Tl'ortIiC;irflhn;t(ialta.t Tuesjdiiy : :.: : September 10, 1861. New Goods. We cull special attention to tlie adver tisement of Me.' rs. lirowu, Tato & Co., tbej Lave just received their Fall and Winter supply". ,uc7 ke taken great care in selec ting their Goods, and hope to merit a libe ral share of patronage, the; say tbey bope all that bare uiouej will give them a call and if tbeir frisuds are not satisfied tbey cau go elsewhere, our lnil lays as we printers bare no money be supposes we aro not mcluded in lie invitation. Prayer Meetings. Tho Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, ami Lutheran denominations of Christiana of our City are holding joint prayer mee tings daily io the Presbyterian Church, to invoke the blessings of Almighty God on the Soldiers and cause of the Confederates, and restore cur diutrue'ed country ouce more to a lastiug aud prosperous peace. These very appropriate meetings we are happy to say, are well attended by the La die, but not as well as could be desired by our male population, many of whom aro djubtle.u kept away by butiuess engage ments. Hut there are others, who lounge upon tbe loafer benches, and idle about tbe curlier of tho streets, pursuing no apparent means of procuring a respectable livelihood, whoe patriotiini niifjht be stimulated iuto action by attending those meetings, or their moral and religious improvement receive an impetus, which might posssibly eventuate io the eternal salvatioo of their listless ioiils. Take herd geiitlettito. " The vilest S.nmr uur return." I-'iuiniMi among tub Indian. The lirownviilu (N. T ) Advertiser publishes a letter from Major Raker, agent of the Otoes and Missouri Indiana, dated Auguvt 10th, which gives au account of a terrible fi0bt I auiaiih' tbe ludains on tlie plains : Tbe Otoes slid I'aaJtirrs were buntin" lut falolou the Valine Fork, with every J rccprct of all tbej wiurcd, wbeii tl.e-cotiilincd tr;bes of Sioul, Kiowa. Chy tnui'i, Arrapahoes au'l CaiuauoLo attaeked the i'lstirra witb a superior force. Tho l'awnets iu.nn 'Jiately called on the (hoea, i.o were cncatnjicd nearly aud io full view, for ailauce. XotwitbMandirij; the ''toe bad formed an ailianre with tho I'awnees for their '.nuftal protection, tbe Unci ri f'led to Lelp tlieiu. Tho (Jtoes attiicsHcd tbe fiLt for aLout six bourM, duniig nliicb tune tbe I'avitiees sent four or five mci-an'fer to tlirin, hepging their as- iiUucc, that il.ey ere beiuj cut to pifces ly vast.) superior numbers, that tbeir bead cbcif and leading brave were killed. One ol the Otoes who n in the 6'lit reported that he saw thirty Head Pawnees The Otoi a bad a short courirll, the reult r.f wfcirh an that they would strike for l.o mi ai fat as tb"y could ; conieq'ieotly tl.ry struck their tei ta and left while tho fijbt wa r i tj. I hoy came by way of lull Hill)', and reached borne in seven daja. Tbey reported that the Pawnee j au ra cti .-piitriy surrounnea cy iron) seveo to ten thouaud warrior ; that there was DO poi.ibility cf their escape j that their eos niiea were killing tin in oil at their leisure, and had ctprosied their detaiuiinatiou Dot t atop unul tbey had wiped out tbe last they had from existence, and tbe Otoes firmly believed that would be their fate. Jiiil last evening runner from the Pawnees arrived here, and reports that lbs Paceea had rxtrieted thcrjitelves a l (1 pot away, and hail come iu as far as tbe Lntle ltiuc, de-titute of proviionsj they could not po home without subjecting themselves to star vation, so they concluded to co back io search of buffilo. Tbe Otoes are very much diiheartened ; they I - ve incurred the j rfi-f leaure ef the Pannees and their