August 6, 1861. 03-Jkmei M. Hutohiaon and Cbarlea Overman bave leeo appointed assistaot fjommisaariea for tba Charlotte District, to whom ' ldier'a fauiiliea io want of provlei 008, io, ibould mako applioation. Wby tbe List t aatistauta throughout the Coun ty baa not been furnished ui for publica tioD, c Dot J Whoa duty was it I Wonder if it wai tba new elected county Court Clerk'. Our Ladies. V bare aeeo noiioei in several papers loutb of the Put riotio states. Wf cannot let suck notiees pass without giving our Ltdies a paisiug remark which is but a just tributo to tbeio for their unwearied efforts tbey bave been continually slowing for the welfare of our soldiers, the bare leeu sewing for them with unabated dilligcnce for some time, the young onos tusking up something Io tempt tbe palate of tbe sick, some bo doubt thinking and trusting, that, the eruel war will aoon be at an end, when it will bring back tbe loved cues for whom they are trying to mike their bard lot as easy ii possible. We trust tbat loiog who bas ever been tbeir protector uiaj crown t'utir I e2orts ith sucoesi. Iu connexion wib this important subject e cummeod to the immediate considera- tion of our generous sad patriotio Iadiea of j ibe Hepital association tbe lollowiDg re- u.arks of the Uicinnond Whig with tbe let-' , , , ,, , ... I ter of the Oovenicr el Alabama to tbe i ,c I sdifs cf tbat t'late iu relation to their du-I ,,,,,, ... . . t;cs io behalf r tiie soldiers iu the service from Alabama. .J r. t .r,..a WOBK FOR TUt LADIIS. , , , , W coct ellsr from tbe Governor of Alabama to tbe ladies of tbat State, aug g..tin2 tbe kuittiog of woollen soek, fo, ibej f soldiers : and we Lear that tho ladies bave ! g'ntinjj tbe 1 mldiers ; an tbtcred upon tho ork j-ropo.oJ aith pr tupttiess and a determination to accoia j iih it. Lvtry Alabama soldier will be ctrtain to be surplicd with socks. A like labor is needsd at tbe bacdi of the ladies of North Carolina. Oar soldiers all want socks aud Ssnnel shirt, and 1st very spedi:jr. If each lad j in tbe Sisto aiil knit a pair of socks or make a flionel siiirt, eur brave soldiers will be well rrovia.a lor .inter, uou . put ou t ,i .o- , o : tie nork at ecee. The ladies of all tbe fwutborn States o j',J do well to perform tbe sumo service for tbe soldiers. We believe tbat all tbat i Gicetsary is for the ladies to know that ticir a-.i'taLCf i, iieded, . . I TOTflK LADIES Oi' ALAUAMA.. j KxtCLItVK DaPAhTMltNT, ) Montgomery, Ala , July 20. Kuoaiag tbat the women of Alabama are anxious to do everything in their power for the comfort of tbe oldu rs in the service of the Confederscy, 1 bfg ltsve to suggest tLst escb one of iberu kuit oue pai r of sub tliuiiil woolen sosks, aud deposit tbe same I mib iLe Judge of the Probate Court cf tbe eouulj io bich she resides, who will bave then forwarded to the Governor of Alaba- u.s, at Montgomery from whence they; mil be forwarded free of COU to tbe soldi- j crs before tbe eolil wtstber commences. j The (iovernor deems nothing more !