ftfiscciicetis Selections. 1 . . , RTUAMROAT DIALOGUE. IIooMer (stepping op to a down Easter:): How ire je stranger? Bound to Moo' Leans, I sped! What uont be jour business ? act to bUV some Corn or oats I I Yankee : Tolerable, thank jc ; bo be jearself ! Bound to no place in particular, in for ar.y kind of IraJo. Uoosier : What kiud of trade bav je ? Yankee : Wall it's a patent right. Uoosier: Patent rigbt for what? Yankee : Patent rigbt lor a machine for n.alur.g a.i tions ot seeu out 01 woou, irum ; shell bark down to grass seed. Hue also i a patent right for the mirage life-preserver. IIooMer : Mecrage what's mecrage ? Yankee : I's a machine to be fixed on i the front cf a locomotive or steamboat, j with reflectors of great power, to show the! image of anything ahead, no matter bow j far it be off anything under a tundred j nrles. I Uoosier: Ibn't saj ' and are jou the. inventor! Yankee : I be. 1 Uoosier : You're a horse. What moot jotir name be ? Yai.kre : CefTin. Uoosier : lleered tell of jour familj. You. are a re'uuon of the wan li.at iovcuted woaJtn hau.s and plaster paris sboe-naiU, Had a bratber once, hadn't jou, that got accidentally choked with a ropo round bis Br ok ! Yaukee : Kueir the man wasn't a brother or second cousin to ni wife's i 1 sister's aunt's brother's consin. But "bat niU'bt your name be ! Ibosier : It roijjbt be Stnitb, but it taint Caleu'ate it's Caster. Yankee : Knowed yer family well from j rcr great grandfather down. You air one of two twins. One wai a baudaoroe, cute, bri -ht eved little ohap. and the other a tar- , c . i t ,k-i (Iia nation ugly, Born, and I beard th.t Ue cute one died. Here the dinner be'.I rang Kind Yccr Own Blsisess. Yes, if jou would succeed in the world mind jour own busir.e-s ; lt other people's business alone j attend to jour business, ttrictlj ; be prompt in iusiDes, and do jour business in a busi ness like manner. Many persons waste time enough in looking after the business of oth er people to grow rich upon, if properly , emplojed. Let other men do their own work and yoa da yours. If jou are a far- . naer jounced friends, neighbors and bel-1 pers, and you can only bave them by ren dering to every man bis right doing your own business and letting others do theirs. If a merchant jou must have patrons or customers, and joo can only bave them, by attending ttrict'y to jour business and al- 1 lowing others to dothe same. If a lawyer, a pbjMcian or a preacher jou ean only suc ceed by acquiring a character for boneity, promptness and iincerity of purpose, acd this jou can do by minding jour own busi ness and doinzjustly '.j ail men with whom you bave dealings. Ye", what whatever your profession or occupation may be, learn to keop jour tongue in jour rnouth aci your bands fast hold of your implements of labor mini your owo business and jou ; .tj A SISTER'S LOVE. There is no purer feeling kindled npon the altar of human aff-;e:ion than a lister's pure, uccooUtnioated love for ber brother. It i unlike all other affliction j so discon nected with selfish sexuality, so feminine in its development, so dignified, and yet, wiihall, so fond, to devoted. Nothing can alter it, nothing can suppress it. The world may revolve, aod its revolution effect changes in the fortunes, iu tho character, and in the disposition, of ber brother ; jet if he wat.!, whose band will so readily stteicb out to supply him as a sister's? And, if Lis character is realigned, whose voice will to readily swell in h:i advocacy ? Next to a mother's ac'icnchalle lore, a sUter'i is pre eminent. Jt rests to exclu sively on the tie of consanguinity for its sus tenance, it is so wholly divested cf