T(is,;iv :::::::: May 7, 1861 (rjrVo would suggest tbo propriety of j I billing Union Viayer rucctitijr, at least j llfe a week for tbe bcticnt of the ndier ,i our eouo'ry. j Co the Polls. pl0.t...ii)Vpr tlmt Mouly llio l.'Jth instant i I el iy of election of delegates in North j !. 1. to declare ...in ou tb. SiOth of I'mo'ina io e ,y her independent-, by tbo Convention, j l,i'ch i" 10 meet .t lUlfigh on that ever. -mora!il anniversary of our former free- i m:"' i :.Ar..nAn.,n I7,r ih. nurnosa of 1 l!jn , ., ,. , . 1 ..riinir them. Krery man. therefore,; reenioK ' ' ' tlm polls! nd vol. tor Judge wtorne . j u , Johnston, Han. ! - IT ,n. J. S. PieHton. : Plei"",. ' ui" o'clock at uigbt !) If , ,, - . ,.i so, then lias tour correspondent n.oet ip- T ia f) owing Is a synopsis of truly . ; . 6, . i i- j 1 nslly Uilud to comprehend the purpose and out and patnolio speech delivered at llleliB of ,ho ,Wa of Charlotte. The boy r,.;,,ir s Hall io Cbatlotte, N. 0., OB the . was tuCII ,)(,. before the Oapt, of the Po ,; ,,t of lie 'Jd iul., by lion. J. 3. Preslou . lice, who having reprimanded and lolemuly ( : The li.;:usiin(r and disorganii ' " him ner to b. caught in . siuii r , . .? i .l ii , ',r predicament, released him. Tbe scene , snum of socialism, said the Hon. gen ! , 1 . . "ii.1" ' o! yuur oorre.-pjndeut a next adventure was , m , n, underlie' all the diflicullies betreen , t ti,0 Kailroaii Hridge on ehurcb-street l ,.Nonbaod the 8outU, ah'obUav. gro.u j near tbo buuae of t'apps.. it wa 11 ,i;h if erowh and strengthened with it. I o'clock at night. '1 ba bright lihl of the , ... .i i ...;.j ,i ,:. 1 moou developed a colored indivtdaal an- .rri;th. until ihay brve arrived at their . ,.. r . . ... r ' ' ' , proaohuijj. lo tbe interrogatory. W bo goit f ant frightful magnitude and importance. , lbsro , WM rCf p,)udc,li Uick- Wbt ii is a fjl m ahicb ia utterly suhveriiive 1 if Uick uid not know tbat it was 11 'clock, ba n t cni'y of tho dictates of reon and re- ' evaded the (jiiur-tmu, and said, 1 have, jut : .;,, but of our common Uw, by which "-', ringing th. L.ll ; tut ,! civilizeJ nar.oin sr govern.-.. ' , ,. ,,v jears, an irreponi! lo majority at Nnrih, have enacted laws in violation of ,r Si'itli-ra Uights, too unjust and op f.rita lo ho tolerated. It is a part of ihe i miii if Svith Carolina, it is certainly a ,:t ef the reliiou of her polities, to re i 0; : reton, come whenee it may. :! ho hs. hern the fir-t lo rei-t and d fiim-e ti Northern ' V mdalism. , I'll Cjrolitia as the first to achieve her . i ies' v depMiOence wi'hout lieddinjr one f human blood. Never, Ihrou-bout ,1a oftiiAre I-,a there h- n a signal inst .ties of tl... int-rps.ition of ni- I'rovidence For I o fuceesive d ays i.l his in !i - r ! ton, I'm earth and the ... ' .1, Willi lha Oft retiejteil VO IK" Ot ,.!iisnce, and -.be tea-.eoe tiered with i i.itiii.ial biaie ol fl niie i-suiiig from ii:-ch-irie. Ten tbousittil molhers lis I I), a u 1 t n tujiswid in faun were , I by tho rur of arti!!-ry j and yet a-iiiU drop of bloid was api'.led. A . moon has tut wined miicc wa berged . n,ii to a'-i-l her ''outhern i-ter, who t rvly press. ' ; even s'mast unto detih. O si. our rntrealies, sh' tutnd a deaf liit is it now ! Virginia is no anited wiih ui in a Soutberu Ton rvy ; an-i hs a hundred lli'visand pa l tusdy to r(.l the !ii )tb r of the Tif-i Utl.l ,.ler nts rpurus tier 0 i: -., ar. ! her )a'.Unl e-na will ern'h heir heels the rnolern fjotba and I, wl il ah o.hlu ilellsiice, will .tiily etc. aim : " ."ia seaiper lyran Njiili t'aruliua io, is np.edily f. 1 her innipie. N irlh Carolina is a ' rious State, if we regard hr revolution- : y r miniscen.ea alone H it ake is gret, i-r aajriAuilneal, eommerci . "', tui, I will a id io her political and in- nine, who goes there I but hesnug UO an t "ict-ial resources. Diaiiiiui-hed, aio aw.r, 1 leveled n.y mu-ket and look de- a- .h. most justly ia. for h-r l.rg. number 1 ,, ,, i '.: ' fsir women and brave men. .My nen an.l irave men. .'