ctnM1aiiVMiycimTagrgumwuwJia . r i I Courtesy of the Enemy. The Fight at Rich Mountain. Jlfltll) QiaVDUnil (U!ll)in. Urown, tbe negro thief, commander of I We extract the following from the Rich 1 . u 71 . ! the U. S. troops nt Fort Pickens, closed ; PP of Tuesday; all intercourse with General Bragg, bo-1 From tho lest iuformatioD we can obtain, i cause the latter refuses to receive commu- talt!e oocurcd ou Thursday last, with a ' ,, , . , j t detacbniert under the command of Lieuten- in.eatuns addressed to the commander of. . . .. ,nd e0BSlntti ofonlv troops near Pensacoi.." Butler, tie bi- tbree companies, which were engaged in the ; bulou buily of Fortress Monroe, addresses fibt. This (.mall force Ifptin cheek, for Msgruder, who bad whipped bis troops in some time, several thousand federal troops; IW-i.! TOM AT''- luiis'sAt-i: PRESIDENT DAVIS CONFEDKKATE CONGRESS- cy are still citizens of tho United States, for ; has heretofore be scoretly entertained, unj they are waging indiscriminate war upon as is now avowed and acted on by the i th.-m all with aavace ferocity unknown United States Tho fi rees hitherto raised fair battle, as the cfiicer in command ( , g 'J P. " " I not more than 40 were killed. I troops rear 1 orklown. The gallant Lieut. Col. Fegr.m wai s.ri- But the til liekt of all these acts of impo- usly wounded, and was taken prisoner. teut malice and impudence was perpetra- Mauy of the men in bis command, who were 1 ted a few day. ag, by Captain Poore, of ' Heved to have been killed or taken pri.o . I ners, have siuce the battle found their way the Brooklyn, whose name is quite cxpres-,. (be catnp ,o U CoiffeitTtt troop. five of his spirit and intellect. Cspt. Dun- q De )45t beard of Col. Heck's command ' caj, Confederate States comtnauder at Fort was that be was nuking hia way through the S Jackson, desired to have a definite under- ' mountains to join Gen. Garneti. forces, but i . . , ., j .i u 1. 'as it was reported that Gen Garuett had standing with the commander of tue JsrocK- . , . r. tin . ji- . retired from Laurel Hill, and h i Dositior. will recone orders for the Whn, blank, or aster- i 'Jn ,a regara to tue si atus ot me resiuems er destination unknown, il was uncertain ti semen is, .no receipt for thtaame. Anv per.wii at the Balize, and on same other matters, ' when Col. HecU would join him. ubicrib.nf who pay to him within thres months ' which it is usual for honorable belligerent Col. Scott's rrgiineul w at said to be about wm receive the Wme for two dollar.. ! te .jrce udoo . forty miles from Staunton, and bad been i , , , , , - t reinforced by several regiments, within the On nearing tha Brooklyn with a flag of f(jW . truce, and the Confederate flag flying from j tt was a0 rcp0rtcd that ten thousand of the boat, rs usual in all communications the Federal army were between (Jen. Gar between billigeretts, Capt. Duncan was met ' net", forces and the position held by Colo- by a boat of the Srooklyu, commanded by , ce' cotl- n , , J , , . . . , iii Another Account. On Thursday, an ofLccr, wto dc.ired to know b.s ; ,loBt 3 0-Oiock , bBUl, ,ook pUeeb,llleD ness. Cpt. Duncan replied that be was o50 Confederates cainst 4,000 Yaukees. tie commander of Fort Jackson, and that Our loos is suppossed to be about 15u kill he desired an official interview with the j d, wounded and missing ; that of the enemy commander 'of the Brooklyn. The officer ! rol V? '? U"' , , c. , n J . Mr. Muiibes, a member of the State Con- replied that he was directed not to receive ! fCIltion frora KndolPh county, was killed any communication from persons bearing by ten balls bhot through him. All of hivo proved atnplo for tue defence ofth, seven States which origiuully orgaiiizcj the Confederacy, as is evinced hj tno faot, that, with tho ixcoption of three for. tified Ixlands, whose defence in ctficicntl v ,j l , venient care u uoor i uemuneu m iruu ..... t -- ' iuico. i ij Gknti.kmIN :-My message addressed to 1 .., i,Bfl(I.,, has been driven en.nr.l t' . you at the M'""B;enl i'fet;; '" or ornament remaining in private dwell-! of tho.e .tat.ons and now, a the expir.. contained such full info. mat.on