:-aMCaanarm'rTii b It (Id Tuesday June 2:, 18G1. Rain. We Lid a delightful rain on Sunday hieb makes every thing look fresh and green. Those Fino Apples. Mr. Jas. A. McNealy, will pleaso accept, oar thanks for those nico Judo Apples he presented us, we Lope Lo may ever have ao abundance. Edgcworth Female Seminary. We bate received a Catalogue of Edge worth Female Seminary the well known ebaraeter of ita Principal, Richard Sterling and the number of its Pupils apeak for itself, it needs no cetnruenl from our humble self i we hope it may hare a large accession tbe coming session. See advertisement in a- notber colutnu. Crops. From all quarters of the country we hear of the luxurious orops and they lid fair to hare an abundant barrett, ou"- far mers have been very diligent iu cultivating tbe soil for the leneCt of the nolle and patriotic volunteers tbat have gone to de fend oar rights. Infantry Service. We see that our young frienls Captain W. L Davidson, John K. Drown and W. J. Kerr are wanting men for the war, re ilioulil tlitik Cspt. Datiilsnn was aa exe-l rienesd oflicor during the Mexican war, c-Jtne forward geulleineu and relieve iLcm a litiie of their trouble! these distressing tituts, let us put a word in for your benefit, j if you CSUt rrl tbeui by coaxing you must I . I ride around tbe country and see what ef- feet luat will have upon them, as the ene my iuat be kept ? hy foreo not with cosx m', you have waited ioj long alrtody. Artillery Service. We see our fiiciid ffl T. I! Rnm.has not Laeu id e, he has been mustering up a little force, be wi.l soon be ready to march i upon old Ale, and lei Iiim know, that wc era not io be whioDed b cornstalks, at so liatiiilr freaks, they have felt a lit- 1 'tinly pck, Ihey tie of lb t r trial fun, we will Ut lueoi bare atiot'i A iLaov a Wit and its Resoli. A T. tC' -se? lady, who has been passing rotne tin.e at Asbttid, was (while prowebading the Lesutilul grounds wbirh adcro that place) acccsted by a j.' t.tlcUisn, who scent cd l) be arranging a bouqatl, with the in quiry if there were any laurels, either in the grounds or the woods near by. Noti cing that be was io eiliieos's dress, she re- j plied promptly, and with much meaning in her dat k eye : 1 No, sir, but I uudcistand that ; tl.e irgiBianibaverecentlygatbered arealj many ct Acqjia Creek, Swell's Point and j Fairfax Court bouse I doubt not there are stiil more left at those placet, and many c.Ltr parts of Virginia." Tbe hit, I wis cot lost. A few days after, tho gentleman j joined a gallant corps, and is now at Man aitas, no doubt determined to reap a har vest of laurels with his own goad blade. P.r.siONATloNa. The Washington corres pondtnt of tbe New York Herald inform that paper that "Of the forty fle Cadets tbat arrived here from West Point some weeks since, and were commissioned at Second Lieuten ants in the army, five have resigned, giving at a resiou for doing to tbat they would not n-bt against Virginia. Their names are Cbainbliss, Hoxton, Rice, Patterson and Cbainpbell. Their