charlotte: Tuesday, A pril -2:3. I S f 1 - 3 7" li. R. V-.irncl!. Km., of l.rnmr, has cnn. -et. -I t,s ct, mil t our JnU--r:tt-d I-'C ill irreiv,' mill rn lor the mo. h.i:n m stiver- 'iii-nla, tinii 'ectittl fur tlitsiim-. .V.v persei'is ii-is. Miir p Willi In y In lnin williitl f 1 1 r t nuillti.s il; ideiti liis WhiO for tsen flu'-ars. Charlotte, April IT, 101 In order to make tbo oec.-siary prepara t- t, for li e Miff Contrition of the friinds : c ., i.- i i i i i i ! 1 cl ."Tuii.prn llh-hii i.i ). hp il in this tilaco r ou i n e 'utii, and V-.I .way proximo, a meeiirg of the citizens of tne cojuiy wis hi !d in tie Court House on Salur.iay the 111, by wbieli ihe under d were tj r.;t!t!-sl a Coinmittec cf Ir.viia'ion. We ft. i. in ii proper to pii'li':i this card in order t jrtn o-ir frii uds in the State of North 1 '..i.i ii.s; thai a the o'-ji-et of the Conven t '. i- to council for the lutnre Welfare ef 1 i M.ite, no special . iuvilslioi.s will Ve ; ven to our rinaeua, hut all may be assur . . ot ;i eoriliai welcome, and to add that : i- expect'-l that tho Cor.vetition will or on I'io r.ight of Monday the - ub mi e t ti:iue In session through Tuesday ou i WtUi.isdi'. succeeding. Xri impi! tsnce of pi ti-.-iioii or. the nart cf our pp.-uriit tc every citizen, tij lane I lie oo ' .-ion to ejt rei the h"ie tlial Us apt-reei i .1 .1 . . . :o i v 1. 1 i,c iiiritnfeiteii by the pr 'enee of .e.i. euix-.ns. j a yji;m; is. i. al;-:.andkp J WAl.KMt. S J L-iWHlK, W J YATKS, Committee. T':.-j piper of the Stale plea.-u copy. Tho Pa-t, Present and Future. " jr readers wiii learu from our news col on.ti that 0 ir country is shori'.y to be con l into an arena of ar A'ria c!y tho Cr-t acecei cf the dren!f;i! dr inn I nee t een en icltd. That ii.Tct spirit of i . h h- 'T, wiiich is the lefiiimatc off piing , J w bicii i never saii-D-xi i wi-ii less tiian tiio c-""'i)u of absolute per but ti b'tfl it, by prccrtto the l.-rrai of tii - Federal Conriru'ioii su i tn.. lws ctiscteJ uuder it, has iuvaded and ti nil t'.c bat'.crie of the Constitution a-i-.-t ir. c r i 1; r s cf ihe S jut1-, aud prceUiui t J her pei'ia their in. q jaii:y i:i the L'n ' -. an-i the silcn: e of thtir counci s forcv more iu the adniibi.trati--o of the Govern Lt Tbe Constitution cf our fr.her-. wis compromise of all section, !:;ius. li or- rii their perfect eqiaiity in regard to'crojia o-jr lUuner. We have to r"om for ti. a., and li-.ciarei that is councils she'! Lever be infected with hosti i;y any of tljetn, aid witbb'j'.ds the exercise of it piwtr. for Dy uch purpo-e li it Lack V. j Liblicatiisin. by the clce'icn cf L'ne'n. r- .-sscrt atid te tstablishcs that ge:.graps.i C4 prcd aininaiiCo wLic'u the Co:,jMui. j.. w-.s ordiiner! to prevent, atd l ... overturts a tiic Cj'P )iri-e h ch t'.it tii;tr i.t I. -. 1 pledge I its powers to our pc-ip'ic t pre serve 'J nc p -opi of t'..e Sjuth-.-ro b:i:t- ti. r t j-J-t'y ciTisi-l-red c'eetin: vi iL-. .iation of P. c-i ! :". L't ej'.a a Si-c'.iotial l- - .- piiio;. i.aended to eff.ct t :e r to; a! sub j Ionian, and the ut'ar d. sttucMou of tb-ir . , .-r.'.ity iri the Union. T'.eir repuVijat: rr-.-j tatle the pe-jpiecf the Su:i".rn i:rt Usurpa.iu is tyranny, wfcetiier it '. e assumed by eoii'-litu'ional OiOnarchs, or eo-islitutio-ja; m :.j'.ri'..ei. Its fcistcry is re-c- .., :"ie-b. f' sin ar.d ca i y ut.'itr- too i ' i.e- iiit if it.nova'.i j n up-M. the Cccstitu ti . j.s;. j y a few UiOu'hs a aunoaa lit e l-j.-triue, that tJ conligu'.u- poiiti- iiiies couid l;i e j-;r cue 5-jrEatat, aud tLii tbe irrepressible cou- , , , , . , ,. between free and slave iaior wourJ soeu result in universal s.avery or universal free- dotp in all the State, but meaning that ibe , . . . la :er saou.d prevail has Leto tncorettcal.y rastsined t y Lincoln s Inaugural, and at-: tempted 'o te praetici'ly dmoo'.ra'sd Ly every act of hi ad rz ni-irstici. Tuis is lr-t2y the h'.stcry ef o-jr presc;: piii'.ical trju'ji:, and we defy iu. s.ccits ful OOtitraiiiction of its correctness fioia any q-mrter, or by aey Laad. Is tLure, tlen, ar y raao io iu North Caro'.ica r. taean ta-ii be wii. Lot Le free ! Wi.l be f'.ai sil Lc-sannas lo a GivtrniLent w:.cse very a-:-tri-s are rtiiy opened to breath on Liu. hi.. c n des.ructioo T To lu ;u, .ud to a, I cf u-. tnr Mon'goinery Govi-rnu ent eff-rs a fa.i .r-.d ou.pletu ic,ituti-.a of lost rights, sua p yea a ccr i ikl eu. hraoe ol n. .iji, c'ji.ii a. bitwteu the 'jovertn-cit .,d 't-. ci , . CanaaL, where tie vii..; t--J l.e of Ul-'u il CCfcCl-;L38 a'.i SJtg.