II A. jJASKirr or chips No MATTER NOW ! A party of bela ted gcjitkjiicD, about a certain Lour, began to thiLk of botue, and tbe ir wives' ilispleaa "nte, amd Urge a departure. " Never ttiiod," Miukoft oi ll guests, " fifteen minute now will make no diilertnce : my 'rife is as mad as she can be." .- -a. a couple f travellers flopping at tbe Hotel Francaist, in l,e citv of Cordova, the ciipita'Tof tbe Argentine Confederation, were surprised and amused by noticing on the bill cf fare, " Eggs on horseback." Deter Btinl 4o kmw what it meant, they called for tbe equestrian disb, when it was steak with two eg-; on top. -A youcg country girl who lately wcut to a situation in Cheltenham, on seeing 1 water-cart pass alonji tbe street, exclaimed I to ber mistress, " Ob '. la, mum ! look here ; ! ihere; Vm.n gone b, with a cart of water, j aud it a running out ail tbe way ; and it lie 9 got to go much farther he'll waste it all be fore" gets there !'' . -As Irish waiter onco complimented a armpit ia the following manner : " Faith, ilV nt two hours since that salmon was jrajk.iii round bis real estate wiJ his baud in his pockets, uever draining what a prrt tvTnvitasbuB he'd have to jine jou gentle-&uiO-at dinner." Little Thomas Tittlebat is 6ve years old. He was in a mu.-ing mood tbe other tfay and bis mother asav.-u Liui what he km. tbii.king about I " Ob,' said be, 1 was thinking of old times.'1 TVfiF.N Sheridan was asted at an ama teur p!aj which performer he liked test, te rep'itd, " Tbe rromf ter : for I saw less td btard mere of him tUu of any one ele V A jrentletnan coming into tbe room of j the late Dr. Barton told him that Mr. Vow- 1 41 dead. " What," Raid be " Vowel ; dead ! Let ns be tbaLkful it was neither LiQt'iDATros. A gentlemen prai-ing the generosity of bis friend, observed, " He jfeuds bis moaej liko water.'' " Then of course be liquidates bis debts," rejoined a We were ects'derally amused by an account that we lately saw of a remarkable : d-jel. T here wtr six men upon the ground, and tix mL-es. A -tory writer fays be will :l c'.iuth tbe etar.ry ladJer of ambition, and drive bis en"niiea back into a abeet cf darkness.' Riiber flighty that. ! An ini':ible nan is somewhat like a hedgehog roiled up tho wrong way, and ; pisreed by Lispritkits. A paper from one of the interior coun- : ties say? : " There is not a single reron in the entity jsii 1 Are there any iiumed pcrsoLs there ! ' . 1 An eminent teetotaicr would on'y can- sent tj tit for Lis portrait on condition that It tbould be tasen is flatcr colon. , A cUie yoath, iiteodrnv to eff-r mar- ria,eo ajoung lady wrote to a,k her to ulii: witn btstseif in the formation of an Art LV,0B- ! A cobweb Ksrricge is tlus noticed by ; one of our contemporaries : " Married, last week, John Cob to Mi-s Kate Webb.' A matter op C0fE-E Cheating and jo;kejio2 at horse-races are matters of . .. A i rencbinin wi.-hinj to comp;;ment a . , , , , - ' p rl as a " n'.t e lstnu, caj.jd her a " tuiall ,IiUtliD '' "Jim, bow dr.e, tbe therm, moter stand - i, .1,,,. . , to-.a) . Ours Kat,.js 00 tbe muutel- p. tee, right agio tie plastering." " How do yoa get that lovely pr-rf jrnf ? " a-tJ cue 011rg iaiy of atjottitr. "It's kCeLt to me,'' replied the otbr. " Is that rbeese of a refli-clire turn?'' a-'.!ed Ijr SpOji.sr of tue provision dealer " No, tir; not a n,ite," wa the repiy. i A pVasant and cb--rful n.ind ciiil!trea ' g-T up-jtj h 1 0 d a'i j w ;U oat boJy, l.ke u.:-t e oe tpn s dtai tree. bat i- t';t h L!eh evr-ry mar. can divide, L it ui oil e e.u tta whtru it bteij divi ded: Water, j It i- said '-the bare is or e of tKj mot t'mid arjimala, jtt it aUayi die a jrti.:! ' ' by ehould'n it, when it is mad..