.y i:d d r it, b . fore teu suns ebail have risen t ,ddse':ned there will be . foot of her M tbxt wi'il'l. protected .J defended b, . her brsvo soldier, ; and " The Uo,d Old .. , ,. . ' ... . . iNirth State will have united her destiny :.'.l. thstaf the Sou'.hcrtiSi terbood of Slates, N.rtb Caro.inians, kt ma urge aud entreat i , r i.- i . :. J u, by the memonee of Kin t V juntaiu, I'll rlotti and (iuiif .rd. Ily tt.e im m..ry of your aim, Ily i iur altars and ynur hna, llllle lur all the truu hert tisanes : Hi r i hi- ml Ih" Usl anue l ton i spues, I-ji I. ni and your liat.ln land." I'roclaiin to the conibiued forces of North e r n liiack llepubiicau arissors ; ' tt'rc.iiie with bjiiiK-ra.br mda ami h ws, Aa " the sgcrisaeu" mnt tlmr mortal Iocs." It' tburo be a man in North Carolina, who looks forward to a ncoii-struction, let him , . i j t . . . r.... stop where be is, and di-unsa forever from 1 ' bis mind, the dnlusivo idea. Ihere " much difference bit ween a tioblu cbivalric Suthi rner and a cotilempiblc woodeu nut- mr V.,,1.,,. a, there is between . noble winte man and Indian. Hathcr than this Noitbcru horde of liiack Republican iuva dcra shall desecrate, and fiually obtain po icssion of " Tbe Sunny S uth," let us raxe every dwelling, bum cvety spear of grass, ... i t... . t i... i r r,i..,. I,. - .. iui iuo last enueuuuiueu. . our graves." Not So. It sai reported io town last week that! tU foil iwing young men, member of "The' ''i.iilulle Grey," had deserted : Marshall Alexander, Mjnroo Kambatt, F. lloltiics, Jaintj 1. Orr aud Wm. Steele. Wc arc re- ! Tinted to say to ihe inquiring public that tiiose gentlemen were off on furlough. TerioUifHlH. TiieK.C. I'LANiitn. W. bav. received tiie May Dumber of thi. valuahl. work. 1' is published at Kaleigh, at $1 U0 per aa Hum, in advance. Nuriu Cakulima JotiiNAL ov Educa tion. Tbo April number ie on our table. 1'ublished at Urecusborougli it $1 (H) per lunula. Iuv.riably in advauce. 1'o.ton, April Wtl. Tbe Hoaton Commeroial Uulletin list of sre the busino.a changes givci aixteen failurea nd susuensiom in .Now lork, twelve in li.sturi, and nineteen in other places, being j lo.al of forty seven for tb. week. for tab n. c. wtiia Mm. I'mtress: Your corrcipondest hiv ing enrolled his Dime ob th lint of Tol'leers whose duty require lliooi to act, alternate 1;, as. patrol guard of the town of Char- lotte, whenever Dot i lied br Iba officar p- pointed for that purpoie, was oua of the number dclailcd for active service, on the night or the lllib ult. A .yuopsi. of hia experieuo. on that occasion, will embrace tbe subject of litis communication. While approaohing the corner of a lot on church- a)tret, in tba rar of Mr. 0. residence, T0"' correspondent beard aome one whist- '? V""'7 & full view of thn iudi- vidual was, aoon afterwards, obtained. To lbe j,,,,,.;,. Who goes theie ! The reply, J, K, was given. The next question was, has J. II. pass ! Answer, No sir, I could n"1 '' ' irentleman, vih. is my guardian. end who j'-nerullv gives me a pan. The hour . "... . , ? ... ' ., , I was thru 1U o ehek. (la tere : lion. Mayor ai(J Commissioners of ine. towu of Charlotte, ll' citizens a legal right to give a free col- jored hoy a written paa to po wherever be 1 B,or4 ,, ,u hour and half before thai time, ,e contradicted bis Cist statement, and id, I have beeu, lor a longtime tinoe j the ringing of the bell, talking witb one ot'the ruard. Ihe Lieutenant of' . P...iii-t(. u (...u5i-u. ia duiiu, auu ;:; He ll. Iheuloru could not ace bow to act lire to a i Noruiml's Store W S Norment, J. P., M M buildlL. Now, SO lur a the laot tLat Dick, Moore, Geo I. Campbell. is blind ia conccrned.tb,- exen- is not valid: , L':,n' l"'" '"" r McCoy, J. P., W A Sam , . ... . . , . ' pie, I lios M kerns. lor it is a well known fact tbal Dick M per- r tw.Tbs W Sparrow, J. P.. David A teetlr familiar vtiib every locality in ike Caldwell, D L Torrenee. tosnof (.'harlotte, and can jo there at mid- i flills B H (iarrison, J P., D F Diaon, W H i"e i'nv ngni oi