-l.ii. :;ts wi.l abelter is s' fr-.o. ii.--t.i.g of t..e iirvfl-s-ib. taftfi.-t. ud li to thi Nor.-, l-.t u- -a;.. a,-.. r irn--ri-iiti con.'.-et .'.;. lilt ; d, ji.!.. you have d.-j --pa a'. . J i , t. l, . ...sue-i our bo a e, d.-v a-t.'ed c-.jr !-, a i si.s'e (,-.r i, t- i, ai.-i Csiugt-u l..d 'a rial i...v5, a..-i .t'.i y.t . 1. 1 at ti. ;.r:'.-t 'A ' r tot .1 ( x-i ... u -i li-' v.a Hi.) f. -,p as Ine f.-warv.' cf ' l:laJ..V war a Li.'.erces cf aMipati.; . .,- ii '.. e : - i. r The Address of Miss Sadler. We lko plensure in laying before our reader t'ui address delivered by Miss Sad ler, on Thursday afternoon lt, on pteseu ting the Flat; to the Hohsbts kkst Company The address in every nay worthy the- occasion, end reflects grcut crc dit upon M:s Sad'cr. To tiil IIi.ii.nkih Nest Hifi.k Company. We in the uamo of the Lidice of Cbarlotta , il,;. (I.,... It is to assure vou, ef the deep interest w feel, I" the glorious euse in wbicb vou are enlisted. You aie honored as bung among the first called by our Governor to maintain ibe honor of the State, and Uefeud rights, .n,.i..:iii(.,l bv our forefathers, on the 'Ulk ol May l.7o. We hail you will, joy, proud j that tV chivalry which distinguished the! heroes of oldMeekienburg in days gone by, ; still, her gallant sous, i l.ey are ready as wete those then, to buckle cn their j amour in of liberty, life, uud pro- j I Ftr,.v' I lu view of tho solemn event passing bo- i fore us, tho presentation of this flag, is no j bolidav pa.mue. Moui. utous event loom , , . .i i .i . ' 1,. il. ilwiunoo whu-h arc to dee me. the , "f ' . : UeMlinus of our Leloveil Male, eiiiu-r uui liuf us with our Southern Sister States, nuo.e inttrc.-t are inuparab!t from our otu, or cl.aiu us to those who would de prive us of quil rights, purchased by the blood autl trea:are of our forefathers, iu our coiuuion country. Iu tuo antajoiiisin dot exiting betwern the two great nciom of our country, Hie coiora ol the flag wuicb you bear indicate to which ot Uieac Ciuletidiiig factions we ehouid aru.iaf. lhosi.igie star is embla uiaticof the Sovereign Independence which Nurni Carolioa resumes U herself, when- ,pt ?nd decisive ' c,ct ,,, LoLOr aui safety of ihe State re nte now ttiui ci'jire ii. j i re it. ' 1 ne mi-isian which you now undertake is an evidence Hie tiu.e has anived, ai.U noiv, we I'iU JOU UUU c-JJieu. iv mi 1 Uoni-its Nest Kilieiuen the UJ" s of Char lotte entrust this Uauuor. No uuu among i y cu c..u se per ate hi in sell irom tho menioiii.s I which surround us, nurtured iu the cradcl of Liberty. How high those haLUs shaii bear this j5autjer, alolt, abore the cliauces 0m ju making merry the occasion. Sever of war How weil iti honor shall be vin- ; al gcti'.lemeti were called upon w ho respond J.cated ! How proudly and wide its stripes CJ (Uh clcq leuoe tc ihe call. The Lin sbali wave ! tbe fniuie la written in the colnton Hrass Uand regsled the eouipaoy p?:. lr,s ii-.d by the spirit of toose whose njth I'izio Land " in a straiu of sou! i- si.'r liciug patriotism aud devouou lo iii-crtv Placed tncni for:' the ranks re'lslanee, and enraied their names ur--t "i1 111,1 ry of our Slate, and big!.- est in the teinp.s of lame, we have ivtb- iu.. to bldsli fjr, b lit every thing to cnetu-u iu the cany history cf our couniry. Nobly did she vindieate rights to dciiee, fitiiiiy did sue ui-ivc furnard iu the u. i .i- r, -i -t- -- her uiijbt to baitlu for it. Viilaut iu pre pir ug lor ciificu'ties, tinii iu resisting op-pies-tou, end brave iu def.uiing our rights the 11 rneis Nest Kitl iueu stand pr.parei i-jf every tir.ergeccy. Tnc prayers, the hopes, tho heart, cf our .adies go with you, we feel that su.-ce fears, you. To God auu cur ccuutr v,t uv (cte Virginia v.'ith tbo Sutb. It is a pleasing consoiati.u to our person al vaL.ty, as Weil as a perfect justiu.'alictt of our j.resent po-iiiou in reiatiou to fc-jutn-eru Uighti, that in a-uiuiug it v.u havt tieeii a liltie iu advance of our nat'ue S:u;e, Virginia, whose custiiiy is now idvnttfi-id with that of her Southvra Sister Siales by btr recent ordiuaiice of seces-iou. 1 hia ai.l secure the eo oper-'.iou ol ail the slave States, aod thus pi.cj the Sjuth upon a ba sis of eniire ii.d.pcnu.neo of her cneuves, upcn whom she can turn the chain of the isrepres-i-jieotS'.ct with an iffrcl, the par of vibiub cannot be found iu inu annals ot Civil warfare. North Car j.iua is aUe-.Uj hi good as out ol tue L'uion, aud il only rj ii iins tue forma! pasac'i of au ordinanee ot secs.