l,y: i i;i ia A i -iu .-i V r ihrt n.e L i.c..,u liaiy aid ton m duty at New l'otk, riCtll- tiy nroie to ins cttiiureii in mia city iron and daughter Co coii.t on ami join him, a be, did bot jir; t,o-i- r.-t:Ti:i itjr D the South. .ha ohok luan, who ban tutored the emit .1 v;fliiui. P,ou.J,iy,,.er,. b, ... ; mail that ho reypeeted pareutal comniands whin they were either reasonable, la ful or biblical, but rt could not. nor would not' oeeert the State of hi uativitv aud add another nam to hcrjliet of ingrates. The -it urmed cordially iu the ce utimeuts ami feolinjs of the brother, answered tbat though ebo n igbt roup discotuforts aud Want by this m raraiiun f r. ra father anil mother, bcr eon--cici:co bid 1 er stay ai d (she would ebey it msurito by cvitri'tui' bur labor iu outiir:r -.S. utiict ti sjiii.i-. i'orli'.H.nlii Ti"7,scrn t. I.VPOUTAM- to F.h.; ?i r.iiu.i;5 B.i,tcr itij, burning, nr. nr s and ti-ii.lertio of lli (;!, of the feet nay a '::.!! invaiiabiy bn f i v vriiteii. eveu wbcu v.aic''::: for days t.'.it1-. r and t v.r a 1 .-.-aid r.. .v:. by hoap ole of the atoikit tbat i. fovcr t - " l'b a tbiu coan.g of tb ebcapeat l 'onu slip. Tl.is, at ilic h-jie time keps lue i:u of to io)o cool, hardens it and pruvci ts ii.fisuiaiioB. Coar-e cotton aoika arc tuc boat for walking. Jlou't wear woolen aocka when mit'ch inp, not evea tb;n ones, no matter in w'uat cliuiaUs. iba boot or fho nbould bave a thick oi? : it h- not fuSicient that thev jboulJ ha ein.Mly doubl. aob s; tbe folea should be .t ! li a t i.alf aa incb thick j if three fourths of j an lucn or an toch alt 'he better; tbey are ii; '.ti- tTjimive, bui 'f well made they will l?t a loi't; tirce, and othj in tbe tbe w,ir-:'.!-t p-eatber wiii be found easy to walk in, tr.. teai'v becomioj; aceu!ca,cJ to tiiiir v.h..t we can i.ttrr O.tch.-CW ilr. t) i vi r cjtcb. .-si u r it. a q . c an "t horse la the .1 tLul v ou cuts I era : euate a.:'t Wilia ti.e fwi'te V-u can HeTi-r catch tbe word tbatt.u, toce ooe cut of our lips ! Ouce tpekea, it ia out of your power ; do your beat, you can never raesll it. Therefore, tako earewbut you fay, for "in tbe multitude el words there waoteth rnt nil ; but he that ralraiuctb bit I!p., ia v-Imc Trofarb z 19. A lady ruakiug inquiries of a boy about Lis father, an intemperate man, who bai b en sick fouie time, asked whether In i-'i regaiDed bis ap pi tire ! " N j, Dia'am," replied the kepeful, " not ' fii.T.y bin appetite is very poor, but bU 1 di ; tt.uite ia as good aaevtr.'' A few more smiles, a few n.-.re ti 9-. pleaeure, tuucb pain, a iat.e .-.r La.-rvn.,. ,Lii woirjiu' ti.vouja tbe wor:ii, t--:.-. b .sty preeftnn at-l aorup- fjtew. ;!?, and oar play tri!l t " f,i i .1 out.' ai d the iijurtr aud lie injured ni be led a a a), fcuj ere long iVrtotien. la it then worth wLiie to hate etcu other 7 An I.'ishmaa going in market met a furmtr with aa owl : Say miather, wbat'il ye take for yer big ' tj i J turkey 1 , i s an owl, replied tha a.-totjiohed far- Niver a bit do I care w or ycutgi price the bird. ithor, it's ou'.d W An EoglisbrosD boasting to an Irisb- tbat porter was maat aud drink, toon LiCiUie very druuk, and returning Louie, fe.i icto a GrtcL, where .Pat di.-oorered hi 111 alter oiuo time, aud exclaimed : 'And faiih you said it was neat aL-1 u. ii.k to you ; tt.t by me foul' it iii a ai.ch litter tL:i;r) i-l it in wasLiu' aud ioil-:k too.' yjV'e ar? old r,i -!ati.;u of li.u L t:. b-.-.ii Cure t j nave c. li ' id kisM i- tbe L.i.i. (Jur Job;,i.v I ti.t is i:.e iLiiy rtu.edy li.tt e.L fca ' fur ie y3, icier p:pi- .a c'.J la.-iy iu OLi. while iu th was l iiki-ij 00 the eu l of li.e Lose t.v The old lady recovered but ?d. Coroner a yeid.ct p., i-l snuff. A minister who bed eoeived a nun.ler of cai!s, and eouid scarcely decide stbivn was u.3 bett, atkej the ad vise of a faitbiu. ol i African servant, who replied , " Ma-t.tr go where is the uirsst devil." Tfufiolt r-aid ten years a,;o: " Gov-! eriTrei.ts, rcjigion, property, bjoks, aie L' .1 .r' tut US acffj:Uii. to (duvals a ii... 1 J-.a.ih balJt opto bet Metcr uo .; . .1 t:. fi:.iu d utiiG. Eiiucatioo in t ;.iv iLurtst -i.tuy ut He uet p c julr ii V u a- s.eti A til'j tboui'litl-ai tuau.'' " J','!, J3J f .'!, w!,y Ct yoi litl ra'. b't n that tuatLii-, b La - 1 .' ck on it '. ' u yiur ' i.'j-ii! ye Hpa peen be jabers, t.'j the rabbit (ion t that !" 1 . i The Legislsture of Pentsylvaiiia, in! 171, passed tbe foiiowitiij resolution : I lic-Folved, Thst do member of tbe L-jr-s a 1 tore w-iii be allowed to come to tbe Housol Viat.-fonf.-d, or eat bis bread abd cheese ou the itep ." 