u I- .. I c Tlovtlj tolina Sol (jig. Tuesday September 21, 1SG1. THIS SOUTHERN MONTHLY. We havo received the first number of tbe ibovo Magaziue, iotended as a substi tute for the sickly periodicals which have been bo lavishly supported by Southern mm in days gone by. e took occasion .... months .got call the attention of our reader to the startling fact that all the Msgaiitica which had been started iu the South bad been allowed to languish and ' die out for the waut of an adequato sup port. The pcoplo of the South have now another opportunity of securing a good Southern Magszioe, and it is to be hoped that they will embrace it. The Magazine U published at Memphis TetiD, by llutton and Freleigh, and judging from tbe tiuiu ber before us it bids fair to take a high stand in public favor. Tbe following, selected at random, a'lowa tbe character of tbe contribution! : THE MANNER KONG. . Sir janes Mus.iitl.L. I'p, ua with the burner, the ft is before ua. Ilia bayonets hriatle, l.is sword is uiishcalh'd, Charge, iharge on hi a line with harmonious chorus. For the prayers j with us ttisl beauty has brestl.'J. II n';til f.r the power of tlie despot, and plunder. While c an- or ft d ling our altars and homes; (! h is rivn Ihe H'liify kmt I nu n asm J.I, An I to bind it w ail tyranny's fetters he comes. Like the prop!" I Mukanna, whuse Veil sorexplcn. dent. iiiniisiruu deformity closely concealed, I'u.' city mark. Lincoln's c.ur.c, and depunieiit Clu fal.ctiold is every Uir promise raveled. U iolittit veil shell braised Free l taseu. Jt fcukl A i.on'i'it t l i which all his I :i. uurr 'r of horrors '. who eat U itlo.ol anise tiiy will a owvrs will. crowd -lew it untiaken ? all in soj.pli .nee ..t f,.i ge I th it ihej f .. I in ear b .y I oce were our brothers, mU around the sjiiio I 1 -'at .'ir hejrl's beat iJolalry blest the nine inn Am. t.i the same fathers, libilions we pmired. r.Ilie.l J tin; S'liic at.f.- ang!rd stand. arj, V ii. !. t .ll. .1 to U .1 tin y iruoi our 6ld by the lomin of i us have go It el 'o j y i or rri. And se strip itum our dag ry recu.ant star f .r. rd ua l sti d by our own c-.usti nd our luv'u hu. oe. leads, our slurs sod f.res. In. y 1 . !y sub n t to s tyrani's pollution. Head lueir own frr. .Juiu up with the banner, its broad slnpr. wide tliw,,,.. s Ihe rn.hl. ni ol Liberty ll .g of the free. ttavru.tn triumph, rviry heart gJosring .a ca'.li arm's bravol bo w lur its luv'd T The Latk ltisii.i Conn We hTe re. t ived a eopy of the ekojitit and able ser ;au tcstbeJ by Kev. Dr. Ct.siiM.tN, iu tii" in nail of the late beloved and r.p.-a l"l liitiop C. UU, of Aiabama, before the our, ntioti of that I)i0Cs. It is a ju-t i'll besntiful tribtite ta the Fknei.on of the i.; .-copxl Church. A Saddle Lost. , SADIil.K D lnnginr to L eu. a ten jut v HAS. W . LeVSLACX, il'e J. V. Q.,.s Artillery, w.a I .1 Ti t.-r.i org. w to n the com 'X f... d through and caiiout now he lound. f sjnijlr. is mu h valued by the owner anil a rd of 25 will be p.. id lor inlormatinu audi Hill !rad to its recov-ry. '1'he Saddle 1. iiiouo. with Ur.i.s. The housing is s little worn 1 JEFF. DAVIS ARTILLERY. Kiclmiuiid, Va, s-pt. ...hi r .1, IFtil. It U, C. &, AIL DOADCO. lo Kiioi.iti.itw vim; I r 1IIF. lilli.ll.tU ANNL'tl, MIKIL.i. of ti,,; I, i ut the Vt il.inof ion. h.rlotlr I -V K f l.,r,JI ... K...I 1,'o.iif t'ompariy will he held I a M. T n oi' t'liarlotie on Ihe fourth Wedne. - ) .. 1 1, i.,i,( r i,, xl, the fame bring the 24lh day ' . n.onth. t'ouitly Agents unitoln to i.tle.i.1 1 ' ' "' '"il I" have l.,e Coin ly Sto.ik r. pn s. n. )' proxy to insure quorum. Tins is tha j "i.