Horflj Carolina- (i(!l)ig. TlK'f'd'iy J II II 0 IS, 1 8 G 1 - . .. . j RDCRUIT3 WAIT ! ED. Wo Lave been requested to tti thit T li i:,n,m, .in , l .i i '",uri',l tint fortiGostiou ju.t above the l.l. OiLLKM'lE, will take lb9;ill,galil)f b(Jt 0lJI,i)lu 0j it, dceen.lcd lioso wbhin to join the Hornets' ; through u block of craniie tenor n,ttye Lieutenant nair.es oi ihomi wiMi.u- ij.iunuo uornet ( lulu Company, now on duty in Virginia. 'l l,ni, nbo aro auxiom to atiow their tiluck B0 Lave ebauco to do ao. Step up gen- I " ... , , , . : lleuii-D of Iriaara ud u.eans anJ dou t na.t any longer for couiiui'smoih and appoint-1 ' i jncut. . ., Til o 1 r ! (irinr. 1CB,B, lie feat of war ou Tliuiaday niuht next, I ...,t uiM ehccrfallv take of anv email Duck- 1 letters, io Parenta and friends would i ,, ,,..i- i d, ll to .ooi .o .a..... A'Maitland Lady'i ZAL . Mn IJrad- 1.. T .Johu.en. of Mart land, anired a day . . .... , or to Mnce mtn hi .iii-rpi "' , in cal', - cirtri.iea aim i rp fcr tie Maryland boys. Mie was neretia-' d. il at nij;h by iLe Marylaoder, anl Mr. j,:,.M, made a hat. .laon.. apeceh, f.llow- ,, , . ' , I t,i Ly other., all from the a.u htate. I Lmtiing of Abolition Troops. Oir city was thr3n into a perfect fer luM.t jolcrday afleruoon, aud every man, l.ojf and tnauy of the women, were ready ti take up arm tj repel the iuvaJcr llu raui may ba brii fly ripUiuad ai f oi l.. : it a knewta yelerd;.y morninp, from ii.fui uiali.itt brought by parliea fioui brio, i, .it (lie bloekdiUj He of our eiaii hid tf.-n i.uildenly reinforced by from three t, fi.: lar rl-l I on. li'iwever, w n cut-iiereJ merely a freik of that partiaj i.r a-in of tno Abolition n-rviee a the vk . t'.il kh.int nr I'unrAu.U l,.-i K - r ..',a ...d a nerfectlv eleao'coa.t to mor- ' Abo-jt twi o eloelt p m. Lo.cver mat f ,r Mn-at, an the l.vel.e.t arena of oper ter. ..r-umcd a more practical a-peet. A I "on' ' c!"'"s,, ' ' ' ' " ue,-enSer ir.ivej by the boa from T bee. 1 'ceilneou.iy.-Aic,o! 1jh,1, ,. intr licence Ihal m boat ioada of A j . U.ecr, irnip. a, p....J to number Villi j TnE ., WgA K VIli8. 0. TI)E SoCi.-A n.rn. had beii landed from the tn ladron Hawfa-ki. I.l, ad. on the Carol, o. roa.l. ; ""'T P"P'r '"' ,Ur,cd ,u N,w a-t eppcite 'I)bee. The tie, apread j Vork, et.ttlled " The Ar," ty. nit th cuy in a few n.inuu, and the j Thoe who think the Siuth ia power i i!.t icit. (in lit rrevaiied The ca;l 1 lea, lio i.ot ui.defland In r. I n t h'' M -1 C a n fi-nij waa oundt lo the d'taclnnenta ( f .i.uitar y remaining in the city, and ere- 1 1 Lio.iy a eined aiiiioui to lake part iu cir- r tiivrtaiiiij aid d e ro j t ip thu iiitadeis I' 'p iraii'tn aerf inime'liat.-ly made, pint I'jul.l cut, and built (jot ready. I.'rn l.toton ard i-taff had left on the urnmin'a tot', fir I to drfrucea ou the eoa-t bfloa I'rritv, and the preparat'ona were lul.eu I . i e - I y (Jointnodore Tattnall. At lile. itf.ur anotner meeH)cr arnv i I e irrrc'iu the tint ace sunt in two in jit t i . - r, r ( a n t panic. iiar. The iaiid.njr t- ok l . a at Mill hi lleid intrad of on Iw f ,-"-. and iii-.tr1! of few ho it loa.li. the frarkatton bad been commenced early in !.; n, "min,; and kept up ihtoijih the peat .'. j art ot the day. Commodore Tall . i i r-meiiidea that a very iar-e fore? h n t . . it ii.deil far a r.ular catnpaiu, with " n of tkirtr' p3e.ion of liioad Hiv ir ml u I'uiatrly the reduc'ton ol Charlet i ly an atlaea in the rear. Tl.f, Low tier i.oujh!-, ia but an inference, ai r i .. 