lor Lxiiy : : : April 23, 1861. MASS MEETING I f Tll oLjTiI Kit N RIGHTS PARTY ',c fioutticrn ihk""' v r ..i: Imt tlm nron-nt eandi. f ('rave", ic.i8 i - f our liutiottal tinaira aonuiwi mat ', f.jcnJ.t of Che Soul'., in North Carolina uia i:.kc counsel of ocb otlicr, havo do r,j,,l to hold a m WKKI-IXfl IN NEWREItX . ,lC .'.nil ami aOili of April, preparatory ,ie(irfat Mi Hiecln.o, 01 tne party m .,tu :il Charlotte, on (In' 20 lb of May, i ..nliallv o id eariii!tly invito and urge : j(,cn,U of i I.e South in every county in c p. .ti ict to assemble with lliim on (hat , .ci.iou. STATKOF NOltTH CAROLINA. v p II O C L A A I AT ION, liY JOHN W, ELLIS, ; iVKHX'-'K 01' SOUTH CAROLINA. V:ik.'"h : Proclamation of Abraham ,c In. I'. a inicut of 'lie UniuJ States, f 1 jv a rt ij'jUitiou of Siinoii Cameron, f Wir. I am informed tliut I lie I .l.raliaw L uo?hi has made a call for I Mini in i-n to be employed tor the uirae- n 0j .i p -aoi-ful homes of the !outb, and r ,,c violt-t.t aubveroou of tlio liberties of l.rc p-op'ei eoiinitulini; a larj; part f j 'nine p 'pulaii'D of the late United ! iti, whereas, this bi;;h banded j ., cf tyrannical oulrao is not ouly in vio j ii f oil constitution law, iu utter dis- j I of every i-ctiiimeht of humanity aau jji ciT ii.iion, ami to.eivedin a t i I s-re-.ion unparalltd by any act ' (-1-1 - .J l.-l'i.-v, but it is a direct atrp I .., ti... uijuatioii of tbe whole South, , it... ejiiter-iuii of a free K.-puhlic, 10 ... f . o -ii oar father., into a military ., to bv e.lal li-lte-1 by worse (hall ' , ;ii cnnnics on tbe ruins of oar otce 14 ni.-MttiticTi of Ktitial Righti. ilertfore I, John W. K im. liiver- ! f ft'.e Sute cf North Carolina for these ! i 'lii l iur ta'i'cs. do hereby isma this,' I r, rUmatii n no'ifjioi: and requeiin.' - Vil'ia anil Members of the House of i-i i ous ef the General AMr-nibly of Noitb .in lo meet in S riti Ss.ioii at tho i .i in tl.cl'nyof K cib. on U'e.lu. a r.tli- fjrlday of My m at And 1 m. r'li r.- eihnrt all froi ti'ilena thro i o Sute to he in li lful that their tirt :,lllt- die to the ivjtf n-ijinty which -r. n ill. ir hoini.. aad dearet interet,' . i . ir lirt eriee in duo (or the -.cred 'f..i-e of tin ir hoartha. and of the aoti . i 1 d the (jrateii of our gloriom led ! ,, i action in dcf. nce of. the overcin I Snriti t'arulina, and of the tiht ol - jih, btcoiiiea now the duty of a'l. I... i ii Ki rr luv hand, and ailv'tid by, ill- I. real S.;al of the Stite. iJone at in. 1 1 y of UaleU'h, tbo Kth day of .: ni, A 1. 1 i I . and iu the ngbtj L. ib year of our indrpen I. nc-. JOHN W. KUAS. ! Hy tlio (iovernor, ! luullt l. K-i, J'ri ilf Srcirtai y. V. jV.T'IFTS N EST IUFLE COMPANY i !.i ..I ii.t Ci iipi'iy under ennniand of ' i,. i fi. Wil iam, 1. ft 1 1. is city on j:-l iy Mlit, the I "ill int., en routo for i rt I'a.w.ri, belo Wiiliuingtou. They : . r. d shout f.il Krong J all (renting ...uiii.iiud to do thtir duty toward the ,-141,1-0 of tho H'aek Ri f ublican. If of tho Littotiitr abo'il-l chanco lo t u.t iu coutuct ti!i tbo " 1 1 jf net " tbey i,i hire a grcitcr need f r the Scotuli t'ap : J Mi It .iy Cloak than old Ab bad for it, i lilt uitd.-rgruui.d lsf fivm 1'illaburg Ij Vabiii!;tou. TAUADE ON MONDAY. j On Monday last, tbe falUing eoiiipaniea ; funded ir. this city; Mtcklfjbur, lra ; i., Charlulto tircy and 8ua;on U.flo- n. J'l.e ranka wiro well biled aud the n ii ;oav ruij tieii.fiitiyexecut. u. i.ooaoui j Atie ! tho Hornets of '7 , have bi-.u aroused ; and will siin ' lik'j b 1. TB.OOP3 FOH VIRGINIA. We loaru t.iat too regiiuenta of South Caroliniju, and thmc comf.auiea of (eor iatia, left ou Suuduy, the -1 t iunt , for Vir yilil. ir in a i u band lift u ou Iburmlay i.irl.t for the aeat of war ; ai private ii C.pt. Wiliiaiiij' corpse our re ad cm, iil tiieo . f.ir, e xcu.vj our lack of reading matter ij t'uia issue. HaI'I-V Tltlt'MI'tl t"l' St'lKili'AI. Shll.U. Ih. J. Kui, of (his tnwn, perloriimJ, on , I'm Uli iu.it , tb'i very iniercniii aii'l iu tin a'e tiieriition of ixiraeliii; a stuuo from, tin; l la'Ucr of a child three years till Ste in nils ol J. Tho Mone weight .r0U j;rain-., " i.J I" about thu ail" of email he us ' ll mrfaco is I'lu'rally smooth, stvo few i xii.Ty i,rotnl,er aim on one end, wiucn, "nil it a-,1 (IihIhii hulk, liiUil liuve earned a 'Mreo of njj iiiy such as wo can tianlly