Horth 44e tirqe to God, to tioqir fiornitlrg, ai)d to uoqr Sufi." VOXjiTJJMIIII 10. CHHIjOTTE, 1ST- O., APniL SO, 1G61, MRS, T. J. HOLTON, El) IT HESS AND PIIDPRI B T tl ESS . TERMS : Tl,,. 'nrt rnl t n u Whi)f willbeaffordrd tomb. r,l,fr at TWO DOLLARS in uuviiiicr ; TVt O hii'l I. A ft AM) I IrTV I'KNT.S il' payment b d. h vtii Oirci-nM.utli.itti.o T1IKKK HOLLARS ,1 ih. ,ini ( tlie year. N"l,li"'r will dlacnil. t , ,l mini ll .irruaruj... are j.aiii ,i.i'il at tlie 0Jti.nol H" orti r-:i " " 1 nKert''' aiOnc l)nllarii-r,iiuare MUlim-a ,.rU",tlii aiaed type ) for Oit liral in.er. 10n .md v! 5 cent, lor each continuance. I uurl ad crt '" "'(l '" ,s''1 hr(t,ii I" r etui ii it in' i ami a deduction uf:)3J t cent, will , irin the regular rictn, i'or advertiina by ,ht. uf. Aim-nine menu iimi rlid lunntbly or jirtiriv."' n r iin,ri! fur cadi lime, heiui ui nit ii'y J c mi la f'pr atuare fur each time. IVrniii when .ending in their advertianii' nts niu-t mark tbe number ul' ma, rliona utairjd or v will I"' inserted until f.ii bid and charged c. ..,,'l.m-lv. irl' ...tmaater. arc null., n' e ti- url aa agmt J. (.'. VII.KI' A. DLALlliS IN WATCU'S, JLWLR IH KB iRi PL1TFJ WARE li E . ii! ...-Jl . , :,0f .i.il. li-iit"-. .t.- tin Manaiuii Ilouae, iTIAULonK. N O. A t.nt...n nnfii lull, u.iiu.g Ualthca A Jewelry K. W. KM. WITH 4. rOMtTANTI.V I.M HthP " i lj i . .Cil , ii v,' wii.. X , i 1 1 1 1 1! 4r rer r-T rv.i.ioi i' mMTirroi I ., hi, i namine lui aluck bt-i.m iurcl,aaing r .. a. r. FUltMTUli : t ii.n:i,t.s'io.v ran fVINi. IM tit !! A.KL THt: K.VrtliK J i 'I i M K OK FURNITURE ,f J Sein-aaA Co.. nnd na..,.nt'.l with inn r,i ir ..ii rr, W u I rr. I rinnm. n U ml to er. i n i hr btiiiM- nmier tlie tirui (if ?r;-T ? i, .11 H. Ll ,ti l.ta. at ll.e ol.! .Ulld of J. M S.n. I r,S. t o . i mil Tin- rnT i r jam r r, i . im d t" i.iy'n .A u.'jV -MO x.'a I., !i Si.ire oi ! I'4ik, llatj., no occupied I' t if liUAU 11 liAK K OF THE STATE. A Full SU ck of riii'iiiliu', OF ALL KIM'S, ''ii ,;,;, i.. r. titiii t li.. a L,l-b;,-l.n.c l, an. i . .:..:i;i nur. ! lo f). 11 in Low as the name nrtiflcs can bo boiipj.t in CHARLESTON, or utiy oth cr Sotithorn City. r.in. MiniNhLin irjunii U . 1 1 li.tr charge ul I ii' ..ii raf lu lug I rj.tt !mnt . ... nk .1. .-, 1 will l.r ...i...y .,11, li-..d I,, u tif-riitwig oj tiny !.. n'.jl.y ilonr. LUIS 1. V I'AVIIjsuN. fez N II II ,i, e t..k. ii t m y ol -MSK's l.l vl.i- hi ul.vl. i .v-l." i 'i' ". u- k.,.t -., i.a.,.1. i; y !' C '(...fr J, ICt.ll. 'Jtlf A-.uriLt;::ar 1 n a im ir rnlin t rk ol Kuini 1 tur. . A f. In I;. ul, i.i i,i, .in. i.h .iii nm iu..v t m ri nnc II,. i.!..,. I n-iii, ..t iiU' (XJ'-iil JliJ.UJ un.it r the In III i I DWIU; -0.M & BL01HI.fi Wr c;,ii.i Iv t omun ii.i III. m to our Im !m'Ci!:!I i,i..r,l .a e I...H i.,n.. OrtJttT 3, lhl.il- , KO.I. .... J I "I Ul I !. , U. I..' I Ilii ln . l...'roi..n;. ..a ui r u,i re r. . I at tut ir .1. M S AM'KIIS .1 Co. Unit M.!KErni()USE, t Mir.aul.M-nlN r r. ... tuilly Ini'.rm. lua f-.rin. r 1 rU.l.. r nn.l II.. .,l.lir g.r.rr.llv, ll.al bi ll . i,.....l a HOUSH, lin.l. r the ab.,t nimr. ... i V i...,,.il. Al. -'i O.lia V VV illinin-. Uu t . i.u. iw .VI, i.ii. J V lliyir A. o. .title al. .) may bf l.iUlul a lll.l aaa.il tun ill nl Family Groceries, I :''.!. s, lhitlir ami .':.,'.', I'iikkuis, (.'illirlts, .VI.WHI, A'.'s, i'uilis, 'mrrvrs, ll'.r.t, A c. iiM'rir 1 i)li;in'i anil 'ii'KjH', i ot!. i i iiml Klttssti (ii , ll.llo illlll i .-la I.ihUi h .V 4i nlh uu ii'm SlwrH, .tli-o', ir l,;nin , aiii liiiK, I'liiil.htnfV, I iil.iiii, A r , i.ini.. r ... i a I ,in, y Al Url,-., ..II "I ublt:ii Kill "t "ol.l at the M,y . 1 .rnr l.r t ' jab .,r l!,.rlrr. R V. AIIUK.NS. N II It, addition In I Im ab.vt , I int. ml to fit "I' Hie lal ot ,t.e,nM-r, a In;" awl rnmlorl- Ii,iiii lp my l uaioini ra, win re a Liiih Ii may ""' I" I.,.. I at any lini.