A Remady for Sloplessness. How to gt trp ia to aaatiY peron i matter, of great itiiDortaoea Kerrou rer ams.whr, er troubled wish wakefulness aal .(.liability, uaaallr have a Iron.' ten deucv of aland oa tbe brain, with cold ex- trcmitti... - Tbe preat-ur. of .be blood o In. "fate, and pulsation in dip head ara often painful. Let such rise and chafe (ha , bo.ly .,,4 .itr.nr.iu,. with a brah or tow.l. ' or rub .mart!, with the baDJs to ftomou e rnmii'loi . d withdraw the exc-esstve a- : noun f b'.oed from the traio, and tlisy will fall a.lcep iB a f, moment.. A cold batb. or a ,.oc. bath ...d rubbing, or . ' od run, or a rapid walk in tbe open air, ! or grins p or down tt.iir.a a few timet just b. for. rtiiiug. will aid in equalising! mi!.iiion ana prntnoliri! lhrr-a rules me aiiuplt, and ij ot application in aatt er cabin, manual) or coitue, and n.uy minuter to the comfort of tbouat.d, wno would free'j expend mmipr for an an od ine to promote " Nat irei TtPt re?torer, kaiujT eltep." Deacon VI . wuil.; passing through til lot the other day, Mo-peu don to lie Ln aiioea A pet ram. wbicb the boys hd Uuied. among other lbii.Ka, waa taught to regard tbe poatur. at bhly offeoeive. lie iust.iut! pitched iato tbe old geDtleruau'. uuuefauded rear, and landed tiitu full length in u.ud hole. Picking hitufelf up, the Daaeau Uncovered tb. eaa. of bij over t. rcw staudiog in all the caiumexs atd di o.ty of a conacioua fictor. His rage naa bjundlcaa, nod be saluted him with tbe en ercetio language, " l'ou i d old ras cal !'' At that moment bit eyea cajglt a glimpse of lb. benign faee of th. " annia tcr " peering thraugh the fence, and be in-' :nliy added " if I may be alloatd the expresHion." A DCLL WlTMeB ' lli-i tho .Iffnda.t koock the plaintil dou with uia .c.' pre ttuea !'' " No, air be kuocked bitu (!on niih a flat iron." " loo misunderstand me. my fri nil ; I want to know whetbtr be attreked him with an evil iuteot " t b, no, sir it an cu:-Me of the tt tit " ' No, tioj I si.b you to teil whether tba attack waa at all a pr, concerted t.ffsir T" " No, air, it waa not a free coucert aff.ir ' it u a-, a ciroui.'' OST A good toryJ:a told of Ct-rtrliu V La.recce, ex Mayor of Ne. York, former (Vl- etrr ofibat port, wl.o died r. eer.i'y. Jut after hi-i apr c:ntc -ct &? C;-"-cior, a meeting; of the LVmocracy wss Li!J, at which a prouiiueut in-p.-ctef of the Coi ec tor's department introduced a reolution de sacdir. tbe removal of ail Wbigs (rooi tbe C istaui IIjus. Mr Lawreree et for bim tho next n,orrjing aud aaid : " Mr. H ick. I perceiTC by tbe newfir apera that you are it) favor of turning men out of tfi'.ee on ac count of tbeir opinions." ' I am so, cer tainly, Mr. Collector,'' be replied with some firmnr.-ri. " Well then,"' rejoined Mr. Law rence," i I doe's like jour cpiui jl-i. joj will pl.taeeoDiidcryourtelf discharged trom tbi Bdoment." A Doctor t.ld a German to ta'.te the 1 belt fourth proof brandy la rub his limba wiib, if b. der.ired to cur. tbe rheumatism, when tba man replied : ' Mr. Doctor, 1 bath 10 better a raj ash ' tat ' vVtil,' replied th. doctor, bow, do oj doit. ' Vel, py dam, I yuet take and trVg it, au di-ti rup naioe liaus mil te petti ' Miner Low do you cell beef ttii tnorring !' ' Wj, 11 .Lta a pound how much yoj want?' - ' Fourteen ceLts, eh ? Han you jot a L.art?' ' No, j'i-t n'.i it.' ' '.Vci. I J st kuwed yon cou'du't Livt a L.r; and ax fiur'eea c ar for be--f .' f ciiis'i D) It An es..-baige paper I' i. a tiny of a aisu in Looion, 'oo de trrti'iid to apend all b. mado during the hi-! year in adrertising. He ioob four. lat i: was iuppos.ill., for tha limple rea fob that the mare b. advertised, the mr be ibadi", snd, after ttriLco'ai efiort to get ri 1 of Li coney id advertising, bu huJ to give it up. If y ou don't tt:itc ii, try i:. Tiiiofi au.iL render yourg people irt'po! In : Lud laughter. K s'l;Lg wL.ja oi'aera are tklkir.g. V'hiprin iu nicrtin:'. L -'.lug nenin, before it r'o. d. A w act t f r-j ve-cucc t p.-riot:. ?ry A Voy wa aeied v;;t loeekn, II ta(UAi t for a v. ..ilI, :-. i ' Mepkotss girci txootn aii.wt;s to ,. sicBe." Uxpr rience t ii..i a- ieiluigenct ; the wi .t is be Lo doubt I i. own judgment with regird t j tba motives vl.ich actu.tt Li. fellow Bell. Ee that ia good wiil it.fa lil'y beti'i. .