cne- line", and it is doubtful whether they will Tctiturs oa a buut aaiti this seanuu. . I A It M I Ml OCR lANKIS IHSKLfl. e find I the f)!!owin io the New Ycrk Herald of ; ' 'urdy lal : j Th Havana steamer Columbia, which I I leave this port to-day, will gel out ful- ly aimed and empowered to take any pri- j Taleer that shall be HO Unlucky as to cro-s her path. A guard of twenty marine", umli r skims f l,u,,is.i i I, . I,.. p led by tho toveri.tneiit, with the under nniding that tbe owners of the Ttsel, Mirs. Irpoffird A Tileston, shall provide fir them (luting tho voyage. Tho employ nitit of the uiariues will be to guard the ( i.hiniiia jr i ni-t attacks, audio keeps slmrp lookout for any suspicious craft. This i a capital i Irs., as both parties are bene fit ted thereby the- government, at it assists them to clear the ocean of thess Southern P'sts, and the Mes-rs. pofford t Tiles ton increasing the safety ot their passengers snd properly. Tho Cumlnu armed with two riflod cannon, tw -Ivc-pounder. 1 hey occupy a position a the ports of tho fire hatch. In addition there is a brass fix pounder, also nil "!, and two thrce-pouti-tleri. This fjreo is amply sufficient to pro tect tho veisel from any marauding parties that may feel disposed to meddle with her. N'-ps are beinaT taken to similarly arm oth er Vessels of this lllitf. 1'll'iWI.ERl ON TIIK COAST. TLo l'ratikliu ' t, . .. , , , t .Marv) K.lstcr Of tliu -Villi, sajs : j !'Mlie of LillColu's ctlickfll tliirVCS aro If -'wiiog tTLout our ta)s, ami occasi'iualiy l" 'Z" upon defenceless 6iLennan or an "ter boat. We're Oil tlie sharp lookout. t M, iw cause il any he can hy lue jiisiici a judg-iti-sniship li07C ill sight off the mouth Ol " mint shall uol be confirmed, uud uu order oi s-lo ''alcuMeu ft few dais itm, and it ia suppos- i onU red to issue. C'i shn . . . li l iV . .1 ...... I r Wiiuess, J. It. Wilson, Clerk of our said Court 11 mo is tioar b oekid iir the entrauce ol ' , .... , ,, . ., ., , . , . st llllit e in I. iiioir Ihe bill Muiidsy ultt r tl o 4lli "t liver. Dur ci)ast is lull of J-iraticftl- M .i.u-iy n. June. h(,, '';'"iii crafts, Lelotigiii-; to tlu Northern ; J. 11. WILSON, '. c. v. 'JVerumeLl. j Sept. 3, letil. Punters lee In, t'-'s ' FOR TUB N, C. WH10. The Ladies of Charlotte having organized themselves ioto an association for the pur pose of sewiDg for the Soldiers', also assis ting them by donations of t clothing when required bold themselves id readiness to do all work which may bo sent tbem for tLat object and bope that all oduipxuies in Deed of assistauoe of this kind will favor them .... . , . with timely notice, and they promise so far as tbeir ability extends, tbey shall receive prompt attention. 1,. .AA.-.A . I. ...... ,.v Ai.. 10 ik. 1'jyers, rres. 01 ooiaiers Ala Society of Charlotte. Tcnsacola Umhb Mahtial Law. The following notice of Gen. Jackson we copy from tbe Pepsacola Observer : " IIiauhuaktibs Troois. C. S., " Niar Pknbacola, August 28, 1691. " OEMRAL 0BHEK8, f.0. '12. " The general commanding baviDg de clared martial law to exist over all tbe ter ritory wiibin five miles of the lines of this army, and required its rigid enforcement, all persons within five miies of the city of Penxacola are rr joined to yield prompt obedience to orders emanating from tne headquarters of ibis brigade. The functions of the ciril authorities will not bo suspend ed, except in so far as may be ticcebserv to enforce such orders. Hy order i John K. Jaiksow, " Colonel commanding. 