names were stricken from the roll of tbe array, resignations cot being accepted. " Woi.liEN NuTMioa OuiDo.se. There is a Parisian dandy who, we think, hat rather outdone Coouettieuv C bad at hit residence a complete costume of a groom. When offering an attention to one of the fair sex, he used to say : " Permit me to send you a bouquet by my black servant." lie then repaired to Lis garret, took out. Ins blacking bottle, polished bis Isee and baud, put on his livery, and knocked at the lady'a door. " Here," bo said, " are some flowers sent by my master to ana dame." He bad spent tbe last five franca in the puichate. Madame waa ao deligh ted with the present, that the presented a louis to the bearer. Tbat is a clear pocket ing of the dollars, and a lady's favr in tbe bargain. The New Orleans Picayune of June 1st itites that tbe privateer Calhoun bad arriv ed there, towing there w balling brigs and schooners, whalers, with oil. Good news for factories. sV Tho Isrcalites, of Montgomery, have contributed seveu hundred dollars lo the fund for the relief of the fauiilUa of volua-tuait MV ADVERTISEMENTS. KDGKWOKTII Female Seminary, GIlEENSBOItOUCll. N. C. rHV,l)I3 Institution ha been in successful ope. Jfl. ration for twenty. one year, and lor the last ten years under its pres. nt Principul. The Course of Instruction i deigned to afford lo Southern Parents an Instruction in which can be secured every advantage afforded by tbe very test Female Seminaries in the c.uutrv. Tho Faculty cntiaisla of FIVK Gentlemen and THOROUGHLY BOUTHt"tt V.'l""" aaiiun. (Jreenshurough is eininenily healthy. and in the present eirileu state of the cnunlrv. Us peoerauhl. c.lp.1.i11nrende,.it.nu,et.nd..fe retrea? The nextSis.ion wiii cummeiica Auiruat lai. 1 t1- , . . , . . ror Catalogues containing full particulars terms, Ac, apply t. RICHARD STERLING. Principal. :,.... ...i.. ....,!. v June ' Ibfil. jNotiee. ' H 'HE underpinned will rereive bids on Satur. a day the (iih day of July nut lor pulling up a buihling at Ihe Poor-lioure in Mecklenburg county, said house to be one atory high, of hew ed legs two lug purtilion walla, making three rooms below, loll and floor tu le of inch plank, with door 1 1. each room. Didders wll pleaaa attend ut the Poor-House on the d.iy abuse mentioned and lund in their bids. N. It. The loas to be got on the pluce, 8lnn. glra and all oihrr niuiein.la lo be lurniahtd by Ihe undeiukcra, IK A PARKS, WILLIAMON WALLACE, JUIJN WOLF, Committee. June i'5, C!. !2t Miiooi, o i h i:. Ilbi oiniuilles ol Kiaiiiinilion tor iMecklen JL burg County will meet on niurUT. the WJilt ut Juni-t at toe court-house, for the purpose ol examining those wlin wish tu ul.tuui ecrtificalea as lLel.tr Coinin li h li.sjia Hi the cuunly. J. P. Rt'bS. K. NYK iJUICHISON, M. 1). JOHNSTON, Committee June 18, lrtil Ul. III rKlrH AlV 1 1 AIIjUKIIMIT w...... II I I IM.VM'KI cV CO. Jt j. A t. aiau a.lue.l to loeir Keady niad t. loth, Ml si .Mod ..i t.,i, ti : AVK aiao aelded to loeir Ready. mad. Cloth, u.tut, to winch ti ey call u.t especial attention of ilt-ir ll.al.y Irieliei al.U CUslouiers. 