o the state inhabitant have fled fro... liu of Cve mcnths from tho formation of of the Con eder.cy a. to render , nnncce - j t,,c (;0Vt.rumeDti nol , Mi g.ry mai i siiuu.u u- - - - j jn i7bi Great Britain, when invading ! prc.isca tne.r toil. 1 lieso lorcc., hovVci to modern civilization. In this war rapino ia the rule. Frivate residences, in peaceful rural retreats, ore bombarded and burnt. Grain crops in the field are consumed by tho torch, and when the torch is cot con venient careful labor la bestowed to render CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, Jul y 23. IS61. tTR. K. Wakefield, Esq., of I.enoir, hat con. tented to act. and is our aulhorited asent. II tS"" The ladies cf Charlotte will give a Concert in Treloar's Hall on Tuesday even ing, for the beneSt of the " Ladies Hoi-pi-tal Association.'' Admi.sion 50 cts. ! , : i.rt.....r. ber revolted colonics, took possession ot , must uecessarny prove inairqiato to ro have occurred during r.e.s J 10 ,.vor, district in the country near Fortress pel an invasion by half. ,i;i,0 of noi.n..i(.l mill nutilio ueioiico. 1 nave -,.' . . . , ., i i. , !vwr , , ,. . .,.:,, f .Monroe, now occupied the troops ot me now v,uVu VJ cr,jr, aim a p0f. I gain to congratulato jou ou aecessio n of hot iubtbited ; respoudiug increase of our forces ill be- new niemoers 10 our v.u uieuerauoii i ..... . . .1 . ,1 ! coma uccessar V. equal and .orereigi. State.. Our loved and J I inTlders, are now pil- j The recomm.vlations for the rai,in, of honored bre.hrenof North L aro ,n. and 1 en- f,..d d b ,, 'wbo preJnd .0 efficient ...d tho ,,pip,,,,t of au .3.i. uessee nau iuu.uui..cu .uo m.... .i...;. ... u..iiiuru tion.-i t iio nil be cji.tui ii.il n .1... Mankind will sliudcr to hear tt.e tales or iue Hiunieniiuu ui n:u o-.-cieiary oi ri ,, and proviiled for at j our lust session, and ted scaiccly iuvite your eatuit tare hau ...c gratme.uou o, ,nUonc,,,, uj. colnulil,ed on defenceless females j . hich I ntt prn.l.n.al.on, in conform.ty.th law that K ...... Sut ,10W ! ,tltlllloI1. thoo fetutes were .am. tied lino ine ooum- .J ..,,.,.. ,r. ! I , ,.. dolimr,! in ...:i i . .- I c . I lit, aud the I referred to the promi-c of ubund;uit cr wo aro clir- tally hvj sii,cj :!d proves t, La under the pretext of suppressing iinurreo- the nn't ahuudant known in our Li. lory President's Message. We lay before our readers the alle and iktcrestiiif, Mc-ssjgc of President Davis. lii.a and Virginia have likewise adoMed the permanent Con.-.i.u.ion of the Confederate ' 'd b? ? l" T ' 'J JZrV. ? :Lc.,.nd no doubt i, entertained of its "nnon.y only o our p.ovle. make, special ears cou.u,..,, . n of our pop.ut.on. ( ,t. adoption bjT.nnosee at , ho election to be on the sick, including women and ch.ld-, too su.ar, and tcb acco, form.o, a .,rr 1 a . r . j . , r.n aud bv earelully devised weaurs production of our agriculture, dJ f j r u i -b - , "i deenu-dU ad visible to direct the renio- .n ,Le f.' of TrT "'VY' ..I of the several Kx.eu.ive Departments. their cure. 1 he. sacre J ciauui ore,-,,, a m.st cheenn promi-e aud km Breckenridge aud Kentucky. When we dispasiouatly coc?ider the 1U tude of his loealit cunitanccs of bis ituatioa we tan measure iritti oral qaer.e. x'uneaa repute, ma, ue nuu.u UUv ",,. Col, Heck escaped to Gen. Garnett, of allowance the " rent " which the " envi- Captsin Foore was capable cf such discour- jt j, ibonght, and it is supposed that Gen. ous'' Douglas made in the buy of our tesv, and he requested the officer to com- ! G arnett retired into Hardy or Pendleton tr and the peculiar cir- the flag which Cspt. Duncan bore meaning , Capt. Irviu's company, from Buckingham, Lis social and political the fhg of the Confederate States Captain j was ki"Ttd-lcS,,,r ""J aU of efficera. ' . . , , , , . except Lieut. Col. Bondurant and hfteeu ('partmeii wiih thtir archives, to this ei'y, to which you bad nnioved the seat of Government. Immediately ufter your adjournment the aggressive inovemc.its of the enemy requir ed prompt and energetic action. The accu mulation of his forci S on the Potomac sum cimilly rl.nioustrated his effort wore to be directed against irg nia, and Irom no point could bcce-ary nva.