A RASKET OF CHIPS A divine (Rev. Mr. li , whose j teirt is as full of loving kiodocsi as bis j bctd is full of wit sod learning) was set-j tied ia the town of , iu Middlesiex coun- J tj, Mass. On the first Sabbath folIois, j after the moorning, service, one of tbe dea-1 cods introduced him to a parisboncr : "Mr. II ,a!low me to introduco you to Mr. F ; he is one of tbe pillars of our chnich." " Indeed ," said Mr , " I ob served Mr. P during tbe sermon, and it occurred to tut then that be was one of the sifij'eri .'" A lgal gentleman, of this city, who is unfortunately afflicted with o impedi ment in his speech, a few days since bad bis attention attracted bj the stock in trade of a bird dealer, doing business on the tide walk f Nassau street. """ ' Talk !" was the indignat rejoin der ; if ho couldn't U.k better than jou, I d wring . ,. blS Beck for bltn I A fashionable lad V at a watering-place , , , . I . u- u .1, .'U,t I had a favorite lapdog, which she exiled I " Perchance." , . j.im " A SlDgttlar name for jour pet, Madam, said a centUnian, "pray, where did you . , ' obtain it : i " Uh 1" drawled the lady, most exquisi tely. " it was named after Bvrou'sjdoj;. Yen remember where be ipeaks of it, and lays, Perchanee my dog will howl! V 1. ' Ain't you afraid you "lil break, while falling so!"' said a chap in the pit ef . circus, to the clown, j "Whveo" asked the clown. 1 3 ,, ,. , , , 1 " Baoaase you are a tumbier,' baw.ed tbe wag. ! The bouse was in a roar. Exit clown bo ' hied the scenes. i ' Pap, I planted soite potatoes in our gardei," said oat of tbe smart youths of this generation to his father one day, " and what do you think came up V , " Why, potatoes, of course, " psp. S "No, aires. There cams up a drove of hogs and eat 'em all." The old man " gin in." A recent sensation novelist srves tip the following choice morsel : "The heart cf this lival, ahall we ven ture to say it, would at that momett have been a most acceptable morsel to bis burning threat, could ha have passed it quiveritg, warm, and kbleedin, between bis teeth.'' "Won't you tuke tcy word, sir wlcti I tell jou I will call and pay your till on Saturday morning Lest! 'said deiitqjetit debtor to a dunning ereditor, with whom he had, had sharp worJj. " Nu, sir," replied the other, " I had ra ther you would Lap voar w;rd." Qceer Provisions At Lcu'.svi'.le, on Friday, a hogshead, yellow beaded, aid uiarktd " prince bacsn,'' got thrown on 'o pu the street, at the depot, llJ the cocceaVl meat, except a few hams, aiptared iu the shape of Colt's revolvers. Great was tie surprise at the extraordinary development and evidence that smoked pigs should gen erate CW'i. A writer who hat jet returned from Chi na, tays that the taoa uitfu! crip ra'.-ed by the Chinese is peai. The C.'.estinls are a prudent people they mind t'ictr peas and cues. A young lady who had lo.-t or mislaid ber beau, was advised to bacg up her fid die. She said the advice did great vioiei.ee to her hearts striLg". " Is it tot carious," said an old gentle nan, a few davj sIls, t) his frittd, " a watch shiu'.d he pcrf-.-ctly dry, wh:ti it haa a ruLniDg spring iiibide V Why ia a eosb climbing up Mont Vcfi viui like an Irishman who wishes to kis bis sweet heart ? Because he wants to g':t at the mouth of the " cratur " Life's greit suceejs is a hafpy heart and a good c;ncitnce the ttit estate Who hath them T Regular diet of uianied men at Lon.e t&Lue. The electees of youth are drifts upn old age, payable thirty years after, with iu ttrctt 1 Tern what in the world pat iiiitriu.o oy into your htad !' ' Will tLe fact is Jju, I a gettii.g kiitfl cf shirts.' " Can t we u. ake miss?'' " Oh, yen, jour lorer j-alon, . I ti.iiik vte van, if we J-Ul our icars loelhtr." A codern tourist calls the Niagara I'.,er"lLe pride of rivers.' That priJe certaitiy ha a tntu. tdojs fail. At what time of day was Ad am created ? A lutie Lefure Eve ('a NV. '.