fjorflj (Carolina Sljjig. today ::::::: : June 11, 1861. FLAG PEESEN TATION. We learn that on Friday last the " Meek lenburg Yankee Slayera," commanded by Master A. Young, was the recipient of a very handsome banner. The preaentation taken place at the reaidenoe of V. II. Myers, tod was presented in a ery Appropriate manner by Miaa Laura Orr. Not being present on the occasion we are not able to ay in what manner the gallant young Cap tain responded. WVTe bare been requested to say to the Farinera in the country who are anxioua to contribute Flour, Bacon, or anything in tLe culinary line for the benoSt of the sol diers that may pass through this place du ring this week, will make deposits at the Stor of Meaars. lilies & Cohen. Send along your mite, frienda. " Turn not the aoldicr from your door." lEi""Our fiiesd, Mr. John Uigler, sr., will plvaite accept our thanka for those Cine June Apples presented to ua the other day. We are not often thought of but oc casionally a kind friend drops a tear in our behalf. WWi would suggest to the Regulators of the present day to adopt the old Conti nental uniform of l77o-'fl. Ibe Jjriti.U tnd American Southern 5leiuibip Company advertiae that their , ;, (n. Ji,..,.!.. i .1 .... i will leave Liverpool on IDs ah August, to be followed, on the 4th of September, by the Rangoon, and thereafter, every al ternate Wednesday, by screw sUaciere. IIav. The bay crop of the Confederate b'istes muni not be lost tight of. Let the tail grass of our fields be gathered and packed into bales teat fall. Our tiovern mriit will buy it, and may not be able to gtt it elsewhere. Hay is almost indipn saMe to any arm, and should be neatly bsUd. A correspondent of the Columbus ((la ) Sun, over the signature of " Witbcrpooo," suggests that a collection be taken up in all the churchra of June 13th, or aa aoon thereafter as convenient the mouej thus I rained to be spplied to tbe aies of our Go e ronicnt, and paid to tbe Governor of eacb ' Mate be turning itover to tbe Secretary of I , Tre.ior. i Tli ... ,. crops to ?Iississippt, seeordtog to the l?olivr Timet, are excellent. It s.ji ; uBegpe,ai a eotnpany of rsjular eav that eorn enough will be raised to last airy, well araaed mountsd, and beaded bv to tea's. There will le little cotton rai- i traitor, dashed through the principal . . ..I,,n . ,.,l,-., fir. !,.;. .d nor doe. an, one ear. about ra..,r,g : ttucb" j A'ltnicAN Midical Association. The annual roseting of tho American Medi cal Association, which was to have been held in Chicago, on tbe 1st Tueadav in June, baa been postponed for one vear. bj ; order of ih. Committee of Arrangement. " 5"t, V,lr' ?. CU'T p through tbe town, firing and jelling, hx- v e it. . , . 1 ' Cov. i'uiiib, wbo wss temporarily bore, has- A orfoik paper ear. thss heavier and, . ... t .. p u . -j t 1 : icntd over to the camp of Ibe Kidee, and more suitable gun. bavo been mounted atjrijj.g tbem, waa proceeding to meet tbe eweil'f I'oitit sicca the fiht there. coemj, when Col. Vueli appeared and took 'command, 'lhoeavairy, in the meantime, An elegant and substantial drea sword ing through the loan for the third is to be presented by tbe members of the I time, when a well uirtcted volley tauptied Kentucky Legislature to Col. Robert An-1 number of aaddlea, and caused the biro j ... lioar aoldiera to beat hsslt retreat. Our men olosed upon tho Hessians aa speedily Carlisle and Brown ba. been elected to1 " possible, and besides killing five of them, 1- e. . r. .u c . i and oapturing sn or eight Cue boraos, look tl.ln.ted Statea Congre. from th. We.