Agricultural l'LANT MORE GRAIN AND LESS COTTON. Tie Cassville Standard, of Jan. Hist, makes tbo following cii'lient suggestions to planters : ' Wa are gratified to notice that miidj of our exchanges are uritij.' upon fer.n. rs and planters the importance of piatttlng lucre g r i ti and less cotton this ya.r that uiua There in no telling whnt orJeu! wo arc to ran through during the present year. I: may be that we shall be ena'ed in one of the most bloody and aanjiuiuarj ware of modern limca. Should tbia dim calamity l:ufritmfmWX- -ill', be much icfied, and tlio price of cotton rejiufCto a low figure, and provisoioLs tr.d breadstuff, advanced to a corraspou diugly high rate. Should we te iuvolved in a war with tba Federal Government, we aiil probably be cat off from aii coiuuiuui cation Bad traffic with tin North-western fciatea, fraa whom the cotton at .".ten will Lave to purcbaa largely of their supplies of corn and meat for the present year. All wi'l sea at 01 ca the prspriety of plant ing a !a ge grkin cr-sp tl.ia fa.aoo 11' i.i;- re-t aa well aa p.:iiotl.-m should pretrpt the f.vnicr to pursue this e .ur.e. '1 hi? sect on of the State i one of the bet growing regions within ber limits, and without presuniini? to advise our faruiiu? friends what should da, we throw out these suggestions, for their consideration, and a.-k them if it would not be policy for then to p'ant nearly all thiir crcp in corn!" Sarmnah Republican. Frcm the P.iftun (.'ultivatur S T R A W B t: R Y C U L T I" K K . Mrssaa. Editors : In lookiug or.-r the rumbera of jour valuable pppr, 1 bare lor .'onje time past noticed several l ricaiiotia re.pectiup the culture of straw beiri'a. Mj experience has taught a;e that fait aetting af plants is almost ueless, as oar climate ia altogetfcer to variable to 1 i drpeudtd on. J be preiftit season has been o dry that plants tet in May have recently eonjiuenced running After a man has plowed and pripared his lard, ready for tae planta, then to be di-aj pointed iu their fiou:ihitg, i dibeart- tiii:$ The pltnts fcbooid b set in tbw apriti, and 1-t N'.un take course, and the cultivator be paid fr bia trouble. I coBidtr it oonttary to tbe lawi of Nature to take joung plant.- that Lave grown but one season, nd set them a;uin in he fall in hoy; or itL r petti 114; 1 oitJ aiain and fou : llicitct to b-r a jll errp the next tprit My op iu .11 is, that ftiaberry plant-" shou'.i c t by the li.iirlle of May; even th' u, the weather sbcn'd pnvern tbe grovtr altogether. ' have for oc time past devoted much liiiic to the culture of strawberries, ai.d and tried 11. any experiments, but have never kjcrctii ed in traLsplantiu? tu tbe Kail. Strawberries, if well mir;ed, are a pri firabl as anything that cm he f.-r nurket. I gr t-eraliy fell et a warm suntiy pace to tbe i.eatb of ci,:ht iuehe'; then Head on well mixed manure ; th-u h uro wc.i ; next itrike out iu furtoats about tl.rec f-t-t apart and manure for p. a" ; c;vi-r e"b a hoe, al-..ut four i..'-Le of ioatn. and if', r rakiez eti.ootl.iy. set the pi a- . Ttey will erdtoari.; cu-r the 1 mi le f.recold weaiher. Ycj u. i that I;, getting theui iu thin manner the !r-o e-iti U readily bandied in weeding. 1 prefer ilo Tey 'a Seedling and tbe early Yirciaia, think ing them as much to be d -pended ap.n, a air other vaiictica. 0. S. C. West Cuiitbivlce. TI7E TOMATO AS F0r Ir. Betiaett, a 'or of -n.e eeli hi it v, Cji.a: 'era the tomato an invaiuable artit-.e of di.t and acribes it vaiivus iu.f.Ttaiit medical properties. First : lhal tae toina tj ia 03 of the most powerful a-r ri nts ot the liver and other oran-: where cai.ov I is n.dicated, ia probat iy one of the nio-t trJ-etive and least Laruiial agents kiio-vn to toe profession. Stcoud : lini a tin iu ieal extract will be obtained from it that wi.l suptrcedo trie ue of ca.ou.el in tie cjre of d:.-ese. Third : 'I'.s' ! e l.aa kjh t i.iy treated d.arr!ia w.- u arti'.-'e a' a:.-. Fourth: 'Hat when u- 'i at an urti-l. ..; d;s. it is an alruo-t tv;:. ie--i r-"i... :v t tjy.p p-i ai.d iod:-eticn. F.t'ti : 1 i it it should be cona'autl; u-id far d...:y fo-l, either Cckid or raw, or iu the f .r:a A eat sup ; it ' ti.a u.Qst t.ta.-.t.) artic.e no .: use. CORN ,C iliS. Ma- v farmvri rLell their corn and throw aw .jr iu-; e- bs, uud. r thu irror.eo j-. la.ji -ai'.u th it they are w jrthlevi, or at Lest, r - sc.sed of lilt'a value. The f.iia of t' . Cab, Lowever, however, has been fouLii to posses Lutriuaeutal powtioof 1.0 oriiinary character, ao l wh-n gro'i'j I i i. to v. i', r-ith th ( .ia, to c n.