A HASKirr OF CHIPS Th Height of Impltk?(cb. A young park who boarded at ono of t be principal Sr.n Francireo hotels, managed for a long time, by cDe artifice or another, to postpone tho payment of Lis bill. At last the land lord tecaine quite impatient, and stepped Dp to the juvenile boarder, si apped hini fentljr on the shoulder, and asked h'ui for (oiiie ruocej " I baeo not a red cent a Lout roe at present," was the lacouo reply. " But, my dear sir,'' siad the landlord, " I cannot afford to keep a board log house with oat being paid." " Well,'" f xelainica our young philosopher, " if you cannot afford it, tell out to orae ono that eaa !'' If yeur parse deo3 not a'low yea to buy books, read men, study woiutu, and take lessons from children without niusi ol iDftrunietits, you may play upon the peo pleif jou are lame, jou may still run for Congress without tetth, you can backbite your neighbors althoogh totally blind, ycu can pcrLaji fee as far into a tiiilistorjs as other people although as deaf as a post, tou 'will probably know as much of last fjrday's sermon a week hence, as the rest j cf the eon-regatioD. If you would make a friend of a man, don't ta.k, but listen. By aot replying to . him, yea sr-ctii to say that he is ucaoswera- j He. Correcting a person's errors may add : to another lean's vidou, bu; it den't f eak n.ueh f;r jcurs. We once icae an enemy ; cf an c!d friend by juil tellicg him that weathercocks couldn't crow. A gentleman paid his attention to a li.'y, who was iceiined ia faror cf a Mr. IVilter; her partiality being very evident, tLe farmer took eccasiou to ask, in a room 1 j II of company "Pray, Mi??, how far Lara ycu got in your Pia.ter V The lady archly replied, " As far as ' U'.taed is the lLiau 1' ' A Modern Farmer's Win. A jcang la-ij, recectij married to a farmer, olb daj visited the csw loa-ee, wLeu she tt.ua ititer rotated Lor mrktuaM : " B the Dje, Mary, wLicb of t'uess cows is it mat gires tha LutteriLiik !'' Tke igooraLec cf jouts ladies troubt up to thaaib 'iaoos, read love-sick novels, aiil eutertaia joung gent!eaeu it'u mous tae'nas, is aitouishiug. The other day oue of tiia class threw the naiik iuecded for lei out of tba wibdox, because it Lai a jeU Ion icum on tLa tcp. Tnt JIodel Hit2AD Mr. Sajitli Las eotnpaDj to disner, au 1 there are not t trawlerriet ecou.'h, aLd the looks at Mr. Sn.ith with a sweet ui and effv-rs to help Litu. (at the same tiu-e iiicLaa' him c'i.'y i:ii her aiiffer ut.dt-r the table.) he al ways replies, " No, I thank jcu, id j dear, ti.ej fi-.u't aree with tLe." If joa get ia a passion, always go koaie and give jour uifu atid fariii'.j the leceSt cf it i'jrichic jour hit is a giod outlet for iu-ituatioa, t.u: '.i doa't isia with lickiLg ta children, or upetiia$ tL kiuhen fan.i tir. Trv it en. A PelI' iota Duzr.vE-i Thisls the feel io that ";$ Fatitadilr.' aj sbo tiper ea ced the Crst t':.ne ale st3 J apa a precipice, atid loaned over the dark blue sleeve vtLi-'U iJ.i'ji '.o a iilitarj coit. Abmv Jke b o siid his " rce;i " jc-tcrdaj, by te liuz t'tiem that ") r via? Lai.y wojuJ d.'' " Hiw, ho; ' they a.i ei?l.u;'H. " lij au acsidcbtal discharge of Lis d aty, " he replied. rV Ad l:Ub jT;rr,al sav : " The fjl kit.n' bill a-( prcsetiU'i by afanier to a jj'Ltlciuiti ir, this town : ' To cum joar p (lh:il died, .'-1 ll.' '' r Nelly, whto we were-lltt'e tits jlivitig to;-e:h'jr, threw Jon'i br co.i in a I njiii.'. "Id ii't r.a:.i a r a baby ; I d :a'.in;r Lave a meat bihy." A f.-.v 'i;ys a2, a L Ir i ' r d 1 s -vv..