TiJiscciiens Selections. A COOL MAKRIAGE. Th" cxtrrme coolness of our west ern cousins is worthy admiration. They see every thing in a practical point of view, ami, as a general thing, they man age to get the best in the way ofbiiigains by the cool assumption ot' unsophistica ted manners. Our friend JoLnalhau was one of those ''green " ones. A minister settled in one of our west ern villages, in which the primtive manners of pioneer life had not been smoothed by refinement and cultivation, was seated in his study one day en deavoring to arrange the heads ot to niorrows's discourse, when his atten tion was called by a loud knock at the front door. Th visitor proved to be a tall, cawkv, shambling countryman, evidently ar- rayed in his Sunday suit, nrd a stout girl, attired in a dress of red calico, from the frequent, and complacent glance toward it by the lair owner, was considered quite a magnificent a Hair. " Wont you walk in 1 " asked the minister, politely. "Much oblcoged, squire; I don't know but we will. I say you're a min ister, aim you 7" " Yes." " 1 reckoned so. Betsey and me that's BiUey a fu.-trate toil o'" a gal, anyhow " " O, Johnathau ! ' simpered the beau tiful lictsev. "You are now, and you needn't go ! to denv it. Well. Belsev and mo have j concluded to hitch teams", and we want . .. fiU IO ilu 11. " You wish to get married ?'' Yes, 1 beli v'e ti.at's what they call it. I say, though, mister, bvl' ne we be gin let's know what's going to be the euimages, as 1 reckon it isn't best to go it blind." "Oh, I never set my price. I take what they give me." " Well", that's all right. Co ahead, minister, if you please ; we're in a hur- rv, as Joes u'ot to imisn a pl.iutin the tatcr-rutdi afore night, and Betsev, she's gut to fetch the buitt r.'' Thus adjured, the minister commen ced iheccrmony, which occupied but a : tew minutes. Kiss me Hetsey," said the delight ed bridegroom. " iou are my old wo- , man now uiul it nice?" i " t'irstratc !'' was the satisfactory re- p'.v- . . ' " H ld on a jeik said Johnadian, , as lie left his wife abruptly ami darted! out at the gate to where the wa'uii was left. " What's your husband gone for asked the iiiiniler, somewhat tur pi is-. J. " i expect it's for the sasages,' was the confused reply. Just then Johnnthan made bis ap pearnce, dangling in his hand a paikul of i-ausaaes. " Main made them, and I reckon they are good. If theyaint, you jest send them back, and we'll send you some more.'' C titan unit limyr aim. A SOLDIER'S KIT. At this time, wiu.-n o many nre prc ji;ii ::i tor lluj wars, u u i,ov;ni u:n of tue ti.ii.ss necessary to take along as L'i 'j'St'J.'-', v.ill r.ot be unnccejitalilc. Tl.e desired catalouge is ntriljutf;d hy an oid soldier, as liiiows::.' llannel shirts, red pre It ru Lie ; 2 stout Lii kurv sliiits; 2 hue shuts, it vou can take tU-m alon?, p .iroi woolen ,x ks; J p.i.r diaM i s, white tot ton or wool, ir.- dispensable; I pair of stout ami eay LijoIs; il you tau, take a second pair; Z towels in dispf. nsablc ; 1 piece ci' soap ; 1 fine and coarse comb ; 1 tooth brush; 1 batcner knife, (a good place f'rthisis !ae boot ;j 1 tpjarl, tin cup ; 1 bmon stick ; 1 vj.il of swet t oil ; I piece ot' r iltcii--ti me ; 1 button bn;-h (nan brusli wihdo ;) I Manncl joiis-Ui!e lor and lull of needles throw in a few pins while you aie about it ; 1 pairsmall sv-Ti ; 't: jn; wii.'