-iitaoe aa ad.:i;i ,n u-: ditiirj itiipoitauif in fn.d.:..' at. J .-'; ; ttiHiat. l'.j'i'i i u s from t'. 0 ..;.i I t u 1 cob. are richer than th imi.:.: 1 . il ft-tin vbeat flour It t bat .-.- . . 1. y , throw away a-iy portioo .'. a e" ;. . ( ilt of product' a as In-;, m co:r, 1. -i ,i C.iun'.c, esp. ti illy wh-.-ri it Cm t-e a r-i r'. t' d tO 01 Va.aal.e U : OH tl,..- lain, 1'ESTRUCTION OF VINES J.T For the benefit f tiio-e ho i k have ct tiru -a hereto! T-. t. iu ; melons canteiotpea, sojia-i .s, Ac di-t 'letiou ol toe vims by b'i.-. .. WjJid wake known a nr le of yr -v s icii !-.-. praoti-od a'je .- -f , ;., Il ii sirnplv this : to place ar .i-.t t -. net st enes ol wooJ, the uj;-r OVe'e tar ca win. ttr tl'' ' 10- r r.' ea the I os It ". I'-io'i may le tried with t .n-.r-a heii away the worm. Tie p,c- . '. iu, auti is ;ii.j..v 1 :. all to try. RECKU'I.-f JtllV I'.Ahk J our ( ,. el C c' onr, 01.. bu t-' ! 15er e, . , i.i. I - - ; , I ,; , . ll .ii tl. tl .,J -1 r , 1 1 t .,; ta -, !i. 'J S .s ex e . I t JOHN I1I'.IIV HAYT, Surgeon iftntist, (Ce aduatc in assd Pentisti) MTU E in Brawlry'j Builtlins, r Stairs, Off s!lf Rrrr's fluid, ii t it i i ti:, i. If . t i eft pala'I'K, hake- MRS ill II J i w performed. HiAl 1 1 "'.' ..I the Jiw treated. Ti-elh tilled with t,Ol.l. SILVER, TIN or AM Al.tiAM. AK'MK UAL '11- I- "I'll i ti i -1 1 it in tlif best manner. 1 . A very superior TOOTH POWDER unci Tel. I'HI WASH constantly on hand. J , T, t-lli Extract, it. J I'ilH IS MODERATE vJ all wjrk done ausfiietory t" the patient. I i y Vl H .IKS waited ill at their houses, If A stock nl' Dentist's Material always en '" j"' OOI.D nml SILVER Plate mid Wire of any fni'lics gotten out. , , i M.,;,,, .rni a distance iilteniicd to promptly. fVluiiav. -!1. IT"'1- 46tl' i hui UAiv i;ult:.!l l it e lnitia li l t' t na:)iUI . i'A.N Y ruM.uue to like ...II t.0, el'K. Ne Hutehi. OFFHtRS. A. C. STKKI-K, i rcnUtnt. C. ('KRMAN, Vire i'rcsidrnt. E. Y. iiUTCIHSON. Xev'y. ij- Treat'r. Mttf runs. A. C. STKK1.K. J. L. 1UIOWN. M l;. lAVhtUl, i?. T. Wllkl'u:, C. (j KUMAN. Y . I'ARll, VM. JOHNSTON. Jr.H N L. liHOWN, F. Si'ARR aud S Wui.-ii'N, ILitridive L'oiuiHiilcc. V' 711 Dr. II. M. Friti-hanl IKI l'INi- citat:. ilv t?! ' lu "eli-rnunat:!.!! lo rt- t lie UM'IIIV. 1 T. 1 1 ; lor wiilun' 1 c!, 1,1113. UINSLOW An , .. .; u..-e .mi. 1 1 in.'.ie I'i.'-i.i .SOUTHING bVilll', 1 1 olt t alii ltltl I 1.1. 1 IU NO, 'nicii greatly f.cilitatts tlie prociss ol ledini. I "u"i'. W fpAl.N uiurr..a,iiii.oi.- -t Itl I III I LAI I 1 lil He. IIOV LI S. t ri-sl to vi. u liditf iiiul llt-a I : !i I y ur !iif.ii;!s. I A.N Al . IN I U.MIIlt.M E A.NU ; hi '1 H ol it. v i ieli a-j.c lo 11 i Ail. I.1J l.Ns-lA.NeE i I I.E. w nt it ..Never uij e n i. vi-: i, i V tt i -.Mint . '' i - a itt '. PI. I. 111.'. jTescritiliori of i.u Mvll.l I I, I. XI I.KIK.Nl EU 1 All M. -I 1 . V M t 1 As ll: r p v to Luc w lioie i- l.ri' in? III ilit L.Uis U!lu Tiil I'uilf , lill nut ( i:ii.),i: v.y ,',,t,,'."' '11 I I IM'.I.. ,j .'' Mi.i 1 A I 111. I !ll.! i.:, , ,-..i :.!. i:).Li A .N 1) III :.a in .-I ill si I. I N 11 I I. i.T i) I i; IE PREJt He 1.S UE -ys. AD. 1 lilts me- 1 il.t 1 r.l. M A. I LUkl.N.-, .N V,,,., I I .U. ' . 1 1 b. 1 : ; i.tK'i LlVERmVSOR SKt l it IlKRII.IT.tTtll. JTH oil....o. .lnl . Mr- f i.m f nm.. t '' ' . - - - ' ' '":"' 1 . i-1 . . , '-'- O ' '-. ' .- . II ....... . .- . , ., .. . : ...... -a ' ' ' .'" -I.ttrlt '- 1I...I 11 iill.i- . : t ' '( II , AM) stt tl.. CATiiTiO FILLS, r1. .COCHRANE. SAMPLE DEALERS IN. Hardware. Gluts Cutlery, fcc , 6c, at the Sign of the Golden Tad-Loci, "Cri.l Mipcclfully invite tho public to V call ant examine tlieir Stock beforo pur ceasing clscwhi re. jj' Order solicited and promptly attended to. Call and vs. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. July 10, ISt'.U. riaiUiiiilh's Tools, at the ii;n of the (J olden Tad-Loci, " " A good mipply, consisting of An. TfjT i Vila; Bcl'own ; Solid Box Vieis; K9SL$aJ9 hnnd nd aledgc ll;inini.'m ; Stock anil 1'iea i Tolips, Bllttrcssrs, Kaips, r'llea, "d a good supply v( Horse fiatls, llurve and Mule Sikhs, at lov prires. COCHRANE i SAMFLE. Tools! Tools! Tools! at the Sign of the Golden Tad Loci, t good sunplv of Tools, consist- K?.