He k who I am ! Oil, you var re tsble old gentlebomme I boar vat ye Who I am. petfiile ! ah I am jour I never saw jou 'fore so help m Bob,' cried G unset energetically. 'Don't you swear !' . said old Deacon Festbody ; if you do I'll kick you into fits ; I won' have .o profane or vulgar language in n.y house.' , 'O, bless you. bless you, respectable :H man. Say be mut come via me teil liiui sobs interrupted her utterance. 'It's peky bad business' said tbe dea eon ebafin? with an unwonted fire. 'Uus iet. you are a rcl.' ! 'Take eare, Deacon Peabody take care,' j laid the unfortunate shopkeeper. I I remarked you was a rascal, G asset ! You've pone and married two wives, and i that er' flit buclary, of I kuow auytbiiigj 'bout tbe Revised Statoots.' I 'Two wive !' fbriike tbe French woman. 'Half a diien, for aught I know to the; eotitrary. ssid tbe deacon. 'Now joa dear out of my bouse; lo to the station, and clear into Boston. I won't have nothing more to do with you.' j Hat Deacon, bear me.' I 'I don't witit to bear yc, ye vsrpint,' cried tbe Deacon, Mopping hi ears with fci baud. 'Mr;iu' to wires, and couiiu' a curtin' a third. Go long, clear oi-t.' Even Mr. Peabody, who was inclined to pot in a word for tbe culprit, was silenced. Susan turned from bitn in horror. Iu de ,pir lie fled to the railway station, hotly pursued by tbe clamarou and iudignatit, french woman. 'That afternoon, as Mi? .uso Peabody. was walking toaard ti e i Nire -be was overtakeu by Mr. Joho-ithsti Dnbkin. dress ed in hi best, and dmi.. bis horse before Lis Sunday tuggy. D f""ea UP 9ud "' ccsted ber : II.llo suck get in and t-.k a ride ?' Don't keer if I do, Jonathan.' rcpin-d the ouiil' lad, accepting the proffered .-ett 'I eay, you,' sa'd Jonathan, tnuiimg. 'that ue city feiUr a turLcd out a poony pup, aiut be 1 It'f dreadful if it's true,' railed the youi g lady. 1 You lad a narrar crape, ditfot ys . , persueu the old lover 'B it be warn t nee-' What do tbe old folks' er ct accouttt. think about it ?' They hain't sd a word since be c.earea cut , i 'Forgot that nlgl.t I rr1e you home Irotu eicginsouwoi ! 5Ki.l Johualbau, sudiitl lv MatiCtiitig eff " 'No, ain't,' replied tbe youris; lady, bluu itg and tmiihi at the same time. Remember tb3 apples I gin jou!' 'Ufa. yes.' 'Wei'tney was pood waru't tley V -Fit at late, Jonathan.' Got a t. ull orcbarJ cf them Kind of fruit, Sika.' said JohLathau sugesltvtiy S i an a siir lit !.,, ,i,ed .1 .natlati. Bitlinj the h:pto t'ne bUc fcove. Have jou any idea hete ve are (.".inj, Suiic!' I m jL'ciog to the village. ' No ion am t ; vj-j are i-iins along with . 3 ' 3 t a Die 'Where to" ' Providence ; and ysu don't costie la'-k ill, joo re Mis Lul am. lo how you tan , ' How tou talk. J jhuithan .,. 'i i ! LuLin mi 'I'aru tbe old folks ! saiJ Jobna.tian. put- tm' on the urin ef I was to leave yoj with tl.fm nueh ion "-r. tuey J be t.-a-dn jou off to foiwe city le.ier with a ba.f a dcien w itis aire i-Jy The li'-xt day a Mr. and Mr bar-kins were ret irnioa tion.e in their chaise, Ja athsu sai I coiiQden iai.y : May a well tell ou now, Suke, for kaiut jret ar.y feeiets fi o n you ; that Ous let nevtrs-ed them women ai-jre tney :iii into your hou-e and blowed him up. I hil tlio-i-h. Co-t me ten do lars thunder I ae!i, d em' what to aav; and I txpect they done it well ! Old tju-t-t may be a shop ('-'per, but if he exp-c's to ?o ahed of J jnthan Dut km-, he mut get up a pia C'Jty 'oht ear.ier of morning'. GrtuAL Lyon Killld ev a Dabkkv. Tht Fort Smith (Arkan-as) lxn.es on taiss the foliowit.2 in relation to the death cf General Li'cin, at tag bit'.'.'; of Oak II. II, in Mi.