- -Hum of? Wl.y tbould rofatocn crow lettir tLan cti.er vecial.:. ,? J cau,e they Lae tj to ue wh&t they are doa '. The oeean, which in forever sound- itg, souittimcs gets toubJcd. V, ny i John Smith like a badly cook fd bdckmheat cake ? B.cae he itu t BruMU. Wiij- ar pmidra V.U va-alond,? -Uccauee they are ,aociau-d with vices. IasT youth are row i:,l y-,ung j geratlcmcD cf i.eelratc-d gait. I LifjHT wif.ei. bui the ghost f wine i it ba no body to it ' -- I JT '.silJ"en aJmire worn no at 1 'sbe'i's j ooJjrrjjr tuer as' taj inj.4, j FALL OPENIAG. New Store, New Goods! AT Leowenstein & Hro. srVT.Afi LYnpoosi'elhe Court lluuse, where they l have n extensive slock of C J. O T II I A G, li C O IV, It H s II A T,S , AND snii a laige variety of DOJISSTIC GOCIDS AND ts IS it V IS i 1 s . Persons will do tell to give u a call before pur chasing elsewhere. LOEWENSTEIN & T.RO. October 9. I860. 29 if MERCHANT TAILORING VI I.LIC.S MMCIM.S .V CO. AVE als.ii added to tln-ir Ready made Cloth- mg Sine, a Merchant Tailoring IVpart, n.ent, to winch they cull llit especial attention of 1 tin ir many menus no customers. I They intend making 'Ins department sectnd to I in ti.o Stale, riiiH-r l style and quality o( i Goons, or id til' manufacture l Garments. I Al all times will he found good slt.ck ol Black I ,,,,d 1 oh.reu I. 'lotus, English, French and American j Casimeres, .lid a vru ty ot Nestings Also, an assortment of I Thcv feci confluent of their ability to undersell janvoiher House 111 the Slate, from the advantages ' tin y have 111 gelling llieir g.oiis. i Their giH.iis are taught hy Ihe quantity, by one of tire turn who resiue in the Northern market, w i 1 ii' 11 givts linn the opportunity of lakiiig aiivan- tae 01 the price ol gooflu, thereby saving t jU-a.t j S3 Twenty-Five Fer Cent-LU To the eoiisuiner. rDiines saved rc Dollars niai.e:l So try u. I E. FL'LLFn'GS, J.NU. M. fcPKlNGS, Sff timber 23, 1H60. GHEAT SAC1F1CES t,F A I. I a A ' 1 XV I N '1' 11 11 Jl'ST li K c I : I V 1 : 1) V R O 31 GOODMAN & EICENimUN, TRADE STREET, OPPOSITE OATI'aS It M L nuectrylty inx riii tl.t citizen of Char W V i'.tie, nii nurrououiitg eounlry lliat we are prepared to ,tf.-r U li l. A 1 I I IILJILTS IN Mib. s.k. ib-NJ sJsJWWm ui;v guod.s, Hats, t i. I'Ools, Mum s, Ac. JI.1D A 1-illCI ASSi RTMINT OF (.DUf-JlLN's 1 I K.MMII.Mi (.OOIJS. ALSO, A Urge stork of LaOiei, and Gentlemen's MIA LN AM) IL')AKS, C I'.t-ise CjII no txnuhe our Goods before purcin,,,. cipwtiere. (jOODMAN i EIGENBRUN. " "I II H .lil-.A'l' dmXG EMFUKILM. FULLINUS, fcTiliMJS k CO, deaj.ehs in all kimo of I) ;,M IlV M,-, CI nTIIIVT' IX'U.MMII.NC; (;()IJS, Xp. Hal, i'P 'lrunks, c ' 1 iiiiins, iiina tV. to. . W OLLO Call the epe. lal atlentioo of their m. .uu. auu patioo. to tueir M.H MULKUi' CLOTH I G, "'n" 1"V CJ" "li'T 'Uf lai.utui.tia. li. luj.i, Ui.ii in.) Iiave tra ouut, t. og o.,uBi,t .t ,,,.u,eU rate. ...u at sun. yt.. i..y iu,wiiatsuii House m ttw M le c.n fMlij, le w.1.1. linj utt .Ucni g v.ry hice 'll.ltl. M I IS "u. tu A.i hi..un-.r of C ajsI.I1 hit I. P.'.;v I , i-AffnlAI ti E, SILK, .Ma I'AU.-sli am n-Lvnr VbalS, UVt.lt t OA I , Of a, grauea a.iC styles. T. e above G.us cannot he surpassed in slyit 1. id m 1 e, li..v 11. g been iiiaiiulaeturLd Uh'Jcr tin .MiMiiiiiu; , ir , .. .... ul une ol . . j h.-ui. 1LLL1NGS, Si'Ri.Vus 0, CO. a. v. aij;xa.mji;k, SI Ml a I. Mi,. M i, '', A kf t.i'.S n services to tnecili. VT :.