IJortj) arolin;t &itjjig. : : : : : July 1G, 18C1. Tuesday f H V nr n ii l li o - i z I mi. S. WINS A VP n candi date for tlio nfliue. of Superior Court Clerk ior Mecklenburg County, at the approaching cite lion. July S. Journal or Education. T7e Lit re ceived the June Number of this Periodica it appears to be doing well, its readiDg i tjuito attraetite Price ?1 year. Printed at the Titoei Office Greenboro N. C. Oi'ii Rem.- We ere nappy to inform the pjblio that tlio new town bell and clock; bare recently been placed in the Cuplo, designed for it, of tbo new Metbo diit Church. The aolemn tones of the bill, THE FEDERAL ARMY. That our leaders in a j have aomo idea of the itreugth of tbe federal troop, we clip tho following from the YVatsbitigton dis patob of tho New York Tribune of tbe lit inat i " Tboro are now over 00,000 troops in and about Washington, counting tboio on both sides of the Potomao, and not coun ting those wbo guard the river opposite l0 LutbLurg and beyond. Iu tusking this ea tituate, we offsat tbe tick against the re cruit, wbicb bare, from time to time, ar rived, tbe precise number of these classes Town Ordinan- c e s . He it further Ordained bij the Commis sioners of (he Town of Ct'irtotfe, Tlmton and immediately after tlie first day of Jul', nexf, and on racli succeeding first day of July, thereafter, (provided the same does not come on Sunday) then and in that case, on the day following: All l-'iee-Neyrocs now lesident in the Town of Charlotte, or who may hereaf ter become residents of the same, being of the age of twelve years and upwards ANNOUNCEMENTS. E arc are authorized to ' WW announce Mr. W. K. ' ! The .Tlni-tit-l. CORRECTED BY OATE8 & WILLIAMS. being next to impossible to reach. There shall . be required to appear before the aro sixtjiour regiments of volunteers, a- Mayor, enroll their names and upon sat veragiog 91)0 rue a eaoh, seme 1,200 re gulars, of which only U00 Eve ooaipaoiea are cavalry, and auvtral hundred dis trict volunteers. "Thirty-one regiment are from New York, seven from New Jersey, four from isfactorv evidence of a peaceable char acter and industrious habits obtain from him a certificate of such enrollment to gether with a description of their persons It KID, tlic present Clerk of the Cuunly Court, fur Meiklenbum i cnunty, N. C, as a Candidate, tor re-election ut BACON, Mania, new the approuching election, F'irat Thursaay in Au. 1 " Sides, gust next. May 14, 1861. 'tr j " flog rounn, 41 Shoulders. . TVW17Er authorized to an- i'...,B, i:,,,,,,, Nl.itramrm ..ounce thai JENNINGS U..Z. " B. KF.IIR, Eq., i a Candidate iiuller, for reelection to the oflice of Peeawux, t lerk of Superior Court at tlie approaching elcu- lieuns, tion. Mnyll, lh6l. 7 lo krunoy, Appie, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, j cXi"V::. CALDWELL COUNTV. " Java, , r, . - , j . o Candles, Aiiuiiiaiituie lb... Court of Pleas at,d Quarter Sessions,' Sperm., in... LIUrLO'iTE JULY 15, li-61. lb ....lb lb lb ' ....lb lb lb ..bu.iici... '- ff"! lb lb ib , 0') (ii May Term, lbCl. James C. Harper, i Land Levy. Wilie Uaithr I' 1 allow h Corn buahe!.... Chickens, each.... Cloth, Copperas yaro.... Linunoy , yaru.... Wilie duller, the defendant in this case re. ?. j:.... ' l,t tlio regwariy .T,ucu. limes, rrnm.u.ug : i-jD,lvau,l,( (,,, froIU Maine, threo each u of our duty to (Jed ; and that in dis- i fr0IU Michigan, Connecticut, Massachusetts, chargo of it we should worship Iliw