oay , ata jai ue uaa lue clu"vc pi tnUtje ol guiu,; to any part( i.l nnr man .1 n. hn.ir ne all hnura buut , p.'fl ,B,MTer B, pjelf,.j. My experience inform! tne, that he is a . i. .... ! r... . i . '"'J imjiiai luaia.wi. a no 1.1.1, ui toio, ia oleaily apparent, that the lJoiie. I Keuiatiuns ol the loan of Charlotte bare nui yet reached that stnte of etbeiency and I perfection which is desirable' aud your cor- j ii-poudviil la induced lo malts ibis remark by Ilia ut.. -sritie ol Ike cvse, alone, without j tne ijjl.u ai inteiKiou ot imputing Manie, or j ctimiiie, io anyone. Ail the eitnana will. agree, that Unanotte iieer needed a vijjl- iaiit. ami an vtleiiire 1'ilios more than at the present nine; and that the neces-ity for ue n a totce, i ua.ly increasing, aub the alarii.iug and oininiuus impot t ol ihe limes, lu lenioid I rnporii Jii The fulioaing an-eciloi- winch was related to your correapurj. cieui ny a nirciiiij; ut imis eonuer wuo was i wo.ui.eu, ..,6erou.,y, on .ue o.oooy ueio ot II alrr!i)S uli ha du, allar llm fiiifluriflnca . . - - 4 . , jie .u.dote, wnl aiiliy illustrate lb. true idi-a ot a vigilant sentinel: It was .i I., . d an, b aud oold uxrhl. Ihe miat CiOlh"d tbe atmosphere in a leaden-colored loue.soiliiiitastobsuupebrtrablelobuuian (ll V i-loii, busjild tho U.-tai.i-a of ten yardi 1 uincovered ai nroauliiiig me, a remarkable ioiikiug pi rsiins,;e, domed lu a grey surtout, j and a ray slouched hat, appareully the' " ry genius el the mint. V bo jjua there ? ; said 1 j tul. reueitiii uo replj, 1 reiterated ' lua qucatiou; aud alter niquirio,; tbe third '' uin oie " tared these words: 1 am N apoieon, your .. i . , . ,, ., . h ,,,, .:,, i, h a h ...,, meuiiee tf l isiice, to moriow, on the I held ol i elerloo You are a bravu soldier; I ' ' lbc "u" ? ' "! """J Pe " J" ; d uj.ouywur.taudard, Vleel eu-nlenl that j ,i,t t-ieve.y and nobly disobarge your . uuiv to sour Oeucral, and to i'rauce. Ion are now promoted lo ihe rauk ot First Lieu- leoiul. in l oaipaUy .No. ti, w hero that otbe. r ' , . llm nlhcer. Kaily neit moiniu.', raid be, 1 rto.uud from luu hand, ot Napoleon, a spieDdid uiililary drees, correnpuudiog lo my rank aud a regular corlibuale of my ap pointment. In eouciiiUJU, 1 would euggest lo the authoiiliea ol tne lowu ol Charlotte, certainly iu no .iru oi UicUiion, that the luiendant, or tbe I'splau. of tne I'ohoe be luruiished with a hoise, that be may ride arouud, and vimi every ward lu person, at tal ouvo every hour, so tnat the Licutco uls of tacb ward may have it iu their pow- er lo coiu.nuuicaie iiocossary inlelliateucc ... ' , ,,,. t beg leave also, lo auggifcl lo tbe citixcna of Ujsrloi,(,l iat inuy orgauixe . Home (Juard,io hu cjuvpjsed ol none but resident citixi i.s ot Lbarioilc, aud none but those " re nv" 0r.o,':r '"'V fi" ol ago. 1 he uauie, " Home Uuards, Clear-, ly ludioaics ibeir duty. When the " Horn. Uuards " shall ha-e been lull orgauixed , the lu'eudaut and tbo l'olice will bave it i, ibeir power, wilU their as.nstauoo, to quell any sudden insurrection, or mob, which may alleuipt lo interrupt tbe peace aud barwouy . . 1 0, th, towQ- loura truly, I VlATOB. i Charlotte DRUG Store i' v v i: in 1 1 illso.N V i o. ltr',!,ui:: Aiue.i lull), Vsriiialies, Vs'indow MUttB L1IO I. ui penlii ing Fluiu, 1 at 11 lUU I t f ield and t. l, sc.-us, die Ac. d our liw.se mleud heieslter to - -- il! lur Cstii rsotice. T sllK en,,,,, oi l(H'M. tV I O. sud.it J. B. 1-. liHONia having be.n saaigmi tu us lor collection, in me indebud to either rlUM are ro-qm-aii.d lu make fci'l LEMEN I' elan EAKLV UAV. liL'KlllbU.N . bKOWN, Trusleta. May 7, IhM 6 31 Notice. IMIETAX 1. 1ST, for the year 1HI,0, ia now j my Imiioa, rrsdy lor inspee'. All persons a sled to inform uie of eny laasbiee i. AH TAX PAY ER! are re e lhen.eelvi.