-l l...,.da,.,. ,.,. u in tin " "' i, L.V'i' ; A jr a u" " , !r, ! ' i v".'. i: , ;Arlh,, ry m.Mier. . .11 .ur pi..te. a on G, 11 . u Tins si vie ol! .i, . - i a, v.l.l..gcaoVtr !.!. ageo Wora. i ' - to 1..0U.1. .in ,cs ir.ilati.ii .-.-.o ,t t,,., tneaper. Jt is a o i,i i,u..( or la.te. ' ' 'f "t 1 .' toe American Hard 11 y.uy m m.isu.jiiy I): 11 li l u n ol "' ''- i.'J Gun., lor le.ln .ilu tne A,.p.i.ius slid .VKlerisl. i... g:ve....uu..l:oi.a 11, lot .rt 011 mod- 1 biiPiM-sa per. IS at J ulrta. Srif 4r A.. ..... .,,. Aju3. ieui. oui t o., .S. C. Itoisr. II. 'OU y, f l-Nr.i.AL LUM ll..iu. MEK IIA.NT A W lismsf,.! s c H O.iicfl. riouih nrner Mai-Ws-l arm Waaer W. I I J. Y. in; vc i: 4V to., UIALXRI IN COT CN and all KINDS of PRCEUCE, tkade si i:i.i:t, CHARLOTTE, iV. C. UTAH orders attended to with despatch. Avni 17, lfebO. sltf WASH1NG10N 1101 EL, (CHANGB OF PROrRIITOBS.T I! It OA 1) h'i lit 1 -.'I' M -M li Mt K f K . C, JOHN F. JOKES, Proprietor. fBIlt; Unaernigned rtspectfully atnounces to JL the travelling public, that he K taken charge of this old and popular establishment, and is now preiurcd to accomuiodate travelers and pri vate families wi,h board by the day or month, -n the most accommodating l I ink. His TABLE will always be furnished with the but provisions that home and foreign markets can j atlord. I The 1Yliil'SttH llt-l has large rooms, is nearer the depot, the court-house, auu the buKiness streets than any other in the city. An Omvxbvt will always be at the depot and landing, on the arrival of the cars and steamboat, to convey passengers to the Hotel free of charge. By slopping at this Hotel, passengers will have ample time to obtain meals. Having also a large and commodious Mable, and an excellent Oatler, he is fully prepared to board horses hy the day, week or month at the most reasonable rates. JOHN. F. JONES. Marrk 1. 1859. 5ltV Chuilijile ,11 11 1 11 a I 1'irc Inauii" Vniiec 'iii;iiiv. MillS COMPANY continues to take risks a JL gainot loss by tire, on Houses. Goods, Pro duce, vVc, at usual rates. 1j Office at the "rug Store of t. Nye Hutchi son Al. C O. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, President. C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E.NYE HUTCHISON, Treas'r. DIRECTORS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN. F. SCAUR, VM. JOHNSTON. John L Brow.n, F. Scarr and S. T. Wbiston, Executive Committee. April 26, lij9. "tf f WIIF. subscriber takes pharure in snnnancing JL to his frmiUK, and the public generully, that he has taken this long established and well known Hotel, and has male every posmble preparation to accommodate the business, travelling and visiting portions of the public, in the moat sulisucloiy manner. Particular attention ia paid to his TABLE, and every coat fort it provided in hi KOOJIS. His STABLES are abundantly sup, lied and at. lendtd by careful ostlers ; and to all departments j the pr oprietor gives ins nrsoiil attention. A com tor t ibie ).! I lit J runs regularly to the depot on the arrival 01 toe cara 1 Wilh the.e efforts to please, a liberal share of he puSiic patronage is conhuniilljr siliniii. WM. ROH ZEK. iVoeemier 15, 13)9. 