41 L. Kklms, A. A. Adjutant General." OBITUARY. Died in th: f'ounly mi the morning of the 4 ih icut., Mil SA I.'AII ANN, tunx.rt ol ..btrl Cun hit.lf lia:n, tf ii b..lit iiti )Cul, learing a kind hu-b..nij onu three litlle clultlrtu tu wtp over llie.r .,. Tliua his (one to a hnppy eternity an exeiu. pliry membrf of the M. K ( hureli an uffcction. ale and Jlil.lui wile j a luud Motnrr and an excel, lent neigl.bur. Hli. early tiluejleu beraeli Io be courteoua and frienil.y towaroa all and :2iiiibt a oififMiiliiin Io pnalu and aljnilir. ahe very aHn iiiird tlie cuiiliOcnee Mid ealeiui of all who knew her. A tail!!. Jirass and Cupper. 'l I I "!l the old BKAS3 uud C OP. V V 1 l it 1 call i bum. S. T. WRISTON. Seplemhcr 10, led. Uw FALL AM) WLNTEK GOODS. We art opening tint v;rfn our Stock uf WIM MI. (.OODS. (ONSISTIXJ IN I'AKTOr I.idita LRLiS GOODS, KUNNELS, Plnd LINSEYS, Brown and Bleael.ed ?HKTIM.S, flrownand tlrachrd DRILLS, Ilf ZIHiY.CLOVKS, Ac., W hat aUo rrreived fir NL'.lti'ES, auch ua !a. a lock of Good UKOCWNS AM) SHOES, HATS, CATS, &c, &c,. W hiva made an rffirl lo gel un a rid claaa sod l-rge Smck of Cioea b.r -ur Fall trade i ir.trnd to sail them al & 31 A nm cash AND CASH OHIiY. If y..u have lh ' IMI lo pay for GOODS call and see us brfvte b i iite liKOU N, TATE i CO. September 4, 1S"J. 3: t?TATK OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MH.i:.l.r..MltKO COUNTY. Court of t Iras and Quarter t'rssions, July Term, lt-til. .Marcus Austin Aummistrutur ot Casper Harget. r. Jusun Sh., Klin Sheher, I'.IIen Khehrr, Na ,,.. Fund, rbuik and Wile Ket.ecc., luu.ier. tnj,kl """ vv"u F.v.lin.-.lraucis l.irtf. t, il .11 M. ll r)iel, llarnrl il irel. Hi nuersoillarKel, t as. ,, tl.rCel, Miiry ll..rKel, Jamea C llarel, Mar- ll" "'' " "h 'i'et. I'elii.on for Settlement, -x appearing to the sltisficmm of the Court, JL. liul Ihe liciehdaiu is nut an iniubilant of Una 'lc. bill irimi beyond Ihe limits of the same, li i liirtrfttre Ordetrd, by said Cuurl lhal pnblica- Car ilnia U lug a iieSap r priuteu in the Tuwn o' Clmrlotte nut Cy 1 f i f tne said delendant to be and sppenr hi fore t ie Justiees ol onrCoUilol I' and Ou irtcr S ..inns al Ilia in t Court to be held fur said of Mccklciibuiir at Ihe Court House in Charii.ttc mi tl.o 4th Mniiilay in October licit, then ai d there to answer or demur ur judg ment prorotifesa.i will be taken against hull. Witness, W. K. Keid Clerk ol sen! Cuurt at of fice in I harlotte, tne 4ih M uuiny of July and in tne cb'tli yeur ul Aiuerieun Imic petidi ncc. W. K. UK IU, c. v.. v. August 2J,ieCl. rrinteia l-'ee 7. U'G STATU OF NOKTH-CAKOUNA. CALDWELL COUMV. Court of Tli as and (Quarter Sessions, August Term, lf?61. Towell.tSc Lung i Levy oil lieu! Latute in 1 Levy Leimir. ii. Wilie t;.iithrr. V ppearmg to tne satisfaction of the Court .it 1 1 io tiaitlier is not a resident ot Ilie State of Nurtii Carolina, hut r. sides he. yoinl the IiiiuKhI Ilie i.iiif, ( ia IherefntOr. dntd, that publication he matle lor six successive i ,! Nmlli Carol, na Whig, notifying and U'len.l.inl, to he and appear at the nut lerin ol our sn.l I ourt lo he he.ti Ilie I ouoty u..rc and, at t"e I ourl House in Lenoir on tne bth VI m ..11. r ihsStli Miiiul.iv in Seolellitier neil. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MBcKLfcl.BURO COUNTY. Coutt of J If as and Quiirltr Sessions, July Term, 1861. J, Gotlin and G, Uatlin. - I Original Attachment, The Mecklenburg Goldond Cupper Com. Sam as the ofhera. puny I PI""ng to the interaction of tlie Court llml the defendant ia not an inhabitant, 01 n,i. st..te, hut rcshi.