into ilcaVun. Why em I not a Chribtian. 1 . I it Lernuae I ma afraid of tiiieu!e, i il of wbnt oiiic ri m; y of iuc T " H I oiocver shall be ashamed of me, snd of my words, of Lim shall the Sun of tiiiiii b ashamed." 2. I it because of the inconsistencies of professing Christians J " Every man sbail give acfoutit of hi ru le If to God." 3. Is il because I am not willing to give op all for Christ ! " V bat shall it profit a mn if ha giin the whole world, an I lose hi own soui ?" 4. la il because I am afraid that I --bill mi be aocept.d ! . " Uim tb at eometb to me, I will a iw wis east out." 5 la it because I fear that I am too great a sinner ? " The blood of Jesus CI. rift e!eanscth from el) sin." 6 la it because I am afrid that I shall ot ' bold ut ?'' " He tbat hath began a good wcrk in yno, will perform il until the day of Jesus Christ." 7 la it beoauie I am thii,kir;T tl at I will d as well 1 tan, and that 1J oi ought to be lutisied witb tb at that? " Wboeoever shall kp whole law,1 and et offend in ene poiut, he pni't ' oaU." 8. Is it be catlap I s postponing tie mat- j ter without any dt Suite reason ' ' " Boast not thyself of to morrow, for tboa kewnest not what a day may trn, forth." 9. Is it because I am trying to me myself by morality, or in aiij other way ef my mm 1 " 'i bare is none offer Dime under ica rra C'n among men whereby we must aaved." 10. Is it beeaufe I do not cli arly if e the way to be eared. ' Repent ye, and believe tie G cupel " ' God se loved tbe world, that he cave lis only begotten Son, tLat whosoeror bt lievetb in Lim should sot perish, but L i everlasting life." (John 3 ; 16.) The Ungrateful Son Tbe following incident was related lat year by KeT. R. Weieer : ' Tbe eye tbat mocketb at his fat! er, ti e rs.vei,s of the TtUey adall pluct it eul ' I'r.iv hi 17, This is a terrible denunciation azaint ir pratilude parents, and even to I no prternt ay ia rirtually fuilii!id i-ome years ago an Irt-h rer-tlcrrsn who was an extensive contractor on the p.jblio werka, was reduced to profligacy ..! ci--bonor by an ungrateful sen 1 ho old man lost his wife, and to add to his ealauiity, bis bee'tb failed, and to fi'I Lis cip of sor row, be lost bis eibt. 'j bus poor, friebd le-s. biirjd and forsskeu, be au ylum in the Fratikiin CouDty Almshouse, I'e nesylrania While an hirjate of tl.'s r, for th sfflieitd, Lis wicked and yngrotefu! sou traveled that way; b Wan irforu.ed if his fat'jtr'ssitustion.and tbat Lii' pirem isLe(l to si . bim ; and although he passed v-i.hin two hneired yards of tie aiiesto'.se he I.f' i-'J to stop er.d see his kind tbat be Ltd ruined. Now mark ths r.-u'.t. i L very day he pasted ti.e a'n.-!ious on b' sj to G't'ekurg, in an rj-.n tvriact, be sea overtaken by a sf im, to-t a severe cold, that resulted lu the destruction of t.Ii eyea. He lay atGettsbur in a cr.'i esl situation until bis funds were tz .au-tud, apd those who had bim in cbarre tot'c L::i. to the Franklin County Almshouse. Tee eery day be was brought in, Lis father, having died tbe day before, as carried cut. He was pat in the satce rrom. cccupierj tbsame bed, and in a short tiu.e followed Lis neglected and broken i.ear; i fattier to tbe j .dement seat of Ci.r -: h in fearful thing to fall into the ban is of an angry Cod. Eut ono Curse Left. Aboliiiouism, or Abo.itioniied Repulii- arjtttn ptrted n, 1 In onr Cbarehes, denjuiie'np all ii regions infernal who do not tbiuk i':verv gin and iniquity to go tbire, doui-ties., ineouapany Abrtbam, I aae slJ Jac-j:,. io the Old Testamant, and with the Apos t.e Paul, and Philemon, ia the New le-:a-Itent. 2d. In tbe Missicnary Sooieiiea, elssio n-t ftiy a Heathen, ai!, Sautb of the Sat-q-io,ii.i. sb riter, who bsppen to l ve in the land of African flarei wiiLjut rai-i -ij in aurrfc'ions tiurein, but as Heathen Bit even tit to be preached to by tbe Mir.Lurs ol the Abolition organisations of the. North Jii. Iu the Tract Societies wfcich beiriL' ot-iry for l urk, Arsh, Japsneic, Chi ti'se, H.tdoo or Kurd, were not iitcsirj for Ci.ri.tians, Sooth, unik-s Atoii'iotilsui werjt tiong with them. Cburebes, M is-ionary oran gati .n, Trset Secietu thus beia broken up, the l'u,' of i'.aiigioris, all ttrsuded or parted, :(,, i,. o grafh eal Party finally broke the 1,'t i and parted the Csnslitution, and the St.r-.s Toe C now before this Party, I Ci' U Ti ur or ;l t't-- i cat u tii. v hare left to iuuVt upon !L-- iau i v. . that eoiues, h- motis under ti e -,rt,i s::d l)spols npon il. wiil ail rejoice in t: e t;i amps of Aboliiionism. The Great act of the Soul. TLe celebrated poet and pi i, j--,p'f,rr. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, le.