-',. -At tfi 'fti a a csudiJate s o . . c 1 1 -1! a vtie I wcuU rather vctu fer the devil thi J. a trie reply FALL OPENING. New Store, New Goods! AT Leowenstein & Bro, TasF.AItl.Ynppcsilcthe Court House, where they have an extensive stock of Hi C L O Till iV G, ii o o i s , is 1; S U A T S , AND and a large variety of DOMESTIC GOODS AND i i:ov,m: i:i t:s. Persons will do well to give us a call before pur chustng elsewhere. LOEWEIVSTEIN i I3RO. Octobtr O.ISCQ. 2!'lf ! merciWtailoring FI.LI.GS, MltlGS A CO. a B AVE iio added tu their Heady-made Cloth. IB me Slock, a Merchant Tailoring Depart- in e n t. to which they call the especial alteation of llu-ir man) friends and cuatomera. They intend making this department second to ne u e Stale elttler jn yie ,nd quality of Gunus, or in the manulactureul Uarinenta. At ll tnnea w ill be t'uuiid a good Hock of Black and t t,ilrt:utK,tMNl;nl!l,h, F rench and American Casuneres, and a variety ot Vislings. Also, an assortment cf . . .. . t I i 4i V It 1 I, .1 LP ,l!S.'l S.IISS, They feel con6dcnt of their ability to undersell any oilier house in the State, from the advantages tm,y laTe j geu,ng utir Boou Their roods are Doughl 'v the quantity, by one ' of the Firm who resides in the Northern markets, which givea hsui the opportunity of taking advan. U(.e ot- lue prlcc, 0j goods, thereby saving at '""t a:3 Twenty-Five Per Centra '' ti.e consumer. JTDimea aaved are Dollars maiie Su try ua. FULLKGS JNij. M. SPKl'xGS, Stfitmhrr 23, lcO. 27tf CHEAT SACRIFICES ot FAIM.. A I 1 AY I i TU II CS CV W X x .ZZ 5 1 JUST UECEIVLD F ISO 31 Ji: aur Va'j 9 by GOODMAN & EIGEWiL, TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE OATi:S iV WILLI 31 S. "Vv r E resocctfulcy in 'trm tnc citizens of C har C V lolle, anil surrounciog country Hint we are prepared tj offer (jilit.i I 1.DICL7IC.TS ZZi LZ-i CiO l-L ZJL ijr a A WWm km tgmm J W ."W. W m DRY GUUJJS, Slats. 1 tijts, Moots, iois, A'c. AKD A LARGE 4.S jRTHC.M OF (.LHiUItJ'S 1 I ltM.MJJ.Nt. .OOIS. AL0, A lare s'.ock of Latins iim: fici.tii-inen'a SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, i'.L.ise cai hno tzuiit.i.e uur UooCs be fore GUuDMAN i EIGENBUUN. Oct J.er 2. l-.tU. Xi3i 1 II i: (alt I, AT CLOTHING E.MMUUM. I'L'lLLNGS, bl'ULNGS k CO., IiEALtKS I.S ALL KINDS OF JIlADV made clothing I LIt.MMII.Nf; GOODS, S ullino, riisg X. to. .i lue especial attention of their no patro:is to liicir W 9 lricnus n:;v stock of clothing, i. , -p.ii:ng. Tiny in.na t.ny can oiT-.r grialtr iiiu u'.iiiiii.in to Luvcrs ti... ii Uiy htve ir coriu, ti.i-.r K'-'s u:,t.g b'.ug..t at r-cucu rales anu at ut;u pr.ns .a lu'jy Itn cui,i.un,t i.o 11 ju.c in the '1 i.ey ure otii'fiilj Very r.ice I tSM.iii.lti; MIIS from to t.'i. A.l nuai r of t A.-1.U.1(1. PA.M.S, c as. 1. MERE. SILK, .MA lALAs.it A.N o VtLVtT VLa J jj, OVtil COATn, Of all graan a.iO styles. T i a'uoTc (.. "uti cii.i.ot he turpjsed in atyie ar.ii r:.-t, Ii h i' Ltcn in in ul nturio unOer .hi .'.bklai;t aurperviaioii of one ol ::ie rirm. i L'LLIN'j;', ilT.INijrf i CO. a. u. aij;xa.oj;k, SI Midi, OA J is j', ' ' ""' k''S '" 'K,"ce' 10 tneciti. Z:""" l''"""u'";J"""'K-ou.1 TtTt :.e 111 the trealment ul ir;i-gulri. t.i-s oi mj l-:cth, iiaeat ol tlie luoultl. 'Icetu h.ii'J in a sAiillol and satisfactory uiai.ner. Ar. l.h.jiji c.-c.ii inai-rt'-d on Oc.u or ii vtr plate, also lna:a I- utr vji'.-niZMi oac. 