-e lo ineel their J iri jaX ES prouiptiy. V. W. UIU KII, ShtnJ. Art! If. Married, hy the Rev. A. Sinclair, in Charlotte. I on the evening of the 30lh April, 1861, Mr LKWIS S. WILLIAMS lu Mis DELIA B. WHITK. , Died n the 3Uth ult., in Lowndensboro, Ala. J W, SA DI.ER, sgod 4'J years, formerly ol York District, 8. ('.., but lor the last twenty. Hires ear, a, resident of Alubiima. iNKW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIlYUflODS FOR J TNTIt. further nnliee, ws will sail no 6'aods J on lime, after Tue.ua j 7ih May Inlil. Under aaialinf eireumsUaees, (the illalurbad condition of Ilia country, and the scarcity of money) we, in order to raise moi.ey to auawar home purpoaea, for the present, adopt The Cash System, ni shull b happy to supply nor frisada with M.-.da at low prices. BROWN, TATE & CO. Miy 7, 161. 3t jNotice. A N Kf.Kl TION will be opened ni held st i the Senral Kleclion Prsoinela ia Meckleo. bur eoiinly ua Monday tits 1 3i.li inst. for Two tsclef ales le represent, said County in a (omen, lion lo be held in Raleif h on the 'JOth of May. W. W. 0K1ER, Sheriff. May 4, 1P61. I'.l'4 lion ,A i tier. The frliuwinf named Magiatrates and Iuapee tnrs will hold an KleetHia at the Se'eral Klteliou Prec is in Mecklenburg count, for Two Dele- galea lo repretenl aaia County in Cnrventiun lo ''-ld ' Kaleigh or ihs SUth day of M-y, l6l. run 1 ... 3. Charlotte, W F Phifer, J P., Thas H Brem, u. i 1- l u m ii.., I p a i.. r:,,.. lUrrisbnrg. S W Calowell, J. P., James q w i, ji..u,. Haris. Win Maiwell.J. P,Wm B.iii.J-lm R Morris. Itaaa Arihnr Grior, J. P., J S Reid, Joba M McLeod. rrotidrnee Wm M Mathews. J. P., Joe E SampU, W N McKee. W. W.G3IER, Shtrif. May 7, 1861. It MILITARY NOTICE. V" ,j.Mm ilirnTt.TXX2Z.'Tm , , pKRSONS ,.,Alt,.E u do Military D.ty Sa .. : . . . ' annrr me p.'iwi so rs p " Sr.aion of ths la?gilsture et North Carolina for l60 '61 , srs earnestly requested toappcar a I their ''' " V weeaieairar. tne days harsinafur iiamsd, for the purpose ol fnrmiiig companies and selecting their oAteers, At Dinnias pril Morning Klar Prcv.tit-nca Shron ' Sti ele Creek Paw t.'reek 1 Bcrrymlle ' Long Creek ' I.inueje 1 lleweas ' .Mali. id Creek 1 (hurlotle 1 Crab ( rchard , " - .. m. Cemmanda ml fieVA Kegimmt A'. C. Mtiiti. M-t"" 17.'. : dirgsnixed e. d,o of our Mm,., system, snd of'th. further -j ,,,,.. w of f ttbigM,n " l.ss bean i.isu. gursled sgamai ua, we 'le.1 s.sored that thia sp. l to ths nnlilsry pride ot oar people will re eeive a hearly reapnnaa from the gallant and ehi. valroua spirite of the old county ol iMecklenbarg. An experienced onicer will be at rsch plsee el meeting for the purpose ef furnishing such in. fi. rotation aad rendering auih aaaielauee ss msy be ueceassry tw a complete organisation ef the several Companiee. April '23, i e?6 1 4if New Goods! New Goods!! ! SEW GOODS!!! i:OH.MOUSi LOW 1'KIChS. j PRICES ENORMOUS LOW. ! AT ' Rothschild's Clothing Houses, w If E nsDsetfully inform our friende snd W w cualninern. Hist we have received sad sre now reauy lo offer a very large supply of G O O I S consisting of; RhlADV MADE CLOTHING rod J1EN, YOUTHS, AND DOTS, one of the finest snd best stock ever offered. Uoods of the very latest stile, and prices that will sstonish everybody as the present time will allow as lo sell 50 per cent, lower than we ever done before. Gent's Furnishing Goods, we have a great vsriety, llillil M.W saaiaV-hV sn Mt iMe)t w haw bought very Isrgely snd at less! SU per cent, lower than usual. We there- tnrs do not hesitate tossy that we rsa out sell the most liberal minded Merchant la Waelera North Carolina. Boots and Shoes, - . , 1 si n.. ..J r.:i dren, including some of the eery finest Baltimore Manufactured Boots, Thanking our frieuds snd customers very kind, ly for their past patronage snd hoping a continu ance ef the same pledging oureelvee to give satis. faeHon In all who may favorua Willi avail. Rs. member if you wml tine Goods Ihe beet made Goods and cheeper than the chespest csll al J. Rolheehilde and Hro., No. 4 t.ranile Mow, one dour below tho office of the Adams Expreos, Co., aad 8 doore ebos-e Kere lintel. Bear io rniwd Ike oiilv Harraln IIoums in Cl.arlnlt. J. KOTUSCIHLD A WRO. Apil 11, Iff I. Ft TarjsCTKS Iiatest BJcws ! A LARGE STOCK OF DRT GOODS jaat rs. caived j S.Iacted ky one ( mur rirwi ia BALTIMORE. We hoofht tor Cssb at PA Mi: PBICLS, ana will adl lot C AMI very low. Our usual slues, ol Hardware, Hats, & Shoes, oa hand very cheap ; Bonnets and Mantilas, have been received. Giva as a call. JJKOWN, TATK CO. April 33. 