I j.' -.jr t T ) H A BASKET OF CIIIFS. " rietie, niriD, od wbai (ball I do nitb the bits of caedlca V u Ta them down ia tho litcben, and tur them, Bridget.." Offsbe atarted. At night Bridget called the lad j, and asked for a candle. A aandlo 1 Why, what have jou done itb tbe pieces I gave jou tlis morning, Bridget ?'' " Faitb, marm, I pot tbm in the fire and lamed them, as jou tould we to do, tbU Morning " " Judge, jon aj if I punch a man in fun be can take me up for assault and hat tcrj T" " les, sir, I said tbat, and what I say I repeat. If you punch a man, you are guil-1 ty of a breach of the pei.ee, and can oe ar rested for it." ' Ain't there excf ptions !" " No, sir." " Xow, Judge, I guess you are mistaken Suppose, for instance, I should traody punch him !'' No levity in court sir. Sheriff, exrosr ibis man to the atmosphere. Call tbe next case." DuriDg tbe performance af one of the Pittsburgh theatres lat week, a voting man suddenly fpraDg up from bis seat, and exclaimed tbat be was about to die, aud Staggering up tbe eastern aisle toarJi i lie door, makiDg fractie gestures, called on "the lle.sed Saviour " to belp Liin, ai;d legged to be takeo borne before he cta.saj to beatbe. Tbs doorker-rer ltd biai into tbe open air, aBd be recovered from bit ap parent aberration ia a few minutes, and re turned to bis seat, but bad scarcely sat down before he again rushed out, but with out speakicg, aBd kfl the LuiiYio,; and failed to return. A Yankee ebap, down iu Holt, Kansas, eecupyicg an old Dijuerran wngoo by the . road-ide, was discevered a abort time aiaco washing and feourirjg an old .-uu larrti. On being aiktd what be intended doing wilh.it he replied that he was fixing up to jo into tLe retail liquor bu!ines, and, to avoid tie law, was j;:b to icaie u;e o: this tube instead of giants thereby making it apparent beyond dispute that be was seliing liquor by tbe barrel ! The ftiiow is doing a thriving bu-ino-s. A gr? t many pereODS have been a'-vt iu the n.ck by this novel ccntrivance. ' When are youois to eouimetjee the pork business ?'' a-kel a person of the oth er, who had a sty ia his eye. " Explain yourself, tir,'' . . tb affiict ed one.'' " Why, I see you Lave your sty quits read," , " True," was tbe reply, " andI t e ote log in my eye now." j An IrUbman being called to testify in court as a witoe-s, was told by the e'.cik to hold up bis rijjbt band. Ibe man immediately beli up his left band. " Hold up your right band," said the el.rk. " Piase your boaer," said the witness, still keeping bis left band up, " I am left banded. A horse d.ctor in Doncastcr mida a bet of twenty guineas that be could remove from any bone sajthisg Natere had not placed upon the beaut nieaoiDg liboce, spavin, is. A wag took the bet, shewed him a mvrt. gage for fifty gjiLeas on a faverite bor;e, and pocketed ib twenty g jiLeas. " ilow is yor butlaud this aiornitgi Mrs. Sqiijigs V " Ob, ay ! why, the doctor says if be lives until the ttiort.tu', he hii have so:i,e Lopea cf biui ; but if he a ju t, why, be tuijt give him up." A thowaaD givit.g er.tcrta'Lrattiti in Laf ayo'.te, Iud , wai effrtd by or,e n.au a luahel of corn f&r adu.ieion. The tn-jua-gtr deeiintd it, taj i g that a.i t'he lueihheri of Lis eotiipasy had b'.en q a jtd fr the ia-.t tlx wnkt. " So there's ar.rtLf-r rupture of Mout.t Vociferous," said Mrs. Partition, as the put up Ler hfic".. " li.e pffrs toll lj aLont the larhiug latb-r ruiit.ifu diwa the Biountain, but they d j u I t-:i u- Low it g-,t co Ere." " IIcw iLuck mor ?y have j r eh oid tui tuuHc.