C'Mic. ivu a dul l nf tliut lentlcr a,-o cap thu; of einluriiii;. The chil'I's frttluluea-. ftoin "H'niciilul pait) shoneil ileif about two years ' "M'1, ati l ihu nucleus f i o in which (his in- : e itieo.v ai'lc nia.s oriiuat.'il limit have had It forina'ii.ii either in the fiutus or very ' soon after hinh. Tho patient is Hoinre-! iniiai,ly well, is comparative ly fr.e Ir un ' suft'-i iiij;. ami seems ij nlo happy ill its tie- j hvery front a source of inexpressilild an- j oiitli. IIWnr.yi JJiiji'ttct, 104 lint. Col. Oeorn Little, of Haleih, bas do c'nued tho o ill on of Marshal for thu District1 ol North Carolina tendered bhu by Mr. Liu Oilu. U'tlminjlo'i Herald. M i.NlnuMKttv, April 17. The Uovern 'in1 ut has received au oll'or for tbo whole hUtuu luiiiiuu loau fioui .Vuf Oiioaus "I : ' . if!. : , Mi - PROCLAMATION OF PRKSIDKNT DAVIS. Montgomery, April 17. The folio wing proelainutioo waa issued today. A I'ro.himution by the l'rttidenlaj the Con Jeilerole glutei o' Atuencit s Whereat Abraham Lincoln, the President of tbo United States, baa by proclamation announces tbe intention of invading this Confederacy nitli au armed force for tbe purpoae of capiuriuj its fortresses aud there- ; by aubverting iu independence, and tub- i jecting lb free people thereof to tbe domiu- I ion of foieijjQ power; whereas it bas thus j bec.finc (be duty of ibis Government to re pel (he threatened invasion and to defend the right aud liberties of the people by all tlio means which tho lawa of nations and the uage of civilised warfaro place at ita dis posal. Now, therefore I, Jeffirson Divis, Pres ident of tbe Coufuduralo States of Ameri ca, do isue this my proclamation, iuviting all there who may desire by service in pri- ' vate armed vessels on ibe high scat to aid ! tlua Goteruuir.nl in ret-iKling ao wanton and ' wieked ati aggression, to make applica tion for commissions or letter of marque and reprisal, to be issued uuder the seal of theso Confederate Statea. Aud I do notify all' persons apply ing for lettera of marque, to make a statement iu writing, giving tbe name and a suitable deacripliou of tbe character, tonnuge and fotce of the Tesnel, and tbe name and place of rcsideuoe of I ,acb '".tner concerned therein, and tbe in-1 tended number of the crew, aud lo aign said statement and deliver the same to Ibe Secretary of State, or to the Collector of, any port of entry of these Confederate States, to be by tun transmitted to tbe S.-e-relary of Slate. Aud 1 da further bolify all a p leants aforesaid, that beluro aoy uamutissiou or letter of luarqae is issued to any ves-el, the owner or owners thereof, aud the Couimauder for tbe time being, will ' be required to give bond (a tbe Confederate States, with at least two repousible aure- j ties, not interested in such vessels, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, or iff such vessel be provided with more than one hundred aud afiy men, then iu ibe penal sum of ten tboussud dollars; with couJi- J lion that ibe owners, ofboers aud crew wbo shall be employed ou board such commis sioned vessel, snail observe tbe lass of these Confederate States, and the instruc tion! l tii in for the regulation of their giveuaconducl ; that they shall satisfy all damages done contrary to tbe touor there of by such vessel during her commission, aud deliver up (be same wbu revoked by thu Picsi lent of the Confederate Stales. ; And 1 do further specially enjoiu ou ail persons bo.uiug ilbces, civil aud luisilary uder the authority of the Confederate State, that they be tigilaitt and lealous iu discharging the duties meideut thereto. I And I do, moreover, solemnly exhort the j good people of ibese Confederate States, as' li.ey love their country a they prue tbe niesniugs of Iree Government, as they feel1 the wioii-s of the past aud these now' threaleued iu aa aggravated fjrm, by those whose enmity i-t more implacable because uuprovoked, ibat liiey exert themselves iu preserving order, iu promoting couoord, iu uiaiutaiutug the authority and efficiency ol the laws, aud in sup-'iu, aud invigora ting all tbo measures which may be adopt ed io r tbe common defeuoe, and by which, uuder the blessing of divine Providence, wo may bopo for a speedy, just and honora ble peaoe. Iu testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my baud aud oaused the seal of tbe Confederate Statos to be affile I, (bia seven teenth day of April 1961. iy the President. (Sned) JKl'FKUSON DAVIS. R Toomiis, Sec y of S;ale. .ilairrlw'O. Ill Una plarc on III- I Ml In. I , by the Rev. R. II ., .n,ih. Mr. JAVIhn II Mil V to .Mi.. Mi. MA K. llO.