'i lua alyle ol ur ua iiury au.i,U(;r mil trie wageu wor. It can oe no.jna to ti.e .iu in witn iti irritation t i.i n Hie ;ia wora it is alau clieapir. It is Iric I: .in ai.ji biiNi,.ui,; ui:or i.r laetc llivir.j; o come j'-t.l 1 ,r the Ainericin Hard llvj:r.t ump.ii.jf lit wni supp;y Llcnlials will) of li'.-j r.g.M. .'. mar.u. i- i , a,. , or Art.ti'nal 'I f tn abd t'.e Appaiati.a and M iterial. Jit ii a. grve iiistruttioii. m lue art on mod. ten. travelling bu- Che per. rt tu at 1 U'.ll. c.;nrii.g .' uone, Ljn be atlei risiOilr.l I' O , .Vie by aoMrtai.ir:g luui a leu burg t o., ,v. C J ,' All avora warraiacO. a'lli 3. .SCO. Slf j KOIM'. II. ( OUM, Jrf K.U;At CO.WMJ.-jMo MKK. HA.NT I " M Wii.m.-w.Toia, . C. ; J rO.Iice, South Cerner Maraet and Waiir St. ' oo stum. ) Orfeoer II. 1 60. 31tf IIIALIM IN COT ON and all KIMES of PRODUCE, tuade stri:i:t, charlotte, k. c. 0AII orders attended to with despatch. Afnl 17, 1660. 4(f WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGS OF FBOFKIKTORS.) BROAD S'l KI'.LT NEM BERN, 1. C, JOHN F. JOKES, Proprietor. rilllE Undersigned respectfully announces to JL the travelling public, that he haa takan charge of this old and popular eatablialiment, and is now prepared to accommodate traveleraand pri vate families with board by the day or month, on the most accommodating lerstin. ilia TAELE will alwaya be furnished with the beat provisions that home and foreign markets can afford. The WtiolliilSiOll Unlet has large rooms, ia nearer the depot, the court-houae, and the business atreeti than any other in the city. An Ommbui will alwaya be at the depot and landing, on the arrival ot the cars and steamboat, to convey paaaengers to the Hotel Tree of charge By stopping at this Hotel, passengers will have ample tune to obtain meals. Having also a large and commodious Stable, nii an excellent Ostler, he ia fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at the moat reasonable ratea. JOHN. F. JONES. itfare 1. 1859. 5ltf Charlotte iTIutiial Fire Insur ance 1'oiupaisv. jnHlS COMPANY continues to take risks a alt gainst loaa by fire, on Houaea, Goods, Pro duce, h c, at usual ratea. IT Office at the Drug Store of K. Nye Hutchi son At Co. ornciRs. A. C. STEELE, rresidtnt. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E. NYE HUTCHISON, Sec'y. f Treaa'r DIRICTOR8. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WHISTON, C. OVERMAN. F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scarr and S. T. WiusTO.N, Exceutive Committee . April 26, 18S9. 7tf EWOIAIIOTEL, B( LTJsflCeTe -32SGjE3a f MlilE aubscriber lakes plcarure in announcing JL to his fnendv, and the public generally, that he haa taken thia long established and well known Hotel, and haa made every possible preparation to accommodate tbe business, travelling and visiting portiona of the public, in the most satiaiacloiy manner. Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his K003IS. His STABLES are abundantly sups lied and at tended by careful O'tiers ; and to all departments j Hie proprietor gut" hia personal attention. I A coiufortabieUMMRI'S runs regularly to the depot on the arrival of the cars Willi these pfi'i.rla to please, a liberal share of; he public patronuge is confidently solicited. WM. ROWZEE. Sot,mb,r 15, UoO. 36tf J. S PHILLIPS f? -n m A V I N G located in V Jt M t'nariotte, respectful. ulicils a share of fiuuiic zalrunijfe. I A coinulele assortment j of t'lolhk, (..aaaiiueres anu Veatinga alwaya on h inJ wlucn will be made .o or der at tno aliorteat nutnc, after the latest fashion. Snou three floors Suulh of the Mansion House. 29tf Septtmtitr'i'i, lao'J. J01IIN S, WILEY, HAMFACTUSaR 1.10 IMroaTZS Of HA YAK A SEGARS, AD DBALER 1.1 obacco, Snuff, Hatches, Paper, kc, nSMIIHM I'll kS, If., tuo.taallronbaad. Januaiy J, l:r,0. 