A BASKET OF CHIPS General Jones ii goutltman of wit. TSjo other day be wt showing eoroe ladies tb Court House. Oue of then: asked wbj the lightning roJ, whoro it was ttacbcd to ih Kuildit ir for iupport. wa encd in a piece of born, the Colonel replied that horn j was a non eondutor. " Ob, indeed !" ssjs tbo lad j " I ne'er knew that beforo." " To be sure," says the Colouel. " Have tou never obterted that when bojs bare bad a horn or two they cannot' conduct tbemselres properly !"' Among some of the Paci6o lslaDders, tbe word for tope is heautilully expressive ; it is manaolana, or the suimming thought faiib floating and ketting its bead aloft above water, when a!l the waves and bil lows are goiageter one ar-trikiiigly beauti ful difiuiiioo of bepe, worthy to be set down with tbe answer which a deaf and dumb person wrote with Lis penoil, in replj to tbo question " What was his idea of for civeneaa ?" "It is tbe odor which flowers jield when trampled on." An Ancient Jewish Legend sajs There was a city in which the air was so , I, , , . healthy, and so fall of tbe vigor ol lite, that tbej who dwelt there never died. This was soon known, both fr and wide, and people of birth and fortune hastened thith- , , ,. i , i , . t . tr, and they lired there a long time. lu a while however, pecple saw them, one after ' , . ,, another, steaung awaj silent, j, mat they Bliglt be able to die. Mr. Snowball, I want to ask joa one question dis ebeniug " " Well, succeed, den." " S'pose jou go to de tabern to get din cer, and don't bab noSu on de table but a big beet, what should jou say T" " I gib dat up, afore jou ax it. sbW.d jou. say !'' " Why, under do circumstances case. I should aaj, dat beat's all V What ! ob de An alderman was beard the other day getting off tbe following fpecimen of what may be called " corporatioa " loie " All lutnao thiols are hollow ; I'm a human thinr, therefore I'm hollow. It is contempt- ibla to be hollow, therefore I'll stuff myself as full as I'm ablo." , A in sb, speaking of a place out Wist, in a letter whieb he writes bo-.ne, says that it is a perfect Paradise, and that though mot! all the folks have the fever- n ager, jet H e a great blessing, for its tee ouijr ex cruise t'aej take. If some meti's bodies were not sinis ter than, their minds, tbey would Le erook ed enough to ride upon t'ueir own back. At what period of life does a joud? Isdj devote herself to stiihmetic ! When the begins to sigh for (cipher) a lover. ; Johnson says the greatest magicians of the age, ara the paper makers. They trans- form berear's raz' into sheets fsr editor ts to lie on. End of Jcstics. A lawyer by tha same of End , received the appointment of Justice of Peso, and soon &f:er. a wit wrote t'i tbe door of his office, " Here justice cobiji to aa E-id.'' Among tbej corioiities discovered by tbe census takers is a pretty little girl of fifteen, in tbe Southern part of Mouson, N. York, who has a hnilaud one hundred and seven years of age. A thief who broke out of jsil in Ohio, the other dij, bciog captured, told tie iher.rf that h might have escaped, but Le bad conscientious scruples about traveling on Cjiidaj. DtSQ Swift prop05ed to tax femaie beauty and to leave ercrj laJy to rate her own cbarnii. lie said the tax wju'.i to cheerfuily paid, and very productive. Auctioneers are wou Jeri'ul strong men, as tbejr wiii so3ie;imes knoc'i d'.uii :Le lar tn brick or stone building with a single blow of the haoiOif r. A man who kept a tippling houe, alli ed bis neighbor what he should put upon Lis sign? "Write," laid