-i.-., dati"ler til Dr.l'. M. Ross. xMaW AIVEUTISEMK.T. latest Hews ! A I.AKI.L S'lO, Iv OF HI! V t;oolS just re. a taV eeived 1 Srlceted by ami of our lirut in B i L i i r.i u i LC . We bnug'il InrC.ish at PANIC i'KU LS, and will aell ..r ( AMI very low. Our usual atoea ot Hardware, Hats, & Shoes, on lit.ni! very cUtap; Uoiiiicts and Mantilas, have been rtci ived. (ive ua a rail. JJUUWN, TATE tl CU. April 2J, led. 31 S. T. ristoii, AM KAlTIKKK nf, and ilmlrr in riinind iTxtL J'tp.NMied l'iniro, Stiivvn, Woudeu Wure Itr.Mimv, Itrunhim, it.c., in fcuuih wing of Opting t-(trntr Huijointf. J tib W or k , Mich mf uunui;, OtttUdiAg. Ji v, done Willi JOaLlluA X-1''' r - M.mocc of lle Jobi of e.mi-iol.e. Mil AT (he v.iluntuera lirrvlofnro enroll, d fitr I' i IkiI u in! i r I ho uperviiiun of a cmi iitiltee cinmsting . K F. U'Vitls.i , H. A. I'ol.en, S.A. Il .rris itml Win. J. V itus, hu miw eiiriilu-tl by the Unird ol' ' oiniiiissi .sura, is u P itr.il lutes for lliu 'I'.iwii of CliaihilU!, and Unit the sinio roitin.ilti e he conliiiut-U by the U ..ir.l itl't'.iiiiiiiis. sinners, tn.il invesli-d Willi lull iuwer to riivt.it; the Pi.lroli.li' fiir mainly .Inly ; mid any .ers.ni t'.iil s aa if to do P.itrol uuly w'.eu tleluiled by a. id (Join, iinltee hu. I duly noiifu-d by the Town Conalub'e or ..ih.-r uulhoriu.-tl ieraou, or I'.nling to nroeure a auhatilute u..e.l .hie to Ihu Cn',ln ol' the Patrol, sinll hu fined HVE KOl.LVHS, lo be recovered as till. or lini'S Mint ..enuities l.iiii by Iho 'i'ea.u, and in default ol' tlio p lyn.ent ..(' s tid fine, or tho recurmg ol tlie sum.-, then and in that ctau be iii.jiria.tiied si the uiaviaiiou of the M,.yor. i-aaed April 7m, A. I). MCI. W . A. CM KNS, Mayor. Tiioa W. Dt.wrat, Town Clerk. April IU, labl. II New Goods! New Goods!! NEW GOODS!!! i:oioious how iMticios. PRICES ENORMOUS LOW. AT )A(l.cf.lultl5 ItUlllClillU S tl'Jllllll IIUUM'Si rK reaiircll'ully inform uur friends and V V euatoiurs, tint we h'.ve rereive I and uro y lo oil'ir a very luriju supply of . U O O I) s conniitinp oi ; READY MADE CLOTHING FOB. US, YOLTIIS, AND BOYS, one of 1 lie Hurst mi"! belt auck ever nflVrci.. Uuwtii tl Vitt vry In lent Btili:, utut .rite lii.il will ulonnti tvs-r) Uutly uh Hie (in:c-ni time mil allow us lo it'll .iU (itr cvnt. lower t!au wu ever done bvlioie, Gent's Furnishing Goods, wo have great variety, HATS AM) CAPS, in Una article we Imre bought very largely und ut lir;iat 5J ttr cent. !ucr th in uujI. V u lucre toru .o nut ileal tette lo bjjt itiut we uu iut atll tiic inst Itt.cr si I uh iiUl a Merciunt in Wenlcrn .Nurth t'ufoJinu. Boots and Shoes, for Ladies, Gsiilleoiens, Miaa. s, Hoys, and f'liil. drt-n, i.iciuoin s.-iiie ol tile vry fjitesl it.ilti.tt'ire 1 .l4imt4elu1eu lloota. '1 i.rt.iaii. our 'riuds and customers very kind, j ly lor Int-ir ,.4t p.lronag and tlopin a eutilinu. 1 st're ct ll.e a tine plugging ouracUcs I., give salts. ! flit lion lo .ill Willi louy I 1 vof us Willi stall. Us- I n.L-mbrr if you ..iii line Ijouus the Im-bI n.MOtt : t.j,,, an.l du.rl Ih. 11 l.ir ehcjp. si c..ll ulj. Kotos, nii.ls ..1.0 III"., No. 4 liraoitu ..i.e U'M.r l.ioW l ie ullicc ol the Aosius t.apres, Co., 1 a'l i 2 iioora uo.vo Kurs II itel. tivar in iniiiu ll.u only Ujtjjio Houses 10 li,.rl.,Lc. J. itOl ilSClULU i L'KO. j April 1C. lebl . i JOH N IILMtV A VT, j Surgeon S( t.tist, j ((Uadvstk ik Mani'.iM a so Ukstistsv.) I Oi-FlLC iu Cialr)'s Building, tp Suits, llpp- j uic iirriltiiicl, j ('ii iti.oi 1 1:, x. :. I CKtsU'AL OPKKATI'JNS. ueh ) I l.r.rT PAL A 1 1, J1AKE. I MtKis ol m.'Uiii 10.1 Jaw ' p.rl.,iii.cil. t UAl I L liKj.sii.1 Dll.O(. A I 1L.M i ol I e Java HealeJ. Teeth tilltd will. t.Ul.l), MLVKK, TIN AMALGAM. AKTlKllALl If. 1.1 11 tuse'tett ill tlie bosl man if r. I sVCA very auptnor I'lJOIH POWDER und j T'JHM il W A3II eioistunliy ell ilsUU. i r T.elli Kalraeleil. I J -riilCr.S MUDKIiA'I K and ail work dune aativUeiory to tlie ptu-nl. Ir FAMILIES w..,trd on at their houses. ti' A stuea ol Dcotisl's Materials always on hand. a "GOLD -lid &II.V1.U Plate und Wire of any fini ness j illt-n oui. i rur ucrs iron, a distance attended to proii.pt ly . frkryry 21. IHtiU. stf WALTON IlOLSi:. 