ainoer- tnj ,w0 from 0bi0( Rloit 'lsooa. std fervttjtl) ; and tho clock striking tie hour impart new life and activity to our town, st the same lime, reminding us that time is fast passing away. j Minutes of the Lutheran Syuod. sin, Vermont, Minnesota, and New Hamp shire. New York lias one, New Hamp shire one, and Pennsylvania two between here and Point of Roeks, where 1,501) dis trict volunteers, a company of United States cavalry and two batteries are also posted. character and trade, or employment ; - eides beyond h: limits of Hie state of North Caro. to be sinned bv the Mavor. countcrsiini- ! I'n. "'at """- ' 'he levy cannot be personal. , i i '', if I I, i .i ly served upon linn, ordered that publication be ed by the Clerk and sealed with the j Jttil ,r ,urpe,;jvi. Wl.cki in (.aro. Corporate Seal of the Town. Alld if inn Wlnj, notifying said defendant to be and p. sin V ficn riiTsoii r olnr In cnrli i Pr at the next lerm ol our aaiJCour to be held ii i ii, i- i -i . i fur the Coun'y aforesaid, at the Court enrollment shall be found without such on conviction before tlie Mayor shall be punished at his discretion by rithcr fine, whipping, imprisonment, or liireing out for a time not exceeding six mouths M .,,.. nftl.e Lutheran Svnod and minis ' .... , ,. ., , I ,(Jl ear Ii ollnce. Alut toreacll ailU " s- rth (,,.;' eouttM, ,UU ,UeQ " W0'a"n' PO...M.;(.v,,.v MR.h t.,irI1(.llt ,n (,.lli(-K,,t(, uriiun, of North Carolina couv ned at (0 do ,0luttlli,)g tj, 9Mmj now, ; ,() ,k, u ,;1X ()f f l0 (11;11. ,J(. Vi:iLiteiB N. Con Uur.d.y May ud ; llho(lt ,aiting f,r tLe ,eriu of ,L, three !,-oif,-u-,n.y the Cleik lor tl.c use of the l"1''- inottba' nun to t xpiru. They do not relish i Treasury of the Town. Wc are highly gratified to bavo it in our Ul8 prr,,,r(t cf fc,0i,lg i10m4 without hav- J H- it further Orduiiml, That no prr- rjv.r to btate that according to t!io anuu- ,Ufc, , lile 0f ietT,0e in the field, and will under any pretence whatever Mia House in I.e-iuir on tlie filli Moaduv after the 4 Lit Muri. Certificate Saiil li te pei SOIl of color shall ( day in Juno m xt, lo show cause if any ho can be deemed fuiillvof a misdcme.-mnr find i why the ju.ii. , judgiuent .ha il not be confirmed , J. . , i ii i due ins land uuideiuiied lor plaiutiD's debt and cot I. Witness, S. I. Du's, Clrrk of our snid Court nt Oflico In Lenoir the titii Monuay alter the 4ta .Moiioa) in March, I f 6 1 . S. P. DULA, c. c. c. June 4, ItM'.l. Printers Fee jli. 115 ai ll.port of the Statistics of the Lutheran j co iccitement to stav beyond the per- ,lin- '" '"' ll('r il;jve' "r s,.:,ve ( i urcb that branch or our t rotestaut . joi cf clli,tni,D if tbeir experience of a I i.i ch seetni to Le ,doI only in a nourish-j,:- condition at present but is daily adding n,i: j meuibtrs by means ef their iuleres- icviva!, e vith tbcui GoJ i A Goou Il-l.LaiRATtON. Wbeu Presidetit under his or her control n or her time, I STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, ME' KLKMiUHO COUNTV. Court of I'lius ami (Quarter Hessiotsl A Term, lfcGl. J. W. M irp'W, Original utliclnnent levy D. A. I ul p. on land. ST appearing to liie sali!'action of the Court, III , I It A I l, In ll... .11.. I in Ik,. ,. soldier's life it still to the cotilincd to tents , ,, .in , i i,,., ,..,,.,1 .', a ,u i ,!,. ., ,1,. , under a penally of fortv dollars lor each,"11 " " the limits oi the swne, is and ditefces.'' ' . . I .. .. if " i . thtrjmt V idmd. bv said Court that publication ; " t-'-O "lct,ce. And on conviction , r IX kUtC,.w,ve -BeeU. in ,he Nurtn cruin, liClore the flavor said Slave or Slave.? 