- ii.res.arya very ui.invot our Mail holders . .. len d I ... ar ny uon will be mc. s.anly ab- II. W. GUION, J'nst. I. II .l 20, 1 HCt . WAXTJ-I) 1 ,000 It ll . NHS llr WOOLI.FN YARN for making Soldiers' higl.ttt market price will be ings. Tim I 'I c.,.i. II. W. KINSMAN. Ni.'-mhcr 17, lhf.. sWoticc- 4 KEASUKEU'S OFFICE, i Atlnutic, Tcnn. & Ohio 11. R. I HAIll.olT L, N.c.,s. pt. 17, I cii I I 'ii I. Mr l li,l..i,ii. nt of (sp.ul Shnk ihe A 1 A, O.K. It. to. sol,,, r, I,.. I in : l'..wn of Slate. ulie, ( due on the 5:h of Oc. r in xl. I he Seventh Installment uf the Slock suh.cnh. Mouni Muurne, Irulell Counly, and the '"" loalillinenlol all Mock ub.cnbr.i in 'Hi i.h.ir a County, is due and payable on tl I h" - loci, holders desire the w.irk lo contiiiun 1 .Ml S ' ,,. ,,,. , , .., ''yiuiJIc Ulk, 1 tic 1'ieasurer ll.usl have M. L. WRISTON. Treasurer. 17, I mil. 25 if DEATH OP H. II. AVERY. This young man 21 years of age, who d'rrrf ( i or loan, va.,on the till of August was boned Ml the residence of hi Father James Avery , Eiq., of Hurke, N. C on Sunday li.erea f icr. Ho was a private in Copt. I,', M. Avery's Company let Rcg'l. N. C. Volunteers. The following is an e. tract of a lelief addressed lo a Gentleman of liurke from Lieutenant ol the 1st Reg'I. He had been unwell tho' n.t Seriously , a( the tuuc c fought at Belliel, hut insisted unnn accompany ins; the company on that expedition, and alter wu hud arrived at Hcthel Ihnngh . deni'y unfit to undergo the hardships of otir life there, uiul in funt not oble when there to discharge oruimry cump naty he remonstrated Irongly i H rk i own Unit it was s indomitable eoor - "tf him through ihe tr libl" filiijues of the neil day, under which so'ne of i.jr stoutest no n liroke down, but Uir labours of that tlnrjuestion. abjy broke him down forever. !!e Ims died Ihe death of a good and brave soldier in the servirr of hia country. His kind and amiable temper, his constant polite and courteous manners hasendenr- ed Ins memory to every sine of hiaci nipiny, while to ln i.Hictrs li.s po I ii nt and rcsolnie dii:hnrge of duly, theei .niple set by hi m to his mrtsinu tes f orderly and upright behaviour will keep Ins in inoiy green. C'OMSIl'SICATID, ATTENTION. lIMKLOITE BEAT, WAIIUS No. I and 4 ai tire he rt cnifiniuntit-u lo api your headquarters (ihe Freby lerian Church yard) in Suturuxy 'Jill instant at !f o'rloek. AinieU j lid iquipxil a the law directs lor military Duly, Uy oroer of J. N HUNTER, Captain. Srpiembi r 17. int. I. H Jj'l uiooiiM.li i. having been received the laws Wt'.i Oesliu tly nilorct.U. I Iii i n I & ;t m r it a I i on . BFnO.N'8 nlindeaire to teach in l!ie Fubiic Schools ol Mickhnburg unty will ple.ie a pnrar at the rliiec ol too upf rinti-niiriit in the Cuurl H.iUHcat III o'clock, A. M. of .Saturday the 3d of October I Mil. J. P. 1U)?S, Sl'p t. ) M. J'INSTtS', Com. K NYE HUTCHISON, ) . Ifbl. u'7 rpl. 17, Irbl. Jirnss and Copper, M Ihe nld DKASS rndCOP. htilll. S. T. W1UST0N. r-f.lf I can , St-plenikrr 10, 8CI. ' I V ' V P s. illili lit 1 lilt GOODS. Wo art opening this wiek our Slm k of avi. i i:i: coons. 0SI I !M.' ix IMKTOI' l.aiiirs MIFF'S M It IDS, JJ.ANNFI.S, Fl d I.I.NSEVS, Brew n and t rlrd flllUTI.MiS. llrown and Uli a. hed DRILLS, in zih;v.(.i.o i:s, Ac., We Imve sUo imiviil a larj stock of Oooils lor M tilll F.s, such as biuh.ans AaM) mm, HATS, CATS, ,Vc We hive made an effort to fit uu a rood 1 class and large Mock ol Goods lor our Fall Ir.me ji.u.1 we intend lu sell Ihllll St ,S t I, I'liOl'II.S I FOR CASH CASH OMIiY. If you !ir l),r 4 1 1 to .r (W fj(MHSr.il Hid it: ll Wlcft.' b iVHiv.'