or Disanioa and upon that naked quea-' tion, as heretofore understood, their verdict ic asked. It ie the bu'iue.s of the South- era Kigbtc parly to let the people know! that there it no each issac. Il is their! bueeineee aad they will attend to it to! I inform theui that there is no Union t pre- ! aerve that, however it mav be invstihed. the onlv question lor then to decide is wnica oi lue two goverameoie loey win choose whether they will unite the desti- aies of their State with the North whoso 0BT LIitty about the border Status is to see tneea abulmouiled, or with tbe aouta lauie, miaaemeaaor or crime ; an'i that n j wbich is allied to theui by all the ties of log agly, they cannot expect the lovo of interest aud affection. The bcople must be their fellow creatures. No u.su can Lve told that those who call themselves Uuion men, deeire to ceatinue the eouneotiou be- tween their tltaie and the North notwitb- stsnitiii ll.sir son.ln.ilniisl rights ir ,oorll. tpl4 trampled under foot, by their .j be lUitl i he v mut understand the true meaning of tbe name Uuion that it meana Cuioa nun tae .North, aa against Luioa with the bourn. Vi shall do all tu uf pOW,r t0 m.g, Ueu, nnderstaud these of . . r ... ... .i tbiofa, and with Ilia aid ol tbe thousands of good and true wen who will stand by us a sua struggle, we oepe aua oencve we. . B, Tic,oria, r , teat. H ilmiiiglaii llrraltl. n...A..,r.Aii.j is.tr,,. died Tomahawks m Xhn Woods. Wc have in our possession several sam ples of a inardereui iustrueueut, some ot a large number, of which tbe following ac count is given by the merchant in W sailing- ... t,n I... Ih.n lw .si. It. ! fc ff- h kl binl bj ,'.. 0f ,h, nM q( BiJi wt, a.t , MI,wne iu Fair- f e.BUty,with in.tructioosto sell them. ,. .... u.;u. ,,. i i,;-, Ko found ihtm itoreua uniitt . pil, f ,,,. j. lt. weods. or ia some out buildir.ir. I here j were about two hundred of them in all; nearly a hundred aud nfty were deposited ' tor caic, aa above atated. The weapon itself ia io fern like a toma hawk, exevpl that tbe part opposite the kl..l. 1. L.aui, mil iLi s straits sniksi or ,,, hI. 4Br.ed inward, and termiua- .'B ,h' Th- buJ u 8r , uViurM iU8h. wide at the The apike or ap.ar part is four iuch- i,. itout handle of ash wood, two feel long, ia very strongly lusertcd ana se cured by jaws an and a half inches long. The haudle baa a. rim around the end to preveot il from being drawn through the banele ef the holder. The metal it consid erably ruated by tbe eipoaurc. Altogether these arc fearful wcapona for a hand lo hand encounter. Tbeir numbers aad their tecretiou, aud the weapon itself, indicate aa extentivo teele of murderous pur pose, aud point to the agents expsoled to be employed. Whether there arc other military deposi tories, we know not. Hut eireumstancvt have been mentioned to ut which will justify distrasl. Mysterious and suspicious look iag boxes have been received here from the North, and taken lute the interior. Inquiry is already on tho track of tome of thean. But Ihc discovery ol aueb UeaUly weapout uader seen circumstances aud iu such nuia-1 dislike ugly people. I laid so at first.