Lis neighbor, " B'ggzrl made litre !'' The old joke is not a bad ono about the corporal a wife, who ssid to tie gener al's lady. " M" ('fi'.t'i' icivn ojut to dice by ourselves. " n t A down eait editor says there is a girl I in his eecliua with a breath si sweet that they talk of boiling it down f-r molasses.'' WLy i a man wiih bis ejes shut like an ignorant scLoo.nni-r : ii-.;au;e he keep Lis pup.ii il lLo dark. " ?hcre there's a wi'.', there 'a 'ay," as the woman aaid when si.e wiped the di'Les with tbe doer u.at. Ilvi-X. A s ctinccnt eipretied in tbe wag of a do'a tail, when he ia waiiikg for a bon. " That k him,'' ulea Le was awa!.oeJ the oyster said FALL OPENING. New Store, New Goods! AT Lcowenstcin& Bro. KAHI.Vipnit tlie Court House, where they have in tatcnsite slock of C L O Till X G, II O U 1 S , MS o i: ! II A T,S , AND and a Urge variety uf JJfJIliS'JlHJ GOODS . AND I g i: o i m; i: n: s. Perrons will do well to give us a call before pur chasing rUcw here. LOEWENSTEIX k BRO. Ocfefcrr9,1860. 29lf mERCIIANYTAWRir Fi t .LI .ICS frl'ltlXCiS & CO. l AVE also added to their Heady -made Cloth. ii in Slock, a Merchant Tailoring Depart I mint, to which they call the especial attention of llicir many friends and cualomere. ITliey intend making Ihia department second to none in the State, either in style and quality of Niinila. n r in th manufacture ot Garments At all time will be fu..d a good stock of Black landloioreul'lollis.Englisb.KrenchandAiiiericsn Clglnwri na vanity of Vestmgs Alo, an ! assortment of j HOCK IsL.4!fD CA&Sl.Tir.ItCS, j They feel confident of their ability to underaell any other houae iii the Stale, Ircmi me advantages , u m gtHing leif gat j Tneir goods are bought hy the quantity, by one ' of tne Finn who resicts in Urn Northern nurscls, wi(.n t jllln lhs 0p((oMun,tv f ukmg edvui. lage or the prices of good., tnereby saving at $fS Twenty-Five Fer Cent "SSI to ine eon.umer. v..u. ... naumer. J mace !J3J So try ua, E. FULLING S, JNO. M. SPRINGS, a7lf Septtmbtr 25, lt60. GREAT SACRIFICE OF ALL AND .VIMEK m.13 b x ntt. 9 nnTYTLT K V f LfP P YD I) ITY bUUlmlAi Ct LlUL.M)ll tx j TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE OATKS AVI LI A 31 S. I fi Wi r. reiect!uley in;crm the citizen, of Char-' lotte. and surrouuuin eoontry XUnX we i of Char- aie prsuareu to offer hiiL .i -r unictfltSTs IN rjo ' f . C fa t rJ c r CT IQlj Kk1.aiHNj JdkWM J)UV GOODS, Hats, t eips, Hoots, allocs, sf'er. vd a Laaca j"Tr.r or ,EVl LL.liL.V 1 IK.MMU.NU OOOUS. A LAO, A Urge tr,e of Ladiea and Gentlemen's SUA Wl.S AM) CLOAKS, purchasing eiscwnere. GOODMAN k tlGENBRLN. j m: (.UK a t n.OTIILN'GE.MroillUM. ITLLIA'GS, iTKlNUS & CO, LtALtl'.S I.N ALL K.I.NU3 CF READY MADE CLOTHING IX'U.MMII.NC; COODS, JgSJS Hats, Caps, Trunks, CrS VlTrl V U.I I. Ar. s2e. I'lilliis, iiiigi V t o. A OLI.U fail tlie tsf.ial atteuLoa of liieif V V lf.jiit.a iid pdtrons lo tuiir M;V hlOLK OF CLUTllIAU, l. ,w o(. unij;. '1 ;.Ly in. ns Ji.i v can oiler greater liiuuctriiieiils to buyers liiiin llicy have cVt-r uone. tiieir (iui ii'jn. u.jugi.l t recuctii ralea alio at ,uun nui im Uti tuntiuinl no Jiuuae in the ftl.lt; e.ii C'jiupt-ie Wit.. inty arc (yCvru.g Very nice t.ti.ULUi; nu from $ ; 2 to Ail uiannr of LA.isl.Mfc.UL fA J6,CAr?.SlMEIE, SILK, WAlALAsfc A.MJ VtLVXT Vfcjsiri, UVbit LOaTo, Of iul graiis ai,C styles. Tt abovo i-tfjCt Canriot he surpassed in etyie ai.u ii. e, ii-i v iti deci, iiijiimIui LuiciI unticr tnv con clan I surpei vibiou ol one ol t... tirui. i LLLiNGo, ai'illNUi i CO. S'pirmiitr leoJ. A, Y. Aist:x a.ijj;k, s f it a i. a . . it m: . n s t, 4, -V Xvn.ul ti.i. .wd.ojoiiimgeuu,, ... in In. treatmeut ol irrtuuri ocelli, iieasea ol Ine moutn. letu u a .ai.ilul and aaliiactry nui.o. r. Ar. fcn marled ou t-suiu or ai ver ulale.alsu hunuer vaicaiiiieu o-.se. 