- -1 ' insofcirealar.raill.crow.cut, f tiiion, hand, ripper, back and eom- piss Saws; bt-iich and nuiuiuini; I'l ines ; iMhing, aliiiigliiig. and brood llatehcts: Hammers ; bevel i.H Bfi't'l Snuarcs : llrawine Knives ; Braces and Bits j Aiicers ; t'lmlcts ; f'lussrls ; hriek and plus, ti ring 'J'rowels ; Screw I'lstesj Saw Sots j Spoke. (Shaves; Kiles; Rasps; i'ocket Rules ; Gupe. Rods ; spirit and pocket Levels ; Boring .Ma. chines, 6t.c, I C0CI1RANE & SAMPLE. Agriculluiiil Iinplcnients, at tht S('i of the Golden Tad Lack. large supply 01 ns aoore, ft. coliMsliiig of Thoni)on8 celebrated I'louglis ; also, t'orn Shellers: Straw Cutters ; Shov els ; Spnuts ; Hny and manure Turks; best cast, i Heel Am; Pnks, Matioeks, (jrubliing Hoes, Weeding Hoes, Trace (.'liaius, Log Chains, Wagon t l.ains. (in mi 11 llo. s. Rakes, Hedge Snears, I'ru. 1. 11 g and Buuuin Knives, &c., Vc. j COCHRANE et SAMPLE. i Carriage Materials, at In a. wj. it uf tic Golden Tud-lrfck, Inrirr mg o toi k ot tiie a i Sunugs, Axle u s. Rims. H.igL'V I'-Ji anu Ki.amfllei. 1 li. t arpet, t arnu j(, aud ; li.ini:.. Sliver Moulding Laces, TjsscIs, I'urneu Sticks, Saiiole and Lining Nails, Ac.. Jtc. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. I A T the ign of the GOLDEN j PAL) LOi K will be found at ail times a large and well si.-- Iceted of ti IDS, Pistols, rowfler horns, Powder flasks, I'owoer, Shot, Leaa ; F rench and American winiiow.Ulass ; Put ty ; a huge stock of English and American Iron ; Cast h'-'-el, German steel, Ulster steel. Plough steel. Spring etc el ; Nulla of aii kinos hemp and iiianiKa; Anelior Brand Bolting CL.tMs ; Mill S- rews ; Mill Picks; Spike ll,in;m.-i. St-,iic Hun. in. rs. I)o utile and Single Blocks; also, a large M. ek of'i.res, t'urt-in B intls, I'm tain Pins, l icluie Cord and Tassels, Ac. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. IN Bl B ."TS EX a. t nV. V. .iherilr take, phaun M to his fr mis, and the public generally, that , p l.t bus UKeii e.i.g and well know n ( H'-tel, and lu made every po.aibie preparation to p aecr niinodiile the business, trsveilil.g and visilirg n p- r! . i s of li.e puo.ic, in the must sa tis...e loi y i "3? dry oouifort is provided in his STABLES are ahuncantly snpj;!i. r .prict.-r en, his s..nal atltnti.jn. runs regularly 1 1 tl '". a hh-ral !, ire . hilenliy solM-lteU. VM. RO W ZEE. -.i:,P;rt:!ileOINIl:C on the arrival of th" Hi lln . l.ort- lo .l. liijiie ptri nhge is cor .ml, I6'9. J. PHILLIFS ! F r ? 13 AVI. NG local..! ,:. I If Vi 6 flfuarlotie. resp-r tt-,i. ff)f, l.lie.i.a.i.-rl puo-.o j HFri ot;:i;::;::.:,:;:;::;"! Vestinps alw-.ya 1 of the M iiisioii Hon. 'J tf is'ptcn'jer 7, l?.'j'J. ; J01LN I l 1: V 5 ! j MANt.f ACTUILR A."..) iMPuIiTtd If A V A ti A SAR2,: A.SU OSiAl.tK l.-i ! cbacco, Enuff, I'latchus, P per be, i i ti S A i 3i 0 t 't 5. A, 0, j ' llll'-1 ill M! ;.r , cai Uiiilj 1. 11 hiiii:!, j I,,,, .1, I -..-I. t.l; z. v.. joii.n. i-ri'xretl t aliening liifil, i iiioi;ia'.t;i, I'irr) i ctiuly, .liiih.uiu, T. -'1 ILL .. n-i pf.aiii.illv t,. 11. k collection 01 all . jilaecd 1 his 11. E.I.. . r. Land CI.. 'i EX Aa CLAIMS. oris made in 'Jems, iltollatys in tliil.-lale. retof.r. uliiulliei 1 "i. ii, J',1 :vi. C)-r w la'i'o ,'v iioi.'m-:. A '1UI. I.i.m r i if j. I'lii.H- . at IVI ..r w.ii t. r i,l,.i, lMi,l .: -I , , sua.inmrs ai.i re,. 1. ira l. ,,,, ALU Vv 1 Mi a 1 hi t I l.g V l.,-,.l l,,r sal. nu) f,,,,j , u, .. cail .1 the Mill ,. 'or'. . , JOHN WILKHh .; C ''. anf A. TV. AIJ'iXAXnKn, svuai:o. nr. .1 tms r, ITERS hie aervicea to the citi- j amis of tliis and adjoining eoun I tion in tho treatment of irregulari ties of llio teeth. Diseases of the mouth. Teeth rilled in a a'.-.illlul and satis factory manner. Ar. titieiul teeth inserted on Gold or Si ver plate, also India Rubber viilcaniisd base. This alyle of work haa many advanlagesover the Swaged work. It can he adapted to tho mouth with leas irritation than the, Swaged work it ia also eheaper. It i free from any unpleasant odor or taste. Having he'eome agent for the American Haul Rubber Li.inpnny he will supply licntiste with of fiee rights to manufacture I'lalea and (iims for Ari.ficml Tei th and tbo Apparntua and Material. He ili also give instruction in tho art on mod- crate terms. As he . xpeets to do a travelling bunir.esa per- sons desiring woik linne, can be attendidto at their residences, bv addressing him at Tucka. ,pe2e P. tl., Merklenburg Co,, N. C. I Hi" All work warranted. April 3. m;ov 9tf The Corner DRUG Store, c 11 aetroiTi;, c. 1:. xv 1: Hu rt 11 isox & o. -J 'Ol'LD respectfully call the attention ot the f publie to tlieir luigi and com pie It- Sti ck mm being opened for the (Spring Trade, consisting "I llrugs. Medicines, leemieuls, Perfumery, Fumy Articles, t'lls. Turpi mine. Burning Fluid, Alco liol, Pure Medical Wines and Brandies, Canton Teas, Kiehi and tiardm Seeds, Ate, &c. January 17, Ibbtl. 