-ca j ty, ikan this suggestion, to secure from the j pattiolie ladies of the State a suriioient ; number of socks to protect the feet of our bsrve soldiers from the frosts of winter. Kich of tbe newspapers in the State are recpectfullj requested te publish this esni muuiaatioa free of charge. A. U. Moori. AcknwletlgcmeDt. Autit NcHia acknoalcdgoa tbe receipt of a plate of 'lice eaio from an aDOBjmoua baud, "Cuieircd asafit testimonial of tba fair donor jut aj j.rccialioo of aunt Nillie'a wi.oleon.e advice U young ladies Aunt Nciiie doea not certainly know to wlom ale is indebted for tbia Kind and wtlnema return, but lelitTCb tbat aLe Las Tuesday : a well fouuded suspicion, of tba personal cj bis judgment to tba po itioiaua wLo be ideutitj of her fair Lenefsotress. At anj 1 set bim, aud permitted tbo arm; to be led, rat,, uLoever u di.j le, jour aunt i. ' unprepared, into battle Tbe aort of , ., , I i .i . . i 'untoward mflueiiceB still riisla, ,aud will murl, gratified to learn by His tcM.motn.l ( vj .OUlU,.BJer, or of war, that Lcr advica La taken such good root of (jablue.. Tbe President, it is trua, did io one ten lt(asoin, aud aha Lopes tbat uoi, undertake to vturp tieueral t'oott's judg yu will peraefara in ita practice until otli- i tneut, it ia not doubted tbat tba Cabiud era may learn to appreciate and follow jour dirl; , lit Tirluoui ezamplo. Yours Sit. Aunt Nellie. LETTER l ltOM i ENERAL rATTEUSON. I'llILADEI l'HIA, July '-'.'. A private letter from Gen. l'atteraon, dated Harper a retry, July d, aaja : "Gen. Jobnioo retreated to Winehealcr, where be had thrown up extoosi vo eutrcuch nienta and Lad a large number of heavy guoM. I could Lara turned bis position aod attacked him in tba rear, but ho bad re- oeived large reiiiforoeoiaiils from Mississip pi, Alabama and Georg.a a total force of j Yesterday tbe Liverpool mail packet look over 3ij,l)00 Confederate troopa aud 5,001)! oul tbo Ncvr York paper wiib tba dataila Virginia militia. My foroa i Jess thau ' of ibe defeat and fight of the Federal army iiU,UJ0. Nineteen llcgiiuout, hor term of invasion, aud it cauuol fail, iu Europe, of service ?s up, or would lo within alto pnjwdiee tba cause of tbe United Statea Wffk, all refused tu day oue hour over j (Joveroineut. tbiir time but tba four ludiaoa Kegimeuta Many atiagglers of tbe army bave come - Treiiek'a, JrretM, lliband 'Jlih l'iva lUimenta Lava goua bouie, and two more go to day and mora to morrow. To avoid bring cut ofl from tbn remainder, I full back and occupied tbia place." Bl IH.OW'S (FLFIIRATKl) PELF SEAL i 1N C A.NS, ol all the dillVrent sixes, at S. T. WK1STU.V3. June 4, lHf,. IDtf THiNOSf ABOUT WASHINGTON THE " GRAND AllMY." Tbe Washington correspondent of the Baltimore exchange writes : There is still great eicitemcnt, uneasiness and apprehension in this city, though ap parently decreeing in fervor. Many of the troops who fled in dirniay to tbe woods are now coming io like frightened sheep re-1 turning to tbe fold, 'Jbey are aoattered about tbe eity tbe more desperate ones marauding upon tbe eitiiens' purges and provender for tbeir dsily sustenance. I do not desire to intimate tbat highway rob beries are frequent, but tbat tho soldiers who are without money ask io suoh a per emptory manner tbat it ia almost impossi ble to deny tbeir requests without being io most instances insulted, to place tbe mat ter in the mildest possible form. Every effort is made to conceal the ex tent of tbe disaster on Sundsy. Guns bave beeu mounted and given to artillery com panies, and tbe public informed tbat they have been reoovered from the battle Geld, tbe enemy Lot having followed sufficiently far to oapture thsm. They do not seem to reflect tbat, if tbia be truo, that it on ly adds to tbe over-wbelniing disgrace of tbe fight. What excuse can be made for a wan calling himself a soldier who would abandon bis guns when tbe foe was not even io sight I Tbf : i ii .rowubS about tka ait ( ilia i ' ... ' . I lea in jouraecounte. uovernweni omcikis bow pretend to say tbat it is only 1,-iUU. Tbe asaertain