Ufa Tuesday August 13, 1861. LEAD. The foregoing from tho Richmond Whig, -iih tbe remarks of the Raleigh State Jour nal, wa cheerfully copy, and add, that Mr. Tnitty, a worthy and intelligent citizen of Rutherford county in this State, paised through llii place a few daya liuce on bin nay to Richmond with a fine specimen of ctarly pure lead, taken from a initio in his county, where he says the quantity is inex haustible, and the quality first rate. Tbe hunters iu the neighborhood have been in the Libit, a great number of years, of supply ing themselves with bullets, from this mine, ffbich, owing to its remoteness from market, od tbe absence of facilities fer its transpor tation, has Deter bten worked as a lead mine. The war and tho Kail Iload to Ruth crfordtoo will now make it valuable. Lhad I Lead 1 Lkad ! We would tnon earnestly eall tbe attention of Southern peo ple to tbe iinporlanoo of increasing the q taotity of lead. There are large quanti tig of this metal in various parts of Vir ginia aud other Southern States. It is on ly necessary to be koown that tbere is a . i i i.i i d,miui or .utj pUO mSoi. jt Ul0roj.u7 demor.liied, according to Individuals conuot employ their means more j , ,, .rotiiably than by working lead mines.-, Nor,huru n itiUj, V0 of tbe 1 he sooner they do it tbe belter for tbeui I met) passed through Railimore for home, jhJ tbfir country. We esuuet k t . I ail aud the remaiuder will probably be dis ihi Yankees without the hlp of leiJ. 'banded. jjieel wiii oo ery well lor thus. kn wUl , iuu 1 close quarters. Uji there are a great many of ibenj who " calculate" en keep iug at a rcflpacUble distance and picking u c(T at ''long taw." We iniitl hare lead ijr Ibeui. Tun KiobiBOa i Whir publishes tbe fire pin paragraph abi rqjets ail papers io iti Sulberu '.ates to "py it We dj so th pleasure ; aud, at the aame time, Leg l-ave to refer our readers to a paragraph prepared for our lH issue, bat deterred i. I t day, where it will be seen tbal tbe ijijtwrti'ir of this State ba diicotsnd. tiiroifjb Prof Eniuoii, where plenty of, j ;.aJ, -aitpetre, Ac, can be bad, aud ia lak j . . r r 1 Lie auppiy, bating aireaily laiJ the matter : Lcfjre tue authorities at Kichiuend. ; Ol'TKAJE lT MuuDZt IH M t -S.sis.si ffl . ; Ti,. Memphis Aj'ptut iearna the subjoined f ic:s from a cilif-.u of a-bii. 'ton Couuty. ,, -" .i.-Hf ipn : la the I Mb of Jui;, Mr I'rsiou l'ickcit, a:i itiSiential piau;r of 1-J-' Poiut. wliiie imn a! in the Levee ucar l .e Point, w. il bv ajino litruli eoucealei Lalnnd a '. j-ter of outtou Hood bube, at a diitance :'. ii it nioro than fifteen or twenty Dacca. In wepan ued wi a double barreled , M.il gnu. Kifieea ahot entered the cloili- r. if Mr. Pickett, byt ojr tainuH- elfeot m ! !. s holy. The tujrd'irer, ajppjt.u Mr. , , , i , , l.-Vrt kil.cJ, ateppci from bis ambush, Ljtaceii-g bim ataudui wiib pi.lolm baud, maiu In" oaeape through acor u-ticld. Mr P.cactt returned to the hotel, waicli was bjut three hundred yards distant, where be fainted from loss of Llood C jusi q it Ii I UJiOU Ll II JU A t i,y,cixo was called in, Mr I'.cliett'a wouu.li wre skilfully dres.ed, and he r;il y eontaltscitii, when, on the follow in,' Wednesday tiibt, hit amaniii, Gujing be an not mortally wounded, entered the Tjjin iu the hilel where Mr. Pickett was iviiilf, attended by bis body acrtraut, chaacd tl.e boy out, and placing tho mutxle of a Juiii.o barreled shot gun so close to Mr. 1' c li- it as to burn the bed olothes on 1 1 1 'ini'iuri', bred both barrels into tbe body of t.io wounded aud proKtrate man, liter ..) teariojr Lini to pircea, and killing L ii imtuDtly. The