-u to a jmv low tojrtir. hi- p'ettj sia.j;.:,. .aid a ''a, I bavsL t Bioch of anytaii.,' r,, i 1 h a very ricU j,ro;pet, ih Ju il " 'J i. i.L oecinred, aai the oi'l ch:.p li-ar fioiu bis Ll fiu in law that ti.: rien pect was the jro p u of n, rrjii.c' daughter. Op'.n joar heart to !;.. ,'; v. '.: to de.p'jLiet,ej. 1 ti Cvir i,i, j to receive the dew abuts ajaius: tke r How can five persiM divi J 6ve so that each kin shall rciivc &he, aod still one rst-iaio iu the dish ? j One takes the dub with the r-f ' FALL OPENING. New Store, New Goods! AT Loowcnstcin & Iro, rEARLYnpDo8:'ellie Court House, where they ' have an extensive slock of C L O THUS7 G, 11 O O T S , IB o 1: S II A T, , AND and a luipe vanity of jJ J" S'Pl G OOJ3S AND G not: I til is. Persona will do wcl! to give ua a call before pur. dialing else here. LOEWENSTEIN A BRO. October 9. 1860. 2!) if MERCHANT TAILORING ri i.lics, musugs a . nAVE alio aildt-d to their Itrady -made Cloth iritr Su.tk. a Mercluiil 'l'dilorme Drirt. ! n.iril. tu v Inch the v call Hit especial attention of :hrir many trii-uctr mil cu'touit-ra. l iny iiittnil innkiiiK Una urpjrtment aecend to inue in tne Stute, eitner in lyli' and quality of Jorum, or in th munufncliire 01 Gjrnienta. At nil tiinra will he liuii.d a good alock of Black mill olorea I'lollir, Engliah, Frt-nch and American dsinirreo. nd it variety ot Vestmgs Also, an iss'.rlim-nt of K41C K II.I CAssl.HtllLS, Tin y ferl confiiient nf their ability to undersell my oihrr houte in the Stult , Iroin the aOVantuges ..In y huve in ;eitih); thru i.oott. Their g.Hiiii. are tmuulit by the quantity, by one I the Finn m In. reniiiea in the Northern imirkela, huh jiven him the opportunity ot taking juvjii. m;c ol the pricea ol good, thereby aaving at .ant Twenty-Five Per CenfSJi To the consumer. Jj" Dmiea anved are Dollar mace lf. So Iry U. E. f ULL1XGS, J. NO. M. SPRINGS, 5rmirr 25, lt?C0. S7lf CHEAT SAC1F1CES OF JJ ji y j T U . 3 3 VJ j I''p It I1(;"IV I 1 FROM J2- sja a.t fiy. GOODMAN & EIGENBRLN, TRAIlR STRHflT. I - l)ATi:s iV UIIJAMS. K r.M.. rtfu!. y inform the citizen, of C har. ' STABLES are abundantly sup, lied and at lotir". ano aurruunuiiig country thnt we tended ty c.retul ostlers ; and t.. all departments prepared to ot!Vr out; t 1 yu 1 c 1; n lts IJLi CO 1J 5TT QLj- 11... a.a ih.N kfia.Wsl dj;' GOODS, Hats, 4 "jt, Hoots, xhois, A'c. AND 1 LASGt iH.iMTHE.ST Uf GLTI.L.JL-. I I ItM.-III'U; t:OOD1. ALSO, A lorje ftork of Lailies and Gentlemen's MIAWl.S AM) CLOAKS, XZ' f ust oil ami tzinine our Oooda before purcliiiu ili-t w me. GOODMAN L EIGENBRUN. Ort.,,rr 2, lchU. ion 1 in: ;im;at CLOTIJLVGIMUUM. FLLLI.N;Sf fcFiTLNvjS & CO, IitALLUd IN ALL KIM'S OF READY Mm CLOTHING IX' U.N imii .xc; GOODS, IJats, Laps, lruiiks,7? 5a,u'rQ v ,t 1. 1 ii, ai , l ulling, M Av ( o. V OLI.L) cull the espc V t Ho nu 1.1.U p.aroi, . LV S IOl K Ol ,. , i.fuiiiij. '1 i.ty 11., l,k ial attmlion of their to tncir CLOTH I.Ms, l.k ti.ey en oJ.r rejltr iioii liicj lute 1 in oonr, l at re.juceu rules diiu at i;onhd.i,t no Huuaeiu I lie . lUJil. 1 11. 1C OOUI ,r g., i.. t t .1. t '1 h'.y arc otjem.g Viry nice .:n 1,1 A.i iii.'On- r of L.isl.HtlU. fA. la, C.A.