th. Canvas a Substitute fok Liather Tba Richmond Dispatch suys : Thu toar- oiland high prioe of leather precludes its use 10 the nisoufaeturo of harness, of which the Confederate States are now ic urgoDt need. A correspondent reoommouds as a substitute heavy eauvas bands, or cloth woven to shape, which for strength, dura .... .,. . .1 t ... i b,, and comfort to the horse, will ba eq'ial if not superior, to leather. By an . , . . . . COODomical process It IS made impervious j to water, pliable as leather, and freo in its : ,, , , . I aetlOO. lh suggestion has been submit- ted to practical men, who are contiuocd of i . , ... i l J i i lis av.ii.uini 1 bum 111 is uuueu tuu prc-per depirtitietit will see fit to test its worth, so that the important branch of transportation nay be facilitated. Wo have seco canvas used for harness, by farmers, who pronounce it a good sub stitute for leather. EST" One of the ridiculous anomalies of habit in the defunct United State, was the prefix "lieu." to every name of a oitiseo who had been in any office. We regret to fee it kept up in the Confederate States, and hope it will be abandoned. If it mint be used in anywiac let it be limited to actual incumbents of certain of Cces, to bo designated by a competent Con vention. It is time also there was some rule of limitation iu the use and application of mil itary titles and we propone that ucb be used for milita effi-H'M only during tlnir term of office. Titles earned' in service may very well be continued after rcsigtia lion, but evi-n iu ibis ee it wsuld be bet ter te oDi t thcut unless absolutely ncces eary for distinction. We have too many " Col " " Jen." and " lien.' at all evLl,abd tLe custom may well be abandoned. II. Winder cf Anhtukk Victim W I'iiilaiii'ipbia, the regular crrefpnudeut of t'ie N. Y. Daily News, Day Hock, aud Journal of Comrterce, aod the Haltimore Suu, has Isen cot to Fort LaF. yette, by order of Secretary Cameron. Mia volutn inous ear rei-pot, Jciice was eiamined, and atid the Northern papers say, "developi'd a murine f treason as broad as the conti Dent, implicating half the Breckinride ataterin ri in the land. A letter from John C. lircckinrid;., dated in the preacet month, may ke enumerated, with others of aa older date, from JeffTnon Davia, Wm L. Yaocfy, Alexin '.er II Stephens, Howell Cobb, and Ilepresctitaiives ISuruelt and Vallatidigbam." FifTH It kj I m E m T The Orderly Sergeant of this Ilfgimciit, near Yorktown, write, that tbe sick (and their name in that Hcgi- meat baa been legion) have been q'lertered aaiooz the Vircit.ia fsinilies, but have bad 0 " 1 t pay therefor from $U to 5(1 only 1 one less tL.o 6 1 2 -per month. IU pri- vales bad receiv id but S I ; of their car, 1 i, tbougb ia service si nc April 10;b. 1 be oHiceri paid iu fill! For ot potatoii, wbiob are se abaolant tbatihe pro.le feed ! bos ou them, tbty charged S-' buhel. lie says North Caroiiua til have lo build bail er's for ber soldiers tliey eauoU live iu teuts through tbe wiatsr and it should be d )L uo. r.L 1 . 11 .-.I fij- Oen L'auregard received kit title 1 and jrouioli.u on the field tf battle tbe firt it.s'.SDoo of auch an b)Dor ia Atuetioau btstory. It is probable that ibe I'reM'Icl.t vtbo conferred surb au honor is so eucmy 0 Beauregard, as some have uj ot J ? Funny Larisa Fkum M.NAsaA.i J. P. Tryor, K,-q , ef Mis.