42lf z. u. joii.v, tiencral Collecting ,Igent, tnioiitovro, Perry Comity, Alabama, 11" I I.I, attend promptly to the collection of all W W claims piaccu in lna hands, tatate C'iaima juoked afltr, Land Claims ferret led out, and absconding deutors looked up at rea sonable vnarges. TEXAS CLAIMS. Tj Collections made in luas, as heretofore, UimuiM. niv atluriu va in tnat I State. Promutness may be aat'rly drpended OD. trbru -ry JSoU. 4J-lv WJIuFmTJ'Dr" f Ulii. p.mitiog cuinmuriity will lake notice that vV, tlicir W heat Crop will be purchased at the Chariotte Slearn flouring Mil, at market prices. Tnose having Wheat for aale may find it to their advantage to call at the Mill before cl"mg a aale. JUI1N WILKKs t CO. July 2, ISi9. SUtf WALTON IIOUS I-:. A s tiii; liiasi; or 'i in; i'iti;s- aCm. I;. Proprietor will terminate on the tibln ol May neit, l ie subacribera will rent, for a term of year', this popular Holi-I, to a man who can give such references, (none olhtr nerd apjilj,) as ill satiafy Hie owi-re tnat it will be so atpt as not lo uiiraci lioin ine reputation wbicli it sua lama aa a first eiaaa Hotel. The Patronage of the Ilouae ia large and in-crt-aaiiig. troin its central position, and eatab. Iislicd en iracter cannot it fail of success, if pro. pi.-riy conaucted. Any fultier information in de. l.il will be given by addreasing. T. G. 4 VV, M. WALTON. Morganloii, N. C. V4.5.1S61. UGM S. T. WrWon J A N L'KACT I R Kf of, s nil dra le r i n I' I a t n and a.TjT Japanned Tinware, Stov.;a, Woo'l:n Ware, hrooint, lituhhea, anj., In South wing of Springs' Corner Uuiiuiiip. Job V ori.,aucu aarooCng, Udltering, 4.C done with despatch 5 COUHSIKG-EGUSB AIHAKAG 1861. K w H JANUARY 6 13 SO 27 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 0 10 11 12 14 IS 1G 17 IB 10 21 22 23 24 20 26 2t 20 30 31 FEBRUARY - 1 2 3 10 17 24 4 5 6 7 8 0 II 12 13 14 15 16 18 10 20 21 22 23 20 26 27 23 MARCH.. 3 10 17 4 5 6 7 8 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 H la 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 2-J 20 30 24 25 31 . 1 APRIL.. 2 3 4 5 6 12 13 10 20 7 14 21 2S 8 0 10 11 15 10 17 19 22 23 24 20 29 30 MAY 1 2 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 20 31 5 12 19 2G 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 JUNE 1 2 0 16 23 3.) 7 14 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 lrt 19 20 24 25 20 27 7 t It 15 21 22 28 29 JULY.... 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 18 20 24 25 26 27 21 21 29 AUGUST., 1 7 8 14 10 21 22 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 21 4 11 18 20 1 8 15 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 2-j 29 30 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 SEPTEMBER ... 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 18 19 20 21 , 22 25 26 27 2-J 29 3J OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 1 i 10 23 24 20 26 30 31 6 13 20 27 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 NOVEMBER 3 10 17 21 .. 1 8 15 22 29 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 2!j 2 3 9 10 10 17 23 21 3) 21 fi 13 It 10 10 20 21 2 .' 23 29 30 C 7 ICEMBER. 11 12 1.1 14 18 19 20 21 20 26 27 28 i n n v I rjIHE aubaenber lias received a large and ari. JL ed ursurimrnl of 5 I for Spring and Summar, which fur cheapness snd neatness, cannot be surpassed, consisting in part ol i Klack and colored CI.OTil, H ack UUK.-KINS. I'luin, Black and F ancy CASSIM KK K Krench Drab IV t'I'Ks. Main Black and Figured S,lk VL.STI NGS, Fancy Linen DRILLS, snd all oiner trouua u." '11 found in a first clas 'l aiioru.g K-uhli.liii.int. Ail ot which w.ll U made to order or .old by the yard on ac.'oiiin.oda. l.ng terms. J. S. PHILLIPS. In returning my thai. as to the c! Iiztis of ( ha r. lolle, lor the tery kind anu lite ral pitronie tin y hate h stowed on me, I wou.il ffj n l a coil. nu ance of toe same, Willi the uii,ra m e tiiat all or. iters entrusted lo me will be utat.y a.io promptly executed. j. .; 1'. Ari17.16Gn. 4 if cTiaij.