43lf IIOU'AHI) "SSOt IATIO.V. l'HII. . 1)111. I'll I A. A IStnrrnlrnl nstilution tslubliihtd i.y meial En. dmrmrrt. l'itr Ihr Hc'.itf of the t-trk ond Lhstrrttfd, aiihrtrd irilh Yitvlrntmnd t'liii'.tmic Ii$en$ei,tind tiprexally Jar tht Curt of Dittme 0) tht Srxuul Orsnnt. KIUCAI. ADVICE eiven gratis, by the Act. .ll. mg Surgeon,!" all who apply by letter, with a description of the r condition, (age, occupation, habits of lite, Ac.) and in cases of extreme pov. erty. Medicines furnished free of charge. VAU'AHI.K REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and other Hneus. s of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW RE.MEl'lES employed 111 the Dispen- marx sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envei- opc's.freenf charge. Two or three Sumps for pos tgc will be acreptable. An.iress, im. j. i.t.!-1! imv 'n 1 1'.'. .e. tin" Surgeon, Howard Association, No. '3 South Ninth .-.reel, riuif delphia, Pa. Br order of the ,:,e-"ti)rS. (..EO. FAIR! I!!EV. Secretary K.ltA U. HEART W ELI., Vretxdent. Feb. 7, IfftiU. -tf-11 vi 1 1 : i! o k i : ia i: i 1 1 : i) v p. if v. - ;,'. 1 a w-..-.,.a,-ie -ars.rt ; , AN C.N FAILING CTRE FOR (Inorrl.aa i ull Diiists of Hie I rimiry Drains. f BlilS REMEDY cures when ail o'her p-cp4. JL raiions uil. It is cntir. ly ni.oun.i ; c.(ii!.iiiiinii!tf y Nnunirs I'RK.; as it in pri p Routs, Larks i.nd Leavk.1, ai. a lianCed : eratu tu, f.r ."iil.nofclK Imiians It is off-red to Ihe piil.iic i n ii ( wn n tnn.-ie uitnts. It perioru.s it uu'y qa.. y tnd tnorougiily. Ti.e l innmi.t, ! i itro.r six i:I be repnid by usirg tins l.iMi.ny, nisi, a'i ..t i. icu: i,' ttitn:s. 1 vt s at liic mercy ol swine i-iae or P-oiis" ir. This strikes at the ' v.-ry R'.or ol tut disease ; its tiiiutney is n ,t aim. y to sit-entl the p.ois. n, but to Rkmuik thk ir-sr. on wlncii it dep'.n.l-, Fuil fiire.-t:..ris m liipi.i. t I. ii in, aceoiup ii. v ent-h bottle The pe j mi ! p. ro. '.ii. nt re!,. I ..'tlordid by this Item. , . ! all c. - . I (;osoaaii.r.,Gi.i:r.-r.GaAvr.i.,rs:l S H, El.i .R Al.Bt , ' W III : KS 1 SI Fk.HU.rg;, Hi II ii I i ,..-. ot tne Crinart Organs. asiunio.ij c in.. I s.-i-ntilic men of the age. This It. infjy , t r in y i r..i:i .. te all I'msox from the SvTt.M . I 1m ;o jIiai r the in .-: e. Iieatr Ji It : " ot Arrr.iT the I!kp.atii or l-.ra. ar, wiin any tass of I.'t?, or require any .lion tut tot. I. It n r ui res no An.l what Ks, from other tnuii i m its VAi.i'r, is th Li r As-kn'.k of all N'ti;sK..cs Tastk, being aim Lr.i.iciois Sratr 1 ; ! eta I; .1 ri.r, I iii;Ke r.a $ i l-.U A. MEkvi Sole Proprietor-, St. Louis, M 1. 1 n C'liarlotle, by Dr. F, Scarr, I. N.e lluiohison A ( o. " t oluii.bia, " 1 isin r A lleimUli. i 'l Iru-.g.-t in tne roantrr. ii-1- -1- A- ;-i-rsi.n ( .T.rlestun, . ... i.. -1 , W Lei.!, rs. VSOS YOU MAY l'.-E OR RECOMMEND liitetri'Cis Inimitable SL I T 1(j iS I RS0AIVI.1 growth ol the II 1 ty ot youth. Lo y . I.cimI ! tlc.'.ti ! Hc.i.l ! .-. . iiauo.1 L.ii.a, Essex ( o., N V'., ( Iil.iumy tl, l;.,1. ' Uoan, Troy N. , Vrar .v.r; I Z in. il your II .ir Coloring or ilesfor.itivc, ' ,a mil.. ; lea. 0 Willi II, 1 take pleasure l,g tl.c .'u.iov.iiy atatolln ut : I ron, i.e a.l a very severe .t of sieariess, wiu o aiioul 01 . 4.., 11. y lia r ca:ii iiee.j turning grey, I nl . ii -) tu g':.w until it iitr'une p'ljicny ' ...g very harnh a 1.0 coarse. I. isl .oinii.iir .. ir .1 III V, Hi en I was in. 1 l-.. ZZX;VZ?Xz to oi.-ftiiuiis, and in a! i it ace I 1 1 at 11 was tunin g bata tu it , original timed to grow until u was as tru- It. . 1. inn! gl. . y as it was in my y.,uiliiul days, mor juiiy ii,.jred la ttt turjinut eultir. M V LA SEAMAN. 1 1 ' o , sr. My!a Pea niaii came be lure roc an.l ayswrii. .hi says t lie a ho le s taUllitlil .11. i 6.11 11., y if Fe.ur.iuiy, l-.'.i. JOEL I . I Oil Eli, JuAltcruJ Ihe l;ce. I'lrTaroau, Vt., Aug. I, i'.",T. 1 1 u 1 ti .by, , that 11. J h.r having become Hnnstr. el's Hair It. stnralive, .. IUoin, of 1 f iy, N. V ,j r oy iiair was 10 mat tune re ...I cuior. I can lul.y reeom. 1 be all ll claims. 'AM. hl.Nt.SI.Ey, ria;.i'.( Churih, 1'ltl.furd, I t. I have u-e.i IL ,ii,t,ti t's ,,ft:. lt. - h He Ion 1,11 o-l il arlie.e. Ill, lair, giving it 1, uyse.l an.l will only re ' lile am f a moat 'n lea se.,jp, not I lul.y believe it to lie ean br.l i yours Itesoeellally, h.NOiVL'IO.N liO.VLA.Ni. H. a le of th i.iel, have b. . n ny . iters .,1 1 Res. v. ry-A-n.