-r.s iu aa app.e tr- svt Stjrrp, made rv:u tarsJ lad.-.s ' e.lla.'a, h.fij Lad Le-.a lu i f.'vUa au fcJj v.a.ti fcsd'i Cv iiit.i ,t,le:(.r ate tike lci that leap over t 1 a w-io'f -p-A jari., tj J ht uj.oa L.i Js.t s O IJ . ,1 lua,: te.ati. Cut vt L -.'.y QNNL'KDiiUM!) At t.a; a.-e -io tnoit ftxalcs itata I.,,,' Ac, -At' tr.-i ag,. 'i"J V i. j is a fraet.v ai ci like a er It ii t'jwc iu New lorn: Aai. Jl-.-cau". a !.e .1 K:cti . .' i.'j'.i. T" Wl'.y ii a eLisktu fi r t La'cLe 111;': t e fre u. an c( a ve-f:i ? An Il u frar 1 ' ( tw a- .it, :.at;u. ; T WVit k- y ' t Ais A !'.. 1 , -t t- tjrfi I, '- " w i . a ! (' i FALL OPENING. Nev Store, iew Goods! AT Loowc nstein & Jro. F.AIiL V opposite the Court House, where tliey X have n ralcneivc stuck of DRY GOODS. C L O Till X G, It O T , ! IS O I N T N , AND mid a Urge variety of DO 31 IS STIC GOODS AND i HOC i-. It I II S . Persons will i!o weli to give us a call be fur e pur chasing else v. here, LOEWENSTEIN & BRO. CclnlicT 9. 3 SCO. 29tf MERCIIilNT TAILORING ITI.I.IGS fri'KIXf.S A. CO. " f AVE aiau added to their Ready-made I'lotli. it cL " St..ck, a .Merchant Tailoring Depart, limit, to which t: ey cull the especial altentioii of their ma iv r li nes ii n il customers. T:u y intend m iking this department secend to none in the St. tie, cither in style and ijuality of Hum;.', ur in the manufacture of Garments. At n.l linn will he tctit.d a good stock of Black ii o t'olo! eu t Mollis, K.n j; !h, French and American l'js:::,crc, and a var.ityol Vesting. Also, an assortment of Ti.ey feci conf:i:i nt of their ability to undersell any oinir houe in t lie Slate, Irom the advantages Hit y have in getting locir goods. Tneir g,ot'.s are li.i.icl.t hy ti:r quantity, by one t t c F.rni vt ho resicra in tiic Northern market, whicli gitrshiin the opportunity of Tiding advan tage of the prices ot goods, thereby Bating at 23. Twenty-live Ter CenteJS To tue consumer. aCj'Piniia saved arc Dollar mace So try us. E. FULLING 3, J.NO. M. SPK1NGS, Stf.timler '-j, I SCO. 27tf CHEAT SACI.IFICES OF i f t i J 1st n kc i: iv HI) FK0 3I Elf GOODfim & EIGEXBUl'X, TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE mi ti.e citizeiia of Char iu.1 j country llmt we Lit: iireparctJ It) uli'tf i It i; .1 T 1 Dl'l'L.TlLna IS ZZ ZJLi CD LZJI . m Ji. a'.. WtfNw ai UJI V GOODS, Hals. ( tips. Hoots, Sliois, Vc. AST 4 I.ARCt Af3i.RTMK.NT OW .l. J LI..1L"S lllt.MMil.M; (.OU1JS. ALsO, A Urge Eti c 's of ind Uei.tlcrneti't SHAWLS AM) CLOAKS, Xi" t'.east: c.iu uii.j txuiuiuc uur (JuXt hfors (juuDM AN i EIGENBRUN. O, t' lrr a. 11.0. asif J hi: f.iu; a v tlOTHLXG E.MP01UQ1. l:Li.LINGS, MrilLNGS CO, LtALtKS IN ALL KIMJ8 CP r.Li.-.Di a.L-iDh ILUlhLMji 11 UMSIII.VC; GOODS, jgKJTj J ai, taps, 1 ruiiks, t& j V.Vn ni.HlV(. j I nMiii, sjn-ingx tV t o. OL'I.U rail the e.-;c i:ii attertt.on of their tT. iit;a uhd i'dtroit4 Vj tncir N11U MOLK OF CLOTH IX CJ. t' .,.!.iig. Ti.ty tt.ma t..y can oif.r greater iin.ueiii.ei.i. to ouytra l. au ti.ij i,at mr nunc, ti.e.r j'fi-i teing icught it retiuceii rates und at such pr.Mi aa l..ey lte -.':,uuvLt no House in tr.e tf.u'.-':-li CMiJUC.e W.tli. '1 ii' y :e tk.-ir.g Viry i.', e M ITS : in i-i t- -'j. A.i iiiaM.-.r of ( A.-.-JMLhL J, t A-IMKRK,SILK, .MA I Al.A.K A Nil 1.I.V i,T Vh.-KS, OV hli t OA'I'b, : '.il i.', t oe Mif. j.,..i m tyie i.uu ii. i . -, i .i 4 ,n j l" in in ir. .j t t'ir:0 uncer the ccittunt 'j-,erv.s.o:. .l one ot .. . tirm. i L'LLI.NOC, iCO. (emir jeito. a. v. Aiai;x vMjj:ii, S t II U i. O . i i . T I T, tlie citi c if eouii I ir.'rguian utn Kein ,!u: . u.N. .l.r, ,.,a,.. r. Ar. -r..,i on ',.. ver i.iate.al.J v .1. e . ,i 1 4. i re. I Ins styie oi l" "e-""it..,(n irrital.i.1. ;.o a or a ,t ,.a.,o ce.oe,. ll is u,.p..a..,to..,orU.u. 