-urt4 fir her d.-ftiice and proUctiou be so t tl'.i ient'.y ilip ctod ai from ber own capital. I he rapid prorc-s of etents for the last few ueikt has fuily sufficed to strip the veil behind which (i of humawtv. respected even during the fury Providence ha smiled ou tho l .horn!, of actual baule-by careful diversion of at- ; extracts the teeming wealth ofourj .il iu tack from the hospitals containing the woun- all portions of our Confederacy, hi. t'n; dod enemies, are outiaged in cold blood, moie gratifying t to abK t- gm. y0 ?uc!i by a t:ovt-rtiment aud people that prrtud chetriug Intel. i ! nea hecauio of ih.; i.0 to desire a contiuuance of fraternal con cf a Urge and inorca.oJ t-xpt nditure in tl.j iieo.ion. All these outrage must remaiu support of our army Kievati:d and y ,,;. naveoiicd, save by universal repronal.ji) heii by the sacred c.iuu whie:i in,. ;,.,,. of mankind. In ai cases wliere tiie actual p.-rpetritori of thrt wrongs escape f ij lure, ihey admit of no retaliation. J no huiuaui l) of our p. ople would rhrink inline-lively fnui the tare idea oi waiiiL' a nk lain, our fellow rit.ajns of every of llf xhil.it the most f.--f sacilG.-'i. vonou ; iney mai.i.e-i aiau iajia j r;j -i upholding tl.eir ii.d eptiid i noo una. 1 .1 i. d rt'uuicis o:htr tr.an their o.j a- esn-tituti?r,al rights, when he supported ilc u.unicate to v.spiiau t oore woai ae eaiu. ; v--...-. . sufficed to strip the veil behind which the -r- n ... , . . , , . ,.. t o- jj j . . . j' Col. tcott csri;e npon the field iust as the . . . urau the ic the wo'inJed. tue woman an-i i-.e iii.u.miu wca.tu wnii.ti a I r 1 1 . o Ivrani Lincoln's proclamation calling upon Tt.c officer did so ; and, returning, stated i '"c , '"w true po.icy aud parpo.es of the Government ..',,',,. , ' i .... r. . ,. l ..... ; . illva i St.us for tr.--fs to eai jugate the that Captain Poore wculd hate do commu- u tbca, ,tUck bo eSfW-f but b, deeHl(ed 1.U,U, ."t Atl'TJTlT'l other aav.ge prac-.ices wh.ob have t.-e"y re' . thi. Confederacy of .gricu'tiri-.' , . the States tor troops io surjugaie ice v l oU. t let them attack the eBfUiy, but he declined cutn. Ana tnii remark n.ay lo j .ieu umiiu hu ajii.iu fui-. uuw. u. u.u.- io co so, ana oraersa a reirrai or n.s entire with tqual truth to the course of Kdward 'cd down the flag. (force, which wit effacted in good order, to Everett. Bat when we contemplate the "Tell your Captain, then ,fr me, tha.t ! 'bis side of GretUbnr rirer. r , , ,. , ,. 1 he eutue vaney is now ia the possession present attitude of John C. Brecklnri Jgo I regard bis conduot as a discourtesy ! cf tLe federal forces. of Kentucky, we are Lreed to turn upon worthy of aa officer and a gentleman ; and j ;0i. j.'cott has with his regiment 3J or 4'i him wiih a scornful and bitter smile aud that, if ho ever comes withiu the reash I prisoners Union men who were arrested explain, in pity and contempt, " 1 1. tu of my fort, I will takedown his flag for . by the milita of that section of th. country. t, t- r 11 -i ,. I,. .. 7). , Col. Pearara vas taken prisoner. liruue. ile, cf a nifu in tha world, Mm. -V U. Ve.la. . . . r ' ' It is thought tbe iletsiacs were ten ttou- ought to be true and fithf i. to his peculiar : ;' sand strong at Rich Mountain, and had a section. She gave bitn birth, and nurtured ; France and tub South The Paris ' forc, 0f 1 8,000 to 20,000 thousand at and rhrihed Liin in the Ud of her cros- ' corref poadet.t of the N. Y. lltra'd : ' Laurel Hiil. perity because be was the sen of a areat and The spirit shown by the Government at It is related as an incident of tbe battle Ui Cm T t .n;.,r r.i..fi. .f i.u... honored tfiato, and becajsc he was a mem- Washington, as well as by the mass of b,jr jn C0tDU31lld of 'an lrti;!ery company, ber cf a highly favored, distinguished. Not'aern citizens, amaxa the people here, ; after all his men bad been killed, loaded universally pepuiar family. Iu short, the ud is gradually attracting the sympathy and fired one of the pieces Jive timts ; and overburdeued Liru with honor?, and exnaus- 0f lbe public, although, as I have asserted ',eD the enemy ciido up to him, after he ... , , , , ,. ' . . . , ,. , had received bis mortal wound, witheniv tedberse.f in trying to e.eva.e m to tho bffjre tbt (j0TertmD wa. .ncl.ned lo ,Ue 0 h lef fc, -r,w bi, reT0lTJ highest position in the wond. He cannot fa v or ,be South. I kuow that the Southern ! 