. JiROWN, TATE il CO. Si j tei.il.er 4, lf.il. 3t STATE OK NORTH-CAROLINA. MKCKLEMil'Ra COUNTY. Court of I leas and Quarter SrssiahS, July Term, 101. Marcus A u tin Aomin islrator el C.isper lljrgr t. Jas.m Mulitr, K I Sheher, Lilen Shcl.er, Na than h iimierbu'k and W He Ribeeca, Furiner burK, am! W.ic Kval.nc, Frnc.s llarg.-t. H ill M. Ilaigei, Harriet H.nget. IKn.iersonallargit, Caa. I per llargcl, Mary liargel, Jamca (i. llarcl, .V...r. tin L. llaret, and Sal ah liarget. I'lIiIioii fur Settlement. IT appear iiij; to the satisfaction of the Court, 111 .1 the dele. ...a. it is not ail inhabitant of this Male, but ris.d.s lie j, ..id lue limits of the same. . is thtirfmt Vrdnrd, by ram t ourl U.al piihnci to,., he n,..oe o r a s ...ei i ssivt w eKs ... toe N'.rlli t .Hoi. I. a Whig a lieWS.ip r prn.leu ll. Hie Tuwil of I 'l.ur.ot le- not. ty tog t.te aa iu lie I, I. da 1. 1 til be and ipM..r bclore Ihe Justires ot our t ourl ol Fleas nnd I J ii a r . i r Sismoiis ut ihe in xl Colin to be held lor said toiioly ol Mecklenburg at llie Court House in Ch..riollu on the 411. M..u:li y in October In I I, then a. d the c to answer or demur or Jd..g. no nl proeouhrso will he I., ken against him. Uilniss, W. K. Ke.d Clerk ol scad Court ut of. lice in Charlotte, the 4ih Monday of July and in tne chlh year ol American Inn. piixlcnee. W. K. RE ID, c. c. i . August 2'l. Istil. Finite. s Kc 7. t'Jti STATE OF NORTH-(.'AROL1.A. CALDWELL COUNTY. J'kas and Quarter Sessions, Court if August Term, Fowell, A. Long i Levy on Ris! F.slale in is. Wilie Caith.r. Lenoir. IT appear. rig lo the satisfaction of the Court ' Ih.il Wine Oaither is not a risineiit of Ihe State l North Carolina, but r. soles be. yot.d Ihe limits nl the sumu, H s iiitttjmt Ur. Until, I'nit publication be made lur six successive weeks ill the North Carol. mi Whig, nol.tyii.g said dcteiiiiant, to he and appear al Ihe next lerm ot our s.u.l I ourl to be held lor the Counly alore. s lid at the Court ll .Jse hi Lenoir on lue bill Monday alter the 4'.li Monday ... Septcmln r next, 1. 1 ahow cauac it any he can w hy li.ti jusl.cea ju.ig. merit shall not be confirmed, and un uiuer ol sale ordered lo issue. Wii..i..i. J It. Wilmn. I'lerk uf our said Court . the hill Monday alter the 4th Monday hi June, (Mil, J. R. WILSON, c. c. c S. pt, 3, 1MJI. Fruiters Fee $0, l-'ft tilt PK 1 .N I IM. .,f all kimis will bu ncal.y! 5 mu einsdiii.iusiy i l.el.n .1 III. Nunll I tr. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MECKLENBURG: COUNTY. Couit of J'lrus and Quarter Sessions, July Term, lfeOl. J. Gullin and G. Catlin. r. The Mecklenburg (.old and CopperCom- J poBy. J Original Attachment, Same as Ihe others. I T appearing to the sslisfaction of the Court i that III defendant is not an inluhitunti of this Slate, but resides beyond the limits oftha same, It it llierefore Ordered, and adjudged thai publication be made (or six successive weeks in ' the North t aruliiiii W lug a newspaper printed in ! Cni.rlotle, No. Ca., for the said delendasls to be ant) appear before the J uatices of our Court of 1 Fleas and Quarter Sessions at llie sell Court lo ; he held for the said county on t;ie 4lh .Monuay mi ' October next then and there to answer or Uemur or judgment procon feseo will be taken against j tlisui. Witness, W. K. Rcid, Clerk jtfmuf said f'onat at cilice in Charlotte the 4tt Mi"aflay of July j and in the 6lU year of Ami rieuii Independence i W; K, KEID C. C. C. August 20, lt?C,l. Printers Fee $G. ijo STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MECKLENBUHQ COUNTY. Court of l'lras atnl Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1S01. John