Jom tne Daily Bulletin. HEWS. BY TELEGRAPH. From Missouri. LOBIOUS CONFEDERATE VICTORY AT LEXINGTON MO. rftrallott 3, 5U0 Immense Quantity of frtillrry. Equipage, J c , in the IJatus 0f the Victors Col. Mullinn Surrett. 'dirt, Be Eto., The Norfolk Day Book, (Extra,) of Fri lTi contain the following gratifying in- ii'rtice, which pm to rest ail doubt aa victory of the Confederate foroea at jington, Miaaourl. Tua Day Hook eg. ltn from a copy 01 ins fi w lorU tier nf the 24th. Placed in tbe handa of tbe i.r . n..i,tlP1n.n who TonrUrA nr. flC i on Thursday aucrne-ou la the truce boat " from Did Point. V the Xew York llerul.l, of the 2ith !,,. Att ,( txe.p,il)g ,ie proper officer Til E SITUATION. ' jincbirgb, can have uny intercourae with Official information of the capture of ,mJ prisoner. ,n,gton, Mo . and tbe aurrender of tbe JuBt l,,e0 t0 n''1 'rora Clt7 wls Col. Muliigan to the rebel forcea of ; t-rouj-bt into Colonel liutke'a offiee. There .t,fral I'tice, readied the War H. parl- were 20 or 30 letter addressed to tbe r.ri t yesterday; and as no contradidioo "' Colom l liuiko looked them over ,h, report come from any other q.iar- !,I1,J 1'ikfd out ono. " I here ia a letter . are unwillingly compelled to receive for Mr - "d I know the hand which ,', .utheiitio. Ueu Prelum b . dispatch j ddreaed it ; the Utter i from hia aimer, ,io St. Louia a Ma ewem of the sur. n- I1"11 1 cannot eeud it into him. A you r which reduced the loe on Loilj side. ik" '" "'"'.V. Ju may opeu and read Ur.blr below the fir-t report. Col- L, iin held out braeelj for fjur d,yi J ,u-t immetira odd ; and it U aaiJ only jinendercd for want of water, k nithout cti bis men tiau to maiotaio llieuirelvra I : io da) ; but there sretu to La some I 1. 1 iu this statement not tj'iite consimeiit h tha poition he coeupied iu close pros j 'j to the Missouri rirer. said that the C ahiiiet expressed eon I 1 rill surp.i.e, ana aouio in.iii.aiioo, 1,1 lien. tnruontdiQ net reinforce (Jen. 1 . i , ... , j i.-sii; as he baa plenty of uua at his 1 t u inn I. Gen. Kruuoi.t ia rrported now I it out to take 'tha field in petsoo against u i, ;c . , K 4itcton tbe ltoea of the Toloruao jj-.'crdaj IMPuBTANT R'M Mlaaottll Wamiino rot,. Si pt .23. I L', p!che received at the War Depart I . to ui.'lit confirm the surrender of t 1 i'on, Miisoari, to the rebel for ok, al tl I'jS the atsteuient ia geuers!. J Aouther dispatab asarrta that Gen. Fre I t lm taken the field in person, and it .rra hia purpo to capture i'ie rebel A i-fiain, Friee. j l President aa 1 Cabinet Miniiten are m 11 "d at tbia intelligence, iu faea of the i 1 1 list Geo. Fremont bad over fifty thou f.i ism under hia eomaiaad, and eould l't easily rciuforesd Col. Mulligan, at i tagton, and saved tbia disaster. i ;VH. I.av. heeo requealed to p. ! f il'oaing "Llas" which were compo- ;Lf Mr. Ri hard T. Gbxt. in York. , k'..aDd addressed to bia ?itert, t0Q1, "pplj baa been .1 that pei. I for aooie line ; j , t i. . .. T, , ! but tba railroad are not prepared to bring i:.t lefora bia death, iber w 1 1 1 have aj. .. . 1 .1 ;,.,;.,,, I-.. it away. 1 be bail ot it put into our r.aa- , l-uri.ful ittereat to them just bow. Ufn m,,,. ,ouid bring tba piicea of m-! 