-scbri : A ncro msn, lody servant to Cap'airt Jcb-i GmSUIi, of the 2',iit Ibirj, u iu the bo:te?t of tbe fijht at Oak 1 1 : . a and foujr.t in the ia-t cii ire l:e a lier. He ciaiiii- j have ki'led (tntrii L)on. He ay he ihot a man i" tue bren-t. ttjat was on a lar"- grej bor-e. anri - waning his bat, ti.'i be ta biai fi.i Jhus 1 1 i v ry prnn , that tbe Abo itioo Lyoti fe.i b) the ban is of a orkey '1 hi" name bi .ck nun fin--:in; his younge't .ast.r. IV i: j (jriflj'.n, woul"i in th- ea.f of the piek -il hi 11 up and car i lt d eff of ihe fi. id ; i; oi i' ustand; ug Jiju te i:UJ it villa ail his Ulbt. Wait imt ioe A'.'XiitK IiCLL I'.IN - n-ci 1 r.j;tr 1 cok to deliver a 1 i jri . r to another, . ; e i it on t h .- fl j'jT u.'.t !;t: ji.a.iy ; p i:;.;t.t. . w .ti'ig lie to tiae piace, ban.-i- ; but if vi; 0 ! 0:1 t be Z I -t li iter f r'.m one F in this city r cei t.j cf a puhi;c hall, p 1 he nit r sat : ' I for no; b.-r BjIi Rjn bi w i t 11 I bf pe for i.n t x ii t s Lsdiv u- d ul as Cl Jj y. I ihii.k I il apply to be atmit! a- a c 1 1 eu cf the '.' S. A ; for .-ate I a bi liive tue d 1 is o L y on our aida." 'I I is a cat, did i xpresn jij of lo-Lttmnl, and t wiltir st. m-, to te au 1 um st fioAi S tabit tt.8 a. i.e. ci-t.-t !b- C'iUf uf .uh Se n ii u.c L t l t Le Njittbul truth kLdjij l.te u.jit L.::ui.u.t ti.uu.ph. I'kAllI f A ijolia is t,jf WaB-U-vOIov. V.ier W-bit.ton Buchabau, a oOsi.n of 1 1 n. in iligloij. i'.i d at (j a e:..Ci(, .ve ;ii,.i,.j, ou tue 11 lb u.t , at tue ; el i .i- Mr Jjichi,.ij vsas Liii ii in 'j.ii V. a -, , . :. aims, at li i.vnr, i j j M .iri-iui,.i .e J. r-i V, on the 4.u ol J.nu .iy , lit', aiel K i s . He err j. i nt at in, i.-ii and Ijx e,j.,Jtly. Mi J .chat an nii -i .'ii' j t,. e . a t j.-ge' in i i.e I. i.n. (J ,-uii - i.avy . nr. i,i I" . i ei.,i-i n r. cvtary ot tbe Couutj .''leu.aii c C.'.ty of I'm a. ' ai IC . r 'I allorft(arDlraatjig. CHARLOTTE f" Tuesday, October 22. 1 S o 1. 0l!.R. Wakefield, Esq., of I.rnuir, haa con. sentcil to act, and i our authorized agent. He ill receive orders fur the N ino, blanks or aivcr. L. and receipt for llie..me. Any per.ona sutivcrihio par lo him williin mree monuia will receive tl FOR FRFSIDENT, JEFFEKSOi DW'IS, bF MISSISSIPPI. FUR VICE PRESIDENT, ALEX. 11. SThl'llENS, OF OEOHGIA. FOR CO.N'iRES-S WILLIAM LAXDEli, HF LJM'OL.NTON. Eemember, Tkal u e t ikf ull Kumi of country pro tun e in rz.hnpe Jcr the Whig. t-g Lut.'tr, Laid, Chickens, in Jact anything that is in the murktt. Wood. These of our country friends who intend PJg their aubscriptioLe iu wood, wili confer a favor upon us by bringing it iu as ! r ' 00 , 60on aj p.o-s,.-! ble Thfmks The Ladies Aid Society desire to return : thanks to Capt. Lis Wi.liaius for a nice j baska of fruit, sent to them at their room, j aud to ViLicb they did ample juatics. To our Patrons, '"--ities compel us to tuak an ll uiou aii our subscribers for Cur eanje - t c , the p y luentuf arrearages. Lbeiusreased r'rlCB a'jil pjipur, iiil tne rcqiiie- tnent of csu lor avery thnig we get, renders it imparaliveiy Dcce-sary tint we should Lave lujni j. i Le prostration of business . . , ,u g..u,..rai bas cut off iq a urg degree . . . . . . . . , , 0lir rtul':l:s 'jr adverti-nig ana jjU wci, and we must depend almost entirely upon 0 Jr au'D-cnpiioii ii,t dr support. We hope tl..