Kwins, 1 r. I The Mecklenburg Uold and Copper Cum. Original Attachment. pany. J IT spjicarinj to the satisfaction of tilt Court that the defendant is not an inhabitant, of this Slate, but resides beyond the- limits of the same, It is llieirfore Oitiatd, and adjudged that publ'Cdlioii be mane lor mi successive weeks in the North Carolina Whir a newspaper printed in Cearloltr, No. Cn., lor the said ilelenuaiils lo be nod apie.'r bejore Ihe Justices nf our Court of J fleas auu tua.tcr .Si ioos at Hi-; lit Hi Court to lie lielil lur llie said comity on the 4 In .Mo. Day in ' llc loiii r next tin n sou tlu re to a wer or demur or judgment prncunlchso will be taken uuinrt tin in. lines.-. V. K. Reid.t'li'rk of our said Court at fliee ... thailot.e the 4.1. M,.,.a, of July and H. lln Mill, year ol American I io'ei..-n.l. ne. W. K. RKID. c. c. c. August 30, lad. FrinUra Fee $6. 16 STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MEl KLK.NBLBU COUNTV. Court of J'leas and Quarter Sessions July Teitu, 1501. John Simpson, ri. Original Attachment, The Meeklrnburg ' oid anil Copper Ci'iu-j Same as the others. I T appearing to the salistuction of the Court, M. that the iieleii!aiil is not an iniianiluni ol this i Male, hut resides beyond the limits ol tbe same. 1 ( is theirme Uidritd, by said Court lhat publica Hon nt s.x sueces.ive weeks in the North Caro- I I ma Whig a newspaper printed in the Town of! Cliarlullc nolnying llie said il. leniljlit lo be and I :i.nar before the Justices of our t.'uurt of Fleas i sod W'.iarter Sessions at the next Court lo be held ' for snil counly of Mecklenburg, ut the t urt-Houi-e in Charlotte on llie 4 lit Monday in October i.cxi, Hun slid tiierc loar.swtr or demur or judg. u.enl p.-oconlcsso will be ta ki n against linn. Wiiniai', W. K, Kent Chrk ofsuio Court at of. tiee in Cnarlotle, the- 4 1 Ii .Monday of July and in : till, year of American Im.i peotirnrc W. K. RKIl, C. C Augu.t 20, IrGI. Fruiters l-te ttu'. f.'ti .TATKHF NORTH-CAROLINA. MK. KLEMiL'RU COUNTY. Cuuil of l b us and Quarter StisiuiS, July 'I tint, lfclil. Win RUn and 1 XI. Filuotte Ori mat Attachment, The Meekh nbur; S.iine as the others, jhi an 1 Ceppei i.'oin. i ny. j I B I apK-aring to the satisfaction of the Court Js that Ihe celcnUaul is not sn inhabitant, of , tins State, but resides beyond the limits of the ' same, ll is Itieirfure Oidtred, anu adjudged that j pot.licalioii be ur.oe lor six successive weeks iu j Hie North Carolina Whig a newspaper printed in j I n. .r ii. He, No. I a., lui tho said eeltoUa.it to be , and appear bclwr ti.e Jusl.ces ol our Court of F.eas and Cj-jartrr Sessions at the next Court lo be I.eld tor the said county on the 4lh Monday October next then and Iherc In answer or demur loner well me., and mere I-. answer or demur judgment proconle.so will be taken against V ' ... ,- . ... , . . ,. Wane... W K Rie , I Icrk o. our said C..urt at .ll.ee in t harlotte the 4ll. Monday of July VV. K. RKID. cc. c. August 50, Ibf.l. I'rinlers Fee $0, l.'b LMPOTaAiNT kotice. OUR TERMS POSITIVELY CASH! i ON AND AFTER THE 21st INSTANT. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. A u just -JO, Ictil. if TKX OK FIFTKEN UECRLI I S WANTED for T. II. Brem's Ar. ( I Ii ry Company, now in Virginia. rt,.ply lo C"l. W Al . M. Ol.ltR.or A. It, DA. VIDMlN, or Dr. S. X. JOHNSTON. August 2.1, IHbl. If Mm M. E. Stewart, 4 '1LL re. open her School for Children, on V the 2d nl September, 1 -0t. August 13, I Mil. lui STATE OF N o i i TI i-C A 1 1 0 1. IN A . MECKLEMEL'ItG COUNTY. Court of ileus uuil Quutter Sessions, July 'It i in, lMil. J. A. E.tes, Original Araehmcnt, J. M. m-;i, ..Ills, Jr. Lovell. Levied in I lie hands of1 E. A. Mcl.eod mid him Jai Ju li'. Lovell. J summoned as ..ar.iisbec. IT appearing tu the siitishictiun of ihe Court! that J. M Slra.l.Jaines Collis, Jr. and Jos-.pli l...vell .la.l. rs u. , ill r ihe firm ut Lovell, Colli. A. I o., arc not iniiabiliints ol this Slate, but reside ' biyt.nd tic limits ot the same, ll is Ordered! and adjiiuged by the Court thai puiilicaliuu be. made lor six successive weeks in the North Caro. I Iimt lug a newspaper printed in Clisrlolle, No. Cu , tor the said deiemiunts to appear at Hie Court I House in Charlotte un the 4th Monday in Oviuber nut then and there In an.wer or demur, or judg. meiil procouusso will oe latieu agaiusl t.iem. W ituess, VY . K. Rent, Clerk ol our said Court st i tlice in I liariotiu, Ihu 4tn Monday ol J ul y and in ebll. year ol American ludepc. .deuce. . K. REID, c. c. c. August 20, lM'.l. Fruiters Fej, ti. I2ti r ah i K 1 1. i: no 1 1 i:. A LL persons having unsettled accounts un the a1 am. Hooks ol IIATKoi. WILLIAMS, must come aril belore tho hrst of September next and u ttlc by cash or n.te, i r they will hud their ac. counts Hi llie hands of an .tlicer for collection. L.Uf.o lV liaiat.lMS. August l'l, I CO -. Charlotte DRUG Store, v.. KYK IIUTUIIIVOX & CO, ETA1L Dealers in Foreign and Domestic JltJb Urugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery Fancy Artie!(, Oils. Fain.s, Varnishes, Window Class, rulty, Uye Mbfls, J uiycnlise, burning Fluid, Alcohol, Fure Liquors, tauten Ti.V Field and Garden seeds, Axe. Ac Having closed our Hooks intend hereafter I !! for cii.-. WAKTEI). TOR THE CUM'EDKKATE ARMY 1 I O.OOO PAIR WOOL SUCKS, i'OUNG, WRIS'J OM & 01! 11. . July 30, 16tit. ld-tl Uinrlulte Female Jnstitutr, riUIE LXBIiClSFS of this School JL will be resumed on the 12th of September. A lull corps of Instruc tors in all the branches ol a liberal vuuuatiuii, has been employed for tho Cliuing session. 'J ho musical ''epai linriit will be under the di rcclmn ol Frof. H. F. IIu.nt. Miss tl. Uavhies sKvlu. Oraouate of the academy of M usie, Mock holm. The department of Drawing, Fainting and ' Mfiic.rti Languages under Frof. W i. II. I'k Haas. 'K&i'rinciitai coii.iders himself lurtunate in hav. SSsMSrCun d the services of such nble and cxperi I diced Ttiiciivrs in the Ornamental JJrunchta. tisms rt session or UU WtlKS. Board and Tuition, including evary rtpi nses tfj ; '1 union lor day aehulars $12, 11U aim US. For Culalogue uiiuresa Rev. R. BUR WELL. Charlotte, July 9, lbbl. t-12 6 FO LT It T J a KT J I 1) I V I D K I) . Clitirlollt' ami South Carolina ICuilroatl C'. COLUMBIA, S. C, Jt-SE 26, I8C1. raIIE DlKLC'l'OliS of this Company have de ! u 0 llc ,jri t , Jui ntxl i ,' ...... , .., , ;.. , . , clared a Dl H'tiND of -J.uO per share, to I'aymenl will be made t i btocknolders in North Curolina and Faateru Y'ork, S. C, by the Agent at Charlotte, Chester Stockholders will be paid st the o (lice of the Agent it Chester. Those in hair heln by the Agent at Winusboro. Charles ton Mockholners at the bank of the Male ol South Carolina. And all others at this otlicc. 0. 130UKN1G1IT, Secretary and Treasurer. July 2, ISC1. 13.1m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. CALDWELL COUNTY. 1 Court of J'Uas ahd Quarter Sessions, May Term, IsOl, James C. Harper, J ts. W ilie Uaillier. 1 Land Levy. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thnt Wilie tiaiiher, Hie delendaiil in this case re. beyond Ibe limits ol the Slate ol North Curo. Ims. so tua t er ol the levy cannot bo personal ly nrved upon him, ordered thai publication be made for six successive weeks in Hie North Caro- l.ni Whig, i.olilying said defendant to be and ap. pear at the mil icrm 01 our sa.oi.ouri 10 or oeiu lur the Counly aforesaid, at the liourt House iu Le'iuir on lot bill Mouday alter Ihe 4lh Men. u- v 111 June 111 it. to show cause if any he can I w n y the justices judgment shall not be confirmed 1 due In. laud condemned lor plaintill's debt and Witness, S. P. Pula, Clerk of our said Court at Otlicu in Lenoir the bill Monday alter the 4tli Monday in March, 1,-UI. S. P. DULA, C. C. C. June 4, 1 S-r, 1 . 1'rililers Fee Li. tlj .STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, ME' KLEMiLKO COUNTY. Couit j I' It as and Quarter Scsiiots, A 2il Term, 16C1. J.W.Morrow, Or.giuul a.Uchmei.t levy li. A. (. uli. S on land. T appearing ta the talisluctlon of the Court, JL that Ii. A. I ulp, the defendant in this case, is l.ol an ii, l, aL.it, ml of the state of North Carolina, but reMii. s bcyund the iimila of the same, ll it IhertUif (hdrml, by said Court that publication ol six successive; weeks in the North Carolina ,,ri,,.d ,n the Town of Char- lullcS,n,ul ' hv ',JlU .lelenrianl lo he and ap. pcur bit re ti.e Justices of our Court ot Fleas and ( l)e m.s t-ourl to uu ,lcd or 7ulUCOUIvol Meekleiibyrg. at the Court.llouse .ill Charlotte on the 4tli .Monday of July next, I then and lucre to plead answer or demur or jung. ' in cut prueui.l'esso will be taken against him. I W :lnes, V . h. Reid Clerk ol said Court ut of. ! fice the 4lh Monday of April A. D. Ic't'l, and in the coin year ol American Independence. W. K. REID.c.c. c. I May 31, IStil. Frintcis Fee. $0. I 3 JOILN T. LUTLEli, PRACTICAL WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, 'i:acm,' MtZ - c. Ol'l'i.MTE KERll's HOTEL, ciiaui.otti:, v., (Late with R. W. Deck with.) I '. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, of every dc. l-p: if.ui, repaired ai d warranted fur 12 mouths. Or.'ooer Iti, I Mill. 301! 93. I - asieoj ' j iii?i v gii iiiiig TliESEI.YE VOUTEETll.lour appeals, have forc I A. V. ALKXAJN DEK, ed us to adopt the casli ' S i; H G E 0 It BESTIST.'1-1""- ! OltADCATC OF THE BALTIMORE PENTAL ; Our terms, hereaf- COLLEGE. ts U LLY I'RKI'AREH TO DO ALL DLN. "IAL Wprk in ihe latest improved slyles.aiid will l.e at hisolhce two weeks in each on nil. da. ting Ironi the lust Monsay (of Ihe month) and w ill appropriate the remainder ol his time to all persons iiesiring wulk done at their residences, who Will oM.go him very much by addressing h.ui at Charlotte. N. C. U ALL v-OKk ARRANTED. lUlice, opposiic Kirr's Hotel, Dmwii's building, up stairs. April 16, IfcGI. 3lf fc Aotice. rpllE TAX LIST, for the year ISOO, ia now .n -av my hands, ready lur inspec. ion. All persons are requested to inform me of any taiaules winch may tie listed. All TAX FA YLUS are re quested to prepare themselves tu meet their TAXF.S promptly. W. W. GRIER, SheriJ. April 16. 1861 . 3tf LtPLOW'S CELFIIH ATED SELF SFAL. LMi CANS, ol all the different sixes, at S. T. WR1STON S. June 4, ISbt. lOlf 'l ite iTlarltt'U. CORRECTED BT OATEB & WILLIAMS. CI1ARLOT' E, KEPTFMCKR 23, 1F6I. 1 . BACON , Ha ma . litw....lb... ....14 ) -13 ( .....13 ( ...12 ( ....18 ( ... 4 (, ....15 (, ..-lll'J (' Sides. Ib., Hog rouuu, lb... Shoulders, lb.... to KgT"'fi,u,,"7 y - .-lb ...lb ...lb .bushel ...gal-- ...lb. , lb lb lb- .. ..lb In -buehe! ....each -yf ....yard ...uozeii ... bbl buB lb lb ...lb lb Ih Heel, Cutter, Ileeswax, beans Hrauuy, Apple, " Fea.cn, , Cotton, Codec, Kio, " Java, Caudles, Ad a man tine Sperm., " Tallow, Cora Chickens,.. Cloth, Copperas, " Luidsey Fiuur Feathers Hide., Green, Dry,-, Urd, Mutton, Mackerel, ...1(10 (.,, .... a 4 t, ,...30 (.,. (o ..40 .