1 Tbe la 1, Lett fruit tbat comss U per-1 fecliou, even iu the kindest soul, ia tender-1 ter- toward the bard , forbearance toward tr forbearing ; warrxtb of heart toward the r .Id ; and pbiiao.hr-. j. by toward t:. niisauibropio, ' Have you been touch t sa ' '.VilV, no, not ix-i'.llif, h..t my brutb'-rj (Li'ii d a coiiiu.odoreV ''iu 'Ui-r. ' ' . tre ye.ij evfr a':.:of1 ' ' I of rr-titly, but Ui.tber'e tualdeu ! ut-.-: a rrelicb." . A Pa 1 T. It is tie ipsp ti at mi.kes th ' tnoar noise that c cirts the at'. IiIjou of tbe wo:. ! A silent elephant may reaiaiu uu vUforvcd ut, id the foli :oe of th wood ; I but a eroahing bull frog i sure to attract j aitetiti & in the darkest L,'r'ht. j A lusn, not a tbousat.rj n,iie off, onee I a iid atuthur who be liked to bear preach " H by." miJ be, " I J.ke t0 hear M 15 I bst b.-rsu--e, I fjon't like sny pre, iiiti,.-, j si ! f.i. oiti.ss t'u- iitnitU ta no prew.hthf! , ol .. v I ever kesrd." et ia a f a r fortune, a&d ir.du JJ!I Eir.MlY WATT, Surgeon Iftnltst, i.i um'iTi in MxmciNi and Dintitt.) Ulilifc iu Bufllrj't Building, I'p Slain, Upp- si t C KflT'l Ilulfl, Cll ill I.O'I Til C. UtRlill AI. OPERATION'S, such l . ....... n . , . .... 1 1 . l ) L I , t LEFT rAl.ATK, HAliK. J-lTIT- 1. 1 1', Tl MORS of mouth nd J' jj'r;:;..1 .n!S,A'K SILVER, TIN ..r AMAI.t.AM. AkTlFCIIAl. TEETH inserted in the best manner, Hi A vn. superior TuOHi POWPKR and T',H''In1.1 w AH ' Hand. If PRICES MODERATE and all work done iilts.i.e:, ry In II. c patient. I j FAMII.IV .!:! on at ti cir houses. I uti.ck ol !-titiKl' Materials always oil pi. COI.P ami fMI.VI R flute md Wire of any . gotten distance attended ti promptly. 1. 4ll" ii:u litt Utttti.tl B'iif I ii mil-1 ;t:(f t tuiip.'HtV. j , i-HI O'iil'ANV continue to t.ilir iiik a-: ,j, j,iii iu b) itr. na liuuot', O'xxia, I'ro- , iii'i . Al'.. :. I Usual r I If K. J.! t.lilirt; al th lru; !?lre of U. N) c liulchl i. U I k'Klt8. A. C. STKKLK, Pretidtnt. C. OVK11MAN, Vice President. K.NYK HUTCHISON, eey. J- Trau'r. IJUIEI. TOKS. . A. C. STKKLK, J. L. BROWN', j M. 15. T.WLUU, S. T. WlilSlON, ( C. 0EKMAN. V. SOAKK, VM. JOHNSTON. John L. Bkown, F. Scarr and S. T Wwstos, Executive Commttlec A'"U l!::''J' Ttf Dr. II. M. Piilcliard f " I KI.DINt; In the olirllatlliufm.l. A. ny trieinis, renpi clluiiy ami. .on. ? a his ii urniiii at ion tn resume the ii T'.'!i-' t Mrtl U'lIK'. or. n. riUi lor without charrje. 1. i - j''. ijtt .ES. WINSLOW in i-o Nurse and Female Pliysic lo the attention oi inuliicrs, iiiP.O. W 111 OIjU VJ An fioer..i,. . o Nurse and Female Physician pre. sooTiiisu svi: f r, V K t I)itft..t u.i;t in: ti ' i.g, "'" en, ti-. htcii greallv f:;cililalt s tl, c procts ol teettni y sofumiig tit- puins. reducing a,i iiiiljiiiinai a.'iuv .'.LL PAIN ai.d spjsiiiuuic act. M Kl. Ill KM. II. All Di pi ua up. mi it, mi 1 1 t r i-. it Hi iiil fii tl Iiulili t ur Inf.iiiK It i.N. 'I!I.W'5 sii ti; 1 ; 1 f 1 AlI.KL I.N-1 A.Si 1 I RE men :li.-n r.i its in ijne: I 1 ri'-.ets and 11110ic.1l sir. lu. VVe si-Hk in 11 is in itt-r "WHAT WE DO KM ''. al.r ten years' 1 rience, A V U PLEDGE OCR liEI'l l .V'l lu.N t'lii HIE H I.. FILM ESI' OF WHAT EHL.'.E DLlLAliE. In tl.no-i i rmg fr- every instance wh.re t ie 111 ant is sul'. ai pain and cxnsti!;iiri, rel ef will be li.teen or twenty minute alter tin- yr-.ip is ailiiiiinstereri. Tins valu:il 1c prepiralinn Is the presenptir n of ,.m- of the m-st EXPEKIENt ED .nil Sliil.tl I. M ;ES in NewEiigh 11c, and lias tec 11 u-tu with NEVER FAILING SlVl ESS in TltOI S ANDS OF CASKS. I: not ' r.lv ri in.ves ttie elii-d iVmii pain. Hut in. .-1. t-j l..e v. 1 .1. 01 I, it r in 'Mis. am! Wind t.-Iic an im:i; ;,.,,. Ve b i . I i MIMi. ill EST A N D ILi.Y I.N J til. vto::Ll). 111 all -. N'l EI;Y AND DlAliKLUOA IN' iii.ciinr ii ,r;i.-s troin leeiiung, or ;.y to ivery surf- .f tr- ,y ..f th . ..;, ,,i,t DO :-. '. I LET VuC't i ! , . Noli IDE P.'.'iJl .DICES ut '1; h. tieei n 1 i.u i. r. 1 y-or s.ill'erif.g : .. 1. - rei,.-f .i..t w'dl be SLUE yea. Ali. , 1 ELY -l . I:E -to follow the use 01 tin me. , 1: in;,, y u. 11. Euii directions I'-.r usmg ; --"p ill V 1 aeH n.,tt!". None ecu u me unless ' .n...;e'o! ( I li l lS & PEKhlNS, N York. : . ,,:.,. t "A f ipper. I N-id by liruigists tui..ii'110'jt tlie world. PKIN' IPAt. ( tl FITE, ID CF.DAK 51 UF.KT, N. Y. J iirf otitif 2") trius per LotUe. I For s.lt in Charlotte, by E N ve llut'-lnton at Cj. 1 ai.u F..cirr. .Marci, 13 ly LIVER inVIGGHATCn, NKYfc.lt DVUUAWl JT im rompuiiiivn tr.tirrty from (inmt r i . fj . 1. ii:- r'i -i i' 1.