million?; tbe win cf the Roman Empire, of 8srcens tnd the Turku, sixty nillicus ecl; thase of tie Taiiri cility niilliont-; those nf Africa ctie hundred million. Dr. Dick taystbst if we take into consid eration tie iiuiiiler, rot only of I lose mho here fallen in ba'ilr.but of tbee who have perished through the netural consequences cfwar, it will not. pet laps, Is cvcirattng tic di striatic ri of turner life we iffii m t liat cce t liiL of lie 1 un.uu race la li rn des troyed ly tie ravages cf wars and aejord ing '0 lli" estimate. ii:cre lhn fourteen tloiisatV niillicb of linun Itirgs baie been slaughtered in war tie begin Iiing of tie wotld. Kdniund Uuike went till further, abd reckoned tie sum total cf it ravfe. frrm tie first, at to less than ihiily Jive tl.ousaiitl millions ! brlb Carolina SclMg. Jit -.'it " CHARLOTTE r Tucsdu v, October 1, IStil. CTR. R. W.kefielri, Ksq., of t.inn.r, l con. tnted to act, and is cur auUmrizrd agent. He will receive orcrra for the Whig, biunsa or acr tiaementa, and receipt fur theaame. Any persona aubacribmj whu paj In him within three mooUia will receive the Whta for two CoK.i:. FOR PRESIDENT, JEFFERSON DAVIS, cr Mississippi. FOR VICE rUF.SIDIXT, alkx. 11. sTi.rmNS, OF GEOBGIA. We hoist at the lead cf our r per tlis week the nanits of JEFF. 1'AYIS abd AL1X II. STErFlKNS, fcr I'resiJeLt aud 'ice Piei-iJeiit of tie CoLfederat'f Siates cf Amttica. We do from a fiim convicuon that are the men fcr the liuics, and lecau.-e the tongue ' f sluu der las 0'-j;Lt to p njudice tie people io regard to tie eutiemau last Luu.Ld upon the ticket. These gentleman V;.-, cceo tried, and revtd tltrrueitfs eminently fit to dis cLarge the onerous iluties wLich lave de volved spon ilm siLC iLiir advert cfEce. We presume that no nD in tie Confederacy could bare taken the potiiion of Mr. Davia at the cut.'ct ajd accctcp'iah ed auythir.g like tbe labor. His was a herculean ta.-k, but r t -L t ccb'y did he per fcroi it. Success to tbe ticket. The Le gisl&ture. This body adjouiLed ou Monday, the 23d ir. ?tarjt. Tbe eeptions of tie laws passed ly tiii ledy at its late scision will It found ia asbthtr coiuaio. Hesigcation. We omitted U-leik to mention that Captain Lei Wii jams lad heeo e 111 peiieu 10 l.ii po-t as Captain cf the Hornets Nest K.Sciusu, on sccjont of fee ble health We know that this step caj-e'i Ctp'iaa Wi iiarts a pau.' of deep r-g.'el, but j J'tice to lin seif a- wril st Lin em paty rendered the ett-p iuptrative. We lipe that i oi life at,d Lsjpitess may at tcbd lim in Li ret:rmc:t. We do not koo slrth'-r tlcre la hern an e'.ectiou to G I the vacancy cr tot, but we full asjr-d ilat Lieut Owen wi.l b tendered tuj oSice witLout a uia;eLtiLg voice. Another Sew Cciafar:y. W. I!. Mjer-, E q., was on Saturday !at elected Captaiu of a Company of Volun teers wbieh be las bteu in-ir jn.ttitai iu raiding. Jlr. M y era las devoted hot h hi time aud means to the Souibtru eaiiie, and richly deserves tbe honor that las Leeu conferred upon him. A licgimr.ctal Review. Fcr the Iret t.u.e in fourteen jear tie street of Chariotie were thr r jd, r u Sjt- rday la.-t, with ibe Mi, ilia of the ft -Jib Ilegiment, cu.hratin ti e ar.-a of'-n-lurg coub'y, in il. j:;u-tbtil letiea, J Y. Lry ce, eon- uiauuir lhe rini and he Luu.Lere'l a liiCusanu ai. U fjltetn, and there tee teed to be alout a tbir'l or iujiv ef per t'ns liable to prifvrui Mi. ma elui), who were bt on parade. lit Utgimebl frui ed iu .tt!,t- Try oo Street, rx'.e-U'iiu throu-h a iIi-iilcc if r i hundred yur.j-, and iken uaicl.. i il .. J'air liroji d, wheie al'.ir hen.;; ul iLtou.1. sev. ial evo luiious, f atil i.o epe. cbes tele ad,ires-..d to tbeua by C'jp. IS ui J; Jljein, Col. Jno A outg, Cap. Jno VV'aiker, and t.'sp I, S Williams. '1 he liejiiuriit was then li.ronu into lio and u.aiched lack to the pli e square, where Col Ji.jee demere-d a stir tiug address alter ih several eou;pa uisi searatad sud wti regularly dirban-ltd I The Pay of Chaplains. A good many of our exchanges seem to be a good deal exercised just cow about I the paj of the Chaplains in the army. Some cf tbf m pretend to tbiuk that tbej are entitled to scarcely no pay at all, and , ti e r r, tbal tbey should receive the, finie sslnry which they heretofore re rciwd. We sgree in opinion with aome 'of t l.