II ! j 1 hlor I 4L II ll .day : October 22, 1861. ilBi' FOB TII N. 0. WIIIO. Financial Report. Statement showing receipt and disburse ,cut f Charlotte Soldier Aid Sooie- (roiu September let to October 1st : Ijioniition from B Sbcpard, Luq , $ 60 (10 F Scirr, o Ut 5 no fl ()() 5 (10 . " F.li & Cohen, i i' " Kahuwtiler & lira, i " J C Hurroughs, i "J L Moreliead, i ii M P Pegraui, i " " Mr Sample " Mr Cochrane, 11 Druckor & Hci'ibruii ' Mr Heckwitb, " 11 Mr Wui Johnston " J II ('arson, " " J A Voting, 5 " " Wui It Myers . John M T.te, 0 " Mr Win J Hayes 10 " Cash received from John M Spring for voi k Uttt by the 5 5 5 1 6 2 5 Oil 01) 00 OH 01) 00 00 ft no 5 00 5 00 8 00 8 00 Society, " " Cash reeeived from a Lilly. 1 1 " the Mie Lowrio Dr V W Gregory " " Dr 11 lv Uregory " " Mis lltttie Ho ell, bung earned by herself. 3 00 ' " John Ii Hrown, 10 00 " Mrs Dr Urr, 5 00 17 " Proceeds of Leo- I i re delivered by Mr L 8pr.it, VI ' VV in Jobn-tou, 2i Can received from 45 2.1 ou uu Fisher & Burroughs for i bijj ol eottou receipt during the month, -i (i J V!j i (be same pi nod U,tl iia l areeuiebts, VU-J 04 I 1 1,. riig balance in Treaiury, 8 61 01 la addition to the shove report there v.e Lten donations to the Society a ful- !" 11 s ef wool from Dr M li Taylor. I '" " " ' an etiki.owu frieud. 1 air of woolen aocls from Aiiee A c xaiiJrr. I air of wooltu sucks from Mr S. A. pair of woolen tuck from .Mr. James ,u. lliuatiants cf elotb from Mr. Job a M. 'logs, eujugb to uiaka ') jii.ts. There ba been purchased by tbe Sjcie- :v !U1 j.ids of material, out of which bas 1 in cut ana uiaue tbo tolloain artio.es: ( J pairs of diilitni; diewers fc'i pairs uf Unal. urg drancrs. ,s checked eottou shirt. H., pia.d imsey sl uts. I1" dark Imsey shirts. lull white and red flannel undershirt. Miking in all Ml pair of dranors and I shirts. j '1 hrse articles have been rquallj divided. an 1 rt.e box ba been sent to the needy j ef lie Oih Ut'imrnt of North Carolina j b t ate Troop. The other is designed for t'.i. fiih Kegiment of Volunteers iu Western j irinia. j In addition to the above nieo.ioned work I the Ladies have made . .Imin tbe nionlhj;,! (Jmeral I'lrmout: j cf Sijteti.ber, I tit) shirts for Capt. Miiler's yy I)ear Madam : Your two letter of j Cavalry Cowpan; aud did a job of work; to day are before me. I answered the let 1 for Mr. Jno. M. cnring.- I B L. IEWEV, Seo'y Si Trea. S. A. S. J It is not exactly correct, as you say you Lincoln Oirtf Klts. One of the most j wrre told by tlie elder Mr H'.air, to say that di graceful of the acts which have charac ttit l'ostmaslerCencral Ul air to St Louis t.'rt'd the present Administration in its j 10 examine into that Department and leport. irirf, but uiiixampl' d career, sajs the i l'osimaster tieneral li.air did go, with luy New Ilann l.rgnlrr, is the appointment approbation, to ee aud converse with (Jeu. of Jim Lane to a Urigadier (eiieralhip, ! Kremont as a triend. I do not feel autho--and "Captain" Montgomery to a Colonelcy jSed to fjriiish you with copies of letters in in the army two as deep ded scoundrels my po5c-.