'I'lns stjle ol urs lias Ui.l-y aiiVallkagesoVer ine owageu Wura. 11 Call be Uat..d ItJ 111. mill nil le. irritation i;.jii li.e tis.iriii ur it is ai.o ciie.uer. ll is ire liuin an ui.jji .sai.i i.ui or l.Me. itvl"',!"' t-eut lor tlie American lUrd U(piT Uenu.ia witli ol tiee rig n t i.i luanuiauiur. 1 i .iea liu Ouim lor j Art.htiai le in sua Ine Ajiparatua and Material. lie will aiu giv lusUucliuns lis tlie art ou mud- tralc lerilia. As ne xpects to do a travelling buirets per vium di-sir.iig vui a done, tan ne alltirUi-U to at tneir resiocticcs, by .odiessmg luiu .1 'l ueaa. tee t. O., Mcale'nburg Co., W. C. I il j' Ail wore warrabmd. AjtrU i. iCLO. 2lf ItOltT. II. f Ci LNKItAL t UM VIl.vlUN MKK IIANT X Wii.iiot.i.. N C. j iij' O.Tce, H-.ulii ( oini-r Mirs.it and Water til. I av stura 1 Oujhtr 11. itO. il if J. Y. IIItYt &i CO., UtALiai IN COT CNnd all KINDS of PRODUCE, TIUDR STItl ET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. UTAH 01 dors attended to with despatch, April 17, ltSCO. 4tf WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANG! OF PB0FR1KT0IS.) I1ROAD fc'l ItEl.T AbWDtRN, N.C., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor, fMHK Undersigned respectfully announce! to JL the travelling public, that lie haa taken charge of this old and popular establishment, and ia now prepared to accommodate travelers snd pri vate families with bourd by tbe daj or month, on the moat accommodating It-rill. Ilia TABLE will always be furnished with the best provisions that honia end foreid maraele can afford. Tli. It'll tlii lis foal Ilnls-I haa lame rooms, ia neurer the depot, tbe court-house, and the business streets than any other in the city. An Vmmbui will always be at the depot and landing, ou the arrival of the cars and steamboat, to convey paesengera to the Hotel free of charge. By stopping st this Hotel, passengers will bare ample time to obtaiti meals. Having also a large and commodious Stable, and sn eacellenl Ostler, he is fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at the nost-ressonable rates. JOHN. F. JONES. Marek I, 18S9. Sllf C'haiiolle Mutual Fire Insur .nitf 'iiiii;iii v, 4HI9 COMPANY continues to take risks a. gainst loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Pro duce, etc., at usual rates. XT Office at the Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchi son Sl Co. orriceas. A. C. STEELE, Presidtnt. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E.NYE HUTCHISON, Sec'y.j- Treas r.) DIRECTORS. A. C. STEELE, J.L.BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, 8. T. WRI3T0N, C. OVERMAN. F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. .Tnnv T, Kinns. F. Soaww nrl H T. Wkiston, Exeeutive Committee. Afrii 26, 1859. 7tf a Ji.msss. -sserzses- T ME subacriber tskea picsfure in announcing to his friends, snd the puotic gencrolly, that ha haa taken tins long esUbli'.hed and well known portions of the public, in the most ratial'.cloi y manner. Particular attention is paid to bis t-5l:b:ej3ES, and every comf.rt is provided in his KOOJ1S. , . . . . i. hi te"de1 b cri',ul ler,; ai " 'VHf A coinldrtnble O.M.MBl'S runs regularly to the depot i.B l arrival of tne cars Huh these churls to please, a libera! thare of h public p-trorwgc is ctnfidciiti ulicitrd. WM. ROWZfciK. XotrmltT 15, I i3. 