- beyond the limits in'ti.e """-'. u tethrrtiuie Uidrnd, und adjudged tni nublici tion bo made lor six successive weeks in n,. North Carolina. Wing a newspaper printed in Charlotte. No. Ca.. for the eaid dnlendanie to be nd appeur before tlie Justices of oar Court of Pleis uud Quarter Sessions at the next Court lo be held fur tne au id county on the 4th Monuuy in October next then and there to anawer or oemur or judgment prucon fuaao will be Uken agninat them. W ilneaa, V. K. Heid, Clerk of oar said Count at office in Charlotte the 4lh MomUy of July mid in tlie 86tll year of Aimrirun Indeptiicterice Wj K. HEID, c c. c. Auguat 20, I MI. Prn.leia Fee $6 l2G STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MECKLKNBURO CdUNTV. Court of I'lt us aid Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1661. John Ewina, "1 es. The Mecklenburg Original Attachment. Gold and Cupper Com. "ny, J IT appearing to the natinfuclion of the Court tlul the defeiiduiit la not an inhabitant, of Una t-bile, but resitli a beyond tne liimts of the aume, It k thttrjuit Oitleitd, and niijuded that publ iCJtn n be miiile tor ix aucceaoive week in the N or 1 1 1 Carolina Whig u newapuper printed in Cearli.tlr, No. Ca tor tliu 8..IU (leleiidiinti. to be and u pfH.ii r belore the Justice" of our Court of Hen a and Quarter .Sosiona at llii ntal Cuurt to tie held fur I lie auid county en tiie 4tn Mn..uny in (IcUihi r next then and there to answer or demur or judgment procuntecku viil be taken uuinat lb. in. V itnrsa, W. K. ItcH, Clerk of our auid Court nt tflicR in ChurloUe the 4 1 1 1 .M.mday of July and in tbe bClh year of American Independence. V. K. UEID, c. c. c. Augutt 20, Ifcfil. I'riiiUra Kee $b. I'JG STATE OF NORTII-CAKOLINA. Mil KLENUU 1(0 CliUNTY. r. a r t.i i . , Court of J'lrus and Quarter Sessions, July Term, Ictil. John Simpson, 1 rt. I Original Attachment, The Mi calc i. burg Oold anu Cupjier Coin- I Same aa lite others. i paiiy- J iT iippraring to the satiffHclion of tbe Court, II. al ihc ceferulant ia nutan iniiabitu nt ol tins Mute, but resides beyond the limits ol tlie same. I It it tlitrrfuic Oidrrrd, by said Court I Ii a I pu'ilica I idii ol a z successive weeks in Hie -N . r 1 1 1 Caro lina Whig a iinwspuper printed in tlie Tewn u! Charlotte mitfi'yii,jr llie said detciioaut lobe una a open r belore the Juaiieea ot mir luurt ol" Pleas , slid Quarter Scksiors ut the m at Cnurl to be held I lor and county ol Mi ck leiil i.rj; , at the ( curl. House in Clianotte on the 4th Monday in Octnbi r neat, turn ana tin re to ur. sw t r ur ut mil ir JuCf. i men I procon Tessa will be tnken ugamsl him. Witntsi,, litniCl.rk of said Court at of. I fi'e ill Ciiarlolte, tlie 4lii Mmniuy ol July und in ' eblh year ol Aineiican I nuepenernre W. K. 11K1D, c. c. c. Atiguat -0, ii-tl. I'iii.ur. 1-lc $o. l.o i fcTATK OF NOin il-CAKOI.INA. ! Mm KLKMJLttU t'uliMY. Coutt of Jlf is und (iurtcr Sessions, July 'Id m, 1 SGJ . Ym !h(.n and ") J. U. fcl. nolle. I Original Attachment, The .Mecklenburg f iolu an J Copper Com- j ,.ny. J Same ai the others. a T appesrinf lo the aaliafaclion of the Cuurt thai the oeltndanl ia not un inhabitant, ol llnsM.le, but residis beyond he limits ol the same, il is ihtTtfint OiUerrJ, and aojucyed puoiiculioii be mau X successive weeks ill tiie .North I arolmu v nip a nt spaer riuleu in I, No. (. a., for tlie said deleiidanl lu be and appear betori; tiie Just ceaol our Cuurl of I'.eas and ( jsrler Sessions al Hie next Court to be held lor the said county on the 4 111 Monday Ocl .ber next then arid there to answer or demur i.r judgment procoiilcaso will be taken ugan.fl them. Witness, W. K. Ried, Clerk of our said Court at illice in CliarinUe '.he 4lli Monday of July ii'id in llle Cbl.i year nl Amerieau liiucpeutieiice W. K. 1.K1U, c. c. c. ! August 80, ltd. rrintc.s lie ti, U'b LUl'OKTAlYr JNOTICE. OUR TBREIS I'OSjITIVELV CAJnII ON AND AFTER TIIE 21st INSTANT. COCHRANE & SAMI'LE. August ilO, 1 bbl. TK.N OK FIFTKKX It' lX Hl l IS WA.N I KD for T. II. Urem's Ar. I'llery Company, now in Vireinis. voiily to CI. .M. M. (.l;Ult,or A. II. DA- VIl'MLN, :t Ur. S. X. JOM.NsluN. August jn, lebl. tf Jliss M. E. Stewart, 'ILL re. open her Sch for Children, on T W me 2d ol .September, lfctil. August 13. Ibtil. STATE OF NOKTII-CAUOL1.NA. ,H&liVL.Mill.U LUUMl. 