i A BASKl.T OP cmrs -rotcu.r.ty;w.i. i. -'b.j iora,u soul of busines-. There is nn old say- tie in', ' Tnie care of the fence, and iho pounds! ill tkj ci.ru of themselves ' Now take Cite of th- minutes," sais I, " and the hours; ;F.Al;l V npm.Mte the Court House, where they f .1. '.a ,,.!, is'i'w have sn eatensivc a" of i.. I..9 Wl i.im-si..-. iLi.le up of porce, and he ars of minutes. Attention to OK aire money for m. aud t'..,- .-tier gave it. These two rules w 11 u..(ke ar.y n.an ill: , ard in fact, my lord i! y have aude ine c..-.d. rails vrill to el.,, mil- world, as titiiosgo." -i' llwr ':.. i .;,.' r ertlindor old ceo tie man io j M .:iclniet:, rcturuinj heme oue Sunday a tendon fr:.m cLnreh, Ic-ua tJ extol to I u svi tin menu of the sermon. " I have ) r . k " m:J h ' ouo of the most j c 1 rui f.riuons ever delivered belore a , u Ki tty. It carnea uie to me ra: - of 11 eav en." Well, I think," rcpli- ed Fra.k, " Ji bad tetter hare dodged in, for you will never get auothcr buca a, ...,! . , . ..., ., .f P.,7in. A firmer in the western part ot 1 enn- lvti: ia bro'J-Lt li dataller a baud organ T i -i j i i 1 ,.,,,, as a prereri' fioin 1 Miade f hta. A jouuj ciautrvoiaB 'u0 Wis raying her oii,e at- J , . . , -, l. . I l,.,r tontiou, beariu- her play on it, asked her father how lcn she had it. " Uuly a week," wa the reply. "Well now, han me, if she don t p;av r i - l.j i'i first rate for tha t:n-e m had it . A Little More. A New England mer fbarit. who had accumulated a vast prefer ly ly care and industry, yt .-t;':l was as lL?y aserer in adding vtsrei to ve-.V., nnd stjre to s!.re, tuou.-n eonsiucraiy aaran cei in life, leit-J s-ked ly a neighbor, how liiue'u property he sufro.-eJ would satisfy j a .n.an beiPi a'ter a tlort pause rcpli A f.;css." ! I w:,s gT.nb'," a;d n Irishman. . ever We-'riihiister Bridge the ether day, aui 1 r-.t l'-t H.ains. Sajs I, ' How are . tn 11 i . , n n, lr ' y,i. -1.CI.J u-,, ivs lie. nvi i,' imn uui ioj Fa.:'-, co tu:re is wine He ins,-say s he. 5, c -.-..kr-i at caeh other, eel fai'-h it t out I', le tit-itlcr cf ua." , Tie Nailvi'.'.e Gazette siys tl't a mar- ri.ee tocsjiaeeat the grive-yari in thnt citv onthe 1 lib u'.t. llutat-r aatrat.e p'.aco f3r'iue interesting cercuacy. Ilaacver.it 0 ., , w as a 2rav n-af.er. - 1 : vlljye eyr created critt jr in the v -.1 :L:-.k.- t: at l.u's the- nios-t t-Lti-rta;aiu' c . ;a it. r.:.-i tLa-t t'cere't 1,0 g!tt;rj on any 1. w v':'..--A l.'ru. Ciniit grows as ca'.ur t. ..i t. e L-lr on cr.e's Leal, but u longer ij - . . cct S"--i --.v. -. In s faLlotallc noytl.tbe author y, " I. . h Kxtn trMiil'id.griw pale, and itu-iLe-.-Uiya.-i.." The printer fatting p of, rendered it," Tl l-dy grew paii- &uu ixa.ecii'.t'.v i .w.Ud. ' Some ta-t-:fa! individatl very correct ly r marks that tie best lip salve ia crea t.:n is a k'.-s : tie r.uitdy sfcou.d be u-- d with r-rc-s: care, to-'tver, as it i; apt to l.i:g ca tu anvftiin of tie heart Ti.'E f.v akd Calf. A dandy who w-jik-. 1 tue nii.k pa -1 to Lira at tit coun t;v tav- rn, tlas a-ked fjr it : " Lat.'