murderer escaped, and a 'though tbe met ativuuous ftfjrH were I e i o made to ferret out the Cild blooded rain, up to the time our iuformant ielt Di ir.iCM had beau found of the perpetrator of thia inhumau deed. From PhacuLA. We bate been fa tered with the following extract from a letter, dated Camp Dreus, Dear Warriu,; ton, F,a , J uly VI'J : Wo have a Wilson Zoaste, a Frencb fi.in ; he has deserted from them, musket, knapsack and all. He Gred upon them i he left the ialatid opou hit little raft. He has a brother iu New Orleans, aud aajs La would not fi-jht his brother for all tho Northern countries in the world, We hate i;l thin two messeogera ; one, a do with a tin kettle to bis tail, was act upon Sauta Ilosa and started for Pickens with a bag tf particulara of the battle of Matiniaa.i, nl the other a small boat with the samo news. They bate retaliated by sending as a '"iclamalioo of Col. Urown, offering a re r 1 of 8;,"tHI for ctery one of Capt Clan ton e Montgomery Mouuted liifles, dead or live. Well, all this is spleudid, and if we ne ever allowed to go with Cspt Clan t iri'a men and gite battle to the Zouaves, iure will not be many left to obtain the reward. iuky Oi.u Yaskks; Woman. We i't ihe following anecdote coiu; tho rouuds : t ., .1.1 -.I . uA, , .llni.il,,? a in ..i, I. I - j , "Z of the liul eruiotit Itegtmeut, arose, fa l of euthiisiaim, and sai l sho iknikod ; ' o-I that she was able to do something for I"'r country. Her two boos, all she pos- .c.d li th. w.rld, were i a I h e i I e g i in cut, .... uiny suing u.va "6'l - "t she ooal.l not have kuowD it twen years age she would bate furnished' hicire. I HkssUx tillMd. We saw jasterday ''out lb, (ill of the gnus taken from the "t'-ians at Mauana,, iu the recent bat '', which bad benu brought to this eity lo c,aa up and fix lor use. About 10, ODD ""' were expected to arrite. Nealj all 'd thoi we saw were loadud, not hating ,co disebarged (ia the usual waj) bf '"ir firiaur owasrs, Some of the jus bore ettdeneeof tbe bard usage wbtcb '"'J bad reooived Rv:mo'l JJtspateh FOR TUB N. C. WIIIO. Tho Mecklenburg Beuuregards. Mr. Editor .- T his is tbe namo of a new and splendid company of twtlwo tnonttis volunteers, about being organized in tho lowif Dart of this; eountv. ar.d torn. posed of the very Lest citizens iu the couu- try. Tbe company now numbers between forty and fifty, who will go into camp for! two or tbtee days, in order to practico drilling, and for effeoting a more thorough lotte, on the Charlotte & S C. R. R. A free iuvitation is extended to all persons ' who may be deemed worthy and well quali. I may be deemed worthy and well quali Get to join tfao oompany, and ebare its Lonora and glories, ill pritatioos, sacrifi ces and labors. Miscellaneous War Items. Tho firt New Hampshire regiment under oommand of Col. Mason C. Tappan who is about as well qualified for a coiauelcy as a dog is for a preacher, paased through lialti more ou Friday last, en route for home. Tbe regiment numbered about 650 men. New Hampshire has furnished but two regiment for tlo war, and a portion of one of them is iu duress at Richmond. Colonel Manu'a Pennsylvania regiment It will interest tbe reader to leara, on unquestionable authority, tbat only about 8,000 troops passed through Balliuioro laat week for Washington and the uppor Poto mac, while not less than 1U,00U returned home, their term of service b.iting expired. NoHI'oi.k. Va , Au-uat 0 On Sunday . two or three steamers took from Newport Nsws a large number of Yankees and went seaward. The troop could bo diatinctly seen to come from tbe woods aud march on Lusrj ,he ,tluier4. Tbi, is ,triollv eor. reel, aiuae me informant m iu a t.r.sinnn t,. ' ' r kaow. it w as reported bcre, on high in- thority, last night, lLat eibt or nine armed xteauivrs were cQ the peninitula ; aud about 1 2 0 C;Jti jruajg mttv heaiiujj at aowe of , . . . , , the lost, tut ne Leliere DOtbin iinperlant or eaa-pir J . 