A BASKKT OF CHIPS "Anger," says Dr. T bo ruts Fuller, "is1 41 J I one oftbo inewiof the foul Le ibtwtn-!iSeW SlOrC, ISeW ItOOUS ! tcth it hath a uaimed mini, and liko Ja- cob, whose rinetvi shrank in the hollow of I hii thijjh, rauit needs hlt. Nor i it good j to converse with such as cannot bo r.pjrj-, J auJ, like the Caspian Sea, never elb nor ! fiow." In phrenological parlance the good Lun;p8 predominating, but still ilb a tuf- fieicucj of tbo devil in Lira to keep a ras-1 csllv word at arui'e K-ugtb 1 i I I; u.sNo',cou who svs, ' Strange ; .i it may a; pear, vrbsa I want any good J l.cadwork dotio I choose a man provided I his education has been suitable with a long tioje. His breathing is bold and free, and Lis brain, as well as Lis lungs and heart . cool aDd clear. In my obierrjons ot ; men, I have almost invaria.bij found a long ; ioe and bead together. j The public eeems to delight in dceep- lion; for, lot any man write or speak out a truism, if it comes clash with any general- ; ... . , . . I It received lum or prejudice, he is aure to ret a sl3D in thi chops with dish cloth ! . ,, ' I!ow Hthat" Sitr.ply, bccaue the great j majority of men hate the truth however j much they may affect the contrary, and eoncq'if iitlj are not tbe free men tbey as fume to be. A man may think well, and yet not act wisely. The power to see what is right is Tery diffcr- nt from tbe power of doing it. A man of moral energy will accomplish more with a little knowledge than a man o.' inferior will, with much ; and strength of ill is generally acquired by struggling with difficulties in early life. To te a woman cf fashion is one of tse ei-iest things in tbe world. A letter des cribes it thus : Buy everything you dont Wintjpay for netbing you get ; smile on ail mankind but your husband ; be happy everywhere bat at hotce ; bate the country ; adore tbe city; read novel; neglect your children ; nurse lap dogs, and go to cburcb every tiu;e joa get a new shawl. Innocence A itrip.ing, eome eiht years of age, was egged ia tbe manufac ture of a stool, wbicli, on acceutt of the disparity of the length of t'ao legs, refused to stand op ' Metier," said be, "Joes the Lird 6es everything ! ' ''Tea, my SDr.'' ,'WeIl," replied tbe yoaig hopif jl, " then I guess he'll laugh nben bes.e this stool.'' The following is a'specimen cf the "badly mixed" condition of oar pronunciation. Tbe same combination of letters is ra ade to have six ciffcrent sounds : 'Wif, make me some tiumj'ings orJ''j;i, Tney ire t:ian rntal fr rr.y mjh : Yay .n lotto fe tK.rei t-il not irti.'i, bjt not ti l they're li'avr and tuu. ' yo. 1 niu-l he if to i:i v plovp'i. And t lie boys, when liey've hud tnoug'i, ilu-tkttp of the flies With a kutieh, Wiiiie tne old mare drinks at t.i t Never dpar in adTersity. Work and persevere. When the wheel is taming round, tbe bottom must turn up some where. If we could read the Eoorct history of our enemies, we would find in each man's life, sorrow and lufferiog cough to disarm ail hostilities. ' Here 1 you little rascal, walk up and give an actsunt of yourself. Where have j'j'i been V ' Afier the girls, father !' 1 Lid you ever know us to do so, when I was a boy ?' ' Na, air but mother did.' There is now a new salute extant ly the itty of our country, when addressed by a friend w bom they censider doubtful. Here it is : " Friend, how are you V " As gooi as brandy, but trA so c!l lik ed,'' is the rep'y. A great curse of American society is the folly, or, in many instances, rather the eiixe, of appearance makiog flow inwriy ruiutd fauiiliis migiit be well doing and bapriiy circumstanced but for this f'jiiy ! Iliw many a crime wou'i never havo been eomn.itted had it net been fur this poeia! curse 1 LuIN'j IT 1 HuitOLU.'iLY. A lady, OU '. pra;r;g from i.er h'jsband, changed her ttliioo ; bing dctcrtieed, she said, to avoid L'.i c;n aDj iu ti.il w.rid and the ttlt U3. A rurai p-tt, in dtcr;kirig his lidy Lie ssv ; " Sio is racoful as a vrattr ii'y, vhi'.o Lir bientb rjie;!s like an ura.fA (f clover ' TLe 1. j lur-t into tc-&ri, Li llCL put tJJ'.