-iaiy, j --.- ; y. .r cow this way i e : J ll-.s retorted. ' To l.',m Waiter, take v L.re tie calf is licat- K. Y;il ; t.a flit n l-l'p cf Lira who -tar. Js Iv v.u i;. tie ttorai ; awarui of ia,.ots v i.. a:r :aii y,i ta tla .- aii-Linc. He- lo Ulcri fjr luankii.'!, without a c-i'o f.r L'.t-eif, Las alteady tegua Lis ..i'y. 1 i r. s 1 r. c 0 of turn ari-r s froTi t!. ir oa:. ijj..-sli. -..- cf irit ; eot,-ci j.is of ta.e t. - 3 i u wtii'L tliy wcuid tL-.-m-iIves btar an iL-ult, tlty llus Cut 9 fj ciTer cls to 0.LCI3 E'iuciii'.a is not y a! a alio t-Ll 2y f-r au..j:.t df In j it !g-.- it cvrntijijij.eat--, ,t ',;, j.ur ttiJ v . ..tor it 1 u j it's. lie I I - -cat. 1 a L si L - il. a L 1 t:. 1-; f-ar l.ia L;s 1. due a ti-a. .t 3 yoi are going to Ua':h a t'.ll a )-u-g la-Jj t-a l.r o.J fnaiJ ' VV.,,, l.r my part, fo:,..r than a I., a ! I j a V i i ,J A tl ttit). hi r.e. c ' l .Ir.; I refer that life inj -tl'' 'jii'.t re j ' t " L'l kIlTc ti er a:,,t. net, I r u." r io taLts Li tryatits w..t, . a clai ; If that L -arrows b.u Lfi; Llor rcpe. istif Hit!) Li: -1'lieJt, a:.J r,!,-,: tir. i? a! a ays at Lon.e to tLts wLi c .ii. V, i. ., FALL OPENING. y gtore ew Goods ! 1 w " AT Lcowciistriii & Dro, BUY GOODS. c l o i u i a a, ll O O I . , li o i: ! II A T.S , AND and a huge variety of D033KIST1C GOODS AND Persrnn will chasing (Uti i li to give us a cull before pur. LOEWENSTEIN & RRO. ipTj ft TT ft TVT'T' T 11 TT nTJTTXTfi liI.UiY.UlJs.Ui.. si X HiUVAimu vl t lAyUvlllyil lV CO. AVK ,. a,,,)(.u to n,tir Ready-made cloth. 2 ) mi' Sioek. a .Merchant Tailoring Peparl- i.unt, to Inch ll ev call the especial attention of 11k r manv in. -mis and customers. 1IiiklIif ,, ut,t,.,rlient sec.nd t. i,e in me State. r.tnT in style and quality of t,,,,,ii-, or io th-' manufacture ol Garments, At a il t:u,es wii he n,u.,d (rood .toe of Black . aj t .,l..r.-u i loins KnBlisli, Kr. nrli -i.u A.nenei.n C-iim res, olid a vanity of elui; Also, sn l!iorlnt ; of 3 j to K IM C.l$M H lilt IS Thcv ffti confiljt.Ilt of ,,fir al)i,,y ,0 under.ell arj. 0i,'lfr house in the State, tnuu tiie aavnuge , tin v have iii cell-ng tneir p . oos. ; , ,s u bk Ue gUi,n,ityi b one ot the 1 irm who n si.us in ine .tortttern niaraeis, in;-h gives him llie npiiiirtunity of taking aovaii-t.;-e ot ine prices of gouus, ttierehy saving at Twenty-Five Ter CenfEZS To t :ic consumer. Xj Dimes saved are Dollars maue '.JJ, So try u. E. FULLIXGS, JNO. M. SPRINGS, S,ft'mhrr-2r,. ISiiO. S7lf CHEAT SAC1UF1CES CT T A L I a AM) VIMEU v e. s. VvViX-a-v J f S T UECLIVEl) FU03I jgz a.TK" ..-aV 9 BV ,1 Ar.n 1 i ninni-Tvni' T Pi A D E S X Fi E E T 1 otK-siT j O VTF.S iV AV1IJAM S. - - . r ,1 -rt. t lot nu: ruui.t.11 g country Uint we arc strepato lo DKV GOODS, I IliitS, ttjfs. iiootS, SllOCSj Ac. j AMI t.JSOK .! a t vi r nt or i Gl.Yl I J.MLVs li itMMUXs .t)ODS. ALSO, A hce t'.r r.f I. !:: and (Jriit'.einert MIA Wl.s AM) (I.UAKS, Z. I'.i ie c.:i Mi,-, examu.e 1 ur ju.cs before 1 "L"" (ji 11 DM AN & EIGENBKUN. ! OrlJ.fr J, l-i . --- i 'j in; .ki.a u llOTIILM; EMPUlillM, I L'LLIMJS, THINGS k CO, LLALLHS f.N ALL K..MI, OF Jli-AIA AlAUE CLOTHING . n umiii.