-ion to place her in that atti: iJe el lLdepeLiiebt tOteielgU'y, whi'L her Ortli patnutisui and self re-p-.-et ougiit inotuLs ago to Lave accomplisiied for tier nessee, Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland , . , wi.i ai ctriaiu. v to..o , as da v foi.o s niiUt, , , . 6 ' and then braoe-i with ihe armour of a j na susta.i.ea bj the approval ot , rizoteous 'jou wu may tateiy bid deuanee u lno UIlllcd wona t..aULi ,mlM us illl0Ut tuese. . V. 3. KITsT. Tbe U. S. lraricb Mint, located ia this city, we- tc.zed on Saturday the '4 tn mat , by Col. J. Y. Bryce aud tne Military ; aei iug uuder order, from Gov. Jno. W. E..i-. luia is aiiatuer step la ar ds the miepe u Uenc. rt ii ,5) nil ; an baii tuu luoveuii-lil ou he pari of Nu.ili Caro.ina ! Wnat u; yc : Lu.iu Mi. of MsCsi-i.Lii.-g. Tie 'vi I'jiug i'. Irou lie Carolinian : CilAULorTK, N. C, At r.l U t 'Jte la.aucia Mint atCbariottc waa taken ( o-tu.tiou ol tins lajoiu.n ,toi J. i . iJrce lb. tue Ui. ..laij, a elu uut-er uiders tfoiu U L..:. No I '. i -.-: V. as li.l .- I, nor tie e:-gV.fl U..sta,i-:.t.- luaS-.- i'ttteiki I y cju.pau.-a are aiait...' maithmg olJ.-is. i b peipiv ev-.-ry .,-.. e re raiijiL u dsfea,-... cl l;,e riut. 01 u.e V H, s L.VJI b j.'a. iv - I. J.I; fu Mi in. Utu it-:nn-i. i 1.1 the u.o-l iuu 1 estiu ana usclui piL.italijn oi u.e km. 1 iss co.u'ry. 'Iti;' p: : c-r,t l uin her contain 11 a. ai.ainueu u---iu. r-.adii. u.....r, isprc.i.y 10 lai.-.s I'ui..!slied i fu-a It.: ".ia, at i J r ai-b.:a err (for ius n. c. ivnio ) I in ut,n: ;rit:rriG. Ciiahu.ttb, N. C, April 17, 1861. At a meeting 0f tho citizens of Mecklen burg, held at the Court llouso this day, Ou motion of Win. Johuston, Esq , Wm. li. Myers, Esq , was called to the Cbiar, and 'I bos D Gillespie, Esq , waa requested lo oet an Secretary. The meeting being organized tbe Chair man, iu n Jlew pertinent remarks, staled lu ",j.- u,"""6i Letter from II id r.xf ellency, ov. Mils, calling for Volunteer for service. Win. Jobuston, Esq, being callrd on (tpoko upou the preseut state of Mff.iir.-t, giv ing a sueciuct review of the enga getnents i" Charleston, ativ- clearly poiuted out the duty -'- f Mecklenburg, the "'J. n- concluded by offer- i' ho following Resolutions, which were nnai.iuiou-ly adopted : KisolceJ, That all the good citizens of I lie county bo requested to meet at the Courthouse at 10 o'clock on Wednesday Iixt (hlt ,itf Ula,,j.,,rates 0f the couu- ty and iho military are particularly request ed to attend lor the purpose of trausaeiiiig t'uiiiie buMiies of i m port mice in View ot the I . . r ire-eiit state of the couutrv. lits'i'vri, 'I'll at the county of Mccklcn- ' bur will suppo". i company or companies ; of Volui.ti'er.-. us may no be or hereafter 1 required by the Governor. ! Uh motion, the proceedings were ordered lo be publi.-hcd in the papers of the city. On motion the mcetiii;.; adjourned ij uiei'. agaiu a. 10, A. M , on Mouday next. W.M. H. MYKKS, C'h'n. T. U. Gili.espik, Sec'y. r'nll Til 8 N. C. WHIG ! MEETING IN LINCOLNTON. ; LiM'oLNTiiN, April 15. Ma. Editor: The news by tbi day's ; mail put iu motion among our eitizena a general n j'lieiug, wbiolt increased through t he day t a free will jubilee at night mude uiaoifest by a gcueral illumioation of the town, liouiires made of tar barrels aud other demonstrations of joy. Notwith standing rain poured down iu torrents, the assemblage was large, and among the num ber were many patriotic citizens from tbe couutry. Tho ladies, too, were coaspicu- stiring pit'.ios such ns could ouly inspire the j true Jurhln fluiter. A call was made to asM:itii!i iu the Cojrt House where ou mo tion, A. W. Alernttliy, Erq., was called l0 the l .'hair and li. H. Sumner and J St owe, lwis , were at poiuted Secretaries. i he olject Icing ixplaiued by Gen. W. J Hoke, where on motion; a Committee ol three w as appointed to prepare resolutions t-ovpn-sstse of ile rVltll.gS oi me people ol j L'lico'inioii iu behalf cf South Carolina and Southern H ghts. That Committee after a short consnha tion i rf jrttd the foilowiuij prcamMe and resolutions : WiiKhli.iS, The success of South Caro lina torees in driving ihe hireling soldiers ot ti e Ji ack liepubiiuau iVreM-Unt from b :ri Sumter, meiiis our wannest approba- lion, aid ihe lit I us of Luicolntou and t ici'iiiy lake the br5i occasion to izoress our views and Therefore, J.i s: ..'