--ben at above elated, is of itself suflioieut te I ,aj . now. No ouc has a right to be awake tha utmost vigilauao of our people. j ngij . an(j jf m,B SD(j 0UlKB SUoos to be Who arc these, tbat while good men sleep, 9gT it i their own fault, and they must arc eolleeting in our forcett, aud by buu p,. tB( p,u,ity." dreda, tba instruments of wholetalc inur-i dcr! i m A tolJier wbotcrved at Harper c Ferry aad became familiar with the i wespcut cap-. tared at John lirown'c mauutliu depot, lays lhat tha appearance and ihc finish of these battle-axes, and of tba baadleeto them, arc preoiaely aimilar to those of Brown's pikct. Like them, alto, Ihcte do not contaiu the nama of the atrooiout manufacturer. Wa have decaaed il dua to the publio to make known theao fasts, aa revealing the necessity for greater vigilance than aa yol dieplayed, aud for aa adequate military pre paration. When wo obtain fuller iofortua- lion we will recur to tbe subject drta ( IVi) Utrtttnrl. Who Saw the Steer P I 1 The richest thing of tie season, styt tbe Newburyport Herald, caiuo off the other' ciay tu uie ueigDDornooii or me ruargur,. Tbe greatest Jonathan imaginable, decked out io a alouehed bat, a long blue frock, and a pair of cowhide sboet, as big aa gondolas, with a huge whip under his arm, stalked into a billiard saloon, where halt' a dozen i persons were improving tbe time in trundling 1 round the ivories; and after recovering from hia first surprise at the (to l.iui) niuiru lar affect of the room, inquired if auy of 'em bad aeen a stray steer ; affirming that " tbe blasted critter got away as he came through town with his drove t'other day, and hadn't seen nolhiu' of him since." The bloods denied all knowledge of the ani mal ia question and with much sly winking at eaeh other, proceeded to condole with him on his loss in the most heartfelt man ner. He watched tbe gum a with muob in terest, at he had evidently never aeen nor heard ef anything of the kil.d before, and created much amusement by his demonstra tions of applause when a good shot was made " Jaruealcm !" being a favoiite ejac ulation. At last he made bold to request the privilege of trying hia skill, when ho net the crowd in a roar by hia awkward move ments. However, he irraduallv sot his baud ia, and played aa good as might be expect-1 ed from a greenhorn. All bauds now began! i to praise him. which ao elated hiua that lie j actually lagan to think kimself a n-coud j i Phelan, aud be offered to bet a dollar with! ibis opponent; which, of course, he lost. j Tba loss aud ihs laugh so irritated hiiu : j that be offered to play another game! 'and bet two dollars, which he pulled out of a roll for it seems his cattle hid sold well and he was quite flu.-h. This bet he ni-o lost, as tbe fool might hare known he would; mad aa a March hare, he pulled out a fifty spot, the largest bill he hud, and 1 offered to bat that en another game. 1 l.u ) until be bad bluoccrcd through hail a doxen large " mice. i ben everybody got tired of playing, gawky pulled his frock over I. is bead, took his whip under his arm, ai.d ..It,.. I ..i .1.. door, and remarking, ' (jeutlcman, if yeu should bappeo to i-ce anything 0 that steer, I with you would let me know." At I at accounts they had not fecn the tetr, but they bad oome to the candy-ion that they saw the elephant. Beauty a Duty. 1 he London iteview ironounce that " oo naa or woman has a ribLt to h uiy,'' n J thus discusses the matter : "Menorwo- men, whatever tbeir physical deloriniti "j v, u vi no iiimriy ugiy, eigtpv iroiu moral and iatellcetual causes, aud neither en nor woman has aDy right to be u-ly, and that, if either be so, it .a hU or her an u.y, wouian; no woman can Lvc :n, "'an ; and if fathers end mothers can love au ujjly child, it is a very sore strujlo ' and mav be dutv alur ail aud not lorn. Take the oase ol Theodo.ia Perkins fre-h, fair, twenty three aad nassably rich. 6ho 1 has a face and a form that a sculptor inis'ht rove io inmate ; nut she ia pert she 8rls o has a Lad opinion ef tier onu wi and the other she lm no edacatiou of the . r.. -, ., neari or oi the Uiind ilic baa no taste lur for color for tunc, fur propriety; she is'' iuwu sun is emeu up 1 witn vanity and conceit, and thinks berseit 'the very cream and quintessence of Ihe . j world j (.tie is uly in spilo of her fuco and liunu. jo itui ii ucr is punicieui to linow that she will tiud no one to marry her ex cept for her mousy ; and to proj.hesy ih.it after the is married her husband will J.-tct her. it comes to (hit that whatever phys ical nature may have done or may have neglected to do far us, thu power of hoing beautiful remains with our.'elves. 'i'iiore are moral appliances that arc better thru physical rougea and pomades to uieko a man or woman lovely aud lovealle. I; ia tu i that creates face, and that makes lit tle David, strong in tbe Lord's grace, hand somer than great Goliath, who is only strong in tbe devil't favor. And the superiority ef thia kind of beauty over all others is tin, tbat the older wo (;row the more beautiful we may become. ' There is one beauty of i no a. .is .uu .uuiuer ui ui. uioou. i npre is one beauty of youib j another of maturity and another of old age. hxcollent arc thoy all bat fnm ita eomplcteneas, as wall aa : from its rarity, the beauty of old n-a is the divincit of tbe three Iho crewu and coin- plc.ion of all Ihc rest, l'ouih is beautiful for ita physical and moral, but old age is - the happy union of the physical, the moral aad the inteucotua! ejualnics, that generally ; OJiumaud leve, respect aud bomsge. I know au old woman of soventy thr.e years of ago, of a beauty aa uiucb superior to that of seventeen, as that of snowy Mont lilaue to verdant Primrose bill. Lovely are the cnowwhite lock, neatly parted over her terene forehead ; lovely arc the accents of her tweet voice, tbat speaks love kindness to all the world ; lovely is the smile that starts from her eye, courses to her lips, aud lights up all her countenance, when she rondless a child, or gives eouusul of wisdom to young men ro maid ; lovely ia she even in her mild reproof of a wrong doer ; to mild aud gentle so more than hull divine that be or she who relapses afterward into - Ukedneas .is reekless and hardened indeed Mitt Smith asked 'the pleasure of ; Capt , Joua () oampaoy to tea.' At the time ' gppoiB,e(i tie tjaptata being iu command of the rifle corps, made his appear ance with tho whole of hia cotupauy in pa rade dress. -Cover a fool with gold aud he will j past ourrent. ! Love it a compound of honey aud i gall mixed iu various proportions for ous I touieia. I As rlobes and favor forsake a mau we discovor him to be a fool ; but nobody can hud it out iu his prosperity. WillllillgtOIl, Cliarlolte ailll Rullll'l1' . 10 I'd lull I ItOilu j iv. t?j hw-a eer-r!. WESTKKN L1 VJ.sk in N and oiler Monday the loth in-tunl. the Pusseni-er and Mull Tram will lie run un tins Kn.nl dully (Sunduys exuepn follow.: (.'Ui.NG WF.-jT. Li i 7 HO 7 4. I.) 8 4U AsRIVt. Cillirli.lte, Toek.-if gee, Urevar J, Hli-ir-n, Linnolnidii, uuisa KA.sr. l.incoli.lun, .Sh..r lirev.rl, 'J'uct;iM-:'ee, H .(7 9 uu " Aaaivic. I.K.VX. I 1 till A. M II s. il 6(1 " W 17 V. M II 91 A.M. II 4 I mi Mi UKK M Ch..rl,.:i,-, V. A 5y order, A:tinr M.iir uf Tf4i.