4 h Tin; M i.V I iii; riii- la A ft'rtipru u.r will UruniiHc uti Hie btli ; ui .W ty mil, t i; auiiiacrihrra will rtui, lor a term at y t)r, this. pt(u...r IlcU l, to a n'n v do c.in ivc uui li rt li rt .'iKB, (uvne after nred ajftly.) at iil ndi.-lr l ii; nwiur. t i-t it wiii i Kt aa li ul lo dtiruti Itoin itfiuUtiio wlticli il aua Urn hi lir.l ciaa llult:!. The ritruinst! ul tne ll'uae ia Urge npd in. crtrrfaii, Krom itu cci lf;il fHjaitiuii, .nd rftab. Imtied cl.siriLtrr cjunnt it ftil nl ancccitB, if pro- ' purly coiiductc.i. Any tuUicr inlurmaliuti iu tie. tail will be given by addieer-iiif . T. U. 5i V. M. WALTU.V. Morga.,1 N. C. ! I tb. 5, IfCl. lib M siixjrOa.;i'sJ LIVER BMVSGGRATCO. NKVKIt 1KIII!1TATK. IT la roiionnilrl p-if tr ly from tinmi, t4 Nalh"r.rti.s at s.ttbl.e.ii tsW i , M rwl : I U MtVlKUiO. kioM Uii da- 4mtuM In wturU tl !..l l.lt. u, K t".. V--1 i r ma l-l dis Utrtsu at or fj urn aftb. I.1VF.H II- Jt dlf.u-s I.lver lt.m-1 C tntks, nysprpatu, IT,' S a lit in r r Cou-lM ry, Uropsj-, Htitie jinlff r.ot sail- ..a :n U.S lUOK.Vl'Oll.an,: l I.lnl. I., Ill'l,..!. tt- l.rot.le ttlai i tiora, I'li.llil., !).-- r-touiitet.v.lul.ltusil I'-, holrra, ( hole I iirnntum, Ftstn IH. nl.- Wirlt.irss' r.Mrully as s ev.llnM 'toe. Itw.U.arsMK K .N.assiiJa cull lss.1T) I In moor l liet e T. - ra. tins has. ( hoi are It-tier, Jar. i. die iy Fsu.liy M..II- p IIKI' II K, (.' f.1 t.l tsliouse II Iti-r 1 Klt-lna; Uieir lesluiU'A. MIX WAIKIt Itl TIIK. MOVTII WITH l llll IM it. till IlUt, A.MJ BWAU.UW UOl'll 1 nilK'l IIKIt. 11 Ice One Hollar per ilottle. I-' H 1 1 . V CATHARTIC PILLS, t ye n ni.il i r.'.ti ' I'nrr V. z l.il.le l-lf..e, winl ,nf li In l.l.ts te, .tie Itriltt. m,a will kcei lit any ellti.iilt. l- .i.illj V.-l 1 1" srtli lII,l.i..r.n l' L it IHU,,,,'. U r h li t!. im.-i-i-i or ""h-'",n noTl, ,r-"v.'kl r-1 ,li.m ,r.?'lr".r'l",. sta, li"- ,-l'H r.-l-a ' s U -srJ ... n-; . j y .e. basicaacsd tMiovA-e rr-'l.,!..,. w.:i tn., I'ist itin.-rint Csttutnla. set ""i'I's'k ttlll,v"' -i 'rflt'tTT S I I, hu a ita .1 I- ware. H It.-- e,l . f.,., Ish "k .Ii .!-. I it s. ' , n s," "rt liat ,;m.,u,v r.-i,l s.l M ;...'. au-l ..rt .-. l: s. .hrm s i .n.,,u.- .. k , ss II.. raiiatmriitt ,-r h. jj si i . , I, , H.,r,,. ...... I-..I, . In lit. Cj llrt. k n l I.., I, .t.. , ""J ...-.I f.....'.-. ..v.r rr-ni....... If l.'i- taJ ? " ! I" s I- -.. '- '.rss ol I s- sr. I.O.. of t.'- M lll.-. ret .l.. r.t- asf. .f ol.l utrr f tl.r l.'-.lt'. Ilr.llrsa. nr... Urn. I... ! , ",H ."-lulnlu .1,.- hrnil, ail It. tin nm. n ..)' J I'l.. n.r.. tt o. .... In t .1 .. i .. CC Kit. i hit fih. hi ..o i ,i fllK'K Til II K K Itltlira. TVis I.lver l..vl.....l .i- n.i.l I'sn.llv ft rtsrllr I'll la s.-s i.-..,:--l i.v I't-.-c-.. - ri-ally, a avid wbulnulr l,v il- - Irj-l-- 1 1, .it tS l.ri..- u. 9. t. v. mtmiin.x.n.. 3JS Brssdwaf, Mew i o rlt K. SOAR It & CO., UUXU, aV. C. PJIESEHVE YOUR TEETH, A. W. ALEXANDER, SURGIOH DEHTIST. UUADUATI OV TUB BALTIMOKat DENTAL ! COLLEdM. 19 FULLY PREPARED TO DO ALL DEN. TAL Work in liie latest iniprtiteil styles, and ' will be at hisntliee Iwn weeks in nacli uienth ds. ' ling from the first Monday (of Hit niontl.) and will appropriate the remaiiidtir of hia tune lo all persoi'S deairii.g wurk doae at (heir rosiduneea. who will oblige hi in very much by addressing ' hi, n st Chsrlotltt, N. C, IT ALL WlUK WARRANTED. OHi'ie, No. 3 Uranits kuw, Up alaira. April 16. ltd. 3tf Notice. rpilE TAX LIST, for the year 1860, is now in St- my haiiua, ready lor llispoc ion. All persons are requested to inform me of any taxabtes which in ' y be listed. All TAX PAYERS are rs que-d'd t prepare theinselvea lo meet their TAXES promptly. W. W. GRIER, SheriJ. Aril 1C. 166.1 3tf Wilmington, Cburlolle and Jiuliur ford Hiiii Uoad. WESTERN DIVISION. ON and alter Monday the 1 6 lb instant, the Passenger and Mail Tram will be run un tins Uoaij daily (Sundays excepted) aa follows : I.OINU wst. Leavx. 7 til) A. M. Asaivx. 