(7j"1'j; "jiotkl, av EBX.a III M'.IA) I I II, V. 1 rilHUFroprictorofthis II. .lei at hia or.al r. a., I,. I I fil the duties of ' mine host" to the taMsSamf travelling public and othera who may call on nun, and he flatters himself that us comfortable quarters can be found with him as any wherein thia vicinity. lieing ntuat'd near ly in the centre of C'lotrlotte, tiuaiueas Men will find this Hotel a niot convenient and desirable location. He has been engaged in Hie huaim s at this stand nearly eighte. a years, snd in that tune he has made several additions to his former house, and it haa been greatly enlarged and mi. proved, presenting in front a two atory V Kit AN DA lOO leet in lengtn by IS feet in width, handsomely eluded by treea on the sidewalk, a Hording a plea. ant promenade at all houra of the day. The House has been thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every part of it creature comforts arc abundant and tangible. especially in the DINI.V. ROOM, where the "inner man" ,i "renewed" day by day. Connected with thia Hotel are Stables a Hording room for 100 horses, abundantly f urnished with grain and provender, attended by faithful and o bliemg hoe lirra. The Proprietor fcelseonfidrnt that with his long experience and rnuny new advantages milled to his di sire to please, he is prepared to offe r his frii ruls and the rent of mankind," as many comforts and aa much rood cheer aa will be found anywhere, perhaps a htile more ao. 4-T At any rate Tev trie Charlotte Hotel. J. Ii. KMIUl Octoher 13. H:,H. 3Jlf 1!. W. IIKCKWITI! HAS CONSTANT!, V (IK KAMI ATGHES. JEvELKT, i'LATtU SM, tta S TH eST IMQI.IaM AND AMKBI'.'AK ISI. V AC'TU S S Call snd eiainine hi stock befora purchasing ilsewhere. i u U U I) i P. SAUIiS, Ai'i'liilt'i'l .'ind Iluildcr, I r I . ritmihli Deai una. I Inns and Dra wins. fur Public Build i rig , Private licuiduiicoa 1 V.ll... P:,rtirliliir atleiilinn wil beiiaid to building Flouring Wills, Corn Mills, ic. Orrict iu 3d story of Alexander's building, front room, over I hinu Hull. Odoier26. 188 33lf Ucnioval. MY Friends and Customers are respectfully iiifurmec that I have removed my Tin Shop to Sprints' B.icU Iluilding, 3d door from the cor ner, on Tryon street, vt litre he will be pleased lo see them. S. T. WIUSTON. January 31, l?tiO. 45 tf AyersSarsaparilla A i 'iiioiin,l remt'ily, in which wo have la I. uvj to j'l'.ilu' V tin- mu-t I'it'.'rtiiul ulterativa t...i'. ..hi Iu in. i.i '. It i.i u coiiccntriitcil c.vtriict of I'n.i Sai nip.-irilla, so conihitipil with other stiiii.taii.i-t of still gruiit'-r iil'cmtive jiowt-r at t i air.jt .1 wit o.'l'.-itive nntiJotc fur thu tliseua-'S S.ir-uji ii ill t i , reputed to cure. It is believed tluit a-M li a r 'incily ia wanted by those who su'f r fnini Sti iituoui complaint-i, and that one which will aivompliiih their cure must prove of inv.n -inj vrvice to thia laru clas-t of our a:Ilictc.l f Icjw-citiena. How completely this rompuiiii'l ill il l it has bivn proven by exper iment on in my of the woi it casea to be found of th' following complaints : - Siiiot-rt.v ami Seuorri.oi'S Comhi.aints, llr-.i I'.-iim A-i) Kiiri-TivK Discasks, Cixrus, 1 'l M l-l. 'I a. HLOrCllKS, Tl'MORS, S.tlT KlILl'M, c.t.n llr.t, Svi-iiiLis an n Syphilitic Ar rt. ii'im, Mkiui iu.vi. DiiKvar, Dttopsv, Nei rai.'