(; innn), I lials, ( aps. Iiunks.C13 1 .'til v.ii.iii:A(. 2ii 1 l uiliii, riiit A ( , j J ')! 1.1) cau tH ,sj,., ul attention of their 1 VI !i.. 1.-1 ami pall on HI llie.r s i.w sun iv or rLOTiii.x;.! 1. .,.i..-. '1 1,. y 1 ..ti,'. t... y c hi r.fl'.T greilt r I .ij'. i.t Hit .,1 m t,, tjuv-rs ln.n In, y nave t v. r none, : r .les niii at 11 . a-., in ine :.ey i ,n y ore oiinrn.g n ry nice ti.Mr.iti: st' 1 rs , 'ii i .' t . i.'.j. A, 1 IH..IH.- r u" t -I ill.Ki. f.ls I .-, i .vl Mi:i(K. SII.K, ..l.W A1.A.--K AM' M.I.vti t-ala, OVKIi 1 J V -, " a.i g:a..es a..c styles. ( . t M i-i:li.:.m.s, ciTurv-.s i. co. .S-;...Vmi- i-vf. v;7t a. w. aij:x i.mj!:u, s 1 n ( t.o ii 1. , r t 'p i.ner. Ar ..late, !. . style .. !rs. an I irritation i I'"- It i.j r or lisle. j t ie A nerie ,n II .rd .. y I) iiu.i. or ' "ei l.i'ii, lor lus an. i M it., rial. It Lie .ii ,., - ' " nig busir-s. p,.f. ts to do , ,HK HOI stli.-l.d.. 'Ill at J u; ."v . C. Ai., u .) ii o.r, 2if i:oi: r. 11 tv i , - Al. i iivfiss-ii V1.li IMNT " i' r 'Si. is i. . .e JU . -,i ,.. r .i ,r. t vv.ter bi. " . I j. v. l.itvn: v co., DKALKaf I If COT CN end ell K1NES of PRODUCE, tkadi: vi ki:i:t, CHARLOTTE, If. C. ICTA11 aiders attended tu with despatch. April 17, lMbO. 4lf WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CBANOJ! o PROPRIITOK8.) ItHOAU STl It 1.1 T iM Ill.KN, N.C., JOHW F. JONES, Proprietor. fMMIK. I'niiersiened rerpcctl ully announce to M. the tnivellnig public, that he haa taken lVI'ARV charge of tlni old and populur etblihmeiit, and i " i now prepared In accommodate travcleraand pri vate families with board by the day or month, on the most accomniodutine t'rili. Ilia TABl L will always be furnished with the best provisions that home and foreign markets Can lafiord. 1 The WltfthiiitftO" Ilolfl baa large rooms, is ncLrcr the depot, the court-house, and the bumness rtrerts than any other in the city. An Omniiu will alwsvs be at the depot and lanuing, on the arrival of the cars and steamboat, to convey passengers to the Hotel free of charge. By stopping at this Hotel, passengers will have ample tune to obtain meals. Having aUo a Urge and commodious Stable, anii an excellent Onller, lie is fully prepared to bourd horses by the duy, week or month at the most reasonable rales. JOHN. F. JONES. March 1. 1859. 5 1 if 4 liarlille .Tlutiial I'irc Insiir. ,'iiut' C'iiii:iiii . 4MHIS COMPANY continues to take risks a vk, gainAt kiss by fire, on Houses, Uoods, fro uuce, ic, at usual rates. JT Uttice at I no Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchi son Sl Co. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, Prestdtnt. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E. NYE HUTCHISON, Sec'y. f Treas'r. DIRECTORS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. li. TAYLOK, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN, F. SCAKK, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scasr and S. T. j Wbisto.n, Executive Committee. Aptii 26, 1609. "tf I UAlMailOltlL, IN f S 111 E u liner i her t ikes pit arure in announcing Jl. to hts friendH, and tin- pubiic generally, that he has taken this long est.iuliahrd and well known Hotel, and has m ine every possible preparation tu ; iccoininoiiate the buiinejs, travelling and visiting porlii iis of the public, in Ilia most satisiactuiy manner. 1'arlicular attention is paid to hi and every comfort is provided in hi ItOIIm ... 7 ,f ,-,, His STABLLS are abundantly sup, lied and Hi leiioed bj earetul o-l.er ; ami to all oepartmt-tils the proprietor ive his i--r,n,a! attention. I A coiiilortableOMNIfiCS runs reguUrlv to lh dept on the arrival of Hie cars Willi these efforts to please, liberal share of he pu'ilic patronage is confidently m.licited. ! WM. ROWZEK. ! JWmfW 15, Ifl'.D. 3bif ' J. S PHILLIPS .7 ; II. I.VT T. m.o 11, n IS A VINO located t 1. irlotie, resp-cliui fS) ,:r;ri:.",,',"rp",,,,e! l jl- T A c-mplete s.-ortm.-nt : '!" of Clollia, Cassinicrta am: 'J I Vesting always on baud, vihicii will be made to or- d- r at Lie snortest notice, all. r the latest fashion Shop tnree tioors 2south . of the Mai-aiuii House. kMhf JOHN S. WILEY, aaxircTi'aaa o mroaraa or - - y , , v, r, , T r. f Ll?. " ' . , obacco, En BIT, Hatches, Paper, rc, H A a 3 0 22 3. H. i). JIELM II 11.11 HI'tS, at., ruiiauull) ' band. January , I'JM. iUlt Ucntral t uUirltng .Igenl, IniuulJwii, ferry luunly, Aiub,iin,i, ' I I.I. attend promptly to the collection o'all V V C.atliift placed 111 IliS llanrjs. h.tat.- Claims n.-ji. d afler. Land Claims fern t. 'd out, an.) a hscoiiuing debtors iooked up at rea. s'aliabie uliargea. TEXAS CLAIMS. I iior.s maue in Tri-i, as hrfti.fore, .r-ine'i :ny ay be sal.-M iitir-j -nj i i-s 111 tliat Sla le. tied on. fro pincss -l WIIKAT WANTKl). , I , III. y. ..lit,,,,; . ..11, f,j IUJI I J .A He ir W i.c.il ( rop will W,ll l-iht i,.,Lee tliat rop w ill be oil rci.a s 1: al tiie ' ( hariotu- Stejin flouring .Mnl, at mrM I prices, I h.se ham.i; VV heal f .r sale may f.nd it 10 tin ir advai.tage lo tai. t Ine .Mill he fore e.,..,iij a sail:. JOHN WILKKs CO. July i, I .". UAi.inv iiolsi;. s I. a I I'r.pro lor m ill terminate on ,,, "I V .. v n. it, t e uncril. ra will rent, for s term mi. r.pu.a, ll..l,l. to a .,,. who c,n r..l.,t...... MM n.d Wy.) a, :.) s.t'.l I ,.e t,,t ,1 will be a,, se I ,i not to wi,,.i ho,,, t,-, .pUi.imi, hic'h a u.: V-'-.i-as. (ir.t en.. t,.. I ,,.,t t : u.n ! '1 I a ''on a ire ollhe House ia Imni i! in cussing, fen, it cei fral position, .,,,,1 esl-ib iisu. ii t,i.ri,.i,..,.i .. r i .? . ... ... . , " . ,. .. ' . " f' ' J v ii y i ,, ii.-r in ,-vr in a lion in de. , ta.i ni oe k v. ii by ail.iressitiu;. 1 T. C. V VI VV'Al.TliV Mor(jaiiiou, N. C. 'Vi. S.lrjUl. t-'bM S. T. Wriston, TJASI f Alii l:i;ft,(f,,nddel,rin PUinan.i .Ti J ipii.n. d Iinwire. Sln. s W,..i.... IA'.... r .oins, lirij.',. ... J, in Houlu wing of fljrirnfs' afirg, CSiittering, .he. don. Corner Ha J-.h VV S. .1. ,. COtJHSIKe-EGtJSS UMAKAG 1861. a h rs h i S t" 5" 9' e- c c a f M 2 P- ... 1 2 3 4 5! 