1 V., i.n iln. mrrmui arcatanij l..i il,in III raasonabia rales. I Now on this precious p,l west slid, W hrrs nur lureiathrra blud, W, are the eons of noble sirre. Although lb sirta be dead. Il-r sIikmI our brae Washlnf ton, Ids country's to plsd, To tna the Vila pprrssor down; (ini helped him iu his need. And hrre In. day bit ehildrn stand, I 'onif-mling lor liieir riytila; We ..r a iinail but lmelol band, 'l a Gud w Uik lur u gliU Th Northrrn tyrants see mir fare, 'I ii- y sir ve tu m.iae us s ve, Tne l.'.il of battles W illi u- (or, '1 hso sinka y ii n my biave. W have eur light nr we'll die I -oii tht h.ll e fie.i'; We muy b, lots the lyrsnt fall, Rut i.tvsr to t uc in yicid. O ! Ond of buttle by us stsr.d. In uur nioit nteiliul hour, O ! in, w Iruu upon linne arm, P'ri'in lue derive our power. hrn we to the halite ;i, Ha It o i O! t.i our Kuii!s. Hi lu us to turn to fl : if t . a in foes, 11 1 tver ne-ir uur ai.i. W- think li re for Thy t-niicr csre, I) splayed on ll-l'i l Held, Sliii b our irirnd in tune of need, O 1 'm i.ur alrcnglh and sin d. An.) when tli victory vr Imv won, 7'tisn Ird us asf'ely lioms. And will give to I ie- the prsise, I". r what lui'iuarui lialli Sou. A Saddle Lost, 4 SVPIit.E fl longinptoL eu ti IINUl ( Ht. V . I.OVSI.SCK f J. H. Davi Arliih ry. w.i ' 'I l'i Irml urr. alirn tin- cmn ii. d through and cannot now be tour.d. " nidln ia murh valued bv the owner nnd t "ifil nf fij will be paid for luhiriiiHlinn such '' I Vari in rrci.v- ry. The fcaddla is mnun. ' sith brans. Th housinf is a little wnrn. .... 1 JEFF. DAVI3 AKT1LLKHY. 1 Kicliuionil V. I Member '24, 1811. H ! Notice- TllKASUREK'S OFFICE, t j Atlantic, Tuuu. Si Ohio H. U. S 1 IIAfll.nlTE, N. C, S. p. 17, Ihfil. fPHF. HKIII Install. unit of Cspilal Stink in l H e A T. A O, It. K. Co., subscribed in ! " l''in of htaleaville, is due on the 6lh uf lc. ;' mt. 1 1" Srventh Installment nf the Stuck siihscrib. f "I Mount Mourne, Iredell Counly, snd the .''ili luMsllmt-iit of all Hlnck aub.cribad in ? ' "l nbiirg Coui-'y, is due and psysble on the I -'U-loher. next, I the Sioehboldera desire the work to continue J 'y.Ml.VI' be liiur priimpt in tin ir payment. J 1 is no idle talk, '1 lie 1'rvssurer must have f"'NEY. i .. M. L. WIUSTOX, Treaaurer. j "("'niUr 17. led. 33-11" l BOH PRINTING nf all kinda will bu nol y axusaitiouait axaclao al tnm Norih Car- Treatment or PmsoNina at Fort La-i tivv.TTi'rtia f,.lln.. r .1.- Xf ' "w ivuvniu, iruui iu new York Pott, will give an idea of tbe treat, nient of tlio prisoners confined at Fort La fayette. Tha Pott iaya : A day or two aioco a gentleman of tbis city "tut down to Fort Hamilton, villi a note from an official source, asking tbe Col. " if hia duties would permit to allow the bearer to Mr ,"one of tbe most diMinguisbed gueataofthe cation at Fort Lafayette. Tbe Colonel knew Lis guest to le ai loyal aa need be, read the note, and tben said : My dearjair, I would give twenty dollars to aeo Mr. 1 myself. He wait former ly on eld and esteemed friend of mine, and I should be delighted to pas an hour whu him ; but uy official po-itiou and my orderi forbid aucb an interview, Tbe only com munication I have had with him baa bi-eo t""0"i:u one of my cttoera. Unly verier. dJ ' ''er cauio bora with a Iirit'bt -.nd implied permission to im him. 'I lia family la ChUioIio, and 1 am a Catholic- myssif, but I waa nlilio-pil tn refuse their ottntri. i'1' " fU-'' Of"-" ' ' ra l.ich come to or li oui the ra I'""''' f''i ifiu-f I .-lance at, and if there ,UJ ,U,"S imporianl to commuinoate. tha pU.(.U.. V. ... ,n .t... . .... f"..