1 bu Lincoluites bate resorted to a new ftture of warfare to detect our movements .1 i . t. . . 1 io the way af balloon. On Saturday, tbe , I.ii.coiu professor attempted an ureal pas-' "g iu 'bo neighborhood of Jewell's Point. j 1 his was done by means of a little steamer! co,njog out in the atrcam, from Lich the . ,, . . , ,, . banojinat was to ascrud. Ilia eCort, how- ' 'cr- i!ur', nd Le was compelled to relinquish tbe idea of peepibg into our bsiie.ies, w l.icb was his full denjjn. I iv iiiim .ii na ins pAiui. i ne , I,) itcliL urg K.-pubUcan publishes a letter J4tej ju otII1p tl Manasaia, July 2Jd, from which we make some eittacts ; I can't realize myself in f in " the pomp and " Jiut, great God, ! circumstance ot war. Jut, g what have 1 seen the wounded, tha dead and the dyiop. You can ponibiy imagine my firs I keimg, though they wero Yan kee, when I looked in upon them some shut through the bead, aome with legs and arm-t broken, some through the slomaeb, and in fact all over ; and to bear their mournings and their groaning, and 1 thought ' ia this war 1" They, (tho Yankees,) almost to a man, say if they bad known bow things were dowu here with us, they never would bate come 1 bey asy if they can get well, they aul neter come aato uules to Gjjlit for us. AmoOj; tbe things winch we bavo ciptur t i are liD.UOO handcuffs think of that to manacle us with. '1 bese bate been brought iuio camp, together with all their arm and muuitious. The property in all taken from the enemy is estimated at one tnillinn ami a ItuJ of itollurr. From what 1 bate seen, il is doubtless so. , The aooundrels got our password, our utiiform, and bad a Recession flag at the head of their ranks wheu they made their first deadly tire, that raked us the worst of all. The mails takeo from tbe enomy nnd the letters mien to their friends, show tbat they cipacted no trouble iu takcu us. Itis ruiious to read their letters iu fact, funny. John Daniel, noblo. gallant boy, though shot dowu tisioe, rallied and fought lake a man. lie was shot the third aud fourth lima hut foui'ht tha hultid throui'h. aud is nr.. .loin w.ll tert well. All. ail fou rht i " ,, ' ' 1 like men aud heroes. .1, - v ...v hoped Ir'M aceoants previously, received,; (ht the wound was uol so serious. Hills- Itroiigk Jiecorder. ,A ,-, A ,j 10l'lri:, A I.Lp-rs. having unsettled account on the lkb.Hia.ol ( i r.-A W U.l.I A M. miisl come lie n.l l.rward balore llm hrsl of t-plfintier lie it a settle by cusii or n If, ur tln-y will liu l their i counla in the liano ot' an ollicer t'or colleution UM'KS ec WILLIAMS. August 13, ISti'. 3w Miss M E. Stewart, Lit" '' rr-"Ptn br Sehoil for Children, ob g V tux 2 1 ot Seplenibvr, Iftil. August IJ, I ft. I. !m JB FKIN I'INu of all amda will bo no tiy W sua aiioiliouiy aaarina ai lis Nor.b Car ma WnK I W Wo WCte pained to loarD, aa our r- , The Frinciual coiisidershlinself loilunate in hav. I i,r fr. !,. the liisl .M.nesy (of the luontl.) and ; premium, taken over Northern rruils,.iid the I per was L'oiu to press last etetiiiu. tbat mg secured tha aervicea of audi able and exptri. will appropriate the reinaiiiutr ul bis lime to all great amoui.t of green and lined Iruit sent 4ortli , llieut W I Mm am aoo of el Senator Teaci.era ia llio Omamental Branche. persona desiring o, k oo..e a I their r.iuencea. , and 4N.