- i.n 1 :it : - Ji v 11. ot i'; iit. a. : 1 a.. .;-. pal. kolnni.r l.u TJ, Ihep.f, He s (osllsroesv, i llu d I0.1..I1 llisi rlle, Vt III. .lots, l)y.i-nlr. f -l.ii.isrli.K.il.I.eii.l - t- . hour. !...!. - rattorlins. Itolarn am jk 1 'fMotwi. F'tstsi" e, H I . mle tV.fc.s- Ito.e, Jan ry Fn.ollj. stull- .-toe. p. .rs K UK Ml U II V.. 1." CJ ' ..so 's r... len'i i In twel.ly lailoules. If to or tlie.e 1'ca- pOfllllUll BIC .1.1- JS i ll SA Citf. . .'JrW A Ssf v.) whoasf It sn tel vlnr U,. lss.::.-auf, MIX VV AT Kit IU TIIK Stul TM WITH Tlli. I W K.OiC I OK, ANU WALLOW BUI II lln.K I II I. It. I'M. e One Dol'c pee llollle. SAJjfoRD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, tv u- I l I I. :tu- piii. rai'st""- ' ' 'J M ...'. 'it. . .... a l (In t". li ., k a (,..l,. .... .. M , , fc,,,,,,,. II.. ssltole loll , ,. ... - !..- or V,.- - M Im'' i.'.'J,, ..... iif...i... h. . .- tj , ,; ...?.:, S It. ...al ... -! 1,1..':..... U l.ll-lr-r- S.l.tit.. 2 Kl, i ll... I'arll.'r ,ia ltl.,.l rj . ,,.,. . . . S-s is t.- O , ....1..., sseal Oo.e. I . -. PHP K TIIIIFF: lt'tk . , w. n utir 11. si 0 s .1 vs u . . VS COCHRANE 3 SAMPLE DEALERS IN. I Hardware, uuns uuiiery, vc., sc., . at the Sign q th Goltlen Yad-Lock, wi a ' Ol'I.D respectfully invite the public to II call and examine their Stock before pur. ceasing elsewhere. - llra ...li.-il.-il anI nrnmnl f alliiolert In. Call and st w. COCHRANF. & SAMPLE. July 10, 16(10. 1 lackMi itli-s Tools, at the ist,e of the Golden Yad-Luck, Mray gond supply, crmsikting of An. ili Iici'owi i A.lid Boi Vicca; BSi-swS liand im .ld8c llanitiirra; Stm-k ami liirs ; Tini:, IJultnuni.. liui-pi, Kile, nd a fund aupply of Ilnrau Nulla, lluree and Mule iiu. , ut luw piioei. ! COCHRANE SAMPLE. I Tools ! Tools! Tools! at the Hign of the Golden Tad Lock, a-i?,t A (fooil lipply Ol I ooi, turaim. , hami, niiin r, b.ick and com. p i sa Sawi ; btnch and moulding I'l inea ; 1 t Ii ; n (f, aliingling. and broad H itclu li; ll.iminirs ; bevel and ateel Squnrm i l)rawinj Knivcn; Brai-c and Hits ; Aut'erv ; t.imlt'H ; ( liimelr : brick and plaa. tcru g Tri'WiU; Srrrw I'latia j Swr StUipoke Shave; Files; Rasp; Pnckrt-Rule; Guagc. Koc ; finrit and pocket Lela j Boring Ia. chine, ic, COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Agricultural Implements, at tin Sis" of the Golden Vad Lack. v. A !nrRe upply of the above, consisting of Thonipsoia V ceUbr .led Plough ; alto. Corn. S'feUesS Shillrrs; Straw fullers j Shov tisiSipaot; Hay and manure Fork; best cast, sieil Ai'S ; Pick. Miiltocks, Grubbing Hoes, Weeding Hues, Trace t'hain, Log t'liuin. Wagon tiuin. tiaruen Mora, Rake. Hedge Shear, Pru- i.ii'i? anu buuu:nir Knives, A:c., die. COCHRANE i SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, at tlie Si'i of the Golden Yad-Lock, C- 'T l-trge Stock of the above, consi.-.t. A lug of Splint's. Axles, Oval Iron, 1.'uj' "-' 1 ok"; ""P" t- "' ' , rh tl. 11,1 t aroet. arnaiic Bolts, Bra and .Siiver Bain', &i;vcr Moult-mg I. ace, TjseU, !- uiucu 2iiicK, an.ile and Lining Naii. Alc &cc. COCHRANE A SAMPLE. , "TlSTZ; A T the Sign of the t.OI.DEN ! -;CJ PA!)-LOCK will be found, - at all lime a large and well e. j WSawF rcia Stock of Gun., Pistols,; 'l'i.ir nrn, Powner a..sa. Powoer, Mmt, ; ; Lea..; f.e,.i. and A .-. winnow ii, ... ; Put- : ty j a itrge t..-k ol Fiinli am: Auivtican Iron ! lt .SI.H, Ce.man I'L.te, lvel. lV.uyh ; f ail k:nii licn.p and n-aiu. B-ilttiigClotiis; Mill pike Hammers. Sune H im. rfc'.e Block; also, a -,rae rui.i B nius, I urtam Puis, i'l.-ture t crii COCHRANE k SAMPLE. IN pi pj s sS ' pj fx. T P T 1 IJ K sul-scriber takes ph-arure in announcing to his frui.iis. aud ilic put) ic gnt rally, that he has taken tins long eslaolisiied and well known lintel and lis m iiie ever; possible preparation to accommodate the business, travelling and visum; p..rti..i. of the public, Hi. atlS.aCtoiy loir.n.-r. Particular attention is paid to liia nd e,-cry romforl is p."nidet in his IIOOMS. His STAHI.Es are abaniantly supplied and at. Ii lined hy 1. rtlul esLers; and tu all departments the pr-ipneUir gives his personal attention. A coiniortitiic tl.MMiil'S runs regularly '.o trie W.ih .1.... I.. a liberal share ofl he pu'iiic patronage is confidently solicited WM. UOWZEK. 3bif Aotemi.rr 15, 18 3. J, S PHILLIPS m is. WING located in harlotte, respccttul. !. solicits a shore, ol i .atronage. r 'A complete as.oi of ( lutlis, Cassiintir public ssortment nsiineits anu Vestiri's always on hand, which will be made to or der at the shortest notiee, after the lateat fashion Shop three doors South of the Mansion House. ' Srptember VI, IKJ'J. JOILN S. WILEY, msi.fACri am asp IxroaTEa oe HAVAXA. SiiGARS, AND OKA LES IN iibicco, Sniifl'. iidtches, Paper, &c., CSiLaSO a? a? 3. K. C. 3:LLM li ll.li l U'LS, ir., ruuaianlly 011 band. January i, JtftltJ. 