--" to l.oin it is addressed. My orders, wiib regard to the prisoucra, at verj strict, and I ohtjr thetn. I Tall Men s Alabama. Tha Moct- 0 ( Al, v M IX pul)hc, ,be following , ,. ., , .. etler frmu one of its 0Me.1t aubsenbera : Seeing '' ol of the pre it and tall tJeor. oidier alio waa six feel ten inches hitb, 1 ai-k jou, in some part of your valuable journal, tow men l nav reeu a auoacrt her for tbe last an Jcars. to give tbia a pub lication. 1 hate in the Confederate Stale Army 6 vo sous. I ill now give thei r ages, height and Beirut. Mj f!iie-t son. M. J. Horn, is )esr old, nx ft 1 1 ihrec mclies hih, weiina l.'O pounds. Joish J. Horn, 6 years old six leet seven inchea liili weighs lla pounds. Isaac J. Horn, the third, ia ix tee'- aeven inchaa high, eilM QOi pounda, i!l jcars old. Edw'd L Horn, ia j jrars OKI. an left inree iiicnra uign, 1 weiha 1?.") pounds. Uonleu 1 Horn, is iu his 'Juth year, is aix feet to inches high, eijtbt 1(" pounds. And I further say, that there are in the C'olTie Handera 'ib men who will average mi feet five inches hib, and aiU weigh 150 lb. 11. K. II HORN. C, .... .... tk.r. ... Jre(1 boJ fif(y M(. ,ui(i, of ,u?ar t, ,h), !,,tnd Juucttou in Tennessee, awaiting traa- Dortatiou eastward. Much of tbi immense i ' There are said to be a huudred thouaand 1 bosheU of aa't on tha Una of the Virginia! Railroad; and I bo capacity! of Smith County iaiqualioj and Tennessee of the Saline the in a 11 11 fact u re of ten thousand bushels a we k. Yet salt cannot ba bad in Kich uiond for it'Hi tli a a an or seveD dollar a a ack. It ia aaid that the Danville Hailroad Com pany has pit ff. red to set d ita train eara, iii in? and all to the Sir Jtb County Sa line for the salt, if the outb !Sid and i Virginia and Tennessee Compauiea will' 1 permit; but has jet auccecoeu in bringing I.i . ..;l ir.m lnided niih tha i niuch desired article. We bopo the Ian Vllln Company "III D iniporiuuaie i" mailer, an'l persint itt these prrffer. J he prcple bare too much at stake in this wai ter tor ueh a peopoition to fail. In renaru" to llie great quanlitiei of lupar and aall awaiting trau-portalion, it aaid that Jiowerful coiiibiuiliona of cnplaliMS to present their lrsiisiiii-ion on the publio vi oik Thus, while Northern Yai.kies block ade our seaports, home Yankees blockade our interior channel of tta.l. We aie fighting the Northern Yankees with cannon and bayonet W hat aort of wea pon shoud we ue uu.sin-1 the home Y'si.kees, lluir aider aud abettor? liithmunU Dnputch. i WSolon Horlatid, well kuown a a pro S niiueot citucn of Arkansas, for a number Jdfyeara, and mora reaoutly wa lb sditor 'of the M. mp his " Enqjirer," i a Colouel in the Confederate actvice, and no? upon ! active duly under Gen. Hardee' ccuiinand. DII D. evil.e. nr Yorktown, Vs., nu HARD T. CKEV iu In '-i-!.l Imsmp Fs the Ulll u!t , yenr of Ina sr. Ul (Uinlu iiy next week ) !V.C.&IM.AIL IIOADCO. i 'ii i:i i 4.. j IfaillE It l.l.l I.AI! ANNUAL MEETING of JL .Moeklo.l.ler. of thn VViluinigieii, t lu.rloltn A Kiilherfordloii Kail Coiiipmiy will be held in the. Town of Chai..ii mi the fourth Wcdiic. day in October next, l ie same being the 'Jim day nianih. ( on ii Iv Aesnls uimule to attend ahoiild ii"! fsil to have the ( our ly Slo.-k rtpreseii. ted by proxy to inniro a quoriiin. This is Ilia more necess.iry a very many of our Stockholder have entered the army and will be neccaaarily ab. sent. II. V. GUION, rrcst. Sept. 20, 1861 . '' WANTED, V d.Vd unhurt i,r v....!......