'I l.i V inlei.u inar.ii.g i Ins ueparluitnt aecciid to one in llir Mate, rum r n.aiyle and quality of , .ii.os, or in th inaiiulaeture ol Lsarmtiils. I At all l.mes will be toui.d a goou slock ol Diaek tid t olorru t. loins, fc.rg list., f reneli alio American 1 meres, sinl a ariel ol cslii.gs. Also, sn s.sor uneni i Hot h s. A I .11 l.lt V.S ti... (i .,.. fii.., .h.i.i.i.. ui.d..r..u ") "n'er house in the Mate. Iron, me auv.n.iajes y l.s.e io gelling li.t.r g.-ous. , tl.e F M in liu resiuta III llie ru. tliern iiiamela, nidi gur in in ihe opportunity of ia n,g aovaii. g. ol tl.e pr.ee. ol g...Hi. inereny a-..ng at 1 least " I ., tl.e eoi.si im r. iJ Ihinea sated are Dollars .il 0 US. K. HJLLI.sUjri, J.Nt'. M. SPRINGS, i'7lf frft,ml.,t J. IM. (illKAT SACRIFICES J 1,1, cm) vinh;k 4. 0 Vsf W 1 Jtrs'i' it i:ci;iv fi rito3i JaV U -Z ' W m 44. BV nv goodman & i:iui:Mmui, TRADE STREliiT, orrosiTE OATHS WILI OI S. ri soeetfuley iniorm the citizens of Cbar- f f lolic, iriti iurroundirg cuuntrjr llml wr ft: rei4rcU to utter u it i: t i i i c i: .11 1: T s IN ea llj sj -tj is x illia USD VSJXGV DRY GOODS, llufv, vii, MtootSy shots, Ac. aku a Lsaos sssoaTstiNT or t;i:Mi.i.jii:'.t n ummiix. ;oous. ALSO, A large stock of Ladiea and Gentlemen's SUA H laS A N 1 I'laOA KS, IJ" P.caae call and examine our lioods before purchasing elsewhere. GOODMAN & EIGENRRUN. Vrlnhrr V, If t.0. Sit" I 1 in: .KI.AT 110TII1X(JEMP0RIUJ1. FULL1N(JS, fcFiTlNGS k CO, Pr ALERS IN ALL KINDS Of HEADY Mm CLOTHING n u.MMii.Nf; (iooi)s, I'ulliiiK's i in Ks A, C o. Ol'Lt) call the espee.al attention of Iheir In. nils and patrons to their SVAV STOCK OF CLOTIIIXL!, now opening. They think ths.v can otTer greater . inducements lo buyers ll.an lliey hae ever uone, their giH.os being bought st reauced rales nu at ucli prices as ti.t-y leel coiitiueul no House in ina Matu can ciimpelc Willi 'Miry are ..llcrirg very nice t ISMMMti: M i l s lioin a) 1 2 to J5. Ail manner of CASSl.M ERE PANTS, CASS.I.MEUE, SILK, MA I ALASSK AND VELVET VESTS, OVER lO.VIS. Of all grades and styles. The aboee Goods cannot be surpassed in styie snd make, having been manufactured under the constant supervision ol one ol the linn. PULLING 8, SPRINGS A CO. afore-"y itw 7,;' The Cotton Growing Company of Janui nave determined to plant several thou saod acrea in cotton forthwith, so that crop ids j be id Maucbeatcr before tho of tbe Tear. end; ' Town Ordinan c e s . Ik it further OrJaked bit the Commit- , ,.. , ,, . nirs J the I oxen ol Charlotte, I hat on SIWICIS I ""mediately ufier the first day of j Juiy, next, and on e;icli succeeding first ! diiy of July, thereafter, (provided the ! l . - i .1 j St,I,l: dw" HOt tome On Sunday) then and in that case, on th! dav f()lluvill? : .'AH I' ree-Negrocs now resident in the: of 'i ,. .1 0 1 .. . I r I i 1 ow n f at lotte, or who may hereof- ter become residents of ihe same, being Ot the age of twelve years and upwards snail be required to appear before