AiA 4 y rmimt uoi Tuesday :::::::: July 9, 1861. IT W ! r I z d I it ii nmincoP. S. VIIISVVr candl. date fur the ollice of .Superior Court Clerk ("or Mecklenburg County, at tlio opproaclnr.g dec. Hon. July 9. DEATH OP GOV. ELLIS. Richmond, July 7. A Telegram to tit lviwurnond Dispatch, datml Raleigh, 8tb in:'., etatel that Gov. Kllii died at Red Sulphur Springe on Sun da; U"t- Local News. Although tba cry hai been that tim art hard, wa yet ite, that eor Merchant au'l Mechaiiici ara alvrejra but, our town (ui looked rather dull the pan fan weeks but things aceiii to brighten, and we are in hopes in "pita of old Abe't prediotioua wo'il bare him splitting raila jet, or we will try for it. The Comet. We hare had for several nighta one of those in jaterious heavenl fisitora it waa verv brilliant and beautiful, the tail waa of greet length. In olden timea, tbej portend cd evil, what will ear pbiloicphera aaj coo, is it for good or ill, we truit for good, a our lloarrnlj Father never intended that such beautiful thing! ahould be the forerun cer of eil. Gr.Y RAXTON BRAGG I Mr. Ruoiell, the London Times correi- ! pLileut, furniahea the following pen and j Lk iketch cf GcD. Braxton Bragg, the commander of the Confederate forces at ' rcfjcala : ' TLe coininatjdar of the Confederate StaUi innj at I'eiiiacola it about fort two jaars bf ae, of a epare and powerful frame bis f; ii dark, and marked with deep lioea; hia tnoulh lara, aLd 'j'jar0!jr act in deter- I mined jawa, and bia ejrM, aagacioua, pene- ira'.liig, aad not ly an rocana uukindljr, j l'skoutal jou from beetle browa which; rju ttraijlit aoron aud aprin; into a thick tuft of black bair, which ia thickest over j lie boa, where oatu'allj it uiuall Uaveaj an bletita.Dg apace. Ilia bair i dark, icJ l.a waart auch ragalalioo wkiakera aaj wire tbo delight of our Generate a fcwi ara ago. Hia tuaoaer i quick aud frank, j aud hia auiiic ia ?erjr pleating aud agree- alio. - ' fianeral Bragg reeaired tna at the top j of the atrpa wbioh lead to the verandah, ' Oi, after a few earneat and compliiscuta rj miJi conducted ma to bia ofTice, whare he p.oke oi the contett ia whiob ha waa to : y'y to important a part in terms of uuaf- ; ficled carneitneaa. Wbj elite had bo left t Lis c.-iatCH? After the Mexican war he. Li t retired froan the United Slates eniiio rv ; but when bia State was menaced he is obliged to defend bcr. He was satis- fed the North meant nothing but lut joga-1 t en All be wanted was peace. Marery' was as institution for which be was not res- f"r.ibie ; but bis property was guaranteed ; to Lint by law, and it consisted of slaves. i Why did the enemy tike off alarca from j Tartjgasto work for them at Pickens! Bj- i ?iu tbo whites could not do their work. It; m '('ills irjpoible to deny bia earnest-1 t't, aiticoriiy and seal aa be (poke, and cl could only wonder at the dirTvrenoo nu!e b the "aland point" trotn which, ti.e (j'tcitlofaj ia reviewed. General Bragg ' fi'iiiiy, bafjre wa supped' took down hia! r'iis and showed me the position of every f in in bis worka and all Lis batteries j He showed the clearness of utirenerted I ofenncss in his cooimunioalions, and was "iiious to point out that he had niueb grca- j 't d.ffioultics to contend with than (Jen. l'"-'auregard had at Charleston. The inside i i'iokens ia well known to bim, at be waa 'lilioned there the very first tour of dutyj bich he had after be left West Point. It waa late at night when I returned ! 