(ii), that n.ost of tie officers in the aim; naive (co large ealariec in propor tion to the mesgre pittance which doled rut, a(t(r Icrg delays, to the privates in the rials. L'ut we confess we are at loss to dtteuiiiue why it is that the Chaplains i have lecn b r j; 1 1-d out at the marks of , their peculiar displeasure, and why it is I that l e cf all the officers should be cur- '.tailed iu salary. We state without the been made public, we are unable to say.l'pe. l tnouni irom jour tempting !f.r cf contradiction, that as a class, the Certainly our General. Bust see that ibis ; .Iv.Hj-ew'iu lht m your e.-e or " . .. . a enied to be, one I hat would admit of at J Milkier, of the South have done more course is retsrding our progress sud weak- (le ,fUj M u eon,Uu,ut widl rri,prie., any oiher for the cause of Southern i ening cur forces. We do not set up our jt hUCi, ease, (bit 1 would be ile t.i i i inde rendence. Frcm tie very inception ! humble self to give adviee in this matter, 1 ere (even at tt.i-t late period of life) a of this movement until .be present hour ut until -be present hour lecn idle. Many of tlem the service, aud quite a tbey lave not are privates in I nuiiiler have cLarge of companies which i iley lave been mainly instrumental in rais ling. Tbej lave performed their duiic.i in . .. , , , , rr naiitn iu alien tbey lave been I 'J J c.d, n-L:y and msnfuny, and it is but ! I 'iCl ; i t Lt 1 1, b t tliytlould nciive the meed of j jraise list i to jutly tli ir due. There j is no cce in tie wlole army wlio performs more work tlan the Cbaplaiu, if le perform lia duly. Not only does he have to look j after tbe spiiitual welfare of the soldiers, I an idea, derived from his long aud peculiar ' and in your etse (us yo.j intimate it luiuiit 'but it bis duty to look after aud attend the j military experience, and that was, action. '' necessary.) I should apply myself vtry sick, sad especially should le be ai the lie caused his servants to force bits from j ,e.'?u'' to '''f woodwork, i ! With rejrl lo my hair it is as you led-ide cf tie din. Aud in lime of lis couch long before day, and be inculaa- j,,ve irn, siiTCre i, l-itj'i-t niffici'. nt . battle few eer tlritk from taking part in ' ted upon his generals tbe admirable idea to lend me the rprct dun a dinifi. d ren I the struggle, and il is a geuerally admit- to attack the enemy always tin sight, with ' tie in a a As for my honor, they are (ted fact that th. y make valiant soldiers. ! such troops as were up, regardless of how , ' e-" nd Iiko ott" r ,l" n of "''"'. 1 ! ., , , , , ,, I , . , , . ,, , . , wear them at the ontiou of the community s I here may be tho-e wno uo c ot ptr.oi m a,i the rear miaht advance. All this was noth- i ' i B ejpriee. , ilcse s as tl ev sbenid, I ut the same ing but energy, and the great success '01f my J0tr Mtry, and although I could le said ot many of the officers iu tbe ! of that remarkable warrior was owiogj would i.ot pre.- this matter leyou i tho larmv; this, then, should not militate .' to it. j most rtfiuoJ bound due the de.ioacy and ' agai'ust those who do their duty. i We have in our eonntry an oviJene. from I ! ."" Potion to say I ,,. , , i ' ' nothing of propriety, sii.i yoj wil iij1-n j We are no auvocate for extravagant sal- ; a gect.e.naa whose personal eharactsr is !