161. 31 PRESERVE YOUR TEETH, A. W. ALEXANDER, SURGEOH DEETIST. OBADUATB Or Till BALT1M0RB DENTAL C'OLLBOI. IS FCLf.Y PREPARER TO DO AIX DEN TAL Work in the latest iniproted atylca, and will be st hieeflice two weeks in racn wianth it. ting from tho first Monday (of the month) sad will spproprisla tlis reataiadcrof his lime lo sll psrasiis desirinr work dona at their r'ideners. who will obligo him very Biueh ky addreain( him at I barteue. is. t.. IT AH. OKK WARKAn l t.l). 3ffir.e.,,'.o. """'Jaow, Up slau April 16. Ic6t. 3"' S500KU'A1!I)T W ltHEREAS, the recent tires in our midet . W sre evineuiiy me wora "i an mceaoiaty, 1 hereby, aa tulho'ited by Ihe Sord ol Cosninis - sioners of Ihe town of t'harlott , orT'-r s reward ot , FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for proof to the ",el ' " P""" ""."'f " i- - . -..- .. - ... and morning ol the 3lsi ol inia mom. W. A. OWENS, May.r. T. W. Dkwst, Town Clerk. April 3,1361. 1-tf Wilmington, ('harlot. e and Kullit-r-ford I! ail Hoad. m WLbTtK.N DIVleilON. ON and after Moadny Ihs 15th instant, tlis Psssonger snd Mad Train will be rua on this Knad daily (Sandsyssxcepted) ss lolluwsi GOl.NG WfcST. Laavn. Asaita. 7 00 A. M. Charlotte. 7 45 " Tuckaaegee, 7 43 A. M. 6 15 Breard, 10 " 8 40 " Bkarsn, 37 " Liaeolnua, 9 "0 " fcOlN'j KA0T. Laava. Aaa-va. II 00 A. M. Lineolatoa, 1 1 v3 " Miirsn, II 90 A. M. 1 1 JO Krevard, II 45 13 17 P.M. Tucaawgee, VI 15 P.M. Charlotte, I 00 - By .ri.r, V. A. McBKlC. Acliag Mssier af Transportation. Lineolaton, April 4, leal. ai-tf DRUG STORE GHAKLOTTE, H. . A Reliable House for Purei csssiiaw, aOanGS, &c, CHOICE ASU KLEGAST rEll FUME II IKS. ! II. X'.1 .no 'Proilll Rflicl.s.s. ' tlttir, asau uiiu .v-i.. a.ui.No of the Finest Quality. Wffi WJHLS Afi3 BMJs'Q'iSS ' For Medical Purposes!. OILS, Faints, FLUID. FINE WHITE KEROSENE. KEKOSENK LAMPS. April a i " j.gricutural Implements OF ALL KINDS, JljTKAW Cullers, Corn Shel lets, Pluws, lines. Shovels .Spades. Forks, Axea, Picks, Mat-n-cks. Grubbinf Hoes, Trsee Clisiua, VI agon t hsina. Ig Chains, Prunisg snd Hedge (Shears, rrauing and ituuuiug ivuiTea, i.r. dsn Hues and Rakes w.lh b.snctles i Grain Cra. diet; gram, grass I ". isrr eieythea. Bush iVooks, Wsgaa boxes ; .SjIWw ware, such ss pels, escns and lids.skillsts, spiders, stew-pans and ket. ties. Cauldrons from 3d to l'JU gallons each ; Iron snd brass Preserving KctUes, Sheep Sheers, fce., I at TA I LOH S Hard ware Prfot, fpviitt iht .Wsasien ease. 0ri?ii)qic of ihe Ictelrj of iiiHAT the valualeere heretofore enrolled for el, Patrol under the supervision et a com iniitee consisting ol K r. uariawi, e. A.ianm, S.A Harria and Win. J Valee.be Bow enrolled by tbo Board of Cemmiesiueors, as a Patrol lores for the Town of Charlotte, and that the same cemeaittes be eontinued by the Board of Commie, eioeera, sn. iavsstcd with tall power to divide ths Pslrol aff for nightly duty 1 and any porsoa fail, mg to do Patrol duly when detailed by aa id Com atiltee aad daly notified hy the Town Constats r other authorised persou, r fsiling to procure a eubetitute seeeplable lo the Captaia of the Patrol, .kali h. fined FIVE DOLLARS, le b. recovered as other fises snd peasltiea laid by the Town, sad in default ol Hie payuieni m. n, .i .... raeuruis- af the same, then and in tbat ease be imprisoned at Ihe discrslioa of lha Msyor. Passed April 7 In, A- O. IS61. r W. A. OVs ENS, Mayor. Taoa. W. Pswxsv, Tewn Clerk. April It, IBbl. II Hoofing Guttering 5 Job Work, aff-Fall kinds, promptly attended to al TATLOR'S r asta r .sfmsiew rvM The ivlarkrtft. COIKICTID BT OATHS ft WIMJAMH. I'll vnL')T'rE MAY 6, BACON, llama. aew lb.. " Sides lb... " llf rouao, lb.. ...II ...II ...IS .. 