'a one. of the General! horses towards the Nary. Yard. NEW ADYEI1TISEMENTS. ( liarloltc IVnialc lalituto, Inn lour, C". 'Vir. EXERCISES of thia School sl mil tie resumed s'l'!riibrr. A full Ci " 'ic ition, baa been emiiloved for '"'i i ii g sraaion . I muairal lrpiitiiiriit will be under thr. di. , rl"ii "f I'rof. R. K. lluiT. Misa II. HaMvaa. ,k ' n.(radula of the academy of Music, Slock. ' " 'I ho d. pjrlinetit of Drawing, Painting nnd 1 'l"n I.ancnugea under Prof. Wat II. Vk lls. ' Principal con riders himself fortunate in hat. lra ii ri d the scrvicrs of such able and esprri '""' d Teachers in the Ornamental Hranchc. Tta mi ria stision or 30 wtias. "rd and Tuition, iucludinir evarv espenara Tuition for day achoUra l 3, tit and lie), 'r Catiloguo addreaa Bev. R. BUHWELL. harlotte. July 9, lBoI. 1-13 8 Miigiatrnles of Mecklenburg Ceunly are Jl"fleu to in, ct at the Court House in Charlotte n.lii "r,ll',y 01 Cuunty Court for the purpose ol "' '"K an npiriipiialion for the reliel of the " 'in a i. ih,. Voluuicrr'e. Jv,y !lh, Ibfil. tVY onth. laih (flt. irps of Inslruc. Tirr&r in all II, e branchra of a liberal Tf J the asJLs DISSOLUTION. fl'IE e-opartnerahip heretofore exiatin? under . the name of ALEXANDER & McDOU. (ALE, in this day dissolved by mutual consent. Henry Alexander it alone authorized to eeltle the business of tho Isle firm. HENRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM McDOUGALL. June 27. 1861 if. The business of the FOUNDRY and MA. CHINE SHOP will be conducted us usual by tho subscriber, lie re-quest a continuance of the pa. Ironage heretofore extended. HENRY ALEXANDER. Juno 27, ieGI-tf. FO UK I I .i:ti I Dl VII) i: I). liarlotto uimI Soiiiii CurIiii Iliiilruiid Co. ' COLUMBIA. S. C, Jut 26, 1861. f mVlF. DIRECTORS of thli Compmy have de. JL cUred a DIVIDEND ol $i.5U per aliarc, to be pmd on the firi t day of July next. I'-Tineiit will be inmie l. Stockholdera in North Carolina and Eiilern York, 8. C. by the Arent atCharlnlte. Cheater hlocklioldff will be paid i in mice oi me rtgeni tl . netler. 1 lioao in I'd i r field by the Agent at Charle. ton btockholdrra ul the Bi nk of the Stale of Suulh Carolina. And all othera at thia office. C. JJOUK NIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. Juljr S, Ihfll. 13.1m i:i)(.'i:voii in IVm:il Ssi'miii-.ii'f a viiiuiv viijiuiu j j GUKKiNSIiOUOKJH, . C. rilllM lnititution ha been in tuccesnful ope. jl. ration for twenty. on years, and for the luat I. n year under in irceiil fruicipul. The Courie of Imtruclion i Oei.igtird to afford to Southern I'arentt an Inttrurtiqu in wiucii can be rrcurcd eery aunanl.ije afforded by the very brut Kriiulc hciiiuurin in tor country. The K4culty cinim, of K1VE Uentlenien and FOUR I. line. The Irmtitution ia, and ha been I IIDltOl'GHLY SOUTH ERM iu ita org.ui. action. UreenboroU,'h ii einliiently lirallhy , and in the prrarn I exeiteil atale ul ihe Country , Hi geographi. i .t.tinn miilrii it a quirt ami .le nlrtat. The next Station will coriiiueuce Auguat lat, !(.!. For CUl"guia containing full particulars of Icrma, A c , appl v to RICH AK'D STERLING. Principal. Oreiuuir 'uSl1, N. C. Juii 2... IBCI. U'J FALL oim::mg. iew Store, iew Goods! AT Lrowcnstein & Jfro, EARLY nfipoaiietli Court iluuae, where the y ' il hate an eitooaix alxk of I 9 C L O Till A G, ROOTS, ME Of. HATS, AND nl latlf VBMttjr of DOMESTIC CalOODaS AND v i: o v i; ii 1 1: s. I' er . j ii anil do well to gite ua a call before pur. Ct...ili elae here. LOEWENSTEIN i BRO. O.ieorr 9. 