-, , r,ropoJ,i tf ccinpro'.ui-e. 1 Ispe yo.j ariea either in or out of the army, but we ! most entirely tho reverse of that ef Suwar-1 are iut ui-posed a- tho aholmou hordes i are in favor of dealiug out justice alike to 1 row, cf the advantages of enrrgy, io a pure ht wou'd bave- none save tho sr,rd ; the 'ail. We thiLk therefore, that the Chaplain ' christian General, aberrant of the I'.edeem-1 D,0"t " "'Pon 1 ever heid a, thu . i i i - , ,, , . pan well 1 d. go sporun sometime, but is as much entitled to lis salary as any er of all, who has thought it necessary to ff you,Ur, w J- t Iu 0Jl uf lh ,m: , olLcer iu the army. Iheir duties are eer-take up arms. This most distinguished j J;Jt l0 the 'coiupromi-e,-' I was -oii.g la taiL'y as cuer.-js as that performed by far j and able roan, Gen. T.eonidas Polk, who propose that pemsps in the extremity of ' the larger portion cf tie cEccrs, and if tbe ' will aurely blush if he ever sees this notioe, your feeim, and as Mock i-cree iu tbe :salaiy cf lie one is to be curtailed, let ' was pl,ced iu ccn.tnacd on the lower Mis- ,U'V " ,u,Uub l,,,e4rl' 0V.' '..,,,,.,.! all lhiri-' Cou-i iHre.!. p;j .)ull not tae nat ol the other be ao. 1 he charge , .issip ; i, at a period when no men were ,ua ,H a kio,i of C(M ,, . or f ier ., Ty ,us thit tuany of tlim l.sve gone to tie army raUtd, and wlcn there were no means of banJ until jou cju i make belter arrange- !cr tLa sole t urrose cf makin2 motev. it is 1 orii7 ik.m H I.Ij ;',! lr.n. ; trm.1.1 tn lit- ? The uar li iir' over oj cdhiJ uLueceajary to totice. Lit justice be done abd we are ccLttut. I ! A Sad Picture. We Lave nolietd uith deep regret and i mortiticalion, for several days past, tie course pursued by a portion cf the press, of this Siate iu regard to tbe late Seoato- ' ! rial tUeiion. If thire was ever a time in 1 ! the Liatory cf North Carolina, when it was i i . i .i i r .i absolutely necessary for the sake of tbe , . - "'i"""! " "Ntii iiimi u.s u.icij I purpose and au unstiEsh devotion to tbe iu-. reaeued us, we find this admirable officer nr.n n.,11 ii..l in'irl i,i,.;i,;irl,...L rA - 1 . 1. . . . I k 1. ' Uresis of the Slate should animate the ' at tbe head of at leai-t 10,1)00 men, all tho hearts and actuate the deed of her whole j roughly armed with gun, and even Luijo- people, eoileeiivtly and individually, the ( nets, aud ready, under lis eooduct, to walk i present ia ceitainly that time. And if ttraight into the enemy. We eonceive ever there waa au oceasloo when we should, t'ai? admirable conduct of our clerical Gen ;one and al. from the highest to the lowest ' erl to form cne of th finest specimens . saentioe upou the altar cf our common i.uuh; nuj iruiiuicio nm ( . iu the Mualieat drgree to efijet injuriously her interest, the pre.-eLt i assuredly that . cecasion. iLcie ia no journal iu tie State! that dee. tot wkid soma ibSuebce timer ! Lr good or evil, and that editor who tow no'her column, will be grerted by our rea tither direeily or iudirectly lends himself ifr "itn j'yful hearts. Tbe cspture of or lis coluuits to the work cf stirring up L'-ifgton, the new seat ef government, by di-ccrd atd ttrife Ittwceo tie people iu re- , our fo,ccs under Geo Price, is an impor iatioti to the cler.iioD ct rival cibdniates tiht q'i-ilioo to the Confederate cau-e, to lue Sicate, or any other effic :, is unor- : "de frcm the immediate results of theht thy the c'bCdei.ce cf th'; pecple, and ,:e hy w hith the espture was t ft'jcted. Tun should be fro Ltd upon ly ev.ry right Government of tbe Slate can now ait in " ihinkiug uiau. What mailers it w lo ia lJ an( difect it energies wiih e ase and coi elected, so that le is honest, i.ud competent TerieBse to the expulsion of the eavege van to uncharge L,s duties? We are engaged f 'he Lincoln Abolition dspotira. iu a Mruc'le now before wbieh all mere1 'iv fa-"-hcr gratifying iuUlli- party ttrugglc pale into utter insignia ' eance. Tiic.