-re oy.N. V. I all Dru .10.1 (ariei V. E. II ti, . ,v 1 .toif .'I, I J'tiR 1861. w: K H "? f 5 JANUARV .. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 H 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 23 20 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 FEI1RUARV. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IU 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2rJ ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 24 29 30 k31 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 lo 10 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 30 ... 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 ... 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2d 29 30 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 30 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it 1 o 11 12 13 1 I 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 24 29 30 31 ... 1 3 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1!) 20 21 22 23 24 25 2i 27 28 29 30 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 It 15 Hi 17 11 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 3t) 21 MARCH... APRIL.... MAY., JUNE JULY. , . AUGUST., SEPTEMDEU , OCTOliER NOVEMBER. L'ECEMLER.. SXJ3ML AJSX ES FL i a h u T iti!ici ibtr 'nil recttved a larr;6 and nr I aisitiyrliiiitit of for Spnni; and Sun neatness, cannot be hu h fu ed.con rheapnraa and sting in part of ' ed ( lotus, B.acl! l)t)EKI.N" . H ..-k and Fancy CA ih Drab L" E l E.-. IM EREs, 1111 Blae il.ey 1,1, all ol!,, r .rir.g E- .nu Fig, Lliil.l 1 d Silk VKSTINGS, .ii illy f und m - el. .... AH Ol Kliith Kill by the yaro on aeconin.ot J. S. PHILLIPS. In returrui.g n.y tl inlis lo liie eilizeus of t bar. ,., ai:(; Lima) ,naes liny , , I would ri.jn. al a ion 1. iiu. , In Ihe assurance Dial uii ur- I will be nidi promptly , J . a. P. i .'le, lot Hie V. I, .tu 01 stowed on otc of t..e mint, 1 rs en l usttu tu I A. eut.-o. April 17. !Sl,i'. 4tf VJui J, Kerr, 1 T TOUS K V A II UtLO I I 1. a ;, ! il Mecklenburg, iiuing opposite I 111. ,.ra. in . 11. i. I i.url llu Hotel. . M. I "1,0. 4ltf I iV O., I J. t.Kl I I. 1 COP CI. iu! eli ivtWLSof FROLUCE lit t Il. M It I.i: I', t lIMiLUItt:, A. v. IT All Old. rs atli nileu lo oe.pati h. 17, , slit CIlAliJ.OTU: IIOIKL - - - is av ati.sjex mm. 9 ( II A it IX) 1 11:, n. . f I HI E Proprlelur of Una Hotel -IfT- M. still at his pust ready In lu. hi the duties 01 mine host" lotli (ravelling public and others wll may call on mm, and he Hatters himself that aa eouifurlabh: quarters ean be fuund with hi 01 as any where hi tins vicinity. Being silustrri near ly in Ihe centre of Ciiarlotte, Uuaineaa Men will lino ilna Hotel a most convenient and desirable location. He ha. been en((a((ed in the buaineea si mis .1111.1 neany eighteen yeara, and in that tune lie lias made several additiuns to his former house, and il has been ( reatl y enlarged and lln proved, presenting , front a two story VKKANIM HID icet in lengt.i by 11 fe.t in w nil h, handsomely .haded by lie, s n Die sidewalk, affordine a pica. - ot or. ,110 nane a t all hours of Ihe das. The House has linen thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every part of it crent-ire comforts are Khiiii.l .iit and laiien.le.e.i.eciall. in the lllMNIi, where lbs "inner mail" ia "renewed" day by day. 4'oniicclei! witii this Hutel a re Sta blr a a (Tording 00111 ..r IU0 h-irsi s, abundantly furnished with f'r "n mid provender, attended by faithful and o. ropnemr li tis coniiuenl Ilia t with his lung periencc ami many new advantages added to hia ore to please, he is prepared to olli r bia friends I and the rest i, mankind," as many com lor Is and j is much gooil cheer aa will be found anywhere, ! p. rhapa a llllle .. ! i j At any rale Tar the Charlotte Hotel. i. JJ. KKKR ()etber 19. IH.aH, 3o,f Superior Smut .Macljjies, at the Sign of the; Gulden Vad Joei COUJKANE A SAMFLE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHAKUa Of PbOPIUITOBB.) BKOAI) STREET NEWBERN, N. C, JOHW F. JONES, Proprietor. nMlK Uudersign.d respectfully snnounces to I .... uubhe. that he lias lakei. . c .i.i. -in .nrf noDulat establishment, ano i. now Prepared to accominodoU tr.volcr.and pri "ale families with board by the day or .o..lli. on the most accommodating H-rilia. Ilia TABLE will always be furniahcd with the bestprovisiona that home aud foreign ma.kela can ,ffThdo WH.lsiMBsOll HoU'l haa large rooms, is neuter the depot, the court-house and the business streets thsn any other in the city. An Vmntbui will olwaya be at the depot and landing, on the arrival of Hie cars and steamboat, to convey paaaengera lo the Hotel free of charge. By topping at line Hotel, paasengera will have ample time to obtain meals. 