- !jgb frilontr., three of wbou. were tern Copc.rissional Districts of irgmtn. carriad to Maeasaaa Juuelioa for safe keep. Savannah, Jine 0 Tbe fine first class j A friend, who. beard tbe firing, and aaw ship Febssticock baa been taken possession ; tbe retreat of tbe valiant cavalry, aaya there of by tho Collsoter of this port, aa apriiejwere not less than fifteen or twenty-fire to the Confederal States, sh having re-1 horses scampering over tbe field, miuua taained beyond tbe time granted lo foreign their riders; and another informs ai tbat vessels to leave for Ibeir homes. Had the bo baa seen fir dead bodies of eavalry Ci;l!ector cot been a prompt in performing men. tbia duty, other eyes were upon the ship, In lb skirmish which took place, our on- anu sh would havo been well taken car of befor this. She was owned in ltstb, Maine. Efforts, I learn, war mad t charge her paper, and tbns make an En glish veaxel of her, but th triek sou! ', not take. Speei'd l)itpaUh to th Charleston Courier. Wamunotom, May 27. A Zouave, nam ed liuckley, waa ahot yeaterday, for inaull ing a lieutenant. A Zouave, named Boyd, attempted th life of on of bis officers. 11 escaped, and detachment ia in pursuit of hiui. It is reported tbat he baa surrendered him self to th sutborities of th navy yard. IlanrTON. Th town of Hampton is iu the band of Old Abe' tbievea and all the eiliseoa fled : Tbe Norfolk Area of Wednesday say : On Mondsf tb Fcdersl troops marched I into Hampton from Fort Monroe, aul took exclusive possession of tb town of Hamp ton. Tb in habitant were notified to leave, ai.d tb building ar now occupied bv Lin coln troops as barracka. Of course tbe people are flying in everv direction compelled reluctaulljr to leave tbeir bomes, at tbo mere of a set of un scrupulous rowdies wbo will doubtless com mit depredations in every part of tb beau tiful and pleasant Tillage. A ladj in Mississippi bai written a war bjmn, which closes tbui: To arma ! to arms ! lo f lorious war ! And battle with tha brave 1 v,v re ln, ijr,m to the ju.t 'o till a patriot's grass. Particulars of the Fights at Acquia Creek and Fairfax. We clip the following from tbo correspon dence of the Richmond Dispatch : Fred b ricks iiuuo, Juno 1. I bate just returned from our batteries at Acquia Creek, where I witnessed the fight of yes terday, and to day, between four or five Lotted Statet steamers and oar battery at the Creek On '1 bund ay evening last, four United Statea ateamers, of tbem " Anaooalia," were seen lying off " Maryland Point," and our brave boys anticipating a brush, prepared at once to give them a warm recaption. On r rid ay morning, about 10 o'clock, the " Anacotia " and three other steamers shall be required to appear before the were seen to get under way, and approaeh- Mayor, enroll their names and upon sat ing within two and a baif miles of the bat- igfactory evidence of a peaceable char t.ry, opened fire on it. Ours boye prompt-1 actcr an( i11(,lstrious habits obtain from ly responded and the fir. was oontinued .,;, a ccrli(ic;Ue of sucll 0nrolln.?nt to- ior au uuur auu nan ueiwceo to siestuers ' .... i u. . . . ... i u uebwecu id leauiera Walker's Flying Anil-1 h K I 1 itino. t'.nt 1 uu uauuiy, iucd lery, aupported by the Wise, ol your city, eame up with a run from . . , r.. . Marlboro' Point, and opened ou the stea mers, the fire continuing for an hour and