16bU. 2'Jlf MERCHANT TAILORING I I l.l.l( MMalX.S A . HAVK aian a, Hied lu Ineir Ready luaue Cloth ing Stock, a .Merchant Tailoring Depn-l. in tut, lo wliieli II ry ia,l iht raoeciai aiuntiun of liieir many IrienUa and cuatomera. 'liny intend inr.ii.g this erpailinrrit aecend in n ii. e in the Stale, eitner in a'.yle and quality of If.iniia, i.r in Hie loaiiuiMCture ol At ail lilora wnl tit found a g.iod slock of Black a nd I oiored I lolna, Englmli, F lencli anU American I aaimcrea, and a arielyol Vealmga Alao, an aaaorlment of HOCK M. t.M) CAsStli:KI. 'I l ey led eonliilenl ol tueir ability to liiii'.rranil any other bouae in the SUlr.from llic advanlagca liiry have ill gelling I tit l r goods. Their gooiia are bought by the quantity, by one of Hie Finn w ho rramra in the Northern markets, whieti gives linn Ihe opportunity of taking ndvan. lit ol the prieea ol gooiJa, llierc.'.y saving al least Twenty-Five Per Cent'C To Ihe consumer, made !xj " lry IJ Dunes saved are Dollars E. EULL1XG3, JNO. M. SPKINGS, 27tf Arlnnoei 25. 1309. GHEAT SACRIFICES r A Isle AM) WINTER j 1st it i:ci i v i : i r n o m GOODMAN &EIGENI5RUN, TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE OATHS V AYIMA.II S. "fc Ml E respeclfuley inform the citnens of Char. V V lotte, and aurruunding country thnt we are prepared to otVer H u i: a t 1,1 ut v i: ?i i; ts IN DUY GOODS, llnln, 4 a fts, Itoots, Shot s, A'c. aud a I aoi naTiirwT or ;i:NTM:-tn-:".s rruMMiisu :oons. ALSO, A large atock of Ladies and Ceiitlemcn's SHAWLS AM) CLOAKS, IT Please call and examine our Gooda before purchasing elsewhere. GOODMAN k EIGKNliRUN. OrioAer 3, IbfiO. Ubtf I I, PLOW'S EEEHRATED SELF.SEAE. A IMi CANS, of all the different anea, at S. T. WK1STON a. June 4, IKC1. I JO' Town Ordinan-ccs. he It Jurtlicr Urilatncd by the LommiS- I sinners nt'tie Town of Charlotte, Tll.'llOl) j and immediately aficr the first Iav of, July, next, nnd on each succeeding first day of July, thereafter, (provided the J , J ! i i same does not come on "Sunday) then aild in that case, Oil tho dav following : All Free-.Wffrocs now resident in tho , Town of Ciiailouc, or who may liercaf - fcr become residents of the same, being of the age of twelve years and upwards shall be required I to appear helore the Mayor, enroll their names and upon sat - isfaclory evidence of a peaceable char- J, , . , ', , r ncter and industrious habits obtain from him a certificate of such enrollment to-, "ether with a description of their persons I , i.i i . character and trade, or employment; I to be signed by the Mayor, countersign- Ctl ly the Clerk and sealer! With tlC J . i i- i ii. , ii Corporate Seal of the l(Wn. And if any fiee person of color liable to SUeh enrollment shall be found without Mich ... . , .. , . ., certiiicate sanl lice person of color shall be deemed glliltyof a misdemeanor ri rid I on conviction before the Mayor shall be ' punished at liis discretion by eitherj fine, whij'pillg, impl isoiUTiellt, Ol hireiui.' , out ibr a time not exceeding mx months ! ,- , .,. i , i i I lor eacli olfence. And for each and every such enrollment ami reililicale so granted a tax of one dollar shall be collected by the Clerk for the use of the Treasury of the Town. Ii: itfurtlur OniniiKil, That no per son under any pretence whatever shall hire to his or hi r slave, or to any sl.:ve under his or her control his or her tim-'', or allow thera the coutiol of the same under a penally of toi tv ITS foi each and every offence. AllJ on conviction . .