HI Tuesday Jaly 2, 1861. Spartanburg College. TLe Professor kindly scot us a Catalogue wbich shows there art 147 students at tot Institution at tbia time vhiob needs do high er comma Dilation. The plan of government in a reliauee on tbe honor aud good sctiBe of the students. Tbe Steward's department of the Institution ia under tbe direction of Mr. and Mrs. liotliune, whoso czperienoe and their well known character fiti tb em for their responsible positioa tbe j are well known to us. We hope the may long live lo nil their places. Rail Hoad Hotel. ii- j 1 : :j-.n -i t r i ur"lT wii.iij me ii- iv ; Hotel kept bv W. W. Elms, Esq., be polite. ! J, ins.stcd that we should partake of a j mtal with him wh.eh we were nothing loathe j t0 do, as it is not often we bavo such invi-1 taiioo,hia table was supplied with everv ; iLing thoseasoo aflurda, we are not sur- prized at his run of customers, as be and ln Li'ly are so vcrv obliging, that wc could tipect nothing else from them, we wish for our kind frieuds loo life and a steadj run cflusilie'S. . ; FlI'ERIor CouaT. The following order j In teen fiicd ly the Judges for the Fall trtn of Superior Courts. Judges Oaborne ' tnl Heath change at pleature : KietitoD or let or., Judge Dick. Newbrru or 'd " " Heath. lUkih or 31 " " O.lorne llillaboro' rr 4th " " b.ilev. Wihnioijt'u or Sth " " Howard ija!ibury or titb " " Saunders, AMicTii a or 7th ' " French. Ilnltigk istiimltirtl. Diatingnished Arrival Th, ii;.v...j i:.....,i,.r .r HIV...111U.1M I-"""", i ' ""n -j. n.itt tLe f nwin? important announce B.'. i.t : " We have the satiafacliou to auoouuee lie arrival, in I L ia citj, of a dietinguUbcd s:rijger freui the sunnj clime of France, the land of LaFayette, and sociat-d wi;b csiiy tariliiiig memories of ou fir-t revolu tion end of cur firl war of indepeidence ftrjut'i'r ia no lr a reraonajo thin i'nuoe Caniille do Poligoie, a name illua 1 tr nn in mtort ; audi he comra, as I I'tvetle came, tj draw hit sword iu behalf ;f a brave ai.i i;eutloui people, who have tii.cn up araia tJ reaisl the attempln of a ivrmt and a deapot. to ubjuate and en f'.ave them. " 1'rn.ao Poltgnae aerved with much rk'.ln.try in the Cioics, aud is unqueatioua bi v well acquainted wirb '.he organisation a:i 1 iii-cifiliac of the Freuch army. ''We underataod that Premdent D-ivii received tbe Hrinre jctcrday at bis office, i'i li.e War 1 'rpartinetit, iln that urlauily aal cordiality for which he is so juallj dts . H.-uiihed.'' Tut Wi.iik riR the Northern Com OHEns Tbe Northern prena ia pa turning it aiteu'iou to the work of the extra scs vva of ('onresa. The f jl.owtog is tbe p'.ao cf one of them : Tba firl thing foigre's must de i to ps lq io'leinnily till ia favor of the Pres i lent to protect bira aga'D't tbe legal con t'qieticea of tbone UDCoi.titutioul acts ahich necessity hss eompelled him to adopt for the preservation of lbs Ooverument. Ia the next place Congress ought to pro vide far the expenses of the war. To do li.n rff ctually instead of borrowing from n.errhama, it ought to ettaliiau a Nation s! liaiik, with a eapital of one hundred and fi'tv uii!Iioo!i, whenee the Government would Le enabled to obtain a loan of fifty millions iiun dialely upon tbe security of tbe depos it aud tbe