8L.J killed two of the llcsiani. excuse bis highly criminal duplicity .nd in- Commissioners bave met with . sorry re-( The Exam;ner says dlffreno-, by pleading that Le is du.if.l to ce,t;0D Lere. Tba Kmp.ror has p.ren.p- A peDtleman direclIj fr,ni BeTerji wbo, Kentucky. In tLe great political cni, it t. torily refused them an audience, as has M frCm his hih official position, must have tbe moral aci patriotic duties of the leaders de Thsuvtoel, Minister of Foreign AUYirs. had evry advantage of accurate informa- of public opinion, not to stand with folded b, Sou:hern bonds no one will touch ; so i tioD' SaTe UJ ub-tantially the following :i indiff rcntly exclaim, I will go that altsctther tho Soath has mada a mi.. 1 ,,wlue" ' te. but to thro tbemse'.vn in nr i,fc,rt T.i i owina- eniirel to th 1 Lieutenant-Colonel Fesram, with three stand lolly reveal.d. I lie message of their Proide.nl and the acliou of their Congress during the present month coufess thsir iu teuticn of sul juatuig these lS:ates by a war whose f o.ljr is only rqjl!.d by ii wiekeduess a war by which it is iropo.'-i bie to allaiu the proposed reauit, wh 1st i t dire calamines, UjI t) be avuiied by us, will fall withdouileseverityou ihems'lves. Comuitrciug in March last, with afleeta lion of ignoring the ecessi.n uf seven ."'tate. which hr-t d'cm icd the Govt rnni' Dt ; per sisiiog in April iu idle and atsurd injmp lion of the rx'stei.ce of a riot, wbleh was to hi di-poed cf by a po-e c jiv m.t atu. ; con- tinuing in surct-ssiv u.c c:i;s the l'le ri p resentation that these S'aies int. ud.-d off.-n ortci to by the tjverntuent of tiie I'mie i not b.) more stiikiiKiy di-pliji d tr, States, which "J admit of reta.iation. 1 tl.aiare revenues wlncu, mnin;-! i have been g.irved to see the necessity of ihey have contributed at the ci.i of ; eiil'urtiii io jiiisonu.enl. 1 he in oners of country. In the ainjlo Mticlo of e war taken t y the enemy on board of ihe the ubrr.pt... t ta the i hi p.- ; .. armed scbeouer Satacnab, aai.iog uud r the tiovertiinrtit eaanot fall short of .' our commission, were, as I was cndiu.y t 'i.l.O.'ii, aoJ wi.l probably l-irly t advised, trsated like common (elon., and that sum. Aud scarcely an art:-!.- put in iron", and confioed in a j - a I usually qJ.red fur tiie couu:up:iu of oir arj pprt priated '0 ciiiitiuals Ol tbe wor.l dyi, is provided oth. ri.j ll.au by ,-uh-cnf : i.d l i, re atoned with puni.bment as audi, lo tno pro .uee loan, o liap;,:.y c! ,. I bad made au .pplicaiitfo far an exe-hann by your wi.rloai Th.i 'cretarv -A t: of theae prisoners to the comuiandiog officer I ruasury, ia his reportaj of tho enemy's sq iadron otf Charleston will give you the amplest details eo:. harbor, but that f.tlieer had already sent with thai branell of tho pji...o his prioners to Naw York wLeo afp.iea But i. te.t aUo.- io th. ir prompt pc. lion was mile I theref ire deemed it my contribution, that tLe nohli r.ce A .ive war in sF ite cf exclusive evid,t,.-e to "u.y to renew my propo-.u appuca-.oa or i.i. .or -s rxcnaiiffis io ine e iiisii i uu ju ai c.i.i iu au-.r r "yf.oi tue, ic - . . .-- i.ui.-m . to Til, i arms, ar. with my i v. j ... v i t ii i i r- i e- . ' hundred men, bem in the neighborhood of tse breach and force l acs tee tide of error, ecerectic staod taken bv the L ulted States , ' . . v . u f ,. 6 - Kich Mountain, h'i been set upon by .Mc- 'to rue the whi.wmJ ted direct tae aathoru.es, aud the rc.ult of the di'pateb- ' Cic!;aB witb bis , bole f.rce, amounting to stOTm. ' If Breckenridg", Crittenden and i I above refer to. Il is knowu here that at least twentv five tbouiaad r..en. Guthrie bad united tL-.ir coun ils st the tte South is poor, needs provisos, in; For two hours die gallant little band un- ricbt tin.; atd in the riht sririt, Kentucky. ' fiC, Tui !,r.o-t starve, in case the North ! fler 1 eir,u' hoiawg in cbecs rjulJ this day bi S and to imerf.ro low locks Tery i Fio, .Mj.ji,; ,ueCeed.d in sendee sou.der wi-.n cer true at,! naturs. sisum. dangerous. 