-ei a treat work to be done and we have no time to stop to canvass the claims of aspirant fjr cCice. Tbe ioil cf Nvrtb Carolina has been invaded 1 a ruthless foe, aud iLuqjeaiioo that ecnevrda ba tbott. and atu;'LlLer. ton i uiiietbt-r, tow, l, ive them back ami what cab Le node tv prevent lb, u. 1, Lg funher inroad upon u.. 1-et u-. aitei.d ia tne.-e matter ' aui we si... Lave toch tc do. ! ...... , .1 Ibe O.d .oith Mate ba luada a "1 riju i land thus far, and we hope that her ell z.-us w..l nothing now to detract ' liom ner good name. Let us forget ail ii.e oi i ai.:m juiiea and make cue grand ra.iy lor "'jod and cur native land." er.n A.abau-.a paper erges tLe far- , hean. a. food for soldier. A good u '- , ii jjestion, and cne that we hope will be uni- versa, iy adopted. ' r -lhe Jiouisvme Courser .ay. that tbe utoat. , IL.I city are ostensibly tetdedfor bridging the Mississippi, but al y to Le M.ut up the Greeu, Cumberland, ,d nvers, to aid Lincoln opera- I ns iu that ciuaiter ! H"1'- ! Inaction Energy. Although' the statement has gone the rounds of the papers more than a doxen times that the Government as on the point of making some forward movement, we regret to say that we have not seen sny reasonable hope 'of its fulfilment. The people are becoming tired of this inaction, and are demanding that something may betnede me fuel momentarily desolate, but ou done to show that we have not abandoned ri Auction, with regtrd to your proposal, at the war. The lives of hundreds of euriacll as a better aoqisiutatioe with some of soldiers are being sacrificed to no purpose four antecedents, I inj-.t say I have much whatever. If we are to have Washington,! o console we. wby not take it and be done with it T Why 'i In ad J renting you thus (perhaps the this long sod ruiuous delay? Euergy iu !'.t time,) allow aie to explain iny position war is worth more than men and' nioneg.' 'ullj, at weli a-i to make some liitlo rcfloo Wbelhsr this delay has been causerlTy oo ou the frailties of poor biiuauity gn- seme action of Congress which has not j but we think we speak the almost univer- j but we think we speak the almost univer- l DtimeDt of the people when we say that they are heartily sick and tired of this inaction. We hope that something nia Ve done, and that at once, that all bauds that we still have a live Govern- . ., , ,, ... j . it ent. J be following which we adopt aid . " r engraft into this article will show what we mean by Ecrgy, and w hat can be affectid by it. Of all things in war, eiiergy seems most requisite. Suwarrow, one of tbe ablest generals of the present century, bad alwy seem, le improvised everytliug, in places ' where no merely military man wo Id have j expected anything. Io a few trumpet tuned pcecbr be called forth tll.titlfl mi But be had a gieater difficulty before lira the government could not arm his army. For that, too, it seems the Bishop a ene'py was prepared. He collected at once, nd in a time astonishingly brief, all the freaims io tbe country; also all the er morenor cun-miths. Lvervhodv went to c which has been given in lie present eeo m,, 0 mat aomim.e Biiutary quality ot energy. Good News. The -Ns from Miwoun, published in g'nee of the junction of the forces under ,jecerals Leo, Floyd and Wise in Western ' lrg,r''. "d may eonfideutly anticipate hrilliant triumphs iu that quarter. The Po- ,oni too, will) probably in short time, t-'" gry and rteow for cur arms j e have been eorrpelied to emit a . of , lckoowlcdL.m,nt, . ' , . . . , , J . pubil.bea ail that we could ,nu Wl11 K1 tLa remainder next week.'