-sM '.li-UH, SILK, MA l'AI..st A.MJ Vr.LVtl' Vr.Slri, l)Vh.l tUAia, Of ai. sru,... aiyiea. T t 'il.ve (J, cannot be ur.'anv:,J in stv IllilJlliifCU ; ol lot. tit ui uii'.er Uk. .1-11. i, Ci'KLNua & CO. 1 ij, ic). A. V. AJsUX A.MIIJK, S I m a i. 1J. iM,. 'l i s '', ai;rice to the cili- iretfluieiit tiit. (.lory . in, tin r. Ar. l" .l.o .i vtr o-ae. 'Ii.., ty- cl I over th. ...;i.o i..rK. ! ;u.i, ,e irnuii.,1. ' ""' '-'.'-' It .ii Hard ilh ol I iJcnli iu .d iierial. art on mud- its per- 0 lo at 1 ucaa. itoi; i ii. row V 1 I..M. :..w. I o.vl.ji.-; lu.S MLIi II A NT ' " .v i i.hi .v T'.i,, ,n t;. 11 H I':-e, h.ylh (..,11.. r M.ri.. Ul.U Water ht. Or"...rr H. I . 3ltf J. V. UIBYI II to., VKALIRf IN COT CTJ end f II KINDS of PRODUCE, Til A DC STHI'DT, CHARLOTTE, X C CAH orders attended to with dtipaiol. April 17, lt)60. 4if WASHINGTON HOTEL. (CHANOI OF IHOPBHTOR8.) BROAD M II I I T M.M 111 H.N, N.C, JOHN F. JOKES, Froprietoi. rIV,Hhl I'ndersigned respectfully annoincea to X the travelling public, (Hat he lia laaen charge of this old and popular eslablislimiht, and in now prepared to accommodate travelers. nil pri vate families with board by the day or nitntti, on the most scconiniodutmg I .rills. Iha TABLE will alwaya be furnished ith the bf'' provniona that home and foreign mar.tscan I The Waiftliiii&loil Holt"! has ' larv rooms, is neuter the depot, the court-houst, and the bumneas atreeta than any other in the ' An Ompibut will always be at the drpe: and landing, on the arrival of the cars and atraa boat, to convey paaaengera to the Hotel free of cl irge. By stopping at this Hotel, passengers will have ample time to obtaiu meals. Having aluo a large and eommodioua S able, anc an excellent Umlir, he ia lully prepattd to epurta to th t tbe )MS. board horacs by thu day, week or month moat reasonable rales. JOHN. F. JON .Var.-s 1. 1659. 5 1 If, 1 harlultc iTIiilunl mire C'oiiit;iiv jfjlHlS COMPANY continues to take risks a sL gair.at losa by 6re, on Houses, ticods, Pro duce, Ac, st uaual rates. tr OrBce at th Drug Store of t. Nya Iiutchi son ii. Co. OrilCXRS. A. C. STEELE, President. C. OVERMAN, Vice rrrtient. E.NYE HUTCHISON, Sec't.Q- Treas'r. DIRECTORS. A.C.STEELE, J. L. BROWN, I M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WKISTON; C. OVERMAN. F. SCARR, M.JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scarr and S. T. Wkiston, Executive Committee. AprilM, 16o3. "tf f BIIE nubacriber takes plearnre in snnonneing JL to his friLhtta, and the public generuliy, that he has taken this long established and well known Hotel, and has made every posKible preparation to accommodate the bumntsa, travelling and tuning portions ot the public, in the uioat satisiacloiy manner. Particular attention ia paid to his TABLE. ' n(j evcrT con,fort la provided in hie JCUlla.lSS. , l"e pr"pnelnr giea his personal attention. I . CUU..r..,u,c.,..,.,,ni run. regular,, iu n.e depot on the arrival ot the cars With the.e eh'irl. to pleane, a liberal share of fie pu'lic plroniaga I wn.iMtij wltcMrc. VM. ROWZEK. Aotemlrr 15, 1S'i9. 36' f J. S PHILLIPS lit A V I SG located in L'barlutte, re.)xtt!ul- I v aolicits a share ol public alroo.ige. A complete as-ortinent of Cloth., Ca.. jus and Veatings al wsya on hand, whicn will be ni.ide to or der at the sliorttM notice, after l tie latest fashion Shop three uoor. South of the Mansion llo iae. JOilxN S. WILEY, MANcracTtaia add laroarca of HAY AS A SEGARS, 1II UCALia 1.1 cbacco, Snuff, Hatches, Paper. &c, 2 212022:3. 