'Se'ftqe fo'6o3, fo Jjoqfr fiougfNj, fo ' Uoulr Duty.' VOL. XO. OIIARLOTTE, IVr. C, TXJXjir S, 1361. MRS. T. J. HOLTON, IDIT1IS3 AND PROPRflTBIiS. TEHMS: The North. Carol ins Whig will be a Horded to sub .eriber t TWO DOLLARS in advance i TWO IMJLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if payment be delayed for threo months; and THREE DOLLARS it tile end of tha year. Nopaper witl be d mean in tied untilall arreara(e) are paid, except al the option of the Editor. Advertisementsinserledat One Dollar per square (16 lines or less, this eited type) for the first inser. tion.snd 25 centa foreseh continuance, I'oorl ad vertisements and Sheriffs Sales charged US per cent higher ; and a deduction of 33$ per cent, will be made from the reguisr prices, lor sureruw-rs vj the year. Advertisements inserted monthly or quarterly, at $1 per aquare for each time. Henii monthly 75 centa per aquare for each lime. Peraone when aending in their advertisements must mark the number of Insertions deaircd or they will be inaerted until forbid and charged ac cordingly. ,: . ITPnstmsstere are u thorn ed to artaa agent. J.CJ. WILKINSON At CO. . .. DEALERS I WATCHES, JEWELRY, ISILTEI ind PtiTED URB,j . . .. AND . A. A No. 4, Granite Rslige, opposite the Mansion House, ' ' CI! ARLOTTK, N. C. AUrntinn pive'i Ui ., iriiig. W itches & Jrwclrjr . Jum 1. 1.'.9. . . J3lf 1lu.kktjiiouse. f HIE subscriber respectfully informs hie former , JL cuatuiitrrs and lue public generally, that he has opened a HOUSE, undrr the ih... name, i.early opposite, Means. Cites 4. Williams, two floors below Mere. J. Y. Hrycs 4t Co., where al ways may be found a full sssnrtroent of Family Groceries, Yf''abltt, hullrr afd Kgg', Chicktnt, CanJifM, llmtins, Atf", I'u kln, l'rrrr'Ctl, HViM, ijc !iirrior TiImto ami SrK.ii'p, rockery and iilaumtttrr, Hat ami i np, i.ailirn V tmrtttlrmm'u Shorn, ali , Ifvlariiitrw, liir1iUK, 1'anl.htnff. Ticking, Ac , - nd nomsmus fanrjr ArliHes, Uf which will a. auid at the eerj loweal price fr Caah or HarUr. F. W. AUKKN2S. S. B. In addition to the above,! intend to fit ub by the let of November, a r ai d eomlorl. hie Itooni f.ir my Cuatnuiera, where a Lunch may be had at any time. Ij will b my mm to nieril share of public patronage. F. W. AflREXS. N II. The higheat price p. id for Butlrr, Onrkena, i'abhare Potalore and other Produce. 1 flail at Hie Mtfkrl llouae. F. W. AIIRRNS. OfcAer IG. 18C0. 3)tf- MILITARY NOTICE. A 1 I I. PERSONS LIABLE M de Militsry Doty t. snoer the proeisions ef in Attpasd si the . Sta.ion of the Legislsture of North Caroline for li VI, see earr.elly requested le appear a I their ditr.rent Heats in tbe eeunty of Mecklenburg on a... i...., ..ri., n.mad. for the purpose of. forming companies end selecting their officers, 1 : At Dinniss Jpril 3 Morning Star : " ' ' " Providence " " Sharon " 39 Steele Creek Msf ' ' P.w Creek ' 't Berryhills " . ' Long Cieek " " L. tiiltys M llwese H J Mallard Creek " J Cbarkitta . - - 9 Crab Crehaid " 10 Be ard.ir of J. Y. BRYCE, r"sJ. CetnmsnWant 68lA Rtgimmt N. V. Afiilie. 8. W. Dvis, Weul. Cs(M. , . p. S I view of lbs present i disorgsnid con dition of our Mihtie system, and ol the further fast that 1 " war el suojg " gursted sgwnat us, we leel assured Hist, this sp. peal l. the militsry pride of oar people will re. ceive hesrly re.p-.nM from ths gallant and eht- valrooa spirits of the old eounty ot Mecklenburg. 1 An eieBinced eflicsr will be st escn plsse of , meeting for the purpose of furnishing such in. r. ..--.