'lite .,;..nl lor tut American Hard li.r... Ki,ar A jIK h'ta lii-ii 1 1 ". . . ,: ,. ti .n II. e ..-, :ri i- ir-.in a n v Itv.i.g seiiiisi Willi ol- i I tie f-ir.tnaec olliie House is large and in-a.-ore l.ate. sd ,uu,s lor creas,,,. Krom its ee- tr.l (tositmn. i e.tah. ...c Aar-lu an., .tt.terial. tisi.e.1 e .. r .... t. r c,n.,l ,t f.,1 ,.( siiee... , if uta. .iio-.lion. in toesrlou mod. oerly eoniiuete I. An, u.,er informal, or in de. Art !ii..i If i. Ir , ng busireks jier. -I 1 ueaa. a!lf ti'MT. II. t.HW t. ii i I..". I.l: Ai. ' li VMii-.-l'i's .VII.lt MA NT 'A ii a.vir , (.'. Ivii.o.il.i.ii.u U,, el. 3It II III l :ii Ac C O., uiALaat in COT ON and all KINDS of PRODUCE, TKADE STKDET, CHARLOTTE, A. C. HCTAII order attended to with despatch. April ll, istiU. 4tf WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGI Of PROPRUTOR8.) IJROAD SI III! IT N 1.W1IERN, W. C, JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. fHXtlE Undersigned rei-pectfully announce to JL the travelling public, that he ha taken charge of thi old and popular establishment, and it. now prepared to accoiiiinodale traveler and pri vate femilie with board by the day or month, on the nioul accommodating Irrm. ilia TABLE will alway be furnihed with the best provision that home and foreigu market can J aflord. I The VlixliiNSloil Ilol! ha large J rooms, ia nearer the depot, the court-house, and I the business street than any ether in the city. An OnmidiiJ will always he at the depot und landing, on the arrival of the cars and steamboat, to convey pascngrr to the Hotel free of charge. By sli pping at this Hotel, passengers will have ample time to obtain meals. Having also a large and commodious Stable, inii an excellent Onller, he is luliy prepared to board lrses by the day, week or inunlh at the most reasonable rates. JOHN. F. JONES March 1. 1859. 51lf t'li.'irloilc Tin lua I Fire Insur ance Company tIlS COMPANY continues to take risk a- VJk gamtl loss uy nre, on nouses, uooos, rro aucc, Jlc, at usual rates. Jj" Olliee at tiie 1,'rug Store of E. Nye Hutchi son 6l Co. OFriCBS. A. C. STEELE, President. C. OVERMAN, lice- President. E.NYE HUTCHISON, 6c'y.J Trea'r DIRECTORS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. R. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN. F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scare and S. T. WuiSTON, Executive Committee. April 26, 1So9. 7tf JLUSIOIMIIIITEL, IN i f BflE subscriber takes plcsrure in announcing 1 JL to his friends, snd the public generally, that i he has taken tins long eslaoltshrC and well known Hotel, snd has made every possible urrpanlion to seconunodste the buainers, travelling and visiting portions of th public, in the most satniactoiy manner. Particular attention is paid to his TAELB, and every comfort is provided in bis noojis. ! Mis STABLES are abundantly sup, lied snd at- ; tended by careful ostlers; and to ail departments ' the priprirlor purs Ins prrsonal attention. i I A coniWubieOMNIBt'S runs regularly to the ' depot on the arrival of the cars With these efl'urts to please, a libera! share ofi , he public patron ge is confidently solicited. W.M. ROWZEK. I Xvttmbtr 15, 183. 