a baif During the engagement aeveral men were seen to fall on the steamers, and it is generally believed that at least one of the veaaels was badly injured, as all of them withdrew from the fight about 4 o'oloek. During the engagement a abot from a rifle pirce on one of the eteamere placed over our battery, about 200 yarda over bead, ard fell two uiilea in rear. Tho men in the battery sustained no injury, the only dam age done being tbe tearing to pieoes of the otters ' quarters by a shall from tho ene my 'a gun. To day, about 11 o'clock, " Anacostia," a large three wasted steam propeller, aup- I pout! to be tbe ranee, and tour other veaaels, came in sight, three of tbe i mere opemne 00 otir battery. J be Debt I mere opening on our uiiui;. mi ugui ' .u. ..... . u. "6 So ot at us without doing the alight i.H,. ih. faffi il,.t ih. landing the Net bat tbe ,ail around cur battery, I eat injury, notwithat Jen it lti tad one of ttiui parsed tbiougb a port bole akd exploded iu our midst. Our battery fired 1UU shots, many of wbieh took effect on tbe vessels; one of tbem carrying away tbe flag of lbs Anscostia, and auoiber cut ting down tbe maat of the large propeller. Tbe last shot fired waa from one of Walker's . . , i ii i rifle pieces, wkicb ricoebctted aod struck ., ,r ! . i .1 ... i- . tbe large atcaner just above tbe water line, immediately alter which Ibe Seat got under way and moved off, probably to repair damages. : Dunng the Ggbt our men were as eool aa icaoerga, every one exhibiting a bravery and delerm'maiien that would have doae credit to veteran aoldiers. During tbe two daj'e fight none of our men were killed, aud ooly on of tbsui slietitly injured net enough lo prevent Lis takior Dart. iu tbe fivht. Should tbe eoeniv - ' , ... r f Itereaiter, jou then learu witu eertaia- tjr tbat somebody has been hurt. FAtariX, C. II Juno I At n ctrlv bour tLia uiorniug, our viilsge was thrown ' into greet excitement bv tbe arrival of Fed era troops, ids arinii bi cans, ana u tiui . .1 j.. ,ffl ,ped otig. Captain Marr, of tho Warreutoo ltifles,! whose cotupanj was atationed in a meadow , in rear of tLe town, on hearing tho firing, ! ran out to ascertain tbe cause, when ho was' shot down and killed. Tbia fact threw the! K.flee into temporarj eonfu.ion, the "retj Lieuteoaal being absent s in tho meantime, ly loss waa tbat of C apt. Jlarr, than whom a more brav soldier, or gallant gentleman, ever lived r died j and be was do doubt killed by an aeeideutal abot. Another of our men waa slightly wounded. Let ua be thankful that tbe God of Battle ia with ua, and relying upon ilia providence, and lb justness ol our cause I aiu aur wg abalt veotually triumph over ur enemies. Wakhinion, Jub 1. The body of lb lamented Marr reached town tbia evening, and waa escorted le tbe residence of hi deeply afflicted mother by the L Guards and a very large ooccours of cititens. Tb tlouth Caroliniana, 2,1 UU strong, bar advanced lo tbe Court House, togeth er with Kemper's Flying Ariillsry, wbil strong aupporia bar been adraueed from; Mauassaa junction. If all lb men at the' Junction and Fairfax Court llous could1 be adv anoed on Alexandria, wc bare enough to wbip all tbe troops oo this aid of in 'riser, but 1 won't tell bow many iher are From Fortress Monroe. Nob folk, June 0 4 P. M. Tbeenetnv keep sbv of ua to day. There i rauob sickness at Fortress Monro. Tbe tjpboid fever i spreading rapidly, and ouinberi r already in the hospital and reported ai . . uufit