4tf Z. 15. JOHN, tieneral toller I i n sJa'cm, Ifliuiiluwn, Terry County, AUbuma, j 11.1, attend prompt. y to Hi collection ol ail 10 his h l..t. 01 ulier, Lind Clniiiis ferret, i.g debtors iookeu up at rea. TEXAS. CLAIMS. in 1 111. t State. Prom; 43-1 f ' ty 'in, I -5b WHEAT V,NTi;i). II t, pi ...ti 1, y cooiiiiiin.ty ill lake notice ills! to-ir Wi.ewi Crop will be purcliasi d at the ri-.tte Sleim Flouring Mill, at market prices, se having VS lu.,1 f,,r kale mav find il lo their ut; ! 1 o, vantage lo call at the Mill in lore ci'-'mg a sale. JOHN WILKKs a CO. July 2, 1B.X1. giHf U'ALTO.. 1IOISH. i Tin. 1. 1. am: s.i' 1 111. I'ltiis- - I. I Propni tr will u rinioate on tbe tliili l .ii..y ii.xi, t e euoscribers wiii rem, for a term .1 year-, u,i popular Hot. I, to a in.. 11 whu can nre su..h rel. rente, (mom etaer metd upAy.) aa I .111 sausiy n,e OAihera lost it will In ao kipt a lot Iii cttucl lion, n,e ieul..l.on winch 11 so ..!. a. . Jir.l class llol- .. 'Iio; Patrohaijc ol loc .,u. 1. large i.nd in . i.ihg. t,u:ii its cu ti , I pos. lion, and e.t.o. " J 1 'rict.-r t.linot it (.;,' ol success, tl lira. Any Id' by G. i M. V.Liu: M .rgi.l.,r.., ; jT It? tenon ML A. W. ALKXANIJEK, un a t-: 01 i. tms r, . vFFERS ma u,-vicc to ib citi J aena of thia and adjoining couu (Xixii " 'n l"B treatment of irregulori tiea of III teeth. Disease of tha mouth. Teeth filled in a akilll'ul and ar.lisfuctory manner. Ar. !itir!l ira-lh inaorlid on tiold or Si'ver pi" to, sl" India Rubber vulcaniaed !.e. Thia style of work haa ninny advanliigeaover the fcwsged wora. Il can ha adapted to the mouth with less irritutnifi than the Swaged work it ia also cheaper. It la fret from any unpleasant odor or taste. Having bccoin ajent for the American Hard Rubber eoinpany l.e will auppiy Dentist with of fice right lo manufacture Plate, and (iunia frr Arl.tii isl Teeth and the Apparatua and Material. He will alen giva iostructiona in the art on mod erate terms. Aa he xpeeta to do a travelling butine. per. sun desiring woik done, can be attended to at their residences, by addressing him at Tucka. aeree P. U., Mecklenburg Co,, N. C. O All work warranted. April 3. ItsbO. 2lf Charlotte DRUG Store, IMKI.o i Ti:, .1. c. K. XTK IIUTCIHls( & CO. -a ' OL'I.1) respectfully call the attention of the T public to their lurge and complete Slock now being opened lor the Spring Trade, consisting ol Drug, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Funcy Articles, Oil, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alco. hoi. Tore Medical Winca and Bundles, Canton Tea. Field snt7 harden Seed. 4c, Ac. Junuurt 17, :SC0. 43tf I IOWA It I) ASSOCIATION. rnu..iKi.riiiA. A Bmtrilrnl UtUluUtit t$labliihed by $pteial En-duu-mad. ur the KelitJ tf Iht Sick od Duh eftd, tjHictrii u-ith Virulent and t.pidtmic Dfti$rt.und ttptciully jur the ( art of Dierme 0 (At i'txaa Oigane. MEDICAL ADVICE given grati,hy the Act mg Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description ol" their condition, (age, occupation, habit ol lite, lie .) and in cac uf extreme pov. crtv. Medicines furnished free of charge. VAI.l'Altl.K KKPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and cither Discasea of tha Sexual Organs, and on the NF.W Rt .VF.DlK8 employed in the Unpen, ary ent to the afflicted in aealed letter envel. cpea.free of charge. Two or three Stamp for po. Uge will be acceptable. Aiidre... DR. J. SKIU.IN HOUGHTON. Ac ting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 3 Soutii Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Diaectors. GEO. FAIRCIMLD. Srcrtlary F.ZRA D. HEAR . W ELL. rresiJenr. Feh. 7, IBhU. t Y 1 1 1 : k o k 1 :i i ii 1:31 1 : n v. . Jf Ft , f f fA " ( s --''v j'" A'"" ' S m ( ( r lAf&J "f 9 f f: '(rf. . eJf,r 3 kv" im'lf I j.L J, ''.- t iJ 5r. f't-t Ji' f t A.N INFA1LING CURE FOR Gnorrbaa I nil Di.o-asrs of the Urinary Or; a in. . riHIS REMEDY cures when all other preps. ) A rationa lull. It i entirely unlike every oth er ccmpound ; contaimning No Minenal Poison or Daco; na it la prepared oiciv trorn iaaa anu Lcavks, any I as been naudid generation to another, by the Indian It ia off' red to the public on ic merit. It irrli.ins it out I quickly and thoroughly. Tlie I'mroaiTNtTS, cl cither sex will be repaid by nsing this hmariT, instead f.f pi icing themselves at the mercy ot'soine Quack or Piiofissor. This RaaiEbV atrike at the . . very Root of the disease ; its tendency is not aim- ply to auspriid the poison, but U Htnovl Tilt l ii'sr. on