-rU.we.l by the Southern Male, during I Lieu' W. I . .Msnjjum, SOD Ot ex Senator . P' i( (( much . fcddre,MIlg ,lic ut few years. I hen If Ihe above staleuu nl Miiil'Uiii. died of the wound received at! tishs rta stsaiois er 20 wtias. I. ... k Urn r..il .uiuinrd. and n it ia no am. acciiruin . I .1.. ) I ;. V. k.J . . """ " J l.n A VTLT. .... I, 11.1,1- n,..rv h. r.i.i.icr km, I. Ni;W ADVERTISEMENTS. J161 M98I 'H'oJny 'iir lOaiunu -v .irimu 'CjAlIOD UO .. ! .ni 1.11 111 111 'a t ia Ca UltljSAS ISL'0 0I) !Iopt! O Sll )0 Sui).IliSOJSip Al 'gJOUl -OlS'll O 111)0.10 lUO 3IOTA310KNA Female Seminary. MOUNT PLKASAM CABARBUB COUNTY, K C. 'HI HE Exercise of tliis School will La roaumed L on the 20ih of August Rates per Session. Board, including Washing and Fr.el 140.00 15,00 Engliali course from $5,uO to Munc on the Pmno, Meloocon or Uuiur, I.ungungea, each, Urawinf or 1'aintirg, Voeal Muaic, Eniliroidrr v. C20,0I l"."0 3.1-0 7.C0 Oilier urnumentala rcaannablt. TERMS: Hnlf ofall I'm expenaea board and tuition mutt be iaid in ailnince, and the reniaindir, at tne clone of the araainn, I Pupila wiic bnard in the Seminary will not be. pernntlrd to make alore accounta. I For lunlicr iul'oruiution addirae L. G. IIEILIG. ' July 30, Icf.l. 134 j !niocrat plcaae copy till Novcmbri lit ' j To Hire. 1 1 K writrr haa u good cook, wLalier and iro. i J. rer, ynn, in g..od ln alth, end i.trour con. lalilulion aulDcicnll? o aoon to make ol lier a i ,irtl r'lc fir"1 wltl' "le cmlu. m lure in the country, uuni Hie ll ol January next. Apply at ' im Uice. auui b, ieol. tJI ATTENTION. CliAUI.on K HEAT, WARD ISO. 4. ; OU are li by toiiiinuno. u to appear at your ML Head QnnrUra on Kaluruat lUili nut., at 9 OVioik A. M. aud iquippeo fur Military duty. ily oii.er of J. N. 11UNTEU, Capt. Charlotte, August 6. 18ol. It Notice. r. ALEXANDLR laniy authona grnt. will A.i ptraolia liavi; g tlllillilll Willi ;i.e lf-"-'ct 11 llU '' IillLlI. Auguat 6, Ibol. Jjil WANTED. 1O.04IO PAIK WUUL SOCKi i'UUNG, WKISIUN i.UR. July 30, 1GI. Id. ii ISpeeial Notice. A LL prraona who have bought gnoda from ua ,'m i ii linn:, miicb the 1 t J.muarv I "6 1 , are re. j quraled to comply Willi our linns V;-1X MON 1 IIS I If Fill I',) by stilling liieir account uue 1 jl July mat by 1 am or I'wW piomplly. All accounts macu laat year (I960) remaining uiisrlllru on the 1st day of Autut mxt, will be I1"'"1 "' the hanua nl an Oliinr lor Luileetioii. '!""' ueli as are in the Army. Jolt 23 IfCU ' 3t ' I'ilUilC .Wl .... , At a meeting ol the Boar toll ouinimai ners of Ihe ton n ol ..iiarlotte, held this day, present; Kub't F. 1'avidiaon. Mayor; Ja. II. Caraun. S. W. Ulair, 11. U. Spinga and 8. W. 1.,, Coiu. j '" P'oc" l e.Uk,v ,n !";" "" . -, I Witness, W. il. Keid Clirk of aaid I our; at of. mi. a, oners, the foi, owing Iteaoiution w.e passed fice ,h 4l 1(11),i,y uf A(jrl A. I). IBEI, and in ununiiiiously : lieaoifed, by the It srd of Conimlstionera of llie l uwn ol I hariutle, Hi. a lh town t lerk l hereby iiiviiucid tocauaeto be publiaheu hi tile several t'aper ol Una place the lollowing Notice V hiiih, the Al. antic, Tenncste A. Ohio Hail Roau Cumpany has failed lo con. ply wilh the ex press Co ittutiorj s upon wluen tne Cororation tubscriptiuu of ibU,LliU by the town was uiaiie to ihe Capilal SlocK ol that Koau ; and for other reasons salisidCtory lo thia Uoard of Conuiusiiio. ners, therefore all persona are hereby lorewarncd from :rauiog lor or accepting iu payment of any tlaini any ol tne $U,tJbtJ ol lionde bearing dale July I, lebil, and issued on lh audi uay ol No veinber, iPb'J, t aaid Kail Itoad Company, a Installment on aaid aubeciij'lion, aa lliu aame will not bo paid. TIIO. W. DKWKV, Town Clerk and 'iowu 1 reaa'r. July 12. 