-reforc, that our friends at a distauce j . , ,. , , mil reu.it us the ui ail baianceswoicu they owe us without ueiay. v e are id Deed ot the moury, and we are compelled to look to our subscriber fur it. V dislike to ask fur money turou.h tL- columns cf oar paj,i r, b jt we are couipci.c i to do it. We hope iLisca.l wi.t not be uisregarded. Granite Mill Stones. We caii the attention of ail those in want of a ood article of Mill Stones, to the advertisement cf E. W . McLenna, of Leesvine, S C. Tiice stones are said to be aomirabiy adapted to mi. I purposes, aud f r sopuii vr to tbe French Bjrr for grind- ii.g corn. Ail ho are iu need of these ar- , licit wi.i no uuiUl flui him a good man to leal with. j Clothing for tho Army. The Ladies Aid ."ocety have been buJ for several weeks past in preparing cloth ing for the soldiers. SVe beiieve that the l.i,... .r rt..: v.... a - , i. ... i vi ..u.iiKiwj uo u juv a uj UI.U w- . ou .'i juoav lan ii i o cioe to marcu at i ward furnishing oar soldiers with winter for Yo'k Puiui, b miles lroui Camp Fay c.othirg as thjse iu any other part of the tlteviile. Arrived there, tbe place was Couttikracy. They went to work with a ' found to be nearly knee d.;i-p iu mud, when gjod wi.i, aud tij. y have n t groan weary they were ordered to auotl.er place, H or iu the work. They deserve a good deal of lo mi.es, at which they arrived at 91; P. M prai-o fir the energy and promptitude pretty thoroughly tired ol lo miles uui en wir.etj they have mannesled in the cause, mg IJq the next day they were joined au i we hope th-.-y will a.i be repaid by tbe .' by the other eight companies. Tbey are rtCecliou, that they at least, have douewithiu 4 miles of Camp Fayetieviiie, aui th'.ir viboie duty. at the piace where they have been herelo- We see by the report of their Secretary fore engsgtd in diggiug aud emoauaiug tual lui-y have ma'Je pair of drawers, It is supposed, therefore, tUat tney Wni re- uui 14-Jnu.ri". 1 best hate hetu tquany suine that interesting aui iuvigorating d jty , divided, and one LiX has beeu sent lo the needy of th? G.h North Caroline State ; troops. J he other is Oe.signed tor tbe bin Rtgiuicut of V jiuuteers iu Seslern Vir- though not so pleasant as the b autiful gtuia lo adailiou to this they have made grove they left. Their address ia atiil l'oik l JU tbirls for Cart. Miner'e Cavairv Cjm-'loeu. ,j panv, b le a goal deal of other work. vv t.serve, says ihe Ljjjers the are agitating tne -uij'-ct, and abowibg Uli :l :mti.t lli.l e ,n 1 lea, cao be groan in N,ttb Cainiioa uod elsewhere. Tb.r i- hi uoubt o: it liur climate ij uui auajtiU to tbe .Ijhii, ul tueplai'.,bol the u li.uui'y a i x. .-o ( ruvtU by.xpir-u-bce .its just belt : alt-r yoj make your p-sjlid of tea iu AmeiiCa It Will have co.t jou ii.enn to pay lor anout six jiouuds ol tn aiuc.le iij.portid fr..iii (. nil. a YSLere .al'jr is oi.u hum nx'y c nts to a do.,ar p.-r day, e cauml cope success! ull J Willi Jab'.-r at lUrte tenli pr day Let us give ; Tka Clluhb e S a v a rj i ii '.', I lroui up the lea humbug, aud go to aomelbing j were recently brought over from Kugland, i to any b .dy who would suq ie.lcr his "bcl tbal wih pay. J with more of the same sort. lr half.'' Jamas Buchanan. i Winter Quarters. Tho editor of tbe Monmouth (N J ) ' There sceim-to be an impression prevail Democrat, has been on a visit to cx-Presi j ing in tbe minds of a large number of our dent Buchanan. Ha write, back U bis ' people that the Southern army are going paper as follows : iuto "inter quarters. This we think will ' I visited Wheatland, the residence of j be (oand to be a groat mistake. The Nor ex President Buchanan. I had never seen thcrn Generals have laid out a splendid him, and gladly embraced the present op- j cainpoia for the wiuter, when they intend portunity. As we approached tho house i re,rivo jl they have lost, and march we saw the stars and stupe floating from i . a fine flag staff in front He received us : on to Richmond, at