1 Court of J leas a ud Qua, Ur Sessions, July Term, 1C-G1 J. A. F.stea, 1 Original Attachment, " I J. M. Mrail, I Levied in tho hands of James C.illis, Jr. f E. A. .McLend and Inn: Joseph Lovell. j summoned us Garnishee. IT apiH-annjr to the satisfaction of the Court thai J. M Strail, James Colli, Jr. and Joseph l.ovell Iradera under tho firm of Lovell, Collia iV. t o., are not inhiibitanls ol this Mate, but reside beyond ti e limits of the same. It is Ordered and adjudged by the Court thut publication be made tor an successive weeks in the North Caro lina Whig a newspaper printed in Charlotte, No. l a , for tliu said delen.lants to appear at Ihe Court House 111 Charlolie on the 4 til Monday in October nrxl tnen und there to unswer or demur, or judg. iir nt proconftaso will be taken against Kir in. Witness, W. K. Keid, Clerk ol our saiu Court at cilice in Cn.iriiilte, the 4t!i Monday of July and in tulll yeitr of Aiuerieun Independence W. K. HE1D, c. c. c. August 20, ltCl. Printers lee iJri ivvi: i k 1 1 ai: aiii m i:, tLL persona hiivug iiusetl leil iiecouula un the Hiok. ul UAlLSjt WILLIAMS, must come l.iuiirii belore Iho lirsl of St (Henihrr next ami seltic by dsn or n.le, or tin y will tiu.l their ac Counla in the Ii.ii.iis ot . n . flier r fur enlleeiinn. OATKS & WILLIAMS. ; August 13. le'C. 3 I Charlotte DRUG Store MA1L Pealcra in Foreign nno Poaicslic : mugs, ivienicinea, incmicals, rerlumery, tuncy Articles, OiIh, Puinls, Varnishes, Window ! Oluis, Putly, Pye Stufls, Turpentine, burning.' riuiu, aiciiuoi. rure Liquors, Cante leu's, neiu una uaruen seeds, 4c. Ae. Ilii villi; closed oor Hooks intend hereafter to tell for emit. WAiNTEl). OK TIIE CONFEDERATE ARMY 10,0O PAIIt WOUL SUCKS, x'UUNG, W1US10N & OKR. July 30, Itlil. 18-ti (liailt)tli' l diiiile Jiislilute, C'tii -!. .. C. f BMIE LXEIiClSES of this .School y. JL will be remined on the )lh of oepiuuiuer. A lull corps ol msiruc lurs in nil the brunches ol a liberul ei. ueutioii, has been employed lor the enu niir seamun. Ti.c niuo'cul ''cpurtment will be under the di rection ol I'rol. It. Ht'.NT. Miss II. IIiuSII- n. LU. Cruduatc of the uuudemy of M uaie, Slock. Iiolin. J he dtparlmeiil ot Drawing, fainting una M'Hicrn Lunguuges under f rof. W 11. Vk ti a as. Tliu Principal con noera himaclf lortunute in ha v. inf. ."icurcd the tcrvices of audi able and experi eiictu Teucners in the Ornnmental Branchea. TISMS fix SESSION 0V 20 WEIK3. Doard and Tuition, including eary expenaea IPS j Tuition lor day schulurs tl $16 und 118. lor Catalogue adurehs lUv. K. BURWELL. ClturloHc, July 9, lbbl. t-l2s l'UUUTKE Til IJIVIDI.U. lliuilviu: and Sonili Curolinu HailruiKl Co. COLUMBIA, S. C., Junk 20, led. THMIE DlliKt 'iOKSof this Company have de. JL dared a DiY lLLMot $2.6i) per iliurc, to be puid on the lira t uuy ot July next. t'uymeiit wiil be made to biiicm. older in North Carolina and Eastern Vu.-k, t. C, by the .Ay en I HI L hurl. .He. (heater Mockhuldcrs Mill be paid at the ollice of tne Agent -l Cheatir. 'J liote in fjlllielu by tlie Al'ihI at Winnbboro. Charlen. , ion EiiucKiioicers ui me liana oi me oiaie oi ouuiii Ltohuu. And all others at this office. C. bUUKMUHT, fctcrelary and '1 reaturer. 