the .Mayor, enroll their names and upon sat- ; i- , -i ,. , i isfactory evidence of a peacea Lie char - acter and industrious habits obtain from Iiim a certificate of eucb enrollment to - ,i I . i getlierwiili adcKTiplion of their persons character and trade, or eniilovn(.'nt ; to be signed hv the Mayor, counlersiLMi- , , , , , J , . . , , ed by the Clerk and sealed with the Corporate St ill of the Town. And i f IIIIV fiee oerson r,f f,.l,.r lii.bl.. In siwl, J ,, 1 , , J. , . . enrolliiH iit shall be found without such certificate said free person of color shall be deemed gtiiliyof a misdemeanor and on c.Miviction befbre the Mayor sliall be itnnislird at his discretion by either! fine, uhij.t.ing, imp, isnnnu nt, oV hireing ' for each ofli-nce. And fir each and every such enrollment and certificate so granted a tax of one dollar shall be collected by the Clerk for the use of the Treasury of the Tow n. Le it f urther Ordained, That no per- SOU Ullder any pretence haltver shall line lo Ins or her slave, or lo any slave ! ,""c ."' ' ,U,B ""e"nl '' "" !' ... . I . . . J pear before tl.e Justice s of our I ourt of Pleas and under Ins or her control his or her time, jyu.,ur Session at the next Court to be held ir or allow theill the COIlllol of the Samesld county ol Mecklenburg, nt the Court. House ! .I ... IV " I ,i,1H;inl mil-Hi;,', -MIU on nun il I ii;ii ; ibeliire the Mayor said .slave or slaves' .llMln. I ,c 6. i ; i i ...if C - .1 . I.l" i i i ...if r . ,1 , I . I . bal. ler at public out-civ lor the balance , of l lie year, and ihe proceeds of such i liireing shall be for llie benefit of the 1 Town. Ik it it further ihdaimd, That no slave shall go ut large as a free person exercising his or h r discretion in the : employment of iheir lime imi shall any ; stave Keep uouse to mm or ntrstii as a; free imtmhi exercising the like tliscretion , in 1 lie employment ol Ins or tier I1II.C ; a( , . . , AV.,.r , , , . ,;)Vlli? 1 l" cue ii m. hi. in i.ne itiii?ini io the same fir connivejhert'al he or she I h m.-anor and I i. r, i .t;l ;"'ty dollar, J ronded however that ! .,vv .,. r nr . Ii .v iiiir ol slaves m,.v peimit such slave or slaves to live or keeji house upon Insor li.-r own lot or land the purpose of unending to the business of his or her owner or person having such slave in harce. An Ordinance to relent the fining of duns or I'iftns biidid villi balls or shot, uilhin the limits if the Town if Chailvtte. lie it Ordaimd bij the Ciniiiiiisfiuni l s of' the Town if Charlotte, That anv person or persons who shall discharge or cause to be fir-d any Ciun or Pistol loaded with ball or shot within the limits of the Town, shall lorfe.it aiul pay the sum of Fie 1'ollms for each and every ol fence to be received in the same man ner as other fines imposed by the Com missioners nf said Town. ii. V. DAVIDSON, Mnjor. T. W. Dkwey, Town Clcih. June 1. 1SG1. Died, on the tjtli inat., in this Counlv JOHN AN DRF.W MICHALL, .nfant sou ol W.J. and; l.selitia L. Howell. Also, on the 21st inat , T. W, G. MEYER, ' in lha 3 f . 