3?. C, iriiM liiiL 'l I11LS, ic, tuiinuuil) uii hand, January J, lgtj. 4 If Z. U. JO I IX, General ollect in ,lscnt, Iniutilown, Terry luuntj, JIuImuki, 7 I'. I- attind promotly to the collection nfall T ci.nni. pUctu i ii his hands. rJtate Claims looked alter, Land Claim, ft rrrt. ed out, and abrconuinr debtors looked uo at res. aoliabie charges. TEXAS CLAIMS. T'C'ole:iions in. or in Tt.., ss hefeti.fors, tl.rougn . aiu.rneya in ti.atrttate. frdhikiT.eaa iiuy oe sril. fy d-peuitu on. t'lhru -ry Jl, '.ct,j. 43-lf Wlil-AT 1,111". .i..n'.i. g con, lonniiy ii Iukc notice lln.t A, lh.;ir Wheat t rop will hi- .i rchaftd at the ('harlotte .Sieain Fioiiriii( Miil.t market once.. I'll- havii. W beat for nale m.y f,d It to their lvaiitage to call at Hie Mill t.. .,f, ,;l...irif a sale. JOHN WILKr-t, s CO. July 2, l 't.j'J. i)tf WALTON I lOI's I Afc Tin; i.i: ti:tr im; iui;s- Proprietor will lirinin .t..- on the i.tli I it, t e sui.criher. mil rem, lor a term u.i popui.ir Hotel, to a tn.in who cm ieea, (none ot.r nprd apply,) ua wners t iit it will he ... kept a. m the reputation which it au. ill ca tiki r toe I not lo uelr.i t I lir.t cUsa Hotel. . 'lhe f itronaije ol the If lirse snd in- creasing. - rom ,t, central pom I ,.,, and e.l.ib. Iiai.e.i c. .r .cier c n.not it fill of success, if pro. p.- iy coiiur:te.l. A ii y fill her i n lor in lion hi du. tuil yuj be giten by addressing. T. U. i W. M. WALKJN. Mortfai,ton. N. C. '''-S.I-'-l. t.'b-M S. T. Wriston, AM T At I l.'ltF.Kof.anddeah-rm Plain an.! aTM. Japanned I n. ware, Sv. s, W oonen W are lir-xona, l;r jn.ic-i, A c., in .Souih wing of Cprniys' Lorner Bui. ding. Job Work.su,;!, sar.xjfinx, ''Uttering, Jr c. done Willi deapatc.h September -il , Ibu'J. CQTJKIIEG-HOUSE MMAEK 1801. JANUARY.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 31 3 4 5 6 7 6 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FEBRUARY... 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 20 27 28 MARCH., 3 4 5 6 7 6b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 13 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 30 .. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 -.'0 21 22 2:1 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 IU II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 3) .. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 1- 2H 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 21 4 6 6 7 8 0 111 11 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.1 21 25 26 27 28 V.'0 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 13 10 20 2: APRIL., MAY., JUNE... JULY... AUGUST., SEPTEMBER 22 23 24 25 i:6 27 20 m .. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 It) 11 13 14 15 16 17 H 20 21 22 -.'3 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 .. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 28 OCTOBER lit 20 i NOVEMBER 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 2t) 21 23 23 i 21 25 20 27 2-J 20 3 ) ' ..1 2 3 4 5 0 7' JJ,(. h Jl BE K., 8 0 10 11 12 13 11 15 lti 17 is 19 20 2 22 23 21 25 20 27 20 3J 21 1 II 11 1. i f suhaciiber ! received a large and uri. JL ed assortment of for Sprinand Summar, which for che.one.s snd ru stne.s, cannot be aurnas-ed,cohaialing in ji4rl ol Biack and e-h.red ( 'LOTUS, Discs DoLKl.S, 1'lain, Hi.ck and f ancy CASsTM KR K , French Urab V Kl La. Plain HUck snd r'.gnred S.Ik VESTI ;., Fancy Linen lililLLS, tnit all oilier t;.)0. u.u.lly f.und in s f.r.t eli. , Tailor ii ? lCtsblirhiiienl. Ail ot Inch will hi ! maije to uniti or sold by the yard on src.iioo.oiu. I I. n f Ur.ns. J. a. rniLLU'd. In returning my thank Inlie, lor the er j (mil a have in.atowrd on me. J - to the eiiu, a lib. ral p.lr -fcii., li.i.c i.l the same, with the ui..rji.. e th.it . fieri entruaUd to me ni oe iicjIj u.iu ,n. executed. J April 17. lefiO. 