-j aueh sasistauca aimer. be eiaoeasary to a complete ergsmiation of the feral rompsnies. , April S3. IB61 ' 4,f Carriage Materials. -m lE would call speeisl atention to '. . r tin.n.. Ailea. Hubs. 1L hie stock of the sIh.vo goons. Biws, Kpokes. (thane, Curtsin Frsmee, Knobs, Bands, Lining Nails, Damask, sVttinet, Cloths, La. era, Fringee. Knadieled and Patent Lealhei, .n. aineled Cloth, OU t jiepel, Fsmt of I' kinds, dry and in oJ, Varniah, Turpeiitine. Linseed Oil, Lyre and Oval Iron, Bolts, snd everything in the wsy of Csrriags Trimmings, at prices that cannot fi to plcaae. at the a re ware Depot of A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, VpftUitht JtfarMloa) lhu$t; Roofing Guttering 5 Job Work a-fFall kinds, promptly attended tost TAYLOR'S Hard torn rt Sttft pastes, Ua Miuon Mmse lieckiliburg'lRON Works; V ' ' MI. I II is ft T TMZ, 'A: C. ALEXANDIRTMcDOUGALL. fl'HE undersigned beg leave tn inform the citi JL ten of Charlotte and virinily and the pub. lie generally, that thef hasenuened the above Es tablishment at the fuut of Trade strict, adjiliinng the track of the North Carolina Rail Road a lid op. poaite John WillttV Steam MiJIf, and ere prrpar. cu te lurnisti an kinda ol MACHINERY, at hurt notice end en. reasonable term. STEAM ENGINES Vtom Ml 80 llune Jowfiv . . . . AND . UMCIiS.-Tliril'! UOItK or kind. H K PA IRS in their line promptly attended to, , Thetav FOUN UK Y la in full operation, and Cast Regularly twice a Week, : Wedneadajs and Saturday!. Thee are prepared to furniab all kinds of t AI4. 1.1 IllO., IIKASS etc., aC3uini.ua to nania. SAW AND OEIST CIIJ.L GEARING, GIN- WHEELS, SAW DUST BUMMERS, ANTI F.UCTION PLATE? AND BALLS ' . ro . COTTOSi PRESSES. CAST IKON RAILING, For Garden Enctnaurea, Dwelling Doueee, Pu jiie iiuiiumge, Purtieoea, Cemclry Lots, die. Their i.iimj:jii;nt!s For rarrirKig on the bneinrm in afl ire branches. Jiese been tLrXTEU WITH OKtAT CAltE, and are proviueu with 11 tliu i.iiriiovKMi-:.TS Required to dii their )ork ill a. , I III i it i ri: ,i rR. Agents, for Dr. E. O. Elliott, for W'irfter's Pat ent MulaSw Mill, Wjiich. Iia the advaniage, a'org witn niatijF othera, of doing at least twice as much wurk.anrt doing it beiur, than any other Mill in use it can In run br .-Inani, Water or Il'irse Power. The Mulay may be seen at the r-hip at any time. UKSRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM MclXJUOALL. N. B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper, etc., bought or taken in trade. O'feoer 30 I860. " 3Jtf ' IIARDWAilHDWARE! A. A. N III. TAYLOR KFPECTFCI.LY infos his friends knd the public generally, that he. has added to his extensive stock of globes IiQc. i Urge end complete stock of IJ AMDWAKE. con eistmg in psrt as follows: Csrpenters' Toole, Circular, mill, erosaeut, hsnd, ripper, psnnel, pru ning, grsftuig.tennon, back, compass, webb snd buloher SAWS, Braces and bits, Drswing Knives, Chiesels, Augers, Uimlels, Hammers, llatrhts and Axes, Brick, plastering snd pointing TROWELS, Saw setters. Screw plates. Stocks and dice, Planes nf all kinds, Spoke.sha'ees, Steel. blade bevil and try Squaree, Spirit Levels, Pocket Levels, Spirit Level Viale, Bj in; Machines, Gouges, snd in ac every thing a mechanic wants. In great variety and a,t, very low prices, at TAYLOR'S f .rdiaare Store and Tin Wars Depot, opposite the Maneion ouse, Charlotte, N. C. Jmnt 5, 1859. 1 1 If" "TdTssolution. Ths firm of FL'LLlNUs SI 1(1 Mia. ei Co. was dissolved by limitation on the 1st January, 1861. The busineas will he bontir.uec' under the name and style of FLLLINGS 4. SPRINGS, and they hope, by integrity aud atnet attention to buai. tires, to merit the same pstroange heretofore li bur illy bellowed by their numerous friend a and cus tomers. ,. 'I'he preaenl 6nsncial crisis and ths uueertianty of buuicaa, lor the luture coin pel ua to ahorten our time ofcrsmt from twelve to six months to prompt paying cuaiomers nuns other need ask it- All po'aon indebred to ths odd firm ol Fullings, Springs 4. Co., must come forward aus: make im nediaie sattlemsnl. se it is sbsIutely necessary that ths Suameas be speedily clossa up. " A word to tbs wise is surricisnt," Feb 19 1B6I. elf. I)r, II. M. Pritchard 1 1 ELDING tothe eolrcile'tionof ma. nv friends, respectfully annoum tea his determination to resume the Irnclic- ol ITIfUlrllie. lis may be consulted al his otlice. UTThe poor prescribed for withoul charge. sgesfSI. 1858. 