incoming revenue. Tbe next thing to bs attended tt is the increase of the Navy and the efficiency of the war De partment. Iiat1y, a general bankrupt law must be passed to relieve merchant! from thtir liabilities, and to enable tbem to eoin nience new career under brighter aupi- CfS. Tbe Washington correspondent of the Iii'uimore Suu writes that the tariff will be reduced on some articles, aud the free lUt iupanded ; tea and coffee taxed to the mount of twelve millions, and the July oo sugar increased. Direct taxos will not be icsortcd to now, but will be as required Nobody estimates the expenses of the war st less tban three hundred millions a year Netbing will probablj be proposed in Con gress with a view to peace, aud I'rcsident lJsvis Las Said ID Lis letter to tb Maryland COruioittee, that thougl. tlasirOUS of paaCO, J 1's cannot renew an effor of oeeotiatiou. T. " : 'lis revenue at New York for a whols week mouutsd onlj tc $100,000. Eillt Wilson's Thieves. TLis exem plary regiment of Zouavss sailed from New York on Saturday by tbe stesmers Vandvr )ilt. Tbcir rlestinatioo has not bsen posi tiTolj dated, tbougb it was supposed to be fortress Monroe. For two or three days Prtvious, the police were busy ia looking up e etragglars, who were generally fouuJ Uutly druok and brought in our draja. Jm as the boat was leasing a free Bght took Place, and one thief, who bad the delirium lruieus, tried to drown himself. It ,IZ :ZZ ttttX lionod at Yorktwon, we deriro the following particulars regarding the seven prisoners brought up from that place, on Sunday moruing last. One was a scout, esptured b; one of our scouts. The; mot alone, and, as soon as the charaoter of eaoh became known to the other, tbej prepared for so tioo. Our man was too quiok for the Yan kee ; fired, struck him in the leg and iufliot ed a slight flesh wound, sufficient however, to throw him. He had no sooner touched me grouuu man our man was upon him,: "-"'"'-"'j ieieu um weapon irom mayor, enroll ineir names niiM upon sut bim, and made him prisoner. No 2 is a , islitctory evidence of a peaceable char- Virginian, from Hampton, who was caught in tbe act of leading tbe enemy to oar camp lie is a relative of a most wotby and patri - j otio citizen of Richmond, who sajs ho ought ,0 b, forthwith hunir. Four .r. de..rt,r. from lb, eDcnlJ Th(J fefenth .( d(jaer. Ur from Norh Cirolina QoatfgBJ t;T8 of penns,lvaBia, who, no doubt, onlj taVuUi lha be beUer aid lha tDcfBj Tbey lre aM( we believe, together with the Koriou, Soula uarolilja -entleman. Hurl- but, confir.pd in the 1'enitvtitiary, both of the other p riNooa leing filled to repletion with similar cattle. Richmond Examiner. The A r u est8 near Williamsport. The Winr.huater Virginian sajs ; Two of Lincoln's prowling midnight thieves were caught on Wednesday night Ual, ou the Virginia side of the Potomac i river, near Williamsport Thejr had jus: I forded the river and were probablj looking out for a place for plundrr. One ia a L-! and the other a Liautenant and Aid tn tha ' I loriuer Their horses were al;o captured, . i i , ,.. re tae bj two of our sold.ers, ..i.i,;.i.iU!,m...n. ; 1 tiey were who had beeu watcbinir their moTem.nta Tbe- were brought to Winchester, tester- da morning, and at the time of sending' i our DiDer io Drcsa. auu conuneu in a room, i . . . 