:(l"I!:i .... h ml .n I1KS WiFI.. , im) io ti-ii hi 111 on niich amoved 10 j f. . - I o c.'-ui to : . ' !,.: t : ' e 1 I I r .aid . I tuitnd his fr 'I till dinner Squiie urLed him to remaio. i- a f ti"i'ru utovidcr. proud , ,.l the 11- I..1 V; :.nii l.i- ccnitiUreiillv escorted I - frier. 1 ie a ct. A little lo the awr- j i i Uf f huh, ilicy saw tioihins on the board I l.-,t a hugu rh-h of salad, which the good :r begun quietly lo scrip up. My dear,' said the Squire, 'where are I: t meats !' ' I here are none to dny,' replied the lndy. 'Vo niciit' ! What in the tmme cf po ity ! The vegetables, ihcn ! Whydou t J ..1I hate the vegetable T' 'Yob didn't order C;.ttl's' ".'rrler! I didn't eidt r atij thing !' faid II e oinntol Sq jirc. 'Ycu foreot,' coolly :.! i red ihe hou.e r,!V. 'lacked tou what e should hare, Tli ai 1 you nid, IttiiH f nh),c !' Here it .' I Tho friend hurst ii.to a laujh, and she j S j'jire, after looking lurid abd luubrioua ' t inoiiient, joined him. i "Wife, I fiec it up. I out you one j 3Uro is the 6f'y dollars you wauled for 'lint ' t:.:;rt, uh'ch I denied you.' The Squint j failed over. 'Now, let's have "peaco oud j . .u:e dinner." 'i he pood woman rrck. ted the paper, ri:.j; the bell, and a sumptuous rc past of b.-li, ' poultry and vreUblra was brought in. I A lew days afterwards, the Squire re- I twalned working io the j;ari!en some lime J alter the usual tea hour. Ilia wife grew i inpatient of delay, and went to did him. Hi-eieure, when she atked what he wasj waiting for, threw her into a flutter of ex- j eiteinent. ; yume QHt't to come tofupper!' he ex-1 claimed. j W hy didn't you fell me ? I declare you j are the provokiogest ruin !' ! And without askirg which of his friends expected, ebe hastened to change her: cre.-s and slick up' her hair on the oc- ca-if-n. Thi doce, the caue out ard J fo ini the Squire aeatetl at tho table, read iu; bia newspaper. Wbtrc'f your con.pauy ! I hadn't auy ! eou pany.' 'hut you laid you expected some ! tody to auppcr !' exclaimed the indignant ' wife. I I Y-JU My Gear, I aid no such lb ked sue what I ft. waiting for, and I said. 2tt turnout to come to supper That i what I as waiting for, my dear. And 1 came at once.' 'And you hate made me go atd cbaLgc n dreas ! Ob 1 I 11 pay jou lor this.' 'No matter about it, uiy dear, 1 owed uu, reuiciober, for thai lettuce.' THE 3JRCKEN SWING. " I-"a;her, may I go and play to day wiih tl.c swing!'' a aid s Hitle hoy, junl as be t as f.ftiiojj ready to go out. " No, rny c'.ild, I. ol fo day," answered the father, " t nierro v .. em go " 1 o morrow it 1:1 icng lor ta im rr".i T,t chi d. V mle 1-aler, '.ihin I i lather had gone ; . .be ei.il.i, slat. -i.i- a: tl.e window, a ' . . ', f .. l .... . I . .. . 1 .. i i Mug hanging he- ra la tret at the hoitoiu of Ihe gar- " If I swing a little," l.e said to hiaisil. " rchody would know it I wiii only have j i t oue turn." i j he ran ii to the (rardei, and climbed ! ina the awing. Great is a. his joy lor a 1 - tuiuute, and ho could not Lelpery- i; ? Litweeu rath awing, "I wonder why fa'i.er said this ruorniug thai I uiusl i.ot " Aii at ot.ee rhe eord b r, .!: ! The child f., to the groji.d. .'lis ii.othcr, iemad, rat. o at w itti a servant ; th y litre ! linn up I'i'i cariied him i:.to tL.' I. a-e The poor llirie f-l o bad troken hi' aim l.i sonow tvi very bitter '.vIimi le saw b s mother' gnef; hu had, too, :o hear a pr- at deal of paio when do-.tor "net' I;,- nrni; but v. h it .eieii hiui u.j was tj . ; 1. 1 a father c.'tne Ujuic at tij'iit, bi.u ji p a. btautiful lope, q nic hi, intetid'd to f. e jre agajtut aceidct.t tho Lel ited n wi r.i that day ho had been obliged lo d .rilv'd of a pleasure thai had bicu.ti daujerous. D: a r eh id rt n, your pj rents a!o find tin in tch-'.J eoiiiciiu ll o'.li.ed to i. f hi- .. .jr re quest-. Hate ictlSlence iu their io. c ai d ia tli. ir i-doiu, witho'jt always seeking V know the wherefore of their retu-al. When you are oilier, y.ju vi ill ne that O'jr kind Heavenly Fati ir does the nuii w.tu in. 11a dens riot aiiiajs g'al.t us all We a-k, btcau-o Ho knows thai it wiil be burl! .il to u. 'Jiust, then, and win. grea- ter reason, Hu love and His wiK-m, when jou esiiool understand the motive of Hi de lugs wi;b you. ' Wo often ask for things which, if tiny Were grantee, would prove to us slut n,e awin was. to the lulio boy; and our il j. bedti r.ee i ture to prod ucc ' jly t itter fruit VuKAL AfctvTi A ling of the door beii, aud a simultaneous and uimsaily fu rioua bark of his dog, iufom,ed ihe licv Mr. T , one day, that a siraoger staoii ai bis door. He opened the doai biuise.!, ai,a gentlemen bowed and anil " i be Key. Mr. T , I pr a auie " Yes air." ' My name iJ Jonea, and I aui an etit of the Moral Reform Society, or a- ,11. arc pleased to call me a Moral Agent "Will y.u walk in, Mr. Jones ? ' sa;ii , tLe iiisapitlb.e I.'