4,, 1'ilAltl.U'Hi; IIOIR sW O If K Pis, t h. tit Lorn:, . c, ff V.IIL Proprietor oftlus II still us .,.t ready to tul. f ' mine hi.i" to the fa the diitn- travelling pnL.li Ml others ho may call oi enmfortabl any where ly in the r mm, and he flatten liimaelt tha qu.rtera ean be lound with inn i this vicinity, lieing situat'd n tre of I hirlotle, liusim-as ,, iiihi mis nun i s mohl convenient and o.irahli locution, lie has been engaged in toe iuinesi st this stand nearly tighter ;i years, ami in tin lime lie l...s made ac-veral atliiitions to ins former house, and it has been (really enlarged n,,i mi. proved, presenting in front a two lry VKKANHA W) leel i le.gth by 12 feel In Width, fi i li . some I y sbaited by trees on the side. walk, affording a plea, aanl promenade st all Imura of the day. The House bus been thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every port of it creature comforts are abundant and tangible. especially in the 1)1 N IM; ""o-". win-re the "inner man" is "ren l..y by day. onnect.V with this Hotel .re St.. hie. s IT.ir.i n.g ' '"' '"'i nurses, ahum) .M!y lurrisheil will. grain and pr. . vender, attended by faill.K I sou o. bilging honlers. Tiie Proprietor feels confident that with l.i:t-g experience slid many tu w aavuntiigi s uiMcn t n, desire to please, be is prepare; to oil. r Ins Inen.is and the " rest of mankind," as many coin forts and aa much g,,od cheer as will be found anywhere, perhaps a lilile more ao 17 At any rate Tr the C'harlolle Hotel. J. li. K KKK Ortoher 19. Ib.r.8. 3 t f II. . I5KCKWITII HAS CONST ITI V ill. 111 tD hkl. fa If TH StST INOI.ISH ANO SSISSI' AN MAM r( .- ('all and eiamine his stock bclors pun I. elsewhere. CO 2 H S3 H '"J Co tr c- a. o 2 " T T ? i : : I I I : I : 5 : : : r, sauiis, Art-hilt'cl ami lluildrr, ti"SX7 ILL furnish Designs, 1'luns ai.d Drawint for 1'ublm Buildings, Private Kesidenoes un: Villas. Particular stlriitinn will be paid to building Flouring Mills. Corn Mills, &c. Urnci iu 3d story ol Alexander's JJoiluing, ironi room over China Hull. October 26. 18f8 33tf fcf Kcmoval. SY Friends snd Custoniere sre respectfully ITi informed that I hne removed my Tin Shop to bpnni!.' Diick Builninr., 3d door Irom the Cor ncr, on Tryou street, w here he will be pleased to sec them. S. T. WRIST0N. January 31, 1PG0. .-'lf Ayer s Sarsaparilla A coiiipotuul remcJy, in whii-h wc hftvc la bored to produce the mo-tt cmTtuul alterative th.it run he niauY. It U a concciitrnted extract of l'.ua Suisupurillu, so cuiiibined with other sub-.t:iiur-i of Kt ill greater ultemtivo power at to alfiril an iff otive antidote for thp diaeasca Sarsup.i; ,ll.i i. reputed to cure. It is believed that s'u h a r.-tui-dy U wanted by tlio who it !T rr from Strumnu- cotnphiinta, and that one which will octunipli-.h their euro mint prove of imin iii service M this largo clusi of our n!l!i ted f ilow-citien-i. How completely this cotnpo unl will do it lu b.