3t Cliarlolle Female Jnlilutc, C'li:iilolt. C. ftHi: KXIJKCISES of tin School will be resumed on the latlli of bepiember. A lull corps ol' lualruc. lor in all Ihe branch. ol a liberal euucalion, baa been employed for the eusuniir aessiou '1,,e musical cpartmciil will be under the di. reclioii ol frol. K. r. Hunt. Alia II. Iliaan. , i;.,,!.., o,. ,,.a.icni,i m.h. s,.l 1 lie d parlment ol Drawing, fainting mid umrd and 1 uilion, lucluding evjrt ei f t)j ; Xuition for day scholars $12, fits and f IB For Catalogue adores Kiv. R. LUIIWELL. Charlotte, July 9, lebl. t-la S DISSOLUTION. fBSlIK Copartnership heretofore existing under X the "am of ALk.XANUF.lt i. .Mc UOU- l.Al.l., is Una day dissolved by mutual consent. Henry All lander ia alone a u Illumed to aelli. lb business el 111 lat firm. 11KNKY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM McUUL'G ALL. June 37, 1661 tf. The business of the FOUNDRY and MA. CHINK SIR)!' wilt be conducted a usual by 111 subscriber. He request a coutiauanee of the pa tronage ksrstulor xlendi-d. UhiNKV ALEXANDER. Jen 97, 1861-tf. I 44 i I ANNOUNCE I, I E N T S E are are authoriiad u announce Mr. W. K. REID, the present Clerk of the County Court, Tor Mecklenburg county, N. C, as aCandidate lor re.elecliuu ut the approaching election, Kirt Tiiuradav m Ail. guat next. May 14, IH(,I., 't t 7 E are authorized to an. iiounca that JtNNINtiS I). KERR, Eq., in a Candidal for re-election to the fifiire of I lerk ol Superior Court at the aeproucliing eUx. lion. may j. icui. KDGEWOItTII Female Seminary, GIIEENSBOUOUGII. N. C MMIHS Inatitution hut been in aucceeiful opt. JL ration Tor twenty one yeara, and Ibr the Lit ten yrara untcr iia preacnt i'mieipul. The C'ourao of Inatructiou i eloigned to afford to tiouiliiiii I'arenta an Instruction in which can be secured every aavmitage afforded by the very test Fi in ale Seminarica in the country. Til': Faculty ennaiata of FIVE Gentlemen and FOUH Ldu. The lniililulii.il la, and liaa bean TilOliOlUIILY fcOUTfil-RN in ila nrgani zatiun. Grrcnrhoruugh ia emitiently healthy, and in the prearnt rxriled atateot'lhe country, ila geographi. eal poailion rendria it a quiet and aal'e retreat. The next Sreaion will commence August lat, U61. Fur Calaloguea containing full particulars of lefH)lvfcc., apply to I 1UCU AKD STERLING. I'nneipal. II I., rnn.li V r- June 25, 1661. 119 l-'UUltTKKVril IIVIDL D. ATI' Cliitrlullc. antl Swulli Curoliiiit Itailroiitl Co, C'OM'MBIA, S. C, June 2G, I8C1. ysjIIE Dili Kt TOKS of tlna Company have dc i dared a Dl VIDLND of 2.5ii per ahare, to be paid on tbe fir I ouy of July next. faymeut will be inuuclo itncklioldera in North Carolina and FJaaltrn York, S. C, by the Agent at Charlotte, t heater Slockholdcre will be paid at tha i. Uice of tl.e Agi-nt at Cheater. 'I'hoee in Fairfield by the Aginl u". WinnaPoro. t li.irli... ton Muckhoidera m Hie Uanlt of Hie Stale of South Carolina. Ana ail other at tine i-tlice. 0. liOUKNIGfIT, Secretory and Treaaurcr. July 2, Ir 61. 13.1m STATE ( ) l' .NORTH CAROLINA. CAIDWILI, COUNTJT. Court of J'leai oral Quarter Sessions, May Ttrm, lSCl. Jamea C. Harper, i ... Wilie Gjiiher. S Land Ltj. f T appearii-g to I lie tuliifiiClion of llie Cou.