-ti.rr D, aL'l ii LOW weiring hoops tt p:nLt a lecurrt-Lcc cf tt.e accident. " Have you evir broke a bore ? en ij iiroi hoti: j-ckey. " no. not rie'y," re j.'it.d (.'iii.oa, " t v I vi- brke turec or four ' ' i trvif ... t , " r.h,'J It l! iay 1 l-,w Lat Ji- c jase It FALL OPENING. Loowenstein & Bro, ' F.AKI. V opposite the Court House, where they have an catcneive slock of C L O THING, 15(10 1 S. M3 O i: .S II ATX, AND and a large variety of DOMESTIC GOODS AM) a not '.nniEs. Pfont win do w.e!; to fi,e u, . e,n Befur() pnr. ciiasmg eiscwncrc LOEWENSTEIN & BRO. ocloi,eT s 2Slf . MERCHANT TAILORING I'l I.I.I., M'KUGS A CO. C B AVK also added to tlieir lieady-niade Cloth. m., s,ci(i a Merclanl Tailoring Depart, ment, towhich tney cull Hie especial allenlion of their mans friends and customers. -V l.y lllUlld Ill:lklB ,, urpurtmcnt secend to none in the Stale, eitlier in style : and quality of 11 tunes wiil be found a good aloe ol Ulaca. ud Colored Cloths, English, French and American 'asisncn s, and a varsity of Nestings Also, an I assortment ol j KCCK ISI.AXD CASSIJir.UES, They feel confiiient of their ability to undersell any other house in the Si tie, I rum the advantages tin v have in gelling their goods. Their goods are bought hy Hie quantity, by one of the ruin who resiues iu the Northern uiarkels, w inc h gives turn :hc opportunity of taking auvan. uga ol tne prices of goi.de, thereny saving at JCS- Twenty-Five Ter CcntS3J To t tie consumer. C" Dunes saved aro Dollars mace So try a. E. FULLING 3, JNO. M. fcPKLVGS, 27 it" Srjtnr. l?r,o. MEAT SACRIFICES PA Lis AMJ WIMUU 'OJ US VaW It JL'ST 11 1 C K I V M D FRO M "TJTs' BY GOODMAN k EIGENT.RILY T HADE STREET, OPPOSITE OATi:.S V AVI LI A M S. E rrsoectfuley inibrm the ciliiens of Char- lolle, and surrounding country llint we arc jireparcii lo uUcr a Ii V A T 1.1BK tJILlTS IN ct I'Cpyn3.'! "crir-f rr'v j ; ,' f v,fc) rs s- " av i as tmm JW-N tJ J atsaN W at DRY GOODS, Hats, ", HooIh, A iocs, Vc. and a Large as.ri ml.nt cr i.i.MLuitN's i minimum; .OOUS. ALSO, A hrje stock of Ladit and (lentiemcn's SUA W LS A N 1 C LO A KS, Jj h.tate caii and tX4unie uur (joutii before purtitasu.g tie. ii re. GOODMAN & EIGENBRUN. Octohtr 2, letu. -en' . . . j in: f.Jii AT C10T1ILG EMPOJilUM, FCLLIXGS, SWINGS 4: CO, HEADV .MADE CLOTHING . r i i:mmii a a ou us, mm Hats Caps, Trunks, g . i I'liilinia, Spiiu X. Co. VI ULLD call the eopetial atlculion of llair W Irieiids and patrons lo llitir m;v stock of clotiiiml;, n-.w opening. 1 hey tl.mk tney can offer greater I ino teen. en Is to buyers luaii I ii t, y have evtr cone, j U.cir c'ACi Leil.j; Oougi-t al rtcuccd rales and al su':ii prices as tney I 1 1 conlidi.i.1 no House in liie Mjtt- C.n compe.e wiln. 'ji.iy ure cllcrirg vtry r.ice t.tsi.'ii;isL mits iroiri $i2 to A l m-nii-r of -ASMMEK1. PANTS, CAaMMiCSS, SILK, MAlALA-sL A.N J LLVLT Vr'lo, tiVt.lt COA'Ia, Ol k.i jra .u u..c aiy its. T .e above jq; cannut he surpirsvd in styie ami i.. j na ;i,j; ntt-ti maim : -clured um.tr lite cnki-inl aur;.erviiti.ii o) one ol . ,e Iirui. i L'L LINGS, M'lUNGrf k CO. A. V. ALllXAMJKK, s inn i. o. mh:. tm s t, trt-U.Sms services to the citi- .na til t.iis aud aojoimng coun i.ea in tij IreainiLiit or irreguiuri iii, iJirtea a ine muuth. i'cctli i.ilu! . ii'j aii.'jui'.ry nunner. Ar- inm rlru on Oilu or bi er plate, also . Ina.a Iku-'-' u.u'niiil b4s. 