36if i J, S PHILLIPS j IMEilH.M.YT llilMKy I HAVING located in t'niirioll"-, respectful- j Iv elicits a share of public , ,alron.ge. I A complets assortment! of t'lothk, Cassimeres aixi Vea tings always on ha no. vthicn wili be made to or. d--r at the simrtcst notice, sfterths latfat fasniou Snop three amir Suuth of the .Mansion House. tiUtf .Ve.rm6r W7, leja. JOHN S. WILEY. JUllil " lljlJ 1 ) iM.rj(U'r. mroRTra, or r s v n ii n inn .M.,r.,.. obacco, Enuff, Hatctfes, Paper, kc, CSaSSOSIS. 5, G JILRSUIU)! l il ts, it., tuuianl!yon i biintl. January J, 1 ;(,'). 42tf Z. IJ. JOHN, itnertil Collecting tlgtut, Ishiilu'A-n, Terry County, Alabama, T I I.L iltenn promptly to the collection of all T w Cn.iits puetd in his hands. K.tale Claimii locked after, Land Claims ferre t, tea out, una abMCijnoing Oebtora j.toked at rea. TKXAs CLAIMS. Ii (ieclii.n inane in Tea is, ss heretofore, tnroufii my aitotnejs m tnat. State, fromptness liny n mfrly !( jjf :(J(U on. t'niru -rij ut, lehU. j-ly WJIKAT WAN'I'KI). a U H K plan ting eonirnuiiity will take notice that JL. tneir Wheal Crop will be purchsai d a t the I :uarl"tte Steam Flouring Mill, at market priers. Those having Wheat for alc may find it to their diant i,-e to call at the HiU nrt'ure nh.a.nf a sale. JOHN WILKKft x CO. July J, V ALTON IIOL'SL- 4 Till. I.l; ; uV '1 1 1 IJ lKI- , f I'r, j.r.etor will terminate on tne iil.tt. .,i .VI, y .,!. t . aubscr.ber. ! rem. lor . tern, gi,e suet, r- f rer.rrs, r,na tMt, need a:,,,l.,) ,. aril) sati.ly tne ,, ,t w.il be ao kV,,t a. ,,0 cetraet from tSe ,c,.ttU,!on winch ,u, lams a. a f,t elass Ilte. lail will be given hy addressing. 1 . i. k W. M. WALTON'. Mori; anion, N. 1 I -il. U46-M T. rhtoii, , satJAM KAI II III l.. r . .. ...,..i . i . . ' " "',.'." I;,,,,,,,,., i,u, , ,,'.',,'. w.nj'ol BprinV. Corn-, ilui.ttn.g. Jot, .VorK.sue ..,.;, an.-rlt ,;ln, Utjtieriiig, 4c. rjnrn j. v 1 II CQUHI&G-HOUSE AIHAKAG 1801. a H 25 H ? " St JANUARY 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 "' 0 7 8 6 0 15 16 22 23 29 30 13 14 20 21 27 28 FEBRUARY 3 4 10 II 17 is 24 25 5 6 12 13 11) 20 20 27 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 MARCH. 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 3 4 10 11 17 13 24 25 31 .. 1 7 9 14 15 21 22 29 29 APRIL.... 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 10 17 19 19 20 23 24 25 20 27 30 MAY - 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 13 19 20 20 27 2 3 0 10 10 17 23 24 3) . 1 7 8 14 15 21 'il 29 29 4 5 11 12 15 IU 25 20 1 2 8 9 15 10 22 23 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 19 iZ 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 4 5 0 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 IS 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 23 2y 2 3 4 5 0 JUNE JULY.. 9 10 11 12 13 10 17 IS 19 2(1 23 24 25 20 27 30 21 j 1 2 3; 0 7 8 9 10! 13 14 15 10 17 20 21 22 23 24 : 27 28 29 30 j 3 4 5 0 7 io ii 12 13 M ; 17 13 19 20 21 j 24 25 20 27 23 i AUGUST., SEPTEMBER ... 29 3J j ,. 1 2 3 4 51 OCTOBER 8 7 13 14 20 21 27 2S 3 4 10 11 17 1 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 IS 19 22 23 21 25 20 29 30 31 13 5 6 7 -j 9 12 13 14 15 Hi 19 20 21 22 23 20 27 23 29 30 3 4 5 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 21 5 20 27 2-J 21 NOVEMBER. DECEMBER 24 .. 1 9 15 10 22 23 29 3J n i. n i ' ' W V T. ii'ci ibrr lias received a I irjje and van. : JL d avKurtintnt of x j j j i O "" " ' " i I"' Sprii.g and .Suinmar, lnrh f..r elie,inps an.! j i alnesi,car.not be urpai d.coi.mln.g in part ol , i;:ick a i.d c .:.,r, d t urnis, ! n-.-ta; rA.-iMKuK, ! French Urab V KI l. IMdin Ul.ick am) K-gnrei S.ik VK.TlNf; j fancy I..nen L1(1L.S, '.l,,, l.ui,i. a.i... -...d. , !i,.