-t tlivt JL V Gailiier, I lie ticlenui-til ill tin caae re. aiota beyond I lie limits of the Slate olMortli I'aro. liua,&o mat iiot.ee ot Ibe levy cui.uol be personal i ly twved upon bun, ordereu that publication be ' inadi t'"r aix ui(eivt wtmi in the North Caro lina Wing, o.ilily mg aaid defenniiiil to be and ap j pear i.t the lu ll leini ol our aaij Court lu be held f lor Hie Couoly a!ori-utd, at llie (ourt Houae I in l.t-icir on too blii Mouday after the 4lli Mon j Uiy in June mxt, to l.ow cauae if any he can w nj 111 juatieta Jung Hunt ahall not be confirmed I due hm lu ut! ecu jcini.cd for plaintitfa debt and j COht. j Witneaa. 8. P. Dula, Clerk of our aaid Couil at Ortioo' m I.nii ir th Oil. JVtonday alur lb 4ih 1 Monday in March, I -til. I S. P. DULA, c. c. c. Junr-t.lfCl. I'rintera Fee ti. 115 STATE OK OltTIl-CAROLNA, Mt.( KLKi'-BLKQ COUMV. Court of i'leus urnl (t'uaitrr Sessions, A Turn, JtifJl. J. W. M-iiruW, 1 Oninul atlucbment levy D. A. Culp, J on land. IT appearing to luc satisfaction of the Court, that b. A I u p, llie uefendant in till caae, la liol an iiiiiutiiuiil of the stale of .North Caroiina, but re.iur beyoi.u the limita of the aame, ( l tiitiijmc Vidtrtd, by said Court that publication ul six u.ch.-mvu weeka in the North Carolina I W;-ig a iitp.p r printed in the Town of Char- lotte nntitvM g Hie said Defendant to be and ap. i l,e' bef.ue tut Ju.ln.ia ol our Court ol Fleaa and Uuarltr S.MM..IJ- at the mxt Court to be held lor " n, M, rklenhurr, at the Court.Ih,ue , Char.i.Uf on the 4lu Monday :LVlr S then ami tmie to plead anew ur or uen Iho 5in vear ul American Inileprinieucc, W. K. 11E11), c. c. c. May 21, lDfil. Printeia Fee. 0. t!3 Q JOHN T. BUTLER ) PRACTICAL "J J-. Wllioa aau eauuu JlillVilla ' . msZ a'3TjlflIa vC. orPOblTE KIHK S HOTKL, cii AUi o i i i:, i. c, (Lute with R. W.Ikckwith.) Fine Walclie. Clock and Jewelry, ofevery da. cnplion, repaired Ld warranted lor 12 month. Uctoi.fr lb. ltb'0. 3l rilESEHVE VOUKTEETll. A. Y. ALi:XATSDEK, ISURGEOH DEKTIST. GRADUATE OF THE BALTIMORE CENTAL COLLEGE. wg r ILLY FhtrAhtU TO IK) ALL DLN. I AL Woik die luteal iniproicu siylta,aiid each menlli ua. jtlii-e, opposite Kerr Hotel, liiuwu' kuiiuing, up stair. April 16. 1 fed. KFTAlL lealer in Foreign anu Domestic Drugs, Medicine. Cue uncle, t'erlumery , haiiey Arucle, Oil.. Fauna, Varnislies, W muuw Glass, Fully. Dye Slulis, 1 uipentine. Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Fure Liquor, liatso leas, I r ie d and (i.rueii seoos, c. Ac. I li ning ciuasd our books intend hereafter te ie.l lor ea.n. iff INoticc. riMIE TAX LIST, for the year 18ti, ia now ,n A my hanua, ready tor inspec ion. All person ar( reiiueated to inform uie of any taxable which may be listed. All TAX FAYLRS are re quoted l prepare themtelve . te meet their 1 AXt.S pr.iiiplly. ' Y. W. GRIKR, Sheriff. April IC. 1861. 3"" 4 aT The Markets. CORRECTED BY OA TIES & WILLIAMS. CiUfiLOT'i'E JILY89, 161. UACON , Ha ma , ne w lb.. " Sidea Ib.. I " Hog rnunu, lb.. I Shouldin Ik - ...14 .. J3 ....13 ...11 ...its ... 4 ...IS 14 14 I j uu s ia 88 1 23 6j J2j 11 in to iU (0 B.i 90 IS 16 37 12 5J 875 1 Boi- ,ii uuuy o. i(r ..." . Jih Butter, b... Beeswax ll ...S3 to ...IU'. te ...(.'2 ( ...two (. .... !i UK ...a.-. (r ...30 (a, ...ai (, ..AO (a; ...Jtl Uiy ....hi h ...1 81 (3 ...li (a, ...311 (,i ...IU (, ...S .. iiiQ (, : Uvuua, , buali I,.. Itr y . Apple al. " I'each, gui-... Cntlkii, lb..... ( (illoe, Itii., lb.... " Jaa, It..., Caiidlaa, Aciu limit tin e lb..., &perm., Tallow, , Ib Ib ...bualie!.. eacii... . ...yure... uoxeu . bbl.... buga... Ib Corn Chickeua, ....... (..'lolli, Copper n j " Lnulaey , . j Eggs, i'iour, Frathera ('i II, du , Green Ib G it' i " Dry, Ib li T.urd Ib 13 (, Mutton, lb o (i Mackerel, MW.Noil 14 (.r. Kilt. 450 (i Muaasea, N . O W.I Meal .Mullet. (Wilmington) .N'uile,. Northern, ...gal... ...gul... bunhe ..bbl... ....Ib... ....lb... ....16 f; 73 to 10 Co 00 6 55 n ....50 I 1 ....!) (It (!) a (& .... 