'IhiM atvie ol i.aa m il y atv.r. lc t ilia isatageu work. It c j ri nt nciiC to int n. kuIii with less irritation li.i-n Im- .-j;.u aora it is alto cueapef. It is Irie tr.in ui.c.i -aaul otiur or tattc. liivng ij cone f.jr the Amerien lisrd Kuii-1 1.1,1, mij) i.c will u;iy Deo ti is with of I, it f.j.il, iu ii anuU' I ure 1 1-u:a and Gums lor An Ii 1. 1 J If. uuo I i.c Apparatus and Material. k itiil ain'j give n.alrucliona in til art on mod- .Ii li .l to do s tr-it l!iiig business per ; work illil',t.ii be alteliOed to at ms, hy sd'.-it-minj; him at 'I ucka. I -s l to ljurr ( o., ;V iy, a ft.rraliiio, ,u. a,f IUHH. II. (HU tv, f 1 1 .NKlt Al. t u H.Mlv-l'j;, ,1 hit II A NT If Wii.maot.,1., JN 1.'. I. Oif.-. So.,1., UHir.'.!4u.i.i.5 W.itr M. II. I ? Sltf J. V. BISY1 K Jk. CO., UBALiae in CCTON and ell KINDS of PRODUCE, TKADU STRICT, CHARLOTTE, N. C. UTAH ordets attended to with despatch. Aftil 17, I860. 4if WASHINGTON HOTEL, - (CBANOX OV FSOPBUTOaS.) BROAD SI ItEtT KLTv UERN, S. C, JOHN F. JONES, Froprietor. f BXHE Undersigned respectfully announces to JL the travelling public, tbat lie Has taken chares of this old and popular establishment, and is now prepared to accommodate travelers and pri vate families witn board Dy tne day or month, on the most accommodating If Mil. His TABLE will always be furnished with the best provisions that home and foreign markets can afford. The Wuohillgtnii Hold has Urge rooms, is nearer the depot, the court-house, and the business streets than any other in the city. An Omnia will alwaya be at the depot and landing, on the arrival of the ears and steamboat, ' to convey passengers to the Hotel free of charge. By slopping at this Hotel, passengers will nave ample time to obtain meals. Having alo a large and commodious Stable, ani an eicellcnt Osiler, he is fully prepared to board Uansea by the day, week or month at the moat reasonable rates. jon F. JONES. .Vrc I. 1859. iltf I'liarlullc .Tin I ii a I Tire lnui- a iitt' C ompaiiv. jmHIS COMPANY continues to take risks a gainst loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Pro duce, &.C., at usual ratea. (Tr Office at th Drug Store of K. Nye Hutchi son i. lo. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, Presidtnt. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E.NYE HUTCH IS0N,5ec'y.f Treas'r. DIRECTOBS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN. F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. Jobn L. Bbow.n, F. Scabs and S. T. Wuiston, Exeeutive Cornmittte. AprilSe, 1659. "If , bc.;es aV' a rjJHE subscriber tukes plrarure in announcing JL to his friends, and the public generally, that he has taken this long established and well known H.Uel, and has made every possible preparation to accommodate the business, travelling ana visaing portions ol' the public, in the nicst satisfaclny manner. Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his KOOMS. U s STA BLLS sre abundantly supplied and at- 1 tended by careful otiers ; and to all departments j t.'ie pruprit-tar rir his personal atlrnlion. A comibrtabieOMNIBCS runs regularly to the depot on the arrival of the cars I W illi theae efi'orls to please, a liberal share ofj he public patronage is confidently solicited. j WM. ROWZEK. KortmlfT 15, lfl'9. 38lf ! J. S PHILLIPS imm:kmm.m.yt t.imlois, A V I S G located in JIJLciiarlulte, respectful- respectful e of public Si 1 solicits atron-je. A complete as-ortinent of Clottia, I'asaimeres and Ve. tings jlways on hand, which will be made to or drr at tne shortest notice, a,rl.r the latest fisiuon Shop three uoors South of the Mansion House. aatf J01LN S. WILEY, WAKt-rACTiara and iroTi of AVA5 : A SEG ARS, obacco, Snuff. liatchea, Paper, Stc, IE KM ll m I'll IS, It, (un.unllyoD baud. January j, !