-.rd-d pr;er as t;,e great net of iLa s s. " ( was ait tiwir." says a friend, " by hi- bod si ; one aiternoen, snd be fil (an unueua! thin,; with liiuij into a loiiif ace'.jn'. cf u psseagf of Li pant life, ii,ii.l s.-am-Ib'r ss, scnu eiiiiiicg otLcrt. but eou; ;in lug witiiai, though vry .'!,!. y, .f t: e , in vLtcb u,any of fci -1 int. u: i-hu-j tesii cr.ja.iy mirt i..- 4 J; a 1 Lave to diS-.-j.ty, ' 1 bv. ' i:i f.-iv.-eea ; hut, beiivVu M, t . t.iav in :, ui. vouit hesrt ai.H stri'., v-'i: : i t- r. ar. il ). ) ! he' tut-t in-u i.:t !r:-.t.4 la WO! ( he. ' 1 tee b:m. th.t . ill In j . jsiiie i u i.s re I- nut ai.. or si " !'"'' ";'; " J .?CUJ ISI.MIV WAYT, SitrgrMl I9rntist, (C.at1'jte in MrpinsF ani 1s-ntist.v.) n Hi r. in Itrawlry's Kiiililiiif, tp SLiirv Opp n'lf Krrr's II Jtrl, ti .!.! O IT!'., v c. i p i i'inv .,! I I I I' r t . v, I iiAKt:- I I! I CM .n.l J v ' 1 'Ki.NS (.(Il l. 1'1U it i n i i! TIN AM I (.AM. AI.'l 1H IIAl. n il- h. -I ii..'ir:.-r. .,- Ti ' '11! i l l! W AH c" ,p. :- tl.K'l -M' ' " i -'oil i h:- .ptly. rc-.'l. I' irtti'.!.;! E'iif re .:.;!- AV V . ti. t. t :i-tif. ti..u fro. Ihit.ln. H.V., I ... OF ! KHS. A. STKKLK. i'lifxlf. C. ( I K 'A M A N . 'rr rrtsuhnt. V.. N V K 1 i L' U'l 1 1 St N , ec y. & Ti UlKKi ll'liS. A C. !TKELK, -J- 1- UiU.WN. M. It. TAYU'lt, it. 1. !'HU'N, f. o KU.MAN. i . J J,,!!N L hitl'V. i,;s-, . . I'. SfAllK, 1 i N . t ' t- n;.l j T 1.-.' rilihard i;r. t in.inN' ji ., ir.e. r 4l"a, i;, 11 MRS, V7KISL0W An e.x ii.rt .Nur-r al.c t' , in i. ! FhTJirun pre- rl. 1., tl.e u tl'-l. li'.li el III . tl CIS, lier SOOTIILNG SYlli;', l i;t; tin li:i 1 1 l i iti.Xs, wine.. I'm!! -t I, i ! .. li - the process ol lee ill! ..: .) Al t l'.W.N at isi.n.i-.i act, on, si HI. lt UK.. I.AIl 11!! a V I IS. I) U.I d up-u it, nviiari, M w.ii Ric I" I, ii'f and lic l.b I V ur lafaiiU. W ,i..i mi opaiiu sol-, ti.isarfr-.- n.r .A.r'-t, t A AV,1.N I U.Mlbf'Ni i. AM) ll.t 'i il of it. ! l l.-v- i,.-v-r 'e.11 .ii'l. t'i I. VI. K M AS ys .,.U J N A MNCLt. . S:tM. U rAlLr.U i.N.- 1 A.N( K ( I i....m,, i. 0 v ant igl.ted In n.l.eiral , tj, rt, a, ,e,lo: ll Vir- , ii. this m iller - U 11 A i W K aii. r U , v. up. ri. nee, A ,M lihl I I A-' I lu.N H I lit tl .. W.i i I V. 1. Hfcl.t IHA LAKIi. bUl. ef '-v"Ji' Lii -no 1-klU I I. 1 A I LIM - .-I i 1 in i ;;m :-a.M;s ur t am:. , ,w: in Uii' i;..fl.s and IS" ulic 1X'1,Z K " ""!. l-Vem': " ;nJ ,, C l.ll tCi 'v,e i,e ,,',.',. ,t ii . 1' I-!! .; K s I AND M I.IsT I i.VI.Ui IN Int. IMJl.LU. in ail !.. i.l li-.N I I.I. V AM' I 'I Al I! li( J A IN i iiI.i!(L.V it troui tu tiiinp, or ir mi li. V ..:h- r'. We wiuiil s..y lo ei. rt ,.!.. r vth- 1... a n.iio surJ.-rio iroiii .ny of the :.:-,t.v C .lallll, ! MH LKT t"l H ."li c.. N'li lilK PilUllUll cr nc 1 (.. .1 II -ni l 'I i.l. V -L.':L i ( l l.'l I i PLiihl.NS, N Piu. il'AI. t ii i I' 1 If- 0,i , 1 ( t.b.Wi -il KLtT, N. V. Z A Z- .V r. Z Ti ' . j tit 4 lyUtw'itUi: 'H I T til l. r K ii I 'l ! II (Ml s. .V M.l.tlW .COCIIIUXE 8 SAMPLE PKALEBS 5S. Hardware. Guns Cutlery, Arc., Etc, at the Su'" ol the Golden Vatt-Loek, Ot'l l respectfully invite the public to ; I rx.iiiiine their Siuck belure pur. oiinns eleewliere. H r Oiiiirn soliriied snri rnm'tly altrnded to. Call n"l '' CDCliliANK & SAMl'LE. July 10, I f i Ili dMiilh's Trols, at the iv.(,' oj the Cohieti Yud- supitlv, cnnsiHtinj; of An. liel'ows : Soli.l box Vices; CRar.-rsSI l.aii'l nf sinige llammrrs; Stm-ks iiihi lh, f i 'IVnc. riutlr. wi, Itatp, Flli s, and a p.ind supply of llurn- Kuis, llursr and Mule . I l,.w CDCflUAXE Jt SAMPI.H. Vols! Tools! Too! Si tit the of the Uohkn Yad Lot-k, poi.H supply of Touts, eonsisl. inf nf eircnl ir, null, cross. cut, rt, ininii, riiiptT, b;ick and com- i saws; lunch and iiu.u l1 . i r ii..nK, ..Hiiui,,,,.. " 1 llilrhrlsj II., imiieia ; bevel i.nd sterl !iiunr, ; lirawir.g Knives; Braces and j Itits j Aureis ; tJ-mlets ; ( hisrls; brick and plaa. j trring '1 rowrls; Screw F!..tis; S.iw Sets; Spoke. I hves; Files; li.sps; IVcket Rules; (iu.fci I. .ia : siint un.l iwrliil Levels: B.rilie Ma- . if COCHRANE i SAMPLE. Agiii'iiluiral Siiiplcnients, at ivi.''' of the Gohi n Yu l Luck. - supply of the above,' of T lips, m's erlel.r Shell.- 0 ri,.ughii; also, l orn-Sir-i Cutlers ; Shov. Hay and manure Forks; best cail 1'ie'ks, M-itlotss, Grubiiintr Hoes, ,Tr ice Chains, F.e Chains, Wiit'ini . ., II,.. , l!.,kes, Hr.'ee Shears, Fru. ,-.. Kie. r,ic. COCHRANE c SAMPLE. Cnrriage Materials, at the S'.'