- i 9WW9 Y A It N for making tSoldie era ! Slocking.. The highest market price will be paid in cash. II. W. KINSMAN. Pcnl.mbar 17, 1861. 35 tf rogans ! mnrcm:uiii'i'io.iui,iiinj A Largo Stock of NEGRO BROGANS. ALSO BOOTS AND SHOES, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS & SHOES, ALSO Ladies scd Children! Shoe. For s ile by JAMES II A (IT Y. Charlotte, Oct. J.lgfil. 6w TAKE XOTICI PROM TaHlS 1) A T 12 , Ol'R BOOKS ARE POSITIVELY CLOSED' TO ALL. Cash will, in every instnncc, be re quired, without distinction of persons. e tire compelled to buy lor LAMi ourselves nnd must therefore have MONEY. DO SOT ASK FOR ELIAS k COHEN. September 24. J e 6 1 . 3l STATE OF .XOUTH-CALOLINA. KICCKLEMJURO COUNTY. Couit cf J Iius and Qtmrttr Seniors, July 'la m, lfcGl. J. Gutlin ario G. "j Ca.i 1 int. I Original Attachment, r. I T he Mei Uenhur; ( Same aa the others. tld and t upptr I oui 1' appearing to the tstisi'uction of llie Court " tin. I the m lino. ml 1 nut an iiihahitin.t, in' Ibis M-"le, but rennirs neynud tne limits uf the same, .' is Iherefuie Otdfrtd, and orijudgrd putilicatmii be made for MX sui cmsive weeks in the North I iinuin i Whip a newrpuper printed in t 'nurUilte, No. Cj , fur Hie said OMemianls l'i be an appear b fufe the Jufiues ut our t.'nurt uf I' !!. ami O jarli r .-i s-u at the in ll C'uurt to be held for the said enmity 'in the 4ih Mnnauy in Oulnht r m xl then ami ... -...Un u; .Kuinr or judgment procunhsso will be lkrn mg tliei Wiiiiess, W. K.Rcid, Clerk of our said Count t ettiee in Charlotic llm 4lh Mmnluy olJuly nd in liie Oblli year of Ann rn-un I oli penuence W; K. r.EID, c c. c. August 20, 1-01. Prn.tirs f ee $G. i2G STATE OF NOFITTI-CAKOLLN'A. MECKLENBCRQ COUNTY. Court of I'has ar.d Quo r tor Sessions, J"'V Juiin Ewins, 4 The .Me.klriihur Original Attachment. Guid and Cupper Cc p.ny. J iT appearing tn the satisfaction of the Court tlul the ilrfenisiil is not an iiihnhiiaiit, nf iln ta le, tiul ri siiti be vend the limit of the same. Il is Hi r)ui t Ot dard. and ai judged pubixtiou be mane tor tlx succraaive weeks m tha North Carolina Whig a newspuper printed in i eartotte, .o. i a., tor ih- ..! snd belore the Justices eieniluiiti. lo be ur Court of Pleas and Qua.ter 8esiou nt th ni-i (iurt to iietnber next tin n and there to answer nr demur or judgment procontesso will be taken against Ii. ' V itnesr, W. K. Keid, Clerk of our said ('curt at i flier in (harlotie the 4ih Moiinay of July and in the Bblh yeur of Auier.euii Inoepend W. K. HE ID, c. c. Print, ra pee 6- VIS August SO, 1SCI. I mrOTAaVT KOTICE. OUR TEEMS roSlTIVliLV CAMI! ! ON AND AFTER THE 21st INSTANT. COCHRANE i SAMPLE. August 'JO, Ir'til. If I .1 j STATE OF NOIITIM'AKOLIXA. j CALDWELL COUNTY. j Court of r'.ios and Quarter Sessions, 1 August Term, 1801. Powell. iV Long i Levy on Rea! Estute in . j N ilie Giiithcr. Lennir. IT appearing tn the ntisl'uetion of tiie Court (hut Wilie (fiiilher is not a resident of the t.ile of North Carolina, hut r antes he. voiid tiie IiiiiiIi ol hn snine. It it Ihtrtfme Ur. drrttl, ni,ilir.itinn be inii'e for "ix tueeesive i week in the North Ctiroliua N'tiiLr, nolifying s.itd riefi ndiint, to he nnd appear ot llie next lerni ! of uur said Court to he lor the County afore IUi t the Court Iln Le ir on i he full Monday alter iho 4th .Monday in September next, 1 1 allow cause 1 1 any he e.m w h v lue justice judg. nient shall not be cunfirined, snd an order of sale ordered lo Witneas, J. It, Wilson, Cle rk of our said Court st Oll'u-e in L.imnr the bill Monday after the 4lh Moiiduy in June, IHUI, J. It. WILSON, c c c. Sept, 3, led. Printer Pec $6, t'Jb 'IV.