.n old ii,rn,r..n rn. a., . i i . Printers cannct perform impossibiliiin any ; mors (ban anbody else, aud it is useless to. tlpm u w doM ouf U1 ' B1 ; wnb '.his all itaicnabi le per.on. b.; route nt. H II AT J 1XA8 xas 18 DfiNO In tlecommer- j ou''t 10 h4Ve P0"' r""k a" ol- cf ,h. iiou..on rtr6,u,,h of!;r;:BSst"", f7,Ue . , , , i Ve,'"Ps ;' 'I"-, could hot carry a .iu.k"l. eiil rev,e- irifl n vco nnrt i .n an..yri . - vvt i , V I ' nrve w hrnt and corn enough in I ex- .. this year to furnish us wi:h breadsteffs for more than two year. We have made ' vrool enough to c!-,.he half the Confederal, ' He shall make fully fiv bun- i ,,red tho,.r,d b.,e. of eo00 present i prospect-, and w, shall nuke, unle!, ' Pre"'''- prospect is injured, far more than 11 f 10 T t present, from eiL.htio! ZT1"::1' V,d l! 10 i Y a . 'bou"ud- ,F", ' i- ae good a condition as any couutry can be. 1'OR the n. c. wnia. ClIAKLOTTK, Sept. 1661. To Mollie : My dear (but alas I fear 'lost Mary,") as you opeued this corres pondence, I presume as is customary iu de bate and letter- riling you will allow me the liberty of ciosing ; yen, "tho benefit of tho floor is mine." 1 confers your rejoinder -allv. Alas, how "fickle are human l"'y (sut perhaps very dormant) partner Is"' pernap ver) ; uormani; purinrr ! f' ih.triu.oui.l firm. Imvih, ( ,ke I jocki-. HOuld o soou le home ou fur- .Marv, you have a ho'-t of ol jeo llUUS .u eetu to me q nto j;rounui more particularly that which relate to my r. J . . . ,, J appeanu "too f.'U.iuine ; appearances e ,0 deceptive, especially in my sex. as well ai yoiir on; on this poiut ( with voir permission) I could iutroduoea very cogent argument, sufficient to convince you I am rijibt on that score. And with regard t" y leiu too strait to ''.-itoip to conquer,' ; CJU t,nd Vl,rv gracefully ou occaMout. lutcn to "tales ef the wars" as will as the "ta:e all ctiori hnl-; ' I am the more in duced to in h k e this ,-gf nor ou prnp.(i ' i I feel saii-ti'd that Once on trial 1 coul I "in vaur fasor.'" J he-e lliin arecfn ii doue in Krince and Spain, ai.d o her hi.'.!) moral an i rca-iei Lanjua. i am gn-l yoii cnoe 1 ,ved poetry, it show an a-siiiijia .atll.7 ili-rj'J-illol' not nilv -,i mo., a, .a has increased you have come more to y-ur "'tie, and brin m-rc to appreeiiin tict-; "t,'t" '"y ea-e pr. ei-eiy," 1 l.e.n to feel vpry niuch iuclincd to irmh mi-e f Kxeue .... ' ti.e, inv oeir 'lary, i einriot antvaer tour , ' , . letter tuny ju-i no rate with us in- run. c-peeialiy c J ii i fin- 'i -! Hit my "luir triri ' ilo not loil yourself, I ( x;ii n, vainij) am j'i', the man io bt yu lo a nieelv ; our wi-ijihts are eoual, ai.l as fjr my "pin.ili ri'uhs," you are wrleoma u them, ' ith my bh ani," hoping my ii-ar 1 1 . y til y prove of utjf cinfirl to jo'i lhn they have to me. V s. I I k lt ou ail thin;i rqijnl wiilt, we em ju-t sei ar il.i tr il i r. ,., . . can kick the beam first, I Yours tr'jly, JOSIAS. i I'- Voii meaiit oii y ! isntry iilom 1 'Mrs. Joi.- ; ' oh ! 1 ki.ow womeu w.- 5 1 j loC ) ou t he belter h. n 1 tet j ou. The Vi'- 1'.'.x-iii!n v I I c K;cKn;t:d Kxaiuilier, in a lon article on the C' .iiii'' e Kciiou for l'ie.-id(Lt and Vic 1'ienli nt ot lie Confederate St.i:e-, uiaici a furious at taek on Mr. t'tfjhens of Georgia, the pn-s-'Lt Vice Pre-id. i t, and the i:iau to whom th country looks wi;u aimot perf'.-ut uuan.jii ty to fill th t place fer tho coming six years 1 1. a Examiner sk., " How doi-s le fxr; Tooml, Col l, .Sii 1.1'inr. ilaii, 'in I'lie, a-r.l lies tut It, ire li.,rt.,.i Cri,,.. A,..,. l . ..... !ulller b,,i,)U Floyd, ! 'co..k, and mi.y oih. rs ho w e could reaoilv nam..' ? ' n me many owners are no I,. tr r thsn j those named, we think ti.e people will a-ree, I by elcc'ii.g Mr. Stephens, tn.t he a-liy excel the whole of them put together. Mr. Stephens ha-lon be.