-bioLi, without tbe Consent of the a ever went unhung. The murders and j writers- n. I.l.erie committed by those fellow dur- ,'0 impression liss been ruscie oi. my wind i"g the troubles in Ksnsas, are known to ' li;,jnt the honour or iutegrity of Geueral ti. whole country, and hav linked their ! ,elUont, and I now enter my protest aiiusl tiMi.e in n prof nato connection with the ! being uuderstood as aotiuj; iu auy hostility l.oarv villain but lets fortuuate Joboitnw.rda bun Hour. Made Lettkr Paper We have " ti u tine specimen of letier psper made at a in w paper null established at Kimx vii.e, Tel. ii , which is very creditable to the m itiufaeturers Whatever may be the (.real detriment to our country in the way r f ci ii.meiee, oicasiemd by the present nr, there is no denying that so far as manufactures are cen.'erne.l, It is doing more than to sail fmb thu enterprise and energy of our people than whole years anuld have done under the system of de p' ldrnce upon the North vibich had al ready made us sul. servient an I depen dent upon their people TV. (. Vtcoyune. HiiliKIBLX 1 Kt'ATMr.NT V A Ml-SSlDN A h v At Soutay, the cr.pital of the province ol that name in China, a French mi-siou-aiy has been honibly tortured, and finally I. iieiu-reil, for preaching tbe Christian re-lu-iun. He was kept in t Cn lor several months. Iiraviiv eliaiin il Al last bin head i as chopped ntf, and immedultly the spec- tstor. and even I bo exeeunoner, art tits assistant, hurled round the body, and tear ing the blood stained garments into sbieds, curried cfl tbe pieces a relics. The SnaiT t f our Volunteers' Fx tract from a Letier dated September 20tb, at I'strlax Court House : "Give my love to siMvr Mary, and tell her to pray for the j o'dier hot. to sustain and encourage him I to light like a lion in the boar f battle." WAR NEWS. IMPOftTAJJT FROM THE POTOMAC. KichmoM), Oetober, 18. There was heavy skirmishing on tbe Po tomac yesterday near Harper's Ferry and Evansport. Particular only partially transpired. Passengers by thia afternoon's train state that Akbby'i cavalry engaged the enemy between Leesburg and Harper's Ferry, kill ing sixty and taking fifteen prisoners. The Confederate lobt but one killed and one wounded. A large Federal fleet from Fortress !Ion roe is lying below Kvausport, uuable to pass the Confederate batteries, The Potomac, it is believed, is blockaded at last. Oflicers from esrtops in tbe mountains report nothing transpiring of unusjal in- j for we tro Dot V(;t .customed to bis peca tercet. Other Camp quiet. , i:.. i. nr ;,r,w A BATTLE IS TKNN ESSKE CON FEDK11ATKS VICTOKl(JlJ3. Nashville, October IS. A private dispatch received at Clark ville, Tenn., says; A gun boat with five hundred Federal troops at Kdd vsvilie, Ky., sixty miles be- 100 00 ow Clarksville, reports a sharp skirmish a I few d ays since at Celine, Jackson county, 25 Tentessee, near tbe Kentucky line, between 10 00 collie Tennessee troops aud Kentucky Lu 5 00 iouioti. 5 00 '1 be latter fl d. leavinij a larno lot of jguns aud ammunition ! Nine Federals were killed aud only two lenneaieoau wound.-d. IMPOUfANI1 NEWS. lllLHM.OD, Oct. 20. One Federal vessel wa burat on the Potomso yesterday, and two to-day by hot I bot, throwu by tbe CouUderat liatury;"" "e iwuigni oi ni.iory. i tie nets i near Evauport. , j . I Rich Correspondence. ,, . i i be preliminary correspondence between ' I ' r . Jeoae liuiitou Ficui Jt.t and the Piesidcut, and tli letter from Jod; Blair to Geu t'remont, forwarding the letter of his broth er, ars some hat graphic and may poases a bisionc.l interest. For these leaaous we give tueut : t. . I T KH FBOM MH8 FREMONT. 