-. It will bo my aim to ""'it a ail. ire of imbue natron ii;ti. V. W. AHIIKNS. H. The I, M.I1, at ;,rirra n id for Until r, V.gn: " '' "a, fubn.iH r..,ilora anil other 1'rouucc. i ' I all at the Market Hume. R W. AIIUKNS. ""..',rr If,, Ibiill. 3l)if. tliamlicrs, n.trnes & Co,, factors and (lenci al Com mis s i o ii JIKKCIIAX'I'S, ; 1 1 A It L I'. ST o., y. c. MERCHANT TAILORING li TLIXtiN, M'KH A. CO. AVE umu added tu Intir Kcudy-niudu t lotli 11 i"K tSlmh, Alurcliunl 'idilurins Uepurl nitiit, lu winch tleji cull Hit i-m ciu1 muiition uf : llirir iim ii y IrK-nui. und cuMtunitira. 'I li i y inti i,(i luakniK Una u i.,rtMunl ec. nil to ' iioiiu ill lliti Muli eitnt-r lu aiyUi mid quality of . Gunua, or in lb" uiuiiuliiclure oi OariimnU. At till tiliits will lit Ii.uiiU u (jood kludi of iilack i mm ( oloruiu Imiii,, Kndiuli, Fii ik.Ii nu Aiiuricou t 'uKiii.iri , .,iio a vurnly ol Voliiiga Ainu, an ; amorlntunl ul t liblli M.AM ( Aakini KLS ; t - 1 Tin y Itu1 eoiiliiitiit of liit-ir ability tu uiiiicraell any oilier liouau hi tin- SluU-, Iroui tiie auvanlagca ; liny have in getting tiit-ir g.-oda. 'J Heir gooua ara uiiidit ny iiil quniility, by une I ol tin- l inn liu rrmuia in Ine N.ii Uieiu markela, 1 Him Ii gio loin tin- ,.....rlunil ol taking auvan. taife ol ti,t priLt'a ol guour, llitruoy a,in,g ul ltai.1 I aiAv Iweuty-Five Fer Ctnt'&:J j lo Ii. i I'.inauu.t r. J i I in. ii auveu art ilollari. '.jX iry u. K. l b'LLl.StiS, JNU. il. fcl'lilNUS, HrjttmUt 25, lrji;u. GiiEAT SAClliriCES ur v i.i. a . i) hl i i;k' .1 i st ii i:t i iv 1. 1 riioi ; BV (iUULIjIAN EIGEMIRIA, UALL h'lhLL'l, til'l'uhlTK OA I I S 4V W II, I A.1IN. a fc r..;..c liuu y ,n t l. l.r, .Ml auuoi i II, t t ili. i,. oi I liar ng tuunlry tlint a,t' .le rr...ri:J to t.ll. r U ti I. .1 'I 1 I) I C 1 ?l I. 'I H 1M i iIWiuJ aW W aai Dili G0UD.S, tints, " i6, ot., l r. imi i Litiii it. imiM or t.l.Ml.l .til.Vs II lMMil.Ni (.OOliS. A largr f lrk of I.atlii. and Cci.lli inen'a MIAW l-N AM) ( LO IKS, li r.cc c 1 1 ana tx.nnnc tur Cuou bifure tii.inD.MAN i KIGKM LLN. Pil..Ur J. I -Ml. L'MI tall oimlsim;. New Store, icw Gccds! AT Lcuwi'iiMciiitS: Dro. A' KAUL V iiumnu- the I our! Iluuar, vrlu rt ll.iy I'l have an raitnaic al .tk ul C L If 1 Ii 1 a (, II O I , 1 I- A I S , AMI AM' ti it i k. ii 1 I. s. r.. w ii. i-o i I. ti. pit u. a can In I. re iur. "' : """'"luKWKN.S'IKIN A liltt). (hiul.tt !i, IH,u. '-JM i in: .ui-:at ILOTIILMM-nil'Ollini. Jrli.lilM, M'hKMiS & (U, l.lAl.k.iln l. AI L hl.NUb OF 1(EAI AiADE ( LOiULNG glials, hips, iiunks I iiIIiii, ii'iiiK A t . Ol l.l tali III)' ralict iul atlenlloO of lilt ir f III. li.. a ai.,1 (Miiona tu llitir MAX SIU( K OF ( I.OTIIIMi. now . ..mni'. 'I In y llnnk ti i y cm oil. r gre..ur llii.ut i u t lia li bliyl ln.ni Hit) bale tltr uolic, tin ir gouoa bung bought at rtouttti rati , auu at aut It .ritt uk ll.t-y it , I cuntnunl no Uuuat ill tlie M.1I1 t an e..ni,t it w hi. 'liny are olltrii.g nry i tim.iii; milt In. in ll'i t.. .'.". Ail n.aui,. r ul ( AS.MMHO. I'A.N'ls, t AS.-IMI RK, MI.K, M.vl Al.A.-sf. AM' M IAL l i , OV I K I O.V I S, Of all grama am? alj lt a. Tor nht.Yi- (J.aiila eiu n.it be aur..iha. d in atylo .....i tnake, bavins t.i t l,t,iliul.tetiiri:il Ul.tler tlie 1 1,11 1.1 11 1 auiH.rviaiuii ol oneol Hie linn. J LLLIMiS, rii'lUNuii CO. .S,vlrml,,i Jj, IM.ll. Vill JOHN T. bb'TLKU, V' ) I'KAlTltAL WAIOii dad vLOCK II Lli, BL:m.m.