least that is the pro in tbe library, lie had just recovered from gramma that they have laid out. The a fit of sickness, the first be saya, he had 1 Federals have no idea of going into winter ever had. He looked well, but complained urters ,pci lt js therefore idle to talk that bis former strength of body was gone. 1 . ' . , c i ; , , about our army doing aoythiu'ot tho kind. He eutertained us for au hour 10 eonversa-1 j j lion, which principally turned upon the re-1 There bas beeu time euouj-h wasted al hellion. He related tu tny personal aneo-j ready without fc'oing iuto winter quarters dotes of the leading military men now bo- j a0,, rcuiaiju , iJj0 0r four mouths fore the onuutry, North and aoutu. He . , " ... , bn.'er. tor a the real L'ood that has was emphatically of tbe opinion that there e b is no way to get out of our difficulties but , btt'u aeoomplished they miy as well hve to fi.'ht it out. I came away well satisfied beeu in quarters for the U t three in inths. that, for weal or woe, J amos uucnanan ,au(js fi,,nly for the Uuion, and that, i , , . i - I4 acted from the highest motives of patriot- iSU)." James Buchanan "bas always acted from the highest motives of pitriotism." That is laughable. It is indeed, the richest joke of the season. The editor that p.'ir oed the above articlo is certainly a wag. Of ail the Lueo that haro ever fi.l -d the Presidential ohair, uo one has ever pursued as vaseiilatiug a course as James Kuou- Ban. His acts in rsgard to Anderson, be- fore the expiration of bi term of office proved bim not only a traitor, but a di bonast man. The proof is as clear a tbe noouday sun that be lied, and lied wilfully and kuowiDly in regard to that witter, and that having been caught he endeavored to bolster himself up by a resort to aheca- tomb of lies. There is no aim liviig that deserves tbe detestation ef tbe Southern people more tbae James Baebanai, save 'perhaps, that hoary beaded trait, Wiu field Soott. They would make a nice couple if they were only chained together. ., ., , . . , The world would never desire to f.-ik upon a more hideous picture. The on ns bceu a tory from his birth, and the other sold himself for Northern gold. Bhh owe ail ibat they have ever been to the South, aui hotb have betrayed her. But the editor says Mr. B iciaaan stand 'firmly by the L'uiou." It it well that he does, be is a fit represeouiue of the cor rupt and degrade Uniou that at present exi-ts in thd North. A fit couutsrpart of Abraham Liucolu and bit thieving olau. He ought to set himself up a a moo irmut cf the "L'uiou'' so tuit ail the aud lis might CJOi aud look upou aud worship huii. The editor says agaiu, "that ha a em- . phatical.y of the opinion tint there is uj way to get oot of our diffivjultie but to Lit it out." The old dotard must have had a rnf of liht late'v. Some time a -i he told the country that the "rebellion' would be crushed out in a day. Now the only way they can get out of their difficulty is "to fight it oat ' To pJf ell man w vaiu euougu to l.'iici that tue .Nortu cou.J ubd ue iiiti .S juth vntnojt even a struggle, but bo ha fjjui to hi deep regret an 1 mortication that he was mistaken. Thank fortune he is not the only oue that bas 'ouud out tha mistake. Wo luiuk the whole Yankee nation are pretty well sati-fied upou this point by the preseut time. Wnea tho editor makes another visit wo bop be will procure a lock of the old man a hair as a remeuibrancer, as he seems to be foud of a joke. From tux Fiut Bcuimxt The Fay- ettevi.le On-erver, of Monday last, says: Oar Fayettevi.ie companies base bad another tramp ou the Peninsula. Four companies, A, F, H aud L, were ordered . m. .. .. , . ... and eontinue at it till their term oi aernue expires, four weeks hence. Tbe water . good, and the place not objectionable ClIbere aro a class of minds which are always captivated by bold and start ling projects. Tbe beateu track of common sen..