36-f J, S PHILLIPS .T;r.I."I T.MMLOK, MATING located in Charlotte, respectful. I f koiieits s share of poulic .atron 'ge. A complete asortment of Ciotha, Casaimerrs and Vealings always on lund. whien will be made tn or. Cer at the shortest notice, a Tier the latvet fashion Shop three doors South of the Mansion House. 23lf JOIIiN S. WILEY, at.urtctitn ns mrosna or MAYAS A SKGARS, arb bEALaa in o bacc o, Snuff, Hatches, Paper, ac, SEEM. HU H ilHi, tc, roukiantlj on band. January 3, l:tO. 4'llt z. n. JOHN. General Collecting igent, luioiilowii, Perry touuly, AUbuuia, llf ILL attend promptly to the eollseiion of all V W claims placed in Ins bands. LsUle Claims looked afler, Land Claims ferret, ted out, and absconding debtors looked up st res. suable eli.rges. TEXAS CLAIMS. T r",!!tit.i.na mads in Teas, as heret'iforc, through n.y attofnrys in InalState. Prompmess may be aafrly u puiU'd oo. t'etiru ry J'S, !jU. J-If VVIIIIATVANTI'IX7 4 U II fc. piun'.ii.g community will fake i,4ice that ko tiieir Wheat Crop will be purchased at the (Charlotte Steam Flouring Mill, at market prices. Tliuse having Wheat fur saie may find it to their advantage lu call at the Mill be fori; ci'-ing a sale. JOLLM WILE Kb CO. JufyS, tP-J. Sotf WALTO.V IIOL'SI-:. as Tin; i.i;im; r iiik piti:.j a l I' I'rounelor will lerininlt on the ablh I ol My nut, l .c suoscribers will rent, for term j of year., this popular lintel, to a mag who can! g'e soch relcrcnees, (sioim oiler need apply.) as sal,f' lue owners I'uit it will S su kept as nut to detract from tlie reputation which it ens ! Vain, as a hril class tlutel. I i'e fairuiiave of the il'iuse is Urseand in. ! c" asing. om its central poaition, and estab. ( 'lied tuaraclcr cannot it fail of success, if pro. ; conducted. Any fulher inlurmatiou in d. tail will lie given by addrceaing. X. a. & W. M. W ALTON. M'jrifanion, N. O. ttli. 5. Ife&I. U6 y S, T. Wristoii, "1 JAM I At TLKKR of, snd dealer ,n Plain a-.a1 all. Japanned Tinware, Hloves, Wooaien Wsre. br kiios, lirushes, At. j., in toulli wing of Borings' Corner Builumj. Job Wora, aucii sa r uling, Uuttering, 4.C. dent with desoaU b IWIOIMnOTEL, i 1801 ? K H H hrj CJ f ? J! ! i JANUARY 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 0 1U 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 31 FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:) 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY. 12 3 4 fi 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 H 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 3J JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l.S 14 15 16 17 18 18 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 AUGUST 12 3, 1 15 6 7 8 0 10 1 11 12 13 It 15 10 17 I 11 19 20 21 22 2;l 21 . 25 26 27 23 29 30 j SEPTEMBER.... 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 1 6 0 10 11 12 13 14 1 15 10 17 18 19 2l 21 ! 22 23 24 2a 20 27 21 j 29 30 I ' OCTOBER l 2 3 4 5 J 6 7 8 9 10 ll I2 13 11 15 16 17 IS l'JI 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 I 27 2? 29 30 31 NOVEMBER 1 3; 3 4 5 0 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 18 19 2.1 21 22 23 j 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 r, 7 ' e o i o U 1 2 l a 1 1 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 3j 21 y n n ii n f subaciiber list received a large and van. JLl ed assortment of fr Spring and gummar, which for cheapness snd lit utiitss, cannot be (urpaastd.cousialii.g in part of Black and Colored t LOTUS, Wiaek IXJL.