- : -a .; c. OIT081TB KltKIt s HOT M., 11 tit 1.0 1 1 :, '., (Lite Willi H. W . Ueckwilli.) line Walcbra lloeka auu Jewell y, of ever y de. t ri.in,ii, rt ...ii.'il 11 td w nriii.iid no Vt iinuiina. Ofo.. r lb, Inl'.U. it'll S. T. rkton, ltMIA('ll R UK of, and dnulcr in Tin in and Jjl J.ti.inned T111W.1111, Mi.v.a, Wutiticl, Ware. Iirotnna, llm-lna, ikc, 111 Soutli wing of tj.rn.gB' I orner lluiltimg. J..b Work, alien aa Moling, J uttering, tV c. done will, dt -M411.it b r 1 'I'ti I (mX, . . V"' 4 I ' I' I The Brook. t ALWhkU TRNNYMUN. I come from Im uriti ofcot und !urnt J iiiMkv ii vurlden illy, And pirkli out union j; the fern, 'J o bicKtr down tliu tuilcy. liy li.imly liilU I liurry down, up biiwecu 1 1 it- ru'ci. Uy twenty thorp n liltlr town Ana hail liuuurtu briiigtt. Till vmt by Phil p' furni, I fli-w 'lojuinttii briiniiiiiig nvir; For nan inky come and inti. muy go, Bui I go on lore vi r. I clulttr ovtr klony way. In 1 1 t t ! M.ar, und In bits : I tjubble ii. lu todviojj n.iy-, 1 babble uu tiio ptUUJc. With nmny a cuivo my b;mk I Irel, hy iiiui) a field mm! hvv; Ami inuuy t fairy frri l nid m-t, Willi WllltW WtcU H0 (Iiil. low. I cluiltcr.cliMti'r at I flow join the briiniiin river; i',-r mt ii limy tome aim inch muy go, li ul 1 fco on lorui t f 1 wind about, m d in and out. lib lure a biokk'-io nlii.jf ; A i.U lit re und tlicrc u luil) trout, And tit re mid I hi re a g'uliii. And hi re iiioi (lirrt a foomy fljke I pon in. a 1 iruvt-t ; With mtny 4 anvt rjr water break. Above the gotuAii gruvei ; And dniw thtm ulot g, and flow Tit join the biui.mii'g river ; tor men may Coim: anu men niuy go, Uu' 1 gu on lore wr. I uleiil by lawn nnd grnfiy plots, I vlioe by bxl coor ; I inoe the Htt I torgi t im--ii U 'i li..t grtiw fur liupjr lahp, Iplu:r I gl-Htin, 1 gbnrr. Among my aaimitnng awihWit; 1 iiiuke lite i.tllltd rtuohtrtiim tiuuc Agii.t u ) uUiuy l.ailiow. 1 murmur und r nm-.n ami vUira, In niumbiy wildt-ri.ina 1 1 linger by my "inyly bur, 1 toiler round try crct. And nut ng.iin I curve and (lu, To join LOe bnimnifi ri r : lor mm ii. uy coine und mtn may gn, but 1 on lortvi r. lisccllancoiis. I Talc uf llif blind)' Gnubd. Jl V VM. KAK1.E lil.MJElt. The hiioiy of our border abounds w ii Ii tin iihiig incitli nls, and w e could iiil , voiuuies of intcic.-liiig and exciting talcs 'of those Hying and advenliirous limes. , K.i jiiiic ami nun tit t , 1 iiiilit iy 11 ml ineen iliaii?ln blood and massaeic, wt ic emii imin oeetiiieiices halt a century ago in tin.- wihlei ness ol ilie West, min and vi unit 11 w ho d iu tl the ifiligers ol the Itucst, steed 111 coiiM.ilil jvelil of their lives. j Aiiiong lho?e w hoseltK d iii Kentucky some ciliiy vcais ago, vi as a man named .M.iitin Uavis, vv lio was aecoui i.inied by his wile, Mai v, and time i mall clniilieli. i . iuiie lug cabin vva soon built, arid a jiiilcli ol giounil cleared lor garden jail iniM .-, and llu 11 the itnt t r and his taiinly sat down in ihcir void Woods home. I Time a.-scd w ith more or less of trouble and danger, Ibr lite tbrcsl wao bill ot liiibaiis and wild In a?ls, and fi nally the liillowing thrilling inciikiii leinlile in all icsjucts occtuicd. Well may the scene ol such cjiisodes lieteinied "The iSloody tirountl." tine Jtine alurnoou in the Summer of 17s--', D.n is slejinil out ('fins cabin inlti the g ndi 11 111 In. nl, and suddenly a hidcou.-ly jiainled Indian, W1.I1 toma hawk tijililltti sjirang Ui in the space between hiin.-eil and llic iloor ot the cabin, w Inch, he had h it open behind him. I bed-kins, Mollv !" wildly shrit ked tin- pioneer, his lirsl thought being lor his lamily. A tjuick cry issued from the cabin, and almost lnstaiitaneou.-ly tlie door . w as slamed to. At the same moment the Indian ut tered an ear splitting yell and sprang at .i is, who tinned upon his heels, and dardied away into the tbrcsl, not, Ii. w ever, hcloie he li.nl seen several other savages emerge tioiu their concealment Ileal llic hotl-e. j "(iod have increy on my w itij and childieii !" he cried, as he dashed along, I " tor 1 can do nothing lor them now j My only hope is to gel assistance from 1 the station. Meantime, oh! Lord (iod, aid and protect my dear wile and chil dren !" The poor man was nearly li antie, and in pel lect desperation, he dashed along in llic direction of the nearest staiiou, not withstanding the little sell lei ncnt vv as several miles distant. In Lathe had no ulher alternative. It was hard