. 1 . leactag t;,o way " 1 nahk you, ur," said i,,e man, waia, ::g .li " i wav rather rojjiny fieted by ) our 'log here, ju-l cow, ami tin-re i a e. 1 t 1 1 passage ol eeripiure, hroiiier I , tkat I sh.il have to recoui mend to your al 1 Ji-ware of dij. tin, sir," .an! Mr To-1 r "'I ""ity. (.(' j ; irn. y through si ar y aLiI I i u'jf i ee. i , a w s. .. r 'ol ear, ii in I !.e t- j j:se ol lie 1 id .(,' rep.iid a bystander, -fl Ike a fyoi " I'eeause ! i-l,J tlil.lil SCJJllXll.jJ it. i join iu:.MtY wait, Snrsfon Dentist, (tiRADI'ATK IN MxniCINE AND DEhTllTXT.) OFFICE in Btawlrj'i Euildiiip, Lp Siairs, 0 pji ilc Krrr'i lliilrl, ' n tit 1.0 1 i l:. ,v c. CKC.ICAl, OIF.HATIONS. uch ... Lr.FT I'ALaIL, HAKK. I. II' .' I MoKS l mouth anil Jaw performed, j. K At '1 1 I! KS ni DISLOCAl IONS ( ilr in.i,4. Teeth filled with l-olli, SILVF.I!, TIN .r AMALGAM. AliTllCUAL '' t i l " 'ki l,,,-.,.".f,.!",';,,i.''r."i .mo i I'm. Til WASH constantly un liund. iLT T.eih Lilractoit. i U P KICKS MODL'KA'IE und all work done sati.iacinry to Hie putunt. iLr families waited n at ii.ii.- house. Li" A illicit of lvhlll'k Material ulwuy un li..n.i. 1 J UOl.V nnd SILVI'.K I'latc and Wire of sny Bnentiia lit:en f.ui. I'Oriiers Ir.mi adielance attended to promptly t i-W.rra il. IBtH). 4U' haj Ititte .Uitlu.tl riio lum ;;i t ' iiiian . si. Ill - I'H.Ml'AV ce-iitiwuea tutake riaks a nj, j.iini-t less li tile, on H'.UHS, UiHiil, ftu uuce, A.C., al uuui rales. U OiVhc al tlie L'ru Store o I" K. Njr Uutehi. k.i, & t o. orrirtns. ; A. C. STKKLK, j-resichnt. i C. UVkilMAN, Yke J'resiikitt. j K. N YK HUll'llISUN, Hec'ff. $ Ticmt. I DIUElTl'KS. i A. C. STKliLK, J. L. DROWN. ! M. P.. TAYLOR, S. T. WR1STON, C.ULRMAN. V. SUARU, I W.M. JOUNaTON. i Joun L Kuo, !'. JicAKB and S. T.! jNYHUTON, Ljrrutive (,wmUtrc "if i)r. II, j!. rrildiard " I Kl.l'lM.' i. toe solicitations' ii J ineoos, i.apeeliuily alllluU ti iiriiiinaiii.ii to risun.e li e ;--' ol ?! (IU-IIK-. Jj Tin- poor pri AiiguitSl. lc'ie chari; mi, WIKSLOW Aii .a:i!ei..e.i .Nurse -i i.Kii.ai. I'l.y.'i'i.n pre sil,t9 lo II. e ;..u i I.. 1. ol uiullieis, :.er SOOTH liMi SVIiir, I ta I Ittl ln.L..' I 1 jL'I l.l.a. W'lncli greatly f..tllllale tin by .-titnu.g ne gu..rruu. Min; hi iim.II.aii: D pi ud up. ii it.ii.uii.ers, it v I lit. LOW tl.S. .ii j;,e r.sl to yuur. lit I it f ..uJ litul:li 1 V ur li.rji.ts. e A.'. SAY. I.N lUMlbtMLAMi 1 l;l"l li o! it N l.VLU i: . lis A MSo I ; O k,FFLl 1 ll. i.e. i as. i. now a! in I !.'ik . p-r kSJ. 1 1 I AILI.D l.Nilrt.NeL : l l i. K u 'it-1. kun'l hl tu '' j.N..:.u'w. oisu,i-iai-liu:i ly any one Lomrary, all aro ue.ightcu ,u sisraa in teiuisot Cum. On l l.i .Iron. . .aicl itliel. ami Iiiii.iCjI tir. j.j,.. SS, s-aeuk Hi Un in itlir -IMIAl" t; i DO K.NO.V. ' Bll.r !n' ye. '' tlptlli III.', A.ND I ill M.kul It I.LI L I AJION I'lU I'llh t- II. r I I..VI l ,.N I OF VMl.Vi tv k. II t-KL DLL LA I.E. In n..oi ivory ui.uote winn Uw mui.i is aui. linn" ir.ni mm uu tan , ulnli, let. el will le i tu twi nun aiuir tnc ayrup '1 ,.. iaiu..t.ie preparation i tli c prescripiion ol ..i.i , i u. i- il. .1 LXI'LKILM LD -ou okli-f I.L M. U -L in New L.l.gl..I.e, .no has oteu ueu Willi N . i.ll FAlLIMs Ci 1SS iu l:ol s.l.NLs OF t AS.F.S. I' not on-y in., vi . n.s ei.iiu Iroiu p un, but m- ILU ii-'jim j.n It m,: ., hn'ii 1 allU uVeltol. i nieh. it n .on... vol i lone ami anerey to lui w no.c fj aUiiil ,1 ,n.l..n-..y ionic iu ihc Uils u.,il V liid Ul.e , t-it lui "; cnn.l.ii:i t:.. w.k ,., e'elttl. j ' ! IIIMI. j.jl.sr AND .-ll.-t.-I 1. 1. .vir.uk' i.t I i.b. i.Ol.I.D, in ail i . i l..-I..NIi:i,Y AND l.'lAi;l.lltr.A IN . UJLDUL.V wi.lii.t .1.,-s imiii iceiii.ng.or y to ivtry Ir.. .pi. .ml. DO N I hr.i L If ,0, NOU UlL I lilJLDKl-S tie ,11.1 tm 11 11 1 ..mi ...ur sull'iri, g rem I li. at w'ni be sLliL y , Ala. UL -to li .l .w ti e use 01 Ih.s me . ly u.iu. 1 ni, nir.-ft.oii ,-r usiug . I i...ali Ol Utah: l0LL i L ' , ',!'. t,,v ,4l..k i on tiie s. .in by ,, p..,.,.., .-,.b..t..e. N.n.eg.i.u. ..-un.es. the !.e.... ic ol I I !l"l 1 i KfcUklNs, Vora. 1- on toe .,111., e r..pp.-r. S. 1.1 by l)iu-a,-ls thloUhoUt the W irld. PlilM.lPAI. ( II H g, 11 CtliAK SlllkfcT, N. Y. J'lite oni; i'r ifnli j tr iMlit. l,r ..". ii. 1 i,..r.,.t.i, ty I. N;e Hun l.iioti Cj. and F. ".. Man., Hi ly liver mmsmm m a..-. , ..' ia tT", ' , T i :.. IKVf lt Df .llll.l r 1 KS. inHii..,ili rt . -.llr. : r.om (., i.lvr.K 1 . I.lerr t i n nj'ti 1 - ra 1. 