1 Whie a iiew;i ,i.cr printed in the Towu of Char- ill al.-O be hired out to the hichest : io,,e luc said ccfcndanl to be and ap. I t'avisoommsaded the first Mississippi Keci- " i.jddrr -it ttublie out-civ fbr tin- bifinee !'"' "" Ju"' "four Court of Piia. and tr b oiuiii r at puuilc out-ci) lor I tie, U,uan e QairK.r s.-siui.. ai the next Court to be held lor A Cuvi-AN of CApTAlNS. There are ment, says the Aberdeen C'amei vat tve, bis of ihe vcur, and the proceeds of such j aaid couniy ol .Mccklenburif. at the C'ourt-IIouse n iLsnv t..ci.le waatine lo be Captains or iro-pe were tborou-bly diseiplinsd. They hit ting " .hall be lor the benefit of the LU".l""e l,'B j1" Mwd of July ne,., ti u.snj vjM - ""J, 1 1 ' '!' ! then and there to plead answer or demur or juoj. L.cutetiaul ef a Company ere tLey caa con-' isugin i tuo, somewnai sirrniy, inent proconiesso will be takon ajrani.t Ii (iittJ go into the tented Geld, thai e ' 'hst each in an was expe elsd 1 3 de his duty ' tt Jitrtirr Urdannd, 1 hat no ir., tor.i.e a Company of Captains. W hile his troDps re.pect.d and admired g' at huge as a free persm. , . , i: I, : i ... exerciuiL' his or her discretion in the i e iiir.K several rejMiueM can n organ- '-" ' wau. n uiu not cours iora , - . . . . ... 6 , ii i i i. i i i , employment of their time nor shall any ,x,J in the State. N regard will be paid He d.J not uub.ni lo that personal f.mi- c ((j t)im np ,1(1(.lf as a to .luahGesiioa; e don t cue a straw if hsriiy which is too often inconsistent with f,, e p r-on e.vieiviug the like discretion j tney are ignorant of the first word if torn true diguity of charaeter, and which is jM 1 1 t . mjilovment of his or her time ; j u.aiid, s tUal they are " nice' youuj tucu frerpemly fatal iu the discipliue ef a camp nd in ca.-e the owner or person having 1 o: broken ija poltticiins. Nor i.l we And yet, il is said, that when the battle of control of such slave or slaves consent! stand iu ihuir political antecedent, ere we Huena Vista was to be fuu-Lt, and the troops to the same or connive thereat he or she j c,u.m...io lisesss. Vbifs, democrats, tb.ae ' were ranged in order for the confiict, the f,h;lil 1" guilty of a misdemeanor and ... , j .i , i i -i i on cotiVictiou be fined riot ixcecdmgi wLo held out fjr the L nion and those wbo winder ran. aloi:g tbo rauks " here is ,.. ... ., . , , , . " . . , , . ... , . . ii.i Ii l (io,lai's, J roridid however that; 'i d not. shall A be treated abate, accoru-, l'avts ! and ban be appeared hundreds , , ' " anv owner or per .-tin ha:ntr control i:,3' to competency snJ not poalioal lavort of voices exclaiwied, " I here be is, now we ,,f" j.av,-s n);iv pPiUiit Mich "slave or! l. ai. 0 to Us'.eih for po.ilioal re ard are ready." Tbe same feeling cow prevails .vlavcj to l.t ol ke p lioue upon hisor ! iu r.ilitary offiee. aVi9i (A. C.) Ct,runt-' itb regard to tbe civil d-psttments of the u r own lot or land li r I lie purpose of! . . government, upon the nble a Jministration allt l.duig to the bu-iuos ol his t.f her t' can fiul a number of that clans in of which our hbtr'iss esseutialiy dep;hd. owner or p'TM'U having uch slave in i: is towns thau yours, aud we pruposu The people tuut sick tbe uiao. The man elruge. i:. c tbe Ladies, head a oompaay and go mu-t not eourt tho peop e. a l