-t,iti. I.ii ..In : hi, A;.nl 4, lr-61. X l( 'oiuni(iii ."Mli!ol otiit-. t 111-; f!lowHi table uiil -lic.v the umouiit of m money cue e ;cli C'oiuiiiun rieh.mi Uiitnetin Mecklenburg ci.mity i.ii lue fimt luy uf A;inl, IdIjI.u n.j.irU.i by Ine I liaini.an : Dl.lrict No. I, $142 9" I)it. Nil a, 114 33: 3, 5 ys 4, 48 bi " 5, SJ.1 3-, " li, Uti 7, 53 41 ' , Ml tilii ' !, Ti in, r,i T;7"-" 11 31, !J7 U 3:, IU7 44 3o, 31 ti7 , 37, Jn7 34 1 .10, 4 .' 33 311, 4(i "4 4H, a. 41, H Mi' 4!, 1,7 :., I.I. M.t .',3 4 I, 17 lit 4.i, t i.M 4ti, 42 IH i 47, Co 1! 4, 4M 4 ; All, HH t-3 ! SO. i n 'il fll, i'J UU, 5.'. ;.4 3.1 .'iJ, 1 id 30 , .'I, 3!l Iij' 55, 15 S'i, tb' III: 57, 3 !IU &, ti; -ij ; 5il, i: V.i i 6H, (.(I !iU ! Ct, iJ3 15 ' t-', 'J-i ill , Ct, 7:1 7(i I I, 3 1,4 , iij, 4 1 0-i 17, Io, an, 31, 3J. 33 J. P. liUSS, Chninnnn. ?, Ief.1. 33 i-:c ivi I0.MJI liii O Ul 111 il ll (Ml I . 1!E ft Seli..ols (on. U. i:. Cuii.ei Stilly Moses A. I', ., A.- x Ori. r, m.i J. I'. liuM Mef.i . li. Harnett, B. 11. II line', ul the ( nun. l,"ll"J '1 ' .""i.J 'y iVieiK's Vmcm in Liidrtutte 'in the tliiiii in Aurii, t..r tliu pirpnae ol eliding uiie nurniir I'hji.-in u., snd aii'i t.i supuiut 1'i.ble pi r.Ji.F ti sc; as ieh.inl t'oiiiinilUe lue uiiierent Uistri'-tH in ttie cr.uiity- t'ur Ol 111 tiiree men liic eiifiling jeir, aecuruuiir t.j a l.ile sul "I' lire L'Eii....l.ire. As n-.rnrc tieiore Ih ,r.i I uu hope we will Iu a lull nit I. ii. Tne inn-.jriiier.l ol' tin ronim.m Sehoi.ls uf liic c.ai.ty sik'Uk; rmi be re-j-irucd ss t-.e busiue.ss ol one u.an, but it si ii tie the ruly ul every man tu c .i, tribute e --h re it uttenliuri tu this uu. mrt uil matter. I must say that t!i: sulij.-ct lue been loo much lie;l nil li.u... u i.lfr 1 s great ln..n) In unr com in unity, t rtiiuesl ml t aientf 'ind .iii-o Sci.uul system s uiieatl.ill. .Su ion us D.en inlrusted lo ine, olle ol ,. c BlJl u,e ulliee oi fi I have .i -..) r ie."reii u act su us t.i proiuule i. u I sun slly return my ti,ai,kt Meck.eiuurg lor my proiiiutien . ..rs. Anil suouul ai.y one. sue. I I trust no may be mure couipt. the I to the i il fur Ine 1 CfeU Die UiU lu c rr v tul tins u ui n-'t than my J 1' KOSS Ch'mti, H April !), lt'.l. S.")00 JIKWAUD! iCi.liAS, the re. enl fi.-en ill our midst rtre evii;entiy tile Hui;. "f an ineendiary, . i.? juilin-ized ty ll e t'o.rd ol Coniiuis. s-..i.crs - ' ; - in- n ul I iiiirli n. , ..tl-.-r a rewaro ul FIVK Ili.MHiKD l)UM.Al;s n.r pr-.f lo ll.e e..nvirti n o; liie person r.r pert-i-ns selling fire to Ihe p.u..-rl) iltslruyed on tne liithl Ol tile 30:li, ,,nu ii.i . ir-i-g oi t ,c 31.' ul l'i - i .onl. V. A. OttK.Sf', Mayer. T. W. I)rWK.y, Town Clerk. April l-til. I ll tifARLOTi'E, 5.. A Reliable House for Pure CllOlCI: asd i:ii:i;axt n:r, rcMi:iui:i -. .. l'! i i I Hair. ISaU tllld ioulll hl'tlSllCS of C l' illCt Qliulit). .. ..,,Tl,,in -j ,. j 51 .a-iTi (.1 rUiill 'aSZIZ-J.' Jij niSiJiiii y Medical rurposCS. ' OIIiS, Paints, FLUID. sz$n 7HijB k i: k o s J- x KKKOSEMC LAMPS. AgricuUiral Iinpk'iiicnls -K ALL KINDS. Sji l'KAW Cullers, Corn Sliel l lH, I'loWS, ll.HS, SlIOViiS .i.aues, forks, Axes, 1'ieks. Mat u.ckH, tiriiotinig llo s, 'i'laei Hams, L.g Chains, r'runrig ara iieiit-e.siie Hoe. rs. Pruning llll.l l)Ud,.lng Knives, tsar. id K iKe, with iiaudles ; Ur.nu t la dles ; grain, grass and b.ier Siytnes, liusii Hunks, Waguii h.iics ; ilollow wure.such us pols, ovens ll lid llds.sklliels, spiders, stew-pans OIUI kit. ties. Cauldron, -roni Wi to lit) gsllon. eaeh i Iron and brns. Proserving Ki ltie., Sheep Siiear., ie., " TAYLOK S llut Jirair Depot, opmutt tke .Ujnsion .use. LUST. SK cor tili cite ol Si, ek in Ihe C. tt S i.lieatioii will b. nn K. H I iilo. Aji lor the renewal ol in. .am T. II KKEM. .".y-3.ii The MarLt't. COKP.EtTRU BY OATHS it WILLIAMS. CI1ARLOTTK Al'KIL K, IfCI. BACON, H.i ins. in v ' Sides , " it .g round ' S'l.