85tf LOST. ONE eertifieate of Stock in the C. t S C R. K No. 1 195. Apphestion will be made for the renewal of the same. T. II BREM. Mars 90, 1801. " ' J ef5. From the Richmond Whig. i The Buttle at. Betbel. Tbmx, Dixit. Send out the news te West and South, and spread It through the land ! Our noble boys have beat the foe at Bethel f We Ml praiae and bleaa, wiih all our hearte, tbe gallant, gallant band. Who met the foe, and beat them back at Be. thai! With three to one assailing At Bethel ! Bethel ! They Ml their; courage failing . When they earns nigh to Bethel ! Hurrah ! hurrah ! for Monday's fightat Bethel ! And glory to the noble boys who bsst the foe at Bethel ! (Krptat the lait ties inr Msgruder Ui twelfo hjjndiod men, and did not wish tor mure. To meet four thousand Ltaeonites at Helhel ! Old Butler sunt them out snd ssid (some people ssy, lie steers ) By dinner time, he'd get our men at Bethel ! But all hie valiant troops got At Bethel! B.-thel ! Was a hssty plate of aoitp hot , That bariit their moutha at Bethel ! Hurrah 1 furrah! for Butler's lent it Bethel! Tbs grmpt set sll his teclb on edge the dsy he dined a I Uelhel. 3. The old North State was wide awake, for 'Ihsre was Col. Hili, With sll her son who fuught that dsy at Bethel ! The Yankee Znusvei disliked their looks, and couldn't stand the drill. When bayoneta flaahed along their line at Bethel! The word was Rig'it "about," sir, ' At Bethnl ! Bethel ! And the Z uivea they sit pu! sul, sir. In "double quick " st Bethel ! Hurrah! hurrah! What time they made at Bethel! " Tics erfy se plank," is s'sie, to what they did at Uslhel ! Brsve Major Randolph's Howitiers sent out their meaf . in thtllt. Which Yankee stomschs didn't like at Bethel ! Tlia Richmsnd and Henrico !cs rung out a peal ol bells, ' ' 'Twas mrlie YmVee could notaee st Bethel! T"e jig wntn so fast, sir, At lirlhel ! Bethel ! ' That Bar s(r cams at last, sir. And they ost.ced Sway Irnm Belhel ! Hurrah ! hurrsh !Tor the x'anker j g at Bethel ! If they wa M iiu,i"lisr lesaqn, lei tl.ioi cull sgam at Bethel! PtsceKaiifmiSs THS RUIHID MERCHANT. BY NELLIE. Mr. Stanley had been a successful mrrchant. He begna life wiih nothing but on excellent education, and with no means but in his untiring diligence and sterling honesly, worked his way up in the world until he stood foremost in wealth and station. He had only onefVhild a dauhier. , His wife had died when her child was four or five yenr old. , He never married after, for he cherished the memory of hi lov ed wife, and wished not to have her place filled by another. Florence "Stanley, at the time of, which we write was nineteen a joy ous, laughter-loving girl. She was of a medium height, and .her golden, hair fell in rippling wawa.over her snowy shoulders. Iter blue eyes would dance with merriment, and the dimples would play bide and seek wiih ttie roses in her cheeks. As may be supposed, she had plenty of suitors some attracted by, her beauty, some by her wealth, and others loved her for herself. But of all her-suitors , there were only two for whom she really cared, and both were handsome, accomplished and wealthy. She was undecided in her mind which she. loved best Her kind, thoughtful father saw the quandary she was in, and determined to assist her all that lay in his power.. At length rumors were afloat that Mr. Stanley had failed; and in a few days the spleqdid hoine was abandon ed, arid he removed to a small house in a less fashionable part of the city. Mr. Stanley had broken the news geniy to his daughter, and told her she would be deprived of the luxuries to which she had been accustomed ; but the noble hearted girl threw her arms around his neck, and embracing him, said ? I am not deprived of you, my fath er, and with you I can lie happy. ' But my own Flory, your friends and admirers will possibly pass vou bv. and you will be coldly treated by those who are now your otiuals. 