-b- t'.r, and be lLat is t, d , i,i t c n.ir. ly t-e .uue aoroj ; f vioc, ttrtue, at, 1 t.n,e. arc three thing; lLat ceTerfLBd still No f ssseibiob re g'od, tut by t'ne a e we wiake of tutu without at, cb ea.l poaer, ff leuda, and sari ai I , do L ul Ll .p ; make our lit, mere unhap lo. M.i-:b (rue worlb liea bid in tLi obr.urity i often tbe lot of real net, a DISSOLL'TIOX. fi'm of Fl LL1NOS si PIN... A. r d by limitation on the 1st J.nu .r business "III h b .ssl.r. .i-c .,. ., ! , e ..f F ri.l,IMi V SPIMM... ... by .rtief rlty aod strict sttrr.hou t . 'i.ie-it ir. r i.mr p-.l",-- i- I., r. ..-., .tower, hy thir nan.. o,j. ir.ei . s a tiie future ,:.t Iron, t All pesuu jndel,rd to the . h,.. ,.t s .V I u . (MJ.I i. -mi- I... y e.'.jssd up. j i rurli.- -' i-ol .!OrS lll.MaY WAIT, Surgeon tcittist, ("kp't is Mmicim ako DrNTiKTjy,) (I1FH K iu Bravvlry'i BiilldiiiE, t'p Stiiirs, Opi' ilr Rrrr'n llotrl, di uti.o i n:. k. c. r ., r . I KC ICAI. OI'KR ATIONS, such 1' "' PALATE, HARK-1 tttX?'-'p; '7. ViAThiN siI.VKK, TIN -r AM.aI.HAM. AliTUCIlAL' i'F'.KTH 'm-erf. .1 ' he manner. ,. ' ' A T,K) n! Tm '"r '" i,--piilCES MODERATE and nil work done ,,,.f.,ctorv t. the p .n. nt. I.r FA.lll.ir .... .1 -n ..t their t.c. IJ '" lK""sl ' ' """y' n "T; (,oi.I an.! SiLVER Pl-to and Wire of any Unrnru ptirn out. griJWer frrm a JUlncc attended to r.;isptly. " ej i -1 i 1 1 12tilii.I II (' lt$ur tr ni:iiit. ANY relitinuei' to take r t li.i,.'ll I louses, th.Ui fro. Ilutuln. Ht the lr iore of K. OFFU'EKS. A. V. Ml'KLH, J'rmtdtxt. I . t''i:KM N, l i '' 'resident. K . N V K 1 1 1' 1 C 11 l&UN , .rc :'y . d- Treai'r. DIKIti T'.KS. A. C. S I KELK, J. L. liltdWN. M. b. 1 AVLUK, is. T. Willb 1 UN', C. U KllMAN. V. S'-AHIl, W.M. JOIINIUN. Ji-hn L Knows, F. tifAitu acd S. T. WmsTt'S, Lie'uLixe Votninitttt. iJr. II. )1. riinbrd S " IKMIti li the solii-.latioi of I j M. ii y irienut, re(ciiuily aui. Ins ut.tru. Illation to resume tl.t l ?li ill IH-. 1 4 1 i.e ,r urrscrtbev lor nuu .t.Vill JJ. I'.'e ji charge MRS. WIN3LGW All rapei.el.eeu Nurse sl.i. Female Hhyaicnn pre. st-r ls I., tlie dtteutinl. ot llinlners, !ler SOU I IU. Mi SY11L T, f 4 Ik 1 ii 1 1 1)1. i. I I 11 aUlAC, ' w(. C!i grea'.ly Ucil.i-U li.t iruc.a ui letluin ! l r-fi; 'fii: i (f 1 1 ' K u if t. t i: iiinu 11 ii.flanin.d vm win dt.-iy ALL k'.KlS kita $p9invuic uctiov. I It t. I O H 1 1. ( I .A 'I I .:i it, motl.trs, it HIE BOWELS, i. II give real to your. ktlcf and Dtalih t vtr iu.'duls. j V c luve put up n: solo I .is artn-le fur over ten ,,-rs, i.a t AN SAV.1N t oNF'IDENi E AND 'l I I 111 ot it, wi.it hit. never heet. su.e tu . .,' any otn.r V-ii'sT" meuiQ.r.e sLvek Das Xs,m.sV f''1'1; A ..l.t. .... ... 1 Nat A.m. b IU UIL. 1 A "Va'.A a- ' Li-t.'.v..1 I ; ;..t . y uteti.l ' ' ,Nv.ruMi v. e ' ,.s i.-i.isi.te oi cisasi.aiatLion by any olio i uf.i it. On Hie contrary, all sru celigliled ft.il. 1 1 op-r-.tiois, anu speus iu te.ruis ol com. lot o ,u 1 1. I. ol lis .., apical tllt-rls sntl int-iiiCal v.r- I I,,.. We sje.K m tine matter WHAT WEI .ij KNiiVV,'1 i:ur !r vers" . JiHr,. nee, AND j I'l.F.DOE Ot R KEPt l AllON 1 OK THE t XL. I FILM F.N I OF HAP VV E HERE DFXLAKE. j In am. ort every instance wuere the intent is tuf. I nni g ir .in pair, and ext.aur. on, rel.el'vtill be, n.uii : ii. r.iteru or twenty m.l.utu alter trie syrup T; v uU'lic prrnarat'nn i the prescription of ..,, : ti. i...t F.XPEHIENt ED und SiilLFLL M'!i.F:' n .' ring in i.e. a nd us. ucea useu .tu NLVi.Il i'Alf.lM. .-U ( i-?t in '1 ItOl NAN Dei Of CAil M. It nnl only re.isves Hit tiuld In.m piit.. b it in. tv. ami f.v't tone .no energy to In. u.e sy stem liriiu. -i! ii. Hit i: 'll. li!it I OIIS. a,.c eLi.y rc iiiU. I. lilt l.y -lllt, We be hum;. i,i est and I l SI HF ST It I. VI Ei. n OHLD, 1)1 E.Yi Er. V D DIAK UliU.A IN ilLliu: l.utl.c! W.'. .-. ..-.!-. r r .-i:..s fr'-nt teelmng, or Her cause. We wuuld ay to c .-. i ii .s a c ii . . c it:, ru g from any of . lorig.nrig coinpiamlr I'U O T LET VOL ' rhr.Jf'bh E. NUit IHE PKEJL'DREs Of 11 1 1 F.KS", sunn hit cen you .no your suffering -. - .- i ! e r- ! I. ...i w'.ii te pI KE j.i.Ad. -i (l.l 1 F.I. 1 M he to ioi.ow the use oi lli.s nie. c.e ne, it lirneiy used. F ull uirecl.oris for u.u ai. iT.