6 7 8 0 10 11 Vi 13 14 15 1C 17 Id li) 20 '21 'i'i '2J '2i '23 '2ii 27 '2i '20 30 31 ,.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1) 1(1 II 12 13 14 15 lti 17 H 1U i!i '.'1 '22 3 24 25 20 7 23 .. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 $ 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 H 10 0 21 22 23 24 '21 0 7 23 0 3D ill .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10 2(1 21 22 23 24 25 C 27 23 20 30 ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 10 20 21 2 23 21 25 20 27 8 0 30 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 6 1 9 111 11 12 13 11 15 I lei 17 is ly -jo 21 22 23 24 25 0 27 3 2 3) j .123450 7 b 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 li 21 2 1 22 23 2 t 5 -.G 27 j 23 9 30 1 I 4 5 6 7 ? 0 1i 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 13 10 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 2- 2!' 3') I 1 2 3 I 5 0 7 H li 10 11 12 13 14 15 !ii 17 13 10 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 23 : 9 3.) ! .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 M II 12 13 14 15 16 17 1- 10 20 21 22 23 2 1 25 20 27 2i 29 30 31 I .. 1 3 3 4 5 0 7 3 ! 10 11 12 13 11 1 .") Ill 17 13 10 2 i 21 2J 23 21 25 2(j 27 21 20 30 ,.. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 9 10 11 12 1.1 1 1 15 10 17 I 10 20 21 : 2.' 23 21 25 20 27 23. 20 3i 21 FEBUUAKY MARCH., APRIL..., MAY JUNE., JULY.... AUGUST., SEPTEMBER nPTilNITn ! NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. AM U U IK) U U IJ II 'MiE S.'iilr has rtw.tea a la rge atic van , Suii.nnr, hi'-li I--.1 be .i,r(.--ifl,e(.-i. I. .1 1 l.u i 1'- . lii.K-hl.N I'i. Ill, I; ,u a.,1 LiryC A 1 1 M Kill. - r rem li U:-li D . f l. 1'laiii li. r ami I 2,N Silk VKTJN;, fancy I.,nn Ulill.l.S, und .11 ol hit (.,,.. us ii.ii.IIv f lir.ri in a f:ri.tri 'l allorillg K-Uhh.hll.ent. A.I .it WI.M-f, il: maoe 10 .fur or so.u by ti.e vara on n-.n t.,,g terms. 1 i 'S' ,,n 1 LU 1s : In r,.tort(ir.2 mj tl,:,k, , r!Z,f( , h.tte, h.r ti,e ver kind ami lu. r il v nave irt!aioi o 00 nit . I v. out.) ri rj'ii i a 1 - .i.t.i IMC III l..e same, W iln ti.e .,.r im e t.i .t 4', eers 1 til r ui- il tu me , ,1 be maty a .11. .r .n,:. "it'll- J.s.p, Aj.nt ClIAULOTJi; J10T1.J., Br s Ela R-Zk. 11 a it 1,0 1 11:, 1. r ff 1 ! I H I'roprirtor ol tins Ht. I is fJ3iA -L st.llat In.. p.ir.s.:y l.'lul. ol"to,nc fasfveis ..ji.h f lrvi-;iig piiblie ami . tm-ra who may e.ni nn hiiii.ano he flatters coiiihirtalile fji: ,rlers i .,n he l.nih an y whf.re If. In-, v.. , . It.-,,.. ly in Ine eenlr,- ; ( n ri -IU, ;u. find II . t- I a , t ,-, , location, lie ha. oe. I ..-, , II tiist .11 ii him a. i ' j proved, present,,,,, , f,, t story Villi A.M. j If.hii.-t in ii-.,L.i i,y VI ; .-t ,,, wiiilh.iiaridsnmeiy j ahiH'i 1 by trees on the une. w.i I , allor.lilig a pies'. ' SSI t .r . III. Il.l,.; l . ,, t,. ,1Jy H"'l-e has ',. en thor. .uglily tu, nisi, cei ll-ro'. not, and in every part ol it ere , ui;c e.ioin rls ir. ant am: 1 1 a ".i v """ " ""T"' ,,i ii.-e'tf H sit h il. II I B. , , r ' " ii Ih.all'.ie are Si.. ..