for duty. All quiet here. Special Despatch to Charleston Courier Nut York, May 29. Tb temsbip Eagle, formerly named th John P. King caught Gr thia evening and waa damaged to the eitent of five hundred dollars. ' c e s . - Ik it further Ordained by the Commit turners of the Town o Charlotte, That on oriel immediately after the first day of Julvt next, and on each succeeding first day of July, thereafter, (provided the same does riot come cm Sunday) then and in that Case, on the day following: All Free-Negrors now resident in the, Town of Charlotte, or who may hereaf ter become residents of the same, being of the age of twelve years and upwards ,.,i -.i i .-.i gether with a description ol their persons .1 1 1 1 T t,irr wah a 1 ascription ol their pe character nnd trade, or cm ploy n merit; -.:,.: iw i.j DllllU UV UlC i'iil'UI, ClJUIllt'I ff'g" ed by the' Clerk and sealed corporate seal of tiny free person o enrollment shall be to una wuiw- certificate said free person of color shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction before the Mayor shall be punished at Ills discretion by either! line, whiiuiiiiu. imprisonment, or liireine out for a time not exceeding six months for each ofli nce. And lor each and every such enrollment and certificate so granted a tax of one dollar shall be collected by the Clerk for the use of the Treasury of the Town. Ik it further Ordained, That no per son under any pretence whatever shall lo flis r 1(T 8avc, or ,0 any snvc 1 , 1 l- i. ,-.. 1i l,: .,- ,,,rl t,; (r .r , :.- Of allow thetfl the contiol of the Same Uildcr a penally of forty dollars Ibr each I J J J ceiy o knee. And on conviction before the Mayor said slave or slaves shall also be hired out lO the highest notifying t a aaid defendant to be and ap III . ii- , ... ,i I ..)' pear before the Juticea of our Court of Pleaa and bidder at public out-cry for the balance uirer Seil.lon..t llie ncJtt Court to be held for of the year, ntid the proceeds of sucll j .aid county of Meklenbure;. at the Court-IIoue birelllg shall be for the beiietlt Of the Town Ik it it further Ordained, That no Jt it u limner i' uuini u , i ii.n uu , . ,, ' , . slave shall co at larce as ii free person , i "'n '"' " "'- " employment of their time nor shall any slave keep house to him or herself as a tree person exercising tneiiKe discretion in the employment of his or her time ; and in case the owner or person having mntrol of such slave or slaves consent to ne same r connive thereat he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction be fined not exceeding' fifty dollars, Provided however that any owner or person having control of slaves may permit such slave or slaves to live or keep house upon hisor her own lot or land lir the purpose of .attending to the business of his or her Owner or person having such ilave in I charge. An Ordinatce to prereut the. freing of Ciiins or l isti'ls loaded u ith balls or shot, u-ithin the limit, ef the Tou-n of Charlotte. He it Ordained by the Commissioners oj , trie loirn oj Ltiariotte, i tint any person or persons who shall discharge or cause to be fired any Gun or Pistol loaded xvji, Ijall or shot within the limits of ,ie 'p()Wn stJ!,H forfeit and pay the sum of Five Dollars for each and every of fence to be received in the same man ner as other fines imposed by the Com missioners of said Town. IL F. DAVIDSON, Mayor. T. V. Dewey, Town Clerk. June 1, 161. In t'nion eountv, an the 334 ult., by J. W