'round a force of several thousand, men, aud cot as she now is, lock' d arms with kcr 'J be Moni'tur has announced cflieiallv 1 and turning the flank, surrounded and eut sten sitters, ai.d in-lriourlv hold, iu to the r ,...... r; r..;n ,.t Tiu. off from retreat Peeraia's battalion. Pe- the contrary, f jrni-bci as well by tCic al action, as by the very ba-is cu which this Government i e .n-li'uter' ; (!ia Pre-i lent of the Ci.iled .s'tafiS a:d his adv:cM su ceeded in deceiving the people of those States ilitu tin belief thai tl.e purjo-e of Ibis gev srntneiit was not penes at home, but coo qict abroad, ml ikfenc of its own liber ties', but the '.oversi .ii of tho-e of th? peo ple of the l.'r.itcd ir'tstes Th" suits of lica jvr'-s by which ibis iiBpr..j-.lon was created, ine art i;h w t ich tbry were devis ed, and lbs perfidy Willi which '.Ley wsri executed, were alieady kno.n to vou, but )9i could scarcely huesupp-ed that they would be openly avowed, and thi; su.icess luado the subject of boa. I and self Sauda lion in an Kx-euiisu iiiess.!. Fortunate ly for the truih of history, however, the President of the l.'i.ited States details with uuno'eness tbe atlju.r.t lo reinforce rort tne.r icrvicsa attitude of c a' a. ml ti.j et.. !:. aud o n in a in chief cf tha army aud navy of the Ui.i tney so t.l krjw bow tt do'.nl ted Stfcl. s, the oolt officer basing control ti'j'n't er far ti;rs i i nf those -.t:i ,; i cf the pn-ori. r. In making tbe prop ! I Vuur laws, they have preed the I n I iiormed Prei lent Lincoln of my p. so! at purpose to cheek all barbarities , it pns n eis vf war bv sucti sever, ty tf r-taliaiieu c:i the.r c-'uniry the co.l at.-l pri-o tiers held by us as si.oold ..-cu' the co-jr.tfe with wh.ci ti.ey a abandoiiiaent of fiis practic. I Irs com ni ii.losl; j;i mi read and reread by the of fiecr in command oflhe United States army, aud a lueasa.-e was brougbt from bun t I the bearer of my common. cation that a re p'y wuld be returned ty Presilent I. u?) in as soou as poible. I earnest y hojis this rroini-cd reply, which nas not teen re c .if, wiil convey assurance that 1 1 i.oners lny ui-pay in t it . r ' of war will not be treated iu this uninppv It pei.ilmg s'nii'li , k!l 1 i. psrin turned tie Iho-jaands .f iu lu whatsVeS' pr- Jrti ...is il may a-"i give, thi assurance that tber i.r attd their sirvi... m l be r.t'wcl year to year, wiiu ui.: i i:ik purp. til tby made gooi to tim uiterm -l n.-i.t to sVifpiver-niiTl I bn e a 11 I a' Hi ) t UU '1 I ' 1 1 "Jl,,. c- i.ti i r t, Cfi . ernui'r.r . c mil contest wiih that regard to humanity whi-a sl.t special has ten made couspioious in the conduct ly.ifevr, seen of uisiern warfare. s riieas ire. o re a "p Pickens, in violation of an armi-tic of which however, and otitil the pro.msed .teak ai.r.;, to " 'i as the w or. I I, s t T) s;,eak of sob 1 ar.d d. ter iniue 1 i ioo.t re ii !,. !. o i; .iriti cf her crael s.-fp nnth'.r. Lincoln oounement ws effected by the causes . gram wastakeo prisoner, twenty of bis men 1 W.'U,1 .1.1... ,. I.I s; spit upon Kentuc'.r and rubbed it in. when lntbliot ia tLis ;eUer. Vou may depend e,cip,d through the enemy and got upon it 1 am w..l ;Lfsrmeu as regards tLis bac- to our limp ; but some two hundred he confesses .hs be told ber in bis Message that this Gov ernment would recego:z no such riht us that of the neutrality of a Stat.;, in a con troversy between ti e States. After q.iet iy submitting to that cvern Lc'.mit.g act of dsgrala'.ion, we aro ready to believe any tniug, however base of Kentucky and her statesmen in the Federal Cnress ' La lts t'iey are there to r ut the seal of iterna! were either made prisoners or scattered through ths woods in the nionntains. The fLsiuj'a loss is variously estimated at from fortr to a hundred and fiftv killed. is none for those who eome between the besides a great number, several huudred. wbo arc kuoio n have been .evereiy wounded. subject. I ue emperor Napolean is by lar too wise a man to interfere where he ean ftu no