ia a reflection on the Ameri can time. The fact that an arsuv of 3D,- 000 mm, apleudiiiijr equipped, should abaa- doo all tbeir artillery nil sir equipage xl1 retreat in suoh utter disorder before an eneinv whom tLey but a few bnurs before aflcotad to despite, after sustaining a loss 0f only 1 ,200, woald sflix a laitiu' stigma wbicb do subsequent beroism could wipe oul - And Jct bJ cl,im L,T fouSU I with unexampled bravery. I ., . ,, r, , IT . ... ,.,,1 1 be graud army of tbe Uliod is still j- a i;..j . i... rI !.. ? , r ' .Numbers of the voluutesrs leave by each trsiu for tbeir homes. Tbo.e who bave woix-V sod csouot cet away, provide tbem- .w j jl if L J aclvea t itb food, and keep a oof from bead-; i V . i m m n hJJt tb, D-p.nsct, .ill I I..- . u .J , , ' . ,'v i , ! be lakus coinmand, tie rueD wnl be obliged : ... i , i to report tbemsenes, Ubless the J can pre-1 viously gti if. ! 1 he l otiUdcrate picke ts extend a eonsid- erable ditsoce (Lis ido of Fairfax Court House. Much foar exists iu this city of an invasion particularly auong btbcials. I bave nsticed, for two or three daya past, that ssveral Senators and inerubers of Con gress go l liaitiuiore by tbe evening train lo(, returD ber ,gjiD nclt m0lning oucb a Lai it eauld onlv be craelieed bv a fear of a aijkt attack. 1 Twelve or fourteen regiments are order-1 ed to llarper'e Furry, to supply tbe vacan cies created by duscrtera and the absence! of t hone bote limo I. as expired. Tbe -f-il- : of the j ..trtiv.n Vaiivt.aoat'e f aiua-aDd j ia varied. Some say tbat the will not; serve uuJer the " AbolitionGeneral " lianks, ' bo they have bo eonQdence in. Me.Mul- lens Kungsrs and lbs Poott Lotion, who served ..tb honor in Ibe Mexican, ititcud te go boiue. On tbe other baud, some from the interior of tbe State are load iu their erilieitnis of the military ... ... . . ' meveirsnt of I'.tier.oo, eiaimtDK lor bim, tbe titlo of " rebel " and " traitor," sayiog be should have attacked Johuaton, or cut off bis retreat. FROM WASHINGTON. Ion " xritea from Washington to tie Baltimore Sun (Jul t0) as follows : Tbe publitt appear to bave recovered, ia part, from tbn shock produced by tba dis aster of Sunaj. Hat in t'ongrcsa jenter daj lLo euljeet was treated in plain term. Senator Wilson did ecl Lesitata one to pro noucea it a total rout, aud to indicate one of its prominent causes, tbe inoompotencj of officers ia toaituacd. A bill ia now before Congrest proposing a remedy for this defect ; wbile iu tbe mean time, the War Department baa provided a prCTctitie Ij tba creation of a military board, lor tba examination and approval of all oflioers pi ior to tbeir beiug connuissioued. j The disaster also tiods aa eipiaualion, 1 though not an apology, in tl.a declaration ! ,h , r, .J ' iii.ii 0, (i,.m.r,i jcoll tult ior ouoe be Lad yield i Conerisi ii,orous.y ! mously aeoondu tliu tUortH of tho Admiuis-! I trstiou and of tba Slate autboiitics to re-1 trieve tbe disaster. 'Ilia oiobey market in Now lork wa - , , . , j much depressed by the panio of Monday, and Mr. Cisco withdrew, for tbe tune, the application for auotber lotuporary loan for Ibe treasury ol five millions. Moat of it bad I the treasury been offered, however. The Coufaderates probably lost as many .on tba field lait bubday aa tbo Federal forces. Lfut tbat loss, Lonevcr great, can- not be set off, iu fba eea of tba world, aj;aiu't tbe moral loss' f'.' tbe Federal aido. There is nothing to biuder tba return of all of t lie in witbiu the ltucs. lieu MaCiellau is about to assume tbe ml of ih armv of tlia l'otomao. Will ha at under tbn advice or diicoliou of! tho politicians T Will be Lava the whole! tno ponutUDs . miii oo responsibility CI Ills commaou, i "in uo j ,ubcrluer. He requests a cuutinuaiico of Ilia pa- n it-Uu tv p.ep share it with GU. oott f Much ia eipeo- I ,rollu,,e heretolora rxlrnutd. i aXLS promptly ted from Geueral MoClcllau, aud it is bop-j HENRY ALEXANDER, ed tbat br will ba utrawtueUd. I June 27, 1861-if. I April 16. 161. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J16I "19811 ."IV 'SlafJilOUUflll V IIHIISIJI 1JSCO A)OJJ)S O.llS JO)u,t -juaaoq 'suua; Jn()" isbd oij) jdopu o sn po -o.ioj 0Ait 'sicaddij ano Suip.iuSo.isip Aq Smoui -ojsno ; atiQ 3IO.TA3IOKXA Female Seminary. MOUNT PLIASANT CABARK08 COUNTY, K- C. FBIIE Kxercisee of this School will be resumed JL on the 2Ulh of August. Rates per Session. Board, including Washing and Fuel 1 10.00 English course from $J,"0 to 15,00 on the 1'uno, Meloaeon or (Vuilur, Languages, each, lluin0T s Paimting, Vocal Music, 020,00 H.U0 . 10.00! 3. no ' 7,00 Embroider i 0lh uinii,cnU, re.sonable. TERMS. Half of all the expentea board and tuition muat be iiaid in advisee, and the reinaindir, at the cloae of the session, Pupila he board in the Seminary will not be permiltrd to mke store accaunta. For further information address L. G. I1EIL1G. July 30, 1861. Oi Democrat please copy till November 1st To Ifiirc. MIF. writer has good rook, wnahcr snd iro- JL ner, yniing, in good liralth, and trong con. .ntution suiliciently o o(.n to nuke of her a firl rate field hand, with one child, to hire in the ;eunlry. until the l.t of January next. Apply at ! tins olDce. , Augu.t 6, 1861. t21 ATTFXTIOX iUllilUlVili CHAKLOTTE IiEAT, WARD NO. 4. , , , , Tk ' Ou are hereby commanded ro appear at your Hed Quarter, on Suturdat lUU. in.t.. at 9 O'clork A. M. aau equipped fur Military duty. liy oruir ol J. N. HUNTER, Capt, C harlotte, August 6. 1361. It Notice. S. P. ALEXANDER ismy aothnnscd agmt. All persona having business with me will nitjct it with him. August 6, ieGl. 19tf WASTED. OR THE CONFEM-IKATE ARM T. 1 IO,0(M I'AIK WOUL SOCKe, YC(i, WKIS1 & oitK. " July 30, It-Gl. ld-tt ' 1 V t' j kpCClU iNOlICCs i , L prfu(, w,,o h,Te biug)ll flioJ, frnm u, I , tll tMllei ,IRe t)ie i., jJll0ary lehl, .re re. queaied to comply witu our urruetblX MONTHS U KEDIT.) by ii hug their cue l.t July ' l. I ...l. ... i.r nllv ... , ... ' ' nc6(lv remaiEin, All accounts nude last year (I860) remaining niiM'ttleu on the let day of August next, vill he placed in the haniia nt an Otfter lor Collection ticepting sueh a. are in the Army. iT At present our Urine are I Asll. UKOW N, TAIE k CO. July 23, 1H60. 3t i'eilslsc tolISM:. " jlotte iictifjnig the said defendant to be and sp. I isli. .ion. i. !, iifre tne Justices of our Court ol Picas and At a meeting of the Hoard of Coinniissi ners of yu,r,, r itBons at the next Court to he held for the town of Charlotte, held this day, pre.ent; i..iv ot Mecklenburg. the Court-llousc Kob't F. t..diso, M.vor; Jas. II. Carson, S. ! m tnolte on the 4in Monday of July nut, u, ., . ..Ijs W Ii... t ' m ! then 'nd liitte to pieuu answer or demur or jug W. Blair. H. C fpmgs and 8. W. U..,., Com. , 3r0(.lill,.l,, be uke eillll him. missioncrs, tne following lie.