7o th' VitnUrnt oj the L'titud Glut's : I wa. told je.terd.y, by Mr P Blair, r ll,l fi di.i rinea a leltar was recriv- e J from his son. Colonel Frank P. K.air, iand ,.,! befor. joe by bis sou Postmter- I General Jl.air, containing certain st. trnieiita ! respecting den. Fre.i.-. ut and hi. luilitar, ......d in ii,-Western lh rartnient. which 1 letter was submitted l jo,, as P.esi.ient. j ,a, fjrtu. r to,d by Mr liiair that tu 'that letter eu sent Postmaster-Genera! U,a,r to St. Louis to examine iuu that de- 16 "..nary oespon.m. it uiu-t soon ne partinent and report. : come apparent to all tbouL'htlul men that ;u behalf of. and as representing Gen-' th0 V of constituiioual liberty li-s era! Fremont I have to r.uueM tuat I be furnished with copies of thai letter and any , i. tint, il .nr. wl irh in vour j i ij.'.ni ut, have made that letuliaUou no eeaaary. " I bavo the bouour to be. Very respectfully, JKSSL' UFNTUN FHLMONT MUB tttMOM I SECOND NOTE TO THE PREbt li K.N T. Mrs Fremont begs to know of tbe Presi dent if hi auswer to tjeneral Fremont's let ter can be given to her without much fur ther delay. Mrs. Fremont is anxious to re turn to her family, aud takes the liberty of skinj a reply by the messenger. THE rRE-IIET S REM Y. Wamii.0i-on I- -, Sept. 12, 1S01. t'T J0'1 "ure "'e ,rou, tr( ou I . ... .....1. ,.,! not l,.r n s from mil dor ,ilrl ..' ,i, ' I .bo" answer to htm by mail. Vour obedient servant, A. L1NCULN. UEN. FltEMu.M TO THE PKgblDENT. SiprtMnitK 17 1 fs 1 . To the I'rrtidrut nf tne L'liiltd Glutei, Wu&hinxtnn I). (-' I respectluliy reij lest you to have furnish ed me a copy of the letter referred to iu your letter to Mrs Fremont, provided you have rcoeived thu oons-'til of the writer; aud if you have not received that con-eut, 1 respuoifully request you to bave it pro cured. J. C FHKMONT, Majar-Geuerai Coaiuiaudiug. POSTMASTER Bt-AIR'tt LBTTEEt TO OES. FRE MUNT. Wahhioton, D. C., Sept. IS), 1$S1. delimit 1'irmont, Mijur.Unrrul Com. mu'ithn!: : I will send Frank's letter. It is not un fricndlv. Ueieaso hitu He should have i u0 d.ttieulty existing with tbe publio M. 1(1. A IK, Postmaster-General. He who heads an army for the iuva-ion . . . .. . . , i . i ..i. . ..i ..i of bis own Mate shouia ue ueueu.- , Louisville Journal. I We think o decidedly or we would even substitute a rone. ' Where would Winfield Scott aud Kobertl Anderson be uudor this rule? Letter from Hon J. C Breckinridge . The first copy of tbe Louisville Courierr published at Bowling Green, Kentucky, contains an able and lcngtby letter from tbe Hod. Jobu 0. Breckinridge. After re viewing tbe action of tbe Kentucky Legis lature, and giing a general glance at tbe despotic proceedings of tbe Lincoln (joy eminent, from its inception to tbe present time, be concludes as follows : I would apeak of these things with the simple solemnity which their magnitude demands, yet it is difficult to restrain tbe expression of a just indignation, while we mart under such enormities. Mr Lincoln has thousands of soldier's on our foil, nearly all from the North, and mot of tbciu for eigners, whom hi) employs as his instru , tllr,;.,im ,,, ,,li ,(,d u, lr 1,1. .i.d.,d. ments to do these thing, liil tew tven- I will not pursue the disgraceful subject. Ha Kentucky paired out of the control of ber own people? Shall hirelings of tbe pen, reeeutly imported from tbe North, sitting in grand security at tbe Capital, force pub lic opinion to approve these usurpation, and point out victims? Shall