(H,M, J. S. PHILLIPS. j In returning e,y ih-mkj to the Citiz. ns of t'har I lolie, lor tiie vei k Ml a no literal p ttron ii Ii,i y ' Lave bt'ied on me, I ou!i'. rupieel a e.i.tuni. i ai.ee of ii. e same. With toe a.ur nue th .t ail nr. tier f n'rualeii to ine w ni be neat y a.,d t . .i; ! . j jtaerutt-rl. J.S.I', April . leilC 4tf ClIAItl.OiJi; JIOTKL BKa JB4sx MCBK llta Mi. 1(1.') l l I:, . c . s rgi'lKTroprictoroftius lloklis J"&ttiK "'" '" l",M '" fiiiitd I'1' theoutiesof ' mine hoal" tolne mil i irjVLliine nublic sml otlien who ay call on liih-i.arir lie llatlers himsrll that aa itortahii iu .rti n tie touml with him i (hei lie; 1 1 u .1 1 ly in the centre oi ( '.i.ir:..t!e, Ii,JBines .Men will fiml thuliotil a most convenient and umirablc location. He iiai. hien engaged in the huinr nt this si.irni nearly eigiitei u years, snd in that tune lie has made several additions to ma tormi r house, and it lias been ret,y ei.i-ri'ed and mi. proved, pri. i,i, i,z ,H (f,m( H cwoelory VTMlAMiA 100 teet in iei gi,, y -i ft- -1 in width, handsomely hailed hy tnn i,n ir,e . ide. ! k , n M'ording s plea. .int proinenae.e at all hours ol ti.e i)ay. The Mouse ha. heerunoro.ig h ly furnished thro', nut, and in every part of it err u.jre comloru an i( "vi T 1 '';K'M"' "i-.ally ,n tne DIMM, , ',M' "'''r': "": """' "'""' " "ruW "7 tJ " 'l ,,"M" """ iimiaMiy l,irn.sn.,i will. f ""' l,r',v' aliunde-; by la.lt.tul ami ... "".f'"1'. " V' , , r, , "' ' r"l'"ctor feels ci.fi,,', t tha t with Inn !mii liinciaiit m! t,iiigih!e.e:.e( .allv in the IU M M eipenenee ami many n. w anvaniagi s .j.pr I,, hi ilesire to (.lease, he ia prepared to olfer Ins trii nils and tlie "r.atol mansinn," many comlorts nnil as i, mill cheer as will i,e found anywh.re, ierha.s a lilile m.,re an. ilJ'Atany r ile ur the Charlotte Motel. n. k Kim i:. w. liix'Kwnn HIS CONSraNTI.f oi uitu ,r thi ssst rsui.i.H ami isriieia stsinrTi in Call snd rmmirie Ins stork beore purthasini; P. SAUJIS, Airliitri t mid lluildrr, m; ILL furnish Designs, Plans and Drawing Y V fur Public Iluildings, Private Kesidcnces and Villas. Particular attention will be paid to building Flouring Mills, Corn Mills, 4c, Orrict iu 3d siory of Alexauder's liuilding, front room, over China Hall. te(ooer6. 168 33tf 3 Keiiioval. " Y Friends and Customers arc respectfully If B. informec that I hsve removed my I'm Shop In .Springs' liiick Muilcing, 3d door from ti.e cor. iier, on Try on street, where he will be pleased to see tlicm. S. T. WRISTON. January 31, IP60. 43tf AyersSarsaparilla A cTiipDitn 1 ivnn .lv, in whiih we have la h.i, :J t.i irn in, : the most elfft'tual alterative th t: eun h m i li'. It is a eotirentintt d extract i f 1'iun S.irapanlla, so combined with othet mli.'.i'.Kvi nf still greater ultorative power ai to arturd mi ell etjve nututote tor tlie tliNvuse . S.i.'Mi;arilU i' rep'i'ed to cure. It is believed ' that s:t li a remedy is wanted by those who suli i Irjai Strumous eompUiuU, and thut ono whi li vi ill aeomplish their cure must prove of mini "ii vivi-e to this laro class of our Bf.!i t - i I ilo sr-t'itiens. How completely this con. ,) viiid mil do it has h"cn proven by cxper i.i. iit ou mtny of the worat cases to be found of tin !uuivui4 complaints ; S. i.on i.A ash Si.Kori'i.oi CoMn.t!fTs, 1..1L i-lUiNS AMI Llti rrlVB DlsF.ASKi, I'LCbKS, 1'iMi ii.s, llLotiH.s, TtMoKs, Salt Hhliv, Sen.ii IIkH), Syphii.1 and yvriiiLiTtc Ar- I IO.M, Mr.ltcl'HlAL UtSRASB, DltOPST, Nit- HM. IIA OK I'll' Dot'LOl'Hr.l X. Dkuilitt, Iys-1-H'slA and Inhioestion, Krt SI Y EI. J, Hnss ou St. Anthony s Finn, and