Eric, Esq.. Mr. J. W. Al'STtN to Miss MARY LLE, daughter ol the Rev. Dr. Lee. In Iredell county, on the 19th ult. Rev. WASH INO IO.N I. MEAL-HAM, of the N.C. Confer, ence, to Miss M ARTHA L. MELLON, daughter of J. A. Mellon, Esq. On the 15th ult.. Rev. R, Z. Johnston of North Csronna, and recently ol the Theological Sennas. ry, i olumbia, to Miaa K1TT1E M , daughter of It. R. Caldwell, Esq. In Ireilelleoupty.on the 20th ult., Mr. Wo). L. WESTMORELAND to Miss AMANDA C. Mc. NEELY. Also, on the 7th ult., Mr. JOS. A. CHRIS 1Y to MARGARET A. GOODMAN. In Rowan county, on the 33Jinst Mr. JAMES YOl'NG, of Iredell county, to Miss MARY A. McLOltKLE. In this town, on the 38th ult., at th residence f W. R. Mysrs. Esq . THEODORE STCRDI. VANT, a nstire of Anson county , aged 31 years. In this tnwn.nn the 3H inst., Mrs. R' KING, wif. of Mr, John O. Ki; Jb" yeara. ' In this eounly.on tha 23d inst.. Dr. W. Ardrsy, formerly of York Dialricl, saed 63 years, ' ' MW ADVERTISEMENTS RTotice. TRREASURER S OFFICE Atlantic, Tenn. & Ohio CHARLOTTE, N. C. June Ad. IH61. fHHE FOURTH Inalallmenl ofspital Stock JL m the A. T. it O. R. R. ( , snbscribed in tha Town of Stateartile, ia due on th Slh of July nest. The Siith Installment of theStock subscribed at Mount Mourn. Iredell CooStv. and the 8ev- enlll n.UimeBi 'f .nStocknbscribed in Meek lenburg County, is dut sndpsyablu on the Slst "ir'th.t'ockholders desV-e the work to continue they ML'ST be mora pr.mpl in their payments. I This ia no id to talk. "Jlie Treaurer must have MOMEY. M L. W UISTON, Trees June 4 1U-71 U TTha Iredell Express will cpy till tha Slat ofj . I. Ll'DLOW'S CELEBRATED SELF. SEAL. INU CANS, of all the different sixes, at S. T. WRISTON S. Junat, IFCI. lOlf ANNOUNCEMENTS. i W E ,re ' authorised to ' WW announce Mr. W. K. ' KEID, the pre.eut Clerk of thai County Court, for Meeklenhur. county, N. C, aa a Candidate fr re.eleclion at the approaching election, First Thursday ia Au. ' gust next. .. May U, 1851. 7P I -USE are authorized to in. II nounce that J ENNINUS B. KERR, Esq., ia Candidate iut rs.elcctinu to the office 1 ':rk '' Superior Ceort at the approaching dec l,on- Maylt.iaei. 7-t. STATE OF KORTH CAROLINA. CALDWILL COUNTY-. Court of Pleat arid Quarter Settions, May Term, 1961. Jamea C. Harperj Wilie Gailher. Land Levy. IT appearing to the satiafaetian of the Court that Wilis dither. the defendant in this cue re. (l(jel beyond the ljt of the State of North Caro- eanaot be personal. ubhcation be day in June nev cauae if any ha can why the jualices juViiient shall not be eonSrnied due bia Und candioined for plaintiffs debt and cort Witneaa, S. P. Dsla, Clrrk of onr said Court at ffico in L.noir tie Stk Monday after the 4th Monday iu Mrcb,ieCl. S. P. DULA, c. c. c. June 4, 18G1. Printera Fee 6. IIS STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, MKCKLtMBUKO COUNTY. Court of Pleas nd Quarter Sessions, A pri Term, 1861. J. W. Morrow, ) Original attachment lery ft. A. Culp. 1 on li.nd. T appeuni'if to the .aliafartion of the Court, a a .-..I. .i.. j.r..Ai i ,1,. .... .. not , inhabitant .V the atat .f North Carolina, but reaidea utroul the limit, of the same. if tereore Ordered. V auid Court that publication ,f Jg .ucce,Twk, in ,he Norln Carolin, Whir a newapapr printed in the Town of Ch.r ' " -arltte on me Slh Monday ol joly next, ...... .Tiv. j --a ment proconfea.owill be taken against him. Witness, W. K Keid Clerk of aaid Court at nf. fice the 4th Monlay of April A. U. 1661, and in the fcSlli year of knierie in Indeprndeiice. V. K. RE ID, c. c. c. May 21, 1861. Prmteia fee. 16. t!3 (.Notice. JOHN T. BUTLER ) PRACTICAL WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, orpsiTi KERR'8 hotel, I II AUI.OI TC, X. C, (Lite mth R. W. Beckwith.) Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, of every de- acriptinn, repaired tr.d warranted for )'2 months. October 6, 30tf TO OUJl CUSTOMER . WE WOULD 3A TO ALL TKOMPT PAYING CUSTOMERS THAT WE PROPOSE CONTINUING THE HEBITBUSmiS, i And, l enable rt to do so, WE 31 17 ST HAVE A ?A8H SETTLEMENT NUfR CLAIMS. This brcomss jiecesssry, ss ws csn Bit NOW purcUse without the meney. I Sbouldwe hereafter have to. ADOPT 1IJE CASH SYSTEM, I our en toners niny know their W A N T D F PROMPTNESS rOUOED I S TO DO SO. ISHER & BURROUGHS. 7-lm May 13, led PRESElYE YOUR TEETH, A. W ALEXANDER, SURGI0H DEHTIST. BALTIMOBX PINTAL 'jSttlTVv TVUiXiO ALL DEN. A.'l TAL Wrsu' latest iniprosed sty lea, and will be st his office two weeks in each mentli a . .. .... t..t Mn4sv fnf tha month) ar.l ,,g iron. -"-;-"'- ,,:., .11 .nnrmirisle the remainder of hi time lo all persoi.a desiring work done at their residences, who will bliB him very much by addressing htm at fhailotie. N. C. OJ- ALL WORK WARRANTED. Office, No. 3 Granite Row, Lp-staira. April 16. U61. 3lf Charlotte DRUG Store, E. N YE II UTCll I SO X & CO. RETAIL feilers in roreign soo uomesuo Druns. Medicines. Chemicals, Perfumery, I Kuney Arlicles, Oils. I'ainla, Varnishea, Window Glass, futiy. Dye Stuffs, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Canton Tea's, 1 Field and Garden seeds, 4.0. &.C I Having closed our Books intend hereafter to ; ill for cash. jotice. riMlE TAX LIST, for tho year 1860, is now in JL my hands, ready for inapec'.ion. All peraons are reauealed to iniorni me 01 any laa.uie. which may be listed, quested l prPre All TAX PAYERS are re themselves to meet their TAXES promptly. , r W. W. GRTKR, Shenf. April 16. ietl, 3lf tnat ruilpr 'r lery GRADUATI JjII The .TlnrUels. COBRECTID BT OA TBS & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE JUNE 3, 161 BACON, Hams, new lb..... Sides lb ' Hoy; round, lb " Shoulders lb Bagging, Gunny, ya Beef, ib 15 .... 16 15 13 18 4 15 a. is fts Duller lb of, beeswax. lb ...buahel,. gl- Cl ib !b lb tiealis,.... to I (7 Bran y. ApW to ....IUU (a, 71 to a-i 3 30 (a (" 40 tj "JO (M fa i a to 'j ( 30 (m; 11 fc ,...G to .... JOO fs to 6 (.u i to I, fa, it (n 14 to .... 450 to 4U " teach, Cotton, Codec, Rio, Java Candles, Adamantine, Ib. " Sperm., b. Tallow, lb Cora -.. Chickens, Cloth, Copperas,. Lmdaay,... Ers Hour Feathers, Hides, Green, ...buahe!... ..-each.... ...yaru... yard... ...dozen .. bbl bag Ib Ib Ib Ib Ib ..bbl.Noa .... Kilts... 8" tl .. bushel.. D'7 MoSosses.N.O W.I Meal ao 9 5 Mullet. ( Wilmington )...bbl. Naila, Northern,, " Southern,... , Oala fork I'tae ''otaloea, Iriah, " Sweet,.... Rice Sugar, Loaf, brown, -lb - buahel.. Ib buahel.. bushel.. buahel.. bushel.., Ib Ib ral Ib buahel... 50 7 H O fa ....aoo to 40 ia ....t4 to ...,i5 to ..-10 to ....10 ....300 to (m to stone-Ware, Skit, Tea Wheat, while red,., .buahel... ....130 to I3i ...62J (, 65 ...10 to 9U ...a7 to 2H ...aa to a.i .mo to oo Whiskey, Northern gal.... ii . Carolinu, Wool,(bealGcorgiH) waahed,. .. " " " unwaahed. Yrn. bale It EM ARKS. Our Murket is well sonnl.-d mill, .!! kinds 11 produce COL I'M II I A MAKKLT. Columbia, June 6, I8CI. COTTON. We have no sales to report this BACON, hog round,. CORN, PEAS OATS FLOUR 12, (7tt 105 to ... 