'SI the Union Hotel. Tbey deserve the pe, but will probably encape like Har-, ue jr and others. A DaMiKHuos EbCAH. A somewhat perilous exploit was accomplished a few dayssiuco by one of our Uavalrj soldiers, Sfjoant William K Mead, now on duty near Winchester : living detailed on a lol- itarv tnidnight expedition to cut the tale- graphic writes beyond M artiosburg, be pro ceeded through a dark rain, armed with a revolver, hatchet and file. Near Mar. tinsburg he was seised and put ia cus tody, but mtkini: his escape in tbe crcv of the morning, be rode several miles further , up the Kailroad took out one bundred , liuivi tiuiiuiu wire ucaiivytn ma lu-j selatient, and returned in safely- with his trof by to Camp JoLuMou, receiviog the hearty congratuUtios of bis compaoj .incidurg Yit gintan. NKV AHYEIiTISESIEXTS. DISSOLUTION. faj !IE Coo irlnerahip l.errtofure eiiati.ir under 1 Hie name ol ALEXANDER & MclKH . (i A I.E. is thisdiy dissu'tsd by n.ulual consent. lE-nry Aln md. r i alone autliorited to seltl the buini-n of the l.il' firm. HKNKV ALEXANDER. MALCOLM MrDUUG ALL. June i!7, 1 Hf.I tf. TL. dusinrsa of the FOf.NDRY and MA. I'll I M) Sill II' will bu co.i.lucled as usual by the u'jorr.hrr. He rrq'irvts a eonlitiusncfi of the pa. Irunagc herelu:iirn i iirn.l.d. IIKNUY ALEXANDER. June 37, 11-61- If. :tii im miM). C'lsurlollr and tiilli Cisruliaiu It a 1 1 roil it Co. COI.UMIIIA, S. C, Juna 2G, 1861. fgillK I) l It Kt "I'l ) US of this Company hsvt de. JL clari-d s U:v IDKND of j 5n per share, lo h puid un tli bit t d.iy of July next. Vavnieiil will be nuilr lo Stockholders ill North Caruliini und Ej(n. York, S. C, by the Agent j at CiMrlnIti'. Cliester Mockholdnrs will be paid I al His i Ifiee of lhe Afint it CliesUr. Those in K.iirfislil by the Arrut at Winnsh..ro. t harles. Imi Me It linkers :.l (lie R ink of the State ol South I srolina. Anu all others at this nllice. C. UOUKMGfIT, I Secretary and Treasurer. July 2, IKl. I3.in i i:vok i ii Female Seminary, (JltKENSBOKOUCH. N. C. f 1 II IS Institution has been in successful ops. ration for twenty one years, snd lor the last ten yesrs under Us present Principal. The Course of Instruction i designed to t fiord t Southern fsrents an Inalruction in w-hicli can be secured every suvaiitae aflurded by tho very ictl t,m,t Seminaries in the country. ''" Jely ' uf HVE Ucnilemen and hll'lt l.sili. s. 1 lie Institution is, and haa been -i iniKut iillLiY soi' ITlhRN in ite nrgam. WB., i1..inl,.HllVl. .nH in present c aciled sin to of the country , us geographi cal position rendsis it a quiet snd ssl'e retreat. The next Sranon will commence August 1st, IKil. for Cotaloguea Containing full particulars of ler.ns, A c , apply lo 1UCUAKD STERLING, Princip.l. t;reensboruuh N. C. June Jj, ISGI. S. T. Wriston, AM KAt'Tl'RLR ..f.and dealer in Main and iTA Japanned Tinware, Slows, Wooden Warn. Urooms, llrunhes, tic, in South wing of Springs' t urner Building-. Job Work, such asruofinf, Untler.n, Ac. dons with deapaleh Town Ordinan - lie U Jurther Urumncd lJ lltC LOVimiS- tloncrs of' the Town of Charlotte, That On and immediately alter the first day of jiu.iiv.uiuk.ij unci 1 1 iv muuj July, next, and