-,. t.,P.1IlB ' " ' , a'"""J;"''; turn,.),. , ,t proven ue r, alle oiled by laitl.f.,1 .nu . '""'S-' '"'",l'r' 1 "H ' "'l.ri.tor f. el. c., C, t th.. t w ill, I, i . (one ripen, nee and many n-w aiivanlni.. s aitdi d to h d'-sire to plej.e, he is pr, ..., r. .i to oil. r his Irn ne. and the " rest of mans in. I," s s in., i, v p. mi for Is a mi aa liiuel. nd anyhere perhaps a 1 1 1 1 1 - more so. Jj" At any rate Tar the Charlollp ,,lel. i. li. K EUR Or.llr 19. H.,ia. 3;,tf J!. W. I5KCKWITII .7 11.1111) WUli. 4r, irnir. sr.sr iviii-h an lartc iv mi r.rtTi. ars all and tu, oii.o his atock t lore purch ismi. 'j! se w here. r. saujis, ArtliiKd siiiti Ititililrr, ' II, I. furiiii.li Designs, riutis and Drawing fur l'u Mm Jluiluings, l'rivule Kenidciicca and Villus. I'artieuUr utlilition willbepuld to builning Untiring Mills.Corn Mills, &.C Orpica iu 3d Btory ot Ak-xanutr'a liuilumg , front roitii, over China il.ili. Ocluher iifi. 1;'S 33" p Kcinoval. 5 T1BY Friends and ( ustomers are respectiuny ill iiilnrinec that I have removed my Tin Simp to Sprint'"' l!uck Huili.ing, 3d ilnor from the cor. see tin in. January 31.1 PRO. S. T. WRIS TON. 4..lf Avers Sarsaparilk .V 1 . iiii-miil r.-ni 1... at.. tl, 1- 111:1 !-' m:ul.-. of r..::i -;,-..P,ri ly, in wlii. li wo have lu ll'.' iini-t eir.-etu.il nlterutive It U n eoni 1 limited extract la, so ciiiii'umd with otlief ntli-t.i-iH-s of -till a renter atterativo power ai to iiil'-riliia c:f euvc iiutidiile for the disea.-. SurapiiiiU it r jciti-J to cure. It is b lieved tl .it s'i H n reiii'-ily iit wanted by tlio,e w ho Mi.l.r fio.ii Saumoiis compl nuts und that one vl.i h will .i- .-oiiipli-h their euro limit prove of i-iiiii 11 -.-rvu-o ti this lar;'u clam of our ii'lU. t- 1 f llo.v-eiti' ik. How completely this cosiip .und i .'.1 'Io it ha b en proven by exper im.'iit on many of the worit eases to be foimd of th hill-twin ; complaints : S 1,1:1 iv ami Si 1101 1 tries CnMri.vis'T-1, i. I-IUIVS AMI MlU'l'TIVK liiSCAHCS I'LCI.HS, Inn 1 is, l':.oieiu.s, TiMiiiis, Salt Kiiiim, s. ;n llfvii. Sypmii.ih asd STi-niLiTtt: At n -.. -iios-. Mi: in 1 iiul I)in:vs:, Duofsv, Ntc- HVLi.lkoll llC U'll l,m KLl , DnilLITY, IYS- pi i u ami lMtiK.rsTtoi, MiiYsii-im, lta on St. Amk .nv's Fikk, and inJe.d the whole ei.i" of ni nplaints urisiii fiom Ihpi'iutv or Tin. II:-. 1:1. T!..s eo:np.'.mdwul be f.mti.l a great pro-i-. , r of I. u!:h, when t.ik-n in the spring, to ex: -1 tin- fill l.itmiiM which f-sti-r in tic lilo.i I lit tha". s. a ...11 of the y :ir. Ity the t.me ly eiul: ,:i uf tti -li many r oiklin d.ird rs a'ii nVip-l in th.- 1m l. Multitud, s tan. fy tin.- aid of tins r-iuedv, spare tie ih-m Ives fi-i.:i th.- e-i'I if 1:,- - of foiil' erup'. i:h and ui...r-.i .,,ri-s, through whuh ti.. -v-t- ni ;.l strive to r.l it-It' ( i-)Hii;i!:,His. if m.t us-i-t- d t- ili tl .s :i . . tie- "...rural clunn-1. of the tf-ly bv :s,-i ill- 1 i' v m - J : Hi'-. CI- .UN- out the-v-i:f. d I.'.j . 1 v-li in v.-r y.'i H.-i l is tnipuri-.i. a or -"i ; - li : :i-1 it h a v 1 1 tin I it 11 ch- 1 -' ! 