1 1. .Irtii.ne ran be knoan of their oh -I I '- r Ii a i they did not have cut ol t a diTi..)n of fjrcoa from o ir I mi .ii 't i an. re b.'i ) w, ao aa to euablii ttc fl-iet ti run- i'i and take poificaaion. i ' i ii ui vlora l'iitin!l want dawn I ha ri v rr a-.o.il f o f'.ork. with three bot and a r trmlerablo firce, CJtnil.n of tin ' l.a-him ArtiMer-; aud a number of infn or Wa can ouiy add that mattera are in nife hand, and al! prudent and practici li' it.-pa poa.ible will be taken aud with out delay l-ti'ler the rire uttntaneea, however, il "I. proii.it. !y be aome ilayt bo (ore iba ac 'oil loree landed and their character can le a-eertatned, and proper np taken to ' I aee the til ..IIM'im'i tiupu'i.i'.i" , T II at Cm p.i The wheat crop nhiebii rt heiiijj harvcMed i. the bct e have I. a. I for many yrara. The forward or tain t'r oat. ate reported ncellenl. Ou Tuo '' a y , t In'' pood rain, which will Hour i) make the latent oat crop Corn i-i a lit t barkward. owin to the coldnen.. of the rpiinp, bu now look well and promises a l-oud yield, if aea.oiiablo from bu tune. We atti no advocate of lo eropa frmn the f- .tne eround in one year but a the rre t-i nt i. a time extraordinary, it would be for our farmers, as fir at they can. to pant their wheat firounds it, cm. If tla re is a lata season, a ou-idcrable nun- ! I ij of corn imv be thui made. Clit sler llaiinl. S I mi L' la it T La Aujsta Consttution-' '"').: S.mo leu or twelve year, ago,; ciliieu cf thia place auddenly .i .appcar- j "1 A iLort time afterwards the body of ' man was found drowned in tbo Savannah ', liner, below ihe city ; an inquest was held "f""1 r-4i0 lody identifidl as that of tho Bii-iiigVfli2en, aud a verdict tendered ao f0,dingly.i After the lapo of these ten or I'Obo years, lo and LeLoU ! tho iiiiMiig it'll 'lurua up again,' aa live piivatu "i 'ho ranks of one of tho (joorjju colun ,r r companiea ! The question now is, who tbo drowned man V ' i . ; A xchafne lays thatouo cotnpauy of 1 " Ohio Kepitnout, now encamped uear w, . mcu, natives oi uermany. Am Ixcidrnt of PoiiT Sumter.- Most i of our rortdcra are aware that we hava in' our office a ninety nil pound ahull, wbicli was Bred from the Meanier Montiucllo udom a,c,',',,lt Artillery, on the coca.ionj . " c"'el' rami, in con. ......ou ..... ucuet. .ageniicniuii alio was propnt at iU battle of Port Sumter. elate that one of I litre dangerous misnitus iti,rouu u block of craniie leu or twelve ; tuchea tine.;, and exploded, otic of its Imn. I'"0"1. ' t'arlt twentv bound". ' k "S-"" dI of ',,e .""'t"11"? "d bendidi; it inwardi tbiit It wan afterwarda foun,i llnp0ik,e , 00,e lt Hiluou, lLe ! of mucnatiio. Witbiii a few boura of tlii ' j i ... , ...... "WBuirrnco a reu uoi anoi irom fort Woul- i trie pakaud tbroub the outer wall of tlio ,n,ei;n. penetrated the inner wall to l lie diiii of four itiebet, aod thon f.ll to the ground. All thia ti :.e grains of poder,i "pilied by the men in punn.' to aud from' ." n'J m?iiBe wero lyin iooriy upon the Door, ninth, incited by a .p,rk( wou,j U(0 b,own ll)0 triJcture jlt0 atom. Throughout that ent're encn'c- inant, ao Lolly and ob-tinately, contested, !,h h'il of 1'rovi Jenta wa everywhere I rovidenta wa everywhere lo. Udalhdealitii; balU flew in ... . . .. , ion Jlen heard then bil!e n,l i.., I ...r.i . and had tno earth torn up a- co'lally vim hie. rerj diri.c,iotl by their ear. round their feet, (jroups ere rpattered tilu "J ,U''' of piuu.