-(,( . 4ilf z. u. Joii v. iieueval i aliening .frtil, liiionlown, rcrry County, Alubuma, 7 ILL attend promptly to the collection of all V V claims placed in his hands. E.Ute Claims looked after, Land Claims ferret, ted out, and absconding debtors looked up at rea sonable ciiarges. TKXA3 CLAIMS. 1 i Coiieclions mane in T-vaw, ss heretofore, through my atUimeya in tnat Stale. Promptness may ne sdlt-ly dipenued on. i-V',ri -rtj 5, i iU). O-l v WJIOT "WANTED ( nilE plautmg community will take notice that vLv their Wheal Crop will be purchased at tiie Charlotte Slum Flouring .Mill, at market pricta. Tnose having Wheat for sale may find it lo their advantage to csll at the Mill before rj-..ir,g a Bale. JOHN WILKKa ct CO. July 2, lSi'J. WALTON HOL'Si:. Vs Tin: Lii tscur un; im;s I' Proprietor will terminate on the hlh ol May nut. Ins subscribers w ill rent, lor a term of years, this popular Hotel, to a iiimi who can give such reftrtnees, (xont other need apply,) as rill satisfy the owners that it will be s. kept as not to detract from the repulsion which it sus Wins aa a first class Motel. The Patronage of the House is largs and in creasing. From its central position, ami estab lished character cannot it fill of succi ss, if pro perly conducted. Any fulher information in tie. tail will Im gisen by sddiessmg. T. i. i W. M. WALTON. M'irgsUitWft, N. f. I tb. 5, I col. Ub M S. T, Wriston, J ANLFACl I II Kit of, and dealer in Plain and ivi Japanned Tinware, Hiov. s, VVi..,.li n Ware. I; r .'.int. iiruanra, at., in jSoulii wing of eiprmga' ( '.rn .- Billion;', J'.n V -.r it . ii. i -i r,fj nj. tin i imri p;, Ac. done itn tit ..i ri . September 27, 1 OjJ. FOR 1861. ic 2 H s. I ? 5 H TJ C cr 5. e- 5 : JANUARY ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 si 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 2U 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 3.) ; . 1 2 3 4 5 6! 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3j 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ' 28 29 30 21 I .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ' 25 26 27 2 29 30 j 12 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28, 29 30 J .. 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12; 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19! 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 J 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 19 2i) 21 22 23 1 24 25 2tj 27 28 29 30 j .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7! 8 9 ID 11 12 l:t 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 ! 22 23 2 4 25 26 27 28 I 29 3J 21 FEBRUARY MARCH. APRIL MAT JUNE JULY.. AUGUST SEPTEMBER ... OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER... UHIil fllHK sob Ur has reenvtd a Urge ibd vari ienl of JL ed assortment of for Spring and Suinmar, inch fur cheapness snd nt-aliitas, cannot be aurpasied, consisting in pari ol Biack and colored CLOTH. Black DOLS.V INS, Plain, Iliack and Fancy CASSIM F.RK ?, French Drjb 1' i.TEs. Plain Black snd Figured Siik VK.ST1NO.S, Fancy Linen DRILLS, and all other tioods usu.liy found in a firt cl i. Tailoring Kalshlnhment. All of which will bt made to order or sold by the yard on accoinmoda. l.ng terms. J. S. I'HlLLirS. In returning rny thanks to the citizens of Char. Intte, lor the vcrv kind and liberal patron ie lliey have hi slowed mi me. 1 would r' qoi hl a continu ance of the s-inie, with Hie assrinee that 11 or. ders entrusted to me will be B'.atiy a. id in.m;itl) txirut. il. J. S. P. April 11. lofiO. iif aioa. U'Zu. mm t II AUUVI I F, .. t. fBIIK Proprietor of His Hotel JL still i st his post ready to ful fil the duties of ' mine host " to I he ing public snd others who nay call on him, and lie flatters himself that as comfortable iiu irt' rs can be found with him as sny where in this vicinity. He-ng situated near ly in the centre of Cnarintle, Business Mtn will find this Hotel a moot convenient mid titairable I location. lit has been eni'aved in ti e busmen at this aland ne.riy t ig hu c.