-' of the Golr.'en Tad-Lock, A larKe S(oc k of tl: aboi consist, 4-i ioi; of Spring es, lr Hum. II s. Hi Soukes. I'ateet Buezv Poles, BJKey f"ha ta. nil F.uauielled I.eallnr, Em tiled Cloth, (lii Caroet. Carriage Bulls, Br Silver H.nda, Silvr .Moulding l.aces, Tassels, Turned Stnk. Saddle and Lining N si is, & c. dtc. COCHRANE A SAMPLE, j TT.T 1 T the Si2n of l!ie GOt.DF.N ; ' j. PAU K will be f fil5? stall times, large and well ae. lrcUll H,,k of (iuns, fWs,; rowder horns. Powner ll-sks, Powner, Shot,' Lcuo; I re,.. ,, and Amcricn w,,..!.,w tilas. ; Put- I atrrk of Km c 1 1 s ii ami American Iron; Cast Slid, Lserman steel, Bluti r steel, Plough . eil. Nth e st. I ; Naiis ol all hltiils lirnip ami ,,i:u'n ,.e; Anc.i. r B-anii Bolting Cloti;s ; Mul .".res; Ji'i.i I'm ks; Spike II nnmi rs.St-uic Ham nors D.ui.le ami S:-,ele B'orks; also, s l,rSe Mock nt C,,"iicc, Curiam Bands, Curtain Pins, Picture Coril ami Ti.s.rla, &c. COCHRANE i SAMPLE. .lliSlfl.IIOTEL, IS ti m Jsaafi BE aV' t Z 1 Ii E sui cri! er lakes ph-arure in announcing to his Ir , and (he pub ic generally, that hft estaolishi d and well Known l h . .every p..sBii,;e pr, par a ti,,n (o I'.ilioil.'ile th , travellilig and vimting ,ns of li luc rno&t atie loiy r. icu'ar atlenlion is p "3? A.TT t rv ruia'orl ta pruvideti in hit II. s STABI.KSare ahnndantly supplied and at. need bv ear. ui o.t.ers; and lo all liepartiiienls . I..S p. rsonai atlr-lition. ,.,rt, b',i OMNI lit S rui.eregiihirlv lo f.e deimt on ll -e arrival ol the cara Willi th c jul. ,e etli.rts lo pii.ase i liberal siinre of p . troi lly solicited. Vi'M. KOWZEK J, PHILLIPS . 7 1: i: ti. . "V t.ii a o it, A V I N ii U.cattd in I 'i.ii r lutte, rcp( ctiul icilB a nhfu oi public A coi,,p!-lc ia ll i c ri il, be in . ii- r lit tl.e s I'.rte-afl-rl'.e I at I .l of the M i i ll'iiise. ilJtf SfpUmhel ' JOII.N S, WILK V, I HtNUFacn.'KER AND IMrORTUXOr 'HAYA3 k SEGARS, j tbDccf, Enuu. ilaixhfe3, Paper, Etc., j riH.-iOSZA. ', ij, j .VERS l III! 'I I'll'l.s. ir.. Mi:Manllyon linnd. j Jinu.y I, -,;n. 42i, I a. Ii. .JO I I.N, I 4V U Crtl I 4'olltrliHZ il mill . I l lalfJlJltaV 11. I rrr) UDIliy, .IlitUIIUI.'l, Tt " ILL attend promptly to Ihe collection of all V e Claims piac-d in Ins hands. L.nte. Cijim. ,.K.-.I ail. r. Land Claima ferret, li, an.) alncon .il.g Hi.:, tor. loosed up at rea. TEXAS CLAIMS. in Texas, as heretofore. i in Hint Sum. Promptness j - H()l S;. HI' I il I. 114 i;s- i i. ii.nriil( on theiil.ti, .' niil rent, lor Urn, V ALTON 2 1'- I. X.Y.XS',: . t l',..: need iljidy,) at Oil Wllltll il I'atrolii ,g. Pro : of Ilia llou. Its central . cannot it 1,1 ition, and eslao. 1 sucrei.a( il pro. Any niloriualiuu I Oy a, 'n-Mii, .. i a. ii VV. M. VV ALTON .M ir int.,,,, ,N tu'CM 1VIII.AT m.). w, .... bo Mil. VV c ,i Ci ,:, 'te .in i ,ourui ng W for .1 price., y find it lo their JOHN VT LK r.rt lV t j). A. YV. AIiIiX4NDKK) Miff A IftlA 'MS T, FFKRS Ins services to the eiti-x-ns of tliis and adjoining" eouu -'ties in the treatment of irregular!- i u m of the lerth. Diaeases of the iiiuutll. Teeth fi;,.d :, .killlul inj entisfoctorT inunnir. Ar. I teeth inserted an Gold or Si ver plate, sls India liuhDer vulcunia'il base. Tins style sf work has ninny silvunli.gesuver the Swaged work. It can he adnpieri to the mouth with less irritation Ihiin (he pa(jed work it is also chr apu. It ia Ore from any unpleaaanl odor or taste. Having become ;ent for the Americvm Hard KuUkt cotnpnny lie will supply Ihtitisls ilh of fire rights lo inanufi.clure Plules sr.d (miiiis fur Art. final Tnth and the Apparatus and Matrnul He will also give instructions in the art on mod cale terms. A he ipecls to dn a travelling business per sunn ilreinhg woik done, can be attended to at their resiilenrrs, bv addirssinf; him at Tucka. serce V O.. Meckleiihurg Co., N. C. I !' All work warraiiled. A;,,H 3. 181,0. Sif The Corner DRUG Store, ! ni.4RLOTTi:,N.C. 1 n y : 1 1 utc ii 1 sos & o. " t)l'l.l respectfully call the attention of the f public to their Isigr ana eoioplelef now bi-ing opened for the cpring I raae, conaisiuig 01 .,, .i.diriiies . flirmicals. l'trfuinerr. Fancy Artlc,. o,, Turpi nunc, Hurnii'K Fluid, Alco. (mj ,,r jn,.dpc- ,n and Brandies, Canton .j.,.,, j,-leI(i and Garden Seeds, 4c., ic. jenB.r 17. S66O. elf HOWAIMMSSOCIATIOX. run. tun rniA. A Prrtrnlrnl ItitMiiUon ftabliihtd $nrtial F.n-duu-mti.t. fat the Hrlirt tf Ike Sick and Uftittttd. 