.", That .;, Iho citizens of Lin- oiiiion ami vicinity, otter to South Care-! luia our conratuiHiions, and rejoice wiih utr in me sueeess oi ner urave iueu 10 re-- lui; l' -it Siiniter from tiie hands of 15. ack liipjijiicaDs piacing it where it propcriy beioiS. We declare unanimously 'n fav,r if the .luwe... von.eueracy ami i hold our-eies ready to give lucui il thei aid in ojr power. On motion, the Lincoln Stsr and papers r.f Ciiurloite were requested to publish ihese picc-' Uu uioiion, the Secretaries were reques ted to semi a copy to tbe Governor of South Caro'.iua. Ou motion, the meeting adjourned. 11. W. AliUlNh 1 11 Y, Ch n V II SL.M.siil, t J. Sl-jWH, liirttlriTiei, WW. SOL1II CAROLINA CENTRAL ihe ijouiinissiutiers iiifjrius us thai j'iu.imi woiiti if Sioek .was taken iu lhe CcLtral Railroad al ihis point, during lhe j ten days wbeteiu the booas were required . . . r ,, ... . -1 t) ue aeptlopeo. lue stirrmir inteiliirenco from Cti.rie.ion, coining with ibe orders to the Lancaster Oreys to march, operated a- gaiusi the work of gettiug aubscriplious. Cu-Jer otner eircurottauces, SlUu,UOU tbe teen taken lu the first teu days. A tusjor- I ity of the larger subscriber reduced their j oiigiual auiouuts to one half, with tbe un-1 derstaudmg that ibe balance of their pledges j wi.i oe reucemeu wueii iiuies becouiu more titled. lie Sumter Watuhinan of last week says: " V e iearu fro 1,1b; Commissioners at mis p.aej that the subscribers ot juiy lait, are now ratifying their suoseripn jus, .'iu, in er-.uie instances doubling them. No tens arc ie.t for tha ei-careuieul of ibe Ci.arlcr and the building ef the I'ujJ, l he Company nui, no utiu'ai, soon be organized, and the work upjn the road coui lueneed I. incisl' r Jj.lgtr. Al tji.i;i KHtMt E A fatal occurrence ? ji.v isk p.aeu iu Leiio.r coulitv, near A in all Lv tn nain ol Wiiiiaiu at the residence I.. ol d .no miili, t eeaine u.iui uatcd, aud s'aiieU home, cairing a loicU light. In sju.i: say his c.olnea became iiuicd ; no pei-ou being be.r at the time, ihu unfor tia.jaie in aii w i burnt u a shocking 111 in ner lie was soon aitiraards coinejed iu lie po-ar h-juse, where he lingered a short "UJ enoiieu 111 great agouy. lie leaves a wile ana live cniiuuii lu le'lueeU . i.eamsianc, s. is-cu is ibe result 01 asiog ' '"-'iy. Aid Hi .11 o Iju.Mi: Maoa.i.M! Arthur for .'lay ha. been reerived. Abd aa uajal is .n;i. 11 neii variety ol interesting ( x .ire r . i'jt-.isue-i lu J ni.adeipbia, at v , I" tblaa) , roa rut s. c. wnia ith hi truly taluabla farm, even though, StaTCSYILLC, N. C. April 1861. he should have to sell it at great aoriBoo, M8. Kditriss i On the luoruinu of tho and speedily emigrate to a far more conge 11 th inst , your correspondent left Charlotte nial climate and society, wiihin the limit of in the four o'clock train, Intending to npend J the 'HWeder.le States.' We noon entered a few days on a visit to hi Dative County, i upon our " winding way," through "sweet Iredell. Nothing interesting occurred bo-; fields dressed iu living greeu." I here fore tbe train of ears arrived iu Salisbury. ! merely remark that the planter of Iredell The intelligent traveller behold with seosa-1 say, that tho wheat fields throughout tho t:;r of the deepest regret, tho dilapidated county, now prcseut a moro promising ap ruins of somo splendid temple, and ho can- pearance for an abundant crop, than they not repress melancholy thoughts and rcflee- jcver have seen before. After a pleasant tion, which frequently induce him thus lo ! ride, of the dursli n of two hours, wo ar soliloquize: This is tho way of all the 'rived at tho romantie homestead of my earth. All thing of a temporal nature friend, which lies nestled away amid a mu.t eveutually fail, and vanish away like ' grove of ' giant oaks," on tbe summit of the mist of uioining before a dazzling auu. i what we comparatively " low-country pco Truth alone i eternal. Troth must ulti-j pie " would call a mouutain, but which is innately prevail must finally triutub, when 'bero denominated a high hill, only. 