0.. t ha M s.- II a.. H Kit i Ttir; .on Mill, a i GAT.iAiitic PILL -. II -a '.., il , . la r ,. lit- J i.' I '' - ,- I ", , e.li. r , :- !WI fi . ' U ..'. , -r 1 I'Kir ; -npii r: i Sir l.hi i l.i x ..m , 1 1. mi. i'i.,. . . ,.. . i., J . . 1 1 nr i. 3 15 Hi e.rt ss a ,' - i P. - -Alt i: i CO. Li !;' .V C0C11ME i SAMPLE DEALKHS IN. Hardware. Guns. Cutlery, Ac , be, tit Ihe Sign of the Golden Vail-Lock, Ol'LD respectfully iiivite the public to V cilli.n l examine their Stuck betbre pur-Ci'tniiie- elsewhere. LLC Older sulicilcd and promptly alii nded lo. lciii ci -c CUCIiltAaK & SAMl'LHi. July 10, ISi.O. 1 'lackMi.ilh's Tcols, ol lite f I'ri oj the GclJeti Tad-Lack, . wffc good aupply, consisting of An. Zfr J- '!! M--iWa(.S-jlw Boa Vicra; j&&. hand run aieiljje llnmiiiert ; Stock un Una ; Ti.nps, ruttrisses. Hasps, File, nnd a pin. a tui'ply ol Horse iN.illi, Horse and Mule Shot, at low prices. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. 'lYolslTccls! Tools! " ut lite ign oj the Gohltn Vad Lock, cf? A eood supply of Tools, eiiiiainl- 2y&-Jft iug ol circular, mill, cross.eot. 1,-non. llano, rpper, Baca anu twin, pis Saw ; bench and llluuldilK I'line ; I -1 ii : ti e, shinrln'ir. and broad llateliels; ilimiliier j bevel and teel Squares i lnawing Knives; ilrncca and l!,i .- Ahl.it. : llnnlel ; t lnssels: hnck ami pi termg Trowels; Screw Flat.; S.,w Sit; Ske Shaves; Files; Knap; FocketRule ; tiuagc Itoiis ; spirit and pocket Levels i Boring Ma. clinics, Alc, . COCHRANE & SAMPLE. ;giu-ullunil Iiiiileinenls, at tin Sign of the CI olden Pal Luck. laigo supply of the above, ! S. consisting of TUouipsun'e I cclcuraleu Fluugha; also, t'orn- ?3i&Si5 Shelhrs; Straw. Cutter ; Shov. els;Spailis; Hay and manure Forks; best east. ii.il Axes; 1'ieks, Mallocks, tsrublung II.k-s, ' Weeding Hoc, Trace l liams, laig Chain, Wagini I liains. (Jaroen Hoes, liakes, lle.iie Shears, L'ru. mi g and tuna. I. f knives, it., ic. ! COCHRANE i: SAMPLE. ! lurrhige Material?, I at the ttti u) the Coloen Vad-Lock, i . E. , lartfe Sl...k of ihe above, c.init. I-"' A. nig of Spring'. Axls.Ovil Iron, j liu ... lions, Riins. Biietr Poles. Bott Siia't, Spokes, F-tenl ami LnainelliJ Leallur, fcoam. ,-, nt ( i..t;i, Oi, iii,iit, 1 ..rri.igc Boils, Bras and Silver b-iiiils. Sliver Mouioing Laces, Tassels, Tuineu Sucks, Saii.ile anu Lining Sail". &C..&C. COCHRANE &l SAMPLE. A T the Sign of the GOLDEN PAD Lot K will be touud K w large II time a nd well ee- ! n, Pi.tola, lecttd Slock i FoWiier tl..sks, u d Amrriean wi i'oweer, fchot, .low (jijSL ; I'ut- : American Lou ; I bnglisli -rinall sleel. Blister steel, Plougll t. ei ; . Audi. all kind hen.p and r B-ai.u Bolting I'lulhs; Mill pike Hatiuocrs.Stotie Ualn. 1 .Mm I n. , D.iuiie and Siie.ii. Il'i.eks; aiso, a l.rge; . ol C.'.i.iees, Can "in kt .nila, L wrtalli Pm, ' I rc Coru ad Tas-. ia, c. COCHRANE i SAMPLE. MSIII.MilOTEL, bscnber takes iiiiasure in annoriicing ' 'I HE to 111 i frieinJs, and the pubUe geiH-rally, that nt has taken thi long eatablisherl anu well know n I) , 1. 1, and ha maueiviTy possible pnpar.i Imn to accii.inniiaic Hie business, travelling anil visiting p,,r t.i.ns of li.e public, in the most salisiattoiy nianner. Particular altinlmn ia paid to liia and every eonnort i provided in hi I.0031S. Ilia 8TABLI.S ire abun.lanlly auppiied ana !. tenuid by cri-iui o-tmrs; and to ail licoartniiiit liie pr .pro l.r gives Ins p. rsonal altention. A eoiiiio.'t.ib.e OMNI III''' run regular! j lo tlie dil on the arrival al Hie ear. V. i'l, there efforts lo p,ea sc. a liberal sliarc of he public p.lion ,ge 1 ft cuul.dei.lly s.ilicited. W.M. KUWZEK. A're;-r :5, H"9. 3if J.PHILLIPS HAVING located 111 l l.irlolle, rcspitllul I v aolii-ils a share ol public Jalrooage. A complete aisortaient jl I l.,tiik, I assilli. res anil Veslings always on hand. w hicli w ili be maue lo ur- Ui r at too alioiterl lo.lice, nftr the 1.1 test faalilun Shop lliree uiaira South 1 of the Mansion House. k'ultmi.er Ti. looiJ. JJll joiix s. VvTl i: v, UANirscnara tso luroa-rra or HAVANA SGAES, mi or sees in : tbacco, 1'Luff, Matches, P.-per, &c, t jiiSiJiOi .5. , 0. , ILKM LL il I 11 -if, ac, rukviauii) uu liiiud. Jaaaury.l, J jWi. iill" Z. li. JOHN. tiiumtl t oilicl ins Satit, ui u n law 11, err) loiiuljf, .li,i j.iiii:i, ' ILL .ttend i.roinpily .0 il,e col In: Lion ni all In) liditdti. r, Land Cum Lr'.Of.i ;itk,fi li ffTIPt- tt rt-a- LEX AH CLAIMS. WIIKAT WaVXi I I II K p anil, K '. ny will l..r nonce that nil be purchased al th. .Mill, i.t mark, t ri, e.. H i y 6ml it to iheii al tin. .Mill lii lorc ci,..ing a sal JOHN WILKra CO. auf Jut) 'J, I !.V V.I1'0 IK JIM!. I III. I. II lll III' 'I Ml. I'KIIW- I Piopi.eior will i.