.' and black threads in ti iy skeins, I blacking brush, if you ta:i take it ; 1 box blaekn . Learn to pack your knapsack tiddy, closely and con vt nient ly lor ue. To lhe above you may add ail the grub you can stow away inside and out, and replenish when you can, without fbr the slock on bund to be ex- hau -ted. In an a.Ivf i li-.t ita r,t by a rail way company fit' some uncaiied-lor gojds the letter I. has, by an accident drop ped iioiothc word lawful, and it reads now " op!'.' jo v. ho:i; these jrn.k HL" air- dii-( ;e are ii 'ine.-ted to eoine lot w ard md pay the a vn i. e ine me. Ti.e 1 1 ,h. th d( i.-.th.j ti- r by' best ior 1. or lei L". t'J.'oW in attciilioi, o knrly one t,r all our : " If a nrui has ;t wiiii. h would be the ,1 s if tv -lo hoM on A western editor, in speaking of a poet out his way, says, he br yms to claim the usual privilege of talent. He hns been drunk as often as four times w itliin the past wo k. What m;, udl M.ssnianaieu,!. i,. -ii any man I 1- U ti. v-.ti. t SUpji "Li u V that the i, !!, h"t able tu '.v wl.o ai rv ii FALL OPENING. iew Store, New Goods! AT Leowenstein & Ifro. iTEARLY opposite the Court House, where they have an extensive slock of C L O THING, it o o r , ib o i: s II A I , AND and a large variety of DG3IEST1C GOODS AND o i: (K i; i: 1 1: s . Persons will do yp'. to give us a call befure pur. chasing elsewhere. LOEWENSTEIN & BRO. October 9. 1SC0. 2!Hf I Hi: f.'KKAT CLOTllLXGEirOlllUMi ruuiNvis, sfklngs & to,, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HEADY Mm CLOTHING Fl UMSlII.VfJ GOODS. aii!iin;., Spring! A: t'o. Ol'I.D rail the especial attention of their fuciius auu patrons to their MIW MO( K OF CLOTIIlG, uW a"e- j"1 "'-' f inducements to Lovers limn they huve ever done. their guoos being bought lit reauced rates and at such prices as they feel confident no House in the Slate can compete with. Thty arc idcrn.g very rate from 12 to "J5. All nimmr of CAsl.n;UE PASTS, CASS I. MERE, SILK, MAlALASSE AND VELVET VESTS, UVEk COATS, Of ull grades and styles. T ie shove Goods cannot be surpassc.t in ty!e and make, having been manufactured under His cul"ual ri'1" ' Vl " FILLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. September i j. 1 bull. X . it GREAT SACRIFICES or FALL AM) WIN IK R &) JL'ST KKCEIVKI) FKOJI GOODMAN & EIGENBRUN, TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE- DATES t AVI LI A .11 S. fc a E respectfuley inform the citizens of Char. if lotie, and surrounding country that we ik prepared to oiler u u i: . t i i t c i: ?i i; s t IN c3 t i 7.r.j r, rC"t rev,, MIX GOODS, lints, 4 tips, lioota, Shot s, A'c. AND I.4IICE AFS' aTMKKT OF (iI.MLI..Hi;'S I'l'llMMIIMti GOODS. ALSO, A hrjje tnrk r,f Lii(iic and Oetit!cn)en' S 1 1 A W IS A S I) t'LOA KS, 1 1 i'.turfe call ana examine uur Good before purclia&ini' ele litre. GOODMAN k ElGENBItUN. Ortoher 2, l-.MJ. Siolf rr . v ESEIlCilANT TAILORING I I LinfiS, PIE I.M.S JL CO. ; X- AVE also aiifled to ti.ei r Ready made (ioth. it. Si ire Sli.ek, a Meiclianl 'Ignoring le,.rl n.' iit, to ul.n II II ey call the especial allenlion of S I, . r man)' Iri'.-uda and customers. 1 1 ' V iriteod makii.if Una Ltpnuu ul aectnd to r.'.i e ir. the Stale, eitiier in style i.nu tjuiiity o! (..-.Mil, or n: llie manufacture of Uarinvnts. At I times Kill be lou-id a juoii aU.ck of Black a mi I u: rea ( loir.', Krigiish, French and American ('a;iT.eres. and a variety ot Vesting!. Also, an i.rlnii rit of ICOCK INLAID C .4iSI.Tl;lti;, 1'hcy feci confident of tlieir al.ility to undersell any oll.tr hcute in the Sute.i'rom the advanlages l;,ry have in getting their goods. 