'Ihe all terrestrial objects shall bo covered by ' northern side of this bill, which i rugged tbo waves of ohlivioD, nd, " like the banc- I and precipitous, is clothed with the houey- I less fabrie of a usion, leave not a w reck i,.i..,..l " U'iih f...lin,w .imil.r m ilinu which have just been deso.ibed, your cor- respondent beheld the demolished walls of ttiat once spacious ana neauiitui uoiei, " Tbe Veraudab." whieh was the nronertv of that intelligent, acute and enterprising eiti- sea. John I ShaverVn fa nil ii had kn leased and waa oceupied by lhat " prince of landlords, ''Mr. Iteujatuio, who dispensed tho abundant, rich, and well seasoned pro visions of his house in such liberal profu sion, aa rendered them doubly acceptable to his grateful guests. Tbe following lines of the poet were ever signally aud tiiumphaul- ly verified by Mr. Beijamiu : ' Id. table tr.Mne.l under luscious .tnre of food; j Dot-sail nature g..rKejua gr.nlure ..torn. Ami all a mure than liuspiuuly i;" i Afler having partakeu of a rieb repast, Many a weary traveler is now daily bur- !C0II1pO,,cd of tho products, of my friend's ried aloag, under the high preaaure of steam, ! ftrm Hj dairy, tbo Sheriff ot i' , (the by tbt locality, where now ouly ' eou:ily hose population gave only tbirty a heap of rubbish, in common ruiu blent, : four ,of (jouvelJ11ou,) led of iu an argument remains; and abo, if he be alive to human j Sl.cessi0u, which I must do him tbe sympithy, indulge io many a day dream of savory viands, once, but, now, no longer, eln u ti r,uccd if any plausible itasouing I ,her.d,stribu,ed. But w. are no. tru.y , b, ,M ' fr0ID f,,. pr 1 gratified to have it in or power to "yto1 cour! of uu ttmttktt ,e said: We, the formerly uumerous guests of the hotel, cqM uo( je ulllJcr ,tl, Southeru Coufede-j reveuons tons a moutont," which, abeu ;rlCyi because taxation would be so oppre j fr.ely translated into English, signifies, " re-I jvc.' for id he I reeemly read iu a news- ! ,ur to your" former princely far.;" for 1 i lLo U4Ve t0 U Ul.a giO. I have just been iulor.ueci lhat John I. 8ha-.per be,d frotu lhe cr,a, ,0 t)9 g,.t. j ver, the former wealthy aud geuerous pro- i Your ,orrt.fjOl.d0ut thcu read to hiiu Ibe nrnnrlotor of the ouon buauliful. but now demolished building, iutends speedily to re- construct upou it ruins, a hotel of far .,..., . nd mai'Dihceneo. Tha train 6 of csrs left Salisbury for Stalesville at for- ty five Uiiuute afler eight o'elock. After tbe tr.iu, under the high pressure ystem of steam, bad co.nui.ucDced fiyingasif it were ...tbingof l,fe,"uupon the wing, of the wind. I reeocuiscd among other "compan out ile voyage, .Mrs. ren an t ter i.mny who iuformsd u.e that she was on her way U-..l- O. M l!,iA,j ... ,u f...r nf . Conir.l C.u(d takQ charge of " Tbe buck Taveru," under tlio auspice of it proprietor, Mr. Smith. I'undcrtbe management of such caterer. as Mr. Wreu and Mr. l(.-juumi, wo may salely assert, witnout Ibe lighest dispsr- agement to other of the aatue craft, that tue tr.veI.iog public in Western North Caro- Una, " will bo well cared for.' Your correspondent arrived at " Tbe Sim- outoo Iloue,"in Statesiille, at about 1U:45, a. ni., where he partook of a bounteous and ... .-. - , I we. I prepared dinner, w men was iLruisnea f:r bis grateful guests by tha new laudlord jjr, formerly of Randolph Co., !.N.C , in true"arpl pie order." It is a u (I cent recommeudstiou of this Hotel, lo ay, lhat, so long .is it .hall continue to he uajer tLe mauageinsut of its present di i- , ,,.,,... ..ocri-ior. be who dines tiere once, will be sure to call and dine again. Association of ideas, in this con nection, forcibly romind mo of tbe follow. iug q jaint lines by at oid poet : - is hse an inn. S .me hreukefaat and .w iy ; While .till lor l:l. r slay : 1 liu.c who go Hie, ha ll.u least to iy " Tn. Cnnsnrd Fmi.iu Colleire. a hie h is romaulical.y located iu tbia Tillage, is I a fljuriebiug condition, under tho care and supervision of the Kev. Mr. Melleo, io who.e character are ao happily oienueu an lue mild grace of tbe Christian gentleman, and the decision anJ firmness of tbe eon- scieulious aud faithful diseipliuariau. The uullJber of youutf ladies who daily imbibe . , ,- j . , , pure, aud refreshing draught. Irom till r Iberian Spring, is eveuty-nve. Wbi1 miogriog among '(jaond am' friends, endeavoring as in "days of yore," to enjoy with them, "the feast of reason, and the fl:,,' of ,ouh" taaDJ f ihtm "id : W have heard that you have been composing articles for a aecesnonal newspaper, aud are ,mo,t ,eeeniouist ; ta wboiu I replied: I wish you all were Dot almost, but alto- githcr such as I am, aava my debility of constitution, aud ill health, which retder me utterly iucapable of undergoing the fa tigues of a tampiigo in detenca of our ' Sou'bern Hights." Twoor three of them then said; If we have any figbtniug to do, we would piefer to fight for Liucolo, rather than for the ' Confederate Slate..' Tbeu your correspondent, almost iuvoluulaiily, utlercd a deep sigh of aiuoere heart-fell regret, for lu lueiaucholy e'abd.l.ou of bis lialwc j eounty. It i. but surprising, however, that 1 j ,1... r ............. ,i. khuulil .dun 1 . . 