wlucti it rlcptnds, full direetn.na in paiupl.iet form, accompany each bottle The spi e . dy and permanent relict afforded by thia Id III all Case, ol (.ONOBaHoT.A, Gl.KNT, GSAVSL, STSIC. Ti r, i Lcoa Ai.sca. f W hites in F'satAi ta),and all 1 Diseases of the Lrinary Organ, ha sioiiislied i ti.e iint .cienlihc men of the age. I his Kcmtdv I sot oniy eradicates all Poison from the System : but IwiooEates the most deiieate constitution, j Jrll cics Not Arrr.cr the Bsiatm or Lute. vmr: with any i.ass 01" I'l sisass, or require any : deviation Irom tlie usual met. I," It require no assistance from other medi. J.r"And what EsHAScta its Vaice, ia the En. the Aaseci of all N'ac'K'iCS Tsti, being a Pleasast and DiLiciot a Svacr -' " Botti.s, a Ta BoTTI.rs na 1 PuTTEr. sV MEKV IN, Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, Mi. Sold 1 n Charlotte, by Dr. F. Scarr, " " E. Nye llulchison 4. Co. " Colu'nbia, Fisher A HeiniUh. And all Druvifista in tne country. Van Schaack A. tirieraon, Charleaton, April 4, lehU.-l y W holosale Dealer. YES YOU JIAY USE OR RECOMMEND Heimstreet's Inimitable H im oi.ouix;: ISO SIN O IT TO sa FERF 1 HAIR RS0AIVE, promoting the strength and growth ol the iia 1 and g 1 v i.g it all the beauty of youth. Do yo doubt It Kr.wl! i:r.il! ISrad! ScuaooN Lake, Essex Co., N. Y., J February 6, Ifejfl. W. E Haoan. Troy, N. .-Dtar hits Having used your Hair Coloring or Restorative, and bemg mud. pleased with it, I lake pleasure. in making tne foliown.f atateuient: rrom the el. j le. l ot a very severe ill of aickne, when about 1 1) years of ae, my hair commenced turning grey, and eo continued lo grow until it litctimi ptijectly vhite. teeing very harsh and coarse. Laai.S.iminer 1 had reached in v hliy.lhirdyear, when 1 was in. du en by a triend tn purchase two bottles of II. .m. treet' Man ResUira nve prepared by you. 1 emn- leoecd usn.f it aceordins 10 directions, and in a few day was surprised to find that my hair from the root outward was laming buck to its origins! It so continued tn grow until it was aa Iru- Iv brow 11 lid el.,.-v as it wu 111 In? von 1 1, 1 11I da vs. hnd is sou jutiy mimed tu it erigiiwi color. M V 1.A SEAMAN. V.ttn 0 ,it. My la Sea mau came before nit and was duly sworn, and says tout ttteaoove stiitement is true, this bth day of February, IB.1O. "JOEL F. POIT ER,yu'i"e tbe Peace. PiTTsrosu, Vt., Aug. I, lfei7. 1 h reby certify, that my hair having become quit" tlii, 1 u.iu Il-l. Hatred's II ur Keslorslive, (prep,,. .. i,y W. E. Haoan, of Troy, N. V.,) for l-.ur wees., and n. y hair wa in that time re stored 1.1 its original color. 1 can luiiy iccom. n.enii the article lo b all it claims, WM. KINLlSLE j' , i'aetor of the ihptiit Church, I'itttjord, V t. Mr. W. E. Haoan: I have used ileiinslrcet'a II.ur Restorative tor three years, ami hive found 11 lo be s most rieellent article. It not only re. stored the color ol my hair, giving It new hie and strength, but it cured myself and wile of a most obitinatccrtinlinh on the scalp, which nethtng elte tirmrj lu benefit. I fully believe it lo be the beet article in use. Yours ltesrt-cttuily, KNOWLTON HOWLA.Nl. Tlie above nre tut a few of the many letters of recommend I, on winch have been tendered to the prop, n tors of II, iin.lreet's Hair Coloring 01 lies, b.r .live. It has been Used by thousands 01' peop.e, j and it net. r I ..Is to restore the col-jr and growth ' ot lb hair. T Ins singular effect 1 not priMiucci a when il.es are used ; lor it act upon the ualu. ral sM.rshons ul .-oloriug in liter at the roots, ami thus 1 fl. eta liic cn ii ga. The roltir prnduetd it nut a euunterjeil, but the natural iiade of youth. It does llol color ll.e skill. Pric.-5eaBdl.0Oper bottle Sold every where V. E. II tt.AN dt Co.. Proi.rieb.r, Troy.N, V. S.,,d in I Inilotte l,y r. f. Scarr, and ail Drug l in li.a lis.it. d st i.. ., Van Senaaca and Orier .11, t har.tsl hob sale Agents. April si, si;o. ? y FOR 1861. m 2 h JANUAltY... ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 li 13 14 15 iS 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 :i0 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FEDRUARY. 24 25 20 27 2S ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 3D 31 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ,., 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 1!) 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 3.1 .. 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 lit 14 15 10 17 18 18 20 21 21 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 30 21 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 2S 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 3 ) .