3bif J. S PHILLIPS 7 ;;. i.vr iiiiMit, a 11 AVI NG located ill Charlotte, respectful- 1 v solicits a share ol pubi.e ironige. A Ciioipielc aasortinent of Cloths, Cassimeres mn Votings always on band, whicn ill be made to or der at the shortest notice, alter the latest fa.unoL Snop three uoora boutii of the Mansion House. rjii JOHN aS. WILEY, A,tiaui su mroitTxa or HAYA5A SEGARS, 10 IIXALka IX obacco, Snuff, Hatches, Paper, fee, C2a2 0 2 2 3. c, XEE.Mlial.ri i n to, it., tuiinuullj u band. January J, JaoO. iJtl z. n. joiin. General Collecting ,igetit, tiiiunluwn, I'rrrj lounty, Alaluiiiii, ' LLL a, tend promptly to the collection of ail V f Claims piaeed in his hands. Elate Claims iwked after, Land Claims ferret, ted out, and a lotconuing dehlora looked up al rea sonable charges. TEXAS CLAIMS. " f rollecii." made in Texas, as w,ti. -j through my ailofneys in li.iitMate. Proinpibcas may he safely depended oil. t'riiru 'iy Ui, iotiU. 43-1 y WHEAT WAXTJil). ,, 1, lib p.an.n.g coiiimunity v 1 1 1 l.nc i.olitc that V th' ir W iit.l ( rop will be pircii.-iu.il the l iiarh.ue ."jleaiii Plouruig .Mill, at ma rKet (.rice. Those ham.g Wheal h.r a ie Huy tilld It lo their aO.auUge to Call at the Mill fieh.re C'....! 4 sale. JOHN WILKKft a i;u. July 2, 5.y. 2lt WAIIO.V IIOL'SM. 4 n Tin. I.i. im; uv 1 Hi; l'ltl- I. Proprietor will terinin.i tc on tin: Whlti 01 .'l.y 11. xt, I e auhacribers will rem, .,r a term ol )tn, tins (H.puiur Hole), to a man wm, call g,,: sy.,11 reli.rtiites, (ncne ctir need u'ptyt) as aill atitr in owmrs t iat it will be s.. kptaa not to onr., t iflJ, 1 ,t. f,.puut.ou r. I.itn u sus tan,, as a i,r.t class Hotel. Ihe Patronage ol Ihe II , use is large snd in creasing. 1- tun, its central position, and estab. Iisiud cn.,ratt, ( c4,1(,i ,t f1( , iUce,ss, it pro-p- uy cnuucte.l. Any tu' uer inlurui. Iimi, ta.i will oe given by aduieaamg. 1. G. i W. M. WALTON. .M'irgaliloii, N. C, lfi M Fell. 5. I til. S. T. riston 1 AM EACH li Eli of. a -id dealer 11, Plain and , J 'f'""ed I niw .re, Hioves, V,J(iPM Ware l!.- wins lirusne., 6lc, in South wing of Borings' Corner fiu,i,i!,,, iTb W..,rK;U-tif as-r.siTug, Guttering. Ac. done will, deHfiruh ---- imaiiuTEL, IN mi I beutember 'i'l. ieoU. co mum - Bouse aimakag 1801 a. S h 3; H "3 cc 5 o S T ? JAMJAR!. .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 U 13 11 15 10 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 In 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1M 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 20 30 81 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 26 20 27 28 20 30 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 20 20 27 28 20 30 31 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 H 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 3J .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 21 4 5 6 7 8 0 lili 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 ! 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2S 20 30 j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; 8 0 10 1112 13 14 j 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 j 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 20 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 III 11 12 j 13 14 15 16 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2S 20 30 31 .. 1 3 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 10 2d 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2-5 20 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(J 17 18 10 --'0 Vil 22 23 21 i'5 26 27 2S 20 3.1 21 FEBRUARY MARCH.. AFRIL.. MAY JUNE JULY. AUGUST., SEPTEMBER OCTOBER- NOVEMBER.. TH'OFMnFR II Ik Ik 11 'IIE eubseiiber lias received a Iirge and vari M. ed aortnit nl of 1 for Spriiij; and Somni ir, hirh f..r rbc , (,rirs snd orainess, cannot be rurpasi.'d,roiisikliiig in part ol B ack snd colored ( LOTUS, K.adK DOE.