-iiippi, who was in tbe great battle of July 2 1st, furnishes the , . . Me mpliis A J peal with the following letter, ; l,;..l. f 1 i.. il k. ..,..,!r nf . ; (lead i atikco 00 tho DulJ ot t .Manassas sucr thekegir. of .be Grand Attny, ' been evidently from an impatient Y abtcu ' girl lo ber martial s ei tlietrt : " DltAR Hill : I want you to some bsck j bem 1 i 11 nui a-t ever voj eati 2 ! I ctf, aud we will get lusrried llie very 61st night sf- j ter you arrive. I wi-h jou was at heme bow, and I bad one arm around your titckj and you bad both yours around mine, nhal j a gluriouJi -irrae wold have!" Alas 1 says Prjor, poor Hill will return j no 111 ire to his anxious, ardent lady-love. With two thousand others of bis deluded I comrades, be aleepi cj'iici'y beucalb the sod j of Maoafas. STATE OF .NOin il-CAItOlai.NA MCi Kl.KMlUHU t'OUNTY. Court of J'fix and (Juurier Sessions, July Term, 1S81. Wm ;.,l.,, und 1 J. It. Kltiiotte. Original A llaclniient es. The Meiklrnhurjr tJ.ilii un j Coppn l oin. iany. 93 T Biinriirii p lo th Same as the other.. ' faction of Hie Court Jl that tin- iieliniianl is not an inhabitant, ol tin. State, tint re .'i dr. beyond the 1 1 m 1 la el the aamr, li it ihrrrf'in Uiiltirtl, und uiijuitged thai publication be main) ..r six successive week, in Itie N irlli Carolina lug new. paper prinltd ill t liurlulte, No. Ca., for tne said defendant to be and bvlori liie Just.ces ol our Couil of Pieas uml U:i .rier Srssiona al the next Court lo h In Id for the said cnnnly on tho 4 ill M unlay 1 October in-at then and there to answer ot demur or juiigiiieni proconleaso win db luarn sgams. , Witness, W. K. Rimt, Clerk of our said Court I at ohV in Charlotte 'ha 4tli Monday of Juiy and in lb. fcblll year of American liidept'iiuence. j W. K. HEW, c.c, c. Aueu.i 20, 1861. Printers Fee $G, U6 1 OBITUAEY. Died In nmn FavclteirillH. Vnrktnwn Vi j ' ; " I '1'lie touching end of this brave and noblehear. led youinr man cannot lull In waken the diepcsl I r in p.i III y in every generous hruual; liiiviiiv died from Inline kindred and friends incident to a camp (lilt) iu defence of Ina country fur (hough lie I'll I I nut un the field of cniiflict yet il wa. none Hie leva ill sacrifice laid upon the sllnr nf his country. in" ceceuseu wa a consistent meinour ol lie r.-byu-t.-t. Church nnd adorned h,. cl.ri.t,.,,, prnlrssn n wit'i a G..oly walk and conversation. The family circle, his immediate kindred, nciih. Dr, a,.d comrade, in nrma may le.lify that liia deportment and example were a reflection of a re. newid mind. Tin. young patriot waa amon? the li rat to re. ti lu the cull nf In. tou.lry for volunteer. gallantly stepped furili in defence of truth, liber- ly and right rnliated in the llnrnelta AeslCompa ny and particn a ed in the Baltic ol Bethel with the tpiril ol a ciiMatian pjlriot lie went torlh with the purpose to return when our country phould e free or 'ull a in u tyr in defence of the aacrcd right. f mun indeed Ira devotion to hi country from th. impiiUe of chrialinii principal wai sublime Hi ia evident from letter, written to uniioua frienila at home lie wrote to theindo not muke youraelvea U'lhuppy on my account for I am in the path of duty and honor and if the tiod in wli'i n 1 trust wills Hint i aliould full in defence oi my country I am ready. In deulh lie culinly committed him. aelf In lua glorious Kedcciuer in the aaaured hope of a glorious reaurrclion. rile blessed are the Head who die in the Lord from hence for 111 ye. anyctli the Sp rit f,,r i hey ,el from their labor, and worka do lollow them. K.i re well valiant defeiiiler of thy assailed and struggling country we will o'len iuiia thee in the conflict, thai yet remain to ua we will often be ad in the journey of life when we remember that thuu art gone f nni uh tiu t we hope to meet in that h ippy Kurld where tti sound ol violence and war uro never heard and death ia no inure. With ut thy name ahull live Tlirouph long aucceeding yrnre Diiibm 1 with ull niir In arlscan give Our pra sis and our learn. K. W.C.