1 .1 11 uih sentiments aa these, when their tile leader openly aud boldly declare. : " Seoes- . , , ion is disunion j and Uisuuiau treason Chief Justice Taney lo the eouirary, uol-; i About 4 0 clock. D- Ui J your correspou- j r 1 ueui accepiea 01 a ae.v in ins scu.eic ui j , fnend who is ao energetic aeojsstouisl of , fnct ,c100l . itJri who says, that, al- 1 .lirsijl, hs hn", heretofare, eni. rtaiued a h.ial love, amounting to revere .ce for the Union ia its pure state, unless N. C , .hall secede from the corrupt L'uion aril Al liiihiafi aUoo of A. L. liiisl.U, ltd .. part ; suckle, the ivry, the Uurel, ami niaguonu , .ml hero the birds of every variety of otig and plumage, from the lowering golden 'eagle lo the mus.c.l mocking bird, unite in om; iuu utmnj v...v. y Great Creator, Creator. l the baseof tho til.l, gliue ! swiftly ibe pure waters of iho South Yad kin. In tbe distance, Itlo M .uiitain, inasi of beauty, toweiinj is ten, I'l.illieii in null roS- of icrpeluul cverfrcrn ; Western sine (lieluu-s III 10 a vast fiuilful plain Clail, in ihe li.rrly month ol June, with ripe jolden gram : And aruunil whose summit glittering sunbeams Soon Aurora oe tin gulden gates of diy. When ihe tirignt, eliariniiig, rose-nnt red .11 jUsljce ,0 ttJ) w u,0 mo.i plausible that I, ..I.. i... ,v.. s!.,...l ,n fnn. j federate Congress, levy ing a lax of poly ' otiu per Lead, upou each siave, w hich, -r . .-..;....m I. l.,t I.- L..t ..... ' '""""i m.-. ..... i themselvi s OUaliiO to liold p-eslou oi ' ,ed iut0 1U error bj ,le Kditor from who.e!,10 public works atiaiu.t the superior force. j.spper be had derived bis information. ! of Virginia, aud Ib.r.lor. blct up the l U'our correspondent then said: Vou are, 1 principal Workshops and tbe Ar.eual aud L,w iBll ,u,g Uv. been an " Oid Liu8 j retreated lo the Maryland . id. w .- ui .t .0 advocal. ,f ZTZ- . (Vll.r., c.,uederaev. He replied: ,i l.,l s .ui, f i ,iwaj, La been an " Old Line nig ; no 0ia I he any thiuu' else, if I Could racr . Lut tiltt( novertbeU-ss, ho did not rej,, the idea of paying a tariff of 0 cental ' ...... j p i , pcf Lu,,,cl 00 tsl.t.d wbi.b ui: cos!, 0ltlj ,,tn at J ,.1,, CvtiU p,r bu-hil.lio , of blockade. We h.v ree ved ' .Le ; i,u i . uor ,u;lt 0f nayiii a duty ot na mills from beyond Bsltimore, owing, it ! fif,y l0 oue hundred aud fifty per eent., upou : . coltoo gooJ., ...d . ,be implements of Miusbaudry, which he s-ipposed North Caro- 'jullUJ WJUJ te forced to do if their Stare ' c0Ijtlua4 t0 L jr prt UJ ut uuder Ab J,iUC0D,', Administration. Your cor rr0I1jet then anl there, unreservedly' not to Ab. Lincoln ; but to the mild influences of" Natures-sweet restorer U.;m, ..erp, ... . S iu or ui Hi , refreshed and iuvigorated for the duties of the day. Yours truly, ViATOK. A shamiless colnnporary says : ' The ae of a young Ivly is now express j ed according to Ihe style of skirls, by say iug eighteen springs have passed over tier j head." Tux Canmbai. ! A man adverties it. j a I'oUi;hkeeDiB paper : " 1 1 an leil. a tniU , iu!" rU uomm, lo too'i." j j - ... j j MILITARY NOTICEi A I.L PERSONS LIABLE to do Military Duty x. u.e 11. of .n Aet (w.-ed at ihe of th. legislature of North C'aroln 1W 'l.r. .rally r. qusated lo ..(war a t Ihnr a. .ml. I R....I. II.. - I. ..I M.,.I.I,I,M - .1. thc dlJ, hsreunii. r 11..11-..-1. for i'- yurv.r. .,1 .11U .eieitinj tlie.r umeert, At ltniii.' " Mnr.MlifX ur ."riiviuniee ' sit. cle (.'ink "Paw Ur. k Berrytulis M Long t'r.-eit Le.11l. ys " ll:wr-r " M.II....1 (:. atiinl ( Hull., IU Crah C'reu Hy r,r.l..r.of j v. nit 1 ce, taut 6-Mft Ursim nt A t . Alllllll. H- w ' J p. ; liu..n 1.1 1 Let ih.t I u U , , l.lfut. I 'ailtitrl, w .il Hie (..eai iit; iliaiiru 1 11 1 ltd i nn uur .M1I1111 ryalrm, 1 nil 01 Ins lurliitl 1 w if ut siiiijUK Hiiiii " Us-. 11 i.iau. .g-iilial us, w.- le.i assured this sp oe mililary .ri(le .-:iiie will re early resa ni-e Irmii Ihe gnlanl ami eln jnrila ui Hi..- old St.unly el iXsck lenburg I Ae tacr.ri.ctU ..llieer win n. al rati. .,ae ut ' mnUug lor u.e ,.uf.c ut luinisinng ucli , ir,nati..ii and r-11 l.-n,i,' sueii a.aialiurc a. : b """"r "' " eeit .re.iaatitM of US, IM.I 4.f . ,. . 1 1 1 t r 1 ioiMiiii;- duilenng i JouW urk, nija, promptly alleiiued tu at TAYLORS Undxn y-uai.a t'.t UKiV llrnt ri w id iiaiif MUI " Tf NEWS, STARTLING NHWS Troops En Itu(e lor Wasl.ington ! Till: BALTIMOItUANS ATTACK Til KM ! ! A KIIXKD AND WOUNDED!!! Martini Law rrncluiincd !!!J railroaITIback torn upiun J'tvuiilt'tit t)f the U.