profit, aad he sow knows there United Slates Government aad the rebels. Starving. Ihe people in the upper. We hsve the same high authority for part rf Louisiana are in a starvins conui rnit . .i,,i i t r... linn. d,-graee upon -.te.r on characters And Uoi ls b, 6etB bj lb, f3i0wing extract dred yards of Peram's battalion, but took this is especially of Breckinridge, cf wbitu f((In halon Jiouee taper ail owine. bo' ftt in tbe affair, foott sent two raes- doubt, to tbe blockade ; feD?rB ' ' iseertain what v ge- , ing on ; tbe first was .Lot by our own men, " Candor eompels us to acknowledge that' tDd the .eeood, who wa. not .ent forw.rd we .re io a starving condition up here, ' until alter the ewemy bad surrounded Pe thanks to old Abes war! Amost daily g"ni, w.s .hoi by tbe Lineolnitei. 1 1 , t .. i et1 e learned from another source that the iie uuii.'ii .ii;it.ui emit itnu ueie . , , , , ' nrl messeni'er was verv erunk. and tbat it. formed, but oniy ty rumors whim were tj va.-ue and uncertain to fix the attention. The hos tile expeditiuiig i;sj aiched t? sop; ly ' rt S a Li. ter was aUii.itli'l to have undertaken with the koow.ede that its success was im possible. 'J he f. toll i.j of notice lo the Governor of .South Caruliua ot" his iutentiou to ue force to accomp.i-h his object, and then quoting from his inaugural a i ires-., gave, that assurance that there ouid be no escGiet unless thee States sue ac'esMv e were a lessors, be proc-rds I d-.-lare II. s conduct, as jjst relate! bv himself. 1 j any a'lae re- -t t r. e I r i . b e 1 1 1 . t I I Whether thi 1 1. -tn silt'l , art . irny is receivea, i it, ii r'lam in ci-ci. tJy uica aiid officers capture! fi otn lb enemy w notu it has b'.'co my pleasure to n't enlar.-e on prol", an) sjlio-s f.to mut or fir f. ear.ly depend ou thai of the pri-ui.ers held by the eii'my. I a; pen 1 a copy ot tny commuii'ca'ion lo tho Pr1 s i. nt I cnmrnatide-r in chief of the army and navy eai rijrbts, iheir a'tar and t h i r I of ti.e I'uited S'ates, and cf t lie report of freed Irom invasion 1 hn, and th n ths f flier charged to de.iver it (mark'd d o r ii ii e n t ) rs n a r r o . . m siit. leave to tie solved by th" enemy . It will i i-t ti l the enemy shall bar-' draali from their borJers till thesr I wi,l tuey rest from this stru.'lo. toe-, in t-cace tha b. ev.ii.se wl.icU. wi;:i : jiae other pas., c in the re- f,,)r cf Providence, lhy have s markaole paper to w biiih I Lave U.rected yoir attend', ii, hating referencn 'a the p bv Die ai 1 sturdy arms. ei r v 4 o i:r. wa. tbe per lor ihhi re of this promise, to cu lar relations wbieu exist between triis free from tho now. r if ioitruious sonhiatrv ''Vcrnruent a a I the tales usually ter.ued hearts i JKFFKIt.Si'.V ;AV1- it may be tr-i:y said ti.al he bas Darleted his birta-rijht for a mess cf pottije. as that tbe world should r.-.t he mi.-uii'Jertt: nd it, and in dtGjn .-,le io of his The Aurora. We regret that we did not sooner receive tbe Mar and dun. ur,br r,f "'lb. a.nrr. ra' thai we luiht have given it an tar.ier l"e 3"1 1'""" ' couniry, ana on rlHlD ap in ,he reir of .rgr.m's Inen, ir.e urovers say lue sioca is aimosi mex- ne anaounea tiimsair a " I snxee CJIonei, hauetihie; but who want, to eat beef! hereupon he wss immediately shot. Thia Rp p.nsL is full of sheep, bog,, deer bear rum'r 6 8ite for wbat il " "r,k and qjsJruftds tut who wau' to ind ulge : in mutton, tork or even .' (h.r.r. ABbatc BrarTr. The Alexandria der.s are crowded with potatoes, tomans, 1 respondent " 'be New York Epts i ear., caUage, eVr dots anybody care a "-nda the following iBtereatiitg war itm ; Lutin for gaid. n ' sas !' Our orchards, ! I bave to cbronido the arrest of another too. are fu.i of teaches, tlums. atneot. 7, the Ijititicat.on. on lb., aid. ol tno LOtive through the Co! arena of " 1 he N " U'bi? .' For beauty of style, energy of ex pression, and t-iwqiet.ee of lar g jag, ils article hate act befn u'fued by '.t:j ether Literary M sgi.Ls. 'I i.e preva.,;r.g spirit of r-.-ligious S'nt.tuent which breathes ibrough and aulx.tes every pi."