-i years, and in that time he has made several additions to ins former house, snd it has been (really enlarged snd im proved, presenting in front a two story VF-fC ANDA ;()0 feet in lengtri by I U feet in width, handsomely shaded by trees on the .idc-walk, affording a plea, sant promenade at all hours of the day. The House his been thorough ly furnished thro', out, snd in esery part of it ere iture comforts are sbundant and langii.lc.eKperiially in the DINI.Mj 1 Ki)().H, where the "inner man" is "renewed" ! day by day. j Connected with this Hotel sre Stahlca sffi. riling room lor inn horsi s, ahiindaritly lurnishcd I grain and provender, attended by faithful and o- I bilging noruera. The Proprietor feels confident that with his long I eipenenee and many new sdvsrilaj?e sdded to his desire to please, he is prepared lo otter Ins Iriends I and the " rest ol mankind," a a many coin fori ! as much good cheer as will be found anywhere, ! pernsps a nine more so. J IT At any rale nr the Charlotte Hotel. J. R KKKR Orttbtr 19. Iri.'iS. 3tf ;. w. i,i:ck with ns i.iinujtl.r HaNIi !j -tl j U . i tkLi V lj JJ 1 1 m s inr ssst rion-H mo avissi- n siirrcTiias Call snd etaumie his sli.ek leh.re porel tin !.i rc. sing P. SAUUS, Art-Infers ami Itiiilrier, WLJ ILL furnish Designs, TImis and Drawing for Public Buildings, Privuto Residences and Villas. Particular att tition will be paid to building Flouring Mills, t orn Mills, Sic. Ones, iu 3d story ot Aleiunder's Building, front room, over China Mull. Oclohtr 2C. 1858 33tf Removal. 1Y Friends and Customers aro respeclluiiy 1TE inl'ormec thnt I have removed my Tin Shop to Sprint s' Brick Builcing, 3d door Irom the cor. ner, on Tryon street, where he will b pleased to see them. S. T. WRISTON. Januory 31, 1860. 3tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla A comptmml remedy, in which we have la-lnu-dtj (iiodiu-o the most effectual alterative t int u.i b.- uiiuU'. It U a concentrated extrai l i.t' l'aia Suwi.irdla, so combmed with other siiU.t.uuvs of still (jreati-r ulterutive power a to uffoid an c.Tjt-tive untidotc for the jliseaacs Sar-mmi ilU is n putcd to cure. It in believed tlf s-i-.-h remedy is wanted by those who sutr r from Strumous complaint's and that one which will A'.-i-omrilish their cure mast prove of imni-nv service thin largo cliiss of our aiUit-'tn-l f ;iov-citizoni. How completely Uiis coniiioiui l will doit has b?eu proven by cxper-i-:i nt on nriny of tha wort eases to be found tl th following complaints; s i:.nri.. am Si iiorcLois CoMPi.uirrs, F,H! I-TIOJH AMI Kllt l-TtVE DiSCHHS, 1'l.CI.KS, P;vt: 1 1 --, !li jri'ius, Tt iiou, Salt Kiir.i M, : d lie ui, hvi-iiau avo SvrMtt.iTic Ar il., no., Mkkci kiai.Uuk.vsc, 1)roi-st, Nkc ihli.iv oh Tic D.M tof ttri, Dkmlitv, 1vv I'l i-'iv and Imiioktion, Kkvhitflas, lta ok Sr. Anthony's Finn, and iiidved the wliols ciiiM of complaints ariiing from Ihi i kity o Till liiOOU. Tiiis compound will be found a great promo-., r of health, when tak.-n in the spring, to epcl the foul humors which ft-sler in the blood n! th.it sett-on of Uie y ar. by the time ly expul-iou of t hi-in many ranUin disordt rs are nipp.