indeed tho whole ilti of complaints arising from Ivri'RlTY or Tiir. lii.ooi, Tloa tonip mn J will be found a great pro ni.i' .T of li-aith, when taken in the spring, to fvi-l the fjid humors which fester in the bioo l at that seuaon of tiie year. By the time ly expulsion of th?m many rankling disorders lire nipped in the buJ. Multitude can, by 1'ie aid of tins remedy, spare tiicmstlves from t::e endur.inre of foui eruptions and ulcerous M,res, thiouh which th system wul strive to rid itself i f corruptions, if not assisted to do ti.is throu ;!i the nutural clutnneU of the body hy nn att-rntive medicine. Cleanse ot:t the v.UtVd bUiod whenever you find its impurities bur":iu tii!-oiih the kin in pimple, eruptions, or soict; ile-uisi it when you find it is ob-r-truet-rd and sliiistsh in the veins ; cleanse it w he'i-v r it is fi il, and your fcclins will tell yiu w hen. Fren w here no rtieuUr disorder is f it, people tnjoy buttr h.aitli, and l.ve iiii;-.', fir il.an-in,' th- blood. Keep the lioo.l hea!!'..y. an I ad is well; but with thi. pa'iu'.utst ot life tlisord-re I, there tan b - no i i r li a'.'.h. Sooner or iat r f.ml.in? m i-t i.' j wroni, and thi great m limeiy of l.t :t S;o: red or ovirrhrown, S..r-.i:a: i liat, an ! deserves much, the repu'aii i'i of aecompUtliiiiii thee ends. Hut the woi.d hit Iwn t2tvi.jts!y diteived hy . .; vr i'i ins of i'. portly Utai.se the drnj a! i i r 1st not all the virtue that is ilaimed ! . I, li i! ii. ..re !..'use many pretura'ions, ,. ' ".i i.i : o h? t .m-en'ra'ed ev'rai ts rif it, , .i: : it I . t r i . - of tlat vuttta of Sarsajtanita. t--. t:.y tli.n ,U-. 1 ' :. t: s t!ie p'.!:c Kas-e l n rr.;s 1 : ia.'e li...-..-.-s, ;-rvteiidu;g to give a tj-iart .1 i .xtra.t r.f S.ai-u ir,:! i f..r one d.:iar. M-st t;e It., v ? I- - ri furls Uj ti '.! e sn x, f r t-iey i.o! o .ly t iti" i. i I. ".tie, ii any, fvuapi r,.i.i, h u."..i n i ciiritive prots;fi..s wha'ev ii. H ii e, !it ; r and oiif il it.sappointmcnt hit Iwiuis .1 the 11- of tU VJ.-lo-.ls IXtlai IS 1,1 .Stiriitpai i',!a wh.. h ti .id the r..uik..-'., nn.! the ri.i.iie i's-''.t .1 jiistjv il.-spned. ar.d hit be- m s; iionyi:.. ,-:i imp .i',oii ir. 1 1. at. t'i.S er.il tl.it o-i.;i-e:itl S"irs.ij.;,f ..' t. ai d i:iV-:i 1 to -ipj.lr : h a f sue ly u shad rt-at the li i-l. ' :.o;.l ll.? lovl if o'.Up.V Vila h r-'ts t.,.. ;i ;t. A..! wc ti.iiik we l.ive cioim 1 f.r ' .: t inr I. ii vir'.o t h;-it arc irre uti' le by Ihe ord.iiiiv ton of 0,c iU-.j.si if;, nd- 1 to cur-. in opKr t ) s- ti; :- their f otn-.-.- to er i !:-;:i'i..n fr-im the -- m. the remedy . I le- i i U : iu -1 v t..en av'i.-ord.n;; to dare-Us.ii iti ti.e' bottle. M.i.! 'nr.) rr Dit. J. . A V fl 1 1 V O. I.OWKI.I.. M S--. Prii r, $1 .rr llotll. aix llollle . f.i Aycr's Cherry Pectoral hi. -ii f.r i-.e-f . h n rr. f.wn fir t' f t a:..l .on- (.,.; irv f.r in to ! int tl. -iei,.-e tif its v.rtues, wiieretvr :t h- Vn e;n l ived. As it has long teen in e'jnv-r.t t.'.ro i,--.'rit t.m ae !l .11, e i.er.l i, .( o , , . t : in a. , ire t'-.e ,'. its onaliiv u k- in to t .- tt it n-r and ti, t it m.v I. r--...d "n l tio for luvir rnr.f ail i; has eicr Lien f j ind to do. Aycr's Cathartic Pill-, roa tue cvr.z or fWn-r,,.,,, Jaun-U-f, iv.oV... , r-'.nn, :entr. .,, '., Stomat h, .'o; ii n.l ..- W, I','-:, tUttmntum, J.ruji!,J' I O.l Sot o,e,...e., t.i,..r (:,:rU,i. h'-r--.,, T.-V r, mur, , I S;li nhrum, H'.-rns, (, o', .Yen -i.'.;ii, at a l)''ier l'U, andf.r '.,. ll,' ;'.,'.. 'I iiev are aiiKSr-eoa'ed, l Ih.tt ;.e fro.t sen.;, (tie run tike l.'ietn .' .tiil!. i.o'l t.. v sr.