- wi.l not suit them. lU--hmonU Lx unit, iff . ..uv, u, niujj. nu open cooiesaiun le said lo b good lor thescul, and we are , glad to see the editor of the Examiner , ., . 1 ost mug tip. 1 be above reiuarx aj pij to , his ca-e txac.ly. We Can't see how be ' caiiiii so near teuing the truth, but acci-j oents will sometimes happen. y. W e can't see how be lisr' Ihe Memphis Avalanche say that thirty cases nf Ki.fi. id rifle wire received in thai eity on the 2'J;ii nil , ai.d in.niedi-: steiy f irwarued lo Columbu, Ky. Tuey : yu j, Bot beli.ive that during the time ither army bas been stationed on thu Po- 1 10"' laeJ ave maa. a move mai win prove of any considerable importance iu the future. The prjb ib.'ity is that the whole program ue will bit chau'-id, end j j tkj-at all the labor in that direction will bo j lost. Tdere is no teilinjj, however, what i j will turn up. Of 004 tiiin, however, we; j may rest assured, sa will have uJopprtu- I uity to gi iuto winter q larturs. Wuere , troop are r.uiarly statioud, and tbey ! have th opp irt'iuiiy, l tie y will of cour-u j erect wjodeo shed lo protect themselves I'his wiii doubtless be dona at Yorktoou j and .amis But there be no J cesotioo of hotiliti during the w loter, j aud thd soldiers wi.i be r-q ine-l to be on I I lie move eqnily as much, if nut more, j than durfug tue aummer moutui. I , -. . I lliCi'DSTAL CCHVICI. 1 be airbcultie wbicti the I'ofl (Jtlice 1 . part i tut bas to ! suriiiont are m uifold aud iuonceivab'e. Its Special Agent, (Jen. A-liiuore, recently cau-rd the arrest of a pot office cieik iu Augusta, (ia., chaiged with robbing the mails, and he ia no in co-tody to answer tor lb iffrnce. A po-tuu-itr ia Alibima e-rtiSes that 'he contractor on route No. 715 performed tin regular mail service during the month cf June last, wlnlrt the posimaster at the oiber teimihus of the route, iu the lame .vtatc, writes thits r vice ha been abaudoned thereuu since the middle c . ., , if, , . . j w -w.yU. u Jjnc no litters bavin' b-cu received at or trausmi tted from his cfuce duiing that period, ait the contractor wants hi "pay for service'' which be did ht perform. It will thus be sei'U ttiat u.at.y tbstacles have to bi) overcome, for which time and patience are iniiisprn-atie. a thorough invcsuga- tlou will lead Ij tbe t j.ro-jr.; cf Uishou.-iv and triciie'y, aud to thai extent an advanc' jfnl be made towards the e.stab.ishiucLt of a regular and elL.'lcut postal system. ' Fatal, Df SI. u r wexm I isss- iiti ass M KMi-uia. uKiUr 15 A duel occurred u J- ,D Arkansas,, j i.t cppo-ite ibis ciiy, between Mu.-r. and Ch:mber., rival Pj pi 'Jhre cai.o.ii. R.Q.s hot: le f.r Congress iu Miosis were Used at fifty paces Were interchanged. At the ti.ird fire, Larkc feil ohol through the head 11. s Wuunl is mortal. Cnaiuhers 11 uniu jjred. 'Ibeir d.mculty oceinred during an txoileJ political canvass, ,.J great effort had btcu mads by their friends to a j i-t tne affair. FitKM i.r i! Bl'iilKAPIIV. The Cjliinibu Ouio Siatesinau, poij.ishs J in Hot), the fol losing as "Col Fremont's B.ography." "A son win, out a father u bo-baud without a wt-d.lmg a mil lioiia i re siiiinit a .1 j.iar a i att--iu n H:thut a -peec i a . tislator a.ino-l wi'h.jui a vole a m ii. Ur ''"' "'" room lor Oui F witiwul a bain .M.iSe in jiit the gf i. tie m iu siig i nev.r iu tue r.ght piico at the rignt lim-i." The