paseton, and spring from such a deep recess in the human bosom, that when a sister oce-s food j and deeply regards her brother, that af feetioD s bleaded with ber existence, and the larr.p that oourifhes it rzpircs only with that exi-teoce. Tn all the annuls cf crime, it is eoDMdtred anotnalou to find the band of a aitttr raised in ahtt sginLet ber brother, or ber heart urturin the eed to hatred, envy, or revenue, regard to that brother. ho Riuijt A man who hasaoul worth sixpence, must bare enemies. It is utterly in;posihle for the bctt tuau to j'iae toe h'jle world, and the sooner this is under stood, and a poiition taken a view of tht fact, the better. Do right, though you have enemies. You csnnot escape thtni by do ing wrong; at.d it is lutie giu to barter away jour honor at-d integrity, and divert jour st'.f of moral courage to gain nothing. lirtter abide by the truth JVuwb done all ctjiOMtiuo ar.d rj-,ice in the feeling wtict: inu-t icpire a free aitd independent man .V.r',V Gazette FALL OPENING. New Goods! lleW DlOrtvi T AT LOOWCllStCijl & BrOi jry po,,.iu,e Court Hou.e.where ihey i iiave an mcmite tt"Ck ol MY GOODS, C L O THING, nooTs, MeoLs 11 ATM, AND and a large variety of DOMESTIC GOODS AND O UO VMS EES Pcrcrns will do well to give u. coll before pur ChjMIlL' clscw here. LOEWENSTEIX & BRO. October 9. 16C0. 29tf i nr. ..kuat CL0TIILGJBMP0 IUM. FUUINUS, JSFltLNGS k CO, rEALERS IN ALL KINDS Of U ) Y MADE CLOTHING ri .inisiii.vc: goods, fn Hub, Caps, Trunks, awiixu vtncr. a. I'uilu;, ? priii ft A; Co. Ot'I.D cail toe especial aticnlioa of their V W I'm niis -nd patrons to tucir m:v stock of clothing, ' now owning. Ti.iy think liny can offer greater I uiubctuici.u td bujtrs touu IH. Imte ever aunt, tunr gooos being buugi.t at reduced rate, ind at 1. ,.... . I pui.lii!. nl j. linn. in Ihn , ctlp(.le 'intj are offering very nee CAssintltL slITS irom $'r2 t.i fid. All nuuii'-r of C Al.M Mil. PASTS, I'ASSIMERE, SILK, MAlALAtK A.NU VELVET VESTS, l V Eli I OATS, Of all graue aoC styles. Ti e above ouioi Cannot be surpassed in style and make, having been manufactured under til ' rvf.loll ofoI,e 0t tue nrra. FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Heftemler 25, ISbU. kill' CHEAT SACRIFICE or A X I FALL AVIXTUU I JL'ST 11 IZ C KIVLU P It O M GOODMAN & EIGEXBRUN, TRADE STREET, crrosix OATES Ai H1MA3I S. "ft ' E rooectluiey iniorm the ciliiens of t bar. st V loiie. fin aui-.-ouiiumir country lln.t we aJt prepareo to o tier (iBU.t r i.Dl tL.UL.TS I.N SaT aba' DRY GOODS, lints, t itjJ8, MJoots, HhoeS) A'c. AND A LARGE iS TMl.r OF GU'l L L Jl L.N 's i I it.N lslIl.NG COOOS. ALoO, A Urge tock of Laoiea and Gei. tiemeri's S 1 1 A W LS A . D C LO AKS, Ij' f.eaae call ana eiawine our Gouas before parutiaami; elsewhere. GOODMAN & EIGENBRUN Ortuhtr a, l:fcu. MERCHANT TAILORING : I XLLIAG9, PKJ.GS &. CO. fa AVE aiau suced to loeir Kcady -made Cloth. Jl tt.f btuck, a Merchant Tailoring Depart in M, to which li ey tail tut especial attention of li.f.r inai.y menus and customers. J nry inleiiu iiLtking this uepurtment second to hone in the Sute, either in style and quality of Gmiiii, or in lh manut'Cture ol iiariuculs. At all taiitf will tw tound a good stuck of Black mid l mured lloina, tnliiiii, r n ocn alio American ( an. mere, end u Vrn.ty ot Votings. Also, an .t.,.,Ul,Li.t of UUCK ILAI C AfcSI 'ir.ltL, Ti.ty feil confiiient of thur ability lo undersell any other iiouse in the Sinte,iiOiii the advantages tin y Imk in geiliiig thur g'.oua. 