-iiij; tli rty- ,W J"ul"',r". nd ,pi,nter, of wood and tror rained anion;; the utiflinebiu'r aoldieri ith tuc, Ulur,,t, " u, vt,1(,,1H.,10e That noth- j; bm a higher power could have prcveu li'il them fioin harm; yet " nob dy mi hun." Let ui hope that the (nd of bat lei", who hai Ilm far bern aogricijjs, in ay anil direct our i fl)rt and carry ui aafoiy t Lt r o' tue torm ot nr. In th' eoiineciion we mav mention that Lent V.ileiitiue, of the Confederate Army, alio e. limn. n. J oi.. olii,.. I.firi... n, S.I. It v it m I-U.id, nhieh d.J mo.t tff eiive work in thia batile, i now in t!;i city, at the Kxchan,'fl Motel, (hiacco int ot hit Inbora in the fortification around Fort Sum- ttr for the Uil fjur month and a half, be lua reee.vo.l , furlo,,-!, of thirty day. Irom tteneral IWanreard j but lik i a true ol ii. r. he propose lo occupy bin time upon fi,J of Varieaiai II haa no particular (ilaee to R'hl, will leave in a day or two war lie Southern State contributed tice luaey men ai the North. The South, iih her fi-l'l cu'tian d, and neirly ail ber work done by i.eroe', can place al- inokt Lr entire popul ttion under artm I u a grea t e r.n rgency , the Southern States could lace in the field a uiii. ion of men the t-rtmtrr part cf them Lein aueh tneu at w ii: tbe battles of U jvtia iata and New OrleuLi " . l b Urooki)u S:inJ n referiing lo the war, aay: " Kvery aat man undert.tandi that thera t no priupn.lp in inue, and in re.ult eveu in ti-w. Nlliii.j; Can bp pained by" the South, tioihiu;; by I ti p North IJtlli mift 4oae niihie ia in treasure', and Itvea by the hundred thouastid In both, the aeed wi l be lell uu-iwn, and fimii.e will bn tl.e in It jjritli of tiie land ah! bow lunch male trrrit. than civil war itelf! And why? Hecau-4 a d.-mapo'u proclaimed an 'trro preitiie eonfl ct.' " What A Hatio" N - J ouncea frrt-h and alt beef tr 1- ei por!. ; I i ounce .lit bread or Sour, or li ot. bard bread ; '.'J ci beam, or 1 :l ' oi rice ; I ft G ii . ' ' , i-.i- I auar ; 1 ot. eoff e, pround ; J pnl viucpar ; i ;i . . 1 .-I. -fi... ci cainlle; J ei a.iap ; J u call. I hit an-wers f.r the aabai.tet.ee of each noldier , during the day. and itf-hily maimrd i. , plenty ; wi:h a prudent cotlt the crip can be made up inta mixed dihea and uotbintf wi.l be lo.t . j Mrs Kinly Tubman, or Augu.U, (ia ,' who ii well kaown far Iter hi eriiity , ban irmed an entire H. oreia Ilepinii nt. M r , T. i. a native of Kentucky, and in I hit time ly donation to the volutttter-i Las proved herself a worthy uau-hlr of a noblo State, which will yet .end Representatives to the j Confederate ('onpre. in apiie of the siren- uous and Xiittn ilea' eff irta of suoh men as! (Jn.i I lt untice "ho i laboiinp so hard to mitrepres. nt a Si ate wh'ch has f.istcred j aud cheti-bed biut, an alien by birth and i pi iueipl. Telk'Hiait. in IIiAPaUArtTKRt -We learn fr.m ihe Nfhvilie JJnnner, that tho head- ii'iartcrs of the Soul It-wcetern Ti lepraph ' bine, encoding from Lui.vil!e lo New Or-1 leans, are to be rem ved from loui.villo lo Nafhuile, where thu Prc-idont and aubordi- tiale ollicpra will soon establish iheunel ves i Tho in.irumeut tnauufaenry will also be removed lo Nashville. ! -Wot.K, Juno ft, 13 A M. A detac'i- "!" of cur mcn. t l ,0 dS WCT leginuin-j to throw up a battery two d K,t of loat UjHh when tho Harriet Lane opened on the' j" Unprotected as they wero by any ctrth- wortts, iney urove ner on witu omw oun ail-oound tit id cinnon. Pij;' Poiut Hat- . . i ., , i. , 11 .,,;,. I ..... l.,,t ..iil.l ' ' F , , ,, ,. i ' i it not reach her. 1 his ia pctleotly reliable. M II E t nttiiniltee of lit nininttion fur Mecklan. L hurir County will meet on Siiurtlay, the 2:1111 ol June, lit tne intirl house, for tl.e iur.oe ol e a .i ii 1 1 ii ii g thoae who wiah to olit ini i urtiftc ilea liuctler, u( ., s,:ii .., la iw tiie cjuitty. J I'- R'. Committee The Uallowa F.1U N H.mp.. thire, djh ! 