to leave liis linmly under such circumstances, but he could do them no good by iciiiaiu- Piinting and oot of lireath, he at length reached ihc stockndo, but for some time was unable lo articulate a syllable. .1 f .. n 1 .L.. .1 . on - m v uiiu, vvnai ir me mailer r was one uiougiii oiuv possessed mm. ou tlie impiiry ol those around hiin, nsloti-, could real it in his burning, glaring eye&. ished and alarmed ut the poor fellow's " Retribution !" frantic eflbrts to speak. "Look, friends I" he cried, in loud "Injuns Injun have attacked my and cracked tones, " rny wife and ehil cabin ! at last hurst from his frothing dren are murdered I murdered! See lips. " Come with me, or they'll tnur- them w here they lay, hacked arid buteh ,der, my wife uud',.ren. Conic, come, ercd like dumb beasts 1 And these are for God's sakcjcome! Don't stop 1 the devils God's curse ujxm them !" don't slay but follow me." he jKiiiiled lo the prostrate savages " Just lei us git our weapons." was j " w ho have done the bloody deed vv ho the response of those whom he addressed desolated my life forever. They must " Wuick! quick ! lor tlie love of God, ; die I as surely as they have done this overcoat, quick !" wildly ejaculated. ! thing they milr-t die !" "What ki pi you st) long, dear pa- A few nioiiients laier and the half! "Say the wool, anil we'll make pa i" .-he said. "If I had known dozen men who were at the station at 'short of the bloody cusses 1" deeply where you were, I would have sent the the tiuie were liillowing in the limtsteps 'ejaculated one of tlie men as he jioiiited carriage. You in v 1 .-lay so late at tin of the frenzied settler, who led the way ! his pie :e at a red.-kin's body. olliee." into the deep fbie.-t with the most Iran- Silently anil sternly the rest imitated "No, my love, I was at my law t 1'. tic desperation. ihis example, and the parties being busy, very busy, ei'd all fur oii," "On, friends on ! and may the good : equal every red-skin was covered. and he kindly paltt d her check. "Lut God save my helpless wife and child-1 "No! no! not that way.'" eagerly now, Margy," can't you give me some ren !" the jour half crazed pioneer j cried Davis, his eyes bumini; with all simper?" would every now and then cry out, in the fires of madness. "That would The daughter rang the bell, and 01- the most intense and earnest tones. At the best, it took nn hour to tra verse the distance between the cabin and station and back again, and what would delay the remorseless savages from their bloody work for that length of time? What indeed ! Such distracting thoughts ns these continually obtruded themselves into Davis' mind, and almost goaded him to Madness. Mean while let us go back to the cabin. The redskins who had started alter poor Davis only pursued hima few rods, and then gave up the chase, and rejoin the others at the cabin, the door of which Mis. Davis had so opjKirtunely closed at the first alarm given. The savages then commenced a fe rocious assault upon the doors and windows all of which were closed but, thiiiiuh roiiijh and small, tlie cabin was tiuht and substantial, and lor a Ions time made but little progress not withstanding they battered away with all their might. For a lime, Mrs. Davis was almost paralyzed with tenor, and she could do nothing but weep, and cr' out and hug her frightened children to her wildly. "Mu.-t we peiish in this way t" she cried, in broken, heaiiec'-rr nding tones. Nl ti.