5 (-., ....0 to .... J (a ....100 (a; ...75 ....4U is, ...a ui, ...15 fe, ...10 (u, ...IU 'jjf ....301' to ...liU to ...90 (a, bou thorn,. Oula, buahol... I'ork.s lb , i'taa, buahcl... i'otatnea, Iriall bllalifl... " Sweet buahel... 'tie,.. buahcl.... Sugar, Loaf, b Urown, b stone-Ware,. . gal Salt, BkCk 'J'ea , b Wheat .white buahel.... " red, bushel.... W liiakey ,Mor thorn, gal " N . Carolinu,...ga.' Wool, (beat Georgia) waahed, ...... " ' umvanlied ... rn b.,c ICQ 00 (10 li 00 00 100 00 10 55 .50 to 3 ..tiO to it) .37 to 28 ..'22 to lull to It KM A K KS. Our Murket ia well aupplied with nil kinda produce. l COM Mill A AlAKKLT. Cm.uaisiA, June 29, I bill. COTTON The aalea thia wiek hae reached only U bale, pricea uoiiimul. UACON,hog round,., COKX FfcAS OA'l'S FLOCK ....ISJ ... ldj (i, . miu (. . 81) Ci .. 1 (S 13 110 85 CHARLESTON MARK FT. r"nasLiaToN June f, 1(61. COTTON. The market haa bten at a stand this week. We nave no sale to report in cither I'pluiid ur Long Cotton. DRUG STORE 1 CHARLOTTE, SF. .' A Reliable House for Pure CHOICE ASD EL EG AST PER FUMERIES. Huir, Nail nndToolh Brushes of the Finest Quality. , HB wmm MB KMmmz For Medical Purposes. Paints, KEROSENE. KEROSENK LAMPS. April 2 1 '4-cu Auiftt rifsi. 300,000 Select Fruit Trees roitni:. j 4 KK the citixena of the Poutiicrr theMorlhrrn and Northwestern Mates are making fiuit one of their le'jmg anii.it. ol lrade,ano Ihiit in a cliniule and soil te great extent very unpropitinua for fruit cul ture? 'llien wht should not the citixena uf the Southern Slalea make I' ruil, dried aim giecn, one of Ihe r lenuing staples. Fruits grown uniier our S.iuth. rn sun ate noted for their sue, line flavor, and btautiiol color. The above statement are fully sustained by then elid ti.rward your oretr and eaali lo W eat. lirook and iMeinleiiliali an.t nicy will turmali yoi with good marketing orchurde. WESTliUOOK & MKNDENI1 ALL. Greensboro', Nov. Icbd. 33 if. Blacksmith Tools, ftt 11 a bellows, Anvils, hand and O slide ainiuers, Vices, Uultresat, iFarricr' Knives, Screw-pialee. Slocki s, blacksmith' Finchcr and longs, Hua per. and' File, of every kind, cut horse sUoe aud clinch Nail., Borax, Iron ol all .is., both of nor. them anu country nianulaclure, caat, mow, blis. ler aud spring SUel c, lor sale very cheap at TAYLURS, Oppotilt tht Alemsii Huutt. fVL LOW'S CELEBRATED SELF SEAL tNti CANS, of ail in. ditlurr.it sues, at TAYLOR'S lUrduNii Start, opjxnHt th Mimia s Wilmington, Charlotte and Huthtr ford Kail Itoad. WtsTKKN DIVISION. N and alter Monday the 1.1th inatiint, the Una linud uuuy (Sundaya excrpicd) n followa : GUKNG WKST. LtAVE. 7 00 A. M. 7 45 " 8 15 " e 40 " Aaaivi. 7 43 A. M. IU " h 37 " 9 00 ' Arritx. Charlotte, Tuck.in gie, liretiiid, r-l.i.nn, I . i nr ti ton , GOING FA.ST. II OU A. M II V3 il 40 ja t7 r. M Lineolatoa, Huron, II 20 A. .M- bitvoni, II 45 " Tueliaafgee, li 13 . M L.liarlelie, I t'U ' Ry order, V. A. McBKli. Anting M itier of Traiitpor L.tion. I.inrolnion, April 4, leel. 8-tt XEW Sl'Pl'LYOF i ' U'alehes,Jewelry,SolidSiIver A.NU Plated Ware, '1 f gxUK aukaciiber haa lately returned from the JL North w here he haa p jich.iaed a Very ex- teimivc supply , llic abovu artielea. Ilia purclm. jars being maue directly from the nianuluciurer, i he l tlierelore enabled to aiil at a very auuil ad I Vance on coat unu ieroii may lot enured llmt I' all lua article arc Warranted to be what lie rep. KirMl till 111 to be. Walclic and Clocks carefully repaired and will receive my peraonul atuntion. li. W. BECKWITII. Ochbtr , 1800. 