-d in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid cf this remedy, spare themselves from the cndur.m'-o of fou erujiUons and ukcrous ore-., throtiL,'!i wlucU tiie system wi'.l strive to rid itelf of corruption, if not a.itcd to do this tlironh the natural channels of the body by an '.'' rutivc medicine. Cleanse out tiie i'i' 1 bl i . 1 wh'-nev.T viu find iln impurities b'.ir-tin through the k.in m piiiiph-, eruptions, cr ir . ; el- ,in it when ) JU find it is ob stru ' d iitid sl j,-,-...li in the veins ; cl -an it w hen vvr it ii fi i', an-1 your f-elms will tell y hi wIi.b. I'.v -n where no particular d;ord--r ii t -!t jwoph; enjoy lnt'ir health, and live I iii.f, for iliansiiiiz th-.- blood. Ke p the h'. i il Ik J-liv. and all is well; but with this niijulujit of l.fc d:oriircd, th'-rc can b; no 1. .n'.i.). Sooner or later sointtluii" n. i-t j wroiij, and the great macluiury ut h:' i. tiiaoi len d or overthrown. Shr-iptrdl-i hu, and d.--rves much, th" T- p-t'i'i-iij of m vDmpli-hiiiu then? indi Hut the nmi.l h i !.--u i jn-.-ioii'ly deceived t.y pi j .ir i-i on of i'. partly bctau- the drug s i v- h.1 not nil the virtue that is claimed ; r i. b'.i? more Iw-auw many prepaiations pr ' i:'! to Ik.- i ,ii.:en!ra'ed extract i.4 it, i . i'H ! :iu- l.t:l- of line virtue of Sarsupaiiila, ..r .my thin ei'. 1 1 ii .i.' y art the public have been mit-I- by i bottles, jiretnidini to ipve quart ol i t of irapan;la for one d iUar. Jl it of ' : h.v Ik -n fi -uls up-m '.Ii'' fiik, for th-;- not o.iiy couta.u little, tt any, Sr-ap.i-ri4., iu uf'i ri no curative pr'terti'- what'-v-cr. 1 1 ii-a-, h t'-r and pairiful liapHjiiitiiicrit bit fo'loir. d I i-. ve of the various tatmctt of h iripan;i i h fl uid the rnai Vct, until rhe li.'Tii" tt,f j i-'lv d- p:d, and ha Ix-corue nonmi.nu with iin;.o 4t;ou and cheat. wccall hi i .rir.ouii.l Sari;!r:;!it. and ir'n l t-i nii'Mly nub a r-riii dy a shcl rescue thv-irinn- fioin the load of obloquy which lc t t. jii iu A id wo tLitk we have ground f r b-ln viii,' it has nrtu.-s whi. h arc irresistible bv the ordinary run of tiio dtax it is intend e I to rurc. In ord.f sreur-j tli'-ir cou.p!e era li atioti fiom Die tim, the remedy shou! 1 b ju'Ui nouily tua,en acrdiiig to (UkxUous tit tim bottle rau-ABj.i) bv DIt. J. C. A V Lit A CO. I.OWl'.I.L, M S.S. Price, 1 per llotlU i Hit Uultlcs for $1. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Iiu nan fr It-- IT urh a renown for ,!. ' 'f eiery vaiiety of Ihroal and l.un L'ompi u..l, I'ui it n ei.nn ly unnecc-s ny f.r us t n the ei edifice of its Virtue, wherever it has b--en ei pluye'l. At it his long been in ewt.st.mt ne throe ihnut thi section, we nwl B' t dn nm's t in asaure the people iu ouahty i kept tip t tin bst it eer ha U-m, an-1 that it n.av l. relied on to do fur Ui.ir re..ef ,t has ever h.-tu fuund to u. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, roa ms ctthb ov f'mtirtnnn, .MiMrfice, fpyjirti, l-'!ntot ylvtery, lout Stamncft, IWy'tftrttt', lla'iai A, I'ltft, Rhrumariim, l'.i uptioni ' in Ihtraiei, Liter rompUixt, prnpwtj, Tttrrr, Tiimort anl SaJt WiMtm, KVi, (inul, .titih'i, o a li""r I'.D, anl f r l'ur,f ini) th' Hl tvl. They are anirnr-oMciJ, so th-.'. the mo-t crni tivo can Uke them plr ninth-, and they are the bf t iperient in tbe world for all the purpo-es of a family physic. Pries 25 cents per Bci: Fiva boxes for $1.09. Great numbers of Clergymen, Tin .ici.irn, S'atet-rni-n, and eniuient personiujs, hue lint their names to certify the unparalleled iivfo'.i.' vsof thc-e r.