Mr. Lincoln, through his German mercenaries, impnsou or exile the children of the men who laid the foundations of the Commonwealth, and compel our noble people to exhaust ibenii selves in furnishing the money to destroy their own freedom! Never, while Ken tucky remains the Ivntuuky of old ue ver, while thousands of her gailutit sons have the will and the nerve to in iue the Slate sing to the music of their ntlrsl The Con stitution of the United Stales, which these invaders unconstitutionally swear every cttixeu whom tbey unconstitutional ly teiz-, to tut. port, bas beeu wboliy abolished . It i much forgotten a if it lay aay back nav euumerateu auow tnu'. me very rights most caretully reserved by It to States and individuals, have beeu most conspicuously , . ', , . . ; i violate!. And this desliui'liou bas beeu , , , . . , , . ceoniL habed not bv the J res dent a one. tut y n,0 Congress aUo and with thu up- proval oi tlie .oririeru stales ami people, j They have deiioi-raU-ly made the contest a eoustituiional struggle between so many 1 unldohs on one side and so many on thu j other one party fighting for sui juration, the other iu seit uelenue aud for iudepeud !ence. Whatever nmy be tiio future rela ! lions of tbe to Cou!edersoi, the idea of restoration ot the union un.icr the old 'uMii-ii'i ii wuuny Tt?itsuarv a u'i u ei u- 11 'orlh h"1 copier the Soutb. ('"l-u " wl11 Pccve to bu impos- lu r fe hundred Bul lous more he expended and a few hundred ll.ou- nd l.ve.s lo-t.) the character ot the Gov eruiiient would be r.vlic:.liy changed. it ou'd probally not take tbo form even of '"'d Government, but would soon end lu e,r,7 recognition or these great trutbi m u Honorable peace aud Irieudly intercourse 1 ou ueciareu luiir p iinose uoi lo en- gage iu the war to subdue tlx) South, and that you would be ueutral and mediate ou the interests ot peace wheu an opportunity should offer. This is tbe recorded will of the Stale as expressed by the people. Hut those who assume to represent you bave violated that will. Tbey have attempted to burden you with enormous taxes to pros ecute a war yon abhor, and to sustain . Government which bas trampled under foot every safeguard of a Constitution which was tbe ouly bond of your political connec tion with il, while they bave allowed that Government to cut you off from the omy avenues of trade wnieh would enable you to pay these taxes. They bave iuvited a military force of that Government to take possession of tbe State, aud practically su persede the State Govcrurjent, aud they bave seeti, with complacency, thes foreigu soldiers ecixe, impil.-on, and pursue h no died, of your ieiiow citit ns fugitives, without a crime over the plains and moun tains of Kentucky, lu a word, tbey bave : attempted, without consulting you, and ' gainst your recorded wisiies, u place you in active hostility to your .Southern breth ren, and to ti x your political destiny with tbe North. For tboso who, denied by the Legisla ture tbe protection due to the humblest citixen, have beeu delivered over to the teuder meroy ot foreign mercenaries, aud bunted liko partridges on (Iih mountains, bat rem sins but imprisonment, exile, or reslst.iUUc? As one ot lllelll, I intend to resist. 