on each succeeding first clay of July, thereafter, (provided the r. i ' J...i....v puuic uuia iiut niiiic uu unu.i ; men anil in that case, on tllC day following : All l.V-V...c. ....... ,,;,l,,nt ; ,1, - Town of Charlotte, or w ho may hereaf ter become residents of the same, being of the age of twelve years and upwards snail ue required to appour ueiore we after and industrious habits obtain from j him a certificate of such enrollment to gether with a description of their persons! I I . i.i I L-ii.iraiier anu iraoc, or rmpio meiii , to be signed bv the Mayor, countersign- fd liv ttu t"lfirL- i.ifl cp-.tfxl a'ill. tlir J , ,. , , , . .c Corporate Seal Ot the 1 own. And it any free person of color liable to SUcIl enrollment shall be lound without such; ! , " . v , ' " , ' , v., , . . r i i ii in Lemur on Hie oil. Monday after Ihu 4th Al'in. CCrtlhcate Saul tree person ol Color Shall j day in June next, to ahow ciuae ,f any he cin be deemed guilt V of a miseb'tneanor and , why the juatu-ts judgment aliall not be confiniii d on conviction bdure the Mayor shall beidu" '" u,,d co"d,;,""ed p'-'- punished at his discretion by either line, whipping, imprisonment, or hireing out for a time not exceeding six months for each olli-nce. And tor each and every such enrollment and certificate so granted a tax of one dollar shall be collected by the Clerk ibr the use of the Treasury of the Town. V it further Ordained, That no per son under any pretence whatever shall hire to his or her slave, or to any slave under his or her control his fir her time, or allow them the contiol of the same undL.r a penally of filly dollars for each I ,t'r,m ti,n l , ,r I t J..Vn, shall abo be hired out to the highest ' loitu m.invi..K iiie .nd defendant to be and ap- i -i i , ,., ,i i- i'r- il.ii l.-.l-.n.o ' pear befurc the Jui-t.cea of our l'iurt of F.eaa and bidder at public oul-c. Iwl 'eh'n el(JurterS,,10I,,lllien(lt(.0Url to bc held fur ol the veal , and the proceeds ol such , ...h roumv nf M. rkiei.bur. at the court.Houac of the year, and the protect '""''"M sha11 bc lor ,l,c bel,, til ,jf llie 'i'....-.. ' ... j mm " " " no ive shall lo at laiL'e as a free person ,r,-'tJ,n I.Ij ,.r rli. n.iii.n in tl.p fmplovmeiit of their time nor shall any slave keep house to him or herself as a In e person exercising the like discretion in the. employment of his or her time ; and in ease the owner or person having control of such slave or slaves consent to the same or connive thereat he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and m conviction be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, I'roiidt.d however that 'any owner or person having contiol o! slaves mav peimit such slave or slaves to live or keep bouse upon hisorj her own lot or land fur the purpose ofj attendini to the business ot his or her ! owner or person having such slave in c'Ji"oe' An Ordinance to vrennt the fining of (i nits or l'ist(ds huldid irith IxilU or shot, uitJiin the limits if the Town rf Charlotte. , lie it Ordained the Comminnioners f) the Toim if Charlotte, That any person I ur pt-r.-uus who shall dUcliarr or cause to lie- liieil anv Ciun or ri.