1 1 1 year of his age, he leaves a wife and fjurchi.dren to mnurn Ins lost. i The Dank of Charlotte, Charlotte. N. C, June 17, 1301. fHlHIS Hank has declared a semi annual Divi JL d. nd t i per Share, of 5U eaoh. being at late of 8 p'r cent per annum, pa'yable to ;kholdsr, or order, on snd .Iter tho 3rd of Stockholder July neat. Ihe Annual Meeting o' the Stockholders of! the It.nk will take dace on the first Wednesday j in July, being the 3rd day of the month. M. P. PEG RAM, Cashier. Junel8J8Gl at. Hotice. TKREASURER S OFFICE, , Atlautic, Tenn. ft Ohio K. R. CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 3rd. I Pul. r,HE FOLK I II Inatallmentof Capital Stock JL in Hie A. T. Sl. O. It. K. Co., snbsrribed in Ihe 1'own of Slatesnlle, ia Que on the jib of July next. 'I he Siith Installment of the Stock subscribed sl.M.iunl Mourue, Iredell I ounly, and the Se. enth Installment sl allSlock subscribed in Merk rl,burg County, is due and payable on thu its! ju.i ,,fXt. ll the Stockholders deaire Ilia work lo continue they MUST be mora prompt in their payments. Tina is no idle talk. The Treasurer must have MOMEY. M. L. WR1STON, Treee. ! iuu 4 , , iU-'Jt II rl he Iredell Expreta will copy till the Slat! of July. i - I FDLOW'S CELEBRATED SELF. SEAL a4 liu l s.l.i, ol all the diperent sizes, at S. T. WR1STON S. June 4, ISG1. lOtf OH PKIM INU of all Linda will bo nc t y r i is.. Nor V I'.. - j ANNOUNCEMENTS - the! g ,4rT--r- W E ore arc nutho.-izrd tu IO-.1U, llie present Clerk ol the I (iiintv Court, till Mel kil-l,h..r Ciunty, N. 0., as a Candida'.; liir re.olrcli.... al the approaching election, Fmt Tnutaday in Au. gust next. May 14, IBbl. r AE are sulhnrizrd to an. II iiounrcthul JENNINGS n. KERR, Kmj., ia a Candidate for re-election to the oll'ice of ' l, rk ol' P"r Court at the approaching elec. I tiun. Mar 14, 1S6I, 7 to - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. CALDWELL COUNTY-. Sessions, Court of Pleat and Quarter May Term, Is 01. James C. Hurper, i ts. I.hnd Lvy. Wilie Ujithi r. B '1' upf irii'j to the satisfaction nf the Court lint nucs beyond the limn, of the state of North o '"" l"y cannot he pton,.i. j ly stired upon him , ordereu tlmt publication be 1 ,,., fr ,.C.,,H Wl.ek. in uU Norli, c.ar. lm i wing, notifying aid defendant to be ami p. : I'1 ,hu "' xl ,,,.""r ""li;"'rl lo i'1 l"r the ( ounly uioreajid, nt the I ourt House . jn ijr.luir ,,,, th. cth MoU.,uy a-ter ihe 4U, .i ,n. 'y m Juneneit, to khow cause if any he cm i "Uy t" u"Ur"' U'""''" ""'"' "',..cd i due his lund coiiiiviiined lor plain tilts debt and COft. I Witness, S. P. Dula, Clerk .ifour said Couit at I ?.ff,K" '". Monday a It, r the 4th .Monday in .ll.rcli, Irbl. y. j. DULA c. c. c. I June 4, led. Printers Fit f G. H5 I 1 A 1 l' Ul' AUU I U-CAUOLI.A, mkcklkmiuku coumv. C o ''Uas o"', A- It. A. t uip. on land. T appear i.g tu tnc aulialaetion ol" the Court, that li. A. t nlo. II, r defendant in lln ear i. not an inhabitant of ihe atale of North Cur... but resides beym u the