bnb of tlie GsdlouPfl' "", et out for tha neat ot w,r 00 l,ie lio r,nde' oinpy rrived four d,J' ,f,er lhe )ule, Cf 1'ttlo Alio and the Resaoa. His com (1 wa3 accepted by Gen. Tajlor, and be afterward employed in tbe dtring coulinii expedition toward Monterey, in ubick battle. "i-ll lLal of eD Vis la he woo in-perishable renown. He after vtrdn joiuud Gen. Scott Varmy, and contin ued with it to tbo conquest of tbe city of Jlejico. For bis gallant services, be waa honored wi.b a rational reputation, and tbo ofli'-e of U. S. Mars-ball of Texas waa given j liim bv Irendem I lerce "' : n ni t " Geu. PlCunotu wasmurricu ...reeor lour jesrs since, and a oliarac enaiio story m told of bim when his Orst child, a boy, was bom, that bo insisted to tbe great horror cf bis joung ife, in bav.r, , tbe youngster Cl,r,.-tened Huffalo Hump, in honor of . h particular friend, an old Indian chief, of that unique nauio Tliu iJetieral is a thin, spare man, of prcat muscle ami activity, and is now about j; yt-nrs of age. Ho ha a pleasant faco, anil it mild and courteous in bis manuers, with an air of diffidence. He ia very cool ami ol (Irtermiiiid bravery. KKNTITKY K(H'?KD AT LAST. V liavs obserred in our for ser erjl nayt. pa.-i iuiiij pruuinrui ' K-ntuck, and their coualeriatiees were wi'looiii.', a t;iiti assurance of tbiir yui pithy i'h our came aud of iheir approach in., union with their .Southern brethren, for n,. Iiavo IHV.T l(doubted their ultimatu sc I aration from the degraded Northern alli ance. Kent'icky has been a!o, but her places r having heeii Dlletiny were Ug to give lip tin- fiVshpols, she ha S vti inflieuoi: d. moult to , throw c ff. j We leurued -terJ.y afternoon, with ; )terd..y afternoon, with the create. t sati-f icliou, that Lincoln a in ' timation that Kentucky would not be allow- ,d to hold any longer her " neutral ' atti- tu !e, ba.i arou-ed even tho Unionist, of tbe Slit'-, snd that other acts of de-polio authority, announced to us by telegraph, b th' prospect of a gradual, but sure i ri.L'ioacinneiit uoti bcr freedom of acti-in, La determiiied her wavering peopiu to :nke an I'suc i'li the hated t) rants who rj'.e in the oua free city of W'anbiugtotl III- fuilhi-r stated that (jovernor Magi tj"; ;i about to i.--Jo a prouU'iialioo auni uc t) that i-.'.ued by Gov Jackion, ot Mi-.iOUri, aud ihnt he mid speedily opeu cniiiinutucaliou will, u.u 'jover uinei.t oi uie C in le lertc Mates We ara not prep td ti vouch I'-ir tho trull: of the laii tste'neut, i tti iu-h it was believed u, K iioxviilc on Sitir'ljy ; but no think the sigii of the t .ii'i iu .!itt the in w in- lit to Lie It we i. ,'er Sa pray that Lincoln may go on in hi blundering career, and nol ceae jii t.i he ui eompieied our Confederacy, b ; itf-ctitiga r;iratiMi, c. inpieta and per pit'jal, i f aii the Mates wnom natural ai : iiice ti iti. tl. I. v rt in. nt of the eiuutb. I .','.' wi m 1ij- iliu o! 'i 'utility. Tik Privatum Simier Wasiiimi TiA, ui."4't 'i.i Tbe Mate I'epartmtLt ! a p c ived a 1. Her fr m t'ne 1'r.ited iStates Coi.'ul at Curacoa, dale! Auuil V, in vili.e'.i t. sty that, aecordtof to tbe s'ate met of tliu runaway seaman, ao Kugiisb uiiu named Old, from the prualeer A. i,e i oit a. lowed to enter the por of Cienfuegos d t'uba, but waa ordered to amber below tho fort. lUr pritei, how ever, a x in number, went into port. The Suw.Vr, after coaliuij, proceeJed to ta luiuiediataly, auppotmg that some of our men of war wereiu purjil of her tne subae'i'ivutly captured two Ameriean ve-iel, bo.b loaJad with pronions ouo f them, named Juj''' M nurll, off I'u.r t 1 '.hello. Mia was seen ou the 'Jd ii l , in tha vicinity bf Malaurin, on the caa-t ol Vuiul'ela, proceeding to tha windward, auJ il w supj.o-ied she continued her court through tbe wiadward passage to Capture Vessels there. 