-M'iiri-M l'i:iniin:ilioii. HF.RSONS who deire In lencti in the Public 1 Schools of Mecklenburg county will plena linear at the ofliee of tho Superintennent in the Court llouxe st It) o'clock, A. M. of Saturdsy th , . ,,,.,. iMr.l J. P. I50SS, Svp t. M. D. JOMNSTOV B j i Com. iONj t!27 E.NYE UUrCllISON Hept. IT, I8CI- Charlotte DRUG Store, K. NYK IlUiCIIIONl& CO. ETAIL Dealer in Foreign and Donieatie IL Drug, Medicine, Chemical. Perfumers. Pslicy Articles, Oils, Paints, Vsriiiehes. Window (it-K, Full;, L)ye Etufl's, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, 1'ure Liquor, Canton Tea', rh! mid Garocn seed, olc. Ac. li ving closed our books intend tiereafter to lor cusn. WASTED. 1R THE C'ONFEDEHATE ARMY lO,0(M PAIH WOOL SOCKS, VOUiNU, WlilSJO & O 'K. Jily 30, iblil. ld it lliuriulle Fimalc Institute, j Cliiii loltc, !S. C. MMI1E EXEIiCISES of tl.ia School JL will be reniiucd on the llll ol' fctpiember. A lull enrps of luatruo. tiira in all Hie lir.iiii.liii ol a 1 1 her u I eauciition, lus been employed for the cau'i'K ":"'' jn. j'l'ne mus'Cal department will be under the di. riution ol Prt'. K. F. Hunt. Mim 11. Hammer sH l.o, Or.;Uuule of llie aeudemy of M usic, SlocS. 'J'lie (H iariineiit ol Dm wing, Painting and .to ierii Limgujjea under Prof. . 11. Dit tlsaa. Tke Prn ini ei u Pr iiicipd I curi sillers himself lor tun lite III liu v. ured ti:e ( rviei.s ol sucli able and exiiiri- acners in 1 lie Ornniiieiital Uruiiclits. rtK session or 2D wekks. j Doird and Tuition, iucludin; cssry expenses , t-J ; Tuiiioii tur duy aeholurs tH2, $16 and I8. ; For Cuiuioiiiiu uduress Kev. 11. LURWELL. Charlotte, July 9, lebl. , U2 S i-OL UTJLim il DIVIDL' D. Cliarlultc 11 nd ho 11 Hi Curulinu ICaili oiid Co. COLUMBIA, 8. C, June 2G, 1661. fBIIL Lilt t.C'l UKS of this Coin pa n y have de. X elated a Ul VtULM) uf 2.5U per share, to be paid on the firs t uny ol July next. 'uyiueiit will be nniue tn blocki oiders in North ( 1. round una Kai-tirii Vork, S. C, by llie .Acnt cl I hurlulle. Chester Muekholucia will be uaid ul nc dtiiee of me Agent si Chester. Thote in P.ntlielu by the Atnt ut W iiinbhoro. ('harks. 1..1I Mut h liuii:er ul llie liullK ol tile Mule ol SuUlll (..laiiliu. Aim ail others at this urlice. C. LUUKMUHT, Secretary and 't reasurer. Juiy 2. 18C1. 13-lui STATE OF XJUTH CAKOLLNA. CALDWELL COUNTY. Court if l'Uas uhd tuuiter Sessions, May Term, 1;C1. Jumea C Uarutr, i Wilie U..ilhr. Lund Levy. IT sp rim g tnthc satisOiction of the Court that Vtii.t tiiilier, llie i, in Una case re n.cs bey iinu the niiiils ot the Mute of N or Hi Ca ro. iu,.i,.j Inul nulice ul I liu levy vuuiiol be personal ly .Mul u him, oroereu that publiculiuii be nuOi t r MX Miiinii.'ivi' weeks in the Nurtli Curu I1111 VV li't;, nulilying fuiu uelenouiit lu be and up. peur ut llie in xl lei in ul our saio Court to be held lor the lUuiily uioreaid, al ttie Court House ill Lfiuir ii tne bill Mouuay alter (he 4 in Moil Uuy in June m il, lu show eause ll any he eaii ii v the juatiet s j slia I m l tie continued uuU cuiiuLini.tu lor puinlills ueui uinl col. Witness P. Duia, Clerk of our said Cuuit at Cm- I 10- u. i. Munua; .llrf ina 4lll .lonuuy in M.ireii, letil. is. P. DULA, c. c. c. June 4, leoT. Printers Pee b. 115 STATE OF Oimi-CAKJLlNA, Mil KLkMiUllU COUNTY. Court of iiius uiid Quailer sessions, A inil 'leitn, le61. J.W.Morruw. x Onginai attachment levy B. A. I u'o. J on lurid. 