& I!. iiAIL UOADCO. t i i K iiol.ii.ii 1 1 1IIK kM;l Llt ANNUAL .MtKTINU of ic. I.i.i.lel ii f Hie V ' I h..rliilte &. K ui "it for., u.i. Kail ti.iiip.iny be held ill the T'lll nl I h irf.Uo ..1. the l..urlll Wi lll.' .- i o.i y in U l ii lie r lu x I, tne tame be my llie XltUi o.iy h e iiiiihth. ( eiuiil v A'm.ta uii.iii.e Iv iilld.J Itiu u.u nut laii In luie li.fl'uui i v Slujk flplen ii. iuu hy fr,,1 lo q i'-ruiu. 'I ma ia H14 iiiceaary ua very uiai.y 01 our .inei. n.-mcra inlrred the army unu will be nttciaarily ab. elit. II. W. GUION, T'rttt. I m Sc,,i. an, irbi. WANTED, atkaBSlB l""l'.M)S Ut WlKiLI.tN jlMMI YAli.N for n.aking Suluier." Kinjfa I be hightat oiarket price will be call. II. KINSMAN, a-, tf September 17. la6l. .STATE OF NOUT11-CAUOL1NA. Mlf Kt r.NLL'lia fnl'.ST. Court of tut and (J'atUr Sessions, Ju'y Term, Isttl. John S nipmr., ) j Unginiil A Itichinent, The blli.1 III pai.y. e.Icnbuig j op, er ' '; in- Sauie aa the others. uppenrmg to the raliaiaetion of the Court, liia 1 the (.e'eiidiint ib not a 11 inhabit. nt ol ti.ia j, ,t i,, thJrrrU, ny aui ( oun pufiiiea. " 1 '. u.e .Win c.nv Ima Ming a nun. apaiwr priiitrii in tne lown of 1 harlolte li..ti,yn g tne saiu tieienuant to be am) hVJ: tii CiLiilT ot i rklmtturit, ut I he tyrl. " fU" ! in t lufioiu- oh titr 4 tii Mundsty 111 Of 1 ber I in-11 fiii I tiTi; ti m.a( r uf (j iiiur r mug. MKUi iroci.niio m i)l be uk n a-mti Hhh. )v; '' ;; V'" jT' Cflli tiar ol A.1.1 ritai. in W. K. KKID, c. C. c. August iO, Irll. Prinit-rs Ni u. l. b 1 k i 1. lie ao 1 it 1:. 4 I t. , it. 0"" k- mnr having unarttle.l accounts on the ol OA I F.SAt VS 1 1. 1.1. WIS. muslroine t,ralil luiuii Inn l.rsl ol epl.llitier nrxl 11 11,1 nlr c,. , or .t,., r ,.., will hnd tneir ac on Hi in ll.e ol an 1 tin 1 r l.n c.lleei ion. UA 1 KS .V WILLIAMS. A-r l 13. 1861. 3w rjoticc- TRKASUUbR'S OFFICE, I Atlantic. Tcuu. Ai OQ10 It. R. t I IIAlil til l i:. N. C-, Sept. 17, IClii. fflDK Hf'l II Install. unit ol Capital in JL ll.e A T. 4 O. K. R. Co., mbi-mbed in Ins To" of M.iti.nle, 1. cue i.n the 5'.h ol Ot- t"ir m xt. '1 he Seventh Installment of th r,j 8t ,,Uiit .Moiirm, Inui II t.iphlll lt.ll..i. lit ol ail M 'C Stock 1 uhscrib. anu liie my, suO-cribrti 111 : Micaleiiburi; t . uuty lid payable on the oBl o, i,,m r, next. TZ his ia no idle 1.i!k. 1 he 1 n aaurer niual huve .MU.ti. s, ,,, , M. I. WK1STON, Treasurer. I'. 1 01. ST AT i: OF i()KTU-CAU-LlN A . MU'hLtMll'Kil COUNTY. Court ol J ' 11 I'd luuittr Xfftions,' July 'J 1 111, IMil. i J. A. P.. tea, 1 Original Attachment, J. M. Mrsil. Levied in ti James 1 olu., Jr. f F. A. tun hands ot and Iiiiii Jn.ep'i Cm. II. J olied ua Garnishee. 