-tnl loaded ill, bailor h't within ,1,, limits f: ttif i own, snail mrir'U and pay 1 1 jo sum ol" Fiw Dollars tin- each and cverv of- fi-tite to be received in the same tuan-j tier ns other fines impo-ed liy the Coin- inisrioncrs of said Tow n. I The Hank of Charlotte, Charlotte, N. C. June 17, 1801. rav,IUS 11 j nk has declared a semi annual D.vj. .M. di nd ol J ;er Share, of til) i-ajh. being at tne rte of 0 pir cent per annum. fiakl in : Stockholders, ur order, on and alter the 3rd of! July neat. 'lha Annual Meelinf of the Stockholders of ' Ilia Dink wil. take dace on the hri-l Wednesday in J uly, being the 3rd day nf the montii. M. P. PEG HAM, Cashier. JunetSlPGl St. Notice. TRREASURER S OFFICE, ; Aikuntic, Tenn. 4 Ohio B. R. s CHARLOTTE, N.C, June 3rd, IS61. rilHE FOI'RTH Installment of Capital Stock A in the A. T. &. O R. R. Co., anbscrihcd in the Town of Stutesvillr, is due on the 5ib of July next. T he Sixth Installment of the Slock subscribed si Mount Mou.ne, Iredell County, and the Sev. enlh Installment of all Slock subscribed in Meek, lenburg County, is due and payable on the July, neat. If the Stockholders desire (ho work to continue they MUST be more prumpl i: Ih-ir payments. This is no idle talk. The Tre i urer must have MOM EY. M L. WR1STON, Tre.a. June 4 ID 71 ILTThe Iredell Exprens will copy till the 21st of July. jNotice. t i'HE undersigned will receive bids on Satur. JL day the 6u. day of July neit lor putting up a huildmj at the fnor lluue in MeeKleiiburg county, said house tu he one slory high, ol l.ew. od logs two log partition walls, making three rooms below, lott and floor to be of inch plank, with a door to each room. Biddcra wll pleaae allend at the Foor-flouee on the day abuse mentioned and hand in their bids. N. It. The Iocs to be gut ou the pluci, Shin gles and all other materials lo be luraished by the undertakers, IK A PARKS, WILLIAMSON WALLACE, JOHN WOLF, Committee. June 25, lb6l. Ul s 11001, T IlKl oninnltrn of Kxaminalion for Merklen. burg County will meet oa osturusy, the S'JIh of June, at the court l.ouae, for the purpose ot eia. tuning those who wish tn obtain certificates as teachers of Common Schools in the county. J. P. ROSS, K. NYK UUTCHISON, M. D. JOHNSTON, Committee Juu 18, IHtil St. : announcements. ItElD, ll.o present CIcrl, of ti.e county, N. C.,na a Candidate fnr re.elccl.on ul tl,e Ppmaching election, Firat Thursduy in Au. j 6 ' , r ! fW' !3.V Wfcare iutl.nr.ied to en. ..ounce tlmt JENNINGS fcUi rrrn' u. ni-.wv, ....,.,.. fr re-cltclion to the office of Clerk ul Superior Court at the approoching elec. ilion. May It, lebl, Me . STATE OF XORTII CAROLINA. CALDWELL C0UNT1T. Court of J'kat arid Quarter Sessione, May Ttri'i, 1S01. Jamea ('.. Harper, i r. Wil.e (J..i!her. S Lund Levy. piearii.g f the alisf.clion of the Court thai EL n .lie Uj. titer, the defciilanl in tlna caae re. ,dei beynd lhe ljmll, of tne Stlle of N,irlll Car8. hna.ao that notice ol the lvy cannot be peraonal. ' ly kervud unon him, orderca that publication bt inadef'T aix iuimuki' wceka in the North C'r. hnl Wiv ....tilynig aai.l defendant to be and ap. j pear at the next term of our aa.JCnurt to be held VVitneaa, S. P. Dula, Clerk of onr anid Couit at Officii in Lenoir the fjlh Monday alter the 4th Monday in March, led. S. P. DULA.c.c. c. Jute 4, 1861. Printer! Fe G. 1 