11 aiipc.iiM g tu tne taiiataction of the Court, that ii. A. I uip, lue uctciiduiil in this caae, la but an ii.lo.iituiil ol the slate ol North Carolina, but resioen litVuhU llir I. mils ot the same, ( it (ntrrjuie Uidiral, by salt Cuurt that publication nl six uicni weeks in me .1'irui Carolina W;ig a iiiurpuper pnutca in the Town of Char lotte iioti;iH(; lie aaid uelenuunt I j be and up. peur b hue lm Ju-tiecs ol our Court ol Pleas and ljuailer ek-sMunii .1 i tic mxl Cnurl lo he held lur bam couuiy oi .Mci-Kieiiourg, at tne Courl-tlouse in Cham -He on l"e 4lia .Monua uf July mat, then unu tin it to pn-ad answe' or demur or JUi.g. in. ul proi i.i 'i will be taken i ; a i n i-1 linn. W ;iiiess, VV . K. Held l lerk ul s.nd lourt at of. fice tne 4m .Niuini..y ol April A. L). I6bl, aud in llie C5tn jcai ul Anitrica.i I ime penuence. W. K..KEID, c. c. c. May2l,lcbl. I runt-IB i ee. o. uj 5 JOHN T. DUTLEli, WAT 0H aad JIAKEll, OPl'i -MTE KEKR'tS HOTEL, I IIAKIOITE, r. (Late with It. W.Beckwilh.) c, Fine Watches. Clncke "nd Jewelry, of every de. scripii'-n, repniri'O ur.u warraineu mi i 100.1.00. "Crifri-r lb. IrtO. trrviTj Hour,. ' viX rilESEHVK YCUTEETII. our appe.ils, bave forc A. w. ALi:XAM)El, ed us to adopt the casli SURGE05 DEaSTIST.'systcm. GllAULATE Ol' THE BALTIMOKK DENTAL Ct'I.I.EUK. i S i I I.LY PHEPAHEli IX) DO ALL DEN. 'I AL Work in die iattsl iiupruvcu slylte.and II he at biintiiee t v. o 1 1 ! s in cacn meruit ua. ,g iruu the lirst MuiHiay (ol Hie iiiunin) ai d ,"ll ''" I"'r" ippropriate tne n ii...iihu i oi ins nine in an a ntairiiig wuik iio..e ut their r siueiiees. w ill ol l ;o him icry miicli by auureaMiig hllll at I h,.rlolic. N. C- U ALL U I'll K A H I! A N TED. Hlhie, 1 1 in in 1 1 c KirrV 1 1 nit I , liiuwn'a euiiuing, up siairs. April 10. I!-61. 3tf jNotice. rpilE TAX LIST, for the year IftiO, ia now ,n JL in y nanus, ready lor inspee ion. All persona are requested to inform me of any taxablea which may be listed. All TAX PA V MIS are re uuc-tiil l prepare thcinselve tu meet their I AXES promptly. V. W. UK1ER, Sheriff. April 16. 18CI, 3"' Ll'DLOWS C ELK. lilt ATED SELF SEAL. INU CANS, ul all tne JilVerent sues, at S. T. VV1US I ON 'S. Jane 4, lt6l. HM' 1 lie iTItirkels. CORBKCTIb BT OATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE, SEPTEMbER S3, 18C1. BACON, Ha ma, new lb.... Sidea, Ib..... ' Hug ruuuu, lb ' Shouloers lb. Bnenixg, Gunny , vo ..M . )3 ...13 ..13 ..18 .. 4 (Si (!! (Si (UJ i (' I Heel lb Iliitler lb .15 beeswax b H3 Means, bushel, lirmiuy, Apple " Peach, gal ... Cotton, 1 Ls Cotlee, Kit,, lb.... " Java, lb... Candles, Aoutimn line lb ... " Sperm., lb.... " Tallow, lb.... IU'i to ...1U0 (jy . fli (a, -' 30 (, da Us to Corn Chickens, Clotli,Copporu,. .bushel ..b7 (ty ...aacl .jart 1j (g, Lindaey, ... yaru JU a, ...uozen iu bbl 5 (,v ' bg VjO (a, Fcstliers lb 3U (iu Hides, Green, .. JJry, Lard, Mutton, .Mackerel, .uuNisaes, N .O W.I.. Meal z:.b;.::v;::is i u lb -Id (tif J 4 lb .- 4 14 .