lunila of Ihe a.ine, it thetefore Uidrrtd. by said Court tiiat publication of an aueeei-stvc weeks in lue North Carolina j Whig a newspaper printed in the 'town of Cln.r Cliarir.ttc on the 4l!i Monday ol Julv li' it, hei. and there t., peu answer or demur or jj mriit proeoi.i.ffo will be taken af.anit him. Witness, w. K. Iteid Clerk of ..id Court at of. j 4... Moiid-y of APr,l A. I I Kl, and in ' ' Amer'"-' ' n'T''.V.""tl " . IV. HMD, t. C. C. M.iy2l.tSol. Prinleis Fee. 8ti- 1 13 'A Notice. Ci " lull V 'P i.l on CD I'RACIK A I. WAT-SH and JL0JK (fv v H: BiIDB.JISia a.'ac. Cl-roSlTE KtRK S HOTEL, I !! tUl.li l I II, C., (Late Kith R. W. Iieekveitii.) Fine Watches. Clo acrt.ti..n, repair.-o ui OelvU-r !6. I SCO. a and Jewelry, of every de. warranted lor li months. 3UU TO OUK (liSTOMrJKS. WE WOULD SAY TO ALL PROMPT l'AYLXCi CUsSTOMMKS THAT WE PHOPOSE CONTINI lNG THE CREDIT BUSISESS, An:!, lo enable n lo t , WE 3ii:st 11 AY E A CASH SETTLEMENT riiioii CLAIMS. This bicomes necessary, ss we can not NOW purchase without the money. Should we hereafter have to. ADOPT Till: CASH SYSTEM, our cnloim r may know Iheir WAN'l OF PROMPTNESS a I'OKCLD I S TO io so. FISHER & BURROUGHS. May 13, lrtil. 7 -1 1.1 PliEiSEHVEVOUU TEETH, A. V. ALFXAiNDEK, 1 C TT R (1 O $! J) E T I eS T. , V ' U U U " GRADUATE or THE UALTI.MOBE FESTAL COLLEGE. iS i IT.I.Y rREPAKED TO DO ALL HEN. TAL Work in the latest improved styles, and will be at his i Hire two weeks in each mentli ela ting from the lust .Moneay (ut tl.e month) apnropinle the remaiuuci ul Ins lime io all os oesirmg ork floue al llieir r..sidence. will persons oesiring who will okl'ii" ver7 'uucli by auurcssing hiui st Charh.iie, N. V. U ALL WnKlv WAKRANTED. llrli, , No. 3 Craiille Low, I'p stsirs. Apnl 16. ItCl. 3lt' Charlotte DRUG Store, K. XYi: IIUTt IUSO. A: ( o. KET.tlL feelers in Foreign and Pomtstic Uruijs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, K v Arns'sH. Oils. I'm lilts.. Vari.lshes. Winilove (;,15j Fully. Iye Slutfa, Turpentine, Rurning Hu,,!, Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Canton lea's, l,v, ,n, Gjr.itii seees. Ac. Ac. Having cioeed our booka intend hereafter to iel! lorea.ii. ' .; , v, " .' jNotiee. I I he s -fe ;rpHETAX LIST, for the year Is6U, is now .r -- my han, ,s, ready lor inspec .'on. Ail persona a: requested to inform me of :'ny taxablea which may be listed. All TAX PAYERS are re que-led ttf prepare Ihemaelvta to meet t..e.r TAXES proinpliv- W W. GRIER, Stor ij Apn. 10. IA'i. 3't Ihe Tl.-iri.ct. COKRECTED BY 0 TES & WILLIAM. UIIARLOTTK JINEsM. lull. j I!A( ON , Hams, new lb 1-1 Side Jb 14 " Hog rounu, .....IL ;3 Shoulders lb 13 Baggis-g, Gunny vo Is licit', 'it, 4 Hiiller lb 15 lcwm b.. : iieun bushel 101 ( lirai.ov A"i- l .--, , " ',J l" ' tiotlou, I Cotlee, liu,, ib lb.... lb.... lb.... lb.... II ....liushi;:. cacl. . ...yuro. yaro. bbl... b.s.. lb ... lb lb.... lb.... h .hhK.N.. ....Kills.. S"' .. Inihl,. 1 " ....'Jo (a, 30 (u. fc ....1U (u ....JO (. ... lUJ lu ... 