- -ii i ' lelolC the Mayor said slave or Slaves : bail al.-O be hired Ollt to the highest ! bidder at public oul-ciy fiir th oi tne year, anil Hie oioi eeiis oi sucn : ploieeil liii ehm shall be fiir the beiiclit of the Tow n. Ik it it further Orila'nml, That no slave shall :o al large as a free person exercising Ins or her iliscielion in tne employment of their time nor shall any slave keep house to him or lit r -elf as a free person exercising the like discretion in tin; employment of his or her lime ; and in ca.-e the owner or person bavins (ohlrol of .-uch slave or slaves consent; j( ( , J(, .. i ' n i ' line or conni e thereat he or she ! uuilty of a misdemeanor and I on conviction be fined not ixcceibtigj j fitly dollars, l roviilul however that I any owner or person havm1: lontro I of slaves may peimit -ueh slave or ! slaves to live or keep hou-e upon hisor i her ow n lot or land lbr the purpose ot ; I iitteiidiny to the business ot hi.-or her; (owner or person having such slave in 'charge. ; -' ( hitimnire to jirirmfhr fining of (tuns or J'iftiils loiidiil with Lulls or that, wtttnn the units of tu Tuirn i f Chmlottc. lie it (liilunnJ bij the Comiiti$?i)i'rs of the Town if Charlotte, Thai any person or pei sons vv liu shall disi hai L'e or cause to be lirt d any (inn or IVtoI loaded with bailor shot within the limits of the Tow n, shall loifeit and pay the sum of Five iEillars lbr each aud every of fence to be received in the same man lier sis other fines imposed by the Com missioners ol said Tow n. The Hank of Charlotte Charlotte, N. C, June 17, 1S61. T V.1IIS r.iuk has ilecl ired a aeuu annual Divi. ; r Siinre. ul" e.l II. hi lug at per ci lit per annum, payable to the rate of Slock holders, or oruir, oil and slier the 3rd of July next. 'Ihe Annual Meeting or the Sloe!; lioMrrs of the Uink will take place en the lir.-t Weniicuday Ii. J uly, being Ihe 3rd da v of Ihe M i. M. P. PEGKAM, Cashier. June 18 J PCI St. .Wotice. THREASURKR'S OFFICE, f Atlantic, Tuuu. & Ohio ii. R. ( CHARLOTTE, N. C. June 3rd, IsGI. fV,IE FOl'RI II Installment of Capital Stock JL m the A. T. A O. R. R, Co., subscribed in llie Town nf Slatesville, is due uu the 5ih of Julv neat. 'I he Smli Installment of the Slock suhscrihed at Mount Mourne, Ireilell County, ai d tne Sev. enth Installment of all Slock subscribed in Meek, lenhurg County, ia liol and payable on Hi u Ul i July, i.rxl . j If the Stockholders desire llu work to continue they MIST bo more prompt i i their payments. This i no idle talk. The I re urer inui-l have MOMEY. M. L. W R1SION, Trcas. June 4 10.71 ! I rThe Iredell Express will copy till the 21st of July. JN'olice. f VII E undersigned will receive bids on Satur .m. day the 6 lit day ol Juiv next for putt UP a building at the Poor IIoumc in MecLienburk County, aaid houae to be one story Ini'h.ul hew. ed loes two lov li.irtiliou walls, inakuiir three' rooina below, lull and floor to be of inch plauk, Willi a door to each room. Biddera W'll please attend at the Poor-House on the day above mentioned and hand 111 their bids. N. B. The loira to be got on Iho place, Shin, glrs snd all other materials lu bo furnished by the undertakers, IRA TARKS, WILLIAMSON WALLACE, JOHN WOLF, Committee. June 25, If-C!. 