-K1NS. Main, Rack and Fancy CAf IMEK K3, French Drab W K'l Ks. Flam iilack and Figured Silk VKSTINUS. Fane; L-ncn LI(ILL--, and all other Oouoi uauiily fi.und in a first class Tailoring Establishment. Ail ol which w ill he made to order or sold by the yard on sctoimiioda. t.ng terms. J. 8. PHILLIPS. In returning my thanks to the eitixcns if Char lotte, for the erj kind snd liberal patronage they have bestowed on me, I would request s eontmu siite of the same, with li.e assurauee that all nr. ders entroated to me mil be btalij a .id promptl j executed. J s, f, April 17. 18G0. 4 if CIIAULOTIE IIOTJ'L, HV BCHK IK, tll.lKUM It, . t. MlIF. Proprietor of this llite is (travelling iioblic and others who may call on him, and he flatters himself that as comfortable quarters tin be found with him as any where in this vicinity. Hemg situatrd near ly in the centre of Charlotte, Ruaincss .Men will find this Hotel a moat convenient snd di suable local. on. He has been ensared in tlie business st this stand nearly eighteen years, nnd in that tune he has made several sdditions to ins former house, snd ilhas been erestlv enlarged and nn proved, presenting in front s two story VKK AN UA 100 feet in length by 13 feet in width, ha ndsumel v ahaded by trees on the side-walk, affording a plea, sent promenade sl all hours nf the day. The House hss been thoroughly formshed thro', out, snd in every part of it creature comforts ere abundant and tangible. especially in tbe IMNIMi timj.n. wnere trie "inner man' le "renewed day by day. Connected with this lintel sre Rtabies sffordim room for 100 horses, sbundsntly furrishcd with gram snd provender, attended by failhu l sad o bilging hostlers. The Proprietor fceiseonfident thatwith hisieg experience and many new advantages added to hia dcaire to please, he is prepared to oflVr his friends snd the ' rest of mankind," as many comforts and as muck good cheer as will be found anywhere, perhape a little more so. IT At any rate Tar the Charlotte Hotel. I. Ii. KKHK Oe(er 19. 1858. 3kHf It. W. lil'CKWITIl AS CONSTSNTLV OH NANS vfATGHES. JEWELKY, i'LATtU VihU. it, ) thi hit inoliih suit asfraiasj HaNuraCTueis Call end examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. T, SAUliS, Anliilct l ami Iluihlci', ti 7 ILL furnish lesien,FUtis and Praa ms Yv fur Public Buildings, f'rivstu liesideiiees and Villaa. Particular attention will be paid to building llouriiig Mills, Corn Mills, fee. Owes iu 3d story ot Alexander a nuiioing, rnrai room ovr China Hall. OrioAer 26. 18SS 33lf jfcg- Kemoval. MY Friends snd Customers are respectfully informed that I hsve removed my Tin Shop to hprinss' III ick Building, 3d door from the cor tier, on Tryon street, where he will be plessed to sec tlie in. S. T. WKISTON. .,Jirorv31, IP60. 5lf Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compoiin.I reme.ly, in wliieh we have la bj.i'J to pioJuce thy luosl erTcctual ultcrative that van k- mad.-. It is n concentrateHl extract of l'ura Sai saparilla, no combined with other su'i.tuiiect of ittUl greater alterative power aU to afford, nu effective nntidote for the diacaaes Sj.rsap.iriUa ii reputed to cure. It i belit-vcd thu. aucn a romeily is wunU'd by those who sudor from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of imm?n.v acrvire to this large clasa of our afflicted f llow-citi.ptii. How completely this compound will do it haa been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the ftilluwing complaints: !S. !:ol UL4 AN Ik ScllOPOLOl'S C'OMIM.AI.NT, Kkii iions and Khutivs Diskasci, Ulcsrs, I'mi i n, Hlot( ili a, Timous, Salt Uhei'm, Sc.VI.U