1. (,, . ''I (., ... $j y... ... .Ullj (,l 3U l.V ti ( 1 ....U'i (o " Java, ; Candles, Adaioantiii " Sperm., .. .. " Tallow Corn L hicKens, : ( -loth, Copper;.., " l-iindriey, VXK I' lour, Fe..lhers...... ,. Hides, Ureen, .. " fry I.nr.l, ,i ullon M.ii.-i.eri I, .;:., n.o". w.t.. ... 14 .Meal y 0 (.. I 0 - '. "i1 j (. li iU (u i;, (3 '4 CO Ilj HO (.., li. 40 1I: ..() a (l en li f.7, Hi 10 (., I- 10 (.0 3oi' t u ( ii'ii 115 10 iij (u u ('i-'i 6 ' "il ( H .Mul;et(Wiliui,igloti;.. .1.1.1 Nails, Norther ..lb. Soutliern,. i l.ils, i'orli , 1'i.s 1'otuloen, Irish,.., " Siveet,.. li iie, Uj;ar,L.oal', Urow ofne.Ware lb .... hua'ivi i lb ....bushel. bualiel. .... bushel. ....buahel. lb lb. .. s.d,. !!.... till i.l, e ,!.'.'.guU jja' ) V. ai;ed, " V I, '..I, wliite ren, i-ev,.Nurl;,er: N.Carol: .l.(est.4,.rBii Vnr HE.MARKS. (Jui .M-.rket is wcil supplied prod u ec. ill u'l kllieis of (.OLl.MMA MAitkKT. Ciilumsu, June 15, ?ril. COTTON. The ...ka thi, week hare read, only iiO bales, prices iioiiuiial. HACON.hng round, i OH.N PEAS OA'J FLO I II -l-i C ...I Co (i . iio c, Hd (I 13 1 10 Cl'AliLK'.s'I'olV MAIMvKT. eiMii.KsroN June H, i H G t . OTTON. The inaract hat been at a sin s e..K Wc nave no sales to repuil Mi e.Oi ian.i or Long Cotton. CHARLOTTE, C. A Reliable House for Pure tj53:2CAg, :&ai7Gg, t, CHOICE ASD ELEGAN T VEU- l'UMUUES. Huir. IVuil and Tootli liru.shcs of tho Finest Uualilv. 'l:iltt I'fiUTI'l Vt,l7)7 r rrt r For Medical Purposes. OllieS, Faints, - - rp -r- tr rssssriTirr--M-- aW.' sSaiiUasd K 11 0 S ! N 1-. KFKO.SEXE I -AMI'S ApiiiO I tf i-ist (kI'ccii .A ii ix rifs. 300,000 Select Fruit Trees Kilt I i:. Tf-TJ"V 4 RE the cilizel ena of the Si.uliieri the Northern at.o N or th i -s ler i. M.. ! tmmm. tre making fi Uit . lie ui l.,eir l.-jin, arm ies ol Ira le, and that inn climate- an. I am te a great estent ery unpropitiotia tor fruit cul lure 1 '1 hen w hy sho ulei r tic citizens o! tin Southern Slates inuk.' I ru t. .ried in .1 git-m, of the r lean. ni; staples. I r u i ts e row ii tu.i i r e. j j Southern sun aie noted f.T li.. ir sue-, hue tl .Vor, ,ld beaulilnl col. t. The above statements are fully sustained by i premiums taken ovir Northern rruils.and ti.e I err.it a moui.l of g re. n aim or leu Ir uit sent North a. d Norlhwi el by the So'ithern Mates dur.nj the last fcwyiars. Then if tl.e above statein. l is are luMv auataiiied, and ll it ia 10 sin, accormi c to the ti lde, to ina ke n.oiiey by raun.g Fru t, thin send for wind jour or.iers an.' cash l V st hrook end .M inf i I... 1 1 o ri 1 tl.ey :.! ririn-:, yoi Willi goo.l niark.'tini; oreh .rua. WES'l TiROOK eV MENL-ENHALL. Grceiibtoro', Nov. Ittil". V.ilt. Blacksmith Tools. isi-.ae s. l-II as Itellows. Anvils. ii5llu and fkJ3 slide .miners, Vices, tllltlresses, assTShl Farneia' Knives, Screw platen Stoel.s kstn.th'a P peraai.d Fi.es ol ,'cry kind, rut hor-e sliou aoe clinch .N ilis, Uorax, lion of all ait, s, both of nor lln ru a. ..i r.iunlry maun lucture, cast, plow, l.iis ler an. I spring M. cl A c, f,r hale v. rv en .pat TAYLOR'S, OpKUife the Munuon Hwtr. IU LOWS CELEI5R TED SELF. SEAL i I NG CAN'S, of all the different sues, at TAYLOR'S U iliaiiiglon. Charlotte and lit utlier ford iliiil !Io;h1 WLTFKN DIVISION. " A r,N ai.d a'tcr Mundny i lie 15"h instunl, the j? 1'nnnrir in.d Aim! 