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 H 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 3 3 4 ft 6 7 8 9 10 11 !2 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2S 29 30 ..1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1 1 15 16 17 11 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 2S 29 30 21 MARCH ATRIL-. ... MAY.. JUNE... JULY.. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMHER DECEMBER... AMV ! (i 0 II I) S j FS1IIE subscriber has received s large aud van. M. ed a.surtnient of fnr Spring and Summar, which f..r cheapness snd nta mesa, cannot be surp,ed,con.i.tii,g in psrl of Black and colored CLOTHS, Buck DoE.-kIN Plain. Black and F.ncy CASSIMERE?, French Drab D' ETEs. I iani liiatk ami F.ored Siik VEsTlM.S, Fancy Linen D If ILLS, and all other Gsh.os usually found in a first class Tailoring Eaiaolisbniint. All ol which will be made to order or sold by the ysru on accoininoda. ting Itruie. J. S. PHILLIPS. In returning my thanks to the citizena of Cher. ' I. .tie, lor the ver) kind ui.o lilx ral patronagr liny j have bestowed on uie, 1 would rique.t a eoiitiiui. ante ol the same, with the assurance lhat all or. j ders entrusted lo me will be ntsf.y a.nl promptly j executed. J.S. P. April 17. let.'. 4U Win J, Kerr, A 'l TO USE 1 A T LA If, 1 II t It Ml I I L, . C. U ' II.Lprac. ee 1.. th. ' ourtsot M. ckh nbn TV L111011 and Cs br.rras r-ontiis. 11 wince 111 1 11 o lir.wiy llulldirig nppoa ' Kerr's Hotel I Jan. -Ui. lol.O. 44lf J. V ItlaVI 11 UEAl.tSt IV iV O., COT CIJ aU(i til tiWLS of PR&LUkiK. , ' I it tin. S III 1.1, hahujI il.s. :. Jj'AII orders atn nile.j lo with uesualch. Afinl i 7, 1 foil. 4H CHARLOTTE HOTEL, 111 lltl.OI I I , . c. ff'.ME Proprietor ol tin ' tl"',l",,""l "nun' hoi ilina tit i t ss iraveiiing pabiie and ot I tin II. .! I i dy to Inl. j t" lot lie I ing public and othera who I may call on hini, and he llatlera Iniostll that ia i comfortable quarters can be lound with him aa j any where 111 this vicinity. Being situated near. ' ly to th centre of Charlotte, ii.is.niss Men will j bod Ibis Hotel a most convenient and di suable Inchon. He has been engaged in the business . at this stand nearly eighu-i n years, and in (lint ' tune h haa made several additions to his former j house, and it iia been greatiy enlarged and 1111. I proved, present, t,g in front a two story VERANDA ; HID leel in l.i.gll, bV la feet in Willi) l,n,i,., shaded by trees on tlie sidewalk, affording a pica. ant promenade at all hours of the day. The House has becnthoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every part of it ere , lure comlorls are abundant and tangible, especially in the DINIM. ROOM, where th "inner man " ia "renewed" day by day. Connected with thia Hotel ar Stable affording room lor DID horses, abundantly furnished with grain and provender, attended by faithlul and o. bilging hosilera. The Proprietor fuel confident thai with hiaiong experience, ami many new advantages soiled loins desire to please, he is prepared to offer hi friend and the rest of mankind,' as ninny comforts and a much good cheer a will be round anywherw, perhaps a lilile more o. J 'At any rate rar the Charlotte Hotel. ;. Ii. KEKR Oelisrier 19. IH.'.S. 32tf fl DLOWH CELEBRATED SELF-HEAL, a I. NO CAN-), of all the dirt. -rent If fas, it TAYLOK'fci Hardwire Mare, nppoetle the .Vanitee lluuee. WASHINGTON HOTEL, J (CDANGB Ot PROPRIETORS.) UHOAUKTItEET NKWUKUN, N.C., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. flMlK L'licersigtied respeetlully announces to I the travelling public, that be lis tak charge of Una old and popular c.labli.hmei.t ana is now prepared to accommodate traveler and pri. vale families with board by the day or month, on the most accommodating I. I His TAIil E w ill always be furnished with the best provision, thathomc aud foreign uiaikeucau "'The' WnltilililH H.Ul lnr room,i neircr the depot. 1.10 court-house, and the business streets than any other in the city. An VmP'lui will slwsys be at the depot and lamiing, on the arrival ol the cars and steamboat, lo convey p.a.cnKcrs to the Hotel free ol charge. By slopping at'vhi Hotel, pas.engers will have ample time to obtain mcala. Having also a large snd commodious Stable, and an excellent Ostler, he is fully prepared to board horae by the day, weik or month ut the most reasonsble rates. ,, .,. a JOHN. F. JONLS. Afore I. 1859. Sl,f SAUHS, At t liili ( I ninl Iliiil.Irr, H E furnish PcsiEiis.rians and Drnwina lor Public Buildings, Private Residences and Particular ultention will be paid building Flouring Mills.Corn Milla.tVe. Ovnoa tu ait iiory 01 nia.ii.iu , over lima II Otlolitr 26. 