-t I and my childieu be put to thf knife bv these bloody niinded and remorseless savages. My poor husband, too oh ! where is he? Oh! 1 shall go mini. Mi tloil ! is there 110 vv av ol es - cane no tloor open : Heaven ueip me, 1 must do somethiiiff to save myself and children. I caniM't give up and die without an dibit, lor that would be sinful. Lord, ri ve ine strength in this mv hour of necd, liir to J lice and 1 hee only 1 now look for aid. At that moment the door came crash- ing iu, and the next instant the room was filled with the yelling savages. Mi s. Dav is and her children scream- ed in concert, and the next moment they were in the jMivvcr of ihe merciless red - skins. I such a scene as followed biggars all 'description. In the cud, however, not I w ithsiandiiiLJ all their dies, and screams ' and sti tiiili s, the pool mother and her ! children were brutally massacred in - I IimmvimIv- c siliwl. The bloody und remorseless deed ac- ,.,.i,,mI,-I,.,L 'ih,. l'ii.ii,li-li redskins set i.i wolk to overhaul the cabin, and; iu a hti'" i- hile they came across a keg ' of whi.-key. " j "b'lim! ruin! fire water! drink! think feel nice! all brave dam brave! I'gh ugh! So thev ninth red meauwhi ing around their prize with every ex pression of joy. In that moment t-very-thin else vv;is fbrirotteii ; and xvilh a druukaiil's delirium they gurgled dow n the fiery fluid. Consequently, in a brief period not one of ihem could walk sliaiidil, arid in a very little time longer the whole pally was down ujkiu ihe Ih Mir helpless and unconscious. Time passed, and at length Davis and his companions neu red the cabin. " 1 hear nothing : I see nothing !" ex claimed the limner, gaspingly. "Ob, God '."he added, wildly, " vv here are my will- and children? my dear wife and children ?" "Oh, I guess they're safe enough!" responded 1 to- men, encouragingly. " (iod grant il I God grant ill" cried the pioneer, as he strained every smew lo reach the cabin. ll w as now nearly dark,and surround ing objects weie beginning to grow in distinct. In a few moments the party reached the cabin, Dav is, something in advance, and as the latter leajied the ihreshhold into his little home, he uttered a loud, ear-splitting cry a shriek of agony and hailed as it' suddenly riveted to the spot. A moment, afterwards the others came up. No explanation was needed. Before them lay the mutilated remains of' Mrs. Davis ami her children, and around about, the drunken Indians. The men muttered deep curses be tween their set teeth. The sight uioy- The pit.necr buried his dee in hisj hands and groaned as if his heart would break. At length the settler started 11 clinnu- ed man, for his soul was on fur, nnd . 1 . 1 . 1 ii be too good for the red fiends too dered supper to lie served, ji wa. nl ! iiai rmrul I" siicli fiiteas an eiiiiMU'c lniiiht di Imhl e l- "How then?'" demanded his com- panion, simultaneously. " Say the rord !' Burn them, as they would burn ii. if tli.'v Im.l tin. -li:,,,i.i !" tw ri-i lv hissed Duvis. 111 deen anil concent ruled tones. The pioneers of the great West feel hut little pity for savages al any time, more especially under such eircuuistaii- ces. and no voice was raised aL'ain.-t Davis' terrible proposition. " They have wantonly, brutally mur dered my wile and children !" contin ued the bereaved settler, "and now I would but remind me of ihcm. I'll make bonfire of it, and in the red Haines roast their infernal carcasses. Who will aid me in my vengeance ?" Every man signified his readiness to assist in anything. "Hands and feet, then, we will hind these drunken devils!" pursued Da- vis. "If either rouses up, shoot him ihroimh lb.; he.nt !" he added, imnla- ctnily. The half frenzied pioneer procure tl ropes, and in a little while, without let or hindrance, the redskins were bound hand and loot. Then the bodies of jMior Mrs. Davis and her children were j taken out and buried by the settler and j his companions buried there, in the j great, black finest, by the light of a 1 nine lurch. God bless them, and keep them Ibrever nnd ivei !" ciii-d the si I it -ken husband, from the bottom of his bleak- in u: heart. , Then the sleeping red-tkins were carried out and then the cabin was giv- jen to the devouring element, Ere long the little place was a mass of flames, "Now, let justice be satisfied!" 