11 T appearing to th suliBtucunn of the Court M tl.alJ Al Jjirail, James Coliis, Jr. anil J pli Injvell Madera under tiie hrm ol Luvell, Collis 1 o , ais not inhauitanta ol Una Male, but resiue bevond lie Hunts ot the aume. Il la Ordered and adjuiigeil by the Court llial pubiicnliou be tf ,cce.iv wtek ine rtoriu v aro. lug . newspaper printed ill Charlotte, No. ( 11 , lor tne said oeielniunla lu appear ul llie I oun II. mac 111 t Intrlolle 011 llie 4 Lit .Monday in October in xt tm 11 and tliere In au.wer 01 demur, or judg ment -,. will be taken nguiust l.uin. W lines. . K. Reid. I Itrk ol our sum Court at olTiee 111 C Inrioiie, llie 4tn Moiiuuy of July und in 8bm year ol American , . iv. ivr.iL', o. c. c. August 'JO, I8bl. Printer. Fei tti. tliti ria. on 1 iivh:i:.n It Ft Kt li'S AN l'K I) lor T. II. Br m's Ar. ry Conn . ny. now in Virginia. .,, , Col. V l M. !. I r It, or A. II, DA. yi 1 1,1 IN, or lr. S. X. JO'lNf 1 Oti August W'1, IKtil. If Miss M. E, Stewart, mm 'ILL re.opcn li.-r School for Children, 1 l tut iid nl September, letil. August 13, lbbl. !" rogans ! mrnicmiiiiiiniiiuniiiuiiii.iijuorf A Large Stock of NEGRO BUOGANS. ALSO BOOTS AND SHOES, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS & SHOES, ALSO Ladies and Cli ildren. Shoe". For ante by JAMES II ARTY. Charlotte, Oct. 1, ISO. 6w TAKE NOTICE. FROM THIS i) a t 1: , O V It BOOKS A It K POSITIVELY CLOSED TO ALL. C.'ili will, in every in.-l.'irn'f, c re tjiiirrtl, wiiliiiut (!i.-liiK liiui ol' jx isnn.. We nre ('(impelled lo luy for CASH ourselves and mud lliorclore liuve MONEY. 1JO NOT ..Slil FOIt KLIAS & COHEN. September 24, lc6l . 3t STATE OF NOUTII-CAUOL1NA. MECKLENBUBO COHMV. Court of Ileal awl Qunrltr Sessions, July Tain, lfeCl. J. Gnll.n and G. 1 (j.iliin. Origincl Attachment, Su me a. the oil. era. The Alei'klcnburp Gold and Cupper Com- I p:,ny. J IT appearing lo the 1 1 In c I un of the Court Un, I the m fi n, I.. nl ia not n inhabitant, of thin St iti-. but reKtilea heymid the I11111U of the Mini'', J: 11 Ihrrtfun UidrirJ, and arijudirrd thai .ulilicalnn be niaut' ti.r ix aut cef frive w eeka in ti e Norlh t am. 111 1 Wlnj a newap per printid in ( nurlcille, N'i. Ca , for tne au d OrleiuiuiiU In be Mi appear before the Jounces of our Court nf F.e.a -mi W iart. r Ses.n.ri. at the next Court lo be held tor ll.e aaid c. unly on the 4th .Monoay in OLl ihef ni xt thru sun llu ie In ;iiiitr or oriiiur or jiidk'ini nt procon iiso will be taken sgainst tiieui. V lines., W. K. Reid, ( li rk of our sui.l Cnnal at i.llire in I hurlolie the 4lh of July and 111 the Sblil year of Arm rirun 1 101 ptndence W; K. KKIU, c c. c. August 20, lc'6l. Printers Fee $ti. iSG STATE OF .NOKTH-CAIIOLI.NA. MECKLENBUBG COUNTY. Cowrf of J'lras and Quarter Sessions, July Jeim, John twins, ") The Mecklenburg Original AlUchment. Co. a and Copper Com- p.ny. J r T annrnrinff lo the sitiaf.irtion of the Court the neleiiuaiil ia not an iiihahiiant, nf Iliis Stale, bul rrinir. bi vond O r of tne ., il.,,, iai, f ),, ;,,,, ami . ,,.il, 1 1.:. I publication be mutic lor six successive weeks in the North Carolina Wln a ncHspiprr printed in t earlotli-, No. I'll., for the said ilelemlnlit and appear before llie Juhlicen of our Court of l lejs und Qu i. tor Si.nnni ul lh u xl Court to be held lor tne mill county on the 4th .M in Detnher nixt then anil II. e awcror demur or judgment proconfiMO will be taken oain.t tin 111. itncss, V. K. Reiii, Cl.rk cf our an id Court at 1 Hire 111 t li.irlotie tne tin .M'lKuy of July and 111 llie M1II1 yiar of A1m.r1c.1n Imu pi nden.e. W. K. li fc: 1 1. c. c. c. August 20, 18C1. rrint.ra Fee tti. U'U LMPOFANT PsOTICE, OUR TERMS I'osrnvr.LV CASH ! i ON AND AFTER THE 21st INSTANT, j COCIliUNE & SAMPLE. Augu-I i!ti, Je-bl. tf j