-mi die.., but our ipi-c lu re will not pennit the inicrtion of them. Tie Agents Ix low naiiicd f ir nih irratisour Ami.Iiii ?i Ai m vn v: in which they sre iriven ; with also full d'Si riptmns of the above compl tints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cii'p Io not be put olf hv unprir.ciple 1 dealer with othsr preparations thev make more prolit on. Imatid AvKti'B, and t ike no others. I rie sick want the bevt aid there u fjr thein, and they should have it. Ail our remedies are for sale by For aale by E. N YE IILTUI ISON i CO. i i V. SCAHK Jt (!., 5 Charlotte. IIAYILAND, STEVENFONA. CO., Char teuton, S. C. Fuit and Tree Store. f B ' II K sill rril.er has i.r.'n'd out nrit door a I bove Kyrrly'a Tin. ."hop, in the M-msion House Iliiililii.g. mid will keep on hand a well sc. lecled stock ol f ruit Tries, (trape Vines, Kver greens and Hirul.he.ry, &e. A'so, I'rui's of van. oos kinds Apples, Oraug.s, Lemons, l ine Ap. pies, 4c, it c. E. W. LYLE3. riirrmbcr U, 1 Hf.O. P Notice. tl.L pi r nous indebted lothe estate of Andrew Springs, dee'd., w.ll make linnii iliale pay. ment; and all perrons Insing claims against said estate, will present tli. m duly authrn Healed, in the lime proenbed ly l.w.or this notice will be plead in tiar of their recovery. T. II. IJRKMJLVf. htulr 30,1X00. 3 f Charlotte DRUG Store, K. S V I : II IJ Ttfl 1 1 S( X Al ( . II '"'1'11 re. peel fully rail the altenlmn of the T V publi' o th. irlnrg. ainicmi.l, t, Mck now hung ope net' lor the S,lnj Trade, consist. ng ol llrugs, Medicines, r.icals. I'r r I'lllll-ry, Fancy Artnlea, Oils, 'I orm n line. Hum in t Fluid, Alro. hoi, Tore M. die.,1 W ine, o r. .1 llmnilies, t anion Teas. Field snd i'. irden S. e...,Vc., A.e. Jun; ,r9 17, .11 4.tif SAivrorwj's LIVER INV1G0RAT0I. KRTF.lt UKIIILlTVI'l.:. ' ITU riaeomonnelfnl nllrrly from Cinina n4 husboi aim ,.i,.l.lliu-.l IikiLs.-i,.,..!....! mwi0.i.- I approvnd by all Uiatl .bavr aw! H. whI In nw r. ji and , 'fionUtiufi "its 1 itkIm IwLlii'n 1 Who haJ tlttm tip titl tvN aoll.il.'ilcertllietelii mvl r. llMdoMliilutbesilaMi'-i: ln.lt n.llvl iJ uOii.ik II, ui.t us f4 i. a la SU.U aaauliOM m let ssulljr an the Kowals. Lai Urn Sicui..s of uui! fJ h.ilin..nt viUr , y,, MS of Ui 1.1 VF.lt, IJ- t? VlliMlA'VOIt,an4 11 win curs I-lrer fc.ln-l V llnlnts, lri,.n. At. taeks, U-sm-isIh, U t l.io..te l!trtiorn, Summer C o . M nlnlnia, vtc,ll( I rr, Uropsy, aani- iMoiiiarli, Hul.ii ,.nl tostl vene.s, hol- !! , I liolr rs, t tn.l, . ra-ilorlnu. Cholera! K-j I nfnntiini, i.'!iiu. leiire, Jan iidlee, W . Krmalr Hiak.. es.and my ts use.l sue .- -.i;iya .n (l.,li. ry Family IHidl- Im. liw.iu.ir.sjc K II K A U AC 11 1-., (' rj il.mjj, em 1.--1 r 1 , Iwcnly iiili.uli s. If g I ho or tlic.e 'I n. siioonruls ate lak- j t u " uo'"c-"sa u of All who KK II SIV H lilvlnglh.lr luuunon a n luvur. 1 1 MIX WAT Kit IM TIIK MOtTIl WITH l lli: IWIMIII VI Oil, A.U WALLOW UOlll TOI.K. TIIKM. 1'ilcs Uu Uollnr per Buttle. A I.S.I. SANrORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, 11 Vl'.'lMH.Il IK , VI J Pure Veiritohle Kllirl, at.it iu up t;l,.t ASI'.h, Air Hutu. ai.U win ketu In nil climate. lh Ksn.llv C.-I Ihsrtlr I'M f k-r-, 11. mi ...... rii,..i- tJ .i..-a .a. , L?, H. 'l 111 k;a pr. ",. in i-, J II. i. !..- ,, v ll-M-l,!,'!. h , M f,,.,, mKm ajn-iaj-i-Mis-lll.l.l ij ..4 i.. -j..' ., , ; U.HniMiMwu.-i lMS.aM.atnve.1 sl.2 'i U t'rwirfc-u pii 1 II.SI tl tr.-i. 1'aiUi.rjci i,t "iVr ' ."' ' ii- 1 'i i"i wtrif i 1 1 1 has S JiW rr'ir-.-o In. IS 'l .. ..... o ..,,.,....1-1 r- f vsj-ie-. m is ni-ji. Uh.s Sliiiai-la. fc-a -- !.., . n , .M-.r, es.l T.i.,- H C.M..I .. .I . . h... a ia--k! U . "1 .. a 0,. rni.iii menta of o a. l t 1,, n 1 i , n,,, I. .." l-l... lo Hir.CS "" u a 'I I -III . ( lvr', Hll i.i H mill Kiirn.n, Ihr wllule lol,' SS ' -i 1 ' I'. Of l.p. - M llt,,, ,,, sal. i..fol. over M tl,r l.,.