-:. .ion was passed y, W. K. Ktid t hrk of ai-id Court at of- unanimo : fice foe 4Ui Moud.y of April A. U. ISO'., and in ReaoUsd. bv the Bisrd of Commissioners of the Tow n ot Cliariollc, Hint the low u Clerk la hereby .nalruc'td to cuie to be publialieii ill the sevvral Papers of Hits pUce the loilowuig Notice; Whikiii, the Atlantic, Tenncase At Ohio Rail Road Comnany bus failed to con. ply with the II. press cunditious upon whicn tne Corporulinn subscription of GO.bOO by the town was made to tho Cap.tal fclocli ol that Road ; and for other reasous sati sut lory to thin Boar.l ol Coinin ners, therefore all persons are hereby lorewsrned lUlm 0, ie aoy ouy , uonoa bearing date juy it jptiu, and issued on Ihe -'Ulh day of No. vt ii.htr, lobO, to said Rail Ruad Compny, as I..f-lt''U aaict sub.cnpl.on, .. the .....e will not bo paid. THO. W. DLWKY, Town Clerk and Town 'i'reaa'r. 3t July 13. Charlotle Female Institute 4 Itai lot If. .K c. f l.XLKC'ISFS of this Schu.A m will be resumed ou the Hill of September. A lull corps ol InsltUv tia in all the branclus nl a liberal eu una tton, has betu employed ior Ihe ensuing ac.ion. '1 ne rlrpartmcnt will be under the di rection ot I'rol. R. F. Hu.nt. Mm 11. HsMUKa SKol u. (jruduate of the academy ot Music, block- ll'.llll. J UB Uipuiiiiiein ui u-i.w.iij;, i ain.n.K Mo,,crn L,nBU,IJ!C1 under frof. W u. II. l)e Haas. 'j frmupal consider. h It torlunale in liav. ing setuud the services of such able and e awed T.aeuora in the Ornanianl.l Rranches. peri- tisus raa sEKSion or U0 weeks flosrd and Tuition, iucluding evjry eipcnsea trio; Tuiliun lor day scholars H'i, $16 and For Catalogue aduress Kev. H. BUR WELL. Charlotte, July 9, lobl. t !2 S DISSOLUTION. f VjllK Copartnership e Hating under JL the uame of Al.hXANDF.K &. Mcl'UU. 1. .Al.L, is thia day dissolved by mutual consent. Ileiuy AltianOi r is alone aullioriled to settle the business ul the lute linn. HENM ALEXANDER. MALCOLM McDoUGALL. ! June 27, lt61 The business of the Fol'NDUY end MA- Oil INF. SUOH will he conducted a usual by the ANNOUNCEMENT S. E are are authorised to w announce Mr. W. K. KEID, the present Clerk of tbe County Court, Tor Mecklenburg C, n a. Candidate for re-election at 'aching election, Kirjl Thursday ia An. next. May 14, 1HU1. Vr are einnorireo w en.i B. KEIlR.Eeq., ia aCandidale for rc-eleetieii to the office of I lark oi auperior Court at the spproeobmg elec tion. May ii, lb61. 7-ta EDGUWOKTII Female Seminary, gk'eensboiiough, n. c rn ",HLS Institution lias been in successful ope. rat tn fur twenty-one years, and for the last ten year, under ita present Principal. The Course of Instruction ia de.igned to afford to Southern Parents an Instruction in which can be secund every advantage afforded by the very best Female Seiuinariea in the country. TIih Fscully consists of FIVE Gentlemen and FOUIt Lsdies. The I nstilulinu is, and, has been TilOKUtUULY SOUTH FUN in ita nrgani. lution. Greembcirough is eminently healthy, end in the present tinted stste of the country, Us geogrephi cal position rer.deis it a quiet and safe retreat. The sjext Session wiil commence Auguat 1st, lr61. 1 For Cs:alogues containing full particulars of terms, apply to KfcllAKD STERLING, Principal. , tireon. borough, N. C. June 25,1661. UU FO UUTE 12 X Til DIVIDE A D. Charlotte and Soiiih Carolina ttuilroud Co. COLUMBIA, S. C, Juns 26, 1661. rfJllIE DiriECTOKS of thia Company have de B a DIVIDEND of $2.50 per share, to be pud on the Hrs t day of July next. f.yn.etit will he inuun to Stockholders in North Carolina and Eastern York, S. C by the Agent at i;har!lte. Cheater Stockholders will bo paid st the i.'llie of the Agent at Chei ter. Those in FairHeiu bv the Agent at Winnshoro. Charlee- tun Stock huldera ul the llnk of the State of South Carolina. Ana all others at