2Ulf Ur, E. II. Andrews, v,. X OL'LD inforn. tlie public gen. crully, and int cumin of Mi'cuicnburg in parlicuhir, tnul he haa ieuii.ed the nruclu e ot lii.M'1 l( Y, and may be fimnd at hie Olu Stund. He ia orepureii tu maert Artificial Teeth on ' Gold, euver. V uicunite or I heopiaatic procura. a 1 puturla may denre ; and fill Teetli Willi l.ul.i, i Tin, Aniaigaiii or U-Artitieml. Ue li piupured ... .... .... 1...... I...I...... ,. ., I ll.nl, .ir ofi ar( ieil) , tay ,llBl ,c te (lualeu to wait I upon any of lua old irunoa, or new enta tilne , j jou may Ink- ''al lor grahled, Feh. i, ll-bl. 45 tf ISotice. ALL persons indebted by i.ote or book ac count to tbe fcalale ol the late Tiioinas J. tloiion arc requested to cnine lonaruiiiid stllie the aame aa inculfr'enee cannot be gitcn ahU ail persona hating ci.uina ugjinst t.mi '1 In iius J. iloltoit'B Fistuie wiii priint the a-Jine willim tun time priscrilieu by U or tins nolicu will br pie-d in bar ol their rerovery. E. N YE. HU ILT'LNSON, Extr. of THUS. J. lioL'IU.V. filnuaiy 5, Ifcbl. -15 ,i. n. m.NTi:i:. COMMISSION MLTlCHAiNT AMU liCiicral Collu'tiug Ageut. A LL prooiice sliippid lure for niy disposal j!aV shall mctiit pn.iupl ullention rcal cure tuaeu in tile puicliu ol f.OO., iLi AII Notta ar.u Arnuuli put iiilo my I. .iiua lor rol. lection slxiil receive jirompl unu iiiniicoiate al ien Uoii.j Ihuiiiile, "(. i, It-Cl 45ti' Out of liebtl Outcf Uanger. A LL persons, IN unu OLT of Town, who on Iho 1st ot January iebl, ur tarntsllv re quested lo t Ai.Ij A 1 o.L r. and p..y the luuiiey ur give liit-ir nolt-a, aa we are oeleriniiieu lo close IVZ'trC: ZCZ .MUKU u'uii ti h,ivc said. UliuHN, TAIL A. CO. I harlmtc, March la, lebl .il Tin and Japanned Ware. A large aasortuii-tit ; Ulonk Tin, Il a Zinc, 2. 1 ill Fiale, liabbil loelal, cVc.: luc Luteal Stuck, ol all sizes, ut TAVLUliiS JLiidirare, Stove and Tin- Ware Uepot Upj usite the Mansion tivu$t At Tailor's TiOU can tinu the Imgcsl ussnrtment of Cut. lery, Guns and Fioioia, ofall the celehraled InaKCB. CLASS, of all aizia and qualitlts both Frencu and Anient. in. Also, Fully by Ihe ki g or pound. WUUUt.N W AUL, UKOIJ.M, tVc.ol ml kiinia. Hope ! Hupe ! ' i ,1 f A t poundaol .Manilla, Juto and Cot if IF Ion Uupe, troiu k muh to 3 in. ci.ea, ul TAYLGU'S Hai dirart Sture.opjiosilr lite Manama ilnuae Agricultural Implements OF ALL Kl.NL'6. la. tjTKAW Cutters, Corn ShKl 3 Ur., Flows, Hoes, Shovels oades. Forks, Ales, Ficks, Mat tocks, (rubbing Hot, Trace I hams, Lug Chain, t'ruinig and IIcokc Mican, Fruoiiig ami Himcing Knives, Gar. uou line and Kaacs, with hauuiis; Cram tr deal grain, gras ami brier i: tnrs, Hm ..ikf, Wacou boxes ; follow wsie,such a o . ovens and luls.skilltla, spmers, stew-pan unu set. Ilea, Cauloioi. from Si) lo iiil) gallons each ; liuu alia bias Freserving kettles, Micep Sheais, Ate. " T AY LOU'S Hardware Drf ot, Off atiie iht Manstjn Hovit. j rpaUf; in. a ol lOC.N tilt), and of J. B. P . B H.IU.Nii bing bee il usugtit n lo lop tJiltll, lho i11(;(bleo lo tuliti HUM are re. 'quefUa 10 make tLili LMFM -tun fa ULY DAY tit H II ISU.N i tliOW ., TlUslrtS. 6 3 Mat 7. 1861 I 'tROM anu alter the 1st uay vf January m it, will be p To.ed lo sell our oh: Irirnus I ee.imier and lu rest ot tul.kiud lor i as atij csh only, any article is our line bu.u es that we may have op hand. Any person sending coming for gord alter the above oate witnout money, will please excuse l.s, il in?lead of filling llleir oiueis, we. fuin.si. luri i.h llieta Willi a Copy of Ihi. adverlistiiifot i as we are lieti runntd no la sell a sm'e ailieie on c.-ea.l. Aim loose in. dcbteil lo us ' reeUestei lo call .ud pay a we want lh nionry. OA1KS k WILLI AYS. Tee 95, f 0. ' '