-riinnatc on the Vhtn ' II, I e auhscrihers will rrnl. lor a tin,, it', tliir popu: -I llolsl, to a man wlo Can ru n r, l. r, :., ii. (ni.ne ui.rr ntej upi'ty.) aa .loir tin.- ..wiiii. t i.l a win l.e ra. r.,l aa 0 oi Iract Irom I !iu re l.u I al oil which it ,br a. . IK. I Cla.S llt, ,.' , p.,irooaKe .l Ine II use is large and in. l.g. Prom :l. eu lral p.,iliori, and catah. 1 c.araeter c-..n,H it I'ui . i aacreasi. if nro. r.'jnn u -; .. I. Any luiiier nilrinatiou in ill bo i'iven hv ail.lieirli,.'. 1. G. X W. M WALTON. .".l-.rgani.,,.., N. C. fib M , lebl 4ai I', ,v,ler norns. Lea,. ; Frei.ei. a te : a 1 -fe stoc Cast .St!ti 1 Ti-'-j ' - A 1 ii vr A. AV.AI-UXAIMiK, uit a i: o.i d ;. tis r, FFKRS In icrTici.ii to the cili nrttf this au.l adhtihinir CoUll tiea in thn treatment fit" irregular.. J tic ol the teeth. Diseases of the mouth. I caw filled in oltilllul and satisfactory manner. Ar-, tificiul teeth inserted on Gold or 8i'er plate, also l. .a,. Il,,l,h..r ei,le.,t.if, d has. Tliie alvlc nfl W(rk mully ,iv,,igea0vfr the Swaged work. I u can he ue, ,plr lo me niouin witii icss im..., than the temped work it is also cheaper. It I I free from anv unpleasant ndnr or taate. J tluvni(( brrome-a;ent lor the Aniemun linrn Kubbcr eon. pan he will upply Ocntisis Willi of ncenpht to maiiuli.clure I'lnle and IJuin lor Arl.6cinl Tcelh nnd the Apparalu and Materml. Ilu will aln give inalractioii in the art on mod erate term. A lie i turct to do a travelling buir.ea per. son eenring wink done, ean be attended lo at their resilience, kr addieasing biiu at Tuoka. eese P. O., Mecklciibure Co., N. C, (J.- All work warranted. April 3. I860. 9lf ' The Corner DRUG Store, II AKLO I Ti;, X. c. K. XV K IIU'IC IIISOX & CO. TJ ta OL'I.D reswelfullv call the attentioii ut the f I public Hu n IniceaiiflcunipleteSliick now ! being opened for the Spring Traile, consisting ol j ArllcrV, Oil. Tu'ipenline, Burning Fluid, Ale DruBS. Medicines, f lieiuic.il, rcrium-ry, ra... j hoi, I'lirc Medical Winca and Uraoiiies, 1. 1 Tea, FieUI and CJaidm Seeds, ic, &c Jana.l 17. :bC0. 3tf HOWARD rtss(( lATlOX. iJfDF.l.lJIIA. A litmtolrut fnsisleli rtlulilithtd l.p tprcial En dovmtti. for tlx Htluftf Uit 6icAW UilifttU, cjltrttd aril Viiaien! f.pi.'aiie Oimtf.uHj tt.orcimttv Jar tkt I mrt Dittutf J l Otfuna. i mnfcDICALADVICEgifingrii,hylhe A'"' 1 ili ing Surgeon. loall whntpply by Irtter, w Hit . a description their condition, (, occupation, , habila nl Hl, &.o .) and in case ol ejtrcnie ro- ertv. Medicines lltinished free ol charge. V.s l.L'AI.LK KKI'OKTS on Spennutorrl oea. ' and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, ami on the NEW KLMf'.l'ltS eueloyed in tlit Dupcn. 'ary enl to the afflicted in etalcd letter envel. ' one, free i.l charge, l'wo ur three Sta sap for pos. tgc will be aceept ible. ! A.ldre.s. DR. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON. Ac. ! ting Surgeon. llowrd Asociation, No. 11 South -Niuili Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order i.l Hie AUGUST., Diacctor. j i UtO. FAIRCIIILU, Srrfrf I EZRA L. WK.4KTW ELL. PmiUt. ' Feb. 7. IWiO. ,4b-lY I ciii:itoKii: ki:.iii:iv. AN I'lNFAILIiVaCl RK FOR j C tiiuLa a 4 nil Ditrai of (be Irioutf Orja.a. j r B -HIS REMEDY cure when all other prepa. i ' JL ration fail. It i. entirely unlike every oth er ccHtpoun.l ; cm taiinning No jVIiNaaaL Polso or Nsi-saor Daeo; a it i prepare.! oleiy from I'i.')TS, tissa anu Leavaaanu ka been lianui u cown, fu.Hi one geoeratasu lo aiMrtlur, l,y the "nraoaai Isoisss It i ,rT, red to the public oa ' 111 oo inttinsic asrr.li. l per loin, lis duly jqui'k'y anrl ilioMDghly. The l uroaTCMra, t citlier sex w ill be repaid ky nsing this Hkmeov, in.i,. . ' i.l ir,nm I il.' nirl Va ( lhi M.rrrv ut ao.Iia y,i:,ik or Psohssor. Thi Baarpv alrike at the , very Reor of the Uiiae ; it Undeue i not tun. : ply to su.eit the poison, bet to Ittaova Tilt del mi which il depends full direct. I ,i pampl.iet form. accompany each bottle I he pee iiy an pcrmm-iii reii.i aBordeel ey si ttemiuy I IB 111 case- 01 . r. . j Tiar, FLtoa Ai.ai'..( W hitk in F.ALaa),and ail 1 Diseases of the Lrinary Organs, ha astonishc ! the nail seiei.lifio men of the age. Thi Remtdy 'not only eradicate all I'oiaoN from the Svsteh I bill l.sviooT Hie lin.sl delicate constitution, j Irlt :o Nor Arrae-r li Laeivu or l.iTia. rar w ith any l as 01 1'inMsa, or require any idevialion from Ihe usual aiel. Jfll n quires no siatanee from ether nieui I J. 