-Kills, . bushe 4i0 (a, to U0 73 iu 10 i;o 00 6 5b n 00 5U .....tU Mullets ( Wi lining ton) ...bbl Nails, Norther ii lb ' Southern, lb Oats, bushel I'ork lb t'cas, bushel Potatoes, Irish, huHliel ..100 (a, .7i (, -4U ia, no bweel, bushel 60 00 00 12 00 00 100 CO 10 65 7J 2b 2J It ice, ....bushel 4 Sugar, Loaf,.... Urown,.. otone. Wsre,... Sa It, Tea lb.... lb. ... gal sick...., -lb bushel. .15 to ,...-10 (a ...I0 (f 300 8 1 JO (a, 90 (a 50 (iu Wheal, white, " red , ...bushel. V hiskey, Northern, gal " N. C'urolinu,' Wool, ( best Georgia I washed,. U ...27 ' " " unwasheu 22 Varn bale lull REMARKS. Our Murket ia well aupulied with a!l kind of produce. COL I'M HIA MARKET. Ci.LLUBU, June 29, I8C1 COTTON. The sales Una wiek have reached only 20 units, prices nominal. BACON, hog round CORN PEAS OATS FLOUR ...12$ f, ..I0o to I10 (; till CJ, U (z, n no CI' A R L ESTON MARK ET. Charleston June tf, IBCl. COTTON The market Iius bun si a stand thia week. We nuve no sulea to report In either L pliinu or Long Cot tun. SCARR'S , DRUG- STOLID CHARLOTTE, E. C. A Reliable House for Pure CH0JCE JXD ELEGAXT PER- FUMEMES. Ilair Npil and Toolh Cruslies of the Finest Quality. MB For 3IcdicaI Purposes. OIIiS, Faints, F-mm white K KH OS EXE KHItOSENE LAMPS. April 2 INOTICE. Our credit ensto- 'mers, by disregarding i Our terms, liereal ler, are strictly cash on delivery. i isiii:k a iu iikok.ii. An; lift I, Irbl. 1'Jtf To Hire. IIK writer has a eond cook, washer snd iro. ner,, in eooil health, snd vtroue con- slitulioii scthi'ieiil y su sunn to make of iitr a first rate field hanu, with one cluld, to lure in tle country, until llie 1st of January next. Apply at Iius ollice. Aue.ut fi, 1 83 1 . t'Jl Notice. w P. ALEXANDEK i my uuthonied agent All persons having business will) me will transact It Willi hull. T. II. BIIEM. August e, 1861 i y it 11'II.OH'S (ELELItATED SKI P SEAL il.NG CANS, ol all the iiitleri iil ites, al TAYLOR'S Haniietire Store ppetiU Ik Mixtion House. WiJminglon, Cliurlotte and Ruthei ford IS ail Koad. WEb'lLKN DlVlaiUA. ON and alter Mundoy the Ijth instant, tha 1'mnnjLr in. u M ul '1 r 11 in will be run on Ibis Koad uauy (hunuays exeejiiio) aa follows j GOKNU VE&T. Leave. 7 HO A. M. 7 45 " B 15 " t) 4U " AaaiTE. 7 4i A. .V 8 10 8 i7 ' 9 ul) " AaaiTC. Chsrlolte, '1 ueKHM i;ee, lire vuid, iMn.ii n, Liiiculiiton, C01.NG EA6T. Liavx. II Ul) A. M. Lincolntnn, II 3 Mmruii. il 51) " llrevurd, 1W 17 P. M. 1 uckungee, Churlolle, 11 20 A. M 11 45 12 ); P. X I hd Uy order, V. A. McBEE. Acting Musicr of 'l'raiitportution Lincolnton, April 4, It-til. 2-tf EU SLT'l'LYUF Watclies.Jewclrv.olidJSilvcr ' A.M Plated Ware, fg' HE suhsciiber hoslulcly returned from the JL iS'orth u.'re he hus p ji t liu.i d a vciy ex tensive supply ." 1-i.buve arm It . Ilispureha. aes being sue oirtcliy Iruui tne uuiiut.ielurer, he is .nc'tf yre enaOleu to si ll ut a very moj.l ad. vanes uf il unu ptruun limy u -l f-uii u liiut all hi" Irtieles are warranted to be what he rep. rtii'i t tin in to he. V. ulchcs and C locks vurel'ull y repuired and will receive my pirsonul allium n. K. W. LECKUTT1I. OeMier 9. 