1 ajllirlrd aril A Virulent and Epidemic Vueaiet.and ! eejiecially Jor the i ate of Ditiatew uj the Sexual j (Jrciins. Tit FD1CAI. ADVICE civen the Act- if it ing Surgeon. toallwhoapply by letter, Willi , a ilescr'ptioii ol ll.cir cnniiiiion, (,ge, occupation, h.,bils ol lito, 6lc .) and in cases of elreme pos. Ttv. Medicines fur 111 lint free ol cliaree. VAl.l'ABI.K KKrdllTS on Sierniat.,rrhcea, and olhir Diseases i.f (he Sexual Organs, and on tbe NKW KK.MF.HF.S employed in the l)isp.n. in sent to the in sealed letter envei. opes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for pos. tare will be aerept.ible. Andre.., DK. J. SK1I.MN HOICIITON. A . ting Surgeon, H.iwurd Association, No. 3 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, P. By order of the liiaectors. GF.O. FA lfl"(lll.l. Secretary KZKA l. IIKARTWELI.. Prodent. Feb. 7, IShO. 46-1 Y rii r.itoiv k i : it ii.i! i : i ) v. - - 1 1 , &?) 5, b i . - fVcJf , -fK 2 iV'S' 'MVA 2 . I' MLm i AN LNFAII.ING Cl'RF. FOR Gucrrttta I nil Diwusft of the frinary Or?nns. ' fanHIS REMEDY cures when all other preps. 1 JL It 11 entirely unlike every oth. -cmpound ; contaitnmng ivoMisfrsaL Poison or stois I'sro; as it is prepared solely 'rom I'oots, Basks and atevil, and Ins been handed fiom one geserution to snolher, by the .'hkhokf.e Indians II is offered to Ihe public on intrinsic niTit. It performs its duty 'quickly and thoroughly. The I'srosTl'MATa, ol 1 either sex will he repaid hy using this, . instead .f placing thcniselves at the mercy ot some ' (J iack or P.of. or. 'J nis Rf.mxdt strikes at Ihe 1 very Root of the diseaie ; its lenoency is not sim p!y to Caust rnd the poison, but to Rkmovx thr on wliicii it iiM.'nds, r u 1 1 directions in iUt form, accon, piny each b. ilk The spre 1 k rmanent relief a rTorded by this Remedy, i-afes ol (io.oRiinT.,Gi.rsT,i;aAVii.,STaic. lu."n Ai.r. 'VVhitm in FmALis),and ail pai ,:y I Ih nf ti,e L'riaary Organs, has aa(ouislied 1 1; e -ikwI scientific nun of the age. This Remedy 'not only eradicates ,11 Poison from the SvsTte j hot Ivto.,RArvs the n.iat delicate constitution. I I; It 1.,'a .Not A'ricT the Bscath or Intv. Irrait wilii any i.a ef Bisiniss, or require any .:e .Lou from the uioi! diet. It nquircs no asaisunce from other merli. Cllir. l''And what KmuNrrs its Vai.tir, is the F.n risr. As-rv rof all NAtsr. -ut T asts, being i I'Masant and SyaiF i'siri en I).iTTt r,oa 'Ihcki Bottlfs roa t P.a'l'l LK i. .VthW I.N, Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, M i. S,M in Charlotte, hy Dr. F, Pcarr. " ' E. Nye Hutchison St Co. " Co'uinhia, " Fishrr 4 Heinitsh. ri ii all Hiugirists in the country. Van Seii a ick & Gricrson, Charleston, April il, ifcnu -1 y Wholosale Ieslers. vi:.s YOU MAY USE OP. RECOMMEND Ileimstreet's Inimitable ASU FIND IT TO BC P ERF L li Al F RS0AIVE, pronn . 'in t the strength and growth ef the Ha r, ar,. I f vinj; it all the beauty of youth. Do you luubl i( I liritil! Cp.kI! ICrntl! SiHRocN Lawe, Ksacx Co., N. Y., ) J eliiumry 6, 1 bjs. W. K IIagan, Troy N. V.. Dear Sir .- II ivmg used your Hair Coloring or Restoralire, and l.'-iiig muco pleated with it, 1 lake pleasure in in. king li.e ,.il,,iiic . tati tin ut : from the ef- 'i u oi a very severe i ol sicknras, when about i H yi-ara of age, my hair commenced turning grey, and so continued to grow until it Letume peifecttu white, bung si ry huiah and coarse, l.-aat . Summer I had reach d my filiy-thirdycar, wi.un J waa in. liU'torn friend to purchase two bottles of Heim. (re-el's lt-nr Hrsturaiive prepared by you. 1 com meiiced usnir it according to directions, anil in (kw '"" wa surprised to find that my hair from ' I ti.e roots outward was lurmng bark to it. original coinr. It so continu' d lo grew until it ly brown and glossy as il was in uiy youth I ul days, tuid is noir fttllv rettwed tu ttt original color. .MY LA SLA. MAN'. I'.ttez Co ,u My la Sea man came before me and was duly sworn, and says that the above statement i tiut. tin. (ill, uay t Kchruary. Ib.'i8. JULL F. P(nLK,JuflieeiilA. We. PlTTHFOaD. Vt., Aug. I, Itti7. I lii n by certify, that my hair having become ijuiie gray, 1 used lleiinatrcct's Hair Restorative, (prepared by VV . K. Haoa.n, of Troy, N. Y.,) for lour res s, and my hair was in that time re. jatured lo il one,, rial color. I can lully rccoui- i uieu.J the artic.u to be all it ciainis, VV.M. KINGSLEY. I i'esor of the Haytitl (, Vxtltjord, 't. 1 Mr. V. K. Haoan: I have used Ileimstreet's ; lliir l! stor .tue tor three years, and Live found il lo ne a mo-! i i, e.l.-nt article. It not only re. st red the color of my, giving it new life and "ireiigl'i, hut it cured myself mil wife of a moat ..b.iin 1 1-a-r u'j I i',n on lliu , eolp, wtiirh nothing eUt term"! to heneit. 1 fully believe it to be tin: best .rtisle in use. Your Reap. -tfully, j V. NOW Ll O.N HOW LAN i). 1 he above are but a few of the many letter, of recoiiiiiironaiioii winch have been tendered to the proprietors of Humaireel's Hair Coloring oi Re., toralive. It haa Is en used hy Ihousaoda of people, lid it never fails lo restore the color ami growth ol toe hair. 