'Jl school notkt:. T V.IIE I olliiinltie of Examination for .Mecklen burg County will meet on Saturday, the SPali of June, al the court houae, for the purpose oi examining those who w ish to obtain certificate, aa teachers of Common Schools in the county. J. P. R(iS. H. NYE HUTCHISON, M. 1. JOHNSTON, Commuter June 18, 18til ill. ! V N N O UN C K MEN TS. I E nre rire aulhcrized tit announce Mr. W. K. 1 REID, the present Clerk of the , county, N. C.,ns a Cam'idnlo lor re.clecliun ut l,,c "Wn:hing election, Kirt Thuraduy in Au - lnexl- W 14, 18,1. ,., f?r?-r- li 7 E "re euthnrined n. JXT"'?1,?9 F-V B. KERR, Esq., a Candidate qJPS3& fgr M.eicciieu to the office of ( hrk of uperior Court at the upproaching dec. ! May 1 4, ltd, 7-te 1 - STATE OY NOUTII CAROLINA. j caldwell count. ( Court of and Quarter Sessions, j Term 1-01. T ., . ' I Jainch C. II irpcr, I ; r. Land Levy. Wilic Uaiiher. i JT appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court that Jl W ilie Gaither, the de.'endnnl in this cae re. ,.. . vmi, liriUnrii,s-liltf Nihro. that notice of the lovy cannot bo ptronal- ly "crveu upon mm, oruernu mm pm.iiciiuoii ne made for ill u'.ceMve week in Hie iVorlli I'aro. lf)i V,ig, n.,t,lyi. g Bai defendant o be and ap. pear at Iho next term of our aaiJCourl to bo helu !'" tl,. l'"un,y VorTid'. ,l V" t;"ur.1 in I," -loir on the bin .VntiU.iV alUr he 4lh Mmi. Udy in junn m.xti i tiww eaUh(. ,, anr tie c.n why Ihe jualien judgment shall not be con tinned '" u,ui h' P1"'''1'0' '"J Witnesa, S. I. Du.a, Clerk of our id fmi at 0Uo in Lenoir the till AloniUy alter the 4th ,!o,uia' "' M,ru'' ltlJ' n T,rr , a. P. DLLA, c. c. c. june 4. 18GI. iwCr. Fe. id. tii STATE OF .NOirni-CAItOLl.NA, MKi'KI.EMITJKG COlifiTV. Court of I' tens ami (Quarter iessioitS, A pnl Term, 1 "-G1. J. W. M irrnw, Original attachment levy I). A. ( u.p. on l,.i.(l. IT appcaniij; lo tlio utisfaitioli of the Court, llial R. A. Ciiln, the d'cnaant in lhi cane, ia an inluoitiiil of the a Lite of North Carolina, K'lit remlra biyoi d I lie I t of liie s-iine. It is i i"'""" U"Jll"!- "' Court that puotic-almn "' ' aueci !! i vi: wteKs in tne .virui Luroiina Whig a u-.;.,rr printed in the Town of Char lottu mitnyiiig tin- aiu nelcnd inl lo he nnd op. j pear beliire lot. J..Ihjls ol our I ourl ol t leu anu , ,,,u,v M rkii-nhiirir m the tViurt.llouar umy o: in Ch irlotle on the 4lh Monday of July mat, loeri unit there to nic.-td anawer nr demur or jutig. un lit proem, les.o w ill be taken aainal him. j W:lncs. W K Re-id Clerk of smd Court ot of- j lie? Hie -i in Muiu:-y of April A. D. It'.T, and it; I lie titii yiir ef AiiieriR i.i I inlepri.neiicc. W. K. BKID, c. c. c. May 21, led 1. f'rinti-i Fee. 6. 1 1 :i Notice. Ji)ii t. miTi.r.ii l'KACTK AL WATCH aad CLOCK .1 ol . II I I. I. I' m.k - 'OBBa -t. - C Ol'l'OsITE KERKS HOTEL, cii.titi.oi rL', .. ., (Late with R. W. Ucckwith.) Fine Watciics. Clocks nnd Jewelry, of every de. srriiitt .n, rei.tired and warranted lor I- inonihs. Orlnl.