-n a le in' erat, b i t we are qjiio content to vote for him, lor any ! O'jice, lor we regiiru l.irn as onecf the m-j-t aide an t upnhr public men that lha couu try has ever been able to boast cf. ' Amor..' other tbu.-s, the Kxaminer oh j,,ct to .Sirrd.eiia becau-e le used to le 0iQ .mocralic Mirtv (lava n H.i,, i.l Stephen A. iJouylas. liut the Kditor cf l'e ,';"i"',r should not fjret thut lit was a friend of James Unci. nan, and received ,.,;.,, b,i:i, . ';f y'",: Soui b . '1 he Fxarnif: inks too, that Stephen . . i ... . . . . , "'B 1""'or "f ",e ,'-"'r ? I iu the nu, ll'ti y (thstiver l rr, r.- .. , . 1T . " r0'."P','!y , A'V t!ltll ,, ,, ,,jrlli .... . ' , ' ' !VLo a... J - - L I'l f b p u . an a a , long and One hundred thousand blanket- are nJ""""1 ' - t.. disposal ofth, Government, lrom abroad, for distribution among the army Acknowledgements. Tbe following articles have been receiv ed since our last report. Mrs Wru S Stewart, 2 blankets; J II Uloom, 2 blankets 2 pr socks; Wiu Me Combs, 2 Maukets 1 pr sooks ; Wra A John aton, 1 blauket ; S T Wristoo, 1 comfort 1 coverlid 2 pillows; J A Cannon, 1 blanket 1 pr souks; J iS Means, 2 blanket 4 pr socks. The following articles were colleoted by Mr. Arthur Grier, ia the Morning Star lie at. G M Robinson, 4 sock Mrs Sarah Smith, 1 blanket 1 pr xocks ; Jane Smith. 3 pr socks ; II A G riffin, 1 blauket 1 pr aocks ; Andy Mo Alpin, (free man) 1 pr aocks ; Mr 1 M Harnett, 1 pr sock-; Mm K M I'i no ti er, y pr socks ; Mrs Jane Newell, 2 pr ocks ; May Wriits, 1 blauket; L Ilarkey 1 blau ket 'i prrocks ; Miss Mary McDoarel, 1 llan- ket 1 tr socks ; Mr Mary LewU, 1 pr socks ; Mrs M iry I'boin pson. 2 pr ock ; Mm Mi- ry K lUrtis, 1 pr -oeks ; Mrs lliiszh White- ; aer, . ,.r suca. , i .u........ urr,., . ,,r socks; Mr, K.ixh.h Ihompson, 1 pr socks; ! Mi.H Sarah Thompsoii, I blanks ; Mrs L H J I hompson, 1 blanket ; He C Morels 1 j blanket y pr Sock-; Mrs J A Campbell, li MiU-ksl ; Mrs Mary H.ce. 1 blanket; Mrs! j II J Pyre. 1 b.anke, 4 pr seeks ; M,s. M J '-'heels; Mrs M T 1 hoinpsou, 1 blanket 1 ! pr socks ;M CMcLeeH.l blanket ; M,sa; i M, 1 blai kit ; M r A Mcl.eod, U pr socks; Mrs Msr.h. Gii.-r, 1 blanket 2 pr .ock. ; Mis S M S.iM.ell, 1 blanket ;, An ,cl ,0 , ,,,, ,u cL Miss J A btll.wcll, 1 pr socks.- j c C0UjD,)t . lL From ti e Ladies' Aesociaticn of Sardis An acttopieent the felling 0f iin)l,,r Conregntiou : ( iu tbu w ater cf Lint creek, Catba tlJllu Mr Auianda IJiack, 1 blanket 2 pr foek-; i 'J 1 sheet nl qn! ; Saml McLaughlin," A" c 0 incorporate the town of Sitiil,. I l.iank-t 1 pr socks 1 pillow ca.e ; Miss, field Jhu.tou eou.ity. Isod E Hunter, 2 biauk.ts, 2 pr socks, 1 i Au cl oneefi,iu the FeyettevilU aci pillow and ca-e, 1 tol, 1 shirt 1 boltle Nor,i"' l' ukroad company. .n.- ; Mr Amauda 1'e.r.pie, 2 blauket 3 Ao ,el ,u r,or uf K li h.'Ug,lale slur pr.oeks 1 sheet. 1 q.i't 2 losels, ! pillow j ,ff of li'heford aud others. a i.J rase 1 shirt 1 bed tick and 1 coveilid Miss hUira ll iutt r, 1 blanket 2 pr socks 1 sheet 1 lowel 1 piii ) ind ca-e ; Mra K Neal ' 1 blanket 1 tir aocks 1 towel 1 n.l c .s," ; Mrs Mary Huuter, 1 blanket 1 pr soca 1 sheet 2 pi. lows ao j cases and pr Uraweu Mrs K,;i lijyee, 1 blanket 2 pr! sneks: Mi-i Martha Alpliti.ler 1 rviili Mrs Catharine MjLau.-hlia, I blanket, 1 pr c5"1'1""' of 1 rau.yl.atua, Miteb-I, is socks 1 piuow and cast 1 bed lick I etu- Au tQX rcl'' chyol dutr-.a Nj 1). f j.rt ; M.-s Jane Wa,l,o, 2 pr socka 1 quill! iu tb ,0utJ o 2 pii.jws and ca-es ; Mr. Caroline Held, 1 ' An cl 14 f,fi' k""P ' ff ti.s pr sick. 1 towel 1 comfort; llj,-h lijyea,; ,et cll"r'ug Cueraw aud Cjafjj.d, tm I sheet 1 pir Drswers; Mr. Sarah A AI-! ro"1' exander, 1 sheet, 2 f lilts I pillow and case ; Ao ct ll iucorpjrat the Ilicb Fjrk mi Mi.s Direas Alexander. 