1 will avoid conflict with Keinuck- , talis, except iu ueoessary sell defence; but ; I will unite with my iellow cmzeus to resist the invaders who have driven us from cur borne. To this oourse we are impelled by the highest seuso of duty and tbe irresisti ble iusiiucta of manhood. To delcnd your birthright aud mine, which is more precious than domestio ease, or prop . rty, or life, I exchange, with proud satislaction, . term . of six years iu the Senate ot the United States for tbd tuusk-t of a soldier. This letter is wrttteu at tbe first moment since my expulstou Irotu home that 1 could place my feet upon tbo sot! of Kentucky. 1 have not beeu able to see or communicate . with uiy frieud and colleague, Gov. Powell, , nor do 1 know w hat course be will think it ! proper to take. Hut this you and I know that bis conduct will be controlled by pure motives. i our ieiiow citixen, JOHN C. UKLYKINKIDGE. Bowling Greeu, Ky., Oct. d, 13(51. Iu this .ddress, Mr. lire ckiuridgu returns to the people of Kentucky th.i commission of Scuator in the Congress of tho United States, with winch they had honored hitu. He docs uot censure the Kentucky Legisla ture as the cause of any of the evi's to the State whiou have arisen indireoily through the medium of tjat body. They are not be Hays, Inc. No More Passports to Manassas We civiliau are uow rigidly excluded from our I lines at Mauassa. lUcirieisf EnturerJ Acknowledgements. Tbe following articles buve been receiv ed since our last report. Miss M E Kea, 2 pair eock. Mrs J B Clantou, 1 blanket end 2 pr locks. Ira Parks, 2 " " Jane E Trotter, pr socki, 11 li F Davidson, 4 blankets, 4 pr socks, 1 bible, 1 testament and 1 iiyuin book. " Morgan Alexander, 1 blanket and 4 pan- socks. Miss Maggie Gibbon, 2 blanket and 2 pair socks. Mis Mary K Walker, 1 pair glove. From Her ry hill's Beat, through Samuel Berrjill. E-q Mrs K H Kea, 2 blankets, 1 pillow,- 1 pair gloves and 1 bag sage. " SJ IWryhill, I blanket and 1 pr socks. " Will Marshall, 1 blanket, " J C Nicholson, 1 " 2 pr socks. Mis Mary J Nieholbou, 1 blanket. Mrs J L Jamison, 1 blanket. Miss Nancy Taggert, 1 blanket, 1 sheet and I r-hirt Mrs Cvnthia Kerr, 1 quilt. " Ira Ali-xauder, 1 blanket and 1 pr socki. " F Hovis, - 1 " Thomas Bodden. 2 pr socks. " James Spratt, 1 " 11 itobt liighstu, 1 blanket, 1 pair cocka and 1 ba sage . " John I Wilson, U blankets. ' Jas W Smith, 1 " h D Parks, 1 " 1 pr socks. " T li Price, 1 pr socks. " G C Csthey, 1 bUnket " lleury Clark, 1 comfort. " Wiiiiain Sng(-.s, '6 pr socks. " James Ciaik, 1 blanket. ' Ijreen Bigtism, 1 " " W J Thompson, 2 " Wilsou Moutg itnery, 2 blankets. Tbe followiug articles for tbe North Car olina Hospital, at lleiuraburg, V.., were conii iboted by tie Ladies Aid Society of Providence : Mrs Auu M Mathtws, 1 mattre", 1 blan ket, 1 pillow and 2 case, 2 pair socks and 1 sheet. Mrs II li Stitt, 1 waitress, blanket, 1 sheet and 1 pillow and case. " C Sample, 1 mattress, 1 sheet, 1 pillow and ease and 2 pr socks. " M L Hos, 1 blnk'!i and 1 coverlid. " Jane t otf-e, 1 sheet, 2 pillows aud ease and 1 towel. " M li Dutio, 1 mattress and 1 pillow and case. " Jane Grey, 1 matlre?, 1 comfort, 1 sheet aud 1 pillow and case. " M F Kuykeudal, 1 couilort, 1 sheet aud 1 blanket. " M L Kea, 1 mattress, 1 sheet, 1 pillow and ease and 1 coverlet. ' W M Mi Is, 1 mattress, 2 pillows and cases, 2 sheets, 3 shirts, 2 pr draw ers ni.d 2 nr sock". MrJ M Mathews, 1 blanket, 1 prsoc'-.s. Miss E A Ilea, 1 ooinfoit, 1 sheet, 1 pil low a inl rase aud 1 pr socks, " Mary Matlnr, 1 pair socks. " Msiiiiie Hois, 2 " " S ie Coffee, Lizzie