-iilmpd Ite(us'i to Ti iinspni t ImhUi nl Tniops !!!!!! liALTl.Moita, April 10. A terrible Riot took place here te day it Ii "oma of the troops who were going ou to Wasbingtou iu obedieuee lu Liuooln all. Tho regiment from Massachusetts, and .1... ,.i,.;mnit from Nw Yoik weta j ,iscked by tbe Haliin.oriam aud several killed ,,!., j( currently reported that tbe Telo- eratb wires North of Hultimoro have been cut, and tho ltailroad tracks torn up. JL.ATKU ID p iu. Duly two of ti Mas sachusetts soldier are known to be killed and 3 remain bero wouuded. Seven eitiieua are kuowa to be killed fire or sux severely wounded. The city is now eomparilively quiet, Ihe State troops and a lull body ot police are uuder arms. 1?ai.Timor, April V!0. The mail steamers upou the I'olouiao have ; been teuiDorariiy detained by order of the I Governor for prudeutial reasons. Every thing is quiet here. HUSr NAVAL PKIZICl hTAitor Tin wxnr rAHTUtttu ! I New Um.ZAM, April -'U The Steamship Star of the West was, broujlit into thi. port o day a pine to tlie .te.luer .b.nn. ha. been cd by the ConfedeW'te States and will be tratsleried into a war lessul carryiug eight gun ou Pivot l'u"- ... , ZZT' " ,r"V' ' mT ... FllOM 1 ASHINU1U. fllOM W ASHINU1UV WAHntvorox, April 19. It is generally redorled that Ik few Gov- I ,r,'n,eu 1 . . . blockade. ;'. WAaiil.NOTON, April W. The itesm.r. I'.auct aud An.oostia left (this oily ia-t night, projabiy far Nr- rnporied, lo ibe dcstrucuou f a Kail Jf Xll 'r luBioa ,t nr' L-0 Oras.e. j JUit'iu.ore is reported lo be qiiet and in ' f'.'l possesaioa of Ibo Stale Military tin, ! """""ti ,d ' r,,l,;-' u ,rool" ' l:l ! llllllU-'ll Id lll. ' ' SANUtK!. ON- -f,,,. CK.slri W AMllXi f uN, A pri. I.i. ; (jMrM V. S.nder. has .out lhe loiloaiu dispaieb to Ilean Hicbrtoud, .Mayor Wood and Augustas Le.uiont. One hundred thousand ti.etcciiary soldiers cannot occupy and bold Fens.euia. i be enure South is under arms, aud the negroes are atreuibuuiug tbo military. A peace wi.l quekty be couriered Northern bemoorals standing by tbe Soulb aud Northern States aud people wiil aol be held respotn.LU for Liueolu I acta unless ilJ H.-ing thorn. Statu sovereiguty will be tally recognized. New YorX protect your social abd ruiu uure al tics by reeisliug K publicaa federal aggression. l'hiiaileip bia should lepuHiate (be war acliou of her Slate Legislature, 'ibe com merce of Kbode lalaud aud New Jersey iil j be safe when distinguishable. Hoist your Sag. TENNESSEE TkNLEIUNG TliOOl'S. Mu.MOuMKiil', Ala., Apni 10. Gen. Gideon J. 1'iuow armed here, yrs ' tcrday, and ba cBercd to Fie.ideut iavi. divisliu troops. Tux Yam c viLLK IUiluuau. A large jieetilii. at this Annul. ot Ca.avsll suuiini was lie.d at Y villa ou in, Ud in.i.ui, , " '"'"I'hle, bec.u.e it was a Oaiunn -to lake lb lo coUsid.i auuu the euuteujpi.lvU of our bwu self cousebtiug ere all uu. - " Kailroad tioiu Millou to the Company ' I the substitutive ol a Goveiuu.enl of Shop, uu the Nonu aroliua Uauroad tiilea Mebane, Esq, of Alamance, presided. Ihj meeting wa. addresses by Col. lieu jamiu M. Junes, of Liauvnle, a piaclteul engineer of eoniderblo expetienco. ile I dwelt at length ol Ibu advantage, and he lie I Uciai etf ets ul Kanroada, aud related many J tact, iu ll.ilroad slatl.ties quite c-iicoura-I iug to tbe friend, ol the piupo.ed road. j Al a rouh guess be csnui.lud the cost all al lleputlie (save iu name,) and bec-nne ",,'l,UU' , , I Military Kepublio. '1 be 1'rusidebl ' "' I At tbo closo, it was unauiiuou.Iy reaolj . , 1, 1 . . .. Au a-.-.' 111 , tiuue to be c. led 1 resident, "'V I ved thai the commissioners appointed Uy "UUD ,w vv B""lu ., , j the charter be r.q ie.,Ud to opu looks lor j eHed " Augustus,'' or, as plain . Ialoea fnrihwiib, and that said Comiiiissiuu. was tuieed into Ibu formidable " Kj-"1 era repoi t proves, at a iiieelln 10 Liu 11. Id al or tho mere Jmjn tutor (l.elieraij ol l' ou Wednesday ul Caswell la-1 Ar j(J(0 ,. K M 1ltol,.. ibe ua.n.s -I perior tyourl, (4;h day ol May beat ) Hilts- , . ' ..,1 ,, jlo -Lewder. I things will ixi.t, wbi.e lhe Csa.-nco tjlaUTIUM TO III AfsjWkHtU. 