'Itvas'a'h'dtlesinlo leorn, arrthefmc! Sitdrnvn.' He came and sat down tears welled up into her beautiful eyes but she struggled bravely, and said, "Let it be so, then. I am nble to stand it,' and smiling through her tears, added, " and then we shall know, who are true.lnends and who arc not ; but should all forsake us we still have each other to love, my father.' Mr. Star,Vy clasped his rioble daugh ter to his heart and thanked God for bis treasure. The two suitors for who, as we men tioned, Florence had a regard, were Harry Lenox nnd Gerald Ellerslie. J he manner in which the news ol Mr Stanley's failure affected them we shall shortly see. Mr. Lenox was in the read ing-room of a hotel, and was looking carelessly over the morning papers, when the announcement ol Mr. fctan ley's failure attracted his attention. ' The deuce ! he exclaimed, ' who would have thought it ? I am glad 1 have not committed myself, as i thought of doing. Pity Florence, though, lor she is a confounded pretly girl !' and with thi3 he dismissed all thoughts of her. On the afternoon of the samp' day a lady was walking slowly down the fash ionable promenade, when she heard quick steps behind her, and soon she was joined by a gentleman. He was tall and handsome, with dark laughing eyes, and the raven hair clustered thickly arcund the broad, intellectual forehead. Good evening, Miss Leighton,' he said. , Good evening, Mr. Ellerslie, she answered, lixjkifig quickly up, ' when did you get in from the country?' ' I arrived in town this afternoon,' he answered. . ' Then you hare heard the news, I presume?' What news !' he said. 'Mr. Stanley has broken up,' she ' , i i i- ' l said, and seeing the look of astonish- i . . , .. rnent on lir I'limminim'i ijr-n n1I..l it was entirely unexpected by the pub lic, I believe.' ' It is not king since he was speaking about his business to me,' (for to tell the truth, Mr. Stanley approved of Mr. Ellcrilies suit, and would have been' better .pleased wjih him than any of her' other suitors,) ' nnd said it was never more prosperous than now. Do you , know where they have moved V f ' I have heard the name.of the street,' she answered. " ... . - 'Most likely you will be calling on her, and, if so, please bear my repects to Miss and Mr. Stanley, and tell them another business engagement will pic-1 vent me from seeing them.' She assented, though she had not the remotest idea of ever calling, and short- ly afterwards he bade her good bye.' ; It-was near tea time, about three, weeks after this, that Florence Stanley .. . . till il cuuui; l. ci uuiici a itrtuiu. cue .1 i r .1 i i i was thinking of the days gone by, and r- i u u i ,",.i n.. cl friends who had proved false. the en .Mi-'iitinn lir ilhpi-'d rfllnrn VI, had thought at first, she could brave it all, hut it was only with many tears and silent struggles, hidden, from even the watchful eves of her father, that she at length coufd bear, unmoved, the scorn ful glances and whispered words, she daily saw andhenrd. , Many had cal ledoIlher,butthecoldregretsnndfrigid-:lpmr, ly polite tones had told her plainer than i wo'rds, the feelings of the persons. j Few there were whose kind words and: affectionate manner were unchanged, ! and to these she clung trustfully and lovingly. I But what had become of Gerald Ell- ...,,.,, rx i ... ! erslie? Mie nan nearu o' L,enox, now he courted other ladie3, and never men tioned her except to pass an empty re gret on her changed circumstances, if her name was mentioned ; but ot Ger ald she had heard nothing, and she was too proud to ask for him. , Her father, at length came in. She thought as they sat together at Ihe cosy little tea-taoie, that he had an unusual flow of spirits, but imagined that it was assumed for her sake. They finished their tea and her father, contrary to his usual cus tom, took his hat and cane and prepar ed to go out. Going out, papa ?' she said. 4 Yes, my love,' he answered ; ' I hav some business which cannot be put off; but I hope you will not find the time long, Floy. Good evening my dear,' and he stooped down n'.id kissed her. There was a merry twinkle in his eyes as he spoke, and smiling he went oL Florence went into the parlor, and sat down in the gathering twilight to think of all that had happened. She had .been sitting for a half hour, when a deep, manly voice beside her said : Dreaming Miss Stanley ?' She started up, nnd there stood. .Gerald LUershe. I 4 Oh ! Mr- E!rer!ie, how you started :lon the sofa beside her. How have you been this long time?' he asked. 