UhAH, Syi-hilis AMD SYrHtLITIO Ar iiations, Mlkci'Iiial Distma. DmirsT, Nti UAi.oiA ou Tic DovLottm-x, DrntLtTT, Drs- I'H'.U AM) IxUK.HTIOM, KkYS1iCI.AS, HosX ou Sr. Aihosy's l'ntu.ainl inJoeJ the whole cii-of complaiiils arising from Ixri'HirY or II.K Iti.UDO. Tin i in;)uiid will be found a great pre mou i of health, when taken iu the spring, lo rp 1 lli foul humors w hich fetter in Uie bioo.t nr tlmt scnon of the year. Uy th time ly expuNiou of them many rankling disorders ure ntpptd in the bud. Multitudes can, by thj aid of thu remedy, spare thomselvoa from tlie endurance of foul crupUolia and ulcerous ore, through wlin h the system will strive to lit itc!f of corruptions, if not asn-ted to do thu through the natural ctuuuu-U of Uic body by nu mi. riit'.ve medicine. Ch-ansc out the v.u.il il hluo.l whrnrvcr you find its impurities but sling through Uie skin in punples, eruptions, or wri-; vlrjuo it when you find it is ob struf ti d nnd uluiih in the vrins ; cleans it nht never it l foul, and your fvlmi will tell y.ni vh-.'H. F.vf-n wh.'re' no particular disorder ia ft-lt, rn-ople enjoy bettiT health, and live lin.r, tor cleansing the blood. K-p the b'.ood healthy, aii l all is we ll ; but with thia Piliulum of lif; ditordervd, there can bs no iatin liL-alth. buoner or Ut-r srenething t.i'i.t t'o wrong, and tne great machiiury ot l.fs i diMjid.Ted or overthrown. tfar-wijinri'.lH has and di-vrve much, the r puMii ni of acciinplihinj these ends. Hit Cm wiilJ liat bco-ii eiif ei"'ily dconvvd by pr ii:ir..tn..ii of if, partly because tlie druj; Ii u not all the virtue that is rimmed fir it, Imt mure Ix'eume many preparation a, ir. t. ml. ii to b-- eimi ontralid extraets of it, nirii:n hut li't!" of tlx virtue of .Saripanlla, or ny thin else. Ii.inn l.i:.' y. us tlie puhlie have been mia k 1 hy lut.- Ixi!th.-s pn-ti'iidmij to )ivc a quart of l.xtraet of Suriapariila for one didlar. Mot of til.-- lmv- li.in fiauds Ujnin ihemk, f.r they not only e-iutuin little, if any, irna nil. i, but oft. n na curative properties whau v er. II ii'-..-, hitter ami painful disappointment h.i . fnilciM "d tV- use of tlw various extracts of .ijrvip,i:i.l.i win. )i tlo.fl the market, ui til tire h .ine U-. lf i j.: iy despised, and has bex-otue synonym. m wi:h imposition and cheat. Kull M e call ll.l-. i nnipound araanlU, suid inb tid to supply ui'h a r. nir1v as aliaU reseuc the n iniu tiom the load of oUofpiy which rvts n;nu it. And wo think we have ground for b-iicvini; it has v.rtues which are irrcistihlc bv the onbnary run of tlie ducuis it is intend ed to nuo. In ord.-r to secure their complete) eiailicotinn fiom Ihcaystrm, the remedy should b? judifiuusly taken according tt d-xectiods un tlie bottle. rntPAREii ar IK. J. C. AVKIt A CO. I.OWKI.L, MAS-t. Price, 1 1 per Uotlle klx Hollies far . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ku won for itself suoh a r'nosm for t'.e nrr ef eiery variety of 1 lir'iit fci.d Luiig C'-in;.. int. U. t it i eiitiniy unnecessary for us lo ret out. t the esiJenee of its virtues, whereur it hx len em ployed. As it has htufi hern in cnntjnt ii.s turotighout tl.i aortion, snurwl not dj more thn s.sure the people its nua!i!y is k't t up to t'ie br-t it r-rr has bn, snd that it m..jr it reln. on lo do for Uicir relief all it has ecr ucu found lo do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB Till cunx or CWirenis, Jaurulicf, Vjtptptin, tn-fitritinn, JhfrnJn. f'otd Stomnrh, l.iyif;a'. Ii' adttctt, 'mVs, RheumatiMwn. Empftunt eoV Sktn 'isrssses, Ltrer ComMUIbT, Oropiy. 