1. lJoCS it coil anyintng to pnnl a newspaper ' i llave 1 paid lor my paper f uov iui. pariieuiar nurioa a urst rale w p-y up t ! Why do oid muds weare luitleus? To keep Uu uha s. A GOVERNMENT OF GUNPOWDER. A Govornanent of Consent. There are two kiuds of government in ihj, world. One, European, that of Gunpowder. The othr, American, that of Oonhrnt. In 1770 an intestine wnu opened between, the two systems, aud our falbere issued tha following t DEI LARATJON OF lNrkPINhENt When, iu the course of human events it bocouiea necessary for one people to dis. solve lb politieal bunds which have!. led thciu.wilb another, and to assume among tbe power ef the earth the scpuruto and equal ataliou to which the laws of nature and ol nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opiuious of mankind raqiir. cs lhat thi y should declare the causes uiiich impel them to tie separation. We bold these tru'bs to bo self evident-. that all men are created equal; t hat ih,. arj sllJowej i,v ,;ir Creator with cert alienable rights ; that among these ate life liberty, and the pursuit of huppine-i. ' ul to secure these rights, govt rumen Is tut in. stitiilni anion vim, ueiivtiig Ilia, j, fouris liom Ihe coitS'it of die .vtmul that uhrmver utiyj'urm ,tJ guvr, i.mni i,'t. destructive o these tnils, it u ,e ! oj Ihe fienpe to alter or aLuiJi ut u to institute a new govrriimtiit, A.ii,, , joumliition on inch jtrinviplrs, ami nig,u,i. sine tttpiiuei m such Jin in, os tut him skull trrin must liktlij lo ijjixt tlitir s i ami hopptuiss. The U. S. Government was initiated in 177 0, and established in 177, under tig Constitution of the United States, as a too eminent oj Consent, with iho kr'ght in ti,5 people to alter or aboli.-h it, a id to iintit.ii, a Dew form of government w hen (bey pien. ed. Ilenoe, iu I7fc7, " wx, I'M s I't.nfn , of TUB L'.MTID STATts," among things, TO NUHK DtiMtSTlC TUA.NUUll.i.iir, ordained and established a govcri.m, :,t whiuh lor approval and adoptiuu n,,u, milted lo the people, as .represented iu tl.j then 13 States. Soiuo '-' years sgo, aa Aholiticn f i' j , ; 10 Lmud SlaU lislilulnn u.ea,,, i, a,,u"' nd ,,,cr J" apitanon, tb.y have unloilaiut, r, not only destreyed " douictio traiiq n nj,' aud " the general," but lu. y (um ""dc iuetufe faur Lil""" of 'he South, and the live of eight imin o! people, who. if they submit Iv, this ii-.cit.- 1 ,. ,,., day b i l,yi tllJi day be involved in asm , ,,r L'nloriunai. ly, iu lf.ll, a Nom.. gtf,gripLieal psriywaa created, io wi. the Aboltnon party waa absotb. d, lb. i . of l',c" " l""1""; " demesne it-.- quiiity of lo of our States, rnd a Lira : 10,) eouqa.reed, politically computi i , country a. a whole, and tao "" f ;S- ra,ly enough, then, iu Ihe conquered pv, viuees, is eiinrudcied a cuunur ho-. thi. bosiiiily has gone so lar, as u t lo 'jr Judicial or L-gi. at ure acuoii. I . rebel egiust the t.-on.lut.lion li.e.i. ! seven Mates ar in l Lin I.i " -re sy mp,h,z . , 1 ",1 t'"J " to'a P r ' question now i, Cslsaiil we revert to tie new Air., U " ' dipeudeute-f.'i it Lfrrn,m,t ,,,i.t J"1 J" '' f" """ thetm set fe . r. t.l,ut shall we reierl li iu- u.J I,, peso idea, of n-.en u: n ! uuwuliug people again. l their tou-n.i . ' "'her word,, la mis A l.ox .o n -iM-.WOEH, oil A Ovt M.-vt-Ier l- l'rohably no greater question enf .". pied llu tiamau ui n I lu !.', a?ii 1 17.:), by Treaty with Kujau-J, e .. . Iished theprtueipiu if (iovei uniri.t I sent. This priueiple w as restated iu La: :. loug after we loreeJ Great lliiiain, -' uoibcr couutry, lu aekuowiedge, it, awd .: the war agaiu-t N.poiiuu, aud iu the ii. j Aiiiauce, 11 was denied recognition. 1 Loui. I'lailiippe lsevoiuliou, aud the u - quelit Lou.. N.poleou uuiv.rsal s.lia.' ionp U till, U.e of (jaiii.. di, or Ibe recognition of me (jaribau.1 iuuuus, have .ubscquently estabii.-bt J - many parts of Europe the Aui.ncau ' -' c pn-, tul.tiange 10 say, as Ijaiina. ii a... others are establishing I-, iber", we ai e n-1 throwing it bero, aueie the piiuup e '"' boru I The basis theory of lhe tailed Su' 1 Go ver uw.rul is, or rather w as, and er beu, lb. I the i'eoplu cunsenltU 10 li, they loved il, that it was, se.I goveio ell adiiiinistenng, iu .burl, ib.t H self government. It has been our I-''' tud ffill ,U tro ,lut ; , . . uiueb t erued. as rorerniin. our.eives. Oar I cess, Our prosperity, our seiuilty, i.'' rested upon lhe idea, tbut our strength powder for tills t.ovel bUienl, to he imp '-' Upou 13 of our States, Up.els, aud lei" .a tiouize ail our old tboorie.. . e have te t.itiZnis. Gunpowder piop. se. 10 uiaae bout half of our Htatea tulje. ts. Now, lha end of such au eipciiu.ei-t clear. We .hail cease to bo a Cvhstiuti -' 1 eha 'ge. UECKIl'H. 1'iM.vii.i.K, N. t. Ap"1 " deceived of W. M. Milis, S-"J fut f" sciij-tiou to Iho Wing, lor l-ut. Wiiii.iiai 1. N C Apni --' Received ot I'V li. rinnril, 4?'" fjr ""' ! sciij-tiob to the Whij, for Itul.

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