4 ..Ii "I no ic a If as i: 65 1 1 Shnalders lb.. "aftir,oany lice I , Duller Ileeawaa, tfeana tlreuov, Apple,. ' Peach,.. 'niton, 'olTee, Klo, Java,.,... Ik lb bushel.. ri -. rl lb -lb lb Klin lb ...tOu la, ... HJ ...IU ,..V'd l.i. I'uaillra, Ad Kperui., .... ..10 tallow lb Cora ..uhl I'hloKulla, .each Cloth, i;oppers yard - I.iuiiiaey, yard Eggs, 1i4en .... (lour '...bhl ...03 ..n, to ..I.. r, ...hi lie ...U'l (-.; .. lU (u .. Jjti t'l leathers, Ulrica, l.rern, .. Dry l.arrt, Mullou, Mackerel, lb Ib... lb lb lb ..bhl.N..a... ....Kilt ...i a ( ...Ui (a, - r . 14 . Il'l !. (I 13 IMI w ru 9u flosses, ti.O Sl W.I gal Meal I.u.l.rl Mullat( W liming ton j...hbl .Sails, Northern lb isvu llierit, lb. ; Osls, buahel .... lb ..-SO t ... 7 i, ...IKI ii ...Vi'll (, ...40 (. ...4 (. ...IS (, ...in (. ...to t Pnrk j pe ..bushel.... ta'oea, triah, bushel..,. Swaet... buahel.... Kie bushel.... lb Ih Il Sbck lb buahel.... , Sugar, Loal',,.. I Rrown, ol.me.Ware,. ....175 ( am ..." la, 'Hi ,..H' K 4. ...1311 If, ISA i'fl 1 yyi. .wl.'te,. red,.. .bushel.... Whiskey, N.irthorii gal... 1 . Csrolmu,...gs Wool, ( beat Ueorgia) washed,. .. " " " unwsshed. Vsrn bais RKMAKKS. ...27 ...U .. lot) COl. I'M HIA MAIihKT. f'ottlMBIA, Apill '-.'7, iPlil. COTTON. There has been bet liilm uK'snug l week, cunacuurnlly the sales light 1JH bi I. Kitrcmts 7alU,e. BA ON, hog round I5J (3) 13 IOKN, Hj (u, lid PEAS (I HI in, In) UAIh . u yr, ei t LOCK 4 (, 41 CHAKLKSTON MARKKT. rHisi.asTON April 19. IHCI. 1 Ths cnttnn msrUet un'inuaa qui. t. Ths Iran. 1 sscl.oas et ths day eiiiouutcu to !7'J b.ilee, nt Ulal3je, NaW OsLiiNs, April it). The sales of cotton to-day wim I bbU bali.,,,1 l:Jalji.. Freinla an American teaaeie uunieo al s ai.4 on hi.gi.ali ivaaeia (u. Sterling i-.xi nangt 4j l e. pieru. Mecklenburg IKON Works, it.iiti.or i i:, .y. . ; A LEX AN D iikTh I U LU ALL, j f Is ill; undersigned beg lesve to iaforin the eiti M. xens of I harlnlle and vninily aad I tie puh. ' lie generslly, ths I Ihcy have opened the sbova Ka. l.oiietinicui al ine lont ol trade slreel, adjoining Ike track wl the JWtli larolma Kail Road and . poaii John Wiikea' Steam Mills, anu arv prepar es la lurn.sh all kinds of MACHINEKY, at short notice aad en reasonable terms. STEAM EnGiNES Frnu. 6 to Ml Hurst fowtr. AND nLACKSi.TIl I 11' WORK ; or ALL KINDS. It 1 A I It S in their line ptomplly attended to. Their FOt'N llt Y is in lull operation, and Cast liegulaily twice a Week, Wednesdays snd Saturilars. They are prepared tu furnish sll kinds of VA ,os ,Hit' BB' tc - itCORDISa TO nSDIS. SAW AKD UKlbT HILL QEARIKG, GIN WHEELS, SAW Dl":T BL RAKKS, ANTl-FXICTION PLATKS AND HAI LS ma COTTON PI! ESSES. CAST lKUiN KAILLNli, 1 For Garden F.nclosuree, Dwelling Houses, Poaiie ' tJutldinge, Porticoes, Ceiuelry Lots, Ac. Their I i.mi.uia,vrs ' For cirrjing oo the bi,mnei in all its braitchrs, i hare been bELKCTED W ITH GKKAT t AH K, ! and aire provided with )) thd Ull'KOVKMEMS Required lo do their work in a riK r KATE ?t i.lHliK. I Agi-nts.for Dr E. O. Eluott, for Winler'i out Mulsy Saw Mill, which has lha advantagi. I s'onff Willi many olhers.of doniff ut leal twice an I inucii wurk,and doing it bellur, lliiin any other I Mill in use it can be run by Meant, Water or Horse Power. The Mulay may be seen at the I Miop st sny time, HKXllT ALEXAXDKR. MALCOLM McDOL'liALL. I N. B. Dirt Iron, Braas, Copper, oic., Ooug i.l or taken in trade. I OcLbtr 30 lbSO. 33tf Notice. A T the reaidence ol the Ule Brnjaruin Alex m. sndrr.on We.lnesoav the 24th'dav of April next, we will eell MX VALl'AUI.E NEGROES ; mostly young snd likely. Al.SO. Hursrs. Ctittlr. Sfirrv. Ilnun hi Kitchen furniture. A eredil of aix muiiihi bn given, tn in tercet. Js-MES WI ERY, I YkENUS ALEXANPEK. MsrehJW, 1861. Apli 3i Public Sale, a S A mil NIMH A OR al Jno. Iljrt7. oeeeis. , .a l .ii ..ll .n en. .1.. ii. n Tu.anaa iKa A j Brl, en , otuhe credit. 7'iro llockmcays, Three Top Buggies, Five Open liuggies. All hia household and Kit.