'I ma a.nsillar ell.-, 1 not ...,!. ! is w .. ,i , . . a nrr 4 ; t,.f , rl, ,,., Jttl I nl K ir.tions of clnuug in . tier at Ihe r,ml., anil t:,l- a rtea-U inn ciacge. The cdu, prmlu'.'d It ajf ). auiilcrjcil, Out the nattrol tt.'idc uj uuuth. Il I color l Pro W. K. :.Sle and I. fill,,, ' b-ttle S, I eeervwhere li a.s & in I ii irlott. 'a., Proprietors. Troy,,Y Y. y Dr. F. (searr, and all Drug. 1.1... Van .Vh, i. a .,e Arn(s. 5-1 Y Kists in trie I .1,-M. .'1, Bfil. C0t7KKKe-S078S AHiAKK ton 1 861. S H 5- H JAM'Aliy 6 7 8 2 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 10 17 16 10 20 21 22 23 24 Ub 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 FEBRUARY... 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, 24 25 26 27 28 , 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 5.0 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 i31 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 lfl 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W If 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MARCH- APRIL.. MAY.-.. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 JUNE., 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 3,1 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 jiji y ."vu ... AUGUST 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 23 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2 29 3d . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 11 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 1 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 r 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2tt 27 29 29 30 .1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 29 29 3D 21 DECEMBER. SPRIISTG AND w n a ii v 'Itllo sub.ciiber hss received a large and van- j Ja. ed aaaortmret of J s Nasal a 1 j for Spring and Summer, which fr cheapness .nd ' ne.tucss, cannot be surpaaaaid, consisting iap.rtof; Black and clonal ( LUTIIS, Black UoK KIN'S, Plain, Uiack and Fancy CAS?IMERE?, French Drab IV LI ES. Plain Buck snd Figured Silk VKSTI.NUS. Fancy L.neu DRILLS. and ail other Gooaa oioally found in a first elaas Tailoring Establishment. A I ol which will bs made to order or sold hy the yard on eccommoda. i l:ng terms. J. 8. PHILLIPS, i In returning my thunbs to the eitilena of Char, j lode, tui tlie ter; kind .no liberal patronage they have bt-alowt-u un me. 1 would request s eontiou. ' l"LC of tl.e same, Willi the assurance that all or. ders sMrusitd to nie wtil b neatiy promptly i eierui-d. J. 8, , , April 17. IbCO. 4if ! Wm J, Kerr, I A T T O Jl S E Y A T L A ', ! II tktLOT I li, X, C., j l! ILL practice in the Courts ol. Mecklenburg, T T l oion and Cabarrus counlita. IJ- Olliee iii Krrr's Hotel. Jua. 24. lsil.0. die Brawly Building opposite 44tf J. Y. IS IC VI la iV ( ., UF.ALISS IS COT CW and all K11MLS of PRODUCE, T K A 1 fa i I It 1. 1; I', i HAhljOTTE, N. C. jLTAII orders allended to with despatch. April IT, lPbO. en' CUAliJaO'lTJi jiojj;l, aev :ii mm.9 '1IAHIXITTE, N. C. flIIF. Proprietor ufthia Hotel i JL .till at his post ready lo Int. fil theduliesof "mine howl" lolhe travelling public and othera who may call on him, and he flaltcra himself that aa comfortable quarters can be found with bun as sny where in this vicinity. Being situated near ly in the centre of Charlotte, Bus, nets Men will find tin. Hotel s nioat convenient and deairable location. He has been engaged in the business it tin. eland nearly eighteen yeara, and in that time he ha. made several addition, to hi. former house, and il ha. been greatly enlarged and im. proved, presenting i frnnl a two .lory VERANDA iOU feet in lei. gin by IW fret in width, h.iidaomely baited by Irer. on the tide. walk, affording a pica Bant promenade at all hour of the day. The House has beenlhoroughly furnished Ihro'. out, and in every part of it creature coin for U are abundant and tangible, especially ,n the D1MNG ROOM, where th "inner man" i ..renewed" day by day. Connected with this Hotel sre Rtablea anordmr room for 100 horae. abundantly furnished with gram and provender, attended by faithful and e. oiiging noeiiers, 'Ihe Proprietor fi that with hialong experience ami many new advantages added to his desire to please, he is prepared to offer hi friends ami the " rest ol mankind," as many coinforla and as much gooar cheer as will be found anywhere, perhap. . little more so. il-TAtany rale Tar the Charlotte Hotel. J. B. KERK Oe'aaW 19. IH.',8. 