1 5 STATE OK NORTH-CAROLINA, MBCKLENBURO count. Court of I'ieas and Quarter Sessions, A mil Term, 1861. J. VV. M'irrow, ) Oncinal attachment levy 0. A. Culp. ) on land. IT appearing tu the caliafaction of the Court, that li. A. Cu,i, Ilie ilifendant in this case, ia j hm red- b,v,,r,, ,c lunlt. ... the ...n.c , u V... piper printed in the Town of Char- aaid counlv of .Mecklenburg, at the Court. House in Charlnllo on the 4th Monday of July ncit, I I lie ii anil thcie to plead answer or demur or judg ment prorijiifeFi will be taken gainst him. W':lnea, W . K. Keid Clerk of emd I'ourl at of. J (ice the 4th MoniLiy of April A. U. IcGl.and in i the t5lli year of American Independence. W. K. KEID, c. c. c. My21, ISfil. I'rinteia Fee. $6. 113 ijJNotice. JOHN T. DUTLEU I PRACTICAL I u-4t . m irrn mizw'Mfzmm.9 .-c. C-ri'OSlTE KERR S HOTEL, tllAULOt lX, .V (Late with R. W. Beckwitli.) Fine Watches .('Incka and Jewelry, of every de. acriplinn, repaired ar.d warranted for 1 months. OctoUr 16. IfiKO. 3(Uf TO OUJi CUSTOMERS. WE WOULD SAY TO ALL PROMPT PAY IX ( C L.S J OM K S THAT WE rROPOSE COMTNL INO THE CREDIT BUSI2EESS, And, lo rsiiikle lie lo do so, WE 311 ST HAVE A CASH SETTLEMENT L.B -Bla.'nLi 1'lilOR CLAIMS. This rrjinrs necessary, ss we can not NOW purchase without the money. Should we hereafter have to. AVorT Tin: cash system, our s.-iiiiii'i' may kiintv their WANT OF PROMPTNESS ta b" .s ronci:i i s to no so. FISHER k BUIIU0UGLI3. Mjy 13, 1-'"'!. Mm A. W. ALIiXANDEK, SURGE0H DESTIST. GKAPUATK OF THE BALTIMORE DENTAL COLLEGE. is h ixy rut:rAi;ti to do all den. I AL, ..IK 111 me ""l""" .-.,..u lhe latest unproved styles, and two ceks in each u. nlli en- will be at hisellUf two sireae in eucl. i.. nil. - l,g fr.i.1. the hr.l MonSuy (el lhe moi.ih) at.d will appr.ipr.alc tne r. iiiainutr ol his Line lo a. I pcrso... desiring work done al their residences. ho will oblige I,..,, very inucu o; uuuressing mi at I harlotte, Y I him I t ALL WOKl' H AKRANTED. UhVe April 16, Icbl 3 Cranile Kow, Vp. stairs. 3tf Charlotte DRUG Store k. m i: iiL"n iiiso & co. UKTAIL Dealeis in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Arlicies, Oils, la mm, Vnrnisl.es, Wimiuw Glass, Fully, live Stud's, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, t'u.e Liquors, Cant'.Ti Tea's, Field and tiaruen seeds, itc. A.C Having closed our Hooka intend hereafter to isl! for casn. jjC3 jXotice. rpilF. TAX LIST, for the year IPCO, ia now .n my han.la, ready lor inspec'.ion. All persons are requested to inform me of taaalilea which may be listed. AHTnA FAYFKc are re quei-led t prepare .neniselves lo meet their TAXKS promptly. W. W. GUI Ell, Sheriff. April 1C. lrol, 3tf I The Maria I. CORRECTED BY 0ATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE JULY 1, leBI BACON , Ma in a, new, " Sidei ....lb ,...lb ....lb. ib ... vu ...'lb ....lu ...lb ..bushel, .. ....gal...... ....21 .14 , J3 ...13 ...12 ...18 .. 4 ..I j j si.oulocn '. Bugging, Uuiiny i,? ..... . . . ' Uuttcr, liccswax, liUHl.S lirami v, A piilu , . ...III ...f.il ...IUO (., " reach,... ' ('lllt'lll, cike, it.,, .... !)A ...lb.. ...lb., ...lb. ,.a; ( ..3u (,. Java, Oa.