.u cm l ie I)iet.oi Mi.i x. Ukiiii.itv, Drs- I'l l -IA AN 11 ISDIOKSTION, l'.KYSter.l.AS, HoiB oh Sr. Anthonv's Fins, and ind.vit the whole tins-, of complaints arising from IxriuiTY vr Tllk lll.oou. This coinpound will be four.J a great pro mo! r of h'-alth, when taken in the spring, to exp l tlu foul Imtnorv which fctc-r in the bio id at that season of the yctr. lly the time ly expulsion of thctn ninny rankling disorders arc nipped in the hui. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves fro:n th- cn.lur.uiie of fouj eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will s'rtvc to riil itself of eorruptioiu, if not assisted to do this tin iii'li the natural channels f the body by an alti rat.vo medicine. CI -aii-a." out the v.t.v d bin.) I vtlictirver you find i'os impurities b ii it.n i through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or ui"i; il'-tuiv? it when jou find it i ob Mr;i ted an I hijiih in the veins ; deans it whenever it is f il, and your f-elings will tell joj hcn. liven here no particular disorder is f it, ,vs.j.'..- ciijiiv I.L-ttei h'-alth. nnl live loiU' r, fur clcuniiiii; the bl ind. Kp the blood Ii- il'hv, nnd all is will : but with this rariu;i-i:il o. i-tititf h-alt pabulum o; life dl. ordered, th'-re can lie no tin health. S.i iiirr or later ,meth.ng somt-th.nic ihuierv of i-t e; i MMii.', and the (jreat mair life ii I- red or overthi S ii -a; i: ill i his, and cleierves much, the tepu-.i'i ei of lie--omplj-hin theso ends. Hut tl.e orll has tv-n cgreionily deceived by jir-jutittions of t, partly bevause the drug a ' j.i hit not nil the Sutue that is ilaimed for t. hut more because many prqiara'ions, pr !nl.n- t Ik- c oiiceii'r.Te l estraets of it, con'i.ii hut little of the Virtue of SurwipariMa, ,.r any ll..;i- iL-e. Iui:n,' ia'.- y-ars the nuM.c havo beiti n,i I. i ' y l.n. ; ho'tles, j tetcinhi. t' t'.v.- a 1,'iait of llxtr.i t of S.r-ajiiriil i toroti'- dollar. M ! of li .,-.- l..,v. bv-c-n frauds ui'oti the sn k, fir ti. y 1. o...y -'.i,:.i, littl'-, if any, S.ir-.ipa-r-.lh, 'eit olV n 1. 1 c '. r i'r. projr'K w l.aU t tr. li-n -, Ii.'.t.rati ! p-i.r.t'-il d.-ipj-'u-.t'iiei.t 1. ,s ft.iiuw d tu ' u-e of toe various extrai ti of Darsapari I.i s!iuh tl .d tic market, until the ri.iiiie its. ,f is ju-tiy d- i;.m .1, aid has b..-(itnie ayi-onyn.otM with iin;i.i-itioti utet t!.. .it. Su.l viecj.l Tl.n io:ni.ii::id s.irsnpjr.ll.i. and .nvn 1 tii rtipp'.y su !i a ti l:.-ily as iKall re w the tac 1: in. the load of ot.lo.-iy whi'-h .' u;kii it. And ur think, we have irrouiiil fir b- 1: -t .t-. it ha. Virtues vt 1.;. h are i: i '! til.le by the onl.tury run of the d.- :ies it is intend ed to cure. In ord.r to secure thir c-.m;!-t-t-rj'ii rei'iu from the fy-ti ni, the remedy ..-.uuM be j i in ioaiiy TjAin a. eoidu.j to dtKi ttwiiS OU the bottle. IHt.rARfl) IIV DIt. 3. V. At lilt A CO. I.DWMI.I., MASS. Price, tl per Ilulll i hlx Ituiilsa fur a ". Aycr's Cherry Pectoral h ii W'n tr r)( on' h a r tiiwn fir th rifff . 1 I. it in cii'.j -iy urinecrfstary f r u ! r-.''tLlt i;.? evadnrj of lit MtXncn, nfiTOvrr it !- twin tni-piiv-H. it it-. lutiii; U-n in c.ita:it n turouil.nut ti.i ftrr'tion, wo i. rJ ii' t d n:rr t'.a-i -iure Mtf jf' Ti'.e iU taIitT , k ;t u; t t'. U t it rtt Ka tK n, ariI that it Ii. v Ur r"at. ti on to do for tiaicif its.i'f si-1 it 1.4 ever L.c fo'tud to iw. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, pon nil cent of f'oilitfiHi, .AomiiV-, ry '.r, ii.'t.