1110 to .. . 80 ... 4 to 1.1 110 00 65 CHARLESTON MARKET. raaaLisTON June 8, 1861. j COTTON The market has been at a etund tins week. We have no sales to report in either L'iand or Long Cotton. 1 DRUG STORE CHARLOTTE, 3. C. A Reliable House for Pure CHBMIGASS, MUGS, CHOICE ASD ELEGAXT PER FUMERIES. ..,, Huir, Nail and ToOlll Brushes of the Finest Quality, mm wisss ABB BMilBlB2 For JMedical Purposes. OIEjS, Faints. FIKTB WHITE KEROSENE. KEROSENE LAMPS. April 3 Wot (ai-i-t'ii .iii-sit-i-irM. 300,000 Select Fruit Trees rou sAIT. rf1"1, 1 RE the eilitens of the Southerr sf i Slates aware that the people ol ftrvs) the Northern snd Northwestern States articlea of frVdiVan'J TbuT'nf a" elfl mate" and soil l. a trrat eilenl very unpropitions for fruit cul. ture J 1 hen why should not the citisens ol the Southern State make Fruit, dried and green, one of their lesoing atapies. r runs grown Ssuthern sun ar noted Tor llieir sise, one nivor, and beautiful color. Th above statements are fully sustained by premiums taken over Northern Fruits, snd the, great anioui.l of green and dried fruit aent North j and Norlhweal by the Southern States during ' the last few years. Then if the shove statements . are fully austained, and if it is no sin, sccordiog : ., . , i. k .;.,.. F.nil , .lie n u..-. n..c, , ...... ...... then sena mrwaru jour oi. -" brook and Mendenliall anil they will furnish yo. will, good markeiing orchards. .-.....n.i..ri.- 1 ui'vnpvailT ,,WIT Viln i.reensDvro , o. iow. Blacksmith Tools, M si jrCH as Bellows, Anvils, hand and 3 slide inimers, Vicea, Buttresses, fP vair Knives, Scrcw-platea, Stocks and dies, Blacksmith's Pinchers and Tongs, Ras pers and Filea of every kind, cut horse shoe and clinch Nails, Boras, Iron of all aizes, both of nor. thorn and country manufacture, cast, plow, blis ter snd sorins Steel ic, for sale very chep at TAYLOR'S, Opposite the Monuon House. Il-DLOWS CELEBRATED SELF.SEAL 1NG CANS, of all the different sires, at TAYLORS Hil'fuar .tffr.ois s flfjasims We Wilmington. ClinrluHe nml HiiiIipp ford Iliiil Road. WtSTKKN J. 1 V I S I UN . iN and alter Momlny the ljth inkt.inl, tho fnixni'iT ami Muil I r ni ii will he r j n i n ihia Koud daily (Suniinj excepted) te lullowa: t;oiNc; vi:st. LaVE. 7 00 A. M. 7 4o " 8 15 8 40 " Arrivi. 7 43 A M. t 10 H 37 " 0 uo Asairt. tl 2T A. SI. 11 4.i 12 15 P. M. 1 1.0 ' i?pnrt .t'mn. 3-tf Charlotte, TlllkaM grr, Ilreviiid, Shiirin, Lir.rnliitnn, OOING KT. I.rivx II 00 .V M. l.'ncolntnri, ! iron. Urevjrd, Tucrtlmejjee, ( l,;:rloit.-. V. A S M:ialer of T: II v3 it 60 ' 13 17 P. M Dy order, f.ineolnton, April 4, Iftil. ' ; WatchcsJewelrv.Solidhf-ilvcr Plated Ware, j f g HE subscriber has , ti ly rcluriicii frnni tl:o I M. North where !u has pirchas.ii nyeryix. ' tenie supply ol llir ,-, arliclef. IJn j.ureh i. ' ses biing inmle dirpciiy from the iu;. n u I.. i-i u rvr, he is tliereluro eimlileii to si ll :it a vrry "nr.. I :,u VJinet.' on cost aou pt-rsmis in., v o-st ntunt: li.i.t all his articles nn. w-TriinU..' lo 1". ulr-t l,u n p- rrfeuls tli ni lo In-. , 'Vatchis and I'lneks er.refiilly rejnircd ami will receive my pers.mui atu nnm. i n. w. r,i:rKvrni. Cchbrr !), IPflO. 