-idlos, Auai " Sperm lb -JO (, 10 i " Tallow lb -Jtl (ij iij 'Corn bunhu! e7 (, i(l HM.ickcna, eacii IJ (,t, 15 ! Cloth, Copperim yarn I.. (., 6 j " Linriaey yaro 30 (ii, 37 Kgga, iuzuii , 10 (,i, li ' Hour, bbi $5 (.. 5.J ' bag -JiU (u !;j i Feathera Ib 311 (,, a.i Ilidtn, Green Ib C (', GJ Dry lb U 0 Jij Lard, 1 13 i't. ;4 Mutton, Ih J Ui ) Mackerel,. bll .JNo 3 14 (. 00 " KltlK 4j(J 1)0 .UwlltBHea, N. O. gli I ''(, 7) W.I gal 5U Ciy CI Meal bunl.el UU (,,, 10 i MullelK( Wilniiiigloii) ...bbi it) (u l.'il Nail., .Northern, lb o (.',, UU " sjouthem, Ib i (ii b OalH, bushel i0 (a, 55 I'ork Ib I (5 Tj I't.a bushel 100 (; 00 C'otutoea, Irihh, buNliel 7.5 ('if i'JO Swttt, bualtei 4.1 vl .Ml Kice, buNliel ft ('j Oil Sugar, Loaf, lb 1.5 f" "l ' UruHii Ib 1U (" ii elone-Ware, u (i In) ' O..U si-ck 30H (' DO , Tea lb 7 (' Wlieul, white biiKhel 110 ( 00 " red, .bushel 9U (r, 00 WliiUcy, Nurtlicrn, jal 5U :' 55 j " iN . C'ttrolinu,...gu.' ti (2; 70 ; , V'o,(betlJcjrgiH) wuahed S7 (a 24 j I " " " unwusheo Ti H 'IA i Yarn,. bale 1"0 (j, 00 J REMARKS. ! ' Our Market ia well aupphed with ail Linda of ' produce. i COEt'M HI A MARKET. CoLUJiai, June 23, 101. ! COTTON. The xalca Una week have readied 1 only 'JO bul.a, prices nominal. , BAC'ON.tiog round I2J f, 13 CORN, 1H.5 r. 1 1 II EEAS $110 J. 00 I OATS 80 ii, fco j FLOUR 4 (a, I CHARLESTON MARKET. CHaBLKSTON June t), ISGl. COTTON. The market has been at a aland Una week. We have no aulea to rejmrl it. e;tin;r L plana ur Long Cotton. CHARLOTTE, It. G. A Reliable House for Pure ' choice asd elegant r e li re me ries. i i ! I lair, IV ail and Tooth Brushes J of the Finest Quality. I ; For Medical Purposes. OILS, Faints, FLUID. K E 11 0 S K X E. KKItOSKXKLA.MrS April 2 I tf ift Isiccii A urciic. 300,000 Select Fruit Tree FOlt At V. the citizens of the Snut S&V-vr.A' i Si, Slat, s aware tl t tliv people the Northern and Northwestern Stat I a are inukine fruit nne of their le-Jin.' urlieits of trace, nnu that in a climate nnd s.- il U a crrut eatent very unpropitious fur truit cu ...... ? -I l,..n ul,v .hni,M nnl ihn rili7rna ... I n. s ,,.., s,,. , ,L, I'.,,,,, ii. li .1 .11,.; ... : o(-,e.r e.loing Fruits grown under our Sjulu.rn eunsate olcJ ft,r ,ilir fine flavor, l Dl.auU, C(,,,r -j-he obove statements are fully sustained by ; prPI))lun,s , U. vyi t '!, Kruils, ami the trial uuinui.t nfrmn anil uric 1 Iruit sen! North and Norlhwesl by the Southern States during the last few years. Then if lhe above slutemnits arc fully suHiiincd, and il it ia no sin, according In the ll'ihle, to make money by raisirg Kru:(, then send lurward your nriiers and cash to v brook and Menileuhull and they will furnish V with good mnrkeimg orchards. WKSIHROOK k MENPKNHALL. Greensboro', Nov. lSf0. 33 If. yW"1 kK lla Reiluws, Anvils, hnml am ljg$Mt 3 "''de Vaiiiuiers, ices, liultreses fSSuiknJI Farriers' Knives, Screw. plates Sioek, and uics, liliirklni Ill's F.nchcrs and Tongs, Kas pers and Flies of every kind, cut horse nhoe anc clinch Nails, Ura, Iron cf nil s.z-s, bmh of imr lliirn anil country inanul.ieturt, casl, plow, Mia ler und apring Steel v., for sale Vi rv cheap at TAYLORS, Oppviite lhe .Viitsiun liiuic. fl'DI.OW'S CLLLHK A'l'LD SKI.F.SKAI. i INI! CANS, of all the liferent sues, al TAYLOR'S Harilifare Slore,mi'ottli IV W.j.tsitfn Haute. ,err Wiliu'mglca. lliarlolla and liullitr ford Hail Road. &m rS333, WESIF.KN DIUSION. ON and after Momby ilie I5'li im.t-.nt, tl.o Passenger ami .M til Tram mil ur. run un (Ins Koad uaiiy (Sundays i xc.