'J jit ir g-jii are twugiit hy ine quantity, by one of the i-ii in who reuses in the Northern maraela, w i. ii ii giM si.iin the oppori uuity of taking aavan tujie 01 the pri'iea ol gjoO, thereby sating at ira.t SCat" Twenty-Five Per Centaa To Hie cm. miner. U Uimea saved are Dollars made Shi try Ui. K FULLIXGS, JNO. :i. SPRINGS, Sffltr.Ur 25, 1 teCO. 7tf . W. AlaDX AM)KK, ! si if tiMsO.y iv;. tms , f- d aFFKRS his services to the citi. fjkJj-' ;u ot tms ai.d adjoiiiiug Couii "nUIXX?1":" in the treatment of irregulari. ti-. oi te.Ui, Diaeates ol the mouth, 'i'cetb fiikd in a s.!11:.-! nd aatiilctory manner. Ar. tiiicial iiimrli il on Gi,ld or Si ver plate, also Ind.a I'. ullu.r vulcanized b.f.e. 'I'lus style ol '.i has mai) ucji. u jK .-vli the bwageo work. It can oe adapted lo the moo in withies irritation than tut bftagi o urK it is aiao chtspei. It is lite i.oui any unpieanarit odor or taste. I i i v i n jf becotrie i-nt lor the Aioericun Hard ituotx.r ci,ipuny lie will eu)piy liiotiaia with of ):: rights to mariulclure t iates and Oums lor Art, final Tei-th and the Apparatus and Material. iie oui aisv gite losttucltoos in the art ou mod srale ti run. Aa he ' Jiiixla to do a travelling business per. m Us te.iriiig woik done, e.n tie attchdtd lo st Uitir iiiitii, bv sdeieaamg hi in at Tuoka. itrie I' ., Mcttiimburg Co, N. C. ii Ai, .,t warranted. April 3. iSLlJ. 2f HOIIT. ri. I tltVtl, Ci hSV.ti.hl. IUM.YUSHO.V m KRi 'lANT JT Wii.moT..sj, N C. iJ OiHre, South Corner Market and Water fcl. ip at ur Vrtober II, 16:J 3Uf J. Y. DKTVI3 fc t O., VEALIM IN CCTCN and ell KINES of PRODUCE, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ETAII order, attended to with despatch. April 11, mo. 4lf WASHINGTON HOTEL (CBANOI OF PROPRIETORS.) BROAD SI KEtT KtWUEKN, N. C, JOHN F. JOWES, Proprietor. flHE L'ndemigned respectfully announces to the travelling public, that h hat taken charge of tliii old and popular establishment, and in now prepared to accommodate travelers and pri vate families with board by the day or month, on the most accommodating It-rill. His TABLE will always be furnished with the best provisions that home and foreign markets can afford. The Wnslli nylon II o III has large rooms, is neurer the depot, the court.nouse, and the business streets than any other in the city. An Omtiibu will always be at the depot and landing, on the arrival of the ears and steamboat, I to convey passengers to the Hotel free of charge. By slopping at this Motel, passengers will nave ample time to obtain niesls. Having also a large snd commodious Stable, and en eicellent Ostler, he ia fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at the most reasonable rstes. JOHN. F. JONES. March 1.1859. 5ltf tharlutle Initial Fire I nt.u r niu'c Compaiiv, UH13 COMPANY eontmuet to take risks a gainst loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Pro duce, &e., at usual rates. O" Office at tii Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchi son it Co. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, President. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E. NYE HUTCHISON, Sec'y. f Treas'r.) DIRECTORS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN, F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scare and S. T. Wkiston, Executive Committee. AprU26, 1853. 7tf IISIOIAIIOII, ALiINHUHYs fSlIIE subscriber takes plcafors in announcing M- to his frit nd , and the publie generally, that he has takes this long established and well known Hotel, snd has made every possible preparation to accommodate the busmen, travelling and visiting portions of the pubiie, in the most salisuctoiy manner. Particular attention is paid to bis TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS, ! His STABLES sre abundantly supplied and at tended by careful oatlers; snd to all departments the proprietor gites his personal attention. A comrbrtable O MM BIS mas regularly to the depot on the arrival of the ears. With these ell or Is to plesse, a liberal snare ol he publie patronage is confidently solicited. j WM. ROWZEK. ! Araonlrr 15, 18i9. 