-io'.iar.y eseh Ootiis. None gen uine un. ess t :.c a .... ,e ..! ( I. It I Is . PEitKINa, N Vor. is oi. the '.uts.oe w.., y-.t. t:.a ty Drugg.sts im-jugi.out tl.e wor.d. PllINCIr'AL UHU L, Id CtiAR SlUkET, N. Y. J rtce only 2o trntl -tr li Al v. ! F t . t n ( iiariul.e, uy E Nye Hut. .i.ion 4. Cj. ami i . -c.rr. M,rc. : 3 iy ti AUI' G LVD J LIVER IWVSGORATO: II-A'KH IM.i'.IT.ir ATKft. r I llr.it '-- IT. liiop-J-I ...li . -., ... ra 1...I .... I t-4 ' II K AII.M II .. ' i i-. I ., me ll nre !:'" l ' " -" l I v 'f I-. if. Is Till, ll 'till W i l Till-. fM .! i t Oil, AMI B ILt-OtV Ht'l II l'...K I 111 II. I'.K.. Oi, Uul l. ice IJollie. &sii:-jroii(,i V ill f IV CATHARTIC PILLS, l I'lll l . m i ' i ir pit i, h. ... v - H . ",: ri::. '.,',":. M V."..k...r.-..'r..-T ? .. a of ,.(- - 3 l.l...tl..,. -u . K .I 1 1 . . , PI ,..H. . ...,l, ... 1. . tu .,.,.,,.(.., a.. ,ta,. an. U.. ...... M ..,. n 4-1 KM.. !'l.. .,..,.. st "I"-'", r-'. ri 'I'l'lKI-. TIIHf-'i: IIIMKS. .K.r lovl.. r s.,-1 I a.. Ill f- llls a I .,..), S..S B T. W.tHltl II, SI I,.. I B r d s t , "s ' t o l. . "'' V. Si 'Aril. A- f ( , ' hn.tu. .V. C COCIIRAXE. SAMPLE DEALERS IN. Hardware. Guns Cutlery, &c, fcc, at the Sign of the Gohkn ad-Lock, W Ol I D resp.ctfully invite the public to V t oil anil eiuuiiue tlicir Stock before pure-asm? elsewhere. ILr" Order solicited and promptly attended lo. CuU und s t us. COCHRANE & SAMTLE. July 10, ISiill. I hukMi ilh's Tools ul the Si.yii oj f t'nt (Jokhn Vtid-Lock, rwrr pn'id itiipptr, PfnHiitinij nf An ... V8 . t,,i0.s . H(.t Vicra; ftL. ti'tnd "nti Birdie Hnininrrfi ; SttH'ka i' ; til's, lUiitrcsMs, Hn-p, Kiln, and a C-H.d rupi'Iy "f !l.,rsi- u,!d, llnrae and Mule Mum a, i.t liyw prici n. aTUUANK & SAMPLE. Toi ls ! Tools! Tools ! ' the tun of the Golden Vad Lock, good supply of Tools, consist ii. of'cirf nlar. null. cross-cut, ii, hand, ruoii r, bark and com- p.ss ; It-heli and moulding I'l. I: I ti -r. r slli nir I imr. and I.r.wd ll itclitls; II imn.ers ; bevel and stei I Squares ; Drawing Knives; liraees and lii i Augers ; i;;mlets ; t hirsels ; hrirk and plsa. tering Trowels; fcrrw iVate.J S..W Sets ; Spoko iShsves; Files; l!:.ps; I'ocki I Rules ; liu(rc. Iliuis ; si.inl und pocket Levels ; Boring Ma chiius, -c, COCHRAXE k SAMPLE. .ffriVultiiriil Iii:pltmciitt, iU tkf Fi. cf the Gl 'den Tad Lack. i h,rge supp'y of ill? above, "Si;v i. euii.istnig of Tlioinpson's eelebrateo F'longhs ; uUo, Corn- nv:tV Miellers; Straw (.'utters j Shoe, el ; Sp.ii's ; llavand nianurc F'orks ; best cast. Mail Am ; r..k, Mattocks, Urubbmg hoes. Weeding II. s, Trace I iiams, Ig Chains, Wit iron i li:.ms. t;..r.!en Hoes. Kskes. Hedge ISI.ears, Piu. m. g and Ilu(iti:i.i7 Knives, &cMOiC. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, at the Sti ot the Gulden I'ud-Lock, --a. at I irge Ptnik of tha abc-v. consist. V i';.- ul' Springs, Axit ., Oval Iron, iluus, li.ws. Klius. B'liy I'olts. B lggy Shafts, Sp. kes, Ti tent i.nii F.i.dintl!ed Lesimr, Enaui. fi,. u I h.tii. On t'-.';t, t:srri.ge B. Brass end SP' ; "" - ii- r. r-, v r MnillM g I. aces, lasse.f, ii-U,. ... i!e ami I..ni.,g Nail.. 4c. ic. CuCiiRAXE 4: SAMPLE. A T tl.s ?-n of the GOLDEN " ik. PADLOCK will be found tali t: nits a large and well e. lected Mnek of t.un., Pistols, Ttwaer hnrn, IVwder fl. tks, Powrer, S Lead; French ana American window Uiaas; Put. ty ;a la.ge stork ot English and American Iron; last Snel, C'trn.an steel. Buster steel, Plougli steel, hr:ng st.ei; Nais ot sn sn...s l.nnp arid to. i, hi. li..oe ; Ai.c.t- li-ai -u li iitiii i !.,tn ; Mi. I Screws; M'.n Pick.; Spike Hammers. t-t:e II nn. mers, D. utile ant tsii.jie li:i uso, I ige Sioea of 1 niice, Cunua Cns., Curtain I'ms. Pit-lure Com unu i" .sii. c. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. 'HE suhscriber take plc.-.l'ire in announcing to hi friet.os, sud the pub.tc g .o.i r liy, that ht has taken this lor g ettabiiain u unu well Known Hotel, and has tnunc every possible preparation to accommodate the buines, travelling and Visiting portions ol the pubi.e, in the most satisructoiy n.anncr. Part.cular all. nlion it pai l to hia and every com tort i. pravieed in hi. Hit ETABI.ES are abundantly supplied and at- lenoid by e-re'u! oal'ers; end lo all department the pr iprnlor giws t.is nersonal uttintion. A com torts hie 1.MN 1 lli'.'l runa rigulariy to the or nut on tl.e nrr.v.il ot to curs '.Vim these etl-rts to ulense.alibi-r.il share of lie public palron-ge is confidently solicited. WM. HOU ZEE A"ornf,er IS, H'9. 