-plci. us loilnwa: liUl.NC WEST. I BAVL. ARRIVK. (h) A. M. Chur'i.il.-. 4.5 Tu. k;.K. e..t., 7 l.'i A .'! 15 llievatd, h 1.1 " -t'j " "-iniri n, " .'w Eincninton, II 1 1 1.1 " (jdENt; EA.-l. Eewk. Aasiva. ()ll A. .M. l.ilicn'lil .... I u.1 S..ar..i.. I I 2'i A. M. I ill " lirevar.i, li 1". 17 P. M. T'i-:.r.M i-j i.i p. m, ( h. l!i-llr, I IH' ' by order, . A Mi hl.ll . Actitiir M r of Tr-niM. .n Sinn. Euiniliii.in, April 4, if-C). '-'-tl WatclKjJowrlry.SoliilSilvcr A N U Plated Uarc, fB'tlE Mil, 1 S- .N.rth being Ml. . Ilierului . V.i M c nil III article" t:n in lu ffcivc my perif'it: n. w. bi-xiiwrni Dr. L II, Aii(iicu;;, a (HI. I) ? irnlv cl. !i iit-ur lMriieu..ir, t :.il 1K:. i i-iiiV, lua rituiiitti On I niiij be f und :it l is I h! S' imi. He ia prepared tn ir.iul Artiliei tiuld, Siuer. V'lile .iiilB or t lepiut putit nla may vinrt J r,n-l l:ii 'fee' Tin, A.i.algain oi Os Art.iii.iai. Hi to pcrlrtn an y nperii tiM'H t-elnii irn Ull'l liCtli Hut y l.mt !.f lil L'L (..i. Uni or.y ul ln i !n friei..."., er .k vv w.ii nii.y t-i!;e ( ..it f. .r ENhic, Fin 5, im;i . jNoticc. l.l, persons I n ; l;'.td hv I ole llolli tunc pr 1 1. en ' y i i in b.ir of t!" ir ren i. i: nvk. m I'rhruaru 5, 1 Slil . ici'iNMiN'. j:.. ". TlH'.. .J. JH ;.1"N. J. X. IllTIK K. COMMISSION MLiH iiAM a : n (iciit'nil Coilicli.'i A l.L produit si-ipptd I. .re f..r n y c i. l liu;l receive prompt n tti nt.nn t ..tn t:iUe:i in the pui..hai.tf of .i,'u!'. U All Null's uih! Aecui.'.s phi ii l'i i. y (,..i. - . r ( i. leeltun th iil rei uive j rompt ntu. iiri'i.' i . ty t. trii tiuii. i i ci,ati-i't, I'eb. :,. l-ti. .ntr Out cf Debt! Out cf Danger A LL pcroi.s, !.V HIT o 'I' -vn. win :,t si It. i ; .1 ., u.. tin . i ii i . ,ue.-ttd tu l ALL AT U.NCL i or yivt- lin-ir li ilttf. lis wl- ate i,:i ijit j i-..ra l.u-.iH is, am! n oui im-iirriiig ( nil'. We n .Ml lit E tian e li.'.ve fun!. Ri:"v Cliariutie, .March U, l;ul. T 'i : Tin and Japanned Ware. A lar'i: .isfurliiicii t ; !!! Tin, Lu"i.'k Z; ii"t Xm. In' I late, Il.bbit intUi, &c STU VLS, the largest Sln.-I., ot :,l TAl'h Hunhcarf, Sinrr n ti.e Mji At Taylor's Y OL' can find the .irir l af.T'i! n: Cut. et.ebraleil lery , (iuus and 1'i-Ui.., ul all in IliaKCti. GLASS, of ail 8I7C3 and i i.lit.i and American. Aii.n, I'udv I y i.n. ! KIM.-, i Hope! y. ? ton i; . , j i:t.i TAYLCI milr t!e Mm Agi'icultu a I lmi'Ifiiiiiits M l. kl.NPS. (v TH H I nil, r, Curn S;i 5) l.rs. !'. v I!-, s S..- Sondes. ForkH.A i. I', liui I'n S K i; 3Slfc:.'.vK, t.r.ioi.m I., 1 1 .. jr.., Pruning ami tl,:.-.: and Hai.es, with luinc Li it r iViuiks, V n gun i i ovens and Itch,!... ties, Cau'rroiis :im una br4is lr.ervi i ; M. K.tC, .-, : , at , T.WIA'K S id I.,. .U...snn Hutisr. Harttirtirr Or or. if Notice. r ' " " ' I I 'H'M & i O. i i i , I J JL L.H'N;: Lav ng be.n .icii'.l I- I ioilecti.ni. l. e i ! ! r HUM a i (ineled lu ; day. : F. 1 I I. KM I'N 1 tu n tusu: .v at n FA I.I. Y l,i;i)U n. ! 1ROM .md .uter t! OA'U'.S WILLI AX'S. 4,'- if (11.11,1., v lleii-eSlic den lines .:l, s ; trail., gr

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