-KINS, i Piain, B,.ck i,d ftcy f "AS5I M E E 5, I Kruuh Urab li' E l E. Pl.nn Biack anu F.gi.red Silk VES'lT.Nt.S, ! Fancy L.l.en UK ILLS, and all other G.n.os uu .Hy found 111 a fir.t elan , 'I 'alinrilig Katabliphiiienl. ' A.I ol Wliltll Kill be ! made to order or soid by the yard on accomuioda. j ting terms. J. S. I'lIILLII'S. ' In returning my tharks to the rilix-ns of Char ! lo'le, lor the verv umil ana lib. ral ,,lr..n ,ti tiny have bestowed oh in-, I would riooekl a tiint.hu j ante of toe same, with the ass .r.iin e Unit all or. drra entrusted lo Oie will be hi;. t y a. id pr oiijitl y ' executed. J s. p, ; April I", lfi(. 4u ciiAUJ.orn; mill, at sV JB C f at t IIAKI.OI'1 s. . f g1"r. Pro,ir etor of tins Hotel ir jL atitl ai ins post ready loiul. m ffleiu.e - dull rsof mine host " lo the wssasfiaapa traveiiinir uublic ami illlig there whu ell that as may call on mm. comfortable rju,rt sny where '.u tins nil he tl.ilnrs bin rs c.n be I leiTi.ty. li, 'Uiid with him as ihg it 11.1 l'n 1,1 jr. ly in the centre of In, nolle, lius .Men will hno this II.. I. 1 ami il.li llW.ll! at Hi lime He in the busiii.ss ,r, ,ind in that i stand nearty eint,- house, and it has been r reu lly enla ri; ,1 ,i . proved, presenting in lr,a a two story VERANDA ;I0 feet in lei.t., by i , width, haiidsomeiy shaded by trees on the .ide.wnlk, afTordirig a plea, sant promenade t a I,,.,,,. .,, ,br d.:y. The lloo.e has been thoroughly lu.-nished thro', out, arid in every part ol it ere., m- eomh.rls are abundant and tangible. especially in the DIN I Nt; KOOM. where the "inner man" is "rein wed" day by day. ConnectiV with this Hotel srr St ihlrs affording room for Klh hors, s, abundantly luri'ished with grain and provcndi r, aticndtd by faith U' I and o biigini! In ulers. The Proprietor f citconfnlent that wilh his ;, -g experience and many new advantages added lo his dcs.re lo please, he is prepared lo orl. r Ins Irieims and the " rest ,,f man kind," as many comforts and as much r,od cmcr as will be found anywhere, perhaps a little more so. IT At any rale Tax the Charlotte It. .tel. 1. 15. K K P. H Oelohrr XAH'S. 3tf ji. w. lii-cKwrni "THtl v on HA t . J L V mm) tttin:. ir.. t inr. itoi.ikii M, isrir.n himihtuh Call snd examine his stock before aiiri hasiiiu elsewhere. P. SAUItS, Art Iiilet l nnri Ituililer, "'' ILL furniah Designs, Plans and Drawing II fur Public Buildings, Private Kesidences and Villas, Particular attention will be paid to buil. hiii. Eluuriiie Mills, t orn Mills, ic. Orrica iu 3d atory nt Alexander's Building, front room over China Hall. Oeiofcer 86. 1858 33tf $3 Itemoval. "Y Friends and t'ustomers are respectfully if E informed that I have removed my Tin Shop to Sprint's' Buck lluilc'ing, 3d door Irom the cor ner, on Tryon street, where he will be pleased to see them. S. T. WRISTON. Jonunre 31. Ir?fi0. 4alf Aycr s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we hare la biiie,l to produce tho most effectual alterative that can bo miidc. It is a concentrated, extract of Para Sarnapurilla, so combined with othel aubaMmvs of still greater alterative power at to all'ord an cfl'.'ctive antidote for th diseases S.irsnparilU is reputed to cure. It is believed tlmt smb. a remedy is wanted by those who sutf r from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must provt of imm 'iKJ service to this liirgo cliws of our alllicti-il f'llow-citiarn. How completely this compound w ill do it ha b.vn proven by exper iment on m.my of the worst cases to be found of tho following complaints: S.'lion-I.A AXD Sl KOVI'l OCS roMIM.AIW'M, Elll lTloS AND Elll'PTIVE Dishasks Ulcbh, Pmi'i.i.s. Ulotchiss, Tumoiis, Salt Khei'M, Si