36tf J, S PHILLIPS ? ;:-I.YT T.ULOit, UA V I NG located in Cnarlolte, reapcctful ly aolicits asbare of public patronage. A coinpleta assortment of Cloth, Cassiroeres and Vealings always oo hand, whicn will be made to or dcr at the shortest notice, after the latest fashion. Shop three doors 5-oulh of the Mansion House. September VI, JBoy. 29lf JOU xN S. WILEY, ANi-fACTCKia and mroTta or H A V A 3 A SIGARS, SKD-IISALKa IM obacco, Snuff, matches, Paper, fcc, mstliil H Hi ts, It., coBaianUTonband. January i, l?fc0. 4ill" z. u. joii.n, General t'ollerting Mgcnt, tniouiown, Perry County, Alabama, "TfTlLI. attend prcniptly to the collection of all W V Claima placi d in his hands. Estate Claims looked after, Land Claims ferret, ted out, snd absconding debtors looked up at rea. sonaole vnarges. TKXA3 CLAIMS. IT Collections made in Texas, ss heretofore, through my attorneys in that Ota te. Promptness may be nafely depended on. Febm ru as, 1 BtiO. 43-1 WHEAT WAxTJ;i). f nUL planting community will lake notice that A their Wheal Crop will be purchased at the Charlotte Steam Flouring Mill, at market prices. Those having Wheat for Bale may find it to their advantage to call at the Mill before c''.iog sale. John wilkkh co. July 2, 1M9. 3'Jlf WALTOV iioi si:. Vstiii; i.i.am;iI' 'illii iKi:t. t. l Proprietor will UrniiDale on the Vblh ol May mil, lu subscribers will rem. lor term ot year, tins popular Hotel, to a amo who can giva such references, (seas ether need applj,) as i!l aaliafy I ne owners Uat it will be so kept ss not to detrsct from the reputation which it sus tains ss brat clasa Hotel. The Patronug, of the II., use is large snd in creasing. From it central position, and estab. Iisned character cannot it fall of success, if pro. pcriy conducted. Any fui her information in de. tail will be given fay addressing. T. G. ii W. M. WALTON. Morgsnlon, N. C. Feb.S.im. W6-M S. T. VrMon, mAM FA;TL RERof.snddeslerin Plain snd XI M. Japaunrd I iiiw.rs, HUiv. s, W'oonen Ware. Brooms, Brashes, itc, iu rjoulh wing of tfprings' Cornei Builaing. Job Work, such ssroonng, CutUrmg, te.done with despatch 1801. 3 a ? w IT j " S . 5 JANUARY ... 1 2 3 4 6 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 SO '21 22 l!3 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 29 29 30 ,. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 29 3,) . 1 2 3 4 5 6i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 17 19 18 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 ! 29 29 30 21 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 loj 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) 19 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29! 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 j 13 14 15 16 17 19 19! 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 ?1 j .. 1 31 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 : 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 io 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 J 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 21 FEBRUARY MARCH., APRIL.. MAY... JUNE JULY.. AUGUST., SEPTEMBER ... OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER II n II n f BIHR subscriber has received a Lirgt and vari. JL ed assortment of for Spring snd Suinmar, which for cheapness snd neatness, cannot be aurpaseo,n.;:!ig in part of Black snd Colored CLO'I US, Buck IKJJKI.S, I'iain, Black snd f ancy CASS! MERE 3, i'reoch Umb V El L. Plain Buck nH Fignred Silk VEsTINGS, Fancy Lmen UKIU.S, snd all other Uoods neually found in a first clsss Tailoring Eatablithment. Allot winch will be made to order or sold by the yard on accoinmod. ting terms. J. S. PHILLIPS. In returning my thanks to the citltcm of Char lotte, lor the er j kind sno liberal patronage tin y have bealnwed on me, I would riquett s eoiitmu aiitc of the same, with the assurance t li a t ail or. ders entrusted to me will be neatly a, id promptly executed. J. f. I Aj.nl H. lfefiO. 