STATE OF NOUTII-CAUOLl.NA. CALDWELL COUNTY. j Court of l'Uus and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1661. j Fowell, At Long i Levy oil Reu! Eatutc in ilie Caithcr. Lenoir. j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the ('ou t ' that Whir Caithcr i. not a resident of llie Stale of North Carolina, but resides be your! the limits of the aume, 7t is therein t Or dered, that publication be made lor six sucres-ive weeks in the North Carolina Whig, noiil'ying ' sniirl defendant, to bo and appear at the next term of our .aid Court to be held liir the County iillire- ' said, ut the Court Ho ise 111 Lenoir on the fitli Mi, ml ay alter the 4th Monday in September 111 it, . t . show cause if any be cm why the justices judir- j inent shall not be continued, and an older of salo ordered to issue. 1 Witness, J. R. Wilson, Clerk of our said Court st Olli.'e in Lanoir the bill Mouduy after the 4tl j Monday 111 June, lbbl. J. K WILSON, c. c. c. I Sept, 3, lt-til. Printers hee li, t'Jb 1 Ti':n lit" 1 V.x.t 111 ina lion. ei - 3 Sc'hia.l. nf Mecklenburg county will please ( imrnr si llie omce 01 ine etiiprrintrnneiii 10 ourt IIouk.i ut til o'clock, A. M. of Saturdsy til 3d of October I Mill. J. P K0SS, Supt. com. M. D JOHNSTuN. C om E. NYE HUTCHISON, S Prpt. 17, lf?61. IS7 , Charlotte JJRUG Store, E. NYK I1UTCIIISOX &. CO. ITjKTAir. Pea le r a in Foreign and Domeatie tiki Drima M..di-ir..a ( I, I. P...I t.ney ArlicUa. OiIh. l'mnla. Varmahea, Window' (ilufa, f'utly, Dve hlufla, 'Jurpeiilii r. Burning' Fluid, Alcohol. J'ure Liqjnra, I anion Tea'a, ! Field and Uarotii aeeila. &c. 4c. j Iluvinif cluatd our Hook, intend hereafter te!! lor cami. WAKTJiD. Ut THE CONFEIJEHATE ARMY I0.O00 PA IK WOOL SOCKS, KOUiNU, VVliiaJUi?t & VHH July 30, Ifcbl. ld-ti Uuilulle Female loslitule, ClisillutU;, IV. C. VIE FXERCISES of this School . will be remnied on the lWlli of Sepiember. A lull corps of lii.lruc lora in all tbe branche. ol a liberal education, has been employed for the eniuiiig .e.aioii. 1 ne inuaical ''epartnienl will De under ine oi- fection ol Frof. K. F. Hunt. Mia. II. Hammes- kK-l.D. Oruduule of thu aeudcniy of M, Slock, ii.iliu. 'i'lie diparliueiit ot Uruwing-, faiiituii; and Moncrn tuniruui-t. under Frof. Wm. H. Hit Haas. The Principal eon auieraliiiiirelflorlunute ill liav. iii ci urtd the aervicv. of audi able and tiperi ei.ced 'i'eacnera in the OrnameiiUl lirunclita. naai PtR aEsaioN or 211 wekks. Dourd and Tuition, iucludine evjry expenses $5 ; Tuiiiou lor duy aehulura $1'2, lb und f IB. For Lul.iiOMUe auurei-a Key. K. BUR WELL. Cliarlotte, July 9, lbbl. M3-S FotitTiaiyrji id 1: u. Cliurlutlu and Sonili luruliiia ICitilrwiMl Co. tOLLM 111 A, S. C, June 2G, led. f m II V. Dll; l.l '1 OKS of tins Com puny lm ve de. JL cUreu a UIVIUbNU of t.ou per allure, to be paid on the liia I nay ol July next. Payment will be uiuuelo SlncK i.oiuero in North Carolina and Uaalern ork,S.C.. by the Agent ul Cliurlolle. theater Mockholder. will be paid nt the othce of the Agent ut Cheater. TIiomi hi Fuiilielu by lite Aeiil ut W iiinahoro. Cliurlea. tun Motkhuiecra ul the Bai.k ol the Mute ol Soulll taroiiua. And all olhera al tins office. U. BUUKMUIIT, Secretary and Treasurer. July 2, led. 13-lui STATE OE NORTH CAROLINA. CAl.DWItLL t'OUMV. Court of J Ilus arid (ua ter Sessions, May Term, ls6l. Jumea C. Iiarptr, Land Levy. W1I1, H T a pi earing to the salia.'