1 be consul had, on tbo day of his wn ting, called on tbe Governor of the islaud, r.iueitiag an answer to hi que-ltou, wbatb r the umtrt would again bo admitted port should she reappear. The Jov crnor, in reply, a'sured bnu 'hat sbc should not, on thu g.owuJ that sine she left there ihiibrJ beau rapturing vessels ou the matn : aul, as he desired t) oocupy a strict neu tra ity, accord. ng to bi orders, bo could n t pci mil the ialand to be made a starting poi. t f.f the ui-it-.r. The consul ul-o the tiovtrn or in regard to ottier vesel uudt-r tho same Hag aud c-jmiiiitiion, when bo atated that, should another such vei-sel appear, be would aotaccorliug to cireumstanees Tbe consul adds : " 1 am of tbe opinion that tho liovuruor baa committed biin-cU in admitting tLe uinlrr ;;cre, and now do tires to arrange the affair. Tl.e majority of tho people of Curacoa are of tho aamu opiiiiou." fTATK (H NOK'ni-CAIJOLINA. t'ALbWKLI. I'OUM v. Coutt (-J I -us "rid tuaiter Srisions, Atiuust Term, I(1I. Juw. il. A I org i Ley o l Res! r. W .he ... illirr. l.euoir. IT to llie aalialaetion of Kalito in f the Courl of li.e Courl that W iliu ( the State ..I Norlh I arohn I oil b-yoil'l :! limit !' the same, I Ihtftfmt Or drrtH. pilhlicilioll he made lor a.x f ucecsMVe weeks in llie .V.rtli Carolina Wing, imlilying ad delen.l....!, to he and appear st the next term of our sail Courl lo he l.eid tor Ihe County store, ami at Ihn Courl ll . ise in Lenoir cm ll.e bill M ,1,'ilay after ihe 4th Momlar n September next. 1. allow cmise il any he can why ll.e justice, judg ment shall not be confirmed, snd un older ol sale ur.le.ed to issue. W -ss, J. It. Wilaon, Clerk of our said t oiirt si Otliee in L.noir ine bill Monday alter the 4lh Monday in June, I HI, I. J. K. WILSON, t.c.c. Kept, 3, Isbl. Pnnlirs lee C, - PAIS I II I I AIS iAO IH i'. I,L persons I. auni unsettled seeouiitaon tne Hook, ol OA I LSA V 1I.I.IAMS. must come l.iwar.l belore tho first of Sv-ptcinhcr nest sn.l selile by cash or n.le, or ihey will fm.l their sc. Couiile in Ihe hanris ol an .nicer lor collection. DATES & WILLIAMS. AngT.l 3, iHflt. 3w A REPLY Charlotte, N. C, August 1861. Mks. IIolton : I was peculiarly struck and terribly tickled at a communication in your paper of lust week, which I intended to bave noticed but could not tben conve niently do to. I do so now with muah pleasure and all the courtesy due to tbe modest appeal of the fair applicant, aud cuu u..sC....a.ruc ...j, una, ; to any want of ardor, or any deposition to back out from rrlievinp 'beauty 10 dihlrcfj 'j nor could I attribute it to mere modesty, ! although 1 am an ........i.g man. Stili, " " " ! u " tciih in, uu i j por,u,litJr) tm , tb, Lt mat, of earth to 1 8iut ,.. 10ul h wTieu the cood fruit is ready L drop into it , the" proposals sensible, and tbe inducelueIlts flattering.-good looking is my i ,td (ai bmJvnt .,, ;ini ' ,, more coul(1 ,,10 o(I(!, or r toko in tbe Grst place, nothing is so endearing aa beauty, (he perfection ot form and color ing is l ho order of nature, consequently the soul fuRxts enamored at beauty's abriue. Secondly, modesty is the key of virtue and robes of innocence, and the suffjted blush of maidenly modesty is tbe dye na i lure gives to truthful simple virtue. I Thirdly, intelligence is the key to ration I 1 enjoj mctit and best book of happiness; e tiiii k at the sociul fountains of iiittllco mal ooiuinuiiions draughts of tbe purest uectar earth can give i Lastly, she ia willing to make sotno man happy by giving bim all the rare enjoy ments of those chirms, if perchance, be 'Gila the- bill. ! 