1 "e oltts, of mcn r"Z wb" dirok instrumentality our country is now itupcr- ; iiteu, arc not tug ones woo arc rs li i Dg to , ,upp(SU of our Government aj volun ' , T1 r " , , ri,e Cotton G ro ing Company of Jaro.i " ""vo dclet mined to plant fcveral tbou sand acres in cotton lorihuith, no tbat the cron may ha in Mi-choiicr I,, fnrn ilm end of tbe year. ' rsB 4rtk J3 3 JL tlfl V II aJ 1 1 B T 1 M. 1 8 e s . Be it further Onlaiurd ly the Commis- -j . . umu.,,-, . JtuilH'i I i;M I V ftllt r Hit Mrst l;iv tit I JliiV. IK'Xl, (ill iMfll SllffCl'llin" Hlrit .1 c I ..I.. .1 r. . .. i i . i. . ' ' ""- .Ill'tf (I'll J llfit CtMIIC nil MllltlaV) llltll ,( ; ,lMt .11,.) () ,. ,v ;,Hwi(, s n i,-,., v, .. , ' i . ,i ' 1 i-MI r ifc-.Nfunics now resident in llifij,.. t , i ' i i i r 1 1 J "--liii Iniie, or who iikiv lieient- wiiy . , , - . ! n i liceoine tc-Hkiilj o ic s;irnr. lit in ol llieu'rol Iwelve e.iis ;iiii! t)iv ards bh.ill lie i iiImII cil lu ,i iiiicir lieliift the M..Y..! , enroll il,ei,-iunes ;,ii(l noon sat- ..... . vi.l ..-.r I i,. ..I....-.! - . ' ".- " I". ,,v v acter a tn I inilu.-ti ions lialiii til it a in It otn limi a eet lilirale ol .-mh en : ii 1 1 1 ir-ti t lo gr llici wiiji a (lcc i jit ion oil Ik ir pet sons ( haiatlf'i- rind linili', fir emi!'iv rnenl ; lu lie i(,'iied liv 1 1 it- M ivor, coillllet sign ed by (lie Cleikand U d il ll llif a"!M,.,;lll! 'ilHV ''- pef.-riri of J own. And it inv lice per-ori ot (.(iii- lialile to ruelt 1 ,i! "ilmeiii sha II he loiintl t i: In ut Mich til I ilnaSe said live jieisini ol color .lia II be ( leemed ".nill (il a niisilenie.ir.of and mi t oii ir l n.n bcioie lile M:iof liall lit Himi.li, d at hi.-, d i-n ,1 ion" liv .illier , u hipiiii.-. ilnoi iM,m. I.l, ,.. I.ilelli! iiiiiii..'. lliilil i.-o.iiiii I.l, out tnl a 1 III;"' Io eNieed iag MX nionllis lid- caeli nlli'iitf. And lit each and evciy such t-iinillmc nt .-tint ceitificate mi raiitcil a lax ol one dollar .-hall be t oiiet ted liv I ia; ("lei k icf the u.c ot lli Tiea-tii v ol the Town. Ilr il juithir thiliiiiuil, That tin per son uinier anv pielt uce wli.ilcvci .-hall hire In his or her lave. nr lo any lave under his or her cont.'ol hi- m her time, ot allow itiein (he coniiol tit' ihtt sntne ntidt'l a penallv (ifliii t ilnlitis loreach 1 t'M-rv otli tire. And on conviction M,,;,n, ,(. .,iyr raid :lVt. (,r !;it'S -h til a!-o be In ml to Hit- hisjliot dt r at pub the V(ar, ; oii!-ei v lir liit balance 1 the proceeds iif such bin i;,- !i:;!l r. Ibr :ne ben. lit of llie Tow n. lit it it linlhir (hiUiiim fl.tve fli.i 1! ii al i;:iL'' a- a xt ' t i-ili J Ii' ; ft in f ill :-' I Tii.it no pi t . -on in the t tiipiitv lot nt ol then' 1 1 u . nor -hall any -! .v keep hi'il-i- lo hun or h i-eii'as a lit i p"l in e-ci-ltll.r I in i ke ( ! I-C! e! loll in the ernployini nt of his tir ber lime ; am! in ae the os tier or pn -mi ii.) viiil; tiiitliol i -ti. h .-l.te ei tcs ttmst tit lo ;Ih anie or connive tin 1 1 at he or sht -hail b.' L' n.lvtil a iiii-tl' inraiinr and on 1 1 !. n i ion be lint ii m l xcceiliiig ti'rv di.JI.ii-. I'miunl h,,rer :hat anv ou in i el pel -on j t niiol n! -1 i e- rimy pet nut .-mh i i,lc- to hc or kct p hun-'- tip her own ! i t in- land titr t!n pn aHcmhn j in ihe bu-iuess ol I, iiUIMT ot pcloll Ii.iViii-.' Silrli iliat-.-. tve or i hisor oi ht r uve in , ,. .