-r Iti. I I- Ctl. 3lltl TO OUU CUSTOMEKS. WE WtL LD SAY TO ALL PliOMPT 1A Y I XC C L'STOaM V. U S TH AT W E TROFOSE CONTl.Ti:."tJ THE tM.mi BiiSHESS, AikI, lo enable n. to lo m, WE 31 1" ST HAVE A CASH SETTL EMEXT j lMIIOK CLAIMS, i Tins necessary, as we cannot NOW j purchase without llse money. Should we hcrctifter have to. ADOl'T Till: CASH SYSTEM, our i utemcr may Liiotv Ihctr W A N 1 O F PROMPTNESS ."av M roiiiri) i to io so. USHER k PiURKOrGIIS. May 13, 1-iil. TJ .ESEIi V E"V( )l' H TE ETlI a. w . ali:xam)i:k, DESTIST. OKADL'ATE 01' THE UALT1MOUE Da' XT A I. COLl.EOi. S FILLY I'R EPARED TO DO ALL PEN. H 'I Al. Work in ihe latest improved styhs.and will be ut hisifhcc two wctka in each no nth ua. ling from the tin-l M'-neay (ef the month) ar.d will appropriate the rem iinoi r ol Ins lime In all g pcraot.s Oesiring woraeouc m ineir rcMoeiuts. II llCllire mill ".J ilium uuu.eaai.ig I'"" at Churlo'tc T ALEWORI . U ARRANTF.D. ,o. 3 l.r.u.iu Row, l'p, stairs. 3if on'n April 10, 1C6I. Charlotte DRUG Store, V.. X V I ' II I I C i I ISOX CO. KEI'AlL Dealers ill Foreign and Domestic j Druga, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, I Fancy Ailiclea, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window j Glass, Putty, Dye Stutls, Turpentine, limning ; Fluid, Alcohol, l ure I.niUora, Canton lea , Field and Garden sues, Vc. See. Having dosed cur RojIib intend hereafter to is!! lor xNotice. 'rilt: TAX LIST, for the year ls60. is now ,11 -- my hands, read v tor inspec'.ion. All persons are requeued to inioim me of any t.uahlcs which may be listed. All 'PAX PAYERS arc r J quested tn prepare themselves to luecl their 'PAXES iiruuipLy. Y. W. GUI EH, Sheriff. April 16. 1 !.!. .'tl I sisE- .3 The .TlarLcls. CORRECTED BY OAI'ES & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE JL'LY 8. HcT. BACON, Hams. new ! " Sides j.; ns ' Bagging, Gunny, .!.'. - ?'1'' Uutler, beeswax ! JIcuuk, , )a ...ib ...Ib ...14 .. 13 ....13 ...13 ...18 ... 4 ...1.5 Jo 14 14 ISJ it'll -bushei 10'J (.i oj K"l- (. b.i , fci too (. vr, , lb U, Cr 11 j lb S.i (.,, It) ' lb 30 ( U) , in '-'j i.i an II 41) (o, III , In .'(! (,. x;, ! buKht! t-7 (a. Lit) 1 eucn 12 Oi 15 .--yaru 1., (,,, n; , yarn 30 (... 37 aoieii lu (ij l-t bhl $5 (-p I b6 siit) oj, u::.' , ib 3u (n, 'j: 1 ib e, (.' t;j : lb I (. 14 ih 13 Ui, 14 : 1 1 5 C, t- ..hbl.Noi1 )4 (.., U'l ....Kills 4511 (a. 1 gal 16 (ti, It) ; gal 5U (y. CO J .. butlu i UU (o. l b I ) S3 (aj 1.0 , Ib 5 (ri, OU ' 1 Ib. 5 e, b ; , ...bushel ..JO (- ia 1; lb 7 (', i I 1 ...bushel 100 (-ij 00 j ...buslitl 75 (;., ICO 1 ...bushel 40 yij iO ...buslicl 4 (a 00 I lb 15 (. Oil I Ib 10 (o, j" ....gul 10 '., 00 1 30-J ( On j Ib l; 100 1 110 (-; III j ...bushel y:) ,, 10 1 1 -gal 511 (! y I . 'fi In ; liruuoy Apple, l'each,.. Cotton, j Coffee, Rio, I " Java, .... Candlea, Aiiainii " Speriu. j " Tallow , Corn , ChicUcna ; Cloth, CopperaK j " Eindaey,. f.gK . Flour, Featl Hide, r,. tureen, .... Dry, Lard, .Mutton Mackerel, iuraaae, N . O .. W.I.... .Meal Mullili- ( Wihniiij Nulla, Northern,, " Southern,.. Oal.i, fork iaS, 'otuloua, Iris! Rice Sugar, Loaf, It.-on n , .-.tone. Ware,. . .Slt Tea, Wheat, white " red Whiskey .Northern,... " N. Carolina, vs nol,iUeU.eoroiii) wan lied " " " uiiw.mhvd ' Varn,. bale .H It E.MAI! KS. Our Market ia well supplied nit! prouuue. 1 of COEUMIIIA MARKET. foi.uMSiA, June 23, Jfibl. j COTTON. The salen Una week have reached only M bales, prices lum. in, . I. , BACON, hog round, .. i URN PEAS OATS FLOUR ...itii r.. ... 