1. with many forebodings and fears, have 1 examined, myself caietully, aul thinu 1 am about the tii'tii iie and shace. vn : nve ' 'f,.et p jo- rounds straii'ht as an arrow. rt.y etM (there's SOinetbing always io ' ,ey ,. ,t. , , lt bair, fair akin, and well iniinclcd, nvrvous poetic temperament, but' ;ii(e roeD of al,ia !; - mn f .... .i.H, ,l .vg sre. -tcrriblv r,0or:' about a vears old. sober and in ;JUstiious, havit g labored for fifteen years I ,0 CJn,juCa niyxelf there was truth and i vjrtuc j0 tj,e v,orld, you ill certainly allow ' caD ti0 1eXiy ajr band at industry, H ,, feai I jl I ill be too prolix ,fl(j ,;re tlC f fttlr proposer, till! the must bear with me in my recipro cating her generous propositions. 1 too e some little prel. reiice iu this liuo be- sides niutUty and good Iooks. 1 be life 1 iiive lead teaches uie mar.y things of im poHanci', among lliem 1 may be allowed to enumerate tl.e meei-i-ity of Laving buttons on ,ny 'unKf,' slocking well d d, warm rolls for supper goo.t Mean tor breaktasl, roast btcf lor 'dinner,' clvau thects, com lottablo eiiy fire with eaj chair aud warm niipper" and aa the poeck ted "An eye to witch our coming, And Los btijbttr when we come.'' Now I e thrown out these 'penile bints,' as in r Iv. so that il oti suit me, I think I d be viliing to tc u.ado happy if not, i i . i ' uotiorty a irt. 1 oars, Ucsp ccllully, J05IAS. P. S I'd like to know your name I den t like Jami or t"ARAll Please stale w here to address. l'ojtuiu Extra La jou you could wait nil alter the wai 1 ST A 'IT. CI" Noinil-CAROI.INA. SI.' KLfcMILltO tOL.NTV. Court nf li'.-s ami Quarter Srsions, Tci m , 1 "0 1 . ;ninitr.ilorol Caliper Ilargct. .. Mareua Austin A. Jaa.n Siiehrr, EiiXi siirli r llill h un... rl-ui K 1. ml Wile Re li.,-, K, ...! W.le Kvalilie.Kr..ii II .rpei, Harriet II ir. I. IL m i;.:.n She'ur, Ni n.u-1, Ku.ii.-r. i Harjr-l, II ,11 M. era... 1 1 a r'e I, l'. ra G. Ilafel, Mar- I' II. re Mary II arg, I. Jail llll I. iia I I. all J al all lid rgi.t. j Pel. lion f ir Si-llieinei.t. .ng lo the -al.. I ,eio 11 i f the Court, ile.e. ...'l .a not an nillibilaiit of thia i .ul,. I.,- .1 :: : the I. ill taut' Ilia si MIC. r thdiird. hy .Jul I niirl pniliici. j Male, li . a ltt t..r . . rasive suKi III H e .orlll i Wn.g i iieS.ap r priiitco in llie Iuhii . , liolil) lllg tne a nil U. nil lo tie anu ire li.e Ju.liei-s ol our Courl ot Picas r t a.. on. al llie u. xl Courl to be he)d uuoly ut M'' kienhurg st 'tie Court ' n ..riotie i n H.e 4 1 1 1 Moii-lay in October a. u Ihe e I'. ini.r or i nur or ju ig- : ,.(i-sao w .11 be I .MII against I. llll. W. K. Rent Cl.rk of u l Court ot . I rlolle, tl.e 4ih M .uday of July u.i in ! t U.i.1 I lor aanl ll.,uic ii i. al. ll" in. nt .r Witm tier in I ti. Mini year ol A.neri i,i. p. W. K. IIKIP, c. . i . August 'JA ll'l- Pril. le.s Kee $7. f-'G STATHUK Noin H-CAKOLINA. Mt. KI.KMiLHG I'Ul'MY. Court ol Jiea.1 uud QuaUr Sessions, Juhj Term, 1-lil. J A P.lea, 1 Ihiginal Attsehinenl, J. M. Mra'l, James I ollis, Ji J.i.eph l.ovull. I rvicd in the hsniia of I K. A. Mel.eoil and hull j .1 an (In uialiee. j tlslaCloll of ll.e I'oUll j I I' ani' lo Ihe that J. M : I.J i ohiM.Jr an.) Joa. pli , ir.nli rs under hmi ol l.ove.l, I nilia .V a not 1 1. 1. ii Int. in I a ot this Slate, but r.s.uo I ti, e liunia ul liw same, li . Orm red iiuoveu by ine i u ur i inai puu llie Norlli Caro- 1,1,4 Wing u inwsp.pir pr.iiteu in I 'liarlotte, C , for tl.e said Ue'lemlanla lo appear l llie Court House in I hurlolle on ll.e 4 1 It Monday iiiOciober uexl men and U.ero lo answer or demur, or judg. .....i i, I, ...i w ill be t.keli i.ij.i.usl t .em. W iu.e.s, W . h. Ueid. Clerk ol our mini Court at ifTii-e in Cmrioiie, the 411. Monday of July and in Mini year ol American liiilcpcimciice. W. K. HKID, c. c. c. August ill, 1S6I. Printers lee t. t'Jti DLSSOLLTIUN. i f W 1 1 K ( hetetotore existing under, I. the name ol Al l XANDKR 4. MclOl' (iVl.L, is Una day dissolved by mutual content. ll. iny Ah lander is uluiie aulliorixed lo settle the , bu.meaa ol the Isle linn. , 11K.NKY A LEX AN E) Eli. MALCOLM McDOLGALL. June '21, leGl If. The buainr.s of the FOUNDRY and MA CHIN K MK)P will be conducled as usual by the ulMcnbcr. He rtqutsta a continuance of the pa nonage herelolore exl.n.lnl. IlKMiY ALEXANDER. June 27. 