tins office. C. 130UKNIOHT, Secretary and Treasurer. Julyl, IdCl. 13-lm STJtrjl OF NORTH CAROLINA. t CAI.DWILL COUNTT. Court of fleet aud (Quarter Sttfions, 1 May Term, 1S61. Jdmc C. Harper, i I , vs. Land Levy. Wbie Uailher. tT apprarirg to the satisf.clion of the CouM that Vr- Uaillier, Ihe delendsul in this caae re. eitiei b. ,'rad Ihe limits ni the Siale el' Nerti.lro. Una, so I nt notice ol the lesy cannot be person. I ly rr.d upon him, ordered thst publication be mace ( r aix suecea.ive week in the North Cure- lini lug, nolilying said oelenuani to oe anu ap. i rur it the next leiui o our aaid Court to be held tor tUo County s foresaid, at the Court Iluuae in Ly ;ir on tne 6th Mouu.y after (be 4th Mon day n June nest, Io ahow cauae if any he Can wnj tne justices jungiiieni aiiail not be confirmed due hi Und .-ODileioutd tar plaintiffs debt and Cost. Witness, S. P. Pu'.a, Clerk of our aaid Court at Offico in l.moir the Oih Monday alter the 4th Maedv m March, lob 1 . " " 6. P.' LUA, c: o. u. Jti ?4, 1601. Priiiter.1 Fes 0. Ili STATIC OF iNOUTil-CAItOLLNA, MkCKLiMJUKG COUMlf. . . 1 Couit of I'ttxis and (quarter Session, A- , jiril 2'ertn, 1 661. J. V ". Mirrkvs, i Original attachnient levy If. A. I ulp. land. BT sp .cjrmg tu the rulis.'action of the Court, J l 11. A. I ulp, Ihe delendant in thia eaae, ia Imbilaiil of the stiite of North Carolina, but rnoi'" beyond the limits ol the smne, ( is thtrrjl't Vtdmd. by said Court that puhlicslion of s.I su.cesrive weeks in tlie North Curulina VVI'ie a newspaiier piintod in the Town of Char- l" 7e"r ""-,. ir4 . W. K. KEID, c. c. M.-y21, Pnntois Fee. b. 113 (fiSoticc. JOHN T. CUTLELl ) PBACTIC AL f -N. v.'f2 WATCH aad CLOCK MAKElt, .V: s si3ir-Jsi:Hf OPPOSITE KERRS UOTiiL, 1 II A It LOT T K, .H. C, (Lute with R. W. Beckw ith.) Watclies. Clocks end Jewelry, of every de- n, iL.psiren ai.d wairai.ted for 13 mouths. ir 16, irtiO. 30 if Fin, scrii ii Cct, I r,TTiIiU E UII1 TEETH, f W. ALEXANDER, DERTIST. OUCCAlt OF THE HALTIMOKB UiMil COLLEOB. ! FI LLY rhKTAKLD TO DO ALL DEN. 'I AL Woifc in the lulisl unproved styles, snd 1 .ill., .t In. Ltiiie two wtefcs in eucn men in ue- ting fr Hie hist Mfuiciay (nl Ihe month) and will appropriate the i,!'!? Wl inailiiur ut lna lime lo ail k uoiie at their roaitience. who will oLiige Iw iii very much by audre.amg htm at Cnarluiio, w. - ifj- ALL VuUK AKUANTfcD. Ulh'c, nj'puaile Kerr's Hotel, iiiuwn's building, up slairs April IC. IfcOl. 3lf I IKTAIL Pollers in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Mcoieinea, Chemicals, ferluiuery, l.vj Amicus, Oils, l'aiuia. Varnishes, Wiudowr Oii.s, l ull. Dye tlulls. Turpentine, Durning liiiuj Alconol, Vure Liqin rs, Caiilou 'lea'a, 1 AA ou G ir.:en seed, etc. Jtc. .luviug clostd cur liooke intend hereafter tu Aotice. lit TAX. LIST, for the year lrCO, is now my llanos, ready lor inspee ion. All pern '1 I w Inch i .lil 1,1 Ml ui m mu ol unv t il l: y he listed. AII TAX FA Y tli! ar. b iLaras liiLinaeivea io meet 'cmer Y. V. GRIER, Sheriff 3tf The Market!. COERICTED BY OATKS & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE JULY S3, 1661. EACOX, Ma me, new. " Sides " Hog rouuu, " Shoulders, ., lb....-"..., lb lb - J" ..bushel,. , 14 .... J3 13 13 Id 4 15 25 15 14 14 iSJ SO 5 18 28 135 65 135 11 to 10 30 to 25 90 15 16 37 12 5, S75 35 6J Ui 14 b 00 00 75 10 10 Co 00 6 55 ''i 00 Begging, Uunny, Beef, Butter, Beeswax, Beaua, Branuy , Apple , " Peach,.. ..101) (, ...tS (gt ..100 (v - 9J (9 ..Sift ( ...30 (W, ...iih (, ...40 , ..-20 ( ...7 ..194 C ...lo (Op ...30 ...10 (a. . 