1 q iili ; Mr Ma-j niu! company, tii la Hunter, 1 pair snck, 1 sheet 1 towel ;, .Mss Ma.-ie ;, l pair s-n-ks ; Mm KESUl-LTIOX.'?. M A 'ir fli:h, 2 pair seeks ; Mra M J Joho-j Suspending portions of th Oriimscstf ion, 1 hlankei, 1 tonel 1 pillow and case; he Convention provid.nj fjr ibi di.j, Mis C.ilarne Wallace, 1 blanket. 2 pair lion of State trnps aoJ Volunteeri sock, 2 -beet 1 pair lrawers; Mis Mir-; Providing fjr espies of the (rdinv:t j;aret WsIUee, 2 blankets. 2 pir aocks 1 of the Convention. bed tik 1 comfort ; Miss Margaret Ujyee, To continue lb J lartereiauter, I'jm i 1 pair socks ; Mra Jant While, 1 pair socks, ary and Adjutant lieorral s lrf i'! i"i:i 1 tol, 2 liiows and ra-es and 1 sh r t ; favor of ctrtsiu Naval ( .'ihj.r- Mrs Jans Pupies, 1 blanket 1 pair aocks. eoiumeuds Lieut David Coleruan, Ta n.i I aheet 2 pi!lo and esses, 1 hed tick 1 Ctoan aud li C l)uvl io th CouftUttaii H; of Lim ; Miss Mirih Krain. 1 blaa-, Govrfimieni fjr C:'iiiuiion J ket; Mi. Margaret Krwiu, 1 l.'omfort;' Autbonamif lb tso l-r of forces !o lis MrsNsr ey Hrin. 2 pa.'r oek ; Mias Jac Confederate Government. K Gritfi'h, 4 pair socks ; iiarriat Gnf I Aulbonsiiig special messengers fjr tee b'h, 2 pair sock ; Mr Ananda Grifbih. 1 ' Govereor, pa r soek ; Mis M try G ruhiii , 1 blanket To provide surgeon and hospital iters, i pa'r nck; Mi Jane Jobiision, 1 blan for our troops. k-t, 1 pair socka. 1 Towel, 2 shints 1 bed lu regard lo tbe Volunteer n-rviee Ar tick ; Mrs Mary Erwm, 1 blanket 2 pillow thorixe the py ef aueb volunteer! and and case. ; Mrs Erwio, 2 pair Socks ; su fronp, ., b,fe Jtl lo ve.,vl r , into the Coi,fderte service, lo the Itt dy , . of Auu'u.i.) ' ; " ''.. I M.aIOi? it the duty of Ibe Givtwr le P.u7 at the S'con l r.zlrci s'iH of thr i.-ue bond, tt a-nount of .'2 .tJii in fir dru'r-il Asfm'fi of .V C, lrt. of the Western N. C K.ilrji l ejtnp.ny. An act io provide f.r tho etft and fron ! . ('0DCr,'ini 'ha eensus of I jiwr tier def. nce, cf lha State Appropriate, ix" . 'crelary of Sut, t dei,t-r tie 2 . .(i.i .oi J duptieale return in bis cffisa lo t,9 Cjofel- An act v .nnernin,; e ots io eivealed wills' ,,,u uhorities lot publieation ) and te. lament. Liiestua qje.liouof costs' ,,,r"e,inJ h? several remsotl ef to the couM J I troops of the S:te shall be nutnt-re l An art I . repeal the 10;h section, (iOih! To pay bounty money n ail liar Vi chapter Ji.-ii-el (.'ode. thorues ibe payment of bounty to u?! An aet t .i,l.r.e the powers of County l',1'r ' dtt.'O-d by sien-.s after ''-Mir;- rai-iri reven .e f,r e.n,ly p-i-posrs, ""' J'P,r'"re ef their K-rfiiiienls, prevHed po.-r lo tax all aubj-ct. tax-d by: ,U7 heioned to ibe.r respective rei aeo'.S n-vef,,!.. j i t the tune they were mustered iuu lU An art la i.rn.i.-l. I.....! . I. it. . .1. ef'iee. lie roads. tfiks out of Kev J Code' the exempli. n cf .Ju-iices Wardens nf the p"e.r, roi.stahlcf, Teacher and Pupil of S.hocl. j An i.ei to iliiri.Jj tl, State into ten Con (.' ,nal disinets. te have heletofore pudi-heJ lha districts so hid off I An aet to tncoura -e thu manulactui of gunponder. Au act to empower the ljard cf Claims t3 tai.e An act to pay the firt re-iment N. C o unli er one uionth pay. An act lo increa-f) Col. Sj.ruiU's le legion of Cavalry, i. i n companies. A n act nro i.l in r I,.: i I., , f I r.r.,1 . hv it,,, count. e,UI1. An set to repeal the Stay Law of May II, l"'il. An aet C'Jiicer iiio; the fufura ri ri'ii.i. tious cf troops by lue Coufcderate Govern- i.t. In all liiture n u ii.iiioih of trnnr.s ?" ! Mate, tbo number men iu ,ro'" ",e r"P',e'ite counties and captian's l"tricls si,..! cred.led to them, and th new levies are to be taken from ouuties nd captain's tiisiric's riot having their portion. Io esse of a failure of any coun ty cr captian's ciiriet to furnish the re q ji-ite