-, H,.n,,,. si I ,. n sit. in !..! J . , .. tr,,,: hllrtrrs. .I.H.. iS HI.. ii,.,i,ll.,, , I'nrtllrroMS" lilmxl , ihii.,'-, , ,, te.a ia h.ie. t.nattakauvjs U toAi. . w ... aurav lo.e. I i- I'llll K TIIHKK lllMV s. Th l.iv-r ln.la...f.i ., 1 1 ... i'v tlisrllr I'llla - ! I" t . J Sw.4 Sj..mI a Urf tr.u. la ..I fc it,r l..bk-. SJ. T. W. WKOItl). II.. 33 BrsiHvrsy, . r w 1, 1 u . K. SCAKKi CO,, f V.,e, y.c. Wm J, Kerr, A T T U 11 A E ) .1 T LA If, 4 II IK I.O I I i:, 4 .. II l.prarlct in tnr t ouln t I .Mi 1 kit i,l u' , I 111011 and t ul trrus cum . .. IV Oli.ce 111 the lli.aij l.ui u.ng Kerr's II. ,1.1. J,tm .14. Kf0. 4 E, R. STOKES' Uook Minding llabliiiieiit, Two lliior: tUtt brain h I mi, iu n tuilii iu; in rnr cf . B. Mapltj 'U Inks Liu 1 1, ( vi.i mi s. i. The above KslsMisI frrnt is now In full np eperi - lion, h.iu g.si d Hill i.e. iv,n s iu ; .up li.r lest 1.1.A.NK l Alt-K anu Ll.NMI V 'I HtlAIS. I tin at all Lines rc.dt tu h i d.ra in u.y l.nc, rn.l at t i.c s-u.i- t.n c s. share ol p.lroi.ajtr. Mi pi r.io.a. si . i l . n given to sll orccrs Willi Inch 1 in. j U I. II a t ing had long prailieleiriei.'e in tne ul.cture ol I.I.A.S k I I II 'K. and in .i.t b i r. ' MA .11 or. .if. new snd olu I K I .VI ill MdlihS, I tl..!l.r n. lliat I van, iu il ra.es, give eulirs sali.i.' t.i.a I I A.N K I CUhS, k I '-'. I Ireas' 1 1 aa, I. r 1 .sir.' . t :1 r. i, t? l-s r .(!, I i . ifwr j si it ( on n.i.s nrr in I jui. ty's ii.ol.s, alt lit I.I U snu I t. I M' tu .nr l.l ii, in lit very 1 1 .1 ma i i,i r, ol ss.;i,.r snl Pag i d snd In.'-1. o alio n.urt,l. PKIM KD Wol.hr. Mu.ic liooss, ririoiiiisls.raii.ph;tf.M-;i alio lt .k s ..! i . i j :r.rij,i-ti, bound ol ri,arr.;, in t ve rj virict 1. 1 alv le. J ; A.i r. .Ii tw eiccule.! with ii. .it ., s li. I as in is as C4i. h. ....l.r ! a he re. K. K. SIOKKS. Junmiiv 17, I ti'J. 4.IH It I li A 1,(11,1 A rit-tual Life Insurance Cou:tany. of lit l.. KM. I. il.lt, A ( . 1 1 1 Is Company ir.surea the live, cf tne .Mutual I rim '.c, tl.e iiiuicu .r i.:c r paling in the prolils of the t oinjun i . l i eies granted tor the w hois term el win u liie pr. iniuoi Iherilor sinouiits to 1', a n te may lie given lor one-hall Ihe am..ui.l ..I I' (.rcuiiuin, Jearing Intcrtsl a t b per ciut. w .t:.. -t iU-r.i.i). Tne j.r onpt manner in winch all n' been pain l.ji Una coinpimy, together with the i v ralis.il premium, pri in. t fcreal inouc :. . H '" ,ut ii .is sre rlisp...iu lo insnrc, Mjvcs ale in. mm lor lurin of fr -ui ui " five y.ars, !..r twu-ll.irna ti.eu . is. All lo.aea afe paid will, in 'Jt) uays slier 'l I'iclory prooi ia iii-t aUa. 1)1 1: Ki IOIIS. Cl.srlis K. J..l.n. Ion, Win. II. Joins, Win." Ilul.un, W. I t..ke, J. ii. Wiiii.n,., II w llu.ii tl, Uu. mine Iiu.hie. I'. t. li.'Uii.Wm II .Mi hie, h. T. Ilutt.c, I hurl., ii. h....t. IJ- row le, huh'd II. U itl.j OIHKKRS. I'r. Charles K. Johnson, I'rrsidrn t. S . V . If.:. I. n, Vice I'rrsiueiil. U. II. ll..ltle,S, criHry. Willi s il . Join -s. Treasurer II. VV . Hunted, Attorney . Ur. Win. II. McKee.Medicsl Gl immer. h xrcutiet l ommillrt. U- Hush.i, V . H Kee, Cnar.es It. Knot. .. Mriluat Hoard of Conoion - ha r Irs Jotiiison, M. William 11. MrKec, M. V C.cl.'d It. II i J wo...!. M. I)., I-or further inforinstmn, the public is ri I ' red lo tin pamphlels, and forms of prop..."!.1" ' may lie obtained at the Ollice ol tiie or any of its Agencies. ( f Coininuiiic jt.ons should be sddrrssei.. (1 1 P""1 It. H. 1JATTLK, Utrrrlary. Srplrmher 8, 18,'n a,-ti Chambers, Dunics & Co., Factors and (iencral Tom mis hub JIKItCIIA.NTS, ( il A IM. :st o.. ' r -"- 6-s 5 I - '"' - 5 : - t- j'' -"v' V.v - - JOB PKHuIlrG. t'l! PRINTIM; -f s!l kinds N, h I' ii 1 1 ions . y seelee a t '