'Indeed, I don't know whether I should tell you or not,' she said, you certainly did not appear to care lately how I was And she put on a sweut pouty air. Why Florence, how can vou suy so? Did not Miss Leighton tell how I was placed and give my regrets al nnd as he spoke his eyes rested on his not being able to call.' sweet wife, with a loving look. Miss Leighton !' said the young la- And so we leave them, a happy fntni dy, with a little toss of her head, ' I saw Iy strongly united by the lies of love, no more of her than I did of you.' nnd, with a wish that there were more ' Then, Florence, will you not par- like them, ends our story of the father's don the seeming neglect on my part if I fell you she promised she would tell you of my absence?' ... . . 'I suppose I will' said Florence, laughing, for the doubts were all gone Florence, dear Florence! I came to-night to tell you that I love you. May I, dare I hope ? Say not nay, dearest only give nie one look, or one little word. Say, darling, will you be mine V Florence when he began speaking, had lowered her head, and the long curls had tallen over her tace : when he finished speaking, she gently raised her head, and one timid, loving glance at him then dropped her head on his shoulder. lie threw his arms around her, and drawing her to him, kissed her and murmured : ' My darling !' Rut 'soon a. thought of her poverty stung her, and freeing herself from his clasp she said : 4 15 ut Gerald, I am only a poor girl now, and cannot give you anything be side myself.' ' Which is more to me than all the wealth of the Indies,' he answered, drawing her to his bosom 4 On villi mil lirincr mp finvtliini 1 .i . i c , : tor to depart wiilioiil correcting giving me that heart of yours: avnot' , , . ! ., J - jtakc. and he continued to u.-e icn :irr'iln 1 louwiil goin rny father s consent will you not V '1 kitv it ; I asked him for it this afteruoon, and told him I should call 'this evening.' ' Ah ! that acounts for his going out, then,' said Florence. 'I could not think w hat could be the business that would induce him to leave me alone.' And the now perfectly happy Flor- ence nestled more closely to her lover's bosom. This the evening passed in pleasant conversation, until the clock struek nine and her father's, step was in ihe parlor. 4 Ha! Floy, was the time very long passing away ? You see, I knew how charming you could get along without me, although you look so doubtingly !' and, laughing heartily, the gentleman took up a lamp and bade them ' g. od night. When Florence Stanley sought her rnnm mm nnriir snp lhruikeo ipr tiren- .. , . - , 1 u .1 lor or his goodness to her, and breath . . - , , , ed a prayer that she might be kept , , . J . , .B. , r " ' " v humble in heart, and mindlul of her many blessings, Ihe wedding passed off quietly none but those who had proved them- selves true friends being there. The ; young couple started on a wedding' tour, while Mr. Stanley turned his at- j "c I'"' se,uiy s"au sce . , The mounlh of travel had expired, and one fine. morning found him at the' station, anxiously awaiting the train that was to bring his only earthly trea- sures to him. Thecals came and in a lew moments, he had grasped his son's t,., -,. ., ,1 ,..iA Kic lnvj.lv J-iHtrluor .-.o to his heart! 1 hey entered the car- iuuc,. ,.ul.u riage, that was awaiting for them, and, JJ 'Piltd- f u' 80 0,a r" doting the windows, were quicklv rnnog-on, hula though or ,e!,r . a . . o ..... 1 - time adds its tiifluetica. If each thought driven to their destination. ho pure S)d righti tU ,ou, be ,05e)yi The carriage stopped not before end will sparkle with happiness ; but if iru the humble dwelling she had left not pure and wrong, there will bo 5na! deform before a fashionable hotel but before itj aud wretchedDcsj. the palatial home of the Stanleys ! Flor- ence gazed in surprise, but her father, springing quickly up the broad, mar ble stops, opened the door, and turning to llieni, put out Ins iia.nis, saying: Welcome home, mv children,' and leading them into the "newly furnished house, added, 4 you could determine in ' . - i i i l poverty, what puzzled jour little head lentv Gerald and Florence saw at once the meaning of the