1 f Gl If. JI DI.OWS CKLKPUATI'D SF.I.F SEAL A 1NU CANS, ol all Ine uillerenl sura, si S. T. WH1S1UN 3. J.n.4, ls.61. '0lf STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Court of pleat and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1861. J. Gutlin and G, Ualliii. Original Attachment, Same aa the otbera. The Mecklenburg Uuld and Cupper Com pany. T appearing- to the aali.fnctinn of ll.e Court! t th.,i the defendant is not n inhabitant, of; llii" St but reside bcynnd the limit of the same, .ft t tlitrtfure Oidtitd, and adjudged that ZTc & In (.nurlolte. Wo. Ca.. lor ll.e suid dcieminnla lobe and appear before the Juatice. of our Court of YW and Quarter Scion, at the ... at Curt to ,,; lof "le c"ul,,y "" t,,u Mommy in ""'it'1, "'"t'lt? Tll ""'.". then.. Wnnesa, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Cnuat lit oflice in Ciiurlolle the 4th Mondr.y (if July mid in Urn Btilli yeur of Anicriciin Independence W; K. KElL), c. c. o. Auguet 20, 1861. Printers Fee Sti i2G STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MECKLK.NBUKU COUNTY. Court of J'leas and (Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1801. John Lwiua, The .Mcuklrnhu Original Attachment. pmy. l T m a-inj to the faction of the Court the il-'lViifjunt in nut un . nimbi inn t, ot Uu. SI Me, liul rtsiilra beiond tlic Iniuta of the n unc, it if ll.rtrjme Onieitd, and a.ljui.d that iuhlicili"i. be iii.ioc lor six wn k in t tie North Ciroliuu Wing u newspuptr printed in 'earlolte. No. Ca lor the iiiu In be nd aupeur befuie the JukIick of our I'oiirt of t'li'ox mid Uu-i-ter Sirinoiia ut 111'! m il Court to ... i . i., . .i... a... r usy in October n-xl then and there to uniwer t demur or judgment nrocunferao will betaken kuiiit 1 ... ,. .,,., , , ,, . . ,.,v,,. , i h,.,i!,n.'. ,. 2,i, M.,.,,iui, ..r li.u mm m hi;h, v...-.r ..( An.enean I i,n. LU. W . IV. 1U.1JJ, C. C. C. Auenel 30, 161. I'ni.Ura Fee tU STATK OF NOIiTII-CAKOLlNA. MtCKLEMICItU COU.NTV. Court of 1 leu and Quarter Sessions, July Teirn, l9(il. John, 1 r. Original Attachment, The Mecklenburg (ioldanii Copper Colli- j fcaine a the others. pany. J i1: ppeorinr; to tl.e satisfaction of the Court, that the eeie.'idant ia l. it an .una bi l..nt ol tin" Mate, hut rtsino tlie limits ol the nun. it ll.eirfme Oidrrrd, tiv aaiil t unrl tiiul puniiea. Hon ot x auecrrnvc ee k in tne N' linluro. lina Mhig a iiipnp r printeii in li e Town of Cliarlotie iintiiyiiig tne uid delenuaut to he and appi a r before ttie Jualicea of our Cnurl ot Pitas ami Waarter S ksioiis ul the next Court to be held lor and county ol Mei U lenliur e , ut the curt lloue in (.'iu nolle on llm 4tn Monday in Ui lober II. en Mill l itre to answer or deuit.r jutig. I proc, 111. Sf. Hill be taklll .'Ju.l..l lllni VV. It, lien. CI. ra ol a. id Courl 1 rloiie, li.e 4 Hi Moiioay ul July a ul American I.1O1 piiioenee V. K. UK ID, c c. JO, SsCl. Pr:i.ttr let b. IVb l of. hce , c etu. tttr ' Augua STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Mte KLKMiL'Kil Ct'C.NTl'. Court of J Itiii uiuL Qua-fit r Sessions, Juiij 'lenn, lttil. V, II.L,,, anu 1 J. ti. .Ite. Original A tiaelinienl, Sauie aa the others. M.cklenburg f TI.. tiolu uli 1 I epper I em. j pany. J 1' anpeaii. g lo the itisfaction of the Court a not an u.nnbilat.t, ol Jl 11. .a tin- oeiinuaiil .a not an tin Male, bill rejioia Ley. mill nun , It 11 thtirjjit Oidertd, anu puiii.calt. ... be maue tor aix suece tin .'vorlii Carol. na nig a niwr) i I in u ot lua