(" ' , 'I i im lire to vi i re nt I lie luring it ' , - ti mis ur I f.v.i. tiiniitl iriti liiili or .imit, ,,, , "'''""'' "" '. i "" J ( lnuluttr. ' " Oidnim l lj tin: Commigsioiwrs tj 'he 'I'mni if ( 'huilniii; That any pri son or pet -mis who -h ill disehai L'e or cause to be liied anytiuu or I'l.-tol loaded with bailor shot within ihclin.it-; fit Town, -hall lirli-il and paythesuni 'I I" i 1 'oll.il Ii if each a ml evei y ol- Ii ntf 1. 1 be teceiM il in the same man iter ib oilier lines inij-o-t d by the Col ini.-ii nii'i s ol said Tow n. ,n j li. V. DAVIDSON, Mmjnr. T. W. Diiwev, Town Clerk. Jam- 1. N K W AhVKKTIIvMKNTS. Hiink of Clnrlottc, Charlotte, N. C, June 17, 1881. f -w IU S ll.,nk Inn. declared acini nn.tu il Di H d.-nd o. fi ;.erShre. of eajh. being t i";, ."r. a-'r" 'eirdsV ou.nd""',"; thi' V .L i,.,ble 3rd , i, Annu.l Meeting o'' the Stot-khohlera nf lheD.nk '" JjlJr bl on the fir. I Wrillictd . V -I '.hi Hi. M. P. PEG RAM, Cashier. Juno If ll?til BJotice. TimEASUBER S OFFICE, f AtlHtitii, Tcuu. i. Ohio li. R. CII ARI.O ITE, N. C, June 3rd, xl. rilllK FOII It Til In.t.lluient ol l'iu St-ck , ,1C i-wn ,,, suu.v.ile, i. due ou the iih ot July m xt- I he S sin inst.iliiner, i ot llie Mock aubacribed !lM it Mou.-.ie, I : ,., i ,, i n t .a ril ounty.ai.d l.ie See. nil Stock atiltft-rihcu in Meek, due und p.Juhlu ou thu -Mt l.-i.burjr t'ouuty, I July, i.t at . Il the i .ekhol.leia desire the work to continue they M I 'ST be more prompt nt their pay menla. 'riiiBianonilon.il.. Tne Irei-urer iniint have MUM E Y . M L. NiilSlON, I.e. a. June t IU7t liri'he Iredell Eiprcaa will copy till the Slat of July. HU.OW'S I ELEItl! ATED SKI.1.SEAL. I .Mi UAAS, ol all the (titlerent aire., at ANNOUNCEMENTS. i,,;t W ni',! "r8 nillioriied t.i f rji jgj announce Mr. VV. K. Sa- ,iE1D' fru,c"' -''"l f H' " Cunty Curt, fur Mecklenburg ill), N. C.nt (-.uuMult! for nt.uhcii.... -i f c,7u the anproncliirj election, Fint Thursday m Ait. gust not. M.ty 1 1, IHiil. 7 r ! &f1 - , - ? 1 ii urn authorised to an. ' ii'iuncc that J KNMMiS II. KERR, Eq., ill ii Ciiniiid.lu for rc-clt'Clmn In the i.flicu of rk oi cupermr ourt at tin; appi-ouchinc elcc I . My H.18CI. 7tc ST A T K ( ) V NO I IT 1 1 C A HO LI A . CALDWELL COUNT. Court of PUut uhd Quarter Sestiont, Muy 2'erm, 1S61. Jame C. 11 irpcr, J ti. f Land Lt j. W.lie thither. T p(i mr.jf l.illieaatiifaclien of llie Court that . Wilie Outlier, llic ilrlendsul in thia ce re ,le, b ,,, Ihe jlnll. o( ttleSlB of Ntll(;0 tn. 1 1 notice til llic lory cm. mil tm uernml. I lr ui""1 bun, ordereu that pu!!icatnm lie i'r i t in FU' eraim wceka in the XMorlli taro. ,n, Wine, iL.tilynu aaid defendant tn be and an. uear i.l the m xl it'jr( of our aaiJ C.urt to be liclu tht I'liuniy i. ..,.V-id, at the I nit Iluuae loir on thu Gill Moudur after the 4tli M,.n. in June neit, to oliuw cause if any he can tin-jul'.in i juilgnii m alia II not be on finned lua find einiuei!: .tn Lit il.iii. t. fT d:bl aim Witnraa, S. I'. Dula, Clerk of our anid Cnuit at flfiie.i in Lnn.ir t.ie lUli Munda t a It. r the 4th Mrcn. leCI. . .... S. P. DLLA, c. c. June 4, I8G1. Printer. I'l IG. 1 1 5 STATU OK NORTII-CAUOLl.NA, MK. KI.SNHU1IO CCUMV. Court of I'leas anil Quarter Heisions, A- in' Term, 1 SCI. J. W. Morrow, i Ormiual attachment levy i. II. A.Lulp. S on land. tT appenrii.K to Inc f alisftctinn of the Court, tlmt U. A. t uh , ti.e il. numit in thin cate. ia nut un nili ibil ml .,( liit al.ite of Norlit Ciir.i'niii, but r. i-iiie- tiryfH.it llic liiinia nl lite a .tiu-, ( i thurjoie Uid rid. ly uiii (uurl tlmt publiiMtmn f rix nkci-iitc wreka in the North Carolina Wing a in wi m t (irn.tcii in the Towi of Char I.. lie iiotilyi-.g lee ... ,d lelemt.. nt to l- an.i a p. l-ar lf..re ii.. Ju iicea ..I our O.urt of P.a and Q latter S iii. .1 llic nnl t!ourl to be held lor ..: cnuniy o! M clilenburif . at the Courl.lluusc in t'lurii.tle on the 4lt Muinlay of July nixl, then and tueie to plead unawer or demur or ju'i iii. nl irnc.ii.',ri.i.ri be Liken agniiiat hun. W.'neaa, V . K Keid l lerk of ai.nl Court el of. fac iha 4 III M,,n..v ,.