run. her voluntarily, ibe Goveruur snail proceed to raie the in by draft J Ao act to punish trading with the ene- r. Penalty a line cf not less than 82,000 my and iiiiprisai.ineiit not less tbau six mouths 1 urciiM-i r of bonds, notes or sccount a gaint c,iizm of the Stats and belonging lo Ibe enemy, aba i forfeit them. And any one who shall purchase or aet as agent or attorney for the collection of aucb bouds, Ac, shall be subject to fine or impriionmeut at the discrcliou of the eourt J Ae arl to alter the rules of evidence aa to Indian. Make Indian competent wit--- ) An art to amend the eeunty lines of .'inr.iicll county. An act amendatory of an act le Incorpor ate the towu of Franklin. An aot to inccrporate tbo N. U. Powder manufacturing company in the eouDt. , Mecklenburg. 3 01 Ad act to pay the cadets of th, Ch.,lotl, Mtliltary institute. An net to provide arms for tb0 iu,lCB(,B dent N. C. Regiment. Appropriate. P,h. necessary sum 0 An act to amend the character of the M disou Savings Hank. ' Au net to amend the character f .l Farmer', hank. f tl Au aot for the relief of eertain t,, east otltaleiyb. 1' then, , r, 1 ' . , i'uk mo war.' Au act to preveut tin sale of liquors near Lenoir In-iitute. 'Ptrtuom AnJ"iJ? iuaorPrt dependent Uuards, W iluiingioo. An act to authoriso S. R. Jerniga,, discontinue a ferry over the Chm.,T An act to establish a fvrry on He,e, .... . ' rifflr An act to enlarge the power, of t19 c, Uiisioiiers of the town of Waitliington f thonxes l he in to errcct fortifieatim . ,CJ Uxei tbereflr j A ,(, t0 ,(cr , of Columbus county. SI per di v aUJ , i " lulhorixd An act coocerning the sherifT of W , , " ' " ttlU- A t , 4J,l10ri, Hie eountv . of Kdg. eomb. and iOcbmonS t " . V"' ..j, ,,1 I'reijnp. ' Au'.et t0 lmf th, f hlrf , of l-.. ..a , ; . v 'P1 !" U u Wu c. ; . .iporaia ma H.-Hii,, rjill milling company. Au act lo authorixa the sureties of J. S Willis, late aheritf of liladen, to collect ar- 1 'car. of taxe. Ao et to authorixe t special cotriDir.f of e":rJ- i K"ii .uoerior oiiri ti i, For the p.iy of soldiers. Iteq-ilrti lk Governor to pay all our lrops. rtlieors n.l men, now in ih tale, or in ir.:uis. if nit paid by 1 1)9 Confederals G jvcrtiuieut The provisions of the resolution to fi eul lo tro-ps which tnsy hereafter bj ri d The Governor iimue liately tliereaf; r io n,hie req.,i-itiori on the Gnvernm i t f tbe Conftsderat Stale for relucdiuj ttie ,U0'"J J I o pay spstker Clark th aal srv r'. Gov ernor Iroiu the time be eutcred u;.J th duties of Governor. Southern Spihit is Kxmui.kv Tb 1 .. (v ynth..n.(Ky ) News, mspeaain,? ol of lb F,Jer' occupation of Kentucky. j There are in Harrison, Geu, 'irsnt. Scott Favette. llourbon, Nicholas, IU h ml l''on eoui.ties, at least te thousand f 1 hel fi 'htiri men lhe world ever s, !: : "Jy to rally to tl.w eall of G . M. a-ofhn, to drive from K-ntuoky sni ' : Norii.ern invader. If the Ab..Mi t . l lature now iu ses-iou believes the c mtt ry, let them invite Lmooln s liorrte Ht.le, and then let the Goveru-.r rail co hi people lo sustain him against I he m Tbe people will soon eaeb Ihese p l ""' poliiiotans aud legislator, about lha e"P' ! ,ul of lU Sutc. tl,t ,,",ir ' '' "r "i" "u,"-in Kentucky" nautralj- ty, Vankee legislators lo tho coutrsry " withstanding. The Governor ef Texas ba i''l proclamation eailing for .'J,"HO more troops : 2,000 to go iulo carups of inruciiun, and ten companies of infantry and four of r tillery, to go on tbo coast and on the Grande. The principal hotel of New York tr redaomg their prien of board lo suit exigeueie of the wsr. The St. Nichols. Metropolitan and other greal hotel hs redueed tbeir rale oou.iderably- J'1' Howard has com dewu from two dollr to one dollar aud a half per day. J

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