-hen Furniture Vo. T. II. liREM, Adm'r. AprilS, 181. i I) if I' I.MI'OKTATIO.V. IMU r.lStl...sr.lIV'r.s . hy COCHlt.Avli BA 1'lyB,. I tr& P. a?S? ILirsrs. Cmflf. Sfirrv. I Inufi lionl and SKW SITPLYOP !Vatches,Jcwelrv,!SolidSilvcr AND Plated Ware, T HK ii bf ruber hat lttt-ly returned fr l?nive uiplv of ihc tnre urttrir. If m prrtu rp rtrifij iiiude dircedy trtmi the mnula('lurtr, he ik lhrre..re fubleil lu prll ut very ini.l hU vnnr on cnM and pflrnn tuny ret nurvi liuil II hie fhrlrii re warmntrd to be n ltt he rtp. reeritta tin m to b. WnlriTi Clncks carrfnMv tevuimi nnJ will reteiY) my pi raonn! etivtitiun. 11. W. HKCKW ITII. t-Ar 9. I ft-". :itt' Dr. E. II. Andrews Ot'I.II iiitorm ths puulie irn. E. -if kii'itt'U iii particular. imhI lie pruem-e o' UKM ISI'KV. ami ilia (Hi) M.. nil. has ma , be liund I ti is iircii:-rcit ll inncrt Artificial Trelh on ?'' (iold, Silver, ulcinile nr ( heopuitii: (.ruo.i-a, J- u.ilii.li 111., Y .'rrilcj ami till It'-U. aim liui.i, 64 . l in.AiiiaU.iiii or O. Ail.li. lal. lie i 1 io nert. mi an v .i r ti'n olmig mid neciJ i.nt .iy thai lit will I . ! "I" n- h K l. I .Ut I.l. 1 a,- ..I li. a I U 1 in, mi;- J llollon sre reejucsled In ei.me toward anu sstlli the same indulgence ejnn.it be j;iven and all persona Imviii!; viaims k-iiu.I . no 'i nomas J lli.ltnn's Kalalr Will prif.nl Hie a.ll.i; Wlllill. till lin e p.i.er.bed t v law r mia nutiee wilio'pi.ji in bur ot tin ii reenverv. K NVK. UU I'Cl'lNtiN, Lx ir. oj Tlltrj. J lloL loN. t'thmarv S. 11-1. STATU OK .NOl.'TU-CAWOUNA, CALllWH.L i OL'.M V, In I'timyTo .""' 1rm, I''!. I turpi- 1 r Nero G. Bradtnnl, J II. Pn.tl lllllld ISillllll .Mvlloli, Delenil.Hila. In liouity. W. J 4T bn.g mane lo app of the I ouri tiul u ..-ll..n, i a iinnn-iiiii.l . IK ni Una hi le ; ll l I , I,. ) I I ourt. in "I i .ntr nubiiahto in aU In I tenU.i.i. .-.ii.nil W. .Melton to ap,.et ai iiu if. linn ol Snil I ourt id l.Ully t. be Ih In lor il county ui l ..Idw. II. at in,- uiir Houm hi ... ontin'bih Momiay ami ti. 4in .inii.i.iy m d .n I. ill, linn an lln re to .r il, an s i-r ni n. iiur eomplainaiila iull. othi-rw u-e juugi mi i.l pi-, ee ! f.-s.so Wll. ue Ink. II J, .ii.-t Ml... W une. a W illiam M. I'ueti. Clerk u nil Mas! 1 ol S.HII court el huu it lur Ihe eounly et I .1 i well, the bin l..l,ny '..lli.r U.c 4th M 't.cy bi nli mber, iftiJ. V M I l Kl "!', f. M K. Pri-.t. J. N. IlLMKIl. COMMISfclthN .Mhiail.i.M liflUTill ColrcliU! iActlll. A. Ll. pro. lure ihipped prompt .ere fur my i mtrntiuli s.uin. hall lereivi taken in tin. pun N.,lf.. and Aeui.un put into niy ii..i. .rniiipt uiiu imineoi et.itn shail rtii m irniinn.i r CAoWuKt, Ftli. J. irtbl 4. Mi Tin: i tii'o:? ! i i ii(h:m; coryr pipek, S& WILL bo found al B.owt.'e flT. 4 LSL. Liyery St.ble in Ch.r.oil- on M fffr Mind,'a. 1'a.au.f .d W.u. "la- Wll. lNneay-..ai.u alMmrovs. Turn Uul, kii I nurau ay '. nea j ' und lur,: , . n every week during the aprti ; sc.m ii. II- n dark hay. Hit hi.iins )ii;li, and 5 sears o!.!. A f iiianift and pie irntttr. Terms f.15 In insure. flat lor tne ae.i WM M. ti HIKR, l N. HAKr, J. M. sriitiNO. Umrth 26. 1561. i - ...... !Tiir: (.A)IA. iloii.i: rS t' e n ic :n, nr.. I.l I'l ay nt Ihe above T rni I . lo UiUl tut icuHdn. WM. M. tlRIKK, M. N HA I.l, J. M. SIKONO. 6, 1HCI. i: M ill !i IS aiMilE V SHE subscriber. Willi a view l improve tne at.iea nt l.i r.i a m this scrtion, pureruned the rth-rira. led Mirgan Horse, Hl.At k ll.V K. and in tonus liio.e desiring supeimr dc.i alock,, that this Hi.ru em tw loui.0 at .1 ,hle. U mil' weal of Clisriotte, on -Mmi- S, Tuesdays ..no Wrdni a.la J a and at i.r rl,i. nf .M ii. Hen). Morrow on Ti.ursoaya, Frinays i ana ts-iturnays. i piilieuiars L.rgi A. hills. ti. liAVIPSON. Mirth 1, let.'. Out of Debt! Out of Danger. 1,1. persons. IN aim HIT of T.. Wll. ,.o Iiasa I... I attl.ro II" ,r aeiou'lls nu n. on Hie lal i.l J liuuy i'i.I, ..re unifsli. r... que.t. d to I Al.l, A I' llNt 1. ni l I'-.y n. i" or give t lis-; i r nnli s. SB we i m-Ui n. u.ei; tn e ...as. up last year's uu-ineas, snii pn i. r I Uo a j a ,i.i oul ui.' urring I IIS t. Is r i.naii an, ami tsvn M' IKE ti sn we have saio. W;i) N. T iTf. Ait' Chariulte, M iren IV, l.tul. -'t Tin and Japanned Ware. HV) li.