'And what F.snaNcri ila VsLca, is the Ea. j viae Aasnsccot all Nnuiai U Tastk, being a I I'lst and DtLicioia Srair Pain tt rra B..vrLr, oa 'I lis ri Botti rs roa j. Pol l KU Sl .VLflW IN, Sole Proprietor-, St. Louis, Mo. Soldi a Charlotte, by Dr. F.Scarr. '. L Nye Hulcliison & Ciu " Co'uiobia, Fisher Sl lleinilsri. And ail Druggisiw in the ruunlry. Van Si hiack A Crieroli. ( liaih sloe, April 'a4, ISfcU -ly Wliuiosale Iealera. YKS YOU MAY USE OU RECOMMEND Ileimstrtet's Inimitable II AIll COIaOUl.NU! isd riaia it to ai P ERF I LA1K RE0AIVE, pmnioliug the aircnglh and growth ol Ihe Ha r, and g.vnig it all the beauty ul youth. Do yo-: doubt it I lU-ail! Wf.iil! i:ai! Scnaooa Laak, Km i I s, N. Y., i'V'.rwaiy l, IBa-fl. W. E llAOaw, Troy N. Y .. Vrmr btrr I Having used yuur Hair Culoring or llealoralive, and bill.g lliuu.i lea.,:0 With It, 1 lake pit aaull ; III making Hie following rtalem.lil: Prom the el. ' licls ol a very acvi re jt of sieklirss, when about In years of aj.c, my hair commenced turiimg grey , an i so continued lo grw outil it lasi' peijcctly J vttitr. In ii g Vi ry haish and coarrc. Lasldumuier I had riachte) my lif.y Ihirdyear, wlie.i 1 was in. j ,. u - i .i I y a friend lo p.ircnase two rwltlca of li.ii.i lint's U..ir liesloraiive prep, rid by you. 1 com . meni.tii uaiog It Kv-;as'-sg st..-sl...iia, sud in a 1 frw days a aurps- find that my hair trout 1 Hie roots outward waJ.trning back t. us original ! color. It so continued to grow until it was as tru 1 Iy brown and glos-y it wa in my youthlul day. . hni it ante fully rmortd t if original cotnr. I MY LA o LA. MAN. i Ltt'xCo ,. Myla Seaman came belire me ami ' was ii uly srvorn, anu sa tnat the above st.il. nicnl I is true, ii,,. hit. .lay ul February, lOoB. j JotL F. l ol l Lit, Juuxctoj Ihr. I'tacr. I Pirraroao, Vt., Aug. I, Jr-j7. 1 In r. ny certify, that my hair basing become ijuit-.- gr.,y, 1 usi.u lleiuiatrect'a Hair l'-strative, ' I (,.re, in o l,y V . K. Ilaokn, ol i'roy, N. Y.,) lor 't ,ur an k. ,.,i,,t my hair wa in Hint tune rc sion-d to ila , rig, rial color. 1 can fully reeoin. , nien-i the art.cie to be all il claims. I WM. KINGSLLy, Mr. V. K. Iliuis: 1 have used lleioislreet Hair Ileaiuratise lor ihree year, ou hive luund H u, Irs a lu.irt eaucilont articlu. Il nut uuiy re .""'leu ine cuior ur my nair, giving u new nie and slrelijili, but it cured Hit sell and Wile ol m most obstinate eri-qiion on the scalp, winch Hoiking termtd to bmrlil. 1 fully believe il to u tun oual article in use. Y ours firsprellully, kNOVV L'l ON HOW LA .) The ehove are but a few of the inane letirra ol rreoniuir - ii.ialoii which have been I. inlircrl lo il.r proprietor of II, n.i.lrerl's Itair Coloring o. He: lor - live. Il haa hern Wred bv thousand of ueoolr mil it nev.-r fails In rrsi.irc Ihe color ami growth oi toe hair. Tin singular efl'.-i I is not primueeu as w li. i, n is r, i... ,i ; pir it act up,... the iiatu ral scerstmiis ol .olonug mailer at Hi root., and 11,0. tflicls liv ,:iui'r. Ttit cnliir iiruiiurrd tt out i omnt'Tjtit, LhI tit maturol isf e ymlh, li dots hut color tl.e akin Pric; jile sn.l fl Oliver boille everywhere W. L. II ALAN .1 t ,,., I'loprith.r,. Tioy.N. V. Sold in I Inrlollr l.y Dr. F. Searr gists in the I'mt. ,i Sit.,:., Van S.oia on. I hard in, ii. M huh sale Agent. mid all Drug ek and (arier April it, iBti i j y IS 01 - '-fl -3 "9 60 2. o 2 7 JANUARY.. a 3 4 fi t R fl 111 11 Vi ' III 14 16 16 17 If lUj 20 'U HO 31 l-L'lllfl- iUV . 1 w - 3 4 a 0 7 8 9 10 II 1! 13 14 16 10 17 IS 1U 'JO 1 'i'i 23 '.'4 25 20 27 23 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8b 10 11 1J 13 14 15 10 17 Is 1U 211 21 22 23 25 20 v;7 28 2U 3d :1 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 11 IO 11 12 13 14 1 ") Hi 11 1U 20 11 Vi 23 24 25 20 27 28 2D 3U 12 3 4 6 U 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 10 17 18 iy 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 -8 2U 30 31 ... 1 MARC II.. APRIL MAY JLNE J 3 . 4 0 7 6 0 10 II 12 la 14 15 io n i' i3 v:4 25 1U '.II 21 22 20 -il 28 29 3 i . 1 2 7 a JULY... 3 4 5 0 10 11 li M 14 15 10 17 IS 18 2n 21 2i W3 24 25 HO 27 2-1 20 30 21 , 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 S 0 M 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 il 22 2:) 24 25 20 27 2-i 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 L'5 20 27 2-J 2U 3j . 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 I) 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 is l'l 20 21 22 W3 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 31 1 3 3 4 5 0 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10 2n 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 ii 20 30 .1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 II 12 1.1 1 I 15 16 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 V:5 26 27 2S 20 30 21 ' SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER... DECEMDER IS'&JELXlSrGr t a n 11 T' lUr I as Ml I.l Of ivcd a large and vari. & In for Spring and Sumrnar, winch f,,r 1 .beapnrs and ' Uealuir,caiiniit be s u r passed, consist leg in part of Black ai d e, lor.o ( LOl II, 1 Black DuL.