Ilea, 11 M Anisou, Saliie Grey, 1 Nannie Kzteli, La. i nia Kea, Tirz i Grey, M A Koss, There is st.il a great many of our. oldier e J who arc uiediiii; Hlankets and socks, and will have to suffer if they fire not supplied, aud we hope the good peeple will go on iu this uolie work until tbey are all made comfortable. Id this connection we would embrace the opportunity of returning our sincere thanks to the newspaper publishers of this to ti for tbe kindoes aud willing ness which t'uey have exhibited iu publish inc our reports, which bas been a great cost to ihein Tbey have contributed more than any one else to our brau soldiers ou tbe teuled licld. J L. Brown, Aent. ToiiA 'tc. We find, from the official ta- j bles, that the whole value of our foreign ex-' ports of tobacco is on au average, about six i teeu mi! ions "d . half dollars, while our' export ot that article to Euglaud and France, coiiibiu.il, have uot quite come up to Sve million's ol dollars, luglaud levies au im port and i -i-e duty ou tobacco, amount ing to five per cent, while by tbe operation ot the government mouupoly in Fi auce, tbe : cost is enhanced lenlold to the consumer. : it li)Unt,ton Journal. J Our Commissioners to England and '. Frame It is curreurly reported that the steamer Nashville departed trom Charles-i ton last Friday night, for Liverpool, oarry- j ing the Hon. James o. Masou, Commission er of the Confederate States to the Euglish Government, and Hon John Slidcll, Com- j uiissioner to France. Tbe Nashville is a very swift steamer, and we shall not be surprised to hear a confirmation of tbe ru-1 nor that abe has successfully run the bloekale. j DIED. j At Tamp Fa y.-tteville, nsir Yorktown, Va , on tlie-JItu ol Seplrniiier, JOSIAI1 B. BLACK, in tilt- vvid year ol Ins age. W e h ive been renuesleJ to publish Ihe follow ing tines, whieh were composed by hi n and ad uieed lo his sisters shortly be tola his death: Vty on the field of battle. ti'.id in ireh.-s with tn.'se who pray, His might v nrin can nerve us And make us win the uay. Die nil Ihe field nf battle, ' 1'is nuble thin to die, Una snnies on v iii.ml soldiers, Their record it on high. In Mecklenburg county. N. C, Sept. IDthMrs. N.uiry L. Meties wife ol Daniel Metn-e snd 0 nigh, t. roi John M -l'onl, E-q . i" the 3Jnl ye ir of her She Ii i. ves a b ush . ml and two small chtl.lren .mil a large e.rrle ot Irirniis and relatives lo mourn lor loss. Tim' .iiatli came unexpectedly lo her, lit- w a we trust ready lor the summons, for Ip.oi he' t-iriy d-ya she had been a eoiniisleiit im-niber of tne I'aw I reus Church. Iter pastor will not .ru n I reel Ihe kind uriflmi! with which site .1- wivs in. t him, and Ihe earnest .tteiilion with which she listeneii to Ihe wonl preached. Uietsed are the dead who die in the Lord. IOR THE N. C. WllJtf, To Hiss S" Ah yea, tlmu art indeed a flower. In peerlcsi beauty blouininf niiw Amidst thy Balivu vales Catawba Proudly may re Meet thy bnesr. Arm the waves kiss thy feel lit g ladnesa, The iiymjih to drive swi.y all sudneas. Tnine eye in ia wild beauty glowir g, 8heils a soul nf beauty rare. And thy lip in beauty Uowing lirealhesa blesai.. everywhere. An J lliy form in gentle nintinii Waves as dotli tlie Summer's ocean. And thy vines in mild emotion Like tlie H irp at evening's wane, Sets the soul lu true devotion With its m Wi unity of strain, And yet llion euii',1 nut IdiicIi tht strings To