- i' b. -t aprriet.t in the wotli for a;i t:,e pur;osr oi fan...v p!ivr. Pries 26 ceaU per Eox ; Fiva toij for SI 00. CreutuMmoersofn. ri;men. I'Sv.;. i.,r.t.Sa'es. men. B'A eii n .-,t p-r.iii t iie . i,t tin if n me to eer'i'y the 'inp.irslii.ied ,, uiw oTtnese reiiii dies. Lot our ;i o e here wi.l not prrn.it lh insertion of them. 'The A7-n' Ik low named fir nih K"tn iiiirAnrKinv A i.m " te in Iki h t'.ev are (fivcn ; with also full devenpt om of I'le a',me eonipl iints, and the treatment that shoiH Ih; bil lowed fur their rure. I)j n'.t he init off ov nnpriii' i;ili -l ileslers wi'h rfher pT"p.imti'in thev make more pr"ht on. J.-inai,d A nit's, ami take i.o ot:rs lne m k war.t tne best aid there is for lh-in, snd they shout'l have it, Aii our reinetli'' arc for sale by For sale l y K. NYK IICTCHIHON CO. ... . , I'. SCAIiK A ('.. YU,i,Ue II A VI LAN I), tVJ hVI.NS(N ()., ( Inii h tor , ,V ( .'. Fnit and Tne Store. 'E' I IF. 2 hoi iii.i hu pil ,.iit ri It r1., lly. rlv' 'I in Si on in th Mi ll use lluitdii f, I'ti't will k p n band a w il l,e,, ,!, k , rlll, "J ,,,,, ,;,.,,. Vltes. I.v. gr. . ns ami Sl.rni.l,. r y, A ':. A so, Kr nils ol v , .us i ii. .is A..;.., "ir .ii.s, l.i mens, Tine A p es, Ac., Ac. K. W. LTLKS. I.ren,l,er 11. I HO. ,'-M tli IN of ice; . I. fa hte.i lo ll.e i slat.- . f A m'l. ft ! Springs, tie. M , hc iiiiiiii t,i..!t p iy. i ml as 1 1 iier.ons li.niii.r t lairns niiiirit said sit'.., ,, pri 1. 1 li. in ilniy iiuth. i.iiralt il, in ; the time pri.criliid by L.w.i.r Una nolit t will U' pliad 111 bar of tl.i ir r e..t. rv. 1 T. 11. J;KKM I'.t.'r. ! Orlnher Vl.n.r,), ylf Charlotte DRUG Store, r.. n vi; hi k his() tv io. J "3, Oi l D , ..! v , ;, it,.,,!,,.,, ,e pul.lie '., l ,. ir i,it.. at,.;, ,,,p, eMrl r,.,ar : '" " l' "!"i. l for ll.. Sir. Trs.le, ron.isi.i.g ..I . Dmi., M... en.-, ( ,e.,. I', rliim -ry, K.n.ey I "'I'. 'I "r.. nn n .-, I.,g I mi,!, A e. I oi, I ore M, al U .,,( t ,,,( a .n T-.s. I - ,. . ..( ..... Ae.,Ae. - I J ,'''' i r,. :-,.o. i:ni I siiijroraw'o LIVER ir!GGRATOil KKYKlt WKIDI.IT ITICH, JTts emu io mi ilnl e-illrely Imni i"nitilin1 siirt 'swwJ'.'a'u, "ail'' lltltll '-,'i''inmTu'',!.' nrleil l.. ullli niulklcili-u iu J Uli U,. ac,K, , Is rer.niinieiiileil. I IQ " " ael i,stiiuy on U.e ll,ms:s. sl . w Ut Uia aicuiea of y.iui mj lin.lainl cm in ,u n .. list of lt I. IVr.lt t' KttKA Wilt y.' will ruts I.lver t'tiui- Vs liluu, lil'loii', At tneks, Dyspepsia, O j liKt-ile Itl.iirlto,,, Summer l uw, M'H , 's iitt. Tt Drop.JT, Xtltf! iMottlnil,,!!,,!,,;,, I'oallveni si, Ititl-j s 'le, holrra. hoi, . raAlorrns.C hols r1 t lurnntiiiu, Kti.M. lent e, J a I: ll it te e, Y l'rutnle mkiiea,. c,ao!l may ts iisr.l sae j f,-aii:y a sa ll;.!in, ry Knmliy iil.tll- fa . lo. . n ii..,,( ,t IIKAUAt III"., (s t mi r .n l-. ir , Iweniy mltiiilea. If Isvn or ilt,,r j , . spnuiifuls ttic tali-' en si raii.i,c.K.Liv ,i uf V 1 1 svho use It nre: IJ tilvlng tUeir iettu,avl,r iBiisratta-. t i Mill tVa'I'KH IM TIIK MUITII With Till-; IN Vl(. Oil A Kill, AM) MtAI.I.Ulv uurn Tia.ic i m:it. I'llee One Ool'nr per Unlllr. SAIJrORD'S rt sm.v CATHARTIC PILLS. t i vi'oi Mm n; m I Pnre VlKetnltle Klltarlt, M il ,,t nil t.l.VSS lKS, Air lljilll. mol still katu In nn y ell itiitl e. Tia I l-l ll'srllrfll.t.t.,.. I' el seats rs'!.a.r; ffl la.fc a. r, .. I h ri-.i.n. I r- M twin. M ft...-i u.,. ... hn..lr.,,...Jl. - Hll.l.l! sj s J li. .,., .1 rt,,....s im-c u.- M it.k-..t.t.,.!u-r'J ' j,S-r:eT;.,re: ti .'..'.-.-'''...t 1L. 