'cried Davis, as they wi re all clustered j in front of ihe fire ; for is il not just that 'these fiends should sullcr lor the mur- jder of my wile and children ' Come toss them into ihe fiery furnace- to which they are doomed j One by one the six jwwerless savages ; were lilted from the ''round, and whnl- ed into the cracklin, seetliin Haines. - To escape there was no chance, not- ! w-iih-l.-nidinrr thev h.i.l bei'iin to show ; si'rns of reiuruiii'' consciousness ; that iliemlliil ileiilh w:is inevili.ible. F01 a li vv moments shrii ks and yi lis filled the air, and then nothing w as to be heard but the roaring ol the ltd lkiines. " 'makej '1'lie redskins but awoke to realize ing you last night," ami he put a hill Itheir doom, and die with a howl ol into her hand, t-iner-'a'i'V. ! 'Ihe girl looked up and gazed va 'I 1 . ,'. ix .1 1 1.1 . . 1 ..... -ei 1... 1 ... I. 1 1,. . .All over, IJ.IV IS inalikt u ine men from the station, and notwithstanding they ciiinestiy urged him to go back Willi them bade ihem adieu, and soli- tarv and alone struck olf into the deep I.I..1. 1. i:....i ..rl,i,,,, -w ..v.., I,,, n.l of him again. Tnii RiCii MMiGiinHT. It was bite at night, and the streets were descried, the more especially as it was snowing last. A single tiavel ler, however, might have been seen, wrapped in a thick overcoat, urging Ins way against the tempest by the lignt of some dim lumps. Suddenly, .-is he passed a ruinous tenement, tue tigiuu ot a girl slat ted betbre him. " ITease, sir," said she, " if il's only a peiiiiV inother is sick, aud vie have ealt 11 uothiuy lo dav ." The fust impulse of the moment was to coon : his second lo stop. II ed at the gill. Her face was thin and pale, and In r garments scanty, lb was a m in ol impulse, so he put Ins hand towards his pocki t, intending lo give tier a shilling. She saw the act, ami her liislrelesseye brightened. liul the traveller had forgot th.it his over coat was buttoned over his pocket. "It is too much trouble," he said to himself, " ami the wind is very culling. Resides, these beggars aic Usually cheats I'll warrant this gii I wauls the money lo spend in a gm shop." And spenk'ni" aloud, he said ralher harshly, I li:,w iitiihiinr lor vou : it yi r..:.lk- de.-liliile. the eiiai'di.tlis the p-nu'wiH lake care ol you.' Tliopirl shrank back w'uliout a word, und dicvv licr tattcrt'il garint nt around Iter sliivrrin" liinn. 15 ut a tt-ar (.'listen ed on her rlu't-k in tlie liglit of I lie dim lamp. Tin: mail jmssctl, nnd niiniii" tiio next (.oiimt, soon knocked at tlie door of a splendid inan.-ion, llnouuli whose richly eui t iim tl window s a rosy light slreiuiR'tl out across lie,- stoiui. A servant ohst'ipi'musly gave him en Iraiice. At the soimd of his lootftcn ihe pallor tloor was Miastilv thrown (Hit n, and a Dcauniui eui, a y i; uu n icauli ul till, a imkiiciii I v about seventeen, sprang into his aims, and kis.-ed him on each cheek, and then, began to assist him in removing his 1 . 111 just the supper for ni"ht likt; that. traveller on a l'a," saiil lh( hler, win li was just finished, 1 hope you are lave a favor lo new her aims a irl,,,,! hiiiiMir. Ii,r 1 have a favor lo a.-k of Von." ami she threw her aims round his ek and looked 'ip into his face with a winning smile and those beautiful dai k eyes of hers. 1 wish to give a ballon my birthday my tigli- teenih biilhdav. It will cost, oh siglit of inoiny; but you area kind, good papa, and J know you have been successful, or you w ould not hav e been at your lawyer's." " Yes) inv darling," he said, finally kissin-j her, " the coiton speculation has turned out vv II. 1 sold all 1 hud ol ine article this afternoon, leeeived the 1110- ney, and took it to my law ver's, telling him to invest it in real e.