muiic'a generous nfVuringa. Ah. yes, lhu nrt a insleliless flower Blniiiiiini; in softest bea ut) curnu 'J o blixim on tins rude earlli thy bower Chouse in some c.i Im sylvian bnine, Awuy from llie worln's heal mid strife, Amiiisl tlie calmer icertet of life. Thou sli'iuliist not kmiw that sin had come To wiiste the World in s'ibs and tears, Then let me charge ynu never ro lil To win re the (Uilty cnnscieneu sears. Bui keep thy heart iin Hiie, a now. At winch an Angel form might Low. And thou hast been lo "nlassic fountains," Rrveliiif si "Hifcli Brighlori's side," Amui'ir the 'scei-ery ol' the mountains,1 The VV'estirn I'srul.riian's pride, And sipped the liect.ir as 'iwns plowing, The genuine "Mountain Sherbet" flowing. fny is the scenery not bewitching? Set in nature's frame-work free; I've stood on Ihis bold mountain often, Wrapped in rire.nn of poetry, Out ut list, my vision poor, Could not ire tint at Lenoir. But when this sanguine war is eudei', Won't tin be a happy lano? When nobler emotions flowing. Hast thou promined then lliy hand To some nuble youtn?- be true, Hi draws lo strike lor heme, and tod. Farewell the Harp in music thn ling, Touches In beauty in its snnif. Why not a theme su werthy filling Every string 1 sweep along, Receives an ideal from thine eye, To breathe in living poesy. A N IS O US C E ME '1'. RR.' Ksre Buthorir.-d t.i announce that WIL V? l.IA.M LAN DC It. ot Lincointon, ; C ,' a Candii! .le lo r. present the tith Convres. oii.il District in tlie first Congress of the Cun- , eerete .Slatei. Oct 3 toe Gninite Mill Stones FROM TIIKCLCL'D CRKKK QUAIUUES EDGE Fit: LI) DISTRICT, S. C. jIllir.M. mm sre pei u.mrlv aitaptcc lor .Mill purposes. b ing snoer'orto the r ri-ncli Kurr : for grinding corn; und cheaper end more :asily kept in repair. The su'iaeriber is prepared to ; furnish a few set of the above rock, ol any desi red t 'le, if orders are sent immediately. I Brine" himself a prncticnl Miller, (at prrser t j.ine half owner of the well known "Fisher Mill" in Columbia.) and knowing what in wanted, lie conrtdct ne will be able ... fi.l .Homer. w(ln t.n,re lalislaclion. Will deliver tlie ill al ilher of the llepots in Columbia or Augusta. I Adores K. W. McLKN.NA, Oct. 15, J&6I 5lpd. Letsville. S. C. Cotton Warehouse! ATES &. WILLIAMS will store Cnttn o I under roof, and advance 5 cents par pound II received, charaing interest on the money so advanced, snd iac per bile lor Ihe ll inontli. nd '25c. per b.ile n.r Ihe Inl iiinuth, j ind lnc per bale for eacii subsequent mouth, and 4 per cent coiiiiniasiun. OATES it WILLIAMS. October 1T, I8..I-131, IBrogan P0 - - imnnriiiHiiiintiiiiiiii1!. A LargSiock of NEGRO BliOCJ ANS. ALSO HOOTS AND SHOES, A FINE ASSOFM'MF.XT OF GENTLEML.N5 BOOT& & SHOES, ALSO Ladies aco Children Slioe. For sale by JAMES llARTi. Charlotte, Oct. 1,1861. 6w BJotice TBKASURER'S OFFICE, I Athtutio, Teun. & OLio K. R. CIIAHI.OITi:, N.C., Sept. 17, lefii. ffMIIE FIFTH llist-.ll.nilit of C'apilnl Slotk in JL me A T. Ac O. K. K. Co., subscribe in tlie Tow.) of Matesville, la cue im the 5lh ol Vc toher next. Tne Seventh Installment of the Stock subscrib ed at Mount Mourni , Iredell County, a no me Kighth InsUllineiit of all Slock subscribcu m Mi cslenburi; County, is Cue slid payable on the .'1st OcIoIm r, next. Ii tin Sioei,boiiUis desire ine work I i con tin un til t-y MUS T be mure pr i t n. their pa vuinils. This is mi lule