icjueged lllat ic wee ks 111 i per J null U 111 tcl.danl L) be I iiarloiie, .No. Ca., lor tne said uetei.dai and appear before the Just c. sol our I url ol Piea -ml U iarlei iuni al tlie ueXltou:t tu he l.elu lor tlie aaid county on tl.e 4tli Monday (L l. . b. r nexl iheu and tliere lo answer or demur or juog.iiinl pioeonleaso will be Usen agaiual Witness, W. K. R led , Cieik of our a ni Court at otliee in Cnarlotl? '.he 4lli Monu.iy ol July a id III lilu MiHi year "I America.. InJi pelioelice V. K HKIO, c c. c. August 'JO, Itbl. Printers lie ti, l.'ti 1 Mi Uli 1 AM' iM) 1 11 e7 OUR TEKIS l'OSl'l 1VKLV CAfc?Il! ON AND AFTER THE 21st INSTANT, j roi'iiuANE .t SAMl'LE. i AiiKUt M, lebl. ti:n ou rirn:i:. !'.( Rl 1 IS W AN I F. I) for T. II. Itrem's Ar ry t iiit.panv. now in v irg I. m' m. CLU r... Aol'lv I. VII"0'X. .'! Augu.l "J. Ur. S. X. JOHNSTON. , If til. Miss M. E. Stewart, s'II.L re open her School for Children, on tne 2.1 ni September, Ifcbl. August 13, l-BI. !m NOTICE. ! Our credit custo-; nicrs, by disregarding our nppeals, bave forc ed us to adopt tbe cash; system. Our terms, hereaf ter, are strictly cash on delivery. I lslll lt sV 111 ItllOl August I, Ifetil. I'Jtf To Hire. T MIK writer l.aa a good cm.k, washer snd iro- I ncr, young, in good health, snd strong con- latilul.un .cllieiently so soon to nuke ol her a j fnsl rale fluid hand, with one cluld, to hire in Ihe I country , until the 1st of January next. Apply at I tins i.tftce. r A. n. DA- isL-0Ssi If I August G, IS6I. 181 Notice. SP. ALEXANDER ismy unthnrued sgent. . All per.on. Iinving business ilh me will transact it with him. T. 11. 1UIEM. August 6, iSftl 19"" I Charlotte DRUG Store, F. X Y R II UTCII IX & CO. WJETAIL Dealer in Foreign and Doniealic j MM- Drug, Medicine, Chemical, Perfumery, , Fancy Article. Oil. Paints, Varnishes, Window I Glus. Pully, Dye SluH's. Turpentine, Burning I Fluid," Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Canton Tea's, I Field and G.irdcn aceds, ice. ic, Having cloned our Hooka intend hereafter to el! for can. WASTED. I:OR THE CONFEDEHATE ARMY 1 10,OOU PAIlt WOOL SOCKS, VOUNG, W1USTON & OKU. July 30, led. 16-M (liarlotte Female Jnslilute, C:iiiirlull, X. V. rmyUE t-XLKCISLS of this School JL will he resumed un the 12th of September. A lull corps of Instruc tor! in nil the brunclua ol a liberal euucutiuii, haa been employed for the enxunig SO8I0U. Tl.e musical department will be under the di rection ol Prof. K. F. Hunt. Miss ii. IIauhkr SKuLU.Oruduute of the ucmicmy of Music, Stock holm. 'Mil' ol Urawmg, fainting uiid Modern Lunguugea under Prof. Wat. II. Dk UsAa. '1 lie Pr iw ipal consKierahuiocIf to.l.inute n. huv ing (cured tl.e airviceiol audi able und elpuri. enoed 'J'uuciitra in the Ornamental Branches. ter ms raa skksion or 3(1 weeks. Hoard and Tuition, iucludine evary expensea Tuition lor day scholars lib and tlH. ror Catalogue aduresa Kev. R. BURWELL. Charlotte, July 9, lsjul. t-IW S l'OUUTJaKNTII JII VIDtW II. Cliuitvtd' tuid jsoinli Curulina Itailruil lo, COLUMBIA, S. C, June 2C, 18CI. fpjilE DllibC'IOliS of this Company have lie. JL dared a Dl llit.NL ul tJ.5u per share, to be on the rirt t nay of July next. I'n mm I will be n.uueto Ktuok noldcrs in North Caro.'ina and h.nrn York, S. C, by the Agent all liarlotlu. Clitater Mocklioidura will be paid al I lie i thee of ll.e Aenl at Cl.ester. Thoae in tuinielo by li.e Ajjenl al Wiiiuahuro. Chdrlea. ton Mockhoiaers al ll.e Bank ol tlie Slule of South l i.ro1lua. Ana ail oltiera at this oflicc. C. bUUKMUHT, Secretary and Treasurer. July S, IfiGI. 13.1m STATE Or NORTH CAROLINA. CALDWELL COl'Mi. Court of J'Uas and Quarter Sessions, Muy Term, l;ll. Harper, J saither. Land Levy Wilie C IT spiariig lollie aatistaclion of tlie Court that Wine Uaitlier, ll.e ilelenoaiit in this case re. eiuea beyond the limits el IheMateol Nui tnCaro. 