-iolders, lb.... lb.... lb.... ...iij !i. i liiniei, a. 15 id , 1 Iteai.s ouH-iel, S3 (a, ;)! i iir.l,...y, A,.le ( (.,, 7j j " sui i')U (-,., i;.j j i ott.iii, n r$ ( 1 I'.JlVce, i!u., ill ILJ In-. ; " -la" lb U-J (rj in C.iii.iU-i., A.i im inline b lit (ii .'ll! " Spef.-li., ;b It) (,0, III i " TjII.iw ib t a,; C.irn bushc! :t ei Chiecns eiicli i.i, 15 t'iotii,t;ui.i':r.ii. yum Ij (.., IU j " Lniiisejr, yurd 3li 37 Kj;ki iiujcll W fn, I U ' Kie-ur, bbl 00 in 1 bigii .'i.'ji, :c : Feather II 3u (a, J.i llnle., Green lb G .., (4 r " L'J lb I-' Ul, m ' Lard, ib Uj (y i3 ' Million, Ib j b ; Vl.iCi.erei bl..4N..a 14 (, IIU " Ivltts 450 ( I'U ' .N.O gl ii (. 75 ' i " W.I Sul 4U (II 1 ' Mr..l bKhel -5 I". yj 1 M lltlttf VVllnili.jjt,,!,! ...bbl ! Oil, in 1 : NiiiU. Northern II. 5 (h, V) 1 j ' Suiitlu rn lb 5 (a b 1 ).il!i bushel iU (3 55 ' ' IU 7 (-.. 7, l't.. junliei I'-O iu, 00 .''out... .... iiu.li !.uiii-l Snu j ti) I " Sweet buehel 4U i ttO !Hi:e, Iinaliol 4 la, 00 Ujj.ir.Luji, lb 15 fj. UU tifuwii lb. 10 l-i .-l.uie.SVaro g;il IU 'y (HI S" lcI- 175 V0.i 'Tea lb Oiy Oil : Wheal, while bushel 150 (. 155 i re.l bu.lhel I -' l'J lad W'iniiki y, Norlhern, gal (ii!j (3 b.i S. Carolina,... uu! (j 9" ' W'liMlliK.KJeorgis) washed, 'I'l ( a 1 j " " utlviiHh-;ri '2 f'S' j ' "" bulc 100 t'U ! (RK.M AKKS. I 'OTTOX. Our cnlt..n mar'.et is ti.mi what i uull. an. j.net s . ( -ii I OKN. Tmre h , coui'iijr in una siio lit lie. ul corn till. I MltlA MAKKI.T. rmvuiu, Aj.il 7, If CI. ( Ol TO.S. Thc-re has been a g.,od i!an,.ii.d f .r i.uiioul the week, and prices have The sale u:.t to :s. Kxiruui IAv UN.Ii CUl(., .. I'KA.S oniii round,... i-'i S .lll.i !u 1110 ia t"0 It 13 !10 Hi ( i'AKLfcblUN MAKKIiT. fHAHi.isro.N April 5. IcCl. in ei Hon lo dy were conhiiea t lull priets. The martlet is upward lenUeney.Kitruines The transactions lu 4bU titles, ul Vei very iirui, with ai lOaU.-. Mecklenburg- IKON Works, ei.itii.oTti:, .i.e-. alex.-lnmk1Tmcdouu.lll. ' J 1 H K undersigned beg leu ve to n fur in the cili Zens uf t Liiriutts and rieuutv anu Ihe pub. he generally, that they have opened the above s. ubusi.iuenl si the fuut of Trane street, adjoining the traek ol the .Nu in (.'amlina K.ul Koad and op. pn.iie Juhn Wilkes' fite ini Mlils, and art nr. par. to furnish ail Ktna ul' MACHINERY 1 at athort notice in3 on roui'i terms. O 1 Hi ft M lii H U 1 l'i Hi From S le H H jrse Powfr. AND in. t hvm ir uoitk ur i i- aiNU. ! ll K 1 A IRS ir lir prnitnily slteaaca lo. Their rOl.N IS ttl! UK V ia in lu operation, slid Cast Regularly twice a Week. ! VYeuuetiiiiys and Saturdays. They are prepared tu furnish all kinds of t .'.tVI'lMis l IKOV, ItKASS, i.c., ACCoRDC TO ehIRR. SAW AND GRiS'f WiLL tiEARIICG, GIN WHEELS, SAW DUST BURNERS, AM I FSIi TION 1'LATKS AS D BALLS rue COTTON riiESSKS. cast iuu.n railing, Fur Csrden Enclosures, DweMirifr Houses, Pu .ue lluilon gs, l urlicurs, I emeiry Lots, ic. Tneir iviM.i;si:.i n Fr carrying nn the business in a!l Hs brsm hss' h..ve b-en SKLKlTKH IMTH UKlAT CAKE, ana srs proiiiieo wiln a i i the i3ir!ovi:3ii:.NTS Require k in a r. vi i:it. Filial 1(1 AM-nti.,f. enl .tlulay Dr L'. I). Li.i.iott, fur W inter's Pal. iw Miil,whicn ha. thu acvuiit..ge. til mai. mill rs.ol" aoiue n least twiei us .ira, .ni l Jomj. it heller, than any other ise lt e.in be run uy -Usiii, Water or Mill ih us Hur.e r,.i .