'I lie ir gouus are boui;l.l ly the quantity, by one of the r u in who rei.ii.rs in the .Northern markets, wlueh gives in in the opportunity of taking a ivin Ue ot toe prircs of goods, tiiereby saving st least Sot Twenty-Five Per CenfU To the consumer. CTDimts saved are Dollars """'Jl bo u1 E. FUL LINGS, JNU. M. i-riilNGS, 27tf Xfftrmb'r L'j, 1I-C0. J- f KkShis services to theciti. f tins sad adjo.aine couai lies in the treatment of irrigu!oi. ca of tno teeth, Uiscaies of the n.oulh l.elh &.iea in a si.iiiful and saliUcUry manoer. Ar t.fieui inserted en Gold or i ver plate, aisu li.'iin IS-i r vulcanized ba.c. This style f nra r.ss Kiary aev.ntaesover the Swageu synrk. It ci rr u.ipird to t lie i.inulh Willi lets irriutiofi II. i t!.eSa;id w..k it is sleo chespef. It is lrc Irnrn any ui p. usai.t i.cor or taste. Hum g ij. lon.c a".t lor the Asirncin Hard Hucfcer e..u p.oy he wul tuppiy tientnis with of f.r.e right lo n anul.ctuie I ,,ae t (iums for Art Ln.i 'J.flh ate the Apparatus and Material, lie w.ii alxa gite ii struet.ons in the art on mad. erate teruis. As he xprcts tv d a trsvelling business per. sons cesirmg woia Cone, can t stteaded t at tr.eir residences, br addiessing lusn at Tuosa. aeege P f )., .Meckleiiburg Co., ti. C. If All work warranted. Afiu 3. 131.0. Jtf KOIST. II. (UWA, g i F..NM:aL i)M MISSION MfcfcrIANT WlLMIHOToM, N ir Off re, S.ulh Corr.er Market and VV.ler Bt. op slurs. Octuht 11. 1653. 3jtf J. Y. URYti: X. UK, UIALXaf IN 0 OT CIV and all KINDS of PRODUCE, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 0A11 orders attended to with despatch. April 17, I860. 4tf WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANtil OF FR0PKIKT0B8.) BROAD STREET BiEWBERN, fi. C, JOHN F. J0I.1ES, Proprietor. fMMlE Undersigned reepectfully announcea to JL the travelling; public, that he haa taken charge of thia old and popular establiabment, and in now prepared to accommodate travelers and pri vate families with board by the day or month, on the most accommodating Irrftl. His TABLE will :.'wye be furnished with the best provisions that home and foreign markets can afford. The Wltklliligtoil Ilolrl has large rooms, is neurer the depot, the court-house, end the business streets than any other in the citj. An Omnibui will always be at the depot and landing, on the srrival of the cars and steamboat, to convey pasuengers to the Hotel free of charge. By stopping it this Hotel, passengers will have ample time to obtain meals. Having aluo a large and commodious Stable, and an eicellint Ostler, he is fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at the must reasonable rates. JOHN. F. JONES. Afore 1. 1859. 51tf t'liurlutte -Muluul l ire Insur ance Coiiipniiv. nHIS COMPANY" continues to take risks a Jl gainst loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Pro duce, SiC, at usual rates. ir Office at tne Srug Store af fc.. bye tiuteni- son Si- Co. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, Prtsidtnt. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E. NYE HUTCHISON, i'ec'y.f Treu'r.) DIEECTOaS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. DROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN, F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scarr and S. T. WB18TON, Executive Contmittee. April 26,1859. 