3vtf Superior Smut Afachfncs. at the Sign of lh Gulden Yad-Ltx.k COCHRANE i 6A.MPLE. r rtTTTtiTnmmvT UATTT. W ikOnil' tf J. Ul w UV A sUAJj (CHANOI OF B0PlT0Mt ) , BROAUMBEfcT HHsWBKBN, N.Cn JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. , ftIK ttnder.i.ned rt.ace.tfi.lly aenwineri it. rl II. n. uublic. tbsl he has taks. eha... of Ih.s old sed popular esublishmei.t. an. ? j n..n,iaoitE travelers and pri. IS now prtp..-- -- ,..ll, - sate families witti Oosru oy i" 7 -the most accommodating I a-rail. liisTA Bi t will always be furnished with the best provisions that home slid foreign n.slkels ess, rooms, i. ne..rer the depot, the eourl-hoese, see e ausincss air.:. - . i- a .I... ..II ba at the depot and landing, on the srriv.l of the e.ts and steamboat, ,o convey passenger, to the Hotel fre. r C.rg.. By atopping at tin. Hotel, passengers will have ample time to obtain meals. Il.ving also a large and eomasodious Stable, and an excellent Oaller, he is lully prepared lo board horses by Ihe day, week or month at the mo.t reasonable rat... JQHN p J0NKg. Jsfere 1.18S9. "f P. SAUJiS, Archilrrl mid lliiildfr, -H-BT7 fL furnish Designs, Plans snd Urawing ? for Pubhe Buildings, Private Residences and Villas. Psrticulsr attention will be psid to building f louring Mills, i orn mm., . u 3d story of Alexander's Uuildmg, front room.j over China Hall. OeeAr26. 1858 33lf Jf Hemoval. MY Friends and Customers sre respeetftill y Informec lhal I hsva remo.d any l is. fllinp to Springs' Brick Bulling, 3d door from ths Cor ner, on Tryoa street, where he will be pleased o see thera. S. T. WRISTON. J.r3l. I860. 46tf s yersSarsnparilla A coTijioiiii"! r"nt-Jy, in which ! Kavs la h.i.'.'il io pruliu-j th: urj t etf-vtual all-rittivs t'.iat ran h ' made. It i. aiumintiated extrael of I'a.a. Sarsa;urtlla, aai eontbined with uth t suli.'au. si oi' al.ll great, r alterative power a l to a!T 'U in elf cive antiiinte for the d . Sar-sMTilla is reputed to cure. It is li dievrd that s'l h r tnrdy is wan" d hy thru who !iT'r froMi S'rtiruoua complaints, and that one w'.uh wiil vumplih thru cure must ptovs of mm m" na to this largo claai of our ai.-te. f l.i r 'i"n.. II .w cimipl.-t. ly this totniwii ,1 will J.j it ha b en provu ,y eipr iin 'i.t an many uf the worst car to be f mnd of tlie h owing . .i.nplam's: S u.rt i a ani S-c.idfi Mil a l'oPHIJiT, F.u: rrios. anii i.urrnva Iiibasb, 1'u:ii, Piiai'.-.s., Pion Mrs, Trwoaa, Salt Ktiat a, s un Hutu, Srrniits ni HrrMiLirio Ar ra. ri.iN, Mini kial Ui.sasb. Ifhopst, N'.i Allall OS I'll ! i-OI l.ll, USSII.ITT, III rre.iv ami Isi.k.r.tion, Kai.irri.ia, Hosa c Sr. i.Ni Hun r't Kiaa, and In l -ed the ela.. ol r.rn .lauu. anting from NrratTr or Tin llm i'hn i.i .ipo'ind will he fo'u.l i great pr' nia' ir uf hvil'h. when tak in th spriiia!, to t;--l th ' fo il hum art which frt. r in th hlo.H a' '!,tt aawmii of th- aar. By thetim-. ly etpulsioii of 'h-m many rankling diMsnWi are m;pe l in tlis hud. MulutueAfe can, by rhs aid of this reiierly, spare thevnsa.lTea frr,:n th eti'l'iran -e of foul eruption and ulccro it sor, through whirh th syvtem will srriv-.' lo, r: l itif of eorniotion, il not assiatiN. to da this drouth tl-.e natural chmiueU of the tsuly hr jn "rt'ire m-di Clraiiie out tlie v.t. r I 1 1 whenerrr si find its impuritiee hurs'iiig through the kin in limplea, etuptiniM, or sure.; ile.naas it wfi.-n yul liud it is oh a'rn ; d so l in;i.h in 1,'ie v.-ins ; cl-anaeit wh-nevir it n fa n', an 1 yuur feolmjs will rU you whm. Fr--ti where no parfiruUr disorder is f-l(, p;i! siiiot IS-rter halth, and live liir-r. for cleansing Ih blood. KfT tho h.o nl he ilt.iy, aiij ail it well; but with this pa'iu'.uni of lif.-' L th r? can b' nat la.t.n,; h aT'h. S-n.T or later im'hing n..i.t ji wroti-j. .nl th r-t marhin-ry of life is diord.-ril or orrthrowu. Sari,!..!!! has, snd desenret rnurh. th I 'Ti'i'i 1 1 of a-"ii:i:is)iinj the rude, !!: the aiortl i,. le.., a. retool. ly .lTeived hy pr-;aea'i.ln arf i, paelly b--il tti drug ahi.i lik. nat all the emu? that is c luma-i tar i. o-it in... e le-. .j' a.any preiaar-sii'iiis, pr-la-a l,ii lo ron en'ri-cd era. tt of ir, ..i.i'.i ii I" 1- of the virtue of Sar .ipanila. or ar.y thing si. ii.nt.,4 I.ii' yearv the puioie ISave heen rmt-1-1 l.y iia' ia::l pretiiHiing to Rive a iriart ol I. el. a. I of .sjr.a,..,. iia f .roue ir. 1 ,,t ..f ",a.j hav l-n f:au Is u;.oti (lie in k, f .r they not only cin'ain ll lie, if .ny, Sar.),v nils, bur ofteii no curative pmjei(tes whatt-r. e. H ir.. Hitler biiiI NiiitiJ ii:apM.iufniJit La. fulto ',il tii ' u -e of i.j eariout itra is of S ir.upvi.lj wt.i. h fl s. 1 she markrf. unM tl.e nun it- If l. J'l-'ly il-s;ii l. an I haa he. o:i. it.myrawu , w iiia :em ami eltaa'. .'s.ul a... call this i-oinTKmod Sat-yiAj.l,., si,U mtrn I U supply .u li a run ilya'sls.l r -n.e (!, n..iiia from Hie I 'tad nf .iMo'iiy wlr. h r.ts u;Kan it. A url - think vr- Imv croun.l fur h ii. vi.igi: has .rtu vi bull a.j tirti islii.S ly the ordinary run of t!aC tit iwiri. ii.'