18C0. -JUlf Dr, E, II. Andrews, OL'LU inforni the public gen eruny, unit the eiUi in ol M cklenburg in purlieu!, r, that he has luumcd llie praulu u o UL.2 i li-1 ii 1 , and may he touud al hit Oid MuiiU. ile ia prepared tn insert Artificial Teeth on Gold, Suiir, Vulcunite ur t heopiutic (.rucos, aa patients muy ctsire ; unu, liii ice in wuh Golo, Tin, Aiiialfcum or Os-Artitieiul. lie is prepared to peiiuiin any ujierutiolis bciiingiti lu lAuliaUy, snu neid not say that he will lit pleased to wait Upon any of Ins old Irienos, ur new outs eithe.', lull may l.iS 'till lor giulited, rib. i, Irbl. 45 if INotice. A LL perens imtiiUd by note tir look uc. JlZi. count I" the I'.i-l.ile o I tin; I., le '1 liom.ih J . Iluitou ale riouiMcij lu ci ine luiutil ;:imi utile the sun.e ut louuii nee eunnot bemnund ail pei'fous having eiuinifl uuuii.1 auui 'i iiouius J. llol'.on's 1.I.I.IU v. i , pri hi nl tne s.hiic uilliiu tne tune pu ellK' d hy i w or min nulice w ill be pied in bar ol their re-net ry. E. VE. 111- ICIUNc-OX, Extr. oj 'lilU. J. llOL'iUN. Fehruary 5, ltd. 45 " J. 1 ULNilJ!. COMMIS Ah .VlUliOT AM) (ji'iicrnl Ciitt'liiii JflCiit. A . LL produce snipped here for ll receive prompt u tlcn I :un spin II III llie puichur? ul (ilJ(l), Ail Notes and Aeci un.s put intu my Iuihuh lor cul Kcliou shiill receive prumpl unu iiniiicuulu ul. leniion.ji) I hurioiK, Ftlt. 5, I fcGl . 4utf Out of Debt! Out cf Danger. i ALL person, IN mid OCT of Town, who 2aL have i,ut rtrtlied llit-ir uccounts due u uii the 1st ot J .iiuurv iblil, nre euu.eatly re quested to t Al l. AT UiNc t, und pay the muiiey ur give their notes, a we are uc-lei milled tu cluae np m cr'o bUMiieas, and irc ler to uu tu w iln oui incurring t 1)6 1 . We ineuu all, and even M'JltE ti an we have said. LldiWN, TATE i. CO. Charlotte, Murch la, lebl. 3t Tin and Japanned Ware. A large asurlInl nt ; lihu-k 'i .ii, Liuck Zinc, Xk '1 111 Plutc, li.lill.l 1 1 it I I , &.C.. ATOVLo, lue luigcal stock, oi ull sizes, at T AY LOll'S Hardware, Stove mul Tin- W ore Vrpott Ujsf unite tne Mttutian iiouae. At Tnjlor's W,TOU can find the Luteal aasorlinent of Cut. K lery, tiuiis and Piblula, ol all tiie celebrated , muKes. , GLASS, of all sue and qualities both Frcncii ! and Americun. Also, Putty by the ktg or pound. ! WUOiJE.N WAKE, HUUOMS, .c.,ol all kiuos. Hope! Hope ! UliliOK Ul IlllJ.l, J UtO UUU Lot lou iiupe, iruiu tncii lu 3 Jit- TAYLOR'S 9., al Harduare Star , oppotitr Mr .Uuusioi House Agricultural lmplcmenti OF AI L Kl.SUS. O'l'KAW Cutle Corn She! K9 1-rs, Pluws, iiis, fcuoveia SiijOcb, Pu'ks, Axea, Picks, .Mat tocks, (rubbing Hois, Trace L-iiaiua, auit I bains, Li L na n.a, Pr uiu ig and lleiige lear, Pruning aim Ludding Kmvti, Gar. deu Hot ar,d Kanes, Willi buiiules ; Grain Ciw cieo; rjin, r.i.- anil bntr Si j Hits, Lun ooiif. Wagun boxes; ioln-w ware,sueii as pole, ovens sod iiu-, sk iht Is, spmers, rlew-paita auu ki t. tn s, Cauiiiroi. !ioin 'JU lu I 'JO guliona each ; Iron uiil brai. Preserving Kctllee, S.'ievp Micaia, ic ul TAYLORS duare Dryot.ojpoaUt llie Mansion 1vut: 3 - INotice. ui 1.CU.NL . I H. I.iivug U.n aPf. mi of J. B. P in ii to us lor o.m t'on, I quei-ttd lo ii HAY. lit . 1.'. il to ciU,. r t are rt. ttril I.i, IN I' ut an EAliLY hl'H UiMlN LLuiiN, 'liulna. G lit (yd Notice IIJOM anu alter the Ut flay of Jmu iry next i1 we will he pi-usi J to stiionr ', trieniis aid I custollurn anil the re.-' ot uiaLkloU tor AMI und cash unly, any arlu u in our line m nunnesa ; We may have on hullit. Any ptrsoli stiiUing or I coining tor p.,. .is "r "e an. v, .'ule witnou; inuoey, will jinan' luiin n- " their uroeis. st luriuMi luruieh tin lit with acopy ot tin aiivertisi nient ; as w e are tieUruiiiitd nut to sell a sii'U;e article tut cieuil. And tho se in. tiebteti lu us ae rtqutsled tu tall anu p.iy as wa want tne moiiey. OA1KS& WILLIAMS. Pec. Si, leW. i-tf

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