4- CHArtLOJlJ: UOTKl, ItV xlaTC iZMm. 9. tHAItIX n i N. c. a TBlHE Proprietor oT this Hotel is KfntyL ' "' f1 ready lo ful- iX'l'Jfil t,iei,utle0f"n"nehoat,,lothe travelling public snd others who may call on him, and he flatters himself that as comfortable nuarters can be found with him as any where in this vicinity. Being situaU.d near ly in the centre of Charlotte, Business Men will find this hotel a moat convenient snd desirable loc'ilion. He has bien engaged in the busiiirs at this stand nearly eighteen years, snd in that time he has made several additions lo ins fo.mir house, snd it has been greaUy enlarged end nil. proved, presenting in front a two atory V KU AN DA ;00 leet in length by la feet in width, handsomely shsded by Uses on the aide-walk, affording a pica, ssnt promenade at all hours of the day. The House has been thoroughly furnished thro, out, and in every part of it creature comforts sre sbundsnt snd tangible. especially in the DIMM; ROOM, where the "inner man" is "renewed" day by day. Connected with this Hotel sre Stnbles sffording room lor 100 horses, abundantly furnished with grain and provender, attended by faithfus and o. billing hostlera. The Proprietor feelseonfident thstwith his!ong experience snd many new advantages added to his desire to please, he is prennmd to offer his friends snd the "rest of mankind." s man v tun forts and ss much good cheer ss will be found sny where, prna)a a nine more so. IT At sny rste tar the Charlotte Hotel. i. Ii. KKKR Orlnher 19. IHSS. 2H( J. W. BECKWITH HAS COMSTAMTI.V t)H HAND T.T A rp r TTT"i iUUm J su W L Jj 1 : 1 . Mil hi) ir rnt ittt taoLUH ado amssicas auuvCTi'kts Call snd examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 SAURS, Ai t hin t I oittl Ilitildcr, a-B7 ILL furnish Designs, Duns and Drawint f f for Publie Luildinga, Private Uesidcncea and Villas. Particular attention will be paid to building Flouring Mills.Corn Hills, &c. Orrica iu 3d story ol Alexander's Building, trout room, over China Hall. r Ociobtr 26. 33" Itemoval. Tftf Y Friends and Customers sre respectfully 1TA iiiformec that I have remove1 my Tin Shop to prinis Uuck Builcing, 3d door from the cor tier, on Tryon street, where he will be pleased to see them. 3. T. WRISTON. January 31. I860. tf Aycr'sSarsaparilla A eo:imuiul remeilr, in whiih wo have la- bored lo jiriKUh j the most effuctual altt'rative th.it i-ait 1.' maiW. It is a ronrentraUtl cxtraii of I'm a Suiip.u-illa, so combine J with otliel tu'iit'inres "f "till greabjr alu-rntive pov.vr as to B'Tinl nn clf'ttive antidote for the diwaaea Sariiai ill,i is reputed to cure. It Is believed thnt such a remedy b wuutod by t!ioo who tuiTi-r from Strumous compliant, and that one which will a-complih their euro must prove of immense serviee to this largo class of our a.fUct. d tWIow-citmeiii. How completely this compuund v ill do it has been proven by exper iment on many of tho worst cases to be found of the following complaints: Sc.lolTtV ANI ScltOVl'LOl'S CoMPI-AIJITs, EuLi rioss and Kat'rrivB Disaaam, Utcaim, i'lMHiii. buTcur.s, TfMOM, Saxt Kheim, Scai.ii Hki, Syphilis and Syphilitic Ar rp.cTiuss, Mi.ucuaiAL Diheasb, Dkopsy, Nec K .LI.IA OH I'tO Dol'LOUkEl'S, Dr.FMLITY, IlYS- rtPAIA and Inhioestiom, Ebysipelab, Itosl o Sr. Anthony's FtKE.wina in J.