-.'Vi'i, IliterJ'i , .s,.,r,, . . ye ,.e.'n, ll'o lacn, I'll, t, Hhtrt inafttiit, :' ii;,li..i l V.ki ln-lirl, I.i'r Cw,,,!a,,l. iJro,,,,,. Trlfrr, y.onor. an,! Sat ll'u;,m, HVmi, I I'm', .Wi, -oei I, u. a Vt'iAtr anlf.r I'.tr.f j. tl, Kl. 1 hey are soir- nnted, t'.st the most aetni-ti'-i- can take tnem pU i-an' Iv, an-1 tl.rv ar t:.e le-t api-ritiit in il.r vojil J lor all the pnrpon of a f irmly phytic. Pries 2J cents per Box ; Five boxos for SI 00. Great numbers of Cler-- men, Phv.i' inns, T-lisfrt-m'-n, and eminent pr-."n:iees, hate rnt th'-ir n an.es to eer-jfy the iin-iarsll'led ii-efiilne-s of tie ie rernediea, but our -.j' e e h'-r will not permit iht insertion of thern. Ihe Ae-rii t--low rnnoeil f.r riiih gratis our Awrnnts Ai mo iiiu alinhli.iy ar iriten ; with al-ai full deirTiptiot'S of the ai-ote corniiaitits, and tno treatment that should he fol lowed fur their ruio. I.o not he put off hr unprim -ipled dealers with o'her preparatiorn thev make more profit on. JVin i-ul Avr.w's. and take no others. 1 h e k want the best aid there it for th'vu, and they slmuid kivr it. All our remedies arc for sale hj Tor sale by E. NVK HUTCHISON i CO. . F. .SCAKK A: ('.. tharU'e. IIAV1LA.SD, STKVKNSONtt CO., CliurrMon, S. C. Fruit and Tree Store, ft 1 UK suh.crihrr less oprned nut next door a I hove Hyerly'a 'I in. shop, in the Mansion Ilouae Hiiililn p, "nil will Lien "n hand a well e. lecttd stock of Fruit '! i s, (irape Vines, Hver. greens snd Slim hU r jr , Ac. Also, limit of van. ou k. unfa Apples, Oraujis, I.tmons, I'uie Ap. plea, Ac, &c. K. W. LYLKS. Ileeeniher II, f-r.0. -JH.U iNotice. I.i. persons iniiehlt d to the eatate of Andrew JU. Sir.ni;s, .Jt i '.f , w.ll in.. Ue iiiuin emte pty. men t ; and all pcrnonn linnnj. claims naui-l tanl etlale, will present them duly a ut lienlica led, in the time prt.t rihed by law. or this notice will be plead m tiar of their recovery. t. ii. I'.i:k,m;x. (Moher .Hl.l f,1. 3.nf Charlotte DRUG Store, K. -V Yi: III TrTllS()N -V ( o. Ul'I.I) respect roll y call the attention of the w public lo tin ir larte andeoii.plele Su.ck now Ix iri-r opened for the Spring 'I'r-nle, eoiii.line of lirujrs, M Hiemes, ChemicaU, I't rfuin-ry, r anejr Ann h ., Dils, Turpi niirie, ltirnirir Hun), Aleo. i.ol, Tiire Mrdie.,1 Wines and Itiandiea, 1 anU.n Tesa, Field and frderi Heads, 4c, sc. January 17, !b(0. 4.Jtf siwrcaiis LIVER INVSGORATO" KKVKIt Df lilt.lT.liK,. "J ITiVv"'"!:.""!.'.!; Ve.ly r,",n . w, aiel ,.,p,.,.,M l,v all tli-.ll ' l-''-'-'"-.- l' ,V7','.'.i'V' 1 ' a-arteitla will. e...iiMuica I.i J Lu U,t aaK t '" " ' l r,. omH-liil,. CS "-aiaai t lol II I,-. Clirj lll.i.l.liliil,. " IU,I , ,. , wha hd ciTr.,1 mi tin.i'i-a. O L r.vr ,5, Tha J'-aa mua In- ailapi.-ll E"l rijTl'.ril.!." "'1' tn-tiirJual lakmi, II. a.ij ua j g- va , ,,,, n'1',""!'''', i ili'i Ilua -4 Ll Ihe cli-uit. nr your; f. jii.Vm..nt ,-ni,. w if u.. i.i v k ll I m -; v i t.oi, ,v, ((, ' " will our Liter (.'am J' l''ll'l,l!lilu. .. Mjl'lJllUt, U,, "l l'.llul llul hit', tl.nl.,. ,(,,. ':,f"""". MM,,. r Kt i,.i,i,. ,.k " Im-ks, liyspepatu, IS ii in in tr 1' o m IJ-, Dl-npsy. He.ui- C otttvenett, i ll-jl- L ra .Slut litta, ( liolsm tl lenee, Jav. nil Ice, M ra, and msr D ufvl sue.) ry Family Jlletlt- 1 1 c a u ai ii r., (. II K. (" JJ lilltea. If JJ tie ltk-: P ii tu H aire' lf Itvcitty iitliiulca. If apoonfuls - Ail .I.o Klln-r il.-i, t,,. ,sil VTKU I Till-! MOITII uirn TIIK IWtfiOlt VIOll, A.NO uttl UO'l'II TOtil-.'l ll l--.lt. lv I'llee One Dullnr per llollle. SAHrORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS. l i Vl-.M -.lif II i It J Pure Vru.l-.l-l- ae... i.. ,,,, ,,, l.l.V-Ot Ass.1, Alt- llnUl. iin.l ,,, ' ' In any rilranlc. The l- -.ii.IIV Ihartl-- ' I ,. Sr':::x 2 ...;, .;.; r:. a--t.,i..i..,i.. I.- '- - M ..,ei l, n-' -t V , kt.elv... ..villi.. I'l l.l.-l a . I l .- . . ,. , " u.r.."";"r.'M-'i!'.'!'..v h U"'L" ,; '"'' ..'r.r.'.ir-Tv.V'.;:.' fr-'v: la. HMIl.t I - I II fTl . - , , raiitmoil, ..I ii,. ' . , !, Vi..1'." a... I'.il... I., II. r II... k . f ' I .als ....., I'nli.iM D...I H I.. '," Mi wbujr l....ly,jjjj u. .. . . . ." '' ; ir ik... or i(..r- m in,;, :, ,i",,:.i,lv .:;vt C uv.iivr- .4 ' "' s l,.K':::,',,,,':.,:',; t hlldrr-a "r sililtla,t2 1 1 1 ..