13.1m July 2, I6C1. STATE OF .NORTH CAROLINA. CA1.L WfcLL COUMV. Court of J'Uus and Quarter Sessions, May Term, lsGl. James C. llurj Land Lny. Wihe Oaith fT appearing lull tisfaction of the Cou: t thut tt Hit Caithcr, Ihc in this case re. a be vol, d the liui'.'.s ot the Male of North Caro. Ihut ot the levy cannot be personal. , ly served Ujxm linn , ordereu that publication be, mace f'.r six successive weeks in Ihc Nortli Caro- Inn In IT, notily i ii if said deleiidanl to be and up. .cur at II. e next leriu ol our said t'nurt to be held lor tne county al'oresaiu, nt the Court House in I.i-iuir on tbe Gill M uiday utter ihe 4th Moil, uay in June nut, lo show cuusn il" uny he can why tiic juatieet juogineiil sha.ll not be conlirmed uue his land conueiuned lor pluinliti's debt und cost. Witness, S. P. Dulu, Clerk of our snid Coutt at Oli.cj in Lenoir Hie bth Monday alter the 4th Monday in Marcn, l:til. a. P. I'l'LA, t'. c. c. Ju:.'- 4, lebl. rrinlers lee b. tli fc l ATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Mich La MIL Uli COUNTY. Couil oj I Uus und Quaiter es!iotS, A- lull leim, lMJt. Muircw, i Oin;inal attachment levy J. W la. II. .. I uip. ) on land. IT a cariig tu mc satislaction of the Court, li at b. A. 1 u!p, the ueleiidaul in this case, la nut an iin.aljitjiil ol the slate ol' North Carolina, but r. side- m v ii. il llu 1. mils oi Ihe s il.'ie, il it tlitujuit Oidind, by s.iiu Court thai publication ot an successive weeks in tne Moriii Carolina V ;!(( a i,t H spa per printed in tlie Tuwu ol Char lotte i.t'iiiyiig tne said eeleiiUiinl tu be and up. p.-i.i hi li re Un Justices ol our Court ot leuN and (juaiiir Missions at ihe mill ourt to I'C licit! lor saiu luuiny nt .vleCKieunurg, at the (.ourt. House in (.ii.iri.lie on tlie 4tn .Monnayot July mil, then anu there to pit-ad answer or demur or judg ment .roein.ft ssii will be taken against him. :ines, W. K. Keid Clera of snid Courl at of. fice the 4Ui .Muiiduy uf April A. 1). lebl, and in the e;'ilii V ear ul 'American Independence. Y. K. UE1D, c. c. c. May 21, IS61. Printeis 1'ee. $6. t!3 ice. JOHN T. liUTLEli, PBACTK AI. WATCH and OLOOK ii t irri m.' s BTa. B-OBSisa C. C1TOSITE KKRR'S HOTEL, I'll It I.OTTK, C, (Lute with IL W. Bcchwith.) line Watches ("locks und Jewelry, of every de- aenctmn, repaired and wsrran'.ed lor li months. Ot-roicr Hi. leuu. juii lMIESEltVE VOUll TEETH. A. V. ALKXAiNDEK, M H f? F 0 V T K T T T I GRADUATE OF THE BALTIMORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Iii H'LLY I'lUTAKLli TO IH) ALL PEN. 'I AL VVoik iu the latest iniprovcu styles, and will be at Instlliec tno utihi in e.acli meiitli uu tmg from the tiiht Monaay (ol the nionlli) and will appropriate tee rtmaiiiuir l Ins tune lo ail pernona (lesirn g wuikuone at tl cir residences. who wilt ol li(,e linn very uiucn oy autircssing htm ut Charlolie. .V ( Jj ALL Wultk W AUK ANTE I). Cilice, opposite htrr's Hotel, liruw ii' building, up stairs. Auril 16. I tel. 3lf 3d--' JNotice. rpllE TAX LIS T, for Ihc year lftjO, is now ,n A my harii:s, ri udy lur inspec ion. All persons are requeslvd to intorm me of any laxabiea whicli muy be listed. Ail 1 A PAVl-.iiaie re quested tf prepare themselves to meet their TAXES promptly. W. W. ClULR, Sheriff. April 16. leGI, 3tf ' w i PLOW'S CLI.I'IiR ATKD SFLF SEAL. 1 J I.NO CANS, ol ail tne nill'erent size st S. T. WRISTON S. Jnne 1, IMil. I iV ,a f(' -v-v; The .Marvels. COBBXCTCD BY OATVi &. WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE AtCl'ST 27, 161. BACOJv , Ha in a , ne w lb.... .... 4 Sides lb J3 Hog round, ,13 " Shoulders, lb..... Gngging, (sunny, yo tieei ib Butter, lb liceswax, lb Duanu, busliel, . bra ne y , Apple, gal. " feach, gui Cotton lb Corl'ee, Kio, lb " Java, lb Cundlea , Auum.iii tine lb " Sperm Ib... " Tallow, lb ...I'i ...Its .. 