-r.INS. I l lain, B atk and lancy ( AS'IMLUKJ, , 1-rench Drab D' l.'l L. Ham Black ami gi,..g Silk VtsTINliS, fancy L.m i, LMI.I.S, i and all oll.i r G.i.a brually I, nnil n. first claa ' Taiurii.g Lrlabii.bmcl.l A.iol siiil, will be made lo onlcr or ao.d by the yaru ol. aicoii.inoda. tw.g tetins. ' J. S. PHILLIPS. I In rein, , , loll.', lol II g my thanks to tl! ..I) kind ana lib. O Mil I. II' . 1 W. U.O I'l. in n i p.tr.. ,f Char, 't' '"ey i SI.IC ol 1..0 iai,.i i cers vi. li unit, lu a I,.., will, II a .o.l.l W HI be birl.y , eaerulia. April I 7 Wm j. Keir, .1 T TOJC. L 1 A T L A fl I . ( II tUI.IH I I., . i .. IEa ILLpratlu r III U TV Li.rf.n east ttaba J.J' tlll.ie in the li; rlsol .M, ekh iiliiirj Bu npnoaile n4. I"hi. .. I . ti. I. eltf Ska, ( ., tl I I- CO .1 it-.i-I c of I'AvLUoU, . . l.i 1. 1 , i ii.uii.wirr., a. c. ,n, loui lo a, li, ..i.p.l h. -til' la A.! 4snl 17, ai.Uii.oiJi. uoii;L, ! II-bV is CLIti PSty j CU.iUI.O I I I , N. t . , T9 Vflf. I'topnetor ol tin II, del ia : .11. slill at hit post ri.iuy I,, lul. ti, the dutieani " nunc hosi" to the travelling public and others w hu may tall uu him, and lie flatti-r l.iiosell that a ' ceiulorlabhs q iirl.rs can be louud with him ny wl.tr iu tins vicinity. Being titual. n near- j Iy in the centre of Co., riot le. Bo. mess Men will find tin Hotel a moat con v, hit n t and u, siral.ie ! location. He has been engaged III li e business at tin aland nearly eighteen years, und its that time he haa made several addition to ins former j house, nnd it hut been g really eolu rged anil nil- ! proved, preaeiiting in front a Iwo .lory VLIIANDA I ,00 feel in loin; tit he M fiat in w id III, li.,n,:olll, I . shaded by tree on the sidewalk, ut'ording a pica. tant prnmrn. le all hours ol the day. The House naa been thoroughly lu. iiisbed thro', out, and in every part of it creature comf,.rla are ; abundant and tangible. e apecially in ilia DIN IM; ' KOO.M, where the "inner man" i. "renewed" i d ,y by day. Coiinecij.c! Willi thi. Hotel ere Stnbles afTording i room for 100 horswe, .bnndintly furnished with) gram anu pruvenuer, attended ny laithiul anu o. rtiiging mrstiers, . .I , ,.r,,e,. .. c, u. oi iiiai wiin ins .ong eapcrience and many new advantagca added to his and the " real of ni.iukinil," as many comforls anil as much good tlinr a wall be found anywhere, pcrhaii a litilc more o. IT At any rale Tr Ilu f'li.ir!, ate H,,lcl. . Jl. KEKR Oclul.tr 19, Diih. -jju Superior S'rniit M.iolii.ies, of Ihe .Si n of Ihe. CMrn 'td Lo k COCHRANE L SAMPLE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (ciianoi or pnOPRlETortB.) BKO VI) RTIIEUT M:W III.N, W. C JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. reMlF. IWcrngiicd respectfully announce to X the traveil.ng public, lhl be ha lak... .7" r,i, l,l ami nonulor eatablisbmeiit, und is now prepared to ace.il odate traveler. lid prt- te lamilie. with boaru by the da, or month, on the most acciiiieoilatiiig I. I Mia. lli.TAKI LO will lway. be luinished with the beat provi....!.. thallmiiie end loraign n.arktla can flThe' Vtillll'4!M ' ''a. large r.H,n,.,i. neurer the n. pol.lhc courl bouse, and the bun... lreel. tbaD any ether in the cUV. An Cmn.lii will alway ue at nie ueP... unr.,u. the arrival of the cats and ateamboal, to convey r...engtr t.. the Hotel Iree of charge. i lining ,Uo a large and comniodino. Stable, 3:nd an eicellenl t.ller, ne fully urepared to board horses by tho day uk or muull. at the moat reasonable rate, JOHN. F. JONES. 5 III' Natch i. ms. SAIKS, Art liil t ' llnili it - a - II I. Inrnish llesiKiis. Thins and Drawing h.r Public Biiiluines. I'nvalc Hesnlei.ci and Villa. Particular alt. iiti.m will be paid tu builoing Flouring Mill.,Corn Mill. 4c. Ornta u .1,1 siory ni ninomu over China Hull. OclaW 26. 15M il Keinuval. "!! Y F mie nd Cuslnniei ere respeelfully if i ml., mm: thai I hake niui,ta my 1 Buck liuil. ii f, 3.1 dior Iron, the ci Tryoii sl.cit, wh.re he ill be pleated S. T. W1USTON. .i.f Janeery 31. Ir-Tili. i 'i -. hiv lll f i-'iial alt iiitivi .i ...... -U esirait i.u.d ;tii o:h.l i .itive jxiii. r in i..r th,: lU -.i. . . It U h. h d I by tiias.- U hu iIn ana tl.Jt mil- : I..- r.!!'.' .jV-.f.-'i ti. eu ' ""- "-il.t p.ovj 'us l.ir. ehi.i of o ir II nv cmiplct- ly thn b.vu piovjn by exp -r-oi .: ose. tu bv- fuiuid III ! jf th.