18 33tf 33 Keinoval. Y Friend and Customer are respectfully 111 infirmec that I have reini.ved my 1 111 Shop to Springs' Buck lluili.ing, 3d d..or lioin the cr ncr, n Tryon street, whire ha will be pleased Iu aee them. S. T. WRISTON. January 31. Iff.d. Ay(irsSarsa)arilla hu h we have la. M -. "11. il al'. r.tr 1 ve neeiitriitcil extrni-t It liar iiarilm, mi e.iM.li.iii-il with other r.ll i;ic.it' r iLti-rutive power al i-iv.- luitl.liile fur the ill' as r. p it.-.l tn cure. It IS believ.-d ill.-ilv IS wran'ell bv those w ho iiiiiou cuiiiplamts. and tiiat one I'li'iii.h tliL-ir cuie n.usi piuve 1 vi e tn (Ins Inrirc claas of our Cir-. -Hi. II. iw conipletelv this 'I it h.n b -en proven by cxisr-r-of til." worst case, to bv founi cmipl nuts ; Mi S. K M I I ill s CoVtl.UXTS. Ii l-.l.l l-IIVK llMKASI'.., I 1.1 l:m, ri in i, 'li viiiHs, Sur Itnr.ru, Hi 1. sviiiii.ts axi Srt'iiii.iTii' Ar 1 :i- i r.iiL III. tut. lliiiiisr. Nil. 0 On 1,1. km Diniiiir. '.s- Imii.ik.TI. is, I-.HTSII'I.I. is, Boss i.iv v s Finn. an. I mil the whole ... ii.s arisuij fioin NeiKiir ur ;i "in 1 will V found a great pro- .! h, wh'-n taksti 111 the -prwi'. to .it h'liii-iis which f .It in the '. . -n-iii ..t tin- vi ar. Bvthetnne- nf !h.-ni mmv ra:iklini( il.uiril 1 i;i th In. I. .Miilt:tuJ.- cm, hy .s r'-"ic--lv, spare thinis. lvi-s from i.t t'.iU 11 11:111. ins an l ul.ci.ius :n winch tlie syt.-m will atitw to : . . i!it.i:is, .1 l,..t a.M.t. ll tn llu n iMr il ctiulmcl, of . s,.;r ' v.i in .1; ;nn. t "lean a. out t!,c 1 I. -r.tviT VM tin. I las iinpiiri'i" i.i.h the skin in pi iriles. cruplitiiis, 1 iv il u i 1 1 1 i:k it t. 1,0 I 1 i.l-h 1. t!,. v i,,.; ib-anse it H IT. ill I v nr lo l.a.'l will r. 11 Lv. ti nil. -e mi fiarti' nlur Ii.or.!. r 1 iii..r Ivii.-r hi-utth, nn: l. i"i.i- 1; th., tx.e. I. K-p the I r -I. t!i titer m hli cut l-i.l. huicrv II ,t -.I I r .Ir.M 1 I of i! el t . tl .'LI! i in nil I'Aiir 1. . J. '. i.'iwr.i.i,, 1 1 per llollle , ri a'. It A NI -s Aycr's Cherry Pectoral do f,r their rei.cf a.i it In Aycr's Cathariic Piilj, rot Tin: itt.t or (n.t,. IIf ,'.. .-, r I ' Si It' lh.mer I'll', I hev are . l f.e l;..f ,-l the HI the cm !.,ke tlo-n, , !,.,- be.t aperient m me noilii 1" f.i ..ly ;. . . . Pries 24 cents per Pox ; all the p.irpo- vo box-.i for ci 00. H-v-s. f(, it p. I. lit of the lit 111. t.i- Do not be pot ottier prepar.it . olf bv n,ipr!neip,.. .;,r nt lue best i All our reme.lie are for sale by For sale by V Vv I11TCIM,W I. pri . V. U 11 'll.SON A U) Charlotte. J t CO ft on, H A V1LAND, STKVENSON.V CO., (.'hurtrttlun, S. C Fruit and Tree Store, f 1 HE subscriber has opened out next duor a. I hove Byerly'a 1 in. Shop, in the Mansion llnnse Building, and will keen on hand a well sc. Iccteil stock ul Fruit Trie, lirape Vine., Ever, green and .shrubbery, Ac. Also, Fruii of van. ou tliili Apple, Orsuge, Lemon, Pine Ap. pie, die, Slc. K. W. JsYLKS. In eernber I I, Infill. 3H.lf vC-iolico. A I f. perrins imiel.led lolbe e.lnle of Andrew a Spring, il.-e'd , w.ll make iinioe.;:le p., y. ment; and all persons having .'hums iigani-ts.i l estate, will present tlieni duly sutln iilii alei), in tlie time prescribed by law. or this notice will be7 plead in bar of their recovery. T. II. HKKMiV-. Oriohtt I,I86H. 3Utf KOUT. U. COWA ENEit A L COMMISSION MER, IANt IU- Office, South Corner Market aim v. "V un alsirs. "n. ve seri. io.. 3ltf rSL mn mu OSLY PI!i;PA!ATIO itsvifo rsoors so stsonu srn nuin 1 EXl'KL TliK DOUUI'J For V lo ti sin. n , Ji Editoi lie i.li.'ei I s In well ls 1,1 w.tin ,i 1 q nun tun niiiciii.n, ana iicnii,ii,uiU lt f( ' of r 11 ut urn . and diseases 01 il, ''"' 'P ll in,. but sll whu have used It, unite. Ill t . t .ill or. serve 1 1,. I...... . "'Jf-t from lulling tu any age.aa well as nsto.W' the following 1- , "- Oak Grovc.S. C.June 84,1,, J6 lorativo ia rauld v sainn.ir no....! ... a,-,. VIBII,1 niuntly. I have had occasion to la. ssue, and give your Hair Uastorati,, ."'uc test: During the year 1854, I was tn uiif.,rin., to he thrown Irom my sulky agaii.si a r k the nmdstde, from which my brad reteiviH ' terrible blow causing a great deal of it"" 1 aur-a ,,e of tlie hi ud. horn tl... r. .... , Iu ,. fi.,.11. ,i,.iroved ...... .1. "Ir ' o(- ,,. ltlld- r,ul, , ,,. , fif1 'l dropping, howi ir. up to the time uf ji, (,..; ppcarancc, 1 employed e.erylhuig I f,,i of, being a ptoleasioiial man n.j sell, ,,; i! thought, umi.