ast's, aad Lieut's and take those feme W:lnes, W. K it.:id Clerk of e.id Court at of. lice the 4t:i .Mnn.:y of April A. L. letl, and in I ii c tolh year ol AnicriPHn Inlrprnnence. W. K. KEID, c. c. c May 21, 1KI. Pnnteis Fee. $6. l!3 "V t.h.i. r tLeir Charge an privates, they luibt lirn rise gradually lo the afcrtsaid ofliccs, n :o,otion I the value ef their services ren aotil on the Ceid of battle ; and then probe fc ) thty in is: h t Lc more successful in aichar- ga g arrows from cuj id s bow. In addition ); lj t.l tuis, we iniht then bavo certaiu places cf risen electa that are now Lrpt open.' word to the wise i! sufficient auv aivki;tisl.ii:ms. I'lllsli)' oli(r A t me' I .i t ol I lie liiar i of Co reasons pat icrelorc ber. J r-t.it, to llni'1,1- on s. iot he jiaid. July 11. Fiit i Pensa' ola A eorresrondent of ll"l"lt'" . .. I Pauers of 'lc .l )t ile Jiffcisrrr, under oato ol 1 cosa ' 3. a. July 2, baa the following : " i.ieu. brsjg yesterday sent a note iu e;.srge cf Assistant Inspector tJeueral J'.JUyLler, with auother officer, under a ""' viate flag, to Col. brown, at Fort Pickens (u, trading 1 -.ey ero met at tbe usual plaoe of laud and making kuoitn their misaion, band 's tho note to the oid colonel, who, with t: ml lir.g hand, adjusted bis speolacles. V a i. ii i n g the superscription ' To Col lirvry iirown, comiaanding at Fori Pick et ' he insultingly returned tbe paper, ar.'l without form or ccretnny left his who, dOs:cJ with bis iuJclcv, rs'urticd it, uuojfiicd, to (ieneral lhtf. U'ljut its contents were is not known, or t st !rat pt -.lioly. Old Brown is very puuc ,.t ti ious, aud Oiust be addressed as 1 Col r' Marvey liren, Coiniuaudin Department rc if Florida. " Tho old fellow puts on a good ' u.iny airs about bis ' department," small s it i. I 1 in " lien Wni. H. T. Walker, the btro of a ,, hundred fields, visited the city to day. j IU looks improved iu health very uucb. IU talks freely with bis friends, and you (in see light in every expression of bis sol-U-r countf nance. He diued with Capts Karj'lall, Lauier and Crump, aud his per- hal friends and brother officers to the old i nets ol ihe lo n ol i luriolle, In 1.1 tins day, present: t'. Iat lU'son, Mor; J-s. II. Carson, S. W. II air, II (J. Sp rigs and S. W. i.,:s. Cum misaioiirrs, the 'ol.o mg Krsolution was puss'-ii unanimously : Krso.rru, by lh It .- r J of Commissioners of ihe 1'uwii ol iiaooltr, Ii. a the louii ( nrK i- hcrtby liirg.( lo On pu i.is'ii u in the se ver a I lira pUee Cie lo.lowiii); .Njtire; hii, ihe At .mlic, '1 1 nnmc i Dlno Itail .so t iiii.pai.y Iks 1 1 . i J Iu ct.ioply i lli luc n rss so Million s upon w l.ien too CorporJli.ni iiFiripliou ol t.0,l(M) ly ihe town was inaiie lo elsp.tal Moca ol that lloae ' uuu for oilier aLtory to tins board ot I oioiiiiio. II persons sre livn-Liy loriwaroeu or aiC'-plmg in pyineiit ol any any ol l ie UD ol llomla bearing d ite Juiy I, Irti I, and issued on the .' Mli day ul No- iiiipiny, as lu.i i;, SU 'H .'I.Li rs the tii.). w. dkwky, Ton n I lerk aud I u .. n I ress'r. ( harlutlc Ft ma! o Inliliilc, liiiriotie. . :. flllK KXI--IU ISKS ol tins Sellout JL will be risuiixu on the Ulh of S oteniber. A l.ill corps ol lnstruc II Ihe hranchts ol b".n employ i liheral lor the ie musical sVnirtmeiil will bo under the di on ol Prof. It. P. Hot. .Miss II llNi. i. lira duals ol Ihe ea.ii iny ol M usir, Slock. 