5 (a . UiO (w, .-30 (a .... 6 ...M ...13 5 (a, .. 14 (, .. 450 ...15 (.u, gal Cotton, b Ootiee, Kio, lb... Jsva, lb.., Candles, Adamantine lb.. Sperm., , .. ..buahe! ...each ...yarn ....yard ...doxen bbl lb lb lb lb In .bbl.No2... ...Kitts ei . buehel.... Tails Corn ' chickens Clolh.Copperaa,.,, " iiindeey , .... Egg Flour, Feathers, Hide., Green, " Dry Lard, Mutton Mackerel, Mutates, K.O. W.I Meal Mulleta( Wilmington) Naila, Northern, " Southern, ...50 ...110 . 5 . 5 ...50 ... 7 bbl lb bushul.... lb ...bushel ..... ...busliol.... ... bushel ...bushel lb lb. gal ...suck lb ...bushel ...bushol Oats fork 1'cas, T'otuloea, Iriah,. " Sweet,. Ii ice Sugar, Loaf, lirown,.... .lone.Ware......., lea Wheat, white, " red, ...100 (2! ..75 ...40 ...4 tj, ..15 (, ..10 ..10 u, ...300 ("j, to (.. ..SO HO iO 00 00 ki 00 00 100 00 00 55 70 !io 33 00 Whiskey .Northern,.. Ral N. CaroliiiL....aa"... WooI,(bestGeorgia) washed, 87 " " " unwashed "arn bale 100 RKMARKS. Our Market is weil supplied with sll kinds of. produce. COLl'MMA MARKET. Columbis, June 2J, 1861. COTTON. The aales this week hive readied only 20 bale, prices nominal. BACON, hog round,. CORN, PfcAS OATS , FLOUR ...ISA aj ..105 (a, 110 ( fell (e, 13 110 1 CMAPLF?TON MARK1.T. ! HiSLisTos June 8, led. . COTTON. The market has been at a st: no thia week. We have no sales to report in eili er ' ; jjuUlld or Long Cotton, : DRUG STOEB VjJU J aa A-f e v.e A Reliable Kouse for Pure SBHIJSf SStlGS, t-X, CHOICE ASD ELEGAXT FLU- FUME It IES. Hair, Nail and Tooth Bru&hes of the Finest Qualilv, . For Medical Purposes. OIIiS, Paints, FaLUIB. Tq w- sr wmmv rm aar tmrnrz't '1SIM W-slla. KEK0SENE. KEROSENE LA3irS. April 2 1 tt" 1 t-st 4r ii Am at-i i .. 300.000 Selecl Fruit l t)U S UL. A1 RE the citiiena of the Southerr the Northern and Korlhwet are making fruit one of their lording atiiiiea nt trade, and that in a cliniiite and soil' to a great extent very unpropitioua hir fruit eul-' lure ? '1 hen w hv should nut the cititrns ol the Southern Slates make Fruit, dried and green, oue of Ihe r leuoir.g stnplcs. Fruits grown under our Soulhrrn sun are noted for their sue, fine flavor, and beaulilnl color. The above etatenients are fully siifiuined by premiums taken over Northern f ruits, snd the .r-al lUl.l nfnr.,!. .nil i'rir.1 Irml sent North '; K.rlUwwl by tne Southern Stale during the last lew yeara. 1 hen il the soove staleuu ins are fully sustained, and it it is no sin, sccordn g to the Hihle, to make money by raising Frun. '.nen send Inrwurd your ororra and cash to West, hrook and and they wul furnish yoi with good markeiing orchunls. WKSTHKUUK & J1ENDENHALL. Greensboro', Nov. IChO. 3. if. fcT I t H a bellows. Anvils, hand and f5 slide ainiiiers. Vices, Buttresses, Farriers' Knives, it s Stocks blacksmith's l'incher and longs, h .s. per and Flits of every kind, cut horse shoe and clinch Nails, Borai, Don of all s;ies, belli of nor thern and country manufacture, cast, p!"W, hits, ter and spring Steel 4.C., for sale vt ry cheap at TAYLORS, Pnisir t.'ie .Vnni.. ai ity raph oflioe, wnliitig, a joiiojj andl woman walked pan aad fluutei siou flag in my face- ajkod her" when sba roftrrod ins to the Mr Junction if I desired one, a thar4 .. ,ur ktu; a I I i I unu Wilmington, Charlotte anil I( other ford Uaii Uoad. m WLSTtltN LilVlstuN. and after Morday tho Jilh in.t.i nl, the r.u(cj;tr and Mail tram will l.t run on tli is Road duny (Sundays excepted) s follows: GOING WEST. Ariuvi. (hnrlotte,, 7 43 A. M. Bievard, 8 10 bharnn, 8 37 " Linculnton, 9 00 " GOING EAST. Aaaive. Lincolnton, Shuroii, II SO A. M Urevurd, 1 1 45 " Tuckangee, 13 J5 P. M thurlolte, 1 00 ' V. A. MtllfclE: Liivi. 