7 43 A. M. H IU I) 37 " u uu Aaaivf . Chariot tr, Tuctasfgee, Brevard, SimroD, Linclnton, UOINU EAST. 8 IS 8 41) Lxavi. II Oi) A. M II 23 " il 60 " ia 17 p. M l.incolntun, M.4rr.ii, II 30 A. M. Itrevard, II 4.i Tucaas. gee, H l& P. M. Charlotte. I UU " By order, V. A. McBKlfi. Acting Mister of Transportation. Lincolnlnn, April 4, lebl. ii.lf ('oiiiiiioii Ndiirul olice. raj E following table will ahew Ibe amount of I money due each ( oiniuon Sehool District in Mecklenburg county on Ilia first day of April, IHfil, as reported by the Chan man : District No. I, $142 Jti.Di.t. No. 34, 37 64 IU7 44 31 67 107 34 42 33 46 74 2d 61 66 67 b5 23 63 114 33 35, 36, 37, 38, 3a, 4 LI, 41, 42, 43. 44, 43, 4b, 5 -JK AD 0-1 33 3'J lio 3hI yj 4i Ml bb 35 Kt 66 b7 3t 72: 69 7 I 7J 3 CS t! 22 4 1 ' 24 Si: 14 iri 2ti On , iu, ii. i-', 13, 14. 15, .6, 17, IH, IU, sn. ai. MJ, 23, 'il. a, -'fi, a7. US, 30, 31, 3J, 33. 7 66 CB 1,'J 42 34 ! 5 IB 40 41 1 bu f1 j 102 22 ii) 00 I 54 30 I I'll, 30 3'J b5 15 261 66 101 3 06 127 2a 25 25 t.O DO ' 23 15 02 91 279 76 3 64 42 15 au. 61, 62. 53, .'4, 55, 5b, 67, 53, ho, 61, 62, 63, 64, li 3. 32 ;, 42 (.! 22 K-j 23 r. 3i 52 41 . i 6fl 14 33 :3 J. P. KOSS, Chairman. til April 9, 1661. 8500 KKffAKD! i HKIIKAS, the recent fires in our midat V T are cvnienlly the work of an incendiary, 1 her.'hy. aa lullio'iscd by the Hoard ol Commit, sinned nf the town ol Charlotte, offer a reward ot FIVE HlNDilLD DOLLARS lor proof ta the conv.cln.n ul Ihc pereou or pcraona selling lire to tlie pioH-rly destroyed on the night ot' lite 30lh, and morning ul the 31al of this nionl. W. A. OWENS, aMijc-r. T. V. Df.wiy, Town Clerk. April 2, ls61. I lf DRUCS- STORE CHARLOTTE, S.C A eliable House for Pure CEBstflGAsM, 33SUGf U, CHOICE .4SV ELEGANT PER FUMERIES. lluir, Xail uiul Tooth Brushes of the Finest Quality. warn m& VMnmz For Medical Purposes. QIEiS, Paints, I FLUID. i FIME2 WHITS j KE110SKXE. KEKOSEaNE LA IMPS. i i April 3 I tf Agriculural Iniplenients OK ALL KINDS. iTKAW Cultera, Corn Shel iers. Plows, Hoes, Shovela Spades. Forka, Axes, Picka, Mai. toeks. Cruobuir lions, Tract Chains, tVagon Chains, Log Chains, Prum-ig and Hedge Shears, Pruning and Bunding itnivee, laar- tlen Hois und Rases, with handles; drain Cra. dies; grain, grass and brier Scythes, Hush funks. Wagon boxes j follow ware, such ns pot., ovena and lids, skillets, spiders, stew. pans snd ket tles. Csuldrwne from lit' to lilt) gallons eseh : Irou and brasa Preserving kettles, Sheep Shears, Ac., " TAYLOR'S Ihrdamrt D'pot,tpyttC tie JfsMiew Httut. LOST. ONE ccrttficaie of Slack in the C. A 8 C R. K. No, 1195. Application will be made lor the renewal el the eame. T. II BRKJ1. ibrea IW, leHil. !r-m The Market.. CORRECTED BT 0ATE8 k WILLIAMH. I'ltARI-tri't K APRIL '2i, leGI. BACON, llama, krw ib " Sides ib Hog ruune, Ib 8nouldera ..lb Baggisg , tjunny, yd Heel, .lb Ilutter, Ib beeswax, lb Ueana, buaiiel, .... Hranuy, Apple, gal.. " Peach,. gul , 'niton, lb ..oltec, ttlo, .lb ..J2J . 12 ...II ..II ..15 .. 4 ..15 ..25 1)0 II) 10 16 S 18 28 125 G5 125 ..IUj (, ...62 ...100 (, ... t-J aj fe lb 22 (as " Java, Candlee, Adanianliiia, Ib... " Sperm., Ib... fallow Ib... Corn buahe! 25 u to It) (4 .....83 fj olnekena,. ..each ., ...yaru. ...yaru. ...doxen ....bbl.. Clolli.topperaa o Lindaey,. Kick Hour Feathers Hidea, (ireen, .. Dry, Lard, Multon Mackerel, .15 to ('! I2i (o LO (a, 35U (a. Oil JQi J5 CJ ...baga ..lb 30 (a, .lb. 6 ( .lb 12 (a. JVj jj b (JO lb... Ib... ...bbl.N. Kilts gal... ls (S ...a (a) .. 14 (, .. 450 (nj ...16 (i. .uulaaaea, N.U W.I. Meal gal- ,..4U (0, .. bushel e5 Mulleta( Wilmington) Nails, Northern, 11 Southern, Oata .bbl ...Ib ..! (, .5 (, .50 (a. .- 3 ..l'!0 (a! Ib hualiel.... .... Ib .bushel.... ..bushel.... ..bushel.... ..buaiiel Ib ,....lb -gl ..sock ....lb .bushel .bushel - Pork Pea T'etaloea, Iriali, " Sweel Rice... -Sugar, Loaf, ilruwn,. nlone.Ware,. . Salt, Tea Wheat, white " red, Whiikey, Northuri.,, " N.Carolin .200 (a 10 ..40 (It; .)0 ..4 00 .10 (.j. 12 .10 'i 0(1 .175 !i ..'j (a, on ..H (at 4. i3U u) 135 ..62, (a, 65 ,.h0 v, 90 Wool,(beatUeorgiH) washed,. . " " " unwitahed "m,. bale REMARKS. 