1 he ill parimei.t ot Lrawinr, Painliiii; and in Luiiguagi s uoiier Prol. u II. I Ik IIsas. I r inripit - li nirr lntosel t loi tun.ite in Ii . v t i on d (he xnin ol sueli able and rip, ri d lc.icnirs in the tJinaun iil.il llraucbes. (ytjjNotice. JOHN T. liUTLEU J PRACTICAL fj'w v!r'j5 WATCH aad CLOCK m& maker, . OPPCMTE KERR'S HOTEL, hi aklotti; f. c, (Late with K. VV. EL.ckwith.) line Walchcs Cloeks and Jewelry, of every de. scripti'-n, reo i ired ar.u warrunleti lor 12 months. Orro-. i IG. 1.-G0. 3tltf ' . . ; TO urn CUST0A1EHS. All Ordinance tn ju i n lit the jirunsc oj fi'o. or Vest.,! b,ud,d with halls or shot, WE Wul'LD SAY TO ALL PROMPT U-ithin the liiifts ij'ti. TiilCit if .'((; . it o, dm io d bij the Owi'mifsioners if PAVING CUSTOMERS the Town f Chailotte, '1'hat any per son ' or pel .-., u ho ..hall dUeliarueor cause j THAT WE I'ROroSE CONT1X11NU lo be filed anvGllll or I'l.-Io loaded , witii bailor h..t with,,, the bmits of THE CREDIT Bl'SIMSa, Ihe 1 ou n, .-had luitiit and payihe.-um of l'iv- l)ollar flir each anil every ol h nee to be received in the same m:) li nt r as other lint s imposed by the Coni-mi.-Moni rs ol said T own. Eggs,. Hour, Pe lthers, Hides, Green, . " Dry, Laril, Alulton, Mackerel,. . . Mu'asses, ti. O W.I .Meal Mullcts( Wilmington; Nulla, Northern, " Southern, t aia I'nrk Pcan, I'oUloe., lri.h Sweet li ice,... .. Sujrur,I,uaf, Iirown, rtU'iie.Ware,. Salt, lea Whtul, white, " red Whiskey, Northern dozen ... bbl bB Ib Ib Ib ib lb ...bbl.iW.. ....Kills ' gal ... butliel... ..bbl ....lb Ib. .. buahei..., .... lb ..buaiiel.... ..busliel.... ..buahei.... ..b'ishel.... Ib ,....lb -ffai ..suck ....lb ..busliel .bushel ...14 . J3 ...13 ,..13 ,..18 .. 4 ..lo ..u; ...iuj ...r.i (.,,. ...SUJ Oi, ... uj (o, ...a.-i (-i, ...30 inj ...aj or ...10 (jly ...it) ....67 ...laj (.,, ...1j (.,, ...30 (',, ...IU (o; ,. (,. .. 2i0 e. ...30 ob .... 6 (o, ....la f. Wilminglon, Charloitc and Huthtr ford ilaii IJo:id. V P.STKKN LTVISIO.N. and alter Mommy the 1 Ui instant, iis-errir ai.d .tiail lr.'.i will he run this lioaii dany (Sumla;-! -.aeepiiu; aa lullons (.ojxr; v, i.sT. Onp, I.rs vc. DO A.M. I.FAVE. 1 1 00 A. M. II J3 " il j() ' i 17 P. M. U v order, Acting M islel I.:nco!nton, April 4, 0! Charlolte, 'I uesaMgi r, llievaru, Sharon, LiiiKoluton, t.Ol.Nt.; KAS'P. l.iiirolot.n, Sharon, Urevanf, Tufl-.SM ere. Churloi ir. V. A r of Pi AllRIVK. 7 13 A. M, H 10 t- :n " j no " Ass'vir. II 21 A. M. II I.', !J lo P. M. 1 in illMtor I lion . .11 xi:u si' I'i'isV ot'1 N. Carolina. ...u ii'... Wool, (best Georgia ) washed,. . " " " unwaaheii '"". bale K KM ARKS. Our Market is well supplied produce. ....13 (.l, 14 ,.. 0 (, b ... 14 (, 00 ... 4i0 (,( 00 ...to (..i 75 ....50 10 ....DO tU ....SU is Co .... 5 C" tu .... o (J, b , ..iO o, ib .... ? (I 'i ....100 (;, 00 li IcO ....40 ''0 ...H to no ...15 no ...10 (o, 17. ...10 s '"J ,...30U t Oil ti, 100 ...110 (o 00 ...90 (, W i ..50 (j, 5.5 ..(0 (o 70 ...r. (, -if .M (; as lud (a, 00 ', tli a 1 kinds of Plated Ware, jH. Nolli. ttllMVr nippi sea brini! in.i l. v.. nri tin eh.ru ei, il c..l .a,. all Ins ii, tu l. -s sr. n tri ts tin In to I i . Walt hen i.lid t 1 , rectivo my p, rs..i.i i;. v.. HK'.'Kwmi. Oct:U CiK Dr. E. ii. Aiidrcus yiCI.H inform C.e p i .. CxrrrrT?.M.e. l'K.N'l l.-'l I; V, CO LI' MI) I A M A li K KT. CoLfMsiA, June 23, I8b'l. COTTON. The aales this week hava reacbsd only 20 bales, prices nominal. BACON, hog round (lill.V, PKAS OATS PLOl'K 12 01 ...105 (.