0.1.1. Having also a large and commodinue Stable, nd an excellent Ostler, he ia fully prepared to board horaea by the day, week or month at the moat reaaonable ratea. ,,..,,,0 JOHN. F. JONKS. JWarr I. 18S9. 1 SAMS, Ai' lii.- t niwl Ilnil.ler, . i . v r. i.k n..inm Pinna aad Drselns V- i .e. ! U ,. Hr.iO.I.D..l WW ror x uuiic u. . and Villon. Particular aiienuon m oc p" o l,.,.l, linn Flournin Mills.Corn Mills, tic. Orrica iu 3d story of Alexander'a Building, front room, over China Halt Octolitr 36. 1 808 33tf J3 Hemoval. V Friends and Custnmara are respectfully I'M informec thsl 1 have removed my Tin 8hop to Sunnirs1 Brick Built'ing, 3d door from the cor ner, on Tryon street, where he will be pleased lo ee them. S. T. WRI3TON ynuar31. I860. 46tf Scrofula, or King's Evil, U a roii.tittiiionil ilis-a-K i-orruption of the hii-uil, b whuh this Huiil becomes vitiated, wink, ami poor. Item in the circulation, it pt rvail.-s the w hole body, and may burst out. in tisene on any pnrt of it. No organ is free In. in its nttaeks, nor is there one which it may n-it d. stroy. 'I lie setofulous tmnt is variously s in- il by mercurial di-ease, lnvv living, di. 01.I1. I in unhinltliy fixiil, in. pure air, tilth tilrt.y hal.its, the depressing vices, ami, al .v.; nli. by tho vcneri-nl infeetion. W hat ever h- ii.s oiiuui, it i horetl.tury 111 the eon s;iton..ii, ih -11111I11115 " fiui parents to ihihln-n 11:1:0 the third nnd fourth generation ; " inilet-il, it savins to he the rod of Him who says, "I .ll visit the iniiiuiuea uf Uw taUser. u.u th ir ihihluii." I'. 1 Ife. t.s tonmtence by deposition from tho h'..oil of corrupt or ulcerous matter, w hich, in the luii'.-i. Lver, and internal organs, t teim. .1 tills r. Is, in the glands, awi'llnur. ; and 011 t.'i ... sci'aee, erupuons or sores. This foul cor ro;.ti,,ii, whirh genders in the blooil, depresses the ein-ri.-s of life, so that scrofulous eonstitii ti'.m not only suffer from scrofulous coni pl.i nts, but they have fiir U-s iioacr to willy. s-.m-l the an ii-ks uf oiler liia.s-; rouse tjiu irly ii-t litiuiliers jH-ri-h hv ili.otilt-ra v. I 1 Ii, ol l.i.iiirh nut st-nifiilous in their natiir", in sr.. I rinb r-il falal by this taint in the -y I-1:1. Most of th s consumption vhiehde-r- -:i..-i s h human family lias it uru;in (hr.-ctly m t.i. s.-r-.fuliius contamination ; ami many il .rue -iv iU-ji of tin- liver, kidneys, brain, in- 1, ieit.-cil, of all the 01 nns, arise from or 11: a :iav.iie' Sy tlie saiiM.' cause. I in-- nar-. r of all our p.-oiil-. are scrofulous ; tt-.-i r per -on. aic inviob il bv this lurking ill. f 1 tw.,-1, r.inl their hiltli ix liii.l.-niuned by it. '1'nl- an it from the s stem we must rvnovsie th.. lo. .oil hv nu ulti rative mule 111 -, and iiy V ' it by li.althy food nod cuiiisc. S .. ii a im-diiiiie n supply in AYHU'S rciiipnid Kxtnift of Snrsnparillii, th" nia-i eTsnui rsTneilr which thu mdiral II of our times can demise for this ev.rr v.!.i 1. pr-vailinir nnd fatal n.alnde. It is com bin -l ft.oii the most nctive renieii als tluil have i). 11 I s, iivortd for tl expurgation o Us fuul r fi'.ni the hhael, anil the rt-Mi. of the " ."ii fioni its destructive, consequence. II -ii.-e it should be- employed f.,r the cure of not only S rofiila. but also tlsuse other arfee. tens kI.i.Ii anse fiom it, sin h as FmrTivr. a I Sim Ihsrisrs, St. Asitiiomi's Fiar, K'i-i. or Eu u-t l is, T'lMi-trs, I'rsTi-t i s, It'oT. una. ti;. m and It.iit.s. Ti mors. Tr m niol S.t. Hill I'M, Si ALD III All, KlMiWoMK, E ii 1.1 m vi isu, hie 11 1 Line and Mnati Hi At l)is 1 . - is, ii:..i--T, Ovses.rsiA, Dr.Mit.nT. anl, ill ! t I, Al l ('own UMTS AHISIMO rHOU VlTIA- 1:11 on 1mi-i Kt. Iti.iioii. The popular brln-f III ' ,,), r,ti of tht U,,4" is f uinlcd ui Uuth. t,,r m 1. -.-! the bliaod. 1'U ; ..t.i olar p:iioe and virtue of th.a Sarip r i!n is to purify and r gem-rate this vital fluid, M'lini t nli- i sou ml health is impossible in toll I-.!.! ll lOllklit ut ions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FCl ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, a- . i.ioe" d disease within the range of 1; ir a '1 .ri ran rarrly withstand or evade them. Hair ai.rtfai us: pn.perliee search, and cleanse, in.'