-tute. 1 think I shall soon give up business." "Oh! do,' do, papa. lint vou will give me this ball won't you !" " oil hit e ti aze . said the lather; but he upoke smiliii-'.y ; ami pu'.liiig his hand in his pucket bonk, be took 0111 a. note ami plaudit 11, his child s hand. "Take this it it is not enough ym must have another, I suppo.-e. liul don't trouble me about it any mor i Ihe next morning broke clear, out the snow was a foot deep on the level, and here and there lay in huge drifts, i blot kiiiL' tin the dt or w a V. At tell o'- clock the r h mi reliant vv as on Ins w ay ' to the count inn I oolli. lie turned tlow u ; the street UP which id come il t iii-i vuiiis eveinnff. . crown eauiei romitl the cellar door ol a riuiioiis tem The merchant Paused loinnune llient what was the mailer "A woman, sir. has been (bund d ad below ihcre," said omul' ihe spectatols. lal V i it to ilealli, ll is they have sent a coroner. II r ter has ju.-t come back, atur l out all night. That's her moauii " Ah !" said ihe merchant, ami ; gh- Hi.' ' ' il,,. went thioiioh his heart like an icebolt, for lit mi-mbereil denying a peiiHoo the ni.uht helidc. lie litished throti the ciovvtl and desciudetl the eellai ; steps. i;irlci.vvi n dovei the emaciat ed cm p.-e ili.it lay 011 a heap ot straw , ! ill a ci n mT of ihe il 1 In P a I .! I im nl . It ' was the same girl he had leared 11 'would Move lo be. The me) w 'as Inn 1 01-stnnk. " Mv poor child !' he said, laying Ins hand 011 her shoul.li-r. " .ou must be cared tin God toigive 111c lor dei-y- caniii ;u 111111. 1 m u sm j.ul r. prollen tl money. " ll will do no good now," she said ; " inolher is dt atl, and she burst into hysterical tears; and the merchant at Huii iniiiii. in woiiltl have LMVen bait his lorluiie lo recall tur lo Inc. The lesson lliu- leal lied he never fiuiiol. Tlie iMiieiialil per.-oiiaiiy saw thai a decent burial w as pi ovuli il tor the inolher, and alinwauls took the daughter into his house, i-dtleali tl hel lor a it-spectable stain. 11 in hie. and on. her marriane pit d her vi nil per dovvrv. He livid a dieu lisp llu 11 gialituilc r ciiu- A LOVE fjTOllY IN UUIKF. Iu Louiaaua lowlands lived lovely Lucy Le.-ue. Luvi l.ai kiiM lovetl Lucy Uvi.-lily Lucy loved Levi largely l:kewi-e ; Leu laa-oed Lucy. Luu.j,ain legal iuuirl.ead, I ..1 ...1 1, I,,.-, u,, r una lols ol lillie LjlkllJt,, iap,Jllilbt.r,t 0i,g the luu.paiu., leuunig loud lu-tur to the lauu anil lia.Miie oaa-iiij; livuly piaa-uiu to tuc iitaiia ol Leil and Luei Laikius. F0WK11 IN A WOMAN'S EYE. A lad) when the conversation turned ou djuaunea, a-ked the Ute eicoifee Me(.;,en ou, Ibe celebrated cuginetr, " rt nil U you eoui-idt r the most puwetlul l.roe 10 na lure I" "1 l" aot.il answer lUal, a,i he, " it is tbe ec of a wo.uau wnolo.ia.i with alleClit'U uu a uiau ; sii -uul he fco I j tha ullcriuort end of 1 he eai tu tue rcc;iic lion I tbat look :il biuig him Uaj. , i,, ou aeparating from ber bus baud changed ber rei'gt.'u. being deter mined, 1'lie .aid, to atoid Lis ooii.pauy m t!.i world atid the nut too. a iiASKir or ( mi's. A young mini iu " tl,tft. pari8" wto bad eptul little of !n owutiiuc ud a good deal of tiio fulbur'a inouey iu fitting for rue liar, wh a-ktd alter l,u viauiiua tioti bow be yol aloug. " O, well," taiJ be, "I iuiwt-n.il one qtitatiou rigbt." " Ah, indeed 1" said tlie oU rutlennin, with lookn of s-atishittiou at liia .ou t rcu liar auiaittieaa. "And what was ibat !" " Tbej a.-ked uu wLat a yui turn action bP." jcui in tiiiu oiii.; .Vi.,1 1011 in. ettertd it correctly, did. iuU ! " Ye. I toid tinm 1 did uot know." . n nine of loiec jrirs OI age, wbile ber fatber ei ,j;ged in family prayer, lecoimiig no doubt weary at tbt Itiiyib of tbv ex.