-imp at at. er. Tn- Mu.ay may he ietn at tiis s III UhNUi ALLXANDER. WALCOLM ik i'OL'ti ALL. Old lion, br. i.-. Copper, ie., boog .t i N taki D i Ir.iue Ortubtr 30 Itf.O 32a" lotice. T the reuHlence Liu: tutL' Hciijimin Alex. 04th v ..I April II .-IX VALl 'AULK NLGIiOKS; ad liueiy. A LSii. llnrncs, Cattlf, Nir'i, lluusrlwIJ and hilrlnu i'uniitttrc. A credit of six num. he, will be given, with in- ti-re.l. JAMP.S Ql'KltY, CYKfcMCS Al.EWNPF.K. Man-h S9, Ib6l. Api'J 3l Public Sale, A S ADM I N ISI'li A I OR o!Jj. I!:irt7. teee.is x ed. I will sell in Charlotte, on Tue.J i y ih. i'iti A, ril next, nn six monlli. credit, Two Kuckaways, Tlirie Top Buggies, Fire Op fit Huggies, i All h.s hou.eh'ild snd k'n.Tien r'u r n 1 1 ure e. j T. II. Bit KM, Adsu'r. i j Aonl 2, Ifcfil. J iMKi:t r i MiMurrA riox. ' 3 V K.NUI I-HHe)4.s tot .i. by CUi.HKANK SAMPLE, j b l lef.i. NKW SUPPLY OP Vatelies,Jevclry,SulidSiIvcr AMI Plated Ware, rB'IIK rtilitrriher E Nnrlh where lie relumed fr.mi the ! jrch ei a very rs. I .. II,N,urehH.! I11.1I.UI..1 turer, j very eiii i.l hd- teiiMVu nipply u( tin tin. all In. "riiele. aiVw-Vr-nU-u u'uClXul rep- ('vt'l'' KXHlt'l IO to )IcilSC ''wrrLci.reri.nvre,,:, umlTO OUTALN A SHARK of Litirtif inn. It. W. UKCKWITH. jstr i ii ii i i jr. v.. ii. 1 1 (i 11 vvs -.r.ri.Dh.r. ,.ul,ii. I,. iil-iit; r,rli. i.n n tinned tne liar be ll.un.i t h lie is .rei.reii 1)1'..nh.ti:y ().,; M.i i.ii. urrt Artificial 'lVelii lr i.r ' heu.l..tic pti.e.-. a In.iJ HMTt; mill tin leeth mill Co IU, liuluun cir Artilii-l.il. He n ir.n red ; r it. .. ii v .! r t ions beh-ng inu to tl. n tltry iij ni.t siiy ti.al I.e will be pleasi-u tu win tiy ut his din irii iius, ur new i.es tithe iy Like I ul Cur urunliil, 5. I bl. 45 if "I""' jj-.iu II Notice. I.f, irMiiiji imiel.lid ly n c.iiu.l In llit KsUle ul Hit in ure r.i llented In e.'Mie hi A I.i It i'li.iuias K rtru una si l It'll. c ll.e i .t be , 'I'll Uu. l.,n' K.-1..U v.i I ir.'Mlit the s.ine nil:.... n tune .rtenlieu by Uw .r llus Iu.l.ee will t.c j.u... ill b.ir ut their recovery. K. NVK. IlUlClUNSON, ExU. oj THUj. J. HuLUjN. Fthun v 5, lfctil. 4j .T A TE OF .NOl'Tl 1-C A ROLLS A, CALItWKI.L COUNTY, Jii EntUij To lriiig 'lerm, 1?0'1. J.iuirs itarper. G. Br. 111 Kr w -1 J .Me 1 1., Si I. to iii'i'i ..r ti. tl.i sfact:mi uti W . i.l tii i.i ii, it : .Hell. .11, IS a n.Mu.r-leei.l :,l be-. IIS ut llils 111 Ii J ll Is Iherel.ire uiuercu Court, t.iat ui.lice Jt gittu lor su wen newsfi.iper published in this stale tur he lenda ul, Samuel V . Aii-hun to up.iesr l l lerm ui alu Luurt ..I h.juiiv I. be helu county ..I i al.iwcil.st the ( uiirt IIuuhc in on lue bin .M ihi.i.v silei the 4th M..iiu..y ii nrxi, titeii an ihire In pie.d, 4tissrr ur tit C'lli.plau." Ms iml. iillu rw i.-e jllilgemei, I fes..o Will ue l-.K. II ogaliist iillll. Witness W ilii.iin ,1. I'm tl. t'lerk anil 'of ul nirt ul' Kquily lor Ihe enunty id t'.l hill M' liuuy alter the 4th Mundsy r, iMia, W. .M FUKTT, c. m. e. 