3btf J. PHILLIPS .7 s: s: si. i.vt r.UL o , A VI NG located Charlotte, respectful- licit, a share ot public trousge. CDinplcui at-ortmenl of Lioti.a, Lassinierea anu Veatings always on hand which vi lli be made to or. C'-t at the shortest notice, after the latest t'..sinon Shop three orKirs South 'Ja of the Mitision Hoote. leoa. satf J01LN S. WILEY, I m.MrscTiara tso turoaTta or HAVANA SEGARS, i nn iittuil) 1 clacco. luF, Hatches, Paper, &c, 0 Si H 3 0 1 1 S, ', C, y.lty. i:t i tlt'L. te., fuDjiiiuil) ou baud. j iimv 1, It i, J. -ttf '.. Ii. .JOIIX, (a t m ra I i'olltt ting lgcnt, li.iuiiluwn, Perry ( uouty, Alubauu, V 'ILL sllsr.d pr imptiy to Ihe collection or all if V claims j.a..-. d tn ms tisnos. Il.ti-. t'li.ri ! i-.-t afi-r, f.-ind riairo. ferret, out. ami ..osoom.ing deolors looked up at rea. lEJiAii CLAIMS. Tens, as heretofori nal St.. le. Prolnnll.e. V A 1i I S a I ii t. ii t, aft I. VI P.-.,.f,,t..rw. iitlMl. I 1' I III. l'iEI- , i n.,i....t- on t.,e ahtii tor . " ' '! "ffly-) a. !.' I '" n. rs t .ut it mil h.- so s. pt ss -tr.-t Iron, the repu l I...U wl.icll it iu a l.-.l c.a.s Hot. t. l'.i(ron ..c ot ine House is large and in. f. Fforu its r-eotral fssition, arid eslab. r t r e.n not it t'.il ol aucriss, ll pro. i, ,ji- .. Any Ci'tier inforinatiKii fcin de. oc ,i..ii by .Ires. i (. I. 0. A W. M WALTON. .Morg.ntori. N. C. . f,'l, VI WIIliAT WAMTil). 1 1 ii f: p. bb in. ir V i I ha purciui h at ..-t t in ,y Imrl rinrlotlc St.-,,,, Flour, rn .se hsi i, if V h, at I l-lv.lllt ,ge 1 , ;,., l th,. 'SST-n I-, ... .a w- s J'JllS VVILKF." y-.lyj, It- i . A. W. Alal-rKANDER. $ una vox mu:a tms r, iFFERS hit ervlce to the citi. acn.of tliia aad adjoining- coun -U.t IIU Um. iB th treatment of irrci"r- ties of the terth, Diaeaeea of the munth. Teeth filled in a killtul and aatiafaetnry mai.ner. Ar. .,...! t,...ili inUitrf nn tiold or 8i ver pluto, aim India Rubber utciniz'd bate. Tliia atyle of work haa nwny .dvantagraoeer the bwageJ wi.ra. It can he adauled to the mouth with lt irritatn-n than the Swaged work it ialo crimper. It it free from any unpleaaant odor or taste. Kaving become agent for the Ainerieun Hard I 8 ;tibtr company he will auppiy aa-nun wim ace rights to manufacture I'lulea and (iiima lor j Art,6cial Teeth and the Apparotua and Material. He will ale.i jive ii.trucliona in the art on mod. ' crate terms. ) A he . apecta to do a trorelling buair.eae per- sun desiring woia dene, can oc aiienuen w their reaidenece, br aildicsainp him at Tuoka. erne P. (.)., Meckleiiburg Co., N. C. U.r All work warranted. Ajiril 3. lfcbO. 9lf Ihe Corner DRUG Stor, m lit 1.0 i n:, !. c. K. X V K 1 1 L TTI 1 1 SOX fc to. m tl'I,D respectfully call the attention ol the T public to their large sue. complete Stock now being opened for the Spring Trade, consisting ol Drugs, Medicine., 1 hen.icals, 1'erfuinery, F'ancy Articles, Oil, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alco. I.ol, Tore Medical Wines and Brandies, Canton Teas, Field and (Jardeii Seeds, 4c, &.c. Junuurv 17. 1B6U. 3tf UOWAItn ASSCM I.tT'OX. I'illl.ADIM'lil A. A Bentvotrnt Inihlut ton ettahlithrd by tpteial Fm- doK-mt' t. for tlx Hrlitf of Mr iS'if ond UuUtuta, ! atlltrtrJ tritlA I'irulent ami Kvidtmic Vitmtrt.and ttprcaily jar tkt r of Ditruttt ej Mr S'XttuL Ottjona. mm t DlCAf. ADVICE given gratis.by the Act. ill. mg Surgeon, to all who Bpply by letter, with a uiseriptinn of thoir condition, (age, occupation, hsbin f lite, &e .) and in cases of extreme pov. ertv. Me.iicii.es furnished free of charge. VAl.t'AFil.K BEI'ORTS on Spennatorrhosa, nd other Disea.e. of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW KE.MEDIF'-S employed in the Dispcn. siry sent to the afiln-Ud in sealed letter envei. opes, free of charge. Two or three Stsaapa for po. tuge will be acceptable. i Address, DR. J. SK1LL1N HOUGHTON. Ac H..u.s.I A..,.eiut,no. No. 9 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Duestors. (JEO. FA I Rf 'HIM). Sterttam EZRA D. HEARTWELL. Prfideat. Feb. 7. letiO. 