7tf t JJ1ME subscriber takes plcafure in annonneinj ' JL to his friends, and the public generally, tiiat 1 ha has taken this long established and well known j Hotel, and has inatic every pos.ible preparation to I accommodate the business, travelling and visiting 1 pOrilOUS OI UIB (lUUIIV, l HW '"'- w.ti-vv. j manner. Particular attention is paid to his and every comfort is provided in hit HOOMS. (lis STAELtS are abundantly supplied and at i.a.A K r..... n.il.ra nH tn all deuartmenU the pripni tor jives hi personal attention. ) A couifortabieOMNIBL'J runs regularly to th drpot on the arrival of the tars 1 Willi these efforts to pltase, a liburnl share of, he puMiv patrunnge is conndently solicited. I WM. ROWZEK. November IS. 1U'9. 36tf j J. S PHILLIPS MEKIt.l.VT TA1I.OU, MA VI NO located in . Charlotte, respectful. ! Iv lolicits ashare of public j .alronage. A complete assortment j of Cloths, C'assimeres and Ve. tings always on hind, which will be made tour- : A'-.t at the shortest notice,; alter the latest fashion. ( Shop three doors South CC V" yj' of the Mansion House. Septon4er87, lfc59. Jlf JOHN S. WILEY, MtKi-iTACTt'tis aso mroKTCR or HAVAHA SEGARS, avo dialis im obacco, ZnuS, Hatches, Paper, be, JIEKM HALM 11ITS, lc, ronslaaUy on band. January 3, Io0. 4ilf z. it. joii v. Oenerttl Colliding igent, I nioulowu, Perry County, Alabama, W. tLL attnnd promptly to the collection o'sll V W claims placed iu his hands. i K.Utc CUims looked after, Land Claims fcrrcU ted out, and absconding debtors looked up at rea. aumibie unarges. TEXAS CLAIMS. 17 Collections made in Texas, as heretofore, through my attorneys in that Stale. Promptness may be safely depended on. From -ry 'it, !8o!i. O-l WHEAT WANTED. I It il h planting community will take notice that vk their W heat Trop will be purchaaed at the Charlotte Steam Flouring Mill, at market prices. Those having Wheat for sale may find it to their advantage to call at the Mill before clnmg a sale. JOHN WILKKs CO. j July 2, 1659. 2utf ! W ALTON IIOUSI-:. A Tin; Li; tM; ol' Tin; iiti:.- 1 l l. 'V Proprietor will terminate on the titith : oi M .. y nat, fie auha;ribers will rent, for a term ; oi year., ihis popular Hotel, to a mno who can i give such r. fertni.es, (SMie oier sired apply,) as -ill satmfy Inc owners tuat it will be so kept as 1 not to detract from trio reputation which it sun j lams as a first elasa Hotel. j The Patronage of the House is large and in. '; creasing. From .U central position, and estab. , lishtd character cannot it fall of success, if pro. pcrly conducted. Any father inforiiiatiou in da. I tail will be given addressing. T.d.k W. M. WALTON. I Morganton, 5. C. I l Feb. 5. lag). U6 M I ! S, T, Vriiton, j ANlFAtTIKKK of, snd dealer, n Plain and . Jnpanned Tinware, Slovia, Wofen Ware. llr j.m, Brii.he., kc, in Poulli wmg of Springs' ! Corner Kui.'ding. Job Y on;, such air.Kifing, i 1 lt. rii , Slc. done with deivot' It MI0IAOMEL, IN -3SG29ea. 11 win 1801 Co J- H H 5 o i, 2. 2 5 : JANUARY ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 30 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 .123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 21 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1112 13 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 21 ! 25 26 27 25 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 j 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5! 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 10! 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 29 29 30 31 .. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 ..1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 3() 21 FEBRUARY MARCH.. APRIL MAY JUNE JULY.. AUGUST SEPTEMBER .... OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER. si3R.ir& i i II (J f ItllE subsciiber hss received t huge arc vari. A ed assortment of v S i Vr av ... s for Spring and Sunimar, which for cht.j.;ir.s snd neatness, cannot be lurpasred, consisting in part ol Black st.H colored CLOTHS, Iilack LKJtKI.S, Plain, Biack snd Knncy CASs IMElt E A, French Drsb D' tTlvS. Plain Black and Figured Silk VKSTIN'.S, Fancy L.nen WtlLl-S, snd all other Goods usually found in a first class Tailoring Establishment. Ail ot which will le made to order or sold by the yard on accoinn.otla. ting terras. J. S. PHILLIPS. In returning my thanks to the ritucne of (,'har lolte, tor the erj kind alio libersl patronage they have bestowed on me, 1 ou'd rtcjoesl a cootinu. anie of the same, with I lie ...raiue that all or. ders entrusted tu me will be neatly a.iil promptly cx' euteit. J. si. P. April 17, lefA 4u CHAKhUlli: HUihl., SV -BCaK s, ClIAltM) 1 1 1:, t. rmVlK Proprietor of tins Hotel i JL still at his post ready lo ful. fit the duties of mine host" to the travelling public and others who may call on him, and he flatters himsell that as comfortable quarters can be fonnd with hi in as any where in this vicinity. Being situated near ly in the centr of Charlotte, Business Men will find this Hotel s rnot convenient and desirable location. He has been engsged in the business nt this stand nearly eighteen years, and in that time he has midc several additions to his former house, and it has been greatly enlarged and im proved, presenting in front s two story V'F.RANDA iOO feet in length by la feat in width, handsomely shaded by trees on the sidc.walk, affording a pica, ssnt promenade at all hours of the day. The House has beenlhoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every part of it creature comforts are abundant and tangible, especially in the DINING RtMJM, where the "inner man" is "renewed" day by day. Connected with this Hotel are Stables siTiirding room for 1'IU horses, abundantly furnished with grain and provender, attended by faithful Slid o. bliging hostlers. The Proprietor feels confident that with his!ong experience and many new sdvsntagra added to his desire tu please, he is prepared to offer his friends and the " rest of mankind," as many comforts snd ss much good cheer sa will be found snywbcre, pernsps a utile more so. XT At sny rate tt the Charlotte Hotel. 1. M. KKIlIt October 19. IH58. 3tf IL W. IJKCKWITII HSS CONSTANTLY lift HAND vATGHES. v7ELHY. mir.U ARK, it, r THl SS.ST V-WII.ISH AND AHrSICAN M A NUfaCTU k I S Call and exsmine Im stock before purchasing P. SAU11S, Ai t liiltt t and Iltiilrirr, TjrlLL furnish Designs, Duns snd Drawinj W c Pnlilm nnililinus. I'rivate Residences and Villas. Particular attention will be paid to building r louring niuis.v orn ium, iu 3d story of Alexander's Building, front room, over Chins Hall. OeoAr26. 1858 33tf Hcmoval. "MfY Friends snd Customers srs respectfully 111 informed that I have removed my Tin Shop to Springs' Biick Builwng, 3d door from the cor. ner, on Tryon street, where he will be plessed to see them. . S. T. WRISTON. January 31. I860. 5lf Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compomi'l remedy, in which we have 1 boicd tj rodme the most effectual alterative that can he made. It is concentrated extract of Para Sarsuparillu, so combined with othet suhttatice of still greater alterative power as to niford on ctfectivtf antidote for the diseases SaraapanlU is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who sutler from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our atllicted fellow-citucni. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of 'he following complaints: Srnort L. Aso SmorrLovi CoatrLantTS, Km r-Tto.s and EarrTtva Utstatss, Ulciks, 1'iMi'i.rs, IlLorcuas, Tuxuas, Salt Ruii'M, Scam) IIivd, Syi'iiius and Svphilitio Ar I'ectioxs MuHccatAL Diskasb, Daorsr, Niu ihuiia ok Tic DofLoiREix, Debility, Dys rerstA and Indiuestioh, KavstraLAS, llosi oa Sr. Anthony's Fiki, and indeed the whole rls of complaints arUui( from Ixri'atTT or THE KtOOU. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which frsti-r in the Stood at that season of the year. By the time ly expuNion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spore themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to ni itself of corruptions, if not Msitcd to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the v tia! t)hyl whenever you find is impurities burtin through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sor s; cleanse it when you ftnd it is ob-slru-t-?d ami sluih in the veins ; cleanse it whenever i'. is f ul, and your feelings will tell y hi wh'.n. F.v.-n where no psrtirular dierdn' is t it, people enjoy better health, and live ! :e,--r, for el.-aii'.uig the blood. Keep ' blood he iU' y, snd all is well ; but with this ruhiiluMi of life diaoidered, there can be ne j.'.li..; h -i".'!i. S.hiner or hit?r si'nethinaT n.j-t l'-i w r,-n', and the great machinery of life is ilUurJ-'red or overthrown. hartupatXa has, snd di-serves much, the riiii'j'io'i of a.-eomjiliOiinj these ends. Hut the wn.il ha been preyiouvly deceired by pr "a. in nt of it, putty btxaue the drug a ion.1 hi m.t all the virtue that is elaime i fir i', hut more becue many preparations pr en lai to b; roiucittT.V.cd extraeta of it, i' ti-iin but l.tile of tlie virtue of Sarsaparilla, oV any tli.113 eUe. 1 1'iriii v-rs the public have been mis 1 I by laie b-jtili s, pretendu to give a quart of r.vtiact of S.irs;iparilla for one d .lar. M t of tl.v.e have l-n frauds up-.n the auk, for they not only cunuin little, if any, Sarnapo n:lj, but cti. n nu curative properties whatev er, ll ti'f, bitter and painful UMppoiiitmeut ha fullotv.il the ne of the var.otu tx'iaits cf Sarsapi-riila vshieh fl""-l the market, un'd tho name itself U ju'ly de.jiitcd, and has become synonyunius ith imposition and cheat. Still we call t)ii cornpouiul Sarviparilla, and intend to siijiily s. h a remedy as shall rreiie the mine lrura tiie load of ohltej-iy which rets upon it. And v think we have g;roiind fr believing it has virtues wbi.h are ure-iti! la by the or linnry run of the di-"ne it ii intend ed to cure. In ord.-r to secure their coTipI't eradieation from the system, tho remedy sliutild be j'idi. loujly taken according to directioju on the bottle. rXPARD DT i) it. j. v. avi:ic & co. LOWl'LL, M ASS. Price, ft par Uottls kit Uotttcs for (. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hn won for ftself aueh a renown or th cure e? every variety of Ihroat and hung Cuiopl ml. In -.1 it is entirely unne.'essarjr Utr us te re'oui.t tiie evuirnce of it virtues, wherever It has hen en. pi -red. As it has long t""eu in constant u t;lr'lllrhut this s.