-n l e I 1 1 mre. I i or,l r t i -( th -ir i ,!,;)'. er oti'-at: ,u from ?he ay fri. t1- !, il l he juilirinualy taken Du oinrij to li.r-eUaji.a m tilC tiSlttic. rarrar.rt cv l it. jr. '. avi i: a ffi. I.OWr.T.!.. M,s-;. Pries, tl Pr floUio t S.I lloltlcs fwr N. Aycr's Cherry IVctorai . win fr itlf tm-h ; s-tl'V-s-fl foi it. t mtrv Hi- fee it rrrf h Uo fir tiieir r 'oil the lat.f a,.J th. all ir ua Aycr's Catliarlic Pills, roi t:i ct? -r: ov fwtfirsw- , te I'll,, lii, Ui er ( Jaundice, l ,,.,', , f'tmt .SloanaleA, t;ftpe'ri mmn'ttm, li' Ufittoni tin i .N nis.llof. Ilrupty. fe-lee. I I'tmirf Salt Rhrun, H'.jrni; Until, Set -nliii lliiiner fill, mio f- l'iitfy,,the Klcnd. 'I hey are snrrsr.rnate'1, a.i thl lh e.aaM aainsl. live can lake them .. a.amia. n-l l'iei arr t.ip lie.t aperient hi the w.ii'i I for all ihe O'lrpose. of a I ....ily phy. r. Piiot 24 cents per lox ; Fivi boxal for $1 00. Great nonitrt of CUe.;.uttv, Pheaiei ,.t, Kf.leaa. men, and eminent peraotiKna, bale hot their Hi me. oi eeriif, i,e unpar ilMeo i , I , . a-- a of ,h.- reineltav, bin ar,nee herai saill wot permit fti" insertion nf Iheoi. I he A ;enta liuw Boa.te.1 f,.a ni-h iirstia oir A w sen a n Ai vjANtri., nl.i.kUi-v ar.-Mieii; with .!.. full iles. eiiiio ,a ..f the a'-.i e CMnplainls. ami ih treatmenl lhal shoul l kw foi lowed for thir cure. Do tint h p. it olT I,, nniiiio !,leJ da .lar. w'.H (Hher preptrwlkim thee nuke n.or tras1r am. Isemand Avaa a. snd t others ihe -ok want the best aid there ia for them, snd tbey should have it. All our remedies ar for tat by For sale by E. NYE HUTCHISON A CO. , , K. SCARU & C, U"ltf. HAVILANl), 8TEVENS0NA CO., Char It it on, S. ('. Fruit and firc "Store." flf HE subsoriber kss optned out aeal duer a. Jl bova Byerly's Tin-Shop, in the Mansion Hons Buildup, and will keep nn band well se. Iscted slock el Frnit Trees, (irspe Vine., f.ttt. gre.aa and) Hhrabhery, tt: Alao, Fruil. of van. u. kind Apple. Uriagea, Unions, Pine Ap. plea, akc, dtc. E. W. LYLE3. Deeemher 1 1. IHRO. 3H.f ctjNotice. AI L persona indebted to the estate t.' Andrew Springa, riee'd., w.ll make immedi le pay. mnt; and all person basing claim agaiaal .aid ealattei, will present liieni duly aulhcnlicalad, in Ih lim presrrilied by law. or lliia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. T. II. HREM Kz-r. Octahet V.t, SfiO. 32,, ROOT. H. CO WANT. GENERAL COMMISSION MfetU'ANT U' Ofhce, outn turner Market ana Walei 81 up stairs. OcleSer II, to.i. 31tf ONLY rnHflllATIOX haMsu isoors so anaosu ami niaacT as to EMM T1IK J)OUJl'Js or Aisis. For Statesmen, Judges, Fdilors, Tliysiri,,,, , Ihe eloeat actuals es well as l.ew,,ivt , lht ausliflsd ssaclisa.aud leci.n.n.eno it for all caor ol eruptions, and uisease. ol tbe scalp anil rtin. but all who have used it, unite, in testify in. ih, it will pressrve the hsir Irani being gray,lna from Idling to say age, ss well s feature, it., th. following t Oak Grove, 8. C. June 94th, 18i9, Paor. O. J. Wood t Dear Sir : Your Hair KC( loralivs is rapidly gaining popularity in llm ' muaiiy. 1 have had ecos.ion lo lay preiud,.,' aside, and give your Hair Ke.torativ. . , lesi : . I During the year 1854, 1 was so unfV.rluniL j to be throws (rom my sulky against , tlKtl I the loadside.frunt which any head received a n,o. I terribla blow i causini s treat desl i,f ,., which eonimeuuatee t the brain sr.d eiu,,i ,Bf i.o. si the head, hum the erVutL ul which sit , ,.,r finally di tlroyic over the tntire aun.ct ol me neso. rnai in. a orsi aiacosernj dropping, however, up tu the lime ef its total d ppearauce, 1 employed everything I could Una, rt. being a piuletwioiial man mjsell, snd, aa I nought, nnoer.landing the oaiure ol tii. diseait but wa. finally delcated in every preacripinij advanced. Tbiss sad no other cireuoistsnces indueeal ni to resort to your werihy lisir Rssturtlive, i,,t0 1 bs. rv reasun lo awliave, prsducee t 1tll happy result i two months after tlie first apphca. lion, I had .a beautiful a head of young ban al ever aaw, for which 1 certainly owe you my no sinccrs thanks. atel sssurtu, dear .,r, 1 ttltll r.commend your remedy lo .11 inquirer.; a,,,,, ever, 1 shall use my influence, whiih I ,, mjsall lu say , i. uol a little. You call publitb this if you think proper. Yaura, very respectfully, M.J. WRlGlli, M. D. Otfica of the Jcflersonian, Philippi, Va. lee. I'alth, U5J. '' De.r