-en proven by expor iiii -nt on niiiiiv of th-.' ort ts-s to be fuuiid of th-' f .ll.iwiiii complain: a : S.lllHt. ANI Scnori'LOV CoyftAINTS, Km i-rnixa Amu Km itivs Didrasea, I'li kks, I'lMI'I.E, Hloti HEA, Tl'MOKS, StT It II EC M, Scai.o I In a ri, Svpim.i' am) Syphilitic Ar I'Lctions, Mr.nrfKi l Unr.AsE, Dnorsr, Nat-. itAfin on Tic DofiovnKt x, Dkhii.ity, Dy$- i- ki ha and Inior.iTiu-, LkYsiecus, Itosi ou Sr. Anthony's Fiiie, and indeed the whole clu of complaints arising fram lurvKirt or thk I! 1.00 1). Thi compound will bo found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to exj.-l the foul humors which fe'er iu the blood at that snon of the ycur. rj the time ly expuNion of th -tn many rankling disorders are nipped in the hud. Multitudin can, by tin.- aid of thu remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of f.mj eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will stnve to rid itself of corruptions, if not assi-ted to do tKn through the niiUirnl chuunc-U of live body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whe never j u find its impun'.ica bur-itin through the skin in pimple, eruptions, or sores J cleanse it w tu-n you find it Is ob stru. ti d and sliiuisli in the veins ; cl'-ante it w hi-m-vir it w foul, and your f.- lins will tell v .u hen. Kven w here no particular disorder ts (-it, jieople enjoy h-tter h.alth, and live 1-in,- r, for dcan-inir the bhxxl. K-p the blond healthy, and nil is well ; but with this paimlum of life di-ordrred, thne can be no lasting heairh. Soon-'T or later some-thing mu-t po wrou, 11. 1 th" great machau-ry of L:.- is disordered or overthrown. Sari;ar.ll his. snd d'-s'-rv.-a. much, tbe reputation of accompli'.hing these ends. Hut ti.e w.irld lus hTn ettreiously deceived by jir pii i'ioiis of it. prtrtly because the drug .o-ie Im not all the virtue that is claimed fir i. but more hs-eause many pr.-para'ions, pr t'-ii I.iil; to tx- 1 nn.s-ntrited extracts of it, 1.1..M.H but little of toe virtue of barsapaiiiia, or any tiling else, I 111!. l ite j.-r the pu' Uc have ln nr.t 1' 1 by Ur.-' h.ittl.-s. pr'-t.-iidin to g-e a quart of l.xtra. t of .Ntr-apari'.i.i for one dollar. Most ol t:.i".e have b- i-n fiau.U Uk,ii the s.i k, for th -y not onl) coii'aul little, if any, arapa-tiii-i. hut often lei 1 ur.itive pro; rt.e s w:.atcv cr. II 11 -e, htftiT and painful d.s..pp ,,iitinrnt hi. f..l jw, d tl- u; of the various extracts of J'irs.ijiat uU wlmh I'-o.l die narket, until tb ii- iiiH- it... If is justly d, -.j.iM'l, nn 1 bat Uenmo syiionytnoiis w;ih lmpo.tion snd cheat, fst-ll we ( ail li.is co'iixiuud N.rsa;jni.n, and inn nd to supply su.il u niiii -ly as sliai) n-.-iuc tho li.i.'i.. Iiuiii th..' load of obi iqiiy which rw u;.on it. And e thiiik we l.a-e ground f.r b- mux has virf u -s which are nr -i-til.le by tlie ordinary run of tho dt-eu.- it is inhn-U ed to cure. In old' T 1 1 w-t un; th. ir complete era U'-i.te.ii from the system, the rctn. dy sl.oul 1 be ju :L-.a ouly tak-.u according to diroctiuUS OU tbe bottli. I'Kci'ARr.n ar Dit. J. :. Avi;a v co. I.OWI.LL, MASS, Prlrs, 1 per llottla 1 ls Itolllcs for t. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral his won for !"!(' surh a r.tnwn fcr t. mr-rf eiery anety of 1 I.r . .1 aod l. .n Con pi ml, that it is entirely ur-iiccejry for m to res-oui.t the CT:d".ice of it. virtue, whepcr it has b.