1 so lua I notice ot llie levy cai.nol be p raorial. ; Iv i-eivea upon him, orcereo puoiicat.on be ! Il'.ac'c L.r SIX fUH.aMe weeks III llie Norlll Caro- ; inn VV lug, nolily ing said lo be and ap. I ' near at llie nexl lenn ol our aaiu Court to be lield I lor Ihe 1 ounly aloresaid, al the Court House 1 j w ny the justicts juCg.nenl shall nut be euunrined due his land cfiiuciiiiied tor niai.ititi. debt and ' Cos. , . , I W itness, S. P. Duia, Clera ol our aaid Couit at 1 OfE jo 11. Lenoir me till. -Monday alter the 4th I Alone y in Marcn, IcUI. I , .S. r. LLLA, C. c Jui.i 4, ICbl. Pr.n ter a lee tlo STATKOF NORTH-CAROLINA, Mtt. KLtMtL'llU COU.NTV. Couil oj I leus und Quarter Sessions, A pill Term, letil. J.W.Mjrrow, i Or. ginul attachment levy I U. A. L ulp. J on land. IT appearing lo li.e saiiafaclion of the Court, mat li. A l ulp, ll.e uelciidaiil in this case, ia not an inhabitant of llie state of IVortli Carolina, but btyut.u llie I nula ol the same. It is lirrr'air Uidtud, by aaii: Court that publication of '. .ucccMove weeks in tlie Norlli Carolina W :i newspaper printed in the Town of Char lotte i.iililyi.g me aaid dele.idant lo be snd ap peaj hit. re tne Justices ol our Court ol Pleas and yunur lsslol. al Ihe next Courl -.o be held lor ot Mecklenburg, at tne Court. House iu in am. lie on me 411. -Mom.ay of July next, then ..mi lucre to plead answer or demur or juug. ! meiil prucnlesso will be lakou ugainsl him. W .miss, . K. Reid Cic-rk ol md Court at of I fice u.e 4ii. Mon.i. y of April A. l. letil, and in the t,itn year ul ' America,-i Independence. i W. K. KElU.c.c. c. y.iV -l, lsul- Priliteis Pee. 6. 113 $3 Osotice. J JOHN T. liUTLEIl, PRACTICAL WATCH aid 0L03K JIAKEli, Java,r IO-a Hial OrrOMTK KERR'S HOTEL, CII.tKI.OTTi; V (Lte with R. W.Beckwith.) c, Fine Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, ofeTery de. acnntinn. repaired al.u warranieu no October 1C, IrCO. 30 If FltESKHVEYOUU TEETH. A. W. ALEXAiNDEK, r.T'AK T. T I ST. littADLATB OF TlIK UALTIMOHK DINTAL rol.LKUK. h i I v PKKPAKKD TO DO ALL PEN 'I Al. V.,lk in ll.e lulesl lll.proieo style.,...- .. ,1 , , (....rtUe tvio weeka in eucli inenlli da- eucli ineniu ua- 1,1.17 from the lirst M"l.a) llie uionlli) ano .. ... ,, ,.ii. il..' ii in jinoer ol lime to all persons tiering work none al their reaidences. ho will obi. g hi... very much by addressing l.iui ul t hariotie. N. t . iJ ALL W chh WAKRANTED. I'tli'e, opposite kcrr'a Hotel, Piruwn's builuing, up stairs. April 16. Itbl. 3lt' (0- JN otice. f pHE TAX l lT, for tho year 1S60, ia now .n A my l.aiiea, readv lor mspec ion. All persona ,re requested lo inform me of any taxablea which may be listed. All TAX PAVERS are re quoted to pa-pare themselves to meet llmir TAXES promptly. 1 W. W. G1UEU, SutiiJ. April 16.11, 3lf iJa C1I PItIM 1NU i. ill kinds will bo lint y ei.o st tin North Car- A If) I u eineoilK.usiy Whig fhre The :TI:irktlK. COREXCTID BT OATKS & WILtlAHS. CHARLOTTE AUGUST 87, 161. BACON, flams, new. ... lb..... 14 J5 Sides lb 13 M " Hug rounu, lb 13 (u, J4 Shoulders lb.... 13 (uj li'J Bagging, Gunny, yo In (oj 2u Heel lb 4 ( 5 Butler lb 15 ( 18 lii'eswax, lb V,j (li, 8 Ueuna, bual.ei, 100 (it, branny, Apple, gal.. hit (, 6o Peach, gul I tJU 12., "ott" lb 9J tj 11 CoHee, lilo b a a (,i, tU Ja, lb 30 (iij (0 Caudles, Aduniaiitiiie, lb (a, 30 " Sperm., lb 40 (a IU " Tallow, b 'JO ia Hi Corn - bushel fc7 (rjj 90 Chickena, aci, oj (( 13 Cloth, t:opperaa, yatl. ij g Lindaey, yard 30 37 Eggs, dozen 10 (5 ia Muur, bbl 5 (a, 5J bugs aaO (cj 875 1'eathera, lb 30 (at 35 Hides, Green, lb 6 (w, tj Lry, lb U (a, m Lard, lb 13 14 Mutton, lb 5 (11, t Mackerel,. Lihl .No W... 14 (, (JO " Kills 450 (u, 00 ,uuasae, K.O. gal 5 (o. 73 ' W.l gnl 50 (, 10 Meal bushel WO ((J IU Mullet( Wilmington) ...bbl i'J (o Co .Sails, Norihern, lb 5 (u OU " Southern, lb 5 (u b Data, bushel 60 (a, 65 Pork lb J (aj, li Pes, bushel 100 ix, 00 Potatoes, Irish, busliel ij Oi, i L0 " Sweet bushel 40 i, i)0 Rice ..busliel 4 Ur, 00 fiutrar.Loal', lb 15 (! 