4 ..15 ..23 ,IU'i ...W ...1011 (a, .... fli (a) .as ...JO (, ...Vo (a, ...10 (,e, ...-,'0 (.,, Coin ... ..bushe! t-7 Chickens each Clolli,Coppcrua, y un ...10 1. 1 ii iiacy , ... ..yure.. ..uozeii . ...bbl... ..bags.., Ib Ib ...Ib ...30 ...10 .. S3 KTg" t lour, .' .. yoO (a Tj C (.r, l ti- ....13 (,, ..-5 to ... 14 to ... 4i0 to ....15 ....50 (.i. Feathers Hides, Green, ... Dry Lurd Mutton, Ib Mackerel, ....bbl .No " Kills Molasses, N.O gul , W.I gal Meal bushel... Mullets ( Wilmington)... bbi ...yo .Naile, Northern, lb. Sou them, .lb. bushel... lb ....bushel.... ....busliel.... ....bushel.... Outs, Pork Ptas T'otutoes, Irish,.. " Sweet,. It ice Sugar, Loaf, . brown,...., ,100 (5 oo loo 7-i to 40 KUi 50 00 00 n. 00 00 100 to ....bushel 4 Ib 15 to ('3 Ib gul ..SLck , ..bushel .... .bushel.... ...10 ...10 stone. Ware, ...... Suit, lea Wheat, while " red ...3UU to ..'$ ("l ...110 to ...SO to Whiskey .Northern,. gl ..50 N. Carolina.... iru". Wool,( best Georgia) washed unwashed... V,,rn bale ..-."2 1U0 It EM ARKS. Our Market is well supplied with all kinds produce. COLL Mill A MAIiKLT. Coi.lubu, June 29, IKI. COTTON. The sales this wiel. have reached only 'JU bales, prices nominul. BACON", hog round 12J (,: tOKN n,o ,, fLAS 1 10 to OATS bit (. ILOLIt 4 13 110 Mi CI'ARLL'STON MAItKKT. r"Hsi.r.sTo. June 8, Ir-'Cl. COTTON. The murkel has been si a stand this week. We Imve no salt s to reourl in eiiln r Upland or Linm Coitnn. " " " sSO-L2FiLyv3 ' CHARLOTTE, It. C. j H. Tt 1 V 1 VT n A Reliable House for Pure ; Bli!GlI?t MSGS, L J1U1L h. ISD ELEGAST PER- I FUMERIES. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes of ihc Finest Quality. For Medical Purposes. OZIiS, Paints, i FZiUID. i FIMB WHITE Ki-nosEXE. ; KEROSENE LAMPS. ! April 2 1 tf NOTICE. ; Our credit custo-: niers, by disregarding our appeals, have forc ed us to adopt the casli J ci'ii'fnni Our terms, liereaf- ter, are strictly cash on delivery. j IMil K a m uitoi ;ns. Augul 1, lr-fii. latf I To Hire. f JMHE writer lias a good cook, washer and iro. I A ner, young, in gtd heslth, and strc-ng con. !etitulion autficiently so soon to make of ner u first rale field hund, wilh one child, lo hire in tlie I country, unul the lt ol January next. Apply ul ! this otliee. August 6, 1 56 1 . Aotice. Si P. Al.I'N ANPLR O A.I persons l.avn transact it with linn. Augusl 6, my Uthor ,,i ess A l 111 me T. 11. 15RKM. I I t LOWS CELEBRATKD PF.LE SLAL I il.M. CANS, of ail the different siies, ut TAYLOR'S f..iitraif Starr,j'fo3itt ( .Vnasma Huure. Wiliuiiigton. Uiiirlolle and Kutlit'r' ford Uiiil Uoad. Wta'Ir.liA LIVImum. Oni N and alter Mendii li e loili, the uaieiietr iiiuSlail 1 ruin Hill teiun on ; mis Iioud daily (Sunday exi epu n) i lollewa I I I.tAVE. ! 7 t'O A.M. 7 45 " fcl 15 ' b 40 (.OINO WbsT, Aaaivi. ( harlotte, Turkascgre, 7 4.1 A. M. fercVMU, fc 1U " fciiuri n, t o7 " Liiitnlntnn, 9 Ou " OClNCi LAST. Arrivz. Lincolnton, Mimon, II 20 A. M Uiev.ird, 11 45 Tuck a gee, K' l.i P. Charlolie. I 10 ' l.rATi 1 1 !U A M. II x3 il 50 14 17 P. M. By oidtr, V. A. McUEE. Acting Matter ol Tr.niMiur l.itu I.incolulon, Aprsi 4, lcnl. L' ll m: sii'I'lvoi-' ratclies,Jeveii,',!SolidSilvcr AND Plated Ware, f ' HE aubaciibcr bca lately returned from the JL Nurlh where he has puiehased a Very n. lenaive supply el the above articles. His purrli. ses being iiulc uireclly Iruui lue niaiiLl .i tun r, he is thereloie enubled lo sell ul a very siiijiI ad vance on cusl unu persuiit, inuy teal ur.Lreii Ihut all Ills i.iliiies are warranted lo be l..,l lie up. n rents lln m lo be. W and Clocks careful! y lepuued and will receive my personal aliemnni. U. U. Lr.CKWITH. OcVibtr 9, lbCO. iSL-u Ur. E, 11. Andrews, (JL I.I) ii.lurin tlie pun. fifl V W t rally, i.lili .lie .M. cklenburg in particular, Inat Ha lias letuiiud me practice ui LL.Y1 I?TK V, anil may be i und ut Ins Old S-tund. ile is prepared lo insert Artificial Teeth on Cold, Silvir, Vulcanite or t hiopfisiic pn.C" , nt pulicMs mav eesire ; alio tin Teclii ivilii On.ii. 