Statesruan no Hhiik Fremont a grrat patriot. Time cii iu.'C, and men Chang.! a ut, them. Bat Fremont will be "lho nt.t man in the ribt piaco" when j'-D J. d l i.oinp on or G u Pnce cap tures his bastard budy ; and tint lime uriy be near at band, unii he shortly makes Mnjsas pecd fivjtu Mis.suuii. AM I .sell. KMT Of G ILIUM a RfclHtT We learu that a fata! casualty attended the retreat of Col. Gilliam's command, from Vaiinv M j'iutain to Extra A wsgou con uii.iu- live s,ck soldiers belonging to i N utli i'tr,, Una regiment, was eil away wuiio attempting to lord a swollen Htream, and ail five of the soldiers, together with the (driver, were dro..ed. A G'jib SL'tj'is;ri . A correspon dent of the Moii'g.imi-ry Mail suggests that as tbe L e , :, hireling Colonel in eom m ib 1 nt Foil Pi, It' ns d. eUre that he will suoy tne uavy jiri II an atten.pt is made upon the f.rt, the bvy y ... d be con-! verted into a pri-o:i fjr tne confinement of , i i tho vandal, taken d uiing the war. This ii au xcelh nt sug ,;estioti. sI il-s. (jC..H!iAL CO'ir have k re- ponibai jirs i inn-LI e-cotl de.1-ns an tar,y vi.-ii lo Richmond to look alter some prop, rty which I liable to sc-i lestra tiou. If rumors are lo be relied uti'jii the old Gei,.-rt,i would be very mucli obli-a-i A Patriot's Ciiarqe to ihsSons Col. George Mason, tho author of the first Con - stitution of Virgiuia, died at bis residenoo iu Fairfax county, near Alexandria, on tbe 7th of October, in the C7t'u year 0f bis a-:e.. Tbe following extract from bits will is worthy of uuiversal acecptatioD in these times: " I reoooimend it to my sons, from my experience in life, to prefer the happiness aud independence of a private station to the troubles and vexation cf pub- lie business j but, if either their own ineliu - atious or tbe necessity of the times abould engage them in public affaire, 1 charge them, on a father's blessing, never to let tbe mo- live of private mtcrent or amuiuon, luduce them to betr, nor the terrors of poverty ...j J: . . l j .. -f j iuii uisgrace, or me icar oi uangcr iuu death, deter them ffoin asserting the liber- ty of their country, and endeavoring to trans- mit to their posterity those sacred rights to which themselves were boro." , ,. Words that in the present slate of affairs, may tie aptly Ueaoriuea ly ttie language Scriptures as " Appies of i;old in pioturea jvcr " . Wki.L Put. A T- nnessee correpoodent of the Riehuiond lliuirtr alluding par- lieu arly to the appuiutment of in-rboi.-ot sureous iu lho army holds the fj.ioing Unu ajje Thn same remark apply with i q ml force to all appointment in the army ai.d to ail iu civil affair. What remains of constitutional liberty in Anjeiita, is now . coi.hned to the ouiberu Confederacy. Pariyiiu and cot ruptioo have driven it from the Northern States, aud the me influences if not watched cloely an I r-i-ted to the hitter eud, will drive it from lb Southern. j 1 he correspondent aav : . , , " If incompetent and cerrupt m"ii have r ct'ied appoi ulineut, through political lo j fl mnee, tbey ouhi to be removed, and uot i let thu.e who are fipo mg thi iucl ves 10 . the peril" of th batt.e fit os, to d fud ojr lioim-n, iuil-r, that tni-y may wallow iu ft ' tho r. My dear sir, there i too much of the t .irruptions of the old (i jvrrainrrjl iu ! ours already ; and our K-volu(iou will be a shallo ana empty nno'j, it w Uo not get rid of the corrupt j jbhers.jofbce seekers aud cau.p followers, iu svtry departmsDl of the liovrrtiment. Tux SauitsrKAiuN. The amount . ...... r: .. .....1 : .: .: . .1 i.iul-ii, u, i itui uuuit iDvcsi gallon 1.1 trie , ..ij-itrin (.nun at liichmona H stateU by Dipatcb at JiniiMilM '1 b latest eae is that of Cart 1'n.l. P r.fil.i: .H Navy, tbe owner of Motitietiio. the furoirr A New psper state., thai over twa t:,-i-home of Jcfftrson. Hi property involwd ,n,, eottou are low l)i!lj( .1 .,t. .1 . .1 .. .1 ,, ., iacl.ico la, Fionda, and hints that 1!.