7 00 A. M. 7 45 " - 8 15 " 8 40 I.SATE. II 00 A. M. 1 1 V3 " il 50 ' 13 17 P. M. Bv order, Acting Mauler of Trait. porlution. Lincolnton, April 4, lcol. 2-tf k i: w sL ri'LVoi' WatclieSjJewelry.SolidSilvcr Plated Ware i T THE autisenber bus lattly rclurncil from the. tenaivc aupply ol Ihe iUn. articles. II set being iiinue dirucliy from tho u i 1 1 u he is Iherelorc emtbicd to nell ul a very i I vntice on col one persons nuiy u-et itt.i etr; erticlea are warrmiue to bo k I rt'Piil. tin in Io lie. I Watches slid Clocks l arclully ininircd : ri.p. I will receive my per.onul utii ultnii. It. . LL1CKV, 1TH. Orriier 9, lbGO. 3Jif Dr. E. II. Andrews, V. ?1 Ol'I.D inform tin. m''iie tin. fSL--.:.- W irully, aud .He citzens of tSffffTTiMceklenburii in purticulnr, tlmt no has rt.uiiitd tne pructiie ol lJKN'l 1 Tli 1 , nid may be fnund ut his Old Stand. He la prepared to insert Artifi'iul Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite or t heopiu-lic pri.i i at patienl. niuy cesire; unu hii tiilli wild OuWi, 'iiii, AiiiiiIl-'I" ur O.-ArtilioiaL lie i pnp-ied ....,...... i Ii .lr. .f ...T.:.. 'I l, ...ii i7. ,.T..,.,..i ... avAi I upon any of bia old lrivnus, ol new out tithe , you moy lul.e tjiut lor grahlei. reb. 6, If til. 4:. if INotice. A IL persons imM'U-d by . count to I lie hstnte ol I e or ho I .I.; 'I n fiuiton ure rii(uesti u In turn ln the suiiio aa induleLt''- I Lt ing iio. '.mi's Fi tiii.u prrarrihca I'J i Lr umi.dnt i,i.i. ' pu. in bur ol tlitir r'nii'i: v. j-i. u l i a1 i:,son, iu-. ij UiOc. J. ; j;ioN. Fehiuaiy 5, 1SC1. i J. N. iiLMKi:. !C0M.Mlsb0N MLIitllAMT AN!) (ttT.eriil L'oiRCliil; I.L p:. ..uce ship) tii here f- r p.y i tuKen in tho purchaaj ol 4.tJlllN. ! Null's UhlA pUt ' leeli. shuil . 10 pi : million ji Lliaii'iie, fib. Out of liebt! Out if Laicr, A i. LL t, IN" und citI' o: Ton n, v i rcltk-u lu :r uluuiili J..I. 'wry ictil, mt t.ii quoted t CALL A 1 UNC K ami ,'.iy i vt gn1 'ht:ir notes, as we are utleiinim ' liSt''urnnV i uvi"' ne" IZ Willi- I tv. u out iiii'Urniig t. 1 . .MUl i; t: u:i we have lii.LiWN, U, Icbl. TA'i i: &. CD. lin and Japanned Ware. 1 A larco asscrtmt ot-k Tin, LIock Z: n.ito, bubb.l, &c.; oiC'l i.5', t it largest bijcii, ot n.l .ze?, at Huiilwart, Stnrc and Tul- Wart Dtyjl, Ufiiumit the Mjhswii At Taylor's V .''OL can him tile hirest as5.Tli::ci.t r. t i.t. lery, Uupa and Fistul, ol'uil tue, cvlenraf.'d ma Ken. (.;!.A.VS, of nil viiteand qualities both F.-er.c'.i and American. A.m. Fulty by tne keg of pi.un.;i;N VVAllt, lRUO..,&.u..ul uil Kij;e! iioi 1 t . Jt.t'.i aim Cot TAYLOR'S .:. li'carc 'nvMliUIiVl iipdi.oiiiS svv:. Cum S.,rl s, ,S.:t'. .8 l':t'..-..M.t. at.oei Cii.iiis, v .oii I hail Ileum Shears, I'rtun ueu llote unu Kai.e ; grain, grass Monks, Witi;on hun l.n.t.iJiiii; ii" L..g i iuiai.., l'i anu llu..!:!. i; h , 'l ia eo Iji . ovens und iius,skil Lts.spi tie. 'Jauidron 'run it to l-U g anu h.ass, ft al TAYLOR'S J INotice. rgMiF. i i.t cm; a 1 1 navn.g U.i, a.s.. ( J. B. t !i;.M are re. .1. r.AULY to mil.'. !-F I I I IM1 N 1 111 1 1. lutO.N a. DAY. M iv 7. f.l i alii r tiic Ul .lay i f J inn ry Ii: will he p ii' ciistnmers ami the its'. cash on I v . any unit it we limy culllllig Inr gn II.OM )', Will their unieta, v. o' this ai:verli! h.,r d. to art.' AL dchted to WUIil ll.e OAIES X ILl.lA' 4o--t I Ptc. 5, loO. a. p!en-y j-it like it at tbit po mt

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