27 ....22 ...100 (a itj to (jj 00 LULL'AMIIA MAKKKT. CuLVnau, April 20, l61. COTTON. We have no market tms week ; on. ly 33 bales seld, prices nominal. BACON, hog round,... CORN , PKAS OATS FLO UK ...I2 ,...IUa la, .. tun in, . . Bit (t ,.. II (i CHARLESTON MARKKT. r hasi-xston A j-: 1 1 13. I ft ti . The cotton market aoii'inues qui- t. Tne trait- auctiona of the day amounted lu 272 oale IVjalogo. N'tW Or.LiANS, April 18. The sales of cotton ' to day were 1 100 balea, at HJl2lo. Freights on American veaaela quoted al ah4 on hugliah Vessels Jd. Sterling Kxclianga 4a5 Pc. piem. Mecklenburg IRON Works, alexainderTmcduugall. f lHE underaigned beg leave to inform the cili. 1 ..... ... I i arl.tl. ...A ..It. -n.l th. mih. he generally, that they have opened the above fca- tabiisluneiii al the tool ol i rade sires I, adjoining the track of ihc Noilh Carolina Kail Koad aud op. posite John Wilkee' bleatu Mills, and are prepar ed lo furnish all ainda of MACHINERY, at abort notice and on reasonable terms. i iii n m Hi n ti 1 in ii 5 I'ruui b lo hi) II u rat fuwtr- AND ULAC KTllTir HOI1K or all emus. U EPA I It S in their line promptly attended lo. Their FOL N I DK V ia in lull operation, and Cast Regularly twice a Week. YYedneadaye and Saturdays. They are prepared to lurniab all kinda of ca lyus I IltU.I, i.c, xccoaoiNO to oaoxa. SAW AMD GRIST MILL GEARING, GIN WHEELS, SAW DUST BL'ILNERS, ANTI .FXlLTION PLATLS AND BALLS fnX I OTTO.N" PKES6KS. CAST IKOxN RA1LLNG, For Garden Enclosures, Dwelling Houses, Public I Buildings, Porticoes, Ceiuclry Lola, otc. Tneir I3iiu:.ui;'ivs For csrrying on the business in all ile brunches have been bLLLCTLD MITUUKLAT CAKE, and are provided Willi all the UU'UOV KM EM'S Required to da their work in a 1'litsT KA IL .11 t.VLK. Agents, for Dr. E. O. Elliott, for Winter's Pat- .... Y4. M,ll mH,rU l.i.lh. ,i..nln.. along with many olhers.of doing al leaal twice mucn work, and doing it better, than any other Mill in use it en be run by Meani, Water or Horse Power. The Muiay may be aeeu at the fhop at any time. HENRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM McDOUGALL. N. B. Old Iron, Brasa, Copper, Ac, bought or taken iu trade. U lulr 3D. ltJbO. Calf Notice. A T the residence of tuc late Benjamin Alex snuer, on We.int-siiay the '4lh .'ay of April uexl.we will aell MX VALl ABLE .NEGKOES; inosliy young and liaely. Also. JlurM, Cti-tdc, tStct', Household and Kitchen furniture. A credit of six months, will bo giveu, wun iu. tcrest. JAMES CJL'ERY, CYkENKS ALEXANDER. March 39, 1861. Api a" 3t Public Sale, A S ADMIM1'K ATOR o! Jnu. II irt7, creea l ed, 1 will sell in Charlotte, un Tues.iy II 33d April next, on six months credit, Tico Ilockaicays, Three Top JJuggiett, Fice Open Buggies, Ail bra household and Kitchen Furniture Ac. T. 11. liKEM, AUm r. April 3, 1C1. 4t IUKCr I .ll'OKTATIO.V. MP 1-JfU .Ntsl l"IIHtS. f or s.le by COCliltA.XK SAMPLts. it inw " co : 30 : m ; !5 37 15 IVEW SUPPLTOP Watches,Jewelry,Solidilver AND Plated Ware, flf If K subset iber has lately returned from t ha j M. North where he haa purchased a very ri. ' tensive supply of the above articles. Ilispun ha. as being made directly from the manufacturer, ' he ia therefore enabled to aell at a very snii.l sd i vsnce on cost and persons may lest assured that all his articles are warranted to be what he rep. resents th. m lo be. 1 Watches and Clocks carefully repsired and will receive my prraonal elieiitinn. It. W. ncXrv 1 I It. 2'Jtf Dr, E, tl. Andrews i'OL'LD inform toe public gen 'M ekltnbur in iiuriicular. mot lie haa leaumcd tin- pra. In e of DEN 1 IM It i. and may be found al Ins Old Stand. i lie is prepared to inserl Artmeiai lerui an 1 liold. Silver. Vulcanite or ( heoplaslie. praeesa, aa patients may ceaire j and tili Teeth Willi Gold, j Till, Anialgatlt or Os ArliHelal. lie is prepared; Iu periorm uny oH-rain'i.s ncionging t" s. i.us..j, i und need not say that lie will be pleased to wail I upon anj of Ins old Iritnca, or new aura ruin- , Ijtiu may lase t.al for granted, tet. 6, is-tsl. 11 otice. ALL persons intiebted by note or book ac count lo the Lsule ol the late Thomas J ' llolion are requested lo come Inward aim siuiei ' the same aa indulgence e.ninot be givt n ulitl ail I persons having claims cainst said I llolli .s J.i lloltoh'a Lslale will present Hit slne wili.il. Hie time pnaeribet; hy law oi mis notice will in pled in bar ol to. ir ren.verj-. E. NYE. JiUiCl'LVSON, lir. tij THu3. J. UtiLToN. ' Feliruary 5, 1 fatal . J STA'J'F. (IF NOKTil-CAKOLl.N'A, CALltwELL fOUMV, a1! Equity To spring Term, 101. James Harper, 1 ts. Nero O. Bradford, June. In tquily. II. Postellanu Samuel W. Aleltou, Delendanla. J IT using made lo appear to the satisfaction of the i ourt llial the uel'cnuu.