- r. in ths ea consul of the " Monnevllo , . , , . . tipeJinou may be soon hsaid of m estate, iu Aibemarie co .niy, containing .'ifii) l041;,j acre, with improvements thereon ; and an- , lm II a r d b made a ruiji-ii . .-. other tract of land, com., mug UIJl acr... oa iUt Mkr bfl,.j ol (jt , .f 011 B.ick Uian l, in the same county ; alo, regiments This wi.l make nine Lt it,i- ten slaves, eight hoises, aai other perseu jmehl lo be furnished by Arkansas al property. ' The Raleigh piir ssy a balloon was iceu passing over that eity on Sunday in Tiling at a mod-irate speed toward the Siu h. Il i described a being weil lifc'bt i d up, not very hib, with Sag. c , and at lea-i four person iu it. Il i also rep uted that another wa seen on Monday morning or Sunday night. If the fjur aimuaut should prove lo be Professor Lowe, Abi LuiojIu, B,.Iy S.jward and Gn. Mu ieliau we hope they .1, light somewh. re ou South - , , , , . erti s. iL when their laiio . txblo.t Ui.sv ' ju.sj po.sMhiy n-rmmaio Lr a limi. Tbe circular of Mr F. Seward, A.i-ur,t S eretary of Mate of Mr. Lincoln a joverntii'"t1 oiifiie the oj.ril'on of tba cmfietiori of rn iny' properly to lot ui lr unn' u between the North and tin- Smth, and such a i actually ued for ho-tile purpose. T e prtcice at ttie Norlh, thus far, ha been witnout re p' ct to any such liu. it an u. It i not im prohit.le that Ibis interpretation of the .jrii,ern c it(U-ctioi la is an nftrrthnht, in vie of the tiourou ritaiiatiuu by Ihe t'onlederato Stle liovrriimenl through th operation of the law seqiie.tratiug the property of alien. '21 CilNt KtJfcKA I k Yaskxk V The N. Y Journal of Commerce of tho 'aMst : Si-ptember sum up the pn.? laseii ou both side s fjlloas; Sell -d by Coi,f,., ral.-, C ve.-vl valued at .',?'Jl I'M; eiaed by Federals, lit veri valued Gl 7,?uO an e xcei iu our lavor of 1 vessels and L7 7 ,Vfi 0. Ad.-,,t favi It T GhaiuM IAVEs Pre. ideut ,: , I , ,, comuiiioned Oraham Daves. .. . , . h r, . broiber.n law. and pnv.t, secretary of tbe lata lamented (iov Kliis, First Lieutenant in tbe Piovisional Army of tbe Confederate Stale, and has attached him to the I t h Regimtiji N. C. Voiuiiteers, a it AdjiUut. . Dln'iHA tn i. I ho Standard call at- t'-btion lo tbe fact that (jeo. Hill had made i requisition upon tna people of Cravcu j county f jr one-fourth of their begro male force for two week, lo coinp te t ia il.. . fel.ca li.-a r .l...r A .1... .1... 1- li4,l ,fJ far f,.il;a t co.i..,lv that C,l '" that gellary had been obliged logive uotice he would enforou tho nqiisitiou. Deaiii lit JtDug Dl K. We regret lo i .. ,. , ,' . learu that amiable jurist died ou luesd.v last at the county seal of Gatus. I Bible Society. 1 Charlotte, October 10 1S0 ! Tbe Board of Managers of Mecklenburg County Bible Sooioty met at the call of the , President, J - Oo motion of Dr. St roug Hmlvrd, That tbe Preaidei t appoint tvro members from each eongregation jr, ' cou to represeut tbia eooiety iQ n,e Su,0 BlUe t'ouveotiop to be held iu SaliLury oa ,lie a3 trox- I On motion o Ref. J. W. Kennedy, t14 ni,ue o( ,h PiiJut wa addid to the" i : of dele6te8' ' Uudl'r tb fir8t "solution tho following ; f"""- 'fr"""" ueiegale : J v 01 ,vt"a E G Kuyke .Inl.n l( It - , ykendall, " -'viojoi, Sam'l B ack, , ' James GiUon Robt Hunter,' Junes Rij;!,,,',, W A Gili..,,,;,.' K P ,' ' Kev J McLaugLiq James Qirrry, ' 