sudden poverty. It had been assumed bv the thought- ful father as a trial of he real sen., - iut i.uut-i us ments of Florence s suitors and it had succeeded, even as he had expected. A year has passed since their mar- riage, and we will now take a peep in at them. Florence is sealed at the pia- no playing a lively air, while her watchful eyes every now and then, glance at the little phenomena crowing so noisily in its father's arms. Mr. 8u::'.ey is looking at the happy :a:r..y. 1 and ble?ses xho hour that lie first call- ed them his children. ' By t tie way,' exclaims Mr. Eller?!ie, " dirl you hear that Harry Lenox line started lor unknown pnrts, and bis wife, the ci-devent Miss Leighton has gone back to her father's house ' 'No!' exclaimed 'Mr. Stanley nnd Florence at once. . 'It is so,' said Gerald, 'nnd the rauie of U wa , doin v'tic ;llfl"i"u!tie s ruse. , ,, ., Ul'HDi! nv iri n a m I in A Inf. d Q ' ; anet.(0(e f)- ( the following, Governor Wtllcr, w hich is worth printing. It seems that, a lew days since, one of those persons who are often met wiih in this country seeking for employment, came to the premises of his Kxcriit iK V, and found him pinning his vinevard, which employment made it nt-eessary 1o divest himsrlf of his coat, and alto gether gave liiin the outward appear ance of a day laborer. The stranger approached the Governor, and the fol lowing colloquy ensued : ' I say, Cap., does tc man who owns there premises wan', to hiie ai.v more help?" ' No, sir, I think not he has all the help lie wants at present.' ' Right mec place this.' 4 Yes this is a very nice firm.' ' Well, Cap., if its a fair question, what wages do you get here '' ' Oh. only get my board and clothes, and nothing to brag of at that.' You muM be harder up than I nni, to work for them prices.' The Governor allowed his ii;tei'ref- liis mi;. t'nn pru ning knife. A Pxors Dakkev. Aunt Dinah, a negro wumrin. soon niter having expe rienced religion, ;it a recent i"ival, stole a goose, to make merrv with her consort from a neighboring plantalion. Of course she was whipped for ii;o good of others as well as ot' lier-elL Soon after there circumstances, a com munion was to take place in the neigh borhood, find Dinah prepared to go. Her mistress remonstrated with Ik t and mentioned the goose ail'iir as a suf ficient reason for her not to offer her self tin such a holy occasion ; to which she replied," Lor, missus I ain't gwinc to tuin my back to my bressed masa, for an old goose " IiAiLttoAP Waogehy. Waggs wer.t to the depot of one of our railroads the other evening, and finding the bil n.- o,n ., ,-.n,' i,,.,. V(U um, .-.nm. in ti t iui , i . . u v 4 Why, this car isn't going.' Of course these words caused a gene ral stampede, and Waggs took the best seat, i lie cars soon moved oft. In the midst of the indignation the wag was questioned, You said this car wasn't going ?' Well, it wasn't ; but it. is "now.' The 'sold' laimhcd a little but Waggs came rather near a good thrash- lnS- n,Te you CTer watched in icicle it formed! You noticed bow it irota ona drop at time uniil it wan a foot 1od, or more. If the water wa clean, tbe ic:'o remained clear, d sparkled brightly in tbe sun ; but if t ho water was but hit 'br! , ,, CniLDRts and Parents " Let sll chil dren remember, " say Dr. Dwis'it," if ever tbey are weary of Ubouri;.!; Cor their psr etit?, that t'hnt M.orrd fir hi a ; if impa tient nf their command, that (. iirist cheer- fuj obejed ; if nlueunt to provide for h'j' P"f , its that Uu,t forpot hin.e,f aod protided for Ins mother amid the ajo- eies pcf ,he crtl?ifljion. The .ff,ction.to luncusje tf hi divine example to every child ia, 1 Uo thou and do likewise.' '' . ' The LeF'd,n,re c Po.-syW.n... -n ns4 cd Uj6 j0;ow,ng resolution: Kes'oWPe(J Tbat no mfniber of ,he Lc. Ulore le tliowej t0 como , the Hoj.j barefooted, or et hi bread aod cheess on th steps." Aa Irit.b pentleman lately nil to sno- thfr : I called to see your fsmiiy but xhfj "ere not st home ; ud 1 had prne to ride in a C3rri- l stippo.e tbey which was Ht -.Lti Jkjr. M. .

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