-it f-anmH VV, I Mellon, is a nonrcsidei.l and hvt s beyond u.e l:iu. ita of thiaSl.iei it is in.relore ordered by Uic i Court, thai notice be given lor ta wet in a uewspaper published in Una sl.le hr Hit- said oe- ' leudiiht, Swl.lliel W. Al. l lo lip, 'ear al Ine iii tl ; Urtii of .""aid I. ourt of Lquity l hu heh, lor lliu I count ot Caldwell, at tne Court Douse in I-riwur, i on the 6th AUi.u..y alter the 4Ui .Moiioay in .Marcn ' iit-xi, ilit-ii an i!,. re to pltoo, an-wer or d. nmr lo , cuii.plainai.ta h.ll. otlmn ie ju.ig i.itl.t pro ecu. I teo will be aKt'H t-i;..:ii-.l hint. Wuncas W i.'iiain M. Puell. Clerk and Master of said e. u.l . ( I'-qUilJ lor the ci ui.lv ol Cld. Hell, the filh Monday alter ll.e 4111 .VluliUi'y 111 al September, lebO. i W. 31. PL' KIT, c. m. . M-rti. 5. "t61. it' Printer's fee $0- J. IIUXTKlt. 11 IV OcmW 9. 18C0 ?5 et?fi! i6 Tmm COMMISSION MEIiCHAiM:: AND j (icueral Colliding Agent. A Lis pro('ufe ihipped here tr iny disn('B.il h ai ll icccive prnmi'l uttenliun gteul circ taUen in tne puntiumr ui lHtl) 3 All Nultn and Accoun'.a put into my nutidt. lor col. I""0" ahsll receive prompt and ; taarialie, f'et. 5, It6l, i!H. mroi: i 110101; COUNT PIPEK, WILL bo found al Biown'a Liyery Stable in Charlotte on .Monday a, J ucadny a, and tteu. .neaduy a, and at .Morrowa turn Out, on 1 nurauay s, r rittay a and fta lurday a, in every weuk during the aprii-g scaaon. He ia a dark bay. hands high, and 5 years old A horse of .acitluvnt appearance and a baautifnl and rapie (roller. Terms $15 to insure. " tl'i for the season. VM. M GRIER, M. N. 11 A KT, J. M. STRONG. Unci 2C, lSiil. 13 THE CANADIAN HOUSF X0J1TJ1 STAK, VVJLL be fouud during the spring season al the lollowiug places : J. D. kerne in Hopewell. Mm. Lrvine in Pleasant Hill, and J .tl. strong's in Sieel Creek. Kvery 9th ' day at the above places days. Terms $15 to insure. ' il for lue season WM. M. GRIER, M. N. MART, J. M. S I'RUNG. t3 Mmrck 2C, IbGI. M ot ii i;aiuk. lllE suhscrilier, with a vi a view improve Hie stock of horses in this aeelion, pu.chased Ihc celebra- led Morgan Horse, BLACK HAWK, and informa those desiring superior bloooeu atock, that this Horse can be found al his atable. H miles we.l of Charlotte, on Mini. dsjs.Tuesdava and Wedueadaya i and at the sta. . j of 'J' "j- Murrow on I uuradaya, t riday a and Satu days Fur parliculara, see large bills. A. U. DAVIDSON. iWarea, 19. lefil. 41 Hut rtf TioVlM nTVT r.f Tlontror UUL Ul iJUUv. UUli III Aa-toiiS-tUl A1 LL persons, l.V and UlT of Tow i Lot setlitio I. .air aceoUllta OUC Ua j on tne 1st ol January .Sol, aiu euti.c.t.,. re, quested to CALL A I' li.Nt'r. aim pay toe inoiiey j or give lllnr holes, as we are ilaleriiuneu to close np last ye.tr'a Liu.nesa, and prefer l'i do so with- t oui ineurri.ig t 1.13 1'. tVe mean all, and eveu MUKE I. au we Have said. bid W N, TATE at CO. Cliariolle, Mareil IU, ISO I. ol Tin and Japanned Ware. A lar;e aa.ortun nl j Biock Till, bioea .he, a: SV. 1 in 1'o.ie, B.bbii met. i, ai., OUr tS, tile iaigest Mol'K, Ol all l,ltl, al TAlLt'Ka iaduatts, 6'uix dad Jin ita.r Z-'y.Jl, UjjjmUe t.e .litf.atn iJoaie, At Taku's t'OL' c.n line me H.J.. M a-.-iruiielil o jxl lery, tiai .r,i. i' .ai., m -n til.- et.i. mauiit. Ol.,la., "I .11 vats .aJ -,J ill.es e .ti. t ami Allelic, u. A.s... lull uy l..oaeg. t oUUct Vt aKE. bkOU.s;, Jtt .ill al. Hope! Htipc; ! s 4 a) h , poundaol .VI .u.lu, J Jin st-.,. Col ta elv P 9 ton hope, iro.u 4 .Hell lo d iu. cnea, al TAYLOR'S Uriief bin e.oppttut Ma Jia.aiaa lia. 1 f CiLO"S t- tLKBiIATi.Ii fif I f -t.lL. JLdl.tU CA.tS, oia.i mo tlirtn'eol - r.s. at I'A YiA. K S TO 1 m. n .A fssV JL J THE Subscriber hu u. - K"ken eh.rge ai the OLD .STAN D lonnerly oecupied m JOHN IIAttTY. and hopes by atncl nu.iii,u0 i,'. JaUsSINESS and USKING every EXEKTION to ph nse JO OliTAl.N A SUA li M of PUBLIC PATRON A(il'). ALL NEW WORK WAEUANTED 13 AatCBWAVal saMa Partieu'ar attention paid la mx wi-iz m d I have en han.la as good a lot of saaaoned jia. so" ia jb s an a x. ! k can be started. en it 1,1 n v iiok. Jan. ia S4jiiioa jjr-iNotioe 11ROM and alter Hit 1st tiny of January next, we will be pleased lo r.in.Lt oh. ,-nei'da and eustoniera and the r. st ol mat. mi,o inr t asu and CASH only, .ny arlicle III uur lll.t- i,l buamcss lhal we may have os hano. Anj prrroi, aeniiing or j c lining lor gonis all.