.clion of the Court that ruirs btv-s.d ll,e limns ul the Stale of North Caro. Ima uu mat notice ol the lew cannot be pernonal- ly mi veil upon him, oraereu that publication be uiuiie l .r six suceesaive week, in the North Curo. Inn W lug, luitilying auid deleiiuui.l 1.0 be und up. peur at the next lei 111 ol our said Court to be held lor the Couaity uloresaid, nl the Court House in Lt'ioir on tne bill Mouuay alter the 4lli Mon day in June in XI, lo show cause if uny lie can ny Ihe juatiecs judgment snail 1101 oe connriiieu . i.., laull cnoeiniitd lor plamtifla debt und fl Witness, S. P. Hula, Clerk ol our said I ourt al niiici 10 (..murine bill Monday u Her the 4 ill .tlondy in March, If CI. i. P. DULA, c. c. c. Jane 4, lebl. Prinlers Fee b. tia TATE OF NOUTll-CAKULl.NA, MISf KLKMiL'HO COUNTY. Court of i'leu.1 und (juatter Sessions, A 2nl 'Jeim, letil. J. V. Morrow, - 1 Orijjiiial altiichnient levy P. A. C ulp. J on land. IT appearing lu tiie aiialactinn of the Court, llial b. A. I ulp, the ueleiiounl 111 this ease, is not an inhabitant of the .lute ol North Carolina, hut reMfles heyond the limits )l the same, if il lirirjoit (JiduiJ. by s.i 111 Court Ilia I publication ul mx uarMiiv.' weeks 111 tne Norltl Curolinu g a newspaper prmieo in me iuhii 01 111.1. b.lle iioinjiiig ine miu 1n.1n.ua1n mm-"" ! peui hi lore Hit J u.liocs ol our Court 01 r leu ana (Ja.irier Seaaiuna al the next Court lo be held lor nuniv nl Mi ckleuburk. ut the Court-House in ( ham. lie on llie 4 111 .Monday of July next, tiien aim tht'ie lo pluud unawer or demur or JUojf. in. nl nrocoi,le.-Mi will be lakou uguiiiat him. Y:iness. V . K. Reid Clerk ol said Courl at of fice I I'c 4''i .Muuduy ut April A. U. 1 1 ti I , a no in tne toth yeur ol Americu.i I nuepeii-ience. V. K. lifAU, C. C. C. rrintei. Fee. tl3 May 31, 1861. gJNotice. JOHN T. BUTLEll, rVfTfV ) PRACTICAL WATOH aad UL0JK MAKER, crrosiTE kkrr's hotel, 111 . iti urri:, . c, (Late with R. W . It. ckwitli.) Fine Watches Clocks und Jewelry, of every de. cniitinn, repaired ur.d warranted tor 12 months. OetoArr 16, IflO. 3Utf PliESEHVE VOUTEETII, A. W. ALKXAiNDEK, SURGEOBi DESTIST. OHADL ATE OF THE IALTI.M0BK DENTAL COLLEOK. IS 1 IT.LY I'R LPAR FD TO DO ALL DEN. '1 AL Work in tiie In lest unproved styles, and will beat Ins 1 llice two eeks 111 rucli u.e n 111 as. ling from the tirst Monsay (ot Ibe inoiiih) ai.d will appropriate the rcliioinoer ol In lium 10 all persons nesirii g work uoe al their rsultnces. who will oblige him very much by auurtssing him ut CI1.1rh.tte. N. '. IU" ALL WORK WARRANTED. Utlico, opposite kerr's Hotel, liruwu'. building, up stairs. Aptil 16. lebl. 3lf JNotice. T 11 E TAX LIST, for the year IStiO, is now in sre requesled In iiilorui me ol any taxaUIca which moy be listed. All TAX FAY FRS ure re nn.ieil li urepare llicmaelvea lo lueel liieir TAXES promptly V. W. U1UEU, Sheriff. April IG. lebl. 3 if L LDLOW'S SELF Sc.AC. 1M. CAN-, ol all toe dillerent sues, at S. T. W HIS TON S. Jono4, led. H'f cs mm The .TSai'Lelss. CORRECTED BY 0ATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE, OCTOBER 7, 1661. BACON , flama . new... " aides " Hog ruuiiu, . " . ahoulaera. ... ..ib.,, ,, . yu., ...20 .. 2) ....MO ...'io ... 4 ( to to to si !JI UU liU to 6 Su !i8 ' IU bj to : u"CK'"K'vunn' iieet. butler lb been wax, b lieaiia, bualiei, liranoy, Apple gal.. " Feuch, gal.... Cotton, b Coliee, Kiu, lb.... " Java, b.... Candles, A uamu 11 tine lb..., " Sperm., IL.... JM to .IUU to . 