-ed the whole clasi of complaints arbing from Ixi'i'KiTY or THC Hloou. This compound will be found a great pro moter of li-ititli, when taken in the spring, to expi l thi foul humors which feer in the blood at that somon of the yr. By the time ly expuWon of thm many rankling clisiirders ar nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores through which the system will strive to rid it.'! of corruptions, if not asited to do tiii through the natural channels of lha body hy an alterativs medicine. C'Uan out the vitiated bio id whenever you find ils impurities tun .',ii,' thiouifh the akin iu pimples, eruptions, or note,; clc;me it whiit you find it is ob sfru:ted an I lon'49h in the veins i cleanse it when-'vir it it foil, and your letting w ill ti-U you li 'n, liven here no particular ditord--r w f it, people enjoy bi.tter lienlth, and live lm,'r. for i-lran-inj tho blood. Keep the blood heal'hy. and all is well ; but with this pi ml.t'ii of lifj diionLrd, there cau bi no ltiii4 hi-o!th. Soon r or latr sometluiig iiiii.r s i wron7, and tin- great machinery of Ul w ilmird. rel or overthrown. f ..rvipiri!! lun, nd deerve muwb, the r pu'ii'i ft of aiinntilinhin tliese ends. Cut toe world hai bi-eri irretnoiilv deceived by pt-p.irv.ou, of it. partly bt.'-i the dn.? si i:. h.n not alt the vu tuc that is tlaim-a ,.11 , u. ...14 IK.,1 i. I.n,.,.l fit it, but more h-rau-t many preparation, j.: m 1 . . to ' e.ei. i n'r 1 extracts of it, e.Ti'.iiri hut 11"!" of the virtue of SannparUla, or ii:y thin el?. I' .an,' lute vein tue pubUo lav been n.U i '. ! y lir.- bottle, prvuiiduig to give a iuart cif Kxttu. t of .'"ji -jp iri.U lux one uu.iur. M i.t of th-.-M- hav b en frauds upon the sitk, fit xhay not only tonlaia little, if any, Sar.-uipa-riUa, iiutoi. h n curV.ivu proptrlu what. v. er. II. n o. b'.-r nnd painful disopoinrment Uj.-, fuilowi j tl. Hi' of tfcn variausextr.u. cf farsaparilla wl.Mi A t!is tnarkvf, until th; n uae i!.!f i ju-tiv t. -pi- 1. an I bus b.ktui- synon; m.m ili iutinoi'.iau mid cieat. S..il we rail tli co.i.poand Sirsparilla, and int. -Sid t-j supoly sueh a ret dy a; ahail rt-v ue th iiame from t!:J losl of obloipiy win. h r-. 'ti upon i'. A .1 v.i' think, a have pruun ! f.r beli-v.i; it has virtues whtrh are iirei!i,de by tie.' onliiiary run of the dUeiwe it ii in! n J-c-d to cure. In order to secure tlinr compI''t erailicftion from the system, the renaiHly should be judii iouiiy Us.cn accordiug to dmutujiu on liiu Ijottie. rasPARr.n nr DIt. J. ;. A VCIt A CO. LOWKI.L, MA1-. Pri e, $1 pcrUt.ltlsi Bla llultUs for 9 . Aycr's Cherr)f Pectoral hs won fir itsflf surh a renown for cirt- if every variety of 'i'urout ft'id IjiiiiT Compi oiit. Ua it U entirely unnecessary for to recount trig CTidence of its virtues, whermer it has hem eir pkiTed. Ai it has lonir boen in coast. at ue throughout tins section, we need not do mor n sums the people its quality ia kept up to tlie txst it ever ha bt-rn, snd that it mny tie relied on to do f'.r their relief all it hss ever bceu found to uj. Aycrs Cathartic Pills, job rax com: or Cottirenrti, Jaundice, iJyiprptia, hidnjrtiion, l)yeUe.y, f'oui Hfumaci, lliyiiH-tat, llradach, Pilre, lUtewnatim, Ertiplimn and S n llitcturs, Urer Complaint, Jjmjiiy, Tettrr. Ttvr a.iH Suit Rheum, H'orme, (ixtt. Sewtl)ia, ui a IHrmr Fill, and for Pmi fyinif th Dhoil. They are suirnr-eoattd, so thnt the most sen-d-tire can take them ptrnuatly, snd they are I'.e bMt aperient in the world lor all the purpose of a family physic. Price 