- cf its poetry aud its Jp raise, sLouid h,i evry Southern Heme Circle tbroirh wihch it now moves, or may h rtsfttr cove. No thought, can pain a iinissi'.ti ii.to its e ... uinr:-, hut Such is are l.ke aarly clew dr'.pa pure and fa.r. ' If tbt fatare chafer. f "Carne Her'vcrt, or The F.rced '.'ar :," sball eoir.-.pocl in interest wi:n the first, t'uep-ru.al of wLlch we bav;jjit f.o isled, th.s 'I ale alcte wi.l a.p'y ccmp et.s-t'.e every inei.ittt reader f,r '.he price of the annual ub-cnpt.-.n Its typogra,' by, pa per aud i.ealLe.s of in-cuiion, aro a.i .n tue Lest sty Is and tast-j tue cr a.'t." 'vVe bespeak for it a vt ry ea'cusive ei , .li Ua thro jghiut " Tt.e S?u:htrn roi.f.- i. r ate f'thte. " Tu.; roia" h t u; . s !.! border sisve Males, written eai.uot tr-.teriv be witbbeid fi'.m netico. I he hearts cf our own statement, th.it he pave rotieo of the p-opb; art animate. 1 by sentiments towards arproaeh of a hoaiiie fleet, ckr;e's tbe-e tne inhabitants of those Slates which found States with becoming tbe assaiisLt. of tfa expression in your enactment refu-in,- lo Cii.tort, ho are : an -i.d as a coast United Mates, without a gun in -i-ht or in consider th'm cneinies, or aullionin tionli.i- on Fast lisy, nj losjto Santa K a 1 expectaney, to re tot n tb-.-i r fire, ,jv, only a ties against them ; tbat a very Ivre portion q';)? f,,(i 'wc j, sr' t!jeul fr.n , pV ot in peep. e ot tno, e ."St.1. rearl us a. ,r, ,lpr. : That one officer and nreir.e-rti ; au'i inai n unresirameii ty :ti JsKrn Kn.i.rt) at Pr.-.i.v ''t. s ,lrl Saturday last, jtu of Lincoln's m-ii. f-,,3 Foil Pie-kens, wre killed by detaci.n pf the ilonif oin- ry M .uuted K.fie few iu the fort. 'Is is, indeed, fjiiy j nod iu saying tt j, . ie ease is so free Irom the power of inferno-is sophi-iry t'nat tho worid will not he abb; to iiiisoo itr-tand it. I nder cover of this unfounded pretence, Dial tho Con.'-dcrat States are the assail ant, i b a t high funciionnry, after expressing his concern tint some foreign naliorn had so shaped their anion as if they nor posed an early elestruiiioti of o or roiiooa! L(.in aet'inl presence of largs armies .rihvnrioii ;0, riisn, in of civil authority and a declaration of mar t'. H Inw, some of ih'-rw, at lal, would jiy lolly un.t-i with us. And that they are, with enure unanimity, opposed to the pro "cu'ion ofibe. war wa;. J i.iiu-t us, are t ids which dsily occurii'i event folly warrant Th assertion, tb.l the Pre: lent siiis.l boat, started frfn arch of water. The g'i' probal le, a b .. ii d s r s ail further disg-ti.e, and of tbe United Matr.s r-fu..- to re ed knight, no enterprising draughtsman, or p.ao.s, apricots, .'vc , but rea.iy Lu. ia too valuable to throw .1 away in ta-.iug -jcu 'atnail dear.' 'Hen ' rabid Southern Stales Bights :n an, but a the gre-t.ry f.jrti have good supplies on beautiful, blushing damsel, of some eigh- i. jnd of hums, tlr, nee, lard, bacon and l,:tD summers, who e.aima to have been born sei.- i o.rl . . , i . in Washington, aoJ tbat ber mme is Alice s.cu i.e, anu al leaeouame trices but .- . , , , , 1 Kiosneey. .ihe was arrested by some of wuo wants lo eat grocenea in such wc.th- , M.CLlgan 'n t wbo thought it tr ! ihe atock of be on hand in Baton strange to aee so lovely a female so of: Bwugo is large, and so are the mint beds around the camps. aolitary and alone." -bat who e-res f.,r julep. ? We dou'i .' , p0D ,le Hre" of ,lie l,a'' 1 ,m it,form("J. ,. . , there was found aa accurate diagram of the 'Jur auburn. LT i. into. trabie up here. e . r i . u u -i i fc . fertiCcitien. on nhuter . I f i II. I be posi- tious of ibfi pons were strictly deGned, and OtOM i!s b'l.ouJljA. Ihe Tallahassee ''' weak spots marked in red pencil ihe iady, for sueb, by her deportment and Uni.'oa', the undoubtedly is, is of course :n s.oie custody. proposes t mak') th mtest a abort and ihee our lato sister otitis the ri-ht of ri- the Il.fi-- m r .ecreted near the wstr, t r. as thibo.it spp rose bed they w.-r !i-. -r ei, when tho olfn-er iu the boat or-b-r- I reireal. Th"y wero ordered t i!.i '.! they paid no attention to it, tbey wrre fi.' I upon, wh.-n th officer an 1 four of h ' ' n 'te killed, as only two were s-n lo n. i1 ' .Miixe.n in tha boat after tho f::in' l t'1 o l ' r y II ng llo .'Ullltal .