(' A'.r.l A. P. Iff.i. und in t.'to e5lh year of iiiiTiei.i I n.lip.iilfiice. W. h. UK IU, C. c. C. M.iy 21, lei'.l. Prtnteia fee. 6. t!3 g JOHN T. DUTLEli yvf.r" PRACTICAL i WATJH aid ji-k mm jiaki-:u, - .m jb -z Tiva.' n-jor. Hafsat -.-c. Oi l't'SITE Kr.RIt's UOTKL, I II 4 lil.tf I I'll. at. :., (I.ate witli R. W. Iteckwtlii.) Fine Walcliea Clot-ka und Jewelry, of every de. aerifiti.oi, rt i ..ri-il ai:u warranted tur 12 months. Ortoi. r IG. l-',0. " 3(111 TO OIK t tS'IOMKIiSr WE WOULD PAY TO ALL PROMPT IWYIXG CUSTOMERS that we rnorosE t untinitnc; I THE CREDIT BBSKSESS,. A ntl, to 'lKi!l' lis lo lt so, j Wl! MI ST HAVE A CASH SETTLEMENT tSB B. fl i ritlOl! CLAIMS. Tins brc'Mt'i a neceaaarj, as we can not NOW purchuae without the money. Should we hereafter have to. ADOPT Till: CASH SYSTKM, tin i- 4 ii (oiiicr iii.ty 1. 1 1 oir llnvr W A N 1 OF PROMPTNESS H K.-taV fW roitcti i s i no so. FISUER i 15URROUGII3. 13, IpGI. " 1" I'llESEnVE VOIR TEETH. I, A. . ALi:XAM)EH, SURGEOS DENTIST. ORADl'ATE OF Tit E BALTIMORE CENTAL COLLEUB. AS rCI.I.Y rKlirAllED TO DO ALL DEN. H I AL Wi.iK ill the luteal niiiroveil lvlta,i.nu will be at Ina.tVui- lo weeks in . oc-li nth ua. , i .... ,1... ,..,. ... a win aiir- rule I t it iii .iiioi r ol l.ta lime lo all t.er.o r. innrii.ii weik uo..e al their r. aidencsa. aim will otl;;e hn'i tcrj much by uucrraaing I. tm hi t h..rl..oc. .V C. J.i ALL Wtll.h t AKKANTEU. Utliet.Nu. J Ordinie hew, Lp slairs. April 16. 1(61. 3ll Charlotte DRUG Store, i:. .yi: iii' it liiiso.N i ro. UEI'AlL I'eiurn in K..ieii;n anil Oomtatic Drugs, .Me.liinitn, Clit u. teala, i'erlti.iisry, t nicy Arlic'ea, Oils. 1'aiule, Varnirhea, Window tildsa, I'utly, Dye Slutla, Turpentine, liurnina; I'm nl, Alc.i.ol, I'urc Liqu.,ra, I aiit-n lt', In hi atut (J.rui ai actus, Ac. iVc. Il.iynig cloavd our Hooka intend hereafter to tail lor cam. jj' Aotiee. 'piIE TAX LIS I', for the ye ir lt-60, is r.ow ,n my huii'is, rc.tdv lor insjn-c'.iuri. All peraona ure requested to inform me of any Uxaoles which iii .y he luted Ail TAX PAYERS are re Iqor ted li prep. re tlieinst Ives lo meet ti.eir TAXES prnnii.tiy. The i71:i lfl. CORIIKCTED BY OATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE JUNE 17. led BACON , Hums, iif Sides. ..i... " ii g- rmiiiii " Shoulders, ...lb ....lb ....lb .. K. ..."lb ...ib ...lb .bualie i, ... -ei (T1 ...lb ..... lb. ...... Ib Ib ....lb ..buahe!,..., ....euci -juri ....yam..... ...UOZI-tl ... bbl ...bapn Ib Ib Ib ib II .bbl.NoS.. ...Kilt ,...U .. 14 O) 13 (.., ....12 ( ....la (", .... 4 f.r ,...l.i (, ....515 r". ....in'' . ..f,u (7I: ....pill f.l .... 7i (,:. ....U.S (ir, ....3U ....-'5 (n, ....4U (Vj. ....Ju (,. (' .... 124 (,, ....I.'. ....3o f.i .....'SiJ (4 ... ti (i ... JUO (!; ....30 (. 6 to 13 ....Uk .... i Oi ... 14 (. ... 460 (. ....15 u, ....4U fu; ....UU (-.. (; .... 5 ( . ..iU -, .... J (. ....I CO (a, liullcr, ltcci.wr. - itcuus, , Hr j,A.i r cii ! clt', hZ":Z L ' ' JV! Culldl'-'" , A ilk mull till); Sperm., Inllow, Corn I L-tiickena, Cloth, Copperaa,. Linnaey,... Hour, t'ealhera, Ilidea, Green, .... " Dry I.urH Mutton, .VI ickerr.1, 'lu'.uaaei, N . O .... W.I Me-I Mulleti.