! no s-oiaii i i. ry yioinon of tlte banian wiran i 10. eon. liie? lis diseased action, and restoring i--h.-.-lil.T siiahries. Asa rona queue nt these piop.,riiiM, n,e iniahd who is bonrd down w-itii I .... 01 (t i-i,.il . bihtv is asli.iushed to ii his lo -I 'll or enertv restored by a remedy at once so si... 1 -le and i-i.i' -N. t on.) i!.. ii.ij cue the eieiv-day fonipUii.ta ..f iv iv, but i.l-o many"'.lr anrl d .feaf.'ia The agent lieh.w nono-d is p.i.-is.d o gralis 111) American Aini.uiac, lot la k eilrh'Slesef their eiurs and dircco-.n. for their e in the tllmiiK complaints : fmtire. mi; fai(.urn, lltntlneheat .m. ...i(nii.rter.d ! ,m -. ., -.Ira, rfi.,r,ot(, ; n.uuii Mrb,d I .,,! ..ftl.r l!,,,rrVi. Il.ill.,v. .on of In, t- tile. Juumnre. ar ..ur ho,,, a h of its functions. .d other klnilred coiiiplainu, state of the body or obaUuttiun Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roH tub hai'iii rear, or (nucha, (olds, Inllueisi), llonrseness, ( roup. Ilroiielntis, Inripirnl ( iiusunip tion, nnd (or th relief of Consumptive I'utii nts in ndvniirrd stugra of the So wide the Held of its usefulness and sn mi the eases of its cures, that almost try alaiunds in ierviiia ruits- kii and eir n, who have been restored from sin desperate diseases uf the lurur by iu -n onr-e triid, pa aiinerioriir over eierv us.-. t ben i.-uic of its kind is t,Hi apparent loesenr-e in, and wnere its virtue are knows, ll.e lall, no loiuer hesitale what nntidotn to and ilangcruiis alb i lions of ll.e l .ry oru ttis that aie incident to mir ehmate. lo.uiy iliferiur retueiliea Uirust iiimiii the l,.,l,i,o While coliuo. null h.Kc fa.lid anil been dis.-ai.lci'., il l. has ".lined fr'.-i.rj-. I.j every trial, conferred Unilils on the silheied ihey can never fori-et, and doocti nire, t,, uuurmuj u),d o0 temaikable te b forouit, 11, ritKrMKF.n BV Iir. .1. V. AVIlIt & iO. Mlh'KI.I,, MASS. For sale by E. N V E HUTCHISON A, CO. , K. SCAKU 4 C, ( Lhr(tAr, HAV1LAND, S'JEVEaN'SOsNA CO., Charetton, S. C. Fruit aiid Trie Store. f IHE sub-crib,,, ha. opened out next ibsnr a 11 11", Tin.Shop, in Ih Mansion House Building, and will keep on hand a well . leeled slock l Fruit Trc... (ir.pc Vines, Ever greens, and Shrubbery. Ac. Alsu. FruHa of vari. oils kinds Apple,, Oranges. Lemons, Pine Ap. pie, 4.C., 4 c. r e. w. lyle.s. I)ecemler 1 1, I HBO. AIL persona indebted lo Ihe estate of Andrew Hj.nngs, dee'd., will make iiiimcdiste py. men I; and alt person liavmr claims aeainst s.i.i estate, will present Idem duly sullicnliealed, m lb Inn pre. er, bed by law. or llu notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. T. II. MlEMi-cy. tMvhn 3(1,1 eCO. $nf KOUT. If. CO WAV C-iENEfiAL tOMMlSSlON MEKi HAN't H tVilHimoto' N r, lU'OlRoe, South Corner Market and VV.'i upataira. l'sl Oesr 11. 1859. 3Ur ONLY PHErAUATIOj iiavino raoors so stos. asd oiaxtT T EX I'LL Til L JJOUliTs or ALL. For PtaUsnien, Judgea, Ku.tora, riiyi(i,n, the oiliest schools as ell aa i t,tn, lt n,,,, qualified sanction, and Icconniitnu it lor tlc of eruptions, and diseases 0I the scelp (nu but all who have used it, unite, in teslii.,,,, .I1' it will preserve the hair lioiu being jL. 1 from railing to any age, aa well restart i Hie following 1- ' Oak Grove, 8. C.June 84th, 16:,. I'aor. O. J. Wood : Dear Sir: yUr ji,,, R' turative is rapidly gaming popularity m u,,, , " niuniljr. 1 have had occasion to lay prtJUr' side, and give your Hair Ktslorativu t L,,'1' teal! During the year lt)54, I waa so unf.,nu,ult to be thrown Irom my sulky egaiimt , Iuik " the roadside, fluin whioh my head t terrible blow; causing great ueaUi irnuil,'' l..,.l r I.. .'....- """"I , .u.." ....... , ...v vm.l. ui Hluc. in, , ,a.r was nuaiiy utsuoyiu over uic iiii,,t o(- i,e l.d. frtiu Ihe time 1 first unco.. an.;, dropping, however, up lo the time of 111 iU 'tie m puearauce, 1 employed everythinn 1 ctu.e u.1". ol, being a pioltaaional man niyatlt, ,a u , tlwught, understanding the nature ol tlitdi'lk but was tinally delealed iu every prt.t,, ' dvauced. " Thess and no other circumatancta indueed c to result lo your worthy Hair Kc.tur.1tn1, ,,' 1 base every leason to believe, prouuem , happy result 1 two months titer Ih tint ,,,. , ' lion, 1 bad as beautilul a bead ol young i,. ever tan, for which 1 certainly owe y.,u n., u sincere thanka. Real assured, Ut.r air, .' rstouuiieiid your lemedy lo all inouun,; ,,, t uver, I shall uae my inllutute, w inch 1 tilt myself to say, is not a lilllc. You tan p'ublisD llu il you Hi 1 n h proj.ei. Yours, very resp,xi:u,iv, M.J VsRUslli, M I,. Oflice ol Ihe Jt lloisonun, I'limf.u,. V, icc. I -Jlu. !',. '' Dear Sir: I feel il my duty at w , ., , pleasure, to etale lo you Ihe luilowias nrcuij. lance, w Inch you cau uae as you Huns pi, ,,, A geiilliinan ol Ibis place, (a l.sjn,. ; ,, bslu ever since bis t.ny youtn ; su much ... 