-rstanding the nature Jlc j'" Out was ni.slly oeitaled in every advanced. P""fript. Time and nu oilier circumstances ;,), rcsori 10 your wormy uair Kest imt,,, I In ve every tesso lo be-In i produced hsppv result : two lion, I had aa beautiful a bead of ynrmj h i! :.;.... .'bank..' lie 'V? ! recommend ynur remedr to all iiium'trs over, I snail use my inn nee, w bith 8 min If to say, is not a little. You em publish Una if you think n,,.M, Yours, f.ry resneetiuH,' m.j. .,.,; M n Offn eof the Jeffersnnun. Ph,l,:), y, l"ec. l itl,, " Dear Sir: I feel it my rlutv w,t, ,( t pleasure, to lsle lo you ll.e follnwn . . . I st .nee, which you can use as yru i:n,.i, j A gentlemen of Una place, (a lsy,r .. bald ever sines his eaily youth ; so much . i j lie v.as eomptlled In wear a w g iced to mil hi. Ill of your ' ,,r (, ,,,,,,, t w bit li be liked very much ; and a fi, r , , Jt j two or litre botllta Ins hair grt w o.n ! , f and he now ha a handsome hra.f ot i.tlr I gei.tleiiMn' Inline is Bradford, an.l as I,, ,, I well known in nur ad mining eouctit ., r, , v s..ns can testify to tlie lruti nl stall inB I, lit tn von si the request of J. ;r,, . .,' j ! ran sell a grt . . . -I of y,., , . .'. .,. II . nd the a.fj.im.ng emiMin if j,,,, ). ,, ; proper agent'. Y"ii".e. i THOMPSON SI i;..,r Pa.Wo.nt DearSIr: P, rm t .e t, , .... ,t j of ij-sio ns I sni unci r for lie er.li-e F..i - -I of m J bair to It orifilial e..l,.r ; si, ul IK i .... my erriv.l in ll.e Inilid St Ion,.,..: , coitop grsv, bill npen Ibe s fil.c-li. . , ' II ur Me lor 1 1 . v a "it soon n en. ml i . -, , hue ir nsi.ler your Re.torsl .e s vn, . del fill tn velt I ion, quite I liieaeinos ,--al.'e. S. TII AI.hl IP, The Realor niva ia put ep in hitl -.!" 3 -.1 via; large, me. Iiurn and siiiaii ; the n. a pint, and rrt.uls for one d .liar ;- 1 medium hn'de at least twenty per e.r . prnnoriu n lb n the sniill. relai1. -'.,r 1 a bitt'e; the Ii ge hod a quart. f,rit mure in t.r..(w.rii..ii sn.l rets. I. for 1 . O. J WOOD A- III, Pr.iprt u,r..U B New York, and 114 M.rseiSi.St . g , sold bv all f.a.d Dr u p JI .1 s snrt Fanrv li . era and in Charlotte by s. Ali K A t I). Jul, 3. Iflf.i). .'. : E. R. STOKES' Hook rii)(liii Lstalli-lii!;ii.' Two Door. !'!. Kiititili Btibi. in Vi fr". iui In rmrof . D. MumIij 1 1 liios li,:i, ioi.i .niii.,fs.. Tl shove Establishment is m.t in i ti. r.. bslier, snd still r.env ng s in .i toe test M.A.N k PAI I.U siio MM H - 'lERIAI.s. I am al sll Mi .a r.-. . t. I der in my lint, nit l the tie line . share ol p.lio. sge. M y p. r.i l.s. athi l. -n s f n. n to sll urili is Willi which I n ar ' ' ' IL vmgbdd h.np I rai licl evper.clee .n O l r . tilactiirei.l M.ANk I Ol ikS. sod .1. t.i . n. w nl niu PR I .VI III VMUikS, I 11 lor 'ie thai I sun. ., ail rases. ci. en'.irr s,i . , . I lank pi oks, Bl t Books, ( le.ks'rtm.ks. for Hislre f' fLenfl.', Orr.ii.su ' si.it t on.mi.sier.r I ' I;'. books, all Bill Hand lit il N D I" ' -lern, in the very b-st niannrr, ol sill" lor p -snd PagirJand Ind xeil w I en r.qinred. PI. I N'l ED Wohkls. Mu-ic II. , k.. I ii. i.ic.ls.l'..n.pblet..M -;: id l!..ks ot r teiy rlrsriiplit.ii, bound or !., 'i everr variety of style. Ir A.I or.!.rs will be fiecuted av.ll. c'i,' id aa low as can be done elsewhere. K. lt. SI'-KK- Januaiy !7. I MX). -i Olt I ll- f( III. I N A Flnttial life Inuurance Comr-ar.; til I It t KAl h lt.H. , I VII is I on. pan v ins als for one year, s ic Mutual 1'ril.r.pl. itll.g in the profits the h uf the whole g' i. till the pr. n ay be gi r tl. vl.cn ther ..one. hell the : tcrcst .( ii p.-r pr guar-inty. 'I lie prompt m. been paid by this I tier it: Inch ipany.togelb, rates ol prruuuiM, prest nl great it such a are disjmsi n lo insure. Slaves air Insured I r term ol five yeara, for two-llnrds tosn vai. All lo'si a are paid within 110 da factory pronl is presented. MR El TORS Charles E. Jul, I, si. n, U i. II . Iloloeii, VS . D I . ki . J. I.. Vt lluaietl, guentine Biisbie, P. I . II Mi R. i , k. P. Il.,ll.e, I l.arl. . li. b Fowl.-, IJi.b'd II ll.li.i OH-IH l.'S. Dr. Char e. E. John. on, Prr.i.i. r.l W. W . Hold.!,, Vi- Pres. 1. II . II Battle, .1. et.it, ry. -,V . 1 . II. J,,,,, ,, 're.,.urer. II. W. llusU.t.Mii.riM ). Dr. Win. II. M. k... Medical Elm k teculite I ommitle, y, . Iluabi t, Kee, I n ,rles II. I(.,t. H-iicnf BM.ru of Coniirnlii - ' Johtisnn, M. P., William II. Mcki Rieh'ti 11. ILiywnod. M. D., For further inforlnulii n, tlie piilni red In the pampi.li Is. an. I forms of pr. " may lie ol.l iili.d at th Olii. e of tl" or any of its Agencies. Coiiniiiiiiic.il, one should be soon." ..I, l' paid) to, K. II . HATTI.i:,.s fie pi em her H, IN.', 7. 'Jfll rA.., ' V ' e -;wx r, ui.t-. OB PRIM TIM. of all k.nds I be ""VI N-r.1 (