- an'u S. n-ir-euii s Covt!. mnt. is. ,'.vu r.m-rrivc IIucimi, Vlcers, . ItworeMi.s I'dtoua, Silt Hull 4, il. in. Mr.iu.is a:.u Svi-uii.iTtc Ar s.. Mft.-i .-ii! ii. Mi. i i-e.. !)m.i-sv, Nti ok I'o- D i i. :i ' X. ilruit.irr, Dvi-i-.-i iinii i: -ri , .-, K.tv.ii-i i., It.i.s V .tu'.mv'v 1'iuii, n i l oi I -d th? Rholff i j ii,.h;t.u mi inf fia.u luetmr 111 lie fo'tn 1 11 m j,ro n tak -ii in th? spring tu .r whi. Ii f -.t r in tlu f rhf y ir. Ily th?tiiu m,-.ii v 1. inkling thvird rs 1 I. 'M,i...f.id-s e.vn. I,y I of tl in tV- hi I. .j, Miir.K-, . : of iovj' II Jl Wi,,dl tli 1 .re tlaim Iv a fni n ,1:10ns un 1 ui-i-iOUS sv .! iii wi.l strive to .on-, if mi' a.-i.t.d tu i',.j 'ui ii rb inn -I. .if th- bo.lv brill.-. I I an oili tho 'in y in lia 1 it. uiipuritiv s..ii 1:1 jii,ii,ilt a. ciujitioas, v'i. 1 j n furl c 1, l ,h in i'i v -ins ; el mo it iv .1 v.ntr f l.ii's will t II li, inr wuiu-ular .hsind r r b-tt r h -nltli. n.ul live ; tii.- I 1, v.-1. h - p li,? all it m il ; hut with this nl r - L th r emi b nei .1 -In; l fs 1 L'.vn ' 'l ',' In (hi: 1 1 tl, l,,.i..,l ,, of . n.wh. rS. emii. Hot d-e-iv d hv . - ti.- .lui; i. .. .. I i. ai.J li.t ii I i . a tl -.- Lu'ii l 11. riiLr.iir py 3. A i' kl Fl Ct C I f AVl.I.I,. M .' . Price, j,ly.r.;otl'i Sii ii'. Aycr's Cherry Pcci: i'l the treat Ion, d f n tli"ir i prin. i; h I rant me Ue.l i inir it. Ail our rein. , there i i are fm fij For aale by E. NVE IILTCIJISON k CO. V. MIAUK A C.. ( 'harlUtr, HAVILANH, STEVENSONi CO., ('hnrlrnlon, ,N. O, Fruit and Tree ISlore. T IIK auhsenlwr has ofnrd nut ne l innr a. taiv llyrrly'. Tin-Miop, m Ihe Mansion House Buililii, II keen on hnml a well sc. , ,oc,,d ,irk . y ... pe Vioca, Kvcr- , iri-rsi nn,l Sluul.lu rv. A c. A rruii ol van ( . kinds Apple, Or:,uK s. Lemon, Pine Ap- E W LYLES. 3H.lf I ' i,.rr - nlier l, IHfifl. .Notice;. K1 A I.t, prraoiia imlcbied to the rsliilr i,f Andrew j Kprines, dee'd , w.ll make iiumediuii. p y. meiit; and all penon. haviiig clitima agsinst .,j, eslatc, will pii-seni them duly iiutlieiilicaieil, in the time pre.eribed by law. or this notice will be pltad III bar of their . cover? T. H. liUKMazV. Oolot-tr Ju.lBOO ,TJtf . r.ir i. his w. , f r i: ' .1 !l . I ,.,i (. l', e- r: ry , i. -v nf I t.i i . I t ii i . i .in.- y ii..- . - ', i I ,, . i , i ci. I .i-.T ii ... . i .. . -. i. , 1 I..,- !-!-; ! -Jji'J' ' ' ' "' '.-.;, ' ' . ' - ".''""' ' 1 it i .. ,',,.. , "I i -ii . ' ; i- i i i do f r ,li o- i I .' a I i. I. . . . .-.M n.iii.,1 to via. AyS: C.w.s.'.kic Piib, fo '. . -, -. 1 , - , .-. ' .' '11, ' , lf- ; ..'.J-.., ! b ...-n r '. l. ,-r -..,.h, . l ,, ,, 1 r; V nil f.ir .',.., i, ir, - , , l, , ,', ,V- -. ', , ti, a L-cr 1:1'. r.'i!- ,-..,. , ,.'. 'Ih-y "'- - r I. , ...t i t , til-. , ., I l. Ill- I I , ,.,-lv. I I',", S, : he.! ape i i nl in the no. 1,1 for ..li toe p ,iim- . of .. f -iy i''.y"-. P.i-.i ij cc:i'.j pr.- T'j-. : Tin hi- -j ,'cr ,'.1 03. (ir(-:itii'niir-,f''l ': -.i.n, Pli- ,i ...-.s '- iu e. -i.t p.. ... I.-.I r n i '. 1 1 .ci'. M... m: , r II- -" I i:.rf.......,..riti,-.r Mrw-rll'Minf 111. m. I-- .V ' I . .'" J'.'.-'li (.'". sr.-lf."..-n';'' w-yi'-iLo iall li. .' . ,.,.'-'.., II OUT. II. COWtv, CMENKUAL commission mkiiuiANt UJ' Otnce, Boulli Comer Market and Vi ', 1 uplaw. Oe 6sr 11. 1859. 3l(f OiNLY r'JiEPAKATIOJ iuvino raours so air.oMi aid i.iht Jtl EXl'KL THE J)OUj$'J,s For Slate.niiii, Jneyis, tditor, I'l,i, Ibr ol.esl .be.ilsas well MHt,,,,,;"! quulifi.d aalictioii. i.nd liciiinmio it for ,; ol t-iuptioiis, and .lisease ol the enlp u,,u but all who have used it, unite m li ini in, it will preaene the hair liom I "(! nr.), from lulling to any ate, us well aa r.st the lulluwing '. Oak lirove.S. C. June 24H, ii ,. I I'aor. O. J. Wood : Dear Sir : Your II , i." ' torativv i rapiuly gaining popular. ty in n,,, "'" inunily, 1 have hail oecismn to u, , '"' 'nde,iiiid give your l.uir Kestoint,,,. , 1 ""' ' lest : 1 1(1 i During the year ISS4. 1 wa an unlnun In be throw li Ironi my sulky ugun.i 4 f" the loadsnie, Ironi which my brail i,i, r" tirnhlc blow causing a vnal iit , "'.l.ii.., w l'.ieh coniinuoi. t ii tu lb s ..i n. i.. u.i i , .ff... . " '.' "lr,M lsir vum linallr ilistr, Till out 1 1 , i ,!i, () ie ,llB ,111(C fi(1( 1,1,ril'"" .., dropping, li.iw.vcr. up I" ine time ..f n, ' I peatuncc, I (inployeii every thn.,. r(11)(, ,,l l.etntf a moll ,.ulial Ida., n, t . I .l.i.oulil ii oiU-rtaml Hie- III., nsim. . .'i " ' 41 I but was tonally tleleateU 111 e.cry fi,,r., 'iplil . ii These and mi "Iher circninsti.nr, i,,,,..., f J u.or. ... woriby IJ,.,r II ," 1 """Hi I have eviry lea...., t brlu-ve, ,r..,i.,r. th 'ecor i, J, , .' ""'n .i, : happy rcaull t Iwo .. lol ,ad ,,.,( , ,., y"-t i..,t we ,,i. ii., aser saw , h.r w l.i. I. 1 cirtamly sincere thanks. R.