46-1 Y ci 1 1: it o k n 1:31 1 :i v. -j- - "Vl, w J AN' CN FA I LINO CURE FOR CuorrLita It all Distasti of tbe Urioarr Orjani. j j frj'HlS REMEDY core, when all other preps. ' I rstiona tail. It ia entirely unlike every oth . r ennpounri ; cont..inining KoMt.ixasL Poison or Nscssot'a Daco; aa it Ib prepared aolely from I I Ifuore, rJaaaa and Lxsvaa, and baa been handed! icown, fiotti one generation to another, by the, Kr.aoxix Imuum It ia ofTcred to ihe public un its own intrinsic merits. It performs its duty J quickly and thoroughly. The faroaTUSSTi, ol cither sex will be repaid by using this FIkhkdv. i insUad .f placing themselve. at the merry ol some j Quack or Prolnaor. This Rimcdt strikes at tha ; very KooT ol the disease ; tie tendency i. not aim. y j VI suppei.o ... .a...., ua iu i.a.o.p. t'it'sx on which it depend, F'ull direction, in ! panipiilet form, accompany each bottle The .-e j ny and permanent relief afforded by tin Remedy, I in all ci.se. ol DooaaHo:s,CiLXXT,UavxL,STaio. TfK, F'LCoa Ai arja, ( Vi HiTxa IK FxMLE),and all Diseases of the Lnnsry Organs, has astonisiiBd the Tiott scientific men of the age. This Remtdy not only eradicate, all Poison Iruis li s StsTrst but IiviooasTKa Ihe most del. cits constitution. I. '"It ii'.es Not Arrrn-T the Bxiath or Una .... ..a, ... ... .r n...... . . dfvi.tmn from the usual diet. ; n-li nrjuireeno assistance from other medi. j Cire. I trAnd what EsHsscr its Vsi.ca, it the En., Ttac Aitx-SL ol ill NscseoVI 1 AST, being a1 Flitasait and DaLictoca svacr Paica t J rea FJottl, oa Tnaaa BoTn.r roa $ Pul IEil 4. MER WIN, Hole Proprietors, St. Louis, Mo. Sold i a Charlotte, by Dr. F. Scarr. " " E. Nye Hutchison & Co. " Colombia, Fisher aV. HeimUb. And all Droggiata in t..e coun try. Van Schaack dr. Grierson, Chsrleston, April 24, lel.U.-ly Wboiosal Dealera. YES YOU 3IAY USE OR RECOMMEND lleimstreet's Inimitable 11 All. COIaOI.lAG! I I ERF E HAIR RSOAIVE, J promoting the strength and growth of the lia r, ni l g.ting it all the beauty of youth. Do you liOUUt It I j Ileail! i:-;! Icr.id! ! BcHaoo.v Lsar, Essex Co., N. Y., I j February b, jojd. W. E hOA-, Troy, N. Y'.--iVur Air; II iVing ustd your Hair Coloring or kestorative, I and bailiff uiuc'i pleased with it, i t:.ke pleasure! in iiiaaii.g ine following statemcut: irom the el. ts ot a very severe i of aieaness, wneu anoui i years of age, my hair commenced turning grey, I 1 au continued t gruw until it Otr.emt ptijeciiy white, bet, very harsh and coarse. Esst Sumu.er I i,4d readied n.y liliy iinroyear, wi.en i wss in uii'-tc t-v a tiiend to porchsse two bolt. cb ol IJeliit. trail's Hair Iteslorutive prepared by you. 1 com mericcd using it according to directions, and in a days waa surprised lo hud that my hair Irom the roots outward waa turiimj on. a to us original color. It Boeonttnu. d tn grow until it w-s as tru- y brown ou.l glos-v aa ll "l m my youthful days, had u near Juti rnwrtd tu Ks nutnal color. -l I Li. PLS.tl.t.l. Fs$x Co., St. My la Seaman came before r.ie and w as ci y sworn, and ssy a I i.e. I the aoove statemenl is true, tins tin oy ul Feuruary, It.'iS. JOEL F. PO I I EK, Justice J tht I'ruce. PiTrsroao, Vt., Aug. I, ta.i7. I hereby certify, that my hair having become nuite gray, I used 1 1, iiiistreet's Hair Kestorative, li.rep.r.u by W. E. OA,of Troy, N. Y.,) for h.ur wh-hh, and my tiair was in that tunc re. stored to its original color. 1 call lul.y fecolu H.enu lue arl.c.e to be all it clain.a. WM. hlNOSLEY, I'aiior of liit ll iytul I hurtk, I'itltjord, I t. Mr, W. Fi II ias: I have used lleimatreet's Hair It. at..r. ilive lor three years, and Live found I tu he a ino.t eleellent article. It nut only re. t. red the color ol my hair, giving it new lile and .irengt'i, but it cured luysell and wife of s most (batihsteeruqlion on the scalp, Wlileh nolltlng tilt $efmrd to trnrit. I tuijy believe It to be the best rlir.ie iii use. Yours Keswclfully, KNOW LION liOWLANi). The above are but a few of ihe many Itllers ol eomme,iUtujii fthieb hswe been l.-iioireu lo the roprietors ol lleiiiintrestt's Hair Coloring o. ilea, ir.live. It ti .s t.e. n used by thousands ol piopie, nd it never .'in Is lo restore the color and growth ol tue hair. 