- tion, we nefl not i nnre than snture tiie eople iM quality u kpr up t t be-.t it ever has been, and that It may be relied on I i da for their relief all it bus ever lecn found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Fills, TOR THl CVn.t Or Co!icns, Jaimlire, l)yipin, fi'.eiiim, hyuntery, lout Stomach. y.;.ear, lletidlclit, 'lies, Iiieumitum, Eruptiims aitH S.in ueajer, lAver Complaint, Itmtty, Tetr Turner mml Soli Rheum, H'ormj, troo, Srvalyia, ai a Dinner I'lll, and f jr lm ifjtui the IHm-I. 1 hey are suu.v.r-eoa'ed, so thit the most sepi live can tske then pleasantly, snd tlier are i;i bevt aperimt in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Fries Vi cents per Box ; Five boxes for M 00. Great numbers of Clerirymen, Thvaicisns, Sts'e men, and eminent perv.n.iifes, l-.ave lent their nsmes in certify the impaMlleh-d usefulness of thee remedies, but mir spaT here will not pe-mit the insertion of thern. ihe Anents Muff named for nih gratisnur Amkhk'AX AlvtAHar in which they are Kiven ; with alto full descriptions nf the aixive complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put olf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Arm's, and take no others. Ih si'k want .ue best aid there is for them, and thty should have it. All our remedies are for sale by For sale by E. NYE HUTCHISON k CO. i ... F. SCAKK k C, Ul Charlotte. II A VILA NI), STKVENFONi CO., Charleston, S. C. Fruit and Tree Store, T 1 1i r) subscriber hss opened out neit door a. JL boss liyerly's Tin. Shop, in the Mansion House Building, snd will keep on hand a Weil se. lected stock ol fruit Trees, (.rape Vines, Kver. greens snd Shrubbery, Ac. Also, p'ruils ol van. eus kinds Apples, Oraugcs, Lemons, Pine Ap. plea, & e., eVe. K. V. LYLES. Deeemher II, IHflO. 38. tf A I.I. persons indebted to the estate of Andrew a Springs, dee'd., w.ll make unniediate pay men I; and all persona listing clsims sgainst said estate, will present llieni duly authenliealeil, in the time pre.cribed by law. or this notice will be plead in Bar of their recovery. T. II. hliEM Uz'r. October 30,1 r-nfi. 3Slf Charlotte DKUU btore, n . M Y i: 1 1 L'TCll ISO Az ( (. swotl.D respectfully call the stlention ofthc W W public to tin ir l-ige aiidrninpleti-hUick now being opened lor the fprmg Trade, consisting nf Ilrtigs, Medicines, Chemieals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, llils, Turpentine, Horning Fluid, Alco. lol, Pors Medical Wines snd llramlies, anion Tens, Field snd (j.irden Seeds, Ac., Ac. January I?, IHiO 43f LIVER INVIGORATG NEVER DKniLITATP. ITIseompnuncleil enllrelv ,, has tieoome an esUI.lad.eil feel, a si;0,ilr"m V i, ti masttw..,"'';' Wbo bad divmii up all hoin J wl'Wn th. ,M , "frii.r. aa ih. V .OsvnltoUMCrirV-.toe,n myl 1 rx da- inutu be BVlnuirH' jidlvidual t&kiri it, aiiti ui H iodlvldusl taklrs act scuUr ea tea Iluwsla. Lsi lbs Li talaa of yuur ussorUML.IVEll Isj w 111 ours Liver Can-i tacks, AJjrscpla, Isnmsr Com er, Uropsy, Hour fn.tlv.h... I'hnl. l)Mmnt,lM, VIUIIKA'.,,,, Plaints. H111 ' t i : ... "'"ii r,ll.... :,rh(i Ibtamaeh.lil!'.!"' ra Morbus, i'holor-' lance, Junlee,J !rleVV..U'li;i es, ana may m usee sue ( eeaaMij as an 1, , ry Family Mil-j p t... WlU iisiuaiiik, iu, M teoiuan.1. ran .noonfal. .re elJ . I. i..'" ! au.ek. IH; -ULSf " "rri H " ti MIX WtTKIl ISj T,K mtlrn . TIIK HVItaillAlOU, AU bUAiVJi' BOTH IOOKIIII.ll. Tries One Dollar er Boltl, 3 ArardiiD's FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS Pure Vrsrrtabla Kairarts, nl , lil.Afi i A sl, Air lluht. and .. . V'1 Irs any rllm.le. " " k.t acu.a 4'aUuirtK BJ 0 1U " l,lV IIS lieaellea ni'.rsl .3 Ihsu l., ,1 .siaails M. reawiwi M tVuar.4 l..m .'. nsertlhel'll.l.s! 3 snd U,. kar. Img alt .lurs. laM. ba.i. Utem w.Oiin Um eaarhnT s Tb- fr.feMtan w.ll S11... Sal Sltorefll fKi-tl. KA.VIII.V 'IMAIITlr p,, haa wlib Sua r.i.ra b'.a r..nnM.in..l I labia Kiiseia. wlarh a a.is.an . . SLsaanury canal snd sr.: M o.Kl ,.,, ' waara a ( sasna h Cj ... .j.o ,..' , ' ""''' ''"i S Mom a eh,",.'" ss, fwli.e In tlie 5 l.o It ..,i 1 M' natvee, l'mi,, l s.,. Snni,,,, . U '"-r fir. Loss of Air-'M lit i-s r. . ":" .. ,.r t oi.i .v., m Hess. Ilea.laihe, i.r! Km ail I n Aa sss istlurt ST! Clie bfdy, ( ii,rllierrits llluo., ..lulls, C Cl S'2!,..r.