ami Hraii, Svphii.h an t Svphilitio Ar- rSCltONS, McliCl'KlAL DlsEASB, DllOI'ST, Nf- RiuiiA or Tic D.K'Lotnkvx, Dehimtt, Dvs-rKi'-rv and lNiior.TioN, Khtsifplas, Kosi or !' r. Anthony's Pike, and indifd the whole class of complaints arising from IuriMTV or THF. Hl.DoD. Tins compound will be found a great pro moter of h 'ulth, when taken in the spring, to expel 'h:! foul humors which fester in the blood at thw"- i cason of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rnnkling disorders ro nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endunmre of foul eruptions anil ulcerous sores, throunh which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tl"i through the natural channels of the body by an aiurntivo medicine. Cleanse out the Vit'.itisl bio I whenever you 6nd its impurities bursting through the skin in pimpltst, ciuplions, or sores; cleanse it when y iu liud it is ob structed and slu.ish in the veins; cl a.ise it vli t v. r it is fuui, and your f.-e-liiis, will tell you when. Even w hi're no MtrticuUr disord r is f it, people enjoy better health, and live 1 1:14 t, fir cb-.insinj the blood. Keep the blood healthy, ami all is well ; hut with this pi')u;u!!i of hfe dt-ordiTod, thr can b? no Listing health. Sooner or later snmcthinc must ari.iis, and the great machinery of J.! is disordered or overthrown. S'UsapwiU has, and di-scrres mueh, the fpu'ation of aeiomplihir.! these enils. But tiie world has b-en -vTreiuitisly deceived by pp-pantio'n of it, partly bssausc the druc al.in lias not all the virtue that is cbiimed fir if. hut more because many preratinns pr. teiuhii" tu be coneentrii'ed extractn of it, 1 Hi-.nu hut ht'l of Use virtue of Sarsa pur ula, or any Utinj els,.1. Imi:i Sute yetrs the public have been mi Kh! hy l.irge rxsUl.-s, pr. lending to give a quart ol Etr;ii t of S irapanIa for one UolUr. Most of tl. se hive h-m f.aii'U upon the sitk, fr th y not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, hut ofu-ii no cur itivc p.-jperut-s whauv it. il n o, bi'.t. r ami painful uiapKjiiitiiu'tit lui f ,., irt l tlie us of the various ex'rocts of Sarsaparilla whuh fl m l the market, until the ii.uue usi if u Jii'tty di plied. and liai Us ome synonymous w ith iriij.-stion an I ell. at. Still we call thi, I'litiipviiinil ars.i;itti,ila, and int. n I to supply u h a t'lm ly as .O.ail re- ue the name li '-m t!ie load of obloquy win, h re-'s i: 1 ifi it. An I we think, wr have ground f r b ..-JifVinif it has virtu- i which ar" irr.-i-.t.l by tlic ordinary run of tl.c di a -uses it is inu nd ed to cure. In ord, r to suro th-ir complela cradii ation from the system, the remedy should be judu iouiy Ukeii at-crdiiij to cbrixtiuua oil lits bottle. PREPARED BT 1)11. J. . AVi:it A CO. lowi-:m mass. Price, $1 per V.tlm , tx Hollies for ai. Aycr's Chcrr' Pectoral nn f f nrf nirh ik renown fnr it it tnlifvif aiHic. try fur u to rvunut the evident e of it virtue, whrrctrr it ha brrn rm pl A H Ian Iwn if. cwmt itt u tiifouah'Mit Vtii tim, we nf-! imt d inor? t".jn jure tar peipJe it cuaiity t ktj.t up to the bc"t it e-r It h n, at, i tint it nt-nr b rr.i-'i on t i (ki fyr tliCif ttu'l ail it ctcr lxu fount! to du. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, roB THE rtjrtE OP fWi'rrv?, J'tnili,.e, Iljiprpiia, In'l inn, h-ivnln ., fan Vomiifi, .yi"-'n. U'aiUui.t, i'ltei, iraputfilin, KiHplltult ntul .S-'.nl lomwi, J.IW l ompltunt, Itriquu, trttt', Tnmnrt ami Suit Rh.rim, HVrsi, (;.,u Ai-,ii;ei, eta limn" f,U, and f,r fm.f,,,,.,! IU.,A. They are siitfar-cnatrd, r - f'al U-f next srn.i I've can take thi ph-.i-ai 1 ,, and lli-f ar t ie lxst aperient in the woi'. l for all t.ie purposes ol a family phys.c. Pries 24 ceata per Box ; Five box i for 1 00. Grst nimrs of r-Ji'tg, men, Ph ii'-i.ins, SMirs rnen, and erntnent persont.rSt hive hiit ihe;r n ones to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these rernHies, but our ip ice here will not permit Ihe insertion of them. 1 he Agents below ruined fir-m-tt gratis our AMP.Ktf as Amsn.in nihtl.ey are irivpn ; with also full ds. ripln.ut of ihe aiai, com;,! lints, ni the treatment thai should iw foi lowed for Iheir cure. lJu noi be pot olf bv llntrineiplc dealers with oher preparations thev mak more profit on. Demand At KR'n, and lake n others. I h so k : oest aid mere Is for them, and II117 shuutd w it. All our remedies are tut 1 ;by lor sale by K N V' K lll;T HISON A CO. , , , V. SCAIill A C, f Anrote. HAVIL.M, STKVKNSfiNA CO., Ciitirlrstim S. C. Fruit jii;d Trie torc. I HE siib.eriher has i h.,ve liy.rly's 'In out ririi il. in the Ma nise liuiliin g, 1. rid will kn l oil hand s will se. t.d aiock ol fruit Tr.is, firape Vims, Ever, reus and Shruhh, ry. Ac. A so, I runs of var 1. s una. Apples, Oraugis, L. ini.ns, I'me Ap. i s, Ac, Ac. K. W. LYLK8. Deer niher 1 1. I KO. .'In. if ,oi: i-sJIIsJlJs 4 LL persoi sons mil, ted lo the estate of Andrew il f-friiii rprih(,s, ilee'il ,11 miike in, (urinate pay- men t j and all r.otis having claims asainst said e'lale, will present llieni Culy a uthen healed, in the iioe prescribed by law. or ihia notice will be plead in tsar of their recovery. T. H. LHKM llz'r. Ortal.tr ail.lf.1,0. 3otf Charlotte DRUG Store, k. xvi-: iii 'i tTiro.v . c:. " OI'LII respectfully call li all,-n!,n of Ihe WW pub lie "n 11. eir large a im complete Mock now being opened for the Spring Trade, consisting of I'MIgs, Medieii.es, t hemie.,1., I , rllliio ry, fry Ari.cle.. O.ls, Tiirp.i,nne, llumiog Kn.l. Alco. ol. Pore Medical Wines and Hrnnli, s, ( anion Teas, Field snd Oarden Heeds, A.c, Ac Jmuury 17, lf,C. jlf LIVER INVIGORATOH mcveii lJF.iiu.irAi r.. J IT Iseempoaiiileil sollrrlr r,, h.lSlKiuulueall,.stablulu.,tlaat,aa,.,,,,'l?,V?,V,l,lsit snd siin"i-.l by sll llmll ,Ii,m M..a ',,''' sarlM u..ilh eiwadsaca In) .J I. II Uk, d.. " r.. MMTllUf IHlfci, it m eurril Uiour ;?,;!,' O hi"'' ll 1..I t y.2 Whl) tlHii gUt-H H i nil h lll.ali.hiniiiy g. ",, "'WKivas I lMSdNUtC.1. Itll u, ,...,., , It. anJ u. H S S ' ,Ul "s Lst U,s diciAWs 1 R J'"l'raM" '" Jo 10 Iks 11 SsT viuoitAini, r ussorUisLIVRIt I will ours Liver t'em- taefcs. .efcs. Uy..e,.alo, It h.o,.,' nu""' ' u m n e r Co 1,1 - H m,,!,,,.. '. a) u rr. r, Uropsy, Hunr U, iMIoiisun, ;,,, (oallvrnea r illorbwa. Choi ai a ' Ittiiee, J a, ir n d le e,l "'"''"ki,,. ) aaaa tlii,u. S. llw.ll..H)(K ea, aod may M us4 site ; I ry Family Dleill-its! IlKsUAtllK, rs twenty minutes. If C- a...l.r.a. , I wo or Uifee 'i,,. en al oanuiMcemj.,, . SHonlil4 wiw tufc-1 SlUrk. I fu'iorh0 U "'I U-suas., .MIX WATKIt IJ TIIK noi'TIl WITH TIIK IWK OIlllOlt, ASU IHALLuw BUTII TtM.li I IIKIl. " 11 lie Ons DuPsr prr Ileitis. SAlVrORB'S 4.V111.Y CATHARTIC PILLS, it, VP iHMllill Ml M Pnre VrerlnAle .; II. nets, ,,, iii..sj t asm, Air 11,1,1, a mn L'D In siny ello.nle. M Bh1 tn h! pr,iMir m-t 7j tl,-,, tii,.t, ttUl 1 hi CO(stU.lllW l Tv 11.; M Jrlnn 1 fl. m ,1 . whara.ta.t(llWdlrf.l. J -eel th- wZJl? fell rp.'rM in r-tf i .1 UitUir Ut.fcnil ajijuoj,,, lam ...at try CIlllHrel. , Atln'ls, I'.irlll. r o lb. lllo.l q ith. woe io-e. I . I'ltll II TII III-. It Ills,. Vise l.lsrr lt-( ..! .r ami l-,,,'v i Iksillr I'l I Is s,. r-i..l-.l I., I , ... . . ,. . , bMl wfcMtSals b, U.. Iraia In sl II.. U,.. I,.,.,., ' ' . T. . IIM'IIIIII. 