'I iiis s.i.stular efl'iel is not oroouoe lnndcs on: used ; for it arts upon the u.lil I ser rstioiia ol eolonug in ill. r at the r.iola, nn US f fferla Hie eiiafffe. 7'AS Cut'lT prUtiw-fU I. fit auiilrrttl, itit Iht natural shade of yituth. I es Sot eo.or the skin. r-. x Prif .ill.- an-,1 1 1 III ,M-r bottle Sold vry when W P.. II OsAN -V C o., Propneb,rs, Troy.N. Y. S-.l.i in i in. rh.tr. by Dr. F. Sesrr.aml all Drug fists i ti. I ml. ri St ,ie,i, Van Sena ilk and finer .,. i . . ....o, Wl,.-.ule Agents. tnC -U, ItC'J. 51 Y 1861. t, H i H M T e ? a- 5 I at J AN U Alii'.., 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 (1 111 II 1 a 13 14 13 16 17 18 10 " " 7 1 -40 iv ou oi FE MILIARY 3 4 6 1 6 7 6 10 II 12 13 14 IS 10 j 17 18 19 20 i'l 22 23 1 24 25 20 27 2S , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 2tf 30 111 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 20 30 . 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 20 30 31 . 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 b 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 I 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 l.l 14 15 16 17 13 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 21 . 1 2 3 4 5 fl 7 8 0 10 MARCH Af-RIL.. MAY.. JUNE. JULY.. AUGUST. II 12 13 14 15 1617 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 SEPTEMBER .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 I 20 30 ' OCTOBER 1 8 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 j 27 23 20 30 31 NOVEMBER 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 10 20 21 22 23 ! 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 , 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 ; 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 i 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 3J 21 SUM iLr E3 JEL "ay ' T 'T'V W T T t.l TTT ! i t : ii i. "HE subscriber hss received l Isrge and van. L ed assortment of 8Pr'"ir "d Summsr, which for cheapens snd nealnese.cannol be (.urpas.ed, consisting in part of, Black and C-lored f LOI 113, j B.aca DOESKINS, riam, Black and Fancy CASIMERE3, r reucn Urab V 1. 1 1-.S. Plain Black and Figured Silk VEST1NUH, fancy Linen DbilLLS. i and all oilier tiooa. usually found in a first rlsss Tailoring Eslsblisbu.snl. A I nt whieh will b made to order or oid by the yaru on aceoiumoda. ting term.. J. S. PHILLIPS, j In returning my thanks to IS", cttiicn. of Char. lotte, tor in.? vei kind sua !tbersl patronage they 1 have bestuwed on me. I would r.qiiesl . edilinu j ance uf the .sine, with the i, a. ranee that all or. I oer.i entrusted lo n.e wnl it innt y sort promptly i executed. J. 8. P. ni 17. IfeKf. lit' Vvm J. Kerr, A T TUUS EY A T . II l It Ml I I 1., A IV, 11 - I I.I riant . ekit tiburg, olif.f.. s. Building opposiln 44tf V W I'tilol. and t .iiarrus llJ' Olhe in tiie Brawly Kerr's Hole!. J,in. .4. I l.ll J. . HUM I. A it. ur.i.rs. in COT CH eiid t U KuMLSof PROLUvE, 'i k tin; si it i.i. i, ( 1HKI.U1 IF. A. C. X7AII out- r. sit. nd. d I.i w ill. desp.teli. prii 1?, In, I), -a i i I'llAULOUT. IlOlTil., I II A it U) I 11- ,. t . r til F. Proprietor ol th. a Hotel i. OL still at h. a post ready to lul. til the.Hiliesof inirie h.,.t" to I lie rfii Tlti tru yelling public snd others who may csll ou linn, aim he Halters hunaell that as comfortable quartera can be lound with him as any where in tins vicinity, fh nig situated near ly in the eeutre of Charlotte, Huain. es Men will Hud this Hotel s most convenient and ncairahle locution. He ha. been engaged in the bilainess at this sta.l nearly eig hteen years, and III that time he haa made . ,era sd.n lions lo his former house, and it haa b i o g rest! y enlarged and no proved, presenting in Irunt a two story VPiU AN DA ;ij(J leet in tci.gto by fl f,-et in width, handsomely snacea Dy irees on the -ole-wslk, art., riling a plea sant prnim i.aile at all hours ol tl.e day. Tl.e llouae haa hi en thorough ly furnished thro', nut, and in every part ul it creature comforts are abundant and tangible, especially in the UINI.V. ROOM, where the "inner man" ib "renewed" day by day. Connected with this Hotel are Stsbles srlording room or IUU horaea, abui.il, uilly furnished with grain and provcrnier, attended by la . 1 1.1 u I sua o. niiging hostlers. The Proprietor fi els confident that wilh his long experience and many new advantages silde.l In Ins d.