-.-:':.-'- I'ltll K TIIIIKIT. IIMKS Te Liver hnl..i.l..r ami l-sir'll, trisrlle fills t-ra.i-j 1., hr,r,..u 7. ' ' Sv4 vaiHasksls by UM Trs.ia m aU u lai,t a.nL, a. T. v. n t r-nt K. m. i Saaalvli.ni .. '"- 3 3 Drsatusy, e w tmk. F. SCAKK i i n U7m T Vavr sr us u 1 Aa.Oi 1 j A T T U 11 S E Y A T I A H ( lltltMil lll.Vl, ' IM. pra- tire in the t'nurlsntMtr,., T 1 1,'mon and Cabarrus count, c. I rOlX.ce in the brawly JJu. ding ., . Kerr's Hotel. ya lr.0. 41 Book Uindiiig EstablMiwi Two Doorr. licit firanth Ci'iik. ii Et icg in rfaro, ,B.Manltj ilbiuH.., OM 'Mlll.i, Ji.t. The shove Fstb!il. merit is nee i f. ' lion, hsving, and still r.reivmg s fall :. the test lil.A.NK PA I I 11 si.u IIMl! . 'IPK1AI.S. ! am at all times rt-cy t ders in my not, snd st Ins same t ut . shsra of patronage. My personal aliri.t.. r. given lo all orders Willi hicb I ni j te nt ilsving hsd long prsetiral riperirne m ':r r ufsctarenf HI.A.Vh PJ kS. and ir, in fc 1 new and old I KIN I Kl) V UKhS, I fl.n.f l that I sso. in all esses, five entire sstii'.cliJ M.ANK UOUKS, Bai.k Pocks. C lerks' Pocks, for 1' istr ' Shenfls', Drdinary's and t 011.11. i. . 1, r ,1. 1 ty's Dooke, all Ktl.KDsi.d 1.1 l Ml Se . lera. in the very tu t Biai tier, 11 a j 1 , 1 . ant Paged and Indued alien nquueiS. Mil.N'l ti) Wtll.KS. Music Pni.ke. rnn.dirsls.l'sn pi !et..Vtit i snd books ol every ileeri ! 11, bounu ti :i.i in every Sanely of slyle. ir Ail orUera mil be eireuterf aitu and as loo as csa bv clone sis-sri ' re. l. h. sri'K:..- Jmmnty 17, I-fiO. '- ou 1 li-c a i;ii.i a Hutnal Life InsuraECt Ctu;i;; Or I it t.. H il. I. it-li a t 'tills I miipany ir.inrti ihciivr. .! ' ' JL al l..r 01. e year, a teriu ol yejr... r r tlie .Mutual Prii.i.pie, II e uii! l"t ...i J pjlilig in the profile of the t or. ar.J. ) ties grant! tt lot the wl.o.e Unit ! when the pre 11.1 11 ni therclor ann ntits to note niej be given for one. halt the am. oi.t . pr 1111 u 111, .it. ring interest s t 6 per e 1 nt. s guaranty. 'lite prompt manner in vhien ail !..-' -been pa 111 by tins company, togeliicr a.ii. rati s ul pri-iiimiit, present great imiucn. cu sneh as sre uisposui to msuie. Slaves are insured lor ttrm.f I" ' '-' five years, lor lwu.il.irus Ineii A.i lo.... are i.ai.i willnii 'JU o 't' " :.i lory prooi is premnUU. UIKtrTt'KS. I h.rle. F. Johnston, W 1... II. J".,... llol.len, VS. I) t i.kr, i. V.. i I. lluslrO, tiuenline lluslts, P. " I'""' II Mckee, h. P. liall.e, t li-rlts 11. ke- i. 1 1-ov.ie, Un ii'il II. h.tl.s DFMFFKS. Dr. Cl.srles K. Johnson , Preside nt. V. V. Iloluen, Vice I'resnH lit. K. II. Hutlle, Secretary. Williams II. Jones, Treasurer. II. W. Ilustcd, Attorney. Dr. Win. II. Mckee.. Medical Kiw"" L'xeeuttet t omnsiitee. Q. rlusbie, W.H Kee, t'liarles II. liocit. Medical Hoard of Contullntinn l',r'' Johnson. M. I)., William II. .Mer.ee, lllch'd IS. HaVWe.od. M. !.. V... f..,.l... . r.. n the i.uhitc l ' red to the pamplikta.snd forms vf t""", Ul'.y le ODluineil ai Hie llliee 01 i" nr any of its Agencies. t nmmumcaliolis should be sonie psidj lo. It. II. HATTLE, t'Ttt) September 8. 1857. Chambers, Iarncs & b Fac torn and lloncral roiinnisf MKRGIIANTS, :n Aitiar.sTo., '. -assVi.'iO ;gk phikthtg. .1 OR PRINTING .'l kinds w'11 mil esnenitlMIISIV eeni-lee si I '' r.l.es Wk., . Ill,, ,

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