00 Brown, lb 10 ntone.Ware,. ga 10 'a, 00 Suit, aLCk 300 $ 00 Tea (b JUO Wheat, wliile Iiuslni HO (u, L0 " red, , bushel 90 (, L0 Whiskey , .Northern gal 50 (a 55 " " N. Carolina,... ga' 10 (a, 70 Wool,(beatGcorgi) wa.licd,. S " " " " unwashed aa (, -1 Vnrn bale 100 (o 00 REMARKS. Our Market ia well supplied with all kinda of produce. COLI MBIA MARKET., June 39, 1 8 " 1 . COTTON. The aaiea Una week have reached only 0 bales, prices nominal. BACON, hog round ISJfr. 13 CORN, 105 V, 110 PEAS 1110 (aj 00 OA'LS, 60 (?, B5 P LOCK (4 (u, I4j CHARLESTON MARKET. r h a a i.eston June ti, I8CI. COTTON. The market has been al a stand this week. We nave no aalea to report in cither Upland or Long Cotton. DB.UCS- STORES CHARLOTTE. 5. C. 'a Reliable House for Pure CSSMICASS, aOSTJGI, IS, CHOICE ASD ELEGAXT PER F CM E HIES. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes f .i a r r. of the r inest Uualtty. wm mm MB mwm For 3Icdical Purposes. OIEiS, Faints, wmm WHITE KLROSEXE. KEROSENE LA 31 PS. April 3 1 If U ( t (al't'fll lAlllSflU'S. 300,000 Select Fruit Trees run A Lt. a RB lh eitiiens of tho Soulherr sfifii? X. Slutes aware that the people arfyJs the Norihern und Northwestern Mole I L are making fiuitoneut li.eir Ic-jui); ' of trade, and that in a climute anu soil ! to a great eaten t very unpropiliou. lor fruit cul ' lure ? T hen why should not the c.t.lcna ot the iofl'he'rlei.r.g staples. Fr'uits grown unoer our I Southern sun aie noted lor llieir sue, nue uavor. and besuliiul color. I The above eUlemcnta are fully auslati.ed by ! i.reioiiiina taken over Northern, snd the great amount of green anu dried fruit senl North und Nnrinweat by tl.e J-oulhern Stales during llie last lew years. T hen il llie ubove statement. . .. ,u.luuied ,0d it it ia no .in, accoruiog u bMc to lllaK0 money by raising 1 run n send forward your orders ana cusi. lo W est- brook nnd Men.ieul.all and they will lurnisn yo. with eoo.l marketing orchards. WESTHKOUK et MENDENHALL. Greensboro'. Nov. Ifbo". 33 if. Blacksmith Tools CCH aa Bellowa, Anvils, hand and rlide ..inniers, ices, Buttresses, Farriers' Knive., Screw-plate. Slocks and uies, BUekaiiiitli'a Pinchers and longs, lets- i L-.i... ... kind, cut horse shoe slid clinch Nails. Bor.,. lion o. all size. Doth of no, .hem .,,,1 country n..nlaplu,. cs '' ter and apring aieei vc, ioi .- r.-- TAYLOR'S, Opposite tlie Mantivn Huutt. 1. 1NO CANS, of all the diHer.-nt sizes, at TAYLORS lliidicurt Stort,ojpotilt M iUmmn Ib.u. I I Wiiiniiigtuii. thai idle and Kulliti" ford Kail Load. o N and alter Mommy the I61I1 invtiint, the sill Le run 0 ) i.a lollowa : II. la Koad iij- (Sunuay a excepie COKNO WLtT. Charlotte, '1 ucsux gee, Lit said, Mo.r, n, Liricoliiton, GOINO EAST. Leave. 00 A. M. Aaaivi. 7 43 A. M. 10 " 0 37 " 9 00 " AaaiTi. Lkafe. II 00 A. M. 11 i3 il 60 " ia 17 P. M. Lincnlnton, hharon, Brevard, '1 uckas. gee, Cburlolle, V. A. II 90 A. M ll 45 ia 15 P. 1U. 1 L0 " McBEK. By order, Acting Master ol Tramuorlaiion. Lincolmon, April 4, lobl. a. 11 MJW SUl'l'laYUV VatcheSjJewelry,Soli(lSilver AND Plated Ware, D' suosti'Ler liua lately returned from the JL North wliere he liaa pa.ei.ueu a very tx leuaive aupply ol tl.e above arlicira. I hi. puirlu. ae-j being maue directly Iroin Die inunulac-Uirer, he is Uiereiore enabieii In pvii at u verv amiil ad voiice on coal anu persona may iel .i.uitu l.iat all lua arliclea are warranleu lo be wlial lie rep. rtael ls In, 111 lo be. alclies mid I lucks carefully repaired and will receive my peraoiial ulieution. K. W. Bl'XKWlTII. Oelnbrr 