( Wiliiini(f tun) ...bbl Naila, Northern Ib ' bout.iern, Ib .... Oata, bual.ei. I'ork lb fcaa, buahel. r'otutoea, Irml., bualiel. Sweet, bualiel 4 h ice, tun, ....Ti j ll.-uwn"........ ... , otne.S are, "' 11 j Tea, iU .. l,w lnu- " reil Wliiakey, .Nortlicrit,.. ..lb... ....l.i ....Ill ('V ...:j . t- . ..n j ii,, ...IWJ ify lid IM Inn t 'i tw tlj I'll ....lb.. ..IlllMH .bsln " N . Carolina,....' Wol,( he I jc.ir(f ia ) waaneii,. . i " " " uinvanhcu Vurti, bale.. .. I p . , ,. I l t-.UAK h. t)ur Market ia well aupplied produce. . j COLl'M Jtl A MAKKKT. CoLCMaia, Juno 15, l;t', 1. ale Una wtek hnye ruached COTTON. The I b"l;. pricea i-utnittal. B At ON, hog round, i-OltN, PEAS OA'i'S KLOl R 121 0 .lth ,,,, II 10 ui, Ho ij ii la. 13 110 ( It Alt 1, KSTON M A K K ET. ru a luton June 8, 1SCI. COTTON. The market haa been at t aland tins week. We nave no sales to rcpurl m eill.tr Calami or Long Cuilon. DRUG STOEE CHARLOTTE, & . A Reliable House fcr Pure CHOICE ASD ELEGANT ;.' FCMLlllES. Hair. Xtiil and Toolli nrushos of the Finest Uuality. For Medical Purposes. OILS, Paints, FLUID. K 1- R o s i: X L KEKOSEXE LAMPS. Aprils 1 ti ll t tt I.I CCII . Ill t'l tt'W. 1300,000 Select Fruit Tret- l nit 4 1 i:. ike,, .ti'"'' the cit'iet of the Sout.ierr ..I the I't-nic ... a Sl..t. a la-mi ajrfTiw' Ihe N-rthtr rn m.u Ni.rthwei.ti rt. St .te lire iiiuKinK fi uit "lie ol t a ir Ii r .in, ai lieu m l trade, und lhu t in a ran. Ii-... -i m--I t( a jreit rxtet.l trry unT-i li-'l . I.r Iruilcui. lurl 1 " """" . Southern Stales make I- mil, .in. 0 unit pictn.-i.e of the r le.ioiPif t-tjolea. r ru its .-rown tniet r our Southern suit .ire noted lor l. tir 7. , tine tin ! and beauttlni col. The above la lenient a arc fully tmlfiirii b premium Liken .vi r N. inherit t ruiU, inij 1'ie I g real tin. u i.l of j;rei n mil or it J fruit arnt Noi I ii ; and Northwest by tne Southern Sl.il.-j unrai; the lual lew yenrs. 1 hen it the aboae t iteini uia are fully ul..mrd, anil it it la t.o a.n, accuriin g to the llible, to ma ke money by raining Flint, then send h.rwnrd your oriisra uti.t cjIi to We-l-br....k anil Meinicohull und luey will lutinc'i y-n with r-oil iniirkeniig orcharila. WESTliROOK &, MENPENHALL Oreeiiatiero', Nov. IM.H. 311. Blacksmith Tools, J a kl'l'II liellowa. Anvils, hand in, I ZtfFfr? ,lllle "i '", Vict lluitreskt'i., (& Fatricra' knitt-a, Sen w pl..t. Slocka and dies, Ulackannth a r.iteltera iiutl 1. aigs, h--ncrs ami Flies ot' nvery kind, cut hnrc nlioe and clinch N .,!(., D-r;.a, li-n ..full .!, U. Hi ..f ! r. them ui.ii country in iiiun.cl'.irr, c. pl-w, :!, ter and sprtnp Stetl A.C., li ile v- r , e i p ut 1 AVLoKS, Oppoiltftht Mantiuii liuu$r. IDLOW6 CLLEUR ATED SI'.I.F- EAL. Li I NO C.NS, ol til the .i i He rent mi TAY LOU'S I Wilminslon. I. Innloilc and Kuilur ford Jlaii iloul. rtrffii fXll tVi".v f?-. fP I wori i.s j nis.t'.-. ON ami a l. r M.-n.a.v il. I.'a'i '., , M." T;. it. , I! lr- (.'.,JJ 11.11. V ;'. i . V . j.li ctnx. v-r.-.r. int-t.-r i, tl.e I r r Uli ' It I KAVB. 7 ("I A. M. f li.-irl.ilt.-. 1 41 J 15 4J 'I tn K .Mrr, 7 a A M 1. 11 1... a, t. n, J Lit (.niNt; i:.--r. I.EAVC. 1 I do A. M. l. iicoiiit. n, 11.3 " ..i'. il .r,ll " Ur-y.ir.i, 1 . 45 15 U 17 P.M. Tut: ...(.cc, li 15 I'. M. 16 t hi fl.ni, . I ii 37 i By ordc, V. A b HI V, 15 i A 1 1 n f Mwnr S 1 '.-.tn. .rt lion. I-n I I.incointi.it, At-rt; 4. -o,. :! ti Oil ' 35 i m:u si sM'i.vi!!'' V;it(,hes,.!(iv(i!ry,S(!li!iU ( r i, i am i . Placed Ware. 75 rH'IIK .i,ivi t :.-.... . ..;.',,'-.,. 10 & Ninth ml.i re t.i i. i. .. . ,. IS 1,1.,.:: ! ; j . c lo a.