-jo ; -.67 ...124 (., ...lo ...30 (,. ....10 fl . ti (.0 .. Ui0 (, ....3U (. ... C (i -1 a to, ...13 (, ..- 5 (!. .bbl.NoS! 14 (j, .Kilts. 450 (u '!u!sscs,N.O gal....,,, W.l gal Meal burl.el... Mullcts(W liinliig ton). ..bill Nails, Norliieru, lb ' Sviitliern lb. JaiS bushel... fork lb Fc.i bushel... Potatoes, Irish, bushel... " Sweet, bushel... Rice, bushel... .15 (o ....no ....9 ..- 5 . ..r.o .... ; ....KM) (w ...75 (. ...40 n ....4 (a ...IS (s ....10 ...10 0i ....300 ...no ...9sJ (', Sugar, Loaf, lb llrown, b. stone. Ware,. gal 5U, Hick 'lea i. W ilea l, wh ite hushei.... red .bushel.... Whiskey , Nor therii, ga I " N. Carolina,. ..ga! Wool, (be l Georgia) washed " " " unwashed.., '"' bale ...60 ...eU to to to ' ...ii . ihO REM AH KS. Our Market is well supplied with ad kind. produce. COI.CM 111 A MARKET. Columbia, June U!1, ItLI. COTTON The .ales tins week have reached only 20 bales, prices nominal. BACON.hng round,. CORN, 1'EAS, OATS FLOUR ...i2j a ..105 (.7, I1U HO (? .$4 13 110 Ml CHARLESTON MARKET. r- h a a lkston June 8, lfcCI. COTTON. The market has been at a stand ''is week. We have no sales to report j L'pland or Long Cotton, I mmmmt eillo.r DRUG STORE CHARLOTTE, 5. C , A Reliable House for Pure1 t;ES iei.S, itH cos, uf ,.y(,c.; jyJ) j:LK G AS T I E 11 FL'MKIUKS. Hair, Niiil and Toolli jiu.-!il; of the Finest Qualitv. 1 ynny W;c.p. tl ...ATM Mr i fUM .'jltLl)S For Mctlical Purposes. OILS, Faints, FLUID. aCs" a.-JsiauJ j'is sasJtsu, J KE110SEXE. KEliOJsKsMi LAMPS. April 3 1 tr NOTICE. Our credit custo-' ltissic w s iwl'titro isl i ti is tcr, are strict I v on delivery. cash riiii:iti iti iti:oi iiis. August I, 1-bl. Ulf To Hire. f BllE writer has a good conk, washer and iro JL tier, young, in good health, and strong con. solution sufficiently so soon tu make of her a first rate field hand, with one child, to hire in the ! country , until Ihe 1st of January next. Apply at I this oil ice, August 6, 1C6I. 121 .Notice. 8. P. ALEXANDER isjny author. led agent All persona having business with lue will transact it with Iiim. T. II. RHEM. August 6, ISCJ FJit f I I LOW'S CELEBRATED SFLF SEAL1 LvlNli CANS, uf all the nitltTi .it sizes, at TAYLOR'S llmniiTJie Storf ,o;i.i.(e l ,V'iniun Houif. Wi.all.KN iilVliv.. ON arid alter Monday the 1 .' 1 ti iiim l'arMi:(lir and Mail '1 rain will be r this Itoad daiiy (Sunuuy s extepltu) i.s loilo COINU WKsT. I tAVI. AKK I OU A. M. Charlotte, '1 ucka.egre. Hi, V11 1 u, Shun 11, I.lllColl. (i ll, COl.NO J-AST. 7 4-i A. y. I'j ' 15 I.RAVI. 11 UU A. Arbivk. -M. Lincolnton, Sharon, Urcvaid, Tuckusi gi c I harlolie. 1 1 S3 i I 50 " I a 17 V. M U 20 A. M II 45 FJ 15 F. 2k I 10 ' l!y order V. A. Mclili)v Acting Master ot '1 ran -por i lion . I.iiicolnton, April 4, lent. y.tl a., j N liW SL ITIA'til'' iiWatchesJcwciryolitilvcr till Plated yare 00 75 Ifg LT Fubiciiter has l.li ly relumed from the til I JL North wlierehi-lnispjieh.is.il a Virye.. 10 j tensive supply ol ti l b .y. rtieh-k. II ,,. puii l. .. Iju se bcitiu ioim.c oiieetiy ir-:i. 11 e inuniii..e:ur, r, UO 1 he is ll.ereioie cin.b.iu lu s. Ii nl 1, .y .,.1,1 ua. C I vanec on costanu pLrsnim iu..y u,i .., .-uu o tnut 55 'all his lu'iias are warrxntiu to be vh.il he rip- 71 ' ri suits tin 111 lo be. 00 W attnts , cks carefully repaired and will Lo. 11 1. on. R. W. RECKWrni. Oco,er 9, leliO. !