-sire to please, he la prepared to oiler his Irn ri.ls anil the rest ol mankinn," as many comforts ant as much good cheer at will he found anywhere, perhaps a little more so. If AI any rale lay the Charlotte Hotel. I. Ii. KEIiR erlid,tr 19. IKS8. 3Wtf Superior tSniiil M;icliines; at the tiiftn itf the Golden I'ud I,r'k COCHRANE fc .SAMPLE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANUI OF PROPRIITOK8.) ' UllAI)8THEKT NKWUK.UN, S.C., JOHW F. JOIMES, Proprietor. rgHK riMieraigneu n.pee. u..7 I B the travelling public, that l.o hae take.. I charge of tin. old a ml popular ealablishnient, ...U r. ...F ,i to ccuniinoiute Iruveleraand pri- vale laiiulira Willi board i.y me J " " the most Bceoiimtoiiutiiig III III. II,. TAIILK will always be furnished will, the h l provisions that home slid foreign market, can '"The V HllllHi"l' l1" lu'U' rooms, is neurcr the depot, the cunt hoiin, ami the busn.es. street, than any oiner j 1 .. ,1... srrival ol the cars u 1.(1 .Uallihout, An Ort''a will elwny be at the depot and 10 conw, ..rir .tuple time to obtain meal. Hasina- also a large and coli.niodi. us .-lauic, 2 and an excellent Ostler, he is fully pn pared i 9 board hnr.ee by the day, week oi month at the JOHN. F.JONES. JVarrA 1. 1 859. fill( P. SAIHS, Ari liiln l inn! Itiiiiai r, -w w ILL furnish De.ign., Plan and Drawing I for Public Bmluings, Private Kisiiieue, and Villas. Partieular ... n,.n u-i hM t.it.ri bull. ling Flouring Mills Mill., Ac. Orricx iu 3d story of Alexander'a BuiUiing, Irunt room, vert Inns Hall. OctoWSo. 18od 33" f - l.cmovnl. Y Friends and Customers are rest.eelfnlly i.TB informed that I have removed my Tin Shop to Springs' Buck Builting, 3d door Irom the cor. tier, on Tryon street, where he will be pleased to see them. S. T. WRISTON. January 31. IP60. I.'.tf iMI-t ma, Sn.r i: ii . i. v piiii.; r ii: A i.e. It o.l-,v, N i . I), iiii.trr. I, F:.:i-i us. It., .: t ttl I I ! flJIII lllTKIll ".i f, n Tik. ni fill hue wln.h I t r in th : th - v ll v 'V-t. in -r -h i ri-.v Mpkl:..-r ra I in to-- but. Multi'.uJ s .aii. I.y t'.:i fin-'ly, sire th-n Iv i fori in .' of fi.ti e."i !i i n an I ul. o-n thro if h w.,.:h til? .v.t.iu i, I at.--.ve ' i e..,pi.iti-m. if n it a. -i.r .1 t., .In :'i lh ii'ittirnl -hann'li of the tyely t i'.vj in U;. ii,,. CI n:i.- o'lt tii'j civ.', -ti'-v. -r y ,-t fli, 1 iNi-npi.n-.-, "ri h tl-.e fckiti in pi-ii,.l -a. cru;.te,ria, ui,) it -nh.ii yjj rind it i.t oh i I I . . .! N it, t!u v tin ; el in it t i - f . i . 1 v .ur f vlin.M will t 11 l. .i ,.h rj no parti, u! .r ,1 -on! r ...I; en - y K-n.r h .!-'i. nn 1 1 v - I -a. i :r. th I. K p I'm v. a . 1 n.l i. ,i I. ; h it wi-i, t- i. : if ll i 1 r I. i'i-',' e-m h- in - I th of n .t ,i h ,.- L-iUi.-. Aver s L-ucrrv l cv. iti p" I I All .Mir r.-i .le by For ealn by 1 K, N'YK llL'Tt'HISON k CO V. STARR k V . i Chiirlute, IIAVILAND, S'lEVENPONA CO., l.'hier teuton, S. C Kruit and Tree Store. 1 1 1 i s n 1,-rr i In r haa openrd nut next rfnnr a- IJyerly'. 1 in. shop, in the Mansion 'n g, ..lid w ill keep on hand a Well ae. House II n Ire ted shirk ol Fruit Tree,, I i ra p.. Vims, Ever green, nnil Sl,,,,l,b.ry, Ac. A so, Fruits ..I v ,ri. uiis kiinlr. Apples, Orauges, Lemons, Pius An. pies, Ae., Ac. E W. LVLES. D-e.-ml.er I I, 11-1,(1. 3-1. f ..jNolicw. 4I.L persons mil. hied lo the eat of Andrew Springs, di. 'd , w.ll tmikit immediate py. men I; and all perrons h ivmg claims ag.inal said estate, will pnaeril them duly suthelilinsled, in the time prt.i r.h, d l,y law. or tills notice will be piesd ill osr of their r.eov, ry. T. II. URKM :. OciuUt 3ll,lfcCG. aolf KOIIT. It. fOWAl C-ENBHAL COMMISSION MER( uANT Wn.4ipjaTyN lU'Oince, Soulh Corner Murkct nu W.'i ' ' upstairs. " 61- Oe fber II. 1H39. 3llf OiNLY rilEPA RATIOS" nvit.u ii ot. so sihoMi tia i)iae(;T4iTl) LXi L.L TllK DO lm ur ALL. For Stat.so en, Ju.igis, Uitore, riii-sici,,. , the ,,l..t.t . I.oe.s a. v.,11 t-m , g i . e it i; t " (juaiifuu sui.ttioii, ami rtcoiniothu it iur in' ol eruptions, and diseases ol li,t sculp ail but all who l.uve ussu it, umu.iii l.-.tn,,, '"!"' It will pri serve the hair lion, be,,,,. Iron, tailing Ui any age, a. well s. rl6iul t " ' j '"' I In: following t ' Oak tin..