'A 111. -i IHAfCI'tl Pill, snin.nuiry ,,.! ...lsir M t,.,i ,j ,alJ . rK I'titli I he tin III a I ll, t.lr.,,1 '"' .1 I... I. nt ll Set,,,, ,' ' I'ltlnS 1 1 ri.i... I' Slli.le I. S. i nil OKI ill er 1 1 I....I , , ; , r . . . :rv;.n':m.K.; H jv.:!";:''::-"- 'ttrl I I'll" rr e . iiwis, -j rlllrrarili- III. mm! , J f -in is h'.r l i I'llll K TUHK.K OftiKa. Ttl l.lii r Ins la;. .ml .r I ....,. r,. II.. rile I'll Is s . i-i... J 1 .1- ,. :, . , , j H T. V. Vll l. st. II . M..l. .. -r s. e... . - , I :) Breadway, N t t .uih. k'. bCA.UK k t'() f..-'f, ye VJm J. Kerr, A TTUllSE Y A T I.AU , i! u Mi r i i:, v .. ' I I.I ri,rtii e rCnurl.i! Mr el,, i.l fe, ? t L iiii.li .i.o Cabarrus r..i,n!i... IT IMIirt in IIio Itiastlv liu.Uinr t r.pi .o Kerr'a II. tel. i-i '.t.lMO 4h' E R ST ORES' Dork JJimlii.'s IXnMilniitiil, Tno I' tori ilcw LruiuL fcaiA. in l b.ia iu? in rt a r cf VI. B. SUulrj .(Liuj lli.ll, Oi l .TUil , .t. Tl e alx ve t sl.t n rnl is row in lull n;. 't to n, f.tinr, "ml slul re. it.ng . u ,,,, , , t, ti e I, .t lil.ANK I Al l li ami IdMiU.S MA ! KIAI.S. I Illl at a.i limes ready to li., ... otra ie. .j .'.i t, rml at U r -.rot turn s. : i sliari t I (,.l.ii. tjr. .M r .f r sc i 5 i a 1 0 .In n . fitrnWall ort.trsttiili wlncli I nia Uc !.t r . Having hart Ici r r 1. r I r s nr ,e n t in ti.. u u, ufarture ol Id. A.N k I ' ik. siol in t. t li i i; i , i r.rw slid r.,0 I'HI.S I l.l VMlhk. I ll.ll.r n i ' tit a I 1 a an. ih s'l las- , t e t I il c ss in is I.' ii II.ANk Ill kS, l .i.'s F.. sr.( liiks'.i .., I. i liistr.i. r ' i , M.trifla', I 'ten sr j s sic I n ri.os.i i,i r I , ,.. I t 's it. t,ks, ai. hi I.l I' a! d 1.1 I Mi I. irrr. in li tt ry l.t t ma i,t r , i t su,.. , an j I'jjjt tl an.; Inn n n m : ti, n q i.:i ... I'I. INI 1 ll Hl'l.ks. Mus r lie. its. I .11. . a , '-li 1. . l-. -M sr..! IJ... .a i, ! m l et.t.'j li i,, t uMi i: ... t.rrj lie.ll t't styir. 1; A.i ..r... r. t..i l eirciite.i ait.'i e t.t. K. .5 r rV 17. !-.'.. MUl I IJ- Vli'll I A riiit'ial Lilt IiituMJKt Coiiijiuy. ft i it I. n ii ,.;(. ,"i t I H till- I . n . j.ai L ai.t.f.o.e; ll.e Mutual Ir ..aliiiir ia tne . I jt-ar.. I .l -llllllll I' il ll.e l oinj' I. tl t r ll.e vt i... e ton, to. rt ;..i am. t n lor tnte dolt l! i; ut. rt.l . t I. (. .. ll.e f.r. .i 1. may be K i IliiUIII, .real araiily. I he prompt, to, p.lu HI tl.l r in it I i. h sii i ti ,,.aiiy,t.,i;iti r .n. t .i.s ale insure o lor brio "I Ir i j. a.-s, i.,r t...ii.ir.. I. .1 a '. j AO I..". are .a,i! V, illiin 1U eal l a ! i.i. t..I) al-,1 .. V s. li tt d. j I'lll l.t I oils. ; I i.arlts Y. J, I I..I..H, Hi... 11. !" 1 II., ,..ii. W. li I ...... J. . Ni ! 111..'..:. VlMlltl.M- I ll-e-s . . I'. I. I- I II M- h. , h . 1'. Halt i , I ;!. I- li i I own , It.Lii'd II. Iiaii.a i ul 1 11 I KS. j I'r. I i. arli 11. j oi,i..on.rre.. 'it v . '.'. II. .in. ii. Vi. . I'r. nl. I K. II. ll.l'ie.S rr.t.ry. j V,li,...ns 11. Jon.s, l're,..irtr. II W. II isi.d. Mtoni. y. II 1 Ur. VV ,. II. Mckn . M. ne I l.-,.r,,i,,, i ,.,,,, rise u. I;u W . II. V K. . (U.K. - It. Koo I. M'Jtral il.-trd of f ,,$ultit', - ' J y' J..hn...n, .M. 1)., W illt.nn II. M" hit, M : Cie .'il II. ll.tyv.ot..!, ,l. !.. Km further inf. rno.ti..n, the '" ' rt .l to the ii!iiihlets,nntl (ones .,1 ..... y l.e ol.t in-.l u t the Oil I or any of lit A.-eio ws. .illinium .linns sh. l i. I ' ' I on " r: u. iiattlk, '.""" . lr..7. Chnmhcrs, .tonics (,,. factors and (inipral Conniiiiou 31 KKCII AN'IS, a ft : .S- ' ', 1 a. ' , 't ' '- av '.' ' - Vs. - ' at- . - 1 -. tor i hi i i.m. ..oe ... , ,! lit..

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