(, . $110 (u, . . m a, 13 no t-5 4) CI'ARLKSVUN MARKET. rHaiii.asToN June t), l&Gl. COTTON. The market has been at a Hand tins week. We tin ve no salts to report in utmr I plaiiu or Long Cotton. i I sVAbV K7 aiss WsasVaJ i ! 11 1'Ui IlUB 1. ui..V(l II." praelir inav be f umi at hi.- (Til !..ini. lie m prepariu inscit Art.li-i:. I 'iY.-lii liuie., Mlver. Vui.-anite or I I: .-in. , .... putieP'a mnv i:t.re ; ami fin iVeln v:-ii ( 'l lll, Amslgalil or U,. Artificial. lie li prrpa to per h. riu ai.y i.pi r..l ions be I. ncirir t ' 1' i ti.-i ai.d need not say loat he will 1 e ..easui to w upon any of Ins mC iruno.i, or lit w oi.-.o cm you in a v tike that for jr..h:ei;, Feb. o", Ir-tl. 45 If iSotice. ALL persons n.ili . lid i.y r.- tr or lurk count to tlie Kt..te l l..e I.. to 'I noinas li.. lion are rcquei-IciJ In ci me InsuIiI ..:u t I tlie same as mni.lyii.r.c fan'.. it t; ;ii. :i unu persons hiiving ci.unih i.y.iint s i... 'i'h'-ni,is HoltKll' Ksl.lle V I I .. 1,1 III. ;, ,,ie V. I , ! 1 1 time prisrnheil i..v ir tins in l.Lc i,i l. pl in bar ol tin ir n . r v. E. NVK. in iri'iN.-iiX, r.ytr. n) '1 liUj. J. liUi. I S. t'rl'run y 5, let' i . !." J. IN. IlL'XIKll. COjl.Ml.SlO.N .MLIH IIANT AM) llcneral C'o!iieiiii: CHARLOTTE, 5. C. A Reliable House for Pure A 1.1. pro iiire 111,1 l rceriv li..,:,rj. L li..ir, ttl. o: (.(Ml)' it u. f i t,i v ii.a.' I o 1 1 1 1 1 . i ; t 1 1 I ) iv 1 1 ) i ; m. lliailutti' iiimI Vsiilli Carolinti ICiiiltoad o. COl t MHI A, S. C, Jc.M OC, I8C1. rfMllK I'll! KCTORS of tins Company have de. JL el. red a DIV1DKND of So per share, tu be p j nl on the firs t usy ..I July next. Payment will be mior to StncKuoluers in North Carolina anil Kistiru ork, S. C, by the Agent at Charlotte. Chester Muckholders will be paid al tho itlice of the Agent at Chester. Those in F airfield by the Agent at Winnahwro. Charles ,,n St..ekl'iiiiiers .it the Rank ol Hie Sute ol South Carolina. Arm a,l others al this oilier. V. HOl'KNI'i.IT, Secretary and Treasurer. July 2, I -CI. I3.1in Ami, lo n;ille u lo lo ao, WE 311' ST tlAYEA CASH SETTLEMENT iia Hi 11. 1 1 rw ve not !t . Ill J. ess 3)3uG, tiC, Out of Bebll Out cf Langer. CHOICE ASD ELEGANT VEll-1UME1UES. Huir. Xnil and Tooth JJrusIics of the Finest Quality. qu..te.i to I Al I. AT i or n i ve tor ir iictea. as p lust jr.-l's- I - Mil uieor.-ir. I 1 1.- I . MOKK t. an t have : Ch.:r:otte, M.. 1-Ul T TL .V Ci. I'll I on CLAIMS. This bfcuiiitj necessary, as we cannot NOW p irchnse without the money. Should we hereafter have to. AW'l'T THE CASH SYSTEM, our cntiiicT m:iy Know their Y A N 1 OF PROMPTNESS . As! rout 1 1 i ro no so. FISHER RURROVGHS. 13. 1-01. il Mi T i:)U i:voim ii Female Seniiiiary, (ilfHKNSHOKOl'ClI. N. C 1 1 1 1 S I nsl itutinn hat hi ru in sucrrs-ful opr. I lion lor twenty one years, and lor the lad 1 , n1 T 0 r-, ler its .tisriil Principal. 4 1 H r t. li ft ii tt I i S 1 . OUADUA1E OF THE PALTIMORK PEN'TAL rilEEItVE V0UH TEETH. A. V. ALi:XAM)KK, I Tin and Japanned Ware, For Medical Purposes. OILS, Faints, FallUEB. A large Till Plate, li.ihu.l me AVtll i'S, lUc lar,;efl Slecii, ol all J'A VI.' Itanium t, Slut' and Win i C..u.--if f,( Mn At Tav inr's TOl' can lin.l ti'e l.i i e,n ass,,rt sx.rtm. nt ; lil Uii.ek Zinc, K EUOSKXE. KEROSENE LA IMPS. April 2 1 tl" Ui l ! n Am i it !. 