23 cents per Box ; Five dcih for $1 00. Great tmmbfr of fieri;; men, I'h viHn, Stnre. men, and eminent pemonimas, h lent rh-ir names to certify the unparalleled uscfulr.es of these remedies, but our spsee here will not permit the insertion of thern. The Atcnts Moir nnmed f.ir nwh itratisour AHP.nic.fM Almaiac in hi;h they areirifen; with also full deseription of the atxive conipl.iints, and tlie treatment that should be fol lowed fir their cure. Do not be put off hv unprincipled dealer with ether preparations they make more prottt on. Uemar.d AvKlt's, and take no other. The sir It want the best aiil there is for them, and they should hat it. All our remedies are for sale by For tale bj E. NYE HUTCHISON & CO. V. FrAKK &, V., Charlotte. HAV1LAND, STKVENSON4 CO., Char teuton, S. C. Fuit and Tree Store". F1IIK sultsrnlirr has opened out neat door a. 1 bove Hyerly's Tinhnp, in the Mansion llouts Buililiiifr, and will keep nn hand a well tn. lected slock ol Fruit Trees, Itrspe Vines, Kver f rttens snd Pdirulibtry, 4c. Also, Frails nf vari. ous kino's Apples, Orsuges, Iemons, Fine Ap. pits, &.O., &.c. E. W. LYLKS. perember II. lSliO. 38.f CfjINotice. ALL persons indetiled lolhe estate of Andrew KpnriKS, ilet'd., w.ll make iiiimeiiiale pay. Iiient; and all persons lisvuig claima sainet said ealale, will present then duly authenticated, in the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. T. U. BREMAVr. Oris ber 30.1 ftCO. 31 f Charlotte DRUG Store7 " K. V K 1 1 U I C I IINO. Ai C . ' l respectfully call Iheattenimn of She V W public 'o tin ir In r te and complete Sloi k now -irjf opened for the Sprms; Trsde, consisting nl Drugs, Medirinia, Chcmicsls, J'crfum-ry , Fancy Arlielea, Oils, Turpi mine. Burning Fluid, Aleo. I t I, I'nre Medical VVn.ee and Itramlies, Canton Teas, Field and (.arden Seeds, Ac., tVe. January 17, IbCO. a3tf sAwi'or.rj'5 LIVER ifiVIGORAIGL?, f TlifomponiH.Hi cnlr!y r.om Citnin r ii 1 brti.rt3WMItfllUlt!Sitrl.ltllfaVCl,NUU(l.il,l .iir.l., i,1 k , 1 a4 np)i-uvptt by ill ibati i it, Hll, 1 ortfti Ui with rouOUouco tu 2 mil Use d.-! 1H , ( 1( u ;r It h.ts ciirptj thnnstntirlsl tih'n U.e hm t-o y, n ho Imti c(en (i nil Uoim U 11 riivr, an iv h,.;,. aaMlllultfaCdrtltK-aleirllnili .fchMiil.fny lj .1' tUUaU lUMiaMt.. lo U.r l-nti,rt.alirr ,,' .VMltwl Uktl IV JVllti Ha- jH lad ID .tM.Lt UUAuLLi U ta in.: Lei Uia dlcutaa or your! taWlr, vu n I,.. uoof UisLlVF.K 11 wUIaiirs I.lrer 1'e.ia- VlUOaA'tOlt.a:.-,. W Iplalfts, Hi 4t. C3 iCIiroi.lclXn,! !;,. Mint iins, iv,..t( p )lloinsrli,iMi,M,n, '. liouis, r ,;,.. fj Turn,. t u in, F:;.tu V .iirutale tVisk.n-M-jnwruliy ss ao Hi.il no P i llis. Ita-aisiraitH Ii taefcs, Uysprpslsj, 8 a in in r 1'or.cl ly, Dropsy, ktani- lustlrciisss, I'lioi- ra Morlms. Citolsrn I lence, Jarndlei-,1 es, sod ma; t aaad kiw-i ry Faintly Plll 1111 A U At II K, c. tiventy niliiules, lf( sioonrals sue k sus-k. I ' , 1 1 who nso It are, Us lavur. I ; laser th- T .- glvlup; lli.ir lfua. MIX WAT Kit IS Tit K SIOITII WITH TIIK IX VII.OM Kill, A.NU U AM.mv CUlll IlKililllKU. li Ice One Dollar per Hottl. I'AMII.V CATHARTIC PILLS, Pur Vesjrlsihle Kittela, ai.,1 ,n ., , .r,AS t KS, Air 'light. Six! u lit Lt.y n Iliarfl. rn t u,--1 in his pr.-lk HMi .5 ii n f. 1kauui.H l i M ilmuK I b,.I.Kiu..dil.-ril.l.- sj :.! I.- llI,r.Hn.;,l I!.. :l.ir ana. b.. Oj,im ilbiciuT..l-..l l! j Bf las l-'AMIl.t t'A- IHAItT'l P l( Ma llh a ir r. r iiidsl r . isbls Kursns. wt.r Mi ?; m , , ,. , syjn-nuiy uiul su. r" ;MI ,.l .,,f, , , , M srhra a CalhsrM I'M I - ml. ,, ,. rai.