1, ,. liu was couiptlliU lu m a w g. ll, eid Iu use a bollie ol your " Hair II. 1 . which he liked very iiiucb ; .1.0 an. r u.n( , .', Iwo ol Hire boltlia Ins hair gnw out l.iuii.i, , alio l. nuw baa a iisudsuin beau ut i,a,r. j ', gentleman's nsme is Braaturd, sou as In n i..r well known 111 our adjoining countita, m.i.j ,' una can testily to the trutn ul sl.Hu.u.l, I ( ,, il to you si to rtijuisl ol .Mr. His..;.,,,.. esu tell s greal ui.l ut your llau hi.i.,.i ,, t Una and Hie adjoining cuiiritirt it yuu li.u i-( piops r sgeiils. Yours, 4c, UHOMPmjN tL ItLII-Nk SL la.tVuoi: Uesi hir : Peruut bic to upit.i ;., obiig.Uuiia 1 am unorr lur li.s anliii- itai t ul uijr bsir lo lis origin! color ; aUoui 11,1 ,: my arrival 111 the I 111 led Suits it w r.pi. j .. coming gmy, but upon the s .l.,a, .us. Hsir lt.stor.livs " 11 soon u-cotartu .1. or., ... nu. 1 icusiocr your s vci . L. Utrlul lUVclilioll, tiulU lllllseious a ,i,., .,. able. S- IHAl.hl.l;.. The Kcslorstive is put up ui b..llut u: ? .m. vis: large, n.euibiu snd small; ti.e sil.1i 1,. , a pint, snu retails lor one doilar per tsaii , , .a meuiuni hoiua al lessl Iwt-uly per cut. a..i 1 piopuruou the small, reuns loi i.. a the la kt do us a quail, I Hi j. : . .. more 111 pruputliuii .no retails lor a l 1-1: O. J.VtOODA CO., Proprietors, 44 1 Br ..! .New 111 .M.lail Lou,..i....i old by all good Uiugg isia and k atiky is... eia aud iu I liaiiolla by 6e All K da. IU. Jain 3. IB oU. 1 j.:t.u E. R. STOKL'S' JJook ijinding EbiiiblMiintL:, Iwa Door: iliott bian.h liuuk, u ,i L. . in In rtu ( Vi. U. Mdiiltj ilhiualu. , (Oi l 71111 A,.. Tin tion, Isav Kstsblisl.mrnl is now ia fu.i -ting, .lid slul reeiitiiig a luii sua. j li.e M.t LEAN K PAPER sou LI.M.I.I.s Vi , I EKIAi.S am al all turns lis..) I,. Ii. , , tiers in my line, and al Ilia samo tin share ot palrwnagr. M y personal alin.l.'.l. s given lo all ordirs with which I in.; I" .' ' I Having bad long practical txpenei,. in ia- ' ulaclureol kl.A.N k "at. m " '''. . - ...o biu t kl.VJ El) VtUllka, I 14. u i .. .. 1 as, in all cases, give tulirt- asli. s- i. . lil.A.NK liOOl.S. ' hank IJi.ui.s.l Ink s' P.O.. As, lor l.'i.lnr , I .. ' Si.intl.', Oiun.sry's sou ( in.. si.. n. i u. I ,. ty's Hooks, all 1(1 LID sou lliilMuoa . ,' trrn, in lb vary b..l manner, ol snifter i and Paed and luotxttl when icuu a. I I. I.N I EU WDllhrs. Music Books, I'eiioo.c. la.P.n.phlet.Msfi . and Bowk ol e.ury utsenption, bouni: oi nrs -',-in every laruty ol atyit. If Ail or.uis w.ll U Willi m,-; and aa low as can be done tlsewi.nre. E. K. .SltKl-.s Jimmy 17. infill. ' .MlK I ll-C AIiOl.l N A liiilurt) Lilo liiauiantd Coii, Ot I II .. HA Lhlt.H A ( T illIN ( en pan) n. suns tie n i.i.e year, a lerin ol y Ihe Mutual I'ril.cip.t, lot as.., paling ill li.s pl"Ula of the I cits g rallied lor Ihe whole whtn the premium tl1 null's note in. y be given lor oiie-hsll tl, Hr.ioiuii.,.ie.rn.g lolert.lsl b pi guaranty. Tne prompt manner in which In-eii paiu by this company, logetli rales ol premium, proatnl grtal sutli aa are mspuakd lo lusure. MaVes sic uisureil tor terill i i.i lr-- five years, lor Ine.i ss-oe. Ail losses are paid within DU usys al factory prool is presented. Dill El TORS. Charles 11. Johnston, Mm-II. J "" lloluen, VS. U. I ooke, J. I.. VSllll.n, HusteO, Qu iiline llusUe, P. 1- I " II Mchce, K. P. Baltic, t harlis ll. I ' Fowle, Kith'd 11. Halt.. OFFIFF.ItS. Pr. ( hsrlcs K. Johnson, Pr. si.: nt W. W. Holden, Vice Presun nl. R. II. llatlle.SecreUry. William 11. Jones, 't reasurer. II. YV. llusted. Attorney. Dr. Win. IE MeKer, Medical f. b'lecutiet Cciaimitee. W. Rusbi W . II i' Kee, Chsrles H R., Medical if sard ("en ultatimm Johnson. M. I)., W ill. am II. M Rieh'd B. Ilayruoil, M. D-. For further infornm tmn, the p1 -I 1 1 red to the pamphlets, and forms el nisy be obtanud at Ihe Ollie of UK or any of ita Ageneies. ., tonimunicalions should be t, paid) tu. H. II. BATTLE, Sc rciy September H, In ',7. Jstl -'iir.'-- 'B-'fJY' jvfe;'f" r: JOB FHIIiTH-.C-. I OB PH1M IM. snd exi.eniliuusi r-.l.ns Wh.( riHi. e