1 Uo In. . i iu (.; . fc'i C 13 1 lu ill ClEARLESTON MARKET. CHAkLtaroN Junu ti, ISl'il. I O l "I ON. The market has been at a stand this wee k. We nave no salt s lo r purl in eitmr I pland ur Long Coiton. I SOARR'S CHARLOTTE, 5r. C. A Reliable House for Pure CHOICE ASD EL EG AS T PEE- F EMERIES. I lair. Xail and Tooth Brushes of the Finest Quality. r -ii ryn 7r'fn7Ti m 'i 'w f i 'y n Ticrrrn n For Medical Purposes. QIE&, Paints, swqrpi nasatcsj ST" "asar -r cpTi jt- rfrl aU," ateasiMi BiJ w a? sfcilaU sd. m-l K K 11 0 S E X L KKKOSKXK LAMPS. Ap, i a i tr Vl t-a 4 .111 M'l H . 300,000 Select Fruit Trio: i on .ti i:. S't'-V RE the citizens of the Soiitiierr Slates aware thai the I cop e m Morthern and Northwestern States arc making fi uit one p tncir le jiiij t trace, und thai in a climnte cntl soil ti. u a lure ? at extent very unprnpitioua "r fruit coi Ihen why should nul the citieiiaot tne Sou I her n Stales make Fruit, 0 1 n u and j; iceii, one ul II e.r leading staples. Fruits grown unci r our S.iull.irn sun ate in ted for their s ?e, line tlavur, and hcuti'ilnl cof r. Tho above statement arc fully sutt.nnr'i by premiums taken i.ver Northern the great ninoiii.. nf grei n nnd nricii fruit sent North and Northwest by the Soiithern Mites ournio the last lew years. 'I IV li if the above statemi nls urc fully sustained, and il it is lo sin, .ici-. rui 4; lo the lliblc, to uiiike money by raimg iru t, then .end forward your aim c jsii to it brook i.nd Meniicuhall and tliey wnl furin-li y.n with good niarkeaug orchares. WEST15KOOK eS; MENDENHA bl. Grcei.sbeiru', Nov. It-til. I'.'l If. Blacksmith Tools ) j ITII as Bellows. Anvils, hand and , -I..I.. in. ..i.-r. Vle.-. linllr....... Farriers' Knives, Sere w-i.i.. te Slock and ems, Blacksmith's Pinchers ami 'Pongs, K .s. per and Flies of every kind, cut horse shoe and clinch Naiis, ! rax, lion of all sii-s, Poin of nor thern an. i e-uuolry maiiulaelun, cast, plow,blis t.r and spriiij Steel c, fir :!. vrv ci.c.p at TAYLOR'S, Cppoult t ie .1rnsion Il 'ute. I'DLOW'S CELEBR ATED S Et F-SEAI. d. , J ISO CANS, of a!l the mfTer. ill sues, at ; v TAYLOR'S llordu are Storrtoj:jv3it'e r- tfjntwn Ittsutr. Wilininglon, Ciiarlotlc ami KulhtT ford iiitii lloa'l. VAEsTEKN DlKSiON. ON nnd inter Moin.'iiy the luth instant, the PuhHnpir nnii Mail Train mil Ic run on this Road dully (Suncaja excepted.) as lulldws: GOING W EsT. I.i.vr.. 7 II!) A. M. Aki,, . 7 4Tt A M. c M ' ;i in) " Arkivs. I I -J l A. M. II I.. I J I ". I". M. I 1.0 ' r .-, r le.l '1 111 knHHi, liievard, Sii::rell, El ncoin toll, i.oim; i:..-r. l.ilH'nll.l.n, M. ,ron. Iirev.ini, Tun,... c. 15 j ft !) I.rVK. I I (Hi A. M. 1 I -'-i -il .'.11 " i j 17 r. m. l biriollr. By order, V. A. M'.-BKK y. r i f Tr m..,, .n .ti. n. Einri.lntooi,April 4, Ifiil. U 1: v si i'l'j.vnF WiiU'he-H.J e w c 1 ry 3Sulid il cr AM Plated 7are, f SIIE fubaerlber ha i.l.-ly le-iium i .roni !h S Ni.rth I.e. l- i r .. ,'m ! .1 v ri x. leiiaivc supply of li. ..I .m- arln-l. f. I! - miri h i. aea being maoc'ly fi.nii tne i. : i. u .. lur s , lie is therefore in. let.: Iom'I I .1 -:v u.-, , i . vanre on coat au: p r. ..i. v.: . v ie,i u . un il tii .t all hia urliele c a;r,n.uj In Li r.p. rcM-nta tin ni I.i be. W a tehee and Clocks i are '.iu. y rep i ire.i ai..J wi'.l receive my peic.n...i ;itn r:'. - n. j:. n . li-.lku ri ii. Oelnber 1, 160J. - j if Dr. K. II. .Andrews. . tS OIT.Il iii' r, . -. WV e r .i 1 1 v , hi, ii an- eizp,-. i.i rf rf.'wVe.'e.ilur ,n part.e:.,r.tli.-l .; n.uined tin- pra. ti.-c .) DEN II.-'! I. ' V, a,, I v he f.-und at hi 'Id Si mil. lie is pr. p .red to UiMit Arl-ll.