(, nir.ils tb. .VI m hi n i h . s . . i. I'olns l' Ihr CS bm k , ,, I'o.ljltmi., Ili. S-J ..it !..r Ilir vhol h.l lv. 3 In-a . '. rr,,nw,. II ! I . .,; i.o or ii M inn f hllllrrt nr .lulls, tS II lit i. 1.1 ., 1 1. ... ..." I'.iill,. r jfih- i;i..l p . . , ...... SS IS Hi fcfl aSTlfi.' IS BiS-f ..fc j t . Strst. Uo-t.ll.,1 I'll II K TliriKK lifiVH. Tha T.lvrr li. vlaji.t i..r i..l I ..,ii ,. Itiartlr I'llla f mil t hp . - ,. . , . ass asulasalt li laa Vrsss la alt ibm :r, , a. T. W. APllll, M. Ii.. aUosjtt-t r,r(, 33S BrssBwsr, Ni o,v. F. SUAl'.Il A i t).. (:htntt r Wm J. Kerr, A T T O .V E A T I. A , 4 II lt I. O i l I ' III. pr set ire in toe I .i, riti 1JI... I in. in end t'abarrui U'Oir.ir in lite l.'.-.w'ij Kerr'a llolei. Jj U. lM.0 Put II. R. STOKES 'i i t f' 1 1 I , J.OdK lilliUl!!? LSl ii I lit liliill.! ' J Two Door b but c Lunih fiktk, iu ,V lu. It! id rar ttf Vi . U. Mailt , ( inu ii.ii, lUl.l n MA, S.4. The slote Ksislutl n er.t is i in "p lion, hai i r.aril tii, I rircmiif iu tuii Ii.. teat bt.A.Nk IAIJ.lt ..u-i I I M 1 I. - ' '1 tUIAlji. 1 .i .,, I,. I 'tier ill ley itbs, a list al lue sine l,i i .' ' aljre ol (-iuo.kt. !y penoi.s. in i , u v. . I given to ali orot-rs smi who o 1 ins) t.? , llf n,f liii ho g prsi I.e. I i p I,, i.i , ,,i t i ' Uf.cture ol M.A.N K I t ih.. -i n ii t i I . ' new and oiu i'UlS'l t.U UU,K.-, i ;i.i.r i. I that I sun, in ail ton, in nihil t.li;.. 1 M.A.N K It t. !..., ! ri k t'.ckt.t lirs.'ht- ... f. r Ils ! ' fait rills', Ufditiary 'a si.d t 1 1. nin 1 1.. r u. I ! Ia b.o.s.a.i ht M l' aliu I M I.. . tun, in tiis tery In ! inani i r. ( (. i r j . a ni fares an-J Inu now I tn requirto. l l.l.MKiJ Wv..k.s. Music liioks, li i ' i.irais.l'ii pl.ii l. .V.r. i and IJoi.ks ol en-iy i.i i i .j te I., I in in, t: i im cvrry Varitly ol styia. l A.i orutrs will t riiruinl whii .rt. sny as I., as can b uonc else h t' K. K. .Sl"Kl-, Jjmvatu 17, IfGO. 4.UI linn ii-c ,tr.m.n i Hutual Life Insuraarc Co;r.;a:;y ut t a i: HM.hn.ti. A f rail! IS Company insu fi. bis I'.ir one y er, insur.s the lives of tu..t trim of Tjr, ur I ' ine Mutual I'r.r.eiiile, the assuroi l-r D pj. paling in the protils ul the tomji'.i. tut cits griitro lor the whole t.nn ! .. wl.t n the premium liieri for auioonli to t ' , I uote may tie yiveu for one. bail the amount ol t premium, .waring intereal at t per cei.l. ih 1 guaranty. T he prompt manner in which sll ictus r oeen paid by tins company, together ftilii th I rata ol premium, picati.l grsat iuoucn.vt autu aa are uiaposeu to insure. !avs sre insured for term of fr.mi ue la Ate y.M.ia, lor two-tinrcs Ineii astne. An losst i are p . id sillnu HI) o aiti t i"1 factory proot is presentee. Uiut:iTOKf. l lsries K. Ji.l.iulou, V n.. li. Jours, - J lloidtn, W. I), t nuke, J. t.. Wiliiaii.t, I' -t llusiril, Qui mine lluabee, I. k . I i-seuu. ' ' It Miku, K. I'. Il.lt.e, Cliarlis li. Loot. l'- " Fowl. , Hieh'U II. Utt. OH II-F.BS, lr. Charles F., Johnson, president, V. W. lloluen. Vice i'resiucul. It. II. llattie,icrttary. Wiiliains II. Junes, I'reaaurer. II, W. dusted. Attorney. Ur. Win. II. Mekee, Medical Eiammer. sVsrculiiM t'smiwides. Q. liosbie, Vt . II Kee, Cnarlea li. Kout. M'dtcul Hoard f rantuUatia . I Johnson. M. IK. Will, am 11. .Mrhn dr. e m. y Itlch'd li. Hay wood, M. 1'., For further information, the public is rtl red lo thepsmphlrts.snd forms of proposal. may ie ohloiiicd at the Oflice of the Coi'7 or any of its Agencies, t . Coniinunieationa should l.e addres.co, SI paidi lo. It. II. HATTLE, Secretary. September 8. 1857. aK" Chambers, Barnes & Co., FactoruaniHirncral Coiiiniisrio" 3IKUCIIASTS, CHAIMaSTO.V. JOB PEHftIHG. T'B PRINTING of sll kinds will no net tltlid kllieoltlf.UslV tltrlt.ii SI lh for Il --:. . , J;,sS y c-t-stsv, i -

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