-, 8. C.June S,,S-, I'aor. O. J. Wooui DearS:Yourai.p' toiative ib raoliilv uaiiin.u noonl,, n'l- mUlllt.. 1 I.UVU liaU OCCaBlofi to Ib, , uvu liau oecaa 'a. asiue, and give your Da.r liestuiattve a , ' Usli t",l"l During the year 1 1-:" 4 . I we. to be thrown Irom my sulky a. ' "'.lorlunai, , the loaiisiue, Iruui WI..CII my hfaU rtceiviu urnble blow i caus.ng s girut oesl OJ i,,,",," a ,urUOe ol li.o l.iau, noin In atiiivit .u oraio a. ttitlts , ini. 'Hi,, In . , ut ihe beau. r n i i in the unit J ti( Ujkcuu appearance, 1 employ ea averytt,,,., tuum'lu", ol, being a pioiisaioosl man myeii s, u ", thought, ui.utrsianuing the mture ol Ine ui'sl" but was hnsliy deleattu tu ety j,rt, suvai.eed. 1 " 'these and no other circumstances itiju, ,i tesori to jour woru.y nair it..rt,i. . 1 l,.e eis.y i.s.on u, ueee, pnuttu tisppy resuu I iso months alter tn ttn, 1 l.au as biuutitui a beau ot y ever saw, lor WI.ILtl 1 crrtaillly oh, siucite thanks. Keel assuuu, t. tecuuiiiienii your I, ii.etit to u tlK over. 1 sahsit use my it.liurnce, v, tt.t slt to say, is not tittle. i .1; Ua Can publish this .1 you dunk j,r.,. lours, very r. (., t ,,, , ' M.J KioiU,'.M ). Otliec ul the Jtilvrsontan, Pin., Dec. liitn.'iV,:''' Dear Sir l I lee I it u.y uuly as ,,! , pleasuie, lo stale, lo y,.u tt.e jun. stai.ee, men y .u cn use ss . u ...u,. , , ' A gil.l.iiosll ol this pi .ee, ( inj,t i , b.o ever s.l.Cv h.s tariy yuuti, ; so n.ut. , t he at. Co op Hi d tu west a w g. lie a, '. ' ciu lu uses o.liie ol y"ur'liir h.,i...., ii. ill i.e i.kiu ny lobii. i , , , , ' tso ..I II. no b.'ltl. s Lis hair gri ft ool i,ia., ,; li..ll.e IB UlmtlHtu, B my b. ll. , liuio' .,i ii, li e r. (Ui St ol i(. ). ... eat U.al ul y.iur ll.,I u, a.ij.oing I., , ju I.. I- Ula.il., i l.o.tip.-tjN i K, ''I I t. Wo..b : D . V 1 n , n. its . ''g gry but u in. i l u . it I Ml Ai. I, l.l, t,tli, . ul J 'I lie k. . 0. rati., is l ilt U via: large, meoiuui sou siusii; ine a.o.ii a pint, sud r-tans lor one d...iiar p.r m meu.u.u i.u.i.s si least m.i.ly p. r ..ii rrop.,lii..l. III. II tli Slliall, Ittails f. -r Is s bolt s , the large ho Us a quart, tori; I nior. iii proportion si.u retails tor a i. t. J HIKIIJi CtJ., I r.ipnewis.-t U hi New ..rs, ...u 114 Marst t tsi.,,1.! 1,, . solit by i.ll g'KKl Druglslsauti Fal.ty t., era sou in t I. rrlolle ur hi AhK 4. t ti. 3. iBo.r. la J E, 11, isCib' Buuk Limim l.'vl.iLli. in;, JL iltLli. lilll. I Ins Lour: iUt brabtk L o I. a iu .a i., iiig ia rrar ulW. b. i c i i ) iuiaii b ... Oil .'ill I. A, t . Ti Shots Esi.biisl.il t-l. a Nri I' A I Eli .1-ll.n. I si.i ii. my in... s ol patrol- .VI, Hill.,, h.d h:lik- ( r a, 1,. .,. I.. Utactursul BLANK I IM 'K, i d in I mw aim o,u In IN I F. D UOUKS. 1 thai t san, in isll la a. s, give in tire i ; H ank looks. !al.k I'.aks, t I. rk.' Looks, l.l M . II. t, . b tern, i and 1 1.1 I I I' i ry bst I... I I.I.N , I..I.I.. W t K.. is, I . phm.,.M laaaiV I". Itl.0. -till MUM l.- tiil l l .til.-ul i i.t ii.buiontt C o ij , a . Ul l it I. I, 1 1. l.ll, Ii. , 11 I.t t. .i.i.iiv ii.si.re !l. lists vl .1. m..y -my. hull the , lath per paid by ll. , ol prelll.l Ul I M,.vvs f insiireo lor term . hve years, lot tv... th.ros tutu y-t An l"s . sre pain within ju laclory prooi is pr. sen tio. DIKF.t 'lOI.'h. I harits I.. Ji.l.i,al..n, VN i. il. Il .i.i. n, VS . D. I o.,k, , J. i.. V llusi. d, Wo. i.i. i.e Kiian.e, 1 . 1 II Mihee, h. P. Il.ltic, I l.i.ri, Fowie, hi. h'u 11. Il.tt.a )F F I F P.HS, Dr. I harli . E. John. on, pn a, un. I. . W . Hidden, ice President. Ii. II. Il.,lli. ,. eret il,. 'A, I, in, n II. Jon. a, Treasurer. II. W. Ilii.l.u. Attorney . Ur. Win. II. MehecVtedn ..! El .M.itir htrcutiir f ommlttrt. 14. liushn, VV . it li... . I ..rli - II. liool. Mrdical lloaid of ( onjuialif.n ! '" J.hn. on, M. D, Uillnm II. Mn", '' Kich'd II. Hi wood, M. D For further llilorn atmn, Ihj nubiir i" ' red tn the psmplili Is.aiid lorn.s ,1 ;ri-l may lie obtained at Hie Oliici ol Xf.se I "n I ' or any ol ,1. Agencies. Ci.mmunicali.il.B should le ai.dnssii., U paid) to. R. II. BATTLE, Sttretaiy- Srpltml.,, H, Ik.iJ. "''II - X . ' .. . . J I - .'I . , . 's isiiia'j srii "'" la""'...'..''- job I'HHrnin?. poll PKI.N I IN(. of a!l kitil" !.. .1 I-. N-.I ll fs alio i-tiii'inlltiii.iy sssetne.- Bl -