1 i-4--'- ' ''i- : '' : ; ;.. 1 v -ur f : n-s w 3 t 11 v hi w!: 11. l.v -a w !. ! 11,1 :-vrt: il..r .'.-irl r 1 !. 11 ty of mu-h, 'hi .n.li. Hot 1 il - 1 :. ..i-.lv .I-, -iv.-l l.v If, - i- tl..- tin- ti. -t is ,!....,.. I m V J : i- I'. 1 i . en-(, ..f if. rtu.- jrsjj,:ti.:l.v. i1 V .vc leTi rr. - - ,,.!. to t.v a., ..nt f -r...: .1 ...11. M -t . u---.'i '! ,- k. f T t... 1 1 : :..::;. : : v DIt. J. i. It A- CO. i.owr.i.i.. m I'rlir. t r ftotltr , Ml II. .tiles f..r f ' Avcr's Chcrrv Pectoral Avcr's Caihartic Pill.?, rii f. rttn" or P.-ita 25 cent! per Fni : Fiv bozj for SI 00. mmi. niiil fin t t"-r -.'1 - s. I.." hut ', ,r r.e I'.of.'il .fun-.r...... . . ' ' . I ' - ). ..':. . ..ir-,., ". I r .t p...., t f .-1 t... tr. nt that sin. in. it i- 1 .! I'.iv. ,1 f , li.) le p.,t o:f he nt, yii-r pr. .1.,,... th. v ,.,,. more h o.-l A) I It's. ... .1 I .... r. I he w .i.tlti.' 01 ,1 a.U tucle 1. f.r them, ali-f tin) .hou.d hlie ,-. , A.I our rerncdi r.re f.r ale by l or stile ly E NYE III, li fllSON A CO. ) ,.. . V. M A UR A C. lll'"l"t'f IIAVILA.M), .-'J I.YLNMi.Vn. i ii, l ll'll II VOl ,S. C. 'mil und Tiyc aSlorr. lit in l ci. ill n I .. ., ' n ii 1: H he, !!.,- I', .",t . r IV . .,,.. ,1 'I n-Mi, V. ol I," 'I .... .. I..monr. I'm. I- W. I.YI.K.3 '.,..!.,, M.l-fO. . "V. a j 5i A.1 Ol llf.. A I.l. persona in. 'chid to H t.,t, ,,f A nc. il ,.ri,,c. '., w.il m.il.i , ,- ,, -late ,t Ancr. v pay. h . vmjr I l.e lo, e plead in T. 11. R II EM V. H !ll Charlotte DRUU Store n. vi: iii:k mso tv ro. )l I I)r.-.p',ir,ill'PJth.-all..ll,o ..I'll,,, ""inpi. teM..pk r"i'K Trail.-, c. iim.i -n of "'"",' ''"'"'" ry. I s,,,-, Nn-, It ,.,,1J4 ,,,, AU. ' '-' -.. t ...it .,. i ts- e.i-, A c, A p. U-l.iI i mil ho I Urn -. M-.t,, An,, .. .. I),!., , ol. l-'ire M',;, ,1 Teas, fi- ,J 1 I. J'tnuut tj 17, 1 LIVER IHVIGGftAICU, MCVl It llKlllhlTAll's. JT Is eoilipiinii'te.l -il li-Jj C'"' " (t 11 ins. rr. : a. .11 'a..i,i., j' l.v i.,l 11,11 . i.-.ii- ii-., 1 11' ',','.! 1','," .'" ' S..H.-I ... Uli , -Ninaoii.-e I',- -J at. tlie a.,.:.ut, ir ,;.' ,'. ': r.'.-,.,ii,i..,ilr,l. 1 2 . ''' Il li .1 limns in I., " !iii.n ll,.. l-.t ,., . . h,i lul l Biien mi ,.1: l, 'ii.- VI l 1 ..11. r ,,,, u,,Pl,.ri -lt,..v..ll.ell.,v..-.. S "SS.U l.el U.a Ulruis. e,f y.eil .i '..l-lrmsnt ruin ae of U) I.I V J-.ll IM-. 1 V il.Olt 't l II , y. t ill rure l.lver C'l.m-! Vs ptnli.ts, It; i,,,,', Vl. tm Us, 1) siepsi., jJ , tii.iij, Ii,,, , llu, ( IS u in in r 1 o i.t -1 M nt. .li. is, l',s rr, Uropsj-, Siiut p, -Ininiu h.tl.ii.n,,.,! 1 oll vei.ess, t'liul-1 if,9 I. , dun , fc I,,,:,.. 111 vim l. 'lil rnl fa ) nra.. ton, , r:, -Iriier, J a ir n il ire.i t" I-1 n-ule l, mh .,. . t-s, aii-l nisy le usi-l sn.- : -'""'ai " i r-s iti t:., :,,., ry I'ttiuliy ris n- j ! Io. . it n, ,.., K IIKAUAt III-'., (. r,i : '.-...I. c,a . .,, , Iwenly iiilonl.s. If fJ iiijor ti,,,,. , siuunluls sue aui.