-ici.it, and I.ii, pi!y re col it cling bow 11 always leriuiuauu, sudden ly ahoulcd oul " Auicl." Ai'.ur wailing a tucuiiiit or two m.d oL-eriii. tLal tui .iittti i in ll.cluai, rLu it j 1 .1. a with more . UiLar ie, " Allien." Jy li.ia tlL-j a akuila 111 ctet !l;g oier her la.'iier's cuuuleuauce ilJ Lotiui.g ibat l.e iitMtated a htlie and bt-trayid a u.utiiltet illoii to (locied wilb bia Ucvolioii, ibe j It u i nl . y added, " Fa, can't you aay il X li i. oetdieaa t lay ibut the layer wa muob aUoilcued. A fen day" .o, a urauger (topped Dear Bea lrou Worka; b look bia gau ili'u baud aud aiaiud tur bbtlby, tol- lowiu ii.c duces 01 Ma rituictrjsors, bop Ujj: tbat be In 1 j.lil bag a Ie buds, r ' Jome t ia 1 ii tlae.' Alter traitliiug awlalo be OaUie avroaa a rough iotkllig ' buffalo ' aorl ot fellow, and tue followibg dialogue en sued : Hew are you ?' ' How are you ?' aaya Buffalo. ' Have you any gnuie iu ti,ic parte ?' ' U, yen, plenty ou em.' 1 W bal toil ut gkUie ;' ' Well, most any ort ; but principally brag end jioker.' Mountain Ln'e. ' il'f,' eeid a victim of a jealous rib, one day, ' 1 intend 10 go lo camp wee ling on Ttuaday eitniiig, 10 ate tbe cauip break up." ' 1 think you won't replied .he. ' I'll go it 1 ee tit." ' You 11 act Jits if you do go." He did uot go probably en aecouot cf ram. " Madam," raid doctor to an old WaUam, io, " you Maud in uteu ol tun un aud I ill yuu have ibelu yuu eauuol gel , t j ofc. ioM againal baling a sou and bur, Lut, tuuat g.l a busbuna tnel. ' The military onbtiuncc lately adopted by Louisiana I cnicuiiuu waa itpuited by Mr. Taylor, ot il. Chaiita, aun ul tue lute 1'retiniBt laylor, auu one ol tbe muat able anil iflieient in. tuber, of the Couvestion ; aid its 1 a. sage wa advocated by him in a i-pu.'.Lul tuaiked abint. I' Ou a luitugo tree, untler waich Geo. - liave.oek 1. burned, a ruduiy cut piece of """"u- """""il . " acraicheu upu u: " Uu tuia ej.ot lie the liiMuius ol Oeiieiai Have.aen. May be 1. .1 ,,, 1 . " 1 1.,. 1. uu o, al mark, tha fcraVt! 0l ,u ht)t0 0, i,u,knuw. The battle of life, iu by far tha grea- tor nun. ber of cases, uia-t U'.tci.-aiily be fought up hill j aud to wiu 11 without auug- glu were peibaps, lo win it witboul honor. II ibere were no UllUcuillts, lucre wouiu 1. nn ........... . ,1' ...r. 1,, ,111111a m lrkgle ,ur be uotbtug to bo achieved, All experience of life, tervet to prove that the impeiliuieHla thrown in tbe way ef human auv.nceu.eut luay, for the most pari, il be oicicouiti by i,uiiy geod couuuet, uou mt est t.al, activity, p.-iacverauce aud above a.l, by a utlermiuea resolution to sutuiouut S uilbcullles, wud klauid up uiabluily agaiurl uii.-loriunc. Au aldirman was heaid the other day gelling ell the toilowinrf ipeeinmu of what Uiay be caileU ' corporation " logic : " All huinuu tbiDga aic h .now ; In 1 human tnitig, tberetore I ui hoi 10 w. It is oouteuipt lu.c 10 Ua uo.iotv, therefore I'll Half uiyaa.f a. full aa I'm able." The vanity of tboso di-tinctioue which maLiiuti price menu-elves will be eutbcieuliV at uaieul, il e causider the three piace. iu which all men must meei ou the same leiel al tbe loot ot the ero, iu tuc gtave, and at tbe judgment bar. A man, spiking ot a place out W. iu a lillt-r wuau he milts bume, aa that ll 1. a itfiecl Taiaui.-e, auu tbat luoull Uiosi an the lo.k.- have the fever-'b ag', el 11 a glial b.es.iiig, tor lt me omy eiciie inij lake. la. Liition, ou leiii,; owil was u.ad, tij .uu. uiiI Utad T Lei uj l I Lei.be." nor . leiti that Mr. 3 " V bat ' Laokflll it wai A fop who w a - nl .New lineal., pivj-rt" I rcei 1 1 el . ' O, ) uu u o.era of tbo loat, t siuk.' Aiuot.g the cui i.-r. tbe eiuaur, laael. 1. a ; U.teeu, la tbe outLllll 1 oi a, ho ha. a li jini eveu year: ol agt- lit peated dor fit of . r; jrliiijl down 10 o .uicua.-e a me waul,' ll tbe mud auu t e JisC ilt i... ail .1 end by ;. 1 I o t nil,, N. i cu and f a-l,bj:ird re ... iu.cta w.tb u lloU ol aa bol.' ...Uitll lwJ.oJ eeiieut lor )ouug i n. p.-ia, aud au aj j ul L . lie IK-1.1. I-'-.t iiltf llleOldel ' etnaii U lelef ' en to j:' ! u-to in io!. U at Oi I-' , ki uud IKU I ii . mJtber wouid i ,'.. three lo u.aae I;,,, oiled till. - IViim J

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