-en eir f As it h is l..n? be- it in constant '! throuirhout tti'.s a-titm, we need i,.,t d more t .an assure the people i-s o-n.iit is k. pt nf to l ie Lr.i it er h .s lm, ar.d th ,t it n, .y I f r-'..ed on ti du for their relief all it Ins ever been found to ci . Aycr's Cathartic Pills, - roa mi cunt or Toi'ieeness, Jaurvli-e, U'jpe)tia, In I. r-o'eirt, .,.eu.- y, .VoMflrA. .'. yo;.. Vf . ..,.- I'he. I'lUn, Wxrumnlitm, i.rultim a,ul .s .. 1 fhtnjirf. 23 j I Li'fT fimplaiht, Ihujau. Tiltrr, Salt It lieum, II V1..1, t.o.ir, .V Jil'r "., OI1..C- Pur, f.,,nl tu I h'-v are ...giir-roa''-!, t! .t t I o,l at a m take th. nllv W-t s;k-c ent in the woiid for sii the porKncs (.f a family pt-vs.r. Pries 23 unti per Boi ; Tivo boins for $100. f.rest nuiiitieri of f icrtmen, l'l.vso i ins. StAtes. men. and eminent perv nayrs, h ive 1 lit their n Hues to certify the .il.pxr.tl'.eled usefi.lness of thess reme l;-s, but our spare here wiil r.nt t-rnut tlie insertion of tb'-m. I he Aa-ents t,el,.w naine-i f ,r 10 ,h Kiatis our A nr mi ii At M 1 s a in win. h t',. y ar" tfiven . witli also full desrnpions of thf r'os ciit'ijiI lints, and the tr.-stiueiit that .houl l be fol low. A for tli-ir rure. Ii n' t be pot off bv unprim iple-l dealers with o'h.-r preparation, th'-r m-ike more profit 00. I-,md Erin's, snd tike 1,0 otl.-rs. d h- s,, k want the best aid there 11 for them, snd tbi-jr ahuuid have it. g AU our rrmedici are for sale by I' r.r sale by k n yk inrrcuisuN k co. V. M'Alik X c, u Charlotte. 11AYILAND, hTKVKNSONil :)., Chm Irslrtn , ,S'. ( ,. Fruit .Hid Tree MoroT ' JJ ' " sul.srrit.rr has opened nut neit d.K.r ii hove llyerly'a 'I in.Miop, in Ihn Manai. House lluilili I will k on In l.d a well .,. V'loea. river- lecird .lock of Krint Tru greens and Sbrul.brry. Ac. ous kin.fs Apple, (Iraug pies, A c, ! c. ,p.. A I f'riiila nf ri. I. mens, l ine A p. E. W. LYLKS. 3.tf He, 'her I I. H,f). 43 j IN otic e. i.r. mi. bled lo lhe e.li.le of Andrew i !spnni;s, i.ee'd., w.ll iimke in.n.iiliaie pay. ini-i.t j m il nil per. one buying rlnima k uhsl said tale, will -id it,, ni duly oulhenticui.d, in tbe 'line pri.inbid by lnw, ,r Una notice will be picad i.l rar of their recovery. t. ii. hiiKM r:x'r. OrlUer .111. If CO. 3Jtf Charlotte DRUG Store, vvi: i m TiTi ) cV t n. 'l l.lre.p.elli;yell 11 allei.lion ol III public lu II, i nn com pie le Stock now heir,f open.d tor (he Spring Trade, on.i.hns of lru!N .M-dien.e,, lleiniral.. , r lu u, -ry , fancy Arliel. .. l,,, Turp, i,,,e, li-,,,, I luid. Alco. ol, I'll re M-di.al VV,. B, l, a,:s, t.'aiib.n Teas, field and ..irdtii Seeds, V.c, A.c Juvuuiy 17, J(s,!j. i3,r .SAWrOKD-t. LIVER INViGORATOS anil spi.n.vM l.v sll Uul ,H, " 1 1 '" tovVmre,?'le',i.''UJ",',; 1,1 fJ "" mCt':' It lisa cmishI itmiuutudMl 5 L-ltkln ... r" "fli'8 I WO.) ba.l (lva. il sll Iiok,, U 1 rr ..r ti ni',llc.l.1i-rlln,-.1e.i,1,mvl S ' " " ' s lh,, , 'i I Ii. .I.h nesn 1 s-lamrit! V ' Z "" lmll.,J,u.l laklns It, a, u. J I d ' ,'uch1'"'"""" "H. a Uii Aals. au. h , lall UlS dicuie. of yuurl usaofUisl.IVKH. tM- ass. I 1 s-illcnrs Liver t'ani tsikl, Uy.pepals, u in in area in -j rr, Uropsy, Xnnr lesllvtiitii, C'lsol r Murlina.Cliglerii leuce, Jsundlee P '-'SOIMI,,, I'eu.nl, ... Cs, and biaj as ussj cs, ana iA7 cs ussj .,ic. Icrarui, .-" " ry K y Ms-.ti.tf1,. 1,","" twciny mloutea. If H tw ue ,,, siiuonfuts 01s ssik.1 as ... sllsek. I m?u'.Zrn " M ,! iferi, MIX W ATKH 1 TIIK aiot Til w it. TIIK ISIVIliOltAloll, AU , ,,, TH Pile One (Jot tar per Bonis IMl ' SAWrORD'S 'V.V CATHARTIC PILLS 1 In amy rltn.nlr. k ,'."T.,;tm i!v."'"