'i rain mI he run on II. IS KnaU oaiiv (Sundays ierptn COINt; Ka'f. Cl.nrl.itf. Tu. k a m K.e. I!reva:.l, hn..r ii, L l.o.ll.tol,, (.him; i:r-r. ) ,s folio Lr.Avr.. DO A. M. 7 U A. X. Lksve. II Oil A. t. 1 1 v3 il .Ml - .J i? P. M. IV I.i P. liLr: rl ti..t, l, i. I i , .it--.lii.c ! s.. f'vi' rr.St! in si v p -. i. i ii i i..uiiiijin v,i riated WslYk 11 K ,u.- i I,- receive my per 1 ), l-lrr 9. R. W, Lf.i'K WITH. -i'Mf II. AlldltW; OL I D ii.,". nu 1 ... . L. Vi, i- J 1. V, I 'I l I tl to iiim rt Arl.li.' or O..Art , i r..ti(.n? . i ...i i. He n prep, nil i.j; ti). i.tilrr, 111 it. n's 1 tunc pi iter in b-.r ol U, i-r th E. N YE. UL" K'i'lNXtN. Lxtr. j TlU-.v J HdJ.hiN '. . -vat v .. Ict'l. -I i J. .N. llLMi.il. (dMMISSIO.N .Ml.llt ilA.NT AMI ColJtcliii: litnt'ial 4, I.L p-OUIlLC snipped 1,'le i.T j.U Ilia. I ItCellc p: nipt atle'l.t.'.n tpo:.. toien in t!,e uri..se ol (,tl). 1'M.I Notes and Aec.,un. pul into n-y I, u.. is jir col. Iii'lion shall riccitc prompt anei iiumceii. le ut. t'M.ll. i-t.i , Out nf iiebi! Out cf Langer, I.L persons, I.N ASi. i.ae not seli." . ti..: 1st o: J.-i.u .1 ij'jeste.l to CALL A 1 e-r gne- in. ir notes, as of T. .oullts out incurring ( S I . M'JieL l. an . LKtiUN. i, I till. tail a co. Charlotte, Mare Tin and Japanned Ware. A l-irc assortm. nt ; ll Tin Plate, H.ac.t me Tu , i;:, Z.ne, 67X't is, llie I .rgi t Muck, ol all si, s, at TAYLOR'S 7ore onJ 7'in-tl'ure Depot, Ui'iwmt the Munsiun Jiujir, UutJura At Tavlor's TOl' can find tilt- hie-eM KSS'ir r'.nient of Cut. I the celcorale'd Jl. lery, Guns and l'.si.'i i... SS, of ill sir.rsaud tjiialities both Freric i or.d Ainerieafi. Also, I'u'.tv hy llie keg or pound NOOHLN WARE. RUOOMS, Ac ,oi a.i ki.,...-. Dope ! liype ! rr f j , p.,li:.,:s of Al .ol.i.., J il'o an. I Cot LS.FM ton Hope, iro n i l id. to J in. coos, at TAYLOR'S llui tiitart .s'.ur.. ;.'"'-"" ffte .f.i'jfi H-.f Agrieiiltiiial IiLpleineJib OF Al l. LINOS.. K l a lulu rs, i o s. lie A Hi s ,s. Mat 'I r- ec llg and ts, i..,r- Hots, , I tu: L K..H Log l ha, aim Kuiit llo, a and R a ; bi..m Cra. U.:es, bu. 11 such as ols, palls a 111! hoi. . cel. ; lr. i: .Its; tram, glass an ....ks. Wagon t...v.e ; eve ns snd lids, sl. illete. s ties, Cauhlrons 'loin ., ,mI t.rsss Prcsernhg K ut i-s, S:icip S Ac. TAYLORS .ilt !,'ir .V'.nsijr. llblist. f.,.:,il- : ;-? xNotiee. s ol 1 CON L eV. I O. t f MI!L . a:-1. .. t.Oti.M ,1 J.DF lor in, i lit- u In eulii -I ! T 1 KM 1 N I 1.1 J i IllsuN A I lli.M are re st an I. Alii V M.O N. I tusl.es 1. Ma pi 11X1 1 . Jt" ve. cost, in, rs , to sen on .I ni.ii.ki . cy, Bill ! ir oroeru, ' o:' this a.ivertist me ul lo sell a smge artii ! (lebte-rt lo us a-- reqi; sunt the nion'y () 1 K: X WILLIAMS. ail t: n nipe.iitli.ualy v Wh.f I W. IVe j, l&O

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