talk. Toe Treasurer must have MONEY. M. L. WHISrON, Tieasurcr. Sepl.inber IT, lelil. Mi-If Notice. k p. Al.EX NPEI is my suthnr.aed agent Ail per-ons having business with me will tr j I uisaet it villi hull. T. 11. Hit KM. August 6, it) in; Tlie HarLcli. CORRECTED BY OATE8 & WILLIAMH. CliARLOTTK, OCTU11ER 2', lfcGl. j liACON, Hums, in w ib... -JO (,b 2J I " Sines. lb ! I (.., y Hog roiinu, lb iU (o; no ' " Shouluer lb lo (n, Hi) i BaggiHg ,unny, vo 25 (o, 110 I licet -lb 4 (.7) 5 ! linlter lb an (,,; 5 ! beeswax, lb W.i ,,. )sj l.eulis ousliel, ..".i lo) , bruuoy, Apple al- (? b.i j " 1'eucri, gal Wu (., Oj ' i nlt-m ib 1 (, j ; Ctillce, Id- Ib .'II (. uj Java ib b) (' 10 . t anules. Ami maittine Ib. 4IJ 00 j " fiperm b 61 (m (0 " Tallow, h. kit (.j a.i Corn tiin-lie! (;j (ii " new bushel 5U (,) UhieseiiB, oiid i0 (o; 15 Clotli.Copperas yari l." ni 1 C, " l.i'osey yiin: 3,1 (u, 37 i KH uo.eli i'J (., U ; rinur bl,l -li (,, i ' b.ps 5i:5 (i &.i0 Keathers : I, .ill (.', J.; U. ues, tire, n ;b. ti (. li. l'i ' I'-i ( lWi l"'r'' "' 'T ( IB VI lllt-MI ill S (,',. Vlackerel hnl.No'J 14 U, I'M " Kills 4 ".il (o t, i Vtulusses , N . C1 .i t lo (, 7. VV.I ;.';, .VI (, 1,1 Meal bu, In-1 7'' (o t li MlllletstWiiiniof-ton;...!,!,.' !l ( j.,, Su i Is. N on hern !h. 7 b Sinulliern, Ib t i (7 li Dills Iiusi.r Jo (o 4U fori. lb I i 7i i'cs, Iiu.-I.e ii ;T, ttl I'oliiloes, Irisii busnel 7j i " Sweet bushtl 40 (j. .-h Hue bushel v-i tu, liO Sugr,Ludt, in -5 oi, tin U.-.-wii !b ij ', iJ nleiie-Wa re, a , ..I11 'i- I'll Suit s-lci i.iO iiTj i'ea !, ? (L7 lili Wheal, while, I.usht H- (",- ihO " ren, bu.hti 3 (' lit Whinliey , .Norlhen i;nl "o (." I'1' " ' N. Carolina, ...jja' io t' t'11 Wool,, . heslUoorgia; wasi.eil ' ' IU , uinvasho.. 41' (2, 00 Vnrii i,., (ijij 00 k k.mai; h-s. ( U 1'l UN', The damnnd for n.tfon is exeiu sive.y ci.nliinii to inaouuctorieB. -Supply not equal to the Ueinunii. COI.IMH1 A MAIiKK'l. ( OT'I O.N The sales only VO bults, prices null RA0Oi,iiLg round, i. i 'HS ff.AS O.-t'J s i LoLli 1.1 110 i It' ( ' s.i t;, H sTu.N MAKKKT. t hakli: "ha 111.;. June H, 18f.l. .. i i. i, I .. si. i d rt i-.-i t in eil.o r CUTTO.Y Tnc tin u . W e ... I', d.i iu. i r Long t o DRUG ST T ISP CHARLOTTE, X. C. A Reliable House for Pure CHOICE AM) ELL (i AyT I EU FL'MElllLS. II' n nil 'I'm il II lllllln- UIK1 1 Olllll lit Ileitis of the Finest duality. For Metlicul Purposes;. G1IL3, Paints, FXiUED. W.'-AfT;' V""-'- ka sSSjjA ii aa V, w sksii at 3 k e i: o s i; x e. KliliOSEMi LA.Mrs. April 2 1 ti W. C.&K.ilAILIIOADCO, ( UlKll.lal ItH r l: l vllE KIIJILAR AN.NL'AL M EE II Sis .si.ieklo.lileis el in r , , nung t, n. t n . r lo niberlorutoi. Kail Ko.nl t '.on pi ii v will be n ii K III ll iia y i e T in of I'll .ri. tie . n O.'lober next, Inu s.i lne lour th v nil being the i'ltii II, e month. Cour.lv Aif, sboiil.i not ti.il to have tne t oui ly S te.i by proxy to insure a quorum. Ti in. re necessary u very in uiy m our Moruhi loe have entered the ar.ny umi m l be inc. ss.n.lv a sent. II W. UL lO.N, 1'rcst. Sept. 30, 1S6I. Lu JIUUI' I'Ol.l-S. STAVES AND COED W UOU AN ri n at .'uILLS. t UAUEun K ST F.AM JOHN WILKES. Ml iiil'Ci writ, r h. i, y. ung, sudien l iry next- Appiy .if f.'l Alie Ul ! "w.i. MEOW'S till UK A'l'KI) fT.E.-sE. V 1N. CANS, i.i .i;l tin-antler, ul si., s. at TAi'I.kUS llai.iiC'irf Store, appoiilt tit' .'unjni Huf

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