Sir: I feel it my duty as well i. m. plcaaois, u stale to you Ihe lullowmg eircuia. lance, which ysu can use .. yau pi0pn. A gentleman f this place, (a lawyer,) hM far,, ksld ever usee sua sally jueth ; so much aa, un lui wa. compelled lo Wear a Wig. He St. ,Ca. ced to use. bold, of your Hair Rettortint," which he liked very uiOrh ; sad alter u.,n t.iia, two ur this botths his hair grew out hiunani , anj he now ha hanusoaii iicsd ul I. nr. ',',' geiitlcauaa't umn is Brad lord, and aa lis ia itir well known in out adjoining eountir., many p.,. sans cau Irttity to thr truth ef statement, I ,,( I le yoa at tla riqee.1 of Mr. Bra.iiaru. n can sell a great seal ol yaur llau Rr.ti.ralivt .i. (hi. and In adjoining toumie. il juu biai ik, ptopcr agnu. Your. sV e., 1IIOMPSUN SI RGIINuK. Da.WoajDi Dear Sir: Permit a.s lo eipreia liar obhgslion. I am uncif lor Ilia enure realrrtiia. ul my bail to it origiaal coloi ; ab,,ut th l.a.t tf my arrival in Ihe t nited Stale, it waarasiafj i. cajaniag gray, bet upon the application rar " Han Kc.iuralivs " il soon .-rcuirrcd its or,, no hue I iiiisidcr your Keslcral st a van oa. dsrful lavenllun, quite rfticaeioa .. well at arm. able. . IHALHr.K'. Tlie Kealsratis is put op ia kntllr of 3 t,li, vis I large, ntrdium and uiii; tlie small kuiut a pint, and retails lor un dollar per bultit, mvdiiiiii lioln at Heaat twenty per cent, mare a proportion than the email, retail, for twe ,,tn i bottle ; th l.rg. bod a eiiail. forty er test more la proportion and ictaila lar 1 a bodie. O. 1. WOOUak I'll., Proprius,444 Nsw York.sud 114 Marset St.. St. Louis, Ma. J ..Id by ail goaad Druggists and t sney ttooat uSt. er. sod in ( harlot! Of b( AKK 4k I U, Julm , I Bod. 14. .ti. E, R. STOKES' I)0ok Uiiidiiig Kslablisliincii!, Two Deo n ibutt Era rtt k Bunk, io Ntw Bunk ing ia rear of 111. ll. Mattlrj tlini Hull, l til.1 .till I A, t. . Ties abov tsUblisl.menl is aow ia full aprro liua, bating, and stall irerivirag (lull aupa ; Ihe beat bl.AN..' PAPER and UI.M'r.KV MA TKRI AM. I am at all times learly tu fill ill s ders in my lint, and at Ih name tuns wiint i liar ol patronsge. Jbl y personal stlenliun a, it St given to all order. Willi which I may be latur..'. Having had lo'ig prai deal aper,en.e in Cic a..a ulacluieol III. AN h BOOKS, and in tlie tl.r.e i f n nsw ami old I'KIVI t.D Hdkklt, I tUtur IImI I , ia all eases, giv. enlir BLANK BoUkS. Hank lloaiks.t letks'!ua,k, for Distrie. Ofrti, Sl.erirls', Oidu.sry's and ( on in li ly's foot. t, ail RILED and bl'l ND to i.j pal tern, in th very best manner, of euptnor p'fr,. ad Paged snd li.daa.d w ln required. PL1N I ED VtHlfkM. Music B.a.ts, Peril dirals, P.n.pblsla, M.(.l .H and iisnk al every de.eriplH.B, bound ol Hps'tec, in eveey varerly ot tyle. laTAil ordt's w.ll be eiMuted with drspstr-. and aa low tan b dun tlacwhere. K. R. Sl'OKKS. Jontftf IT. 160. 43if .4 1 Iff ll-C4 StOl.l A r.utual Lit Insurance) Company. OtHt't..HM.kH,H. A i r tHIS ( uu.paey inaures the livra el .n. :"' ml at for on year, a term of yeara, or f'.r a In Mutual Priaciple, the red .-r hie p' paling ia ti.a proliu ol' th Company, t oca gr.nUu lor th whole term ol a", wlien Ihe premium therefor sina.uiils lo note iii.y be given fur one. halt the amount ul l' premium, .searing interest st ti par ecut. witaavl guaranty Tbe manner in which all losses l" been paid by Una company .together with lb' ' rales of premium, present great inducements " suck are disposed to insure. Slave aremeurad for term of from ta u fi VA yar, latr IWM.ltural llisil vain. All loaeta ar paid within UU daya after sshs factory proof ia presented. DIRECTORS. Charle t. John. (on. Vim. II. Jone, Vm Hold. a, . U. t ook.. J. . Williaa... II Healea. Wua nliri, P. r. Prscu.i. II McWt, h. P. Il.lllt, I harlr. B. Kol. " J-owlr, Kieh'd II. Ballls , ('FFIFfcltS. Dr. Charle E. Johuaoii.Preaitlenl. VV . VV . Ilolden, Vice Pr.sicUnl. R. II. Baltic, Secretary . Williams II. Jones, Trestnrer. II. W. Ilu.tad, Ailorney. Dr. Wm. II. MoKee. Medie.l Ex.mmr isfcaliee Cemautlee. W. Uusbie, Vi . IL K, Charles B Root. Medical Htd of Ctntullolwn -I' Johnson, M. D, William II. MiRec ,ie. M. I' Iticli'at U. Hay wood,. VI. V-, st ji. nay wood, .li. v., ur further information, th tstiblie i r'', to la, and fnims ol prnpnssl."1" be obtained t Ih Olln of lb lomp" i'ut red lo may or any ofll Ageneira. . , Coiiiinuiiicaliorn should b addrrMed, II paid) to. It. H. UATTLP., iffrrl"'' September 8, IHA7 2Hlf ;s 'I";' - . e-at wire, k . - r --, --.-; Ae7,-"rJ?c "J-t : ;0B PRIKTIKG. .1 OB PRIM IM. of ..'I kinds anai nxivruilioosi tiartias al .,llb'' z-H-.if-' rs,y: t7WNSA-. H i