300,000 Select Fruit Tree: Y lliahca. LU.A ' ami An lery, (Suns i ASS, of all i i. 9 ami iji. Putt v ti. P,i Wi.'tini N WAU TAYl.i'.R'S iiiijileiiieiits nsv rth sniim or 2n srm. f'IN. IHAO(l RtitUEbTaU TO Leavi A torrcspotideiit from I'ensaeola, uuJcr date of June 20, sajs : " Il is reported ai tie narj jard )so 1 ,;" itiformetl j OLe of our men wbo bas laturoed to camp) that Iirown, com "ismlar of Fort I'ickeus, has scot message 10 General ISregg, to tbe elfcot tbat be ' Rrow ti) would givo him (Urag) tea days ooLaider tLc evseuatieu of Mcttca, ''caa and tbe uarj jarsl. Whetber Gen ,ri Kragg replied to it or Dot be did not certain. M impression i, tbat jour Bfl accounts from bere itill give ibo result ' r one of tbe greatest battles that was cf er V'1 on tho Aineriean eontineut be next ten dajs terniitiate our exiilenoe we cun neor die iu a belter or no "'r esue." 'I he Course ol Instrurtioii ii. oeiened to afford to South! rn Parents an InMrui i-n in which can be secured every advantage ar! riled by the v best pemiile Srininaries in tin- e..uiitrv. I Thr Kaeuity eonsists of FIVE limt'.rmcn and I'l'l It l.i.uis. The liiMiluliHii is. and has been Hoard ami Tuition, iueludine e jr T cipensei ; XI IOKOI li HI.Y SOL' I IIF.Ii.N in us nrgnni- i I AL oi a in ihe j ; Tuilion lor day fi-lioiars $U, fib ami Jle1. mtion. will be al bis rllie l l , r.i ,l,., nii.iir.i i i;r, .-nshoriineh is rmirirnlU lirsill v nn in il.e i tinir Irnlillhe lli'l M pirsrnt eiriteil slste ol Ihe country, us j; n .g r o .h i - 1 will appropriate toe csl position rendris it a quiet and safe n Inat , persons uesiring The nest Session wnl commence August lst,lliO will oblige hi IM,1. fun at l hatloue. N l or Catalogues rontuining full particulars of terms, Ac., apply tn RICHARD STERLING, Principal. Grcenaburough, N (. June 2;., 1 SGI. liy ift?'?. A Slate. COLLEUK. Rev. R. RUKWELL. Charlotte, July 3, Isbl. t-12 S DISSOLUTION the f rl 1 II I. Copartner sin I) lirrelofore mating umli r M. the name ol Al.KX A M Klt A. Mi-HOC. I. A I.I,, is this Oiy ilissuived by uiulual consent ll. nrv Alriniiler is alone autlmrned lo seltl Ihimii. ss ol the file firm. 1IKNKY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM McDOl'G ALL. June 'J7, 1HCI If. Hoticc. Tne business of Ihe KOLMHIV and MA t IIIMI SHOP will be coiidurled as usual by tho suiiserihir. lie r.quests a eontiouaiico of Ilia pa. I Ton are heretolnrr . xliiuuil. HKNHV ALEXANDER. Junea7, IPGI-tf. T THRKASUIIEH S OFFICE, ( Atluutic, Tcun. & Ohio 11. E. S ClIAKl.OITi;, N.C., June 3rd, IS61. HIE F'Ol'K'l ll Inslal'mrnt of Cnpitsl Stock in the A. I. . K. li. t o., snbsrnbe.i '1'i w n of Statesvnle, is duo oil the 01 h of July in it. The Sixth Insliillmei t of the Slock subscribed at Mount Monroe, 1 rnlell County, ai d Hie Sev enth Installment ol all Stock subscribed in Meck lenburg County, is due and payable on lh lst July. nrxl. li Ihe St iclilioMers desire the work lo continue roit mm:. citizens of the Snutherr uwaru that Ihe people m the Northern and N.irlhwipU rn St.i'cs ere making Iruitoneel tueir lrJinr f trane, and that in a climate and soil I talent very un prop;liou s f.r Iroit cul- tesl in. proved sty its, and iure 7 1 hen w hj should not the citizens of lie weeks ill rath li.enlli ca- Sjjuthrrn States make Fruit, dried anil green, one -ay (of the iiiuntli) and 1 -ille,r leaning staples. Fruits grown under our Southern sun are noled lor their s.zc, Hue Itav.ir, and bcaulilnl color. The above statements are fully sustained by premiums l..ken ovir INorlhirn Fruits, nun the great amount of grcm and urn J fruit sent .North and Northwest by the Southern Stales during the last few years. Then if the