0:'u j Ur. E. II. Andrews, ! "y:"i"'?:, "Wi a Ot"H isil'riu the public gm. ! iftSYYAyv' er.uly, iiml ihe cilieiic of j i-J-r-TI-i-1 M. rkleiibug in ji irlir n!.r. th-it he , Ins resumed tnr practice o' DKNTl-STIt Y, and j nuy be f. .und ut his Old Slund. lie la ( lo iri-erl Arti(l''i:.l Te tl. on I (juld, .Silver, Vulciiite cr t lienliil,r: prnccsa, ua pu tn lit may desire; und fill Teilli Willi li ihi. 1 in, Ainulriim nr ts. Arlitu ml. He J prep: of' to perlori.i any open. ti..ns Lehinping to IXi.tiatry I und need not suy O'ut I II be liieuscd tj ttn Uinn any of Ins old f.-iem;, or new citlie , Jim may Like I ml lor (.'rallied, Fth. 5, 61. 45 tf ALL persons iniiel trd by note nr bnnk ne. count to 1 lie Estule nl Ire I . te '! Iiniiu; J. I Jolion urii req uefled to eonie Inwurauna st lliu the smiic us' uimni.t be fivt n und uil persnns huvini; vhnins -i.iiri.t s,i ! Tliomns J. Ilolton's Eflulc i l (iriniit Uil- buiu- williin tiio lime prescribed hy Inw it Uiis notice n ill bi plt-.d in bar of their reent ry. K. KVK. llU'lCIMNt-ON, Er tr. tj TUOo. J. nuLTUN. February 5, 1861. -15 COMMISSION MLCIIANT AM) (Icneral Coik'ttiii? l AL' LL produce shipped here for my cispnsi.1 111 I reei ive (irouii.l atitnlioe fr.i.l core taken in the lurch? of ,tMl. JJ"Ail Notes and Aecouiiia put into my lonins ior col lection ahull receive prompt auu imincdi ile ul CAaiUte, Feb. 5, ISGI, 4lt Out of Debt! Out of Banger, A Lt pcrsoi.s, IN iinii tiLT Of To m. havu not seltied llieir fet.ouiiU uus us on the 1st ol J.muury IMil, uro euti.esli.v re. quested to CALL AT UNt ii. anil )oiy II. u money ur irivc llieir notes, us wu arc celt i in.ned lo close rip l"l'a buiiiess, ;ind prrter I i3o so v. tin- oul incurring lOST. e mn all, aim even ,UUIIL II 'Uil K'C IIUVC SIIIU. UKuWN, TATE & CO. 3l Chiirloite, M.irrh U, Iflil. Tin and Japanned Ware, A largo assortiiii nt ; Uioek Tin, lllock Z Tin Piste, b.ihbit metal, Slc.. 6 70 VES, the largest Sloi k, ol all sires, at Hardware, Stove and Iin-U'ure Orj.ol, Ufjiusite tlic Ma mil n tiot. At Taylor's ITOU con find tho IikcsI asaortmtnt of Cut. ' jL lery, tiuns unu 1'islols, ol'ull the eelehraiej ' niukes. I ULASS, of all sues and q mil i tic? both Frenc i snd American. Alan, fully h" mc ki f or pouuu. WOODEN WARE. ilROO.'i.j.i.c.ol all ki.ii.8. Hope ! Hope ! (isol .M uill.i, J u:o arm C--t ton iiojie, Ironi i .n.-li lo J in. cues, at TAYLOR'S Hiirtlicare Store, opposite the Minntun Mouse Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. tjJIKAW t utters. Urn Miel 5 flows. II. its. Shoveis Sondes, hurks, Aies, t'lChs. AUt- at.'iKt i.;L"bt.'iia' .llots. J ii., lap slwurs. I'ruiiini: "'' l'Uiii:i G .r. ii I ra. IS ot-s Oen ilotS and Uahr NMtil lo . ...,.. und brier S-rytn .. , Wueon boxes : oliow wurc, such ovrnil snd lids'iocts, stew. puns Mia Mi. ties, Cauldroi.a 'roin "JO to 1-0 (r-iuoi s cni , noi. and brass Preserving Keltic. Sueep Shears, ic, al TAYLOR'S Haiduore Vrpot.opi'oxtt llie Mucsilu House. .,n,,u;Alo.lril,J TJ F rii.s it rOONF ilO.i r 1 . , , ... , , JL HOU.NL havn.E .if i W j collection, U.o.e '''' ''V. ' v ', ' f i-v'i'l V i io mite 1 1 1 1 KM IN 1 un LAhLl 'liTv. lit Ji llN V I Ki UA Y . im N. Trunin Msy 7. lfil 6 3t ROM ana uitrr toe HI iuy l J .nu I1 we will be lo i-i i our customers ana tl.r res' ol mm. cssh only, tuy article in our h lor l a.-h moi Hi Ll wc may liuve on hsiul. ciiiiiiiik lor gords slier nitr. will iiese e ictis ny (irson seiiusog or tioe eale it;o.ui il mslrud el rii o g I their i.r. ers, we fmnisii luri.uh them witn a cep; of this advertisement j as s are (iettriiuiitd no to sell a aingi urticle on crcu.t. Ai.d t.iose in ilcbted to us see reqccslvd to call -.ud piy s ' i want the nopey. ,,,,, j OA1ES & WILLIAMS Dec ?j, iao - ho