7 to to ...60 ...4U ...61 ...15 ..t5 ...iu ...lj ...3U ,...1U .. $5 to to to to to to 0 to to iu Uo (.6 IS 16 87 1J ii aou " Tallow, Corn Chicken., Cloth, lopperua,. lb ......buliel , ..eacl yur , yarc MUozen .... bbl ...r ..baj,'1- Ib ir.T.'.'.i'b..'.'..'..'.'! II ....bbl.lNoie... Kiiti. Lmdaey , ... f-Kg.. Flour, Feather., Hide, Green, , Dry, Lurd, Mutton, Mackerel, , to to .iw to ia to . j to 14 to 45(1 (o uu!flsses, N .O gal. W.I gal. Meal nu.l. to ..5U to to (; to to to to to to ti to to to MulleUt Wilming ion). ..bbl , Nails. Northern, Ib o ' Southern, lb 'a Out. Dual. el ..iJ Pork lb J Pea. buahel 1-0 r'otuloea, Iriali, buahtl 75 " Sweet, bualiei 4d Kite, -bushel 4 Sugar, Loaf, lb -0 brown lb lo otone-Ware,. gal S..U iu to 560 to to 8J to au to, 575 ; loU 95 l'a ; lb W heul, white buahel. red , bushel. Whiskey .Northern gal 5b' to to xv. Carolinu, 'U Wool, (beat Georgia ) waahed,. ' 7U " " " unwiiahcn vrn bait IUU UU REMARKS. COTTON. The d.mand for cotton is ciciu sively confined to manufactories. COLIMUIA MARKET. Columbia, June 39, 18C1. COTTON The aaies Una wick have reached only t!U bulea, prtcea nominal. DACON.hog round, CORN PEAS OATS FLOUR 12, iw to ... IIU to .. . 8IJ (J, ...14 13 no 85 CHARLESTON MARKET. r H a r lesi on June 8, I6GI ' COTTON. The market ha. been al a stand this week. We Have no tales to report ill tilhi r Upluiiu or Long Collnu. 1 : tyHARLOTTE, X. G. A Reliable House for Pure CHOICE ASD ELEGAST FLR- FUMEJtlES. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes of the Finest Quality. mm wimz mb smmm For Medical Purposes. OIEiS, Paints, FINS WHITE KKKOSEXE. KEROSENE LAMPS. April 2 NOTICE. Our credit custo mers, by disregarding our appeals, have forc ed us to adopt the cash system. Our terms, hereaf ter, are strictly cash on delivery. j. i iiii:u sv ui icuoi iii. August 1. lbbl. lllif To Hire. f J'llE writer has a good cook, washer 1 and JL ner, yi-ut . in i'.mio beallh, and stroiii' cm sliiulinn sulfuHlilly so soon lo make of tier a: first rale lielu hand, with one cli'hl, to hire in tne j country, until the 1st ol January mil. Apply alj this 1, Hire. I August 6, ISbl. j til iVotice. t p. ALFXANPEU is.iny authorised ajjrnt J5 All person, having business with me will transact it Kilii him. II. lillF.M. Ltu August 6, Ir-T.J 111 LOW'S t FLKliltA'I KD H.F EA J INti CANS, ol all the mrlcr, nl ut TAYLORS llitidwari t4irt,cpjtoiite ( .Vusjiu. Iluuit. W'ilmiii" loa. Charlolte and Kutlicr furd Kiiii Uoad. emm ti&sa f sfw, -rti? -frm sfcj V La'l FKiN UlVlftlU.N. o and alter Monday tho Ijth inalunl, tle 11. ia ikoud u ,y (Sunuuy a excepleu) as lollowat GOING WtST. Arrive. Leave. 7 U0 A. M. 7 45 " 8 15 " 8 40 " Charfbtlr, 'I uckiim gee, Lrtvuiu, c- In. r. 11, LincolnXon, GOING FAST. Lineolntnn, Sharon, llrevatil, TuckuM gee, 7 43 A. V b id 8 i7 " 1 a.. I I LU 1 to I uu ! I Leave. II UU A. M. ll 13 ' i I 6U " : i 17 P. M. Arrive. 11 30 A.M 11.45 li 15 P. .V 1 bU " MlUEE. Churlolte, V. A. By order, Acluif! Muster of TrunnuorUlion. Lincolnlon, April 4, lebl. a-tf i: St'l'l'LV V ; WatcheSjJewelryaSolidlSilvcr I AM) Plated Ware, I f FJ ' HE fubacnuer hu. lately returned from the JL North w here lie Iiiib puichuaed u vi ry ri. tei.MVe supply ol ll.e abovu urtirlea. Lliapurehu. sea being mace oireeliy Iroui the inaiiulueiurer, he la ineielore enulileu lo sell ut a very en:i,l ad vance un coal unu per-ona may ichl unrureu Unit nil hir urlielea ure wurrunliu lu be wl.ui he up Utel.tK in, 111 to be. VV ulclu s unu Cluck, careful ly repaired and will my personal utieiitmii. 