'I'm, Amalgam or (.. Viilieiai. He la prepaid to ntrlillii an V nl.el alil.lis btli,l;t II; r to I. I, li 1 1 V . of : and iictiim.t a.i v that he w ill be nieaaed lu Wa.i upeii buy ot his old trniics, or new oni i you may las ' 'iu t lor j; rail led, l-'ib. i, 1,-bl. 45 If JNotice. LL perai ns nice1 nd by i ac . J. me "TA lu the l.m.le (.1 ti.c l-le 1 tioiit.n uie Iejlleeu lo ci loe towaro the san.e us ii.i pirsoiiB haling tioltoli's Lstlile at. not be C.IU li alio all ta, 1,1-1 S..U. 1 IN II,. s J. 1.1 tlie s.nne VtlUi.l, tl.o tune .ith'.riLeu l y u or tins i.clii i 1,1 pic. d in bar ot int ir ru cvery. E. NYE. liU'lCI'lNt-ON, oj 'lllOi. J. JltiLJnN. I'thmai v 5, IcCl . tj J. )i. liLlN'iJ.l!. CO.MMb.'ilN AiLiiLllAiNT AM) (ItLenil Colliding A gent. 1 LL proe'uee shipped heic for my disnu i aa. anail receive attention great care taKin. in the j.ureliass ol titMll), iL) Ail .Nut.s anil Ace. mills put into n.y lii.rn.a lor tvl Itclioii tl.-il i.i:iiit prompt aim imioeuutc al tenln.n..; ( .uriuffr, I'd. h, led, 4."lf Out of Debt! Cut cf Earger. A1 LL persons, I.N und ul T Ol' To Til, net tl.cir i.ecoonts one us on Ihe Ut ol J.niuury JeU, i re un.tbiii n. quetltti in CALL AT tMt and pny 11. e iik ney ur glNe ll.eir Holes, as t ule Celt l mil. cu to ClobC up List Jur'n nuMiiess, alio pre Itr to Co to mi oul inioriiiig I US'l'. We mean all, anu ivm MUiiL li an we have su.'tl. l-Kl)V N, TATE cV CO. Charlotte, .Mun h la, l;01. 3t Tin and Japanned Ware. A large assotlim nt j Ulecii 'J in, lllocK Zinc, f. 'I'm Plate, li-hoit inei..l, A.e.; A'JV tuv largest Muc k, ol ail mzi s, at lAVLUii'Ci Hardware, More av.d Tin - Wait Distil, Uj j'bcUt the MansiUH iluuse, At 'I'ajlor's OU can lino tiie l.iigcat assortment of Cut. lury, Ijuns and P. stole, oi all tiic cvicuralvJ 1 lliaKes. 1LAS, of all em s and quulitics both 1'reecn anu An. era. .ii., Puliy Ly I ne Leg or public. UUDL.N WAUL, KUCO.Ma, Jcc ,ol all ki.u.s. Oa1 CliCS, i !1 r POUI.OB ol .1 , Jutn sue: Cot IFirXF ion Hope, irom Ii to 3 in. TAYLOR'S lfutt!tr, re Store tvyputitr the Mansion House Agricuhurai Inipleiiicnts Cl' AT.L KINDS. "V hO'PKAW Cutterx, Corn She I 1-rs. Plows, llu is, Sl.ov. .a S5SCrJrHfc t-cks, Ilo.s, T.-ac t ii.iii. iini.n Cliiiins, Li Chuii., Priiui ig iiiiu lletije Shears, Prui nig aim liiiofiu.g Knives, (.a, ceil l.'ots ami K.ii.e-, with l.oUt'us; r.. in Cm. riles; pram, grass ul. .1 brier Si tins, SJ'.isli ooks, Wnjii.n tunes ; U.ii'' v. are, such us ols, tu. tis unci I u:s, sUii iel s. puii rs, sli w .p. ns anu set. ti. fi. Ci.ultirt.i -ri in in lu I'.'tJ g .Iloiis e.ieh ; lr.-f. and brass Presirvinc Ki ll!c, S:.,'t p Slieais, e. al TAYLOR'S IftnJiratr V it:'., o: rosiie the Mansion Hvtin. Notice. T ti r: ii s .1 1 t'C.NE i. ( O i f J i) L..lJ S 1 ..Ml g i...!l is-.; co.iteluti, U'ose ii-iti'ttt: t..:ihir quest, d la t ut SL I I 1 E l 1 1 PAY. lil'K LlMi.N A. HI..M ii.e If. t ..ii EAKLY 1KUU N, '1 1 usli es. Ma, Hb'l C? Notice 3 'laW I1 ,.y ..i in., v h. t i Illll I. r .ul inoi i y, w.l. ,i:i . their oiiu rs, t of tins acvertis. l til sell a sin'c a .'cbteil In us i"j w ant tne inoi. y 1 c ?.". Itft ll. .. i ii nr. i.s, ii instead of ti.lni nil's', lun ish with copv .1.1; as e.ire ticic on crtdit. Ant ti.c se .ii ttjcesled to ctiii antl p.i . as wa OAIKS i WILL I A. VS. 40 tl