-r tne ah. vt dale without ' money, will please txeuse u, il n-trno ol filling , their orders, we furnish lurniah them wiilt e copy of tins a',vertituuiiti aa tt are drlcrimntd not i lo sell a single aril, le "ii cri-,1,1. And tlliisv 111. ill.-aietl lo lis a'? rt qutsted lu call iuil i.i v aa Wa III til O.V'IKS i WILLIAMS. to 4.r ii im m' if. 300,000 Select Fruit Trees FO It f II I . Kb Ihc citu.r.a of tin Suuthern t in .1 the ptoplc of u .Vi.rti.wtslem Males 1 '.ut- ti tiittr le- Jing i iruoe, and u-at n a eliun.te und auil I t-xleiit try ui.prup'lious i ,r Iruil cul. i grea tun 7 1 hen l, sl,,,u,u ni.i l lie ciuzi-iia ot the Soiill.i-rn States iimae fiiui, i ri.u ai.n letn.one of Ilia r leidil g slapits. I ru.ls ri ivn under our S.'Utn. rti sun aic n'.l.ri lor II lii i.u, line tlavor, ami he 'Uttiui ci,lf. 'I he above iUhiiii his nre luil v autaii,cd by preuiiuma taken ovtr Nutihtrn f i uiti-, sntl the great ainoui.l of grc. n miu ur.tj fruii arnt North and Norlliweal by the fiiulh.ru ,S4u during the lust lew yeaia. '1 lien il lite .l,i,ic slatcmt nla arc lull) siisl'ineil, and H it is no sin, according lo tl.v liibie, I" inskc i oui j by raining Fruit, Ihtn send forward )o:r oroeia ana cash io Weal, bruok and Meniienhall and Hit y mil lurmsli you Willi goon marketing oreharoa. WHSIBROUK k MENDENHALL. Greeuaburo', Nov. IcfiO. 33 tl. "dissolution I The linn ol FILLING cl M.Nu.S Si Co was .dissolved hy limiisliiiii on the Ut January, 161. I The busiiii sa will he bi.ntn.uec' under Hie in.nio 'and atylenf 1LI.L1NUS 6l SI'lil.MjS. and they j hope, ov integrity and slnet atieiilion to buai- lipid, in merit ihe iJiue tslrosirigc htretulurc nuor My beituwed by thtir ituuiciuu Inert da and cua- tuintra. The prprnt financial enm und the uucertianty I ui btmicat, 'or future euin pel ua to ahortco Jour tune of creait Hum twt-lre to ttx monlli lo prompt paying ciiMi-uien. none other nred aak it. 1 All po'tsuii inorbrt u to tlie ood firm vt FuJIiiiga, i Spring V (o. inunt come turwrd uud make itu. inediutc at-ttlruit nt. & it ia atuulutely neceaasirjf ( thut the uaiitfa he pt xttlj tlused up. ' A Word j lo tho wne i ounicieut,1' l 11DW AH EarA 11 DV ARE ! A. A, N. M. TAYLOR I) ESPECTFLLLY inform, his incn.la an.l ine public generally, that he has added lu bis extensive stock of a large and complete atock ef HAKDWAI.E.een aiating in part aa foliowa: t'arpenlera' Tools, Circular, mill, crosscut, baud, ripper, pannel, pro. ling, grafting, lennoit, back, compass, webb sna butcher SAWS, Braces and bit., Drawing Knives, rlnaaels, ! Augers, Unnleta, Hanimrra, ILttehrts and Axes, Brick, plastering and pmniiiif TRi'VV ELS, I Saw sellers, Sen w piales, Slocks and dies, ! l lanea of all kinda, Spose ahsves, , Steel-blade bevel and try Squarea, Spirit Leteis, to ! Pocket I.avels, Spirit Level vials. " ,Q6 .nacnines, t.oug. s, I and in fact everything a mechanic wants, in g""l variety and st very low prices, al TAYLOR S Wrdware Store and Tin Ware Depot, opposite lit Mansion iiouse, C barialle, . Juni 1. 1959. Blacksmith Tools,- at LCti as Bellows. Anvils, usna aim s3 slide Viitiiiitrs, Vices, buttresses. Farriers' Knives, Screw.piales, Stocks and dies. Blacksmith's Pinchers snd longs, lias- ' P". and F.le. o. every "" i e inch Nai Is. Uorax. Irou oi n anes, oo.i. o. . tlieru a ter and i.l country nii spring Steel A .St. plow, blis- soie very elie-.p at TAYLORS. Opinimt lie .Wansiat Hvute. Carriage Materials E w lidCall.p. i t-.it k o! I: 1 ..itention o !....- gooes. nl springs iws. Spot.ee, mi it,.:.. Lining Nail a. Fringes, Lnai ll, t ur'-ail, tr.u.cs, rtnini., ,L-'ai.i...,a.:liuc!.C!ot! I s i,eo .u.u I'.tent LealilLT, tn. ..rptl. P-.i.t "t" smda. ery .. Ta M,.l.:.t. Li:.setd U.I. tyre Be''- tte'st i t'-e 'S ,,n,i" t pr.sts t.ial c-r-.'iol t.il ire I'- A A. N i I AYLUK. Opoeun-he yems.-i Holm of (.rn: to j-eaae Notice. i.'. Estate uave -f- eetlort. hy n n I' Itl Dy .C Hill and sell. a at I....C tacy will T i ice ui't iu been pivi.ij i". 1 T. H. Urtni. au.r.'r cuii tit, will p:tiit. cil heiVire the fifft A-Jt '. b given to sin otfic- r JAMiiS 11 ARTY, Aext. tot Ma-c.i 5, lebl. AiU'iiliiii.Mttkleuburs Itrasoons. iiereO f naiincd to p iicu .iiiu tuippeO 1 ihc c 0.143 ctur-' jntt otlicr byistos.si i - ccnttuiiy infrrri nd . of 1 ft." Miiuui v .j-i'cna L'nj til t. I 4 j iii ApriJ nrxl Iu" " I erry MirnirHr t tin ! un Wiis,-A 1- 9 H tr. I

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