'i'hos llamilior Rev MrCojoii' Kv Dr J S Kirk. Patrick, Bev R U LnlL-rt, Will Curler, ' RV G D Buruheii Rv (i M Kver.rd' Rev R H t.nft,, IUv A Sincuir, ' Col Ubt Cochran Rv VV S Pi,4rr ' KUH S.o. ' IU v Mr J. ,!.' Prof W C K.rr Ira Prk. Rev K M K.ot.d. Profp.p, " q i Alexander ' lifv John Hunter, Sam'l DoyHe, i lA..brr !1IM H bite, i Morill 01 (JCo Davis of Daniel Stenii, jRsv Mr M(J torka I dale, V 0 1 f 0 jj j,jlo, ' David M Lee, S W Newell, : Jr Strong, j,on Jirid'"' ' Hrf J ( Alexander Tho P Price, John Hart. "( " y -j. j J y Si'liwtll'''' Job Campbell, R Burwell, John S i.ke-, S P .S-niio, M D John-toil, D A C-ldaell. , I to J rhn-ten. Esq , jjame Martin, Ksv a C P E. Ni'E HL'ItHKsuN, P. Smith. 1'itti-ttm it.rttnry THE NEWS IN BRIEF iJi-rji ral Twis, in eoiiiroand of ti, (Vj0. fedi-rat forces in Louisiana, h re-intd, biog to retire from icing duiir t! :L army. Geo. Mau-li.l-1 Lsvell hat bttn jajpoiuled lo succeed him. ej. Ihe Louisvillo Journal has moved ir to jtuersoaviii. li (liana, atatre it t j navw urrn puoim. ! long since. It i. to i i . i . i , i be hope J that it will slay tS re, an I :. rfr aain curie Kebtucky tb i.-t pssi.Ui.jai ILltaeuee. A Chicago paper yi ihil ths bi i of lb Adama hxpreaa Cutupany aaiiitt 1, n OJiU government, por 'jen, lifiuj:,', !.( It irai.ppotiaiun ol y oris, awiiinnition. t . mcc the g'eat ' Pathfinder'' tuba r-nuxaLi al M, Louis will amount lo e 1 iij,ioo. lt is reported ibat Col Doniphan, ef V soiiti, who uain is linsed with In :u:ii actiievciuenl iu lb Mexican war, has ;,.q. td the Confederate Missouri, li i:. i be tru, we have mad a valuable c.ri luu to our cause. ' ! Kw" p 1 I0, Tk. ' tui'iie wilt regret lo learn t( tie rr-ut .! i , ., - . , . j i Qf t)t iiimi, yLj,, j veteran, induciJ tj j 0id aee and u bimity. 1 be N I'llnu irue LK-It announce Ine lael ty th (uti iicaiion of ihe. folioniuig dispatch fraiu S,e- rctary Betijain.i' Rk hmo.mi, Uci y Gen Ij. II. Tuifft. Your di-pttrb n received. The (ieparlment learns mill ft grit that the Hate cf your health :s sorti X to cause you lo reqiest lo be reiii't i I'sOi active duty. Your if quest it i;ranl ii. I ul you are eip.rti d to icmaiuin c j u u. id until lho arrival of l.eo M n-tl L'"'.' wi.i) baabvib f poibted 10 mrCrrd ), aud who leaves tut New (lr:ram to n.-iue. J. P. l)fcJ.MI Tn k pKioxtt or Tiie Savavah The New Y'otk Vvtitinil Voitt): J Thfl trial of four ofliei ra and nue a en of the Pnvaiei r Svuiih li't don tJi i. i '! 'I i. m nn .oners I. e beeu coi.fj.ied in tbe Tombs niee Jun. -'"ti. the day when tbe Darnel Ln t'ioJst .1.1. 'Il. first ijie. r, I. -stun, and Ibe Purser, P-la. been removed lo a large and f room in thai nart of Ihe I 'm' ml ortst l,s kuon li-ker and the liw priaon; while Cap Ihe Scond Male, II ltd. occupy " ' cell to which Itiev wet fil't comu.n 1 l,,r 1,J"'-' eonhurmeiil do. seto lo l..e atf.cted ibeir be.ltti, but tbey are ""'J . . - . , . i .-, e v anxious lor Ibeir trial, ann y " ,)l0ll;j .,rif(.f ,limal ,(l llllaj. u a eoim .residence iu the 1 ouib. .' WtT UXI.L THXIR CoTTO.N The pi- er of W ashington county, TeX. 1 u.eljl)a 0I) !( i.;ia ult, and reol.iJ cj1 ,. , . , , ,uC ,.-r ,-rii fof (ut Mjicso maiket They look l' ' ' .l.ir hanim: ' course, iu consenucbee oi inei " , . ,,,,,, .... .... eovcrt'J r V l .ni l,. , ... . . ! Trxas.i.n Savid Him We leer" frrtu : a private letter published in the N'cl' M che, Chronicle, Ihaltieu. Siegel, w.K'O ' ! found him-elf in dmiger at k IU'1 being killed or raptured, rai-ed the ""' i , . n . , ....i.m fr the 1,1 , . "u ' '7,.,;., !.e lustily. ISy this liman ue '".- . ( .fcUrat. troops, and was eu.bc.d " 1 kot bis escape. ,MfV '