-, ..r I A 1 Ll 'li , Moer 'irii I'm Hun ( iis-taili- tie llist',i At Ta)hr's Y'OC r.m lin.l li e i.-..t i-...i lery, lium and I' -i ... .1 ..ll I ssi.i-.--i. "i "i '" M GI.SS. of .ill ants and qu .li lie and American. Also, I', Hi' WUOHF.N W ARE, KKi)UH,dic I J ope ! . J.iin an ! I f III, II lu J cites, el ' ardu TAYL(K S Ml MM ("EI.EBRATFD SFIFSEAL al; rANi. ol .11 Ihe ij.rtere.il .,-.. at TAYLiiK S II., t o s . Usr '" H. .-il'l H an TO i asaav rr LA 'Tk -a. , JL Mi i b.... hi. I dar Vj? inka Aj 84 tvta & I SX-IOP, ! MARTY, and hones hy ,irici ,'....'" ,n ' Jilisi.i;s.s ,.i every V.X I0K () ,(J M TO OlJTAI.N A SlIAliKof ' iM;iii,K I'a i i;o..(;i;. ALL NEW WOliK WAP RANTED 13 "Vfl n k . ' m " H m ?mm Pnrt.eu ur utunlioii ti mv.. a-ij ui mK ra cf m 1 ' " 1 - It - lot .,1 ,soned BS. aJ .tfl Bat. iaii iie. an cull be hlurtei.4. Cllli;l.iSH!i... J"n- 15 J una j :i j .Notice I J,,r'OM "' .-Jan.,.r, e,t. ih.it 1 or ' -ui "I tilling , .. ,,,, ol Una 4r. in iff iii":i I ; licbtct to u .i r. e ., A ... t.,...c in. sun luy us wa . ' 'A 1 K i WILLIAMS. Dte. vj. I i- M. s i .... j 1 4r 'ii A in x ries, oOOjOOU Selu-i Friiii Trees A' t fcfc t-e :.!.. ... o:' the Southern i l.e pe..,.o nt liift' ri. Mules -! i .i ,r If jlh-r uiu Kr und god ' r Iruil cut. 1 1 '... n a tin ;ii i n, olio . f.-w n 1 1 1 ; r our .. . line ilnor, v mi-i.,,,,,,! by i ru u, mhi ihe : I Il'l r.i-111 ."will i i; l.. . -. I the i.l ' In I... J. I! r-u.t, in S ...I. lit. i (;nf... ii. ar," :u I A La 1 lilit ' is. A .MK.M'HNHALL. ,e..... in li. iiiSMiLLilUX. Ti.., ii'i i i-l.l.l...... .-i nl.s'.- ,v Co wis -v. li i. i 1 I.-. J .i.u .rv, l!-iil. .ii. , i i I...I.IM...- .V i -1 : 1 -.';. .ml tiny . , !-l il.'r ll v nil . ..1 ..! l.llnn lu bll. . I., t l mi -..ii. i .-..ii. I. r. Inlorc i.trnr. tr. it'.w l.i ti ItHir i.uu..-...- :r.t..i.a iiiiu cua. -Hit i: a, nr I :'i:.nty am i tt n . i.lh. to pr.n.pt piymg eu. -..mer. ... n. ..tin r nr.-a ani ,t. ; All po''. ii ine. nr li e .n: drm ol huiiinga, ' .p.'i.r. A t ' mot r.x..ta u.i ma..e in.. ; li.vcui lu h-jII lit. -'.s ,1 :s i!n.,..!il;' v neecasiiry 11, at t'.e '.usilieaS he n.ti ily ;ieo up. " A word n- tiir Hi-.!, la Millie, .-ni, ' Fib i'j I 0. . 17tf. ft -trz'vra s--. -- K 'i 1 1 HAiU)WARiwl.IUnVnK! A. A. II mTtAYLOR sT?F.SPLCTF!T.I.V in -rm. h-sfrtemlaand t!- Sk miotic c raliy. t .-t t ne is s.ide.1 lu ms extensive nt e- m' ilot's .ine X',,lr:!',Jt a large snd e, let- '"i. i' IIAIUIWAKE. eon Cart" tit. rs' '!'.. , Cireul.r, m'ti. era..- .!, !..., ..p:.'?.ianr.!. ee. nimj. trr :i.e-.i.-ni '.' e., .oiivss, wehl. and h.it.'iier A U S, Pr...-e. a ii.l !nl. Pen K " . sa. Is. Au.,G,inl.-t, H..m,..., H ' 1..I. ,,iid Af, lini-k, ol if ter.nr; ,-nil no nunc TU' ''v LI.S, Sin .l iters. S.-r. w .i ! , . S ni .e .ill .lies, Hn,, of nil k..,, - ;.(,.M;..n.-, Str.-I hi .lie I..-. 1 1 ,.n.i trr .-ft.j.r.j. S,vr,t t.cTV, C. ...I L ve... f:;,,r:t I., vi, Vi.iU. n, .M...- in.e ..i;.,.i;... -, and in fart rvervthi.if - nieet-jisi- v'V. n prest v-.ri.ty snd sl'v.ry'l. w ! ' TAYI.tlR'S f..r.iv.'are Store a.,u Tin , lv y'- e..."oaiie me M .. siou .us.-, l l..i....t., N C. Junr .!. I?.'.9. ;',r Blacksmilh Tools, I, Be ' l ' I' l" t il.''S. AlUlla. l.-ind SIlJ aAilV' ...iu- .....,.ra..ee.. 1 1 1 1. . sues, aWK'ri.p-SF...e. k...v...6e.ew.p;.u. SUCKS , uie.. Itlatk.m t I'.o--' ' rs I '!- K- ln'-h N.i, B-.r.x. ! " '- l"'"' ":'""r- i.l. 1. I'iin'ii.ii-'e Viatci'iiiN. O 'f S si. -S - As 'I'-. , . -, hiioi.s, t . ...I, :S. I..1- '. . .'. I ., :. N .i.. I I- 1 .-s. I ,1 ' I ,!'.', '.a',,,' 'li. sn. I ,,, (i...; h .... I - I I ; H. . lyre !, til' S I V ......ot I nl A A N AVI.'.'ii. , . ..i jse olire. i ... , i s: .t- h ue i '' - v ' .' 1 ';'". '.'.T'e e-.-'i'l. "'. ' t .rv w.ll fr:- t 'l' h l "l ' -" Wa.fS 3. l-.l. O r' k.. .v.. ii" ' "' tor the rem w,.i ot .W.e 'it: :l. t 11 m;-.!. .'. . -.1,11 I. I A I I . , , h. nea 1 y , .. .... X r h I.A