-sl s-Min.i 1 recnnimemi your leineily l all hii,Ui. over. I hall use my mfluince, w l.n, J a mi s. If to say, is not a lillli-. ' You cm publish this if yo tlimK pr,.r Your., ery r.s...-t,1,i,i M.J WliH.ni , n UTneoflhc JifTirsonN.,, v, I've. ollt h Ikiar Sir il feel it my ouii a , 1 , plea.uie, to stale to you li e ,., ri ! alner, w Inch y ou en use as y. u Inii.k" ,,,., A gentleman of ll.is place, (a y,i ,1 ,,, u b Id eser sinci- his ea.ly y.iutii ; PU i,,,uj, ( ' he a en tip. Hi il I.. Wi ar a Wif llr . ,. je.il 10 use a is. Hie ..I your "Hair C1.1,,;.. , . a huh he llki li (try loui II ; aim .it,, u , , two . r ilnee l,Uh e his hair grew i. ut l.m. w I a:l he now has a lianilrolni l.t-a.i ,. ,,,, fnth mal.'a l.aine la Braith.rd, rn.. a l,r fl I well known in nur adjinroitg e,iQi,iir,, hl)l T , s.,l can testily lo tin- IiiiIh ol ai.t, m. i, , i jit lo vou at ll.r nquisl of Mr. llr .,,, ' lean sell a gre.l .hai ..I y..urll.ir Kr.i..r,i. j Ilu . lid liie a.tjOlliilig c.ioi.l.rs it ym li.r? i projar agent.. Yours, Ac, I HOMPSO.N S( IK.HMir, I I. Wimdi Dear .Sir: Pnisol ir.r iiiii.,,,, I ol l.gi.in.i.s I am uiti-.r lor the . i.i,re ir. t,, of 11, y ba.r to us orit.r,.,! e.., 1 ; l. ul n.c 1 1,., I my arntal in ll.r Cm lid SI , I, n r.,j, , ; eoniii.g gray, l,..l .uo,, i,e ,; c. , , - II ur I!. .i.,ful,vj ' 11 s...m r,c.,i. t, ,. ,,, ,,. ' bus I IClisnlrr yejr li.-rta.ra I c a r ici , .1. '.'ui inn I1I10I1, qu.U 1 llicaro.ui a'. ,1 . . able. S. I IIM.,l.!ti," The Krstorstive :a put up in boiiirs f 3 . ; viat large, mriiiuii. ami so,. I ; 11,. .,,,.,1 , a pint, and i.l .na lor oue dollar pti b.,11 , , me.iiuni holit. al Icarl iwcntv srr c.ni n,-'f pr,,si,rtion lh..a the in-H. rn.u, 1.1 l . , . hot I e ; llit- la, ye Ho ds a quart, I..1I1 s r . more in or..r.r n..n anu reuiia lor y.i a Is.a O.J WOOD 11. Propr eiors.-lHllr , . , New York, and IM Mar'.et S1..S1 y.,..M s.,1,1 by all frol Druggislaanst I-,nr v I, I. cis sad 111 harlot te toy St. ALU 4. I I). July 3. 1 "--,11. .'i 3:ii E. R. STOKES' Hook llindi!! Iiablbl.,1,1!,!, Itti Dmif lUir Eiiiit.k Imi. m ,,a U.,.- IU, la r..r .( V. . li Mault , t ( hill. ll.l.. t tl.l .Mill I, , Tin Fi -blirl nent i t Ii.s.li(. -1,1 sllll i.e. I li- let BI.A.NK I Al l II .1 'I FIJI AL.H. I sin .1 ..li I, ,i,i d. rs in my !ir, rnu at li.e suite,. I p..,.,s.,. My LINIil I.: r..., I.. , .,.. i .11 ibi.li l I. II sine I...1 I., I I A N k I Onh-. -. .! ... I. . . I I, INI l-.li txolih.-, I il i ill all rai s. g-it, I n tire ss 1 1 H.ANk I t t hs. .!.,( I.ik.'l.- .... l.i .sir la.t I I. I. tir", . Hook 1... Ill I nd P. gii ... ail l,( I f D aid II I NL to. ; I ll.r ..y L-.rl ll.ai.n.r. .1 SO,,llll si,, i L in a. o wl en rrqnu.U I' 1. 1. VI I I) Wul.hs. II. . k., I. II. . ll.l, r... .1 I. Ir. v t I r ol It I i ,: r li.tn I., boll rni oi n I ' vmiiy oi wit Ir. .ir,ii-ra will la- execoten Willi i!iH w a can hi done .1. where. K. 11. sr'-KK.-5 17. IM.il. 4.1 . 1 B... k ' ev.rv l: aii thin u-( vr.ni im r. uttial 1 Hi lL!,iri.i L(:ii m I n i h a 1. 1 n.i. , (!'"' I -.mpaliy lli.ur.s III Im. l i M -i. i..r ....r year, a I. in, i, y r., ... Miilu.l I'm pie, II. p.. tu g III. of tin- W th- t I sllll' till n - ni f u it. ll.l ,y h : given for one. hull tit,- iiiii,.in,t . i . I pre ii 'i, , je uii.g interest al ti per cent. ,l ,nty. ic nroinl't manlier III which l ,,nri h ' paid by this company, togullier will, li ' ul premium, prcst i.l great iiiuuceii.inn I rale fi ..- are iii. ore,, ,,r term of Iro e yi-ats, lor lW" linrn then talite. All los.es are pa i.l within UU day a lory prooi is prcseub... Ml. f t KlliS. I I hurles K. Ji.l.i.sl..!,, W it . II J.to. llol.t.i,. . D I ... k., J. I.. V , i . ... , Hosi..,. la e L.i. I..., P. r. I, I II .l k... k. I . Il.it. e, I h.rl,. I. I I l owi-, Biel.'o II. II , UIHH.I. ' Dr. I harler L. J.thit.oii.Prusi.lrlil I W. VV . Ilolneii, Vice PreBidi u t . II. II. Baltic, s, ( ii l.i r jy . IViin .iii II. Joi.cs, i'reaaurrl. II. W. Ilu. led. Attorney. llr. Will. II. Mehee, M,, Ileal C.I liVeculie Cematite. g. liusb.c Kee. Clisries B. Knot. I McUieul livid of luntullnluio.- ' Joluison, M. D., Will . M I Vt. II. V' llich'd II. Hayw.ntd. M. D., Fur further information, the pul red to tin pamphlet. and lorn., ol pr,, limy ne obtain, d at Ihe Ollice ol H ur any of ila Agencies. Coiiimunic aiion whnuld be audi ed, (l P""l "" II. II. HATTLK, titrrrtary. S,ptrmi.,r.HSmi. f'-a's'f .- rf'ikJ'is.V 'A '; mi. ?H:I:T;2IG. uH rKINTIM.w n ...da i,r .. io. fior a-1"