11. W. UECKWITII. Octnber 9, 16G0. ijtl Dr, E. IJ. Andrews, UL LU inform I lie puuliC gen IUU en burg puriiciii,.r, I11.1I itu btMb l KV.und baa l.auli.t-d lh pr.iel.i may be b uild al 11 11. OliJ M.UIO. tiu ib intp.ireu to nixtil Arlifieiul Tt i-1 11 on (.mo, .Suvi r, Vulcanite ir t heopiuhliu pit.cea, aa p.ilieiita may ceiiire; and till 'ievln Willi doiw, 1 III, Amulg.ilil or U.t He IS prepiued lo in rl. .rni ui y I'per. tioiia bLlnni.'iiig In Leiiliitry, - ""t " ""l ,,c wl" bu pieaatu to wait 11 any ol bib olu lru iicb, or new il lor grunleu, ne. till. 1 u may UK eo. 5, l-bl. 4i tf I INotice. j A LL pcrmns inilel lru by note or hook ae. ' Jii. ount to the Fslale ol li e li omasj. I liojtou ure rcrjueMcd lu come lowaru unu stltle the suu.e ae ii.uul;ti.ce cannot be given unu all i person, having claims against tain '1 hc.m..b J. I ilolloii's Fslaiu Hnl pri-tcnt llie same kiIihi. lue time prt n rifeo by law er line ilolice V. ill be pltad 111 bar ol tin ir recovery . E. N" Vh. Ill' iCIMNtOX, i:rtr. of 1 HUo. J. IIOLIUN. b'tlii uat v 5, I -Ijl. 4 j .I..N. llLMO. A U (Iciicral Collictiiii AlvuI A LL produce shipped here fi r my oi.-m..iI j!Bl ehall recelc plolnpt ,illelil.oll greal ere t.iM ii in thu purchase ut (,()() ), iU A. I iNolcN uiui put into my l.,.in..-. lor cul. lection sh.ul receive prompt uuu uinoe.iiale ul. ten lion ..! t hurMlt, f elt. 5, Ifcb'I. 45tf Out cfBebt! Out cf Hanger. LL pi-rso IN OCT of Town, v. ho have not eiltieo 1 in-1 r iiCLouutt cue us on I lie 1st ot J.nii.irv letil, ale i.,iiie-i,y re quested to CALL A I Ci.NCl. anu pay 11, c in.'.iny or give, lilt I r lintel-, us V. e ale oetel III Hit u t-l C1..00 lip last ;t.iV tiuini ss, and prcicr t. i.u ,u wan out iii' orring I Ol'. e i.nun u , 1 , unu even Ml KiL li .111 Ke lii.Ve said. LUilUN, TATE ct CO. Cliarlotte, March 1:01, 3i Tin and Japanned Ware. A large asi-ortmi lit ; Itluck 1 in, liluck 111c, j 'lm Plate, babbit metal, Jkc.: A 'IV FilS, lUt largest Slock, ot ail sizi s, at TAl'LUKS liuidic-ii r, islnve and Tin Ware Depot Ojjpumie lite Mansion House, Al Taylor': "4"OU can hud the l.iicesl ussortment of Cut JQL iery, d una und P.siois, ot all llie CLleDraled .a ht'S. CLASS, of all sizes and qualities both F'rencn no American. Also, I' lit v by H.p kti or pound. WOUHL.N W ARK. UROOAls, Jtc.o'taii uu,. s. liopc ! Hope ! 45.0 UUU ., J llto ami Col TAYLOR'S Hut thriire Storr, tj'uilt if i!l"U.Mun II.. Agricultural Implements UK ALL KINDS oTtAW l utu rs. Corn Sliel I rn. I'li.H,, II, us. MioVelS ...,,I, s, F.-rKs, A t , Picks. .Mat. l..cks, l.ruoti.liii llo,s, 'iioce L,-i I hums, rruniir and Mit-arr, Pruuii. anu liutioiiii, Koivt, Car. uen Ho, s and, Willi ni.liuits; Cr..n tia. oles ; gruin, jrass anil brnr tevlncs, t-usii jyoks, Wajjoll UoXts J 0I10W Wlilf, Mltll US (lO'.a, ove na und lius, sk illt la. pidt r s, .-It w .jluis a no Kt I. lies. C'auloroi.a from I,, lilt i;alii. each ; In. 11 sua bras Preservuij; Ke llita, &M-. p Micais, c- TAYLOR'S rdware lrfot,u ; 0'ilr llie Matawn Huuft. f JNotice. nilE e-;a L it."' i.NK Ci. t U. anil ol J. D. K J bun assizor.-, lo us lor . d to 1 ther 1' I KM air re. iillectioli, ll.oe 11,. quesled to mal.e S-E'ITLEMEMT UAY. lU7l.lilrUN . i,t 1.11 F.Alll.Y I.K11W N. 1,1 after tl-i liunrv nrt c ostomers CASH oiuv, , 1, 1. kind lor I. AMI i-ur li Any itrtiel '-' t.t.V'lKS WILLl.W'S. 40 tf IVc. H, lSl O. LI...I..I.. ...LoO t I IKccc