'letter. Ttmur$ uttl Halt Rheum, H'ormt. Omit. XrwatyM. j a Utnttrr I'lU, and fur 'imfyiny thf f)cx. 1 hey are sj-ir.--tf., so th:.l the most sensl tire can take them pleasantly, and thev ara tn b'-st apeni nt in the woild fcr all the purpmn o( a fomily physic. Frij) ii cents per Box ; Fivj boxes fer $1 09. Great n il mhrs of CliTifTTnen, Divsirians, Statea men. and eniment ierafnn.(ra,, hsve lent their rnisa to certify the unparalleled usefulness of the remedies, but our spare here will not peinnt the insertion of them. 'I lie Ai'ents oelowr nimed fur nish gratis our Antilles Alm imac in winch tli-y sre ffiven ; srith also fnl' deseriptmne "f the 8ne enmfdnints. snd the treatment that should be fal lowed for their cur'-. Io not be put olf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations thev make more profit on. lofnan4 A vr.n'ts. and tak no others, lhs sack want tne beat aid there is for them, and Uisy shuvili kT It. AU our remedies are for sals by For aale by K. NYE 11LTCHIS0N & CO. ) Y. SCAHK k V... l " Charlotte. IIAVILAND, STKVKNRON& CO., L'htirleslon, S. C. Fruit and Trie Store. f I HE suheriler hss ofiencd out next dor a 1 koe Ilyerly's Tin.Miop, in the Mansion House Buildthg, snd will keep on hand a well ae. Iccti d stock ol i ruit Tries, (rape Vines, Kver greens snd Mirubhr.ry, 4e. Also, Kruila of van. ous kinss Apples, Uraugrs, Lemons, Fine Ap. pits, sVe., sVe. E. W. LYLKS. rVeember 1, Pf,0. 3H-lf J3 Notice. AM. persons indebted to the estate of Andrew Ppringa, dee'd , w,l make immediate psv- meu I ; and all persona having claims against said I'lsle, will present them duly authenticated, in the time presenbed by law. or this notice will be plead in tar of their recovery. T. 11. UIIKM Z.Vr. Oelohir 3ll,lC0. 3'a-lf Charlotte DRUG Store, I!. N Y K 1 1 U'rcTl y). Al t (). OL'I.U reaM-ctfolly call ll stlsnlion of the V f public te llieir large sudcunipleleltsoek now being opened for the Hiring Trsdc, fonsisling Drugs, Medieinrs, Chemicals, I'trfumrry, fancy Arlieh-a, Oils, Turpi mine, llurning Fluid, Ale. Iiol, I'nre Medical Wines snd liranuirs, Canton Tess, field and iitttlm Hieda, aVc, aVc. January 17, IbiiU. 43if LIVER INVIGORATOn MEVK.lt lJK.UII.IIMTKu. ITIS ksali suit spuruvitd hy all Um: o.ilideuco I.) fj 4i tua .st',' to recinmviid--'l. It bss cunil lh.iisin.. aha hiKl unctt iii nil Ii.i.'h UUOlla-d .-ertlli' all's 111 III, ' lh .lose ui.l.1 be Ada ul.l' aim a it o ft ,' t, IrU.ikhuil lakll. Ik si. l ll' set ssnlly on Uia lla.iela. Ll Um diruiles of full sssot-dial.IVFH IV l la smU du-ii.,. sill curs Liver t'e-in- V ,,lal,a, lU ,,,,;, . U ro,.lelM tscki, Uysiiepiu, Summer I'tu IT, Di-osy, Snnr Mlilali.i,, lVllr,; Pj, urn.ittt.it, K! Collveiivs, Choi' ra9Iorliws.C'liolei-a lvuce, J ami ill re, es, sod bias tie used ry Knmliy Mull-, ps ,i itlv. Ii;iilura(i,, .. Ii K A l A C 11 K, ( r-l .iiuwoa, loussaas cin i. ,i, , ttvcniy minutes, ir siKtaiifals air tuU-' !tsor lit,-,, .1- In StUeS. PJ 1 .a'iL."!'0 " ""I " l,v, teauaa,. MIX WAT Kit I TlIK MOl'T WlTn TIIK liHIIMItllt, A.l fctt'ALHni, DOTH TOli K i ll Kit. v I'l Ice One Uol lar er Uotlu . A l. l. SArJTOIlD'S I'M Ml I. V CATHARTIC PULS, Cl VriiUMitU KB"U J Pure Clalle Kltmi la, .,, uL.a mi s, Air i tK ia U U ksp In any enoieie. Tb Family Cu ds tut sellvs I'SIUHK' UsS'l la sis rsrU- nv...v 1 a swiolanily ii.rr.ai.iK backaiaiMnlll." I'll l.- W lt'arV,,Jif:',,t Jj it.,, i ,,. 7,;--' s .i.