- buiitf in.ir r in', h . im : .- ( i u . : . : r, I'O he it. lueietiire .II.C e.- i- . n .. t : u- -. '..: .. ;' 6 v.. i, t:t: ii, c. i-l .im: in r.H ...... n. v i.l .. .. t on i,li i-fti.-lt- ,:r- ..: r..t-t. .- n. u . u . . , :.. .. ,,. 7 rt r. i.U t.i. i:. I i ... . t'O Watched .Ii . t ...ckftar:-'.:-; t . .. V .. t (j it 1 1 i vu in) i . r-.': . t .. i . t o : ' 1; v. !;;!; with. '' ()rl-l,r 'I. i:.l jl. .!:(!r:-v. , V. t'l 1 1 1 !! . I . I .t , .. r ;. in Ins ..fu.i.eil ni- i .i .. .-f I 1-1 1. V. n... be f. '11.11 .i 1 . !! ft-ii." lie ia .i-p'.r.i t" inn ft Art ! l i .! Tttta n (..).. i, Sii. r, Vu.t -.i.tie .r ' 1" "j'.' .-(. i i..! -.'. .. piil.i i'U it... v ,..,. ; ...... i:.: I Ti... Am.. 'pa... ... ".A-: n -.. :. f.K .-,.'. .d l.i p. i.l.t . ;.. : tn.ne l i I l.p.l.p i I ...!..- V, Ml. I I..! V.IV tl.l,l l- Mill If iil'.'M.l I-i- l in... ii i.nt ..i hif. .In ri-. in -. .r n tv i.. ...a in:.- , j. n 1 1 ... v i .i t- I "' .or p'i.t''.i. hth 5, i.-t,l. 4 .11" A I.I, ncrMittf. im i 'in l.v i . le- , r l.m.k :.e. ' Jt. tt..,i,l I- l-t J -t t. : . . i- 1. ....... .'. Iloiiiin 1. re r. . ..--'.. '. i n .. : ..i . -i t " the sun.e i i 1 1 i.. . -..m . '"' ; n at-.t ! lerM.ns I .tin; . . '..a ; ..:!.-! t . .. i i . n. f .1 . II-: W. V- i nr. .!! t. i s .ii e i" t l-.o Line p'tn-l.i.. .1 . i. .t . r ..it., I. .l.(t ia .1 ."' '"'k. ISVL.' iil' 'u'I'INfi'N, :, ,-. ij THOo. J. lioJ. i 'N. r drum v 5, 1 t-Gi . .!.;. in. Mi.i'.. COMMISSION Ml ii HNT A N i) ('( llCI'.t! ( '(!,!( Cliil1; ;iL( ill. A II. p-oru. e e.-i-.-fi i '-i f.T l"V .' " . .' a t-!'.. i Item IT 'll,.t iitletil. jr. -:.:.! t re t !-. ,n t'l i''.. 'i l , ;t I ., A I . il -s ; l. I .-t.-i; .U' .i .ut in'.. ii'. la ' ' ' ' I-i-tli.iit t-lt .li re. ite j n.i.ii.t tiiree", u ... u mien..;-! l.'li - lit, I'll, ). Ir-bl. t.'O' Out cf Debt! Gut ct Banger, A I.I. pcraoi s IN t.t. : . T -:' T.-t :t v . xk -i.vu l.-t nti.eii l-.eir .I'lninli. . tn . on Ihe let .1 J ...S.rt .-t.i, i, ' -' u. jii-li -., I- ( All. A 1 t'l N t'l. ... i '. ' i ; y -1 '- I'-- l-'ee.u- - " "-." ni- t. . . -' li j. n, l ) e j t's .. - an Ms, li J 1 r. l'-r ... i- . t .. -cut inei.rraig t IS I'. v - int.. it .a:, -ii'i h'-n M'lIU: l n i.j-t- lildU N. TaTE CO Chariutli , 51.. reli U, l-'j.. ,t Tin and Japanned W.u e, A lurgo asMirtm. nt; E ' .i Tm, lih.t . Zn.e, A In. ri-lf. li I . . .:. . . -. -Hh, till- MtH .,- -.i- -. ..t 1 A YJ.i 'il S Ilui uicai t , Stun una tin Wine D?ptl U;; t , .r 'it M ns t.i-..C. At Talk's V OU can hno t'.e i ,. jt iih..r'i!tt nl ((' !. t.i. ASS, ol .1,1 M. - . am, A iieM.-..ii. Ao ., HIIUI'K.N Ala.. I itOjic! it - i $J "iP 4 i.... i..-, i. i i TAVl.l.K i.,.,vi.. i Agrii'iiliuiVtl InipliibridS tl I I M M "S - tV'r-. I ' i' v . 1 1 . S ; -r-iK.,Ai..,IV,. M. i tgWayifc!,;.-.,.. t. II.. -. 1, . UuTo- ...(...ii t ..iiii.-, L. Cl . ."i.r. I'ru. . i- al Il:....u-su...r., IV)..:. p . . .i i Iv. .v.,. C r. .,. ll, :.r..i I; -. -t-t.i i-i.e.. ; l. t ' II. ..s-.W .!.. v - ; -o.u.-- - i.l, n. . .a, i.t. ' r. ! . - I t..a..u..i.... I' p : .v.... , lr- a mo rrt.trvmp Kt tt!e, --'h. . Stt...-f. .i . . i I.t ): s , ., imiii,,-. r ihut.e.ii' n-r rSAllE e i. r I- i : 1 ci : I H'.a.',lJ r F A UU.NE i.t.. '--'f.- ns t r I ,.. o .-t : 1 laM .. ,., :., - 1 i i ! ! .' I v I ( a i v!,l " liAY. t.i It I'iruN A- l!a)A N . ;, : i M.v 7. 1-nl r r , : -1 . . t- . ' cualri'i ctm o v:AL6 Jt UTLL'i.,.M5 S T. W HIS ION'S. 1 Vv A. itKIEK, SheriJ luoe 4. 1 H6 1 lir ! Afril 16. lrMW, i' ''T Jui.e1b.lh01 Hiiwwi-c Stv.oppite fl .ni 'i tvu ; j, ;;r.)

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