-.II.,,, , J I't.rl llrr ul IL III.M-.I . J . . " ' n-ro'.a U Wa..ala..U.U-..,. J I'KII K. TIIKI--.V. lltxi t. Tlia I.Jt-r lot ll-.. si . , I..,. I I- ,,,,11-r r,. . lo o. ;.i i,.. . , ' ' ' S. T.H.tHllt), tin tllM.U--- ... ' ". . . . 339 Uroidviti, Ntn inn, f. 6CAH U i C'j Ch!..irrt yc Wm J.Kerr, A T T O It A A' ) A T I. A It , II IKI.OI M , V .. I'll I. prtetiee in lue ( our .a i.i Mi i . V w Liiioii and abarrna cot.iit,.. ir Ottirr in U.e iiraait liu...i,r,s . , Kerr's Hotel. Js i4. I tt,0. ,!- E. R, STOKES IJook IJiudiui,' Itablil;n.ti.(, Tu Door: tLvtc Lrjiub Cat. k . in v II.-:-iDf ia rrar c . B. M..n!t) tlli.iial:,,, loi.t .nit i t, w.t . The shote I.tlablitl.ti eiit la 1:1,1 111 lu i ..-. tion, ha in, a 1.1 11, .1 rrcciv.i.g lu.: .i,,, , tn teat M.A.N K lAtl.U ai.u LI.MIi. S. I I.ltl.M..-. I .11. at ... I.n.ti t.a.., I . : tiers in in y I.e., nnl at II, c s.n.c 1 , . ' t liari til ialiui,.gr, ari.t i. .I'e.M, . .4 given to all urtitrs wnii atiutii J r.-ty ut lit V in g had l.o.j; r ai t.r .Ii 1 1, rt i" t in 1.1 . t u lac lure uf lit. A.N K 1.4 11 )k. t i.d 11. I ,t h' 1 . 1 .1 i.tw tun oitl IK I.N 1 hi) WtilihS, I rl.tur 1. ..- t that I tali, in all Casts, fitr tn'.iri t.li. .U . I I A.Nk I.t.oKs, Hank I'of ks.t l.rkt-I. I. r l .ii.ct . bl.er.tla-, liitiinar 's 11.1l I 11 11, .. ... 1,. r 11 r . tj's llotiks.ali 1,1 I I D ti u l.t'l M' n, . . ..: Inn. 111 11. c i-j ht at mai i. r, t s,, ,,i a.i J I ji'J and loot iru w i.r 11 inj'.i. . . I I.I.N I I II Mith. Mu.ic 5.H.ka,rir..-K.;s,l'a...,..!.i..V and Iheias of tu ry Meat .j Inn, tv.us.'. .r t . . Ill r ( ry variety o! sly .e. IJ A.i o.-ons v. , 1 De tsrtulrd wiln e h. li. 3rtw Jumumy 17, -'.'J. MtU I ll- Ai.il.l A Ilutual Life Insurance Ciara.,- UltKl.. It M.I. It, H, , 1 f 'HIS ( oiiipany innir. s Ihe In. . ., r. 1 1 I a:, lor one year, a term i.t yt.f," ' ll. c Mutual I'riiit. pit, I,, assort'. 1 r -' paling .n U.e pn liia ol 1m t 1,11,, . , I. rii. o..l,( l.-f tl 1. n t .-. . ' whin the premium tn.rtl. r amount" t, I 1 note may lac given lor one -hall ti.t amount , : it premitiiii , J'ar injf in trri st a I tj p r i'. 1: t. a . guaranty. '1 he prompt manner in which s,i . -.:. .. o tK-en pai.i lay tins c mpaiiy,(ojt tin r ,1, i . 4 raits 01 premium, pltscl.l j; rea I nn. ucti,,i r,: sueit as are Uia.oBt ti lu llisuie. MaVea are insulin ..r term ol iron 1-1 li ve y art, lor t. o tiurtia t ot 11 t 1 11 Ail loaa. a are palU w 1 th ill Jt) C ay a a Hit ' ' iaclory prooi ia ,rt ar n tic. dik: t iif.s. t har!. s K. J, l.nrl W le. II. J-MS. Hi,. 1 llol.lcn, . 1). to. kr, J. t.. Wili.ai.-.. Ii;' llual.tl, Quinlme ItuaUe, 1'. I. Ii"-. ' ' II Mi Ki e, h. T. Ilatt.e, I haras lo I'V''" u luHie, linli'il II. It'll.. lil rlrKlcS. Pr. t harlt s I.. Johnstiii , I'resnli nt. W. W. Ilol.lei., Vict I'reaiurl.l. It. II. II .Hit , -secretary . V 1 IU . in si 11 . Jones, 1 reasnrrr. II . W . Ilu.lt il, Ailorncy . Pr. Win. II. Mckee, Medical Kxsm-nrr. Lxecutw vmmitlre. H. Hush, r, V " V Wao, i..rl- 11. II..OI. , MrUrnt Hoard of (' onluUttlmn e':" Johnson, M. P., William II. .M- h'c. .M. v Kirh'd H. Hay wood, M. P.. For further inforiiiatinri, ihe 1-ul.he red to the paii.phiela.ariti lorn s ol pri',si- o. - may ne ohtaintd at the Dfi.et ol th I"11:' -or a ny of ita A jjeiit u s. Coiiimunications shmild he tiU.rcin'i. ,1 paid, lo. It. II. JJATTLK, fr'-mary. Cli;iml)ers, Dames & Factors nnd iicncral roimnHM03 .MKitCIIANiS. ii. u iai:sTo. ,rr'V "ssC . istlia-- --'' tiOav a, tilltal'1- ftllt PRIM INl. of all kinds w, li t"1 "'''; ...0 ...ri.il, ,,-....'. st th. h' '1.... VVh,f 1 l.i',..v

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