-ril T . tii on t..o;,i. Silver. Vu e nine or I l:i.;.i:.Mi.- .n-c-s. t.s p.iliei'ls inuv ciMie; au: d.i it i.i ni l. o,oi, Tin, Ami-.;; 'in oi (Is. Art, ;ie: 1 1. lie i prip'.r.d '" I'1'1 i ur.y j.eiutiens nceiieing I . i nlistiy, li..t i..: iie ill : i p.i ji ! t . wait ti ... .n any ,.f h.i onl I'rien.!:.. or t:.-vv cm eitm-, m'.ii no.y toe l.:al for r-ii..-u. l ib. .,, l.-bl. 45 If Notice. A EE p. tmiiis ini.i ft- tl by i.ole it !'ce!i i.e. J count lo ll.e Efti.te i I ti e I. . Ti .1. llolion ;,ru reijiieli il lo co.,c ,. jn: nu Mile the same a in.i:ij;i i.i ci.ih.i be c . n i. I i persons l nv ni; ei.iiins uiainst a.n,i 'i I i a J. Ho. Ion's E.-n.le will priMi.t .ine v. iii .n l.,e tune piiseribei. by law or tin i.otico vtiil I.i jiK-il in bar of their recicv. E. NVE. llUil'IUNSoN, '-'"'. oj THUi. J. HOLi N. 1'rhi uai IJ 5. lSol . 4."l : .. lHMiii:. .COMMISSION MElll'IIA.NT AM) (.'cuenil Co:i(t.'liii;r ilprnt. A LL produce si.ipptd I t my u:sp..;-l x receive prompt aUei.t.on ,-;..i.t i r? tai.en in ll.e of ,(I(J. l-i'A.'l Motet ami Accounts put luu. icy kr eel. Itetion shail receive prompt uno iio.neiiiate al- ler.linli .rt Curi-fit, Fd. , l-ol, !'.:!' Gut of B&DL! Out cf Banker. A EE pcrsoi., IN cihi Ci T of '1'own. 110 .. . i.ave i...t fell. to In, .r i.eitiuiit 111 u 11: ll.e 1st of J ruci-v Jfftll, are t.u,.t sir. re. quested to CALL A I i.Nl lu ,,110 pay l;.t uc my ur y 1 V e III. 1 r noiis. as We alt i.eii 1 in i In d lo e i si up las'. je-.i' i u-iiiiss, un. , r. iii I . si. .lltll i.ut incurring IUT. We tueaii nil, and iun MORE tl u.i AC lluVe said. DRiiW N, T.vTE CD. Chariuite, .M-.reli 1-', l;iil. ol Tin ana Japanned Ware. larjf assorlim nt ; l!;...-ii Tin, l;, ' a aV 'l i'' Piale , I! .i.i:t niel.,1, A irotXS, the i-.-8.s: M ... ! ... - - .. ut TAVl.t !. S ;,Iillr.,,Vir.-.C.' 7-e;.l,iM r,...f, t.iwi'f,H-a tlu.,r. At TaykuV TV " ( it.' c.n find ti e i , , -1 si u 1.1 ..lint. JL Ic.-V , Out,, and 1 .-l. is, ul r.n the CcicuraleJ InaKCS. GLASS, of ol! sizes ami qualities' ! ,'.'n 1 rone 1 and Amen, an. Aiso, t uto. I y 1 he j. ,.r y , 1. 1 . d . V ODD EN WARE. "JR'.D.M.-', .v .- ...1 n...s. Hope! Iti?,? ! as' A .; p, A ,. (,oui,,;s oi .M .1,,,, ,, J do .11 : C t t?J?.t' ' 'ii'' lei. i;.-,-.,:..h. i .111.1 u. ,1,.l, al TAVl.ti'iV tlaiuwut SUit,ojiusiu lite .Ujh7 in II .ue Agricultural liiii'IciJii'his ul- ALL KIM .-. t.iTi.AW i i-tle 1-. Cm s" id 1 IS 1 civs. II. is. S.OW.-1 tff?t.'.e'..s,' 'l.-u:''.'.' lL s,'"ti..,o t iiaiiTs-, IV I .. 1 -. 1 ; IH . P. !i..r. ,10 llcii-eSiicr.., tn.ii...' ard li. ... - !vi ,i.s. (j .. ' den IIiid and Ii.ims, i.nn.'ii.- Oi. 111 In. .lies; gr,;i, grass .-. it. -, t'-is.. ;.,Ks, W .,g, n t,..: :i.i w .re. si., ., ms i .is, ov. 11 s lu:s.s;.i . is. spu'. rs. M . 1..: Kel. t.s. '.' . . s J 1 ' l- ... . :s. ; Ir i, ...:e l:i iss lc IV. .;; K, Lies, o ... .,.., . .W I.eii V l'nt.uMir . ..He 1 A; .mi. 11 ' . . i -zf 'Notice. f vv I! i; . .ni.s 1 : I 1 '1 1. F t'. I.. , f .1 '! j. f.niv; ,..i , ;.,,. ..-..te. . .. s : r co. hit, on, ti . se in. . l.t..; 1. . 11..1 r I I ilM r- qiesld I .kc SEITEFMI.N 1' at i.i: I IJ 1 V DAY. lit It his',, N , ,l:t' N. I I .-' , s t,v :. l-.'t. c -:'t Vllt'il .ih.l'a.t. r ! ,. l-t .I'.y c J we lii be p.- i si l lo ! ,. , ni . ., customers arid the res- ol ir I i ' c oil on v. . n v ar- i I. in o. r -i i .. i tueir or of this a, V A 1 (' A W 1 M.I iv c ;;, i e-'o