above statements a-.e fully sustained, and tl it is no sin, according to the liihle, to make money by raising Fruit, then fi ml forward your orders aim cash to West brook and Meniicnhall and tiny will furnish yoi w ith good marketing orchards. WESTHROUK & MENDENH ALL. Greensboro", No. ItCU. 33 if. s Fi i.r.Y riii PAiiFi) tu no all df:n. u rt uitfinuer ut bis lime ooue al their r'.auleticcs. verv much I.y addressing 1J ALL WOUIv W AliltAN I LU. mli tr, npuosiie kcrr's Hotel, Uiuivn's building, up alairs. April 16. 1861. 3tf Charlotte UKUii btore k. we in.; 1 C IIISOX CO. BK'PAIL I'eaitrs in Foreign and iKmieslic Jala, l'rugs, Meiiieints, Chemicals, Perluiiicry, Fancy Articles, Oils, Paints, Variiishes, Window Class, Putty, Uyc Stulis, Turpentine, burning Fluid, Alcuuol, Vu:e Liquors, Canton lea's, Field and Garden seeds, AiC. iVc. Having closed our Hooks intend hereafter to ie,l for casn. Blacksmith Tools Anv urn! Puitlr 1 Aotice. IIF. TAX LIS I', fir the year 160, is now , li,.--c aiid f n..r- The Magistrates of Mecklenburg County are ihey M I S I he more prompt in iheir p.. t in( nts. Should n qiir.leJ lo meet al the 1'ourt House iu t uarlolle 1 , , no idle lala. I lie I r. isnrer must Have on Tuesday ol lounty lourl lor mu purpose ui ,-vi i.tir.i . iu- e-. "iwoiv.-, nt.. nuking an a piropr la Imn lor thn reliet of lists I Juno 4 IU7t lirimiea ol the Volunteer's. I iJ'l'he I rnlell K.tprcss will copy ulllhetst Ju'y 3ih, lft:i. cf Ju'v. my lianes, ready lor uispec'ioii. All persons sre requested to inlorm me ot any taxaDies which may be listed. Ail TAX PAVt.KS are re quested U prepare themselves lo meet their TAXLS promptly. V V. GRIER, Sheriff. April 16. IsStfl. :ilf Gff$Ulv .mm 4sWasasa3l Farriers' Knives, Scri w -o..ites and dies, Iflaeksniilh's Pinchers ami T.ng pers and Flies of every kind, cut horse sli Clinch N'.uls, Borai, Iron of all siz. s, b-.th lliein aim country nianufaeturt , cat, plow, Mis. ler and spring Steel 4c., lor sale very cheap at 1 A I LCU , Cpponitt tUf M'insi'.ui H:igr. I l l'LOW'S CF'LP.Pt! ATF)l S PI F' Sl-'AL LJINU CNS, of all the distent sire,. at TAYLORS U irduarr fnr, ;; r-t-.'t I H-iifii a Anfiiliiiral tF ALL MM'S. l.i I !,A t uu. rs Cer.-i S,n St,.. N 1 rS. I. iv.. II,., s. So v.. a ' '--A "'! -"V':..il; I ii.iia.-, , . i,ii I Isi I.' c t i.-.i .-, Prni, i-i' : i.d Hedge Micas, Prauuij ai.o 1mh:..:i i; ki .n.-. l...r .:en Urn s and w..n t .i''.s ; l..r....i s. ; i. die; grain, jum t.i.t. i.r.er . t .. .-, P.isli ,,.. k.-. War,.,, le.ii, ; . ;.. w w . re, 1. el, ... c-U. owns and l.df.si. il.. 'si .ers, -li p .1..- ,.i. ... i- li. . l-..uioroi. ;iii t rJ ' ( ... it ; 1. t and lirs Pri-sirv.ng k. til.-s --..i.p Si.-...rs. .Ve.. TAYLOR'S I H-ndira,t Ih ,., I. ; .fe ; '. .Ifr rar. (f Notice. fStllKr ;i n, el l.('i.M. I O.ini.i.l J P P 1 1H...M: l..v... ...... .-..g...., f. ... Mr collection. ti...e i. .. oi.,. I.. . i. ui lli;.t.,r, re. qu. -i.d to in .i.c M. I I l l.'.l l.M' ..t i: llAUl.y i I'.vV. Hi M uio. i ;;m n. . , l,.,.i-is. i M..v 7. ltU ('-:;t I ... r ia.. j ' oiler , J BlKi'M an i",. .1, r i i Ut,:, i...' s-.ti.-y mi:, ! customers .in.i li. res' . ' in i,.t ... f. r . l CAM. l.nll. .... art i-. :. .-.I i oe Ml- .e s l!, I , , . l '. h :, .. A ' ,:.-.. .coiiMii- lor n. .,( ...1 r i:.e .u ...il.- . i . .ill nioi-ev. to.: ,.ie.i-e , t. ,1,, ... I ii. -I. ,i , ! f ' i; ir ,.r..ei.. i l.llli.s Mr- . ' li .-. .!. . ' lo '...I a s.s.gU- ...I..-1. ;, , : t ..: I 1 IAV