's fn fi M. r. h .'i, If 61. ll! tell, llu J. S. IIL'.NTKI!. t'OMMISSKl.N MElit'HA.NT AMI (iiiicra! Cellrctins .Aciit. J, I.f pro.'u'C Bl ipprd hfrr for mv rl : v f x'm ni.ifl riTciw pnnii il Jitlcntnm jjrt.it t.ktn in the ptrrhiin- I.f ,iH)I3. ii NotcK and Acccuitlg put intu :nj Imnntf 1 r li-'Ctiuu Btiull rtci ivo pruiu.'l utiti iin'ncdi.ttc tcnlinn.j; L'hnrlutte, Feb. , li?iSI. 4otf ho ftui ml it Hi.MV :ib!e in Clitriolli: , Tin L-mJay'g, ;inU W .ty'pi, ani at M'jrrown T trid.tv's and Saturdav'ti (h. l, I iturvti.tv' tmry week duriiitf the uprit g ucatinn. He durk b'iv. Mil ii;iiids bii;ii, end 5 Tears old. anri rupie trntUr. Turmi 15 to in.urp. jur tne acufon. U'M. M. t; RIKR, M N. HART. J. M. STRONG. a .ViicA 26, lfltil. TUi: C .VXAJJIAX IIOIirsE .0IIT1I STAII, j5 WILL be louud during the fif, j if X?k sprine season at the lolli.niiig ilrlf fir M1"" : J- l- Kern, in Hon.-well. I.lWti il fl.fL " '"- Krvms in 1'lea.ani Mill, anu J .l. Mwn'i in rUeel Creek. Kvery ith day st the almve place, and reninin 3 days. Terms $15 to insure. " tl-i for th. season. W.M M. GRIKIl, M N. II ART, J. M STRONG. .tforci 26, If-Gl. 13 Tl. mom. i:.i.i':ici. fSVUL uhscrlher. With a vit JL iiiu.r..ve I tins seeli.in, p ted M rgan Ho ind itiiorins th sl ick of horses in na-ed tile celi l.ru. , UL At K HAWK, oesiring superior c.n he li.und at tlitmUe ,h, tl.i.t this 11. .r Ins si iblc, 11 milei da v., TuesdJiv. and hie" of .Mai. U.iij .H of Cliarlolte, on M il Wed ia vs ; aud at the sla. iv on Tuursdsys, Friday. r,n- lulls. a. L. DAVinso.v. 4i itur..av r'ar p-irtK-u urs, i Mr Ii, Hill. 'Out of Debi! Cut of Danger, LL IX UL T of Town, wti mi- not U,eu li.e.r .n'mlinll i. de u uu 1 1 ic 1st oi J nu.r.v iciil, ure fjtntili ri quested I.. CALL At U.Cl. ami p -y ll.e mum ur give llieir Holes, us vt aie del. I in Hied lo cii.l up last yw-.r's u.iMiiess, aii. I pr. ier l . do so win oul ilienrriilg IU.-1. We mean all, mu is. MUlit. C all WU uaie said. lilii'W.N, TaTE i CO. I'll iriuile, Mareii 1, l?tii. 3l Tin ana Japanned Ware. A l-ruc j I . 1' issortin, li.l , lue 1-: 1 AlLulia i ii.i rVuir Utf.it, At rra A -Of e.n i.n.1 l..e l..fc.. Jt ier) , l.ui.s -nd I'.si-.t. or s WOoUt.N W AKh, BrtoOM.-. Ac ,oi ail ki.e S sji , jKlUI.U.Ul -Vl.1,.,1 ,Jjt(. .111.1 I"- 'j.W9.X ion Uu,e-, iron. 4 ...tl. io J . TAYLOK'S IDLOVV'S I I. Mi C A.VS clf.hkatf:d sklfbkal. : uf ail lue ill Iter, lit si.f .. at TAYHiRS t. i.J7'UirMr "n.m W ...S I W caOiSj KAj iuim b; ki SHOP, -gvv THK Sulncnbrr lm t. allien cnarut ol tbe ni 11 HVJ:?f l A. u lnrinwri. IiAUTV. mm h.ipe by utrici uttentien U PUHL1C lAnU)NA(;K. ALL NEW'WOHK WARHANTED 12 JWHt axa'Bs,,, fm t'irticu ur sttii.tian umi t-, mn .;q,4 mu tLa. I have on banns . g ,n ., lot m u, ttj"j?E,?ai. es a o 1134. be csn be sldrlcd. Ctl ACI,! niin, on Jin. 15 as 41 3:, i3 iNotice jMIOM nuu utter li.r I, We will be u dmj lo li.lliera i. ml I In. ter.' 11 ui.ij, .my ..ruels in in..y luvc us liunu. A i.iiij ..f (i lis ullir I.: ..e, will .ic..e i if ue u..y ul Jmiunry ne it, . .I ur i'li, ;nenris slid . i. k i m. ii,r t Asa snd r I. lie oi tm.mesa that t rsun sending or ' itlx.ve uile without 1 1 mte.iii ol fiilllig , uu ii i.i.iri s. we i hi 1. 1 i, iu. i.i an tin in with s copy of Ibis auisrlienieiit; aa e r osteruiined nul to sell a single srtiele on crsail. And thuee in i ilnbicil to u 't rujui-siiii tu c ill jiio pij sews Wdiit Ulc iii'ii.oy. UA'VKS L NV1LLIAM3. Dec. 5, 18 0. 411tt Utl l-flJ AlllMIK's. i 300,000 Select Fruit Trees t'ou I i.i;. I i Kt t''r. Cllileli. f til Southern are tint the (-euplc uf I.ii ?tortliwcslerii tilstes M one ul iiteir leading ii. a elimi.tff snd eoll propitious f-ir fruit eul. u. a ihc citiiens ut the hi, mi. k. ji.j green, una I r j.u ; n.wii urmer our ir tiitir siz , hue tlavor, are iu.iy su.vtuined by n. rru t-.