9, 1SC0. a'JU Ur, E. II. Andrews, v, ULLD iniuini tlie pnu.ic gen if V er.iiiy, una Die ciuutia ol M cnleiiburg 111 particular, llial lie liaa K.uunil u Ofc. J Is 1 K I , anil may be lound at Ins Old iSlaiiu. lie ia prepared tu uiaerl Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver. V'uic.inile or CheopUslic .ruceaa, aa patitnla muy cesne; and llli leeln Willi Oold, J111, Aiiib liaiii or U -Arinieiai. lie is prepartu lo perlo. in any operal.ona belonging lo Uenlialry, anu nciu not aay tnal lie will le pieaaed to wait upon .il t Ins old Inn. us, or new but ciilier, you may ts '.allo. graiilcu, ttb. 5, lfbl. j If ISotice. ALL persons inoebKd by note or book ac count to tne Estate ol llie Iu le I nomas J. ; lio.tou are requcatcu lo come lowaiuauu stll.e Ine same aa cannot be givcu auu all I persona having claims against sa.o '1 I.oiiium J. HolKli'a p.slaic wi.l present ll.e same wiiniu l j time prtscribeii hy law or tins will be plead in bar ol ll.eir recovery. j E. ' Y E. lit iCIHNSON, Ex tr. j Cj 11106. J. liULIUN. 1'eliruarv 5, lfcbl. 45 I..N. llLNJIill. CO.MMltSlU.N MLKUlAiVr i ASD ; licBeral Colltciin Anwl A LL produce shipped here for my XM- snail piompl jUcM.uli reul Care taken III li.u puiellasr o. 4.tlV. iLJAil Notes alill Aee -UnlS III II. Iu ll.y lialiue lor Col. lection shall receive prompt anu immediate at tention. .(j, t hurl-tit, Feh. 16-61. 4 "tf Out cf Debt! Cut cf Danger, A LL jicraoi.i li and OLT of Town, who XSL n t seined li.eir aeeouuta oue ua on llie 1st ot Juiiuary icbl, are tarnesliy re nuesli.i lo CALL A l' O-NCh and pay tl.e money ur give Iheir nous, as we a.e ueleiuiineu to cluae t J.g't u,i"8Ve!'eVn'l,0Ou."u Vv' AiUliK t. un we s"i i. I KiW N, TATli i CO. . ., ,Rr:0uc, March ia, ubi. at Tin Tnd Japanned WareT A large assorlmenl ; Uio k Tin, lilock Zinc, fm. '1 i" Plate, b,.bbil n.eUi, eVc... i iUl i-S, llie Urgcsl atoeH, ol all sizes, at TAVI.OK'ti Hardware, Stove and Vtn Ware Depot, Ui'ttsue the Mansion House At Tabor's l'1 kTOU can fimi t I. ir'inent of Cut. JL lery , Uuiia and Pi tlulu.ofiill lile celcorated li.uhes. tiLAS, of all Bizea and qualities bolh French and An. er. cun. Alan, Pull) by ine kc( or pound. WOUJ-'LN WAUL. lUlOUAia, &.C..OI uu aims. I 1x0 e ! Hope ! lundsui Al... I.., juto and Cot Ion ti 4 incli i" 3 iu. TAYLOUS liarduart Start, t'l'poti'r int Muinma llnu Agricultural luiplt'iheiits OP ALL lvl.M'. aoT'u.AW l ullers, Corn She 3 l.r, Plow., Hots, fci.ue,a aoiiuea, r or ks, -ncs, i ic h . ..mi.. ocks. Urutiomg Hois, i emu. L.- I. I i.i i ii a. Pi uui ill and lleugeShenrs, Pruning -uu bunding Knives. Our. oen llo. a al.u hUkes, Willi l.uiiuie. ; t.r-in Ira. ulcs; gram, gruss -no liner elln., i,.. Wagon uoxes ; follow ware, such puis, ovens and i.Us, skillets, spiuers, suw.ii. -i.t. el lies, CaUleroos tou. --' lo gallons eac.l ; IroU und brass Presiivmg hellies, Mieep Slieais. 4.C.- l"1 TAYLOR'S j llaidwan IVo.',o7s!lr tut;un Huute. jf Notice. i ol J. B. P T v,II P. c sins i : I CU.M. Js I O. bouN E I i. V M g li' n t ii. a io us lor HUM "ie re al an EAKLY eoiieetion, ti.use inetbuo ... u.u ouesleu to make f-El TLE.MtN 1 UA Y . UL J l. UIM-'N A. bl.O, 1 lusleea. 6 3t May 7, 1H61 iNotice ROM arm -Her the 1st Day el January next, 1 we v. il. be p eused lo sell our oio :nem'.s und I cuslolller mi llie r. s. el d lor v ami sou ivr IZil, a licie in our une ol husii s I hut i.g or Any person sei atler llie atovc ik. le . - monev. will niea.c i xcuse n. " .i...-- il m-leoil ol tilling h ine in a copy are Oe le rui Hied uol Ml. Am. Cose 1.1- their oriiers, we furnis.. luroi of this aiiverlisi mini ; a.- J to sell a iihi'i dcoleU lo us a-e want the moioy niji L S led lo tall I1")' aa W OA'lES Jt WILLIAMS. 4,11 f Dee 181 0. i

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