-t A . I who use It rare' 4 Klrliiii iL,-,r h.i-.,,, .'IIV. Wt'lKIt IV TIIK Mill Til mi ii 'I nr. in v ;.oit 1 ok, wu fcH.w.i.uw ltl I II I lll-.lt. I'l lee One Dul'nr llottte. SAriroiiD's I- V HI I.V CATHARTIC PIUS. VI- I i, 11 f It M J Purr VrtjettiMe Kllrail., .,, ,.i ,,, l.l.s.t VM- H, Vl. Ilfelll. Bo. I VIU l.,.u III nny 1 liiiiule. - h - - m ... ' 11.. t- VMll.V 1 v- 'lli'.t'fir iii 1 I Sss !! -I 1- r--rr L , I , , . , , , ' LT;:T.v;:,'.,'.,.-aa'''.; o rk I .......IT. r.,.,1 a- I .-- H (I t.. ;,.,, i ?m:zrm:,A:-u:r.: ..u-.,..m..'.",: g ,,.-...,..::..'v.vv lllf l..ll- lo.lV. m I.'"- ... I -'-' "i... or' ,..-- m imv;.'.i M.,.,,iK S.I. -. .. ..I'I ...r ft l,i I ,1, . i. .... . . r... Ilr s.l... II. . - taj .Ll.,i 1 , , , s i .. ii"... .....i .1 n i-i, w , III I'I e. r- -a- V.l.lils. 2 I ll.o.. : aurae l)i. -e. I is I ' i'iiii it TiiHKt: ni" , I Th l.ls.r --' m-l I .....rv - 1 til... lie I'llls s - I ' H. T. VV . X V IO" l. 'I II . 3 15 liioadwny, N . v. V .. i i. . I. SCAUR A ( i .. ' ::r I- Wm J. Kerr, a r roi;. j: ) a t i.m . I! Ml HIT II.'.'.. II I.e. .: t. . I . ,f - - : I - I M: r :o ti . I . . v I . k' rr's II..!. . Jaa -.-t. l-i il J . E, R, STOIIEb' Lc(k Lii.dii.L" Itfl .i-l..;,; Tm o lie, r- i.l i vr lit; fit- li .1 k. in V .i a iuj in n .ir i ( . I-, M..i: i ) t ! ..a i ,!; 1. 1, s. . Tie ah, vr I-'-i ' I, ,il t , O, I..I 11 -, ..'..I t e. . V ' ' II . Ir.t I I.A'.K I'M ! I! -t . I 1 N l . 'I I.l; I l . I .in .t I . r. . sli.leol ,. . 1 1 1 - x. ... I. ..' I it I I ' I '- - uf I tore . ' I I " K ! I ' K , - n. v, sii.i ., .: 1 KIN I I H i 0: h I . that I v .11, ill all . i. ' . ,-, I.l A..K III 1 i -.. i. r-. .,t .. ..-i . i v. . J--.!'- i ' ' ' i.-. I Mill' I'l' . I . 1 1. 1 i r i m i i, M-is-e r... v.. r. . . - ; . ,:.! e. .. ,,! C. "V C - " le 1., I I ' A ... i: . T' i .-.,, -"in.- 17. I' oit i ti-sf v r.ii i v Hut'i ! I ift- Ir.-' ii.rr t ; hi iii i i; t ,i ( epTHI- i ii.- i v ii . . - - M ... ' r -e .. .t. a r- . . . !. Vutual I'm . t- ..... .. pilii.C ir, I ' I"- li s , t' t - , -i. s r - i. i I. : I. r the vi .... , i. - - Oole l-i . V he , I'.I II f..f !,,;,!. . ' , .esrii.e ...ler.st t t, f . : , i? tins r. iiiu-ii, v.l- -. i, .sp. ,i to ill surr . A . r. p.,,1 ,.'., lid .',. ..:.-- i'i. l-.ry pr ..: .a pr. nl. . . in!; I.- Ili:-ch-i,:, . r. j..i,i,.i.-ii, w i, ii i '.-s. ' II .Io. n. V. ll ( o- ke. J. (.. V. . ... ii II .'. g.,. I.l, I e I: . V I . If II M- k"-, k. I'. H'M -, t i .ri s ll-'l ' 1 I own, Uitli'd II. li.ii..- 4 f nn ii !:!:.. Dr. I i, .r . . II. J .nn. or ,Pr.--i'!. r,l VV. V . II , Vi. . I',, , ,., ,.t. ll. II II tl . ,, , r. t r . VV II . Jon.-., 'r. isuri r. II W II !. V" ... . v . Ilr VV ,. H. VI.-K'-e. V- ,, .' -l,rrr.,l,r, i mm,llrt - U. I.-.- I: K . . t , i . . li. li- ,i M.,l,rl lt,.l l f'-.n.-. '.- '. I J -.ii. M. ll., VV.ii- in, II. " L- iii. -i.-.l H. Hay -...,.!, .M . 1 1 , f.,1 fort' r ml- rn ,t. i , 't ; . ' r.'i Io the p,ii, pi,!, Is. an. i -..i'- ' m ,y l.e .,1 l-iini ,1 at the t'l -,' ' ' . I- i.r .in v .,f ,1. A -em i. .. C in nine .lions si- i.!. i '' " P',.1. to. It. If. i'.ATTLK, Srptemhr, H, I P.'.i . Cliniiilu'i's, n.in.' S Fa c, tor.- ;iml llcin r.il '"ii'! ' . 3ii;i;(:ii..M. rii.ii.iisH). i n i: I'H I N 11 l.ltf