'I 33 5 Brsadwsy, Ken 1 1 k . ' ' f. Sl'AKK sV CO., ciintr yr Wm J. Kerr, 1 J A TTOIISE 1 AT La , j II A It I.O'I "I :, 1. ,. I T ILL practice in I hi I .lurtx-t Vtck tt.'.j W t iiion srd t sbarros cnunti, . IT Office in the Crawly liui c.cr mm ,.i K. 1 II. .lei. lff.0. i It,' E. R. STOKES' Fook lliiiding FH!iLlilii),(i,i( Two Boor: ibu Erioib Sunk, io Ntv hu nt in rrar ( W. B. Manltj'il hitBll, vi.t .nit i t, v . The abnve Esl.blisl nienl is row 11. fu'i.i--i linn. In 1 1 f, a 1 11 stnl i.e. iv ng 1 li.- 11.. 11 li e lest II.A.NK l All.K si.d I IM I I..- VA 'I Ei! I A Lis. I am st an 1 1 int s n ...) I . 1 . Cis m ir y Iir, 11m al Ihe s-n r in, :i slisre ol pstroii.j,r. My p.r.onsi at). 1.1 . 11 . s (IWII Ui sll orotrs will, si In, I. I mat ke f.l 'rs. Having had long prs. In al expeiit-n. r ia i.e. Ul.cturr ol It I. A.N K I I " 'K . .1 a in I... I - k 1 i w and old PKIVI H Chh, I ll .lot o.;h.i that 1 an, in all cs.es, g ise rltlire sa li,ia.l..ii I'l.A.N k Looks, P. l.k I.oks.l Irrks' l.ks, f. r I-i.l! r, I f c-l. hl-rtifls', lla.nsry's sou I 111. 1 1 ,t i,t,. ly's Cooks, si, 1,1 I. El' sou III t Mi i , .1. trrn, in II. anj Psgitl - very b, l n.i ltd Ind, led 1 ir, ol si i.r n req u,i t .j. I I. INI Eli VUihk.'s. Mu.ic lioek.. I . ri.-cn P.ii 1 1,1. 1,. M.,.i 1 na Hus.asoi tstry r.rsc r i.ln.n, bounu -r 11 every variety ol slvl. J 'Ail or.iers will he ei.eol.d Wili, to.aa nil as low ss tan be ilui.r tl.i l.trr January 17, IrbU. tin Mlt I ll- It 411. 1 A Hutual LHe Iiitsurance Couipaiijr- Uf'l .. UAl.LH.lt. A ( pany insuii WL ala hit 01. e year, a le toe Mutual 1 r 1 1. 1 . I paltog in In proliia .,! ol yc lompaii). ' i s gi.hteu lor II, r sln.it svliell Hi. pf loilllii then lor aim. note may hegisen lor one. hall tu. preioioo, , a.:ar u.g i uteres I s t b pe 4- uai .uty. '1 lie prompt ms n iier 111 which 'jrtii paiu Uy this company.togeth rates of premium, (.Us, l.t glial I ire. slaves sre ii,sureu tor lerm of Ir file years, ..r two.tinr.is turn . nt, Ail losses are paid Mil:. II J'l Lais iactory priH.i ia preseiitei.. IM li Et KlK.s. Charles E. John. I, m. W m. II. Jon, Holdtu, y. l I e .k. , J. 1.. W ii... Dueled, Wuinlil.e I, r, P. I. I II M eh re, h. P. Halt. I, I l.sil.s l. i Fowle, Itii li'l. II. It , II.. Ill HfKlls. IJr. Charles E. Join... hi, Pre. id. f W . W. Iluidell. Vice I resiil. lit. It. II. Il.tiie.-si eretary. VV iliiaios II. Jones, I'reasur. r. II . VV. Ilii.t, ,1, Attorney . Ilr. Wm. II . Mcker. Mediesl Et . h'xreutict t ummittr H. i.i.h. ., li ' l,e, m -i.V t V.. il. Vs Kee. Cnarle. II. Koot. MrJirul lli,aiii Ql ( nsuy,'.ii" - 1 J .110...0. M. I.. ill, ,111 II. .M h' Kirn'd II. Haywood, M. !.. F01 furtiir nlorinali. ii, li r ' red to the pa 11, ph le I s . a lid forma ol pc may he obtumed al tbe Oil, 1:1 ol nl any of Us Agencies. Comi.iunications shoiilu be si -" paid; to. II. H. IJATTLK, .S' Srfi.'mhtt K. I Cii . t" ' (V Chambers, Harm's & 0.. Fa c lorn and ilciirral Commit iun -MKIiCllAMS, :. It l.lis'l o. r;i i.e vt V-i.-a. aM , JOB PKHftOT. aeu,.ntry eaii.l su.l sis- rJ siuoil vl nf? -' ' ss as Saikubs a, Cj .,..,J. ' ,, ,.rs. I'aL.a lo III. IU. I. ,," '" f ,..lsr,.r.., lal..IM i.,l r.,, . the wllulc I'oliJC V rr.aa.o.. ir ,. ...1.11 ,.,. .'. .': r.r. I.O.S of p.-:M llle.i. p,,,fc. ;t(J" n...iy, linn,,,, ss .tell, I., ,1,. 1.. . Ms.,,. . .-. 1 woit PK I N I I Nt; son exiM dlll...!. li... Whig ui!.. a

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