-u.l.-, si,u the e i.ncj uuit sent Nor I ti Jti'i.. ru St. Us durili); luri ? litlli I Tiieat pri?ii.iuni j. rm i .uu ...! .N ri llir I a l-l i -It' IU.. tl. I I.r ll. tstr i me iirdu. in.he iiuiiiT by raising Kruit, i sriiii h.rwai.l in ui un.ers hum cash to West. .H unil .Mi in, e.. hull an i ti.sy will luruish you ' K ".arke.ii.g i.rcn..r.,. WL.SlIiUuuK A; MKNl'liNH ALL. let-i.si or.j', . iri.n. J.'i tl. I DISSOU'IIOX. j Tht. Hrni of FtLI.I.NUS bi'KIXii & Co wai : .lin.,.!vr.J hj luiiii.tif ii un ihv J.i Jdiiuury, lbtil. i Tlie tiuti.ii-fA vi.i! t.: ft..fi 1 11.111:1.' umurtiiL- nunn .11 ..i H)ium t L'LLSXjS ic SFKI.NG. nd Ihtj impf, bv JlUegritj and vlnct aittoiili'tn tu bun. ; litit, t niertl the luiist- pntroingr hirrinfore hbr itl!j br-tuwed ky their i;utiteruuc tritnrii and cui. . liiutert. Tite precut fiiu Hid the uueertnnty in (iv I ut tu liortcn t to fix fflontlm to ii ottitr I'fif d ak tt. tirni ol b ulling, 1 uf bu.iitrftn, ttic Suture I litif time ot crt ; pn.nipt pijnif .it ir mii i IIAKDWARKjjIARDWARE ! A, A, N, M. TAYLOR fESPECTFrLI-Y i forms his friend, and the Mm public jjctiprahj, that he hss added to hi. extensive .t'-ck of a l.rgo and complete .tock of H AR DW ARE, con. . i. ting in part a. !uli..Ai: Carpenter. Tool., Circular, mill, ero.seut, hsnd, upper, p.nnel, pru ninj, grallnisT.tennoii, buck, compass, webii nd buteher SAW S, Brace, sed bile. Drawing Knives, Chi.se-!, Augers, (siiulels, HaiuinTs, Hiitehet. snd Axes, Brieh, pi isii ring sun pu.nnr.g TKOW ELS, S.w setters, Screw piste?, Slicks and dies, Hanes of all kinns. Spoke.. have.. Steel biade Imiel and try Squires. Spirit Levels, I'.icscl L-veis, Spirit Level Vial., It. i MaehlncsCJouges, and in fact every thing a mechanic wants, in freat variety and at very low prices, at TAYLOR'S .ru.ire Store ana'l in Ware Depot, opposite the Mi"i:nn Wi.uee, Ch irioitr, N. C. uneo, ldo9. I If Blacksmith Tools, fct l i H as Ueliows, Anvils, nand ind sliue ,uniur, Vieee, Buttresses, rarneib Knives, S' -rew-piate. Stocss inn.'. I'n.el.er. au -l.-ngs. ol evi-ry kinti, cut lie - iiiot tad cimeh N ills, Bursa, Iruiiot all nn, botn ul nor Ihern ami country ni.mulacture, est, plow, blis. ter anu spring Mecl esf., i-r sie nrr ei...r o TAVLuR'd, Oesoit.'tlAe .Haniiu. Hnu$t. Carriiise Materials li.l Ca:! .pee;ai attention 'O ,t.,cK .1 me " gooes, uf Spr.ngs, Axie-s, iiufe., '-' ""g ws, Spokes, Slis.ts, t uru.ii rrums, naue n.is, Lining N.il.. Li.m.-., --all. iiel.Cioth., Ls. ,, Fringes. K.iaii.eieu and Pan.it Leather, .n. eiea Clolh.Uil I'-rpit. ra.nl "I ail ain..ury I in oil, Vari...h, Tu'pei.'i'". Lmse.o Oil. tjre 1 Oval Iron, Bolts, ana every . mug m 'e way Carriage Tr nn m i i.s , i'"'" "nnot ,a'1 please, at tile H.r.is -r I'' i1 ' A- A. N M- TAYLOR, t(-.pUf I' .Mission Hoft. P Notice. fl F, aec. ii ils . II. tare jiini, wti u Hail and sellia uiai iiu.c lej will JAMKS HAKTY, Aitnt, Altrulioil Mrcklriiburi i'lUMi. here. '.. n..t.nsu .asp r ar.-.j. and 'S-.y 1) ,.n,x-., r is mlsresled ana l t-,e cuinpaoy eiepends, K HAli HIMJN, ,.. I j A" I'"'""' ni.ieur. .1 in lue . i..in;s ev i n., inu.-H i..nii- i'i-aro aini niase un. " AH : K' ' iiien.tiit. .s il is .u.ai.liitf iy necessary ' I lli.'l lue '?usir.eM i.e sp . ui.y elusea up. " A word cl Id the wise is sutti. ienl." I r'.-b 13 l6l. 47if. alllU Ult'tJ, blUC rm and KiU