-.r.n, ,,m ij S.I.I ll,. .,..,," ' U"'b"IW1M fs I','' ,'f'm",',c"artiet. .1.1,1, lUrr.ruU al lea rr.av.svm a km SQ 4lSr..t rr1i'..tl u Iks PAMILT I t Isss wlib Sua r'rns t S-a c.aspo.i'Mli' t ft nn l II A M T I (" fl , j fr.iins.1, ,1,,,,, 5 5f"-'" rr)nsj ,nsr..f. If l,. "J .a is, , , . - ; ... iir.d.ri.;, y .,;.m V. . .. ;;;.' I s As sit it, a tor . hi." ... 1 a'se llllrtlts. or A.titHa, SJJ 1(1,. u.., nil, , . , ' I lirr r lbs lllnorl .ror, I l.,r tw n,,'i,.ru.U U lu tr.rt. ,.,. ,u 1-4 SSSS. lioae.l.V IMtll K TIIHKK IIMIIra, The t.lsir ls ! si ,t .,,,1 l-s.i' Iharllr Ilia s,. i ., ,: , " avid wkoiasals b Ii.- Ir.j- u, sll ii.- ,ai, ., ' . T. V. t. Hill I), . ,. r-r. t-V.. 33 Breast way, . w lora. . SCAKK k CO., Chiotre, .V C Wm J. Kerr, A TTOUSE 1 A T LA , II AKI.OT I I , . .. T If. I, prsctire in the Courts i.i Mm,, :.s , In ion snd Cabarrus eoimius. IT Ottirs in the Blawljr Builcmg ot, , Kerr's Hotel. J .54. lPf.0 4l; e7r7sYokes' Dook ljiiiding KstablMiDiii!,, Two Ccor- abut r Brimb Caik, is h I.,,.- ifig IB ffir uf W. 0. Mantrj'i ( Lica Ij.i', l l) l.t'.tl II I A, S.V. The above Kslabhal.nient ia new ir. f. lion, haviaf . stid stnl r.etivmg t ft the teat BLANK I' A H i: and ll.M.li.' Jl 1 KR1 ALH. 1 am st all limes rr. j I. t ders in my lint, snd sl lie . n . t,i t, share nf p.lronsgr. M y pr.os, sin' .t sura lo sl! orairs Willi wlucli 1 mti l- .. Having bad long oraetiral siierirt,'r is ot s.i? ufaclareal I I. A.N k fclMiKs. sue m t, H ., new snd old I'KI.VI KU Ohh.-, 1 fl. 1 1 .'list I ssn, in sll esses, give entire stiit'. l s lil.A.V K ti.tihi. Han. Vnnhi, I Iwks'liwks, f. r 1'i.irr I' - Fhrrida', O-dii.ar I 's and ( on n .-t . t.r , It.. t;'s liioa, sll U I l.l li M.d 1,1 I Mm. ,:, k. Urn. in 11, e tcrjr tx sl manner, ol ,,!.( an j Ksged end lnd aed si m itnm: 1KI.M I.I) Uul hS. Music Hooks, rm- dicsls.f.n.pMttf. V.fi and I.mks of every tlcserisls,.h, loor.i. t : in every variety of style. U" All orders will t-e ei.culc i wi!n nul and ae low as csn be done eliK w "t h. K.aI"KL- aasei 17, I "CO. vim it- ai;i.i t riutoal I lie luiuruuie Co;i.,-j Ot r fCt:. HAt.l.H.li. S i 'IIIIS ompany insures ti e I M. alt for oue year, s lerin 1 ye tne Mutesl I r i c ,pis, li.e ttj n ..:r ) lu g in the prohts of tn oin,.-i I rm granted lor Ihe w ne.le It re. ( when the premium ther. lor amounts i" I " note nmy be given for olie-h 1 1 1 the sn t ! pri nt, um, je. ring interest a t 6 per ci .l. a ' guaranty. The prompt manner in whiili s.'i I :J been paid by thia company. log ethei w.'i. 1" rates of premium, prest nl jreal iniiucti.nl suen aa are oispox u to insurt . Slaves are insured lor term of .Ti.it-1 fiv-i y-ara, tor lwu.lli.riis tueit i AH losses sre paid willun 'JU -'!' " factory prool is oresenli.u. IMUKC'IOKS. Charles K. Johnston. W m- H- J'"''' ll..id,n A . I) t 'ooke. J. (.. W ii .-'" ".. II ustcd, vduenline liusbre, t i. c ll M.U.. U I' ll.ii. p I 1, arks H i'V'. l. I' k lowle, Kich'd II. Hu: onini:s. Dr. Chsrles K. Johnson, President. W. VV. II ildn, Vice President. K. II. ll.illie,.Sci relsry. VVilliaina II . Jones, Treasurer . II. W. Iluslcd, Attorney. I r . W ,,. . 1 1 . M K . .. . M .1 1 ' I f. m ner. ll'xrrutmr t'ammitlrt.U. Ilusint. Kee. Clisrles II. Knot. .Wedieel Hoard ef u Johnson. M. IL, Williiiin 11. 1,1 1' ' Kich'd II. Haywood, M. I.. Foi further infnra.sli. n, ll e l'u '' red lo the puniphlela.and lorirs nf pr..i. may be obtained at the Uflice ol l" or sny of its Ageneies. Cnmmunications should I t ' " P"",,,' K.H.BATTLK,f Srftrmhtrt, IH.'ii. Chambers, IJ;inics &v- Faclorsand ilrnnr.il I oiiimiv JIKKCHANTS. Oil PRINITNt; nfsM 9 ana e I oertl Iiomsi y a.'i-,e s ..I, os WI,,, iiiit-e 'it

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