-.,... us"l I. k. rrell, m,i , i 11, , . 1 " 1 J j, lb.r,,.u, i...e- .... H ,". ;"'. ksvrluu. issnllln PH.I.Sil J ' ,U Ike KAMIl.t kas slik d' s renr U',ia lUtrsrss. S wlMs, a 1 Uk,rue ,a Cj 1,. ,., "n( 1 rniiMtmoiti rf e.. sTV ' '. l. I.e.-, I'al... I,, tlir-M II... W a . h i" ' ! .,.l.,..e.., f.l H .., I,,,',,'!..1'" iim.-.csry r 1.0.. or t,...-i m in,., (,;, .,,," ' hllrleer s.lnl!., C IC I.. ii? I'n ' H" Pnrllirrtf s- IIIoihI s.. .... . ."','.' zl ta MSM. Uo'e. I ml I'M UK TIIHFF. I Thai l.lsrr losl n, It, axle I'll la s . ,.,ii 1,, 1 . Sams atMSSMla at Um. lr.ic ... s . i:.. i, . T, W. HH -'( II 33S BrodH.i, N,M ru 1: SCAKKi ( Chi'Jlr, yc Wm J, Kerr, a rron m: a t law . 11 1:1.01 11, ... r 1 f I. prarlire 11 tl.i ( curl., : . I ? I lnon and t tbarrus curi,i, ly f'ftire lu the lirawly liL;w. Kerr's Hotel. jin it-no. ,(. n,. .1. i.' . ii. . iv , in 1 lHH'K DIUUIII!' LMJl!ill!:I!.t:', Two Door. iLcir Eraiiili tatk. it vl. ins o rrarc(V.B. Maiilt tHnLiL; : JI.I 71 lil. I, h.i. Tbs stc.ve EsUblisliCicnl i. new .1 lion, l.aVll.f , and still .r is. i a the Ir.t I.l ANK I AIT It ti'i IIM) If.KIAl-.H. I am stall lin.e. 1. .c 1 dirs in my lint, snd at ti.e s.ri.r ! - ; ebsrsol iratitfi.agi. .My i-cf i., r ! I ivcn lu all ordt i. Willi w bu n I ri, j . j Having lid luia; prait.ra.clpsr.i.s s I Ul..elureol I.I.A.NK IllNih.ai.s 1. 1 t j new and aid I KIM r.tJ Util.hs, I r; . Ilia I 1 kali, iu all ci at ., g nc c a i.r . l . i M.AMv l.tl'h, (tank :..ks, ( Ic, s.'li... ... I,, 1 .1,. I3! rnfls. Oium.r) 's ami t . u n ... : ty'. l;.ks, ail fx I I.t.I aid i.i'lM'u I. r 11. 111 tl.s toy I.. .1 11 . . 1,, :.. : . si.J I'sjc and ln.:ie. win .--,.::-. 1 UM I U WuI.a.s. ami II.H.ksol every :,sc nf-licu, l-,uu iu errr variety of stir. I ' A.I oral, rs will ee ricruled a.::. and a. low ss can he .1 .l.e n, w.uri L. ii. bM. Jury 17. leCO. - vtK i ii.f iftoi.n a Plutual Life Insuiance Cot..;: Of l H k.. RALI.ll.lt. ,N III IN Cinii-.ny L ala for one )ar, Urin ol !' l..c Malual I'niiciir, ti.r...n.. : ri'.ii- in the pr.-nis ol I I.r I i.., ens Kiaiitcu lor the wiio.c lirn ,cn u. c pr niiuiii ti.cretor ameui i Irony Im llrn lot ...ii-lull l..c ni IOIIJII. , oest ll( ll.tt.Ull at b pel n - . r . n t ) . ue prmiipt manner in lin-li si! f i. j... iu by tins company, lo(;cti.r s es ..I premium, prs-aei.i rrrai im-u sell as are .!.,'. . tu llisuic. Sui.-a areinsureti f.r l.roit.f ft lire )i4ii, lor tw... th.ru. turn s. r. AU lo.aea are paid within ''J !'!' ' ictory proot is preseBiiu. 1)1 H l l 'I i IK. Cbsrlrs .. Johi.alon, W w. II. J-" Hol.ieu. VS . 1 I o. kt, J. C Wo " II uei H. Wo' U0.I..1. I' r. ! II .Mi hee, K. I'. Il.tt.e, -r.A b ' 1-owlc, Uich'o II. I'.ai,: tiKKUMtS. . Ilr. fhsrle. K. Jot. n , I're.i. m I V. . Hol.len, V M-r I'r.-.IOrl.t . I(. II. Itall.t,.eul.ry. V illiall.a II. Jones, i re. surer. II. W. Ilusle.i. Aitorni y. Ilr. Wm. II. M-H.c,M..l.e-.. Kru i zrr udra t ssnuft. W. Iu,l"r. Kee. ( harle. B. Knot. Medteal Hoard ut t ostuifafi I Johnson, M. V., Vvillisin II liich'd Ii. Haywood, .M. I'.. for furtiinr inforn.almn, It red In the nsmnblels.anct forms ol f may tie ohliinn or a ii y of its Ag ( om in u ii ic j 1 1 thr tlll.ee ol H 1 es. Shell!.! U paid) to K.H. BATTUE' ':,,' September W, CIiainbiTS, JtorncsM1 Factors anil i.rnrral lin"1 ? JIKKCHAM-N :nAiiiai-:s'H' v1. c ; J. till PK IN TIM ;i kin"" tt s i lieu 1 1 ii. il i Wl.ij I III., I)