-ti lt'. 0 and 1 it.ib, .Souther;, 1 Ie-mpn.s, ieno., lo wLjUJ al tie au i Lj-:ue;s itt'er L j-al-' i t e Lie i Pii'-e of .Ubia ft ' ' s '- M . iiunufsi, .ays li.e corn crop cf tLis Slute is ii beyond oruinar j disaster, and a r:.o-t ah-it.datt one it is A much larger uieuLu tuan uuual w a. planted, aLd w ii uountl'ss eoii.mand a low price iu market 1 ue co'.ion tiopis not so largs as osusi, uor is it so rrum ut at thia time aa in f,r. n.ir jar-. Sti., ti. p.ai.t U Lea.thy and ' jroii seasvn. do.-ul a o rg Weighs ou. Luii'Jred cr..p w,.i b-t mi ' , ,,.ltVt Olirrw river. Thi. time, however, it i no beard- decisive one, by r .icin2 al tho control of - Iran. ne Irom an atuolc on us, end justifies ., ;f , ,,. r , il,,, ii.'-i t ine governm-nt tor the- wirk at least 4)-, j on rerus.i by tbe assertion that the St.tes row for jfc wben ti)(t froIU , u ,. rr -; titli) and e IUii,iiii.,iiltl. The Uoore-ss, con- havo no other J.ower than thai reserved to cirhine in tho linn-Is of on of o'ir 1 d currtsig in tbe dount that this intimated as them by the Union and by the Constitution brou -ht him aceross tho hoit. his h' ad o-r to the sulljoif Ley of the force demauded,! no on.; of them having been a .Mate out 1 tbl) ."je dnad Si inur-h f-r our "' i;P has inerea.ed it to haif a million men. i of the Union. '1 his view of the con-titulio .hooter. They will j iok elf many a ) ' 'I Lis enormous preparation io uiun and ' tal relmions, another aertion of the mess- tll,, ,.,.,,,,. ho ar.i in isnch o( "'' money, for the conduct of a war on a scale ae is like tbat the executive poMe.es tbe ; ff0ln ,bf burnini sands of P.c.-ns- U - wore (,-iaiitic Uiau any whicli the new world power of su-putid ing tho ntUus corpus arid hope so. Muh' "ir, ij Mill. ever iti.eed, i. a distinct avowal in the f dele-gating that powrr to military com- " eyes of civi.u d man that thu United .Slates wand, at his di-erction ; and both cf these , . , , aro engaged in a conflict with a gnat -and ' propo-itions claim a respect eqialto that! KtvEHB Hail SreittM. ( )u W e I o-"-powetlui nation. They are at last compell j which is felt for the additional atatement of evening, (lih instant,) a portion of oj? td to abandon tne pretence of being .-ngig- opinion in the same paper, tbat it i proper district was vitited by one of the m t "' ed in di.pei.ing rioters and suppres-mg m ! , order to execute tho laws, that some Tere U41 ,lorm, th,t bus be-n cxpt-ii-n"1 urrecnons, tui re onven to me .ckuowl edgon-nt that th. ancient Union has b s: -1 du.-oived. J hey reooni-i the .'.-parato ex istence of thee Conf-.-rlerato .Mates by th' introduction of em bar '-o and blockade. Ai :ii:'l lavv, niado iu such extreme tenderness ,,.,,.. - i. r , u tr W. i'. (''' of citixens, liberty bo j-ponded, as it re- ' . .i ,.,n wa nearly A Fi.ortMjA S'.i.Liixa P.-ivato Ilissett, of Capt. MetJlellan's Jackson volunteers, stjnds six f'et thre. inches iu bis stock- lie is only r.in.te.B rears of age, and lieves rnoro of the guilty ih intbe innocent, and shouid to a very limited extent be vio lated. We may well rejoice that we have ... I ill y poinds the cou.ri.eioe between them and the United forever served our connection with a iov- .Stales, not only by sea, but by land ; not eminent that thus tramples on a'l prinip oaly in ships, hut tu cars ; not only with those who bear arms, but wiih the entire population of ti.e Confederate Stat, i i ' r.ai.'y, li.ijy have repudiated the foolish con ceit that the inhabitants ef this Cenfcdera-1 ly extended by reason of tho poi,fly wbioU Ur Manila -l corn crop ruined by tun !, ul and rain. ,,rl1 1 , ' oflhe farms of Capt. K. C MtLurc, U Hope, Mr. Rainy and S'-mn others suf: ed severely We bave not learned how I'1' tho storm xten l-i It is said l of con .H.ational l.be.ty. nd with a ,ecplB c llflUtl., ,,,! tb r01t , leaving in .,1.'.... pr,se.:, ruch avowal cowld bo b.ru stem i inriuy places, and riddb'd l-'.s ,,,"r'K"1' e-oru. Wo .1. K-urn that Mr. Israel 11- ' I ho op.riitioii m th Geld will he pr- st. corn crop was very mur-h iajured. "-"if

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