- (.0 00 1 1.0 10 Dr. E. II. Aiidrewh", Ol 1.1) 111,'oriii the pi.o.ie f;i IV. anil Ihe cilzins ol I Chieuuurg 111 particular, liiut i,e as lefuiocd ti.e praeliie FlL..T I1 I, V, a nil uy be lolllid at Ins tIl Sli.1.0. lie is orepiireu to insert Artificial Teeth 011 Co.e Ipatu j 'i HI, I to p. f; iil.o I up... V llie ill ll or C 111 oiilaL, uy unit ; a. .0 lid Teen ;,.u. or Oa Arliluiul. lie all V 01.1 ... l.i.lib t'l lolii; ilig I 1 1 t ft. Ii V ol Illl ay' LIS V II, at he V. Ill I olu Ira lo.s, 1 .at lor vi..lil. ISotice. A I.L j err. iih 11.1 lid by Lots or ! 1; nc Xlk. count to Ihe r-Mateui Hie late 1 1101101.-. . I tio.iuii are reijueteu lu eoini: luvaidaiiu m.u. the bau.c as loouli'i i.ee caniK.l be eiviu hi. a a i itrMilis haviiig claims ..gainst sato '1 Ii , ,111.1 s .1 I llo. Ion's ho I ie viil ,rit.i,l U.t same u.lnn, hi j tunc pitscrioeu ny U. rt or this iiolicw win Ll Ill 111 bar 01 Hitir reeovtry. j E. M'K. HU'ICIJINON, IL'tr. I oj 'lhoi. J. hoLlUN. l ehiuuiy 5, lcCl. 45 j. is. nunHu. C0.M.MISS1U.N .MERCHANT ANU ti't-Rtral Colli cli!i'lc:!t. A LL p.uuUcc sni; .id lure for my l .i : . I aC n. thi.ll receive prompt allenlioii jjiti I care taken in the puici.us: ol l.tltijj."-, Ja -i.l Notes ciid Acei unis put lulu my !i.,in., 101 n. Jeeliori shall receive prompt and iiinneoiau; at tention. ( liailutic, I'd. 5, leCL 4 -lf Out of Debt! Gut cf Danger. A LI. persons, IN uiul OLT of Town, vv . X. have not settle.: iln r tie. 'Hints ..in' i on llie 1U nl January ItOI, or. r ijuisted lu CALL A'i ONCfc and pay the in. n. or give their holes, as v. e are i:. lei in. in i. to en, lip last year's business, and pn iir In 1:0 so v it out incurring I ltT. N c mean all, ami v. .uhl. ti an we hae said. HliOWN, 'I'ATli iV CO. t:h ,r!t, tie, .March lw, lebi. ;tl Tin ana Japanned Ware. ut; Ilh, Fin, UlocK JSli.c. . 'I'm I'lalc, li .hun me;.,;, i.e.. mil met. ii, &.:.. b'csl Stock, ol u'll ,.ies, at TA YLf'U S 6 7tJFi-.S, lue la i J.mu-rar, ,Vi,rs and Tin ,ur Drj.nl, y(toeUt lic Muitnun tltjjgt. At Tt.vlor's 1 'Of ,-an hud tin .i si iiKMortmrnl of Cm .1 ol l ibo celcurat! lery , (i uns i.n'1 F.K ri... kcs. II.ASS, U r n 1 1 air.es Klirl ijil.llil If- both I'Vrnr , end American. Also, Folly by .;e kcji r im.iiiiu. (IOOF.N WAR fl. HKOOM.-n iVcot ..l; Mi.s ! lioj:c! lU;pc ! .i M .4111.1. JtKo tti. i -it i , iron. incli iti ,i hi- TAYLOR'S thii'hrurt Stoi e . nyo.&sir, the Mnnsinn H wsf Agricultiiral iiiipli.-ii.cuis F ALL Ki.MtS. Sy. il. . i utury, turn M" I 1 rs. 1'inv.s, llo,, bhoveis Spain S. F.,A.ts, I'lChs.Mul. loeks, C.-uhiouo llo. S, Tlare C ....ii..-. . .j. i. I ns. L g l Ih.iiis, Fiuin'ig ,i,l llei.t'c M.e.i r.-, I'ru g unu l.uoc.i.g hinits, lur. uen liuis unu Rakes, Willi l,. i,o,.s, t..i ,,o i. r t illcs ; grain, gr;.ss i nn brn. !eyt..is, I'n.-ii y.'.ius, agon hi ics ; I h-In w wait-, such as ots. Ki ns i.n,i lids, skit:it.iih rs, st. w.i.ns alio kit. tits, '.'nit.roi.s :r..m 21. I" Hill .nt.' .s e... h ; Ir.-n and bra..s I'rtw rvinj; Ki liii.-, Sm. p Si.. . is, Jkc, TAYLOR'S Heidirurt D-fti. 3'; I'nile V,r .tl.r r.t.nr. ,' vs.. it 5 -olSolice. T MUE eiain.s i. LOON EJk I O. a mini J ll. F ll'C'Nli lavng Li i n assij. in ;i to us '. r luitL'liiu, ll.uMi iiiliuIii lo. iiht r HI..M ait re quested to inaie Sh I'll. KM I .NT at .u. FAR' V DAY. IH'll tilr-ON .V LliDU N, '1 rusicis. May 7. Is01 6-3t ij Notice TROM sun alter th 1st d..y el J. uu;.. JS. we w ill be pons customers and the re cash only, any artitli we may have on hail. Colhini; ..r got OS all moi ty, w ill pU-.se ex their oreers, we liiiiiu of this ni.vcrllsi inent lo . ii ur i U: trui ,1 i.o.i.hh.u tor t j our line ol I umi,. Any ptrsoi. at... H tt r And to llnle iJcbted In us u"j nquesteu I want tlic inuio y OA'lES WILLI A.VS. 40 1 1 Die. 25, ISiO. l.olo, ep..r. o Hrliy,

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